#my only conclusion is ‘I give up. no gender just vibes’
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they’re not wrong
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mandalhoerian · 1 year
Shai! Shai! I've thought of another scenario for Leon😊 Altho being a new fan I've come to the conclusion that Leon is the type to believe he's not good enough for his partner, he believes they could do better then him. So imagine a Leon who has finally accepted he has feelings for you and works up the courage to confess only for you to turn the tables on him and say you dont feel good enough for him. I imagine he would be in disbelief? How would he react to his crush telling him "You're too good for me Leon."?
too good for me | leon kennedy x reader
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader (unspecified gender) genre: fluff, miscommunication, the "endeared badass x normal person scared shitless of the endeared badass" trope. no spice, unfortunately. only good vibes and leon being head over heels smitten. enjoy! word count: 2.7K? It's short! notes: hi sarah! i am SO SORRY this has taken forever. you requested this one month ago! its been so hectic lately, i've been having health problems that required regular hospital visits and tests upon tests, but now that my surgery (yeah i know... yikes) is authorized i'm only waiting for them to call me for the date and have all the time in the world to get my rest and write. i'm also working on your other (wink wink) request! thank you so much for being patient with me. hope this is what you had in mind! i also added my touch and ideas to it lmao. happy reading!!
🌀 read on ao3!
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“You’re too good for me,” is the hesitant, small answer you give him while avoiding eye contact and playing with your fingers in front of your office’s shared coffee maker Leon had made countless paperwork excuses to be able to simply stop by — to his question, that is, about why you wouldn’t go on a simple date with him. 
You puff out an awkward laugh to smooth things over as humorous but it’s forced and not at all sincere. 
It’s taken Leon a whole inner journey (Spain. Mostly the simultaneous trauma and catharsis of Spain) to get over himself to recognize what his heart truly wanted but was too pussy to look at before, yet here you two are. The lone angel in his life telling the failure Leon is that he’s too good? For you?
He simply stares, dumbly standing there, piping hot coffee that’s actually incompatible with his taste buds he insists he must do a detour to get from here simply because you often do, stiff and awkward in his hold, thinking he heard you wrong because he hasn’t gotten a good night’s rest — rest, not sleep — in forever since he came back from Spain. 
He’s been forcing himself to come to work just for a glimpse of you and your pretty face to recharge his battery, heal his soul a bit, let you be all that occupies his mind despite being laid off after that outrageous mission that resulted in the president’s unwanted favor and nightmares upon nightmares with only anxious yet soothing thoughts of you as the best bad out of the worst he’s had to face— and what is it that you said again?  
“You’re joking right?” Leon says, pride not knowing if it should be broken or not because he’s not sure to take this as a rejection, and it isn’t his intention for it to sound that harsh. He’s not some asshole who can’t take no for an answer, it’s your reasoning that has him downright jamming like a gun.
Leon has to remind himself to switch off work mode because now you look mousey as if he has a paw on your tail, shoulders pulled into yourself.  “Sorry!” He feels so bad, heart expanding within his ribcage and it aches, fuck, he just wanted to ask you out and all he’s doing is scaring you. “I’m sorry, you were kidding. I didn’t get it— I’m kinda slow and you sound flat sometimes, of course you weren’t serious, I’m—”
“No, I was serious.” His eyebrows furrow at yet another self-degradation from you. “It’s you who has to be kidding. What do you mean too good for you?”
You are at a loss of words, mouth opening but nothing coming out, and finally look him in the eye and all Leon wants to do is lean down and capture your mouth, he’s heavily distracted by you licking your lips and swallowing, the sighting of the tip of your pink tongue makes his shirt suddenly suffocating and tight. 
“I mean,” you begin tentatively, unaware of what’s going on in his head, vaguely gesturing to Leon. “Well… You’re you, I mean… And I’m. Me. Look at you and look at me. Why would you even…?”
“Hey,” Leon sets his mug on the counter, closing his eyes and pinching the insides with his thumb and pointer. The implications alone sent a zapping headache through his skull that he knows he has to rest to be able to unpack, especially when he’s finally decided on seriously pursuing you in spite of himself. Leon can’t let this remain unaddressed, for your sake and his sanity. “How about I wait for you after work today and we talk about this somewhere else?” He’s squinting. “In detail.”
“We don’t really need to—”
“We do.” Leon wants you to see he’s serious about this — about you. “Because I see something here that I want to pursue and we can’t have any misunderstandings. Would appreciate it if you at least give me the chance to clear the air.”
“P-pursue?” You swallow and Leon’s mind wanders again. “Clear the air you say…”
He breathes in. “Can you give me your phone?”
You slap it into his palm almost immediately, the speed with which you obey him without asking him any questions surprises him. He wants to scold if you’re willing to hand over your mobile to any guy who asks, but supposes it’s not his place — is frustrated this is what it takes to get him annoyed, as well. He isn’t some young adult. Weirdly, you make him feel like one.  
He’s punching his own number in, despite the conflicting feelings, finally feeling like this is getting somewhere and he’s doing it when you start talking again, nervous. “You can uh, clear the air… right here… without taking me to a secondary location…” 
His eyes flick up to yours in confusion and you look to the right immediately, and back to him. To the right. Back to him. It’s somehow comedic, because why do you look like you’re cornered by some bad guy? 
You really look like you want to be anywhere else than here, Leon’s fucking this up and he doesn’t even know what he’s doing wrong. Was he going too fast? Should he have told you his number and let you save it instead? 
You’re mumbling, nervousness clear as day for reasons he can’t fathom, he hears you, but he doesn’t really understand. 
“What? What's wrong?" Leon asks, his voice laced with genuine concern. He takes a step closer, wanting to bridge the gap between you and alleviate whatever discomfort you were experiencing. "You seem... uneasy. Did I do something wrong?"
Your eyes meet his briefly, then quickly shift away again, as if you are struggling to find the right words. 
Leon's heart sinks. His intention wasn’t to make you feel nervous or pressured, especially when he is genuinely trying to connect with you — then, in a brilliant moment of heart-stopping realization, the fact that you might just not be interested slaps him in the face and he’s…
Well. Wouldn’t that be the reality? 
Leon is… He isn’t exactly the ideal man. Not with what he does, and how his life is. He’s aware of that. Have been running from forming connections because of what he knows will end up happening because of that. He can’t get attached and keep losing people — can’t keep getting hurt in the vicious cycle to prevent everyone from getting hurt. It’s been the bane of his existence ever since STRATCOM plucked him off straight from Raccoon City. Even if you work in the same field as him, just different offices, who is to say it will work out anyway? 
He’s getting ahead of himself. You might not like him at all in the first place. Jesus. 
Maybe you see him for what he is. Maybe you think he’s not  —- the effort’s not worth it, and you wouldn’t exactly be wrong in thinking so. You could be wanting something else in life that he only has the desire to give you, and not the promise. He wouldn’t blame you, hell, who would blame someone for being their own person with their thoughts, wishes, wants and goals in life? 
You’re too good for me, really, is his line. It has been right from the beginning, his excuse in running away from his undeniable, frightening attraction to you.
"No, it's not you," you finally managed to articulate, prompting Leon to release the breath he was holding, your voice shaky, playing with your fingers. "I just... I feel a bit overwhelmed. This is all happening so fast, and I never expected..."
Leon nods, his expression softening as he realizes the weight of the situation. He hasn’t fully considered how his sudden confession and determination to pursue you might have caught you off guard. He has been so focused on his own feelings that he hasn’t taken into account your own thoughts and emotions.
"I understand," he replies, voice gentle and reassuring. "I didn't mean to overwhelm you. I just... I couldn't keep my feelings to myself anymore. But please know that I don't expect an immediate answer or any commitment from you. I just… Well. I just wanted to tell you. See where this goes. Or, maybe, if that’s not the case… Get rejected for good so I can move on, you know?"
You laugh a little and it’s genuine — you have no idea how it turns Leon’s heart into putty right where it hangs between two lungs. “Do you really mean all of that?”
“Of course,” he says, offended the tiniest bit. “Why do you think I would joke about something like this?”
“It’s not about you joking, really…” You’re uncomfortable again, hesitating to tell him something. 
“Hey, you can tell me.”
“Can you promise you won’t get mad?”
“What am I, your father?” He snorts. “Come on, tell me.” 
You brace yourself for it and he doesn’t understand why until you say it. “You, um… You’re kinda scary.”
He blinks. “Sorry?”
“Sorry!” You raise your hands up in panic. “I don’t really mean it like that, not to insult you or anything, it’s actually admirable, I’m just saying! Discipline, work ethic, unmatched field performance! You’re very… Very, uh… Intimidating, yeah, that’s the word…? I mean, like… You, uh, you’re famous, you know, we all know your work, you’re very hard working, working hard, very hard work — uh, um… So it’s…”
“I scare you?” Leon swears he felt his eyes get bigger the faster you kept on vomiting words. “You think I would hurt you?” 
“No!” You reject strongly, waving a nervous hand at him. Silence befalls later, which you follow awkwardly with a silent, guilty. “Maybe,” after clearing your throat. 
 He had always strived to be a protector, but he hadn't realized that his image and reputation — what it had become after Spain — could have such an effect on someone he cares about. 
"I never meant to scare you," he says softly, his voice filled with genuine remorse, he puts the coffee mug on the counter and leans his hip on it, shoulders sagging a bit as he crosses his arms. The thought of you only feeling intimidation about him leaves a bitter taste worse than the coffee does. "I guess... I've always been so focused on work, on the dangers just around the corner — I’m aware how it might affect my relationships in the long run so I never attempted to form any at all, but I never realized how it might affect how people see me in the first place. I never wanted to make you, of all people, feel this way. I could never hurt you. Never."
“I didn’t want to imply you’re a guy who’d intentionally hurt someone—”
“Don’t worry about it,” he sighs, ruffling his hair to get rid of the awkwardness. “So I’ve just been bugging you this whole time, huh? Jesus. I’m so sorry.”
“No! No, don’t say that, you’re amazing! You’re like a hero around here…”
“Around here doesn’t mean shit,” he replies curtly, and regrets cursing like that in front of you immediately. It’s unbecoming of him — and doesn’t help his image in your eyes at all. He’s getting frustrated. His tone lowers into a softer, more disappointed, heartfelt one. “I only care about how you think of me.” 
“Well, you’re amazing,” you say again, bashfully this time, and it prompts him to look at you. There’s something shy about you now that has him standing taller in anticipation, wondering if it’s him reading this wrong or not. “It’s pretty well-known if you didn’t know.”
“I don’t know,” he prods, idiot heart fluttering at the way you’re flustered. “What do you think? Besides intimidating, I mean. Not reporting on the local gossip this time, if you don’t mind.”
“You seem like a nice guy,” you settle. The middle ground. “I’ve seen you with the president’s daughter.”
Leon's expression softens at your words, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over him. He takes a deep breath, trying to let go of the tension that had built up within him. The mention brings a slight smile to his face, memories of Ashley flooding his mind, a fondness evident in his eyes. "Ah, Ashley. Yeah, that was quite the adventure. Though what can you be other than a nice guy when your mission is the president’s daughter?"
“I know a couple people who’d treat her like a package to be delivered. You prioritized her wellbeing more than anything.”
“What else was I supposed to prioritize?”
“You know what I mean. Emotional wellbeing. I’ve read your initial report and her statement. You cared about her.” A smile tugs at your lips, he can tell you’re a bit more comfortable now. "Especially during what you’ve been through. It's impressive how you handle yourself in those situations."
He shrugs modestly, a hint of pride shining in his eyes. You respect him. "I guess you could say it comes with the job. But it's not all action and danger, you know. There's more to me than just being a government agent."
Your curiosity piques, and you tilt your head, prompting him to continue. "Tell me more. What's Leon Kennedy like outside of work and missions?"
It catches him off guard that you want to know more and take the first step. You could have just rejected him. His heart picks up, chest expanding in excitement, he’s glad for the opportunity to share a glimpse of his life beyond the chaos of his work — he’s normally not eager to share pieces of his life like this, but… He’d give it to you on a silver platter, whether it'd lure you in or not. That’s how Leon knows he wants this with you so bad. “I wanna lie to woo you but… Would it be too unattractive to tell I really don’t have a life outside of work? I’m still trying to find some balance in my life. The upper echelon guys are pretty ruthless and demanding. I guess it means I can say I’m into traveling?”
“Is this the cool guy way of saying you’re an introvert these days?”
The unexpectedness of it is what gets him to throw his head back to laugh, and he catches you staring, scrambling to rub his face to get rid of it and regain some composure. “Yeah,” he breathes. “Pretty much.”
“Well,” you gesture at him, there’s a vague pink hue dusting your cheeks. “What are you into, then?”
God, he can’t stop, “Other than you?” from escaping his dumb mouth. He shouldn’t have said it. It’s too corny. So uncalled for. Your mouth hangs open and he wishes he could rewind the tape to take it back and choose some other option. “Say… What about we continue this discussion after work? I know a good coffee place. Let me make it up to you for invading your lunch time. I’ll tell you all about me, what do you say?”
You look at the clock on the wall, he knows you didn’t get to have anything because he decided to turn up and serenade you with unwanted attention, it’s two birds with one stone for him if you decide to accept — he wouldn’t have asked if he didn’t see a perfect moment to seize the chance. 
“Coffee sounds perfect,” you nod, with no pressure from him, and it lifts a great weight off his shoulders. “Would it be okay if I eat something too?”
Why are you so adorable? You don’t know that you own the power to get Leon to have your superiors let you go for the day, but he can’t get too excited right now. “Say the word and it becomes a dinner date.”
It gets you flustered again, you don’t know where to put your hands, and he’s so happy about it. “It’s a weekday… That’d be a bit exhausting…”
“Okay. Coffee date it is.”
He’s noticing you like the cheeky confidence, and it makes sense, considering the intensity had you intimidated. “Thank you,” you say. “I’d like that.”
“Believe me,” Leon can’t stop the grin from overtaking his expression. “My pleasure. You’re honestly too good for me.”
There’s the sudden urge to kiss you when vulnerability and shyness lights up your whole face, but he’ll take it slow. He has to take it slow. For himself. 
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milfbrennan · 7 months
bones sexuality headcanons
yeah i dont have proof (except angela) i just Know. call it my lesbian spidey senses. disclaimer that those are MY headcanons, you can have your own opinions on those ofc
main characters:
brennan: bi (preference for ugly men... but i digress). she probably started exploring her sexual orientiation in college and came to the conclusion that she's attracted to every gender to varying degrees. she's probably tongue kissed angela a few times pre season 1
booth: cishet ally! ⭐️ he's a bit confused but he's got the spirit, i'll give him that.. bi wife energy start playing whenever he walks into the room
zack: gayboi with a bad case of hero worship for dr brennan. naomi from paleonthology made him realise this isnt really what he'd like to excavate, if you get the gist... ;) (ew)
angela: imo? bi, but it's up to anyone. canon queer and i'm very happy about it
hodgins: bi. putting my foot down on this one- to me, hodgela is bi4bi. one day early into the series angela goes "why is everyone so hot... being bi is so hard" and hodgins is like "yeah, tell me about it" and they have a Oh, You Too? moment
cam: distinguished (ex-disaster) pan. she's all cool and collected now but in middle school she was probably stuttering whenever she saw a pretty girl
sweets: pan. boykisser. i just KNOW. that man is not heterosexual. probably had a few boyfriends in high school too
aubrey: bi? preference for women but in an alternate universe he and sweets are a thing
goodman: token straightie along with booth except i actually like him even tho even tho he took a 2 month sabbatical and never came back
clark: bi. a bit repressed and only realised it after breaking up with nora but as long as he gets there it's fine
daisy: pan. absolute girlkisser. she has the wlw equivalent of whatever zack felt for dr brennan. swaisy is a disaster pan couple.
fisher: pan- and i wont have it any other way. he was 100% checking sweets out when he came over to b&b's in s8, so i like to think when hodgins asks sweets "what is it with you and interns?" in 9x23 he's including fisher
wendell: bi and in a lab au he's dating vincent thank you
vincent: english twink and i think he and wendell should kiss in the lab lost & found
arastoo: straightie but we still love him. pan wife energy since he and cam are married
finn: god, i have No Idea but i have a feeling he doesn't either
wells: aro, and maybe ace too, but fyi even if he wasn't no one would want him
jessica: ... i used to say lesbian but i kinda let the jaubrey of it all get to me... pan vibes perhaps? i'll have to think it over. in another universe she and daisy are a thing too btw
other characters:
caroline julian:... lesbian. no i will not give an explanation for this one. sham marriage and all.
karen delfs: big pansexual energy coming from this random profiler?? i like her
villains: (do not take those seriously, but also...)
pelant: unlabeled. getting strangled by hodgins awoke something in him but he didnt have the time to figure it out between 8x01 and 9x04
taffet: very VERY mean lesbian
epps: heterosexual incel
broadsky: internalised homophobia over booth, clearly
kovac: the man pretended to be married to his sister. i'm not sure i even wanna know
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coldresolve · 2 months
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Hi, I'm Elias, I'm a 26yo trans guy from Denmark. I write shit, I draw shit, and I get into unneccesarily tedious arguments with anons about torture apologia in fiction. I think that sums up my vibe
I've made a few posts about this already, but tl;dr: the Danish NHS has been refusing to treat me for gender dysphoria for the better part of a year now because they've deemed me "unstable." Unstable how, you ask?
I have depression.
No, that is quite literally it. Full context under the readmore.
Fighting to be heard and having the door repeatedly slammed in your face sucks peak ass, and I'm done now. The NHS is so lackluster when it comes to trans people, all of a sudden, it makes perfect sense to me why 31% of transgender Danes get HRT outside of the NHS.
And I'd rather not have to turn to the black market, so rn I'm hoping to get a prescription with GenderGP. The issue is, I'm poor as fuck and can't afford the start-up fees for the forseeable future - unless I do something like this. I hate asking others for money, and I hate it even more if I'm not in a place where I can give anything in return. But I also recognize I'm in over my head with this, so. If you've got a cent or two to spare, I'd be grateful as hell.
I've mathed it out, and my best estimate is that I need around 3500,- DKK / $500 USD. Again, this is just to cover the initial subscription as well as mandatory consultations/blood tests. I should be able to cover the prescriptions on my own, as well as further tests/consultations down the line, so I'm hoping this is a one-and-done sort of thing.
Also, important note. We're in a global cost of living/housing crisis and this isn't a strict life-or-death situation. If you're in a tough spot right now, don't send me anything, that'd just make me feel worse about asking. I appreciate the thought but you gotta take care of your own needs first. Peace and take care ✌️
So I've been dealing with major depressive disorder since I was 11. It runs in my family, and as you might imagine, after 15 years of living with this thing, I've learned how to manage it pretty well by now. I know what it's like to genuinely be unstable - and if I were in a place like that, no problem, I'd be open about that. I wouldn't be making decisions like this. I know myself. You kind of have to when you're dealing with a chronic mental illness.
Here's where I am right now: I've got no suicidal ideation, been clean from self harm for four years, no psychosis, no inpatient admissions for the last five years. I live on my own, take my meds, and I'm keeping my life in order. Depressed, yes, but about as stable as someone with my history can get, and ask anyone who knows me, me wanting to get on HRT isn't some spur of the moment decision. I've done a fucking decade of soul searching, and a few years ago, I finally (duh) reached the conclusion that living as a woman isn't something I can even fake being content with - believe me, I've tried. I'm well aware of the scope of medical transition, but I'm settled in who I am. And I just want to live like me now. That's the only thing I want.
If it counts for anything, my partner and family have supported me through this, which has been priceless obviously, but it also goes to show that me saying "I'm capable of making medical decisions" isn't purely a personal assessment. I'm pretty sure they'd speak up if they thought I was being unstable about it or whatever
But the CPH clinic for sexology, who have consistently refused to listen to me telling them all this, have somehow magically aquired divine knowledge on my capacity to make adult decisions about my own body, and on the basis that I have MDD, they're refusing to even set me up for a preliminary interview - one that would preceed a 6 month full-team psych evaluation before the prospect of HRT would even come up. They said in their latest refusal that they wont accept another referral from me until a year after my last in-clinic conversation with them, which happened on October 24th, 2023 - meaning that with the NHS, if they accepted my referral come October (which I don't have much faith they will), the earliest I could possibly get on HRT is April 2025. Arguing for my own sanity would've sucked enough as is, but it's made harder by the fact that they won't even talk to me. You're a trans guy who would like healthcare, but you have a mental illness? Good luck, you're on your own. Long live the Danish bureaucracy.
Dysphoria makes me fucking miserable. I'd rather not have to write a sob story here, and tumblr is like 80% trans people so I guess a good portion of you can imagine why waiting another year for the possibility of maybe-perhaps-if-all-goes-well getting on HRT would not actually make me less miserable about it.
So. I'm sitting down next week along with my mom to file a formal complaint with the patient's rights committee. I don't know what to call this other than some form of discrimination on the basis of mental illness, because nothing in my current situation would prohibit me from making medical decisions for myself. And I honestly don't think that a complaint is going to do much, but I intend to make it obnoxiously long, because by law, a specialized doctor and an attorney have to read through the whole thing. If you can't beat 'em, make 'em read 50 pages of you going into detail about why you think they suck, right
And yeah, like I said, in the meantime, I'm trying to go via GenderGP. It'd be nice if my poor ass could get HRT via the NHS instead of having to pay out of pocket, but apparently the bar for entry requires that you 1) have gender dysphoria to the point where it impedes normal function and 2) somehow aren't mentally ill. Who wrote these rules? Some 60yo cis guy in a suit in Christiansborg, I imagine.
Feel free ask about anything relating to this whole situation, I'll be as open as I can about it, cause I understand that if you're going to give money to someone, you want to know what it's going to. Though I hope you understand I'm not going to doxx myself more than I already have now, or give you my entire medical history - only what's relevant to my current situation.
I know Denmark is a welfare state and on a global scale we're doing alright, but I hope you don't mind if I say this: This shouldn't be happening as often as it does. Fuck the Danish NHS.
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new-tella-us · 11 days
I guess we can consider this a Seduce Me Situation. So we got the female Mika, we got the male Michael. But what if gender was thrown out the window?
What if gender neutral protagonist? Honestly? Not much changes.
I would say their name would be Micah, probably pronounce the same as Mika. In my AU, their personality is the same. The only difference would probably be how their parents, mainly the dad, treats them.
(I'm sorry, David is giving "old school" vibes. Maybe not straight up bigot vibes but like "Nonbinary? What the hell does that even mean??" vibes. Luckily, he is barely relevant and he would probably learn to be more educated eventually.)
Though, on the surface, some terms would change.
With James it's from "Miss" to "Mx" or just their name.
With Erik it's from From "Princess" to "Your highness"
With Sam it's from "The girl's awake" to "They're awake" or "Woman" to "You" (At least doofus is universal)
With Matthew....uhhhhh I don't think he uses too many gendered terms.
Same with Damien.
And generally speaking, all the she/her/hers get turned into they/their/theirs.
Others could possibly be "Beautiful" or "Pretty" to "Radiant", "Lovely" "Attractive". Or hell, just alternate the male and female terminology depending on who's more likely to call you what. I can see Erik calling you Beautiful while Sam or Matthew calling you Handsome.
In conclusion, any gender of Mika is valid.
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crazylittlejester · 7 days
I'm still on my Four Swords brainrot detour so you get to hear all about that today. Consider this my vote for you to read the book. I have the legendary copy, it was my big summer purchase last year (it's not that expensive, I'm just a broke college student) and I love it to pieces. I'm usually more into LU due to the fact that the FS fandom is pretty small and I'm not very active in it and my favorite artist is on hiatus. However. When the brainrot circles back around I am stuck in it for a while.
Anyway, it's the only LoZ game I've written anything for (except HW but that was a short bit about gender crises so it hardly counts).
I've taken inspiration from @zarvasace's series Shatterproof, and started working on a disability AU for FS out of pure indulgence.
Have I made basically any progress since I started it? No.
Has it been completely rotting my brain this past week? Yes.
The way I have it planned out is that I'm going to write a chapter for each of the Links, including Shadow, and one for Zelda. Each chapter is going to be a short story about their experiences with being disabled and how they feel about that. I'm supposed to be working on Green's chapter right now and I think it's maybe half done, but I'm contemplating taking it apart and picking at the pieces some more before I actually write the second half out.
The thing about Green is that he's kind of your generic Link. He's as close as you get to the original as far as personality and temperament go, so that's been my main issue thus far. He's just... really, really vanilla. Even his part of the story is kind of vanilla! He gets his death faked twice and he's not even the person doing the faking! He's just there as a driving force and it bugs me sometimes because he's like the FS version of the nameless "prince charming" and I could go off on a whole extra tangent but I should save that for when you've actually read the book.
The point is, he's not a character I easily get vibes from, so I've had to do a bunch of thinking and I came to the conclusion that he's going to be the one to be hit over the head with a work-related injury. Literally. He ends up with a bad head injury that impacts his ability to do a lot of things that knights need to be good at.
I haven't decided if he ends up keeping his job after he recovers or not, but he does have a lot of angst over that because he's a bit of a workaholic and spent most of his time working so that Red, Blue, Vio, and Shadow could focus on taking care of the house and each other. He considers himself to be the main breadwinner and then suddenly can't work because of his injury and has to wait and see if he'll be able to go back to work. There's going to be a whole thing about overcoming internalized ableism, and how even if you aren't ableist towards other people you can still be ableist towards yourself and it's a lot of work to build up the self-esteem necessary to stop that thought process.
I just love his chapter so much even though I'm probably going to use those themes throughout the entire work. There's just something about his part that really scratches the itch in my brain.
I have rough ideas planned out for Vio, Blue, and Red, but I'm not really sure what to do about Shadow and Zelda. Prior to finding out about your Warriors having blood sugar problems I was thinking about giving her diabetes or something similar, but I'm not really sure how much I can fudge in a fantasy setting without accidentally killing her. So I'm still at the drawing board for her.
Thank you for being my FS brainrot victim. :)
I gotta get the four swords legendary edition, I thought I had it but i dont 💔💔💔 I’m also a broke college student so i feel ya
ooooooh work related injury and overcoming internalized ableism, I’m so excited to read that!! (if you share it)
You could totally still give her a blood sugar issue if you wanted, it’d be cool to read about if you do decide to do that, but also anything else you come up with would be cool, all of this sounds awesome
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the-little-moment · 4 months
Sexuality in the Star Wars Universe
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This has been swirling around in my head for a while now, so I finally decided to write it down. Hopefully it makes some kind of sense.
This all started when I read a few different fics based in the RepCom universe in which Kal Skirata is homophobic. It's been a while since I read the books, so I can't remember if this is text, subtext, or a conclusion based on the traditional vibes he gives off, but it definitely gave me pause.
Sexuality in Star Wars is such a BIG thing to wrap your head around because the universe itself is BIG and OLD.
I call Kal a "traditionalist" because he's written as being similar to an old Earth guy with traditional views of marriage, family, etc. But I think basing a character's "traditional" values on Earth history is a bit myopic. We earthlings get most of those traditional views from biblical times, right? And we're only about 2,000 years removed from those times, right? Imagine if we were almost 100,000 years removed from them.
You're really going to tell me that, in a universe where human civilization, not even to mention the civilizations of the THOUSANDS of others species in the galaxy, have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, others for far longer, Old Kal is really worried about his boys having sex with other boys?
This universe has literal ancient gods, super powers, millions of religions, interspecies relationships and reproduction, and probably a million different forms of sexuality and expressions of gender between all the different species. It's mind boggling. There are approximately 8 billion people on Earth right now. The estimated number of beings in the Star Wars universe is in the QUADRILLIONS that live across one billion star systems!
My personal take is that humans in the Star Wars universe would have completely different values than Earth humans. I don't see how they couldn't. Hell, humanity has evolved and adapted in so many different ways that there are many "near human" species too.
All that being said, I know the writers of the canon and Legends books had their own problems and prejudices and were, of course, bound but what they were allowed to publish. I'm just saying that I'm really glad that fanfiction writers are open to seeing a bigger picture, cause, like I said, the picture is unimaginably massive and I think we need to stretch our brains a bit to do it justice.
Here's a link to the Wookieepedia article for The Galaxy if you would also like to break your brain.
And the text above is what my husband reminded me existed when I was talking to him about this. 🤣 Bear in mind this was Boba circa 1996.
I'll cover my butt by saying that, sure, it's possible that even in this universe, there are sects that uphold very old-fashioned beliefs, but I think it's hard for us to say that definitively just because we have no concept of how that much history would effect a species. We see everything through the lens of Earth history, when Star Wars humans probably wouldn't be very much like us at all. Just growing up in a world where you knew from birth that there were so many different kinds of people and cultures out there would have an effect on a person's worldview that is difficult to imagine.
I'd love to know what other people think about this, but please be polite and kind. Thank you. 💕
(Oh, and absolutely no shade to anyone who has written about homophobia in their fics. It's a problem we real humans deal with and I totally understand why people want to address it in their writing. This is just coming from my in-universe perspective, that obviously might not be shared by others.)
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rpedia · 3 months
Anonymous asked:  Idk, why. But every time I rp as a guy I sometimes feel uncomfortable or just bored. Especially when it comes to canon characters, I feel like I'm just satisfying my parthers otp/ships with their oc's. And when I try to bring in my others oc's, they're ignored. This happens almost every time with any other person. Do you have any advice?
Usually there’s a reason for stuff like this, so lemme jump to the biggest most extreme conclusion and get that outta the way. If you’re uncomfortable exclusively by the act of playing a gender, or thinking like a gender, and acting like a gender, and feel like you’re just playing a role with no connection to specifically a gender and nothing else... Maybe you don’t want to play/be/act as that gender? I mean, it could be anything setting you off, but this is important to point out, especially with your wording, subconscious though it may be. You don’t have to RP as a guy. It’s okay. Be anything you want, that’s what RP is for. To have fun, and be comfortable, and do what feels good to you. There’s no shame in just saying no to RPing anything. Settings, characters, genders, themes, tropes, even just roleplaying if you’re not in the mood! Roleplay is, again, for fun, and you should probably communicate that you’re no longer having it. That you want to explore other options. I mean this could be as simple as you don’t have chemistry with those partners, to as complex as realizing you may not have a real connection to a specific gender... even IRL. 
Like, I’m not gonna lie, I have seen a large number of people who have realized they identify as something else because they’ve played other genders, tried out the ol’ mental space with RP, and found something that fit them better. Might not be applicable to you, that’s fine. This is a deeply personal decision though, I’m just pointing it out as an aside because some people need that little push to go ‘oh’ and this answer is going to be an open letter to everyone who is in this situation as usual. So hey, it doesn’t have to be too serious, and if questioning your labels isn’t your speed, no issue. Just thought it was wise to point it out, rather than ignore it and pretend it didn’t set off a tiny alarm in my head saying ‘hang on a sec’. So yes, with that out of the way— Of course that’s not the only reason things might feel ‘off’! Like I mention above, there’s plenty of other things, so now that we have a quick ‘I’d be a jerk if I didn’t say this does happen’ out of the way, let’s explore things like chemistry, and why your characters don’t resonate with you personally, but end up seeming to be more for your partner in crime over there. AKA: Playing for other people, and why it doesn’t really work out.
So when you RP a character and they don’t sync with you personally? That’s a big thing buddy! That’s a sign you’re not playing what you love or vibe with. That doesn’t seem like something you should get upset about, we all do stuff that we feel pretty neutral or vaguely bored by for friends and family, but it really really can be draining over time. Playing something deeply out of your personal experience is a fun challenge, but I would never say do that for a long term if you’re not getting comfortable as you do it. You can burn yourself out, by pushing too hard and making so much work for yourself you lose the thread of fun supposedly throughout all RP.
Me? I have trouble with happy, perky characters. I can do it, and I do it well judging by the reaction of people around me, but it just doesn’t feel right. It feels like someone is very slowly spreading me thinner and thinner trying to react against my natural instincts. I know it’s actually another problem that some people feel like they play too many similar characters, but that’s a natural inclination to play something that suits you, so you can give your full attention to the details surrounding that character instead of questioning everything you do. 
Being able to act on auto pilot helps a ton when you want to focus on the important parts, like the plot instead of figuring out how this character would feel if it’s not what you kneejerk understand. Second guessing is hard! As anyone who deals with second guessing everything they do all day: it leads to exhaustion because it’s an extra hidden layer of emotional labor.
So! Why are dudes uncomfortable for you? We’ve got an obvious problem here that an external force (your RP buddies over there) may have trained you to believe that you only have one purpose. That male characters are romance fodder, and have to fall in love with an OC. That your OC’s aren’t important. That’s gonna be a whoooole different problem right there. This is a problem with your RP partner, who is using you to fulfill their happiness. There’s a huge problem with the power dynamic in this OOC relationship, just going by this little snippet.
Your partner should never make you feel like you’re only roleplaying for their sake.  
I’m leaving that line all alone so you can really look at it, and reread it. I’m going to say it again in fact: Your partner should never make you feel like you’re only roleplaying for their sake. There’s various reasons why that’s icky, but I’ll just touch on what stands out to me most. One of those things is that this makes roleplaying a job. 
Instead of letting yourself explore the mind of a character you enjoy, you’ve come to expect that you will follow a certain order of things, and that your job is to fill the emotional labor required of your partner to keep them happy. They respond to you requesting similar emotional labor (which in a healthy relationship should be give-and-take) by ignoring you. This is painful for you, maybe not like getting pinched, but feeling like what you’ve made isn’t good enough? That you’re not good enough by extension because our RP kids are totally extensions of ourselves? That’s unfair. Unfair to you.
However! Even if something seems to be a pattern, like not playing dudes, it’s always good to test run characters from all walks of life. Any character couldn’t be the exception to or that your mood could change. That means, don’t feel guilty if you’ve said “this label doesn’t feel right” for a while, and then you have an exception. It just means it’s an exception, you’re fine. You’re not breaking your own rules, you’re learning more about what works with you.
Finding yourself at a loss with OC’s or characters you enjoy may point to your environment being one that’s hostile to new things. They don’t understand an OC, there’s no blueprint giving them an idea of what to expect. OC’s are also one of the easiest ways for players to get into the game, which means newbies who lack social graces tend to gravitate towards them because ‘there’s no rules to break’ in how they portray them. Unfortunately since they don’t know how to approach others in socially appropriate ways, this gives OC’s a reputation for being awful to play with. They break etiquette, they push too hard, they don’t get why someone may be backing away. This isn’t the OC’s fault, it’s the player, but it’s seen more in OC’s because of ease-of-entry. So... they gain a reputation.
That means approaching on an OC is definitely going to come with people looking for standard red flags, and they’ll need to see you in action long enough to get comfortable with you! You have to be stellar in everything to get attention, and you have to have a hook. Your character has to be stand-out, interesting, and fun. Something people get grabbed by the summary of, so they can emotionally attach to it the same way they did major series, which give a character time to come out of their shell, and audiences time to connect to them. That’s why canons are popular: They bought the time it took to get under people’s skin by having a plot to follow. Without that, OC’s are like hearing about a character from another fandom you’re not interested in.
There’s also, unfortunately, an online beef against the ladies in plot. I’m not gonna sugar coat it, people have gotten it into their heads that girls being roleplayed tend to be shallow, vapid characters designed just for romance. So it can be hard to egt people interested because of stereotypes. The worst part is, I see this stereotype most often from male writers playing women, who have no idea hoiw to treat them as a person, and have instead made them a cardboard cut out designed to reach their goals. This is even worse on adult websites where smut is an option, ladies get the short stick SO often because of years where female characters have been treated as a plot device. 
This goes way back to the idea of a sexy lamp: If your female character can be replaced with a sexy lamp, they aren’t expanded enough on. They aren’t a person. Some of the strongest female characters have been, say, Ripley from Alien. Why? She was a male character in the script, they just didn’t change anything but her gender and rolled with it. Which, duh, worked because women is people. A wild concept for some reason. Can you tell this is something that gets my goat, because baaaa, motherfucker, baaaa.
That means you end up working against a lot of shit to just try and play around and have fun. It can be exhausting, and more than once I’ve seen people give up. Don’t, though. People need to hear your voice. If you’re in a position where things are hard, remember. Trying the same things over and over expecting it to change is just silly. You need to change parts of your approach, whether it be the environment, the people, or simply how you word things. Push back on what’s making you feel bad, and put down boundaries. “If I do this, I would appreciate if you gave back with this.” Ask for space, you deserve space to explore what makes you happy. Say no more often to things you’re not comfortable with. You don’t have any obligation to fit a mold for another person.
Find your comfort zone, and defend it. If that means moving onto a new group of people, or just doing something extraordinary with what you have, or finding a new way to approach stuff, then maybe that’s what you need to do! Spread your wings, and find what makes you happy. Don’t look for advice on how to tamp yourself down into what you feel like you should be doing, if it’s not right for you. Good luck, and Happy RPing!
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slasherhaven · 2 years
Hello! i hope your day is going alright! i wanted to ask if you could make headcanons for Jesse Chromeskull with a detective s/o? (male) i love this man with my soul
It's giving...Hannibal and Will vibes.
Warnings: talk about Jesse's victims. Also this turned out pretty gender neutral for the reader.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull) with a Detective future S/O:
The Chromeskull case felt like one big dead end. Not for the lack of activity, bodies kept showing up that you could connect to the case but then everything would go quiet.
There was never new evidence, nothing that actually meant anything anyway.
So, when you said that you wanted to be lead detective on the case, people thought you were crazy. Not only did they think the case would never be closed, but the case was a gruesome one. It didn't feel worth putting yourself through witnessing these things when it felt pointless.
However, that was the reason you wanted the case. Everyone else thought it was a dead end, that it would just become a cold case to be spoke about in decades to come. You wanted to find whoever was running around the states committing these atrocities. It shouldn't be surprising that spending your career following the crimes of some masked sadist had some effects on your wellbeing.
It almost became an obsession, wondering how he could get away with it all for so long, wondering how many victims there are that haven't been found or connected to this case.
And the closest you had gotten to discovering the identity of this man? A blurry photo from some cheep security camera, a tall man in a full black suit and a chrome mask in the shape of a skull.
And so, the case was deemed the Chromeskull Case.
And it was all yours now.
What surprised everyone the most, including you, was that you were beginning to make progress. You had to take leads to their furthest extent, even if it seemed unrealistic.
And that was how you got on Chromeskull's trail.
It didn't take long for you to come to the conclusion that he wasn't working alone, to pull off the things he does, doing it alone would be nearly impossible.
You visited dozens of crime scenes, getting closer than anyone else had.
And that got Jesse's attention.
The Organisation keeps an eye on law enforcement and the FBI, just to make sure they were still five steps ahead. So, it was only a matter of time before they became aware of you and informed Jesse.
Of course, they asked if they should just get rid of you before you become a problem, but Jesse was a little thrilled at the thought of somebody getting close to him.
You were seeing everything he did, you analysed it until you understood it the best you could, you had to become as intimately knowledgable about each crime as he was. That thrilled him.
So, he didn't order your death. He simply told them to monitor you.
Jesse continued with his sadistic murders, this time leaving little things behind for you.
Subtle things, things that only people with intimate understanding of the case would notice. And, oh, you noticed.
You soon realised that he was taunting you. Well, at first you thought he was just taunting general law enforcement. Until he left your name behind at a crime scene, that one was definitely for you.
It only motivated you further, he was making it personal.
You were following the murders, trying to figure out which state Chromeskull would attack next, to try to get just a few steps closer to him.
Another death, in the middle of nowhere, in the exact opposite direction you were tracking Chromskull, came with the most blatant taunt.
A video tape, addressed to you.
It was a snuff film, showing you the murder and every graphic detail. It would have been sickening if you hadn't seen it all before.
The tape make you conclude that Chromeskull had likely been recording all of his crimes. Still, you couldn't decide whether they were for personal records like trophies, or if they were being sold.
Despite the obvious clue being dropped right into your lap, it was the audiotape that filled you with a newfound determination.
A robotic voice, it didn't sound like a voice modulator, giving you a location, a date, and a time. Followed by a "Don't be late, Detective."
Of course the message included to go alone, to not involve your colleagues. In your early days on the job, you would never dare do something so stupid. Maybe spending so much time buried in this case had really messed with you, because now you weren't just considering it, you were planning your trip.
By the time you were standing outside of some sad little mortuary positioned along some nearly deserted road, you knew that there was no turning back.
Morally, legally, you were way out of line and there was no way to get back.
So...why fight it now?
Head to the strange barn-like structure. Why was that owned by a little mortuary? You weren't sure.
You found the backdoor open and let yourself inside.
The barn was dimly lit and dusty, littered with coffins. Maybe this was were the mortuary stored coffins?...
You continued to explore, coming across a box of tapes. They all looked like the one that was sent to you, but they were labelled with places and dates. A lot of them you recognised as victims you had already looked into.
You could guess that they contained a similar material that was on the tape you saw.
Looking around at the various coffins, you took a breath before approaching one of them.
You muttered some words of encouragement to yourself before lifting the lid, both shocked and not shocked at all by the body laying inside.
Tearing your gaze away from the poor victim, you gently closed the coffin again.
The sound of a door opening and closing caught your attention.
You swiftly spun around, readying your gun and pointing it towards the location of the sound.
There he was. Chromeskull, in his black suit and skull shaped mask.
You were more surprised that he had actually shown up than the other things you have found.
"You showing off, huh?" you asked, a certain amount of your confidence being fake, "send me on a wild goose chase just to bring me here, show me all the fucked up shit you've done?"
You tensed when he reached into his pocket, furrowing your brow when he pulled out a phone. You kept your aim locked on him as he typed into the device.
'You've already seen it, Detective. What else do I have to show?' the robotic voice of his text to speech asked.
"What...you don't talk?" you asked and he gave one simple nod. "That voice is annoying, you know sign language?" he nodded, smirking under his mask, you just kept getting his attention. "Use that then, I understand it."
Surprisingly, he obeyed. Tucking the phone back into his pocket before signing, 'I don't need to ask if you came alone, if you followed my orders, I knew you would. I've been watching you.'
"I gathered. You've been taunting me, watching me for months, always keeping me blind to something" you glared at him.
You should just shoot him, claim he attacked you, you had no choice.
Nobody would question it, he would deserve it.
'You've been following me too. So, what have you learnt?'
That was the problem, you hadn't learnt anything.
"Nothing" you gritted out, mad about it, "but you already know that."
'Do you want to know everything? Why I do what I do, who works for me, how I get around so fast, why everything is cleaned up so well?'
"...why else would I be here?"
'Don't ask questions you don't want to answer too, Detective. Your little obsession brought you here, nothing else' you hated that he was right, 'put down the gun, on the table by the tapes, and I'll show you everything.'
Cursing under your breath, you walked over to the table and placed the gun down, looking up when you heard a car pulling up outside.
"Who's that?" you asked, turning to the masked man, wondering if this had been some set up all along. Of course it was.
'Preston. Very timely, but arrogant'
"Oh, and you're so humble?"
If he weren't wearing the mask, you would have seen his amused expression.
'Join me for a drive?'
"Are there more bodies in here?"
'Take a look for yourself.'
"Not everyone gets off of this like you."
'You have to admit it's an appropriate storage system, though.'
Your skin crawled as you looked around at the coffins in the room. You assumed that was a 'yes'.
"Very clever, you must have thought it was brilliant" you praised sarcastically.
'More practical than brilliant, but I see the poetic side to it' he was enjoying himself, that much was obvious. 'Now, that ride?'
With one last glance around the morbid barn, you nodded.
Chromeskull led you out of the barn confidently, letting you follow behind him like he just knew that you wouldn't do anything stupid.
And like the idiot you were, you followed him to the black car with tinted windows.
In gentlemanly gesture, Chromeskull opened the back door and let you in. You glanced up at the man suspiciously before climbing into the car, the driver glaring at you through the rear-view mirror.
Chromeskull slammed your door shut before rounding the car and climbing into the seat beside you.
That was when you realised that you knew the name of the driver but still not the name of Chromeskull.
He nodded to the driver and the next thing you knew, you were driving away from the little mortuary, leaving your own car behind.
You couldn't help but wonder if you just signed your death certificate.
And yet...something told you that you weren't going to die any time soon.
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
It seems like the Grace defenders are out on Reddit today and I’d like to hear your opinion . . .
Ok, first of all I DON’T hate Grace, but I do think the criticism of her delusional thinking is 100% justified. Like, if you ask MC about your man and then just ?? refuse to acknowledge the truth, girl that’s on you! Your willful ignorance is not MC or Ozzy’s fault!
My other huge problem is that people are complaining about Ozzy being shady because he’s ‘lying’ to Grace . . . But he’s not? It’s not like she’s asked him, ‘hey are you devoted to me?’ And he was like ‘of course babe, there’s only you!’ It’s more like he keeps trying to avoid saying ANYTHING about how he feels about her to AVOID lying. And we can find out that he hasn’t done bits or anything with her because he’s torn! He could easily be getting some with Grace while eyeing MC in the morning, which would absolutely be skeezy!
In conclusion, yes Ozzy is a bit of a pussy at this point, but it’s driving me nuts seeing people call him a liar, or worse than Noah because that just ain’t the motherfucking case 🙄 (and I’d rather be pining after a pussy like Ozzy than a liar like fucking finn)
Hiii nonny 💖
So with Grace I actually loved her from the beginning. She was so sweet to MC and gave off big bestie vibes. Supportive and pulling her for chats and defending her when Ivy was constantly jumping down our throats. It actually made me feel so bad about having to steal Ozzy from her eventually lol. But I think the thing here is just terrible writing. On day 2 she already had doubts about Ozzy, that he wasn’t totally into her when she had a chat with the girls. Then when MC had the chance to tell her Ozzy was into us she laughed it off and AGAIN in a now THIRD chat she still isn’t willing to accept it and wants to fight for her man. Frankly I get it bc I feel like if she likes him too she shouldn’t give up that easily.. so I’m actually glad she’s still in the ring. Side note: I do think the other big issue here with Grace is the fact that 6 seasons later, fb still has found a way to villainize the WOC. I need someone at fb to reflect on their choices and maybe take a critical race theory class or at least a gender, race and class studies class.
Back to Ozzy….It’s what day 5/6 atp? We haven’t even been in the villa for a week yet and people are demanding Ozzy propose marriage. We already know Ozzy isn’t the type to run into a relationship and he takes things slow. He was paired off with Grace in the first episode and bc of this he feels like he needs to give them a shot, especially because they got on so well from the start. (Remember when mc was looking around the villa at the couples talking day 1 - Ozzy and Grace seemed to be the most relaxed and most comfortable) but here’s the main thing you already touched on, as soon as Ozzy started having more chats with MC and realized that there might be something there he cooled things off with Grace and wasn’t doing bits with her. He’s not “lying” to Grace or to MC he’s conflicted about his feelings and is taking a pause to reflect on them and make a decision. If you tried to kiss him on the terrace he allows it for a millisecond and stops it saying it’s not fair to Grace and that he wants to be respectful. They’re making Ozzy out to be some sleazy guy when he’s literally far from it.
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kitty8804 · 11 days
My sibling and I just watched Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy and we came up with a bunch of sexuality and dating headcannons based on it. The conversation was very funny so I thought I would share our final consensus on this.
Tinker Bell : Pansexual
Get it? Because of Peter Pan. Tink just doesn’t really care. She has always done her own thing and that also applies to who she likes.
Silvermist: Bisexual
I originally thought of her as a lesbian, but her outfit in the Pirate Fairy was the Bi flag colors so she has to be Bi. I think she is a huge disaster bisexual, but is also denser than a brick. You could scream that you are in love with her and she will not get it.
Iridessa: Queer
She definitely isn’t straight. But neither of us can figure out what her sexuality is. We like to think that Iridessa identifies as queer because trying to commit to a single label gives her too much anxiety.
Fawn: Lesbian Asexual Gender Non Conforming
Look at this girl and tell me she doesn’t like girls! I dare you! I just can’t see her dating men at all. As for asexual we decided to use it as an umbrella term. I’m not sure where she lands on the spectrum. She definitely isn’t sex repulsed though. Also I think Fawn identifies as a girl but that doesn’t really mean anything to her. She sometimes uses they/them but very rarely.
Vidia: Lesbian
This girl gives mean lesbian vibes and we all know it. Also she has definitely kissed everyone in the main friend group at least once.
Rosetta: Bi-curious and Trans mtf
To my sibling she gives off huge trans girl vibes and I can definitely see it. I feel like it didn’t take long for her to transition after being born in Pixie Hallow. Maybe a couple months. A year tops. When she did come out everyone was like “Finally! She transitioned!” As for her being Bi-curious we think that she genuinely didn’t realize that girls were an option. It took two of the girls in the friend group dating for Rosetta to realize that she could date girls, and that she her completely normal thoughts about her friends were not as platonic as she thought. I like to think Fawn helped her figure some stuff out. But she does still like men and probably prefers them, even if only slightly. She is still with her boyfriend Sled.
So we came to the conclusion that Tink and Vidia dated for a bit, but broke up. No one really knows this because they kept it quiet since they have the same friend group and didn’t want things to be awkward if it didn’t work out. In the end the two are just not compatible romantically. Their tempers were the main reason. They joke about it now though.
We came to the conclusion that Tinker and Terence eventually do date. They are both polyamorous and are looking for a third, but no one seems interested.
Silvermist and Fawn are two dumbasses in a pod. They get into so much shit together. They love each other and have no shame.
Finally when watching the Pirate Fairy we noticed that Vidia was usually the one calming down Iridessa when she was having an anxiety attack and it was cute. I actually think they were the first of the friend group to start dating, but were very low key about it. When everyone found out Silvermist and Fawn started dating everyone said that they were the first of the friend group to start dating each other and Vidia just looked at everyone and stated that she and Iridessa had been dating for over a year. Everyone freaked out.
Periwinkle: AroAce
Girl thinks she is Pansexual like her sister because she feels the same about everyone. But she doesn’t realize that the feeling is platonic and lack of romantic and sexual interest.
Bobble: Gay Trans ftm
According to my sibling this man is too much of a twink to not be trans. Also this man is totally married to Clank and you can’t tell me other wise.
Clank: Gay
Like I said he and Bobble are married and that’s that.
Queen Clarion: Bisexual
I don’t know. She gives off mom bisexual vibes. I actually think she might have a slight preference for girls. She is madly in love with her boyfriend though.
Fairy Mary: Lesbian
She totally had a huge crush on Queen Clarion, but never pursued it because she could tell that Queen Clarion was not mentally ready for a relationship even if she didn’t know why.
Zarina: Bisexual
This girl is definitely not straight. I feel like she might be interested in being the third that Tink and Terence are looking for idk.
Terence: Just Ken
He is either the straightest dude bro ally in history or he’s Bi. There is no in between.
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saintsenara · 1 month
Hi! I’m curious on your opinions and thoughts on ships. If you still answer these questions, I have a few. Bellatrix/Voldemort/Barty Jr, Rita/Xenophilius, Bellatrix/Barty jr and Runcorn/Yaxley.
thank you very much for the ask, anon! and i will answer these shipping questions until the mountains crumble into the sea.
barty crouch jr./bellatrix lestrange... and maybe lord voldemort as well
judge rules... great for voldemort, fucking horrendous for the other two.
one of my favourite things about barty x death eater pairings is how you factor in his absolutely deranged [and - let's all be real - incredibly freudian] devotion to voldemort.
my conclusion is that this wouldn't be too much of an issue - besides the fact that it would obviously give barty pretty rancid vibes - in pairings where the other person is someone voldemort doesn't particularly care about.
but in pairings - such as, as i've talked about here, barty and snape - where voldemort is sufficiently interested in the other person that barty doesn't feel secure in the idea that he's daddy's favourite boy, i think he would be horrible, and that the relationship would be defined by obsessive, destructive jealousy.
the erotic potential of which is well known.
and so barty is going to detest bellatrix, because she - like snape - threatens his conviction that voldemort adores him above all his other minions. and he's right to feel this way - bellatrix is interesting as a death eater in that she's clearly voldemort's exception in terms of gender, who is permitted to defy what are clearly restrictive social conventions because of voldemort's authority, and who therefore depends even more profoundly on voldemort's goodwill than the male death eaters do.
bellatrix - canonically - understands this as something which makes her "special" and is proud of it. but she does also seem to be aware of the fragility of her position - hence her clear panic when snape starts to ascend in voldemort's favour following the prophecy debacle.
which means i think that smashing her and barty together is just going to result in them each trying to destroy each other in order to prevent their rival-slash-lover getting their grubby paws on the level of voldemort's attention they believe is their right.
lord voldemort, for his part, gets two people who worship him out of this arrangement - and he's sufficiently terrifying that bellatrix and barty have the sense to save their more violent sniping for when he's out of the house.
i think we can all agree that he would be very happy to play barty and bellatrix off against each other - especially if this resulted in a constant supply of forehead kisses, little presents, and eradicated enemies.
xenophilius lovegood/rita skeeter
for my sins, this is one i've answered before - here. spoiler alert... i back it.
albert runcorn/corban yaxley
yeah, this bangs. I'll go for it entirely.
runcorn is canonically tall and enormous, which is hot. he also - given that, when harry's disguised as him, nobody seems too shocked to discover him wandering aimlessly around the ministry not understanding how lifts work - appears not to be massively quick on the uptake.
which is to say - he's yaxley's huge [and only slightly malevolent] himbo boytoy. and yaxley - who has clear bitter betty vibes in all his canon appearances - strikes me as someone who'd really like a gentle [towards another pureblood...] giant he could feel cleverer than as a way of soothing his rage over being aired at the death eater meeting so voldemort could flirt with snape.
[voldemort not giving a solitary fuck about yaxley placing pius thicknesse under the imperius curse - despite the fact that it's something which takes considerable skill and despite the fact that the rest of the lads are made up for him - is genuinely one of the top ten funniest things he ever does. the man understands camp!]
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violets-and-books · 10 months
What is the appeal of trans Wylan to you? 👀 (Not asking this to be mean AT ALL I'm genuinely curious).
I never HCd him as trans just because that's not how I read him. I always pictured that if any of the crows were trans it would be Jesper or Kaz. I mostly lean towards Kaz though ngl.
I'm just curious as to your thoughts because trans!Wylan is decently popular and I've never seen anyone give a particular reason. Idk if it's vibes but I didn't assume so because I didn't get vibes but also everyone reads and HCs difficulty so 😂
What are your thoughts bestie 👀👀👀👀
Thanks for the ask! I've never actually thought about it in depth before
I'm gonna at a keep reading cos this turned out longer than I expected, lol
I guess at first it is the popularity of the HC? Yknow, so many people like it that it makes it's way into my brain, regardless of whether I thought it at first or not
Then it's also the potential for angst or backstory. I love potentials for angst so..... yea. I had this thought of 'oh, what if Jan supported Wylan being trans because he always wanted a son anyway but then Wylan couldn't read so everything went wrong from there?'
I don't actually believe Wylan is trans in canon, it's just a thing I think would be cool to explore in fanfic. Messing around with characters genders and gender expression can help me understand my own, especially when they have similar identities to me
Finally, this is a pretty stupid reason but: Me and one of my friends from DnD were both talking about our favourite characters and our HCs for their identities. And they said that any (male) character they liked who was a scientist 100% did their own top surgery or got one of their scientist friends to do their top surgery. Idk, it's just a thing that I guess stuck with me
I've thought about the other crows and gender. I do understand the appeal of Jesper being trans but it doesn't click in my mind, idk why. I was going through all the crows in my head one time and I ended up with the conclusion that to me, Jesper is the token cis of the group. Do with that info what you will, I suppose, heh (if that sounds rude, I'm not trying to be, sorry)
Kaz I see as trans!! Kaz I FULLY see as trans!!! Finally someone else with the same idea!!!
Idk if this helped or explained it very well (I've only just woken up lol) but yeah :)))
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twotwinks · 5 months
Hinata and Yuta!!!
my babies......i have been thinking about them So Hard today........rotating them in my mind forever
Sexuality headcanon: i mean. everyone is enstars is gay right sdfkjhsd. i don't think it's something he gives much thought to though he is far too busy overworking himself and then staying up too late playing video games (he's just like me fr.....wait does that mean i can make him aro too)
Gender headcanon: cis boy (man? he's still a Baby to me i simply cannot handle the thought of him being 18 and a third year oh my god i'm gonna explode) but he's down for a little genderfuckery when the opportunity presents itself. i feel like he'd put "cis, any pronouns" in his bio but also i don't want to give the people who love misgendering characters when talking about their canon versions any more ammunition
A ship I have with said character: i will be honest, none! i just haven't seen much chemistry between him and any other guys. i know tetsuhina is pretty popular but i just don't really like tetora enough for that dkjdkj. i also like his relationship with sora as friendship only. so yeah, i'm not really interested in pairing him off with anybody! (wait is this more evidence for the aro take)
A notp I have with said character: again, i am simply not invested enough in shipping him to really care sklhdfljk. i've already talked about tetsuhina and hinasora, i think the only other ship i really see consistently is hinahiiro which. i am too into hiiai for that too :laugh:
A random headcanon: he smells like a vanilla sugar cookie candle
General opinion over said character: MY SPECIALEST BABY BOY I'M CRY ABOUT HIM ALL THE TIME he never does anything right and he will never learn his lesson but he's trying so fucking hard and that's so important to me. god i want him to rest he's been going going going for almost his entire life he doesn't know how to stop any more he doesn't know how not to be a self-sacrificing big brother he doesn't know who he is anymore. i want to give him a hot chocolate and wrap him in a warm blankie and just let him sit and decompress for a while. and then i'm forcibly dragging him to therapy
Sexuality headcanon: bi grayace! he's the biggest romantic ever but that's probably all he's interested in. give him a candlelight dinner and then go the fuck home
Gender headcanon: this may surprise people given how i'm talking in the rest of this list but TRANS GIRL. my trans yuta universe (yuuniverse?) lives rent free in my head she's so important to me i love her so much. i think it would just be a very cool conclusion to her search for identity arc and finally create a strong enough division between who is yuta and who is hinata that they'd both finally be able to fully realize themselves as individuals. however, as noted above in hinata's section, i also really can't stand misgendering the canon versions of characters, so you won't see me referring to yuta as a girl unless i am specifically talking about my trans headcanon.
A ship I have with said character: still nothing.....i think i am simply too invested in the twins' relationship with each other to have the headspace to think about shipping them with people. yuushino's pretty cute though!
A brotp I have with said character: i constantly wanna see more yuta and himeru interactions they both have the same similar sort of gentle polite vibe and also there's all the lovely Identity Issues
A notp I have with said character: again i simply Do Not Care dkdklsd. also i've really only seen him shipped consistently with shinobu which i'm fine with. i'm sure there are sora and tori and tsukasa shippers too but i'm very neutral on all of it.
A random headcanon: very strong. i think he could pick me up easy
General opinion over said character: ALSO MY PRECIOUS BABY OK HINATA MAY BE MY FAVORITE ON PAPER BUT THAT'S JUST A TECHNICALITY THEY ARE EQUAL IN MY HEART i think he's such a fascinating character because if you're on his good side he's one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. it's easy to forget sometimes though because there are a lot of people on his bad side and if you're on his bad side then He Wants You Dead. he will never forgive he will never forget it's just Violence all the time. He Contains Multitudes!!! he also needs therapy except unlike his brother i think he would willingly go so i don't need to drag him instead i will prepare a nice little treat for when he gets back and then he's getting blanketed too babey. i can poorly braid his hair while we talk it'll be great
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Random thought time:
-I don’t typically like fics where anyone other then Izuku is gender bent because I’m my experience it becomes this weird sort of… bleh mess that doesn’t stay true to the characters.
For example: fics where Todoroki is turned female give me weird vibes a lot (not all but some) because they make her less Shouto and more ‘ice Queen girlfriend who is emotionally intelligent and super smart’ when in reality Shouto is an emotionally dense wall. Not dumb (defiantly not as often shown in fanfic) but he’s not that smart about emotional or social stuff. By removing that you remove a huge part of his character. And sure different socialization but let’s be real: I can still see Endevaour moulding Fem!Shouto into his successor especially if Rei can’t have more kids. (Headcanon but yeah) so her experiences are mostly the same.
Other examples include just… they like make the characters so off in my head it’s hard to read. Like I read a Fem Kirishima where she was all long hair and giggles and I’m like: Fem!Kiri is the biggest ducking himbo in the world who is jacked as fuck and has her short spiky hair still. That’s Kirishima.
- I’m still salty about the ‘this character is bisexual with a harem but only has the opposite gender in the harem’ shit.
- I find myself not giving a fuck about Tsu more and more but I’m reminding myself it’s cause of fanfics and that I need to research shit to get back to liking her. I still don’t like Izu/Ocha/Tsu though and never will.
- I have come to the conclusion I will refuse to make Iida, All Might or Izuku a bad person in fics because they get enough shit and I love them.
- I really want to write a story with an older sister for Izuku who ends up raising him cause I’m giggling over the idea.
- I hate time travel in the sense of ‘we can go back in time but cannot interact with anyone due to paradox’. I like it as in ‘the world ended so fuck it. Let’s go back and try again’.
- I find myself wishing I’d not had Inko be a bad person in POTSOD, but I don’t fully mind cause I like writing Dadzawa.
- I sometimes wish to try and write out Raising Kacchan but fuuuuuuck I don’t wanna deal with Stan’s finding it and then my other shit.
- I am very annoyed each time I see a tiktok whining about genderbends. Yes, some suck. Others though are fucking amazing as they observe shit.
-I had Shinsou/Jirou ONCE and now my brain keeps poking it with a stick.
- I refuse to write ShinKami anymore because I can’t stop just seeing smaller EraserMic and it feels so cheap to do it because fan authors literally make it the whole thing that it’s the second coming and fuuuuuck it’s boring.
- Ms Joke’s flirting should be treated like how Mineta flirts as Aizawa does not seem to be amused by it, and his reaction to her showing up is oh shit, not ‘oh yes!’
- I wanna write a one sided crush for Aphrodite Rising that ends very badly as in scorched earth who isn’t someone anyone expects because I wanna make it hurt and really examine how toxic views on things can affect anyone and sometimes you don’t realize how toxic they are until it’s staring you in the face.
- Any fic that has any character other then Izuku be Quirkless (Uraraka, Shout, Bakugou and so on) should be avoided in my mind because half the time it’s a thin excuse to bash Izuku and the other it’s just dumb. Write him getting into the hero course!!
- I still believe the best character arc for Bakugou is for him to never rise about the mid rankings as this shows he will accept it’s not a competition and that heroics should be about saving people not beating them.
- I would have 90% less of an issue with Bakuhou is it wasn’t for the idea that Izuku HAS to be his friend after.
- I have ranted about the above before.
- … I have in fact read some B@kuDe€u fics that weren’t bad, but like that’s a rare fucking find that doesn’t have Izuku be a freaking doormat that just smiles and nods at the shit that Bakugou pulls.
- I got called a hypocrite a while back on POTSOD and I think it was about Bakugou and you know what? Fuck it. Fine, call me that. I’ll admit it. Will anyone else admit they’re one to for stabbing the fuck out of him while screaming about Endevaour?
- speaking on that the more I think about it the more I’m like: I might… kind… maybe… sorta… don’t mind his redemption arc because while I firmly think the message you must always forgive your abuser is a shitty one I do know that at least he is trying. I just think it’s a bit to little to late but he acknowledges that at least in some cases.
- someone said they hate Magne because people only like her as she’s trans and they ignore Toger and stuff. They were also giving off mad homophobic and transphobic vibes with their shit though but… fucking hell they had a point and I hate it. Magne’s character is so flat that… yeah. That’s a fucking point for a lot of her love. (Not that it’s wrong or anything but where is the Tiger love?)
- I plan on redemption arcs for Toga in a few fics but I’ll be blunt they are not what people normally expect.
- I love asshole Dabi but I do enjoy my ‘he’s a good brother’ fics it’s just asshole Dabi is more fun to write. Maybe I’ll try one day to write it but until then… yeah.
- I’ve warmed up to TodoDeku and UraDeku more but I still stand by the idea that Iida often gets forgotten and he should be around way more. I see to many fics replace him with Todoroki and it kind of made me salty about the platonic friendship between Todo and Izuku. Why are you replacing Iida?!
- JiroMomo has reached a similar state as UraTsu to me: I find it stale because it’s often used in fics as a background pairing and sure they’re friends but there’s the ‘get the girls out of the way’ vibe mixed with ‘yeah they’re friends but… can I personally see chemistry!?’
- it is after midnight and I think my laundry is done after my giant ass purge/clean today so good night. Send me asks about this shit to if you want
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suckmybussy · 1 year
okay i got interesting take
in my opinion, like 90% of straight romances/ships are FUCKING BORING, and usually try to spice it up, by adding more girls, this opinion i hold so dear, that i was on verge from.trying to strangle my friend, for saying <insert harem name> was really good romance.
But why could that be so? because lots of straight romances just follows base line of, "cute/shy" or whatever girl, and more dominant than her guy with interests like "i literally just exist in this series with no other purpose than wanting gf", and follow most basic set gender standards, and most basic made up relationship dysmorphia where girl is clearly bottom, and guy is the top/he "leads" the relationship, you get what i mean? 100% not, it wont stop me tho.
While yuri/yaoi ships always derive from most boring version of relationship that church people gaslit us into thinking is only valid way, by sheer fact that either both character fill same role or one of them has to not follow the most basic made up gender rules, like bottom.guy, or maybe huge girl who searches for little bunny girl etc. Like, just taking most basic romance plot ever, and genderbending one of characters by itself changes whole vibe so much!
But ofc, not all straight romances are bad, that would imply any romance is bad (i mean, there are few bad romances, like wanting to date children, but for sake of this ride of a post, we are talking about 2 consenting people of either similar age for teenagers, or just 2 consenting adults ok?), but the only good straight romances i saw, were the ones that just didnt really gave much fuck about being the most generic romance plot, and doing that would make any romance good (m/m, m/f, f/f etc), one of my favourite examples, would be violet evergarden! yeah, it does for the most part follow the rules of strong protective man, and small fragile girl (except for the fact that violet absolutelly kicks ass), but series itself isnt about 2 charcaters dating, Its about violet learning what love is, and not just romantic one, she learns about sibling love, parent/child love, love for world, love for work and many more! What makes it good is not us seeing them dating, its how we togehder with Violet slowly learn more about love, slowly growing attached to him, this love story is very beautifull, because its not focusing on that part.
(at this point i had hard time finding more proof of good hetero romances, so i had to dig throught list if stuff i watched etc) Also, one of my fave mangas of all time, was domestic na kanojo, where the romance being interesting, was enforced by, lemme check my notes, 2 sisters competing for their step brother, where 1 is his teacher and other is girl he lost virginity with. You can see im streching my arguments at this point huh. Whatever, in this series, what makes it actually interesting love story and not easy porn material, is all the hardships charcaters go throught, and questions it gives! Natsuo wanting hina, but knowing its just some stupid kids love, constantly hurting rui as resoult of his inner conflict about hina, wanting to get close with rui, and suddenly cutting it off because he is just a kid who is scared, of what might be, as i used to be kid, i very much know the feeling od wanting to do something, but being scared to commit, constantly swinging between wanting it, and being afraid, only hurting other in process.
okay this one is quite boring romance, but in interesting way so as per last argument, lets talk about "Rascal does not dream about bunny girl senpai" where mc gets the girl after like 2 episodes, and then we just see them, chill like cute couple, or get a bit jealous, its not much, but i find it interesting to see quite realistic (from standpoint of someone who's longest relationship lasted 2 months, including 1 month breakup), but she anime isnt about it, so seeing them being nice, realistiy behaving couple is nice addition
In conclusion, straight romances fucking suck and dont recomend them to me without 3 pages explanation why it doesnt suck, harems get instant no-no tho
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