#more animatronic saga short stories!
toribookworm22 · 1 year
Heads Up Seven Up
Thank you @vsnotresponding for the tag!
No pressure tagging: @firstofficerrose @kaiusvnoir @enchanted-lightning-aes @writeintrees @winterandwords @unstablewifiaccess & my open tag!!
I accidentally wrote a spin-off fic last night. Set in The Animatronic Saga universe. And, yes, it's my favorite boys again. I love them.
We're sitting on the loveseat in the living room, Tomas' lying between my legs, his head tipped back against my sternum. There was a movie on at some point-- I think-- but the screen's blacked out now. The only movement in the room is our fingers drawing shapes and nonsense on each other's skin, including the phallic shape Tomas has been repeating high up on my thigh. We'll have to get up eventually. Tomas will quite literally smother me with a pillow if I let him fall asleep on the couch again.  But not yet.  Our life is full of hard moments, with jagged edges and bloody middles, so the soft moments are never passed up without appreciation. 
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mollerupherbert58 · 3 months
Unraveling the Phenomenon: A Deep Dive into Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF)
In the vast landscape of video games, certain titles capture the imagination of players and leave an indelible mark on the industry. One such standout is the renowned horror franchise, Five Nights at Freddy's, or FNAF for short. Produced by Scott Cawthon, FNAF has turned into a cultural phenomenon, captivating players with its unique blend of suspense, lore, and iconic animatronic characters. In this website, we will explore the intricacies of FNAF, exploring its origins, gameplay mechanics, and the enduring appeal that continues to captivate fans worldwide.
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Origins and Gameplay Mechanics: Five Nights at Freddy's was initially released in 2014 being an indie horror game produced by Scott Cawthon. The game's premise centers around a fictional pizza restaurant called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where players assume the role of a night security guard. fnaf games is deceptively simple: survive the night time by monitoring the restaurant's security camera systems and doors while avoiding encounters with animatronic characters that come to life after hours. What sets FNAF aside from traditional horror games is its strategic gameplay mechanics. Players must manage limited resources such as for example power for the security cameras and doors, adding a layer of tension and strategic decision-making to their survival. The game's mechanics rely heavily on observation, pattern recognition, and quick reflexes. Failure to help keep a vigilant eye on the animatronics' movements can lead to a jump scare and ultimately lead to the player's demise. A Compelling Lore: Beyond its gameplay mechanics, FNAF has garnered immense praise because of its intricate and immersive lore. With each subsequent installment, Scott Cawthon masterfully expands the game's universe, revealing a captivating narrative which has left players theorizing and discussing the story's intricacies for years. The story of Five Nights at Freddy's unfolds gradually, through cryptic messages, newspaper clippings, and mini-games, often requiring players to patch together clues and connect the dots themselves. The lore encompasses a dark history of a haunted establishment, tragic incidents, and the mysterious possession of the animatronic characters. This narrative depth and focus on detail have sparked a passionate community of fans, with numerous theories, fan-made content, and even novel adaptations dedicated to unraveling the game's mysteries. Enduring Appeal: One of the reasons behind FNAF's continued success and longevity lies in its ability to utilize primal fears. The mix of jump scares, the uncanny nature of animatronics, and the sense of vulnerability evokes an adrenaline-fueled experience that resonates with horror enthusiasts. The game's minimalistic yet effective art style, along with a chilling soundscape, plays a part in the overall atmospheric tension. Furthermore, FNAF has benefited greatly from its interaction with the community. Scott Cawthon's engagement with fans, including regular updates, contests, and easter eggs, has fostered a solid bond between the creator and the player base. This sense of community, in conjunction with the constant anticipation for new game releases and revelations, has solidified FNAF's position as a pop culture phenomenon. Conclusion: Five Nights at Freddy's is without a doubt a unique and influential franchise which has left an indelible mark on the gaming industry. Through its distinctive gameplay mechanics, intricate lore, and continued community engagement, FNAF has carved out a particular invest the hearts of horror game enthusiasts. Scott Cawthon's creation serves as a testament to the power of independent game development and the enduring appeal of suspenseful storytelling. Because the FNAF saga continues to evolve, fans eagerly await the next thrilling installment, ready to unravel more of its chilling secrets.
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years
Some Miscellaneous FNAF + Don Bluth “Project” Headcanons (Part 1?)
Because this idea has been bouncing around in my noggin, here’s my attempt at thinking like a writer in the 90’s. Keep in mind, this is just me spitballing the ideas that have been swirling in my noggin for days now.
*If Don Bluth is anything to go by, fantastical stuff is a must. Sure, Sci-Fi’s a genre that’s been done in that style. But, if some of the lineup’s anything to go by, then it might lean more into the ‘90s Fantasy genre.
*So, I’m thinking like Narnia but with teleport machines that William and Henry built. Like, you slip into some hidden corner of on of their houses and it’s there. This… mirror-looking portal.
*Henry originally made this with the intention to play out potential Fredbear and Friends scenarios like a Star Trek-like Holo-Deck. But, unfortunately, William requested one for Evan so the little guy could get used to the animatronics indirectly. Evan and Charlie both got lost and um… Yeah, they’re stuck.
*Speaking of those kids, Evan went in first but got captured. Charlie was sent by William to get Evan back, but she became this project’s version of The Puppet. Needless to say, Henry wasn’t happy and William (understandably here) panicked. This was not part of the plan.
*Btw, the Nightmares weren’t originally in the system, but William might’ve accidentally “created” them while setting the machine up. Nightmare Bear probably is both the leader of that group and maaaaybe the over-arching Big Bad. Maybe.
*Anyway, let’s switch to somebody you might actually be curious about: Michael. Well… How he appears in this thing differs from story to story. At first, he’s the fox-masked teen we know and loathe/love. Next, after returning to the real world for a bit, he’s practically an adult. And then, after a tangle with Circus Baby/Elizabeth and her crew, he actually becomes Rockstar Foxy but with a stitched-up gash down his stomach. Idk why exactly on that last one at the moment, but I think it’s because his “avatar” of sorts had to be reconstructed.
*(Oh, yeah. I probably should’ve brought this up sooner. There’s time skips between each hypothetical… episode? Made-for-TV movie specials?… Whatever you wanna chalk this up to. Now, granted, it’s just time skips in the Holo-World and not in Real Life. Be weird to explain thirty-year irl time skips here.)
*Point is: Michael is our Main Man for, at least three of these after the FNAF 4 “pitch pilot”. Though I mentioned Nightmare as the overarching Big Bad, he’ll just be biding his time while the other Main Villains take the spotlight. He can wait for his grand finale.
*So, who are the villains we do see? Welp, we first have William as Spring-Bonnie. TL;DR on his deal is that he sent five random kids through the machine to test the waters, got trapped there himself as his own character, and kinda went stir-crazy after those kids locked him up somewhere. The only thing keeping him from not losing his marbles are his constant song and dance rehearsals… Which, in turn, render him completely unable to talk for the FNAF 3 section.
*Circus Baby/Elizabeth (and her gang). William, during the test run days, accidentally left the machine on one day. Liz stumbled across it while in the newfound Circus Baby’s mode, peeked in, then got scooped into it. She suffered the same fate as the five kids and quickly transformed into Circus Baby herself. Long story short, she’s been running a circus in Nightmare’s own backyard for quite a bit now. You can call her the ringleader of it, since she pretty much is.
*The overall main goals are (1) Freeing the Missing Kids/Afton and Emily Families, (2) Defeating Nightmare, and (3) Making Amends. [Maybe not in that order, but okay.]
*Oh, and the Shadow Animatronics? Henchmen for the Nightmares during this saga. Shadow Bonnie is a Dr. Frankenstein type while Shadow Freddy is a Spy for King Nightmare himself… Well, maybe on Shadow Freddy.
That’s all I’ve got so far. Sorry if this is a little stream-of-conscious-ish and rambling. I have so many ideas and too little brain cells to spill them all out in an orderly manner.
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gayteensupreme · 3 years
The Walten Files - A Love Letter to Classic Internet Horror and FNAF
The Walten Files is, in my opinion, an experience like no other. Although it is short, in that short space of time it manages to beautifully illustrate a horrifying tale of wrongdoings and regret, with some mystery thrown in for good measure.
Something I particularly enjoyed about the Walten Files was the format. Although a short YouTube saga doesn't seem like much, it makes the Walten Files two things:
1 - easy to view and accessible to many.
2 - A homage to classic internet horror.
In ye olden days of the internet, creepypasta was on anonymous forums. It was on Youtube videos, websites mysteriously springing up, etc. The Walten Files is if anything, a revival of the classic internet creepypasta format with it's own interesting tweaks that truly make it it's own.
This creation is also quite obviously inspired by Five Night's at Freddy's: It's about a restaurant with creepy animatronics haunted by murdered people. The comparison was even more apt in the Bon's Burger's video game, the origin of the Walten Files and had Jack Walten as very much a William Afton/Purple Man character.
It was later scrapped by the creator and instead made into the Walten Files. But I daresay the Walten Files is an upgrade from FNAF. It's got it's own interesting story which extends beyond the typical horror trope of a psychotic killer.
The main plot catalyst of the Walten Files is the deaths of Edd and Molly Walten at the hands of Felix Kranken. He agrees to look after them for Jack, and instead drives them home from a school event drunk, resulting in a crash that kills the children but spares himself.
Out of fear of the consequences and Jack's reaction, he buries the children and perhaps even murders Jack Walten, before taking over the Bon's Burger's restaurant.
Here, instead of a William Afton-esque "psycho killer" archetype, we have a man struggling with alcoholism, who causes the death of 2 children leaving him with a lifetime of guilt and regret. A horrifying thing is the unknown, but in some circumstances, even scarier is the known.
Lots of people struggle with alcohol. Many people drive drunk. In the right circumstances, those people could end up just like other guy. The Walten Files is at first horrifying because it is unknown, it's abstract, you're trying to piece it together, but when you finally
reach the end it is all too familiar, all too real. The haunted animatronics are in my opinion, only a secondary piece of the horror, a mechanism in which to better blend with the horror genre. Without that, it's a drama, but with only the animatronics, it would be a poor piece of horror.
Also, to my knowledge the creator of the Walten Files didn't donate to Trump, so he's got a one-up on Scott Cawthon already :P.
and sorry if this sucks its like 1AM and im probably sleep deprived enough for this to be fucked.
also big thanks to walten files for making the empty sound when a disc is done on my cd player scary /hj
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hopeymchope · 2 years
I don’t know what the DR team plans on doing... (if they’re planning on anything other than more fluff) but I just, and I know this is going to sound crazy but DO NOT want any more Non-fluff DR additions because I’m literally scared for Makoto and Kyoko. We saw what they did to them in future arc... I’m not sure how long our Lucky boy’s luck can last if they decide to pull something else. I just want them to be happy and I have SO much fear...
I'm pretty much with you on this. But of course, I have complex and very wordy thoughts. Lol.
Firstly: If they tried to do a direct sequel to the Hope's Peak Saga without Kodaka involved? I suppose we could just try to take the approach that "The original creator didn't do this, so it doesn't count." However, I'd really rather not have to deal with that. Even when I try to take that mentality, there are sometimes sequels that are so goddamn damaging and so fucking inescapable that it remains very hard to deal with their existence. *side-eyeing unnamed franchises*
Secondly: I admit that I often love the whole "The adventures continue" mentality of thinking that maybe they all went on to have additional brushes with danger in minor ways. Emphasis on "minor ways." A one-off short story where they have to deal with additional Despair loyalists or sub-remnants for a day? Sure. A fighting game between all the characters that takes place in a digital world? Sounds like fun.
But absolutely no more killing games. No more brushes with apocalyptic scenarios. I agree with you that they've absolutely earned their happy ending, and I think the "Hope's Peak Saga" should be left as-is.
Thirdly: They can still do more games in the main series without bothering you, me, or the 1/2/UDG/3 casts, though. Because V3 was an alternate universe scenario, and I think that's where they need to keep any major follow-up games. To me, that's how you do more "full" DR entries. And they've already gone there once, so it's low-hanging fruit!
I guess I might be ok with another killing game in the Hope's Peak universe if it involves zero of the surviving characters that we've previously met, but I'd still be scared that they'd wind up implying something super-damaging about the broader world therein. So why bother? I'd rather just stick to different universes. Hell, build up another AU over multiple games. Do something completely separate from the Hope's Peak world, and let it develop its own mythology.
Speculation/Brainstorming Time: Maybe the most talented young people in various fields of study within this new world are all invited to some kind of Talent Development Conference, and that's how you get a new collection of Ultimates in one place who've never met before. They get trapped in a high-rise hotel where they're staying for the conference, blah blah Monokuma something something murder. Who built the black-and-white animatronic bear? Definitely not the Towa Group; they don't exist. Who masterminded this killing game? Someone who has never heard of any "Junko Enoshima"; she doesn't exist. Totally new territory. That's what I want.
Maybe you don't even need "Ultimates"/SHSL people! Honestly, the DR3 Future Arc was a killing game full of grown-ass adults, so you don't even need the cast to be teenagers. Really, you just need a killing game with a decent cast who are forced into some kind of "trials" or other accusatory scenarios... and Monokuma shows up.
Details beyond those can be whatever you like. Get creative.
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Made a tier list of FNaF media!!! Not counting the activity book or the security survival log because those don’t really add anything, they’re just neat activities or summaries of game info
I explained the choices under the cut, equal parts personal bias and objective opinion, so if you think differently then hey, good on ya!
Going down to up XD
The Silver Eyes Graphic Novel: Do I even need to explain this one? Rushed art with countless mistakes, horrid coloring, samey designs, the important scenes come off as bland and even goofy instead of impactful. It’s clear Pinky wasn’t used to drawing humans, the colorist had no idea what they were doing, and no one on the team made a graphic novel before. It’s laughable how bad this was XD
The Fourth Closet: Does anyone really know what happened at the end? I... really don’t like what they did with Charlie in this one. I don’t like how William was able to get out of his Springtrap- it was SUPPOSED to trap him, and yet he just... is out of it... I think the whole thing with Baby being like this hot clown girl instead of what she is in Sister Location is very... ... it exists... Tbh I respect the bold direction it took, but I honestly felt it was too much of a stretch and just didn’t work.
FNaF AR, Special Delivery: Not bad! The character models and voice acting is where the game shines most. Other than that, there isn’t really much substantial to the game other than some lore with Vanny/Ness and Luis. The gameplay can get frustrating sometimes(I cant collect remnant, read my mail, or even work on my own animatronics without DING DONG SOMEONES HERE every 5 seconds), and all you do is spin in a circle until you get glitchy, look away if they get glitchy, or zap them when they run at you. Some people probably love this game and good on them for that, but I find myself not touching it for weeks at a time.
Freddy In Space 2: GREAT game for charity, great art, great music! ... That’s all it has going for it, though. It was clear that this was a quickly made game designed to be beaten in one sitting, and it did exactly what it needed to do! Other than being amazing how it was for charity, the game doesn’t have that much going for it(except introducing Lolzhax aka BEST ROBO), so overall not bad but also did almost nothing outside of being for the Charity Livestream XD
Fazbear Frights, Into The Pit: Again, not bad! A nice collection of short stories, almost like goofy campfire horror you’d tell to kids... like goosebumps! I felt each story was REALLY lacking in some areas, but I liked the general idea they were going for. That being said, they’re moreso neat scary stories with the name FNaF attached than anything else(except maybe the first of the three). It hints that they have an overarching plot that will be covered in future books, but as of right now, I feel no one’s missing out by not reading them.
FNaF 3: A satisfying end to the original trilogy story! Purple Guy gets justice, everything gets tied together with a neat bow, and the first arc in the series comes to an end. Also Springtrap, aka my favorite. This game is riddled with neat 8-bit minigames and bits of lore, but the gameplay itself is where I find it not as good as the S A and B tiers. The new setup with the system reboots are def really interesting, but other than that, each night is just... the same thing but harder. Most other games introduce different characters on different difficulties per night, but since Springtrap is the only deadly one, it’s just... him more aggressive each night and systems failing more often. Makes the gameplay pretty repetitive and frustrating after Night 3 or so.
FNaF 4: The beginning of what I like to call the Afton saga(4, SL, FFPS, UCN)! This is when the lore began to get REALLY good... and also really confusing. Props for it taking such a bold direction by taking place in a child’s bedroom instead of in an office with cameras, its a neat change of pace! That being said, the gameplay can get frustrating and there’s a high learning curve for needing to listen to each sound the anmatronics make. Also lore wise... there really isn’t much! Just mainly focuses on what happened to this poor kid. Also the box still being a loose end... yeah.
The Twisted Ones: I enjoyed this one! It had a very interesting direction that kinda kept me guessing on what was going on, and this is when Scott really started nailing in the foreshadowing for the reveal in TFC. The Twisted animatronics are SO cool, and the introduction of those little alteration chips provided new context to games like 4 and SL! That being said, I don’t remember it being... that memorable? I also didn’t like how Charlie’s and John’s relationship was... so awkward... It was neat, but honestly nothing to really go crazy over, in my opinion.
The Silver Eyes: Honestly, I adored this book when I read it back in 2016, before Sister Location happened. At the time I wasn’t trying to connect it to any lore, so it was really great just to see a sort of retelling of the FNaF story. A lot of people complained about how long it was... I might agree if I reread it but tbh it never bothered me before. It was delightfully creepy, yet had a simple plot and wasn’t NEARLY as out there as TTO and TFC. Especially TFC. I felt this book didnt need 2 sequels and would’ve been just fine on its own, but whatcha gonna do. Carlton is forever my fav, and it’s the first time we really learn about Henry AND it was the first time we got a name for our Purple Guy: William Afton!
Sister Location: I like this one for just how bold of a game it was. I’m also including SL’s Custom Night wrapped into this package. Jam packed with lore, our first (main) game with VOICE ACTING, and honestly the humor has no right being as good as it is. I love how this not only expanded on the crying child from 4′s story, but also gives us so much Elizabeth and Michael content. The gameplay has a lot of unbalanced features and feels a little too over the place at times, but I appreciate where it was going with it!
FNaF World: ... This one is pure personal bias. A lot of people don’t like it. I adore it. Honestly I love the cute overworld, I love beating up enemies as my favorite animatronics, I love the horror, nihilism, and lore shoved into this game alongside SO MUCH humor. Update 2 was nothing short of an absolute delight and... wait, no!!! FNaF World had our first voice acting!!! So many endings and nods to other games Scott’s made, a cool scene with Desk Man/Henry and Baby, just... muah. Good content. Also Scott 57 <3
Ultimate Custom Night: Name a better way to end the Afton Saga, I’ll wait. It’s so obvious how much time, thought, and care went into this one. I love how the game rewards you with funny cutscenes the higher scores you get, and I just! So much voice acting! I love how each preset- no, each character has their own moves so every time you do a certain mode, you need to learn to manage them all and get a good strategy. I like how it’s way more strategy and skill than the RNG that many previous games had. Also, Scott!!! You managed to put this into the LORE by making it William’s hell, MUAH, couldnt have done it better!!!
FNaF 2: This one might have bias for being the peak of the fandom, but it was one of the greatest times to be in that fandom. Freaking out over the trailers, theories galore, prequel vs sequel, and just... so good. 1 didn’t have much plot, 2 DID. 2 had more mechanics and strategy to it than 1, and gave us over twice as many characters! We finally got a “face” to our killer, Mr. Purple Man, and how could I ever complain about more Phone Guy~? This one also introduced the 8-bit minigames, which became a HUGE staple for the series! Perfect expansion of the first!
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator: The PERFECT blend of old and new gameplay. The salvage scenes are intense, the nights had a great balancing mechanic of juggling doing tasks while also avoiding animatronics, multiple endings, and a neat tycoon segment to give the player a breather... but with LORE!!! Midnight Motorist is easily one of the best tracks in the series. Also has a GREAT canonical ending, when(with paired with UCN), ties the plots of 1-6 SO nicely with a neat bow. 
FNaF 1: Okay. From a personal and gameplay standpoint, I was going to put this much lower. Like B or C. That being said... this has to go in S. Yes, it has the least lore and arguably the worst gameplay(too much RNG for 4/20 mode), but this was the game. I can’t even exaggerate when I say just how much FNaF changed not only the gaming community, but especially the horror and indie communities. So many names got big from this: Markiplier, Dawko, Game Theory, The Living Tombstone, DA Games, SCOTT HIMSELF, just to name a few!!! And to think, this was originally going to be Scott’s last game! FNaF changed gaming HISTORY, and I think that alone makes this title deserving of S.
FNaF VR, Help Wanted: Okay, personal bias time, but I truly think VR deserves this S. Seeing Glitchtrap for the first time incited a panic in me that I hadn’t felt since FNaF 1 and 2. You get FNaF 1-4 in one, all in VR, WONDERFUL character models that you can WATCH MOVE!!! SO many minigames and fun challenges to play, so many neat knickknacks to collect, the Halloween update is FANTASTIC. The introduction of some great characters, such as: Glitchtrap, Vanny, Tape Girl, Dreadbear, Grim Foxy, etc!!! There’s also just- something so nice about being able to see every office and the pizzeria in 3D spaces where you can look around! Just from a gameplay and environment standpoint, this was an AMAZING addition and deserves the S.
... Thanks for listening to me ramble XD If you disagree... then good for you! I won’t fight anyone on this, I’m aware that this is a lot of personal bias. But if you made it this far... thanks for hearing me ramble!!!!
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Six Shots OC: Iris Ravencroft
[Here’s another OC. Not anyone super major or plot-important as far as I know, but she’s gonna exist within the world.]
Other Six Shots OCs
The Thief and the Samurai OCs
Iris Ravencroft is a prolific actress, singer, songwriter, and entertainer, having an extensive filmography despite only being 33 years old. This is mostly because despite her reputation and clout that she has cultivated over the years, she has never shyed away from the projects that made her famous: B-movie schlock. 
Born in London in 1986, Iris grew up absolutely despising Margaret Thatcher and her dictatorial command of Britain, much like her parents. When she was 11, she moved with her parents to the United States, and shortly after her move she began to develop her powers. 
At the age of 19, Iris auditioned for a role in a B-grade swords and sorcery fantasy film, and after a positive audition was given the lead role. This would eventually springboard into launching her career.The series, known as The Journeys of Arya Mournbalde, centered on the eponymous Arya Mournblade, a wandering warrior woman in the fantasy land of Urgonn. The following films were made.
The Lair of the Serpent King: Arya goes to stop a strange cult that wishes to ressurect an ancient and powerful serpent god. Despite its low budget, it managed to win over audiences with the cheesy script and solid special effects for the budget. 
Hellfire of Dagoth: Arya faces an evil warlock bent on releasing demons from Hell. Here it was noted Iris' acting was greatly improved, and the plot was tighter and more original. Dagoth is widely regarded as the least interesting villain in the series in terms of characterization and motivation. His actor, Gordon Brand, makes a valiant effort to make up for it by chewing the scenery, but to no avail in the eyes of the fans. However, Iris' better acting combined with the better effects and a decent supporting cast, including a beliguered henchman played by Don Sleeter and Tonya Reeba as a sensual bard, helped to make this a well-liked movie.
The Ebony Tower: An evil overlord wages war on the land from atop a mighty tower, which Arya promises to scale, not knowing all the dangers inside. This one was the first critical darling of the series, gaining good reviews from critics and audiences alike. A big help was getting Richard Bogart of the Dick Kicker: Private Eye series to play the villainous overlord Celsior, who is widely regarded as being the best antagonist of the series. The clear inspiration from kung-fu movies combined with the tightest plot to date and a cast of colorful oneshot assassins populating the titular tower led to this movie getting great reviews.
Starchild of Avalor: Beings from beyond the stars beg Arya to help them stop a coming invasion which threatens to wipe out all life on Earth. This is widely regarded as the lowest point in the series. The addition of UFOs and sci-fi elements really soured a lot of fans, with them finding it did not mesh well with the series. However, it is widely agreed the villain, Xendru the Conqueror (played by Orson Merkins) is one of the most fun villains the franchise had to offer. The special effects in this movie were shockingly subpar, and the story was rather confused in a lot of parts. Still, the fun villain as well as Iris' seasoned acting did end up being praised, and the movie does have a small cult following WITHIN the cult following, with most fans viewing it as a "So bad it's good" movie.
With Strange Eons: Arya must fight against the apocalypse as the Great Old Ones are awakened from their eternal slumber. This movie is the second film in the franchise to win great praise from both audiences and critics alike, and is widely hailed as a swords and sorcery classic. Iris is at the top of her game, and the story is excellent and finely woven, with the Lovecraftian influence working wonders after the divisive use of aliens. It helps eldritch horrors mesh better with fantasy settings than UFOs. The villains Ktulu, Yargog, Nephilethet, and Azeroth are some of the most frightening special effects the series had ever achieved, using all sorts of techniques from animatronics to stop-motion to bring the monsters to life. The film ends with Arya dying while sealing the Great Old Ones away forever, with Arya becoming a legend on Earth and having a constellation put in the sky, with the strong implication the gods granted her some form of divinity so she may watch over Earth for all time. It is widely considered the best film in the franchise.
Outside of those films, Iris has also starred in other movies, such as;
Marked in the Stars saga: An ongoing science fantasy space opera that many consider to be a succesor to Star Wars. Iris portrays the main villain, Empress Verisi Atrocitus, who seeks out powerful alien artifacts so that she may ascend to godhood and rewrite the universe in her image. 
The Crusade: Iris plays a young woman who hunts down the serial killer who murdered her friends and family at her birthday when she was a child.
Walk Like an Egyptian: Iris plays a nurse who must travel to Egypt to face an evil mummy after it steals two infants from the maternity ward.
Her music career has produced many songs, including “Nightingale,” “Song for the Irish,” “The Hills of the Homeland,” “Bleeding,” and “Hell Hath No Fury.” She is well known for being something of a musical chameleon, easily adapting to many musical styles. She donates much of her money to Irish charities out of spite for her home country.
Her power is incredibly strong psychic abilities, including telekineses and telepathy. Her most powerful ability, and the one she is rather famous for, is something known as “The Snap.” With a snap of her fingers, she is capable of teleporting over short distances. She is very private about the max distance she is able to travel with this.
She is 5′7″, with lavender eyes and hair that is almost always dyed a vibrant color.
She is an outspoken critic of the British regime, and has outright called them fascists and comapred them to Nazis.
Margaret Thatcher has attempted to have her assassinated on numerous occasions. Said attempts always end in failure.
She is good friends with many other exiled British artists, including Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, and George Harrison.
She is well-liked in anime circles for singing the theme song to The Thief and the Samurai as well as for voicing Freya Darke.
She is a very big fan of H.P. Lovecraft, and was the one who suggested they implement elements of the Cthulhu Mythos into the Arya Mournblade series.
She has won one Oscar and three Grammys.
She is bisexual. 
She is a known advocate for suicide prevention and awareness about depression, as she has suffered from depression and lost a close friend to suicide when she was in high school.
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scifi4wifi · 6 years
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is like no other film before it.
I think that is the only statement I can make about the eighth episode in the Skywalker saga upon which everyone will be able to agree. Writer/director Rian Johnson, of 2012’s Looper, has crafted an expedition into mysteries of the Force and the fate of the galaxy that will leave fans debating for years to come, about both the questions it raises and the way it tells its story.
Personally, I loved it. Where does it fall on my ranking of Star Wars films? At the moment, I’d say that’s a bit like asking me to rank a cupcake on a list of favorite fruits; although delicious, it’s so different as to defy comparison. But this film is no dessert; this bittersweet epic has more substance than its 2015 predecessor, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, leaving my appetite more than whetted.
Okay, enough food metaphors…you’re hungry for details (sorry, last one). The Last Jedi delivers on Johnson’s promises of a character piece, which casts each member of its pantheon of protagonists (with legacy characters returning alongside the stars of The Force Awakens while three key new faces enter the fray) into a crucible of moral trial in ways we haven’t quite seen from Star Wars before. Where The Force Awakens was a fun romp but somewhat predictable, The Last Jedi  takes risks. The punchy dialogue, even more humorous and plentiful than The Force Awakens, pervades even the tensest scenes, but that’s not to say The Last Jedi lacks appropriate gravitas when necessary. Just ask the Disney security guard who had to ask the sobbing mess that was this writer if he was okay at the end of the screening. This film hurts, and it hurts so good.
NEW ADVENTURES ON STAR TOURS — In a new adventure inspired by the upcoming film, ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi,’ guests on Star Tours Ð The Adventures Continue at Disneyland Park and Disney’s Hollywood Studios will discover a thrilling new journey to the farthest reaches of space and find themselves in the middle of an epic battle on Crait. (Illustration: Disney Enterprises, Inc./Lucasfilm Ltd.)
Scene from Star Tours as the Star Speeder follows an Alliance Ski Speeder on an attack run against First Order forces.
Alliance speeders race across the mineral flats of Crait to attack First Order forces in this still from the Last Jedi trailer
Daisy Ridley (Rey) and Mark Hamill (Luke) in “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” – {image via Lucasfilm}
{image via Lucasfilm}
While the film is certainly well-written, it is the acting by the core cast that takes The Last Jedi to new heights. With heightened stakes for each of these characters, we get into their heads more and more. Supporting roles in the previous film, like Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron and Domhnall Gleeson’s General Hux, play more pivotal roles this time around, while our beloved late princess Carrie Fisher gives perhaps her strongest performance yet as a significantly more prominent General Leia Organa, at the helm of a Resistance not sure how to proceed without its Republic backing following the destruction of its capital during The Force Awakens. Equally responsible for the emotional weight of the film is Mark Hamill, returning as Luke Skywalker (visually and verbally this time). As the titular character, Hamill portrays a broken, troubled Luke Skywalker with beautiful nuance along every inch of his complex character arc.
Let me answer the ubiquitous question now: it is not a rehash of The Empire Strikes Back. Sure, trailers showed us Jedi training, speeders racing towards walkers, and other familiar visuals, but apart from scattered, momentary story beats, the similarities end there. Where it was said that The Force Awakens needed to revisit the 1977 original Star Wars: A New Hope’s Campbellian hero’s journey structure as a springboard from which to dive into a new story, we are now in the freefall, with all its flips and twists. The Last Jedi is as careful to preserve its mythic foundations as it is to break new ground, with characters taking unexpected but ultimately logical progressive steps towards the story’s stunning conclusion, upon which I can’t wait to see Episode IX, to be helmed by J.J. Abrams for a 2019 release, build.
I can, however, think of one area in which The Last Jedi fell short. As was the case with the Jakku wildlife in The Force Awakens, some creatures, including the porgs, are occasionally accomplished with practical effects where CGI might actually be more believable. I’m not sure if this is for nostalgia’s sake or to continue setting the film apart from Lucas’s prequel trilogy (I’m inclined to believe the former, as this film acknowledges its predecessors in dialogue more overtly than the last), but a questionable alien creature, accomplished via a practical effect, it would seem, actually broke my immersion during what, as written, should have been my favorite scene of the film, but could have passed for a high-end fan film were it not for the human cast. Regarding the porgs, the issues are infrequent, and I am still firmly #TeamPorg. The vulptices, crystal foxes featured in promotional material, are stunning nonetheless, perhaps the best creature effect of the entire film.
Where visuals may be lacking in terms of the animatronics, the stunning worlds of the film more than compensate, while keeping smooth the journeys between them. From the salt wastes of Crait, rich in whites and reds, to the verdant island temple of Ahch-To, to the warm corridors of the Resistance fleet and the stark halls of the First Order’s war machine, The Last Jedi makes certain we know exactly where we are at any point in the action, despite a steady flow of creative transitions and smash-cuts. This is, of course, underscored masterfully by an eighth virtuosic score by John Williams. While new themes are understandably less abundant than in The Force Awakens, it is new arrangements and experimentation with the most familiar themes that perhaps best represent The Last Jedi’s fusion of old and new.
I think it is safe to say that I adored The Last Jedi, despite a few flaws. I think it is also safe to say that the film will provoke much debate, including as to whether or not it broadens or shatters the definition of a Star Wars Episode, whether that’s a good thing or not, and whether Rian Johnson deserves the helm of a new Star Wars trilogy, such as he’s been granted. Not everyone will love such a strange, bold, risk-taking, new kind of Star Wars story. But I believe this discussion is to the credit of The Last Jedi, as while it would have been impossible to deliver the sequel to please everyone, it certainly delivers a fast-paced and engaging adventure that is, in the opinion of this writer, worthy of the Star Wars canon. Just go in with a mind as open as the maw of a sarlacc (pre-Special-Edition-beak), and heed the words of the last Jedi: “This is not going to go the way you think!”
Star Wars: The Last Jedi releases in theaters across the United States on Friday, December 15.
At Long Last, Our Review of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” Star Wars: The Last Jedi is like no other film before it. I think that is the only statement I can make about the eighth episode in the Skywalker saga upon which everyone will be able to agree.
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toribookworm22 · 1 year
Find The Word (×2)
Thank you @writeintrees & @arigalefantasynovels for the tag!
No pressure tagging: @gracebriarwoodwrites @harrison-abbott @vsnotresponding @bookmarks-reviews & my open tag!
Your words are: PERFUME, DIRE, BEAT, & FRACTURE.
My words were: noon, neat, nurture, and nose & lovely, frantic, hit, and manage. Excerpt origin listed under each. Hidden under the cut.
I tip my head forward so our lips just touch in what can barely be called a kiss.
Light trickles in from the window, late afternoon sunlight that makes the silver in his veins glow and burn. His lazily blinking eyes are alive with golden light, making him every bit as eternal on the outside as he is to me every single moment of every single day. When I pull away, he follows, leaning into another kiss.
- Animatronic Saga Short Story
“Do you have a calendar?”
Her head tilts to the side. I’m opening my mouth to tell her to forget it, but then she’s rolling her eyes again and pulling a 15-month flip calender from her bag, images of puppies staring up at me. “You doubt me. I’m offended.”
Flipping through, I find December-- a cocker spaniel in a Santa hat-- already filled in with her neat handwriting. December 16th is circled in red. The showcase. Probably the most important performance of the season and the cleanest time to fold back into the company. She’s right. (Of course.)
- Four Kinds Of Falling
What’d she wish for?
“She wished for a garden full of things green and growing and vibrant. A garden bursting with lives she could nurture and take care of.”
- Secondary Series
"You're staring." I refocus to find his tired fond eyes searching my own face. One of his hands finds the nape of my neck and tugs gently at the hair there until we're nose to nose. "Creeper."
I laugh, the sound loud as always, but he doesn't even flinch, just leans in and presses our swollen lips together. "Your creeper," I mumble when he pulls away.
He tugs my hair again. "Yeah."
- Animatronic Saga Short Story
I found a pair of scissors in one of the bathroom drawers. Of course, I look lovely. I’ve remade my own clothes a thousand times over because none of them fell quite right. Maybe the slit up my thigh, cut down the center of the square neck, and layered high collar underneath still aren’t. But they’re at least closer.
- Secondary Series
“Can you get onto your knees for me?” The nodding is more frantic now, followed by him trying to flip onto his stomach with me still on top of him. “Woah. Hold on. There’s no rush.”
- Animatronic Saga Short Story
Something snapped at my wrist and for one delicate moment, I just stared up into the most beautiful pair of eyes I’d ever seen, suspended, floating, flying.
Rrrip! And then I was falling falling falling
with no chance of ever hitting the bottom.
- Animatronic Saga
And like the American Dream, I get a basket with sticky handles. The balance required to stop for groceries on crutches is no small feat, nor is the fact that I manage to knock at least one item off of every shelf.
- Four Kinds Of Falling
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toribookworm22 · 1 year
Heads Up Seven Up
Thank you @cljordan-imperium for the tag!
No pressure tagging: @mschvs @regalserpent @xtakeitisisx @vytriesstories @ladywithalamp @lockejhaven & leaving my open tag!
Okay. This is from the middle of the same fic as the last one I posted. Set in The Animatronic Saga universe, featuring my loveliest boys.
"I just…" He shakes under my touch and I realize he's crying.  I wiggle my hands up under his arms so I can wrap him in a bear hug, tucking my face in close to his neck. "We're not murderers, Tomas. We're soldiers and killers, because that's what we've had to become to protect people. But we're not murderers. We're not murderers, darling." He cries for a few more minutes and I just whisper soft things into his ear. Soft things to counteract all these jagged edges and bloody middles that are always going to be a part of our life.
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toribookworm22 · 1 year
Find The Word (x2)
Thanks for the tag @words-after-midnight & @elizaellwrites!
No pressure tagging: @theimperiumchronicles @the-orangeauthor @gracebriarwoodwrites @magic-is-something-we-create @jlilycorbie & leaving my open tag!
Your words are: BLESS, SOUL, JAM, KEY, & WIND.
My words were camp, pure, love, best, and born & lonely, breaks, reply, town, and head. Almost everything is from The Animatronic Saga universe, but I will specify under each excerpt. Hidden under the cut.
“Look.” He’d hesitated. “Kid, this isn’t a summer camp. I get that you’re related to Key Stone and all, but you’re not special here. You’re probationary until you complete training and get an assignment.”
- Animatronic Saga short story
For miles around this huge Dump, this Mountain, browns and grays and glittering objects stretched in every direction. And beyond that? There was green, a pure, deep green unlike anything I’d ever seen before. Not like the morning fog, not like the sky, not sickly or deadly or acidic. At the horizon, right where the gray and green usually blended together, I couldn’t sworn I saw blue.
- other random story I'm working on :)
Revlos are not above attachments. We are a loving people after all. But this. This was a low blow and I knew it. You don't declare your love on a mission. It was probably in a rulebook somewhere. Blade should’ve known better. When had he ever seen me read?
- Animatronic Saga short story
Truthfully, he didn’t deserve my overwhelming mass of negative feelings, but it was easier to just hate him in lieu of dealing with my other issues. I was pretty much pulling a Maybelle. Not my best moment.
- Animatronic Saga
The day my sister was born, I thought I truly might set fire to the hospital. Of course, then I would’ve had to deal with my father complaining about all that ‘pesky paperwork’ that came with arson, and playing with matches wasn’t worth that. So the hospital was spared… For now.
- Animatronic Saga short story
They each answered with yes or of course or will do. It was then that I realised I was lonely. So utterly lonely. My mouth stayed shut. I had nothing to say to anyone.
- Animatronic Saga
“I didn’t break it.”
I knew this and she knew this, but it was still alarming to hear it said out loud. Because if she didn’t break it and they didn’t break it… then who did?
- Animatronic Saga
“Good,” I spit. “I hope she does hurt.”
He doesn’t reply. Maybe he can tell that I mean it.
- secondary series
This was probably my least favorite part of town, even though most of the town sucked. After all, this was where I’d let her go. This is where she’d left me.
- Animatronic Saga short story
“Hey. None of that, alright? Can’t have you disappearing on me.”
“Sorry,” I exhale.
“Don’t be.” I’m graced with a soft smile. “You just get lost in your head sometimes. And I don’t really want to be alone right now.”
- secondary series
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toribookworm22 · 1 year
--Writeblr Introduction Post--
I'm new to Tumblr, so I thought I'd do an intro!!
My name's Tori.
I love everything about writing, so please send me any questions in regard to mine or yours! I love giving tips and motivation! I will hype you up! MORAL SUPPORT!
Favorite color is teal/turquoise (more green than blue).
My library takes up most of my room, but I'm always looking for more books (recs welcome).
I'm a huge music lover and playlister.
I'm aro and ace-spec and am in love with the word queer.
Pronouns are she/her.
I started out in bad poetry and lyrics.
Novels are my favorite to write.
I also enjoy writing poetry, short stories, plays, and musicals.
I'm a huge sci-fi/fantasy nerd, so those are my favorite genres to write.
Current Projects:
The Animatronic Saga This is actually my completed sci-fi series (5 books). It's multi-POV and involves distant future technology, messy group dynamics, and drastically imperfect protagonists. I'm currently working on cover art and any final edits before I move into the publishing process (ahhhh!). I'm also working on an untitled secondary series that takes place 7 years later.
Brats! This is my musical project, for which my composer, of course, shares credit. It's about a military family of 8 that moves to NY right as the dad deploys. Based on reality. It focuses on the importance of family, especially between siblings and the mother-daughter relationship.
You Do Not Have To Apologize For Your Existence This is my first poetry collection. It's pretty much a love letter to myself with entries spanning about 5 years. I'm working on final editing and figuring out the publishing process while a friend of mine does art for the inside.
I'm, again, new to Tumblr, so I'm still learning, and please bear with me.
I'm an open ear to any writing rants.
I'm not scared to block people. Send all the hate you want, I guess, but I have neither the time nor room for it.
I'll send info on any of my projects, book recs, or playlists through specific asks. Careful. I may not shut up about it. :)
All my love,
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toribookworm22 · 1 year
Hello & Welcome!
My name's Tori and welcome to my: Digital Bookshelf!
Tumblr media
I love everything about writing, so please send me any questions in regard to mine or yours! I love giving tips and motivation! I will hype you up! MORAL SUPPORT! 🥰
My library takes up most of my room, but I'm always looking for more books (recs welcome).
I'm a huge music lover and playlister.
I'm aro and ace-spec and am in love with the word queer. 💚🤍🖤
Pronouns are she/her.
Animatronic Saga:
Shut Down - Book 1 of The Animatronic Saga is out now and available for purchase on Amazon. It is also active on Goodreads. A proper Project Intro is still in the works, but I've linked the reveal post, with links, below. Main Tags: #animatronic saga #shut down
More info & current projects below the cut.
All my love,
~ toribookworm ❤️
I started out in bad poetry and lyrics.
Novels are my favorite to write.
I also enjoy writing poetry, short stories, plays, and musicals.
Genre-wise, I tend to often fall under sci-fi & fantasy, though I certainly have my outliers.
Current Projects:
A world devastated by storms.
This is my sci-fi book trilogy that currently only lives in short story form. My little science loving heart takes a turn on meteorology of the future.
Main Tags: #stormwatcher #kib gree
Prinz Charming
A dark fairytale retelling.
This is short story that I am currently turning into a novel. It is a mashup of fairytales twisted into an even darker form where there are no happy endings.
Main Tags: #prinz charming #dark fairytale retelling #malkaline
Four Kinds of Falling
A step. A slip. A trip. A stump.
This is my only straight-up romance novel-- funnily enough also a queer romance. Combining my love for dance with two stubborn boys, what could go wrong?
Main Tags: #four kinds of falling #4kof
My Secondary Series
7 years later...
I can't say much about this one. Considering that it's actually the spin-off secondary series of The Animatronic Saga. But there is, of course, always more story to tell.
Main Tags: #secondary series
You Do Not Have To Apologize For Your Existence
Love letters to my younger self.
This is my first poetry collection. It's currently in editing and waiting for final illustrations before moving into publishing.
Main Tags: None currently, but
#poetry #my poetry #poem for other works.
1 mom. 6 six kids. All military family.
This is my most put together musical idea. While it hasn't been messed with in awhile, it lives very close to my heart and will eventually be worked on again.
Main Tags: #brats!
Tag System:
I go a little... tag crazy sometimes. So to make this as easy as possible for everyone:
Writing Tags:
#writeblr #writers of tumblr #writing motivation #writing positivity #writing advice #writing resources #writing prompt #dialogue prompt #writing tag game
Other Tags:
#sweet asks #my asks #not mine but i wish it was #queer #aro #aromantic #aro week #more art blogs #music lover #chronic playlister #on loop #artist deep dive #tag game
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toribookworm22 · 5 months
Find The Word (×2)
Thank you @the-stray-storyteller & @authoralexharvey !
No pressure tagging: @lavender-lotion @authorlaurawinter @winterandwords @writeintrees & my open tag!
Your words are: BABE, JOY, & CANCEL
My words were: vice, brutal, rain, nerves, and hollow & blue, music, puddle, gas, and cloak. All excerpts from The Animatronic Saga or my secondary series. Hidden under the cut.
May looks up to the boys-- more people she’s let right back in and vice versa-- and smiles softly. It’s still disconcerting to see her do anything even remotely soft.
The sun was brutal today, but the stares from the pavilion were worse, so we followed the path until we found a decently flat rock to eat on. We were on the edge of the island, a sheer story or two drop-off beneath us.
I watched the sky for minutes, or hours maybe. I wanted it to rain. It never rained here and I longed for water droplets collecting on my skin and in my hair. My arm was going numb, from my fingertips to my shoulder, and the logical part of my mind knew I needed to move. But I wanted it to rain.
Nerves & Hollow
On the other side of the stone, back in the compound, it would have been easy to dismiss everything that had just happened as a dream. But my hands were still tingling, an unprecedented strength in my nerves. And Jade, who’d seemed so washed out and hollow the days before, was filled with new-found energy, her hair streaked with dust that had been settled for decades. “How did you know to do that?”
The kind of forced that’s necessary when the guy you’ve slept with twice walks up to you at a party looking like the pale blue frosting on a daydream and you stare into his quite lovely eyes and. you. can’t. remember. his. name.
“No. I don’t regret that.”
Saying nothing, Esme just nods. I wonder, briefly, if she’s disappointed with my response. “Well, I’m going to see if we can get some music playing before I have to hear the fifth rotation of the only songs he seems to know. Enjoy your lemonade.”
Electricity had raced from her body to his, sending out a shock wave so far that I was blasted onto my back. Sparks had jumped to and fro on each hair on my skin until I thought I would dissolve, melt into a puddle and die.
I found myself staring at the stars in silence. Had there always been so many of them? What terrible things had the great balls of gas witnessed from billions of miles away? Did they even know we existed?
Her short hair was pinned up with gems and feathers, giving her the appearance of some long-forgotten royalty. A simple white dress cut to her calves met the top of a pair of worn brown boots. Around her shoulders hung a cloak that almost gave her the illusion of a pair of wings. “You look good,” I repeated.
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toribookworm22 · 10 months
Find The Word (×2)
Thank you @the-stray-storyteller & @oh-no-another-idea
No pressure tagging: @sam-glade @writeintrees @illyriashade56 @writernopal & leaving my open tag!
Your words are: SUBDUE, FATE, TOLD, & BELIEVE.
My words were: reminiscence, bloodshed, pout, twisted, and canines & lavender, lift, love, and late. Excerpt origin labelled under each piece. Hidden under the cut.
Reminiscence Reminiscent
<low buzzing starts up>
<a beep reminiscent of an old computer chimes>
TECH Please wait. Powering up.
<buzzing intensifies>
<silence then three sharp clicks>
TECH Welcome to Supplemental Education, program courtesy of StormWatcher Prep. Please insert credentials.
- StormWatcher Podcast Episode
Bloodshed Blood
Someone pulled me up and I didn’t even have the strength to fight Edward’s embrace. He was shaking and there was blood staining his jumpsuit, but he was warm and strong and even though I didn’t take it, I could feel the electricity buzzing under his skin like a lullaby.
- Animatronic Saga
"Nooo," I groan. "Five more minutes."
"That's what you said last time. And then we were an hour late and I think Lu almost disowned us." He rolls over, forcing me to pull away but not tossing my arm off yet. "She might not let me be her maid of honor if we keep this up," he pouts, sticking out his bottom lip for emphasis.
I lean in to kiss it. "Screw Lu. You can be my maid of honor."
- Animatronic Saga Short Story
But neither my twin nor my baby brother could see me, because they no longer had seeing eyes. Instead, orbs of pure blackness filled their eye sockets and if they saw anything at all, it was surely as vile and twisted as what I saw.
I always woke up as their cold hands latched onto my arms.
- Animatronic Saga Short Story
“It’ll be a good day when Insignia’s gone from this world and the next forever.”
Her smile was wide enough to show her canines, bared and sparkling and ready for their prey. “On that, we can agree.”
- Animatronic Saga
What should’ve been a laugh echoed from inside the cell and we both turned to look at the faded lavender of a woman leaning deliriously on the glass. “I should’ve known.”
- Animatronic Saga
“Don’t worry. These rooms have seen worse.”
While I don’t like the sound of that, nor the nonchalance with which he says it, I’m stopped from arguing by his hands gripping at my hips and lifting me off the counter. “Whoa!”
He chuckles and sets me onto my one good leg. “Don’t get pissy. Not everyone can be average height, now can we?”
- Secondary Series
No one tells you that love is beautiful but that is what makes it so dangerous. No one tells you that love is thorned and daggered. No one tells you that love destroys you.
- Animatronic Saga
“You never asked why I was late.”
And I didn’t. I won’t.
Because I don’t want to know.
“Can’t be late if there’s not a plan,” I say instead, my voice biting when I don’t mean it.
- Secondary Series
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toribookworm22 · 1 year
Find The Word
Thank you @drabbleitout for tagging me!
I'm sending this forward to @bittenthehand @lividdreamz @ashen-crest @italiangothicwriteblr @maplewrites
Of course, and as always, no pressure to play and to anyone not tagged, take this as your honorary tag and join in if you'd like!
Your new words are: broken, lore, suffocate, greatly, & justice.
My words were weave, wrong, safe, & strict and my finds are located under the cut.
Happy finding!
So I wasn't able to find to find all my words in one book, let alone one series. So all of these are set in the same Animatronic Saga universe and storyset, but span decades between some of them and are completely unrelated. Yeah.
Weave (from short story What Do You Need):
All I want to do is pull him into my arms and promise never to let another thing in this world or the next ever hurt him again. Instead, I interlock our fingers and bring them to my mouth, gently kissing each of his knuckles. "'M so sorry. I'm so sorry, sweetie."
But he's crying now and trying to pretend that he's not and that hurts worse than anything. So I let go of him and push myself up against the headboard so I'm sitting up and I take him into my arms. He comes willingly. He falls apart against my chest, fingertips braced against my back like I'm holding him together and I wish more than anything that I could.
After some time, he calms down enough to sink lower on my chest, pressing his ear to my heart. I weave my fingers into his hair. "Okay, darling?"
Wrong (from untitled secondary series):
Something’s wrong.
Regardless of the fact that he hasn’t let me see him all day, I would know immediately that something is wrong by the way he tries to save me simply with his eyes.
Safe (from untitled secondary series):
But that was all back in the days when I still tried to picture what Javon looked like when he died and went to sleep imagining what he’d say if I took out both Maybelle and Emerson for what they did to us. Those were the days I dreamed about Jybn and Pearl and woke up screaming before I learned to be quiet. So no. I didn’t know I was safe. I didn’t know if I was ever going to be safe. So I just told her, “I’ll pack you one, too.”
Strict(ly) (from short story Strictly Platonic):
“I love you S.P, Freddie.”
S.P. stood for strictly platonically, a sort of joke we’d taken on in response to 15 years of living together, yet never dating or being romantically involved. Mostly, it was just our way of messing with people.
“I love you S.P., too, Nik.”
(That one is really old and I don't particularly love the verbiage anymore, but it was the only time I could find the word.)
Also, maybe one day I'll use a story outside of the Animatronic Saga, but apparently not today.
Thanks for reading!
All my love,
~ toribookworm
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