#my dms and askbox are open
axolotlclown · 2 months
We need to remember that Shubble stated that Wilbur would manipulate and gaslight friends and family. With this, we must be patient with streamers that were close to Wilbur. This was likely surprising and shocking for them. They may need time to come to terms with what has happened.
I have been vocal about how important it is for men to be critical about abusive behaviors. However, Wilbur had many close friends—some would even consider him family—and now they may feel they hardly knew him at all.
There is a deep stress felt by viewers. It is difficult to think we have given any amount of time or money to an abuser. Could you imagine a close friend right now? The pain and betrayal must sear. They need time to understand what has happened and come to terms with it. Many of them may not be live in the coming days (weeks even).
That being said, as time passes, criticism may be necessary. Complacency is not an option. Men that are willing to ignore abuse to protect an abuser are just as pathetic as the abusers themselves.
Let's give this situation time to breathe. I ask that we give patience and courtesy to those close to Wilbur at this time. But please do not forget that this happened. There may be a few streamers hoping to lay low and then drop a collab in a few months. Do not let them. This is too important.
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pathos-logical · 8 months
Do you know of any resources or posts specifically about captioning comics? I am very new to this, but I love comics and I make comics so I want to learn how to caption them properly. Thank you for your blog and all you do!
Delighted you asked this, since it gives me the excuse to share one of my top favorite posts about exactly that!!! I used @/TheQueerWithoutFear's addition in this post as a personal bible when starting out with art IDs! I think this post also has advice which is generally applicable to lots of comic IDs, since people can get bogged down writing every single detail of a piece when the broad strokes would do and thus detract from the overall comprehensibility of an ID. I also really appreciate this site as a great resource for examples on how to write concisely and with an audience in mind, and this post also lays out a lot of good tips! I'll round out this post with some general advice/guidelines:
Neither alt text nor caption IDs are better or even necessarily more accessible than the other; what matters is good formatting (so please don't put IDs below a readmore or use anything but plain text, use sentence case and primarily formal language, use brackets and "ID/End ID" formatting for caption IDs but omit them from alt, etc!)
For comics, especially long ones, I personally favor conciseness over strict fidelity to art, though this is highly subjective and depends on the piece and sometimes my mood. What I would boil this down to is that you don't need to include every detail in a piece to write a good ID, and using narration/prose is often more understandable than transcribing visual techniques (Ex: "She notices something to the side" is clearer and more succinct than "Action lines next to her face indicate she saw something to the side")
Organizing an ID's information in a top-down format is best for comprehensibility: start with who/what is featured (and where they're from, if applicable) and what they're doing, and then move on to background, style, and details
Last, you're welcome, and thank YOU so much for reaching out!! Artists like you make the world go round!! Please feel free to reach out if you ever have more questions, and have a wonderful day!!!
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charmac · 25 days
i don't think people hcing charlie as transfem are trying to dismiss the transmasc charlie hc! i think it's more of a projection thing for a lot of people, since i know at least a few of the main people who enjoy the headcanon are transfem themselves!! i don't think you have much to worry about in terms of people dismissing the tmasc or other genderqueer charlie hc anyways, since it's already much more popular! i think you're perhaps being a bit too critical.
I've literally never said anything like this at all, I think you've either misinterpreted something else I've said or have the wrong blog.
All of my Charlie gender-based posts or reblogs I've stated/tagged that I think any interpretation of Charlie's gender can make sense, be it transmasculine, transfeminine, nonbinary, agender, whatever you want.
I am one of the ~3 blogs that has access to The Bathroom Problem script and who posted and pointed out that you can make out/slightly hear the Joyce cuts in the episode itself. I would not have excitedly shared that for open-interpretation if I was "worried" people are "dismissing" transmasc Charlie headcanons. (Which, again, I've literally never said, but in any case, I believe it's valid for anyone to dismiss a headcanon they don't agree with, fandom is a sandbox.)
What I personally don't care for are genderbends and, almost by extension, analysis/meta on canon scenes that rename/re-gender the characters with no basis (or, one that comes off wrong). Both topics I've literally never publicly spoken out against here, nor have I said anything bad/negative to everyone who personally enjoys these things, so there is no way for me to possibly be "too critical" in that regard. I keep most of my opinions to myself and my close mutuals, almost exactly for what you're saying: I personally don't want to harsh or dismiss anyone's headcanons.
I have never said, and have never meant to imply, that anyone interpreting Charlie as transfem is attempting to dismiss anyone else's headcanon (which again would be a non issue to me anyway).
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weekly Layton puzzle #002
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask puzzle 127
requested by @layton-heritage-posts
Ace of Diamonds
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Of the three famous swords shown here, one is the legendary Ace of Diamonds. Those who have faced it in battle all call it so.
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butler-battle-bracket · 9 months
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purgemarchlockdown · 22 days
I am a tired young person who likes stories who’s not built for fandom- mutuals your allowed to pester me/go into DMs/asks and I will always come out for Amane + fanfiction but I am not doing analysis + general posting anymore. I have much better things to do than to go online and feel upset.
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evadingreallife · 1 year
Recap prima seconda terza quarta quinta serata:
• mi sono persa la banda che suonava rip
• morandi voleva suonare pure lui sta lì con la chitarra, l'anno prossimo propongo il fanta ma per i presentatori, voglio godere del panico conseguente
• elodie decide di far svenire tutt* causa nosebleeds stile anime con quel vestito signorina miss elodie darling what are you wearing and can we have gay sex i mean have gay sex i mean expl
• qualuno grida a elodie di sposarlo dalla platea e honestly mood
• straguzzo? What are the young kids up to these days? Ama imperterrito acconsente
• colla zio meglio? colla zio bravi? colla zio carucci?
• il vestito di mara sattei è un si per me
• tananai in direttissima dal (suo?) matrimonio col completo il fiore e tutto
• ferragni in her little blue dress & gold breastplate era with gold catenaccio incluso... im confused, what's not clicking?
• giorgia casts santino di ama e finalmente tira fuori la voce e ci ricorda di essere giorgia (i just had a totally unrelated war flashback bad phrasing bad phrasing ffff). Also, she was wearing a cotta di maglia (to defend her spot in the classifica? The hordes of frothing fans? Stuff)
• coladimasplash fantastici come al solito la frase delle seychelles suona come l'assolo di javert dei les mis this is the hill im willing to die on today
• diretta ig cringe ft. ferragni con yet another body shaped dress (?)
• a gino paoli non frega di cantare he came for the tea and that's what he wants to spill all over the stage LET THE MAN TALK AMA
• raga che dire, rosa chemical came here to slay e ci è riuscito. Not female presenting pierced nipples di fuori per il fanta, la canzone è un bop, è vestito da cameriere fetish ma who cares, siamo tutti collectively esplosi visto che
• LIMONE LIMONE SIGNORA IL LIMONEEE rosa chemical fa una lap dance a fedez in platea poi lo limona in maniera molto french live e lo rapisce portandolo sul palco a ballare, nel mentre fedez sorride e annuisce e chiara boh conta i follower da dietro le quinte i guess. Da due a tre il passo è breve e rosa ha deciso che volere è potere good for him
• achille lauro ha strappato la federa del divano dal cadavere dei potroneesofà guys e l'ha indossata per cantare wow
• ah no sono qui. Non si scappa dai poltroneesofà. Loro ti troveranno. Sempre.
• cmq achille e rosa separati uno al suzuki e l'altro all'ariston per non far scomunicare tutta la città causa orgia in diretta i guess dati i precedenti
• ciuri ribattezza achille cristina d'avena e chi può dargli torto quest'anno. Ciuri uno di noi se ci stai leggendo we love you ciuri💖
• cugini di campagna che vogliono rompere la barriera del suono con gli acuti cute e vestiti arcobbbaleno i approve
• parte cringissima della ferragni che invoca il nome dei meme invano e cerca di far entrare ama nel giro mostrandogliene due tre cringissimi di cui uno dal profilo insta di fedez pls stop. Stendiamo un velo pietoso e perdoniamo chi non sa di cosa parla
•mr rain si esibisce (con meno bambini del solito mi dicono?? Idk non so contare, were they disappeared? Did the poteri forti (amadeus) remove hostile entities (bimbi milanisti)? Thats sus)
• in questa notte di sole furore furore diventa decisamente on point per i limoni serali odierni oh how the tables turn
• a una certa ama ha fatto una diretta e uno da dietro faceva i segnali di fumo nei suoi 3 secondi di fama i stan
• levante normale direi (?)
• ornella vanoni wanders on stage. It's her time to sing. Maybe. She finishes. Delira. Says la gara mi fa morire. Amadeus le dà un mazzo di carciofi. Lei li conta e dice che alla rai sono tirchi. E i carciofi a Milano fanno schifo. I understood none of *gestures* this
• LDA embraces the glitter nel pigiamino look.
• someone walks on stage i do not know her she speaks in napoletano ama speaks in napoletano i have no idea what just happened but that dress tho 👀👀👀 respectfully🙌🏻
• ah la ferragni da un'oretta ha una collana a forma di utero? Tipo? D'oro placcato obv
• chiara ha l'ennesimo momento cringe e regala ad anna moglie di gianni la sua sciarpetta bianca patentata da meme con su scritto pensati divorziata buon matrimonio or something
• Olly in rapprensentanza formale del gesticolare compulsivo made in italy uno di noi
• addetto alle telecamere dell'ariston che deve pulirle dalla bava la saliva il rossetto il covid dopo ogni esibizione causa fantasanremo you have my thoughts my prayers and my sword
• i 31 articolano la canzone noo oerché mi tirate i pomodori faceva ridere nella mia testaa
• uhmmmm... will... ha cantato... *eyes slowly closing*
• leo alla riscossa (?), alla fine la canzone è carina e lui si fa valere. MA I BUCHI DIETRO ALLA GIACCA SONO PER I DUE CUORI?? SONO SEMPRE STATI LÌ ANCHE SE È LA PRIMA VOLTA CHE LI VEDO?? doctor who confirmed
• I used the ouija board as a JOKE why is anna oxa standing in my living room help me (ft. @sasukesexbomb). Anyways anna is sempre più sulla strada per diventare una sciamana maga magò una delle parche addetta al pianto greco ai funerali a questo punto i dont even know anymore
• OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD L'ULTIMO L'ULTIMO THIS IS ENDING I CANT BELIEVE IT anyways caruccia la canzone di sethu dai
• c c c c c lassifica del ca
• my worst nightmare: sanremo che ricomincia daccapo all'una e mezza di notte- ah no solo i top 5 in classifica
• che btw sono ultimo tananai mengoni lazza e mr rain
• obv io sono imparziale MA [REDACTED] NO DAI SU NON SI PUÒ SENTIRE *viene assassinata nel sonno dalle fan*
• 😴😴😴
• i bimbi di mr rain stanno a nanna PERCHÉ NOI DOVREMMO STARE QUI A VEDERE SANREMO ANCORA??? EH???
• no ma serio ama con la lettera di zelensky alle ore 2:13 di sabato sera? Uhhh guarda che stiamo tutti dormendo o quasi. Try again in prima serata next time.
• band ucraina? Ok. Magari coi sottotitoli era più d'impatto eh. Per dire. Un suggerimento. Visto che era, sai, in ucraino.
• una gioia BEN DUE GIOIE per i coladimasplash daje ve le meritate
• *gasps* mengoni primoo wow so unexpected much surprise
• no vabbe scherzi apparte sono ok con la classifica
• gianni che scopa un'ultima volta sul palco pun fully intended daje
Thank god siamo alla fine. Alright gays guys it's been real it's been fun it's been real fun ora tutti a ninne e ci si vede all'esc e/o l'anno prossimo direttamente. Notte a tutti ✨✨✨
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juneviews · 1 month
I genuinely adore gl sm bruh 😭
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grayskiesandink · 3 months
Gonna do obscure n random hcs-
Dream has a soft spot for twins. He sees twins an gets nostalgic n sad/ most people portray ink as evil-soulless guy thats lying but i think he'd mostly be happy and having fun with life/I personally cannot see ink or classic as anything BUT aroace. I physically cannot. / when people touch error they lose their lineart and it feels soo weird. Kinda like when a hand falls asleep. / most afterdeath kids dont have the death touch, but a few like greape, anubis, or ancolie do/ nightmare isnt the nightmare dream grew up with. Hes literally a different person- a sorta parasite that took over passives body through the apples/ to go along with that last one nm and fresh resent each other. Fresh has fun with it, but nightmare hates his entire being and sees him a threat./ error is soo silly. Literally just having fun with himself until someone comes along n messes it up by having opinions or existing.
first I will say I love these headcanons/opinions these are great !!!! spinning these around in my brain. now for if they match up with my own B) all interpretations are valid interpretations Dream and twins: I've actually been thinking about something similar lately!! In my mind, its almost a trigger for him? If he sees two identical twins it Will make him think about his past, if not just make him feel..... sad. feel as if he's missing something. Ink isn't evil?: I 100% AGREE. you. you understand him. he's just a silly guy living his life. i personally like putting him in situations that reveal his morality (which, to others in the multiverse, appears grey. in short, he's a character who has the morality of a creator. there's more to it. but, hes interesting! he's interesting). I like exploring all angles of him and his views and morality and character and bwghkrgbirhwbg but really hes just a guy. just a guy having a good time yknow. or trying. AroAce Ink & Sans Classic: I pretty much fully agree with this, just with the change that I can't see them as being anything but on the aroace spectrum. I see Sans as biromantic asexual, bi aroace, or aroace. Ink is the one who I often just see as aroace, and really more often just see him as just that. Error's touch causing loss of lineart: I haven't ever thought of this before but I LOVE IT SM. will be thinking of this.... I also like the idea of physical touch not just hurting Error but affecting whoever touched them.
AfterDeath kids and Death's Touch: I actually don't know a lot about AfterDeath ship kids! So, I haven't really thought much about them. I do think that any kids of reaper and geno would have something weird around death though, maybe not death touch but something similar. Nightmare isn't Nightmare?: I actually really don't like Nightmare and passive not being the same person. Personally, I feel like there is a way you could rewrite Dreamtale to make it work better, but it would have to be a significant rewrite (which people do and I love it when they do). It just feels like... something often gets lost with Nightmare's story when he isn't the same person, at least in some way. I personally like the idea that Nightmare himself doesn't see himself as passive. He sees himself as having killed that part of him, or something like that. Or, I can see Nightmare having dissociated away from that part of himself. Or, I can see Nightmare being like "yeah I'm nightmare I'm the nightmare you knew, Dream. this is what you've done, this is what you've made". In any case, they are the same person in at least some way to me. Nightmare and Fresh resent each other: This is really cool with the idea of both Nightmare and Fresh being parasites. It's not a headcanon I have, since I don't see Nightmare that way. I think Nightmare is just kinda mildly annoyed by Fresh- Fresh thinks Nightmare is fun to mess with. Nm rarely ever destorys aus (because he needs aus to feed on) so Fresh doesn't see him as a threat. Error is silly: YES. well. ok. sometimes. Error takes his job seriously..... sometimes..... like cq has said Error is contradictory he doesn't make sense he's not supposed to make sense. I think sometimes Error's silly with it sometimes he's not. overall he is just a silly guy though !!
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
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to anyone feeling lonely or sad on Valentine's Day:
you are whole even without a romantic partner
it's okay to wish you had a romantic partner and be sad if you don't
you are lovable and deserve friends who love you the way you are
it's okay to wish you had a best friend and be sad if you don't
I hope you also remember to be a friend to yourself 🤍
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glitterdisposition · 9 months
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corcracrow · 4 months
Are you a christian? (you can reply privately if you like, I'm just speculating)
Hi nonnie! Yes, I am a christian. I don’t tend to post much about my faith/life in particular, but when I do it’s generally tagged christianity :)
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littlelordalphinaud · 4 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me, @ahri-sahar
Last song: How Lovely - Reinaeiry (it's my song for my main BG3 OC/NPC ship)
Favorite color: Bwue~!
Last movie/TV show: Newsies on Broadway
Sweet/spicy/savory?: Toss up between Spicy and Sweet!
Relationship status: 1 Partner, 2 QPRs!
Last thing I googled: 'Garden of Esila Knight Orb' (I forgot that part of Destiny's holiday event, certain kills give you the ability to make snowballs to throw at other enemies so I was trying to find out what i was meant to do with the orb I was now carrying)
Current obsession: FFXIV, Yotsuyu (my heart), always Alphinaud, and I may or may not be leaning back into my Krile/Alisaie bullshit, I can neither confirm nor deny...
@uldahstreetrat , @zeloinator , @alenkos , @lotusillustration , @eriyu , @alkonosts , @mikuchan , @draconian-empress , @thebeatneverleaves
But no pressure at all!!!
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ghostcond · 7 months
"let's do the barkingham palace quest to get it out of my book" -famous last words. i had my first proper encounter with cheating bosses here and i am about to go INSANE
i actually never did barkingham palace because i had already done aquila with my brother and i took one look at barkingham palace, said "that sounds like a lot of work," and then didn't ever go back and now i'm level 71 and i still haven't done it or tomb of the beguiler or kensington park or zigzag. waterworks and aquila made me wanna rip my hair out, just those two
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timothylawrence · 7 months
to everyone who sends me wyll posts i love you !! i appreciate you!!! thank you!!! the dms are always open !!! i love him!!!
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alixgracchus · 1 year
[*Shuffles in*] It's not... what you expect. It's super tame. But it's to set things up, I swear. -CollarSlaDickAnon
Part 3
Going to meet with Bruce the next day was brutal. Dick spent all day fighting off his anxiety, his own anger, fighting with himself whether he was in the right. Slade didn't like it. For one, Dick was pacing endlessly. He refused to eat. And he took off the collar.
Sure, wearing the exact same customized collar as Nightwing probably isn't the smartest idea to keeping one's secret identity, but that was why Slade offered him simpler ones. Even discreet ones. But Dick turned them all down. Even the proposition of new gifts wasn't even hinting at a smile from him.
Slade knew how this was going to go. How it always goes. Bruce is going to scold him, Dick is going to argue his point, Bruce will shut him down no matter how valid it may be, and Dick is going to storm off. And when Dick storms off, Slade is left to clean up the mess. And it's never an easy clean up.
Dick slowly made his way down the stairs to the Batcave. Sure, he could take the elevator. Or even those old fireman poles he and Bruce keep up just for the occasional sentimental ride down. But he wanted to put this off as long as possible. The last thing he was expecting was to see Jason.
"Sure, now you take it off," he scoffs under his breath, idly swiveling in a chair.
"Do not start, you two," Bruce growled from around the corner. Dick saw something waiver on Jason's face.
"Good luck," he whispered, "he is pissed."  As if that pit of dread couldn't get deeper in Dick's stomach. He slowly kept walking around the corner to find Bruce at the computer, going over surveillance footage that caught the whole incident last night.
"Deathstroke is to stay out of Gotham,"  Bruce started, not even looking at Dick.
"Hello to you too. I'm not his babysitter-"
"No, but he seems to be yours," Bruce challenged, finally looking at him. Jason was right, he was absolutely furious. It's one thing for Batman to be angry. But Bruce? "Nightwing is suspended from Gotham for the rest of the week-"
"What? What ever happened to getting my side of the story-"
"I can see your side of the story!" He yelled, throwing his hand at the screen.
"So, what? I get benched, and Jason gets nothing?"
"Red Hood has been suspended from solo missions, and both of you will sit in on the defusing lecture again." 
"Can recite it by heart," Jason called out.
"Not happening," Dick glared, "I have a drug ring going rampant in Blüdhaven. I'm not risking a mission over some bullshit lec-"
"Then get Deathstroke to handle it. He seems to handle everything involving you as it is."
"He has his own jobs to handle. I can handle my own-"
"And you are to stay away from him," Bruce tacked on, standing to tower over him. Dick felt something dark twist in his gut. He knew when he was about to reach his breaking point, and this was it.
"Excuse me-"
"What do you think people with think of you? Nightwing going around, parading himself as an ally to Deathstroke? You'll have the entire city turned against you. All of Gotham turned against you."
"Is that a threat?"
"It's a fact, Dick. I spent years, decades gaining the trust if this city. And I will not have some perverted sex fantasy of yours ruin that-" Pure rage boiled up Dick's throat, and he had no desire to stop it.
"Of course! Of fucking course, that's what you think this is! Not the person who cares about me protecting me! Not about the fact that I'm actually happy for once! Because you can't get over the fact that I'm with Slade!"
"Deathstroke is a murderous assass-"
"His name is Slade!" Dick screamed. He had it. He had it with Bruce seeing his partners as nothing but some wild kink fling. He always saw them as that. He couldn't get over the fact that Dick grew up. He was practically thirty. Hell, he wasn't even that much younger than Bruce, compared to Tim or Damian.
"Slade is Deathstroke, they are one and the same!" Bruce tried to counter.
"Then why didn't you beat the shit out of Jason like you did Red Hood?" He watched Bruce flinch, fighting to regain traction in his argument.
"Red Hood-"
"Why didn't you just go ahead and reveal Jason's identity and throw him in Arkham, lock him away forever, like you do with every other criminal in Gotham? Oh, that's right, because they aren't one and the same to you. And Slade and Deathstroke are not one and the same!" Dick couldn't do this anymore. If he kept this up, he was going to start crying. He always was the crybaby of the family. "If you can't see him as any different, then don't bother contacting me for any more missions, because I won't answer," he bit before storming off, feeling his pulse pounding in his ears. Bruce didn't call out to him. If anything, it hurt even more that he didn't. But Dick wasn't oblivious to the second pair of feet following him up to the manor.
"That was a pretty ballsy move," Jason scoffed a laugh. "Throwing Red Hood into that?" Dick didn't feel like getting into it again. "You alright? ... Like, your arms and shit," he deflected, nudging Dick's heavily bruised arm with his elbow.
"'S fine."
"Your legs aren't. You know you can't hide a limp from any of us, right? I tried to not hit your knees or anything."
"It's fine, Jason," Dick emphasized. "Did you want something?" He asked, forcing his voice to ease down. Jason looked around a little.
"Alright, look. I'm not happy about... you and him. But I'm not... I trust your judgement. If you seem to think you're safe with him... I'll try to give the two of you the benefit of the doubt. And considering his history with the Titans, that is a very difficult thing to do! Er... whatever you do, don't let Raven catch wind of this. Ever." That got a small smile from Dick.
"Thanks," Dick nodded, keeping his eyes down. "I'm more surprised that you knew what the whole... kink etiquette thing was."
"I'm not twelve! Also, I used to work with Roman."
"Ah," Dick smirked, "right."
"But seriously, all that aside, just... be careful with all that shit. I don't want to have to come get you at two in the morning again as Red Hood because some fuckhead hurt you. And honestly, I can't fight off Slade."
Dick hated it when he brought up the asshole he trusted once. It was the first time Dick attempted anything relatively kinky, and it didn't end well. Jason got a surprise call from Dick, mid panic attack, sobbing uncontrollably. It took days till Jason managed to get Dick alright enough to head back to his own apartment. As horrible as it all was, it did bring them closer, trusting each other more as brothers. Sure, their fight last night led to some pretty nasty bruises, but neither of them blamed the other.
"Thanks, Little Wing," Dick smiled. "I'm gonna head out. I... really don't want to be here right now."
"Still got the codes to my place?"
"As long as you didn't change them again." Jason thought for a moment.
"No, no, I... I'll send you them again. I bumped up the taser power."
"Well," Slade said casually, glancing up from his book, "you seem in better shape than I expected." He pat his leg idly. Dick knew what that meant, coming over to curl up in his lap as Slade continued to read. "Your pulse is high."
"No shit," Dick mumbled.
"How'd it go?"
"Banned from Gotham till next week. Gotta...  go to some stupid lecture he prerecorded back in the 90's... Jay... actually is okay with us."
"I doubt that," Slade smirked. "He's humoring you."
"Fine, let him. One less person treating me like shit."
"Stop that," Slade glared with his voice, not looking away from his book.
"What, telling the truth? Not a single person was there but Bruce and Jay. Everyone was supposed to be there today, Slade, and no one was around? They're avoiding me. Only Jason had the balls to look at me. Even Bruce wouldn't look at me! They all think I'm disgusting now," he bit. If it was one thing Dick hated, it was being ignored and avoided.
"That house is huge. You're upset. And you're making speculations without proper evidence. Enough." But something in Dick kept going. For once, he wanted to be heard.
"Could you just actually listen to me for five minutes instead of shutting me down?" He screamed, getting to his feet. Slade just lowered his book and raised his brow.
"When was I doing that?" He said simply. "You do this all the time. You have no reason to believe that-"
"Well maybe I want to be miserable! Bruce just kinkshamed me, basically called me a sexual pervert, and banned me from Gotham for a week; and without even hearing a single word from me! He belittled you, insulted you, and I'm supposed to just pretend like it didn't happen? He has done shit like this my whole fucking life!"
"And that is why you are here," Slade said with a hint of comfort, "in Blüdhaven, with me. Because you do not need him. Or Gotham. You built your own legacy without him. Stop letting your daddy issues control you."
"Oh, sorry I was abus-"
"I didn't say you weren't. I didn't say that you aren't justified. I'm saying stop letting him get to you like this. Because then he wins." Slade dropped the book and stood up, looming over Dick. But it wasn't intimidating like Bruce was. It was like a guard dog protecting their family, walking closely around him. "Every time you let him get to you, he wins. And because you're maladaptive reaction is to seek out praise, you'll crawl right back to him like some poor little slave. Again. And again. And again." Dick felt cool, soft leather gently wrap around his neck, the jingle of the buckle on the back of his neck almost grounding. Slade slide a finger between the collar and his neck to check the tightness, and to direct Dick to look up at him. "Stop thinking. Let me handle this," he purred.
Dick leaned up for a kiss, but Slade drew back. He took a blanket off the couch, wrapped his little bird in it, and settled him down on the couch.
"You're riled up enough. You need to eat," he scolded, trudging off to the kitchen. But Dick could tell from the way Slade walked that he was a bit stiff. Healing factors only go so far, and Slade had a rough week, putting his own self care off for Dick's sake.
But Dick knew better. Slade was going to stop at nothing till Dick was at least a little back to his old self. So he let himself be cheered up and tended to before playing his own cards.
"Ow," Dick winced as they cuddled on the couch, hissing as he adjusted.
"That bastard hit you hard."
"No, no, it's fine. I just gotta adjust." Slade sighed and lifted him up in a bridal carry, bringing him into the bedroom, slowly stripping him till he could see all the bruises Jason had hammered into him. Some of them were bad enough to be swollen.
"Maybe it's a good thing you were benched. You're not going out like this," he scolded, crossing his arms.
"Slade. They're bruises."
"And this?" Slade reached down and unwound the bloody bandages around his thigh, revealing a gash from the crowbar's claw. "And you thought this didn't need stitches?" Slade glared, walking off to the bathroom, coming back with the enormous tool box they used for a first aid kit.
It was no use. When Slade wanted to patch his little bird up, there was no stopping him. Slade was usually quick about it, but he took his time this time, careful of how hard he pulled. The wound was close to Dick's hip, so he wanted to be sure that he was being gentle enough.
"No lidocaine?" Dick asked, trying to not squirm.
"Fresh out from your little stunt on Tuesday. I'll steal some tonight."
"You're going out?" Dick looked up from his throne of pillows.
"Wintergreen found a good contract today. I have to leave tonight if I want to get to the target on time. But I can hit the drug store before I leave. Restock our kit."
"So the bruises weren't why you didn't want me to leave." Slade's hands paused for a moment.
"Don't take this the wrong way, little bird, but you don't take care of yourself after fights with him. And I'm not going to be here to scrape you off of the pavement because you did something stupid this time. And considering that you obviously cut off your little bat contact, you're without me, and you're without backup. You are staying here till I get back. So be a good little pillow princess, and do as your told."
Dick hated it when Slade called him that. But the fact that he was down right pouting against a mountain of pillows didn't help his case.
"Why? It's not like you treat me like one?" Dick challenged.
"Would you rather be a belligerent brat?" Slade growled, snipping the stitching thread, tossing the needle into a jar of sanitizing solution.
"According to everyone else, I am."
"Fine," Slade said with a lilt, going through a drawer. "Then you'll be treated like one." Quicker that Dick could react, Slade snapped a leash onto his collar, pulling him close to his face. "Stay."
Slade watched Dick swallow thickly, pushing him back against the bed. Dick had completely lost his words as Slade rewrapped his leg, leaving the room. He got up to follow, but found the leash had been attached to the metal headboard by a lock. He checked the clasp on the collar, unable to find any way to unhook it.
"Uh... you left me locked to the... the leash?"
"What about it?" He called back. Dick got up, finding the leash was long enough that he could peek his head out the room.
"You can reach the bathroom from there," he said over his book again.
"... You're kidding me."
"You want to be a brat, you're going to be treated like one." Dick glared at him, bristling.
"A brat, not a bitch!"
"I see no difference." He got up and stood just out of Dick's reach. "And bratty bitches are to be kept on a leash. How else am I supposed to rest assured that you'll stay here?" He smirked when Dick realized what he meant. "You can sulk in your room all you want while I'm gone. That's what you wanted anyway, wasn't it? Throw the biggest pity party you want. Or would you rather a dog house?" Slade roughly grabbed his cheeks in his fingers.
"I need to eat, dumbass."
"Fine." Slade went back into the bedroom and unhooked the leash from him. "I will be gone for three or four days. Depends how long the target decides to play chicken."
"You mean how much you want to toy with him," Dick rolled his eyes, redressing himself. Slade came up behind him and ran a dangerous hand across his neck.
"Only for those who really peak my interest," he purred.
"Uh-huh, real enemies to lovers, we are," Dick scoffed a laugh. "Just don't fuck him, and I won't get jealous."
"Sweetheart, only you would be that unfathomably horny to fuck your target before killing them."
"Give 'em a good time before they die."
"And you call me sick and twisted," Slade laughed, going to pull out his old, prepacked military duffle bag for the trip. "The fridge is full, so you better eat. And for the love of god, little bird, don't actually stay in here the whole time," he scolded. "Just don't think about going out at night. Maybe see if that space chick who tried to fry me is in town."
"You mean Koriand'r? Come on, ten years and you still can't remember her name?"
"Unless you want me to call her McCormick, it's 'space chick.'" Dick couldn't help a laugh at that, getting one of the sweetest smiles from Slade. Slade undid the collar, and showed Dick the quick release on it before affixing it back on him. "If you're good, I'll bring something back for you, my little bird," Slade said, kissing his hand.
Me reading this, a moodboard:
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OMG ANON I AM GOING INSANE!!!!! This has EVERYTHING I LOVE!!! DRAMA! BROTHERLY LOVE! DOMESTIC FLUFF! HURT/COMFORT! Anon, i beg you PLEASE post this to AO3, even anonymously so people can see this gem! 😭 thank you SO MUCH for sending this to me!
Also, I wanted to tell you: "tame" doesn't mean bad. And you, my friend, know how to write drama! I was really getting frustrated along with Dick when he fought Bruce, and this gave me the impression it wasn't the first time they had such a fight! You write Dick very well and make us feel with him! Again, a great thank you for such a beautiful treat on this Saturday night!
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