lobster-lover · 12 days
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vast error stuffs but these two things specifically
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energons · 5 months
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so it turns out i like oil paints
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oculusillusion · 5 months
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The tape is rolling and the lights shining
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deconreconstruction · 1 month
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alexis-royce · 1 month
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I mean, if you heard about the Yellow Ladder Argument, I think you could already guess how Diegesis feels about it.
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ataliaf · 1 year
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I need a shawty that hates me, and will shoot me.
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vast-error · 6 months
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Art requests from the Patreon
(takedown upon request)
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Laura Boella, Le imperdonabili. Milena Jesenskà, Etty Hillesum, Marina Cvetaeva, Ingeborg Bachmann, Cristina Campo, «Gli imperdonabili» 1, Mimesis Edizioni, Milano-Udine, 2013
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felsefebilim · 6 months
Irigaray ve Dişil Öznellik
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Kristeva ile birlikte Fransız feminist felsefesinin önemli isimlerinden birisi olan Luce Irigaray, psikanalizci olmasının da etkisiyle felsefe düşüncelerinde psikanalizden özellikle de Lacancı yaklaşımdan bir çatı oluşturmuştur.
İlgili olduğu disiplinler olan felsefe ve psikanaliz hakkındaki genel eleştirisi sahip oldukları ataerkil yapı hakkındadır. Ona göre; ataerkil yapı, erkek hegomanyasıdır ve tek cinscilikten oluşur. Bu yapıdan kurtulabilmek için kadınların yeni bir dil ve söylem gereksinimine ihtiyacı vardır. Bu dilin, kadınları erilleştirebileceğine değinir (mimesis). Irigaray mimesis kavramı ışığında; kadın, kadın gibi değil kadın olarak konuşmalıdır der. Bunun olabilmesi için de ataerkil toplum yapısından kopmuş, erillikten dönüştürülmüş özgün bir kadın formuna gerek vardır yani dişil öznelliğe...
Düşüncesinin temelinde kadının erkekleştirmeye zorlayan toplumsal, felsefi normları, düşünce ve davranış kalıplarını reddetmek, kadın bir özne yaratmak yatar. Kadın erkek eşitliğinden ziyade erkek gibi olmamak üzerine yönelir. Çünkü kadından yaratılmak istenen, eksik erkek kabul edilemezdir. Aksi takdirde ataerkil anlayış devam ettiği sürece kadın toplumdan dışlanacak ya da erkekleşmeye zorlanacaktır.
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When Richard was a little boy, there was a tomcat that lived out in the woods behind the house. And it would scratch at the windows at all hours of the night. Richard, all of four years old, would go outside, still in his nightshirt, and feed it. My husband disapproved. He thought it a sign of weakness. Given that kindness is a condition rare in our family, I suppose it's unsurprising that it went misdiagnosed. So, Richard would feed the tomcat... and Joseph would flog him for disobeying, kick the tomcat for instigating. But the next night, the tomcat would return, and on and on and on it went. See, none of them was capable of changing. The cat a slave to his hunger, my son to... his decency... my husband to his rage. That would seem to be the history of Nassau, too, wouldn't it? A cycle of violence... that benefits none and consumes all.
At some point, progress cannot begin... and suffering will not end... until someone has the courage to go out into the woods and drown the damned cat.
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momamama · 11 months
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energons · 1 month
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oculusillusion · 1 year
Happy Halloween
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Gray background version
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You DO look like this.
A brand-new, geographically-relevant wallpaper by @arachonteur is now available in DCRC's Bonus Content section!
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alexis-royce · 1 year
We've asked Diegesis what his favorite story is (and got a fun if useless not-answer), what about Mimesis? What's one of your favorite stories?
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Yeah! It's, uh....what's her name? Have we met?
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lu-lox · 6 months
Prompt 1 (SFW) weird! faerghus! rituals!!!!! there’s probably 347589345 wild pagan pre-church traditions and I think dimitri and felix might need to do one of them together, possibly to make sure the sun rises again in the spring. blood stuff? something needs to be burned? wearing a flower crown? wearing a freshly skinned boar??? survival naked and afraid medieval fodlan gameshow?????? can be silly or horror or everything in between.
tags: boar hunting. a little blood. dimitri gets got but is fine.
Felix had tasked himself with overwatching the overwatchers that would prepare the rites chamber. It was a thankless task that involved much staring, much paying attention, much doing what he knew others would be incapable of. Everything had to be meticulously arranged and he would not let things happen otherwise.
Dimitri, of course, simply put a hand on Felix’s shoulder and guided him out of the room. They, too, had to prepare.
“The least we can do is make sure it works.” Felix didn’t want to partake in the rite at first. It was ancient tradition that benefited no one, much less the meek rebuilding of the Church. He sighed and slumped on the chair; Dimitri pulled him close, Felix’s back to his chest, and nuzzled at the crook of his neck.
“It will be alright, just a pinprick compared to everything we’ve already been through.” Physically, yes. But Felix still hadn’t shaken off the feeling of seeing Dimitri armorless in the war. The permanent bruises, the dried blood, the sickness of it. “And you will know when it is done.”
Felix took Dimitri’s hands, which rested above his stomach, into his own. There was still much to prepare. The clothes, the foods, the weapons. And the wait was the worst; nothing he had read about the rite, nothing that he had heard, would be half as difficult to live through as the wait was proving itself to be.
Dimitri was wrapped in thin, colorful cloths. They parted and shifted, a mosaic of color as he moved, revealing his body ethereal and fuzzy underneath them. He stood on a makeshift staging, holding a ceremonial sword in a hand and carrying a dagger at the hip. Unlike true ceremonial swords, this one had been sharpened. Felix had made sure of it himself, spending two nights working the blade though stone and paper.
Felix’s cloths weren’t as colorful, wearing just the muted Fraldarius teal and one piece of Blayddid blue. He stood vigil by the hunting grounds entrance, waiting for Dimitri to finish his farewells.
The forest, sparse on evergreens, was orange and brown. Wet and moldy leaves in many shades of rotting orange stuck to the ground, incorporating themselves onto the very earth they stepped on. Felix resisted the urge to sneeze and he noticed Dimitri doing the same while inspecting the sword.
“It seems we are alone now,” Dimitri looked at Felix, coy. Dimitri was in stark contrast with everything around him. He took Felix’s hand on his free one, and they began to walk. “I would like to be back before sundown; we haven’t been allotted any tochlights.”
Dimitri whistled as they ventured. They also didn’t have any lures. Despite Dimitri’s placid appearance, Felix could read that he was just as nervous; he had never put himself in harm’s way while lucid. Felix squeezed Dimitri’s hand in what he thought would be a reassuring gesture. Dimitri squeezed back.
The boar seemed to be sleeping. Felix had studied, he knew the temperature hadn’t risen enough for it to be sleeping deeply. It snored. Dimitri gave a light chuckle before letting go of Felix’s hand. The sun was still above the horizon as he shifted into a defensive stance and advanced toward the boar. Felix drew his bow and watched as Dimitri stepped carefully close and raised the sword; he didn’t use any flourish as he drove the blade into the shoulder of the boar, waking it.
Felix had never accompanied his father and the late king on the royal boar hunts, he had been too young. Now, he had to resist the urge to puke at the shriek of the boar.
Dimitri, too, seemed to struggle. Felix kept position but Dimitri slipped backwards, catching himself not a moment too late and stumbling into the boar. Felix’s hands shook as he prepared an arrow, and he could see, clearly, Dimitri struggling to grapple with the boar.
He had managed to impale himself on one of the boar’s tusks.
Dimitri used a hand to hold onto the boar’s other tusk and, having thrown his sword to the ground, another to hold it by the neck. Felix released the arrow. It missed his intended target, hitting the boar’s open mouth; he quickly drew another, more focused, and managed to pierce the throat of the boar. Blood bubbled over, and the boar fell too. Dimitri went down with it, taking care so that the tusk wouldn’t rip more of him than it already had. Felix let his bow drop and ran.
He ended up needing to help Dimitri free himself from the tusk and he averted his eyes as he repaired the worst damage with small healing spells; the rest would be best left for the royal healers, the ones that knew how to make skin look unharmed, not just fixed.
“It’s done now, let’s go back, Felix.” Dimitri could barely speak, overtired and sprawled on bloody grass. His robe was less majestic now, maculated and deep red. They would have to carry the boar back with them.
Days later Felix still marvels at how Dimitri and him had managed to come back with the boar. Dimitri had been limping from pain and the corpse of the animal half carried by each of them in an uncomfortable sharing due to their bodies differences. He stood with Dimitri before the door to the ritual room. The blood tracks from the boar had been cleaned, but the smell, coppery and bitter, sting hung.
Felix pushed the door open. He heard Dimitri shudder as they saw the head of the boar hanging on the wall. Everything but the tusk that had pierced Dimitri had been clean. The blood had oxidized into a deep rotten brown. Dimitri shyly grasped Felix’s hand in his own.
It was already done, there was no need for them to do anything else but for Dimitri to don the boar's skin as a cape and gloves. And to watch, routinely, the room that now housed the tusk. Him and the boar were now one and the same, each a part of the other.
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