mitikovacs · 4 years
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The man who does his job precisely as he would do it if he owed the business may see the day when he will own that business or a better one.   The best-managed companies are those in which management creates opportunities for employees to own a piece of the business through various types of stock-ownership programs. Management has found that when individual employees are also owners, they are more loyal, more creative, and more cost-conscious. They also work harder and are more responsive to customers. If you have the opportunity to participate in employee stock program, do so. If possible, extend the same opportunity to your employees. If such programs are not available to you, conduct yourself as though you were already an owner, and sooner or later you will be. It is inevitable that when you think like an owner, you will eventually become one. Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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Those who do no more than they are paid for have no real basis for requesting more pay because they are already getting all they deserve to earn. If you look around you, it will be apparent that there are two types of people in the world: There are those who say, "When this company decides to pay me what I'm worth, then I will do what they want me to do." The second is the person who says, "I'm going to be the best I can be because that's the kind of person I am. I also know if I consistently give more than expected, I will eventually be rewarded for my efforts." It is easy to see that the positive person contributes most to the organisation. Yet, very few people are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve success. Make sure you're a member of the group.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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The richest persons are those who give most in service to others. Financial wealth is only one measure of success. The truly happy and successful individual is the man or woman who is healthy, financially secure, challenged in his or her career, and is making a difference in the lives of others. It isn't always easy to render service to others. The world is a cynical and dangerous place where others are likely to mistrust your motives. They can be convinced only by consistent, sustained, outstanding service that is enthusiastically will come to accept your willingness to go extra mile if you are sincere in your offers of assistance and in the service you provide.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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The richest persons are those who give most in service to others. Financial wealth is only one measure of success. The truly happy and successful individual is the man or woman who is healthy, financially secure, challenged in his or her career, and is making a difference in the lives of others. It isn't always easy to render service to others. The world is a cynical and dangerous place where others are likely to mistrust your motives. They can be convinced only by consistent, sustained, outstanding service that is enthusiastically will come to accept your willingness to go extra mile if you are sincere in your offers of assistance and in the service you provide.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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The richest persons are those who give most in service to others. Financial wealth is only one measure of success. The truly happy and successful individual is the man or woman who is healthy, financially secure, challenged in his or her career, and is making a difference in the lives of others. It isn't always easy to render service to others. The world is a cynical and dangerous place where others are likely to mistrust your motives. They can be convinced only by consistent, sustained, outstanding service that is enthusiastically will come to accept your willingness to go extra mile if you are sincere in your offers of assistance and in the service you provide.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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You cannot make all people like you, but you can rob them of a sound reason for disliking you.   Even the most popular people have their detractors. Because we are all different, with differing interest and personalities, it is simple impossible for anyone to be beloved by every individual who knows him or her. If your mission in life is to make everyone like you, great disappointment is in store. But if you are always kind and considerate in your dealings with others, they may not like you, but it will be impossible for them to dislike you.   You can cement your relationships with others by making sure that you are a person of character, one who is predictably honest, straightforward, and ethical. When you follow such a code of conduct, you maybe not be sought out by others who do not share your values, but you will be respected by all who do not share your values, but will be respected by all who know you . And in the end, self-respect will mean far more to you than mere popularity.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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Remember that every time you go the extra mile, your place someone under obligation to you.   When you do something to or for another, whether your deeds are good or bad, people feel compelled to "retaliate" in kind. If you are a kind and decent person, you can expect to be treated well in return. If you use others for your own language without giving anything in return, you will soon find that they have little use for you. People like working for and with positive, considerate people. Start now to develop the habit of going the extra mile.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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Don't blame children who are bad. Blame those who failed to discipline them. Ralph Waldo Emerson once observed, "Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can." Although children doubtless do not recognise it at the time, they crave discipline, particularly during their formative years. Discipline defines boundaries for them, provides security, and is an active expression of a parent's love. Most important, it prepares them for the challenges of adulthood. If your childhood was less than perfect, you are in good company. Most of us have experienced difficulties at on time or another, and we all make mistakes from time to time. The good news is that while your environment as a child will have a profound influence upon the person you become, it is not the sole determinant. The person you choose to be is entirely up to you. Only you can decide who and what you will become in life.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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Don't blame children who are bad. Blame those who failed to discipline them. Ralph Waldo Emerson once observed, "Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can." Although children doubtless do not recognise it at the time, they crave discipline, particularly during their formative years. Discipline defines boundaries for them, provides security, and is an active expression of a parent's love. Most important, it prepares them for the challenges of adulthood. If your childhood was less than perfect, you are in good company. Most of us have experienced difficulties at on time or another, and we all make mistakes from time to time. The good news is that while your environment as a child will have a profound influence upon the person you become, it is not the sole determinant. The person you choose to be is entirely up to you. Only you can decide who and what you will become in life.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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Don't blame children who are bad. Blame those who failed to discipline them. Ralph Waldo Emerson once observed, "Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can." Although children doubtless do not recognise it at the time, they crave discipline, particularly during their formative years. Discipline defines boundaries for them, provides security, and is an active expression of a parent's love. Most important, it prepares them for the challenges of adulthood. If your childhood was less than perfect, you are in good company. Most of us have experienced difficulties at on time or another, and we all make mistakes from time to time. The good news is that while your environment as a child will have a profound influence upon the person you become, it is not the sole determinant. The person you choose to be is entirely up to you. Only you can decide who and what you will become in life.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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If you don't want your life to be "messed up," don't fool around with those who have messed up theirs.   It is peculiar of human relationships that is virtually impossible of one individual to have a lasting positive influence upon members of a group of negative thinkers. Usually, it works the other way around. You cannot maintain a positive, productive if you spend all time with negative people. Those who have wrecked their own lives (and usually blame their misfortune on others) are not the kind of people who will help you achieve success in your own life. Choose friends and associates carefully, and refrain from complaints about your job, your company, or any individual. Spend your time with positive, ambitious people who have a plan of their lives. You will find that their optimism is infectious.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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Isn't it peculiar that some people are so clever at inviting alibis and so dull at doing the job that would make alibis useless? If folks did their jobs with half the effort and creativity they waste in in a vain attempt to deceive others, they could achieve great success at anything. It is tempting at times to emulate those who seemingly get by without working very hard, but those who cheat the company by not doing what they are paid to do will eventually pay the price: their reputation. The value of a reputation for honesty and integrity is the difference between a career filled with promise and a life of failure.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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The one who tries to get something for nothing generally winds up getting nothing for something.   Those who think they can get by life without providing the same amount of value received will eventually find themselves working harder than ever to deceive others and receiving very little in return. Life has a funny way of evening the score. Spend your time on productive, positive efforts; give generously of your time and talents, and you will stand out from the great multitudes whose primary goal in life seems to be to get something for nothing.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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Drifting, without aim or purpose, is the first cause of failure. Without a plan of you life, it is easier to follow the course of least resistance, to go with the flow, to drift with the current with no particular destination in mind. Having a definite plan for your life greatly simplifies the process o making hundreds of daily decisions that affect your ultimate success.   When you know where you want to go, you can quickly decide if your actions are moving you toward your goal or away from it. Without definite, precise goals and a plan for their achievement, each decision must be considered in a vacuum.   Definiteness of purpose provides context and allows you to relate specific action to your overall plan.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
214/365 - 10000 Fail
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Edison failed 10000 times before perfection the incandescent electric lightbulb. Don't worry if you fail once. Arguably America's greatest inventor, Thomas Edison had an extraordinarily positive perception of life that greatly enhanced his ability as an inventor. When others might have been hopelessly discouraged after failing thousands of time in an attempt to develop an electric light, the great Edison simply viewed each unsuccessful experiment as the elimination of solution that wouldn't work, thereby moving him that much closer to successful solution. We could all take a lesson from Edison. Stories abound about inventors who quit trying and gave up too soon or miners who struck could just a few feet beyond where someone else quit digging.   There are few obstacles in life that will not succumb to consistent, sustained, intelligent, positive action. When you are discouraged after you've failed at something, remember Edison's 10000 failures before he arrived at the solution that forever changed the world.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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mitikovacs · 4 years
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If you cannot agree with others, you can at least refrain from quarrelling with them.   When you are involved in a dispute with someone else, it may be the only time doing nothing is better than doing something. There's a practical reason for this: Then you quarrel with others - even if you win the argument - you place a great deal of unnecessary stress upon yourself. It is impossible to maintain a Positive Mental Attitude when you allow negative emotions such as anger or hate to dominate your thoughts. No one can upset you or make you angry unless you allow them to do so. Instead of arguing with others, try asking nonthreatening questions: "Why do you feel this way?" "What have I done to make you angry?" "What can I do to help?" You may find that the entire situation has resulted from a simple misunderstanding that can be quickly rectified. Even if problems are more serious, your positive behaviour will go long way toward helping resolve them.   Peace&Love Miti Read the full article
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