querelle-music · 7 months
C'est quoi être un.e musicienx queer en 2023 ?
C’est des lames de couteaux qui vous transpercent chaque fois qu’un plan vous est proposé ; gratuitement. Gratuitement. Car votre public, celleux que vous aimez faire danser, rêver, celleux qui vous comprennent, ce ne sont pas souvent celleux qui vous payent pour faire votre travail. Quand bien même ce travail, c’est de donner du rêve ou de bouleverser les êtres. C’est celleux que vous aimez. C’est à elleux que vous voulez donner ce rêve. Iels vous réclament, iels vous acclament. Ce sont les mêmes qui n’ont pas les fonds, pas les portes d’entrées dans les institutions, ou si peu, pas la légitimité vendeuse. On n’existe pas. Ou alors de temps en temps, dans ce que le capitalisme a su tirer de nous. Washing machine. Alors oui, Warrior Records, Barbieturix…
Et nous ? Micro-artistes de province ? Qui n’est pas parisienx sur la dernière compil Barbieturix ? Je dis tout cela sans rancœur, mais comme de simples faits. Je n’en veux ici à aucun.e d’entre nous. Bien au contraire. On DJ set, on chante, on joue quand on nous le propose. Parfois on pourrait presque faire un concert, avec les compos, quand on en a encore la force. Ce sont nos adelphes qui nous le proposent. Nos adelphes sont précaires, car iels sont nos adelphes : personnes trans, non-binaire, lesbienne, gay, racisé.es. Précaires. Iels ne peuvent nous payer, alors nous le faisons et n’en vivons pas. Alors nous vivons d’autre chose, qui nous tue, et donc nous ne vivons plus. Ce matin, je lis une énième belle proposition, un énième encouragement sur mon travail musical. De beaux mots, un réel soulagement dans cette lutte intérieure permanente pour se dire que oui, on a quelque chose à montrer, quelqu’un.e à faire rêver ; qu’il est faux que je n’ai “pas de public en France”. Je l'ai vu. Je l'ai aimé. Nous nous sommes compris.es. Ce matin je lis aussi qu’on n’a pas les fonds. Je comprends mais j’en crève. Ce matin j’ai envie de pleurer, matraqué.e par cette dissonance cognitive. Ecorché.e par ce beau soutien, cette réelle reconnaissance. Réelle et immatérielle. Invisible au quotidien. Invisible dans le burn-out causé par le travail “alimentaire”, associatif mais pas sans danger, il ne faut pas rêver. Invisible dans les gélules que j’avale chaque jour pour soigner la dépression qui en découle. Reconnaissance invisible aussi, quand je cherche depuis deux ans, que je me torture, que je tourne et retourne dans ma tête les solutions pour sortir cet EP. “Broken Record”, ça ferait un beau nom. Comment sortir ces morceaux nouveaux, inédits, qui existent depuis deux ans et demeurent inconnus ? Car une énième sortie Soundcloud invisible, impalpable, non produite, sans label, est un arrêt de mort musicale. Je ne sais pas comment on sort un EP, je ne sais pas où l’on trouve l’argent. C’est un (autre) métier pour lequel il faut être payé, aussi. Ce n’est pas le métier d’un.e auteurice compositeurice interprète et DJ.
Mon cœur pleure et mon corps se meurt de ces mélodies tues. Mortes-nées. De cet incroyable storyboard qui doit devenir un clip en film d’animation, d'une artiste qu'il faut payer. Je ne sais pas comment on finance un clip. Je ne sais pas comment on finance le clip d’unE artiste réalisatrice en animation pour un.e musicien.ne queer autodidacte dans son studio de vie/musique de 26m2. Ça semble si facile à d’autres. Quant à moi j’ai l’impression de devoir apprendre la physique quantique. Ces milliers de sonorités, ces mélodies que j’ai sorties de ma tête, là dans l’enceinte entre mon bureau et mon oreiller ; ce n’est pas de la physique quantique. Ces mélodies qui ont fini par se taire car je n’ai jamais su les faire exister au-delà de leur naissance. Imaginez-vous élever un bébé qui renaît tous les ans mais ne grandit jamais. Aujourd’hui je n’ai plus envie de taire les mots, cette réalité est la mienne, je sais à peine l’expliquer. Je ne suis même pas sûr.e de la comprendre. Ou je me désespère de l’avoir comprise ? Car elle est connue de peu de personne, elle est éprouvée dans la chair d’une minorité, là aussi. Pour tout cela aujourd’hui je m’effondre en larmes et j’ai le cœur brisé du plus grand chagrin d’amour de ma vie. Ce deuil impossible éteint mon corps, mon cœur et mon esprit chaque jour. Quand je peux faire danser les gens et "en vivre" je renais un peu. Je renais de leur danse magnifique. Avant de vivre-comprendre-savoir cela - il y a plusieurs années- chaque jour bruissait à plein poumons de ces chants et de ces mélodies qui me traversaient. De tous ces possibles. Les possibles du réel je ne sais pas les trouver, et je le paye à prix d’or : celui du silence. Ce matin le masque craque, entre les deux colonnes de mabre-monitoring, la carte son et le micro studio à travers lequel plus aucun chant ne passe depuis des mois. Mes cordes vocales sont pleines de larmes. Les adelphes me donnent tant de joie, sans quoi il n’y aurait pas tant de peine dans ce constat. J’ai écrit ce texte sur le fil car c’est comme ça qu’il devait être, car c’est comme ça que je devrais avoir le droit de me sentir : imparfaiX.
Adelphes et autres lecteurices, merci infiniment d’avoir lu. Bien à vous, Querelle
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k3lyacwfa · 1 year
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 months
A day in the life of someone who posts on the internet in Catalan *cue dozens of Spanish people asking "what's wrong with your mouth", ordering him to speak in Spanish or "in Christian", saying he's rude for speaking in Catalan, calling him "polaco" (derogatory Spanish word to mean a Catalan person), calling the Catalan language a dialect, saying he is possessed because he's speaking Catalan, etc*
This is a video by Sergi Mas showing some of the comments he gets on YouTube. He makes videos about mountain biking that he posts on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. And the first comment he got on his first YouTube video was already someone telling him he should do it in Spanish.
Some days ago, another creator who posts his videos in Catalan (Joan Sendra, find him on Instagram and TikTok) answered to a Spanish person who was complaining that it's rude to speak Catalan/Valencian on the internet instead of Spanish because then there's people who don't understand you (as if everyone in the world spoke Spanish lmao). Joan, who is tired of getting this kind of comments so often, answered: there are already endless videos and things to watch on the internet in Spanish. In fact, if you look for [the topic he was talking about in the video that this guy commented] all the videos are in Spanish except for mine. And yet you had to come to me, the one in Valencian, and tell me that I can't make a video in my language and that I can only make it in yours. If you don't like it, it's so easy to find another one!
However, it's not a matter of actually being interested in what's being said in a language they don't speak. It's about the imposition of the language they consider superior (Spanish) and telling speakers of the languages whose land Spain had occupied that they are useless and should be ashamed of existing in public. Well, we aren't. Like Sergi's video, don't let the comments disturb your macarrons.
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serendipititties · 19 days
Some of you are like "Mother is innocent and can do no wrong!! Mother has been taken advantage of and been oppressed at every turn!!!! Jail to you!!! Jail to you for a thousand years u filthy misogynist!!" And mother is a conventionally attractive white blonde girl with rich parents who dated a highschooler at 23 and can't be a associate with someone who isn't a sex offender/apologist to save her life. Good job.
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agrebel18 · 1 year
“we need more m/f friendships in media that stay platonic due to heteronormativity that’s rooted in homophobia/aphobia plus women and men can actually be good friends without romance” and “having m/f romances aren’t inherently bad especially if the people involved are fat, disabled, neurodivergent, and/or people of color because queer people aren’t the only marginalized group that need to be represented” are two statements that can and should coexist. 
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with Basque being a difficult language to learn, how often do you meet someone who proficiently speaks it as a second language ?
"With Basque being a difficult language to learn".
Anon, I can't believe you internalized the same old lie about Basque difficulty - led by French and Spanish nationalists - whose only intention is to promote it as a second-class language, unable to gain new speakers, suffocate any real interest in learning it by making it appear impossible for non-natives, and eventually lead it to extinction.
Language difficulty depends not only on its grammar, script, vocabulary, etc., but also on learners' skill, dedication, mother tongue, other learnt languages, available resources, etc.
Mandarin Chinese is often considered one of the most difficult languages to learn and still it has 100s of millions of speakers as a second language.
Basque is not a hard language to learn: it uses Latin script, has lots of Latin loanwords, very few grammatical exceptions, and mostly very clear phonemes. It's not an impossible language that will take years and years to dominate. In the Official Schools of Languages in Spain, it takes students around 5-6 years to achieve C1 level.
I've personally met Moroccan, Polish, Catalan, Senegalese, and Russian people that spoke perfect Basque. Even here on Tumblr there are people from different parts of the world that learnt /are learning Basque on their own, with limited resources, and making such an incredible job.
Stop the propaganda: everybody can learn Basque - or any other language for that matter.
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rotzaprachim · 8 months
one thing I wish was better known is that if you want to learn a minoritized or “endangered” language as an outsider, the most important thing by far is to center the speaker community and find out what community activities are going on for language revitalization and IF the community is open to outsiders learning the language and on what terms! You may even get a variety of answers! The job is to listen! The important thing is that questions around this are SO specific and communty-contingent that no single post or tiktok will cover all situations! There are a lot of cases in which a speech community considers their language closed to outsiders! There are a lot of cases in which the community would like outsiders to learn their language - including cases where there is no assumed divide between insiders and outsiders in those who learn the language - to contribute to revitalization and reclamation efforts. There are a lot of cases where the answer is in the middle, or when different community members will feel differently. Don’t assume you have right to learn a language from a community you are not a part of. However, additionally, do not automatically assume that a speech community considers their language closed to those willing to learn respectfully and in cultural context
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zxrtecs · 2 months
sometimes i wish i could just. reach through the screen and slam a pro.shipper's head down at least once because they are just so dumb and maybe the action would cause some important neurons sleeping on the job to actually get to work. they would almost be sad if they weren't so disgusting. they gotta have a combined IQ of 5 at this point like...
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Parlam un pauc de l'occitan (Let's talk about occitan)
L'occitan es un dialècte del francés que se parla dins lo sud de França, al nòrd d'Itàlia, dins la Val d'Aran, en Catalunya. Es una lenga romanica que fa pas partida de las lengas oficialas en França mas qu'es ensenhada dins d'unas escòlas e universitats. Se retròba dins l'occitan diferent dialèctes, aicí es de lengadocian. L'Estat francés en unificant lo país astors d'una lenga comuna a participat activament a l'esfaçament de nòstra lenga e de nòstra cultura. Son ensenhament èra defendut, los ensenhaires que parlavan occitan son estats remplaçats e se los escolans parlavan occitan a l'escòla èran punís fisicament. Uèi, nòstra lenga es "en dangièr seriós d'extincion" segon l'UNESCO. L'occitan es pas la sola lenga regionala a aver subte aquò. Totas la diversitat lingüistica en França es estada tocada.
Occitan is a dialect of French spoken in southern France, northern Italy, the Aran Valley and Catalonia. It is a Romance language that is not an official language in France but is taught in some schools and universities. Within Occitan itself there are different dialects, here it is Languedocien. The French state, by unifying the country around a common language, has actively participated in the erasure of our language and culture. Its teaching was forbidden, teachers who spoke Occitan were replaced and if pupils spoke Occitan at school they were physically punished. Today, our language is "in serious danger of extinction" according to UNESCO. Occitan is not the only regional language to have suffered this. All linguistic diversity in France has been affected.
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minglana · 1 year
firefox in sardinian hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
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travisdermotts · 7 months
opening night for the pwhl can't come fast enough
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useless-catalanfacts · 8 months
Sweden saying they'll vote against allowing the use of Catalan, Basque and Galician in the European Union Parliament because "there's lots of minority languages and we can't allow them all" is so funny because CATALAN HAS MORE SPEAKERS THAN SWEDISH
Catalan is the 13th most spoken language in the EU. It has more than 10 million speakers, which means it has more speakers than other languages that are already official EU languages like Maltese (530,000), Estonian (1.2 million), Latvian (1.5 million), Irish (1.6 million), Slovene (2.5 million), Lithuanian (3 million), Slovak (5 million), Finnish (5.8 million), Danish (6 million), Swedish (10 million), and Bulgarian (10 million).
Neither Galician (3 million) nor Basque (750,000) would still be the least spoken languages to be allowed in the EU representative bodies.
But even if any of them did, so what? Why do speakers of smaller languages deserve less rights than those of bigger languages? How are we supposed to feel represented by the EU Parliament when our representatives aren't even allowed to speak our language, but the dominant groups can speak theirs?
It all comes down to the hatred of language/cultural diversity and the belief that it's an inconvenience, that only the languages of independent countries have any kind of value while the rest should be killed off. After all, isn't that what Sweden has been trying to do to the indigenous Sami people for centuries?
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gingus-doon · 9 months
thinking of that transles separatist girlie who said every attractive trait in men is eroticized misogyny
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burinazar · 4 months
"moments where everyone else is introducing themselves with their pronouns and i weigh the odds of honestly saying my pronouns are it/she and letting that land how it's probably gonna land versus more 'acceptable' ones, all the while knowing my awkward silence as i wrestle with this may be mistaken for me feeling normie-awkward that they shared their pronouns" shaking hands with "moments where someone else at the event just enthusiastically and unselfconsciously shared they have ADD and i'm working out whether i can choke out disclosing my diagnosis of the same that i still feel really fucking weird about versus say nothing, knowing my silence may be mistaken for me feeling normie-awkward that they shared theirdiagnosis" with the clasped hands in the middle of the meme labeled The Ebil Does Not Know What To Do slash Fears Its Silence will be Mistaken for A Judgemental One Instead of a OHNOWHATDOSIWJAKJRARAJKL One
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Tumblr media
Seen at the Bilbao BBK Live music festival, the things that happen when the responsibles of the signs are given a text in Spanish and Google translator.
It's been making the rounds among Basque speakers as a quite funny joke because instead of saying get there without waiting in Euskara they wrote get there without hope 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
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rotzaprachim · 8 months
doing some readings for class and now extremely interested if academic work has been done on the boarding school in Harry Potter as English/Anglo-American apparatus for assimilation and social control
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