#my brain is still in that mode
bibuddie · 16 days
we all remember where we were
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suntails · 28 days
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dance of dreams
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there is something so so so Appealing about angry/irritated Barnaby. it scratches an itch in my brain. somethin somethin comic relief characters getting to break their mold and be outwardly unhappy
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pacifistcowboy · 6 months
yo omega would still be around in silver’s time as well as shadow, right?
and i assume shadow n omega would still stick together ‘cus they’re a team, so like would silver see omega as like an uncle? or dad 2? or just omega??
would omega even try to help raise silver or would he just be like “the tiny white hedgehog has psychokinesis and has been surviving on his own, he does not need our help. also i don’t want to help.”
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thyandrawrites · 8 months
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I'm gonna talk about this panel again, actually
Yes, Nagi's obliviousness to how he hurt Reo's feelings is frustrating yadda yadda yadda
But from the pov of Nagi being secure about their relationship, Reo hurt Nagi's feelings as well, and I feel like this gets rarely acknowledged?
Imagine this. You're Nagi. You don't wanna be in blue lock. You don't even want to attend. The summon letter you received interested you so little, you only opened it cause Reo did. You tagged along because Reo, your best friend, cared about it.
Then you learn blue lock is a special training program that will pit all the competitors against each other in a fight with only one winner. You don't wanna be Reo's enemy, and you don't want him to be yours. You try to leave, reasoning you don't want to face the day you'll either have to win against him and crush his career, or get eliminated yourself and crush his dream. You try to explain this to him. He doesn't understand—doesn't even want to listen. You sigh and keep tagging along, for his sake. Your heart isn't in it, but Reo believes in you so much you want him to be happy. You tell him, "stay with me till the end", knowing that parting will be inevitable at some point, despite his delusions otherwise. He tells you, "it's a promise, Nagi", and you believe him cause Reo puts his entire heart into his promises.
You still don't care that much about football. You'd rather be at home, secure that Reo is where he belongs, in a place filled with likeminded and driven people like him, and nothing like you. But you persist. For his sake, cause he still believes you more than you ever believed in yourself, really. At some point, soccer starts to become kind of fun. You can see yourself finally getting invested, and you tell him "I want to try to make an effort". Isn't this what he's always been wishing for all this time? For you to try, on your own, without bribery? And you tell him, "You and I are going to be best in the world. That's a fact." You believe so much in him, just as much as he believes in you. His dream was never yours, but you want to see it happen anyway, not for Reo but to keep staying with him until the end. Cause you like being with him. It's comfortable. It's fun. So you tell him, "later, Reo. I'll be waiting for you," because you'll always find your way to him, no matter what. You swore your future to him, and he to you.
You part ways with him and immediately feel lonely. You've never been apart for long, but you think his dream might be starting to become yours too, a little bit, cause you keep thinking about it—about ways to make it happen, still. You were beaten once, and it was enough to make you fear you and Reo wouldn't make it, and you don't want that. Neither does Reo, you know this. So you part ways even if it hurts. Even if Reo wasn't happy about it. He promised you he'll stay with you till the end, and Reo keeps his promises, so why would he lie to you?
But then, just after two days apart, he tells you, "You and I are rivals now, Nagi," and you don't understand what he means. His eyes are so cold, dull, and he slaps your hand away. He never refused affection before. Reo always initiated it, but not anymore. And he tells you "I'm going to crush you," and you don't know why he would say such a thing. You'll win the world cup together. That's a fact. So you don't say anything back. It hurts, but you don't protest it. Reo believed in you first, it's your turn now to believe in him. You singlemindedly continue to believe in that dream, even if he doesn't seem to care about it anymore.
And then it happens. Just like you predicted on day one, you're up against each other, but you give it your all. You never wanted him to be your enemy, but that's how he feels, and you knew this day would come sooner or later.
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So you put it to the back of your mind. You don't listen to the doubt in your chest, even if you think Reo might have forgotten, after all. But you haven't, and that's all that matters to you now.
Then you win, but it was a close match, so you know he'll keep advancing. That's just who Reo is. He's so talented, so driven. So you tell him you'll be waiting for him. Again. Trying so hard is a pain, but you're willing to do it however many times it takes to become strong enough to chase that dream again, with Reo at your side. You don't know what Reo is feeling, or why he doesn't want to be your friend anymore, but you think he'll understand this, at least. This all-consuming drive that fires you up from the inside, this excitement. Between the two of you, Reo was always the more passionate one. Except now he's not. He's slumped on the ground, and he doesn't get up. He tells you, "if you're gonna throw me away, then just do it," like that idea ever crossed your mind, like it's not utter nonsense to you. He looks at you with defeat written all over his face, waiting for you to offer him an excuse to give up on the world cup. To give up on you.
And you think, what happened to making you the best stiker in the world? To staying together till the end? What happened to your promises to each other?
Did that dream matter so little to him? Did you?
*head in hands*
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Nagi's love is quieter but I promise you (ha!), if you look at it closely enough, it's wayyyyy more intense, holy shit. and Reo is as much to blame for his shit communication skills as Nagi is... Just cause Nagi didn't cry about it, it doesn't mean he wasn't upset too
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wigglebox · 3 months
for the art ask game: charlie with palette 14? :0
All hail the queen!
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Help me beat my art block!
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wildflowercryptid · 1 month
florian first realizes he's developing feelings for kieran when they go to the festival of masks together, but i think he'd really fall for them when kieran reveals that they told the town the truth about ogerpon.
he'd be stunned by kieran doing something so risky, ( after all, there was a possibility that telling the truth would've ended poorly like it almost did with their ancestor, ) and how much courage it must've taken them to do that for ogerpon. he'd have so much admiration for them in that moment and think they're so amazing... it'd really be his " oh. oh, i really like them a lot. " moment.
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frownyalfred · 8 months
Not many realize this but bruce still has nightmares of when he found jason dead and still blames himself for not getting there on time
He believes that if joker deserves death for killing jason then he is just as responsible and deserves the same
are you friends with the sad alfred anon? I feel like I'm getting bombarded with angst this week.
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samthecookielord · 7 months
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I've only had this demo for quite literally an hour and they have already captivated me
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mothssoup · 2 years
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— maybe you’re both a little scared of having the other’s lives in your hands again
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cluescorner · 19 days
Canto 6 was incomplete
Literally why are we there? Like, we just go to a manor that's in t-corp I guess. But why are we there? We've got another Heathcliff and he's cool but he just shows up pissed off for no reason and then we leave? Weird af. Nelly, Linton, and Josephine were cool and Hindley...existed. But it's a weirdly low number of supporting characters, and I guess that 1 really important and cool one could have made up for it but that didn't happen. Even the Mili song felt incomplete, like only 1/2 of it was there! Such an odd choice to make at the halfway mark for our 12 sinners. It just feels like a lot of stuff was missing and it's really sad because I was excited for Heathcliff's canto.
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hajihiko · 10 months
out of curiosity, why is the alone at night rule there? is the place that they’re staying not secure, or is it more of an emotional support time deal?
Safety in numbers, and you're less likely to let imagination run wild when you have a solid support next to you
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sansaorgana · 1 month
I'm sorry but, random thought here...I can't help imagining Feyd-Rautha coming to our world somehow and being super confused that we as humans can't really "choose" the sex of our offspring when we get pregnant; it's just luck whether we get a boy or a girl.
I think in Dune Universe they couldn't either – only the Bene Gesserit had access to such power. And I made The Harkonnen medics be able to do that in my fanfic but I'm not sure if it was in the books (most likely not althought it wouldn't surprise me). 😌
By the way, I've just found out (source: nih.gov) —
Geneticists have discovered that all human embryos start life as females, as do all embryos of mammals. About the 2nd month the fetal tests elaborate enough androgens to offset the maternal estrogens and maleness develops.
So, the Bene Gesserit powers are very unrealistic either because they can't determine the child will be a boy before the second month.
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bonetrousledbones · 1 month
anyway. if yall ever want a really fun way to fuck around and decompress i will recommend you write a character who is so fancy-talking and so so self-grandiose and such an absolutely mythic bitch
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thelonelynindroid · 9 months
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So I finished MQ season one,
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flamboyant-king · 3 months
Hey, can I hug the cammypus?
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Cammypus hops dimensions just to be hugged, of course you get your chance to hug one too!
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