#mistborn book one
underthetree845 · 8 months
Kelsier meeting Vin: Oh it’s adorable! Vin: Everyone will abandon you in the end. Kelsier: Oh it’s traumatized.
(I love them more than I can put into words)
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superlintball · 6 months
One of my absolute favorite things about the Mistborn series (era 1, specifically) is the bait-and-switch of the overarching plot.
Like, you go into it and you're like, "Yeah, okay. I'm reading one of the Big Fantasy Trilogies of the modern era. Hell yeah. What's this all about?"
And so you read. You get introduced to the characters, the magic system, and, most importantly, the central conflict: it's an assassination plot.
Clearly, the whole trilogy is going to be about finding a way to kill the god-emperor of the cruel and oppressive regime, and the final book will have them overthrow him and everything will Be Good.
"Of course that's what will happen," you think to yourself. "That's a pretty standard narrative structure."
So you keep reading.
But as you read the book, something doesn't feel right. The pacing seems... Off. Isn't this book moving too quickly?
And then, as you get around the second act of the book, it hits you all at once.
"Are they... Are they gonna successfully assassinate the Lord Ruler?? IN THE FIRST BOOK??"
It sure looks like it.
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 months
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@vinosscum introduced me to the first Mistborn book,
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redscrawl · 3 months
i think i took the Oreseur/Tensoon betrayal in WOA harder than anyone ever
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hamletthedane · 4 months
Fuck it. Have some Mistborn Series memes:
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Re-read The Final Empire this weekend and made some memes
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…more to come as soon as I finish TWOA
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mellkellyismyhero · 10 months
Spoilers for Tress of the Emerald Sea (this is a meme but it does spoil something)
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tbookblurbs · 2 months
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The Hero of Ages - Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn Era 1, #3)
5/5 - Satisfying conclusion, excellent discussions about faith, intensely vivid world-building
Spoilers below!!
This book deserves high praise for its commitment to the plotline alone. Many books (and tv series) that I've read(/watched) find themselves unwilling to commit to the ending that they've set themselves up for. As heartbreaking as it is, sometimes the events set in motion have to result in major character death and despair. Anything else would be unsatisfying.
I can still remember how I felt the first time I read HoA and even knowing the ending, you still feel this sense of dread. How can the characters survive this? How can you fight the end of the world? And yet because I was so used to seeing most of the main characters survive, I remained convinced until the end that Vin and Elend would make it, which makes their deaths all the more heartbreaking. The imagery of Sazed piecing their bodies back together and laying them in a bed of flowers makes me tear up every time.
On the topic of Sazed, I think the bait and switch of Vin or maybe even Elend as the Hero, only to have Sazed fulfill that role is a really earned and satisfying conclusion. It feels good to see that only Sazed could save the world and bring everything back to what it should have been because he's a scholar. Conflict and death couldn't resolve everything in the end.
The journal entries should have tipped me off, honestly. The first time, I thought that maybe Elend or Vin was writing them later on, old and able to look back on these times with more of a curious eye, or maybe that Sazed and the pair were creating it together. But now, reading this for the second time, the hints of Sazed were there the whole time. He's got such a distinctive voice and way of looking at the world.
From a pulled-back perspective, Sanderson is really good at writing the end of the world. I felt similarly reading the Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler (which everyone should read!) and that same sort of sadness and hopelessness bleeds through the page here. However, just like in Butler's work, there's this pervading sense of hope. It's desperate and crazy at times, but it's still there. And that's one of the things I really like about Sanderson's novels. He seems to really believe in the potential for people to be good and hopeful and trusting in one another, which I vastly prefer over the "all humans are evil" schtick that a lot of other authors have going (GRRM).
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swagspren · 1 year
Keystone to Sanderson healthy relationship is one party was illiterate when they met. Therefore, I feel it is my responsibility to let everyone know that Waxillium Ladrian cannot read
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut!
Submitter says: she is generally hyperactive and gets a lot of shame from not being able to finish things. Kind of stereotypical kid adhd character, but written pretty well so balanced out.
Mudkip says: Saw this while getting this image from her fandom wiki, felt very ADHD so figured I'd add it:
Lift doesn't usually decide to do things; she usually just does things. She takes challenges as they arise, goes places for no reason other than that she hasn't seen them before.
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titsthedamnseason · 3 months
for some reason trying to work out the timeline of these books is headache inducing to me it feels like rocket science
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Reading The Hero of Ages (Mistborn #3) and I feel like the Always Sunny in Philadelphia conspiracy board meme trying to figure out the little vignettes at the beginning of each chapter.
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shavynel · 1 year
I am a fucking artist.
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@girlgeniusevents Day Three: Jagerkin & Crossover
wayne just has absolute jäger energy.
in the middle of a fight he stops to shop clothes off the guy he defeated
he believes in hats
his relationship with hats is unmatchable
book 1 plot is he loses his hat and tries to get it back
he's undyingly loyal
eager for a fight
knows how to start a bar fight
brawler in an age where there's shooty things
thinks getting shot at is a form of affection
absolutely would go up to someone and say "nize hat" (and eat it off their head)
inspired by one of my favorite panels of girl genius.
oh, and if they weren't stick figures, wax would be pulling him back by his suspenders.
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gardenvarietycrafts · 7 months
Day 4
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Once again, I'm not quite done working on this for the night, but I put it on a longer cord to measure it before I got too much further, and it fits really well! I'm thinking around 11 more inches of the body before I start the ribbing, but we're definitely getting there. Around halfway through yarn ball #3, which based on meterage, puts me approximately a quarter to a third of the way done. So far I'm having a great time with it!
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redemptiionss · 1 month
Oh and I just finished reading Yumi and the Nightmare Painter and I'm going insane, it was so good. This was my first Sanderson book lol I'm going to have to read his other books too for sure
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iaerys · 3 months
just finished mistborn the final empire and... it's unclear to me how you guys kept going after this
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