#miryam and drakon
elucien · 11 months
i cannot believe i have to say this but what makes y’all think miryam is WHITE???? HELLO??????? her name can easily be Persian or Arab, she has BROWN SKIN????? her people were in a DESERT (Middle East coded once again???)?????? y’all need to be so fr I am so tired of y’all
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loonylooly · 9 months
if SJM is listening somewhere this is my contribution to the fandom
No joke, hearing the brief snippets that we got of them were some of the best parts of the books for me. It'd be so interesting, no?? We could go back to the multiple povs ToG had (because as we all know, i LOVE multiple perspectives) and have Miryam, Drakon, Nephelle, and Jurian be our POV characters (maybe some more too, Tog had 6 POVs i believe (Aelin, Aedion, Chaol, Dorian, Manon, Elide) so I see no reason why there couldn't be more POVs aside from the 4 named characters, but all good if it's just the 4) and it'll be so fun and extra points cause one of our main couples would be lesbiaaaaannnn
Anyways that's my proposal have a good day
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shallyne · 2 years
"You both endured enough that no one would blame you if you danced off into the sunset like Miryam and Drakon and never bothered with anything else again."
Acofas chapter 2
Pls do I can't take any more Feysand deaths 😭
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offtorivendell · 2 years
"... As I was."
A parallel between Vassa and Miryam - is Vassa already immortal?
Please don't share or screenshot this post without credit.
I know I'm not the only one who has wondered if the following passage suggests that Vassa is already Made, or immortal, in some way.
But Elain shook me off, heading back to the stairs. She said as she climbed the first steps, “I can hear her—crying.” I gripped the bottom post of the banister. “Who?” “Everyone thinks she’s dead.” Elain kept walking. “But she’s not. Only—different. Changed. As I was.” “Who,” I pushed. - ACOWAR, chapter 27
Coincidentally or not, it happens to parallel Feyre's thoughts about Miryam pretty well.
“Miryam died—a spear through her chest during that last battle at the sea,” Rhys explained. “She bled out while she was carried to safety. But Drakon knew of a sacred, hidden island where an object of great and terrible power had been concealed. An object made by the Cauldron itself, legend claimed. He brought her there, to Cretea—used the item to resurrect her, make her immortal. As you were Made, Feyre.” Amren had said it—months ago. That Miryam had been Made as I was. - ACOWAR, chapter 16
Does this mean that Miryam was Made similarly to Feyre, and Vassa like Elain and Nesta? Given Miryam was Made 500 years ago by "an object of great and terrible power," and Feyre was Made by each High Lord donating a kernel of their magic, not to mention Elain and Nesta were Made by a newly reassembled Cauldron, which was unlikely to be used for Vassa (though not impossible, of course), I'm not sure what to make of this parallel, and if it's meant to be taken so literally.
Could it just be that they are all Made, and so have immortal lifespans, whether their bodies are Fae or human? Or possibly have something to do with their powers? Could Vassa and Miryam be related to the Archeron sisters? Many of us have wondered about Vassa, but Miryam? It's a stretch, but she's half human, so who knows? Anything is possible.
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litnerdwrites · 15 days
Wanna know what's fucked up? At the end of ACOSF, Nesta still feels she has to earn Cassian's and her father's love.
The same father, who supposedly loved her since she was born, but still let her mother groom and abuse her for years without doing anything.
Nesta mentions Elain and Feyre being 'his princesses' or whatever, while she was 'her mother's creature'. Are you telling me he didn't give any hint in those years that he loved Nesta. Didn't console or try to help her? Didn't show her any love, ignoring her mother's abuse while doting on Elain and Feyre?
Yet he seemed all too ready to let them starve before getting off his ass and doing something. He failed Nesta in her early years, failed her again in her formative years, and somehow the IC thinks she's in the wrong for not wanting to visit his grave or talk about him?
Did she have to earn his protection from their mother too? Is that why he didn't do anything to protect Nesta? She hadn't earned it? After all of that, he gets a portrait and Nesta doesn't? Get the fuck out of here. He didn't love her at all, yet Feyre and the others act like she's the unreasonable one.
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biggestqiblifan · 5 months
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Only Rhys can pull it off.
I love the little banters in the book
People teasing Rhys is just so fun to read.
I need more of Miryam and Drakon appearing and poking fun at Rhys and the gang.
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thesistersarcheron · 2 years
“Elain can’t travel and grow like she wants to if she stays in the Night Court as a member of the Inner Circle!” Right, because the Inner Circle famously never travels anywhere.
Not within Prythian’s borders…
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Not for extended stretches of time…
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Not to the human lands…
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Not to the Fae lands on the continent…
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Not even to the human lands on the continent…
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I mean, it’s not like there’s a port just at Velaris’ shores, just in case someone can’t winnow and doesn’t have any other form of travel…
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No, the Night Court does not travel. Not for work, not for leisure, and especially not for frivolous things like shopping.
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No, the Night Court does not travel, not even when they are prisoners under extreme duress, and never simply because of a dream and a hunch.
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If Elain were to stay in the Night Court, she would be completely, utterly trapped and never manage to live her dream of sightseeing on the continent. /s
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now sjm where is my novella about the love story between miryam and drakon
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marylin4444 · 2 years
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Elain Archeron, Lucien Vanserra, Miryam, Drakon, Jurian
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
I have a request!
Can you write something where Cassian is tasked with “babysitting” Azriel’s very pregnant mate? Like she can’t be alone for medical reasons and Rhys really needs Azriel for something and Cass is the only one not busy? I just think it would be hilarious. 😂
Summary: Cassian's day doesn't go as planned.
A/n: this was so funny my baby anon 😭💀i love it so much❣️
Rhys's pov.
"I can't leave her here alone Rhys! You know how moody and clingy she's become these past few weeks. She has also become extremely excited. She can't sit still for more than an hour or so. She can't stay alone." Azriel ran a hand through his hair, tugging slightly as his anxiety built. "Hell, can you believe I found her trying to climb into our closet because she wanted to clean it the other day?"
"I know brother, and I wouldn't have asked you to come unless it was absolutely necessary. Keir is once again planning something, you know it. Your presence is needed."
Azriel sighed heavily, settling into one of the chairs in his brother's office. "Tell me again why I'm needed?"
"I want you to snoop around hewn city while I distract the court."
Azriel cursed. "And no one can stay with her? Because she will not be going to hewn city, no matter what."
Rhys contemplated for some time. He wished he didn't have to do this. He didn't want his brother to worry too much about his mate. But this trip to the hewn city was also important.
Mor was visiting Miryam and Drakon. She was not in Velaris. She was out of the question for taking care of Y/n.
Feyre and Amren would be coming along to hewn city. They couldn't help either.
Nesta had training with the Valkyries.
Rhys sighed. Nuala and Cerridwen would be spying g along with Azriel. Elain was on her trip across Prythian.
Just when Rhys was about to give up, the door to his office burst open and in stumbled Cassian. He grinned when he found both his brothers staring at him as he tried to regain some semblance of balance.
Rhys glanced at Azriel, a smile crawling onto his face.
Azriel's brows furrowed, and then his eyes widened with understanding. "No. No. Absolutely not."
Rhys's grin turned feline. "Come on brother, there's no other option."
"What are we talking about?" Cassian questioned as he dropped into the chair next to Azriel, the chair wobbling for a moment.
"Nothing much brother. Just discussing the oncoming trip to hewn city."
The next few moments went with Rhys explaining why they were going and who all were coming along.
Cassian heaved a relieved sigh when he realised that he was not accompanying them.
"Don't get too happy brother. Because you are free on that day, we were hoping you could stay with Y/n. Look after her.take care of her. She is nearing her delivery date and Az here is a little concerned."
"You want me to babysit her? That's alright! She is after all like my little sister. I can take care of her."
Azriel looked skeptical, but a little more persuasion was all that was needed for him to agree.
Now all they had to do was wait for the day.
Cassian's pov.
Y/n's lip quivered as she watched her mate get ready for his trip to hewn city. Cassian felt bad as he watched her. He wished he could comfort her, but didn't know how.
Azriel stood from where he was tying his boots while sitting on the couch, giving Y/n a soft smile. He walked up to her, cupping her face in both hands. "I'll be back soon, hmm?"
Y/n nodded, tears forming in her eyes. Azriel pulled her in for a hug, rubbing her back. Azriel glanced at Cassian, who simply stood there awkwardly, trying not to intrude. He grinned before pulling away from Y/n.
After Azriel was gone, Y/n turned to Cassian. He smiled at her.
"What do you want to do today sister?"
"I was hoping you'd bake with me."
Cassian blinked at her. "What?"
"You always say you have good skills in the kitchen. Bake with me."
Cassian, dumbfounded, simply nodded. He followed her into the kitchen, staring as she pulled out whatever was needed. "I'm thinking we can make cookies. What do you say?"
Y/n was quiet for a moment, then she pulled out a small stool from nearby and began climbing onto it. A panic gripped Cassian as he jolted into action. "What are you doing?! Get down!"
Y/n glanced at Cassian, confused. "I need to get the flour. It's up there."
"I'll get it for you." He gently tugged her down, his heart beating in his throat. "Cauldron, you scared me."
He reached up for the container, but he didn't realise how light it would be. He pulled it out, thinking it would be heavy, but it was lighter than expected. The container jerked in his hands, and then the lid flipped open.
Before he knew what happened, Cassian was covered in flour. He turned to a laughing Y/n, clutching at her swollen stomach and leaning against the counter nearby.
A Shadow floated next to her head, and she grinned at it. That was what made Cassian suspicious.
"Why was the lid open? Was it even open?" He questioned, shaking his head to try and get rid of the flour.
Y/n grinned. "Come on Cass. Can a female not have some fun with her brother?" She again glanced at the shadow. Cassian sighed.
"Is there anything else needed?"
"Where is it?"
She grinned, a twinkle in her eyes. "Above you."
Cassian was a second too late as he tried to step away. The egg cracked over his head, running down his face.
Cassian groaned. "Y/n. Please stop. This is not funny."
"It's funny to me." She laughed.
"Get out. I'll make the cookies. Go sit on the couch over there."
Y/n pouted, but at Cassian's glare, she sulked away.
Cassian sighed and set to cleaning.
When he walked out of the kitchen, he nearly dropped dead because of the fright he recieved.
There, near the fireplace, standing on a chair, was Y/n, dusting a shelf.
"Y/n. Can you please get down." He mumbled softly, trying not to scream in case he frightened her and she lost her balance.
She turned to him, a pleasant smile on her face. That smile faltered when she saw the expression on his face. "What is it?"
"Get down Y/n."
She grumbled but climbed down slowly.
"What is wrong with you?!" He burst out the moment she was on the ground.
Her lower lip wobbled, and Cassian immediately felt guilty. "What is wrong with you?"
Cassian dragged a hand down his face. "I'm sorry. You just scared me. You know it's not safe for you to be climbing on things around the house, right?"
"The chair isn't that high. And the house needs cleaning. Azzie hasn't been letting me do anything since I got pregnant. It's been irritating me."
Cassian pulled her in for a hug, cradling her head gently. "I know sister. But let's wait until after the babe's here to clean the house, yeah?"
She nodded, sniffing.
"I'm bored." She suddenly murmured, looking at him.
Cassian blinked. "Um... is there nothing you can do? We can play something. While sitting." He gave her a look, and she nodded innocently.
"We can play cards."
Cassian was on the verge of tears.
The two of them had played cards until the cookies were ready to eat, and after that Y/n had insisted he read to her. Apparently, Azriel always read to her when she was bored.
And Cassian, being the arrogant little prick he was, had wondered how hard it could be. Surely, a warrior who had conquered battlegrounds and men far stronger, one who was one of the best warrior prythian had seen in centuries, could read a book to his brothers wife?
Wrong. He could not read the book without wanting to crawl into a hole and never show his face again.
Y/n had insisted that he read the book she picked.
She sat munching and nibbling on the cookies he made as he struggled to get even one of the filthy words out of his mouth. Sure, he had done these things with Nesta, but reading of them in front of his someone... it felt like his soul was leaving his body.
All the while she remained oblivious to his plight.
Finally, when she took pity on him and told him to stop reading.
"I want to take a nap. Then we can cook dinner."
Cassian had never gotten rid of something in his hands faster.
She settled down on the couch, her head in his lap. He smiled softly when a sigh left her.
Then he asked her the question buzzing in his head. "Where did you get the book from?"
He phrased it casually, and thank the cauldron, she answered him without even a hint of suspicion.
"Oh, Nesta lent it to me."
Cassian's eyes practically bulged out of his head. "That's great."
Y/n hummed, already drifting off.
Cassian shook his head, smiling.
Azriel's pov.
He opened the door carefully, trying not to make any noise.
As he stepped in through the threshold, he found the home to be pitch black. His brows furrowed in confusion. Had Y/n not lit the faelights?
As he turned them on, his heart melted.
There on the couch, his brother and wife slept.
She was stretched out on the couch, her face relaxed. Her mouth was sightly parted.
Cassian was sprawled out on the armchair near the fireplace, his arms wrapped across his chest. His legs were stretched out, and he looked like he would slip off the couch any moment now.
Azriel slightly shook Cassian's shoulder, causing him to jerk awake.
He blearily blinked at Azriel, a crease between his brows. Then his eyes widened in relief, and he scrambled to stand.
"Thank the mother you are back." Cassian whispered, finally stable on his feet.
"Oh my. This female made me wonder if i needed more training. I'm so fucking tired." Cassian suddenly clutched at his back, groaning.
"What happened?" Azriel questioned, concerned.
"Don't ask, brother. Don't ask."
"Okay." Azriel made to turn away, and Cassian gaped ay him. With a small smile, Azriel turned back toward him.
"She took a nap in the afternoon. And then she was unstoppable. Creating trouble left and right. More so than Nyx."
Azriel chuckled. He glanced at his wife and mate. She looked so peaceful. Like she was the calmest person in prythian.
"I'll take my leave now." Cassian mumbled, stretching.
Azriel nodded. "I owe you one."
"Don't worry about it."
Cassian walked to Y/n, bending to press a kiss to her forehead before he left.
Azriel smiled. As much as Cassian complained, everyone knew he would do anything to make his family happy.
He was nice like that.
Y/n blinked her pretty eyes open, looking up at him through her lashes. "Hello Azzie."
"Hello my love. Let's get you to bed."
Y/n nodded, holding her arms out to him. "I think we should make a cake or something to thank Cassian for keeping me company today."
"That's a great idea." He spoke as he helped her stand.
"Tomorrow then?"
Azriel smiled at his mate. "Tomorrow."
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @lizziesfirstwife
Azriel taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings
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starsreminisce · 2 months
Azriel figured out that Elain is a seer, but you know what else he did with that?
Absolutely fucking nothing.
He didn't offer to find Vassa, even though he would know more about her whereabouts and her connections than Lucien.
No, wait, he did do something. He deterred Mor from going because of how dangerous it was.
But Lucien didn't.
Lucien actually stepped up and insisted that he goes. Insisted that he'll find her and hopefully bring back an army.
And he did.
He also brought back an army that Azriel couldn't find. He brought Drakon and Miryam with them on the day of the battle.
I don't give a shit if Azriel named her power when she has Lucien who followed through with her vision and succeeded.
And when Elain said that she needed to get reacquainted with her powers, Azriel again said and did nothing. Guess that's in line with all of his current plans with her. At least he's consistent.
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cactusboil · 7 days
“Rhysand has every right to be mad at Nesta for risking Prythian and giving away the mask!”
No he doesn’t actually🤭 He and all his stans are hypocrites if they think he does
Rhysand and Feyre decided on their own, without consulting ANY of the other high lords, to give away the cauldron to Miryam and Drakon because HE trusts them.
Nobody questions them
Nesta gives away the mask, without consulting anyone, to help Bryce win the war and indirectly save Prythian as well, because SHE trusts her.
Oh no but now SHE’S wrong.
She’s wrong for doing the same thing as rhysand and Feyre.
“But the cauldron isn’t as risky as the mask!” Then why hide it? Why would the HL’s go as far as raging wars for its possession?
“But Rhys doesnt know what Bryce’s intentions are!” Nor do the other HLs about Miryam and Drakon’s intentions!
Every argument pulled to justify Rice’s anger towards Nesta will always come back to this blatant hypocrisy displayed by both Rhysand and his stans.
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futurehunt · 3 months
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one of the few times we have azriel blatantly defying rhysand's orders. but why??
Who was on the northern flank?
"Jurian, Tamlin, and Beron still battered the Northern flank" - pg. 630
And who had just gone over there?
"Eris winnowed away - to warn his father, no doubt" - pg. 625
And how does Azriel know that?
"Rhys, where he stood now talking to Azriel and Eris...." right before Nesta warned them of the Cauldron gearing up for an attack- pg. 624
Anyway, after he flies off, we get 10 pages of every member of the IC standing around chit-chatting, talking about Vassa, joking with Miryam and Drakon, talking about Lucien, watching papa Archeron's ships arrive.
The situation is so dire that Azriel needs to charge off into battle but not dire enough that Rhysand, Cassian, Feyre, Amren, Mor, or anyone else needs to go help out for a bit :)
Azzy baby's instincts just needed to make him rush off and help his mate.
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shallyne · 1 year
A random headcanon or thought about any of the background characters in acotar? Like Alis or Jurian or someone else?
Alia def misses Feyre. They both kind of had that mother-daughter bond BUT they both didn't really allow themselves to dive more into it because, like it happened, they were scared to lose each other and just be left with ✨heartbreak✨
Jurian has insomnia. He was an eye for 500 years. He didn't sleep or breathe. Nightmares keep him awake but even if not, he can't sleep because sometimes he just doesn't know how
Miryam and Drakon and Feyre and Rhys do double dates. (they totally give the double date couples vibes)
Bryaxis loves sunflowers
The mercenary in acotar was some kind of seer. She's mortal, yes, but she had seer powers and I 100% believe she knew that Feyre would end up in Prythian
The Suriel fucked Stryga
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feyresdandelion · 1 month
eLrIeL iS tOo ClIChÉ
disclaimer 1: this post will contain spoilers for the pairings of every sjm book.
disclaimer 2: if I were to add every single couple sjm has written I would be here all day, so I will only add couples who are currently together (LoA and Beron), endgame (Aelin and Rowan), heavily implied to be endgame (Manon and Dorian) or where one of the people died (Aelin and Sam). I will not add couples that have broken up willingly or really secondary couples.
disclaimer 3: this post is anti gwynriel and elucien and pro elriel. It's also really long.
The argument that elriel is too cliché and cheesy due to the whole "3 brothers, 3 sisters" is so stupid to me. However, due to that part of the fandom and their unwillingness to think objectively, let's look at the statistics, shall we.
Here is a list of the sjm couples and their status as mates or not:
Aelin and Rowan - mates
Yrene and Chaol - humans, not mates
Manon and Dorian - we don't know, maybe
Elide and Lorcan - mates
Lysandra and Aedion - mates
Nesryn and Sartaq - humans, not mates
Elena and Gavin - mates
Aelin and Sam - broken up, not mates
Lyria and Rowan - broken up, not mates
Aedion's mom and Gavriel - heavily implied mates, maybe
Sorscha and Dorian - broken up, not mates
Asterin and the hunter - we don't know, maybe
Feyre and Rhys - mates
Nesta and Cassian - mates
Viviane and Kallias - mates
LoA and Beron - currently together, not mates
Jesminda and Lucien - broken up, not mates
Miryam and Drakon - mates
Amren and Varian - we don't know, maybe
Thesan and his lover - heavily implied mates, maybe
Rhys' mother and father - deceased, mates
Tamlin's mother and father - deceased, mates
Theia and Aidas - broken up, mates
Bryce and Hunt - mates
Lidia and Ruhn - mates
Danika and Baxian - broken up, mates
Sophie and Cormac - heavily implied mates, maybe
Fury and Juniper - we don't know, maybe
Declan and Marc - we don't know, maybe
Ember and Randall - humans, not mates
Bryce and Connor - broken up, not mates
Shahar and Hunt - broken up, not mates
Out of the 32 couples mentioned above, 14 are mates (43.75%), 10 aren't mates (31.25%) and 8 we don't know/it's implied (25%)
Out of the 14 couples who are mates, 12 either died while being a couple or are currently together (85.71%) and 2 are broken up mates (14.29%)
Out of the 10 couples who aren't mates, 3 are humans (30%), 6 are broken up and therefore not endgame (60%) and 1 are currently together (10%)
Before we continue let's talk about the definition of cliché:
something or someone that is not at all original, surprising, or interesting because it has very often been seen before.
In this post, a cliché couple will be part of the highest percentage of it's category.
Now let's add Elain, Gwyn, Azriel and Lucien to the mix. Here are the most discussed possibilities of these couples:
Elriel - mates and together
Elriel - not mates and together
Elriel - not mates and not together
Elucien - mates and together
Elucien - mates and broken bond
Gwynriel - mates and together
In the case of gwynriel being mates and together that would mean elucien are mates and together and would make elriel not mates and broken up.
So in this case there would be 35 couples, 16 mates (45.71%), 11 not mates (31.43%) and 8 we don't know/it's implied (22.86%)
Out of 16 mates, 14 either died while being a couple or are currently together (87.5%) and 2 are broken up mates (12.5%).
Out of 11 not mates, 3 are humans (27.27%), 7 are broken up and therefore not endgame (63.64%) and 1 are currently together (9.09%)
Therefore that would make gwynriel part of the 87.5% of mates who are together and a cliché
Elucien would also be part of the 87.5% and a cliché
Elriel would be part of the 63.64% of not mates who are broken up and a cliché.
In the case of elriel being mates and together, that would make elucien mates who are not together and gwynriel would be nonexistent.
The only reason gwynriel is noted as nonexistent and not not mates and not together is because while we have got clearly stated evidence of a romance between elriel (the almost kiss in the bonus chapter), we haven't gotten confirmed evidence of a romance between gwynriel (there are theories and maybe subtext, but not clearly stated evidence).
So in this case there would be 34 couples, 16 are mates (47.06%), 10 aren't mates (29.41%) and 8 we don't know/it's implied (23.53%).
Of the 16 mates, 13 either died while being a couple or are still together (81.25%) and 3 are broken up (18.75%).
Elriel would be part of the 81.25% and a cliché.
Elucien would be part of the 18.75% and not a cliché.
However, elriel being mates would mean that Elain had two mating bonds with two different males, so although the outcome would make elriel cliché, the execution would be a first for sjm and not cliché.
In the case of elriel not being mates but together, that would make elucien mates who are not together and gwynriel would be nonexistent.
Of the 34 couples, 15 are mates (44.12%), 11 aren't mates (32.35%) and 8 we don't know/it's implied (23.53%).
Out of the 15 mates, 12 either died while being a couple or are still together (80%) and 3 are broken up (20%).
Out of the 11 not mates, 3 are humans (27.28%), 6 are broken up (54.55%) and 2 (18.19%) are still together.
Elriel would be part of the 18.19% and not a cliché.
Elucien would be part of the 20% and not a cliché.
In conclusion, the only way elriel could be cliché would be if they were not mates and didn't end up together and if they were mates who ended up together. Even in the last case, they wouldn't be too cliché because it would mean Elain had two mating bonds, which we have yet to see in any sjm book.
The endgame for both gwynriel and elucien would make them cliché, while the breaking of the mating bond would make elucien not cliché and, let's be honest, there's not any other possibility of gwynriel being endgame apart from them being mates.
You can dislike whatever ship you want, but saying that elriel is a cliché would be an objective lie, when they are the most unique couple written by sjm to date.
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thecatsaesthetics · 5 months
But Rhys took Feyre's choice away in ACOSF and is as bad as Tamlin
Disclaimer - I am going to state up front SJM shouldn't have told this story through Nesta's POV. It is an incredibly complex storyline in it's own right and deserved to be told through Feyre's POV.
However, fans tend to make several claims about the story that I want to either debunk or combat. You can still hate the storyline (I hate how it was told as well) but twisting canon to suit your own narrative isn’t right.
(I am using this timeline for the series, which is the most in-depth timeline I have ever found.)
Let's begin
What actually happened in canon:
Rhys and Feyre were actively attempting to have a baby since the end of ACOFAS (December 21st). Feyre announces her pregnancy to the group 16 days into the start of ACOSF. She says she is "two months along". ACOSF is canonically 10 months after ACOFAS. Meaning Feyre and Rhys conceive Nyx in August.
31 days into ACOSF Rhys and Feyre find out via Madja Nyx has wings. Feyre would be heading into her second trimester. Rhys knows the baby wings pose a problem (as does Madja). Madja informed Feyre the birth would be "more difficult" but does not state the baby will kill her. Rhys sets out on finding a way to save Feyre and the baby.
33 days into ACOSF Rhys goes to Drakon and Miryam to ask about the wings. They give him nothing but sad looks.
40 days into ACOSF Helion visits and is asked by Rhys about the wings and says he will look into it.
43 days into ACOSF Nesta, in a fit of rage, tells Feyre her baby is going to die and kill her.
So canonically Feyre does not know for 12 days. So, around two weeks, Feyre is unaware the chances she will die in labor are incredibly heightened.
That is really important, it is not months they are keeping this from Feyre. It also doesn't seem likely Rhys or any of the IC would have let Feyre give birth without knowing what was happening. It also seems likely Rhys was pending more information from Helion who had 3 days to look into things before Nesta had her outburst.
While again it's not explicitly said I believe SJMs implication is that Rhys was exhausting all efforts prior to telling Feyre. Which is something Feyre would have done herself, since we know she wanted Nyx, and rather then let Feyre's pregnancy be ruined by fear (especially if an answer was out there) Rhys decides to take the burden on himself.
Is it necessarily right? I don't think so, but is it done to specifically control Feyre? (Like Tamlin's actions were) No. It's done because Rhys cannot bring himself to take Feyre's happiness away from her. Feyre is described as being so happy in ACOSF, she finally has everything she's ever wanted. She has her mate, her family, her home, security, and is awaiting the arrival of her baby. Feyre has her gotten her "happy ending" and who would want to take that from someone? This is something Rhys was struggling with in ACOFAS, the idea that he does not deserve to be happy with Feyre.
I hate that we get it told through Nesta and Cassian's POV, because honestly this would have been a good Feysand plotline and would have dealt with the remaining issues that were hinted at in ACOFAS.
Commonly incorrect statements by the fandom
"Rhysand forced Feyre to stay pregnant because he valued the baby's life over hers" -
This is canonically not true. Feyre is the one who wanted to get pregnant. Ignoring this is missing the point entirely, Feyre wanted to start her family.
Second, while Rhys clearly loves Nyx it seems his concern was for her and not for Nyx:
Cassian squeezed Rhys’s shoulder. “Why won’t you tell her?” Rhys’s throat worked. “Because I can’t bring myself to give her that fear. To take away one bit of the joy in her eyes every time she puts a hand on her belly.” His voice shook. “It is fucking eating me alive, this terror. I keep myself busy, but … there is no one to bargain with for her life, no amount of wealth to buy it, nothing that I can do to save her.”
His concern is for Feyre and the fact that she is going to die while in labor. He doesn't even mention Nyx dying, and it's said Nyx will die in the labor as well.
"Rhys prevented Feyre from getting an abortion" -
So first we need to ask ourself, are abortions a thing in Pyrthian? We don't get any mentions of them and fae children are rare. I would suspect in Pyrthian they aren't a thing, but maybe in the human lands.
Second, by the time Rhys and Feyre find out about the wings it's been 31 days into ACOSF and when the baby was announced she was two months pregnant, which is frustrating because we don't know if she means two months on the dot or two months and a few days. It's then 15 more days till the wings are discovered she is anywhere between 11/12 weeks pregnant.
It's important to remember pregnancies are not defined by months, they are defined by weeks. If you are 11/12 weeks pregnant the abortion you get is more complicated then at 8 or 9 weeks. So it seems even if she could have an abortion (if that's a thing in Prythian) that she would have had to pass the fetal tissue.
Remember the problem isn't that the baby is sick or causing Feyre to be sick. Feyre is described as being healthy and radiant all throughout ACOSF. The pregnancy isn't the issue, it's the birth. The wings will supposably get caught and not be able to pass through the birthing canal. So even if she had an abortion those wings are getting caught and preventing the tissue from passing. We later see the size of the wings don't matter, because Feyre gives birth preterm and it still kills her.
And it will be challenging enough during a birth when the baby is alive but if they preform an abortion you're talking dead tissue being stuck in Feyre as they attempt to pull it out of her piece by piece.
That could kill her as well.
So when Rhys says "nothing I can do to save her life" he means it. As long as Feyre gives birth/passes those wings in her fae body she's dead.
The only in universe solution is for Feyre to transform back into an Illyrian form (I'll get into that later). That's it, nothing else could save her and in fact what happens is Nesta bargains for Feyre's life and then permanently changes her body to be Illyrian. So the solution was to shapeshift.
"Nesta told Feyre because she thought it was wrong"
That's not true, in fact Nesta agreed to say nothing and was later sorry for even telling Feyre. So no she did not tell Feyre because she thought it was an injustice.
Nesta was bitter and hurt by other things that happened (I am not going into it) and decided to hurt her sister back. She told her in the most brutal and awful way possible.
She easily could have caused Feyre to go into preterm labor and didn't care if that happened. If Feyre had gone into preterm labor with no solution to get the baby out then she would have died.
"Feyre's choice was taken from her"
So if we rule out abortion, and go with shapeshifting I don't see how anyone concludes that the 12 days Feyre does not know takes that choice from her. Even for the 12 days with the abortion idea, she still could have done it. She makes a choice not to, Feyre does not go into labor unaware of the risks.
Going back to shapeshifting, Rhys says this:
“So let her change back into an Illyrian to bear the babe.” Rhys’s face was stark. “Madja has put a ban on any more shape-shifting. She says that to alter Feyre’s body in any way right now could put the baby at risk. On the chance that it could be bad for the baby, Feyre is forbidden to so much as change the color of her hair until after the birth.”
So originally it's Madja who says shape-shifting is banned but sorry I do not see how Madja is going to control Feyre. During the announcement scene we get this from Feyre:
Nesta angled her head at her sister. “So you can’t do magic while pregnant?” Feyre winced. “I can, but given my unusual set of gifts, I’m not sure how it might impact the baby. Winnowing is fine, but some other powers, when we’re still so early in the pregnancy, could strain my body dangerously.”
Feyre is given the medical opinion of Madja on her doing magic and chooses to follow it.
And the nail in the coffin that it wasn't Feyre's choice is the birth scene itself:
“There is nothing we can do,” Madja said. “Cutting the babe out of her will kill her.” “Cutting it out?” Nesta demanded, earning a sharp glare from Rhys. Madja ignored her tone. “An incision along her abdomen, even one carefully made, is an enormous risk. It’s never been successful. And even with Feyre’s healing abilities, the blood loss has weakened her—” “Do it,” Feyre managed to say, the words weighted with pain. “Feyre,” Rhys objected. “The babe likely won’t survive,” Madja said, voice gentle but no-nonsense. “It’s too small yet. We risk both of you.” “All of you,” Cassian breathed, eyes on Rhys. “Do it,” Feyre said, and her voice was that of the High Lady. No fear. Only determination for the life of the babe within her. Feyre looked up at Rhys. “We have to.”
While it isn't explicitly mentioned, the scene prior is discussions about saving Nyx not about saving Feyre. Madja says "we risk both of you" implying their is a way to just save Feyre. That way would be shapeshifting, something Feyre is refusing to do in this moment. Rhys is the one who is objecting to the c-section and Feyre insists that "We have to". Feyre chooses to have the c-section and attempt to save her son.
I don't think we can conclude Feyre's choice was taken from her, in fact it seems she made a choice not to shapeshift and save herself. That might feel like pro life propaganda and maybe it is (I don't know SJMs stance on this) but a mother choosing to go through with a risky pregnancy and delivery is still her making that choice. Just because it's not the choice you would make or like, doesn't make it any less of a choice.
It's really odd how people twist this storyline to fit a narrative of "Rhys is just as bad as Tamlin" and while I can understand the similarities, (both being born out of fear and trauma) it just isn't the same. Tamlin watched as Feyre became sicker and sicker, and ignored her. Tamlin forced Feyre back to the Spring Court after she told him she didn't want to be taken from Rhys and the IC. Tamlin slut shamed her during the HL meeting. Tamlin was actively attempting to control Feyre's behavior and get her to fit what he wanted for her.
Rhys found out horrible information (on top of all the other shit that was going on in ACOSF) about the life of his mate and child. His mate who was currently overjoyed at the idea of being pregnant and having a baby. And he wanted to find a way to save her before giving her the fear, anxiety, and distress he was suffering. It wasn't about controlling her, and it wasn't about having some super baby. It wasn't the right thing to do but he didn't do it out wanting to control Feyre. That's important information and something that shouldn't be twisted.
You can dislike it (as I've stated I hate it being told in Nessian POV) but you shouldn't twist things to fit your narrative.
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