#minecraft crafting
nether-have-i-ever · 2 months
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0waxfruitjuice0 · 1 year
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Next patch! It’s a Minecraft bee patch, I made this one for a friend. It took me hella long but it turned out perfectly
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minor-r · 1 year
What? You don't craft your diamond pickaxe like that?
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lesliethorhauge53 · 9 months
Crafting Your Dream Home: Building Blocks and Furniture Recipes
Minecraft Crafting Recipes List Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, allows players to unleash their creativity and build magnificent structures in a virtual world. Whether you're constructing a cozy cottage or an extravagant mansion, the ability to craft unique building blocks and furniture is essential in bringing your dream home to life. In this article, we'll explore some essential crafting recipes that will help you create the perfect abode in Minecraft. - Bricks: Bricks are a classic building material that adds a touch of sophistication to any structure. To craft bricks, you'll need clay, which can be found near bodies of water, and a furnace. Place the clay blocks in a furnace to create bricks. These versatile blocks can be used for walls, floors, and chimneys, giving your home a timeless and elegant appearance. - Colored Wool: Wool is a versatile material that comes in a variety of vibrant colors. To craft colored wool, you'll need white wool and dyes. Obtain white wool by shearing sheep or finding it in villages. Then, combine the white wool with the desired dye color in a crafting table. Colored wool can be used for carpets, curtains, decorative accents, and even pixel art, allowing you to personalize your home with a rainbow of possibilities. - Glass Panes: Glass panes are essential for windows, skylights, and decorative elements in modern and contemporary builds. To craft glass panes, you'll need glass blocks. Place six glass blocks in two horizontal rows in a crafting table, yielding 16 glass panes. The transparency of glass panes allows natural light to flood your home, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere. - Bookshelf: A bookshelf is not only a functional storage solution for books but also a decorative element that adds character to your home. To craft a bookshelf, you'll need six wooden planks and three books. Arrange the wooden planks along the bottom row and place three books in the middle row of a crafting table. Bookshelves can be used to create cozy libraries, study rooms, or as decorative wall accents. - Carpet: Carpeting adds warmth and comfort to your home while also providing an opportunity for creative floor designs. To craft carpet, you'll need two wool of the same color. Place the two wool blocks in a horizontal row in a crafting table to create three carpets. Experiment with different carpet colors and patterns to create unique flooring arrangements that suit your style. - Fence: Fences are not only functional but also a great way to add boundaries and define spaces within your home. To craft fences, you'll need sticks. Place four sticks in the corners of a crafting table, leaving the center block empty. Fences can be used for enclosures, garden borders, or to create decorative elements like balconies and railings. - Lantern: Lanterns provide a soft and warm glow, adding charm and ambiance to your home. To craft a lantern, you'll need iron nuggets and a torch. Place an iron nugget below a torch in a crafting table to create a lantern. Hang lanterns from ceilings, place them on walls, or suspend them outdoors to create a magical and inviting atmosphere. Remember, the beauty of Minecraft lies in its endless possibilities. Experiment with different materials, colors, and designs to make your dream home a reality. Whether you're going for a rustic cottage, a modern masterpiece, or a whimsical castle, these crafting recipes will help you transform your vision into a tangible creation within the Minecraft universe. So, grab your crafting table, gather your materials, and start building the home of your dreams!
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pickettjackson37 · 10 months
Crafting Enchantments: Unveiling the Mysteries of Enchanting in Minecraft
Minecraft crafting recipes In the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, enchanting is a powerful and essential aspect of gameplay that allows players to enhance their tools, weapons, and armor with magical properties. The process of enchanting in Minecraft adds depth and strategy to the game, offering players the opportunity to customize their gear and gain unique advantages. Unveiling the mysteries of enchanting not only elevates gameplay but also adds an element of wonder and exploration as players seek out rare enchantments and harness their potent abilities. At its core, enchanting in Minecraft involves imbuing items with magical properties through the use of an enchantment table or anvil. By combining experience levels gained through gameplay with enchanting materials such as lapis lazuli and enchanted books, players can enchant their equipment with a variety of enchantments, each providing different benefits and enhancements. Enchantments come in different tiers, with higher levels offering more potent effects. They can improve durability, increase attack power, enhance defense, provide special abilities, and even increase the efficiency of tools. For example, a sword can be enchanted with "Sharpness," which increases its attack damage, or "Looting," which improves the chances of receiving rare drops from defeated mobs. Similarly, armor can be enchanted with "Protection," which reduces damage from all sources, or "Thorns," which damages attackers when they strike the wearer. The process of enchanting involves an element of randomness, adding an exciting element of surprise and discovery. When enchanting an item, players are presented with a selection of randomly generated enchantments to choose from. The specific enchantments available and their levels depend on the player's experience level and the enchanting materials used. This element of chance encourages players to experiment and seek out new enchantments, creating a sense of anticipation and excitement with each enchanting session. To increase their chances of obtaining desirable enchantments, players can manipulate the enchanting process by using enchantment tables surrounded by bookshelves or by combining multiple enchanted books through an anvil. Bookshelves provide an enchanting table with more power, which expands the range of possible enchantments. Additionally, combining enchanted books allows players to merge multiple enchantments into a single item, creating custom gear tailored to their specific needs. The mysteries of enchanting extend beyond the enchantment table and anvil. Players can also discover enchanted books within generated structures, dungeons, or by trading with villagers. These enchanted books contain pre-existing enchantments that can be applied to items directly or combined with other books to create even more powerful enchantments. The hunt for rare enchanted books becomes a thrilling quest, as players explore the world in search of hidden treasures and invaluable enchantments. Enchanting in Minecraft is not merely a means of improving gear; it is a journey of discovery and customization. It encourages players to strategize and make tactical decisions based on their preferred playstyle and objectives. The choice of enchantments and their application to specific items can drastically alter gameplay experiences, allowing players to specialize in different areas, such as combat, mining, or farming. Furthermore, enchanting adds depth to the Minecraft economy and multiplayer interactions. Players can trade or exchange enchanted items, creating a marketplace where rare and powerful gear becomes highly sought after. The allure of enchantments fosters a sense of community, as players collaborate, trade, and compete to obtain the most valuable enchanted items. In the end, the art of enchanting in Minecraft is a captivating and integral part of the game's mechanics. It adds layers of depth, strategy, and customization to the player's experience, elevating gameplay and fueling a sense of wonder and exploration. The mysteries of enchanting await those brave enough to venture forth, seeking out rare enchantments and wielding the power of magic in the world of Minecraft.
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sweetpieheart · 1 month
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curriespence11 · 10 months
Crafting Efficiency: Maximizing Your Output in Minecraft
In the expansive world of Minecraft, resource gathering and crafting are essential activities that drive progress and enable players to bring their creative visions to life. Whether you're constructing towering structures, equipping yourself with powerful gear, or embarking on grand adventures, maximizing your crafting efficiency is key to achieving your goals. In this article, we'll explore strategies and tips to help you optimize your output and make the most of your crafting endeavors in Minecraft. - Organize Your Inventory: Efficient crafting starts with a well-organized inventory. Keep your inventory tidy by sorting items into dedicated slots or chests. This way, you can easily find the materials you need without wasting time searching through clutter. Group similar items together, such as blocks, tools, and resources, for quick access when crafting. - Plan Ahead: Before diving into crafting, plan your projects and determine the necessary materials. Minecraft Crafting Visualize the end result and create a list of required items. This way, you can gather all the necessary resources in advance and avoid interruptions during the crafting process. Planning also allows you to optimize your resource gathering, focusing on specific materials required for your projects. - Efficient Resource Gathering: To maximize your crafting efficiency, adopt efficient resource gathering strategies. Identify resource-rich areas in your Minecraft world, such as caves, mineshafts, or biomes known for specific materials. Use the right tools for the job, as they will yield resources faster and increase your output. Enchanting tools with efficiency or fortune enchantments can significantly boost your resource gathering efficiency. - Automated Farms: Consider setting up automated farms to ensure a steady supply of renewable resources. Automated crop farms, animal breeding setups, and tree farms can provide a continuous stream of essential materials like food, wool, and wood. With these farms in place, you can focus on other crafting tasks while your resources accumulate automatically. - Utilize Crafting Tables and Workbenches: Make effective use of crafting tables and workbenches. These essential tools allow you to craft multiple items simultaneously. Plan your crafting process to take advantage of the 3x3 crafting grid and workbench slots. For example, if you need a significant number of items, craft them in bulk instead of one by one. This reduces the time spent on repetitive tasks. - Master Crafting Recipes: Familiarize yourself with the extensive range of crafting recipes available in Minecraft. The game offers countless possibilities, and knowing the recipes by heart will save time and reduce the need to consult external references. Practice crafting essential items repeatedly until you can efficiently create them without hesitation. - Enchanting and Repairing: Enchanting tools and gear can greatly enhance their performance, making your resource gathering and combat more efficient. Invest in an enchanting setup with bookshelves, an enchanting table, and an XP farm to acquire powerful enchantments. Additionally, repair your tools and gear using an anvil, combining damaged items with the same type to extend their durability and usefulness. - Redstone Contraptions: Redstone, the digital circuitry system in Minecraft, allows for the creation of automated contraptions. Utilize redstone mechanisms like item sorters, auto-smelters, and storage systems to streamline your crafting process. These contraptions automate tasks, saving time and effort while maximizing your output. By implementing these strategies, you can significantly improve your crafting efficiency in Minecraft. Organizing your inventory, planning ahead, and optimizing your resource gathering will streamline the process. Utilizing crafting tables effectively, mastering recipes, and automating tasks through redstone contraptions will boost your output. Remember, efficiency in Minecraft isn't just about saving time—it's about maximizing your potential for creativity, exploration, and enjoyment in the vast blocky world. So, sharpen your crafting skills, embrace these efficiency techniques, and unleash your creativity in Minecraft like never before.
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waltermclaughlin08 · 10 months
Creating Wonders: Crafting in Minecraft's Creative Mode
Minecraft's Creative mode is a boundless canvas where players can unleash their imagination and construct extraordinary wonders. At the heart of this creative endeavor lies the art of crafting, a fundamental aspect of the game that allows players to transform raw materials into magnificent creations. Crafting in Minecraft's Creative mode empowers players to bring their visions to life, pushing the boundaries of creativity and design. Crafting in Minecraft is a straightforward and intuitive process that grants players the ability to shape their world. By accessing the crafting table or inventory menu, players can explore an extensive range of crafting recipes and discover the vast possibilities at their disposal. From crafting tools and building blocks to decorative items and complex contraptions, the art of crafting in Minecraft's Creative mode is an essential tool for realizing grand visions. One of the primary joys of crafting in Creative mode is the ability to create awe-inspiring structures and architectural marvels. The diverse range of building blocks available allows players to construct anything their imagination desires, from towering castles and futuristic cities to sprawling landscapes and intricate sculptures. With careful placement and manipulation of blocks, players can shape the world in astonishing ways, bringing their artistic vision to life. Crafting in Minecraft's Creative mode goes beyond simple construction; it also enables players to design functional and interactive creations. By utilizing redstone, a virtual wiring system within the game, players can craft intricate mechanisms and contraptions. This includes redstone-powered doors, automated farms, hidden passages, and even elaborate minigames. The ability to combine crafting and redstone mechanics allows players to design complex systems limited only by their creativity and understanding of the game's mechanics. Decorative crafting is another aspect that adds depth and detail to creations. Players can craft a vast array of decorative items, such as paintings, banners, and furniture, to enhance the aesthetics of their builds. These decorative elements provide an opportunity to add personality, character, and uniqueness to creations, transforming them from mere structures to immersive environments that captivate the senses. Crafting in Minecraft's Creative mode also encourages resourcefulness and experimentation. Players can transform basic materials into valuable resources by combining blocks and items in various ways. This includes crafting tools, weapons, and armor, which can enhance gameplay and provide unique abilities. The ability to customize and craft equipment to suit individual playstyles adds an extra layer of depth and personalization to the Minecraft experience. The satisfaction derived from crafting in Minecraft's Creative mode is immeasurable. Witnessing an idea take shape through the process of gathering materials, arranging them in the crafting table, and finally placing the finished product within the world evokes a sense of accomplishment and pride. The act of crafting becomes a tangible representation of the player's creativity and vision, fueling the desire to continue creating and exploring new possibilities. Furthermore, Minecraft's Creative mode fosters a sense of community through crafting. Players can share their creations with others, collaborate on massive projects, and inspire each other with their craftsmanship. Online communities and dedicated servers provide spaces for creators to showcase their works, receive feedback, and even collaborate on ambitious endeavors. The ability to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for crafting fosters a supportive and inspiring environment that fuels creativity. minecraft crafting in creative mode Crafting in Minecraft's Creative mode is an art form that allows players to become architects, engineers, and artists within the virtual realm. Through the power of crafting, players can construct breathtaking structures, intricate contraptions, and immersive environments. The combination of limitless creativity, resourcefulness, and the support of a vibrant community ensures that the wonders created in Minecraft's Creative mode are truly extraordinary. So, embrace the crafting table, let your imagination soar, and embark on a journey of creation and wonder in the vast and enchanting world of Minecraft.
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crouchkang97 · 10 months
Boosting Your Crafting Game: 20 Quick Shortcuts in Minecraft
Crafting is a fundamental aspect of Minecraft gameplay. Whether you're building structures, creating tools, or brewing potions, mastering the art of crafting can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. In this article, we'll explore 20 quick shortcuts that will boost your crafting game and make your Minecraft adventures more efficient and enjoyable. - Shift-Click Crafting: When crafting items in the crafting table, hold down the Shift key and click on the crafted item to automatically transfer it to your inventory. - Quick Crafting: To quickly craft an item from your available inventory materials, simply shift-click on the recipe in the crafting table. This allows you to craft multiple items in quick succession. - Right-Click Crafting: Instead of dragging items into the crafting grid, you can right-click on the recipe in the crafting table to instantly craft the item. - Recipe Book: Access the recipe book by clicking the book icon in your inventory. It provides a comprehensive list of all available crafting recipes, allowing you to easily reference and discover new recipes. - Searching in the Recipe Book: Use the search bar in the recipe book to quickly find specific recipes by typing in the name or main ingredient of the desired item. - Crafting Grid Shortcuts: Double-click on an item in your inventory to automatically move it to the crafting grid or move it from the crafting grid back to your inventory. - Stack Splitting: To split a stack of items evenly, hold down the left mouse button and drag the stack across the inventory. This is useful when distributing items among multiple crafting slots or chests. - Crafting Multiple Items: Shift-clicking on a recipe in the recipe book while having enough resources in your inventory will automatically craft multiple items at once. - Using the Number Keys: Assign numbers to items in your hotbar by hovering over them and pressing a number key (1-9). Pressing the assigned number key will then quickly equip the corresponding item. - Auto-Refill: When a tool or stack of items is depleted, hold down the right mouse button while hovering over a similar item in your inventory to automatically refill it. - Shift-Click Drop: To quickly drop items from your inventory, hold down the Shift key while clicking and dragging the item out of the inventory interface. - Quick Swap: When equipping or switching items in your hotbar, press the F key to instantly swap the item in your main hand with the one in your off-hand. - Filling Empty Spaces: If you have an incomplete stack of items, hold down the right mouse button while hovering over an empty slot in your inventory to automatically fill it with items from other stacks. - Crafting from Storage Blocks: You can craft directly from storage blocks such as chests or barrels by right-clicking on them while holding the necessary crafting ingredients. - Recipe Unlocking: Obtaining new crafting materials or tools can unlock new recipes in your recipe book. Always explore and experiment with new items to expand your crafting possibilities. - Shift-Clicking Furnace Inputs: When using a furnace or a smoker, hold down the Shift key while clicking on the input slot to transfer a full stack of items into the furnace. - Quick Shield Use: To quickly raise your shield for defense, press the F key (or your designated keybind) instead of manually selecting it from your inventory. - Crafting while Sneaking: While sneaking (holding the Shift key), you can craft items from your inventory without accidentally dropping them. - Quick Potion Brewing: When brewing potions, place the ingredients in the brewing stand and use the right mouse button to quickly move potions between the brewing stand and your inventory. - Optimal Crafting Order: Arrange your crafting ingredients in the correct order in the crafting table to optimize your crafting process. This minimizes unnecessary movements and streamlines your workflow. By incorporating these 20 quick shortcuts into your Minecraft crafting routine, you'll be able to craft items more efficiently, save time, and focus on the adventures that lie ahead. So, start implementing these shortcuts today and boost your crafting game to new heights in the blocky world of Minecraft. Happy crafting! minecraft crafting recipes wiki
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noonanboesen18 · 10 months
Crafting for Builders: Construction Recipes in Minecraft
Minecraft crafting Minecraft, the iconic sandbox game, is renowned for its limitless creativity and endless possibilities. One of the most popular aspects of Minecraft is its construction mechanics, which allow players to build awe-inspiring structures limited only by their imagination. However, the art of construction in Minecraft goes beyond placing blocks. It involves utilizing a wide array of materials and understanding the recipes that unlock their full potential. In this article, we will delve into the world of construction recipes in Minecraft and explore how they empower builders to bring their visions to life. At the heart of Minecraft's construction system is the crafting table, a fundamental tool that enables players to transform raw materials into usable items and blocks. By arranging specific combinations of items in the crafting grid, players can unlock a vast range of construction recipes. From simple wooden planks and stone bricks to more exotic materials like glass panes and nether bricks, understanding these recipes is key to unlocking the full potential of each material in your building projects. One of the fundamental aspects of construction in Minecraft is the ability to create different types of blocks through crafting. For example, combining four wooden planks of the same type in a 2x2 crafting grid will yield a corresponding wooden block, which can then be used as a building material. This mechanic applies to various materials, such as stone, brick, terracotta, and many more. Knowing these recipes allows builders to manipulate and customize their materials to suit their artistic vision. In addition to basic block recipes, Minecraft offers a plethora of decorative and functional blocks that can enhance any construction project. For instance, crafting a ladder using sticks allows players to create vertical access points, while combining six iron ingots in a 3x3 grid produces iron bars, which are perfect for constructing fences and balconies. From trapdoors and glass panes to buttons and pressure plates, the diverse range of construction recipes provides builders with a toolbox of options to add depth, detail, and functionality to their creations. For aspiring architects looking to elevate their building skills, mastering the art of crafting stairs and slabs is essential. These blocks allow builders to create smooth transitions, add architectural flair, and create intricate patterns in their structures. By combining three blocks of the same material in a diagonal pattern, players can craft stairs that seamlessly blend with the overall design. Slabs, on the other hand, can be crafted by placing three blocks of the same material in a horizontal row, enabling builders to create lower-height floors and decorative accents. Furthermore, Minecraft offers a variety of construction recipes that cater to specific building needs. For example, crafting fences using sticks can be combined with wooden planks to create barriers and enclosures. Building frames for enchantment tables, crafting tables, and beds requires specific arrangements of obsidian, books, and wooden planks respectively. These specialized recipes add depth and functionality to structures, making them more than just visually appealing. Minecraft's construction recipes are not limited to crafting tables alone. An integral part of the construction process involves smelting raw materials to create refined blocks and items. The furnace, a block that players can create, allows them to smelt ores, cook food, and convert raw materials into useful resources. By placing ores or raw materials such as sand and clay in the furnace, players can create bricks, glass, and other refined materials that add texture and detail to their builds. To aid builders in their quest for construction mastery, Minecraft's vibrant community has curated countless resources, tutorials, and inspiration to guide players through the intricate world of construction recipes. From YouTube channels dedicated to showcasing building techniques to websites featuring comprehensive recipe guides, the Minecraft community provides a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for builders of all skill levels. Construction recipes in Minecraft form the foundation of building endeavors, allowing players to transform raw materials into a diverse array of blocks and items. Understanding these recipes empowers builders to bring their creative visions to life, providing them with the tools and materials needed to construct breathtaking structures. By mastering the art of crafting, architects in Minecraft can unlock the true potential of their materials and elevate their building skills to new heights. So grab your crafting table, gather your resources, and let your imagination soar as you embark on a journey of construction and creativity in the boundless world of Minecraft.
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baylyons86 · 10 months
Crafting for Automation: Redstone Contraptions and Automated Systems in Minecraft
Minecraft is not only a world of exploration and creativity but also a place where automation can flourish. With the power of redstone, players can create intricate contraptions and automated systems that streamline tasks, improve efficiency, and enhance gameplay. In this article, we will delve into the world of crafting for automation and explore the possibilities of redstone contraptions in Minecraft. - Redstone Basics: Before diving into automation, it's important to have a solid understanding of redstone basics. Redstone is a mineral that acts as a power source and allows players to transmit signals to activate or deactivate various components. Learn about redstone dust, repeaters, comparators, pistons, and other essential redstone components. Minecraft Crafting In Creative Mode Experiment with simple circuits to get a grasp of their behavior and functionality. - Streamline Resource Gathering: Automation can greatly streamline the process of resource gathering in Minecraft. By designing automated farms, players can cultivate crops, breed animals, and harvest resources without manual intervention. Create automated wheat farms using water channels and dispensers, or build an automatic chicken farm using hoppers and a chicken cooker. These contraptions ensure a steady supply of resources, allowing players to focus on other aspects of the game. - Efficient Smelting and Item Sorting: Smelting ores and sorting items manually can be time-consuming and tedious. Redstone contraptions can automate these processes, allowing players to focus on other activities. Build a furnace array using hoppers and comparators to automatically smelt ores and cook food. Design item sorters using hoppers, chests, and droppers to organize and store items automatically. These contraptions can save valuable time and effort, enabling smoother gameplay. - Automated Transport Systems: Traveling long distances in Minecraft can be arduous. Redstone-powered transport systems provide a convenient and efficient way to move between locations. Build minecart systems with powered rails and activator rails to create automated railways. Use redstone mechanisms to control the direction and speed of minecarts, allowing for seamless transportation across vast landscapes. Additionally, consider designing water channels, ice paths, or even elytra launchers for swift travel. - Security and Defense Systems: Automation can extend beyond convenience and contribute to enhancing security and defense in Minecraft. Redstone mechanisms can power traps and alarms, protecting your base from intruders. Create hidden doors using pistons and pressure plates, or set up tripwire hooks connected to dispensers loaded with harmful projectiles. By implementing these contraptions, you can fortify your base and deter potential threats. - Automatic Brewing Stations: Potions play a vital role in Minecraft, providing various benefits to players. Designing automatic brewing stations can simplify the process of creating potions. Set up redstone circuits that control the ingredient selection, water bottle refilling, and timing of the brewing stands. This allows for efficient brewing of potions without the need for constant monitoring. - Redstone Clocks and Timers: Timing is crucial in automation. Redstone clocks and timers ensure that contraptions activate and deactivate at the desired intervals. Utilize different clock designs such as repeater clocks, hopper clocks, or observer-based clocks to control the timing of redstone contraptions. This precision enables synchronization and coordination between various automated systems. - Command Blocks for Advanced Automation: For players seeking even more advanced automation possibilities, command blocks are a powerful tool. Command blocks allow you to execute complex commands and create custom interactions in Minecraft. Combine redstone contraptions with command blocks to create intricate automated systems, such as custom mob spawners, teleportation networks, or mini-games. - Collaboration and Inspiration: Automation in Minecraft is a vast field with endless possibilities. Engage with the Minecraft community, share your creations, and collaborate with other players. Participate in forums, watch tutorials, or join Minecraft communities to gain inspiration and learn new techniques. The exchange of ideas and feedback can push your automation skills to new heights. - Experiment and Innovate: The beauty of automation in Minecraft lies in the freedom to experiment and innovate. Don't be afraid to explore unconventional designs and push the boundaries of what's possible. Test different configurations, iterate on your designs, and adapt them to suit your specific needs and preferences. Crafting for automation in Minecraft opens up a world of convenience, efficiency, and creative possibilities. Embrace the power of redstone, experiment with contraptions, and let your imagination run wild. Whether you're streamlining resource gathering, designing elaborate transport systems, or fortifying your base's defenses, automation will revolutionize your Minecraft experience. So, gather your redstone components, ignite your creativity, and embark on a journey of crafting for automation in the remarkable world of Minecraft.
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nether-have-i-ever · 27 days
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sydneylinko · 4 months
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Minecraft inventory tote bag that my bf got me for Christmas 🎄❤️🥧
Link to the seller’s Etsy shop if you want one:
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ash-sword-06 · 11 months
Bro Mincraft gives me the Mandela effect because I swear to the gods that you used to have to make a cake with milk, eggs, sugar, and Redstone. I can't be the only one who remembers it this way?!?!?! At like the beginnings of minecraft???
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snowthaysen92 · 11 months
'Minecraft' Wont get that Huge Graphics Overhaul after All
Minecraft's massive Super Duper Graphics Pack is no more after two years of delays. Mojang decided that the visual overhaul was too complicated and difficult to implement. The developers "aren't happy" with the performance of the upgrade across platforms, and chose to pull the project down instead of delivering inconsistent quality. Minecraft Crafting
The goal of the pack was to allow 4K playback on Xbox One X and to add more sophisticated visual effects such as highlights, atmospheric effects and water.
There is a chance for an update to the graphics in the future. Mojang stated that it was "looking at other options" to provide Minecraft an updated look and that it would soon be able to announce news about improving the game's performance for different platforms. The title won't be stuck with its current appearance (however charming it might be) for long, but it could take a while to catch up with the latest technological advances.
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maynardpetersson00 · 11 months
GOG Big Fall Sale Finale GOG Big Fall Sale Finale FTL, Fez Sam And Max, Rogue Legacy
GOG.com's Big Fall Sale, which is DRM-free, The final sale kicked off this morning. More than 700 games will be available for sale until Tuesday 25 November. The sale is split into two 48-hour periods. The first comprises a "recap" of flash sales that quickly disappear and the second is the Big Fall Sale's daily bundles. This period starts on Sunday. The buyers who are financially strapped may want to act fast, as some of the flash deals will expire in just a few hours.
The discounts include Fez ($5), Rogue Legacy ($3), Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition ($2.49), Pathologic ($2), System Shock 2 ($5), Rollercoaster Tycoon: Deluxe Edition ($3), FTL: Advanced Edition ($5) and the four primary Wing Commander games are $3 each, with the two games that are the first to be combined into. Sam & Max Save the World and Beyond Time and Space cost $15 each, and The Devil's Playhouse costs $17.49.
OG.com has bundles available starting today, including the Fedora Deluxe Pack. This bundle includes five Tex Murphy games which can be downloaded for 80 percent off ($7.16). The digital games distributor also offers the movie bundle for $8.45 which includes five films, including The King of Arcades, Pixel Poetry and Minecraft: The Story of Mojang. [Image: GOG.com]
Last Call from GOG.com: the DRM-Free Big Fall Sale 4-Day-Long Finale Starts Today
GOG.com has concluded its Big Fall Sale. A 48-hour-long recap that includes flash sales begins at 2:00 PM GMT on the 21st of November, followed by a 48 hour bundle finale. minecraft-crafting.org
Calling all gamers: GOG.com is wrapping up its 2014 DRM-free Big Fall Sale with a finale of epic proportions! All of the games that were featured in flash sales throughout the entire promotion are now available for the next 48 thrilling hours (starting Friday, November 21st, 2:00 PM GMT) with 25+ concurrent offers at any given moment.
Flash sales will end on November 23rd, Sunday at 2:00 GMT. This is the final day of the Big Fall Sale's Daily Bundles.
The deals include amazing bundles that include classic Dungeons & Dragons RPGs from Hasbro (80% off) Daedalic's Deponia trilogy (85% off), the Mount & Blade series (75% off) as well as Telltale's Sam & Max games, as well as flash sales on individual games like Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (80 percent off), The Witcher 1 & 2 (85% off), Sacred 2 Gold (80 percent off) FTL: Faster Than Light (66% off), AI War Collection (80% off), and more!
This quarter of 2014 has been an excellent quarter for gaming on GOG.com with the enthralling Fall sale, the return of timeless Lucasfilm films and the release of This War of Mine this year.
GOG Big Fall Sale Finale: FTL, Fez, Sam And Max, Rogue Legacy
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