#music is keeping me sane
mrsackermannx · 9 months
lourdes!!! how have you been lovely?
hello my dear! ive been a little stressed bc i fly to spain very soon!! but im feeling hopeful, and ready for the shibuya arc to be animated😈, how are you?! tell me all😌 your favourite snack rn, any cool thoughts, any shows/characters/ musical artists you’re super into rn—you name it, tell me all!😌😌😌❤️
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obsessively-boring · 8 months
My phone had an update and now its telling me that im using my earphones for too long. Bold move lil guy.
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thunder-birb-00 · 1 month
Just a Hatchetfield pondering
Whilst brainstorming dreaming about an AU, I started to wonder about certain people who were gazed upon by a Lord in Black or another Eldritch entity like the Killer Track (which by inside joke I’ve taken to naming him KaTey), would actually be known as.
Any human said to be a disciple of the Lords in Black, at least from what I remember, actually studies the Black Book and practices spells from it. Those would be like, the Church of the Starry Children (notably Sherman and Sheila Young, and that of Roman Murray), Wilbur Cross, Willabella Muckwab and probably Grace Chastity in specifically NPMD.
The “unsure” category for me, would be Wiggly cult and Linda in Black Friday because it’s not that known if they have the Black Book with them. But what I would speculate as a strictly headcanon, is that by extension of Uncle Wiley/ Wilbur Cross, they would’ve learnt enough to be able to construct the portal for Wiggly to get through, and thusly qualified them as Disciples.
As for NPMD, Pete and Steph are kinda left out because they only used Black Book once and never again, thusly counting them out as “disciple”.
With that out of the way, then what does one call Miss Holloway and Solomon Lauter? Would these two count as “Ex-Disciples” since they have studied the book but have ultimately learnt that they are being steered to do unspeakable evil? Instead trying to either minimise usage (Solomon Lauter) or try to actually do good with this knowledge (Miss Holloway)?
Solomon Lauter could also be a matter of “one-use” situation, which can be possible given that he buried the book, but there leaves room for headcanons that he might’ve used the book significantly to know it’s nefarious purposes,
but for Miss Holloway, simply put, she knows too much to have not been a Disciple at some point cause again, disciple merely means “student”, so it’s highly possible that in her actual living life, she was not malicious but more of misguided until she realised it herself and did a lot to become well, Miss Holloway as we know of her.
Now disciples out of the way, now prophets.
Linda is a prophetess in Black Friday, she was selected to impart the message that Wiggly will descend upon Hatchetfield thanks to Wilbur Cross.
Hannah Foster is an actual prophetess, where because of Webby, Hannah does actually get to prophesise the future, but sadly in the cryptic words Webby uses for her.
now that leaves the following ppl: Paul Matthews, Ted Spankoffski, Bill and Alice Woodward, regarding “can one call them prophets or not”. We all know the CCRP trio sans Alice are practically “blorbos” to their respective LiBs. But like, because they do not really spread any future vision or prophesise a thing (look at Ted he just simply went mad), what do we call such ppl?
Lord in Black’s toys? Lord in Black’s pets? Lord in Black’s playthings? Lord in Black’s torture tango partners???
like canonically, what would one call these guys if not disciples or like actual prophets? XD
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katkit-drops-alt · 5 months
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Help it’s been only a week and I haven’t gotten over this saga send help
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nateriverswife · 3 months
it just hit me how much time I lose commuting and that's probably why I feel so drained every single time. my commute is almost 5 hours and 20 minutes a day, 4 times a week this semester. imagine waking up at 5:45am for a 9am lecture or getting home at almost 10pm when you finish at 7pm
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notdelusionalatall · 7 days
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nikoisme · 6 months
Paris in Paris The Musical: Here I'll stand, ready to face you, man to man.
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theatrekidsstuff · 8 days
The only thing keeping me alive rn🙏
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cosettepontmercys · 1 month
hey guys did you know that they say we are asleep until we fall in love we are children of dust and ashes but when we fall in love we wake up
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keeps-ache · 8 months
typing lessons >:|
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ourdykeofsorrows · 3 months
Burning Down The House - Paramore is a beautiful name for a baby girl
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girlwithfish · 5 months
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made a playlist of songs that make me want to puke and then a hype playlidt of osngs that make me happy to motivate me to clean my room slayyy duality
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pidgefudge · 5 months
help gay people in my phone
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louderfade · 4 months
if you decorated your apartment/house/homespace to be beige/grey/off-white/basically a noncolor i automatically do not trust you. why are you afraid of colors. why do you want to live in a realty photograph or a hampton inn. i asked my sister why people do this (she's my go-to for explanations of normies bc she would've been one except she does drugs and was raised by me so got early immunity from full frontal lobe shut down) and she said "people find it calming" like wow really how strange. expressing zero personality/taste calms them down? that shit makes me feel like there could be a threat lurking near. it puts me on edge. it sets off alarms in my instinct center. i feel like a dog who senses an approaching animal has rabies. warning: some shit is deeply wrong with this organism and they pose a threat to your well being. flee without engaging. my grandparents are 90 and conservative and even they had a house with colors and patterns and art they enjoyed. millennial apartments terrify me. our boomer parents were hit or miss with their ticky-tacky suburban houses. some of those houses had a soul but many didn't. "hanging stuff on the walls decreases the property value" and other such statements that prove you're already dead. millennials seem worse though bc they do it to rentals bc they LIKE it. maybe those old women haircuts all the girls had in hs in the 2000s (this is my fav gen z criticism of us millennials bc so fucking true in hs i was like wtf are these middle aged hairstyles how did this become cool everyone looks 35) are responsible for this particular variety of brain damage. from now on i believe in this link. 32 year olds live in light grey horror boxes bc sporting 40 year old hairstyles at age 16 makes you permanently boring and unable to display any taste or personality. these are people who get uncomfortable looking at art or when a friend cries. these are the people who say "i'm sorry for your loss" to a grieving person instead of "life is cruel af my brother no answers come still we must try to survive do you need a fierce hug at this moment or not also i brought you a xanax" like a real human being would. the craziest thing i ever saw my mom do was pay to paint our foyer "eggshell" when the damn walls were already white. this is actual mental illness. not me screaming in the road about how the modern world makes no sense and all the food is microplastic poison. not a single child on earth says their favorite color is light grey or dark white. your soul is sick if beige calms you down. i diagnose you with a severe deficiency of humanity. you need to be hospitalized and forced to discuss philosophy and engage with music until you remember what is valuable about consciousness, which is beautiful as well as cruel, both a gift and curse but it's worth it. i'd rather be awake and have to go to the hospital sometimes when it becomes too much and i end up sobbing drunk in the yard than lobotomized to the point of trading my precious time on earth for money i then spend on beige curtains and a sign that says "caution: caffeinating" to hang in the kitchen proving i am a corpse whose bland heart forgot to stop beating. i mean they shoot horses don't they.
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batz · 1 year
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love this lil corner of my room now with the painted walls:) a bit of a Green moment a Teal moment
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captainacespace · 8 months
my life is ofmds1 and gos2 and i'm fucking ed and crowley
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