#ms tao
daemosghost · 1 year
Hmmmm I definitely have a type when it comes to fictional women
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starlitcorgi · 5 months
Those Eyes, Like Staring Into The Eyes of Death Itself.
When you see that look you know someone's about to die.
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shysheeperz · 1 year
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tastybluesprite · 8 months
Olders and youngers
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Ok so I read this panel and I IMMEDIATELY knew this needed a tickle scene. Alma is just such a precious cinnamon roll and deserves all the tickles.
Warnings: This is a tickle fic so if that’s not your thing feel free to keep scrolling!
Summery: Alma gets Neis wrath when he makes her mad lol. Chaos ensues.
“You ran out of work?!” Alma cried. “Yeah, sorry ‘bout that! I’ll assign you guys another mission. Sorry to keep you hanging around, but just sit tight for a bit!” Yoki, the dog humanoid assured them with a smile.
They had arrived once again back at the anti maga organization HQ. Alma had hoped for the possibility that they’d give him and Ms Tao more work. Apparently not however.
“So, what’s up? You mean to tell us there’s no more maga?” Ms Tao asked.
“No, no, that’s not it.” Dara said. “We mean that there’s someone else out there cleaning up instead.”
“And who is that? Must be a heck of a work dork.” Alma said as he leaned back, resting his hands behind his head.
Ms Tao took the cigarette she had lit out of her mouth. “Is it Nei?”
“Ahh… Nei, huh? If she wants to work so much that she’s taking from our share, then she’s definitely a workaholic.” Alma said knowingly, annoyance in his voice.
Yoki sighed. “Yeah, because she’s a competitive overachiever. I keep telling her to take a break, but she never listens to me.”
“Oh.” Dara said suddenly as they head foot steps approaching outside the door. “Speak of the devil.”
The door then burst open.
“I’m baaaaack!!!!” The blonde girl called Nei waved as she greeted them with a wide smile. “Another quick kill today! I kicked those weaklings’ butts!” She was holding two swords in her hand as she said this.
“Nei!!!” Yoki cried with delight.
“Wow!” She said with a mischievous grin, looking towards Alma and Ms Tao. “You two look like you’ve got time on your hands.”
“Yeah… thanks to a certain someone.” Alma grumbled, frowning at her.
“Yep!” She proclaimed, spreading her arms out eagle-like as if expecting praise.
Alma puffed out his cheeks as Yoki and Dara ran to hug her in greeting.
“We’re so glad you’re safe.” Yoki doted, as he and Dara embraced her. “You always worry us by going out on your own, Nei!”
“Worry you? Do you remember me ever coming back hurt?”
They thought about that for a second. Then…
“We don’t!” Yoki cried, smiling with extreme pride. “Thats our Nei!”
Alma looked at them with a slightly dumbfound expression, and Ms Tao continued ignoring them as they cheered.
Nei, finally breaking free from the shirt commontion, plopped on the sofa right next to Ms Tao and Alma.
“Tao, you can praise me too.” She told the braid haired women.
“You’re a hard worker Nei.” Ms Tao offered with not much thought or energy put into it.
“That’s not what I meant.” Nei told her, annoyance in her voice.
Ms Tao looked at her for a moment, then suddenly pulled the blondes head to her shoulder in some effort to show praise.
Nei was taken aback for a moment, but broke out of it quickly. “That’s not what I meant either!” She whined, trying to push Ms Tao away.
“You’re my junior around here!” She cried. “Stop acting so cheeky!”
“What do you want me to do?” Ms Tao asked, confusion in her voice.
“You just saw their example not even a second ago!” She exclaimed, pointing at Yoki and Dara.
Alma shot her a cheeky grin, picking at his ear. “Man, you’re as annoying as ever. Ain’tcha, kid?”
“Kid?” Nei repeated, a sudden dangerous tone in her voice.
“You know that… I am… OLDER THAN YOU!!!” She cried as she leaned over Ms Tao, and started trying to go at Alma, attempting to tackle him.
“YEAH BY ONE MEASLY YEAR! QUIT GOING BALLISTIC!!” Alma shot back, trying to push at her arms.
Ms Tao couldn’t help thinking annoying gets a pass, though?
Suddenly Nei managed to gain the upper hand, and went right for the one-year-youngers sides.
Alma shrieked and fell back, landing on the floor.
“W-wahahahaittt!!! Nehehehi dohohohohnt nohohoho tihihicklihihing!!!” Alma cried, bubbly giggles filling the room.
“No! This is what you get for being so damn irritating!!” Nei told him, now going for his belly.
“NahahAHAHaahah NOHOhohOhohOt tHEHEheheir!!!” Alma curled up, futilely trying to protect himself.
“Awww who’s a tickiwish wittle boyyy??” She teased, going under his shirt to get the soft skin of his belly.
“My my your tummy is so cute!” She told him with a grin, squeezing and poking around at the skin. “It’s just like a little baby!!”
“GYAHAHAHA SUHUHUHUDUHUHUP!!!!” Alma squealed, his cheeks flushing a faint shade of pink.
Ms Tao looked at them as she puffed another smoke. She couldn’t help find the whole thing endearing, like a mother watching her own playing around.
“So are you going to apologize?!” She cried.
“Fine then! Taste my wrath you annoying brat!!!” She cried, stuffing her hands into his armpits.
Alma threw his head back and cackled, trying to trap her hands. But it was no help whatsoever.
“You know what you have to say!!”
Nei smirked at her victory, pulling her hands back and finally allowing the red head mercy.
“Hmph! That should teach you to respect your elders.” She said, crossing her arms.
“Ehelder huh?” Alma said when he finally managed to catch his breath.
“Old fart.” He told her with a mischievous smirk.
“AARRRHH WHY YOU LITTLE!!!” She started chasing him around the room as Alma ran, giggling like a little child.
Let’s just say it took them a bit of time for them to finally calm down before Yoki could tell them about new intel he got regarding the maga.
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randee0 · 1 year
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ultraprofessional banner i shopped in 5 min
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digitalinterfacer · 6 months
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suo--jin · 1 year
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ms paint nonsense
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solomons-poison · 9 months
I forgot to read the last two chapters of Gokurakugai and.. oh....
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.... oh no........
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nyaatsuko · 2 months
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2022, doodle 4 friend
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spicymotte · 10 months
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Gokurakugai is now on the jump app??
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kiwikipedia · 10 months
Alma is Tao’s funny son in my heart
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starlitcorgi · 5 months
Same Vibe, Different Universe
(Some Parallels are relationship dynamics, some are character traits, some are character motivations and others are based purely on level of skill in battle *cough* toji/levi *cough*)
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shysheeperz · 1 year
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tastybluesprite · 6 months
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Another Gokurakugai fic! I love Alma so much!! A major headcanon I have for him is that he has severe ADHD and cannot sit still for the life of him lol. It’s a bit shorter than usual, but even still I hope you like it! I wish the manga chapter releases were more frequent :(
Warnings: This is a tickle fic so if that’s not your thing just keep scrolling
Summery: Alma is getting restless and fidgety from the lack of work and action. Ms. Tao has to use a certain method to contain this ball of energy.
“Ms. Tao I’m hungry!!” Alma cried as Tao read the news paper, sipping her coffee.
“You just ate breakfast Alma. Save your appetite for lunch.” She told him blandly.
“Ahhhgh!! But Ms. Tao!” The red head whined. She sighed. Sometimes the kid acted like a five year old. Especially when it came to food. Though she supposed that made sense, given the fact that he is part maga.
His monster appetite was likely the non human side of him.
But Alma didn’t stop. Sitting down on the couch next where Ms. Tao sat, he started playing around with a pen from the coffee table. His body constantly shifting positions. His feet kicked around violently meanwhile.
She figured in times like these, it was best to ignore him. It wasn’t the first time he’d get more hyper and impulsive than usual.
That tended to happen quite a lot when they didn’t have any jobs for the time being. Alma would get so antsy.
“Ms. Tao…” Alma muttered again.
“What?” She asked, without shifting her look from the newspaper.
“I’m feelin’ so restless. I don’t know what to do!” Alma whined again, pouting as he threw the pen in frustration.
Tao finally sighed. At least he wasn’t complaining about hunger anymore.
“Well why don’t you find a book to read. Maybe go to the store and buy some manga.”
“Nah… I don’t wanna do that! I want to do something more fun. I want to move around!” Alma insisted, kicking his legs around as he spoke.
Ms. Tao sighed. She decided she should probably do something about this before his boredom turned into disaster.
Finally, her eyes off the newspaper, she put it down.
“I can show you a fun game, if you really want.”
“Ohhh really?!” Alma cried, his eyes sparkling.
“Yup. Just lie down like this…” she guided him with her hands so that his back was laying on her lap.
“Now what! Now what!” Alma cried, anticipation and excitement plastered on his face.
Alma was not prepared for her hands to start digging gently into his belly.
He squealed and immediately curled up in her lap.
“Wahahahait!! Dohohohohont!!!” Alma giggled as he tried squirming away from her hands.
“Don’t what?” Ms. Tao asked with deadpanned teasing.
Alma unfortunately did not see the trap. “TIhihiIHickle MEhehehehe!!!”
“Tickle you? Sure.”
Ms. Tao then squeezed at his ribs, while switching between there and his stomach, occasionally going for his hips.
“NAHahahaha waHAhAhAHAHAahahit!!! His squirming increased.
Her hands were going so fast, Alma couldn’t catch them as they went to work tickling him wherever Tao could reach.
“You’re so cute Alma…” She said softly with a small rare smile appearing on her face.
“IHihiHimMNAHaHAhT CUHUHUhuhuTe!!!” Alma cried in protest as he squirmed on her lap, flailing helplessly.
“Oh sure you are. I’ll prove it to you…” She then shoved her hands into his armpits and the younger boy threw his head back, cackling hysterically as his thrashing became more intense.
Alma shrieked, squeezing his arms to his sides as much as he could, all while kicking out his legs violently.
In truth, despite his strong reactions, Alma was actually in pure bliss right about now. His vision was blurred from joyful tears, his body finally felt woken up, and his brain was in a scrambled frenzy, which felt amazing for feeling so still and restless.
He could’ve gone like this forever if not for the fact that he was starting to lose his breath.
Tao noticed and decided to slow her fingers, spidering them gently on his belly. Alma finally caught his breath again, giddy giggles still spilling out of him as he squirmed lightly under Taos touch.
“Hehehee M-mihihss Tahahao…”
“Hm? What?” She asked, tilting her head slightly as her tiny smile came back.
“Th-thahahank yohohu..”
Tao didn’t say anything, but gave a squeeze to his stomach in response, making him squeak and recoil back.
Alma was a lot less fidgety after that.
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secretlyajackalope · 1 year
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Self-Indulgent Headcanons for Cuphead from The Cuphead Show because I can:
This cup can fit so much neurodivergency inside of him- AuDHD comorbid. What can I say? This little dude has both ASD and ADHD combined type- if a telepath tried to read his brain, it would literally be some sort of bitcoin string combined and layered on top of each other combined with a bunch of windows errors and glitching CRT effects. Cuphead has the personality of Yoimiya, Klee and Hu Tao all combined- a pure chaos catalyst, and he himself is the harbinger.
He’s such a goofy little guy- so fun-loving and carefree and genuinely sweet- ah, but did I mention undiagnosed neurodevelopmental disorders can basically ruin someone’s life?
He secretly harbors a lot of pent up depression and shame, thinking that he has personality flaws instead of a debiliating developmental disability that makes life astronomically and instrumentally, laughably hard. Like, my guy, it’s not your fault that you have a terrible memory or lack foresight or insist on sticking to your plans and are terrible at changing them or will do literally anything to get what you want because “oh god what if it’s not there tomorrow what if this opportunity leaves.”
Cuphead is an energetic, enthusiastic go-getter who never lets an opportunity escape his sights- however, he tends to disregard small details in pursuit of his hyperfixations and goals, and always tends to act on impulsive and reckless tendencies. His dopamine starvation and overwhelming need to feel pleasure and reward through haphazardly set goals in any way, shape and form masks itself as a reckless type of greed- why do you think he gets so excited at the prospect of the Devil offering him 10 bucks to the point where he’s willing to risk his soul? When’s the last time you’re ever going to see 10 bucks? Especially during the 1930s, the time of the literal Great Depression. Can you really blame him for following such an impulse, even if he didn’t have financial prudity in mind when acting on it?
Also, look at this dude. Just LOOK at him. You can’t tell me he doesn’t give off the vibes of a transmasculine asexual who doesn’t understand gender beyond Being A Dude™.
Cuphead is aware sometimes that he can be ‘too much’ for Mugman, and this thought sends him into rumination spirals of sorts whenever he thinks about it. He genuinely loves his brother and doesn’t want him to get hurt, so he just bites his tongue and continues using his behavior as a coping mechanism to mask his guilt and anxiety (basically he secretly thinks everyone hates him- which isn’t too wrong but still, my guy, you’re that scrunkly and ilysm <3).
Genuinely, he’s so kindhearted and such a good, well-meaning kid despite his flaws, but lacking certain things and traits due to a disability and having them labeled as HIS fault takes such a toll on him without him even realizing that the guilt is present and eating him alive from the inside out in the first place. Of course, they DO bleed into his personality, but they can’t EVER be confused with a dopamine deficiency and developmental disorder occuring in the brain.
Cuphead’s safe food is hot dogs. I know y’all are going to attack me in the comments like ‘oh not all favorite foods have to be safe foods’ but have you seen the King Dice episode? That one where Cuphead basically YEETED his speech filter to oblivion because HYPERFIXATION? Broski gushed about hot dogs three times- he LOVES hot dogs and pancakes, especially with COPIOUS amounts of maple syrup. Texture good, taste good, what can he say? They’re just that GOOD.
In addition to that, his favorite foods can be anything spicy and/or deep-fried, basically some of the snacks that can be found at the snack stalls throughout the Inkwell Isles.
Also?? This cup chronically loses things due to a crippling lack of object permanence and spatial awareness. Papers? Puts it down, now they’re gone after 0.0000000001 seconds. Elder Kettle’s tire? Oh, where did it go, did it roll out the fence again even though I NEVER touched it? The out-of-sight, out-of-mind principle always applies with him and the way his mind operates, which is why he sometimes panics when Mugman or Elder Kettle moves his belongings from their original place or puts them down somewhere else because “NO NO NO DON’T DO THAT I’M NOT GONNA FIND IT LATER BECAUSE MY BRAIN WON’T LET ME RETAIN INFORMATION IN MY SHORT-TERM FOR LONGER THAN FIFTEEN SECONDS MAX NO- Guys I know this looks messy but IT’S ALL LIKE THIS FOR A REASON I SWEAR.”
Special interest? Fireworks and fire. Basically anything that’s shiny and sparkly and emanates warmth. Cuphead LOVES operating with fireworks and explosives- something about those bright flashes of light, ribbons of colors streaking across the sky and the low-frequency sounds vibrating through him alongside the boom echoing in his ears making him feel truly alive, with his heart beating so happily in his ears and him feeling it within his chest as he’s not even aware of the big smile across his face. Something about the sensation of working with fire, feeling the crackling within every pore of his being as something ignites making him SO DAMN HAPPY as that adrenaline and dopamine rush hit him. GOD he loves it so much.
In a way, this little cup reminds me strongly of Yoimiya from Genshin- an energetic, enthusiastic kid with an entrepreneurial spirit and a domineering, foolhardy personality due to a constant dopamine deficiency- the ultimate AuDHDers. Also, they’re incredibly talented pyrotechnicians and have an affinity for things associated with fire, elements of daytime and the sun. And the fact that Cuphead is a mischievous prankster like Hu Tao? Icing on the cake.
In the show and game both, Cuphead has black pie-cut pupils due to the characters being animated in a cartoonish style, but my personal headcanon is that Cuphead has brown eyes that are less saturated to the point where they appear a dark shade of charcoal grey, and Mugman has light blue eyes. They both speak in a 1930’s New York Accent, whilst Ms. Chalice has warm brown eyes and speaks in a Brooklyn accent.
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