#mujin x taeju
tiny-pun · 1 month
Villian: Hero, in this life I hope you burn in hell.
Hero: *just raises a brow*
Villian: But in our next life… I promise, I’ll marry you.
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Blood Loss
so a long time ago i asked if anyone would read this if i wrote a really angsty mujin/taeju fic and here it is, finally
Read on Ao3
Warnings: major character death
Pairings: mujin/taeju
Word Count: 1164
"What is it?"
Mujin's voice was terse on the phone at being interrupted. Distracted, Taeju squeezed his eyes shut, one hand clamped to the blooming patch of red on his side. Just wanted to hear that voice, really.
"I presume you've got good reason for calling like this."
Taeju blinked, fighting off the wooziness. "Apologies, sir. Didn't mean to disturb you."
"Mm." He heard the creak of Mujin's desk. If he closed his eyes, he could almost see it. The dark wood…the sword…the gold light…
He snapped his eyes open. No. Stay awake.
"You will be if I find out you aren't calling for a damn good reason."
Will what? Oh, right, be sorry. "I know, sir."
It was getting darker.
He shook himself awake, blinking away the rain. "I'm here, 'm here."
A pause, then a rustle from Mujin's side. "You're drunk."
Taeju shook his head before remembering Mujin couldn't see him. "'M not. 'M not drunk."
Mujin sighed. He could see his expression, how his brow would furrow just slightly, his mouth pursed just a bit, an eyebrow raised. He'd lean to one side of his chair, his fingers tapping on the armrest.
"Not that I'm not flattered," he heard Mujin say, "but of all the reasons I expect you to call me, drunk dialing is not one of them."
"I said 'm not drunk."
A scoff. "Don't get me wrong. This is…adorably pathetic, but there's not much dignity left to save at this point." Another rustle. "Go totter out of whatever back alley bar you're in and sober up, hmm?"
Taeju's gaze slid unfocused over the corpses littering the alley as the rain fell cold over his shaking hand. He swallowed, grip beginning to slacken.
"'S raining, sir."
"Mm, then you'd best be quick about it." He could hear Mujin losing interest. "Scurry on home."
Home. That apartment with clinically selected furniture and nothing that actually meant anything, that wasn't home.
Mujin's end was silent and only then did he register he'd spoken out loud.
"Cut back next time," Mujin's voice came, "because as entertaining as your drunken fumblings are, darling, I need you sharp. You're a good tool, not a dancing monkey."
Darling. Mujin called him darling.
"And as much as I love being the only important thing in your life, I'm not here to hold your hand and make sure you drink water." Oh. Mujin was angry now. "Go find someone needy enough to deal with you when you're clingy."
The alley was getting cold. It was getting darker. His hand slid off. Blood pooled under him. Still, he tried to stay doggedly away to hear Mujin's voice.
It took a moment to register he expected an answer. "Yeah. Y'sir, I understand."
"Good. Don't let it happen again."
Taeju looked around the alley. His body sagged. "Don't worry, sir. It won't."
The line went dead.
Taeju's grip failed. The phone slid to the ground and clattered on the loose cobbles. He slumped over. The rain drowned out the sounds of the cars on the nearby road. He stared at the dead face of the body across from him.
His eyes began to fall shut.
Darling, he thought as his lungs began to fail, blood pooling under him, he called me darling.
* * *
Mujin frowned at the phone, staring at the line that read Jung Taeju. That was…bizarre. He'd never known Taeju to turn down a good drink but never had he heard him that drunk. And he'd certainly never gone so far as to drunk dial anyone, let alone Mujin.
Something tugged at the back of his mind and he shook his head. Taeju could handle himself. He tried to get back to work but the feeling wouldn't go away.
Sighing, he picked up the phone and sent a car to go drag him out of whatever hole he'd crawled into.
He got a call not twenty minutes later.
"Have you found him?"
"…yes, sir."
He frowned. "What?"
"…I think you should get down here as soon as possible, sir."
"And why should I do that?"
His phone buzzed with a photo. His eyes widened.
His car arrived in the alley in ten minutes and he got out, snapping open a black umbrella. Dongcheon was already there, crawling over the other corpses.
"Where is he?"
Someone guided him through, stopping near a stretch of pavement stained with blood. A body lay against the cobbles.
He looked down.
The rain hadn't washed all the blood from his hands, red still curling off his fingers. The face of his watch was speckled with blood, glass cracked from something during the fight. Mujin reached out, taking a hold of Taeju's limp wrist.
He remembered giving him this watch. How big Taeju's eyes were, still not used to hiding his emotions behind a steel wall. He remembered how small his wrists used to be, how his pulse had jumped as Mujin slid the watch onto his hand.
Mujin pressed his fingers against that wrist now.
"You idiot," he muttered, "why didn't you call for help?"
His gaze landed on something lying next to one of Taeju's outstretched hands. He picked it up, turning it over. A phone. Taeju's phone. The screen lit up.
"Find who did this," Mujin ordered, "and bring them to me. I don't care what you have to do, just bring them to me alive."
The alley roused into action, corpses hauled off the ground as other orders were barked. Cars sped off down the road, headlights blaring, as the alley was vacated.
Mujin was left alone, a still point in the rain, still staring down at the phone. He pocketed it, his name still lit up on the screen. He reached out and fixed the watch.
"You were telling the truth," he murmured, voice almost lost in the rain, "you weren't drunk."
He reached up and brushed some of the wet hair back from his forehead.
"Why didn't you say something," he whispered, "why didn't you say anything?"
But as he looked at the wounds, at the blood, he knew the answer. No one could have gotten here in time. Taeju was going to die in this alley no matter what he did, and he knew it.
His phone burned in Mujin's pocket.
He moved a little closer, holding the umbrella so the rain wouldn't fall on Taeju's face anymore.
"You never did remember to bring a raincoat," he murmured, carefully brushing the water from his cheeks, "we used to have to keep one in the car."
Taeju's skin was cold.
Abruptly, Mujin fisted the hair at the back of the limp head and leaned down, breath shuddering across the cold cheek.
"I'll find them," he swore, "I'll find who did this. And I'll make them regret ever laying a hand on you, darling."
Thunder rolled as he stood up, Taeju's phone tucked securely into his pocket as the car rumbled in wait.
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jecelke · 1 year
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highflyerwings · 2 years
Just had a thought that day about My Name again. Specifically a Donghoon/Mujin/Taeju OT3. Like how would Mujin react if he saw Taeju making out with Donghoon.
I can't remember the exact scenario in my head but it had something to do with Donghoon noticing how Taeju is madly in love with Mujin and Mujin won't give him the time of day. And somehow he proposes to make Mujin jealous or something. Anyway they start kissing and it turns really filthy and Taeju is more into it than he thought he would be (he always admired and loved Donghoon in his own way). Just Mujin staring at the two most important people in his life necking like teenagers and feeling hot and bothered because he never knew he wanted this.
I just realised i need Donghoon's soft gentle touch on starve touched Taeju while Mujin watches.
So I've kind of already addressed a Taeju/Donghoon situation before. But you've introduced a scenario where Donghoon is the instigator, and I very much hadn't thought of that.
But this scenario is MUCH less angsty. It's still gambling with Mujin's emotions a little bit. But let's be honest, he kind of deserves it. And let's also be honest, he needed someone to light a fire under his ass to make a move one way or the other. Whether it was in Taeju or Donghoon's direction.
I'm picturing Mujin walking in on the two making out like teenagers on the couch in his penthouse. Maybe they don't hear him come in right away. Or maybe they notice immediately, and they both stop and pull away from each other, panting, and smile at him like they know exactly what they're doing. Then they dive right back into kissing each other while he just stares, dumbfounded.
But then imagine they don't notice him. They're too caught up in each other to hear him walk in. To hear the soft gasp he lets out when he sees them. They don't hear him sit down in the chair next to them when he's gotten his brain and his limbs to start functioning again. They don't notice the way his gaze lands on Donghoon's hands at the small of Taeju's back, watching the way Taeju's back arches under the touch.
What if Donghoon notices first, because this was what he'd been hoping for, after all. That Mujin would find them, and would see the desperate way Taeju keens under a strong, yet gentle hand. Donghoon wanted to see the fire in Mujin's eyes when something suddenly clicks into place inside him when Taeju grinds down against Donghoon's lap. Maybe he'd pull away from Taeju, stilling him with a hand against his chest when Taeju chases after his mouth. Donghoon takes a second to appreciate Taeju in his lap before he glances over at Mujin and says, "Would you like a turn, Mujin-ah?"
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kkurades · 1 year
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ACE my name characters with their idol!s/o (headcannons!)
choi mujin —
- this man will buy anything that has your name on it including the sport car that you created
- you had been given the chance to create your own car and when mujin found out about it he immediately tried to buy it
- key word tried
- apparently your fans were counting down the seconds that it came out
- and when it was finally his turn the bright screen of his computer said that the cars had been sold out already
- this man would become so frustrated by your fans bc no one would give up their car, no matter the price he offered
- when you came home from practice you found your boyfriend furiously tapping at his computer while a cigarette hung from his lips
- he looked up at you when he heard you entering his office
- when you asked what happened he told you that your fans are crazy maniacs
- apparently one of your fans tried to bribe him to get him to get you sign their turtle in exchange for the car
- as he annoyingly tapped his finger against his desk you walked up to him with a smile before kissing him
- he returned the kiss while pulling you onto his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist while yours were wrapped around his neck
- after a short make out session you parted with a bright smile on your face
- istg your man’s face dropped when you told him that you already owned the original car
- but he’d still try to buy your car from you bc he really wants that shit with your name on it
- you eventually gave in with a smile before you handed him the keys to now his new car
- he’s inseparable with that mf car
- and he’d get so mad whenever there’s a scratch on it or if there’s a splatter of blood that accidentally got on it during a fight
- he’ll side eye any other car he’s in bc it’s not as good as yours
- your groups songs would automatically be downloaded so he listens to it anytime he’s driving
- one time taeju got into his car and mujin insisted on driving and when he turned on his playlist which is filled with your songs taeju eyed him with a raised brow
- just imagine two feared gangsters listening to girly pop music with a straight face while chasing some other gangster that betrayed them
do gangjae —
- gangjae loved it when you did interviews but he really really hated it when you had to lie about your relationship
- he knew you had to do it bc of your company but it didn’t stop his annoyance though
- especially not as he watched your most recent interview in his car while a cigarette hung from his lips
- he had a fond look in his eyes as he watched you laugh at something that your members had said
- but when the man interviewing you asked you about your love life and you awkwardly laughed while denying having a relationship he could feel his fists tighten against his phone
- he watched the rest of the interview and glared at anyone that tried to speak to him
- later that evening when you came back home he grinned at you before kissing you heatedly
- the rest of the evening was spent in your shared bedroom and when you finally fell asleep gangjae took your phone
- he unlocked it quietly before opening instagram
- gangjae glanced at your sleeping form in his arms with a slight smile while choosing a couple of pictures of the two of you
- in one of the pictures his arms were wrapped around you while you held your phone
- while in another one the two of you were in his car after an event that you went to, he remembers picking you up and right before the two of you were about to kiss he snapped a picture of the moment claiming he didn’t have enough pictures of the two of you together
- the last picture of you was a mirror pic where you had your arms wrapped around his neck while kissing his cheek lovingly, his tattoos and abs were full on display and your body was pressed against his
- gangjae skimmed through the pictures one more time, putting a red heart in the caption before he posted the pictures for the whole world to see
- he quickly shut your phone off making sure it was silenced so nobody would disturb your time together before he wrapped his arms further around you placing a kiss against your nose
- the next morning you let out a groan but you weren’t able to reach for your phone because your boyfriend tightened his grip around your waist
- eventually you were able to escape from his grip and when you finally took your phone you saw a billion notifications from everyone you knew
- you furrowed your brows in confusion before replying to your manager who was talking about some instagram post so you immediately went to your page only to see a few pictures of you and gangjae blowing up
- your mouth fell open and your phone fell from your hand as you felt your boyfriend crawl behind you to kiss your neck
- ‘what’s wrong baby?’
- you quickly turned to him, already having figured out that he was the one to post those pictures
- he immediately calmed you down telling you that he’ll fully take the blame for it with a grin on his face while you complained to him with your head buried into his shoulder
- so for the next two weeks you were busy with interviews, lives and press conferences while gangjae enjoyed that he could finally be your proper boyfriend
jeon pildo —
- this man was sitting behind his computer screen waiting for your album to come out before immediately pre ordering it
- even though you told him that you would gladly give him an album for free he refused telling you that he wanted for you to make money out of it
- so he waited three weeks for his album to arrive
- his album arrived in the morning right before he had to leave for work but he couldn’t wait to open it so he took it with him to open during his lunch break despite the fact that his colleagues would tease him for it
- after a quiet morning of sitting at his desk he finally got the chance to open his album instead of eating his lunch
- he tore the carton box that was around the album before finally taking the album into his hands with a smile
- but just before he could even look through the album, his colleagues came in
- hyejin sat down at her desk next to his while glancing at the bright pink album in his hands
- she raised her brow which made pildo roll his eyes at her
- when she asked him what it was he quickly told her that it was his girlfriend’s album
- but when he said that she didn’t realise that he meant it as in that the album was made by you and not bought by you
- he quickly went through your members their pages before stopping at yours
- he took his time to admire you with heart eyes while hyejin looked curiously at his album
- ‘that’s my girlfriend’ pildo said proudly while showing her a picture of you
- ‘she’s pretty’ his partner told him while watching him staring at your pictures with loving eyes and an amazed smile
- and when he finally came to the extras he nervously shifted in his seat praying for one of your photocard
- he took the first pc before flipping it and falling back in his seat when he got one of your members instead of you
- he quickly pushed the pc away hoping that one of the two remaining pc’s is one of yours
- then he flipped the second one and let out a sigh when he got another member who wasn’t you
- he quickly readied himself and flipped the third and last pc a wide smile blooming on his face as he saw your sparkling eyes and kind smile
- pildo immediately send you a picture of his new photocard of you that he could add to his collection before taking his other photocards to try to trade them online with a pc of yours
- with a final smile he put the photocard in his wallet so he could always keep you close to him
jung taeju —
- the thing taeju hated more than anything was when you left for tours because he knew he could never go with you
- so he resorted to watching interviews and concerts of you after a hard day of work and coming home to an empty house
- he called you anytime he could and made a habit of sending you gifts as often as he could
- and you absolutely loved to come back to the hotel while knowing that there would be a present on your bed waiting for you after a long tiring concert that had absolutely drained you
- you opened your door while quickly bidding your members goodnight before closing your door with a sigh
- you entered your bedroom and a smile grew on your face when you saw an expensive looking gift neatly placed on your bed
- you pulled your phone from your pocket and quickly pressed on your boyfriend’s contact number
- taeju picked up his phone at the first ring while laying on your shared bed with his arm underneath his head
- a smile spread across his face when he heard your voice for the first time that day while you jumped onto the bed, quickly putting him on loudspeaker to be able to open the package he send you
- he quietly listened to you gleefully unpacking the expensive vivienne westwood necklace that he picked for you himself
- as you thanked him endlessly he asked to face time you so he would be able to see you and you happily did it while thanking him endlessly
- you put on the necklace and showed it to him while he compliments you endlessly
- for the next few hours you talk with each other until you fell asleep while taeju watched you lovingly already counting down the days that you come back home to him
- but he was pleased enough when he noticed you wearing your new necklace at your next concert
yoon jiwoo —
- you and your girlfriend were walking hand in hand through the empty streets while talking quietly with one another
- your relationship had to be kept secret so your company told you to tell people that she was just your friend
- fortunately jiwoo didn’t mind that much because she was a pretty private person and liked to be able to walk around without dispatch taking secret pictures of her
- as the two of you were talking about your weekend plans she noticed a group of high schoolers following the two of you while giggling loudly
- she tugged on your hand which made you turn towards her with a soft smile before it slightly fell at her serious expression
- you looked at the direction she nudged her head to before you smiled warmly at the teenagers that froze when they noticed you saw them
- after a few seconds they ran up to you before bowing at you and complimenting you for your hard work which made you smile wider
- you noticed jiwoo letting go of your hand when your fans asked for some pictures but decided to talk with her after the encounter
- a few minutes later you were having a friendly conversation with them but you noticed them squirming nervously while glancing at your girlfriend every few seconds
- your fingers grazed hers for a second and it seemed to wake her up from her daze
- your fans left shortly after and you quickly linked arms with your girlfriend again while continuing your walk
- when you asked what was wrong she just shrugged so you decided to drop the subject noticing that she wasn’t in the mood to talk to about it
- you quickly looked around before dragging your confused girlfriend into an empty, darkly lit street before kissing her softly
- she softened into the kiss and put her hand on your cheek
- and you knew she knew what you wanted to tell her when you parted with heavy breathing and soft smiles
©cupidsheqrt , 2023.
perm tag list: @redm4ri, @stopeatread, @yourfavoritefreakyhan, @saiewithakatana, @kyuupidwrites, @i-dont-know-me-either
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misscherrys-world · 3 months
Jung Tae Ju x fem!Reader
It’s my first fic since long time ago 🤭
Also English is not my first language so please forgive me for any grammatical mistakes. 🫶🏼
It turned a little bit darker than I intended it to be so enjoy!
Relationship status: ✨ enemies to lovers ✨
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✨Trigger warnings: injuries, insults, blood, the reader has a crush on taeju and taeju doesn’t know, drugs, gangsters stuff. Slight mention of sexual activities. Mention of death several times. If there’s something else tell me.
✨No usage of Y/N
Third POV:
Feet steps echoed the hotel room where she stayed close to the infamous Jung Tae Ju, he hated her guts. Of course he should hate her she’s the daughter of that one family that betrayed Dongcheon, she was on the run for several months avoiding getting herself killed by Taeju’s cold hands.
She shared a history with Taeju though, before everything went downhill, she was only 17 years old and she was growing that little crush on Taeju. In her perspective he was tall, handsome and everything she wanted basically for a teenager. Although he was way older than her, he was in his late 20’s when they first met.
When she turned 18 her father decided to throw her a huge birthday party and invited Choi Mujin. Of course Mujin won’t come alone he would drag Taeju with him. It was their first interaction, he wished her a happy birthday and gave her the present he bought. She was a blushing mess, she thanked him in a very timid voice. He was just acting emotionless and professional like always. He was clueless about her little crush over him.
Time passed and she turned 20, she got more involved with her family business, more interactions with him, exchanging information, drug deals and lots and lots of money. And her little crush turned into something bigger.
She won’t forget the very first time he touched her like a man would touch a woman. She was only 21 when she got shot, a single bullet to her thigh, he was the only one not busy while both your father and Mujin had to deal with someone. Taeju was the one who took out the person who shooted her, she felt like it’s true love. That night after he helped her with her wounds she was the one who made the first move, a very soft kiss on the corner of his lips, he was confused maybe it was the pain killer she took. He connected their lips together, he’s after all a man who is stressed out and she was a very fine woman in his eyes, he didn’t have any romantic feelings for her though. The night air was very thick as they slept in the same bed, sweaty and relaxed.
That didn’t become a habit, because soon everything was crashing down. Her father betrayed Choi Mujin. At the same time she was in Taeju’s embrace, he got the call, he knew what to do, but he didn’t, he didn’t kill her, he informed her about her father’s betrayal and gave her time to get the fuck out of his sight. It was humiliating. She was treated like a prostitute, and she didn’t even blame Taeju for his actions.
Soon after that incident, she learned that her father was a stupid man, he did that to get his hands on the drugs all over South Korea and to get his only daughter killed. She was the only inheritor of her mother’s wealth, since her beloved mother died in a car accident it’s been clear that her father has set it up. So she learned her father wanted to inherit all that money from her.
She ran away, after several months she send a message to Taeju explaining everything, explaining she was a victim too. He saw the messages, no response though. One day Dongcheon found her hideout, 3 men were sent to kill her one of them was him, Jung Taeju, she managed to escape for the second time but with several wounds from Taeju’s pocket knife. He wasn’t aiming for several cuts but to end her that day. What she doesn’t know that her father was dead the day after she left Taeju’s arms.
It’s difficult time for both of them, she is hurting physically and emotionally, he wasn’t able to kill her with an ease as he thought, he learned that as he hated her he loved her more.
They decided to put an end to this situation. She went to Choi Mujin’s hotel, she knows Taeju would be there. Taeju at the same time he decided to face her, kill her, hug her maybe. He was confused. He reached her side at the hotel room, left all of his weapons and his logical mind out side the room.
“ Taeju..” she said softly with a nervous sigh. He almost lost his cool the way she said his name, he was weak for her voice. “I want to sort things out, your father is dead the day you left my home.” Taeju informed her, she didn’t feel sorry for her father, she stayed silent nodding to him to continue, “It means you’re the one now in charge of your family business and your family did betray Dongcheon-“ she cut him off “I never wanted this life, I’m not responsible for my father decisions, that bastard killed my mother, and he tried to kill me too, my life is fucked up!” She exploded with tears, it wasn’t easy for her to cry in front of someone.
Pity filled Taeju’s eyes, her father betrayal for her was way worse than his betrayal for Dongcheon. He lowerd his head not knowing what to say next, she moved closer to him with a small pocket knife in her hands he recognized it, it was her 18’s birthday present, he’s the one pick it up at the store and request to carve her initials on it. She puts that knife in his hands “Please end everything here, don’t make me feel this pain anymore I-“ he cuts her off placing the knife on the coffée table at his side and cupped her face with both hands to place a kiss on her lips, it was deep, said many things without saying a thing. He broke the kiss and looked her in the eyes “We don’t have to be this way, I can’t kill you, I just can’t..” he said with a very soft tone, a tone she never heard from him before, it was a tone you’d hear between two lovers. She felt for the very first time she is loved. Taeju for the very first time he is in love.
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peaxhxhair · 1 year
Consider buying me a coffee!
Choi Mujin
Regrets - Mujin voices his regrets.
A Little Bit Dramatic - |Request| Y/n gets a little jealous of Jiwoo
Stop That - DRABBLE - Mujin cleans up Y/n’s wounds
Surgery - Mujin helps his partner recover from his surgery.
Jung Taeju
Cuts and Bruises + Brawl + Annoyance - Dongcheon’s doctor gets to know Taeju a bit more.
Cold Weather - Someone forgets their jacket.
Glasses - Men are 10x hotter with glasses.
Midnight Snacks - Y/n relives their convenience store visits with Taeju.
Secrets - |Request| Y/n finds out about Taeju’s secret.
Deceit - |Request| Y/n betrays their lover.
Gym - |Request| Sometimes the gym isn't a safe space
Do Gangje
Shower? - IMAGINE - What it’s like showering with him.
Yoon Jiwoo
Coming Soon!
Jeon Pildo
Coming Soon!
Jealousy and Dating - |Request| C.M, D.G
Them Crushing on you - |Request| C.M, J.T, D.G
Kidnapped by their enemy - |request| C.M , D.G
Child Antics - C.M
Please read my RULES before requesting anything!
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nessinborderland · 1 year
My Name -> Fanfiction
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-> Do Gangjae
-> Jung Taeju
-> Choi Mujin
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xpialidociousy · 1 year
Suppression | Choi Mujin x Reader
A/N: I’ve written this about a year ago and I just left it in my drafts so I didn’t proofread this. Hopefully, you’ll still get the story. 
Word Count: 6.4k
Warnings: 18+, angst, age gap, eventual smut, pining, jealousy
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You first joined the gang when you were 19 and only three years after that, you were able to climb the ranks of Dongcheon. Sighing, you collapsed on the couch of the private gym wherein you practice with the other higher ranks.
 “You’re still here?” You abruptly stood up as you look at the source of the voice.
 “Oh... Taeju-yah, you scared me.” I sighed, sitting up and resting my back on the couch. He chuckled and sat beside me.
 “Taeju-yah? I’m older than you by two years, you know?” I rolled my eyes at him.
 “Don’t expect me to call you oppa, please..” He laughed once again and ruffled your hair.
“And what’s wrong with that?”
 I eyed him from head to toe. “You’re not exactly an oppa-type-of-guy. Sorry.”
 He chuckled once again as we both heard two pairs of footsteps entering the gym. I stood up as I greet them.
 “Hyungnim,” Taeju muttered.
 “Sunbae,” I greeted Donghoon-sunbaenim. During my stay here, Donghoon sunbaenim has always guided me and helped me. In a sense, he’s like a father to me.
 “Hey, you guys are still here?” Donghoon asked.
 “Oh, I was just wrapping up when Taeju came in.”
 “Again, careful with the Taeju, I told you I’m older than you.” He wrapped his arm on my shoulder, making contact with my exposed skin. Then his other hand gently pat my head as if to scold me.
 “As I said earlier, don’t expect me to call you oppa.” I whispered back while Donghoon sunbae watched us, laughing at our exchange.
 “I won’t be surprised if you two end up marrying each other.”
 I glared at him. “Sunbae, please.”
 “I don’t know why you’re assuming that I’ll get married at all, Hyung-nim.” - Taeju
 “Yes, bold of you to assume that someone would marry this guy.”
 “Woah, make sure you will not eat your words once you fall in love with me and force me into marrying you.”
 “That will never happen, so you can now sleep peacefully.” I pat his shoulder gently.
 “Oh Mujin, are you going to give them your blessings? Because I would.” That’s when I realized that the boss of Dongcheon was also standing behind Donghoon sunbae.
 “Sir,” I bowed.
 “Eyyy no need to call Hyungnim boss or sir when it’s just us.” Taeju said. “Right, Hyung?”
 I was dazed, his eyes were fixed on me. Have I mentioned that I have a tiny crush on the mob boss, Choi Mujin? I mean, who doesn’t?
 “Right,” Donghoon sunbae encourages, putting his arm over the boss’ shoulder, he can freely do that because Mujin is wayyyy younger than he is.
 After waiting for any reaction, I began to ask. “So, uhm, what should I call you si- uhm.” I start to blabber nonsense, I wish that I did not, but as I said.... I have a little crush for the boss.
 “Mujin, just call me Mujin casually, Y/N.” He said as he intently stared me to my eyes, oh boy. 
 Thankfully, Taeju butted in. “So I can call you Mujin too, right Hyung?”
 Mujin slightly smirked as he reluctantly took his eyes off of her, eyes temporarily settling at Taeju’s. “I clearly said Y/N, Taeju-yah.”
 Taeju sighed. “Arasseo,” he gripped my right arm in his hand and bowed at the two older men. “Then... we’ll be going now, Hyung-deul.”
 The two nodded at us before Taeju started dragging me out. “Wait, where are you taking me? I didn’t agree to your date proposal.”
 He squinted his eyes on me. “Shut up.”
 When the two kids left the room, Mujin found himself staring at the girl who was over 10 years younger his age while Donghoon’s laughs filled the room.
 “Is there really something between them?” He asked as soon as they disappeared.
 Donghoon found his answer interesting. “Why? Are you afraid that she isn’t good enough for your favorite Jung Taeju?”
Mujin shook his head as he look at Donghoon. Mujin knew that you were Donghoon’s favorite, sometimes he thinks Donghoon acts like your father. It makes sense, you and Donghoon has some similarities though it’s hard for Mujin to talk to you yet.
 An idea came into Donghoon’s mind as he watched Mujin. His eyes were on him but it was obvious that he was thinking about something else.
 “Don’t tell me..” Donghoon said, thinking it was absurd. “No, right?”
 Mujin was suddenly brought out from his thoughts. “What?”
 Donghoon stared at him longer for a moment, still observing Mujin’s face.
 Mujin found this weird so he took a step back. “What?”
 But the older guy only looked away and shook his head. “nothing,” Then he started walking to the ring.
 “What was that??”
 “Nevermind, it’s just nonsense.”
 For the next two years, me and Mujin became closer and it wasn’t awkward for us to talk about things anymore. We become a lot more friendly but not like how friendly I am with Taeju. He’s also overprotective with his people but not in a way similar to Donghoon. Though it confuses me, I find this side of him warm.
He stood from the bar and went off to look for you. You were sent to a mission to kidnap the new supplier of drugs that has been affecting your business for weeks now, you had to wear a rather revealing dress as a dress code to the party. You managed to succeed with the mission, leaving it to the hands of Taeju and Donghoon who carried out the unconscious body of your target from a while ago. 
From a far, Mujin saw her scanning the crowds looking for him. A slight smirk painted on his face thinking that she was only looking for him. He made his way towards her, increasing his speed once he saw males surrounding her bombarding her with questions. Without a word, Mujin managed to slip himself in the crowd, placing his hand on one side of your hip, pulling you against him.
 All the guys looked up to him, irritation was painted on their faces. He wanted to show who she is, at least to him, so smirking he said. “There you are,” whispering it to your ear.
 Mujin waited and Y/N seemed to catch up well as a smile painted to her face and her hand falling on his chest. “Oh, hey love.” you said with that voice. “I’ve been looking for you.” you began to snuggle against him, head falling in his chest. 
 “Sorry, let’s go?” All you replied was a nod. With that, Mujin took off his eyes from you and to the guys who was obviously disappointed. He couldn’t stop flashing them a smug grin as he placed his hand on your back, gently assisting you out of the room. His hand lingered even when you two made it to his car.
 “You’ve done so well..” Mujin complimented and I beamed up, of course, my boss was complimenting me so how can I not feel giddy?
 Mujin still wouldn’t take his eyes off of you.
 “Well, because you did so well and it’s such a waste to go home looking like that. Why don’t we go get dinner first?” Looking like that? Did he thought I was beautiful? You looked up at him and saw him already staring at you.
 “Sure,” that’s when Mujin finally took his eyes off of you as he opened the door to his seat, a hidden smile on his face from his approval of your answer. With that, you followed after him and opened your own door.
 Mujin took you to a rather fancy restaurant, the night was filled with just you two talking. You were admiring how he looked, as did he. His eyes never leaving yours. He watched you all night, from how you cut your steak, to how you laughed when he mentioned something funny and to how you drank the your wine. Your tongue running over your lower lip in an attempt to savor it up to its last drop. And though his thoughts ran wild again from this, he restrained himself, knowing all too well how you would react once he took action for his thoughts.
 And so the night ends by him dropping you off to your unit, both of you restraining yourselves, both thinking how the other would be furious once you’ve done something.
 “Oh right, I almost forgot. Here’s the telecomm,” You held the little device in your hand mid air, waiting for Mujin to take it. His hand extended to yours, fingers lightly grazing yours and you both stilled in that moment for a few seconds, both contemplating whether to hold each other hands but deciding not to do so.
 You look away and opened the door. Bowing you say, “Thank you for the dinner.”
 And all Mujin did was to nod his head, your hand closing the door as you proceed to walk off to your door. Mujin can only watch.
 Spending the next year together only worsen the tension. He wanted you more, but he couldn’t do anything about it. And so he observed you with his eyes, watched how you move and fight, and savor listening to your voice.
 You forget the amount of times you had to remind yourself not to think of lewd things when your boss calls you into his suite, instructing you for a mission. And you always had to remind yourself that he was just being a kind friend whenever he tells you to be careful as you turn your back to him after receiving orders. And he would always wait for you to look at him again whenever you halt in place when he does this, but you never did.
 Just like Donghoon and Taeju, Mujin only wanted you to be safe, there was no other underlying meaning to this. So you always convinced yourself to continue walking out of his office.
 One time, this happened in the presence of Donghoon. The moment you left the room, he asked. “What’s stopping you?”
 Mujin didn’t bother to lie, he knew it was useless. So, instead of answering, he just downed his whiskey, hoping that Donghoon will just drop the subject.
Thankfully, he did.
 You were busy in the gym, training the new guys. Especially Do Gangjae, he has the skills and he’s willed enough to win the brawls. Despite being the maknae, he earned the trust of the older trainees. You were having fun for a while, until you heard the news. 
Donghoon is dead.
 Donghoon, your only father figure.
 When you found out about the truth, you found yourself speechless. Asking yourself and even the ghost of Donghoon if everything was just a lie. Those stories, time, laughters and memories that you’ve shared together, was it all just a lie?
 You didn’t even have the courage to go to his funeral, opting never to associate with him again.
 You cared so much for Donghoon. As much as you care for Mujin and Taeju. So his death, despite his betrayal, was still as painful. What made it even worse is knowing who killed him, and still understanding why he was killed... why it was necessary. 
It was the most important rule of Dongcheon, betray the organization and you will be killed. Surely, Donghoon knew of this risk before he entered the organization as a spy.
 Though Mujin will never say it, you knew he hated the situation too. Donghoon was his most trusted friend, and you knew that, for a moment, he hesitated. But it was the rule of Dongcheon, and without it, the organization will crumble.
 His betrayal changed something in your leader, as well as Taeju. Mujin seemed to draw boundaries now, Taeju started calling him sir/boss/CEO again, so you decided to call him that too. Taeju, at first, didn’t want to strike any conversation with you at all, but he eventually came around. 
Mujin did not. It’s as if he had taken all the steps he made towards you, and now you’re both back to zero. He realized how wrong it was for him to trust someone, given his... profession and lifestyle. He should’ve known better. Everyone will betray him someday. And he would eventually have to kill them. 
 Never did the three of you spend your time together again, eating samgyeopsal at the same place, though Taeju will sometimes offer to treat you somewhere else.
 It all gets worse once Donghoon’s daughter came in the picture. She’s too driven by revenge. At times, you wanted to scare her away, to tell her to escape and rebuild her life, but she was too eager to avenge her dad. A part of you felt for her, for all the times that she had missed Donghoon, he was with you, looking after you like a father. Perhaps that was the reason why he was so fond of you? Maybe you reminded him of his own daughter? But you’ll never know.
 You never had the chance to convince Mujin to let go of his little revenge, believing that he wouldn’t listen to you. He seemed to have grown an interest for Donghoon’s girl. Finding her similar to Donghoon, yet different. She was much braver than him. You understood why Mujin was so interested in her and you knew, that if there was someone who could cause Mujin’s and Dongcheon’s downfall... then it would be her.  So you weren’t that surprised, watching Mujin training her in such late hour. He’s smiling again, you can taste jealousy in your tongue.
 Not really having the energy for other things, you volunteered to handle the deal in Japan, and when you came back.. you found out that Gangjae has killed Donghoon’s daughter, Ji-woo, was it?
 Such tragic life.
 Well, yours isn’t any different.
 For the next two years, Dongcheon only became more powerful. Which meant that there were more enemies. Taeju was in charge of transacting with the dealing of drugs while you were in charge of taking care of Dongcheon’s allies, always sent out to make sure that everything is in order. You thought 2 years would be enough for Mujin to come around, but it turns out that you were wrong. Still, you were happy that he seemed to be doing better now, and if your source was correct, a member of Dongcheon said that Mujin was frequently seeing a woman, though you never knew of her name and face. Except for the fact that Mujin drinks in her tumbler, chamomile. She gives him chamomile tea. 
 Mujin waited for you to enter his office, a glass of whiskey in his left hand. It’s been years, but he still finds himself anticipating every chance that he gets just to get a glimpse of you.
 “How are things with the other gangs? Are they demanding something else?” He asked, eyes on her, scanning her face. As always, she looked beautiful, though he wondered why she was wearing a turtle neck instead of their normal dress shirt.
 “There are no problems as of the moment sir, though Seotaji keeps demanding for more drugs, we were able to settle it.”
 “Yes sir, they have a new leader. But it’s all settled.” Mujin only nodded, eyes moving from your eyes and to your neck. He was surprised by what he saw than what he just heard.
 You realized where he was looking at so you quickly pulled your turtleneck higher, hiding the hickeys.
 “Okay, good work, leave.” He said, turning his chair from her form, downing his alcohol again in an attempt to bury the sting in his chest.
 Who was the bastard that left his mark on you? Did they purposely placed it there to remind Mujin how he can never have you? His mind flashed pictures of you with another man, watching and hearing you gasp and moan for someone else... so when he heard the door close behind you, he tossed his glass of whiskey to the floor, his right hand reaching to his pocket, desperately lighting his cigarette to ease his mind of these pictures.
 Taeju entered the room and had it cleaned up. “Is there a problem, sir?”
 Mujin only shook his head. “Is there anything happening with our members?”
 Taeju was confused, what is it that he wanted to know? Knowing that you entered before him, he must’ve realized it.
 “He’s not from Dongcheon,” Mujin nodded.
 Then who the fuck is he?
 “I’d look into it sir—“
 “Why would you?” Mujin grew defensive all of a sudden. “It’s none of my business, I was just curious..”
 “Just to make sure he wouldn’t bring trouble to the organization.” Taeju said, but the look in his eyes alone was enough confirmation that he did knew of Mujin’s intentions.
 “Okay, do that.” Taeju bowed once again before leaving the room.
 In no time, Taeju found out about your lover. He’s just a gangster from an allied gang. He’s at the same age as you.
 This went on for months, you walking in wearing a turtle neck and Mujin already knowing why. He would just dismiss you after that.
 Today was going to be the same, though when you walked in, you saw a tipsy Mujin. Which has never happened before. “Sir,” you bowed.
 “Again?” He asked, laughing bitterly. He stood up and walked around his desk, stopping just in front of it to sit. “Don’t you guys even rest? Is he that crazy for you?”
 You were flustered. “Sir—“
 “Shh, I don’t wanna hear it.” He shook his head. “Can I blame him? No. No."
Before you can even process his words, your attention was suddenly on his touch, he held your hand in his as gently as he could. He then caressed your fingers, his thumb tracing the ring on your finger. Another mark on you. Whoever this guy was, he certainly knew how to show possession, and it drives Mujin crazy but there’s nothing he can do about it. 
 “Are you marrying him?” He asked.
 Before she could even answer, Taeju entered the office. And she was gone in an instant, thinking about what he just said.
 The next time you saw each other, no one mentioned it again. The silent treatment went on until one day you didn’t show up for work, Taeju had no idea why too. And another day passed, still no you. Mujin grew impatient so he sent Taeju to you, but you were not in your apartment.
 The next day, you showed up late at night, apologizing. Mujin sat in his desk, looking at you. “Where have you been?”
 “I apologize sir—“
 “Wait,” he said, eyes scanning your face. He went down from his desk and took strides to stand in front of you. He lifted his right hand and let it fall on your left cheek, his thumb running over a bruise.
 “What happened to you?” You averted your gaze from him, wanting to hide.
 “It’s... I just got into a fight during—“
 “Stop lying, it’s been years since I last saw you with a bruise.” He knew full well that it wasn’t from an enemy, you had let your guard down, which meant that it was caused by someone you trust. Mujin’s hands started to slightly pull the collar of your dress shirt, looking for other bruises.
 All Mujin could feel was rage. “Where is he?”
 “It’s all settled, Mujin. I finished it—“ Mujin only shook his head, trying to calm himself.
 “Y/N, where is he?” When he was sure that you were alright, Mujin left to look for your ex. When he did found him, he was already bruised with a scar on his face, which is your doing.
 Taeju swung his fist first, while Mujin watched.
 When enough was done, Mujin held the guy’s chin and made him look at his eyes. “Who the fuck do you think you are to do that?” He then swung one punch on the man’s jaw, kicking him repeatedly on his chest. “Fucking. Bastard.”
 He then stopped. “Don’t you dare come near her again. Or I’ll make sure you’ll die slowly in the most painful way possible.”
 As the months go by, the little bruise disappeared. Taeju had learned the truth, he attacked you in your apartment when you were asleep after ending things with him, fortunately, your intense training had helped you. You were staying at Liber for the mean time, Mujin didn’t want to risk it. So you weren’t surprised when he suddenly showed up in front of your door step, asking if you two could talk.
 You served him wine that was left by Taeju. His eyes observed you all the while, something that you’re very used to. When you extended your arm to give him his wine. There was only silence between the two of you. When he finished his glass, Mujin only sat there staring at you, waiting for you to empty your own glass, his eyes focused on your lips. How long has it been since he met you? 8 years? And he’s been wanting to bend you in his desk for 6 years. Pining over you and being content with watching you.
 Feeling nervous under his gaze, you downed the remaining wine on your glass. “You’re not wondering why I’m here?”
 You shook your head.
 “How about everything that I said before? Or how I reacted? Are you not curious as to why I reacted like that?”
 “No sir, I thought it’s because it would’ve been a shame to Dongcheo—“
 “Stop pretending, I know you know it.” Mujin said, his teeth clenching as you watch him close his eyes in frustration. You’d be an idiot, if you still don’t know by now that the leader has romantic feelings for you.
 “Know what sir?” To change the topic, you stood up from the couch. “Do you want some more wine si—“ Mujin gently tugged her hand, causing her to fall on his lap.
 His touch was too much. Too much that she couldn’t find the strength to stand up from his lap. Her mind ran wild when he placed his rough hands on her hips, adjusting her thighs to straddle him, his eyes wandering from her eyes to her lips and back to her eyes again.
 “I’ll give you 5 seconds to stand up.” He whispered, looking at her eyes. “5....4.....3.....2....”
 Then his eyes fell on her lips as he gently held her chin. “1,” then he pulled her and kissed her.
 And though Mujin counted, he was expecting for her to pull away, so he was surprised when she rested her hands on his shoulders instead and kissed him back.
 Mujin’s desire only ran wild, his senses were high on alert as they took her in. The feeling of her body against his, her scent, the sound of their lips locking, and the taste of her lips. Suddenly, he felt himself getting drunk of her.
 Y/N thought she would melt, as she felt him gently caressing her arms, rubbing them up and down as if she was fragile. She felt so important, so adored. And if she only knew every thought of Mujin about her, she would definitely feel like a queen. If it was up to him, he could build a statue of her.
 They had to pull away for a while, their eyes opening at the same time. “You’re so beautiful,” Mujin said, scanning her whole face while his hand caressed her cheek, pulling her face close to him again and sticking her forehead to his, closing his eyes. “You taste and feel so good, even better than I imagined.” He then pulled his face away from her to stare at her. “You don’t deserve anything less than perfection, and though I can’t give that to you, I’ll do my best to give you everything that I can.”
 Through his half lidded eyes, Mujin stared in your eyes. “I’ll make sure you won’t ever regret it.... and all I ask in return is for you to stay by my side.”
 He softly traced your facial features with the back of his hand. “Can you do that for me?”
 With this question, you let your hand fall to the face of the man who was letting himself be vulnerable to you, despite of all the betrayals that he went through. “I will stay by your side, even if you don’t ask me to.” Mujin let himself take in the warmth of your hand, your touch drives him crazy that he wondered why he even restrained himself from doing this in the first place, then he would’ve had you for all those years, and you wouldn’t have to suffer from some lowly bastard.
 He nodded at your response before moving his hand from caressing your cheek and to the back of your neck, pulling you in for another kiss. This time, it was deeper. Mujin was eager to taste you, and you let him. Fighting for dominance, you were trying to beat his tongue but when you felt his hands rubbing your thigh, you lost it. Losing your mind, you let him win. Mujin was smirking because of this.
 “Mmmm,” The feel of his rough hands on your soft skin was so addicting. You’ve been touched before, but Mujin’s touch makes you feel like you’re burning up. You wanted more, wanting to feel his warmth, you arch your back and pushed your body closer to his.
 Mujin moaned at the feeling of your chest against his, growing excited by the fact that he could touch you and undress you now, his long time desire. Now that he was distracted, you took your chance to land soft kisses in his jaw and neck. You work on his necktie, loosening it and throwing it somewhere in the room. You then moved to take off his jacket that was tossed somewhere too. You excitedly unbuttoned his dress shirt, aching to feel his skin under your finger tips. Mujin only chuckled at this, helping you unbutton his shirt.
 “So eager for me,” he mused. You pulled away and stared at him through half lidded eyes.
 “Do you even have any idea how badly I wanted to do this?” You whispered, trailing kisses from his jaw, his exposed shoulders and up his neck again to his ear. “Every time you called for me in your office, I wanted nothing but to straddle you in your chair and to just grind into you while leaving kisses in your beautiful neck.”
Mujin felt his cock twitching at your sudden confession. “Is that so?”
 “Yes sir,” He moaned when you started grinding on top of him. “Fuck!” Hands falling on your butt and guiding them to grind against his hard-on. When you finally unbuttoned Mujin’s dress shirt, he took it off and tossed it behind him.
 “As much as I love the feel of your lips, love, I also have my own desires to fulfill.” With that, Mujin pulled you in once again for another hot kiss, this time it was more forceful, you felt the slight burning of your lips. He squeezed your breasts through your clothes and you couldn’t help but moan.
 “Please....” you said as you brushed his hair through your fingers. He held the hem of your t-shirt and pulled it over your head, he pulled away just so he can see you, his eyes filled with lust and burning desire. He expertly unclasped your bra and let them fall down, his eyes dilating at the sight, while he bit his lip with a smirk in his face.
 “So fucking beautiful,” he wasted no time, he pulled you closer and left a trail of kisses in your jaw, sucking everywhere that his lips touched, marking you. Finally. His kisses went down to your neck, finding the spot that made you moan, making sure to bite it and massage it with his tongue afterwards. Your shoulders were not excused, he left his marks too. As his kisses move closer to your breasts, he stopped.
 “Mujin?” He chuckled. “So needy,” he adjusts your position on his lap, making you high enough so that your nipples were on the same level as his lips. He stared at your eyes and you felt his breath on your now perked up left nipple. Then he teasingly licked it.
 “Ahhh...” you let your fingers pull on his hair, pushing him closer to your breasts. He started sucking, then finally, you felt his tongue playing with your nipples. “Shit!” You started grinding your core once again, too turned on.
 Mujin was so satisfied to see you so eager for him. He let go of your nipple with a pop. “So, you have a fetish for nipple sucking.” I felt myself blush from his words. “That’ll be fun, but let’s do that some other time, for now..”
 He moved to your right nipple, doing the same things that he did, he got the same reaction, which was you grinding your core against him. He made sure to leave marks on your breasts too. When he was satisfied, he pushed you up and guided you to clasp your legs on his torso, he then stood up and walked through your bed, not breaking the kiss. You let your hands slide down his heaving chest and the desire to kiss every inch of him took over you.
 Plopping you down to the bed, you took this chance to climb over him. Mujin sighed, knowing he should let you, he then felt your lips on his chest, gently sucking on his skin... he felt weird, never has he been marked before... but he still let you, your lips moved to his tattoo. You pulled away for a second and gave one kiss to it.. just when he though you were gone, you moved your kisses to his nipples. He hissed, strangely liking it. As you move your lips to his other nipple, your hand traveled to unzip his slacks, pushing it lower to palm his hardened member, but he held your hand and turned over, so you were now at the bottom once again.
 His lips fell on your breasts, wanting to feel the soft skin of your love handles... his finger traced your tattoo that was identical to him, while his left hand pulled your shorts down. He once again kissed your neck while his finger rubbed circles over your soaked panties.
 “Mmmmm...” you moaned. Your breath ragged. He bit you the junction of your neck and shoulder and you were losing your mind so you reached down to take off your panties but he stopped you.
 “I want it to be so soaked, love.” He said, kissing you once again, silencing your protests.
 “Mmm please, ahh— touch me please Mujin.” You wanted to feel his finger without the cloth and Mujin pulled away to watch you pleading. He buried his nose into your neck once again, inhaling your scent.
 “Sorry, I won’t be touching you... not yet.” He said before moving down, he then took off your panties in one move and pulled your legs over his shoulders. He slowly left small kisses in your thighs and his beard felt so heavenly in your skin, you watched under you as he buried his nose in your skin, seemingly wanting to take in your scent. He started moving again and you arch your back to get him where you wanted, but to no avail.
 “Mujin please..”
 “So wet for me, so eager, is this how much you want me, love?”
 “Yes—“ before you can even finished, Mujin licked your folds gently eliciting a loud moan from you. “You taste and smell so good,” you arched you back again, wanting nothing but to bury him in your pussy.
 “Please, Mujin.” He didn’t know you’d be the type to plead, but he likes it, so much. So he gave you what you want and began licking your clit, his mouth eating you as if he was starved for a long time. The moans that went out of your mouth were too loud accompanied by your hand in his hair and hearing his name with your gasps and whines made him so eager to draw out every single noise that he can get from you. He buried his nose in your pussy, while he worked his tongue, wanting to get you to come.
 “G-gonna come,”
 “Go on love, go on...” then he felt your body shaking under him, he looked up at you and in no time, you came in his mouth, his tongue helping you to ride out your high. He tasted your cum, loving how you taste, all the while staring at your face. You eyebrows were scrunched up and your eyes were almost closing, mouth open wide and your chest rising and falling. He then stood up for a while, taking off all of his remaining clothes as you watch him, you legs opening at the sight. He pumped his dick with a smirk on his face as he watched how you reacted.
 He then hovered over you once again.
 “W-wait, Mujin... I-I’m overstimulated.” Mujin only kissed your neck.
 “It’s alright. I think you can take it, love. You’ll do well, going to take me so well, right?”
 You had no choice but to nod, wanting to make him feel good.
 “You want this, right? I can stop now..”
 “No, please, please don’t stop.” Mujin nodded and he took your legs to help you lock them around him, they were powerless, looks like you’re only used to coming once. Huh. For a while, he kissed you to wait for you to move on from your high. Hands cupping your breasts and thumbs playing with your nipple, he noticed that he never failed to bring out a moan from you when it comes to your nipples.
 Once he felt you’re alright he placed his arms under yours and held your shoulders, pulling you close to him, his chest  touching yours and that alone can make him come. He slid his member on your folds, up and down, before he slowly entered you. You were already slick, but it still was hard for him to slide through. You buried your nails into his back while being stretched out. “Fuck, Y/N.” Once it was all in, he stopped for a moment, waiting for you to adjust, and when you left a kiss on his neck, Mujin knew he could start.
 He pulled his hips back and slowly pushed it in, making a sound from slapping his hips to your own. “You feel so good... fuck.. so so good,”
 He thrust into you one more time, almost losing his mind on how tight you were. “Mujin...” his thrust starting to get faster, though he always had to remind himself not to get too lost, but it was so hard not to lose control... you feel so good around him.
 “You were made to be mine, love. You were made to be fucked by me— oh,” he can hear your whines, the fact that you can’t even form words struck him. He almost came when he felt you clenching around him. “Shibal—ah.”
 He buried his face in your chest, moaning into your skin as his pace continued to pick up, your moans and whines only got louder. You were now meeting his thrusts, so it made him think that he could still go faster, which made you scream.
 “My noisy princess,” he chuckled, leaving sloppy kisses in every skin that he could reach. He watched as your breasts bounced in each of his thrusts and how you maintained eye contact with him through your half lidded eyes, forehead scrunched up. The image of you made him hornier.
 “I-I’m—“ he was mind blown by how you were able to cum for him again.
 “Good girl, you’re doing so well, princess...” he left kisses on your chests, knowing you were overstimulated once again, which made sense on why you were whining.
 “Shhh shhh, you can take it princess, just one more... one more, you’re doing so well.” He caressed your hair, stepped back for a minute moving your legs over his shoulders for a new angle. He pinned your wrists at the side of your head, now satisfied with the fact that he’s face to face with you, so he left sloppy kisses on your lips, muffling your moans.
 “MMMMMM,” you started writhing and he knew that he found your gspot, so he continued in this angle, detaching his lips from yours to bury his forehead to your left shoulder, he was going crazy.
 His thrusts became sloppy so you knew he was coming, you moved your hips a little to create a circular motion and he gasped. “Y/N...” you clenched your pussy to his and he buried his forehead deeper into your neck, leaving a bite on the junction while his finger stimulated your clit, causing you to come for the third time.... it finally caused him to come too, your name repeated like a mantra in your neck as he rode out both of your highs together.
 He pulled out from you as he let himself collapse beside you, the both of you were panting for a moment. When he moved on, he reached for your face and caress it. You were completely used and he knew you couldn’t even stand. He sat up and looked over at you, eyes falling at the pool of cum in your pussy, oozing out of you, he’s beginning to grow turned on again, but you clearly cannot take another round.
 Gently, he kissed your lips as softly as he could, his hands playing with your breasts, and you still reacted. “Let’s get you cleaned up, love.” And so he carried you to the bathroom and gave you a bath, his hands loving the softness of your skin. You tried to do the same to him but it was hard. He chuckled at this and assured you. “It’s alright, I got it.”
 He reminded you to pee and he washed your feminine area for you, longer than he had to, but it still did the trick. He dried your hair and your body, not wanting you to get sick, then he placed you back on the bed once again, placing a soft kiss beside your head. “Thank you for tonight,”
 All you could reply was a hum and then you fell asleep, Mujin engulfing you in his arms before draping the blanket over the two of you, still amazed at how good you felt against him, he swore never to stop touching you again.
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sweetandabitspycho · 9 months
Kdramas master list
Request are open for all.
My Name
Gangjae dating hc
Jung Taeju dating hc
Choi Mujin hc
Hong Woo-jin dating hc
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Jang Han-Seo dating hc
Jang Han-Seo jealous nsfw
Jang Han-Seo jealousy sfw
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Jang Han-Seok nsfw hc
Jang Han-Seok dating hc
Jang Han-Seok Jealously nsfw
Jang Han-Seok Jealously sfw
Jang Han-Seok x reader smuts
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i promised a happy ending, i’ll give you a happy ending
Read on Ao3
Warnings: recovery from being stabbed
Pairings: mujin/taeju
Word Count: 2392
In one world, Taeju bleeds out in a cold and rain-soaked alleyway, alone save for the ghost of Mujin’s voice over the phone.
In another, he’s found.
Taeju blinks awake in stages. First, he assumes the blood loss is getting to him because the alley feels warm. It was raining, how on earth could it be warm? Perhaps it was the fact that he was cold now, so it would feel warm.
The next time he rouses himself, he thinks it's soft. And now he knows he's really out of it because how in the world can a cold dark alley be soft? He's done a lot of things to get his senses impaired, but none of them have quite gone this far.
Of course, the real kicker is when he opens his eyes for a second and he thinks he sees Mujin.
Now he knows he's really lost his mind.
Mujin wouldn't be here, he'd just said as much over the phone. Called him clingy, called him a useful tool, just about called him pathetic.
And darling, that weak and stupid part whispers, he also called me darling.
There's no way Mujin is actually here. He wouldn't be seen in a cold and messy alley just for Taeju. He'd be lucky if someone told Mujin about his body.
His dead, messy, pathetic, clingy body.
Darling, don't forget darling.
Maybe that's why he thinks Mujin's here. It's that soft part of him realizing he's dying and trying to come up with one more fantasy to make him happy as he dies.
Mujin could be there, and it could be soft and warm and Mujin could call him darling again and maybe everything would be okay. He wouldn't be bleeding out, or maybe he would, he doesn't care, and it could be fine.
More than he deserves, he knows, but he's dying. Allow a dying man his fantasies.
There shouldn't be a reason why this particular fantasy seems to be getting clearer each time he has it, though.
At least, not until he cracks his eyes open and sees the inside of a makeshift hospital he's never seen before.
Everything aches . Not like he got fatally beaten or shot, but the same kind of bone-weary exhaustion he gets from working out all day or putting in a good fight. A low groaning and rasping sound is coming from somewhere and only belatedly does he connect that with the pain in his throat.
Swallowing feels like its own type of hell and keeping his eyes open is more of a chore than scrubbing lye off a wood floor but he still needs to know what's going on.
Well, the first thing that's immediately obvious is that somehow, he's not dead. How, he doesn't quite know, but not dead it is.
The second thing that's pretty hard to ignore is everything hurts. It's probably a good thing that he didn't pay attention to that at first because now that he's thought it, it's all he can think about. His eyes close against his will and he tries not to moan again.
A door opens.
He keeps his eyes closed, instincts overtaking what little of his normal brain is left as he starts to parse through the information he's getting. The footsteps are soft, the closing of the door done with care and precision. They come around the side of the bed and there's a creak—they're sitting down in a chair, most likely.
He's had a pretty good idea of who it is since he heard the door close. No one else has an aura like that; even when he's asleep, Taeju knows it's Mujin.
A sudden wave of absolute mortification washes over him. He called Mujin. That happened. And he didn't die. So now he had to face the consequences of that phone call. That stupid, sappy, sentimental phone call that was even more pathetic than a drunk dial because he did it stone-cold sober.
Hearing Mujin's dismissal might just kill him.
Something warm and soft wipes at his suddenly-damp cheek, brushing something away.
"I've never seen you cry before—" and that can't be Mujin, Mujin would never be this…this soft— "does it hurt that much?"
He doesn't say anything. He can't say anything.
"I believe I asked you a question."
Oh. Sorry. At least he tries to say sorry but all that happens is that awful groaning noise. The warm soft thing pulls away.
Something is nudged up against his mouth and he opens it, doing his best to drink enough water to…to…
"That's enough now."
The straw leaves. It was a straw, right?
"Now answer me." The warm soft thing is back. "This is the first time I've had to ask you twice and I am not appreciating the trend you've begun."
What trend? What was the question? Oh. If it hurts.
Mujin hums, pressing a button. After a moment, some of the dull roar fades and he can breathe a little easier. That doesn't stop the tears.
Because he only has a few more moments at best of being able to live in this fantasy before everything goes back to normal, he wants to be messy and pathetic and clingy and stay here a little longer.
"Open your eyes."
No. No, no, don't make me. I don't want to.
A gentle hint of pressure near the outsides of his eyes. "Open. I'm still asking you twice. I expect better from you."
Too late. He's lost it. It's gone, now, the fantasy dashed against the rocks as Mujin's voice rips through it. It's gone. It's all gone.
A painful lump rises in his throat and his eyes hurt. The hand—it is a hand—on his face feels like a brand that just wants to burn him.
He hears a soft rush of breath. Then the hand moves away from his eyes.
"Open them, darling."
Taeju manages to peel his eyes open. Mujin's face swims into view but it's all glassy and blurry. He blinks a few times and it clears a little, but then he hears a soft noise and the hand is wiping at something again.
"You're late," Mujin says, but Taeju can't move.
He tries anyway. "Sorry—sorry, sir."
Shove it down. Shove it down. It's just another thing he has on you now. A new button to make the tool work. It means nothing. You mean nothing.
He puts on his best work face and waits.
"They got you good," Mujin muses, "didn't they?"
"Yes, sir."
"And yet you're the only one still alive." Another pass of his hand. "Good."
He's still crying. Why is he still crying? He can't cry, he has work to do. He can't waste Mujin's time anymore.
"Darling," and no, no, that hurts, make it stop hurting, " darling, look at me."
Taeju wrenches his eyes open with a humiliating sniffle. He doesn't recognize the expression on Mujin's face.
"It's okay, Taeju-yah," Mujin says, too softly for them, "it's alright now. I know it hurts."
No. This hurts. Because it's not for him. It won't ever be. It hurts.
"Shh, shh," Mujin keeps saying, "don't cry, Taeju-yah, don't cry, darling. It'll be alright."
And it hurt so much that he doesn't care about the consequences anymore.
* * *
Mujin freezes.
"Don't what?"
"Don't call me that," Taeju grits out as more tears roll down his face, " don't."
Mujin's mouth drops open. He can count on one hand the number of times Taeju has flat-out refused to do something before, but never has he told Mujin not to do something.
"And why not?"
Taeju glares at him, furious tears still shining on his cheeks. "Because it hurts. "
"Because it's not real and I know it's not real. So don't do that." Taeju swallows heavily as a fresh wave of tears spills over. "Don't give me hope. I didn't mean for you to know it."
Taeju isn't crying because his injuries hurt. He's in pain, yes, but a much crueler type of pain, one no amount of morphine could reach.
He's mortified, Mujin realizes, humiliated, vulnerable, ashamed. He's hurting and he can't—Mujin can't fix this.
The phone call begins to play back again. How drunk Taeju sounded but it was because of blood loss. How he promised it'd never happen again but because he expected to die.
How Mujin had brushed him aside and he'd been content to die just hearing his voice one more time.
He should brush Taeju off again, he knows. He should scold him for telling him what to do, maybe twist the knife and call him darling while he does it. He should leave Taeju in the hands of the doctors and go about his work, maybe hire another to replace him.
But his Taeju-yah is crying.
"What do you mean," he asks, surprised at how steady his voice is, "this isn't real?"
Taeju is still glaring, still crying, still beautiful despite the tears. "Because I'm not important. I'm just a tool. You said it yourself."
He shouldn't say that. Taeju should not say that.
"I—I'm messy and pathetic and clingy," he continues, the sobs starting to leak out, "and you're not needy enough to put up with—put up with me when I'm—I'm—"
He chokes off, bravely swallowing a sob with too much practice.
"I'm no one's darling. "
This is wrong. This is wrong. Taeju is hurt and crying and convinced he is not worth anything to Mujin.
And he was willing to stake his life in a cold dark alley over it.
"You are not just a messy, pathetic, clingy tool," Mujin says, anger slipping unbidden into the words, "you are mine. "
Taeju's eyes widen and he seizes on it, a hand fisted in the back of his hair to pull him closer.
"You are mine, " he repeats, "do you understand? My pathetic and clingy mess, mine. You don't bleed out in alleys where I almost don't find you in time. You don't call me when you're dying and not tell me. You don't cry in my arms because you think I don't care."
Taeju stares at him. Mujin is panting, slightly out of breath from the force of his little speech. Slowly, he relaxes his grip, cradling the back of Taeju's head.
"You're mine," he says, gentler now, smoothing a hand over Taeju's cheek, "mine, Taeju-yah, my darling."
Taeju's eyes well up with tears again.
"There, now," Mujin says, adjusting his hold to pull him closer, "you're mine, see? There's no need to cry."
He doesn't listen. He's still crying.
"It's alright, Taeju-yah, it's alright." He can only stroke Taeju's cheek and hold his head still. "Why are you crying? Doesn't that feel better? It shouldn't still hurt."
Taeju tries to reach for him. "S-sir—"
"Shh, shh, hush now, your throat—"
Mujin's words die on his lips as Taeju's hands close weakly around his own. Through the sobs, he manages to swallow.
"'S alright, sir, 's alright."
"Yes, that's what I've been trying to say to you, it's alright." He smooths his thumbs over wet and flushed skin. "So you can stop crying."
Taeju shakes his head slightly. "'S alright that 'm crying, 's alright, sir."
"It's alright that you're—that you're crying? " Mujin frowns. "How can that possibly be considered alright? It is not alright if you're hurt—"
He's interrupted by a gentle squeeze to his hands. "'S just a lot. That's all. Not—not hurt."
Mujin relaxes slightly, still hovering protectively over this battered, bloody, beautiful boy, clutching his weeping face. "So you…you're just overwhelmed, that's it?"
Taeju nods, still sniffling. A new type of exhausted relief begins to color his cheeks. Mujin takes a deep breath as his control over his lungs starts to slip.
"Okay. That's okay. You did almost die a little while ago." Taeju laughs through a sob. "Which we are going to talk about. Don't you think you're off the hook for this yet. In an alley, really, where's your self-respect?"
He's crying a little harder now but he won't let go of Mujin's hands.
"I thought I taught you better than that. And the call. " Mujin adjusts his grip, soft tone undermining the slightly stinging words. "I really did think you were drunk. Why else would you call me and not say anything? For a second I thought you'd called by mistake."
Taeju shakes his head, a smile still on his lips, still staring at Mujin like he's better than the morphine coursing through his veins.
"Well, yes, I figured that out." He runs a hand through Taeju's hair. "I must admit, I don't know why the possibility of you being hurt didn't cross my mind."
Taeju's eyes flutter shut as Mujin ruffles his hair.
"You're normally smarter than that."
Taeju hums, leaning into Mujin's touch, still sobbing. Mujin reaches over to pull the blankets down, just to make sure he can still breathe.
"Why didn't you tell me," he murmurs, not truly expecting an answer, "I know you thought I didn't care, but why not lead with that? I could've sent a team, I could've called an emergency vehicle, I could've come. Why didn't you just say?"
Taeju can't answer, of course, he's crying too hard, but his grip on Mujin's hands stutters.
"I would have, my darling," he whispers and Taeju's sobs only grow heavier, "I wouldn't care. I would not have been mad about it, Taeju-yah."
And now his boy well and truly sobs. He holds him as the terrible tremors wreak havoc on his already-hurting body, only making soft shushing noises as he does his best to offer an unfamiliar comfort.
When Taeju's tears finally stop, Mujin takes one of the cloth napkins from the hospital serving tray and tenderly cleans his face.
"There. All better."
Peering up at him, Taeju looks more like a frightened and scolded child than the battle-worn Dongcheon dagger he is. Mujin decides he never wants to see this version of Taeju again.
"Rest, now," he murmurs, tucking the blankets over him, "you and I are going to have a long conversation in the next few days."
A hand grasps out for him when he goes to stand. Something flutters in his chest.
"Oh, do you want me to stay?"
The hand grasps his sleeve and tugs slightly.
"I can stay, Taeju-yah," he murmurs, sitting back down, "I can stay here for you. Just—just promise that you'll stay too, yes?"
"Yes, sir."
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noxdwn · 2 years
A little headcanon
Taeju doesn't wear his Dongcheon ring on his pinkie like Donghoon and Mujin, he wears it on his ring finger.
He wears it on the wrong finger because the jeweler got the size wrong. Mujin at time had insisted on gifting him a new one but Taeju said it was fine.
With time the jeweller's mistake and Taeju's stubbornness became the topic of jokes in Dongcheon because it made Taeju look like he was married to his job.
And maybe that's the case, maybe Taeju actually is married to his job and Dongcheon — or rather, to the person behind the organisation.
(And now let's all think about Taeju taking off his ring & placing it next to the picture on Mujin's desk before leaving)
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highflyerwings · 2 years
I was imagining Taeju adjusting Mujin’s cuff links, but…what if it was the other way around.
We know Mujin has a habit of fixing Taeju’s tie.
What if he buttoned Taeju’s cuffs, and fixed his collar, and slipped the shirt tag back inside when it was sticking out at the back of Taeju’s neck. What if Mujin was so much more fixated on Taeju than we or Taeju realized.
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kkurades · 1 year
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ MY NAME MASTERLIST ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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choi mujin —
nothing yet
do gangjae —
nothing yet
jeon pildo —
nothing yet
jung taeju —
nothing yet
yoon jiwoo —
nothing yet
ace | my name characters with their idol!s/o ( fluff )
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©cupidsheqrt , 2023.
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nikolailantsovhoe · 3 years
Taeju sleeps with Gangjae to deal with the fact that Mujin will never love him in the way that Mujin loved Donghoon, so technically Taeju could never really love Gangjae just like how Mujin will never love Taeju bc he loves Donghoon. However Gangjae loves Taeju but in a possessive way like he wants Taeju by his side to get back at Mujin but the more he thinks about it the more and more his possessiveness turns into some twisted love especially since Gangjae knows that Taeju is in love with Mujin like Gangjae would definitely tease Taeju about it until it causes Taeju to yell at him. Like Gangjae little side comments of "He will never love you like I will." Or "Mujin really doesn't know what he's missing" whilst fucking Taeju causing Taeju to lose it but Gangjae just responds with something flirty. Also Gangjae not actually wanting to kill Taeju but instead marking him in the same way that Mujin marked him but specifically not damaging Taeju face bc Gangjae could destroy such a beautiful face.
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nessinborderland · 1 year
oooh, Gangjae one sounds good to me 👀 i was actually thinking about him 👀 eventually i requested for Taeju, but honestly i kinda panicked bc you were already closing the form soon and i couldn’t think of anything original, so sorry if the idea sucks 😩🫣
I've been thinking about him a lot lately, so I didn't even hesitate to start something for him when I got the chance 🤧 hope you enjoy it once it's posted!
Lfjskdjd don't worry, I liked your idea a lot too! You went pretty in depth for the request, which I appreciate despite always ending up taking creative liberties haha. Might even make it Taeju x Reader x Mujin (or Gangjae? 👀)
Idk, endless possibilities
Actually omg I just got a wonderful idea for this and with so much angst
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