#mr love analysis
citrakirana · 1 year
Victor dan Keindahan
Victor adalah seorang yang sangat rasional. Dia mengelola perasaan dengan sangat hati-hati agar tidak terbawa perasaan. Namun, ada satu hal yang tidak bisa dikendalikannya, perasaannya kepada MC.
Sebagai pengendali waktu, yang sudah berkali-kali, bolak-balik ke masa lalu dan masa depan, dia paham sekali apa yang akan terjadi, tetapi tetap kesulitan mengendalikan diri jika berhubungan dengan MC.
Masih ingat tindakan impulsifnya mengirim MC ke dimensi lain agar bisa menyelamatkannya. Tindakan ini membuatnya tidak bisa bertemu MC selama beberapa waktu dan itu membuatnya kacau sekacau-kacaunya.
Jadi, seperti apakah keindahan di mata Vic?
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"Beberapa hal menjadi indah karena hanya berlangsung sekejap mata."
Aku tidak tahu kata yang digunakan dalam kalimat aslinya (aslinya dalam bahasa Mandarin). Namun, terjemahan resmi ini sudah cukup bikin baper. "Fleeting" menurut Merriam-Webster berarti "passing swiftly", berlalu dengan sangat cepat.
Ketika mendengar Vic mengatakan ini, jantungku langsung berdebar. Dia tahu, betapa cepat waktu berlalu. Dia tahu, segala sesuatu hanya berlangsung sebentar. Sepuluh ribu tahun saja berlalu begitu cepat baginya, apalah artinya setahun dua tahun, kan?
Dia sadar, takdir tidak bisa diubah. Dia bukan orang yang pasrah atas takdir. Berkali-kali sudah, dia berusaha mengubahnya, tetapi kembali kepada putusan yang sama.
Pada akhirnya, dia hanya bisa menikmati tiap detik bersama MC. Kadang, waktu diperlambatnya sedikit agar mereka bisa bersama lebih lama lagi.
MC pun sama, dia juga ingin menikmati waktu lebih banyak lagi bersama Victor. Karenanya, berkali-kali dia seolah ingin mengawetkan segala hal yang berhubungan dengan Victor.
Namun, menurut Victor, itu tidak perlu.
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"Cukup diingat saja. Tidak perlu diawetkan."
Bagaimanapun, MC tidak setuju. Baginya, beberapa keindangan memang dimaksudkan untuk diingat, tetapi ada juga yang harus diawetkan.
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MC merasa dirinya sangat pelupa. Dia bisa melupakan banyak hal jika tidak dicatat atau, dalam istilahnya, diawetkan. Momen-momen bersama Vic adalah salah satu yang sangat ingin diawetkannya. Jika tidak mungkin dibekukan. Karenanya, dia merasa perlu mengambil foto, menyimpan kenangan dalam bentuk fisik agar dapat mengingatkannya akan masa-masa indah itu.
MC pun sudah sadar, bahwa waktu yang mereka punya tidaklah banyak. Takdir pasti akan membawanya pada pilihan yang sama lagi dan dia harus menghancurkan segalanya.
Vic juga punya kesadaran yang sama. Namun, dia juga tahu, saat segalanya hancur, tidak akan ada lagi yang tersisa. Bahkan kenangan pun hilang bersama menghilangnya dunia. Lalu apa gunanya semua ini? Menikmati momen ini, mengingatnya, meresapi maknanya, adalah cara Vic.
Namun, dia terlalu menyayangi MC untuk menolak keinginan kekasihnya itu.
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"Kalau begitu, aku akan melihatnya lebih lama lagi, dan berusaha mengingat sebanyak yang aku mampu. Dengan begitu, aku akan bisa menceritakannya kepadamu di masa depan."
Oh, my, God!
Aku meleleh tak tertahankan mendengar Vic ngomong begini. Dia tidak memaksa MC melakukan sesuatu di luar kemampuannya. Baiklah, MC memang pelupa, baginya itu tidak masalah. Dia ada di situ, selalu siap sedia menjadi back up memory buat MC.
Bukan hanya back up memory, dia bersedia jadi back up apa pun demi MC. Dia selalu mendukung MC, apa pun yang diinginkannya, termasuk soal mengawetkan kenangan.
Oke, girls, kalo ketemu cowok kaya gini, kekepin, girls, kekepin. Kamu ngga cuma bakal bahagia sama dia, tapi juga terus berkembang jadi versi terbaik dirimu.
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firawren · 3 months
I've been thinking about the fact that some readers of Sense and Sensibility don't believe Willoughby truly loved Marianne, even though everyone in the book believes it and the narrator makes it clear how much he cared for her, at the end. And I think this reading of him takes away from one of the messages of the book, which is that love is not enough.
Willoughby loves Marianne, but that's not enough to stop him from hurting her, it's not enough to make him give up his cushy lifestyle and marry her, and it wouldn't have been enough to keep him happy with her long-term. Marianne loves Willoughby, but it wouldn't have been enough for her to be happy with him long-term either.
Edward loves Elinor, but that's not a good enough reason to break his promise to Lucy, because integrity and honor and responsibility are just as important to him. Brandon loves Marianne, but that's not reason enough to court her, because he knows her feelings lie elsewhere and she doesn't respect and esteem him yet.
Love is important to all these characters, and is a vital part in making the marriages that they ultimately end up in strong and happy, but it's not the only thing that makes them work.
Of course, Sense and Sensibility is hardly the only Austen novel to make the point that you need more than love or romance or passion to make a relationship work. But I think it's interesting how we get to see this play out in the villain of the novel. Willoughby does some truly horrific things, but his character shows that even really bad guys are capable of feeling love and guilt and remorse. But none of these feelings are ultimately strong enough to change him. Because love is not enough.
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siriusly-the-best-bi · 9 months
But also can I just say,
The Second Crowley slid those glasses back on (you know when) I knew. I knew it wasn’t going to be the ending we dreamed of (yet) and I knew what kind of turn that meant the narrative was taking. I just am so thankful for the metaphor and the theme of the glasses and their use throughout the story and it’s so beautiful and honestly one of my favourite bits of the show.
This whole season, when around Aziraphale Crowley’s almost always had his glasses off if the circumstances allowed. The second he was safe and comfortable and with Aziraphale the glasses always slide off and are tossed about like they’re not his armor and something he relies so heavily on.
The second I watched him put those glasses on when it was just him and Aziraphale face to face, my heart broke because I knew.
There’s so much more to say on this I might write an essay tomorrow but I’m just in love with Crowley and the metaphor of his glasses
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cabinetduo · 5 months
I love how kinda shit Tina is with kids it's incredible to me. like she thinks the eggs are adorable and fawns all over them but when it comes to like practical stuff she slips up a lot and freaks about the responsibility. When she's unprepared she's super awkward like when she first met em she spent most of her time overthinking and panicking. Or during the date when Richas started playing pretend with her and Bagi, Bagi adapted pretty quick but Tina had some trouble playing along. And she's hyper aware of to. Shes very insecure about her parenting abilities and swears up and down that her first meeting with Empanda was a garbage fire. She is, however, determined to do better. Shes actively trying to become a better parent and is holding herself to it. I just really like that she's not immediately settling into being a mother. Not everyone immediately acclimates to parenthood and it fits super well for her character.
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an-theduckin · 5 months
When did Mr plant stopped wanting to kill Argos and fall in love with him?
In the first episode, Argos visits Mr plant's house 2 tell him about his dna results. The narrator tells us that "Mr plant doesn't care much for them, but even introverts need company once in a while". And also Mr plant fantasised about killing Argos probably because he's annoying. This suggests that Mr plant most likely didn't like Argos, but only tolerate him cuz he didn't have any other friends.
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His feelings for Argos start to SLIGHTY change in the moon guy episode where Argos gives him a star. He now thinks that Argos might not be as bad as he think, but he still doesn't like him. This is implied cuz he rejected Argos' invitation 2 go stargaze and killed the kids he was supposed 2 babysit for Argos.
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His feelings for Argos start to get conflicted in the episode where he gets a job. This is the point where he starts to actually appreciate Argos a bit. This is because of this guy who calls him says that he's lonely n asking his help 2 make a friend. This make Mr plant realise that he's lucky to have someone who cares about him (Argos). The fact that he's starting 2 appreciate Argos is reinforced in the fact that he willingly visits Argos' void 2 watch TV with him. This is probably the first time he's ever done that, cuz like Argos was so surprised when he showed up in his void, meaning he didn't expect him 2 visit him.
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Mr plant starts to treat Argos as an actual 'friend'. Making these star thingys for him on Christmas, listening 2 his rant about the present head guy, and even helping him clean up the murder.
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Then finally, in the Valentines day episode, he gives Argos a heart and they officially become boyfriends. But he still wasn't very sure abt it. This is suggested because he wasn't planning 2 give Argos a heart, he only happened to do that cuz he killed the valentine heart shop manager guy. And also when Argos asked him if this meant that they were "more than friends", he shrugged instead of nodding. This shows that he's kinda uncertain.
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Anyways so the episodes after this one shows that Mr plant's feelings of Argos isn't conflicted anymore, and now is actually sure that he loves him.
Soooo yeah this is how his feelings towards Argos changed and developed throughout the series! :D
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ravenbrookz · 17 days
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redraw of one of the s2 previews!!!! hello to the exactly 10 fans of tricky. we've won (delusion) (something bad is going to happen to them)
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+ doogles
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lesbianfakir · 3 months
I thought it would be fun to compile all the tutu character themes into one post, especially for anyone who’s not as familiar with the music! I’m almost certainly missing some so please send in suggestions and I’ll add them to the post.
Princess Tutu Character Themes:
Tchaikovsky’s nutcracker overture. Fun fact she sings her own theme in the first episode!
Princess Tutu:
Tchaikovsky’s Waltz of the Flowers
Beethoven’s Coriolan Overture (mainly when he’s either in a fight or antagonizing mytho or Duck):
Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade: the Story of the Kalendar Prince (the main theme of episode 12, which plays as he and Duck search for Mytho. It’s also used in season 2 mainly in reference to his writing).
Princess Kraehe:
Erik Satie’s Gymnopedie No. 1 (plays most notably when she first transforms into Kraehe in episode 7)
Tchaikovsky’s Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (plays during our very first introduction to mytho! If you see him dancing a solo 99% of the time it’s going to be to this song)
Richard Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll
Richard Wagner’s Siegfried’s Funeral March (Raven Mytho’s Theme)
Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker March, often altered to sound more foreboding
Miss Edel:
Delibes’ Coppelia: Musique des Automates. Notable because it all but spoils that she’s a puppet for those familiar with the plot of Coppelia
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burningvelvet · 3 months
will never get over the fact that mr. heathcliff and mr. arthur huntington are canonically more attractive than mr. rochester.
aside from the fact that they're both described as being handsome, and mr. rochester is described as being not handsome, we can see this play out in the text. while it's a point that mr. rochester's love interests only want him for his money/status, with arthur and heathcliff that's not entirely the case (you could argue that isabella is partly concerned with heathcliff's newfound wealth, but imo if he wasn't handsome as well, she probably wouldn't bother).
like helen I Love My Bible graham sees arthur and immediately starts drawing and painting him to sublimate her very very obvious attraction that everyone (including him) is aware of. even though she's told he's horrible, she says I CAN FIX HIM!!!! JUST LOOK AT HIM!!! and annabella just openly cheats on her husband with him for years. like helen, isabella linton is told that heathcliff is horrible but she's like BUT HOW CAN THAT BE TRUE WHEN HANDSOME? HAVE YOU SEEN HIM? and as soon as mr. lockwood meets heathcliff in the very beginning he becomes obsessed with him. even after heathcliff lets him be attacked by his vicious dogs, mr. lockwood refuses to leave him alone. not to mention that even the initially biased and usually critical nelly agrees that he's handsome, and cathy literally dying because she regrets not marrying him
— although cathy/heathcliff's bond is much more than skin deep / isn't about looks or regular forms of attraction (bc they have an almost twin-like, spiritual bond) i feel like seeing him healthy and handsome and "glowed up" really hurt cathy 10x more than she was hurt before his return, bc back then she could maybe try to delude herself out of missing him as much by remembering him when he was in his slovenly servant role & embarrassing her infront of the lintons — but seeing proof of his potential & that he always did have it in him to accrue & maintain wealth/education/fashion (and yes, good looks too), & that he could've/would've done so if he'd married her, is really what helped to kill her (aside from... y'know, the whole childbirth thing of course - but the narrative does heavily imply that the drama from heathcliff's return decreased her chances of surviving childbirth, so when i refer to her death, i'm looking at the more internal/emotional causes)
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[CN] Victor’s Nostalgic Memories Date (Eng Translation)
“You’re my first.”
“You’re my first, too.”
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⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 旧忆之约, that is yet to be released on the global server! ♡
【Subbed Video】    
[Heads-up]: Read the transcript for reading, but  PLEASE DO WATCH THE VIDEO!! THE BGMS, THE VOICE ACTING, EVERYTHING!! (also, yes, I’ve made my real-time reactions 🤪)
【Transcript Version】
【Chapter 1】
Not long ago, Victor received a commemorative book.
The sender is his alma mater, Loveland Central Elementary School, which is about to celebrate its 100th anniversary.
The book is filled with old photos of his school. With unending excitement, I relentlessly search for that familiar figure among them.
Little Victor holding up his award certificates with a composed demeanor, hoisting the national flag with aplomb, or standing on the winner’s podium during the sports meet… all these are images of him I haven’t seen before.
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MC: Model student, flag-raiser, long-distance running gold medalist… how many more surprises does this man have in store that I still don’t know about?
?? (Victor): What are you muttering to yourself this time?
I look up and find that Victor has entered the bedroom without me noticing.
MC: I can’t help but feel sentimental~ After all, you were that “kid from someone else’s family” when we were little.
[Tidbits]: The term MC uses here is “别人家的小孩,” I guess you’ll understand this better if you are an Asian/ of Asian descendance/ have Asian parents LOL; it’s often used to describe how parents spur their own kids into working harder by often mentioning “the other kid” as a role model who usually excels in many aspects~ :> And MC playfully follows this with– he belongs to her/ they’re a family now. So, she can take pride that “the prized boy” is all hers 🤣💕 (aside from the obvious knife about MC being regretful of missing out on each other’s lives, which comes later~ 🥲)
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Victor: Someone else’s family?
Watching his cool and collected expression as he arches an eyebrow, I cheekily walk up to him.
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MC: Hehe, but now you’re mine~
As I notice him smiling slightly, I can’t help but be insatiable and pull him along to join me in flipping through the photo album.
We have just flipped through a few photos of the “Campus Singing Competition” when the person beside me seems to have seen something, causing his pupils to quiver ever so slightly.
Following his gaze, I catch a glimpse of a young kid with dramatic stage makeup, sporting a red dot on the space between his brows.
Before I can take a closer look, the commemorative book in front of me is abruptly snapped shut.
MC: Wait!
Hastily, I clutch his hand down and carefully inspect the photo. There is actually a small caption below it that reads–– “Little Victor, photographed by Dad”
Astounded, I snatch the book and examine it closely–– the child’s solemn expression, with furrowed brows, is unmistakably identical to that of a certain someone I know so well.
I stare at Victor in utter disbelief, while he seems to have already resigned himself and closed his eyes.
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MC: Hahahaha–– you’re so cute, hahaha!
Victor: …stop laughing, give me back the book.
MC: Alright, but you have to agree to one condition of mine.
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Victor: ...you sure know how to make demands.
MC: Don’t want to agree? Well, then I might just turn you into an emoji pack, huh?
Victor takes a deep breath as if he has reached the limit of his patience. He then takes out his phone, quickly taps on the screen, and holds it to his ear.
Victor: I had planned to bring a certain someone along to visit the school when I’d sign the contract to donate to the school building.
Victor: But since the photos seem enough to satisfy you, I think I’m gonna talk to the school about reducing your title to a colleague.
Hearing his words, I immediately grab his arm, displaying a sincere expression.
MC: Why didn’t you tell me about the building donation before? I’m not laughing anymore, I promise!
He arches an eyebrow and moves his phone a few inches away, as if waiting for me to offer a bigger bargaining chip.
I narrow my eyes and steel myself.
MC: I’ll give you three of my embarrassing childhood photos!
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Victor: Deal.
Hearing a muffled chuckle in my ears, I suddenly realize what’s going on. I seize his phone and, sure enough, find that the screen is still locked.
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MC: …you’re so childish, Victor!
Despite my reproach, he remains composed and raps my head.
Victor: He who touches ink becomes black, you know?
【Chapter 2】
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Victor: …wish strips?
An old metal box is gently placed on the table, inside of which is stacked with many pieces of weathered papers, tinged with a yellow hue.
After the completion of the donation contract signing, only three people remain in the empty conference room— the two of us and the principal.
Principal: When I learned that you were coming back, I inquired with your homeroom teacher about anything that might have been left behind from back then, and she really found it.
Even as I try hard to focus my attention on their conversation, an inevitably innate urge drives me to reach out and flip through the wish strips with my fingers, looking for a certain one.
Soon, a weathered piece of paper catches my eyes, with meticulously and neatly penned six letters that form the name “Victor.”
However, before I can reach my hand for it, a large hand with slender fingers lands on top of the paper––
Forced by the seriousness of the atmosphere we are in now, I can do nothing but watch helplessly as Victor nonchalantly slips the note into his pocket.
Victor: If there’s anything else you need help with in the future, please feel free to contact me again.
Principal: Thank you, Little Vic. Despite your remarkable achievements in the outside world, you still haven’t forgotten your alma mater.
[Tidbits]: I’m freaking crying, haha–– look at his Principal still calling this grown-ass man “小李 (Xiao Li)” aksdknld– the sheer adoration you can’t let go of despite the admiration a person has achieved from you– 🥺 
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Victor: You’re too kind. On a different note, I wish to take my girlfriend on a tour of the school later. I wonder if it would be convenient?
Principal: Absolutely! You two are welcome to wander around and have a good time.
It’s summer vacation, and the campus is absolutely empty.
The continuous symphony of cicadas seems to transport me through countless summers, carrying me to the past that belongs to him.
Hand in hand, we walk beneath the shade of the sycamore tree, retracing the journey captured in old photos, from the faintly plastic-scented crimson athletic track to the library, and eventually arriving at his former classroom.
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MC: Where would you sit back then?
Seeing him pointing to a seat in the back row, I press against the window frame and peer inside, yearning to glimpse that small figure across the boundaries of time and space.
MC: Do you have any special memory from your elementary school days?
Victor: What do you mean by special?
MC: Copying homework? Not paying attention in class? Or maybe… puppy love?
It seems like he’s heard something that displeased him; a slight frown creeps onto his face, and he gives me a subtle, scrutinizing look.
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Victor: [strikes immediately LMFAO]  Your elementary school life was this eventful and colorful? It seems like I underestimated you a little.
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MC: Of course not; I didn’t do anything of the sort! I’m just simply curious about your school life~
Victor: It was like any regular elementary school student’s life–– attending classes, doing homework after school, and occasionally playing soccer. Nothing out of the ordinary–– 
Suddenly, the sound of a series of brisk footsteps interrupts his words. Before long, two kids carrying backpacks appear at the far end of our sight.
Little Boy: Did you check? If you forget to bring your homework again, I won’t come with you next time.
Little Girl: I’ve really brought it this time! Where should we go to do our homework today?
Little Boy: The library.
Little Girl: But we need to stay quiet in the library, and I won’t be able to talk with you there.
Little Boy: …let’s go to the burger joint then.
Watching their departing figures from behind, I tug at the corner of Victor’s clothes.
MC: Have you ever done homework together with other kids?
Victor: Might have done some group assignments at some point.
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MC: With you sitting next to them, their study efficiency must have gotten a massive boost. I’m really envious of those classmates who had the chance to do homework with you…
Hearing me say this, Victor’s face takes on a curious and contemplative expression.
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Victor: Don’t be envious. I’ve got an idea.
MC: What do you have in mind?
Victor: It just so happens that I have to work tonight. You can bring in your unfinished proposal, and we can “do homework” together.
MC: …I’ll pass. Even a dummy can tell the difference between a friendly invitation and being supervised by a capitalist.
As we are talking, I see the kids from earlier run out of the convenience store in front of the school gate.
With delight on their faces, they share a pack of crisp instant noodles. The savory and crispy aroma from afar feels as if it reaches the tip of my teeth as well.
Just like me, Victor turns his head toward the source of the noise. Upon seeing his reaction, I immediately reach out and take his hand.
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MC: Wanna go to the convenience store? It’s my treat!
【Chapter 3】
The store is not big, but it boasts a diverse selection of snacks arranged on the shelves.
However, my eyes are drawn to a seemingly ordinary pack of candy tucked away in the corner. Memories of my elementary school days rush back, when this candy was all the rage for playing pranks, and I also couldn’t resist tasting it once myself––
Even at this very moment, the fast secretion of saliva in my mouth is a vivid reminder of its “special” flavor.
Filled with curiosity, I pick up the candy and shake it at Victor.
MC: This candy used to be so popular back in the day. Have you ever tried it?
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Victor: Nope, I haven’t.
MC: Your childhood is missing just a little something, then.
Victor: If being a glutton is your yardstick, you probably had the most complete childhood in the whole world.
Listening to his playful banter, I silently make up my mind to tease him a little. I grab the candy and settle the bill.
Just imagining the look on his face when he tastes the sourness makes me involuntarily curl my lips into a smile. However, realizing that his gaze is fixed on my face, I hasten to temper my smile.
MC: Victor, may I fill in the missing pieces of your childhood?
Victor: No need.
Ignoring his attempt to decline with a shake of his head, I affectionately bring a candy close to his lips.
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MC: Come on, give me some face! I never asked any boy students out for snacks back when I was in school. You’re my first.
Upon hearing my words, his motions pause momentarily, and he stares at me fixedly with downcast eyes.
Just when I think he’s going to reject me again, he softly lets his lips part, lowers his head, and eats the candy from my hand.
I instantly widen my eyes, not wanting to miss any nuance of his expression. But all I see him is chewing the candy nonchalantly without any changes in his demeanor.
This isn’t right… could they have changed the recipe? Puzzled, I pop a candy into my mouth, but as soon as it touches my tongue, I grimace from the sourness.
MC: Sss! So sour!
Victor seems to can’t hold back and bursts into laughter.
Victor: Mmm, it’s indeed sour.
MC: You did that on purpose!
As my indignant glare meets his eyes, he arches an eyebrow in response.
Victor: You sure have a talent for turning the tables. But speaking of doing it on purpose—
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Victor: Back when I was in school, I never teased or played with any girl students, either. You’re my first, too.
The candy in my mouth still gives rise to an unending stream of sourness, yet I can distinctly taste a sweet flavor.
Victor: So happy that you’re in a silly daze?
Upon hearing his teasing, I  realize I’ve been rooted to the spot and giggling like a silly person this whole time. I quickly pretend to be composed and divert the topic.
MC: I was thinking that we visited all the locations where each of the old photos was taken, except for one that slipped through the cracks!
MC: Where was that adorable picture of you with the red dot between your brows taken?
Victor: Why do you always apply your surplus obsession in places where it’s not necessary?
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MC: Humph, it took me so much effort to get you to bring me here. Even if I have to dig the school three feet deep today, I’ll definitely find it!
Seeing me steadfastly staring at him, he lets out a sigh and helplessly takes my hand.
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Victor: My alma mater had to spend so much effort to reach the lifespan of a hundred years. I’m not letting it be dug up by you.
We’re obviously supposed to be searching for the location of the photo. However, Victor brings me back to his old family home, which is currently empty.
Before I can even ask anything, my gaze is captivated by a rather extravagant box of jewelry on the foyer table.
As I let out a small gasp of surprise, Victor also glances over, and his expression turns somewhat speechless.
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Victor: Aunt Grace purchased these during her trip abroad. She said you might get tired of seeing me in formal attire, so I should occasionally change things up…
MC: Pfftt! Why didn’t she just send them to you directly?
Victor: Because I declined. She probably planned to take a roundabout approach and ask my dad for help.
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MC: Well, that works out perfectly. There’s no need to bother Uncle.
I “obligingly” pat my chest as an expression of “taking responsibility” and put the ornaments in my bag.
MC: But you didn’t especially bring me here just to pick this up, right?
Victor shoots me a wordless glance and then points toward the flower house ahead.
Victor: Not just the head is slow, the eyes are slow too.
MC: Hey, you meanie…
After a few seconds, I’m suddenly taken aback, my eyes widening. I pull out the photo from the commemorative book and compare it to the flower house before my eyes. To my surprise, it turns out to be exactly the same.
MC: This photo was actually taken at home?
Victor: After I came back from the performance, the teacher notified us that we needed to take a photo.
MC: But I thought you would remove your makeup right after the performance!
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Victor: You’re right. I did wipe it off as soon as I got off the stage. But my dad deliberately used a red seal ink paste to reapply that dot.
Seeing the awkward look on his face, I can’t resist the urge to tease him and fish out the lipstick from my bag.
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MC: How is it fair if you just make do with a red seal ink paste? Since the other kids have it on, you should too.
Victor: …I should not have told you.
He firmly grasps my unruly hand, but I use my left hand to snatch the lipstick and persistently keep inching closer to him. At this point, I’m practically draped onto his body.
Just as the lipstick is about to touch his forehead, he suddenly looks behind me.
Victor: Dad, you’re back.
I jump off him in a panic, and with my eyes closed, I immediately bow towards the entrance.
MC: Hello, Uncle!
After waiting for quite a considerable amount of time without any response, I’m beginning to feel slightly puzzled when I hear a soft chuckle from above me.
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Victor: Turns out that there are still ways to restrain a certain someone’s out-of-control unruliness.
I raise my head and see that there is no one at the entrance.
Seeing the smirk of triumph in his eyes, I let out a “humph” and decide to turn the tables against him. At this moment, I coincidentally spot the wish strip peeking out from his pocket because of our earlier playful fooling around.
But he’s guessed my intentions, and almost simultaneously, he presses his fingertips on the slip of paper along with me. This results in a brief standoff as neither of us releases our hold.
The silent confrontation lasts for a few seconds until I pout, and that’s when I hear him let out a resigned sigh of compromise. I finally have my wish fulfilled and get my hands on his wish strip.
The paper has already yellowed and become brittle, but the carefully and neatly written words haven’t faded even a bit during the overlong passage of time––
“I want to grow up fast so that I can find her.”
Caught off guard by intruding into the “secret” of his past, I somehow feel a mixture of indescribable emotions flooding my heart.
How come he never mentioned to me that he had such a wish before? I can’t help but lift my eyes to look into his.
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And he stares at me for a long, long time, as if he too wants to glean something from my expression. His lips twitch, but he doesn’t utter a single word even after a long time passes by.
Seeing him hesitate like this, I decide to be the one to break the silence first.
MC: Haha, I didn’t expect your wish to be so sincere and honest.
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MC: But don’t worry, who didn’t have some little secrets in their childhood? I’ll just pretend I didn’t see it!
Victor: Little secret?
He doesn’t seem to have expected me to say this, causing him to evidently be stunned for a moment. But soon, a glint of playfulness sparks in his eyes.
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Victor: Well, that’s a shame. I was originally going to share it with you, but since a certain dummy isn’t curious––
Victor: I guess I’ll just have to leave it be.
【Chapter 4】
He has really done what he said, not uttering a single word of explanation.
He even seems to be in high spirits as he grabs a bottle of whiskey from the liquor cabinet, as if he does not feel my indignant glare fixed on him at all.
Victor: Let’s celebrate together.
MC: Celebrate what?
Victor: I’m really lucky; my wish has come true.
With a hint of tenderness crested between his eyebrows and in his eyes, he uncorks the wine bottle. “Pop”–– the celebration begins, but I feel as if it’s my heart that has begun to deflate.
I push down the bitter feelings in my heart and take a sip of my drink.
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MC: Congratulations to you, then.
Victor: Why does this “congratulations” sound a bit like you’re saying it against your will?
Being relentlessly pressed by his step-by-step advances while he is greatly amused, I suddenly feel a mix of embarrassment and anger soaring into my chest.
MC: How should I congratulate you then? Do you want me to take a photo of you for comparison to prove that you’ve grown up properly, just as you wished?
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Victor: Sure, how do you plan to take the photo for me?
Originally, it was just an impulsive remark I made out of anger. But his reply suddenly causes me to choke, rendering me momentarily speechless. I can’t help but feel a little itch in my teeth.
However, upon glancing at the extravagant jewelry box in my bag, I narrow my eyes.
The next second, I push him onto the couch and start “hanging” all the jewelry on him without even asking him.
Victor: …are you decorating a Christmas tree?
MC: Since we are taking new photos in the once familiar place, you naturally have to dress up enough like an adult to give them the true value of commemoration.
However, I gradually realize that the ornaments on him don’t look over the top at all; instead, they make him look even more exquisite.
Seeing this, I wickedly pull open a section of his collar, exposing a large expanse of sculpted muscles that charges into my eyes. I can’t help but gulp at the sight.
Victor: Is this how a certain dummy defines an adult?
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MC: Why? Can’t I do this?
Hearing his soft chuckle, I huff in anger as I mutter under my breath.
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The next second, my wrist is clasped in place, and I find myself falling into his arms. That familiar scent of his hems me tightly.
Victor: Of course you can. But I think there’s still a bit of room for enhancement.
His warm breath grazes my ear now and then, making my heartbeat accelerate involuntarily.
Realizing that my chance to counterattack is slipping through the cracks, I inwardly compose myself and tilt my head slightly, forcefully suppressing my racing heartbeat.
Aiming my gaze at the lipstick on the table, I immediately come up with a plan.
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MC: You’re absolutely right; there’s still room for enhancement. It was my bad. I still need to mark you like an adult––
I grab the lipstick and apply several thick coats on my lips, then seal it with a big kiss on his cheek.
The corners of his lips twitch slightly, seemingly evident that he didn’t anticipate my move at all. After a brief moment, he just casually leans back against the couch.
Victor: Have you finished all your preparations for taking the photo?
Looking at his face painted with the mark of my kiss, I nod in satisfaction.
He raises an eyebrow at my reaction, then pulls me closer to him once again.
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Victor: Now it’s my turn.
Victor: Photos that hold the true value of commemoration should be taken alongside the witness testimony who made my wish come true.
MC: Witness testimony? Me?
Victor: Is there a third person here?
Victor rubs his temples helplessly, but the smile hanging at the edge of his lips seems to validate the daring conjecture harbored in the depths of my heart.
MC: The “her” you wrote about in your wish strip… it’s me?
Victor: You dummy, who else could it possibly be except you?
Without a moment’s hesitation, he admits it candidly.
In this instant, my heart feels as if it has been drenched.
The mottled wish strip in front of me is akin to the tip of an iceberg I have somehow peered into. It reminds me that in places I’ve never seen, millions of emotions lie buried that I still don’t know about and have yet to fathom.
And those deep eyes of his, which have been fixed on me all along, are so honest and sincere without the slightest concealment, make me surer than ever that––
The impact of our childhood encounter, the bond that forged our destinies together, perhaps runs much deeper than I had ever imagined it to be possible.
It turns out that I have already had my place in his past long ago.
By the time I speak again, my tone has already become joyful.
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MC: Ah–– it turns out I had already become your heart’s desire so, so early on. I must have had quite the charm back when I was little, huh~
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Victor: …I really underestimated how thick-skinned you can be.
He laughs involuntarily and watches me quietly for a while. The light in his gaze becomes even deeper and more earnest.
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Victor: But MC, when I say “I’m lucky,” it’s not because I found the little girl from my past.
Victor: It’s because of the fortunate circumstance–– that little girl turned out to be you.
I instinctively find myself rooted to the spot, feeling a tingling itch sprouting in my heart, as if a wobbly little flower has blossomed within me.
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It’s not until he takes hold of my hand that I finally snap out of it. Accompanied by the silky smooth touch of his fingertips, an English word takes form on the glass wall of the flower room –– Morii.
MC: What does it mean?
He lowers his gaze to look at me, his eyes seemingly concealing a subtle smile.
Victor: Originally, for me, those past days were nothing but ordinary moments, days that I would never want to look back on.
Victor: But the moment you stepped inside and looked around, those old times suddenly came to life again.
Victor: Perhaps it’s the gift of a certain dummy; you’ve always made me want to keep holding onto these moments that exist because of you.
His gentle voice is reminiscent of a feather landing in my heart, creating concentric ripples of waves.
I find myself unable to contain my giggle and lean in closer to him.
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MC: Then let’s keep holding onto it.
He is slightly stumped for a moment but soon understands the meaning of my words and turns on the camera, aiming it at us. From beginning to end, those eyes of his gazing at me have held a perpetual interplay of tender and fervent glimmers.
Lifting myself up on my toes, I approach the figure that is also drawing closer to me.
Two throbbing hearts appear to have traversed the confines of endless dusty time, seeking solace in each other’s arms time and time again.
Right at this moment, the flash of the camera lights up.
[Tidbits]: Didn’t wanna break the immersion, so kept it for the last here. The word Victor led MC to write together, i.e., “Morii” means the “desire to capture a fleeting moment that cannot be retained.” It’s basically the ephemeral nature of life, the reminder of everything inevitable. It’s like a time in which you expect the least, a time in which that moment spontaneously confronts you, but there is nothing you can do to preserve it— and the desire to do all you can to keep that moment to yourself is “Morii.” And if you know Victor and Victor x MC’s story, I’m sure you understand why it’s so important that they wrote it together, or rather MC instinctively followed his strokes without asking why— (இ﹏இ`。)❤️
[Anika’s Long Analysis & Ramblings]
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sameteeth · 4 months
in s3ep2, eleanor tells mrs. hudson she doesnt come from privilege, which mrs. hudson immediately denies. but i think its SOOO telling of eleanor's character! she sees herself as a woman in a world full of men, which she is, but she completely ignores the class and racial divides she obviously benefits from. she claims she has no privilege to mrs. hudson, who comes from no money and works as a chambermaid to woodes rodgers, leaving behind her beloved children to make sure eleanor has clean clothes and to empty her chamberpot. eleanor had power on nassau, power she wielded for her own benefit and to the severe detriment of others. obviously she experienced misogyny, but she was never forced into poverty, never forced into sex work, never forced into service of any kind, because her father was wealthy and she was born into a higher class. her experiences of misogyny and oppression are vastly different than mrs. hudson's. but for her to tell a chambermaid she experienced no privilege? it's laughably untrue. eleanor oversaw and directly profitted from the trade of hundreds if not thousands of slaves on nassau, was raised by "chattel property of the guthrie estate" mr. scott, who is never even given a name in his own tongue (on screen, at least), never showed kindness to anyone but those who put money in her pocket because she was born with that money and that trade empire already in the guthrie name. she had to fight to get it, and fight she did, but the fact that those things were so close to her reach just by virtue of the circumstances of her birth? that's privilege, whether or not she sees it that way
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mishapen-dear · 10 months
thinking about the elections tonight... bad, cellbit, baghera, and forever are four candidates who are devoted to the island- more specifically, to the residents of the island. They care for the eggs, and they care for each other, and the way they exhibit that care through their primary presidential strategies is fucking fascinating.
Bad is who I watch the most, so I know him best. He's a classic mother hen. He doesn't like to take risks with the eggs, and he likes to prepare. If there's any sort of variable that could hurt an egg then he wants to control it. They have a stable relationship with the federation right now- it's not great, but they know the parameters. Don't trust cucurucho. don't follow cucurucho. send the eggs to NINHO every time there's a threat. the time of day changing means you need to run. Other than that they're p okay and roughly safe. But adding a president could potentially change everything. What if the president makes a rule that makes it easier to kill the eggs? And what about the way a president could cause tensions between the players to rise even higher? The dynamics of the island could change drastically. It's safer to neutralize that threat before it ever becomes a threat. It's easier to stop a war before it can start.
Baghera's primary concern is the way the election is designed to pit the residents against each other. All of them know that the Federation is a threat and she, like Bad, is focused on not letting them hurt more people. But, unlike Bad, she's less resistant to change. If the power is spread to multiple players rather than just one, it will be harder for the Federation to corrupt any one of them. Each time before the Federation has gotten to someone it's done so by isolating them. Felps, Cellbit, Jaiden- they've all spent a lot of alone time with Cucurucho. A council isn't just to consolidate the ideals of the island; a council would protect the players themselves. Sure, there might be disagreements and arguments, but they've had those before (and they're having them now!) and there's no reason to think they wouldn't be able to get through them again.
I hit a bit of a wall with Forever and Cellbit's pov here. Everything I know about their plans are from the debates and paraphrased discussions that have been translated here on tumblr, I'm going to talk less about their explicit plan and more about what the result will entail- a single president who takes responsibility for the island. It seems to me like they've recognized the presidential seat as the powerful opportunity that it is, and they want to take advantage of it. Here's some extra personal speculation but, adding rules, adding or removing mods, proposing public works, enforcing laws- those are just the abilities that are listed. Those are incredible opportunities to make the Federation take action, which is more than they've had before. We've seen before that the Federation isn't perfect; the Federation makes mistakes.
By working with the Federation, by making them take action (in a semi-controlled, semi-predictable way) you open them up to more opportunities for them to fuck up (while benefiting you). And, maybe, one of those fuck ups will be the key to taking them down. Maybe they could reopen ender chests. Maybe they could open the nether. Maybe they could learn why the Federation is holding an election in the first place. It's possible to do all these things with Baghera's plan, sure, but that's not a guarantee and, if someone like Bad is on the council, there's absolutely no way to be sure it would get done. And, if there's a council, then that opens up everyone on the council to the Federation's wiles. If there's just one president, then that's where the Federation's focus will be. By using a single person to build a relationship with the Federation, they only risk that single person. By electing ministers instead of a council, they can ensure that the island residents' needs are being heard while placing the federation's focus on that one person. A point can be made that they've done that before- with varying results. like kidnapping. selling your soul. etc. But! overall, I think they've gained more than they've lost by singling out one person. Because of them, we know that Cucurucho can't be trusted. We know that the Federation has a series of tunnels underneath the island. We know that the Federation not only has some sort of cryo technology, but had some unknown reason to use it. We know that there was another person working with Cellbit to take care of Felps (theorized to be ElQuackity), so we know there's at least one more Fed that isn't Cucurucho + blank-faced workers. There's been risk, but there's absolutely been rewards. This is just a very long meandering way to say that their plan to sacrifice Forever to the presidential seat reminds me very much of Cellbit's plan to sacrifice himself to the federation. They're saving their friends by potentially damning themselves and I, for one, think that is cool as hell.
they all care about each other so much. bad's plan means taking on no more risk. baghera's plan means spreading that risk evenly to stand strong together. and cellbit and forever's plan means taking the risk onto themselves so they can reap the rewards for others. am i reading too much into things? no this is tumblr and this smp is about LOVE and i really genuinely think that their election plans are a fantastic example of just how much they love each other
#qsmp elections#qsmp#qsmp analysis#again i haven't been following cellbit and forever's exact plan too closely but i've gotten the sense that their pushing of public works is#just to get people to vote for them and the true reason they want forever to be president is to infiltrate the federation#if that's not it tho feel free to let me know i'd love to know these cubitos reasonings#but with my interpretation i like the silly little extra headcanon of mr cell “sold his soul to the cops” bit#subconsciously sacrificing forever to the feds and pushing him into corruption#which ALSO makes the forever-killing-cellbit-to-kick-him-out-of-the-running plan Even More Tasty#'what if i let you kill me. what if destroying me destroyed yourself. what if i have already destroyed you on purpose and you forgave me#now what if i dont mean it when i do it again'#if anyone wants to examine the other candidates (or these same ones) and figure out how their election strategy is an example of their love#please do#i don't know enoguh about the others#but i know that gegg is love-turned-grief burn-the-world-down#and foolish is love for Item. love for cloud. love for being a silly#i don't know etoiles' plan for if he gets elected but i know he also deeply loves the island and the residents#him and his security <3 and the care packages for new players <3 and the way he Craves Violence but absolutely refuses to hurt anyone who#doesn't deserve it. most guy of all time#personally i want foolish to win because i think it would be really fun#but i think that any of them (even the candidates i don't know) would be a Fantastic president#we're going to get some good roleplay any way it goes so ill be happy :3#the only mechanic thing i want is for them to open the nether but that feels like a given for anyone so im not worried about it tbh#ty for coming to my tedtalk#hello if you're reading this tag. i see youre just as un-normal about these characters as i am. or you just like to read. respect either wa
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troperrific · 6 months
/ekuoto chapter 50 spoilers/
warning: discussion of very sensitive topics, usual ekuoto stuff
You know, I can’t stop thinking about how the whole situation with Sarah technically is almost all Asmodeus’ fault.
Let me explain.
Make the Exorcist Fall in Love has an interesting approach to how the 7 Deadly Sins are portrayed. It’s not simply about going into harmful excess, a sin becomes a sin when it crosses into violence.
Greed is not simply about wanting and hoarding wealth, it’s about trampling others to get what you want.
Gluttony is not just about gorging yourself, it’s about the slaughter that comes with feeding yourself.
Envy doesn’t limit itself to coveting what others have, it’s also about destroying them when you can’t have what they have.
Lust then, isn’t just about drowning in sexual pleasure. It’s about forcing your wants upon the other.
But it doesn’t stop there. Because the way the manga chooses to talk about these different kinds of violence isn’t in a vacuum. No, it shows them through the lens of systemic violences.
(which makes perfect sense to me, as the Demon Lords of Sin would be the original "corrupters" of humanity)
Greed talks about systemic racism, xenophobia, slavery and, more prominently, sexism and toxic masculinity, through both Mammon’s view on women and his peculiar relationship with Tachibana.
Gluttony talks about the inherent violence in living/surviving/eating, through the slaughter of animal and overconsumption of meat, and also discusses about veganism and food crisis.
Envy discusses general power imbalances in relationships and systems. And this one, I’d argue, actually focuses on the burdens and responsibilities of the people on the top, and the inevitable consequences of power gone unchecked.
Lust, if it wasn’t obvious before, through Asmodeus’ relationship with Sarah, talks about systemic rape, including child brides, forced marriages (upon both heterosexual and, as with the case shown with Sarah, non-cishet women) and sex as a duty.
The thing is, these are systems that benefit the Demon Lords. These are systems that they endorse, that they encourage, even when they call out the atrocities of humanity. These are systems that they likely helped create in the first place, what with our introduction to Mammon saying that he “taught humans how to excavate gold”.
Similarly, going back to the very first chapter, Asmodeus was seen collecting “lust” by proxy, through a succubus subordinate of hers, specifically by said subordinate posing as a prostitute. The brothels, and other establishments that sexually exploit women, then are a source of energy for her.
It’s worth noting that Asmodeus herself either collects energy by proxy or through roles that inspire adoration, such as Aria, the diva, which maintain her in a position of power. Even as Aria, a teenage singer, she’s the one calling the shots and making outrageous demands of her staff.
So, the system that harmed Sarah, was a system that Asmodeus helped create, or at very least, one that gave her power. Of course, Asmodeus did love Sarah, she could not rape her as she did others, nor did she want Sarah to suffer, but even at the end, Asmodeus could not part with her unhealthy, twisted mindset, with the way she views sex.
It’s sort of a pattern at this point, I think. The Demon Lords get attached to a human, becomes violently protective of said human, make said human their “exception”, who eventually gets harmed directly or indirectly by the Demon Lord’s mindset/sin.
Like… Mammon also got attached to Tachibana, who, according to the extras, got saved by Mammon from workplace abuse.
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Credits to translation group Pastel Clouds for scans and translation.
It’s heavily implied she worked in a very sexist environment, and outright stated that she was chosen to be eye-candy. Mammon treats her differently: in his own words, “she may be a woman, but she’s his subordinate/friend”. She’s spared from his sexism. She has his protection. The organization who hurt her was slain by his hand.
But she also remains trapped within the same system that hurt her. She has to harm other women. She still has to work under a toxic, sexist man. She now has to perpetuate the violence she suffered. Even some of Mammon’s final words to Mr. Priest mirror the things she apparently complained about in a letter, in the volume two extra, particularly about women and wombs:
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Again, Mammon does seem to genuinely care about her. Even at the end, when he’s turned into kid form and is naming every single one of his subordinates in apology for losing to Mr. Priest, the forlorn expression when he says Tachibana’s name… it’s telling.
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But it's not enough to make him question his own toxic views, and how the systems he's endorsed hurt Tachibana. How this will affect their relationship in the future remains to be seen, as Tachibana seems hellbent on supporting him still.
Beelzebub, whose feelings towards Leah remain ambiguous and unknown to the readers (although it’s likely his affection for her was/is genuine, regardless if Leah and/or Beelzebub themselves are aware or not) also follows this pattern.
He kills everyone in the village (composed of livestock farms), except for her. Leah is not food, but a companion, a “flower needed for a pleasant meal”. The extra with Daniel’s report on her also mentions that, other than being emancipated and malnourished, she was unharmed and showed no signs of black magic contamination.
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Credits to translation group Pastel Clouds for scans and translation.
The ones who receive the most brutal deaths, incidentally, were Leah’s family, who she complained to him about, as she was feeling neglected at the time.
Of course, like Tachibana, just because she was an exception, doesn’t mean she’s free from Beelzebub’s twisted philosophy. He actually takes it upon himself to teach her that “to live is to kill”. Only, Leah gets to sit at the top of the food chain, so to speak, with him.
Even after she’s rescued from him, Leah seems to have internalized what he said, as she admits to herself that veganism doesn’t exempt her from this.
Still, the harm was done, and Leah not only struggles with the guilt she feels over the incident, but also with a heavy shame over the very want and action of eating/living/wanting to be alive.
Leviathan is an interesting case in that she precisely chose Mr. Priest to be her friend because she thought he could be her "exception", in that he'd be strong enough to survive her, instead of him naturally becoming that because she cared for him.
She also doesn't harm people who harmed Mr. Priest. Instead, she harms innocents to give herself an alibi and a reason to approach and befriend him.
Still, it's important to note that this sort of harmful, abnormal behavior and monstrous strength is exactly why the Church relies on him so much. Despite wanting to be his friend, Leviathan is part of the reason why Mr. Priest suffers, and this odd mindset of being strong, and therefore, dangerous and harmful is so ingrained in her, that, instead of going away after Mr. Priest comforts her ("I'm not afraid of you and you don't need my acceptance"), she still decides to fight him (something he hates and often leaves him traumatized).
And so, we have Asmodeus and Sarah. When she considers making Sarah hers, as she wants the girl, she can’t stomach the thought of raping her like the others. She never touches Sarah herself, actually. Asmodeus can’t even kiss Sarah back, as she seems unable to separate all matters of sexual intimacy from sexual violence.
Nevertheless, Sarah is her exception. Those who Asmodeus perceived as harming Sarah received brutal deaths. And yet, it’s Asmodeus’ twisted views on sex, and the harmful systems she endorsed that hurt Sarah in the first place.
I just… really find these dynamics so, so interesting. I love how intense the Demon Lords love, I love how they end up harming their “special ones” despite trying to help them (and perhaps they harm their “exceptions” the most), I love how they keep shooting themselves on the foot.
It’s their own fault that they’re so lonely!! I love how it’s obvious that, if they don’t try to change their mindsets, if they keep denying responsibility, they’ll never have a successful relationship with a human and they’ll never be happy.
(of course, we gotta consider humanity’s free will and such and they’re also accountable for their own actions, yada yada, but my point still stands)
On a side note, it’s pretty interesting to note that women seem to get more… relevance, I guess? when it comes to the Demon Lords actions/issues (like, Mammon’s sexism, the pains of growing into a woman with Asmodeus/Sarah, Leviathan throwing a rather misogynistic remark at Leah “women’s worst enemies are women” and the whole “the kanji for envy has the character for ‘women’ appear twice", Beelzebub mildly objectifying Leah as a “flower to make his meals more pleasant” and most of his notable rivalries being with women- Mother Rosa, the ancient witch, Leah)
That along with the fact that harmful systems are very present within the narrative…. I think it makes sense, that we’re introduced with a subplot regarding the two divisions of the Church, and that Leah seems to be a central player within the division that seeks to make changes within the system. But that’s a whole other post.
Anyway!! This was just me rambling, but there are some last things I want to point out:
The Demon Lords are essentially a bunch of lonely, love-starved menchildren/womenchildren with daddy issues who got majorly traumatized by the events surrounding the rebellion against Heaven/God and the fall from Heaven (except Leviathan who is the only Sin who isn't a fallen angel, and thus her issues are centered mostly on her isolation);
The past and current relationships between the Demon Lords and the girls they love/loved/"possessed"/haunted are important to understanding what Imuri and Mr. Priest need to do in order to be happy together;
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Part 2 of Everlark and their parents lets go Peeta your turn now.
Now this one is harder. We know very little explicit information about Peeta's family so a lot of this will be inference and my own personal interpretation of the family and their dynamic based on what we do see, what we don't see, and the way Peeta acts, so if you disagree with me that's all good lol.
So first, Peeta grew up in an absuive household. That's not a debate that's explicitly canon. Him mother not only hits him, implied to be with something, but also calls him a worthless creature when he burns the bread for Katniss. No matter that circumstance that is not how you treat your eleven year old child, that is not how you treat any child period, and this clearly isn't a one off or first time. Even though we personally see very little of the abuse on page, I at least think its impact of Peeta is very clear.
This boy has abysmal self esteem, when he discovers Katniss and Haymich have hidden things from him again he feels as if they view him as weak and stupid and too dumb to get it, that's the automatic assumption even though we know that's so far from the truth it's laughable. But for a child that grew up being consistently insulted and belittled it's not that far of a jump to make.
His ability to lie, also I think is relevant here. That kind of ability with words doesn't come from nowhere, that doesn't just happen that's something practiced. A theme with Katniss and Peeta's talents throughout the trilogy is that even the things they are good at and that help them were born from necessity. Katniss is so good with a bow and practical survival skills because she had to be, because even though she grew to love hunting, she and her family would have died without it. Peeta's skill with art comes from working at the bakery it comes from years worth or practise and labor he put in as a child, and I think his ability to lie, manipulate, mask his true feelings and talk his way though things stems from a similar place. His mother is called 'the witch' colloquially, we see she clearly has a temper and resorts to violence and insults quickly. A lot of children who grow up in abuse grow to be very charming, they learn how to lie and manipulate the situation to get themselves out of trouble and to keep themselves and potentially their siblings safe. At least to me Peeta's unmatched ability to impact and morph a situation with just his words could very easily be linked back to his childhood. We all love that Peeta is such a good manipulator but only ever uses it for good, and I think this is partially why, because he doesn't even want to be necessarily, it was a skill born for survival. His mothers cruelty is also shown very much to not be reserved purely for him, she chases starving children away from their empty bins, speaks awfully about the seam and the people from it.
His father is a complicated man. he clearly dose have love for Peeta and is shown many times to be a kind man at his core. But he is passive. He may bring Katniss cookies and make generous trades, he may have been the one to impart that inherent kindness we see in him onto Peeta, and may have been the only safe adult in the house, but he is passive. We don't know the extent of how much he steps in when his wife starts acting out, but from what we can see of her effect of Peeta clearly not enough. He also doesn't come to live with him after the games, none of them do. And while I understand practically that might not be the most reasonable situation, a newly disabled, traumatised sixteen year old boy was still left to live alone. His family may have visited often, they still talk we see him going to dinner with them, but I think their lack of mention speaks more than anything else here.
The relationship between his parents was also not exactly the best model to grow up observing. When he is five years old his dad tells Peeta is was in love with another woman, he points out her child to him, explains how he lost her. There is no addendum of how much he loves his mother now, how it was in the past. Peeta grew up with parents he was acutely aware did not love each other and from what we see and here, don't even pretend to act like it.
Now how dose this relate to Katniss. This first part is more my own speculation so ignore me if you disagree, but Katniss in the first games mentions Peeta doing certain things with her she remembers her parents doing, and wondering where he learnt it from, thinking surely not his own parents. And I think she's right, I think he learnt it from hers. Peeta is observant, I think after his father pointed out Katniss and her mother he payed attention, not just to Katniss but to her parents as well. I think he was a little fascinated by this family, these parents who clearly adore each other these children with skin clear of bruises who have never been made to feel like nothing from there parents who clearly think the world of them. There was six years from when Peeta noticed her to Mr Everdeens death, that's six years for him to observe this family and their love. Not obsessively, not even knowingly, but I think it happened. I think the Everdeens weren't just Katniss's reference for a relationship but Peeta's as well. I don't think she was the only one drawing comparisons, even if he didn't completely realise what he was doing.
(Additional evidence for this pointed out by @intellectual-punk in Mockingjay Haymitch tells Katniss the doctors showed Peeta the propo of her singing The Hanging Tree and he recognized the song and Katniss says she doesn’t know how he could as he never heard her sing it. Haymitch says he remembers her father singing it as their fathers traded. Peeta hasn't heard this song since he was 11, he’s 17 at the time of remembering it. So for him to remembering it after so long after last hearing it and clearly not hearing it around the house we can imagine that her father must have sang it near every time the two men traded and that Peeta was either specifically listening to his singing as he knows from his father that that is how Mr Everdeen won over Mrs Everdeen or he was just generally paying attention to the man either on his own or in relation to Katniss.)*Found in notes {Thank you so much for this}
I also think, going back to people seeking out the familiar, that Katniss reminded him in certain ways of his father. They're both quiet, both people associated with providing food in one way or another. I think he see's her in the way that while they both clearly love him, they both struggle to show him, leaving him to question it for a long time. But where his father fails to protect him, Katniss doesn't. Katniss doesn't have his fathers passivity, far from it, Katniss Everdeen is anything but passive. She actively works to protect him and others, she speaks out loudly when she finds something wrong, she still has that kindness, but it never gets in the way of what's necessary.
This is also where I see his mother come in, I think he dose see some similarities there. In their tempter, in the sharp way they can use their words, in the way she underestimates him in the beginning and even hurts him on occasion, shoving him into the vase (I think?) and cutting his hands after the first interview. But in so many ways Katniss is the opposite. Peeta may have developed a crush because of her voice, but he falls in love because of the way she helps people, because he knows her intrinsically and intrinsically Katniss is someone who cares. He always comments on her healing ability, even if she finds it lacking it's clearly something he loves about her, hands that heal instead of hurt. His mother was cruel to everyone especially those less fortunate, meanwhile Katniss would give everything on her to those who need it more. He see's the similarities yes, and unconsciously that familiarity might be a small drive towards her, but ultimately he loves Katniss for the ways in which she is different from his mother, the ways in which his mother failed, for the ways in which she stepped in where his father fell short. As well as for a lot of other reasons of course, but I think his parents impact is definitely something to consider.
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hamartia-grander · 1 month
Wyll breaking up with the player character if Ulder dies so Wyll must become the Duke makes me wanna throw up sobbing because he actually thinks that just because his father's first duty being to Baldur's Gate made him a Bad Father that Wyll himself will inevitably be a Bad Lover because surely no one could match love with duty if his father couldn't, unknowing he has more love in one hand than his father had in his entire body. fuck
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character-fan19 · 8 days
Optimizing Viewing Experience for Love Square Shippers
You guys have previously seen me make a post on the love square screen time records based on the data I collected on how much screen time each love square ship has in each episode and special and in each season exactly and now we're going to be putting that data to more practical use and using it to figure out what are the best seasons, episodes and specials for shippers of certain sides of the love square to watch when binging through Miraculous.
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You don't need to know the exact screen time for Adrienette in every season to know that season 5 is the best season for Adrienette shippers to watch. Not only is it the season with the most Adrienette screen time, but it's also the season where Adrienette finally becomes canon which is yet another plus.
For episodes that feature particularly large amounts of Adrienette screen time you can look to "Gamer" (6 min 28 sec) in season 1; "Riposte" (4 min 14 sec), "Gorizilla" (4 min 11 sec) and "Frozer" (4 min 10 sec) in season 2; "Oblivio" (9 min 3 sec) and "The Puppeteer 2" (4 min 27 sec) in season 3; "Mr. Pigeon 72" (2 min 23 sec), "Psycomedian" (2 min 19 sec) and "Simpleman" (2 min 8 sec) in season 4; and "Determination" (4 min 46 sec), "Transmission" (4 min 49 sec) and "Protection" (4 min 19 sec) in season 5.
In terms of Miraculous World specials, you're best bet is the New York Special which has 7 min 40 sec of screen time which has the whole storyline of Marinette trying remain friends with Adrien.
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Really you can pick any season since Ladynoir dominates all of them but the best season for Ladynoir shippers would be season 1 which not only has the most Ladynoir out of all the seasons but also has that classic Ladynoir dynamic I've seen certain Ladynoir fans crave in the later seasons: fighting villains and just being a dynamic duo in general, Cat Noir making the puns and Ladybug getting annoyed with him, those kind of stuff.
For episodes with particularly high amounts of Ladynoir check out "Stormy Weather" (6 min 7 sec), "Mr. Pigeon" (6 min 10 sec), "Horrificator" (6 min 8 sec), "Kung Food" (7 min 3 sec), "Animan" (8 min 28 sec), and "Volpina" (6 min 7 sec) in season 1; "Prime Queen" (8 min 19 sec), "The Dark Owl" (8 min 14 sec), and "Mayura" (8 min 32 sec) in season 2; "Reflekdoll" (7 min 19 sec), "Timetagger" (6 min 22 sec), and "Cat Blanc" (6 min 35 sec) in season 3; "Truth" (4 min 4 sec), "Psycomedian" (5 min 40 sec), "Furious Fu" (4 min 57 sec), "Kuro Neko" (7 min 23 sec), and "Strikeback" (4 min 14 sec) in season 4; and "Evolution" (7 min 50 sec), "Multiplication" (7 min 36 sec), and "Passion" (7 min 4 sec) in season 5.
In terms of Miraculous World specials, you can go for the New York special which has 6 min 29 sec of screen time and gives us some good Ladynoir angst with Cat Noir betraying Ladybug's trust and feeling so guilty about that he gave up his Miraculous.
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For Maricat, the season of you're choice would be season 4, even though most of the screen time there is concentrated in "Glaciator 2". This season even has the episode with the most Maricat screen time in all of the show so far, that is, "Glaciator 2".
Episodes with particularly high amounts of Maricat screen time include "Evillustrator" (2 min 17 sec) and "Gamer" (54 sec) in season 1, "Glaciator" (3 min 29 sec) and "Befana" (36 sec) in season 2, "Weredad" (3 min 57 sec) and "Kwamibuster" (44 sec) in season 3, "Sentibubbler" (1 min 24 sec) and "Glaciator 2" (8 min 14 sec) in season 4, and "Elation" (5 min 37 sec) and "Protection" (48 sec) in season 5.
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For Ladrien shippers, the best seasons for you guys to watch are seasons 2 and 3, moreso season 2, where Ladrien was at the peak of its screen time until it dwindled into nothingness in seasons 4 and 5.
For episodes with a particularly large amount of screen time we have "Simon Says" (1 min 22 sec) and "Volpina" (1 min 23 sec) in season 1, "Riposte" (3 min 42 sec) and "Gorizilla" (3 min 58 sec) in season 2, "Oblivio" (1 min 40 sec) and "Desparada" (5 min 35 sec) in season 3, "Strikeback" (37 sec) in season 4, and "Passion" (17 sec) in season 5.
Well, that's it. Hope this was helpful to some love square shippers who want to binge through Miraculous.
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maddymoreau · 3 months
I read this interesting post:
That discusses how while Victor is a lovable character he's a product designed to lure Courier Six into New Vegas. This post got my brain juices flowing so bad I made Tumblr glitch with how much I tried writing in the tags. So I had to make my own post.
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I find it EXTREMELY interesting how all the AIs Mr. House created while fun and lovable are also products.
Jane being a copy of Mr. House's favorite girl a starlet he dated before the Great War. She's designed to entertain him similarly to how the workers at Gomorrah "entertain" customers.
Jane: "Mr. House has a lot of needs, sugar. I take care of all of them, and a lady doesn't kiss and tell."
There's also an emotional aspect to the services she provides him.
If he wanted her just for sex he wouldn't have specifcally scanned her brain. He could've gotten anyone. While famous Jane wasn't even a star but a starlet. A young actress with aspirations to become a star.
While he might have liked Jane's personality which is why he picked her. Ultimately their relationship was a business transaction.
Raul: "She said they never, um... don't make me spell it out, boss. Anyway, she said all he wanted to do was scan her brain and make her dress up in different outfits."
Mr. House scanned her brain to create an artificial relationship (separate from the real Jane) designed to satisfy his needs post Great War. Mr. House had the technology to save the real Jane but chose not to.
A lot of people also seem misunderstand the reason why Mr. House doesn't have sex with Jane. It's because he physically COULDN'T.
Ignoring cut content. Mr. House was already attached to the machine keeping him alive. He's connected to an Electrode-studded command helmet on the day of the Great War.
It's how Mr. House protected New Vegas:
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Raul: "I remember there were some weird stories about him, especially near the end." NEAR THE END.
Mr. House takes Jane's personality to the EXTREME. Designing her to stoke and inflate his ego by being able to only say positive things about him. Jane is a product designed to provide Mr. House a service all while managing his snow globe collection. She doesn't even respond when the player says goodbye to her.
Then there's Mr. Vegas who was an AI created before the Great War. A charming DJ for Radio New Vegas to play music but also spread the news.
Mr. House also did to the same to the tribes by turning them into The Strip AKA a money making product.
He molds people into exactly what HE wants for his benefit.
The BIGGEST example of this was Benny! However that didn't work because Benny is human. Benny had his own ambitions and desires.
Mr House: "I have to think that he found out about the Platinum Chip and mistakenly convinced himself that he could use it to his own ends."
Mr. House even flat out admits it to the player.
Mr. House: "Benny has led the Chairmen ever since I recruited his tribe seven years ago. Until his recent misbehavior, I'd planned to make him my protege. Maybe if I'd begun grooming him sooner, none of this would've happened..."
Protege meaning a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person. He wanted to GUIDE Benny into a specific role. Which the player can even ask about.
Courier Six: "What use would you have for a protege?"
Mr. House: "To achieve my aims, I require a capable human agent to perform certain . . . tasks."
Testing them to see if they can get to New Vegas on their own.
This awesome post goes into more details about it:
Mr. House even mentions you being a more-than-suitable replacement for the role he wanted Benny in.
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ALSO during your first meeting with Mr. House this exchange can happen:
Courier: "Why the VIP treatment? I'm just a courier."
Mr. House: "Oh, don't be coy. You've been playing a high-stakes game ever since Victor dug you out of the ground. Don't be afraid to admit it."
Mr. House: "You see that you and I are of a different stripe, don't you? We don't have to dream that we're important. We are."
While Mr. House may act like he's above feelings and relationships. HE'S NOT!!!! It's why the player's karma can affect his ending SO MUCH!!!!
Another incredible post discussing it:
A lot of people think Mr. House is an idiot for picking Benny but people forget Benny's drive. Hell just rewatch the intro cutscene where he shoots Courier Six.
Mr. House being human is also WHY he picks Benny despite Swanks being far more loyal. Swanks is an unimaginative employee.
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Mr. House: "I have a certain tolerance for greed. I expect my business partners to be self-interested - but smarty so."
However he misjudged Benny and even admits it.
Mr. House: "Obviously, I miscalculated his drive for supremacy."
In the Yes Man ending we learn.
Yes Man: "I found some code snippets in one of Mr. House's databanks that will let me, um, reprogram my personality! To be a little more assertive, basically!"
Meaning while small Mr. House has programming to allow characters like Victor and Jane free will. He WON'T use it though because he wants the specific services and relationships they provide him.
In the ending with high good karma it even says: "Mr. house afforded him/her every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, out of gratitude - and a quiet sense of pride for his choice in lieutenants."
Of course because of his ego (look at the obituary that appears when he dies) but GRATITUDE. Spoiling Courier Six with all the luxuries he can provide doesn't sound like a basic employee and employer relationship he likes to act like what they have is.
Mr. House: "In any case... this is an employer - employee relationship. I've given you an assignment, and the directions are clear."
If you want to take the G.E.C.K script notes into consideration they even says:
Mr. House: ''You know, I've had thousands of employees in my time. Few met my expectations, fewer still surpassed them.'' {You know, I never had much time for a family - if I did, you'd be the daughter/son I wish I'd had. Benny was almost like a son to me, but well...}
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