KNOCK YOURSELF OUT XD (After Party) - Porter Robinson
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fuyuesu · 2 years
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opera-ghosts · 7 months
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Today a very rare program from a concert at the Buckingham Palace 1886. This are private concerts for Queen Victoria. She love opera but not visit Operahouses. Click on the pic for better view this amazing cast.
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bfpnola · 7 months
the full 4 hours worth of speeches and chants before the national march even actually began to march. being there in-person was truly another experience, so i wanted to share this here so y'all could get even just a sliver of that same amazement! speeches you can listen to include:
Opening Chant
Introduction with Manolo De Los Santos
Nadya Tannous from Palestinian Youth Movement
Ahlam from Maryland2Palestine
Arsema Kifle from Dissenters
Jasmin Nicole Williams from Artists Against Apartheid
Dr. Hatem Bazian from UC Berkeley
Lauren Pineiro from the Tampa 5
Mahdi Bray from the American Muslim Alliance
Black Alliance for Peace
Melanie Yazzie from The Red Nation
Marte White from Community Movement Builders
Omar Suleiman, an American imam
Mohammed Nabulsi from Palestinian Youth Movement
Brian Becker from ANSWER Coalition
Layan Fuleihan from The People's Forum
Macklemore (yes, the muisician)
Ya'oub from the National Students for Justice in Palestine
Maysoon Abu Gharbieh from Arab Women's Committee (Chicago)
Tara Alalami, Sarah Ihmoud, and Rasha Mubarak from Palestinian Feminist Collective and Susan Sarandon
Ahmad Abuznaid from US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
Nihad Awad from Council on American-Islamic Relations
Mohammed El-Kurd, a writer
Nazek Sankari from US Palestinian Community Network
Nour Jafghama and Medea Benjamin from CODEPINK
Meredith from Anti War Committee MN
Osama Abu Irshaid from American Muslims for Palestine
Noura Erakat, a human rights attorney
Majid Gadsen from December 12 Movement
Nina from Bayan USA
Rania Mustafa from Palestinian American Community Center NJ
Krystal Two Bulls from Honor the Earth
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss from Neturei Karta
Jonel Edwards from Dream Defenders
Raja Abdulhag from Al Quds News
Ángel from Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
Nick Tilsen from NDN Collective
Lamis Deek from Al Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Ju-Hyun Park from Nodutdol
Eugene Puryear from Party for Socialism and Liberation
Vijay Prashad from Tricontinental Institute
Celine Qussiny from Palestinian Youth Movement
as well as several interviews towards the end of the video in front of the white house! go watch! go share!
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cerealandchoccymilk · 10 months
so often im like why isnt hirasawa susumu more popular overseas!!! hes probably one of the best and most influential techno/prog-rock/etc muisicians ever!!!!
and then i actually listen to his music again and remember yeah hm. this doesnt sound very popular-overseas
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segemarldoodles · 1 year
Zine 01 - Pop Rock with NIIC the Singing Dog
Hey everyone, I finished setting up the website and submission backend for the Zine project, so if you want to submit some art for the zine, request a few copies in the mail, or just check it out once the PDF is up, come on over and check it out!
As said in the tite, this issue we're teaming up a local Philly muisician NIIC the Singing Dog, and the theme is nebulously Pop Rock, so any art, writing, or even music you wanna submit should somewhat be in theme, but feel free to interperate however you you'd like!
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kelly490461 · 10 months
Josh Linsk
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Joshua Linsk's 'Las Vegas Party Dubstep Music' album is a high-voltage, sonic firework display that harnesses the untamed energy of the Las Vegas nightlife. With sixty-nine ferocious tracks that thunder with intense bass drops and crackle with dynamic synth rhythms, Linsk demonstrates his unerring command of the dubstep genre.
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When book author said this when other book author said that when poet said this thing when muisician lyric that
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youthsloadedmedia · 2 years
If You Want To Offend Me, Think Twice, I Don’t Believe In Forgiveness – Bella Shmurda Warns
If You Want To Offend Me, Think Twice, I Don’t Believe In Forgiveness – Bella Shmurda Warns
If You Want To Offend Me, Think Twice, I Don’t Believe In Forgiveness – Bella Shmurda Warns Nigerian muisician, Bella Shmurda has revealed that he hardly forgives. He made this known while issuing warning to those who offend him. According to him, he doesn’t believe in forgiveness so before you offend him, you have to think twice. Screenshot below:
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cavegirl66 · 4 years
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Egyptian woman play music in temple
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onlyincanadayousay2 · 6 years
Classified - She Ain't Gotta Do Much
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Fotaza! Charly!
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junkyardromeo · 3 years
who would you fuck right now if you could? Muisician,actor,s/o,anybody.
actually at the moment i would rail vince neil into the floor
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Ibuki’s Prize
@rockingmusician ‘s prize drabble for Ibuki winning the Halloween Costume Contest! Looks like Ibuki gets a day of hanging out with Tharja... wait that’s a prize?
“And why are you here again?” Tharja looked up from her book briefly, shaking her head at Ibuki. “That’s right, you won that little contest they had for Halloween right? That was before my time so I don’t see why I should be in charge of entertaining you.” The Dark Mage sighed, looking at the musician with a grumble.
“Ibuki wanted to hang out with you!” Ibuki raised her hand diligently while watching her read. “Even though you do boring stuff like reading a lot you still look really cool and punk Tharja-chan!” The musician nodded eagerly, kneeling in front of Tharja’s chair politely.
“Well you do seem to be a performer closer to my tastes than, say, Olivia at least.” Tharja mumbled to herself, rolling her eyes a bit. “Not a huge fan of the perky energy but maybe there is something we could do together.” The scantily-clad woman snapped her book closed and stood up in front of the prostrate girl. “Noire seems to have been scared off my some of my recent antics and Cynthia and Samus have barred me from using unwilling participants while I’m here, I could use a new volunteer test subject for my hexes, an ‘assistant’ of sorts.” A dark grin crossed her lips.
“Ibuki can help!” She sat up and nodded softly. “What does Ibuki need to do?” She tilted her head, the blank look on her face told Tharja it probably shouldn’t be anything with detailed instructions or anything too complicated.
“Just relax and stay in an open state of mind, I’ll take care of the rest.” Tharja’s grin remained as her hand began to glow a dark purple, waving it over Ibuki and giving her a small zap of off-color electricity. “Well, how does that one feel?”
“Ibuki feels… funny…” The musician swayed back and forth, standing up, a faint blush on her cheeks as she swaggered a bit.
“Huh, looks more like you’re drunk, that’s not the intended effect at a-“ Tharja was cut off as Ibuki fell towards her, cushioning herself in the dark mage’s plush bosom. “Well I guess this one didn’t w-ORK!” Tharja gasped as she felt Ibuki nuzzling her chest intensely.
“So soooft~” Ibuki purred, reaching around and grabbing the dark mage’s shapely rear, giving it fond squeezes without a hint of hesitation.
A dark blush covered Tharja’s cheeks, if she hadn’t caused this Ibuki would be out on her ass covered in boils or something at the moment. “Well I guess the love hex I was saving for Robin really does work… to an extent at least.”
“Tharja-chan your body’s so boingy, you got lots of boingy bits!” Ibuki laughed, the hex seeming to remove her inhibitions enough to let the lust take over.
“Maybe a little too well… Should’ve thought of a reverse hex first.” Tharja bit her lip as she tried to move Ibuki’s hands away from her admittedly perfect curves. She was having a problem getting the insistent musician’s hands off her since Ibuki was groping her without a care in the world. She had to find another way to make the hexed rocker more easy to manage.
“Let’s try another one, maybe they’ll cancel each other out.” Tharja rolled her eyes, the color of her hand changing to a light green as she zapped Ibuki again. Color returned to the muisician’s eyes and her blush faded, seemingly returning to normal.
“Well that wasn’t so bad I guess, Ibuki doesn’t remember what happened. Is the experiment over?” She rubbed her head, looking up at Tharja, though the Dark Mage seemed a lot farther away than she was before.
“Well that one is, this one should let me get a better hold on you, can’t really get out of hand if you fit in mine.” She gave a dark chuckle.
“WHAAAA!?” Ibuki cried out, foaming at the mouth as she felt herself getting smaller and smaller. Instead of being face to face with Tharja she was soon at breast level, then hip, and before she could try and scoot away she was below her thigh even while Tharja sat on the ground, the thud of her shapely backside hitting the ground feeling like an earthquake to the shrunken girl.
“Well well well, I think I like you better like this.” The rumbling vibrations of Tharja’s chuckle shook the air around Ibuki as she pinched her fingers together and lifted the musician off the ground by her shirt, nearly tearing the thing off the poor girl. “It’s not exactly like having you as my puppet but I don’t think you’ll be that much harder to keep occupied.” She placed the miniature girl onto her exposed thigh. “Not like you can go anywhere…”
The soft skin of Tharja’s thigh was like walking on a cake to Ibuki, the velvet fabric of her skimpy leg covering seemed miles away and the edge of her soft legs looked like a sheer cliff. “Y-Yeah Ibuki not gonna try to jump that…” She shuddered.
“I never exactly played with dolls as a girl, well except voodoo dolls.” Tharja chuckled, laying back and dangling Ibuki above her chest before letting her fall onto her breasts with a bemused chuckle. “Though now I think I see the appeal.”
Ibuki screamed and flailed as falling onto Tharja’s chest felt like jumping out of a window onto a trampoline and suddenly she was at the base of her neck. In front of her was the intimidating glower of Tharja’s glowing eyes and behind her was the valley of Tharja’s cleavage that seemed like a vast ravine. “I-Ibuki’s trapped…” She shuddered, glancing around. Even the reflections off Tharja’s golden necklace and headbands seemed like miniature suns onto themselves.
“Perhaps I could keep a few playmates like this, start a collection.” Tharja brushed her pinky against Ibuki, patting her gently, the tip of the tiny digit about the same size as the girl herself. “I could have you do a waltz with my pinky, or I could just put you down my shirt and see what happens. You’d probably live… probably.” She shrugged, the shifting of her shoulders sending reverberations through Tharja’s neck and throwing Ibuki onto her butt from the aftershocks. “Oh sorry. You poor thing, let me kiss it and make it better.” The dark mage chuckled, leaning in.
Ibuki wailed again, the height of Tharja’s lips almost twice her size as they bumped against her whole body, small amounts of saliva absolutely drenching the poor girl. “Ibuki wants to stop now!” She whined.
“Too late now, you’re my pet forever and ev-ver?” Tharja blinked, suddenly Ibuki doubled in side, growing until she was the size of a doll. Next she grew back up to child-size, and finally returned to her normal size, still straddling Tharja’s face and soaked head to toe.
“AHHHH!!!” Ibuki rushed out of the room as fast as she could, soaked completely and tripping over herself as she bust out the door, leaving Tharja mildly surprised sitting on the floor over her room. “Hmmm, have to work on the longevity of that hex…’
Hilda blinked, seeing the soaked, scared Ibuku run past and poking her head into Tharja’s room. “Seems like that went well.”
“Oh we had a lot of fun~” Tharja gave a dark smile and a cruel chuckle. “I’ll be sure to call her for another playdate~”
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fallen-gravity · 7 years
Maui had a sculpture of himself and can draw his hook really well. Artist!Maui? Anyone?
Not to mention all those really detailed little carvings and drawings he drew of himself and of a bunch of little boats and stuff on a few of the boulders if you look carefully enough during You’re Welcome?? 
@the moana fandom why has nobody considered this yet someone get on doing something about this
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tired-smol-ray · 4 years
What's your favorite song at the moment? Then, what's your favorite album? :)
Thanks fo the ask!! :)
Hmmmmm uhhh
Mmmm, hard question
(Note: I mostly listen to songs in Nightcore so idrk what they sound like in 'normal' lol XD)
I don't really have a fav song, they are all so goood I love music more than anything ahh, but some that I can always listen to are:
Waving through a window -from the Musical Dear Evan Hansen djdjd godly, bless Ben Platt pls omg
Hard boy -Frawley
Kids again -Artist and Poet
Game Over -fallinginreverse
Fly me to the moon -Frank Sinatra
Let's do it - Conal Fowkes
Grateful, Destiny or Hope by Neffex
Candle or Talk To Me by Cavetown
I listen to every kind of music really
I am not very familiar with albums and stuff tho tbh😅
I care more sbout a song and what it has to say and stuff, idk a lot of muisicians and thherfore not much about their albums and stuff. Please forgive me tehe
Have a nice day/evening/morning/night/et cetera!!!🌸💙
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