#move over Mugman /j
brainyrot · 2 months
The people of IM Universe (those you remember) going to BATIM in full detail! Or the dog gets it 🐶 🤺/j
"the..hell?.." ink dripping from the walls, yellow everywhere, posters about people he seems to know but..not quite.
it's a studio, he thinks, maybe he's just dreaming. Or he's drunk, that's also an option, but he doesn't remember neither drinking nor going to sleep.
as he gets up, he touches his face, realizing he has a crack. "Ugh.." what a pain. "Mugman?" He asks, quietly, who knows who or what's in here.
but now that he gets a full view of things, this is weird.
There's posters of..Boris. of..Alice? Of bendy? Portraying different adventures, like some kind of tv show or cartoon. But neither of them had a history of..being in any kind of stuff like that.
"what the cuss is this.." he whispers to himself, already thinking of shooting in the face the first thing he sees moving, but it's so dead in here the only noises you can hear is his own breathing.
the more he wanders in, the more it gets freaky. There's various desks of what seems to be animator's desks, doodles of bendy, of his own best friend? Who is the freak drawing bendy so much?
there's studies of bendy, animations..or.. recordings. He can't tell, there's even stuff written on the walls. This is just creepy.
"he lied to us"
"dreams come true"
"beware the ink demon"
There's a demon here now? Just GREAT. just what he NEEDED. And by the name he's..an ink demon. Frankly he never saw one, nor heard of one. He assumes it's some subspecies of a water demon, or something like that.
..so the ink all over the place is from that demon guy, huh? Okay..
the door is shut, he can't go back out, so the only other solutions aside from standing in one place until he rots and dies, is keep walking and (hopefully) find another way out.
the posters just keep appearing on the walls, even cutouts now are around which makes things even more..weird. it's all about cussing bendy. Why is it all about bendy? Are they some worshipping demon cult? And the demon they are worshipping is bendy? That's just..weird. eugh. He never understood these kind of people.
but it would also explain the "ink demon" deal. But then, why "beware"? Bendy is anything but dangerous or something to be cautious of.
but the more he looks around the more disgusted he gets. It smells like rotten corpses in here, and he doesn't know why since the only thing here is ink.
maybe the ink were all victims of the ink illness..but it doesn't explain the smell..no one ever smelled like an actual corpse after melting. Rather, it smelled like ink, and that's it. That's why it was so horrifying to look at.
It's ink.
There's no trace of the person left anymore.
oh but Boris' corpse cut open on the table can explain the smell more than the ink.
"wh- BORIS!" The cup shouts, horror in his eyes and air leaving his lungs.
What the hell happened here?! who did this?! Why is Boris here..cut open with..
The dark.. puddles... awaken.."
Okay this is bad. REALLY BAD. The kid didn't deserve it, and now- there's a possible threat around.
..if this happened to boris- then- then what about mugman? If they even dared to lay a finger on him, he'll blow this place up.
finger up, bullet ready.
But no one is there.
breathing, not his own.
faint laugh, not his.
ink.. coming..out of the walls?
there's surely a demon here, and..and no.
No it couldn't be the demon. it just can't be. The demon would have been way too brutal, maybe someone that works for the demon? A debtor?
where the hell did he end up to? Where the hell did they get Boris?! who did this?!
how is he gonna explain this to bendy?! He can't deal with something like this! Not right now! Not- ever.
"-HEAD?! CUPHEAD?" mugman.
MUGMAN! "MUGS!" oh stars. Is he here too?!
Run. Run as fast as you can.
"uh- NO! but..you gotta see this.." see what?
"I think we found..the ink machine."
A voice. A soul. The ink speaks to me.
It tells me your secrets.
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lambcaey · 4 years
Cuphead: A Transgressin’ Question
Despite having just defeated the Devil, the guilt from his sin is still plaguing Cuphead's mind. There's one more question over the matter that he's dying to have answered, but can he break his feelings to Mugman before the feelings break him?
How'd you like to blow your top Dig yourself some fine ree-bop Hi-de-hi, he-de-he Oh, the hi-de-ho man, that's me! Yes sir, there was nothing quite like a little "Hi De Ho Man" to bring life to any party in Inkwell Isle. This was especially true of this particular party, and its particular guests of honor: Cuphead and Mugman. It was the highlight of the brothers' victory party over the Devil. The two were enjoying every second they spent cutting a rug with their friends at Elder Kettle's house. There was so much music and merriment in the atmosphere that you'd swear the little cottage was itself was swaying its hips to the beat. Even the guests that were too big to fit inside found a way to enjoy the party from outdoors. The brothers had taken center-stage of the living room, swinging to the big band jazz to their young hearts' content. Their friends had formed a crowd around them, cheering and clapping to the beat of the music. After a minute or so, Cuphead decided to finish the dance by twirling his brother a few times, and then, with a mischievous smile, release him across the room. This sent Mugman spinning like a top until he bumped into the snack table, causing the entire punch bowl to pour on his head. Everyone, including Cuphead, gasped in alarm,as though they worried the little mug was hurt. Fortunately, Mugman's goofy grin returned, and he licked off his entire face with one slurp. "Mmm! Strawberry!" Everyone burst out laughing, with Cuphead giving a sigh of relief. It was nice to see that, despite having just gone to literal Hell and back, that Mugman was still the lovable goofball he always had been. At that moment, as he watched Mugman giggling and dripping with punch, a new set of gears started turning in Cuphead's mind. His expression slowly changed from a relaxed smile to a gape of terror. In the place of a fun party with their friends were a towering wall of flames, and imps dancing around Mugman's shattered skull. The punch was also starting to turn a much brighter shade of red... Mugman dried his face off with a white towel, then turned to face his brother. "Oh Cuphead, that was swell....Cuphead?" The others had noticed Cuphead's sudden change of demeanor as well. Cup quickly noticed everyone staring at him with concern, and he promptly rubbed his eyes, grinning sheepishly. "Shucks, Mug, I'm fine. Nice to see you're still bein' a good sport." Cuphead playfully nudged Mugman's arm. Mugman smirked. "Hey, somebody's gotta be one b'tween the two of us." He then nudged back before walking off to the kitchen. "I'll go get us some more punch." Cuphead gave another nervous smile as his brother left. Normally, Cup was the most optimistic person he knew, finding the bright side of things even when there wasn't one. He was now realizing that even a happy-go-lucky fellow like himself was capable of having chills sent down his spine. Whatever he just envisioned was enough to do just that, and then some... The troubled cup made his way to the washroom, hoping a splash of cold water would wake him up a little. As he dried himself off, glancing at his reflection, he couldn't help noticing that, if one didn't know any better, it looked like his face was covered in tears, similar to when... MUGMAN, PLEASE, GET UP!!! I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE DON'T DIE!!! GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER!!!! No matter how many times it happened, Cuphead never truly got used to seeing Mugman getting killed. It felt especially terrifying in the beginning, when the boys were still getting the hang of their powers, including how to resurrect each other. As if it wasn't sickening enough seeing his little brother shatter to pieces, what made it feel worse was the fact that this was practically Cuphead's own doing. He brought Mugman to the casino; he made the deal; he rolled the dice. He sold both himself and his little brother to the Devil, and it repeatedly cost the life of the person who least deserved it. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Cuphead snapped out of his trance, rubbing his eyes to prevent a single tear from falling. "J-Just a minute!" For the rest of the party, Cuphead made sure that everyone around him saw nothing but a cheerful, smiling little boy everywhere they went. His troubles certainly hadn't ended, but the last thing any fellow wanted at a swinging party was a Grade-A Debbie Downer. He especially didn't want to ruin the fun for his genuinely-happy little brother. He'd suffered enough at the hands of the Devil and his debtors; the very least the kid deserved was a fun night with no worries. Now, for better or worse, Cuphead had a tendency to underestimate Mugman's sense of insight. Something Mugman had noticed (that Cuphead hoped he hadn't) was how full his brother's head was getting throughout the night. At first, he dismissed it as just a quick drink of water, but it progressed by a few gallons as the party waned on. Unlike himself, Cuphead wasn't fond of drinking from his head, so it seemed unusual that he'd carry around this much liquid without taking a single sip. It was also becoming more obvious how forced Cuphead's smile really was, especially as he declined any more offers for a snack, drink, or even another dance as the party went on. There were even moments where it looked like the poor cup was feeling sick to his stomach, ocassionally seeming him trying to stifle a whimper or lump in his throat. Mugman had his suspicions, but it was also likely he was just tired from such a harrowing day. It seemed best not to bother his big brother about it. The rest of the party ended on a positive note, and Elder Kettle sent the boys off to bed while he stayed up to clean. With the Devil now gone, this was surely the happiest day in the history of Inkwell Isle. To its saviors, however, it seemed their troubles still weren't finished yet. ------- "Ngh...n-no, no..." Mugman's face grimaced on reflex. He had been lying peacefully in his wooden bed until the slurred speech had broken the silence. "No, no please..." Mug's face winced again as he put his pillow over his head. Who in the world could be talking at this hour? Suddenly, Mugman fully woke up when he realized that that wasn't just someone's slurred speech; it was sobbing. "...N-No no, please don't leave me...." Mugman sat up, ready to tell his brother to keep it down, but what he saw behind him made his entire expression drop. Cuphead was still in his bed across the room, but tossing and turning in it like a sweat-soaked jumping bean. As usual, his head sat rested on his nightstand, but it sat there wincing and sweating bullets in distress. A puffy, white thought bubble sat floating just above, playing as scene as though it were a movie screen. The bubble projected a montage of flashbacks of the boys' first few battles against the debtors. They mostly consisted of all the brutal ways Mugman had been killed. Cagney hitting him with an acorn bullet; Hilda smashing his plane with her laughter; Goopy’s tombstone slamming on top of him. With each brutal death scene, the dream version of Cuphead raced across the screen, trying in vain to race to his brother before he’d get hit. The harder he tried, the worse it got, and the more distraught the poor cup was in both his dream and reality. At one point, the montage cut to Mugman standing under a spotlight in the midst of pure darkness. Dream Cuphead smiled in relief, bounding toward his brother with his arms out wide. Just before the two could share a warm embrace, a giant clawed hand covered Mugman with its grasp. The hand moved up, and the darkness faded, revealing it to be that of a fifty-foot Devil, standing on a craps table the size of a football field. At this image, the real Cuphead started whimpering and shaking violently. Rivers of sweat ran down his body while the liquid in his head overflowed onto the floor. With a malicious smile, the Devil rolled out his hands across the table. Where Mugman should’ve been sat a pair of “snake eyes.” The dream Cuphead dropped to his knees, burying his face in his hands. “OH NO! NO NO NO, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!!” The Devil bellowed a maniacal laugh that roared like thunder. For the real Mugman, enough was enough. He rushed toward his brother’s bed, shaking him gently, but firmly. “Cuphead! Cuphead, wake up! Snap out of it! I-It's just a dream! Wake up!” No reaction; this was a much deeper sleep than he'd thought. Mugman anxiously looked around the room, and then grabbed a stray top that was sitting near the toy box. He stuck it inside his straw with the pointy end facing out, resembling a makeshift spear, and used it to pop the dream bubble as though it were a balloon. ”AHHHH!!!” Cuphead jerked awake, gasping for breath while his body continued dripping with sweat. Mugman carefully placed his brother's head back in its body, and gave him the warm, protectigve embrace he was about to receive in the dream. "It's ok, Cuphead. I'm here. I saw the whole thing. No Devil or nobody's gonna take me anywhere." Cuphead sat there with his eyes wide open, his mind still trying to process what had just happened. "Mug? How did you...? I-I thought you were..." At that second, it dawned on him that he was no longer dreaming, and that his dear brother was very much alive and well. Overwhelmed and shaken, poor Cuphead buried his face in Mugman's shoulder, revealing the contents in his head to be none other than a waterfall of tears. The pain that Cuphead had been repressing all night had manifested physically as well as emotionally. The relief of finally letting them both go was enough to make the poor little cup cry further. Mugman didn't pay any attention to how wet he was getting from his brother's breakdown. He just kept holding Cuphead close, gently rocking him as if he were the younger brother. "Shhhh, there there. It's ok. Just let it all out. I'm here for you." Cuphead nearly choked on his words. "Thank goodness..." A few minutes later, once Cuphead felt he'd gotten everything off his chest, he sat back up, and looked at his brother straight in the eye. "Mugman, I-I gotta ask you something, and I need you to be completely honest with me, ok? D-Don't try to lie to me just to make me feel better." An unusual request, but Mugman obliged. "Of course, Cuphead. What is it?" "W-W-Well," Cuphead swallowed hard, trying not to let voice break again. "Mugman....do...do you hate me for what I did to you?" Mugman's eyes and mouth went wide. "Cuphead, what...what kinda question is that? You're my brother; of course I don't hate you." "Well, even if I weren't your brother...say I was some humdrum son of a gun who went and took your life for granted. Would you still find it in your heart to forgive me?" Mugman paused for a second, making sure he was careful, yet earnest, in how he answered the troubled cup. "...If you still fought alongside me as if you were my brother, then yes. But you are my brother; I know you'd never forgive yourself if anything should happen to me. Is that why you were acting so strange back at the party?" "Mm-hmm. I didn't want ya t'worry." Mugman was a bit put off by this at first. Then he gave him a soft smile. "Actually, I was feelin' the same way about you." For the first time in what felt like ages, a genuine smile returned to Cuphead's face. Mug then gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "From now on, let's not feel like we gottta hide anything from each other, ok? We're brothers; we need each other, no matter what. I don't want you to feel like you can't come to me when you need help." "Same with you, Mug. I'm your big brother; what kind of fella would I be if I didn't protect you?" Mugman smirked again. "The kind of fella who'd get easily hoodwinked by the Devil's cheap tricks?" Cuphead smirked back. "Oh c'mon now, that's below the belt." "You sure could use one with how much you keep pullin' up your britches." The boys laughed, and Cuphead finished drying his eyes. "Thanks, Mugman. I really needed this." "No problem, Cup. It's what I'm here for." "I just hope these visions and night terrors I'm havin' don't become a regular occurrence. They've been scaring me something awful all night." He then fidgeted his hands in nervousness. "I-In fact, Mugs, this might sound strange comin' from me, but d-do you...do you think maybe....a-at least for tonight, y-you could-?" "Move my bed a little closer to yours?" "Y-Yeah. It'll be easier to go back to sleep knowing I've got somebody with me in case the night terrors come back." "No problem. Don't think that just because I'm younger than you I can't help you with things like bad dreams. Big brothers are allowed to be scared too, you know." "I know. I gotta stop being so afraid of looking weak in front of other people. I mean, who can call either of us weak after we just defeated the doggone Devil?" "Well, Devil or no Devil, you’re still strong in my book, Cuphead.” Cuphead and Mugman shared another warm hug. Before long, they were sound asleep in their makeshift queen bed, their heads resting on the adjacent nightstands. There was one large dream bubble floating over their heads, depicting the brothers enjoying another round of swinging to the "Hi De Ho Man" song. The End
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karnivalkrew · 5 years
Ball Fall
The carnival was finished with it’s Halloween Haunt decorations. The Baroness was already on her way back to the Sugarland Castle, most of the rides were teeming with horror decor, and the workers...were all in the break tent discussing the invitations they all received. “Just what does Mr. Devil think he’s doin’?! Throwin’ a fancy masquerade ball and inviting darn near everyone on the isle!! Including us ex-debtors!!” Wally squawked. “I don’t trust it. I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all.” “I agree. I mean, I’m not the smartest guy around, but even I can tell this is a trap!” Beppi pitched. “Dj-Dj-Dj-Djimmi, can’t you see i-i-into the future and see what he’s planning?” Djimmi shook his head at Grim’s question.  “Sorry, pal!” There was a poof of blue-green smoke and a binder with the word ‘SCRIPT’ in red appeared in Djimmi’s hand that he flipped through. “The script hasn’t been written out for that week yet.” After a few more moments of flipping through, Djimmi threw the binder over his shoulder, where a cat screamed in pain off-screen as the screen shook. Grim sighed at the response, ears drooping somberly.  “Did anyone else get called by Mugman?” Beppi asked. “I know Cuphead called Bonnie, but it wasn’t exactly a sweet reception!” “O-o-o-oh!! D-d-d-did Bon Bon finally get ph-ph-ph-phones up and running in Sugarland?!” “Uh, no. That’s why it was a poor reception.” 
“Are we gonna decide what we’re doin’ or what? I’ve gotta give Junior a you-know-what tonight!” “Right, right,” Beppi said. “This is obviously a trap.” “B-b-b-but Cuphead and Mugman w-w-w-want some of us to go as well,” Grim added. “Right. In case the Devil pulls something, they can have back up to stop him.” “I don’t see what the big deal is! If they beat the Devil once, they can do it again, right?” Djimmi disappeared in a puff of blue-green smoke again. He spiraled around for a few moments, only to reappear wearing a flower button-up shirt and a pair of sunglasses, holding a tan mirror. “Why not take it easy for a while?” He joked as he sat back in his lawn chair. Wally only rolled his eyes at Djimmi’s antics. “Just because they did it once doesn’t mean they should have to fight a hard fight again. There’s strength in numbers, after all.” Beppi sighed at that. “He’s right...” He felt guilty for this. “But I’m not gonna go.” “Wh- Beppi.” Wally scolded. “Look, don’t get me wrong, I want to help, but, I’m a pacifist. I’m all wet at fighting, and I’d just be in the way. I don’t wanna get involved.” Grim looked down at that. “I-I-I-I’m with B-B-B-Beppi o-o-o-on this...” Grim’s ears drooped lowly, heavy with the weight of his guilt. “I-I-I-I don’t like fighting neither. A-a-a-and i-i-i-if I were t-t-t-to get involved, I-I-I-I would probably j-j-j-just hurt the people w-w-w-we’re trying to protect.” Grim moved his neck away to avert the gaze of the others. “A ball i-i-i-is no place for a dragon...” “You...can’t be serious! I can’t go! I’ve gotta watch Junior!!” “Well, then I’ll go!!” Djimmi chimed in. “After all,” In a poof of smoke,  Djimmi transformed into a fancy suit protector with a hanger sticking out from the top. “We can’t leave poor Cuphead and Mugman hanging!!” Beppi cackled at the joke. “Will you two take this seriously?!” Wally screeched, causing Grim to shrink back.  “I am though! You can watch Puphead, and I can stand on guard!” Djimmi twirled around in his blue-green smoke once more and transformed into a small army of soldiers standing at attention. “Alright then...I’ll watch Puphead and Junior, and you go to the Devil’s Ball...” Wally nodded.
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Fiery Frolic! With Grim Matchstick!
Before you read: This is a rewriting of the main game Cuphead. Characters, certain dialogue, music, and locations obviously do not belong to me. This is best read with the OST playing over it.
Before you start reading, I now have a Patreon you can donate to as well if you should want to support where I wish to take this project! Patrons have unique opportunities to help bring this story to life, so please check it out or become a patron if you feel so inclined! Too young or unable to give financial support? That’s perfectly fine! You can also support this project, and my future ones by reblogging these episodes for free! Oh, and here’s a link to all published episodes. Enjoy!
As the brothers crossed the second rainbow bridge in Isle Two, Mugman couldn't help but stare up at the tall spire with nervousness. Even from here, they could see a large, green tail that wrapped up and around the castle tower. Cuphead continued to drag Mugman across the bridge, even after the older brother's feet stopped moving. “Mugs, we at least have to cross the bridge before the sprinklers stop working.” “I-I-I know, I just...” Mugman gazed fearfully at the broken castle ahead of them. He suddenly pulled out the list of debtors and began reading it. “M-maybe there's someone else we should fight first!” Cuphead placed a hand over Mugman's and gently pushed his hand down so he could see his face. “Mug, we're here now. It'd waste more time ta run around and find any a the other debtors in the isle.” Mugman whined at that. “I know, but...” He let out a huff in frustration. “I-it's a dragon, Cups! A real-life dragon! You know how many times Elder Kettle's said he lost fellow knights to dragons!! A-and they're trained for combat! How can we possibly stand a chance to a fire-breathing dragon?!” Mugman began biting his nails through his gloves, clippings flying off his fingertips with each chatter he made.
Mugman imagined a dark scene, where the dragon angrily roared at them with burning, glowing yellow eyes as he flew around his castle with razor-sharp teeth bared out at them. The dragon breathed fire that burned so brightly, it made the sun seem dim in comparison, making the entire landscape darker as his eyes could only seem to focus on the yellow and orange flames.
Cuphead quickly waved the thought cloud away with his hand, only to notice Mugman had began to chew on his straw now. “Mug, yer such a worry-wart! Stop chewin' up yer straw, and quit bein' a sippy cup.” Cuphead tried as he grabbed Mugman by his right wrist to pull him across the bridge. “Everythin's gonna be fine!” “H-how can you be so confident about this?!” Mugs asked, his straw flying out from his teeth once he opened his mouth. “Because. When the two of us stand together, there's nothin' that can take us down.” Mugman lowered his head anxiously. That was a little comforting, but could the two of them truly take down a dragon? Cuphead noticed, and gave his brother a reassuring pat on his right shoulder. “Everything's gonna be fine. Swear on my straw.” “You swear on your straw?” “Uh-huh!” Cuphead nodded with a wide smile. “Cross my heart, hope to crack, stick a sword in yer back! Besides,” Cuphead took off the glove on his left hand, revealing the lavender ring on his finger. “We got this new weapon, and you've got invincibility on yer side thanks to that swell, new, magical Super Art.” Mugman pulled out the Super Coin labeled with II from his pocket and looked at it. “You're not going to try it?” “Nah.” Cup shook his head, “I'd rather be able to do massive damage and end things quicker.” “Can't end it if we don't survive it.” Mugman argued, but sighed and placed the coin back in his pocket. “But you're right. It'd make no difference if we put off this fight and run out of time, or if we fight him now and lose.” “That's...not what I was goin' for, but we'll roll with it!”
Our heroes stood outside the castle and looked up at the stone spire from the grass below. Cuphead let out a whistle at how tall the tower stood. They could hear a ferocious roar from outside, one that shook the ground from where they stood, followed by an exhale of air. Mugman quivered in his boots, clinking in fear as the dragon roared again and exhaled. It was starting to form a pattern. “J-j-just why is he r-roaring like that?! D-does he know we're here?!” “Maybe we should find the window his tail is coming out from, and sneak in from behind.” Cuphead thought. “Y...yeah, that's actually not a bad idea.” The brothers walked around the left side of the tower, and found the dragon tail that stuck out the window and wrapped around the tower. “Do you think he's looking this way?” “I dunno, I can't see from here. Uh, hang on, lemme try somethin'.” Cuphead removed his straw from his head, and angled one end to form a perfect 'L' shape. He then bent the bottom of his straw towards him just a tad and looked through the end of his straw to try and see inside, but he couldn't quite see through the window, and ended up staring right at the stone wall. “Ugh, I still can't see!” “Here.” Mugman grabbed his little brother's handle and lifted his head off his shoulders, just enough to see past the wall. “Ack!” The child squeaked, not quite expecting that, but it was just the extra height he needed. “Perfect, thanks!” Cuphead moved the straw back up to his eyes, looked inside the security castle, and saw the tail leave the room and trail around the corner. “Mug, he ain't even in the room!” Cuphead announced as he removed the kink he made in his straw before putting it back in his head. Mugman put his brother's head back on his shoulders, then Cuphead turned around. “Gimme a boost, we can sneak right in!” Mugman nodded. “O-okay...”
Mugman put his hands together to give his brother some footing, and Cuphead placed his right foot in the mug's hands, holding onto the older's shoulders for balance. “Ready?” Cuphead asked. Mugman nodded. “Just climb in though. If you jump in, you'll make too much noise when you land. Now's not a good time to be a showoff. And do not touch his tail!” Mugman whispered. “Well duh!” Cuphead hoisted himself up in Mugman's hands, grabbed onto the inside of the stone window sill and pulled himself up. “Watch the tail, watch the tail!!” Mugman warned cautiously. Cuphead pulled himself as close to his right-hand side as he could, placed his left foot on the window and pushed himself forwards, quietly landing inside the castle. He stuck his straw out the window from the other side. “Take my straw!” Cuphead whispered. Mugman grabbed onto the red straw and gave a small tug. The straw was suddenly yanked back into the castle, taking Mugman along with it. “Eep!” The screen shook with the sound of a crash!
Cuphead looked down at Mugman as he laid on the ground, holding his head as stars and birds circled around it. After a few moments though, Mugman shook them off and stood up. “Well, we're in.” Mugman said as he looked around at the ancient castle. “Let's follow the tail to find Grim.” “Mm-hmm.” Cuphead agreed.
The boys silently followed the large green tail around the corner, only to find it trailing up a spiral staircase. “Wha- how long is his tail?!” Mugman whispered. “We have to climb all the way up?!” “We have to climb all the way up, without stepping on his tail, and without falling off the other side!!” “But his tail is basically the same size as the stairs! How we supposed to do that?!” “Uh...just watch your step?” “Great. If we don't accidentally touch him, we'll fall off the side and shatter.” “Well that's optimism.” Mugman sighed.
The brothers began to climb the stairs, they were careful not to brush the dragon's tail or step off the ledge. After what seemed like an hour for the kids, they finally reached the top of the stairwell, both practically crawling their way up those final few steps, heaving and wheezing as they tried to catch their breath. How could anyone ever have climbed all the way up while wearing such heavy armor?! “Why...couldn't...have...the princess...built this place...with an...elevator?!” Cuphead panted. “Elevators...weren't...invented...until...1853...guh!” Mugman wheezed.
After a few moments of catching their breath, the brothers finally stood, ready to continue their search for the roaring dragon at the end of the tail. They walked forward and entered one last room before they finally spotted this mighty, ferocious dragon.
Grim Matchstick laid in the middle of the room on his back, his short arms and legs sticking lazily up in the air, almost like a dog or a cat. His long, lizard-like tongue hung out from his wide-open mouth limply, even lying on the stone floor some as his chubby tummy gently moved up and down with each breath. Grim roared loudly, then exhaled. Then, he roared again, but this time, there was a definitive snorting sound to it, followed by a slight sigh. “He's snoring?!” Cuphead whispered, causing one of Grim's ears to twitch. “This is...definitely not what I was expecting.” Mugman admitted, but he still didn't want to be the one who woke up a sleeping giant. “How exactly are we going to do this?” Grim's ears twitched again, and he suddenly stirred, causing Mugman to jump right into Cuphead's arms with a hushed gasp.
Grim closed his mouth and rolled over on his stomach, curling his long neck against his legs as he sleepily mumbled something. “That was close.” Mugman breathed. “Well, we still gotta get his contract!” Cuphead argued, dropping his older brother from his arms. “Ack!” Mugman squeaked as he landed on the stone. “Shh!” “Yer the one screaming.” “Just wait.” Mugman stood and brushed himself off, small gray dust clouds forming as he did. “If he's sleeping, we can snoop around and try and find it without waking him!” Grim's ears twitched again as Mugman explained. “We don't have to fight him!” Was someone trying to steal one of his scales again? “For once, we don't have to resort to violence!” They seemed like good-natured folks, but they also sounded like kids. Why would two kids need a dragon scale?   “Mug, we might not have time for that.” Time? Oh no...
Grim finally opened one of his eyes to see what was going on, which Cuphead noticed immediately and looked on in fear. “Look, I think it'd be easier to make up for lost time than it would be to try and fight a dragon,” Mugman explained, oblivious to the shadow that loomed over him and his brother. “Uh, M-Mugs?” Grim looked down at the kids, unintentionally towering over the boys. As Mugman looked back and he squealed in fear as he saw the large dragon glaring down at them. No doubt Grim heard what Mugman said. They were ceramic toast. The dragon huffed out a bit of smoke as he stretched his wings.
Grim let out as quiet of a yawn as he could to avoid frightening the children, small sleepy tears pricking the corners of his eyes. “H-h-h-holy smokes! I d-d-d-didn't even hear you two come in! S-s-s-sorry about that, I had a rough n-n-n-night's sleep last night, so I didn't r-r-r-really clean as much as I sh-sh-sh-should have.” Grim stuttered, genuinely feeling sorry about his messy castle. The brothers looked at each other, unsure of how to react. Grim noticed his tail ended up wrapped around the castle again, so he unraveled himself from both the inside and the outside of the tower. “So, wh-wh-wh-what brings you two to the security castle? Is there s-s-s-something you n-n-n-needed?” Mugman opened his mouth to speak, but only various noises managed to come out. Grim lowered his head a bit, just to try and make himself look less intimidating. “Aw, I'm sorry, I-I-I-I didn't mean to scare you! You two can ask me a-a-a-anything! Honest!” “Anything?” Cuphead checked. “Anything. I promise I won't g-g-g-get mad.” “Promise?” Repeated Cuphead. “P-p-p-promise.” Grim nodded, his ears perking up cheerfully with a smile as his tail wagged behind him. “T-t-t-trust me. I'm known for m-m-m-my patience.” “Well...Okay.” Cuphead toyed, acting like the innocent little kid he wasn't. “We need your Soul Contract.”
Grim's warm smile dropped at that, his ears drooped lowly. He never told anyone about his deal with the Devil. Grim's wings twitched instinctively as he straightened his neck up once more. “H-h-h-how d-did...?” Cuphead was growing nervous himself now, as he saw the dragon make himself taller again. “Uhh, n-now remember, y-you promised not ta get mad!” He tried, slowly losing his nerve as every bit as much as Mugman had. “D-d-d-did the Devil himself send you?!” Cuphead flinched at that. “Uhhh...” The brothers both nodded, more out of fear than anything else. Grim sighed and looked away to try and hide his quivering lip. “Y-y-y-you two don't seem like th-th-th-the type for the D-D-D-Devil's l-l-l-lackeys.” Grim took another deep breath, gaining control of his emotions for the time being. He turned his head back at our heroes and looked down at them with slight guilt. They were just kids. Children. And from the conversation they had earlier, they seemed like good kids, too. “Ah, w-w-well, y-you see,” Mugman started, “w-w-we basically, uh, went somewhere w-we weren't supposed ta, a-and things k-kinda got outta hand!!” The poor boy was terribly frightened and unable to quite read the dragon's body language well. “W-w-we really don't wanna, b-but--” Mugman's mouth suddenly felt dry, too dry to speak. “But you were t-t-t-tricked?” Grim concluded, looking down at Mugman. Mug slowly nodded, afraid to break eye contact with Grim. Grim sighed again. He truly felt bad.  “I....I'd l-l-l-love to h-h-h-help you out. I t-t-t-truly would.” Cuphead and Mugman looked hopeful at that. “B-b-b-but I c-c-c-can't just...leave.” In an instant, their hopes fell. “I-I-I-I can't j-j-j-just give over m-m-m-my Soul Contract t-t-t-to you.” Grim looked away. “If I do, I-I-I-I'll have to l-l-l-leave. I'll h-h-h-have to leave my f-f-f-friends, a-a-a-and th-th-th-they'll be s-s-s-so w-w-w-worried a-a-a-about me. I-I-I-I don't want them t-t-t-to worry about li'l ole me.” “Little?” Cuphead whispered. “So...I g-g-g-guess this puts us a-a-a-at a bit of a s-s-s-standstill. A c-c-c-case of 'your soul or mine.' R-r-r-right?” Neither one of the brothers liked where this was going. Grim spread out his wings and gave them a gentle flap. “M-m-m-my soul and my Soul Contract belongs to me. A-a-a-and no one else! I-I-I-I'm sorry. T-t-t-truly, I am. B-b-b-but if you w-w-w-want to get it from m-m-m-me, th-th-th-then I must challenge you.” Grim reached into a drawer with his tail, pulled out the contract, then shut the drawer again. He showed the boys his contract, then put the scroll behind his back. He began to flap his wings and lifted his body off the ground. “Take it f-f-f-from me, if you dare!!” Grim suddenly took off out the window and into the sky with a large gust of wind that knocked Mug over and sent him rolling into the wall, just beside the window. “Oww!!” “C'mon Mugs, we gotta get moving!” Cup said as he pulled his older brother up by the hand and tried to lead him outside. “I ain't fightin' this lizard withoutchya!”
The brothers hopped onto a cloud passing by the window and saw Grim just a little farther out. Our heroes began to skip across the sky, jumping from cloud to cloud to catch up with the dragon. Grim suddenly burst into view from the right, his wings morphed into thin, large hands with wriggling fingers and kept his real arms around his chest as he stretched his lips out with a, “Booooo!” Although it wasn't exactly scary, Mugman was so frightened by having to fight a dragon that it got the preteen to jump and squeal. Grim couldn't help but snicker just a tad. Yes, it was mean, but he always got a kick out of startling people. Mugman pulled his straw down to his mouth and took a large gulp of milk from his head to rid himself of his dry mouth. Meanwhile, Cuphead took a deep breath and pulled up his shorts as he braced himself for the battle ahead.
Grim's eyes suddenly swirled and went zany as he charged up his dragon magic. Cuphead hopped onto a cloud ahead of him, not too far above, pointed behind his own head and snapped. The green Roundabout bullets swirled behind him, just above his brother, then swung forward to hit Grim in the base of his neck. Then, green magic rings fired out from Grim's eyes and straight for Cuphead, then for Mugman, each with a third pink one that followed behind the first two. “Ah!” Mugman threw himself towards the next cloud, jumping down on the surface directly below Cuphead and avoiding the attack. Mugman saw another cloud that was higher up, where he could get a better view and made two hops up to it. Meanwhile, Cuphead ran forward to beat the train of magic rings to the next nearest cloud, then, he let himself roll forward and off the cloud. The end of Cuphead's straw closed up to form a white-gloved hand as he continued to flip forward, the hand slapped against the pink magic, giving the child a slight boost. This, unfortunately, wasn't enough, however, and as soon as Cuphead landed on the edge of the cloud, he began to wobble and quickly fell with a shriek. “Mugman!!” Mugman quickly looked back and saw his brother dangling from the cloud with his right hand. “Cuphead!!” Mugman rushed over to the other side of the fluffy platform, got on his hands and knees and grabbed his little brother's wrist to pull him up. However, as Mugman began to pull his brother up, Cuphead noticed how Grim's eyes went zany again, just like before. “Mugman, hurry, he's gonna attack again!!” Mugman groaned as he yanked the other up, and once Cuphead was close enough, Cuphead grabbed onto the ledge with his free hand and helped pull himself up. “There you go! Whew!” Cuphead stood, spun his head around backwards and started firing, ready to dodge. Mugman tried to get up but felt a tug on his left arm that told him he couldn't. “Wha-?!” Mugman tried to pull himself up again but got the same result. He looked down to see what the problem was and saw two little cloud puffs had embodied themselves to grab onto Mugman's glove and pull his hand down into the cloud completely. “Oh no!! C-Cuphead, help me up, I'm stuck in the cloud!!” Cuphead gasped at that and spun his head forwards again to try and pull Mugman out. Grim fired out three more eye ripples at the brothers, and Cuphead tried to pull his brother out even harder. “Cuphead, watch out! Move!!” Cuphead suddenly threw himself over Mugman and let all three attacks slam against his back.  The boy hissed in pain and wiped his eyes before looking back at Grim. He seemed to be getting farther and farther away. “Mug, you gotta start shootin' at him. I'll try and getchya out!” Mugman gulped but nodded with a serious expression. If they didn't do anything but dodge, they'd never be able to end the match. Cuphead wrapped his arms around Mugman's chest and pulled, as Mugman began to snap at Grim with his free hand.
The sound of a tinkling piano was heard as the green tip of a tail wiggled through the cloud-cover below, almost as if waving to the audience on the other side of the screen. Suddenly, the tail jut upwards towards the brothers which caused Cuphead to let go of the mug and launched Mugman into the air and onto another cloud above. “Oof!!” Mugman hissed in pain, feeling the bruise already forming on his belly as he slowly got up. “Well, at least I'm out...” He looked down at Cuphead, “hey! You can reach that cloud down there!” Mugman pointed. “Either he's flying backwards, or he's pushing the clouds back by making wind! Aim behind your head instead of turning it, it's too dangerous at this height!” “Gotchya!” Cuphead winked as he gave his brother the a-okay sign with his hand. Cuphead dashed off the cloud, then threw a Smoke Bomb to give him the extra boost he needed to reach the lower cloud Mugman pointed to.
Mugman pointed straight at Grim, and began to fire again, jumping onto another cloud close by in order to keep the dragon in sight. Mugman winced in pain as he landed, but he tried his best to push it aside like he'd always seen his little brother do. Cuphead bent his arm back behind his head, and began to shoot his Roundabouts again, watching his green bullets circle around and hit Grim. Thankfully, the dragon was big enough that aiming wasn't majorly important.
Grim watched as the children moved closer and began to suck in air. He pushed his tummy upwards, seemingly puffing out his chest as the brothers continued to hop from cloud to cloud, Mugman always trying to stay higher up, and just a tad further back. Grim suddenly released his attack, coughing out a large meteor at the boys as he threw his short arms down and to the sides, then he wasted no time in preparing another. The meteor snaked down, then back up before it would start to curve and fall back down again. Mugman stood his ground, not moving from the cloud he was on. He estimated that the dip and the rise of the meteor's path should have been equal to each other in height and that he should have been safe from where he was. Unfortunately for Cuphead, he'd already hopped in the air once the attack was launched and found himself in the path of the meteor! The child rolled his body forwards as he flipped, letting his legs stick out at an angle to try and make himself flatter to avoid crashing into the fiery rock. While Cuphead had successfully avoided slamming his whole body against the attack, the boy in red reached his left palm out towards the cloud to be able to land on his feet and scraped his elbow. “Ow!” Cuphead hissed, patting out the fire on his elbow as he stood. Something about that felt funny. It didn't feel like just a normal scrape, it felt different. Almost warm, but not at all in a pleasant way. Too warm. So warm, that it actually hurt. “What was...?” “Cuphead, incoming!” Mugman warned.
When Cuphead looked back at the dragon, he'd coughed out yet another meteor that sailed upwards first, unlike the one before. Cuphead got a running start, then jumped up onto another cloud above him, and Mugman didn't take long to join him. Cuphead held his left arm in pain. If Mugman wasn't standing right behind him, he'd be able to fire at him, but before Cuphead could tell Mugman to move, his older brother seemed to notice him holding his elbow. “You alright?” He asked, glancing down at Cuphead's elbow briefly, as he continued his fire. “'M fine, my elbow just...” Cuphead trailed off, not knowing the proper word to describe the way this felt. “Stings?” This caught Mugman's attention, but so did the next meteor Grim coughed out. “Hang on!” Mugman wrapped his left arm around Cuphead's waist and started running. “Move with me!” The brothers stepped off the cloud and let themselves drop onto another one close by. Mugman paused for a moment, waiting for the attack to move a little closer, then jumped directly into the trail of dark smoke the meteor left behind, and onto another puffy, white platform. “What'd you do?” Mugman asked as he kept an eye on Grim. “I scraped my elbow against one of the meteors, and now it kinda stings? But not really?” Mugman grabbed his little brother's injured elbow and brought it closer to his face as he continued firing. “Lemme see!” He looked down at Cuphead's elbow an immediately saw what Cuphead was talking about, thanks to the hole left by the fire on his shirt.
Cuphead's elbow was black and slightly charred. The cup burned himself. Dishware didn't get burned by the same things most people would, such as hot water, or hot food. Even brief contact with an open flame wouldn't feel as hot for them as it would for someone else. It took far more heat for a ceramic or metal being to feel pain than the average Joe, so neither of our heroes had experienced the burning sensation of touching a hot pan, or drinking hot cocoa before it's cooled. That was why Cuphead didn't know how to describe the pain he felt. “You just got a little burnt, it's nothing major.” Mugman informed, looking back at Grim now. “Burnt?” “When someth- shoot!!” Mugman grabbed his brother's right wrist and pulled him along as he jumped down onto a lower cloud. Cuphead hadn't even noticed Grim cough out another meteor. “When something's too hot for our bodies to withstand, it leaves a burn, which causes pain. But because we're made of ceramic designed for holding hot coffee or tea, most things won't burn us.” Mugman explained, moving in front of Cuphead as he continued his fire towards Grim. Neither one of them noticed the sound of the piano as the tail wriggled behind Cuphead. Mugman turned his head to finish his explanation as Cuphead finally began firing behind himself again. “Luckily for you, it's a minor burn, we can just wash off the soot with some dish soap and elbow grease late- Cuphead, hightail it outta there!!” Cuphead glanced behind him and rushed out of the way onto a lower cloud as Mugman jumped up to a higher one, just before the tail jut upwards.
Seeing that his meteors didn't seem to work, Grim switched tactics again and let his eyes go zany as he shot out four magic eye ripples, the fourth one being pink, just as before. Mugman saw the incoming attack, and squat down low to duck out of the way, but as the pink ring soared above him, he jumped back up to try and parry the magic, only to miss, and get hit in the face. “Ouch!!” Mugman tried to stay standing and stumbled back as a result. “Mugs, watch yer--” Cuphead knew it was too late. One wrong misstep and Mugman plunged off the cloud with a loud shriek, and with nothing but the carnival below to break his fall. Cuphead lunged forwards, as far as he could manage, and pushed Mugman and himself onto another fluffy cloud. “Mug!! You okay?!” Mugman sat up and held his right cheek as he hissed in pain. “Yeah. Ugh, I sh-shouldn't have tried to parry.” He let go of his face to see the crack that formed from the attack. “Ow! Thanks for the save.” The brothers quickly got up and moved closer to the dragon, both trying their hardest to build up their Super Meter and both so close to a full meter.
Once the brothers got close enough, Grim noticed the charred ceramic on Cuphead's elbow, and a pang of guilt shot through him. “D-d-d-did I burn you?” He asked meekly, trying not to sound half as guilty as he felt. “Wh- of course ya burnt me!! You shot giant fireballs of death at us!!” “Oh, I-I-I-I'm sorry!” “Wh- I- sorry?!” Cuphead seemingly spat back, but he spoke more out of disbelief rather than anger. “Don't m-m-m-misunderstand my flames – I just meant fun and games.” Grim admitted, although it was a bit of a lie to himself. It was the only way he could trick himself into attacking these kids. He wasn't actually fighting them, he'd tell himself, he was merely play-fighting. Grim pushed his thoughts to the side, and began to suck in air as he prepared another attack. “What flames?!” Cuphead asked. Grim paused, completely still for a few moments as he pretended to think.
After about one second, Grim answered. “Th-th-th-these flames!” He joked and coughed out two flaming meteors that weaved up and down in a crisscross pattern. “Ack!!” Cuphead jumped over the higher fireball and managed to roll onto another cloud safely, then looked back to watch Mugman. Mug looked around the sky to find a safe cloud between the two meteors, but the only cloud that was safe was the one directly across from him, which he would have to cross the path of the intertwining fireballs to reach. Mugman had no choice, however. He took a deep breath, got a running start, and lunged across the gap between him just as the meteors flew towards him. It was evident Mugman wouldn't make the jump before the attacks crossed. “Mugman!!” Cuphead cried. He couldn't see his brother anymore thanks to all the smoke from the meteors. However, it almost seemed like there was more smoke than usual.
Not seeing his brother made Cuphead's heart sink. He balled up his fists in anger and wiped away the dots of milk that tried to form in his eyes. “I ain't letting you get away with hurting Mugman!!” The child roared, not looking back at the dragon as he snapped faster, and more vigorously than he ever had in his life. He could hear the green bullets swivel around and hit Grim, and he could feel his Super Meter building now more than ever.
Suddenly, tiny blue bullets joined the barrage of attacks that hit the dragon from the cloud of smoke left behind. Cuphead instantly felt hope well up inside his very soul and he could just barely make out the sound of his brother's voice coughing.
As the smoke cleared, Mugman was waving the gray clouds away with his right hand as he shot at the dragon with his left. “Good gosh!” The mug hacked, “That literally blew up in my face.” “Mugman!!” “For future reference, the Smoke Bomb works better when you don't throw it at a flaming object that's two feet away from your face!” Cuphead sighed in relief, then turned back to look at Grim.
“Also, as an addition to what we were saying before, those don't count as flames! They're just rocks on fire!!” Cuphead shrieked back, the anger from before having completely dissipated. “Wait, th-th-th-they don't?” Grim asked. “Nuh-uh!” The cup huffed sternly. “Oh...Well...uhh...” Grim stammered, not changing his facial expression as he slowly slid backwards and off the screen.
Mugman quickly hopped from cloud to cloud, passing Cuphead as he tried to chase the seemingly fleeing dragon. “Where'd he go?!” “Cuphead, after him!” Mugman suddenly heard a whooshing sound from behind him, but he only managed to catch a glimpse of a scaly green tail. “Wait a minute!” As a large gust of wind continued to push the clouds forward, Mugman suddenly heard a fiery fwoosh from behind, and saw that something pink had rolled out below the clouds under them. The boy turned around and saw that Grim had lowered his head down behind Cuphead and him, and that he'd not only rolled out his tongue below, but he was also blowing out fire from his nostrils as he slowly flew closer to an oblivious Cuphead. “Cuphead, move!!” Mugman called, but it seemed his brother couldn't hear him. “Mugman, do you see where he went?!”
Eventually, Grim ran out of breath and had to stop breathing fire. He quickly took in a sharp breath to refresh the attack, but noticed the inattentive red child that stood on a cloud just above him. Regardless of what Grim was trying to do, the dragon didn't see it as very fair if he unexpectedly snorted fire at the boy with absolutely no warning.
Grim puffed out smoke from his nostrils with a deep whistling sound into the air above, and unfortunately right into Cuphead's face. “Ack!” Cuphead was blinded, and began to cough and hack aggressively as he tried to wave away the smoke. “M-Mugma--” The boy was cut off by his own choking. “I-I can't see!!” It was clear to Mugman that his brother didn't notice the approaching dragon behind him. Mugman swallowed the lump of anxiety in his metaphorical throat and dashed back from cloud to cloud to reach his little brother, only to freeze up when he got too close to the dragon for his liking. Mugs looked back to see if there was another cloud he could use as a safety net and looked back to Cuphead, holding out both his arms. “C-C-Cuphead!! J-jump forward!! Quickly!!” Cuphead still couldn't see anything, but his brother sounded close, so he jumped towards the sound of Mugman's voice, eyes still glued shut as he sailed into the air blindly.
Once he could finally breathe fresh air again, Cuphead managed to open his eyes as he started to fall. Mugman caught Cuphead in his arms, but at the price of stumbling and falling off the white puff. Luckily for the ceramic duo, Mugman managed to grab onto the edge of a cloud below, and swiftly swung his little brother up and over onto the cloud with impressive speed and agility. “Pull me up!!” Mugman called, firing back at Grim with his free hand. Mugman's feet dangled only mere inches above the dragon's tongue and he didn't like it one bit. Cuphead ran over to the other side of the cloud and bent over to help his brother up, having learned from Mug's mistake earlier. However, an orange fireball holding a large, burning matchstick in his left hand and wearing a blue shako on his head marched out from Grim's mouth with grit teeth, followed by another, grinning orange flame, then another, then another. Both the brothers realized that if Mug wasn't pulled up soon, he'd be burned by the Fireball Marchers. “Wuh-oh!!” “Hurry!!” Cuphead yanked his older up by his arm, then grabbed his shoulder to pull him up the rest of the way, just before the leader with the shako reached the cloud. “Let's get to higher ground!!” Mugman advised, able to feel the heat from the marching fire below. “We're in the air right now?!” Cuphead reminded. “Whatever! Higher clouds! You know what I mean!!”
The boys moved away from Grim, both doing their best to keep a constant fire upon the mighty dragon. “Cuphead, do you have enough for a Super?” Mugman asked. The younger cup looked over to his brother and nodded. “Should I use it now?” “No! Not yet!” Mugman glanced down at the clouds below them, then back at the clouds behind them. “The strong wind's pushing the clouds towards Grim, if you try to use it now, you're bound to wind up with nothing under you to land on!” Mugman looked back at the dragon, keeping his line of fire on him as he thought. “The first Super lasts about three seconds before you drop back down.” Cuphead did his best to stay close to his brother, so that he could be ready whenever he gave him the signal, all while keeping his aim ahead to hit Grim. “But it'll be hard to judge the distance a cloud will be in that time while fighting like this...” This put the mug in a tough spot, using the Super in this type of field was risky, but they wouldn't last long simply chipping away at the dragon with their weaker attacks. If Mugman made a mistake, his brother would fall onto the Fireball Marchers below and get hurt. “Mugs...” Cuphead grumbled, growing impatient. “Alright. I'll keep an eye on the incoming cloud formations and try to time it so you have something to land on without getting burned again. In case I botch it up, I'll try and stay as close as I can so you don't fall.” “Wah? Mug, what if I accidentally hit you?” Cuphead voiced. “You won't, I promise. I'm only staying close by as a safety precaution! There's no harm in playing it safe.” “Right.” Cuphead nodded. “Once you finish the attack, switch to your new short ranged weapon, and try and stay within range, but not too close!” “Golly! Great thinkin' Mug!!” Cuphead agreed, and just like that, the plan was underway.
However, that was just when one of the Fireball Marchers suddenly made a noise, and broke the formation on the tongue. Mugman noticed the new sound and looked back to see the rouge fireball suddenly leap towards the two of them! “Woah!” Mugman suddenly pulled his brother back by his shirt, “jump, Cup,” and hopped up to another, higher cloud. “Wait!” Cuphead saw that the fireball could still reach them from their new height, and pushed his brother forward, forcing the mug to stumble two steps forward out of harm's way. As the younger cup jumped up, he let the marcher sail under him and into the cloud-cover below. “Good catch,” Mugman said, looking back with a thumbs up. “Ah! Wait!” Mugman rushed behind Cuphead then began to fire at Grim again. “Use it now!!”
Cuphead quickly pulled out the Super Coin from the depths of his pocket and flicked it into his head with his thumb in one, swift motion. He could feel the built-up magical energy grow stronger inside his body before the child let instinct take over. Cuphead jumped up in the air, lifted one leg up, and cracked a wide, confident grin as he aimed his head right at the dragon. “Take a sip a this, lizard-breath!!” He cried, then launched out the milk in his head with a mighty blast! Grim visibly tensed up at the attack upon impact and he let a loud yelp of pain escape his throat by mistake.
True to his word, Mugman moved along the traveling clouds and stayed close to his brother. As Cuphead began to fall back down, he just barely managed to land on the edge of a cloud below, with the help of Mugman, who grabbed his shoulder when he started to wobble forwards. Just as planned, Cuphead switched his weapon when he landed, and the next time he snapped, a small, lavender ball catapulted from his fingertip and crashed onto Grim's snout with a plop! “Auh!” Grim choked out as he flinched again. “This is working...” Mugman gasped softly, “keep on 'im, Cup!”
Suddenly, the brothers heard the strange, whiney sort of groan again and looked down to see another Fireball Marcher crouched down and facing the left, towards Grim. “Cuphe-!” “Already on it!” As the fireball lunged towards the ceramic duo, Cuphead took a short hop forwards and onto a lower cloud, closer to the dragon, before quickly jumping back onto the previous cloud once the flame had begun to sail towards him for a second time. At the same time, Mugman leaped and flipped backwards onto a lower cloud that was closer to the tongue than he'd like. “Ah!” He hissed, feeling the heat from the fire below. Mugman loved warm drinks and blankets next to a toasty, cozy fire, but this was too hot, even for him. It wasn't painful, but the fact that he could easily be burned scared him. The boy glanced back to find another fluffy platform, hopped onto the higher one behind him, and started firing again. “Cuphead, keep a safe distance!! I'll hang back!” Cuphead mentally acknowledged his brother's plan, but was too absorbed in the battle to physically show him, other than by getting some distance from the approaching dragon by hopping onto another cloud. “Try to stay higher up!” Mugman warned before he suddenly felt a drop land right on his nose. “Hnn?”
Cuphead had heard Mugman's strategy and glanced behind to try and find a higher platform, when he heard another matchstick marcher ready up for another attack. Cups glimpsed down below and saw this one facing the right, away from Grim, and towards Mugs! “Mug, watch out!!” “Ha?” Mugman saw the Fireball Marcher jump up and gasped as he quickly pulled out the new Super Coin. As Mug flicked the coin with his thumb, he jumped back and caught the enchanted charm in his head.
All at once, the boy could feel the magical energy from his Super Meter and the magic he dropped in his soul combine and increase dramatically. As if instinct took control, Mugman jumped up and crossed his arms below him in a circular motion as he tucked his knees into his chest. His soul, fueled by the magic, projected the illusion of his head, grinning despite appearing to be on the brink of death as indicated by the hollowed-out, black eyes. His head suddenly laughed in a deep voice, one that clearly wasn't Mugman's. “Ha ha ha!” The mug suddenly leaped out from the mouth of the illusion before it shrunk away with a few, large drops of milk, but rather than the typical blue appearance, Mugman was gold, and he glimmered and glowed so brightly, he almost looked transparent. Or perhaps he was transparent. “Woah! This is...I feel great! Fantastic! Ha ha!” He laughed confidently, oblivious to the other marcher that suddenly lunged at him. “Eek!” Mugman expected to get rammed and burned by the flame, but the fireball merely passed right through his body. “Good gosh! This sure is swell!!” Now Mugman was brimming with confidence, knowing that nothing could touch him. The child fought without fear.
Mugman dropped to a lower cloud, still keeping his distance from Grim, but not worried about the fire below. Mugman quickly began to fight recklessly, oblivious to the fading shimmer and how his body flashed between his normal and golden state. He heard another Fireball Marcher prepare for another leap, but when Mugman saw that he was facing him rather than Cuphead, he only scoffed. “Take your best shot at me, sucker!!” He taunted with confidence, just as his body ceased its flashing form and reverted back to its normal state.
The fiery marcher launched at Mugman and not only violently crashed into him, which caused the screen to shake, but also left a large, painful burn on his chest. “Ow! Ouch! Ow! Get it off, put it out! Ow!!” He shrieked, prompting Cuphead to look back. Mugman was laying flat with his stomach on the cloud, shirt and gloves still steaming and sizzling from when he presumably pushed the Fireball Marcher off and put out the fire it started on his shirt. “Mugman!” Cuphead rushed over to his brother and helped him back up to his feet again. “Are you alright?! What happened to your invincibility?!” “Owww.” Mug whimpered. “Y-you tell me.” He hissed as he held the burns on his chest. “I-I didn't realize that had such a short time-limit!” “Mugs...” “D-don't worry about me! Ow. We need to knock this guy out! Pronto! Focus on attacking him!” Mugman tried as he leaned onto Cuphead for support. It hurt so much just for him to stand, but they had to press forward. “Mug, yer hurt!” “I know, but we can't back down now! We'll worry about me later, but for now, we need to take this guy down! The longer we're fighting, the worse off we are!” Mugs groaned. Cuphead begrudgingly nodded. “Right.” He made sure his older brother was able to stand and got closer to the dragon again.
Mugman hopped up, wincing in pain as he moved, and focused his shots on Grim as he watched his little brother. Despite being hurt himself, Cuphead didn't let it bother him in the slightest. Meanwhile, Mugman was severely slowing down due to the pain, and would always take a precautious jump back whenever he saw the Fireball Marchers get ready to pounce. The burns to his chest certainly did no favors to the bruise that he got earlier, and all this moving around was making the crack on his cheek throb in pain. Mugman felt another drop on the right side of his rim, this time it rolled down and traced along the crack in his face, which earned another pained hiss from the boy. Elder Kettle didn't say anything about rain before they left, did he? Or maybe it was just dragon slobber?
“Kablooey!” Cuphead called as he expelled the built-up magical energy from his body out both his fists. As he fired the new Ex Move, a larger, lavender ball launched out and onto Grim's lower jaw, splashing all over his face.“ Owie!!” Grim yelped. “Why ca't you hoo husth g-g-g-githe uh ahleahy?!” The dragon questioned, wishing the children would just admit defeat and go home! “Over my empty head!!” Cuphead retaliated, just as the wind drastically picked up. The boy snapped his fingers once again and the lavender bullet catapulted forwards and smacked Grim right between the wings, then bounced off and hit the back of his neck, just behind the head.
The dragon shrieked in pain. The attack was just enough to trigger a reflex in his wings that caused them to freeze up and stop moving. Grim's eyes bulged out of his head as his body involuntarily shuddered. The dragon rolled his tongue back into his mouth as he glided across the sky, motionless for a few moments. The sky suddenly grew very dark as black clouds rolled in from seemingly nowhere. Rain quickly began to pour down over the three debtors, soaking them all within seconds.
Grim suddenly reared his neck upwards as the clouds darkened his form into nothing more but a large silhouette. There were three voices, each making a different sound. One laughed, another made a silly, warbly, babbling sound, and the last timidly wooed as if mimicking a ghost. “What was...?” Mugman asked, looking up at the silhouette in fear. A head rose up to look Cuphead right in the eyes. “One...” It said before another head on the left side rose up next to the other. “Two...” It taunted, before a third head arose on the far right, grinning maniacally at the cup with an insane look in his eyes. “Three!” Suddenly, the three heads closed in on the boy, forcing Cuphead to take a step back. “You'd b-b-b-etter flee! Brawrahahahah!” The hydra taunted, just as a loud crack of thunder crashed throughout the sky. “Cuphead, back away!!” Mugman warned, and Cuphead didn't at all hesitate.
However, Cuphead surprised Mugman with how far back he retreated. Cup pulled out a Smoke Bomb and dashed as far back as he could, then turned on his heel and lunged across at least four more clouds before he stopped behind his brother. Although Mugman didn't think much of this, he glanced behind at his brother for a moment as he observed Grim in his new form. “Good thinking, Cups. We don't know what this fella's capable of now. We should hang back and watch how he fights!” Mugman informed as he kept a line of fire.
The trio of hydra heads juggled themselves up and down in a way that seemed complex but was a fairly simple pattern. The outer two heads quickly spat out a goopy-looking fire cluster into the air, followed by another and another. At first, Mugman thought these would be easy to dodge if they only kept a safe distance, but one stray bullet from the Peashooter, and a cluster exploded in four different directions, one of course, that headed straight for our heroes.
Mugman flipped forward to dodge, then looked back to make sure Cuphead was safe. “Cuphead!” He called over the thunder and lightning. “Switch your weapon and focus on dodging if you accidentally hit one of those attacks!” Cuphead looked up at Mugman stiffly. “Focus on building up a Super, and end it quickly!!” A soft groan escaped from the older brother. “Hurry!” Mugman turned back to focus on their new strategy.
However, Cuphead couldn't hear what his brother had said at all over the rain, wind, and thunder. The child wasn't focused on the battle at hand at all anymore. Rather, Cuphead looked all around at their surroundings. A large, three-headed, fire-breathing dragon in front of them, gray and black clouds as far as the eye could see, trapped Heaven knows how high up from the world below. Another strike of lightning caused the child to tremble as the rainwater collected in his and his brother's head and overflowed, spilling down the sides. As high up and as soaked as they were, they were bound to be struck by nature's cruel electricity. Cuphead hardly moved aside from his own shaking, not that he could hear himself clinking over the sudden and violent storm. The boy watched his brother as he fought the dragon, unable to move from the one spot on the cloud as tears began to well up in his eyes. A soft hiccup escaped the child as his heart pounded against his chest. A sudden bolt of lightning lunged dangerously close to his brother's head, and the child nearly screamed, but his voice seemed to catch in his throat and turn into a mix between a sob and a cough. “M-Mugs!” Cuphead whimpered softly, sniffling as he shook violently, paralyzed with fear.
Mugman continued to shoot at the hydra as he made sure to watch out for the fire clusters to avoid hitting them. After a short while, however, Mugman noticed that Grim's center head took a deep breath, and knew he was preparing something. He turned back to warn Cuphead, only to hear his little brother suddenly start wailing loudly as soon as another, deafening clap of thunder echoed throughout Inkwell. “Cuphead?!” It had become too much for the child to bare all at once. Cuphead had his face raised to the sky as he wailed and sobbed in fear, terrified. Terrified that he was going to be electrocuted by the lightning. Terrified that his brother was going to be electrocuted by the lightning.
Mugman quickly looked back at Grim, then rushed over to his baby brother as fast as he could. The second he wrapped an arm around Cuphead, his little brother suddenly clung to him for dear life, sobbing and screaming into his chest. Before Mugman would even attempt to try and calm his beloved little Sippy Cup down however, he rushed up and lunged them both onto a higher cloud, and not a moment too soon.
Grim's center head morphed into a large, red flamethrower, and unleashed a massive beam of fire onto where the brothers once stood. He breathed in again and attempted to burn the brothers once more, but he hadn't seemed to notice they had moved. “Hey, g-g-g-genius! They moved up th-th-th-there! The angry-looking head on the right bickered. “W-w-w-well I didn't n-n-n-notice that!!” The center head defended. “And n-n-n-now's not the time t-t-t-to be arguing!” “Right! W-w-w-we need to defend our s-s-s-soul!!” The one on the far left agreed gleefully with a nod. “L-l-l-let's go!” They all cheered.
“Cuphead, what's wrong?” Mugman asked, keeping his little brother close as he pushed him against his aching chest. Cuphead managed to blubber something out, but it was far too distressed for Mugman to be able to make anything out. Another crashing boom of lightning and Cuphead whimpered as he hugged his brother tighter. “A-ah! N-not so tight!!” Mug hissed in pain, but now he understood.
Cuphead had been absolutely terrified of lightening ever since he was six. The three of them had gone to see a movie for Cuphead's birthday, and in the grand finale, the antagonist had been violently and graphically struck by lightning. The child had been terrified of getting electrocuted ever since. When they were kids, Mugman would always have to hold Cuphead close and stay with him until the storm either passed, or Cuphead fell asleep. However, Cuphead stopped waking him up in recent years, Mugman thought he'd been sleeping right through the storms and just assumed he'd gotten over his fear. He must have thought wrong.
Mugman looked back at their foe, grit teeth and a grave expression lining his face. This was a fine time for him to find this out. He knew he wasn't going to get Cuphead to do much more fighting, but if he'd tried to tell him to sit it out anywhere, his brother would not only still be terrified, but at risk of getting hit. No matter where Cuphead moved to, he'd always be in the way. He had to think of something, and quick. “I-it's okay, Sippy Cup, don't panic, alright?” Mugman hoped that the nickname would at least soothe him in some way. “Y-yer gonna be alright, alright? Just...” Mugs began to fire at Grim once more with his free hand and held on tighter to his brother with the arm he had wrapped around him as he continued to move towards him. “Hang on tight!” Mugman braced himself for the remaining battle ahead and for his brother to increase his grip over his injuries.
Mugman rushed just a little closer to Grim and attempted to build up enough of his Super Meter to at least use some Ex Moves, all while carrying his caterwauling mess of a baby brother. The crying child wasn't about to go unnoticed by Grim, however. “Wh-wh-wh-what's wrong with him?! I-i-i-is he hurt?!” The center head asked, quite clearly very concerned. “Wh-wh-wh-what's it matter to you?!” The right head barked. “H-h-h-he's not important, we are!!” The left head tried to remind. “He is a m-m-m-mere child!!” The center head argued as he glared at his other two heads. “He is trying to t-t-t-take our soul!!” The left head scolded. “We have every r-r-r-right to kill them both!!” The right head growled before he suddenly nipped at the mugs. “S-s-s-stop that! C-c-c-can't you see there's something wrong?!” Their arguing suddenly gave Mugman an idea, but he'd have to get dangerously close.
Mugman briefly stopped his firing to yank a cloud out of the sky and throw it closer to the hydra on the left side. Mugs continued his fire once more and jumped over onto the cloud he just smacked back into place and shot at the farthest head from beside the outer right head. “Hey ugly!! Fix yer aim, I-I'm right here!!” He taunted, which prompted a snarl from the angry head. “D-d-d-don't make him even madder, k-k-k-kid!!” The center head warned, but it was too late. The right head suddenly spat out multiple fire clusters at the boys, which Mugman promptly shot before he jumped off to another cloud.
The clusters split apart and hit the two other heads, who both yelped in pain before glaring daggers at the offending head. “Smooth m-m-m-move!!” The left one growled. “E-e-e-even I w-w-w-wouldn't have fallen for that!” “Sh-sh-sh-shut up! Y-y-y-you don't even want to defend the fate of y-y-y-your very soul, a-a-a-and you're upset at me?!” Suddenly, the left head spat out two other fire clusters at the right head, which Mugman quickly shot so that they'd hit all three heads again. “Oh, now look who's the g-g-g-genius!” “G-g-g-guys, we need to stop arguing!” “L-l-l-look, wise guy! If you think f-f-f-fer a second that I'm going to l-l-l-let you get away with a-a-a-attacking myself like that--” “Well at least I d-d-d-didn't do it on purpose!!” Suddenly, the right head lunged forward and bit the left most neck beside it, resulting in the left head to retaliate by chomping down on the right one's cranium. “Ouch!! Stop f-f-f-fighting with yourselves!!” The center head begged, but it was too late.
Mugman seized the opportunity and began firing once again while they were distracted. Thankfully, Mugman's plan had worked, and they were distracted enough by themselves that they hadn't noticed him shooting. Right now, it wasn't about beating the hydra, or doing massive amounts of damage to him. This was about building up his Super Meter, ending this, and calming his brother down. This was about survival. “G-g-g-guys, p-p-p-please! Stop f-f-f-fighting!!” The center continued. Mugman got up closer to the center and hoped that he could do this with just one hand. He had just over enough for one attack, and Mug knew the heads couldn't stay distracted for long! Upon seeing the boy, the center head glanced between the two, still arguing, heads and Mugman, practically cradling his shaking brother with one arm. The same boy who'd been shaking in his presence just moments earlier. Grim had to commend the boy for his bravery, but knew he still had to stand his ground. He puffed out a sigh, then took a deep breath, preparing his flames. “Please work...” Mugman begged to himself. He glanced over at Cuphead and, in an attempt to try and calm him down, he decided to use the whole 'signature move' baloney that Cuphead had been begging him to do. Mugman took a deep breath and concentrated the magical energy built up in his body out his right fist. “Mega Blast!” He jut his hand out forward, but the magic gave a blue spark in both hands for a brief moment, then fizzled out. Mugman internally panicked and promptly tried again, knowing this was his only chance. “Mega Blast!!” Once again, the magic sparked, but fizzled out. If he let go of Cuphead, he could fall. If he didn't try something, they'd be burnt to a porcelain crisp. Mugman took one last deep breath and focused entirely on his magic and the target. He balled up his fists as he unintentionally shot a glare at the dragon, then threw out his fist one last time.“Mega Blast!!”
Finally, the magic shot out one fist and collided into the hydra with a great force. The two outer heads drooped down with 'X's in their eyes, the one on the left side's cheeks puffed up as his tongue hung out haphazardly from his mouth. The center head snapped back, 'X's also in his eyes, before his head tilted down slightly. “Yes!! Oh! Oh! Oh dear mercy yes!!” Mugman shouted in utter relief, but it wasn't over yet.
Mugman held onto his brother as he leaped onto the hydra's back and scoured under his wings. Before long, Mugman found the contract and checked it, but before he could get off Grim's back, he suddenly felt overwhelmingly dizzy and unbalanced. Mugman's world suddenly began to spin and he clung onto the reptile's back for dear life just before the dragon lurched forward without warning and back into the tower, away from the storm.
Grim lowered a wing down for the brothers to climb off once they were inside. “H-h-h-here.” He murmured softly. Mugman was a little confused, but he took the offer and gently climbed down onto the stone, both he and his little brother dripping wet. “I-I-I-I'd offer you a-” Grim cut himself off with a slight hiss of pain. “A towel, b-b-b-but you'll just get soaked as soon as you s-s-s-step outside again.” Grim had changed back to normal now, with only one head visible, but the dragon was still covered in wounds and bandages from their battle. “Y-you're...? Not mad?” The dragon shook his head. “No.” He looked down at the pair with a somber expression and a sigh. “What's done i-i-i-is done. A-a-a-and you earned that f-f-f-fair and square.” Grim fell down onto the stone floor with a huff, just to rest his injured body. “Holy s-s-s-smokes...you two certainly didn't hold anything b-b-b-back...” A pang of guilt shot through Mugman. “W-we're sorry.” “D-d-d-don't be...I just hope...th-th-th-that whatever happens...It h-h-h-happens for the best.” Grim looked up at our heroes. “You two should g-g-g-get going.” “Right.” Mugman nodded, his dizzy spell having passed, “come on, Cups...” Cuphead whined and sniveled quietly into his brother's chest, still terribly frightened from the violent storm just outside.
As Mugman carried his little brother back down the stone stairway, he rubbed the child's back soothingly. “I didn't realize you were still so scared of lightning...” Cuphead only whined in response. “I'm sorry. If I'd known, I would have tried to do something sooner.” Cuphead sniffled a few times, and Mugman sighed, rubbing the base of Cuphead's handle with his thumb a bit. “I...” Mugman looked over at Cup as he spoke, giving his baby brother his full attention. “I w-was tryin' ta be b-brave a-and...” The boy was cut off by another hiccup before he dove back into his brother's chest. “Aww, Sippy Cup...” Mugman hushed. “You don't have to worry about being brave around me when something scares you that bad.” Cuphead mumbled something into Mugman's shoulder that sounded just a bit like 'I don't?' “Of course not. You're already one tough cup. The toughest cup I know, alright? But you can't always be tough like that. And that's okay...Because you have a big brother like me to help you out when things get too scary and tough.” Mugman continued to rub circles into Cuphead's back as the two descended down the stairs. “After all, you're always here for me when I'm scared. So it's only fair that I'll be there for you when you're scared. Okay?” Cuphead turned his head to breathe a little better, still leaning his head against Mugman's chest. He sniffled a few times, wiped his eyes and nose, then pulled his brother into a hug. “...mokay...” The child mumbled.
                                                                                                                                 Missed the past episodes? Want to check for the next one? Here’s a link to the list of episodes currently published!
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icefir-windbreaker · 5 years
All-Stars -Story Mode- [CHAPTER 6]
Nothing is gonna test RED team than a Blue Mug appearing out of nowhere with a Red cup, a wolf and a fallen Human child. Let’s see what happens in this one! Enjoy.
                                                   -Chapter 6-
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‘’And now to think about it mate…’’ Sniper began, ‘’I wonder if the flower is serious about the Devil.’’
‘’I think that Cagney is. In this case, we must be a lot more careful.’’ Takeo said.
‘’J-ja! You never know when he comes out!’’ Medic nervously blurts out, Richtofen looked at him with confusion.
‘’Mind telling us vhy jou looked so nervous vhen said ‘’Zhe Devil’’ Doctor?’’ Richtofen asked as Medic.
Pyro looked overjoyed as they watched the flames growing higher, they couldn’t resist to let out a giggle from their mouth.
‘’Something’s seriously wrong with your teammate Engineer.’’ Dempsey said, ‘’They do like to burn things, it had us take time to get use to it.’’
‘’But still though lads, we should more aware ‘bout this ‘’Colonel Radec’’ lad whoever he is, while we are rescuing Miss Pauling from him.’’ Demoman said as he took one swig of the bottle.
‘’And we should expect danger along the way as well, we’ll never know if they will come out and attack.’’ Nikolai stated.
Back on top up of the cliff that overlooks the crew, Frisk, Boris, Cuphead and Mugman were watching them having the conversion about what had happened before, The Devil and other things that they barely knew.
‘’They had met King Dice?’’ Mugman asked, ‘’But thankful they haven’t met the Devil ether, that’s a relief.’’ Cuphead said very relieved.
*Then you dejected something to Cuphead.
‘’Hmm? What’s that Frisk?’’ Cuphead asked.
*Then you said to him that the Medic is acting strangely when someone mentioned the Devil.
‘’The doctor, well he did looked nervous when samurai man had mentioned the Devil, I guess that he knew who he was? Me and my brother had taught with his debtors before but in that case-’’ Cuphead was interrupted by an explosion that sending four of them flying and rolling down the cliff, some tried to stand up but they continued rolling.
Then they stopped rolling and landed on the ground and made a pile, Boris lost the tommy gun and stuttered across the ground. They all groaned in pain.
‘’Owie Zowie…’’ Mugman said, Cuphead rubbed the back of his head and felt a small crack but nothing threatening ‘’S-say that again M-Mugs…’’ as Boris is rubbing his shoulder before turning his concern to Frisk, even they are bruised and dirty but they are fine as he can tell.
Mugman was about to get up til he saw a shotgun to the face by someone -You guessed it- Soldier as he said ‘’IT’S ONE OF THE BLUS IT’S-’’ Before Nikolai forcefully took the shotgun away from the RED Soldier as he yelled ‘’Soldier nyet!!’’
‘’Russian give me that back, this mug is one of the BLUs!’’
‘’But he’s not attacking your team! And he’s only a child!’’
Then they were both immediately been hushed by Medic as he walked over to the the group, Mugman and Cuphead looked around and sees that they were caught thanks to the explosion.
Medic kneed down to them and said ‘’How…. Strange, just strange zhat…’’ before pointing the finger at Mugman’s nose as it make a squeak ‘’His nose is zhat big and blue.’’
Mugman holds his nose as he said ‘’M-my nose isn’t that big! I-I was borned with that big but not so big!’’
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Mugs being annoyed by Medic
‘’Vell, I zhink zhat your nose is little cute!’’ Medic exclaimed, Mugman was very angry, the liquid in his head is boiling and creating bubbles before they popped in mid air.
‘’My nose isn’t that big!’’ Mugman yelled.
‘’Mugs, you’re nose is big but only a size of an apple.’’ Cuphead said.
Mugman made a pouty face as he glared at the German who made a comment of his nose being big, Heavy had found this amusing as he laughed ‘’Little Mugs is pouting!’’ as Nikolai looked at him ‘’Heavy.’’
*Guys, please… T_T
Boris and Frisk looked at Mugman with silence as Medic continued to looked at Mugman, ‘’Isn’t zhis zat cute!~’’
‘’I should be a lot more careful if I was you,’’ Cuphead reamussed, ‘’He does get angry more if you continue to make fun of his nose.’’
‘’Okay zhen, ja’’ Medic agreed as he rubbed the back of his neck, Soldier crossed his arms as he looked at Mugman ‘’S-still he’s blue, I hated BLUs…’’
‘’Engi, does this reminded you of the Mann Brothers?’’ Spy asked as he takes a other rift of smoke, ‘’Yeah, except that if these two are more kid versions of them and they are a bit peaceful with each other.’’ Engineer answered ‘’Ah think that’s what should of been if they were more types of sharing the land and not at war.’’
‘’That would be the way I like it Engi.’’ Scout said as he scratched his head as he looked at the brothers.
Dempsey walks over to the group that had suddenly dropped in out of nowhere by the explosion and said ‘’Are you two happened to be Cuphead and Mugman?’’
Two brothers looked at Dempsey then nodded, he was surprised and said ‘’For a minute there, I thought you two be more… Human.’’
‘’You were expecting us as just being normal kids?’’ Mugman asked as he tilted his head. Cuphead crossed his arms as he gave the Corporal an annoyed look. ‘’Here I thought we would be known if the news left Inkwell Isle by now.’’
‘’Inkwell Isle? You two brookes are from an island?’’ Sniper asked as he adjusted his hat, ‘’It’s our home before we suddenly came here, we don’t know if the Devil had done this for revenge for freeing everyone’s souls along with ours.’’
That quickly caught Takeo’s attention after they said that they had beaten the Devil, ‘’They defeated the Devil? This can’t be…’’ his thought are the only thing that as he can hardly believe it along with Nikolai; These boys had saved Inkwell Isle from the Devil!?
‘’You two boys…!?’’ Nikolai said as he placed a hand on his forehead.
‘’This can’t be it…!’’ Dempsey in disbelief.
‘’They had saved Inkwell Isle from the Devil??’’ Richtofen questioned as he can’t believed what he had heard.
Frisk then walks up to Engineer then tugged on his overall trousers, getting his attention as he looked down on the kid. ‘’Yes, partner? What do ya need?’’
*You then told the Texan that you were brought here by a portal too and had met the two brothers, along with a wolf and a Ink Demon. *And now your friends are going to help you find your family.
‘’Ah’ll be a… Ah guess we are on a same boat here Kid. Still though, ya’ll seem really brave enough to met a mercenary like me.’’ Engineer said as he took of his worker helmet while he keeled down to Frisk’s level.
*Then you asked Engineer if he knows where your family are.
‘’Sadly no, sorry partner.’’ Engineer answered with regret, rubbing the back of his neck Frisk looked down with doubt. ‘’B-but,’’ Engineer continued ‘’If we do see, we’ll let ya know right away. Easy as that huh?’’
Frisk smiled as they nodded to that question, ‘’Still though, what’s your name kiddo?’’ Engineer asked.
>[Frisk Dreemurr]                                                          [ _ _ _ _ _ Dreemurr]
                                           >[Frisk Dreemurr]
‘’Frisk Dreemurr huh?’’ Engineer said, Frisk nodded, that confirmed is their name.
‘’That’s a great name, I’m Dell.’’ Engineer introduced himself to them as he put his helmet back on, then stood up.
Nikolai looked over to the child and... Wonder what their gender and of course he can’t ask them that ether because he felt that it might be awkward if he asked.
‘’Child- uh Frisk, is it?’’ Nikolai asked ‘’What are you doing here in this forsaken place? There is danger lurking everywhere.’’
>[To find my family here]                                                          [........]
                                             >[To find my family here.]
Nikolai became worried, ‘’But we haven’t seen anyone here, it’s almost as if they had abandoned it.’’ then begins to look around ‘’You made Nikolai concerned about your safety, it is not safe for you to be here.’’
Boris raises his hand get Nikolai’s attention to winch Nikolai noticed, then Boris walked over to him and picked up a stick before begins to write down what had happened earlier.
‘’A bunker? Here?’’ Nikolai questioned, Boris nodded then wrote down the reason for using it.
‘’To wait for the danger to be over?’’
Boris nodded again and is glad that he and Bendy had found it before someone could, ‘’I see. But there’s always the reason for you to talk.’’ Nikolai said as Boris looked at him.
‘’You… Could talk, could you?’’ Nikolai asked, Boris only shook his head as his response. ‘’I see, you’re a mute.’’ Nikolai said as he understood why Boris couldn’t be able to say anything.
‘’That explains a lot.’’ Dempsey said as he looked at Boris, Richtofen looked at the wolf as well as he said ‘’In fact, I vould like to know why he couldn’t speak.’’
Medic then suddenly perk up ‘’I could give him a voice! I had happened to have zomeone’s voice box to give him a voice! Ve could do zhat vhen ve find ze hospital!’’ Richtofen looked at the Medic with both strange and confusion, ‘’You had have zomeone’s voice box?’’ he questioned.
‘’It vas in zhe heat of one of ze fights of ‘’King of Zhe Hill’’ on zhat day! I had found it interesting and quite fun to try it!’’ Medic explained as Cuphead and Mugman took a couple of steps back from this German.
‘’Let’s not try to do that doctor.’’ Takeo said as he is creeped out about this, Medic groaned ‘’F***! I really vanted to try it out…’’
Frisk walks back to the Cuphead and Mugman as Boris looked around for the tommy gun that he ropped, he later found it behind the rock and walked towards the group.
*This is rather strange meeting, *But still, it’s time to get moving on.
‘’Are you able to keep them safe Boris?’’ Nikolai questioned with worry, Boris nodded as Dempsey walked up to him, ‘’Just... make sure that you pointed that thing at zombies Boris.’’
Boris nodded understandingly, Takeo then said ‘’Just be careful out there, you’ll never-’’
*Enemy Approaching!
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Takeo had never got to finish the sentence when everything suddenly turned black and white as glowing heart-shape orbs appeared outside their bodies: Their souls.
Scout looked at his soul and said ‘’I-i-is that…?’’
‘’Our…. Souls?’’ Richtofen questioned, then they noticed a horde of zombies, they must’ve been the one who triggered Battle Mode.
*Here they come…. *Let them come….
*It’s Frisk turn!
I pray to god I don't fall down Otherwise this will be our last round
‘’Frisk!? No’’ Nikolai pleaded then noticed that there are four options appeared before Frisk: FIGHT, ACT, ITEMS and MERCY, all laid out for the child to use and ready.
They noticed that another button is new and it’s right between ITEMS and MERCY, they read the name of the fifth option: PARTY
Frisk looked the ACT button and pushed it, it shown more options; Check, reason, insult.
*Frisk choosed Check:
ZOMBIES HP - 40 LV - 4 AT - 16 DF - 9 EXP - 19 INV- 20 WEAPONS - Braaaiiinnnsss… (Their bare hands) ARMOR - Ripped clothings GOLD - 120
*Some type of virus that made them much more harder to kill *But what the movies taught us one thing: *Is ALWAYS go for the head, *That’s where it’s brain is.
‘’Ugh…..’’ was the first thing the Zombie had said.
Another day of Madness There's nowhere left to turn The virus has eradicated everyone
Frisk’s SOUL appeared in the Bullet Board, Zombie’s first attack lunges out towards it but their SOUL had moved around and dodged the attack.
‘’Interesting…’’ Richtofen muttered ‘’Zhis is different from vhat I had studied.’’
*It’s now Cuphead’s turn!
>FIGHT        ACT         ITEMS      PARTY     MERCY
As they lay dying on the floor They get up Tackle more
>FIGHT        ACT         ITEMS      PARTY     MERCY
Now it time to F*** Them Up
>-Zombies ONE and TWO -Zombies THREE and FOUR -Zombies FIVE and SIX -Zombies SEVEN and EIGHT
>-Zombies ONE and TWO -Zombies THREE and FOUR -Zombies FIVE and SIX -Zombies SEVEN and EIGHT
Another day of systematic torture in their eyes Taking over our defenses We can no longer contain ourselves!
Cuphead then opens fire on two zombies with magic bullets from the tip of his finger, he had managed to destroy both heads, making zombies fall over and turned to dust with only skeletal remains left behind as everyone looked at him with shock and wonder.
‘’God damn!’’ Engineer muttered to himself as Soldier nodded.
*It’s now Mugman’s turn!
Gathering up your arms Bring it on
Mugman is carefully choosing winch option that could help him in this endeavor then he decided, out of curiosity, picked PARTY and amazed to find names, among of those is his.
Take them down Now get ready to F*** Them Up
[Select 4 members in your PARTY]
Mugman                                -Cuphead
-Frisk                                     -Boris
-Dempsey                             -Richtofen
-Takeo                                   -Nikolai
-Heavy                                  -Medic
-Scout                                   -Spy
-Soldier                                -Demoman
-Pyro                                    -Engineer
They stalk the prey they could never stop Evolving You've only got one shot
Mugman looked at the names when he noticed zombies are getting impatient, so he acted quickly.
Mugman                                -Cuphead
-Frisk                                     -Boris
-Dempsey                             -Richtofen
>Takeo                                   >Nikolai
-Heavy                                  -Medic
-Scout                                   >Spy
>Soldier                                -Demoman
-Pyro                                    -Engineer
*Mugman had selected Takeo, Nikolai, Soldier and Spy to take his turn.
The blood in their eyes is deceiving But like butterflies You give it all you've got
‘’Did the Mugman gave his turn?’’ Spy asked, ‘’Seems like it, Spy!’’ Nikolai answered as Takeo readies his sword while Soldier got out a shotgun and cocks it back.
So before you enter the portal The hoard that stand before you is immortal
*Takeo, Nikolai, Soldier and Spy choose FIGHT.
They took out four of zombies in their horde, is now Mugman’s turn again and he already bean to attack two last zombies. They thought they are safe til-
*Another horde approaches!
Scout read the text as more zombies are heading their way, ‘’Wha- ‘’Another horde approaches’’!? Are you kiddin’ me!?’’
I pray to god I don't fall down I hope to hell I've made it through Otherwise this will be our last round
*It’s Medic’s turn!
‘’Vell zhen! In zhat case; Prepare for a organ harvesting dummkopfs!’’ Medic said as he selected FIGHT button.
Reload our gear through the points we earn For when death drops by I hope it's not my turn to die
Medic uses the Syringe Gun and fires at a couple of zombies heading his way before getting out a bonesaw and beheaded them. ‘’I hoped zhat I could use you for research but you just disappointed me furzher.’’ Medic spoke with a madical smile.
*It’s now Demoman’s turn!
This is not my time I will not be sent to my grave SUMMON THE WAVE!
‘’What?! Can’t be Sniper’s!?’’ Demoman said as he selected ACT button.
-Check >Smash and stab them with a broken bottle -Get drunk
Smash and stab them with a broken bottle
Demoman got out a scrumpy bottle then smashes it onto the nearby car, making the half of the broken bottle deadly before running and stabbing it in the head with it before stabs another other one with it and runs as they lay down on the ground bleeding and dying.
I Will Never Bow down To the Burning carcass approaching
*It’s Dempsey turn!
‘’Now this is going to be fun.’’ He muttered as he selected FIGHT button.
I Will Never Bow Before their broken needs
Dempsey got out two duel pistols and opened fire on two of them as they were approaching him, he yelled ‘’’Take that Freakbags!’’
*It’s Richtofen’s turn!
In a broken world like this We believe in the good of ourselves To become the giant's great kings
‘’Just let zhis be done vith und move on!’’ Richtofen yelled as he already choose FIGHT as he got out a ray gun.
To prevent the future's demise There's no other time like this Where we take back our life from the helms
He fired a few green bullets at some them as-
*More incoming!
‘’MORE?! WHAT?!’’ Scout yelled as Richtofen noticed the text before looking at the another horde of zombies taking the fallen one’s place.
As the moonlight starts to sing It takes us all by surprise
‘’They just keep coming!’’ Sniper said as he readies the submachine gun, Dempsey turned to Frisk and the others and said ‘’You better run! It’s about to get messy!’’
So rebuild our defenses With our bare hands We will stand them strong against the hoards demands
Frisk, Boris, Cuphead and Mugman ran behind the group as Heavy walks out from the rest of the team with his minigun.
So before you enter the portal The hoard that stand before you is immortal
*It’s Heavy’s turn now!
Heavy choose FIGHT as the minigun barrel begins to spin, as the horde continues to get closer, he yelled ‘’Cry some more!!!’’ before firing a hailstorm of bullets onto them.
I pray to god I don't fall down I hope to hell I've made it through Otherwise this will be our last round
Frisk looked at the 5 options they had got and selected the ACT button to find something that might help them.
>Tell the rest of them to open fire!
Reload our gear through the points we earn For when death drops by I hope it's not my turn to die
Frisk hesitated for a moment and quickly selected it, it’s the only option they got.
This is not my time I will not be sent to my grave! SUMMON THE WAVE!
*You screamed opened fire on the horde!
‘’Open fire?’’ Scout asked.
‘’Just do what they said boy!’’ Engineer as he readies his gun while Sniper is already firing bullets at the horde, propping everyone else to the same.
I pray to god I don't fall down I hope to hell I've made it through Otherwise this will be our last round
*Zombies are dropping like flies as bullets made contact!
Cuphead, Mugman and Boris began shooting as well as Frisk hid behind them as blood and bullet shells hit the ground. One of them had grabbed Spy by the shoulders but he had got out a butterfly knife and stabs one of them in the head as some of it’s blood spattered on his suit before saying ‘’You’ve got blood on my suit.’’ then pulling the knife out, letting the zombie fall on the ground after it’s light had dim.
Reload our gear through the points we earn For when death drops by I hope it's not my turn to die
Nikolai had then dug his tomahawk into the head of the zombie then kicks away from him as Takeo slices one of them in half as the katana is stained in blood. Richtofen continued to fire the ray gun with Dempsey who stabbed one of them with the knife in one hand while he had the gun in the other hand as fired one of them.
This is not my time I will not be sent to my grave SUMMON THE WAVE!
‘’Keep fighting, I think they are going to be a few one left!’’ Demoman had chopped the said zombie’s head off with the Eyelander, ‘’For first time in mah life, you had been sober enough to make sense!’’ Engineer answered as he hits one of them with an wrench.
I will not be sent to my grave!
*Eventually, the horde of zombies are finally brought down.
You’ve won: 1220 GOLD and a Notebook!
Primis’, RED Team’s, Cup Brothers’ and Boris’ LV increased!
The world that had faded black around had faded back into color as Scout ran over of the zombies’ corpses and then began to open fire at it’s head like a crazed gunman who had been through a fate much worse than death in war.
‘’Yeah! Stay dead for us okay!?’’ Scout yelled as he used the pistol to fire two bullets into the dead zombie’s head just to be sure if it’s actually dead again ‘’Never mess with us again! I’m from Boston!’’
Pyro and Engineer laughed to Scout’s words as he turned to face them with a sharp glance before saying ‘’Okay now you guys think that this is funny?!’’ as he placed his hands on his hips.
‘’Heheh… Sorry boy, it’s just sounded funny in our ears.’’ The Texan apologized as Pyro looked at the two items they had gotten from their foes: A Fabled Ribbon and a Notebook as Frisk walked up to them before patting on their leg, getting Pyro’s attention as they looked at the child.
‘’Yes Frisk?’’ Pyro mumblingly asked, Frisk simply pointed at the two items, Pyro looked at the two items before mumbling ‘’Oh? These? Well, it’s strange that two enemies we encountered and defeated so far, we gotten these after we won. Do you know these?’’
*You nodded as an answer. *Then you asked that they liked that Fabled Ribbon.
‘’Yeah, I like it but I wore a mask so, I can’t tie it on my hair with it still being on.’’ Pyro answered, Frisk looked upward and sushered Pyro to get on their knees. They were confused but they did so as others watched.
*Then you asked Pyro for the ribbon, *They were curious for what you were going to do so they gave you the Fabled Ribbon. *Then you tied it around their head before tying it into a bow. *Pyro looked at the Fabled Ribbon that you had equipped onto then *blushes after they found out that you put it on them.
*You’ve made a new friend.
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‘’Oh thank you! Frisk, how nice of you!’’ Pyro exclaimed as Frisk smiled. Others (In the background) had watched these two interact with each other while Cuphead and Mugman place their hands on each shoulder.
‘’Quite a nice thing for Frisk to do, especially if one of us is a pyromaniac.’’ Spy commented on Frisk’s actions as Engineer places both of his hands on his waist, ‘’Not too sure about that Spy, they are friendly towards Pyro.’’
‘’Da, I am surprised that they were not afraid when they first look at us and had told us to open fire at the hell pigs. They seemed like they knew what to do.’’
Boris nodded from behind Engineer as he looked down at the two Cup Brothers and said ‘’Boys?’’
‘’Yes Dell?’’ Mugman asked, Engineer then said ‘’Ah’d gotta admit, you two are strong against those undead yellow bellies, you two are like living, breathing guns.’’
‘’Thank you!’’ Cuphead blushed as he rubbed the back of his head as Mugman smiled as he hold his hands behind his back.
‘’No wonder how you two had saved Inkwell Isle,’’ Sniper said as he looked around ‘’You two wankers had that power on just tips of fingers.’’
‘’Don’t thank me just thank for my stupidity for accepting the bet that nearly took our souls and everyone else’s, I’m just glad things work out well in the end.’’ Cuphead said as he rubbed his arm with his hand.
‘’That is incredible indeed little cup.’’ A Familiar voice called out, ‘’Thank you!.....Wait…Who said that?’’ Cuphead said as he looked around for the voice that had suddenly spoke.
‘’Oh,’’ Voice said again ‘’You must’ve been looking for her… You are those mercenaries that she had hired.’’
‘’Are you talking about Mrs. Pauling? What did you do to her?’’ Spy questioned as he got out a revolver while others scanned the area. ‘’No…’’ it replied, ‘’We haven’t found her yet, but we will find her before you do. But first…’’
The voice- no, a man with ominous eyes appeared in thin air, revealing that is, indeed, Colonel Mael Radec.
*Oh no… It’s Mael Radec!
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(From Killzone Wiki, NOTE: This render is used for Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale)
Everyone in RED quickly drawn their guns at him, ready to fight as Radec gave an unamused look, ‘’Much likely to fight,’’ he said ‘’But I prefer that you men will have to offer me at least two things before I would kill you all dead.’’
‘’Uh.. Excuse me man, did ‘cha mean “Offer me at least two things OR I would kill you all dead?!”’’ Scout yelled before the Colonel pointed the gun at Scout ‘’Young men like yourself should keep quiet.’’ before turning his attention to Richtofen ‘’Yet, after getting the phone’s frequity, the name ‘’Dr. Edward Richtofen’’ had my attention when one of your own had obtained an artifact and I suppose you happened to own that name?’’
‘’Und you muzt be Colonel Mael Radec I presume.’’ Edward answered as Radec placed his hands behind his back, positioned in a palm in palm gesture as he looked at him. ‘’At first, I prefer we should meet in combat like soldiers but this, however, not like how I wanted it.’’ Radec said as he walked around the Doctor at a slow threatening pace like a predator stalking his prey.
‘’From vhat I can tell, you’re here for zhe Key.’’ Richtofen sneered as he placed his hand on the pouch winch is here he placed the Key in, but to his surprise, the Colonel said ‘’Indeed I was but today, two other things had caught my attention however, something much better than The Summoning Key.’’
Cuphead and Mugman stood back, they fully believed what ‘two things’ he was talking about: ‘’I want them instead.’’ Radec said as he looked at the two cup brothers, who are ready to fight him if necessary.
Then he heard a gun being loaded and aimed at him as Mael Radec quickly realized that Dempsey is pointing a gun at his head.
‘’Don’t think about using them for war because none of us really won’t like that!’’ he said as Radec turned around slowly to face him, he chuckled ‘’Don’t try threatening me that way Corporal, I am not a patient man and you… are very much like an ISA when they had aimed a pistol at me.’’
‘’I can tell by your voice,’’ Takeo scolded as he got out his sword, ready to fight as he continued ‘’We could not let you have them for your own gain.’’
Nikolai shushered Frisk behind him as he cocks the shotgun back and ready to protect the children as he glared at Radec ‘’And we will not let that happened, never.’’ he growled.
‘’With any hope to stop me? It will prove to be fatal to you, now hand them over’’ Radec demanded as he sensed the fight is going to start, making him getting out what looked like an advanced version of a shotgun.
‘’And what supposed are you going do that?’’ Spy cautioned, ‘’There’s only forthteen of us here and only one of you.’’ then soon Spy will begin to regret those words as soon they left his mouth and the reason for it why because:
Radec is not alone, thirty one Helghast soldiers uncloaked themselves and armed with guns they couldn't recognize, aiming at the group as the crew looked at them in shock.
‘’W-woah man…’’ Scout stammered as looked at how many soldiers they are and easily out numbered them.
‘’There’s forthteen of us and…’’ Soldier declared before getting confused and begins to count the Helghast Soldiers ‘’Eight, nine…’’
‘’Uh, mate, mind counting that one?’’ Sniper insisted at Soldier while he pointed that one of the soldiers, ‘’I think so but- WILL ALL OF YOU STOP MOVING AROUND!?’’ Soldier roared out of frustration as his teammates and enemy soldiers looked at him in confusion before Soldier threw down his shovel onto the ground ‘’IT’S HARD FOR ME TO COUNT YOU ALL!!! NOT THE FIRST TIME IT’D HAPPENED TWICE!!’’ he bellowed out.
Medic and Engineer groaned as they placed their hands on their foreheads at Soldier’s prediement and at a loss.
‘’Doesn’t matter, it’s your last chance to hand them over or we decorate the ground with your blood!’’ Radec spat out, to winch Dempsey answered ‘’Hell no we not!’’
‘’Fine then…’’ Radec said ‘’Have it your way then.’’ before opened fire on the group, his soldiers soon followed, making the group to take cover and opened fire as battle has begun like tiger and lion started to fight each other.
Nikolai turned to face Frisk and yelled ‘’Run Frisk! Run with the others and never look back!’’
‘’B-but what about you!?’’ Mugman gasped when Cuphead holding on to his hand tightly, ‘’We will be fine!’’ Dempsey rebuked, ‘’Just run from here! If you find a lady named ‘’Mrs. Pauling,’’ stay with her till we catch up! Now go!’’ he continued.
Frisk looked at the Russian til they felt Cuphead’s hand on their shoulder, ‘’We need to go Frisk! We gotta go!’’ Cuphead demanded as Mugman ran up to them.
Frisk looked back at the group and regretfully with no choice, they are forced to flee with their friends as bullets are flying everywhere.
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Getting away from the gun fire, Boris, Cuphead, Mugman and Frisk ran down the street with their hearts pounding out of their chests as one of the soldiers noticed them leaving.
They bolted down the street and into a neighborhood they came from as they heard shouting from afar, somehow, Frisk knew it was the Helghast Soldiers knowing they had fled from the battlefield.
‘’Uh… Cups… They-’’ Mugman stuttered before being interrupted by Cuphead yelling ‘’I know! Less talking and more running!’’
Boris is ready to use the tommy gun on those soldiers but couldn’t find any courage to fire the bullets on them.
‘’Hurry! Run faster!’’ Mugman shouted.
*Knowing that they are going to get you, *But you can’t let them have your friends.
Frisk pushed Mugman gently, making him to go faster than them as they shouted at him to run faster. Mugman looked at Frisk ‘’Come on Frisk! We need to go back to the bunker!’’ he yelled as he grabbed Frisk’s hand to run with him.
Cuphead turned back to face his brother and his friends ‘’Come on! We gotta-’’
*Cuphead didn’t get to finish his sentence as a sudden loud noise and blinding flash of light appeared! *Then everything went black…
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kettlemug · 6 years
Chapter 5: The Unblinding Truth
It had been an eventful week, All the restless love making from the has put this young mug into an endless routine. Not that he liked having sex with his kettle but just the fact that his heart beat fast for him was enough to know that his love for his him was strong. So every day the mug boy would work out in the fields, go to the marketplace, and work on maintenance inside and outside the house as usual. Outside the realms of his home he was his old Mugman self, hardworking and reliable all across the land, but when he gets home, safely behind closed doors, his mind focused on one thing, his grandfather. Every day he would give him a kiss in the morning and one in the evening. Like before it was all a routine.
It wasn’t weird per say to the open eye but it didn’t bother the two in the slightest. Suppose it was just a matter of time before they expose their love to the world.
On the other end, Elder Kettle was his normal self as he went along the other areas of the house to see how his inventions were operating. In Short he was basically trying to move his body after all the sexual encounters he had with his grandson. He didn’t mind taking a few extra poundings here and there but it was more so checking to see if his inventions weren’t soiled in bodily fluids or destroyed from their rough housing.
It was interesting that an elderly person much so like elder kettle would have the capabilities to create such fascinating gadgets. He wasn’t like other elderly people, Ooooh no, this Kettle’s true passion is creating new inventions for his grandsons, and maybe possibly for others as well. Spending most of his time tinkering, hammering, and fiddling with screws and wires.
In the deepest part of the house, the elder stood at his work desk fiddling with something in his messily gloved hand. “Hmmmmm that should do it.” Readjusting the object in his hand. It was early in the morning, probably around the time that Cuphead left for “work”. Sun had yet to seep through the hillside where no roosters cawed at its suspecting radiance. The mug boy was still asleep in his own chambers only for the time being. Reason for that is because they didn’t want to give away any suspicions for cuphead to notice. For now in this very moment the elderly kettle was at peace, it was a relaxing day to just sit and mind his own business and his inventions.
Pressing a button, a sudden “BZZZZZZZZZZZZ” sound came from the object. “Works good.” He stated as he began stretching his arms above his head. The sound began to continue and the elder pressed another button to make the object change to different vibration patterns. “Hmmmm Maybe I should adjust it by a sinch.” He retorted as he fiddled with the contraption. Soon after he was done, the elderly kettle pressed the bottom to turn it off and looked over at his somewhat messy form “I better get breakfast going.”
With that he got up and walked across the deep hallway to an open room. He sighed as he gazed upon an empty messy bed next to mugman’s. “Hehehe messy as always.” He chuckled. A sleeping form was slightly shuffling in the covers of it’s bed. The elder walked up to it and placed a warm welcoming hand on the blanket. “My boy, better wake up soon, I’ll be making breakfast by the time the rooster crows.” With that, he walked his way out the room and left to wash up.
An hour later..
Coming into the kitchen, the mug boy spotted his grandfather cooking some breakfast by the sunlit window. “Morning Grandpa” Walking up to his lover and embracing him from the back. “Had a good night’s rest Mugman?” Earning a kiss on the cheek, “I did.” The elder looked over his shoulder at his grandson, who is still holding onto his Grandfather’s torso. “Hehe Mugman, I’m cooking right now. I don’t want you getting burned from the stove.” Another kissed was placed on his neck. “But I love you sooo much.” He moaned. The elder playfully shoved him “Mugman.” The mug boy retreated “okokok hehehe.”
Breakfast was served and they both ate in silence. It was the typical pancakes and syrup from the pantry. It was really good to the young mugs perspective “Breakfast tastes great.” He grabbed another fork full of pancakes. “Your being too generous my boy, it ‘s a simple recipe.” He smiled as he too continued to eat his early morning meal. As they continued to eat the elderly kettle looked up at his well fed grandson “While you were sleeping, I was making something in my studies.” Mugman paused and looked up at him with some reminisce of pancake on his fork. His face covered in crumbs.
The kettle continued “I believe you might like it my boy.” While finishing up the last stacks of pancakes. Mugman couldn’t hesitate and hastily finished up his breakfast. When it comes to inventions it made him, and also his brother cuphead, eager with anticipation.
It was a usual reaction whenever their grandfather made something.
I wonder what grandfather whipped up this time, he ate excitedly. The elder saw his fast pace scorging, “slow down Mugman, I don’t want you to choke on your food.” He stated, cleaning up his plate in the sink. “Oh Shorry gramma.” Face full of food.
“Be sure to clean up your stuff when your done.” The elder stated and left into the living room. Mugman looked over at his meal, seeing that it was almost done. He used the remaining time to finish and clean up the kitchen table. This took about thirty or so minutes to complete, which was enough.
“Grandpa, I finished my-” he spotted his grandfather on the window side looking over the outside autumn leaves that flushed out the colors in the breeze. Mugman thought he looked radiant.
“Um, Grandpa?” The elder looked over him. “Sorry, I was just admiring the change in the leaves” looking back at the window. “It’s subtle, but very beautiful don’t you think?”
The enlightened mug sighed, “Grandpa..” he walked across the living room and sat next to him. “You know I love you right?” The elder nodded. “I want to hear from you…” he looked down in hesitation but continued. “What are your thoughts on our relationship?”
The elderly kettle stared back at him in awe. “Mugman.” He tenderly cupped his grandson’s cheek. “Have I not told you before? My love for you is unconditional.” The mug’s eyes softened at his elder’s touch, leaning into his palm like it was their last meeting.
“Grandpa” The mug boy was edging in closer to his kettle. “My heart beats for you.” Grasping his elder’s hand and placing it against his chest. “Always.” He smiled.
“And as do I my boy.” The slowly leaned in taking in each other’s scent. One of scented metal and porcelain that instills the perfect combination.
They shared a loving kiss. Mugman wrapping his strong arms around his lover, embracing every moment. And elder kettle reciprocated the same in return.
They both stayed for a long while. Sparks continued to fly in all sorts of directions. Well… most likely steam. As soon as they parted from their intimate moment the dazed mug stared lovingly down at his grandfather. “What’d ya say we change things up a bit in bed, grandpa.” He purrred. “Your still horny as always my b-“
A sound thumped to the floor…. both Mugman and elder kettle stopped in their tracks as they traced the noise back to the entryway of the kitchen. A grocery back from the marketplace filled with produce and other necessities lie format. But the owner of it all stood before them…. in petrified shock. There…. stood in the midst of it all, Cuphead.
His face contorted in a most horrific look that anyone could’ve mustered. Mugman was sharing the same look as the one person that hated this kind of relationship… stood at the opening of his demise.
“How… I…. Wha-“ the cup boy was frozen. His hands trembled. He couldn’t believe his glassy eyes, tears began forming in the corner. “Cuphead I can explain!?” Cuphead flinched, taking a step back. Why…. why did he have to come home to…. this….
Mugman stood trying to approach him like he was a scared wounded animal. “Please, j-just let me expla-.” “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!” The cupboy sudden anger began showing.
“Cuphead, Calm Down!!” The elder retorted. “NO! NO! NO! I REJECT THIS!!! I-I CAN’T!” The cautious mug was in front of his brother and lightly grasped his shoulder.
The scared cup jerked himself away and pushed his brother. “YOU’RE FUCKING SICK!!!! THATS OUR GRANDPA!!!”
“Cuphead I-“ the mug tried to explain but his brother beat him to it. “F-FUCK!!” Tears began falling from his eyes “No… I can’t take this! Not like this!” Mugman tried to interview but cuphead has rly bolted through the back Listen and out the door.
“CUPHEAD WAI-“ the elder grabbed his shoulder. “Wait Mugman, don’t this will upset him even more.”
“But I can just let him be! Who knows what he could do.” Hot stream of tears trailed down his eyes. “I don’t want to lose my brother.” The elder hugged his grandson. “I’m sorry my boy.” Joining his melancholy upbringing.
“I truly am….”
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End (or is it?)
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iaintnxsinner · 7 years
is vessel ever nice? at all?
 “A few times. J-Just when I’m in a good mood, though.”
“And, go!” 
 Laughing, the little mug waited for the lyrics to start before he did, humming along to the tune, the spirit before him smiling all the while as he watched Mugman snap to the beat. 
Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
 Watching the short mug move to the beat, Vessel began to move in time, too. They both laughed and sung along, their voices terribly off pitch compared to the radio playing in the garden. Compared to Cup, definitely!
Make him the cutest that I’ve ever seen Give him two lips like roses in clover Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over
 Gosh, their singing voice was so awful, but the dancing so comparably good. It didn’t matter how off-tune their laughing voices were – it was just the pure joy in their joined voices that made it so much better.
Sandman, I’m so alone Don’t have nobody to call my own Please turn on your magic beam Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
 The two turned to each other, the large entity picking up the little mug and swinging him around and around.
Make him the cutest that I’ve ever seen Give him the word that I’m not a rover Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over    
 The two were now yelling the theme as they danced in unison, barely holding back happy giggles as they did. Vessel was crying – but they were happy tears. 
Mister Sandman, I’m so alone Don’t have nobody to call my own Please turn on your magic beam Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
 Instead of the two saying the deep background yes in the next part, Vessel did it by his lonesome. He knew what Mug wanted. 
Mister Sandman, (yeesss?) bring us a dream Give him a pair of eyes with a come-hither gleam Give him a lonely heart like Pagliacci And lots of wavy hair like Liberace      
 Mug had tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, though it was only from such loud singing, the joy coursing through him, and the effort of continuing the dance.
It was wonderful.                                                   
Mr Sandman, someone to hold Would be so peachy before we’re too old So please turn on your magic beam Mr Sandman, bring us, please, please, please Mr Sandman, bring us a dream
 The two fell down, laughing into the garden as the last of the song on the radio faded out. It was rare to have such amazing, purely joy-filled moments as these. He’d done it because he’d heard Cuphead singing along in the first place. Now, it was his favorite song, attached to this memory. 
 Mugman wouldn’t forget it. 
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karnivalkrew · 5 years
Santa Cup is Coming to Town
As Junior and Puphead were sleeping, the chick heard these sounds, followed by whispering and hacking. With all the ruckus and coughing from nearby, a little chick began to stir and open his eyes. Santa came. And he fell right into his trap.  “Puphead! Wake up!” Junior whispered, shaking the wooden boy next to him awake. Puphead slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes with a sleepy yawn. “Santa’s in our grasp! Time to get ta work!” The chick snickered as he rubbed his feathery hands together.
The two hid around the corner to see a cloud of sooty smoke, as if someone were caught in a struggle, and heard whispers, as if two people were quietly arguing. “What da hay is goin’ on in dere?! Who is Santa talkin’ ta?” Puphead moved his fingers on either side of his face, trying to make it look like he had pointy ears. “Elves? Yeah, I guess maybe.”
As the smoke cleared, and the porcelain brothers were revealed to be the ones caught in Junior’s trap, Puphead and Junior were shocked to see that it hadn’t been Santa after all, yet they did have a blue-green bag of gifts with them. “What’re you two twit’s doin’ here?! You tryin’ ta steal our Christmas presents?! Is dat it?!” Junior accused, marching over to the brothers.  “Wuh-oh.” “Busted!” Mugman turned his head to look at Junior. “N-no! You’ve got it all wrong, we--” “Ooh, my dad was right about yous two!! Just wait until I tell him! Then you’ll really be sorry!!” The chick took a deep breath as Puphead covered his ears, knowing that he would scream for Wally. “No, no, Junior wait!!” “Junior! Stop! We’re tryin’ ta help Santa!!” Junior paused at that. “Wuffor?” He toyed. “He, erm, hurt himself! He twisted his ankle on a piece of firewood sticking out by our chimney, and he can’t climb down chimneys no more! So we’re helping him in our Aeroplanes until he can climb again!” Cuphead lied. “Just let us out, we still got Isle Three ta do!!” “Uh huh...And why should I believe you?” Puphead tugged on Junior’s arm at his suspicion, fully believing the story. “What is it? You believe dis crap?” Puphead nodded, and pointed to the sack in the net that the brothers had. “What the toys dey stole?!” Puphead shook his head and pointed to the fireplace. Junior’s eyes widened. “I...Gosh Puphead, yer right! Dere’s no way they could have taken the gifts before setting off the trap!” “Junior, untie us, please! We need to hurry up and get started on Isle Three before morning comes!!” Mugman pleaded, looking at his watch. “It’s already almost 11:30! We only have 30 minutes to get the whole entire city!!” “What?” Junior questioned, already starting to open the net. “Ya think dat da whole city’s gonna just get up at midnight ta open presents?” “No...” Mugman answered, “but someone might!” "Man, you two really are dumb! Ain’ no one gonna get up at midnight ta open gifts, most people’ll be asleep still! I’d say dat the earliest kids are gon’ wake up is at least tree AM. Ya twits still gots time!” “Yeah, but not much! Do ya even know how many people live in th’big city?!” Cuphead pointed out.
Puphead grabbed both of Junior’s shoulders as the brothers were released, and looked at his friend with pleading eyes. Junior turned his head at the touch, and looked the puppet in the eyes for a few moments before he sighed. “Yer right. Tree ‘n a half hours ain’t enough time fer just th’ two ah yas ta cover the entire city.” Junior placed his hands on his hips and puffed up his chest. “But maybe da four of us can make it!” He proclaimed valiantly. “Hot dawg, you’ll really help, Junior?!” Mugman cried. “On one condition! Ya leave dat sack ‘ere fer me ta examine!” Junior negotiated. The only way Santa could do what he does is through magic. And all magic was was unexplained science. With that magic bag, he could reverse engineer it, and figure out how Santa covers so much ground in so little time. “Deal!” The brothers said. “I’ll get my nest! Puphead, yer with me!” Puphead jumped up and down excitedly.
With the presents unbagged and two new recruits by their side, the four Christmas heroes quickly flew into the city and began their work once again. Apartments, homes, and more, the children were quick to break in and leave their gifts and fill their stockings. Forkington Silverson, Tick and Tock Clocke, Sue Zanshwane, Toby J. Sodor, no house was missed, and no child was forgotten. Every name on the list was crossed out with each house, one by one, and little by little, each house was visited and gifted.
At first, Junior only had one motive for this. That magic bag. He needed to unlock Santa’s secrets, and that might just be the key he needed. But after a while, something changed. Junior loved to see all the different ways people decorated for Christmas, and each house had decorations that just made him happy. That was until he and Puphead would start to unload the gifts, and Junior would get jealous of how much bigger some gifts were compared to his. Often times, Puphead would have to push the chick back with his foot in order to keep his feathers off it. 
As Puphead started unloading the gifts for one house, Junior started to help, until he shook one and could hear something wooden inside. “Wait a minute!” Junior held the gift close to his ear canal and shook again. “I think it’s a radio! I need dials fer my latest invention!” Junior turned the gift over in his hands and got ready to tear it open before Puphead grabbed his hands and stopped him. “What?” Puphead could only give him a look, and point to the tag on the present. “It ain’t mine? So what? What’ve dese people ever done fer us? Wes doin’ ‘em a favah, and they don’t even know it! It’s just one gift, they won’t even know it’s missin’!” Puphead gave Junior a huffy pout, and pointed to the dirty old ragdoll next to the plate of milk and cookies. “Dirty doll? So what?” Puphead pointed to the doll again, then to the military hat that hung on the wall with pride. Junior froze when he saw the hat. Dad was in the Great War... Always talked to Nana about how many times he’d see families torn apart on the battlefield, regardless of what day it was, when they thought he was asleep. Beside the hat was a photo of a soldier, with some sort of telegram message inside the picture frame. Junior didn’t need to read it to know what it said. He suddenly felt sick with guilt. 
With a reluctant sigh, the chick set the present down underneath the tree, easing the pain of his guilt, as well as earning a pat on the shoulder from Puphead.  “Who are you?” A little dog girl in a pink nightgown asked, peeking from behind the corner. “Are you taking our presents?” Puphead waved his arms ‘no,’ and Junior just stared, quickly thinking of how to answer her. “Nope. We just someah Santa’s helpers.” “Where’s Santa?” “Mainland. Since Inkwell’s so small, he just has a few folks like us delivering gifts.” “...I thought Santa had elves.” “Da elves make da toys, we just transport ‘em.” Junior lied, placing another gift under the tree. “Was dere somethin’ datchya needed? We’re only supposed ta come when yer sleepin’.” “Oh...um...I think I left my dolly when I was setting up the milk and cookies.” Junior felt bad for the kid. Probably didn’t even know that relative in the picture. The chick crawled over to the doll, grabbed it, then walked over to the little girl. “Here. Just get ta bed, so we can get back ta work. And tell no one ya saw us, okay?” The dog smiled as her tail wagged in her jammies behind her. She took the doll and nodded. “Okay. Thank you for what you do. I hope Santa makes sure your Christmas is as magical as you make everyone else’s!” Something about that just made Junior feel...happy. No, he wasn’t getting anything more than a magic bag out of this, but just seeing the little girl smile made him feel like he’d been praised for a great accomplishment. “Yeah, well, Merry Christmas, kid.” “Merry Christmas!” She whispered, and quietly dashed back upstairs with her doll. 
Junior turned around and looked back at Puphead, who gave him a happy, yet smug look.  “What? Don’ think much about it! I just wanted da twit outta our feathers! Get movin’ we gots work ta do!”
After what felt like hours of work, the four went back to the carnival and landed. “Junior, you guys got Nancy Nightingale?” “Yup!” “Cup, you went through every apartment in Sally Stageplay’s apartment complex!” “It wasn’t as complicated as the name made it sound!” Mugman snorted at that. “Anybody happen to get Logan Rhythm or Debbie Doll?” “I got Logan!” Cuphead exclaimed, raising his hand, “Puphead n’ I got Debbie!” Mugman crossed off two more names. “Guys! We did it! That’s everyone on Inkwell before two AM!” “Yahoo!!” Cuphead cheered as Puphead jumped in excitement. “Great. Merry Christmas.” Junior grumbled, trying not to appear as happy as he was feeling. “Puphead, ‘m tired, let’s go home!” Puphead nodded, and walked walked back to Wally’s house with Junior as he waved the brothers good night. “Merry Christmas Junior!” Mugman called. “Merry Christmas Puphead!”
As the two boys snuck past a sleeping Wally, they went back to the spot on the floor that they’d been sleeping on, and went back to sleep.
In the morning, Puphead suddenly shook Junior awake with an intense excitement. “What? What is it?!” Junior grumbled, trying to sleep in again. Puphead continued to shake and pull the blankets off his friend to try and wake him. “Pup, we already saw what was under there, what’s the point in--” Puphead suddenly pulled Junior to sit upright, and pointed to the room with all the presents. “What?!” Junior stood, rubbing his eyes as Puphead pulled him along. When they entered the Christmas room, the whole area had almost completely changed. There were more decorations than there had ever been, and the tree almost seemed bigger and brighter! What’s more, there were more gifts under the tree than there had been when Cuphead and Mugman came.  “What is dis?!” Puphead quickly found a note and gave it to Junior to read. “A letter?” The chick opened the note and began reading out loud for Puphead.
“Dear Wally Jr. and Puphead,
You two certainly made for some fine, unexpected help. Coming from the boy who attempts to capture me every year, and the little boy brought into this world not too long ago, you two did a very good thing for Inkwell.” As Junior read the note, the voice of Santa himself could be heard, as if he was speaking directly to the boys.
“Junior, despite your suspicions for the Kettle’s, you and Puphead gave them the benefit of the doubt, and joined forces to help make everyone else have a magical Christmas. You two are close friends, and very good influences on each other. Puphead, for someone so young, you already understand the meaning of Christmas, and helped Junior begin to understand it too. The world needs more selfless, kind, peaceful boys like you. And Junior, you have begun to understand that the meaning of Christmas doesn’t come from a store, and has no price tag. Christmas is not a time about getting things, but giving to others. You have experienced the joy in making others happy, and for that, you’ve proven that you truly belong on the nice list.
As thanks for the hard work you two did last night, I made another stop, and gave you a few extra presents. I hope that next year you two will be good enough that I am able to come back with more. Never lose that sense of joy that comes with making others happy. Merry Christmas.
Signed, Mr. C.”
“Wowza...” Junior breathed, before Puphead suddenly left his side to hug his father. “Mornin’ Pup!” Djimmi smiledl lifting his wooden son. “You two already up?! The alarm hasn’t even gone off!” Djimmi suddenly transformed into a rooster, and crowed loudly at the rising sun. “Now it has!” He said, looking out at the audience. “Merry Christmas, champ!” Wally smiled as Djimmi changed back to his normal form, and held Puphead in his arms once more. “Dad!!” Junior tossed the note aside and gave his dad a big hug. “Merry Christmas!”  “Looks like Santa was good to you boys this year.” Wally noted. Puphead nodded wildly until he eventually made himself dizzy, and fell into Djimmi’s chest. The ex-genie let out a hearty laugh.  “I guess someone’s excited for Christmas!” “Well, wadda we waitin’ fer?! Let’s open presents, Puphead!!” Junior cheered, diving head first into the pile of gifts left by the brothers and Santa. 
Djimmi set Puphead down as Nana flew onto her perch to watch the children’s joy. Junior tore into a small gift box wrapped in dark blue, and gasped in excitement. “No way!! Da fat man came trew aftah all!” The child beamed, dumping out two radio dials from the box and into his hand. Puphead pulled out a small box wrapped in blue-green, and tentatively opened the paper like he watched Junior do. He opened the small white box and pulled out a few layers of tissue paper before he eventually pulled out a small snow globe to be hung on the tree. The wooden child blinked in surprise and gave it a shake, watching the snow inside the glass. Two figures were on the other side, Junior and himself, each carrying a sack of toys together in their winter clothes, and at the base of the ornament, the words, “First Christmas 1934″ were etched in a golden cursive. Puphead’s eyes lit up with pure joy as he waved to Junior to show him. “Woah! But how--” That sneaky Santa... “Ah, who cares?! Merry Christmas pal! We should do dis again next year!!”
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X for cuphead
For the next hour, my muse is hooked up to a death machine. If five people send them an “O” first, they can go free. If five people send them an “X” first, they’re dead. The choice is yours~ (Accepting and extending because I got distracted by someone asking about an OC XD)
Cuphead froze when he heard the electricity start to power up on the chair.“Ha?”“Cuphead, what’s wrong?”“Th-th-the chair’s powering on!!”“What?! Uumm, d-don’t panic, alright? I-I’m gonna get you outta there, okay?!” Mugman adjusted his arm as he tried to slide forward to make enough room to snap his fingers properly. If he could shoot the leather straps holding Cuphead, then he could free his other hand, and then get him out! “J-just hold on!!” Unfortunately, Mugman’s restraints prevented him from moving around too much, so he couldn’t move his hand enough. Neither one of the boys noticed the panel flipping over.
Cuphead: O 2/5  X 3/5Mugman: O 1/5  X 0/5
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