der-gorgonaut · 9 months
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// gemüse //
web instagram
by Georg Nickolaus
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intakitoo · 10 months
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antigonipapantoni · 30 days
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diary-sunflower · 10 months
Yang ingin membaca cerita genre healing fiction, buku ini saya rekomendasikan. Dulu, saya mengira drama Korea, novel Korea identik dengan romansa cinta-cintaan yang bagi sebagian orang (termasuk saya kadang-kadang), membosankan. Tapi membaca ini, membuat pandangan saya berubah. Novel ini menawarkan cerita yang sederhana. Para tokoh yang sepaket dengan karakter dan masalah mereka, dapat kita temukan di lingkungan sekitar. Mungkin ini tentang saya, dia, mereka atau kamu.
Salah satu pesan dalam novel ini ialah bahwa setiap orang memiliki masalah, masa lalu dan penyelesaian masalah yang berbeda. Namun, di antara semua keruwetan hidup, ada kehangatan yang dapat muncul hanya dengan kebaikan yang mungkin bagi kita tak seberapa, tapi ternyata memiliki dampak yang luar biasa bagi orang lain. Kadangkala, kita cukup dengan hanya menjadi pendengar yang baik, bahu untuk bersandar bagi mereka yang sedang lelah, memberikan sesuatu dari hati --meski mungkin niat awalnya tidak begitu, tapi seiring bergulirnya waktu, kita menemukan makna ketulusan.
Minimarket Always memang merepotkan. Tapi jika ada yang seperti itu di dekat tempat tinggal saya, rasanya menyenangkan juga untuk dapat singgah sebentar.
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sherbet-for-one · 1 year
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I made a poster for my junior year film! Tbh I don’t think anyone on here is interested, but I want to share god damn it!
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aliaslittlewilliam · 1 year
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Happy Minimarket Customer, Turin, Italy
Copyright @aliaslittlewilliam
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publikkaltim · 9 days
Diprotes Warga, DPRD Samarinda Dorong PUPR Tinjau Kembali Perizinan Pembangunan Gerai Retail di Jalan Gatot Subroto
PUBLIKKALTIM.COM – DPRD Samarinda meminta Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang (PUPR) Samarinda untuk meninjau kembali perizinan pembangunan gerai retail atau minimarket di Jalan Gatot Subroto. Pasalnya, gerai retail yang dibangun di Gang Masjid, Samarinda itu mendapat protes dari warga sekitar. Hal itu disampaikan sekretaris Komisi I DPRD Samarinda, Ahmad Vananzda. Menurutnya, jika belum ada…
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The 3d model available here: https://steplont-art.blogspot.com/2015/10/3d-model-supermarket-shop.html
3D model SuperMarket Shop
Polygons: 28201 Vertices: 30957
The 3D model looks like a commercial building, this can be used as a shop, supermarket, etc. Details are separate in layers. Ceiling, floor, grass, round, sign, stairs, walls have unwrapped UV. Grass is made with a plane and a texture. Polys: 28 201 Verts: 30 957
Hope you like it :)
3d model download low poly market supermarket shop retail trade centre architecture building exterior fasade scene office block interior MiniMarket
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ngantor · 2 months
di beberapa gedung perkantoran, biasanya ada minimarket, di mana pegawai di lingkungan gedung bisa belanja.
tapi minimarket biasa, jarang ada yang jual kopi fresh.
family mart, sebagai chain minimarket, juga ada di beberapa perkantoran.
dan familymart menyediakan kopi fresh.
nah sering kejadian, ketika sedang antri mau beli kopi, ternyata pegawainya lagi nyiapin sekitar 20 kopi pesanan dari lantai 4.
malesin banget 😅
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thetarotman · 3 months
FINAL REMINDER: Tomorrow, Saturday, February 10, 2024, 1-6PM, I have the pleasure of joining several others wonderful Witches--Psychic Readers, Practitioners, Energy Healers, Vendors and Presenters--for the Moon Serpent and Bone Sexy Hexes Psychic Fair and Mini Market. For ALL the info, visit www.moonserpentandbone.com and you can also visit the blog post linked above. For any additional info, you can Email me directly at [email protected]. Thank you and Goddess Blessings.
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¡Descubre la vitrina refrigerada Miyagui Pash-100! 🎥🎉
Esta vitrina tiene un ancho de 100cm, fondo de 70cm y alto de 170.5cm, lo que la hace perfecta para tu negocio. 🏪👌
Cuenta con 4 repisas para organizar tus productos y una potencia de 1/3hp para mantenerlos frescos. ❄️🥦🍎
Lo mejor es que su temperatura de trabajo es regulable, ¡así que puedes ajustarla a tus necesidades! 🌡️🔧
Además, tiene doble vidrio de 6mm en todas sus caras para una mejor conservación y visualización de tus productos. 🥐🍰🍖
Y no olvidemos sus 2 puertas corredizas que facilitan el acceso a tus productos. 🚪🏃‍♀️
¿Quieres saber más? Haz clic en el enlace de Whatsapp para contactarnos directamente: https://wa.me/51992498980 📲💬
¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad!
#Miyagui #Pash100 #VitrinaRefrigerada #Negocio #InstagramVideo #FacebookVideo #restaurant #panaderia #bodega #minimarket #conveniencestore #pasteleria #pastelera #pasteles
Ganiku S.A.C.
RUC: 20557963350
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drfm-me · 7 months
Sidak Perizinan, Pengurus Area Gedung Minimarket Pasir Putih Tidak Tau Masalah IMB
Dapurremaja.com| Pasir Putih Kasi Pem kelurahan Pasir Putih Komarudin di dampingi Dantim Pol PP kecamatan Sawangan melakukan Inspeksi Mendadak (Sidak) atau kunjungan khusus ke lokasi bangunan Minimarket yang diduga belum kantongi Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) yang berada di Jl. Pasir Putih RT 04/06 Pasir Putih Sawangan, Depok. Continue reading Untitled
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kbanews · 8 months
Kasir Minimarket Ini Doakan Anies Baswedan Jadi Presiden 2024-2029
JAKARTA | KBA – Dukungan kepada bakal capres Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan (KPP) Anies Baswedan terus mengalir dari kelompok masyarakat bawah atau wong cilik. Mereka berdoa agar Anies Baswedan menjadi Presiden Republik Indonesia 2024-2029. Salah satu yang mendoakan Anies menjadi presiden adalah Susan Gazali. Perempuan yang bekerja sebagai kasir di sebuah minimarket di kawasan Tebet, Jakarta…
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konsultantokoretail · 9 months
Konsultan Toko Retail TERBAIK di Kota Garut | WA 081809090910
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Halo. Nama saya Rudi. Saya adalah seorang Konsultan Toko Ritel dengan pengalaman kerja dan prestasi selama 30 tahun di sebuah perusahaan ritel terkemuka di Kota Bandung.
Beberapa prestasi dan penghargaan yang pernah kami dapatkan :
Pada tahun 2007 mendapatkan penghargaan "BEST PERFORMANCE STORE MANAGER" Griya Sumber Sari Bandung. Pada tahun 2013 mendapatkan penghargaan "BEST PERFORMANCE STORE MANAGER" Yogya Kopo Mas Bandung. Pada tahun 2016 mendapatkan penghargaan "BEST PERFORMANCE STORE MANAGER" Griya Dinasty Bandung.
Tahun 2023 ini beberapa project konsultasi kami adalah sebagai berikut (sampai Bulan Juli 2023) :
Sebuah toko ritel di Kota Sukabumi. Sebuah perusahaan ritel yang memiliki beberapa chain store di Priangan Timur, Bandung (sedang berjalan).
Untuk info dan konsultasi, silakan langsung WhatsApp ke nomor 081809090910 ya, Bapak Ibu.
Kami siap membantu Anda.
Konsultan Ritel, Konsultan Manajemen Ritel, Konsultan Minimarket Mandiri, Konsultan Bisnis Minimarket, Konsultan Supermarket, Konsultan Manajemen Minimarket, Konsultan Swalayan
konsultanritelterbaik, #konsultanritelmodern, #konsultanretailmanagement, #konsultanminimarketbandung, #konsultansupermarket, #jasakonsultanritel, #konsultanswalayan
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aldafresh24 · 10 months
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How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Grocery Delivery App
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Everything is truly only a tap away in this contemporary era in which we live. A few taps on your phone will allow you to get a cab, purchase a stylish outfit with a summery vibe, and complete both tasks.
Because of the expanding idea of on-demand smartphone apps, it really is that easy. There are on-demand mobile apps in several areas specifically for supermarket consumers.
In fact, it's safe to say that most consumers found the development of grocery delivery apps to be nothing short of a blessing. They were ecstatic at the prospect of no longer having to wait in long lines for groceries. No longer!
Customers who utilize on-demand grocery delivery apps are multiplying quickly. And compared to the previous one, there has been a significant growth in the number of users of grocery-related mobile apps. These folks prefer the thought of ordering their groceries online and having them delivered promptly.
Note: To develop a grocery app there are multiple mobile application development companies in Washington. You can contact them easily.
Essential features of grocery apps that affect the cost of grocery app development
In addition to the list of required features, when developing an on-demand grocery app, several considerations must be considered, including the following. This has an impact on the overall price of creating a grocery app.
1. Registration
The simplified registration process is one of the main factors supporting the upward trend in the grocery delivery application growth profit graph. Consequently, it is crucial to make the initial steps simple, quick and efficient. Thus, a simple and seamless registration process for your app requires advanced and sophisticated technology which can increase grocery delivery app development cost. Keeping things brief here is the best way.
2. Multilingual support
Grocery app features should include multiple language features. Since not everyone speaks English well, it is very important to have this complex feature. And the more languages you add, the higher the cost of building an app.
3. Technology Stack
The best grocery delivery apps in the US and other nations use different technology stacks to create their on-demand grocery apps. It depends on the skill set and predetermined budget for the price of developing a mobile app. However, as mentioned above, the more advanced and sophisticated the technology used, the higher the cost of developing a grocery delivery app.
4. Push notifications
Push notifications are a key aspect of creating a shopping app. Customers would value online grocery shopping more if they often hear about new offers, products, and services. Applications for grocery stores should have this feature to keep customers updated. It is important to have this capability, because it influences how much it costs to make an online shopping app.
5. Online on-demand integration
Nowadays, both worldwide and in the US, third parties are frequently incorporated into the top grocery delivery applications. Everyone now demands integration, whether it's for payments or connecting with numerous social networking sites. By including more integrations, the cost of creating an online grocery shopping app rises. As a result, it's crucial to choose the necessary set of on-demand third-party connectors wisely. This has a significant effect on the price of developing grocery delivery apps.
Read More: Iphone application development companies in Texas
6. GPS monitoring
One of the key components of the grocery shopping app is the GPS (Global Positioning System) technology, which enables groceries delivery. It aids in route planning for drivers. Additionally, users get access to real-time data on order processing and delivery. The cost of creating grocery delivery apps depends on how crucial GPS is.
Cost of developing a mobile app for grocery delivery
Any mobile app's price is impacted by a number of variables, some of which are given below.
The application's complexity
the number of app stores
Team size for development
field of app development
Integration of third-party apps
The features and design you decide to incorporate into your app will affect its complexity; the more complicated the design and functionality, the more expensive the app will be.
Additionally, compared to developing an app for both platforms, the cost will be lower if you choose one platform, such as iOS or Android. The development sector is the next.
The cost per 1 hour to develop an app differs  by location. For instance, hiring a mobile app developer in the US might cost between $150 and $250 per1  hour, whereas in Eastern Europe, developers typically charge between $100 and $150 per hour.
Related Article: Android app development company in Virginia
Author: I’m Anita Basa, a fascinating Technical Content writer currently working at USM Business Systems. Interested to know about technology updates. Mobile App Development, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IOS, and Technology-related content Get connected with me on Linkedin.
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