#my first ever ever if you can call it that was fluttershy so like
frostbite-the-bat · 2 years
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been meaning to draw fluttgirshy for a while now. this song changed my life i think
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jadeddangel · 3 months
BUT YEAH like the comment said the first part on the fluttershy one
You and Adam went way back, ever since eve ate the apple and Lilith left him for lucifer. You had taken over caring for the garden and with you and Adam being the only ones allowed back in the garden. You were quiet and didn't talk much to other angels just the animals and plants.
You were sitting in the garden surrounded by animals and plants. You had grown attached to the animals in the same way they had grown attached to you. Your dress was covered in soil stains and small bites taken out of the bottom from goats and sheep. You were humming and spinning happily in the ankle tall grass as you plucked ripe fruit from trees and bushes and even the apple tree, though the apples were made into fertilizer instead of eaten. It was calm and therapeutic almost. This was your heaven.. not those busy streets, just you here alone with nature. That was until you heard a Crack of twigs, and normally you would brush it off but it seemed like the weight was too heavy, you turned around sharply to be met with Adam just a few feet behind you. You immediately stopped dancing your face bright red in embarrassment, " A-Adam!! What are you doing here?" You raised your voice a bit at him. Adam smirked. "awwe don't be shy, girly, keep dancing." I liked the show~" Adam teased, and you felt like you were gonna collapse in on yourself. You shook your head no repeatedly, causing Adam to laugh loudly. "Be careful. You'll snap your neck doing that." You stopped immediately embarrassed from him, calling you out like that. "What did you need, Adam?" You asked softly. Adam shook his head "always thinking that you know me, yknow women aren't supposed to think " Adam said walking closer and poking your forehead roughly causing your head to jerk back from the pressure "Adam please.. I have stuff to do.." you muttered, holding Adam's hand and pulling it away from you. Adam shook his head "Alright alright but don't say nothing when they threatened to burn the witch, I wanted to talk to you about feelings," Adam said begrudgingly "feelings? I uhm.. I don't know much about them but I can listen?" You said softly before sitting down and patting the ground in front of you. Adam sighed. "There's this chick, I've known her for centuries, and to be honest, I really like her its.. hard to be mean to her? It's hard to say mean things and to push her away." Adam ranted, taking deep breaths every now and then. You then put the pieces together " I know how you feel I like this guy he's uhm really mean sometimes and doesn't always treat me the best but he's there" you said meekly before bringing your knees to your chest as you got a bit embarrassed.
Now Adam may be dumb at times but this time he clicked on quickly and smirked scooching a bit closer to her "and if this handsome and oh so amazing man asked you out " Adam nudged you a bit teasing you. With a small nod you hinted that you would say yes. "I'll pick you up tonight we can have dinner at my place alright?" Adam smirked a bit and got up holding his hand out for you to help you up, you took his hand as he tugged her up off the garden floor.
It was a few hours later when Adam went by your door to pick you up (yk that dress fluttershy wears when she turns human? Yea that one) you were wearing a dress waiting just outside your door for him to come get you. Adam turned the corner right before your door and he froze seeing you "woah.. damn butterfly didn't know you dressed up that nice " Adam smiled at you.. a genuine smile.. no mask between the 2 of you
"You look amazing too adam.."
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its-elioo · 8 months
Incorrect quotes (RnM fanfic related)
Rainbow: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?
Sideswipe: What?
Rainbow: I want to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved.
Sideswipe: Can we go back to the part where you said “when I get murdered”?
Sunset: I want to be a caterpillar.
Optimus: Explain?
Sunset: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful.
Optimus: You are aware that they have a lifespan of two to five weeks, correct?
Sunset: That’s another highlight.
Optimus: Sunset, no—
Bumblebee: I’m not mad, I just want to know why you need a fake ID.
Fluttershy: *mumbles*
Bumblebee: What was that?
Fluttershy: …You need to be over 18 at Petco to hold the puppies.
Optimus: You are very mature for your age, Sunset.
Sunset: Thanks, it’s the trauma.
Rainbow: Sibling relationships are weird.
Rainbow: Like, I’d give Sideswipe my life on a dangerous mission without a second thought but there’s no way in hell that I’d give him a single fry from my McDonald’s meal.
Rarity: *hurts herself*
Rarity: SH-oot!
*Knock Out and Sideswipe look at each other in confusion*
Sideswipe: What was that?
Rarity: I don’t swear.
Knock Out: Why not?
Rarity: It’s not ladylike. No well-mannered woman does it.
Rainbow: *walks by in the background and stubs her toe*
Rainbow: FUCK!
Rarity: …most of us anyway.
Twilight: Excuse me, who’s in charge here?
Ratchet: Well, usually whoever yells the loudest.
Rarity: We can’t kill him!
Knock Out: Not with that attitude, we can’t.
Fixit, gesturing to Twilight: Sir, that’s my emotional support human.
Pinkie: You call it a near death experience-
Rainbow: We call it a vibe check from God!
Ratchet: *optic twitches*
Sunset: When I asked if my day could get any worse it was rhetorical question. NOT A CHALLENGE!
Sunset: I stopped a murder today.
Optimus: Good job, Sunset. I’m proud of you. How did you do it?
Sunset, staring seriously and ominously at Optimus: Self-Control.
Bulkhead: What are your superpowers again?
Applejack: Super-strength, agility and stamina, yo mamma jokes-
Bulkhead: Yo mamma jokes?
Applejack: Well Bulk, I’m an orphan so they can’t say anything back.
Bulkhead: Kid—
Ratchet: How would you rate your pain?
Twilight: Zero stars, would not recommend.
Rainbow: Hey, Ratch.
Ratchet: *sighs* Yes?
Rainbow: If you say the words “control alt delete” do you just, like, straight up die?
Ratchet: Every day I convince myself humans are intelligent life forms and every day I am proven wrong.
Sunset: I’m willing to do a lot of things.
Sunset: But admitting to Optimus that I’m cold after he told me to bring a jacket is not one of them.
Everyone else: Knock Out, no!
Knock Out: Knock Out, yes!
Rarity: Knock Out, no.
Knock Out: Knock Out, no.
Fluttershy: *staring blankly at a wall*
Bumblebee: Fluttershy? What’s wrong?
Fluttershy: Did you know that rap stands for ‘rhyme and poetry’?
Bumblebee: *sits down and joins Fluttershy in staring at the wall*
Arcee: You’re okay, right? You’re not hurt?
Twilight: No, no, no, I’m fine! Totally fine, no, no, I’m fine.
Arcee: Really? Because you’re repeating your words you look pale and you look like you’re about to topple over.
Twilight: Yeah, you might wanna catch me.
Twilight: [holds up a cauliflower in front of Ratchet] What is this?
Ratchet: … a cauliflower?
Twilight: [turns to Pinkie and Smokescreen] Okay, now tell him what you think it is.
Both: Ghost broccoli!
Rainbow: I’m ten times funnier than you.
Sideswipe: Ten times zero is still zero.
Rainbow: Well, jokes on you, I can’t do math.
Arcee: You’re up early this morning.
Twilight: …
Arcee: You never went to sleep, did you?
Rainbow: You’re an attention-seeker.
Sideswipe: What?! I’m the total opposite of an attention-seeker. I’m the best there ever is, I do not- hey, don’t look away when I’m talking here!
Knock Out: Do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you!
Knock Out: Please ask me to kill for you.
Rarity: …First of all, calm down.
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bishopony · 18 days
Hello, I have heard that you wanted your followers to show their MLP/other collections, so here is mine! It's not much, but that was all I could find right now.
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Here is my collection of MLP figures/plushies. Some of the figures have been messed up a bit...You can see some red marker on Fluttershy's hooves (it ain't blood, ya nutso!) and even one of the wings is missing on Starsong. I never found it but that's ok because imperfect is ok :) Funko Pops are also in here...Pre-Alicorn Twilight, Trixie, Seapony Twi, and Bluebelle (an exclusive!).
There's also other stuff I put in there like four little unicorns I got at the dentist, a unicorn stress ball (her name is Believe), a LEGO Creator 3-in-1 unicorn set (you can also build it into a peacock or unicorn seahorse), and the unicorn from the Inside Out movie.
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Next up, comics and misc! There's the Elements of Harmony official guidebook (covering MLP FiM stuff from seasons 1-3 from the show), lots of comics bunched up, and even a signed comic from Brenda Hickey (to the left of the first-ever MLP comic, if you look closely)! The story behind that is that in 2015 my city held its very own comic-con called "Starfish Con" and Brenda just happened to be there. I also came home with the first FIENDship is Magic comic and a big poster featuring the Mane 6 and the Starfish Con mascot drawn by Brenda. Unfortunately, the con was short lived and ended around 2016-ish :(
And here's something else...a G3.5 sticker sheet from a coloring book with all the stickers still intact! (fun fact I started MLP from this generation)
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And finally, some pins and buttons! I am a sucker for these things...anyway, some of these I found lying around at middle/high school (the LGBTQ equal-sign button, a button of some anime girl I really don't know about but looked cool, and the "love who you love" pin) while others come from places I went to in the past or given to me as gifts. The MLP buttons I have are Rainbow Dash, Derpy's Cutie Mark, and (new to the collection) a hilarious face of baby Flurry Heart and Misty Brightdawn from the G5 comics. I got them at my first-ever HarmonyCon back in February.
That's all for my MLP-related collection! Hope you like it :)
very nice collection! found stuff is always cool, and I've always liked the mlp funkos
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danganronpa96 · 9 months
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Oh, this is very interesting. I assume you mean like from the DR3 anime, so (rubs hands together)
Luigi - going into a room with the lights on (as no. 2, isn’t it your duty to be in the dark? Also this could stir up some interesting situations in the dark)
Mario - running or jumping (can’t yahoo his way out of this one)
Peter - talking (yep not a peep outta funny family moments guy, no cutaway gags no nothing, what will tiktoks use for footage now)
Brian - reading or writing (no books, no laptops, no pens. He won’t be needing them)
Miku - speaking in English (as an idol, it’s her goal to spread her voice to everyone around the world, so what if it was limited? She can still speak Japanese, and Chinese, but only a select few will understand her. Sure, it’s fine for those who can translate, but what if she was in a dire situation with someone who couldn’t…?)
Teto - Hatsune Miku dying (since she loves her so much, she’ll do anything to protect her, even if that goes for protecting her own life too)
Nagito - telling the truth (kinda like his despair disease, seems he can only lie or keep quiet… How can someone who hardly has any trust here gain any now?)
Sans - telling a joke/pun (at first this was gonna be a joke answer, but… it would be tough for him to remain serious in situations where he’d rather not be)
Parappa - crying (he really has to keep believing now, or else he’ll be clawing not to let all those emotions spill out)
Fluttershy - touching another animal participant that isn’t herself (therefore she cannot tend to any of them if the time comes)
Ashley - being more than a room apart from another person (ultimately forcing her to stick around people rather than isolate herself)
Ayano - not killing anyone in 20 days (this would really challenge her “yandere” persona, and reluctance to kill here)
2D - listening to music (this goes for music out of speakers, hearing someone sing, and even humming a tune. Man loves music so what if no song machine /album ref)
Mr. Krabs - giving or accepting a bargain (not just with money, but favours, requests, and payback all count too)
Dedede - fighting with another participant (whether physically or verbally)
The Conductor - witnessing any act of violence (since he is usually is very disregarding of other’s safety, especially during filming his own movies, perhaps now he has a chance to redeem himself with preventing danger)
Hayasaka - giving the poison antidote he was provided to someone else (he can save someone else who triggered their action, at the cost of his own life…. (I smile deviously))
Kurumada - flirting with Hayasaka /JJJ ok but actually using his physical strength to protect someone (this goes for violent acts such as punching, or manual labour such as catching heavy objects from falling)
Mai - making eye contact with anyone (she’s such an outgoing, bubbly gal… so what if she could never meet someone eye to eye ever again? Never being able to look at the ones she loves properly… oh my)
Walter - telling a lie (cue a Walter White version of the Pinnochio scene from Shrek 3)
Jesse - swearing (Jesse don’t say “bitch” challenge impossible 5 dead 20 injured)
Saiki - using his telepathy to communicate (either open your mouth or say nothing, Saiki, your choice)
Kaidou - daydreaming (this includes roleplaying as the Jet Black wings and wearing his bandages and blazer over his shoulders, no more fantasies grow up boy /jjj)
Retsuko - raising her voice (this goes for her heavy metal screaming as well, she can’t stand up for herself anymore seeing as she mostly did it on her own in private)
Natsuki - being called “cute” (I think this would be simple but effective, cue her attempting to never share her forbidden action, and doing all she can to never be called such a thing, even going so far to be as rude as possible even if she doesn’t want to be)
Yuri - everyone does not die in 30 days (if she really wants everyone to die, she’ll do all that she can to make sure it happens before it’s too late for her. Whether she utilises their forbidden actions to do the trick or not is up for thought…)
Hiroshi - touching white objects (such as plates, paper, his own scarf… how practical can one practical boy be now?)
Brian - witnessing spiritual or supernatural activity (this could be talk of religion, going to the Shrine, reading books about such things, and anything to do with Mr. Devil…)
Bojack - participating in the consumption of alcohol (rip this guy IMMEDIATELY)
Latte - verbally conversing with a student (she can be around them, and use body language, but speaking is a no-no, so much for being a professor huh-)
L - performing any of his usual quirks (includes sitting with his knees up, eating sweets, holding things with his index finger and thumb etc., L be normal challenge)
Ena - changing emotional states (meaning they can’t go into their sad, drunk, depressed etc. states. Oh boy get ready for a challenge folks)
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insidejizz · 1 year
ROBOTUS alpha-beta headcanons
first writing post is gonna be some general headcanons for everyones favorite robot =) feel free to request any other characters , or anything at all 
// he wont outright say it but he. has a bias against bears because of bearo now.
mostly he just makes like petty comments if he sees a bear or anything? calls them stupid and annoying
of course this would quickly change if anyone gave him something that was a bear.
hed make some comment about it, something about how "you must not know me very well if you thought this was a good gift" but also he. wont give it up no matter what.
like if they offered to get him something else? its instantly 'no takebacks live with your choices' because he refuses to genuinely say he likes something that is bear themed.   but he does.
// i think if he had access to more shows (reagan please give him access to ur streaming services PLEASE) he would still love lighthearted cheesy shit like sitcoms
like as much as he enjoys high stakes where humans all die (lol), he finds it a lot more fun to watch shows where its just a bunch of. harmless idiots existing.
the office, parks and rec, schitts creek, etc etc. 
of course this makes him. insufferable to any non-sitcom enjoyer but if you show him other things you can wean him off of it u just gotta find other funny shows
one time he compared reagan to sheldon from big bang theory. he didnt….. mean it to be mean? it was a simple observation, but it did NOT go over well with reagan 
other shows he would enjoy, imo;
the good place
game shows! he gets SO heated watching gameshows bc he will play along and get mad if he cant get the answers right shgsghjdsjgn
gravity falls
// does not know his own strength sometimes and will just like crush shit in his hand accidentally
like he doesnt. MEAN to but hell be holding something and then flex his hand a little to make sure its not locking up and WHOOPS he crushed that solo cup and now reagan has to fix a beer-logged robot arm
tries to hold a cardboard box gently and just rips holes into it trying to get the right strength grip on the box
with things that are more solid, hes just fine because he can stop when he feels resistance and know he's holding it firmly but not breaking anything
but with fragile things? there is no resistance and then its broken and hes like. aw fuck
// myc gave him a furby at one point. said he found it in storage and it reminded him of ab because it never shuts up and runs on batteries.
ab HATES it. absolutely loathes the thing. it sets a bad example for robotkind, its UGLY, its ANNOYING, and he CANT MAKE IT SHUT UP.
has taken out the batteries before . insists that it kept going even after he took them out so he just put them back in anyway
( in reality he took the batteries out, got lonely, and put them back in)
he gave it a name but its like. a WEIRD ASS name. its essentially just a glitch noise
said he did it bc "no human should ever be allowed to sully its name" which is. oddly endearing in his own way
if you are able to sneak up on him you might be able to hear him cooing at the furby. plots world domination with it like an evil mastermind and his cat
cried watching the first equestria girls movie, refuses to admit he cried watching the first equestria girls movie.
he also… secretly imagines the gang as the mane six? it wasnt hard for him to decide who was who and he will just sit there during meetings like "haha that is SO rainbowdash of you myc…."
(if youre interested, his assignments are :)
myc ; rainbow dash
glenn ; applejack
gigi ; rarity
reagan ; twilight sparkle
andre ; pinkie pie
brett ; both spike and fluttershy. ab will argue for both and he will win the argument.
(btw he sees himself as sunset shimmer<3<3<3<3)
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Bride of Discord Chapter 8: the gift
Fluttershy's usual nightmare was interrupted by a Booming, familiar voice: "STAY AWAY FROM HER OR SHALL THEE BE SMITTEN BY MY WRATH."
The draconequus then vanished and a certain blue alicorn appeared before her in the darkness.
"Princess Luna?" she gasped.
"is thee alright, Fluttershy?" the princess inquired.
"Yes. Thank you, but…I heard you could enter dreams, but how come you haven't shown up before?"
"Apologies, for I have many subjects. It was very inconsiderate of me not to have rid your head of that creature before. But Fluttershy, your friends worry about you. Has he been cruel to you in any way?"
"Well, not exactly, but…"
She gulped. "He…he wants me to love him."
Luna's eyes widened ever so lightly. "Pardon?"
"You see, I…I convinced him to postpone the wedding, but he wants me to love him first."
"thou hast loved many creatures, but none of our own intelligence. Can thou love this creature?"
"He's…not so bad…"
"Fluttershy, he is a deceitful creature!"
"But…he already has me…"
"I mean not to keep thou paranoid. But do not let simple acts of gifts or compliments be misidentified ad compassion. thou needn't love him because he loves thee."
Luna's image began to shift. It became blurred. "You're waking! I must go!"
"Tell my friends I'm okay!" Fluttershy shouted. "Tell them…"
She didn't get to finish as the sunlight had awoken her. She checked the squiggly handed clock on the wall. It was seven in the morning. At some point in her weeping yesterday, she had fallen asleep. Had she really been asleep for that long?
There was a knock at her door. She didn't need to ask who it was.
"Come in?"
As she had figured, it was Discord who opened the door, a wide grin upon his face.
"Good morning, my beauteous bride!" he chimed. "You certainly were tired to have slept the whole day! Well, now that you're up, how about some breakfast?"
"Um, sure?"
Honestly, she really wanted something to eat, but did not want to spend more time with Discord. I don't wanna be rude, of course i should Give him a chance! she told herself. After all, he's probably not used to being nice to ponies.
With a snap of his fingers, she was seated at the table. Discord materialized behind her.
"What would my lovely fiancé like this morning? Pancakes? Toast? Muffins?"
"Um, pancakes would be…"
A stack of pancakes appeared in front of her before she could finish her sentence
"I trust you slept well?" he inquired.
"Yes," she fibbed.
"And the bed? Was it comfortable enough?"
"Oh, yes, very."
He leaned his face toward her. "I have a gift for you."
He opened his paw and summoned a jade bracelet. Fluttershy looked at it unsurely as he slid it on her hoof.
"Well, it's nothing compared to you."
His head rested on top of her's, before she pushed him off rather quaintly.
The next few days blurred into themselves. It was monotonous. Cold. Or warm if she wanted it. Or snowy. Does the queen want flax seed? Does she want music, or gems, or towels or dresses?! Now does she love him? Or now? Or now? Click! It's me! You have to give me what I want and even then you'll never see the others! Click! Creeeaaaak, tromp, poof!
One day, she absolutely refused to come out of her room. It wasn't until the afternoon that Discord attempted to lure her out.
"Oh, Fluttershy!" he called. "Your knight in shining armor doth hath arrived! Or something."
She opened the door slightly to see the draconequus in a suit of gold armor, holding a bouquet of roses upside down. When he noticed this error, he quickly corrected it. Fluttershy just slammed the door without a second glance. Discord frowned, but kept his cool.
"Come now, my dear. You've been in there all day."
"Go away!" she screamed.
He clenched his teeth as he made the armor and flowers disappear. "I've been patient with you, pony, but you really don't want to make me angry!"
"Go ahead! Get angry! Every night you ask me the same question and I will always give the same answer! It's still no!"
"Come out here, right now!" he bellowed.
There was a pause, and then a soft, but defiant, "No."
"You can't stay in there forever!"
"Oh, yes I can! I have an endless supply of food in here! NONE OF IT IS LOVE."
"I really should have rethought putting that microwave in," he muttered, face palming himself
He took a deep breath. Play it cool, Discord. He spoke in a softer voice.
"Will you come out?"
He grunted, but then tried a different tactic. "Will you come out, please?"
"No, thank you!"
He erupted like a volcano. "You come out here this instant!"
"I won't! And you can't make me! Bleeeegghhhh!" She blew raspberries. He thought he even heard a giggle behind the mahogany.
"Have you forgotten who I am?!"
With a snap of his fingers, she was out in front of the door. He used his index finger to levitate the engagement ring around her neck, lifting her in the process.
"You promised yourself to me," he growled, pointing toward the ring, "and you are going to be my wife, love me or not!
Seeing his dark expression, Fluttershy was truly afraid of him at this moment, but she stayed strong and glared back at him. "Fine! Marry me then! Don't wait for me to love you! Because there is no way in this world I could ever JUST RANDOMLY fall in LOVE!"
"Oh, is that so?! Well, let's stop wasting time then! We'll be married first thing in the morning, whether you like it or not!"
As he released his magic from her, she crossed her hooves and turned away.
"That's it, missy! Go to your room!"
"You're not my mother!"
"well I'm your husband! so get used to my orders!"
"Well, I'm your future wife, so get used to my complaints!"
"Whatever! We're still getting married tomorrow, so ha!"
She slammed the door angrily. Then she rushed to her bed. She wanted so desperately to cry, but she felt to powerful to do so. her giggling turned into sobbing. Golly, what am I becoming in here!?
"Oh, that pony!" Discord grunted.
Then he heard the pony's weeping and his anger faded. He hadn't meant to make her cry, but none of this was working! He covered his ears, trying to block out her whining as he teleported to his bedroom.
His angel and devil appeared, in their ridiculous glory.
"What will it take?!" he cursed.
"Lots of whining and crying," the devil muttered.
"Give her time," the angel advised. "You did take away her friends and freedom after all."
"But she agreed to it!"
"So what's the point in making her fall in love with you?" the reflection inquired. "Why is that the plan? Do you have a plan?"
"Of course I do! Did you not hear me earlier?!"
"I mean I think that pony's turned you soft!"
Discord blinked and then growled. "Soft?! You're calling me, the Master of Chaos, soft?!"
"He's got a point, you been being sappy." the devil agreed.
"You're not supposed to agree with them!" Discord exclaimed.
"Come now, even I know you're not perfect."
The draconequus cried out and stomped his foot, which made the sound of thousands of glasses shattering. Then realization hit him.
"Why am I talking to you?" he asked as he flicked the angel and devil off his shoulders. "You're all me! I can't take advice from myself! I need to ask some pony else."
He tapped his chin until he came up with an idea.
Zecora was shocked to open her door and find the Lord of Chaos standing there.
"Hello, neighbor!" he waved. His usual wear, (that being nothing,) was now replaced with a nice red knit sweater. Underneath was a fancy button-down, a colorful tie, and navy slacks. A puppet was on his hand.
Her mouth was open, but she could get no words out
"You're not still mad about me turning your hut upside-down, are you?" he asked as he invited himself in. "It was nothing personal, just chaos.
"Um…" Zecora stammered.
He rolled his eyes. "Alright, so here's the deal. I hear you're good at giving advice. Am I right?" The zebra nodded absent mindedly. "Well, I need it! And if you tell any pony about this, I'll turn you into an acorn to feed to the squirrels!"
"Alright!" She cleared her throat. "No frights! come Sit down at peace with me, I will fix us up some tea!
"Not much of a tea drinker. I prefer a bit of eggnog. Maybe with nutmeg!"
But he sat down anyway. Zecora seated herself across from him.
"Now what do you think I can do? Can I fix this thing for you?"
Discord put his head in his hands and sighed. "It's my fiancé, Fluttershy! I'm sure you've heard of our engagement…"
"thought the grapevine, perhaps I've heard... Or maybe it was a little bird."
"Yes, well…she's not exactly…happy."
"You did take her from her friends, so it was expected her happiness would end-"
"That's what my shoulder angel said!" Zecora blinked at him. "Never mind. But I've swallowed my dignity to please this woman! I've given her all the luxury and comfort a pony could want and she doesn't give so much as a smile! She just sits in her room and cries!" He looked pleadingly at the zebra. "What am I doing wrong?"
"I can help you, keep yourself calm. Reach out and let me hold your palm." He reached out and she held it in her hooves.
"did she tell you anything of sorts, to tell you why she cut you out short?"
"she keeps telling me that everything I give her can't make her love me! Is that gold digging? If you give somepony something, they love you because you gave them something happy!"
"Fluttershy sees past your love-bomb, no e of these gifts solves her qualms."
He tugged his paw away. "Quit talking in riddles! That's my job! How do I make Fluttershy happy?"
"to solve your blindness, you must act with kindness."
He stared at her. "Come again?"
"Fluttershy is not won by wealth and jewels. Kindness and consideration will be your tools. Learn of her interests, her pleasures, her joys, and use them for love instead of your ploys."
"Okay, okay! So how do I do this…kind thing?"
"simple pleasures will not do. It has to come from the heart of you."
"I've given her gifts!"
"Something that compliments her personality. Not just something from brutality."
"Something she vibes with?" He paused to think. His claw tapped his face. "Well, she doesn't really do anything other than play with animals and admire boring plants…" His face lit up. "Wait a minute. That's it!" He turned to the zebra. "You're good! You're welcome at my castle any time!"
After he had vanished, Zecora shook her head with a laugh. "Oh, if only he were to know where this endeavor was going to go." She then went back to her egg cleanse.
Why would I ever know what to do? I repeated what she said back to you!
Meanwhile, Spike and Applejack were trying to keep Fluttershy's animals under control.
"Y'all come back here, ya varmints!" she shouted at beavers as they hauled away a tree they had recently cut down.
"Angel, I have to finish fluffing your tail!" Spike called as he chased after the white rabbit that had hair curlers in his tail.
"Spike, help me round up these chickens!"
"I'm kind of busy here!"
He grabbed hold of Angel, who gave him a hard kick in the snout. Of course, he was built for hard tasks, and remained resilient.
"I thought you were supposed to be good with takin' care of critters," Applejack said.
"Yeah," Spike grunted as he lost his grip on the bunny. "Maybe when there are six of them at a time, not six hundred! What about you? Don't you raise animals for a living?
"My animals are trained and stay in their pens. Wynona, get those weasels out of the coop!"
"How does Fluttershy handle these guys?! I wish they would all just disappear!"
As he said that, a white flash caused the animals to vanish from sight. All that was left was Applejack, Spike and Wynona.
"I didn't mean that literally."
"What in tarnation?" the pony gasped. "Where'd they get off to?"
Suddenly, Spike burped up a letter. When he opened it, he raised an eyebrow.
"This isn't from the princess."
"Let me see." As Applejack read the note, her eyes widened.
"Well, I'll be damned."
The tears would not stop. After hearing that she would be married to that monster tomorrow, the waterworks had broken loose.
She should run away, she had thought, but Fluttershy knew that breaking her promise would give Discord the freedom of taking over Equestria. Besides, he could bring her back with the snap of his fingers.
He didn't mean it. His face softened when you started to cry. But he has no right!... I feel a little sorry too. He's a monster, but-
A light knock on her door startled her. "Fluttershy?"
She buried her face in her pillow. "Go away!"
Outside, Discord silently cursed, but then took a deep breath. "I just wanted to say I'm…s-s-s…"
"What?" Fluttershy choked, lifting her head.
"I'm s-s-s-sorry!"
This caught her attention. This must have been his first time saying that word.
"I didn't realize how upset this deal would make you…"
"Yes, you did!" she snapped.
"Okay, I did! I just ignored that fact. You see…I don't know how to…act in these kinds of situations. I'm sorry I lost my temper with you earlier, but…can you at least give me a chance to make it up to you?"
She paused. "Well…"
"You don't have to marry me tomorrow."
He waited patiently. After a while, she opened the door and looked up at him.
"What is it?"
He grinned a little. "I have something to show you, but first, close your eyes!"
She raised an eyebrow at him, but complied. He waved a paw in front of her to check that she could not see. Smiling excitedly, he took her front hooves and led her to the door leading outside.
Fluttershy did not know what to expect. She was surprised by how tenderly he was holding her hooves. She had to flap her wings to keep her balance, but his touch assured her that if she fell over, he would catch her. She felt a breeze as they went outside. She took a deep breath, as this was her first amount of fresh air in days.
"Can I open them?" she asked
He led her forward a little more, then gently let go of her hooves and whispered in her ear. "Alright. Now."
She opened her eyes and gasped. Surrounding her were acres of plants and flowers of all species and colors. There was an especially large patch of tulips, her favorite. Running about were hundreds of animals, many she recognized from home, but others from elsewhere. She saw kangaroos, toucans, and many more. Everything was vibrant, colorful, the kind of things you would never expect to see in the Everfree Forest. She also noticed they were still floating on the floating ground, but this garden had been added to the clump of earth.
"I brought all your little friends from home," Discord said. "I also brought a few others I thought you would be interested in. Do you like the tulips? I know they're your favorite. I also made a gazebo." He pointed towards it. "You know, in case you want to sit in the shade. Otherwise, there are big trees." He led her to a glimmering pond. "And look, a home for your ducks and fish, also good for swimming. I even put a bridge!"
Her silence made him frown. Then his ears drooped. She hated it. He knew the food dispenser was too much.
"I…" Fluttershy stammered, still staring at the scene. "I…I don't know what to say."
"A thank you would be nice," Discord muttered sadly.
Suddenly, the pegasus did something unexpected. She attacked him around the waist with a hug. The draconequus perked up his ears, tensed his body and widened his eyes at her touch. No pony had ever looked at him as she did. him like this before, let alone hugged him. Such a touch was new and strange…and pleasant.
"This is the most wonderful thing any pony has ever done for me!" she exclaimed. "Thank you! I love it so much!"
He looked down at the pony and saw what he had been hoping to see for the past few days: a smile. A true, happy smile that made her beautiful face even more beautiful. Her crows feet were pronounced, wrapping along her cheeks until two circles of pure enjoyment enraptured her smile.
He felt a tug in his chest, as his heart started beating, perhaps for the first time in millennia. It beat even faster as the pony's face nuzzled into his fur.
Slowly, and hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around her small frame, and muttered, "You're welcome."
Fluttershy pulled away as she heard a squeak and let out another gasp.
"Angel! I thought I'd never see you again!"
Discord watched as she flew to her beloved bunny. Other animals surrounded her, delighted to see her. He could not take his eyes off her. That pony, that kind, gentle, beautiful little pony. Her teal eyes sparkled with joy, her pink mane flowed in the mild breeze and her excited voice was like a tingling bell. His heart pounded faster with every second he watched her, until it was about ready to leap out of his chest.
What was this strange sensation developing inside him? He did not know what it was, but it caused a big smile to spread across his face.
In the Ponyville library, Twilight read the message they had received:
"Dear ponies, do not look for animals. They are at my place, with their owner. Your unfriendly neighborhood Discord."
Rainbow Dash looked at the note. "Why did he use letters from magazines?"
"To hide his identity!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Oh, but he signed his name, and…we know who he is, because he has Fluttershy…"
"Why would Discord take the animals for Fluttershy?" Rarity questioned
Applejack glanced at rarity. "Ponies will do anything to please the ones they love."
"Discord? Love?" Rainbow Dash laughed. "That's a hoot!" But she hovered tightly knit as she felt the mare's gaze turn to her. As she looked towards her, the mare turned her face away, hidden in her hat.
She admired her built structure and fluffy hoof fur as the others spoke.
"Doesn't this break the deal?" the dragon inquired. "I mean he can't use his magic outside of the forest, right?"
Twilight exchanged a glance with Applejack before answering, "I think we can make an exception for this one."
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the-fluffiest-trainer · 6 months
Like this? I just talk and it... oh, yes, it's writing the words! How does it know how to do that?
Uh, well, hi everyone? Can I delete that earlier part? And that too? This would be so much easier if I had those "hand" things to actually press all these tiny buttons...
Let me start over. Hi everyone, my name is Fluttershy, and I... don't really know what I'm doing here? Or where "here" is? Or anything about these two legged people with their hands and their fancy devices that write for you when you talk into them, but at least they all seem nice so far, and that's good. This girl named Shauna gave me this device and she says I'm in a place called Kalos, but I've never heard of it.
Apparently there's a professor who knows about me already, and sent four kids out to find me? That's nice of him, and maybe he knows more about how I fell into this world. If any of you, whoever it is in here that I'm talking to, uh, however that works... if you know anything or have any advice, and... I don't know how I'm going to actually hear you, to be honest, but I guess this thingy takes care of it?
I wish my friends were here. Maybe they are? I remember Twilight, fighting for all of us but we couldn't help her, and... something... and then falling from the sky, and I barely got my wings under me before hitting the ground in this strange little town. I should definitely go find this Professor Sycamore and see what he knows.
(OOC info under the cut)
Hey everyone, this is a pokeblogging rp blog for Fluttershy from MLP:FiM. She has no idea what pokemon (or humans) are and honestly, out of character I don't either because I've made it to nearly 30 without ever playing a pokemon game before now. At the recommendation of a good friend who's also into the pokeblogging scene here, I'm starting with Pokemon X.
In general the blog is typically lowish stakes and sfw, and I'm open to interaction with any other pokeblogs, Fallers or otherwise (just be nice and everything should be okay). Given the plot of Pokemon X, some higher stakes will occur occasionally when dealing with Team Flare. Tags "#mid stakes pokeblogging" and "#high stakes pokeblogging" will be used as appropriate.
Twilight Sparkle is also here, having Fallen into Kalos several months before Fluttershy. Others of the Mane Six have landed elsewhere in the pokemon world and have been mentioned, but have not appeared on the blog.
Headcanons / conventions taken with this timeline include:
All pokemon are sapient, but most cannot communicate in human language. Fluttershy's talent of speaking with animals carries over to pokemon as well.
Fluttershy is the equivalent of mid to late 20s in human terms, but the kids she meets are still kids, maybe mid teens or so.
Consistent font colors used:
Fluttershy: Standard black text
Visual description in videos: [Bracketed italicized black text]
Arden (Fluttershy's braixen): Orange text
Twilight: Purple text
Lysandre: Orange bolded text
Team Flare grunts: usually red text
Shauna: pink text
Fluttershy's pokemon team:
Arden: braixen, trans girl, almost as fluffy as Fluttershy herself. She craves violence. She operates the holocaster sometimes for typing or taking videos.
Talia: gardevoir, girl, forcibly adopted a trainer so she can battle and eventually evolve.
Sienna/Muffin: skitty, girl, caught by Twilight and then given to Fluttershy via Professor Sycamore.
Keseph: amaura, girl, resurrected from a fossil in Ambrette Town.
Osha: absol (shiny), girl, found in the woods around Geosenge Town trying to warn about some sort of danger there.
Twilight's pokemon team:
Luna: espeon, girl, found Twilight right after she Fell and never left.
Raya: lucario, girl, sought out Twilight based on aura senses and led her to meet humans for the first time.
Spike Jr.: crobat, boy, given as a gift by Lysandre.
Crystal: lapras, girl, given by a pokemon breeder on Route 12.
Content warnings for this blog:
Canonical events of Pokemon X
Trainers can be affected by pokemon moves if improperly targeted
General blanket warning for post-apocalyptic themes
Other notes:
Sometimes I take liberties with game mechanics in favor of writing something that makes more sense from a perspective of actually living in this world and seeing pokemon battles and such. This may include:
I will typically ignore the physical vs special distinction for moves, stats, and so on.
I will ignore the effect of Natures on stats.
I usually forget that Abilities exist, or at least ones outside of the usual STAB. I do know STAB and it makes sense to exist.
While types do exist, I consider the advantage factor to be less than the games' value of 2. Probably more like sqrt(2), so super effective moves do 141% damage and not very effective is 71%.
On some occasions, I may even ignore a type matchup if narrative reasons or simple common sense contradict the game logic.
If the game goes to such lengths to obscure the actual values of IVs and EVs from me, then screw it, they don't exist. Every pokemon has IVs that make it good at the things its species is meant to be good at.
In general, all this basically means I'm taking an approach closer to the anime than the games. I have no prior experience with either, I just want something that makes sense and doesn't require being Autisms Georg about pokemon just to run a blog.
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yayforocs · 1 month
Ohhhhhhhhhh My God okokok i'm going to be unpacking a lot here and i'm. oh my goodness i'm so excited there's stuff here i FORGOT about!!!!!! never posted anywhere would have been lost forever if i hadn't saved it on this flash drive!!!!!
OLD UNPOSTED ART LET'S GO (pt 1) (yes i'm doing multiple parts bc u can only post 30 images per post)
ohhhhhh man oh man ok i'm looking through and checking on like Each And Every One Of These to make sure they're not actually posted anywhere and m a n
ALRIGHT, cranking the clock alllll the way back to the start of my main blog, july 2012!!!
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God ok this is fanart for a slamacow video, it's the like one music video he made :VVV good ol Cube Land!!
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shadow of israphel!!!!!! what a series, my brother and i still quote a few lines from it. i actually did draw quite a lot more SoI fanart that never got posted, i'll have to go digging around and see if i can find it.... BUT atl now i know like!! timestamp for when i drew all that!!!
moving on to august 2012!
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herobrine in a cloak ig
dklsfjsd did i not feel like drawing regular clothes or.
september 2012!!
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genuinely i don't remember if i traced this over my laptop screen or if i just copied it down bc i was pretty good at just like lookin at stuff and replicating it, but it's erza from fairy tail!
october 2012 :V
i opened up a requests thread on the craftedmovie forums, and lookin back it looks like i only ever posted one of them, wack
so here's the rest!
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we've got a gamzee makara! we've got 'a brown haired girl (brown eyes may have also been specified? i don't quite remember but i'm p sure brown haired girl was) standing next to fluttershy'! who i actually, since no other specifics on the girl were given, drew to be the protag from the animation Crayon Dragon! and then the third one is the requester, trixomaniac, sitting on a rainbow :VV
november 2012!
we've got more requests!
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first one was i don't remember if it was just 'chicken man' or actually the requester's (gafloff was the name) skin but the request was for the person to be holding a butter sword standing over a zombie piglin or something along those lines :V i had no context of skydoesminecraft so i remember being very confused like. why a sword made out of butter XD
and then the second is shadowflare86, holding a gun pointing at the viewer :V whiCH! i had no idea how to draw so i did my best to imitate a pose from this wonderful animation called Serenade to Miette
...looking at this now tho i think it just looks like it could be a fantastic reaction image klshdg
speaking of
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i also. did this? i don't remember any context for it tho, i think it may have been another one of the requests?
on to the next folder! here we skip december, then looks like i've posted everything in january, then there's no february folder, so on to march 2013!
starting out strong with this one lskdfjs
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so i did actually post like the big middle drawing there, but it was posted before i colored, and also before i drew the other stuff on the page, but yes cue the homestuck art >:J starting with some runawaystuck fanart (and actually i know i added in a little jade and karkat to that page at some point, not sure if i scanned it again later after i added them or not)
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copied the talksprites for funsies :V rip jade ig
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ohohohoho i don't even remember what the context for this one was but i do definitely remember that i had fun with it X)
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FAIRY QUEEN LADY!! THE ORIGINAL DRAWING OF HER!! she was based on a Really Funky Graph i made one time messing around with inputs:
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i had a sliding phone so that's unfortunately as good a picture as it's gonna get bc i don't think i can recreate it 😅
april 2012!
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cleverbot doodles! kldsfjs i found the post i'd made of the colored drawing i did, and saw in the tags that i'd said ''#website characters #yeah i think there's a name for it but idk what it is'' gijinka friend. the word you are looking for is gijinka
and i had a lot of fun with this gijinka :V
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GOD SS PAINT!!!! i think i never posted this bc i was worried it looked too much like he was choking her skdlfj
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-oh wow this is. this picture is a lot smaller than i thought it was. slkdfj. anyway another that i can't remember if it's a trace or a replication but it's a yellow from the pokespe manga! please go read it if u haven't it's so so so good
skip to july 2013!
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i'm like 90% certain this is a replication. but there's still a 10% of uncertainty. regardless, it's de nam from final fantasy crystal chronicles!
next up is august 2013 :V
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ib time ib time
i doodled an au where garry was also a kid :V i think we (mogi and i) also joked around about like. a teenager au? they're both teens? i don't think any doodles came of it tho
october 2013, featuring doodles i know i drew in july bc i remember drawing them sldkfjds oh well
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these are a bunch of random ocs i came up with as like. a. ok it's not like a homestuck au bc it doesn't involve any of the comic characters in any way but this was a group of ocs i came up with that played through their own version of sburb and. everyone died but one person. i never came up with names or anything for any of them, it's literally like just what is there visible on the paper is all i had for them 😅 i'm p sure i redrew these guys a few years later, but i don't think i ever scanned it.
-ah i cannot upload any more, let me. multi-part this.
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binarystarduet · 6 months
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— Happy Holidays, Hina!! @dajokerbby
If I wasn't going in alphabetical order I'd probably save you for one of the last teehee! but that means today is your day, how special and how wonderful that is! everything is under the cut, including some fun extras :3
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my boppin' best friend,
⟡ Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie!! Oh, where do I begin with you? first and foremost I love you. Let's get that squared away. You're amazing, you're thoughtful, you're effortlessly funny, talented, you and I have a lot in common and it makes me happy we can get each other as much as we do! I don't like seeing you call yourself a bad person or think that you aren't deserving of love and happiness. You have told me time and time again you look up to me, that I'm a shining beaming light, that you aspire to be as good as I am, but in my eyes you already are. I am so earnestly proud of you too, you know? in every way I can be. I mean look at you, Bon! You're drawing again, you're editing again! You're more open about your kins, you're opening up more to people and talking, and they want to talk to you too. You're one of my favorite people to talk to, like, ever! You're one of my favorite people in the world, like, ever, actually. Speaking of art and edits, I love seeing them when you show me! We should make ocs together sometime, Lucy and I were already working on some bandori ocs a few weeks ago! hehe! We haven't gotten terribly far yet though... anyway, there's just so much I can say, but what haven't I said to you already?? I think, above all else, please just be kind to yourself. you're like the other half of me, you're my family, and you're a silly little guy. but you're my silly little guy though. I honestly wanted this whole thing to be lighthearted and colorful but ummm good lord. so if you're not in dms making fun of me for being this sappy then who even are you?? 😭🙏
how fun is it that you are and are questioning so many important people to me, if I could make something of everybody I would! I thought about making another set of things of Hina, but figured it'd be nice to shake it up a bit, so some of the other potentials were Hina, Yuyuko (but you haven't technically kinfirmed yet), Karen, Kokoro, Mashiro, Chu2, Emira, Himiko, Madoka, Fluttershy, and Ochaco. my theme was 'people I knew you as in another life' so first up, Suzu, I knew you fondly as both Hikari and as Koharu, among others. What a bright and shining light you were, thank you for lifting our spirits and for being such a great friend. Your potential as an actress is outstanding, you deserve a lot more attention for it, and in general. please keep annoying Yachiyo by the way, I find it hilarious! I think there's something special about you kinning after watching it with us.... smile. Moca it's your turn hiii hi it's Himari!! all I want to say is um. I LOVE YOU!! every memory I have of you just makes me happier and happier, you and i were like little peas in a pod. two pink starburst in a pack! hehe, you get what I mean! sharing food with you was always so fun, you'd interrupt my videos all the time. geez, I don't know what I'd do if you stopped teasing me, I acted like I was mad to play it up but honestly we all thought it was so endearing; we knew that's because you loved us too. You were so important to me, so thank you for being in my life! Hey Hey Mocaaaa! here's to another forever! and, um, lastly. Aira... I don't know you too well yet, but seeing as I am questioning Kohaku I'd count it. You're such a beautiful person and I can't wait to learn more about you. I can tell you're going to be someone incredibly important to me especially if I end up being Kohaku. funny how I am also questioning Tsukasa, isn't it? I would love to know if you were in a lifetime then, and I'm so grateful you're in my life now!
I could ramble forever and ever really but this is honestly long as it is now, so I left you some songs to listen to in your freetime if you ever felt like you wanted to, and I left one of the Mocas I couldn't decide on for the centerpiece of your aesthetic I thought you'd enjoy having! um!! ily!
like stars in the sky ⟡ Mao 💙
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loveletterkins · 1 year
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♡ ♡ ♡ oh, hey, you! i've been waiting for you! welcome!
welcome to loveletterkins! ࿐
we're a system-run edit blog where we all pitch in to make edits for you! that's right, you! we do stuff for kins, fictives (and other sysmates), irls and just about anyone else who wants them! this is our pinned post, where you can find all of our information! please take care to read if its your first time on our blog.
here's the REQUEST TRELLO.
♡﹒mod monika
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please be sure to check the header for if my inbox is open! whenever it is closed, i like to keep the asks open so i can answer questions and talk to followers, but any reqs sent while my reqs are closed will be ignored and deleted!
its encouraged that you give me a general themeing for your reqs. for example; scenecore rainbow dash icon or red toned nagito icons. if you dont specify, i will use my default style (as seen in my own icon and header and such)
we are a system and the only mods we will ever accept will be within our own system. mod apps will not open.
because this is only a hobby for fun, we might delete requests we simply dont think we have the motivation to do. that will be a rare occurrence, however.
no discourse in the inbox. no drama of any sort, in fact.
you can req for specific mods but it might take a while if you do!
『 DNI 』
terfs, swerfs, radfems or people who police identities and don't respect neopronouns/mogai identity labels.
people who are anti-self diagnosis and/or fakeclaim people.
people who disbelieve and/or dislike the kin community.
more can be added.
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『 BLACKLIST 』 sources that i will not do.
Attack on Titan
South Park
Family Guy, American Dad, other similar cartoons
Rick and Morty
『 WHITELIST 』 sources that i enjoy and will do eagerly, will take priority over other requests!
Cookie Run
Ace Attorney
NOTE: i will do any source other than whats on the blacklist! even if i am not familiar.
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Icons (incl. pride, aesthetic, matching, reply, shaped)
Headers (for tumblr or twitter)
Wallpapers (desktop or phone)
Banners (for pluralkit or blog use! dni included.)
Moodboards (for characters, but also will do these for songs and names!)
Playlists (will take a long time, and will be on youtube!)
Sprite Edits (will take a long time)
Character Pride Flag Recolors
Shopping Suggestions (fashion, stim, self-care, etc.)
Pronoun + Name Ideas (based on characters or just based on vibes you want!)
Pluralkit Display Name Formats
Pluralkit Bio Formats
Pendulum Readings
Tarot Card Readings
Shufflemancy Readings
Sparkle Images (scenecore blingee style ones)
Blinkie Packs (i don't make them but i suggest them!)
Stamp Packs (same as above!)
Kin Confessions
Kin Venting
Kin Positivity
Kin Calls
packs take longer than normal requests, but they come with a lot for your troubles!
Layout Pack (3 icons, 3 headers)
Pluralkit Pack (3 icons, 3 banners, display name + bio layout)
Identity Pack (1 - 3 pride icons, pronoun suggestions, name suggestions, OPTIONAL color picked pride flag)
Old Web Pack (3 scenecore icons, a sparkle image, a blinkie pack and a stamp pack)
Spiritual Pack (shufflemancy reading, pendulum reading, tarot card reading)
Bad Day Pack (3 icons, a wallpaper and kin positivity)
The Total Package (1 of each request type except for calls, confessions, venting and promotions. can ask for things to be left out if desired!)
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『 MODS 』
Mod Monika (she/they/it)
Mod Sherlock (any pronouns)
Mod Karkat (he/they)
Mod Maki (she/they)
Mod Mikan (she/they/deco/nurse)
Mod N (any pronouns)
Mod Azriel (they/them)
Mod Arven (he/they)
Mod Fluttershy (she/her)
Mod Roxy (she/they/he)
Mod Callie (she/they)
Mod Ankha (she/they)
Mod Sunset (she/they)
Mod Piers (they/it/he/null)
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if we see your anon name (such as 'tiny dog anon' or 'papyrus anon') 3 times or more, you will get added to the list so we can greet you every time we see you for frequenting us!!
🎸 anon
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gorgojijijijito · 2 years
thoughts on daughter of discord?
oh boy do i have thoughts
i only watched the full thing once with a friend so i dont remember all of it, but of what i do remember, 1. rarity was done even dirtier than BOD; 2. they were so mean to rarity's daughter for literally no reason???? she literally didnt do anything and they always called her a spoiled brat or smth??? i feel so bad for her; 3. yes most of my problems have to do with rarity - i hate that shes encouraged to stay with fancypants bc it was changelings making him look like he was cheating on rarity. like yeah girl you should talk to him abt it like an adult but YOU CAN STILL LEAVE HIM FOR BEING A SHITTY DAD TO JEWEL 😭; 4. hey dick cordddd ur still manipulative af; 5. YOURE TELLING ME THERES ONE QUEER RELATIONSHIP IN THE ENTIRE SERIES AND THEY DIDNT EVEN GET TOGETHER??? FOR A SUPER SMALL REASON COMPARED TO WHY OTHERS SHOULDNT BE TOGETHER???????? come on now; 6. get all the baby filler away from me rn why the FUCK did literally ALL of them have to bang except for ONE; 7. fuck outta here applespike
i think thats mostly all of my qualms with it, but other than that i think it was a good watch. it doesnt stay with me as long as BOD did (prob bc i wasnt able to watch all of it as a child) but i think romance-wise, this love story was LEAGUES better than the last one. also i like how it kind of repeats the same moral of the last one, but in a different circumstance that poses new pros and cons.
with BOD, discord was only one person. he was an all-powerful, godly person, but he was still one mind. the changelings in DOD, on the other hand, are an entire nation. this isnt the same "misunderstood outsider" trope that we see with zecora or discord, this is an entire species; one that even themselves believe is physically incapable of loving.
mothball(which is literally the cutest name for a bug-themed character ever) is first in line to lead his species, so you can imagine the expectations and resentment that come with that; he has barely any real support on either side, queen chrysalis being the only adult he can really emotionally rely on. this is what makes his inner conflict so interesting, his empathy constantly at odds with his mother's ideology and his own biological needs.
screwball is also interesting, considering her dad is the lord of chaos and ex-tyrant, and her mom is an element of harmony, kindness incarnate. it's a classic nature/nuture debate kind of plot, but with a twist in that both sides are her nature AND nurture, the only turmulous factor in her life being her environment only percieving the chaotic side; some of it isn’t unfounded either, as she obviously tends to gravitate towards discord more (which is normal, considering most kids tend to have a favorite parent anyway). even if i really dont like the enabling nature of dick cord and how fluttershy is a punching bag again, i find screwball’s concept endearing.
also she and mothball are like, actually adorable. i find it ironic that the canon characters were altered to make an insufferable couple and the basically OCs were the outstanding romance. unlike fluttercord’s REALLY disturbing power dynamic and coercion, screw and moth managed to balance each other out, and (lemme yell it for the ponies in the back) WERE BOTH WILLING TO BE TOGETHER 💥💥💥💥
theres also smth strangely nostalgic about their dynamic. screwball has been the outcast her entire life, her lineage and connection to discord subjecting her to a lot of emotional turmoil. the only reason she has a group of friends is because of her mom’s rank and social circle as well, i dont think she’s had very much room for change or fantasy when her parents were trying to heal the damage the circumstance of their meeting caused for equestria. falling in love with the prince of an enemy nation is cliche and basically copied off of the lion king 2, but i love it in that sense because its probably one of her first instances of living through what seems to be a fairytale. it’s a kind of yearn for teenage rebellion and unpredictability that she’s had to keep trapped within a swamp in the everfree for most of her life, but even though it brings her so much happiness to be with mothball, it also leads her into great danger that her upbringing didn’t prepare her for. she’s scolded for standing up to her bullies and scrutinized for the nature of her character, so what can she do when faced with her very own romeo & juliet tale while entire nations seethe above them?
oh also i love how they incorporated the changelings’ presences in the story before the mane six are aware of their threat, even calling back to mentioned conflicts in BOD. they really use their shapeshifting powers to the most in this installment, and i think the instance that hit me in the gut most is the romantic isolation of twilight. especially with the context that this series was created specifically for shipping; what an insidious thing to keep her from finding love along with her friends to keep her alone as everyone else creates families. i, as an aromantic person, also feel a form of anxiety knowing most of the important people in my life may drift away in the event of marriage and forming roots while i probably wont. so yeah imagine that but with a newly-immortal princess who actually WANTS a romantic relationship, with people who are revealed to be actively keeping one from her - thats gut wrenching for me to think about.
when it comes to the music, i appreciate the effort they put into making original songs, but i also am just. unable to appreciate them bc the changelings voice filter just diesnt translate well to music at aaaaaaallllll. which is a shame bc it stood out so much that i cant remember anything ABOUT the original music. im prob gonna try to see if theres any normal renditions of the ost after i post this but yeah
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geniequestria · 1 year
Rarity walks on up to Fluttershy's cottage, she felt she was ready for that private talk that Fluttershy suggested they have together not long after Meadowbrook's genification. Rarity doesn't know what Fluttershy's been up to since she last helped return Golden Oaks to Twilight. Though she presumes at least a few more ponies have been genified by Fluttershy somewhere. Some of Fluttershy's animals are out and about as they happily greet Rarity's entrance into the cottage. Some of them lead Rarity to where she can find Fluttershy's vessel with her inside it.
The sight of the friendly animals eased some of her tension. She noted that they were still as happy as ever, even with Fluttershy's massive change. With a nervous gulp, followed by a few deep breaths. Rarity reaches out for Fluttershy's vessel. She calls out "Fluttershy? It's… it's me, darling. I wanted to have that chat you said we should have. Are you busy?"
A familiar little bunny rabbit pokes Rarity a few times on the lower end of her hooves. With some charades, Angel puts his paws on his ears to indicate Fluttershy can't hear her while still in her bottle.  Then he places the cut off end of a carrot on his head in an attempt to tell Rarity to use her horn to open it up.
Rarity's attention is grabbed by Angel's charades. She may not be able to understand him like Fluttershy does, but she gets the gist of his gestures. Some of the butterflies in her stomach swell once more at the prospect of opening the bottle. "Oh… so I have to open it myself, since she can't hear me..." She didn't know if Fluttershy would just genify her right there after she opened it, the thought sent a shiver down her spine. 
One she wasn't sure was a shiver of terror… or excitement. (“I won't get any answers by standing still…”) With her finally making up her mind, she first picks up the bottle with her magic, Choosing to observe it before releasing Fluttershy out.
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Rarity’s not exactly a fan of the equalist vibe she gets from the not-too-subtle equal sign on the neck of the bottle, but other then that she did kinda love the design of Fluttershy’s bottle. Briefly wondering if her’s will look just as great whe-.... If she were to end up being genified too
She shakes her head and focuses on having a very important talk with one of her best friends. She lifts the buttershy shaped topper off the bottle. A 'POP!' is heard when she removes it. She then set the vessel back down since she knew by now that genies liked to make an entrance, something she understands just as well. "Fluttershy? Can you hear me now? I'd like to talk"
The bottle quivers on the table, not quite as intensely as the first time Fluttershy was released into the world as a genie but enough to remind Rarity of the many fantastical emergences she’s seen. Just a few more anticipated seconds pass until...
A plume of yellow smoke rises out of the vessel, as it above, the sounds of a relaxed sigh echo from her genified friend bounce many times through Rarity's ears. The sound reminds Rarity of how Fluttershy would feel after a well-pampered spa treatment. The magical light and effects show along with the echo only adds a thrill to it all, Rarity's heart beats faster as she watches her dear friend's re-emergence.
Soon the end of the smoke trail starts taking Fluttershy's shape as she floats above Rarity. Her hooves are just about asymmetric with each other as the frogs of her hooves are flat against the other. Her eyes are closed for a little while, before she opens up her eyes and looks down toward the clearly fascinated Rarity. 
She gives a gentle smirk, and slowly flies up closer so that their eyes are closer to even-leveled, though still tailed to her vessel behind her and floating above Rarity. 
(Oh Celestia… what is this feeling… why do I feel like I’m… so intimidated… no… it has to be something else… Fluttershy’s still my dear friend… maybe… I’m just too curious…)
"Greetings Rarity, I'm more than happy to start talking with you. I've been looking forward to this"
Rarity bites her lip, watching the display in front of her. She wants to show her excitement, the delight she gets from seeing this little performance fills her heart with desire to do it herself. Yet she still holds herself back, just enough for now to keep in check. Though she cannot hide how clearly interested she is. 
"I… I feel the same." She takes a deep breath to regain some composure. Giving herself some space as well, she's still not used to being on the back hoof especially with somepony like Fluttershy. "I know the others might not be as willing to talk, with everything that's happened we're all admittedly lost and confused… but I still want you to know, I believe in our friendship. Even if… we're currently at… opposing views..." She pauses for a moment, catching herself looking at Fluttershy's outfit, it's something that had fascinated her with all genies, so she was trying her best not to stare. But her mind kept racing with possibilities for what she could create with that look in mind.
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Fluttershy nods. "I already know you still believe in our friendship, Rarity.  And I think deep down the others do too,
I don't think even Applejack would ever treat me the way Starswirl did to poor Meadowbrook. She'll obviously be the most hardened against the idea of a Geniequestria, but I know she is just concerned about my well-being in the same way as when I was a batpony. 
Twilight also sees much of this as a mistake she caused that must be fixed, but I wanted to help her see there's silver linings. And that was why I offered to bring back Golden Oaks to her.
Rainbow is a little similar to Applejack, although I think she'd still be willing to talk with me more often. Since she's known me the longest. Though uh... I guess maybe she'll be a little peeved if my brother-turned-sister Aura Winds starts bothering her...
And Pinkie blames herself in a similar way to Twilight, though in a more specific case for just my genification. I do feel bad for her that she's still in such a depressive state. I hope there comes a day she'll be her peppy self again.”
Fluttershy was clearly well aware of everyone's position in regards to their feelings for her. Rarity was shocked to hear such an astute analysis of the group at that moment.
What slipped Rarity up was the mention of Fluttershy having already gotten to her brother. "Aura Winds...? Wait, you're referring to Zephyr? You went after your own family?" She gasped (“Admittedly...that might be for the best given Zephyr from what I hear was kind of a mess… perhaps, the change balanced them out? But… going after family… w-would I go after Sweetie Belle?”) The thought filled her with conflicting feelings.
Fluttershy nods to confirm that her family is among the genies now. "Indeed, Zephyr Breeze has become Aura Winds. She's still a little too full of herself, but she can actually do just about anything well as opposed to before!
And after that, we both worked together to bottle our parents. My father-turned-mother on the other hoof didn't change her name outside of the last name, Gentle Breeze simply changed to Gentle Wind
They are the only ones I've genified so far though. But I do have plans for a few friends of mine. I have an.... interessssssssting idea in mind for Dr. Fauna, hehe" She giggles after mimicking a snake-esque talk, her eyes even turning slit like a snake briefly before forming back to normal. 
Hearing Fluttershy tell her about her plans on who to genify next sent a chill through Rarity. It was as if she was fully confident that they wouldn't even try to stop her. It was this part of Fluttershy's budding genie persona that concerned her. (“She never used to talk like this… is that because of the change? Will I be like that when I… er if, I change? Did I never really know the true Fluttershy until now?”) This thought saddened her, to question years of their friendship after just saying she still believed in it, hurt. 
Fluttershy continued, this time with an observation on Rarity herself “As for you though... I may not be the Element of Honesty.  But... I can tell you're a bit shaky when you say you have ‘opposing views’. Your eyes were glued while your cheeks flushed pink every time you saw some pony either being genified, or emerging out. While everypony else tried to look away or didn’t bat an eye on what was happening.
Even now, I know you're eyeing my attire... I've seen that look in your face before, whenever you found clothing that inspires something within you. Your eyes shine just as they are doing now. Go on ahead, Rarity, say everything on your mind about my and/or others genie attire. Let your fashionista instincts guide your thoughts, and tell me everything that interests you~" 
Her thoughts are broken at the mention of the analysis Fluttershy gave about her. How her views aren't as 'opposing' as she claims. How she knew what Rarity was doing each time she saw somepony get genified. Rarity winces, as if Fluttershy hit a weak spot. 
(“S-she noticed?! Oh dear…”) Rarity gulped, it was as if her throat became very dry at that moment. "Ack! I..I.. can you blame me, darling? I was in shock! Each time it's different and… and I can't tear my eyes away! It's… it's a reminder, to never lose sight of what we're trying to fix!" She lied 
As Rarity tries to cover up her tracks, Fluttershy  crosses her hooves and lifts an eyebrow unconvinced of the fashionista's words.
"D-despite our views, I cannot let my mind be closed from new ideas for fashion! So o-of course I see the potential in your clothing! The colors, the veils, it's such a glorious look! But I know I could improve them even more!" She got more confident as she spoke.
Once the subject changed to Rarity's thoughts on the attire though, she smiles. "You should write and/or draw everything on your mind down before you forget them, Rarity. I'd love to see what you think would add some more flare to outfits like mine. Here, take this." Fluttershy lifts a hoof and magically poofs up a sketchbook for Rarity to take home. 
The talk of fashion did lift her mood "You forget who I am, darling! Of course I took notes! But..." She's cut off when Fluttershy poofs a sketchbook into existence, unlike her normal sketchbooks, this one was fully genie themed, even down to the cover showing paint brushes in a genie vessel. "Oh my, this is… for me? Th-thank you, Fluttershy. I do hope that you'll come by to model what I create. I know you'd just love it!" 
"But more importantly, I need to know what your true feelings on this whole situation are! Before you were just going along with Starlight's plans… until you weren't. Then you brought Golden Oaks back for Twilight… this whole ordeal has me more confused than ever! ...not only that but seeing that joy on your face as you changed… if we were to find something that undoes all of the genies… would you hate us for it?" 
On asking about Fluttershy's true feelings. Fluttershy tilts her head and frowns a bit "Have I not made it clear enough? I'm only on Starlight's side as it comes to the genification part of the plan. I'm not suddenly a fan of Starlight's personality, motivations, and methods. Though I of course can't just fight her on that, as we're of equal strength. I agree with you girls that Starlight isn't exactly going about this in the right way. Her methods inspire more fear than it should, she needs to be gentle, she needs to be more considerate, she needs to know kindness. 
Where I differ from our other friends, is whether or not if she should stay a genie in the aftermath. And that goes for all the other genies too. If Twilight does manage to find something that can just reverse all genifications at once... I know she'd use it before I even get a chance to reply as of right now, but I hope I have enough time before then to at least make my case where she’d have some doubt that returning us to normal in such a fashion is the right thing to do. You saw what happened to Sugar Belle when we briefly freed her. The thought of a good portion of Equestria being like that has to be worrisome no matter how you feel about me and the other genies." 
Rarity shakes her head when Fluttershy says that Starlight's methods are wrong "I'm sorry, I know you've already said that before… it's just... while I trust you, I cannot trust her. But you say she needs to understand kindness, on that you and I both agree. But I think she could bother to learn more than that. Dragging all of Equestria into her conflict with us..." (“Even if the genie forms are… spectacular in their own right”) "You mention Sugar Belle when we changed her back… but isn't that a sign something about it is all off? You are right… I don't want to be in a world where they're going through… withdrawal like symptoms. Admittedly, it was terrifying seeing her like that, begging for the power back… like she couldn't function. But that also makes me fear what this power is too. To cause that reaction… I just" she puts a hoof on her forehead. "I just don't know anymore…"
Fluttershy floats on closer, her genie tail circling around Rarity as she floats just above Rarity's left shoulder as she pats her on the back. "I completely understand, Rarity. It looks like something is very off when you haven't been in our shoes yet. 
But remember what Spike said some days ago? He compared Sugar Belle's un-genification to you or Twilight losing your horn. Or to expand on that, can you imagine what Rainbow would be like if she lost her wings for a while? 
Granted, you 3 may not immediately react in the same way Sugar Belle did, as you didn't do so when Discord literally did that to us. But you have to put it into perspective that for us genies, this power inside us feels like more than just a part of our body. There's so much more to it, and it's hard to explain to those who have not felt what it's like yet with just words. Which is probably why Starlight just doesn't bother and forces ponies through the change anyway. 
There's so much that genification enhances, perhaps the best attempt I can do to explain it... is maybe it felt like a part of Sugar Belle's very own soul was missing when we ungenified her if that makes any sense"
Rarity thinks back to when they were up against Discord for the first time, it felt like so long ago now... "Yes, I do remember. I was shocked and livid. I wanted nothing more than to get my horn back. I would have done anything for… oh… I suppose I do see your point..." While she was now understanding where Fluttershy was coming from, it still raised more questions. (“Taking that into account, it's almost as if we're the villains here! But, we're trying to save Equestria as we always have! Return things to normal”) 
The conflicted look on Rarity's face only grew more severe. Her brows furrowed, her hooves fidgeted. The gears in her head were turning but each new thought clashed with another. "It's that forced nature that just gets things all twisted, it's just wrong. Ponies forcing their methods on others and forcing this… I cannot abide by that. Not ever!" (“But...the argument that we've been doing the same thing all these years, is that wrong?”) "Fluttershy, I have to ask. You say that you don't see things eye to eye with Starlight, you've made that quite clear. But what do you feel about what we've done up to this point? And..." 
She stopped, almost as if she were afraid to ask the next question, worried about Fluttershy's feelings as well as what the answer would be. "When you changed, something in you clicked… your transformation, it was more than a physical one. We've had talks before, but I've never heard you speak like you have since becoming a genie. You're different, and I'm not saying that's bad or good, but it's a noticeable difference in your demeanor, how you talk and act… especially when you spoke of your future plans. What I want to know is, was that a part of you that you hid away all this time? Or did it only happen because of the change? I'm sorry if that comes off as if I don't trust you, but I have to know the truth."
Fluttershy actually compassionately understands the idea of this question "I will say I do still trust you girls more than I do Starlight, you're all still my best friends. And I don't hold anything you and the others are trying or will try in the future to reverse things. Just like how I plan to help Starlight see things in a better light, I also hope to help you girls see, especially when one or more of us become genies. The ones still left gradually learn to respect the idea that there's more gray areas then there are explicitly black and white ones" Fluttershy tells Rarity straight, not even saying the word if another of them will be genified.
"W-when more of us become genies? S-surely you mean 'if'... don't you?" Rarity couldn't help but ask as she clearly noticed Fluttershy said it as if she knew the others would be turned eventually. Once again Rarity found herself on the back hoof, it was as if she'd traded her own confidence for Fluttershy's timidness. She gulped nervously, wondering if she's next. Though part of her is excited by the thought, which at the same time makes her question herself again on what she really wants.
"As for my new demeanor... you could say it's a little of both. On one hoof, there's no way I could speak this confidently that quickly before my genification... but... I feel like it didn't just create a new me out of thin air, it feels much more like I've finally unlocked a part of me that I have been working all my life to finally set free. 
You have to remember how I was when you first met me, and our first years as friends when I was as timid as ever. But thanks to you girls, I was working toward becoming more like the pony I wanted to be on a consistent basis. It's been mainly baby steps, and sometimes I relapsed back into my more comfortable introverted tendencies.
I really don't know how long it would have normally taken to get this far. But thanks to the empowerment I've received from being a genie. It's blown away every little insecurity and self-doubt in my mind, near instantly. And it didn't overdo it either, like when I got terrible advice from Iron Will when I berated you and Pinkie... I'm about as confident as I was after Iron Will's sessions, but I have the self-control to apply a more gentle nature when needed and avoid insulting those who don't deserve it" Fluttershy gently smiles. 
As Fluttershy explained her shift in demeanor, it did make more sense to Rarity as well. "So you're saying this is more like a natural conclusion to where you wanted to be? Just sped up because of the transformation then?" (“Could that be why it feels so strange to us? It's almost like she skipped several steps in the process and came to us as somepony we didn't recognize”) The comparison to when she was influenced by Iron Will made it very clear what this 'new' persona was "That does make much more sense, you haven't tried to put us down like you did then. It's also not like when the lot of us were under Discord's influence either. I apologize, Fluttershy. I'm happy you're feeling more confident, it's just the suddenness of this change in you..." She puts her hoof to her chin to think on how to word this properly. 
"Imagine as if it was like we'd all been separated for years only to find that you've become different from what we're used to or remember. Because it was like a switch being flipped in you, it set off alarms in our heads since changes we make to ourselves, we tend not to notice as they feel natural over the progress of time. Whereas the sudden shift comes as a shock to those not in the know. Again, I must reiterate that I'm happy you can be confident and out of your shell. But it will take some adjustment time for all of us."
Fluttershy chooses not to answer Rarity's question on whether she meant to say if another one of their friends are genified. Only giggling a little softly before moving on to the other conversation. Nodding to Rarity's observation.
"That sounds about right, though at the very least that's without the obviously long time of not seeing each other. As it was literally only minutes between my genification and my first emergence.
It does make me curious though... what possibly genification might help you with... 
Maybe you'll never be tired during late night workings, your schedule as flexible as ever... 
Maybe you'll never run into an art block ever again... 
Maybe it'll rest your worries about aging as I imagine eternal youth must be.... tempting. 
Oh, and we can't forget dietary habits... You could make your own and/or eat as much ice cream and sweets you want without gaining a single pound...
I have to imagine a few of these thoughts... or even all of the above have crossed your mind already... but is there more I could be missing?~" 
Rarity doesn't say anything, practically sinking into herself as Fluttershy tells her of all the things becoming a genie could alleviate. Fluttershy isn't wrong on any of those points, though Rarity does feel a bit insulted about the jab at her weight. More thoughts do cross her mind about the possibilities, it looks like she's going to break down and make a wish for any of those things… but instead she stomps a hoof hard on the floor. 
"ENOUGH! I know what you're trying to do here, Fluttershy. You're compelled to make everypony a genie, see things your way, but you of all ponies should know. Even IF I wanted those things, I do not want to take shortcuts and take simple gains for myself. I learned that the hard way when Spike had given me that ancient spellbook some time ago. I lost sight of who I was, and what I was doing." She stands up, as if she's about to leave, her confidence having come back. "If I am to become a genie like you say, it will be on MY terms. Nopony else's, that includes you, Fluttershy. Temptation alone will not sway me, no matter how wondrous it may be to be more like you are now." 
To Rarity's surprise, Fluttershy actually claps for her regaining her confidence and stepping up to her. 
"I wouldn't have it any other way, actually. You should become a genie when you feel the most ready for it.  I'll admit I was just testing you a little, though I suppose if that had been enough to get you to become a genie... it wouldn't have hurt to get it all done already~”
That said, that doesn't mean you can't still at least privately indulge in your not-so-subtle interest in genies until then.”
"A little? Darling, you were laying it on quite thick… this is that new part of you that I said the rest of us will need some... adjusting to." She keeps standing, but no longer looks like she's about to rush out of Fluttershy's home. The mention of still privately enjoying her interest in genies causes her to raise an eyebrow. "What are you getting at?"
“Well first, do you remember Discord's magical social program from earlier? One thing I wanted to potentially try asking you for this talk... is if you'd like to give it a shot with your own account. We'll only start with me and you in private messaging, but if more ponies show up on the service you can ask to friend them later. 
Eventually, Discord will add the ability to have full-on ‘servers’ anypony can create where multiple ponies can hang out and chat, even those not on your friend list. Where we can all talk about many things together from anywhere in Equestria." She winks "And it doesn't lose connection when inside a vessel if you're curious about that, hehe" 
As Fluttershy explains Discord's magical social service,  Rarity's mood brightens at the prospect here. "If only he could have introduced that in a less dire time. But now that is a wonderful way to keep in contact with everypony! I could even use it to keep in contact with all my clients!" She pauses and gets a bit skeptical "Wait… I don't need to be a genie to use it right? This is just so we can speak without needing to always be near each other? I can access it with my magic? And what does that have to do with what you said a moment ago about my 'private interests'?"
"Nope, you're perfectly able to use it while you're not a genie. Both me and Princess Celestia were among Discord's first ‘beta’ testers before we became genies. Although. being a genie does make it a tad easier at least for me… as before, I needed a special bracelet to use it. Whereas any unicorn or alicorn can activate it with their horns.
But as for your private interests... we'll get to that soon. Let's just get you that account" Fluttershy lifts a hoof up, closes her eyes, and focuses. A rectangular magical screen pops up and enlarges in size. On the screen was a login screen with two white skinny rectangle bars asking for a Name. And either a magical signature, or a password depending on whether the pony was using a bracelet or not.
"Go ahead Rarity, enter your name and send some samples of your magic into the screen so it can recognize you. Only you will be able to access your account, not even changelings can copy your magical signature in the same exact way"
"I see..." Unlike earlier when Fluttershy was trying to tempt her with genification, there's no extra giggles, no sense that this is a trick of some kind which puts Rarity at ease. Her horn flickers as she inputs her data followed by some bits of her magic. "I must say, Discord did a fine job with this!" The screen in front of her shows a small spinning circle as it takes this information, not long after, Rarity's met with a welcome splash screen that says in Discord's voice
 <Welcome to DisChaos! I certainly hope you have a chaotic time here!>
Soon enough, Rarity is now on the service without an issue, her profile picture is a generic looking blank pony face. She tilts her head "So… what do I do now? How do I make this more… personalized? And how do I go about adding you there?"
"Click your default blank pony icon, it should give you an option to view your profile and then change your icon. Then, DisChaos will ask whether you want to make your avatar a portrait photograph of yourself. 
Or if you want to be a little more creative and represent yourself with something else to represent you. You can do that too.
There's also a 3rd option for you to simply have your Cutie Mark be your icon if neither of the other two options work out for you. Your cutie mark is already memorized by the program when you enter your magical signature. 
You won't need to uh... literally take a picture of your flank to do that a heh heh heh..." Fluttershy blushes a little imagining how awkward that might have been for ponies who wanted their cutie marks as their avatars.
"As for adding me, that should be simple. I'll just send you a friend request myself" Fluttershy pulls up her own screen and in an option that says "Add friend" Fluttershy types in Rarity's name.  Next to Rarity's name and default avatar was a green button with white text that said "Send Friend Request". She clicks it, and within seconds a notification sound is heard on Rarity's screen as a red circle with a 1 on it appears in the upper left corner. Rarity has gotten her first friend request on DisChaos.
The prospect of taking a portrait of herself made Rarity smile in delight "Oooh I have to try that when I get home! I can change it whenever I want, right? I'll have an avatar for each month!" She snickers at the idea of taking a picture of her flank for the avatar. "What kind of mare do you take me for? Hahaha, that would be absurd. But I'm surprised to hear you say that now, I would think you'd be wanting to flaunt your mark!" She felt some more relief that there were still some bits of the Fluttershy she recognized there. 
Her eyes widen as she sees the notification for Fluttershy's friend request. She follows the instructions given to her and clicks on the green arrow to accept the friend request. Soon after, Fluttershy appeared on her friend list! "Ah there you are, it worked! This is quite the marvel!"
Fluttershy smiles "Excellent! Now to test this via some distance, while I could simply just teleport far away and try it out that way... I wanted to give us a test through another fashion... I am going to go back into my vessel. And we'll at least briefly talk on the chat program while you're out here and I'm in there... If when you first got here, you tried to call out to me while I was still inside, I couldn't hear you before. But now DisChaos can be a method to contact me even while I'm resting peacefully inside my bottle.”
"Wow, that's incredible! And there's no distance that this won't work from? You could be on the other side of the world and I'll still be able to talk with you like you're right here?" She asked in awe "I suppose you testing it from the inside of your vessel makes sense." The mention of this serving another purpose puts Rarity on edge
“However... this will also serve another purpose~." Fluttershy's eyes go half-lidded before she spawns a sort of camera on a tripod that points to where Fluttershy's vessel is standing. "You're about to get a live show... to one of the most heart-pumping performances us genies can provide... pleasurably re-entering our vessels with grace~" Fluttershy eyes Rarity as the yellow genie bites her own lip. 
Rarity lets out an audible gulp at the prospect.
"A… a live show?" Rarity cannot help herself but blush at this private showing from Fluttershy. She tries her best to contain her excitement but it's clear from the way she's shaking that it's tantalizing for her to get to see this. "Y-you're serious? Is… is it like what happened when you had transformed?" She thinks back to every time she's seen a genification, the moans each pony let out, it was like a siren song calling out to her. She could resist it… but didn't know for how long. "A-alright, for testing purposes. Let's do this…"
Fluttershy more than happily obliges. She closes her DisChaos screen, which itself makes an exit almost coincidentally in a genie like way but back into one of Fluttershy's hooves. Rarity presumes that when she closes her screen, it may enter her horn. She briefly wonders if she'll feel anything when she does close it.
But on to the 'private show’, with Fluttershy flying away from Rarity's side to just above her vessel. Fluttershy picks up the vessel's stopper and lets it float above her. Fluttershy then rhythmically and slowly shakes her hips, Fluttershy takes her time entering the vessel. 
Fluttershy smiles before floating upwards and slowly enters her lamp with a long elegant flowing motion while moving her wings in a slow rhythmic motion. The slower it was, the better it felt, inch by inch Fluttershy's genie tail shrinks more and more. Fluttershy coos with soft moans, she does some dances with her upper body. Her forehooves gracefully being moved in yoga-like poses, she hasn't stopped moving her hips from left to right.
Rarity's cheeks blush pink, and a slight drool from her mouth as Fluttershy's performance continued. She can't help but be captivated by her genie friend's magic.
Her dancing only gets more entrancing and captivating by the second and she gives Rarity the best show possible. She continues to shake her body as she puts her forehooves to her sides allowing them to stretch along her increasingly smokey and curvy, lower body.
As the genie tail starts to give way to the parts of Fluttershy's visible pony body. Her moans intensify, cheeks ever blushing more pink. Fluttershy reacts by dancing a little faster then she was before, drawing out big breaths and sighs. It was increasingly clear that even if perhaps it doesn't come with the initial first shock of pleasure that a genification has. Re-entering the vessel post-genification was far from going back into a prison, what may look like simply itty bitty living space to those not in the know. Was a feeling of more comfort, more pleasure, and more relaxation than any mortal could ever dream of.
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Fluttershy stretches her forehooves downwards to let them enter the vessel now. She could no longer do much more of her dancing, but she does all she can with some subtle moves of her shoulders and tilting her head from side to side all while expressing more sighs and ever more intensifying moans. Soon her shoulders, and the lower part of her pink mane follow her forehooves into the vessel.  Leaving her as just a neck and a head. 
She tilts her head slightly upward, her loudest moan of the moment sounding out as her veil and mouth stretch toward the vessel’s entrance. The moan is then muffled, echoes, and decreases in volume as all of Fluttershy is once again contained in the vessel. The butterfly shaped topper falling onto the opening to seal Fluttershy once more with a clink.
Rarity now the only pony physically in the room again, left to contemplate yet again the fantastical moment that is a genie becoming one with their vessel for the first time or once again on her lonesome. And while Fluttershy's animals can't exactly imagine what happened, the movements of their caretaker mesmerized many of them. They knew by now that Fluttershy was unharmed by this strange process. They soon go about their usual daily lives once they've shaken off the mesmerizing movements of Fluttershy from their heads. Whereas the memory of those movements linger far longer in Rarity's head. 
Rarity can't tear her eyes away from Fluttershy throughout her entire performance. While she'd been in awe of the way the genies were transformed and the sheer pleasure on their faces as they got sucked into a vessel. This was far different, this was a show specifically for her. There was no shift from fear to pleasure unlike when she was first transformed. The constant hip swaying followed by the moans made Rarity turn beet red. 
She couldn't help but take a few steps closer to watch as Fluttershy was sucked in fully. A thought… no, a desire built within her, the urge to want to experience that herself. To at least know what it's like, her breathing had gotten heavier, she grasped at her chest. This was far more sensual, more intimate than the initial genifications were in her eyes. 
She took a moment and took a few deep breaths, the scene would be replaying in her mind for days to come. (“That was… that was… oh my, calm yourself, Rarity.”) She fanned herself with a hoof, as if she were overheating. She walked over to the nearby couch and sat down "I'm never going to forget what I just saw and heard...." Once she was able to compose herself just enough, she sent a message to Fluttershy via DisChaos 
<Rarity> <That was certainly... quite a show to remember, darling. Hopefully this message goes through?>
<Fluttershy> <Hehehe, I bet it was. Cause I felt alllllll of it~>
<Fluttershy> <But guess what... while the memory of it may stick in your mind mentally for a while... what if you could still see it  as you remember it.... whenever you wanted to?~>
In a quick moment, something begins to load on Rarity's screen that's sent from Fluttershy. Once the loading bar is complete. Rarity can see a thumbnail of Fluttershy floating above her vessel. She clicks it, and lo and behold. It was a FULL recording of what she had just witnessed. High quality video and sound like she was seeing it for real all over again. That must have been what the camera on the tripod was for. To add to the fact that Fluttershy's performance was going to stick to her quite mentally, she could now view it again and again, entirely as she pleases.
Before Rarity can even type up a response, she sees the attachment that Fluttershy had linked to her and gasps 
<Rarity> <This is… you recorded this for me?> 
Deep down she knows keeping it might just make her fall right into Fluttershy's hooves, but... (“I suppose viewing it more times won't hurt... it's...for research! plus I can see how the clothing needs to work when we...THEY get sucked into a vessel, yes! I will not use it for… fantasizing…”) She lets out a nervous chuckle to herself as she justified this thought. 
<Rarity> <Well thank you, Fluttershy. I'll view it when I need… inspiration... f-for a new outfit for you! I know you can just make one yourself b-but you gave me the sketchbook and showed me how to use this service too. It's only fair I give you something in return.>
<Fluttershy> <Another thing Discord is working on, and in fact almost finished with, is adding voice chat in addition to live streaming camera capabilities to DisChaos. So some time soon we won't just be able to type messages to each other, but actually speak and see eachother from all across the world. Or I suppose in my case, and any other genie for that matter... from inside a vessel to anypony outside!>
<Fluttershy> <And oh... yes! I'd love to see what you come up with for me later! I may be able to make my own things with genie magic myself, but your creative mind is still quite valuable ^^> 
<Rarity> <Oh, that's fantastic! We'll have to try that when it's ready! And with this… streaming camera, I'd be able to get direct input on new outfits!> 
She does feel good about knowing that despite a genie's ability to make anything, her creative spark would still be appreciated in such a world. (Good, so I'll still have my business just in case we change… b-but I'm certain we'll come out victorious!) 
<Rarity> <Are you going to remain in that vessel or are you going to re-emerge so I can say goodbye to you properly? I've got plenty of inspiration I'd like to work with while it's still fresh.>
<Fluttershy> <Oh, I'll re-emerge myself pretty soon. I do just want to point out one more thing... that the 'show' I just sent you doesn't have to be the only one. I'd be more than happy to send more short videos of genie fun to share to you from time to time. I could even record some or all of the next genifications I'll be doing. For uh... 'full transparency' of what I've been up to, so you can tell Twilight and the others who I've gotten personally> 
"She wants to give me more?!" Rarity blurts out loud, her face flushed red. She shakily types, Fluttershy can see the  'Rarity is typing' message with long pauses before continuing. Clearly she's struggling with her own personal excitement as well as trying to think how she can word it without seeming as such. 
<Rarity> <Yes, that would be good for myself and the rest of the girls to… study. Twilight may be able to learn something from it that we haven't noticed yet. Plus, it gives us a way to keep tabs on whom we can rely on… that being said, could you possibly keep us up to date on what Starlight is doing as well? This way, we're not going in completely blind the next time we encounter her?>
<Fluttershy> <I do plan on giving Starlight a visit too, and probably let her get an account on here too. I'll certainly share what I can get out of her, but keep in mind that I will not spy on Starlight just for the sake of eavesdropping. I refused her order for me to spy on you girls earlier, but that doesn't mean I'll do the vice versa every day. I have my own agenda here, collaborating with both you girls and/or Starlight only when it's convenient to do what I want to do. Do you understand?>
"Tch..." Internally, Rarity was disappointed to hear this but this is still better than having no information at all. And she was relieved that Fluttershy will stay true to not being a spy for Starlight either. With a heavy sigh, she types 
<Rarity> <Yes, I understand. I know everypony will appreciate any information we can get. As long as you also understand that we will still be doing everything in our power to stop her.> 
She stops before typing out another message 
<Rarity> <Also can you please keep my...'interests' to just us? I know you ultimately want all of us genified, but I still trust you, Starlight however, I do not. And I don't think I ever will, even if you're able to teach her proper kindness. I'm not asking as someone from an opposing side, I'm asking as your friend. Please keep it a secret.> 
<Fluttershy> <Don't worry about a thing, I fully intended not sharing with another soul about your interests. I will probably be sharing some of the same content I show you to Starlight, but I won't tell her about myself sharing them to you.> 
<Fluttershy> <Although... I have a feeling just like I did. She's likely already picked up on your curiosity just having watched your reactions to numerous genifications by now.> 
<Fluttershy> <Perhaps as my first duty to warn you girls. Is to keep yourself on your hooves, as Starlight may plot some temptation traps for you in the coming weeks. Try to keep the words "I wish" out of your vocabulary as much as possible, especially if something seems suspicious.> 
"Curse my overt curiosity..." She mutters to herself (This may mean I might be her next direct target if she's aware of my… interests. She's been gone since Fluttershy and Meadowbrook were genified as well, she could have genified a good number of ponies by now.) This information doesn't discourage her, if anything it's pushing her to build up her resistance even more. 
<Rarity> <Thank you, Fluttershy. I will be sure to let the girls know of this immediately. I'm not surprised she'd try those kinds of underhooved tactics. But we will all be on guard for those things.>
<Fluttershy> <Alright, I'll be coming back out now. Glad to see DisChaos works to perfection!>
A moment later a loud POP sound is heard as the topper flies up with the tendril of yellow smoke quickly reforming back into Fluttershy's shape. It's faster and not as showy as when Rarity lifted the topper herself. Making Rarity wonder whether Fluttershy's emergence earlier was itself a show too, or if there was a tangible difference between a genie letting themselves out. And another releasing them from their vessel. 
Rarity tilts her head at Fluttershy's quick emergence. While interesting in its own right, the lack of flash and substance is odd. (Did she just go all in for my own sake when I opened the bottle? Why was this not like before? Do genies just get to choose?) For now, she puts that thought in the back of her mind, she smiles at Fluttershy and gives her a hug "Thank you for everything today, the talk may have started out a bit rocky, but I would like to have some more private talks. It would be like how we used to spend time together, I know I'd certainly enjoy that."
"Of course! And thanks to DisChaos, we can message and plan when our next meeting happens! You can feel free to close it for now. All you need to do is move the cursor to the red x in the top left corner. It will then  compress and fly straight into your horn, heh, almost like the program itself is the genie of your horn!" Fluttershy giggles
"Oh is that how it works? Alright, I just do this and..." As she clicks the red X, it twists and pulls into Rarity's horn, sending a bit of a shiver down her spine. It wasn't unpleasant but it definitely wasn't what she was expecting. "O-ok that was...um interesting. But I'll be looking forward to our next little talk. Plus, I'll be able to let you know the exact moment your new outfit will be ready with this DisChaos thing!" She lets Fluttershy go from her hug and walks towards the door. "Fluttershy, I want you to know, no matter what happens, I still see you as one of my best friends. I'll try to get the girls to understand that as well, even if we don't see eye to eye on this Geniequestria thing. I know you can't be hurt but… still be careful around Starlight ok?"
Fluttershy tilts her head, and grins with a smug face."Hehe, this is where you're still underestimating me because of my shyness from before. I'll have more than enough ways to carry on my own even when it comes to Starlight. Her plans are a double-edged sword after all, she's empowering everypony and they'll all want to genify others they know. But she can't make everypony do her bidding, and there's nothing she can do about a genie that knows when to say No~
That's where she'll eventually need to learn some generosity, earn a favor by gifting ponies with kindness. And that's exactly what we can do, together. Whether or not you're a genie by then at that" 
"Is that right? I suppose that is one of your strengths, you really can do anything you set your mind to, Fluttershy, that was true even before you became a genie. With your willpower, you might be the key to fixing this world after all, darling. We'll both need to do our best, to make it all work in our own way. Maybe you can get some other genies to realize that they can say no as well." She smirks back. 
The idea of teaching Starlight generosity sounds far-fetched but she knows not to brush off anything as impossible, especially with what she's seen in the last few days. "If you can guarantee she'll actually listen, then I might be willing to teach her true generosity as long as she doesn't try to trick me if that time ever comes. But I know better now than to underestimate you, but don't underestimate us as well!" 
Fluttershy nods, then flaps her wings, and majestically spins while still floating in the air and tailed to her vessel. Pink and green magic sparks pop around her to give Rarity a nice little light show before she heads out the door. She then smiles gently, winks, and waves her left forehoof goodbye.
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stachehand · 2 years
My My Little Pony Episode Opinions (Part 1)
Ever since the beginning of this year, i've been rewatching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, though have been extremely slow in getting to the seasons past the third. I mean, the year's almost over and I still have four more to watch. On Twitter, i've made a thread dedicated to opining about each episode I revisit, which is to include not only the main show, but also all of the Equestria Girls films and specials, the 2017 theatrical film, and the Christmas and Rainbow Roadtrip specials. Currently, I have done everything up to the end of Season 5. Also, I should note that i'm leaving out shorts and music videos for the sake of keeping things streamlined.
Anyway, here's my long list of thoughts i've constructed so far in the tweets, with the character limit Twitter allowed:
Season 1, Episode 1: Friendship is Magic, Part 1
The humble beginnings. It doesn't waste time in providing the foundations of our main characters, and is also an informative preview of what can be expected out of the show besides world-threatening conflicts. Ideal start point.
Season 1, Episode 2: Friendship is Magic, Part 2
Everyone contributes organically to the climax setup, and none of it feels rushed despite the time limit. I can also give Nightmare Moon props for her proactivity. Too bad about Spike being mostly sidelined at the end, though.
Season 1, Episode 3: The Ticket Master
Cute seasonal setup episode with fun visuals, though my favourite part is how one character has the end goal of financially supporting her folks in mind for attending, while the others have reasons more hedonistic or thirsty as F in nature.
Season 1, Episode 4: Applebuck Season
This episode speaks to me louder now than it did way back then. I have to question how much it was going to take for Applejack's friends (besides Twilight) to notice how out of it she clearly was by her actions, but it's a barrel of laughs.
Season 1, Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off
Pinkie Pie in top form. New person got poisonous attitude? Use a party! Although, I wonder if her "she might give it back" comment about Gilda stealing that apple (and then eating it) was made because Gilda's a bird. Imagine THAT scene.
Season 1, Episode 6: Boast Busters
Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity's attempts to upstage Trixie feel like natural end results, though the episode SORELY overlooks Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy in the matter. Also, Spike gets repetitive. Trixie? Delightfully theatrical entrance!
Season 1, Episode 7: Dragonshy
As our first exposure to dragon mannerisms and power outside of little Spike, it's pretty intriguing. Even better, it took the first big steps in the right direction for Fluttershy's character. Sadly, Angel Bunny's would only get worse from here.
Season 1, Episode 8: Look Before You Sleep
Gotta have an episode to remind me what kind of cartoon i'm rewatching. Seriously though, it never gets too sickly sweet, thanks to the entertaining antagonism. But was staying at Twilight's house REALLY the only option for BOTH ponies?
Season 1, Episode 9: Bridle Gossip
The effects of the Poison Joke flower were the REAL stars of this episode. Also pre-Cutie Mark Crusaders Apple Bloom. I think most of us can agree it's odd how Twilight is skeptical for most of it, then changes her tune at surface-level stuff.
Season 1, Episode 10: Swarm of the Century
Parasprites are terrifying and gross creatures that shouldn't exist. Pretty darn convenient that the Andrea Libman-voiced pony who ISN'T the animal caretaker knows about these things and how to remove them. Proves her intellect well.
Season 1, Episode 11: Winter Wrap Up
The song is still lovely, and the resolution plays to one of Twilight's greatest strengths. Nice use of Chekhov's Gun. However, I can't help thinking the disaster could've been avoided if a moment was taken to remember "Oh yeah, telekinesis."
Season 1, Episode 12: Call of the Cutie
Someone needed to call out Twist for her betrayal. Where's the justice? That aside, this episode makes one thing perfectly clear about Apple Bloom: she ain't her sister, and this road of self-discovery begins by stepping out of her shadow.
Season 1, Episode 13: Fall Weather Friends
A case where Applejack and Rainbow Dash butt heads in the heat of competition, and fun stuff is done with it. I love how it has a dash of The Tortoise and the Hare at the end, just because they could do it. All they need is a rematch.
Season 1, Episode 14: Suited For Success
Art of the Dress is still a masterwork. Twilight and the others are lucky that Rarity didn't hold their "looking the gift horse in the mouth" (as the ending lesson put it) against them. Also, I guess Spike's a ghost here. Do NOT miss out!
Season 1, Episode 15: Feeling Pinkie Keen
I enjoy me a round of cartoon slapstick, and this episode doesn't disappoint there, though I feel the Pinkie Sense could've been handled a bit differently in hindsight. Like, imagine it's a condition Pinkie has that's cured by "doozies"?
Season 1, Episode 16: Sonic Rainboom
It demonstrates one of the fantastical feats one of the heroines can pull off outside of cartoon logic. And Libman's acting chops. One thing i'll say is that you can probably get to the competition with about half the scenes leading up to it.
Season 1, Episode 17: Stare Master
I think Twilight's motivations could've been ANYTHING to get her in the petrified state, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders, like the children they are, are likable in their never-ending activity bouncing off Fluttershy. The Stare's quite an anomaly.
Season 1, Episode 18: The Show Stoppers
An unfortunate aftereffect of this episode is the running gag it'd attach to the Cutie Mark Crusaders for a good while to come. Within the episode itself, the talent show kind of comes off as an element as random as the montage escapades.
Season 1, Episode 19: A Dog and Pony Show
Seriously, what MLP fan doesn't love Rarity getting under the Diamond Dogs' skin with her squeaky whining? One part I find a bit nonsense was Twilight going "But only Rarity finds gems.", and one second later: "Wait, Rarity taught me."
Season 1, Episode 20: Green Isn't Your Color
FUN FACT: this was the first FiM episode I properly watched, so I have a bias in calling it one of my absolute favourites. Fluttershy's situation is why I never want to have celebrity status, but I also identify with Rarity's plight.
Season 1, Episode 21: Over a Barrel
Now Applejack and Rainbow Dash deny others their chance to speak for themselves in a potential compromise, and they aren't called out for it as much as they SHOULD be. Worse: one of the earliest examples of Pinkie being outright brain-dead.
Season 1, Episode 22: A Bird in the Hoof
For a molting bird, Philomena was quite a crafty little stinker, wasn't she? Sure produced some good laughs in the climax. I appreciate the ending revelation making sense of Celestia leaving her sickly pet behind, the conflict's catalyst.
Season 1, Episode 23: The Cutie Mark Chronicles
A wholesome anthology-type episode where everything meets up neatly in the middle. The circumstances are very conveniently coincidental, yet they still defy the whole common "it was your destiny" trope in a strange sort of way.
Season 1, Episode 24: Owl's Well That Ends Well
The beginning's on the nose, and you'd swear that Owlowiscious WAS threatening Spike's position with his 24-hour presence. It gets pretty ridiculous thanks to a lack of desperately-needed communication. Also, this image here, man!
Season 1, Episode 25: Party of One
The story mixes brilliantly deceptive foreshadowing in the prologue, a believable insecurity in Pinkie, a hilarious demonstration of vocal range from Libman, and a great moral on knowing your best friends like the back of your hand. Perfection!
Season 1, Episode 26: The Best Night Ever
Strong start, then it swerves into nonsense country. First season finale: main protagonist is barely in the plot. Fluttershy gave us a funny freakout, make no mistake, but at what cost? Finally, the ending is depressing in numerous ways.
Season 2, Episode 1: The Return of Harmony, Part 1
A magnificent introduction to Discord. What made his plan to corrupt the heroes brilliant is that he did it while their friendship was still young, and they organically behave like how they characteristically would on bad days.
Season 2, Episode 2: The Return of Harmony, Part 2
Spike got to be a plot convenience. Now, one thing I think could've been tweaked in this episode is the memory spell deal. Twilight's friends may have easily had their true selves restored by their unity in the last few minutes.
Season 2, Episode 3: Lesson Zero
Still a hilarious episode, and the funniest Twilight's freak-outs ever got. But besides it's humour, the show wouldn't have moved forward as much without it. Also, those ponies are totally jealous of Spike's purple unicorn friendship seniority.
Season 2, Episode 4: Luna Eclipsed
One has to wonder how much of a break Luna was taking since her previous appearance to have this out-of-touch position here. No matter, though. This episode is interesting for how it shows Twilight, a student, becoming the master for a night.
Season 2, Episode 5: Sisterhooves Social
It's not only cute, but important. First, it goes to show that cutting someone out of your life doesn't simply begin with a declaration. Second, it's essentially every good sibling's childhood fabrication of a good guy & bad guy scenario.
Season 2, Episode 6: The Cutie Pox
Here's a good message: there's no reward in taking the easy way out, because the easy way out doesn't really exist (or at least doesn't have to). Although, if the titular disease is that widely known, shouldn't the signs have been seen sooner?
Season 2, Episode 7: May the Best Pet Win!
I do not get why Fluttershy doesn't object more to Rainbow's snubbing of Tank. He's a good boy, that tortoise. With how present he was, it would've been a plot twist to NOT have him get the win. Pretty strange episode here, I must say.
Season 2, Episode 8: The Mysterious Mare Do Well
My god, the staggering lack of self-awareness of one simple fact they demonstrate: EVERYONE'S got an ego, just in differing sizes. I think they wanted too much for Rainbow Dash to be seen in the wrong by the lengths of her idiocy.
Season 2, Episode 9: Sweet and Elite
I need to pay my respects to this episode for playing with the old "liar is a liar who's revealed as a liar in the end" type of story a little. We got a genuinely charming minor character out of it. Pure wholesomeness permeates the runtime.
Season 2, Episode 10: Secret of My Excess
Growing pains ahoy! Spike got a well-told lesson about giving from the heart over taking because of temptation, but since his species is mysterious at this point, bit of a time waster to consult the local PONY healthcare first, Twilight.
Season 2, Episode 11: Hearth's Warming Eve
Always a good watch around Christmas. It's history lesson on the show's main setting is easily digestible, yet a bit complex, and the in-universe casting is perfect. I think all that's missing is an appearance from Twilight's parents.
Season 2, Episode 12: Family Appreciation Day
So, the entire town of Ponyville, not just that one big apple orchard, owes it's existence to magic fruit? That's oddly specific. Also odd how a more direct rescheduling method stares at everyone right in the face, and no one saw it.
Season 2, Episode 13: Baby Cakes
Isn't it weird how Pinkie seems to have realizations of how in over her head she is, yet basically proceeds with her old strategy anyway, and just never uses what she learns as she goes along for the sake of the obvious end episode moral? Crazy.
Season 2, Episode 14: The Last Roundup
Applejack had a pretty realistic reaction to her failure, and what's more, her skill in loophole exploitation is a devious dimension to her honesty streak. Cartoon antics aside, it's mature writing. Also, something something Derpy's voice.
Season 2, Episode 15: The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
The fact nobody in town got to know what the Flim Flam Brothers' cider tasted like BEFORE the quality control cancellation lessens their threat a bit. Nonetheless, the ending deconstructed the lesson formula hilariously.
Season 2, Episode 16: Read It and Weep
If you ever need an episode of this show that's a confidence booster when you don't know how to come out about something you've grown smitten with, this is the one. Or just watch Rainbow be likeable while trying to maintain her street cred.
Season 2, Episode 17: Hearts and Hooves Day
Besides how the conflict came about from someone neglecting to mention an important detail to the CMC, and maybe too much of the sugary lover names, this is a funny step outside the Cutie Mark obsession comfort zone. A cute song, too.
Season 2, Episode 18: A Friend in Deed
The Smile Song is still the ultimate feel-good song. The story that follows it has a heartwarming Chekhov's Gun payoff, but the lesson Pinkie should've learned was the importance of minding her personality around someone new and unfamiliar.
Season 2, Episode 19: Putting Your Hoof Down
By the end, i'm left puzzled as to why they'd overlook the detail where assertiveness turned into needless aggression. It should have some slightly bigger repercussions than what happens, as hilarious as Fluttershy's loud rampage is.
Season 2, Episode 20: It's About Time
This is an episode of it's time. The audacity to poke fun at all the bogus doomsday predictions that used to run rampant, and put Twilight in the position of an overanxious believer. So much she forgot that she lived in the royal city once.
Season 2, Episode 21: Dragon Quest
If this episode just had a few elements added on to it, like some female dragon characters, and interactions with the seasoned adults, it'd come off less like a "cute and girly good, rad and boyish bad" story mixed in with the intended message.
Season 2, Episode 22: Hurricane Fluttershy
You can tell the show's beard is growing here. They tactfully handled the childhood bullying trauma and fit it seamlessly into a lesson about even the tiniest things having difference-making potential. Fluttershy really defined courage.
Season 2, Episode 23: Ponyville Confidential
What's admirable about this story is that regardless of anything that compels the CMC to go through with their hurtful journalism, they are still accountable for their actions and need to earn forgiveness. And voice-of-reason Rarity.
Season 2, Episode 24: MMMystery on the Friendship Express
This was specifically written and drawn to give us dessert cravings, I swear. Besides the fun film homages, if they wanted the mystery factor, it was hurt by both the nighttime silhouettes having the distinct pony shape.
Season 2, Episode 25: A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1
There were quite a handful of questions that Twilight could've easily brought up if she were to have any chance of helping her case about "Cadance". Shining Armor needed better explaining, too. But dang, does it strike the heart.
Season 2, Episode 26: A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
The second half of this two-parter went hard. The song, This Day Aria, went hard. The villain, Chrysalis, went hard. The action went hard. Lastly, it opened the gateway for villain returns and other family stories. What a finish.
Season 3, Episode 1: The Crystal Empire, Part 1
It gets off to a slow start, not helped by a song number, but they nicely pulled off the long-lost kingdom angle with traumatized amnesia victims clashing against the eye candy environment. Nobody feels out-of-character, either.
Season 3, Episode 2: The Crystal Empire, Part 2
King Sombra, for his limited screen time, is a believable threat, like a smart cross between a posthumous antagonist and a cataclysmic force. That aside, parts of this episode play out like novel narration, and it's kind of funny.
Season 3, Episode 3: Too Many Pinkie Pies
Goes to show there's only room for one of any iconic character. They earned points for making not an episode with Flanderization, but an episode that fires a shot at Flanderization. Then points are lost for an overly-elaborate solution.
Season 3, Episode 4: One Bad Apple
Someone I know put it best about the CMC's revenge stunt, long ago: "That's not bullying, that's retribution." The song's serviceable, but what's bothersome in this story is the surprising lack of adult presence, and some bits of underreacting.
Season 3, Episode 5: Magic Duel
There was more smoke & mirrors magicianry than in Trixie's debut, oddly. It's an overall good time with a spectacular antagonist comeback, except for that uncharacteristic display of cowardice from Fluttershy when her friend's life depends on her.
Season 3, Episode 6: Sleepless in Ponyville
Hey, it's an animated look into a child's patterns and emotional weakness, topped with an unofficial adoption on the spot. This is why Scootaloo is my favourite CMC. One note: I never saw Sweetie Belle's sour note as a continuity fail.
Season 3, Episode 7: Wonderbolts Academy
The academy scenes are great, Lightning Dust is a fun foil to Rainbow, but the stuff with Pinkie and co. needed to be shortened, as the ending's a little rushed. Twilight or Applejack could've quickly come up with the care package idea.
Season 3, Episode 8: Apple Family Reunion
I doubt it was at all intentional, but the way I see it, there's a bit of dark comedy to the overtones of Applejack's reunion arrangements, and that's got me feeling uneasy. Worse, not enough Babs Seed time to warrant her reappearance.
Season 3, Episode 9: Spike at Your Service
Many fans hate this episode, but I can't. It's so bad, it's great. Although, it'd be funnier if the Dragon Code was just a shopping list, and nobody realized it. Speaking of what-ifs, surprised Rarity didn't have a big fit of jealousy.
Season 3, Episode 10: Keep Calm and Flutter On
I always found the pacing in this episode fine for such a big shake-up to a character. It worked because Discord had a believable layer added to his chaotic nature, but also, in the end, everyone knows his redemption has just begun.
Season 3, Episode 11: Just for Sidekicks
If Spike was reminded that he could always go digging for more gems, and Angel Bunny wasn't portrayed as unaccountable, despite his clear sentience, I wouldn't scratch my head at this. At least Zecora remembers the threat greed poses.
Season 3, Episode 12: Games Ponies Play
It's too convenient that nothing about inspecting the games or the name "Ms. Harshwhinny" manages to leave anyone's mouth around the excitable visitor they mistake for the inspector, until near the end. Said visitor's likeable, good thing.
Season 3, Episode 13: Magical Mystery Cure
Sure, it feels like there's a missing episode to this plot, but the song numbers are beautiful and Twilight is properly rewarded for her initiative and knowledge. If you can call this an amnesia episode, it actually gets amnesia right.
Film 1: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
If it isn't dragging it's feet because of obligatory world-building or Twilight forgetting obvious concepts, it's got me questioning some of the characters' awareness. Bop of a song, cute interactions, messy story. Less ideal start point.
Season 4, Episode 1: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Part 1
The episode draws you into the mystery it's setting up, and pulls cunning misdirection. But, something I thought about now: why don't they use Spike's letter-sending fire to try getting a lock on where the Royal Sisters are?
Season 4, Episode 2: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Part 2
Cons: undercooked Nightmare Moon background, and Twilight's friends deciding to send her home too easily. Pros: Discord being a fun stinker in mentor tactics, and the lesson of a friendship lasting beyond where it started.
Season 4, Episode 3: Castle Mane-ia
A serviceable episode that provides a logical follow-up to the retired formula of the past seasons, but otherwise it doesn't do anything of interest with this historical setting but the golden age horror homages as obligatory as the title pun.
Season 4, Episode 4: Daring Don't
The twist in this episode makes sense with the compact in-universe lore of the character in question, and what it comes with is a subversive, but still relatable take on the "never meet your heroes" cliché. Just one thing: remember it for later.
Season 4, Episode 5: Flight to the Finish
This undoubtedly went some personal. psychological places for kids, because for all the right reasons, this is pretty sad to watch, comical bits aside. Nothing to complain about, other than the status quo blatantly butting in at the end.
Season 4, Episode 6: Power Ponies
You gotta laugh at Fluttershy having a rage fit, but if you're gonna paint your story like Spike's friends aren't taking his comic knowledge or instructions very seriously, make more use of that leeway you have with an enchanted book's powers.
Season 4, Episode 7: Bats!
The very real dangers of peer pressure and the very real problem of pest infestations and how to control them, all in one episode. Dang, what a juggling act. That impresses me. Though, you'd expect a balance in the characters seeing sides at the start.
Season 4, Episode 8: Rarity Takes Manehattan
A smart piece of commentary on switching environments and giving out trust. It's easy to understand Rarity almost sacrificing her ethics and devolving into one of the dog-eat-dog city folk, after simple goodness came back to bite her.
Season 4, Episode 9: Pinkie Apple Pie
It exemplifies the best of a family dynamic. When they drive each other up the wall, but nobody gets hurt in any fashion and they resolve the tension on their own, they're functional. Additionally, Pinkie was funny and smart this go-around.
Season 4, Episode 10: Rainbow Falls
Fundamentally awkward story for Rainbow Dash's "key". It shouldn't be that exciting for her to fly with the Wonderbolts. She already does! Yet despite the repeated continuity nod, that detail is conveniently ignored. Plus: that's not Spitfire!
Season 4, Episode 11: Three's A Crowd
If they didn't spend so much time saying Discord had a (fake) problem, Twilight and Cadance's bonding could've been more interesting. Why WOULDN'T Cadance want a fully peaceful day with Twilight after the craziness in the past two seasons?!
Season 4, Episode 12: Pinkie Pride
What an episode to air on my 20th birthday! Cheese Sandwich steals the show, and we see a case of a prideful person who doesn't aim to upstage anybody. The live-action shots are gags straight out of SpongeBob, and I love them for that. Perfect!
Season 4, Episode 13: Simple Ways
Goofy, but meaningful. Goes to show that when you think you can change yourself to someone else, you need an accident for your true character to re-emerge. A love triangle was a useful plot device, even. You wouldn't expect that normally. LOL
Season 4, Episode 14: Filli Vanilli
Plot convenient continuity nodding and a realistic take on facing your fears for the win! As for Pinkie's bit, I can say it was fine for one time, but when it's repeated, especially in succession, it's just writing her as a brain-dead babbler.
Season 4, Episode 15: Twilight Time
And there's our special lesson on how association can possibly be a curse, even if, for a short time, it looks like a blessing. It just could've been heavier on the show over the tell. On another note: how about some justice for Randolph, huh?
Season 4, Episode 16: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
I find it fascinating to see how an act of goodwill can still come from someone betraying their biggest moral trait. That's a strong message. That said, the ending solution feels comically convenient, and the problem puzzling.
Season 4, Episode 17: Somepony to Watch Over Me
Oh, you poor idiot plot. Applejack can't be bothered to remember outside helpers until the worst moment, and I don't get why they bothered characterizing the chimera. That song cancellation gag and action scene were good, though.
Season 4, Episode 18: Maud Pie
I love Maud. Absolutely adorable in her monotone, and a positive example of how emotions and opinions can come from different reactions than the expected. A few nitpicks in character and scenario writing, but otherwise a lovely, must-see episode.
Season 4, Episode 19: For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
Once again, Rarity and Sweetie Belle carry an important story. It's a familiar feeling, seeing the older sibling as a villain, leading to a touching revelation by the perspective shift. An anti-revenge note also don't hurt.
Season 4, Episode 20: Leap of Faith
A balanced take on the matter of well-meant lies versus difficult truths, because while everyone obviously needed to hear the latter, the former brought vital details of body and spirit to light which might've been forgotten about otherwise.
Season 4, Episode 21: Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
I'm all for them passing down THIS kind of knowledge. The idea of how one can achieve it without consciously trying to exercise their intelligence. Not so much for most things that pay off starting as spells of incompetence. Oh well.
Season 4, Episode 22: Trade Ya!
It goes pretty swimmingly for a bit. I'd say the setting had some amusing escalation. But then one subplot seems to skip a beat, and the ending conflict feels too last-minute and easily avoidable to get invested in. Now, who wants chicken dippers?
Season 4, Episode 23: Inspiration Manifestation
The moral of Spike's journey: if you are friends with someone, even love them, and you're willing to call them out for their mistakes (which they recognize), that's a testament of a true bond. The lesson's progression was on point.
Season 4, Episode 24: Equestria Games
Did we necessarily need an Olympics backdrop and episodes building up to the event to tell THIS story? It's simply a (fine) lesson on expectation and celebrity mortality. Also, that dumb, long gag should've had a comedic (and quick) cutaway.
Season 4, Episode 25: Twilight's Kingdom, Part 1
It gets so much right as a first part. It presents the reality of pep talks being great, but not always certain to heal an insecurity immediately, creatively utilizes Chekhov's Gun, and establishes Tirek as a cool force of nature.
Season 4, Episode 26: Twilight's Kingdom, Part 2
The fight had no reason to go that anime, and I love it! Icing on a cake layered by a show-stealing villain, two congruent arc conclusions, thrilling stakes, and how it ends with an unapologetic, radical restructuring! Fecking! A!
Film 2: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
What can I say besides that Sunset had a realistic and rewarding redemption, I laughed, they cohesively built drama off a wound from the original's conflict, the villain songs are the sickest beats in this franchise, and more?! It's… ART!
Season 5, Episode 1: The Cutie Map, Part 1
You wouldn't think MLP would use it's cute image to thinly disguise a light psycho-thriller. Pinkie's uncharacteristic behaviour actually works to a pretty humorous benefit. Though I scratch my head at the town's self-sustainment means.
Season 5, Episode 2: The Cutie Map, Part 2
The heroes pulled some airtight manipulation and deception, and Starlight Glimmer's self-interest reveal is an effective spot to leave her in for what's to come. Her secret is revealed by an odd convenience, but nothing story-breaking.
Season 5, Episode 3: Castle Sweet Castle
Massively poignant episode that respectfully handles the pains of leaving home forever and adapting to a new place of residence, paired with a heartfelt tribute to the show's continuity and previous status quo. Ingenious resolution there.
Season 5, Episode 4: Bloom & Gloom
The first nightmare sequence captures the eerie similarity to reality real dreams have to a T. Babs Seed being mentioned, but absent is strongly felt, though. Like, "should've probably had physical presence" (in dreamland) felt. That's just me.
Season 5, Episode 5: Tanks for the Memories
While I respect this children's cartoon's creative take on the 5 Stages of Grief, they egregiously overplay how much of a change Tank's hibernation really is. "This isn't good-bye. It's just good-bye 'til next time." - remember that?
Season 5, Episode 6: Appleoosa's Most Wanted
Everyone's pointed out how the writer forgot what makes a Cutie Mark manifest, but I found it rather annoying that the CMC weren't quick to stand up for the poor alleged criminal. Also, i'm lost on the comedy of his self-harm. Yipes.
Season 5, Episode 7: Make New Friends but Keep Discord
Following from Discord's redemption arc, it highlights just how little he's been offered a hand in friendship to react how he does. Spoiled, close-minded, and still a fun scene stealer. But, Smooze is gross and superfluous.
Season 5, Episode 8: The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Quite a bold twist to take former friends who couldn't possibly ever restore the goodwill between each other, but manage to because of a little hidden nostalgia for happiness they never stopped valuing. Gold among the junk.
Season 5, Episode 9: Slice of Life
It's an insane train ride of fan service, not much motivation behind it but that, but dang does it demonstrate the setting's inherent goofiness and cement it as a lived-in place. Part of me thinks the Mane 6 characters should've been excluded.
Season 5, Episode 10: Princess Spike
Spike really doesn't just come off as a kid enjoying getting cool stuff in this, but uncomfortably tyrannical. Adding on, Twilight being treated as the center of the kingdom, the one with all the answers, is ludicrously sudden and incredible.
Season 5, Episode 11: Party Pooped
I see the aim of the moral, how the journey can mean more than the destination, but I think another message is to be taken away from this episode. That is insanity. Constant, predictable actions leading to predictable, and repetitious, results.
Season 5, Episode 12: Amending Fences
They did a great job resolving the loose end of Twilight's forgotten friends, and stating that the mistake of one shouldn't make others tied to that person accomplices in hurting somebody. If Twilight just wasn't so forward, it'd be perfect.
Season 5, Episode 13: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
Besides how creepy it is that Luna's been secretly doing this self-punishment thing ever since she reformed, the reveal behind the Tantabus's origin is handled in such a blasé manner. Points for creative action, though.
Season 5, Episode 14: Canterlot Boutique
The rejected altered dress deserved a happy ending, damn it! I thought that Sassy Saddles was such a self-centered, callous person, her turn at the end was too little, too late. They even confused workplace depression with pride. So dumb.
Season 5, Episode 15: Rarity Investigates!
This is definitely something you watch more for the fun film noir homages than the actual mystery, but it does have value in teaching the importance of heeding details. Very smart use of Rarity's character, and her dynamic with Rainbow.
Season 5, Episode 16: Made in Manehattan
It's hilarious that the problem they needed to mend literally stumbles into them from the sky. Prime plot convenience. But hey, I can respect when they pay respects to the simpler ways to help people. Also Coco Pommel, that cinnamon bun.
Season 5, Episode 17: Brotherhooves Social
The ending makes for a genuine and heartwarming sibling moment. I know that sense of inferiority born from a relation to someone with great achievements. But why put minutes of generic, awkwardness-peppered comedy in front of it, guys?
Season 5, Episode 18: Crusaders of the Lost Mark
They pulled off the most original way they could've closed out the CMC's longest-running plotline. I don't find that Diamond Tiara's abrupt shift in sympathy eliciting hurts that story too much. The songs won me over on it easily.
Season 5, Episode 19: The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
Boy, was this a heavy allegory for spoilers, and what joys in the world are worth not having spoiled for you. Surprisingly, a scene lasting seconds effectively humanized Shining Armor more than his wife. Hobbies give you life.
Season 5, Episode 20: Hearthbreakers
A good moral on how the important thing about someone's yearly traditions is that they're happy with them, and what does the same for you should harmonize with them. What thwarts it a bit is Applejack's uncharacteristic disregard for consent.
Season 5, Episode 21: Scare Master
Now that's a twist, to say that if you don't want any part in an activity, even if it reveals talent you didn't know you had, you're under no obligation to regularly invest your time in it, even for friends. Also, relevant episode is relevant.
Season 5, Episode 22: What About Discord?
Did this episode WANT things to be left up to viewer interpretation? Whatever the case, it sure paints the ponies (not named Twilight) as oblivious to the comedic Rule of Three, and somehow, Twilight is insane AND sympathetic. Awkward.
Season 5, Episode 23: The Hooffields and McColts
It feels weird to have an environmentalism story sneak up on you when the focus has been so hard on a petty conflict over minor annoyances, but I can roll with it here. What's more odd is a big cake is baked without Pinkie Pie.
Season 5, Episode 24: The Mane Attraction
Rara made me want to joyfully cry, and I would give her all my love and protection! Seamless transition from an extravagant concert parody to a number straight from the heart. Top-tier, without question! BTW, send Svengallop to Tartarus.
Season 5, Episode 25: The Cutie Re-Mark, Part 1
And Starlight's revealed self-interest is brought to the forefront, bringing a finely executed strategy. Aside from that, the exposition gets annoyingly on the nose and long-winded. Could've spared some details. This image, though.
Season 5, Episode 26: The Cutie Re-Mark, Part 2
No point to exploring more than one alternate future when there are no obstacles. It's padding, exacerbated by Twilight being so slow and her telekinesis neglect. And why did young Starlight just stand there all glum? The nonsense!
Film 3: Equestria Girls: Friendship Games
Human Twilight differed from the pony version enough to justify her story. The Shadowbolts are fine rivals, though a few seem to come from a little underuse of the pre-existing character roster, and they get shafted hard at the very end.
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
Can you give a detailed summary of everyone's personality?
detailed? no, summary yes
1: Zenko Nao (Furry) -He's perpetually tired, but still manages to be dorky -Insanely passionate about their hobby as a furry, which is how it ended up becoming his ultimate in the first place -They try hard to be extroverted, but due to having paranoia issues and the stress of being internet famous getting to him, they tend to be more introverted than he'd like to be -Very smart, but not where it counts -Prefers to snack all day instead of eating full meals
2: Hibiki Naomi (Poet) -Has really bad depression and prefers to be left alone.... no one ever leaves him alone tho -He's also quiet, really sassy, and hasn't the fuckest clue how to hold a normal conversation -Carries around the notebook he writes all his poems in and looks at anyone who tries to touch said book with murder in his one visible eye. -Due to a mixture of sensory issues and trauma, he cannot stand loud noises and will get overwhelmed by them -Despite this, he somehow manages to become best friends with Neiro.... a talkative drummer.
3: Yoshiko Kie (Geologist) -She comes off as shy and is easily spooked, but the moment you get her going she's a mean ass bitch. -She's like gasslight, gatekeep, girlboss but hidden under a veil that has a striking resemblance to Fluttershy -One of the least developed characters rn -She goes by Iko
4: Fumiko Umemoto (VA) -Another under developed character, but even less than Iko -She's a petty jerk who loves to snark, i still need to give her a not negative trait -She's also a walking reference dispenser and has a seemingly bottomless backpack or props she uses to aid in doing character impressions
5: Kazuhiko Ichigo (Surfer) -A laid back guy who is sounds and acts high, but has never done drugs of any kind, he's just naturally like that -So chill his aura calms others down, is entirely unaware of this -He's pretty selfless, and has a track record of saving fellow surfers before the lifeguards can. -He has no intent to be a hero of any kind and even hates being called one, but ends up frequently seen as one due to his impulse to help -i don't remember why this one is here but on the google doc i have my notes on, there's a bullet point under Kazuhiko's section that just says "mariocart"... so uh... mariocart?
6: Daiki Dekiru (Traceur) -Very much a dumbass, both in the stupid way and in the chaotic way -Peek himbo. stupid, strong, and very sweet -Loud and impulsive, makes you wonder how he hadn't killed himself doing something dumb prior to the killing game -he also has zero filter, as in not only does he say whats on his mind- but he also would share his credit card info unprompted -I got one acronym for you: ADHD
7: Ellodie (Hatter) -She's a walking Alice In Wonderland reference -She's openly very weird and presents herself as chipper, but also if you push her just right she can become super eerie -She'll talk your ears off if you aren't careful, but unlike Daiki she is excellent at withholding information -Queen of nonsense, but also super smart and has a knack for using her nonsense to make sense -Advocate for being yourself despite what anyone thinks, absolutly does not believe in the concept of cringe and actually takes being calls cringe as a complement- to her it's a sign she's doing a great job at openly being herself -MOST DEVELOPED CHARACTER!! i've worked so very hard on her and i love her so -Also she's the obligatory foreign kid, shes's from the British countryside. she tries to not use British slang as to not confused her peers but it does slip on occasion
8: Neiro Shibata (Drummer) -Resident "cool big sister" archetype -She's a bit emotional and cares deeply for people she sees are struggling (why she's besties with Hibiki)  -She also tries to be respectful but struggles a bit some times due to that aforementioned emotional-ness, she sometimes says stuff an back tracks when she realizes it upset someone -Uses her drumming as a way to vent her emotions
9: Jun Hanako (???) -Man of few words, he talks mostly in short sentences and lacks any kind of emotion in his voice -Don't let his voice fool you tho, he's a pretty happy guy, he just shows emotion in other ways -He's pretty hardworking and a big neat freak, if the others won't clean something up, he'll go behind them and take care of it -He is pretty secretive though, doesn't share much about himself and what he does say is so basic it feels like you haven't learned anything
10: Chiba Ayame (Hacker) -Protag's assistant/best friend -The straightman of the group, she actively hates when people cut the fool and wants things to be taken more seriously -Blunt as fuck, will tell you the fuck off and hurt your feelings if it means getting her point across -Resents people who can put their honest selves out there and not get hurt (despises Ellodie the most) -Wants to be seen as normal -Hacking is a guilty pleasure of hers, she has no clue how it ended up becoming her ultimate
11: Takao Hagiwara (Swindler) -Loud and totally oblivious to it -Has anger issues and a sass problem, but also is all bark and no bite. will cuss someone out but the second they get pissed enough to take a swing he runs off screaming -Very street smart, everything else... not so much -Will act on his intrusive thoughts if someone doesn't keep an eye on him -god forbid you give him a lighter
12: Masaki Jiro (Astrologist) -Protag!! -He's a bit of a mess, he wants to be on good terms with everyone but is also bad at communicating cause he's a bit of a shut in -Generally cheerful, but does have a mean streak in him that he's trying to work on controlling -Nervous panics, will spiral if someone doesn't intervene -Clumsy and tries to act like he isn't, he'll trip then try to continue what he was doing like he didn't just almost eat shit
13: Kasai Koyo (Lucky Student) -Underdeveloped as hell -Mom friend with the patience of a saint, it's hard to get her pisses off be even when you do she'll suppress the fuck out of it -She has the desire to help others but always feels out of place wherever she goes, being surrounded by ultimates makes this actively worse -Ironically enough, despite being the ult lucky student, she does not believe in luck, karma, fate, or anything akin in nature
14: Kobe Katsumi (Film Artist) -Do you by chance know Reggie Belafonte from Surfs Up? -Cause this man is just Reggie but human -Obnoxiously loud and showbizz-y, kinda sleazy -He's always trying to make things sound more amazing than they are, especially the things he likes -And contrast, he'll do everything he can to burn an idea to the ground if he doesn't like it -Every theater kid stereotype bundled into one shitbag -Also tries to pretend like he's more important than he is
15: Asuka Seo (Pilot) -Underdeveloped as shit -He comes off as snobbish due to how uptight and bitter he is -Dude's actually just super dead inside and wants to be left the fuck alone -Cares more about logic than feelings (cough cough trauma cough) -Do not try to provoke, you will regret it
16: Ohara Susumu (Toy Maker) -Just as huggable and sweet as the toys she makes -Very neutral in a "whatever works for you" kind of way, she'd rather do things others want to do instead of adding in her own suggestions -Has no real friends, her first ever plushie she made (Bridget, the cat plushie) is her best friend -Self sacrificial, if it benefits someone else she'll do it regardless of how uncomfy she is, she doesn't realize this isn't healthy behavior tho and simply calls it "my way of being kind" -gets anxious when people ask her about herself cause she isn't sure how to respond
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taiblogcomics · 7 months
Discord and Harmony
Hey there, frozen empires. Let's finally finish up this story arc, eh? Like, do you remember when we reviewed issue 1? It was July 2022. Like, golly. Part of this is me only reviewing these when I have the physical issues in my hands (for this series, anyway), but still. It's about time, huh? Anyway, let's get into it~
Here's the cover:
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This is definitely the right cover to wrap this story up with. Like, last issue, we put a bunch of the Mane 6 on the cover, but not one of them is actually in the story. In this one? Discord is very much in the story. And oh ye, if you haven't checked this out yourself already, here's your look at future!Discord in all his scraggly …well, not glory, but you get what I mean. And in spite of the unkemptness, this is such a nice cover. Look at the friendly look. And most of all, look at the symbolism. Notice the colours of those butterflies~?
So let's recap. Here in the G5 future, ponies have only just overcome their segregations and gotten magic back. Discord, who has outlived everypony else, is worried magic will drive ponies apart again. Therefore, he will destroy magic himself before it can do so. The perfect plan! To do this, he plans to melt the magic Unity Crystal in a steaming volcanic caldera. Our heroes--including Izzy, who's suffering from some flightless inadequacy, thus proving the whole thesis about magic dividing folks right--are always two steps behind and now stuck in a suspended cage. Let's see how they get out of this one!
Despite all their rage, they're still just ponies in their cage. And Sunny does rage a bit, trying to build enough momentum to shatter the floor. Hitch is very nervous about this idea, having plummeted to his doom once today already. Alas, Sunny's magic fizzles out again, and she gives in to despair for a bit. Maybe it'll be better to just wait for Discord to destroy magic, then come and let them out. After all, what has magic ever done for them up 'til now? Made them fight and got them stuck in a cage, that's what.
Except, as Izzy points out, it also brought them all together. The reason why magic feels divisive right now is that it's only been back for a short while. Everypony is still trying to figure things out how to live with this frankly life-altering change to the world. You can't just drop a new way of life into society and expect things to work out overnight. So naturally there's gonna be some conflicts while they learn a new way to live. And really, that's what unity is all about. And with that inspiration, Sunny knows how to solve a problem called Discord.
First, they still gotta get out of this cage, though. Since their powers are glitchy, they all gotta pitch in together. Hitch calls some bunnies over, and they chew through the literal cliff-hangers of the cage. This seems unwise, but everypony pitches their wings and horns in (other than "Dead Weight" Hitch), and they manage to slow the cage's descent to non-lethal levels. Slowed enough, they then manipulate the fall so it shatters the cage without really harming the ponies inside. Good thing that was the hard part, because what falls down must now climb back up.
Her flight having fizzled from slowing the cage, Zipp decides to climb the cliff by hoof if she has to. It's a bit too steep, however, and she falls back down. Luckily, the bunnies are there to catch her, which is the sort of whimsical phrase you can only say in a series about colourful talking horses. They carry her over to a hole in the ground, and disappear down it. Did Zipp just get Wonderlanded? Only one way to find out: get too close to the hole, wait for the cave floor to give out, and fall down it after your friend~
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They've found the heart of the volcano, where Discord's ready to drop the Unity Crystal, all in the name of an Equestria where no one is better than anypony else. In the name of… Fluttershy. Sunny steps in, attempting to grab the crystal with her magic. Discord fights magic with magic, trapping Sunny in one of those "saw the lady in half" boxes. Zipp and Pipp rush in where angels fear to tread, but Discord just gets creepy extendo-arms and chases them with the intent to grab. Once snared, he deposits them on a rock in the middle of the lava. Good thing heat convection isn't a thing!
Speaking of Angel(s), the bunnies swarm all over Discord in Hitch's own remake of Night of the Lepus. Discord doesn't even bother with something flashy this time, he just snaps his fingers and teleports Hitch and the bnuuys onto another lava rock. He collects his crystal from his hench-possum, Reginald, and taunts Sunny than in a battle of magic, her fizzly failure could never best his. And that's when the trap springs: Sunny retorts that her magic was never meant to beat his. It's a much different magic at play here, and she shouts to Izzy to do it.
Izzy steps out and uses her magic to… move her smartphone right up into Discord's face. It's playing a video. The recording they made of that memory stone that recorded Fluttershy's final message to Discord, insisting that he let go of his anger and embrace the differences. Difference doesn't matter if nopony's the same. It's the differences that make us who we are--who would Rainbow Dash be if she couldn't fly? And all this takes place in a beautiful scene where Discord drops to his knees, tears in his eyes, cradling the phone while a ghostly image of Fluttershy comforts him.
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Izzy tells him that Flutters would say the same thing if she were here now. Sure, there'll be difficulties. Mistakes happen, but that's part of life. Alone, their differences make them special, but together they can be truly wonderful. Discord considers, then hands the crystal over to Izzy. He puts Sunny back together and retrieves the others. They all promise they'll never stop working to make the Equestria Fluttershy wanted to see, one where everypony--and every draconequus--can live in harmony together.
There is no return trip. We simply return to our heroes back at the lighthouse, where Sunny reunites the Unity Crystals, reigniting everypony's magic. No more fizzles and brown-outs. Ponies all over Maretime Bay and beyond regain their magical abilities. Sunny hangs up a photo of her friends and Discord at the gates of Canterlot in a very special place: right above a photo of her dad, whispering to him that she finally made it to Canterlot.
Sunny then turns and apologises to Izzy for how she put her magic ahead of their friendship in her excitement, hoping to earn trust back someday. Izzy says she never lost it, and they hug. And the comic ends with a reworked version of the game it started with. All magic is allowed, but you must pass to every player on your team before the goal counts. Even Discord gets in on the fun. Zipp congratulates herself on coming up with it, and Pipp does a video signout to close us out~
Well! I think, after all that, it was a lovely way to end the story. There were some issues with the pacing, as we discussed in previous updates. But I think that beautiful shot of Fluttershy's memory comforting Discord more than made up for it, and gave us the ending we really wanted. And of course, they're right. It's our differences that make us beautiful, and when we work together, we become something even more beautiful.
Next issue, we already did for Halloween, remember? So we'll jump to issue 12 and get back on track~
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