#miryam acotar
shallyne · 2 years
I wish SJM would sometimes focus a little bit more on friendships
And don't get me wrong, love the romance but imagine how much funnier the books could be if she would give us Feyre x Mor or Feyre x Cassian or Feyre x Azriel or Feyre x Azriel x Cassian or Feyre x Rhys x Mor or Feyre x Mor x Cassian or even Feyre x Jurian in acowar or if she would have gave us Feyre x Miryam and Rhys x Drakon or Feyre meeting Nephelle again (remember her little famgirl moment at the end of acowar?) or more bat boys or Feyre x Viviane or Feyre x Viviane x Mor or Feyre x Tarquin or Feyre x Helion or Feyre x Helion x Tarquin
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offtorivendell · 2 years
"... As I was."
A parallel between Vassa and Miryam - is Vassa already immortal?
Please don't share or screenshot this post without credit.
I know I'm not the only one who has wondered if the following passage suggests that Vassa is already Made, or immortal, in some way.
But Elain shook me off, heading back to the stairs. She said as she climbed the first steps, “I can hear her—crying.” I gripped the bottom post of the banister. “Who?” “Everyone thinks she’s dead.” Elain kept walking. “But she’s not. Only—different. Changed. As I was.” “Who,” I pushed. - ACOWAR, chapter 27
Coincidentally or not, it happens to parallel Feyre's thoughts about Miryam pretty well.
“Miryam died—a spear through her chest during that last battle at the sea,” Rhys explained. “She bled out while she was carried to safety. But Drakon knew of a sacred, hidden island where an object of great and terrible power had been concealed. An object made by the Cauldron itself, legend claimed. He brought her there, to Cretea—used the item to resurrect her, make her immortal. As you were Made, Feyre.” Amren had said it—months ago. That Miryam had been Made as I was. - ACOWAR, chapter 16
Does this mean that Miryam was Made similarly to Feyre, and Vassa like Elain and Nesta? Given Miryam was Made 500 years ago by "an object of great and terrible power," and Feyre was Made by each High Lord donating a kernel of their magic, not to mention Elain and Nesta were Made by a newly reassembled Cauldron, which was unlikely to be used for Vassa (though not impossible, of course), I'm not sure what to make of this parallel, and if it's meant to be taken so literally.
Could it just be that they are all Made, and so have immortal lifespans, whether their bodies are Fae or human? Or possibly have something to do with their powers? Could Vassa and Miryam be related to the Archeron sisters? Many of us have wondered about Vassa, but Miryam? It's a stretch, but she's half human, so who knows? Anything is possible.
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biggestqiblifan · 6 months
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Only Rhys can pull it off.
I love the little banters in the book
People teasing Rhys is just so fun to read.
I need more of Miryam and Drakon appearing and poking fun at Rhys and the gang.
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acourtofthought · 4 months
I remember sjm saying something about choosing between 5 ships for the last spin-off book. Do you remember when that interview was? Do you think that now since sjm wrote acosf, she knows what ship she's doing after acotar5? (Gwynriel 👀)
I believe she said that on her Australia tour?
Where she knew who the first two books would be about but was deciding between 5 possible ships for the third, even considering a story which was to be set in the past.
As far as the book set in the past, I think she could have been referring to Miryam and Drakon for that considering:
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There is a very small part of me that does wonder if that's still her plan and everything else she's laying crumbs for, Gwynriel, the Valkyrie, time travel is what comes after Elucien and the book set in the past when you look at this interview:
We're all basing our arguments on there being two ACOTAR books remaining but what if that's not the case? SJM definitely seems to be adding onto this world in a major way and if the Valkyrie are truly meant to be re-formed, building up an entire unit of female warriors from scratch, whose strength lies in them working as a unit, that doesn't seem to be something that would happen in a year or two not to mention the Valkyrie don't seem connected to the current threats in their world (Beron, Koschei, Spring, the peace treaty).
Cassian tells Nesta battle training wouldn't happen for years:
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And some have speculated that SJM now decided to move forward with her "Twilight of the Gods" project that she had on Goodreads years ago and thats the new series her publisher spoke of. "Twilight" which could be referring to Dusk, the land of the Prison and once home of the Pegasus.
I'm kind of wondering if Feysand had the original trilogy......
Then Nesta and Elain were / will be given the two books after to close out the Archeron's arc which ends with peace across the courts, human lands, and the continent. With Beron stopped and Eris the HL of Autumn. With Koschei stopped and Elucien.... somewhere 😂. Day? Spring?
She then gives us a book set in the past to tell us of the Seraphim and how it's now led to them being the keepers of the Cauldron.
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And that will all spawn the next round of ACOTAR books, where the Valkyrie will be given a territory of their own and they will become the defenders of their world, protecting it from threats that exist in space that may have come about because of Merrills research of the Valkyrie and research into other worlds. Threats that may be looking to attack in order to obtain the Cauldron.
Regardless of order, I would bet Gwynriel is a sure thing.
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elucien · 11 months
i cannot believe i have to say this but what makes y’all think miryam is WHITE???? HELLO??????? her name can easily be Persian or Arab, she has BROWN SKIN????? her people were in a DESERT (Middle East coded once again???)?????? y’all need to be so fr I am so tired of y’all
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
Finished A Court of WIngs and Ruin a while ago and I have some notes:
I’m starting to be allergic to specific terms, namely "mate" and "fe/male”. I get creeps every single time I see it on a page.
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I have similar reaction to the Christian inspiration- starting with Miryam and her flock of winged soldiers, not nearly ending with Amren’s angelic reveal. That was absolutely disappointing revelation. So was her change into fae. Why does everyone have to become fae for their happily ever after?!
I also did not like the Slavic-ishness. There were moments when all those linguistic inspirations felt like WWII Eintopf- leather shoes included. Maybe a little less might be really more.
As for the plot, there was way too many surprise allies: Jurian, Eris, Helion in a way... Suddenly everyone wants to co-operate out of goodness of their hearts!
The worst part was- as I’m learning to expect- Feyre’s family. Like it or not, they WERE heavily abusive. Nesta and Elain going through traumatizing rebirth doesn’t make them better, yet they’re suddenly treated by the narrative as completely new, better people with no past to answer for. Their father naming ships after them and rallying forces to help Prythian doesn’t change anything either. It’s not like Hybern wouldn’t endanger him too.
I’ve read enough meta not to expect any better in the future.
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loonylooly · 9 months
if SJM is listening somewhere this is my contribution to the fandom
No joke, hearing the brief snippets that we got of them were some of the best parts of the books for me. It'd be so interesting, no?? We could go back to the multiple povs ToG had (because as we all know, i LOVE multiple perspectives) and have Miryam, Drakon, Nephelle, and Jurian be our POV characters (maybe some more too, Tog had 6 POVs i believe (Aelin, Aedion, Chaol, Dorian, Manon, Elide) so I see no reason why there couldn't be more POVs aside from the 4 named characters, but all good if it's just the 4) and it'll be so fun and extra points cause one of our main couples would be lesbiaaaaannnn
Anyways that's my proposal have a good day
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now sjm where is my novella about the love story between miryam and drakon
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desolationfires · 4 months
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A Court of Thorns and Roses
༗ Miryam ༗
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feyresdandelion · 17 days
I don’t know if anyone has brought this up, but it has been a thought I have had since I first read the books, so here we go.
Oftentimes, I see the argument that Vassa and Lucien can't end up together due to the fact that he is fae and immortal, and she is human and mortal.
Ignoring the fact that SJM has previously given us couples who are also mortal/immortal pairings (Dorian/Manon, Elide/Lorcan), in the ACOTAR world, we have had mates between humans and fae: the Archeron sisters and their respective mates, Drakon and Miryam.
Now, let's talk about Miryam, who is a big piece of my theory. She is connected to the band of exiles by Jurian, and I do believe SJM is not done with the whole Jurian/Miryam/Drakon plot. I believe she will end their plot in Vassa and Lucien's book (if they get one), thus introducing the whole "Miryam was mortal until Made" concept.
If you forgot (which a lot of people did, but it somehow stuck with me), Miryam wasn't immortal until she died and was later resurrected and made immortal by an object created by the Cauldron.
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I believe if Vassa and Lucien do end up being endgame, SJM has two options: either keep Vassa as a human woman and thus mortal, creating a situation like Lorcan/Elide where he chose to give up his immortality for her, or make Vassa a fae/immortal being with the same object Drakon used to save Miryam.
So the whole argument of "they can't end up together because Lucien is immortal and Vassa is not" is completely invalid in my opinion.
Also, the fact that Eluciens always say that Elain is going to rule the Day Court with Lucien because she is described as the sun, but completely erase the fact that Vassa is a literal queen. She has been taught how to rule since she was little, something that Lucien has never been taught to do due to him having so many brothers. (I also believe that in breaking Vassa's curse, which would require Helion's powers, she will somehow absorb some curse-breaking powers, although that is a talk for another day.)
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coeurdedior · 4 months
SJM’s interview for ACOFAS :
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SJM about ACOSF « I won’t tell you who the first book is about, but I think once you read ACOFAS, it’ll a little more obvious »
SJM about ACOTAR 5 « I thought it was obvious »
The fact that she said the exact same words to describe ACOSF and ACOTAR5.
Because yes, Nessian was obvious and so is Elriel.
Both couples are obvious.
They have romantic interactions/hints since they met.
Also, the fact that she said « a little more obvious » when she was talking about ACOSF.
Because in ACOFAS, there is also Elriel who have romantics interactions, so, we could still have a doubt about the next romantic pairing between Nessian and Elriel. (Aka the only two ships that we see interacting together)
But for the next ACOTAR book she didn’t say it’ll be a little bit obvious, she said « I THOUGHT IT WAS OBVIOUS ».
SJM wouldn’t have said « I thought it was obvious » if it wasn’t. She knows Elriel exist, there were polls/fanarts about them since 2017. So, she wasn’t thinking about Gwynriel AT ALL when she said I thought it was obvious because it means that the next ACOTAR wouldn’t be obvious. (It’s logic)
Also, the fact that she said :  « There were stil so many stories to tell in this world. And that for many of these characters, their journeys were just beginning  » THE SPINOFFS are about the characters we already saw in the first three books !!
There is so many characters before Gwyn. (Elain, Azriel, Lucien, Mor, Eris, Helion, LOA, Vassa, Jurian, even Emerie, Nuala and Cerridwen come before Gwyn because they were already there in the first four books).
SJM also said that she wanted to write a story before the events of ACOTAR. (I think she was thinking about Drakon and Miryam).
So, how people can think that Gwyn will have a book before all these characters ?And Why ? What is the reason ? Where is the logic ? There is all these characters we saw in ACOWAR who literally can’t wait for their stories to be told.
And their stories compared to Gwyn can’t wait anymore :
Elain is trapped into a mating bond she doesn’t want and it’s been years. Lucien and Azriel too, they all need to be free from this. Isn’t it more urgent to do something with that mating bond than to know who is Gwyn’s father? (Eluciens/Lucien stans are all here like « but Lulu needs to be happy ». Do you want him to be unhappy for another year ?)
Vassa is literally cursed. Isn’t it more urgent to break the curse than to know if Gwyn is a starborn or I don’t know what ?
LOA is with a horrible man, isn’t it more urgent than Gwyn’s love story ?
How delusional you have to be to think that Gwyn’s story is more urgent than all the characters I just quoted ??
Especially when there is no plot for Gwynriel. I’am still trying to understand what Gwyn will be doing in the Illyrian’s plot. It fits Emerie more. But people love to forget Emerie’s existence too, while compared to Gwyn, she appeared in ACOFAS. So, she has more legitimacy to have a book. Because ACOFAS «  sets up for the upcoming spinoff novels »
The downfall for some people will be very hard.
We’re not only have the books on our side but we also have SJM’s interviews who prove that a Gwynriel book is not possible. It’s crazy to have that much of confidence when there is no reason for Gwyn to have a book before the last Archeron’s sister.
I also note how Gwynriels and Eluciens never talk about all these recent interviews from Sarah and they also never talked about ACOFAS. We wonder why.
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shallyne · 2 years
We need a Miryam x Feyre friendship
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mycadences · 4 months
"XXX deserves to be someone's first choice."
Welp, time to get packing. Shoo, ACOTAR's over, all the ships have sunk because no one can fulfill this criteria. Azriel's first choice was Mor, Elain's first choice was Graysen, Lucien's first choice was Jesminda, Feyre's first choice was Tamlin, Mor's first choice was Andromache, Cassian's first choice was Tanwyn, Jurian's first choice was Miryam and Gwyn... didn't even have a choice 😢
I hate this first choice argument. For ALL the ships. Why does it matter who came first??? Doesn't who come last matter more?
You don't pick and choose love as and when you want to. You fall into it at the most unexpected of times.
I will die on the hill that "my last love" >>> "my first love".
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bookofmirth · 1 year
ACOTAR 5 Theories: my take
Please share your thoughts! 🙏
The wealthy Inner Circle—Most Powerful High Lord in History Rhysand, his wife and former spy Feyre, and their pampered adult children Cassian, Mor, Azriel, and Amren— lose their fortune after being defrauded by their priestesses (the result of a well-meaning rehabilitation program that culminates in a business degree). They rebuild their lives with their sole remaining asset: a small, remote town in the Middle named Mother’s Titts, which Rhys bought for Cass’s 325th birthday as a joke.
The IC are forced to relocate to Mother’s Titts, moving into two adjacent rooms in a run-down tavern inn. While the found family adjusts to their new lives, their well-to-do attitudes conflict with the town's more provincial residents.
With their pampered lives now abandoned, they must confront their new-found poverty and discover what it means to be a family, all within the rural city limits of their new home.
Quotes off the top of my head:
“I didn’t go missing, Rhysand! The Suriel knew where I was the entire time.”
— Feyre to Rhysand
“I don’t skate through life, Cassian, I walk through life in really nice shoes.”
— Mor to Cass
“You get murdered first for once!”
— Feyre to everyone else
“You’d think there’d be more of a market for oversized portraits of other people’s families.”
— Az trying to comfort Feyre when her paintings don’t resell right away
“Fold /in/ the soup.”
— Feyre when the kids are ready for their Mate bonds
“I’m starting to feel like I’m trapped in an Avril Lavigne lyric here.”
— Elain, who’s murmurs only get weirder as her visions begin to branch out to other realities
“I’m only doing this because you called me rude and I take that as a compliment.”
— Nesta to everyone
“I have never heard someone say so many wrong things, one after the other, consecutively, in a row.”
— Amren when Rhys broke the news
“My business is worth less than your pants.”
— Emerie, who has begun to franchise and open up new locations across Prythian
“Gossip is the devil’s telephone. Best to just hang up.”
— Gwyn, realizing Merrill might have been researching embezzlement and Not multidimensional portals and trying to damage control
“I could not be more at one with nature. I do Calanmai every year.”
“What now? Do I leave everything behind and move to some random island to be with the love of my life? Because Miryam did that with Prince Drakon in Cretea and it was, like, too rainy.”
“I am suffering romantically right now.”
“I have my own holiday tradition. It’s like the Twelve Days of Winter Solstice, but with it’s one day with twelve bottles of wine.”
“We’re drinking to none of us becoming alcoholics.”
“Oh, look at Az. Smart enough to get that joke, but not smart enough to stop wearing sweaters in the middle of the summer.”
“Politics 101, Feyre. When you have limited resources, your best course of action is to create a stir. It’s exciting. It’s fun.”
I thought about this since you sent it, just fyi. I laughed. I cried. I questioned canon.
Since the last few are unattributed, I have taken the liberty to decide for myself who said what. Here we go:
“I could not be more at one with nature. I do Calanmai every year.” - Lucien, insisting that he relaxes on occasion
“What now? Do I leave everything behind and move to some random island to be with the love of my life? Because Miryam did that with Prince Drakon in Cretea and it was, like, too rainy.” - Mor, realizing that she'll need 1,001 new hair products if she moves out of the Night Court to a different climate.
“I am suffering romantically right now.” - Azriel, to the House of Wind because he thinks if no one hears him, it won't be true.
“I have my own holiday tradition. It’s like the Twelve Days of Winter Solstice, but with it’s one day with twelve bottles of wine.” - Amren, because holidays are not for worship or praise, they are for being worshiped or praised.
“We’re drinking to none of us becoming alcoholics.” - Amren and Rhys explaining why every house they own has a fully stocked wine cellar.
“Oh, look at Az. Smart enough to get that joke, but not smart enough to stop wearing sweaters in the middle of the summer.” - Cassian, after badly losing during Cards Against Humanity.
“Politics 101, Feyre. When you have limited resources, your best course of action is to create a stir. It’s exciting. It’s fun.” - Helion, as he and Feyre are strolling through the Day Court between High Lord meetings.
And I will add a couple, for your consideration:
"I thought I was being mature, but in actuality, it was just a classic case of self-sabotage.” - Feyre upon considering that perhaps she should have made a bigger fuss when Rhys decided to use the Night Court treasury to buy an NFT of "art" that featured a cat playing the banjo.
“I’m trying very hard not to connect with people right now.” - Nesta, when Elain asks her if she's met the cute local animal doctor.
"Ew, Elain!" - Nesta, when Elain suggests getting a job as a "Bag Boy" at the local grocery store.
“I don’t want to be taken advantage of because I’m overdressed.” - Mor when she goes to buy a new carriage at the used carriage dealership.
"Tweet us on Facebook!" - Rhys, trying to be a High Lord without a PR team.
“You’d have said ‘Wow, Elain! I’m thinking about shaving my beard.’ And then I would’ve said ‘Mmh…no Lucien, I don’t think that that’s the right journey for you at this point in time.” - Elain, realizing she likes the rugged man look Lucien grows into.
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acourtofthought · 4 months
Have you read HOFAS (and any bonus chapters)? If so, what did you think about our ACOTAR characters and what it might say about their future books? If not, when are you planning on reading it?
I have!!
I have a few more detailed posts on why I believe what I believe but to summarize it, these are my predictions for SJMs future books:
It's interesting that 3 - 4 months after her HEA with Cassian, where she found her home in the HOW, her friends, her purpose with the Valkyrie, where she realized Rhys is her brother and had offered her kindness, where she ended her book visiting their fathers grave with her sisters who were smiling and beckoning at her to join them, that she's suddenly struggling to find her way (as evidenced by the exchange when she and Ember say their goodbyes).
To me, the biggest part of Nesta's life has always been her acting as Elain's protector and if Elain is no longer in the NC, having set off on her own journey with Lucien, I think that could be a big part of her sudden identity crisis. Possibly contributing to why she was so willing to part with the Mask, a bit of a reckless action. She could no longer help Elain so she turned and helped Bryce instead.
I think the next ACOTAR book will be Eluciens and we'll see resolution to the Vassa / Spring / Beron / Koschei / Peace Treaty plotlines. I don't think it will turn into a major battle, I think Elucien's arc will be that of stopping the threats and securing peace between the fae on the continent, the humans, and the fae in Prythian. I think that also closes out the ACOTAR series as we know it now, the one that revolves around the journey of Feyre and her sisters.
I think the book SJM has planned after that, the secret project she's excited to work on but won't say what world it's set in, will be the story of Miryam and Drakon and the Seraphim but set 500 years back. SJM said she imagines she'll feel emotional writing it because of who might show up and I'm wondering if that means we'll get glimpses of a younger Rhys, Cassian and Az, but also a look at Rhys's sister before her murder (I think it meant something that Az brought her up in HOFAS).
I think that story could also be relevant to future ACOTAR books because Miryam and Drakon are now in possession of the Cauldron. HOFAS did put the spotlight on the Cauldron in Prythian and in SF, a shudder runs down Cassian's spine as he thinks what might happen if it's awoken again. Giving us the backstory on the land where Miryam and Drakon reside with their people ties in nicely to possible future storylines.
After that I think SJM will move forward with her new series, one that is set the ACOTAR world but is no longer focused on Feyre's story. I think the new series will heavily involve Gwynriel, Mor / Emerie, and more of Nesta's journey and will further connect SJMS worlds with new crossover content.
I think we'll see the Prison lands being turned into Valkyrie territory with them gaining more female warriors as they work towards becoming an elite fighting unit of hundreds / thousands. I think Mor and Emerie might be the ones to oversee the land, with Mor ending up as a female descendent of Theia who can wield Gwydion and Az giving TT to Emerie (Nesta would be the general of the Valkryie but still remain living in the HOW).
I think the Valkyrie will be the defenders of the portal that exists there, protecting their world from outside threats, threats that I think will be drawn to Prythian because of the Cauldron and Merrill. I think Az will end up overseeing the Illyrian (the way Devlon currently does) and the Illyrian will remain the defenders of the portal that exists on Ramiel, with he and Gwyn either living in the townhouse or the cabin in Illyria.
And I also think we'll see a major battle at the end of that new series, with members of the IC / the Illyrians / the Valkyrie world walking and defending a threat outside their world, possibly teaming up with Bryce and Aelin. I feel there's a reason we were told that Nesta can move through time and space and that she'd use the mask to call thousands of the dead (with the added, "but not yet" in SF).
I think that Lucien and Elain will take up the High King role during these times, where they're not necessarily in charge of leading the battle so much as ensuring the peace remains across their own world between the different lands. I could also see Lucien helping Nesta destroy the mask at the end of it all. I think HOFAS makes it clear that Nesta will always be at risk for losing herself to it and as Helion has a connection to it, I think Lucien as his son does too. I also like the idea of Lucien and Nesta having a brother / sister bonding moment where she truly embraces him if he were the one to help her get rid of it once and for all.
Thank you for the ask, if you want you'll have to send an anon and tell me if you have any predictions yourself!
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popjunkie42 · 8 months
Ho ho hello! 🎄
Your super secret santa has been typing away, planning and writing and making sure that you get a great Feysand Christmas gift. However, Mrs Claus pointed out I forgot to ask a very important question! Do you have any other favourite pairings in the ACOTAR universe?
Things are starting to really get moving in Santa’s workshop this weekend, and I’m so excited for the direction your gift is going!
One last question before I go, would you like a title reveal this weekend?
Wishing you the best of weekends my lovely!
Santa ❄️
Yay Santa, here for a Friday pick me up!!! I hope you have some fun Halloween plans!
ACOTAR couples - I’d say Elucien is my top after Feysand, but I love Nessian as well. And if we’re digging down a little deeper I am super interested in Drakon and Miryam, Kallias and Viviane, and maybe Jurian and Vassa (mostly I’m obsessed with Jurian).
A title reveal would make my week!!! I’m so excited!
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