ourlittleforever · 5 months
"What are you looking at?" Arvad asked, yanking Millie from their thoughts.
They blinked, then smiled gently at their husband. "Oh. Just someone I really love."
The knight's lips quirked into a genuine smile -- something he reserved for Millie alone. They grinned back at him. "Good," he replied. "I was worried I had something on my face."
The warlock leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Now you do," Millie said mischievously, admiring the lipstick mark on his face.
He sighed in fake annoyance. "What ever will I do with you?"
"Keep me and love me forever, I hope."
Arvad chuckled. "I guess I have no choice."
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arvadthecursed · 9 months
I kinda worry I'm updating THR too much and posting too often, but then again... it's been so long since I've written so much. For a long time I've been in a rut. It feels so good to finally be able to sit down and write. I've been hitting 2000 words each chapter, which I know doesn't sound like a lot, but when you've been struggling to write, it's amazing, haha.
I have Chapter 10 done already, I just need to edit it -- but I'll post it tomorrow and give Chapter 9 a little bit of room to breathe.
Thanks to everyone who's been reading it! This silly lil OC/self insert x canon fic means a lot to me. I've really tried to put a lot of thought into Vronos's character bc I think he kinda got wasted. Like, The Hunter Cannot Pity is amazing, I just wish we'd gotten more of him before his demise, bc he COULD be That Deep, yknow? I hope I'm doing him justice. :)
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fireyfobbitmedicine · 5 months
rh really speedran the milliefication of their brand
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 year
1 & 12 for the fic asks!
1. what's the fic youre most proud of?
Honestly, my current longfic WIP (Lent From Tomorrow) is easily the best thing I've ever written, fic or original work. But I'm proud of most of my longer-than-a-drabble fics for something or another.
I'm very proud of the Five Places Cinna Came From for actually finishing the whole thing, and same with Milliefic.
(The longer it's been since writing Milliefic, the more I'm like, 'its only real redeeming value is having finished something of that length, especially posting as I wrote,' but that's just me letting Larries spoil my fandom experience, I think.)
I'm proud of every Big Bang or Mini Bang fic I've actually finished and posted. I think Not In The Answer But The Question is currently the best fic on my AO3, probably, although I do think that I had to flub the pacing on the last quarter to meet the deadline. I still to this day think that Valor Valeria and What They Don't Tell You In History hold up, and they're old as heck, so that says something.
I actually really love the Stereo Kicks/H*rry P*tter world crossover that @fille-lioncelle and I wrote? It's paced well, IMO, and I think we took a fairly unique take on that trope by making them all adults and out of school.
I love all of the Since Feeling Is First stories that @nichestars and I wrote, even though it drives the OCD part of my brain a little nuts that we're three words short of an even 100,000 on the series, LOLOLOL.
I don't know that there's any one fic that I'm like "THIS IS MY PERFECT MASTERWERK" about, because I don't do like, extensive rewriting or whatever on fic and I know that I don't quite meet any lofty goals of having Symbolism! or Theme! that I try for with longer stuff, but there are aspects of pretty much everything longer than a drabble that I can take pride in. I try hard to be gentler to myself about the quality of my output than I used to be, because being cruel to myself just made me Not Write At All, and that's the opposite of the point, so.
11. Has a fic you’ve written ever caused issues/controversy?
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Well, the Fanlore page for the "Timeline of 1D Fandom" says that Milliefic created some of the Larrie Truther tropes, and I've accepted that even though I don't GET it because it's CLEARLY ALL MADE UP OUT OF MY DUMB HEAD, but that would count as causing issues, for sure.
Landslide got (and still gets) inane hate for having M/F sex scenes even though it's M/M endgame. WAYYYYY back in the day, I wrote an Alec/Clary fic before Alec came out as monosexually gay in the Shadowhunter books, and every so often someone reads it without seeing that it was written in like 2010 and they get angry about me making a gay character bi (which would be fair if I'd done it after he came out as gay, but ::shrug::).
I feel like I vaguely recall someone trying to stir up something about my THG fic when The Panem Companion was announced, but they're completely separate works that have nothing to do with each other, so I feel like if there WAS drama about it, I wasn't actually aware of it.
But yeah, Milliefic takes the cake on that one.
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princessauroraworld · 5 years
falling in love for you is a mystery | millief - halloween
Quando pequena Aurora se fantasiava para correr pelas ruas trouxas, batendo nas portas de casais e senhoras que nem sempre eram muito amigáveis tudo para ganhar alguns doces para sua sacola. No começo seus pais a colocavam como a Bela Adormecida, algo que de fato rendia muitas balas e caramelos quando descobriam que o nome dela de fato era Aurora. Entretanto, ao crescer viu que aquela fantasia não possuía mais graça e decidiu usar algo mais criativo como fantasmas, bruxas e vampiras.
Toda sua adoração pelo halloween se manteve ainda que a jovem tivesse entrado para Hogwarts. Agora lia as cartas dos pais dizendo sobre as crianças fantasiadas de bruxas que iam pedir doces e achava tudo aquilo muito divertido. A experiência de não mais se vestir de bruxa, mas ser uma de verdade fez com que Miller desse um novo significado para a comemoração de outubro. Se fantasiar dava a Aurora uma liberdade que ela normalmente não tinha e parecia incendiá-la com uma coragem que ela gostaria de ter mais vezes. Para aquele ano decidiu se vestir de céu estrelado, contando com a ajuda de feitiços e muita maquiagem para que se tornasse quase irreconhecível. Seus cabelos loiros tinham suas pontas pintadas de azul, ela usava uma tiara na cabeça encantada para que as estrelas de fato se mexessem. Seu rosto contava com uma maquiagem prateada e azul, destacando os olhos verdes da garota. Já em sua boca havia um batom, também prata, enfeitiçado para durar a noite toda e não sair por nenhum motivo. A roupa de Aurora era um vestido branco que ia até seus joelhos, nele também havia a presença de algumas estrelas que circulavam felizes pelo tecido. Para ficar mais alta e ganhar mais segurança, a gryffindor usava um sapato de salto azul escuro, um de seus favoritos.
A festa estava como sempre ótima. Ela sempre ficou encantada com todos os tipos de decorações para o halloween, era uma de suas festas favoritas e por isso ver os morcegos ganhando vida, o som de lobisomens uivando ao fundo e todo mundo dançando em um ambiente escuro dava a Aurora uma sensação bem grande de aventura. Já fazia algum tempo que estava ali quando avistou Frank N Furter e não pode acreditar que viu que era uma menina que estava fantasiada. Ela teria que admitir que seu coração acelerou um pouco ao ver como a outra estava bonita vestida daquele jeito. Como uma jovem bissexual, Miller possuía um conhecimento sobre a importância daquele personagem e não pode conter sua vontade de conversar com quem quer que esteja por baixo daquela roupa. Apesar de ser muito insegura com relacionamentos, gostava de dar os primeiros passos e se sentir no controle da situação. Ela não planejava nada enquanto caminhava em direção a menina, mas levava consigo um copo a mais de hidromel e não recusaria nenhuma investida que a outra pudesse dar.
Ao chegar mais perto, notou os cabelos negros até os ombros e pode observar mais detalhadamente a jaqueta preta toda decorada, assim como as pernas revestidas pela meia arrastão. Olhando a menina com mais atenção, agradeceu novamente por sua paixão por mulheres. – Oi Frank – ela puxou o assunto tocando no ombro da outra. – Quer alguma bebida? Eu tenho que te dizer que essa fantasia está incrível. – Aurora nunca foi boa para resistir a meninas bonitas e não ia ser agora que ia começar a ser. 
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punkorra-blog · 5 years
All those dreams where you're my wife (inside your mind) | Millief {flashfoward} | Small-Para
O sol estava nascendo do lado de fora quando Korra jogou as cobertas para o lado e se levantou. Iria ser um dia preguiçoso e especial, como havia pensado a semana inteira. Era aniversário de sua esposa e já estava com tudo mais que preparado dentro de sua geladeira e guarda-roupa. Irresistible, um gato cinzento e felpudo que adotaram no início do noivado, seguia aos seus pés quando encaminhou-se para o quarto dos garotos. Suas passadas eram cuidadosas, cada descuido com o som acordaria o mais novo, Luke. O mais velho dormia como uma pedra, em seu lado do quarto, Korra apoiou-se no batedor da porta do quarto, com um braço apoiado na madeira e sorrindo para si mesma na penumbra que se fazia ali dentro. Dois filhos e duas gatas, Debby Harry parecia um bichinho de pelúcia agarrada a Phillip como se não tivesse quase dez anos de idade.
Desceu finalmente as escadas da casa para fazer o café da manhã, torradas, omelete, bananas cortadas, duas fatias de bacon e suco de laranja. Logo menos sua irmã mais velha passaria para buscar os garotos, levaria ambos a um parque de diversões trouxa nas imediações. Korra estava especialmente empolgada com o dia que havia tanto planejado. Quando subiu novamente ao quarto com uma bandeja de madeira nas mãos, vestia apenas uma camisa velha de banda e um cabelo desajeitado pelo travesseiro. “Time to wake up, my princess”, sussurrou ao ouvido da mulher com quem sonhava todas as noites ainda. “Trouxe seu café da manhã com…”, Korra puxou a varinha da cabeceira e fez margaridas saírem desta no mesmo momento. “Flores”, sorriu solicitamente e puxou os pés da bandeja para que ficassem apoiados ao lado de Aurora na cama. “Espero que aprecie seu dia”, e assim ficou sobre os pés para puxar as cortinas das janelas grandes que tinham no quarto.
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katesotherpage · 7 years
Expectation: May You Enjoy Your New Life/ milliefic Reality: babygate
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billiejs · 10 years
my sister wants a chameleon, and I can't help but calling her Millie in my head.
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myeynlficmix · 11 years
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1. Isn’t She Lovely?-Harry Styles
Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful?
2. L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N by Noah and The Whale
He’d say L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N You’ve got more than money and sense my friend You’ve got heart And you go in your own way
3. Hopelessly Devoted To You by Darren Criss
You know I’m just a fool who’s willing To sit around and wait for you
4. Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran
This feels like fallin’ in love
5. Read All About It (Pt. III) by Emeli Sandé
You’ve got a heart as loud as lions So why let your voice be tamed. Baby, we’re a little different There’s no need to be ashamed
6. Perfect Company by A Cursive Memory
But just to know I’m right here with you It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen
7. Intoxicated by The Cab
Your eyes like a shot of whiskey Warms me up like a summer night Can you tell that I need you with me Let me drink you down tonight No I don’t just want any pretty face Wanna wake up next to yours each day
8. Amazing Because It Is by The Almost
I’m the type of person who lets fear drive
9. Stay by Mayday Parade
Oh can you tell I haven’t slept very well Since the last time that we spoke, I said “Please understand I’ve been drinkin’ again, and all I do is hope”
10. Love At The End Of The Road by Kevin Sharp
He said, I knew you’d come back My heart told me so Men like you search every corner on Earth When there’s love, here at the end of the road
11. Mona Lisa by The Summer Set
Turn on every light in New York City I’d still be blind if you weren’t with me You’re the only one who opens up my eyes ‘Cause I’ve never loved anything like I love you
12. I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz
I won’t give up on us Even if the skies get rough I’m givin’ you all my love
13. Vanilla Twilight by Owl City
‘Cause the spaces between my fingers Are right where yours fit perfectly
14. Daughters by John Mayer
Fathers be good to your daughters Daughters will love like you do
Bonus Track: Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle (download link)
(Special thanks to http://oldmoriartyy.tumblr.com/ for the cover I used. I can't create anything and thought it was gorgeous)
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ourlittleforever · 3 months
Meet Me By Moonlight
Words: 1563
Ship: Millie/Lazav
The scent of fresh roses wafted through the air, and Millie sighed softly. They were sitting on a marble bench in the middle of a gorgeous sunlit park; birds sang, leaves rustled, and they were all alone in this perfect world. 
Except for him.
The mysterious stranger, wearing a leather cloak and smelling of sandalwood and geraniums, manifested from behind a bush. Millie couldn’t ever see his eyes, though sometimes, they swore they caught a cryptic glimmer shining from under the shadow of his hood. His shaggy blond hair hung loose around his scarred chin. The half-elf had wanted so badly to ask if they could remove his hood, just once – but for some reason, their throat closed up whenever they went to ask.
The stranger came closer, and even in a dream, Millie could feel the power reverberating off of him. “My dear girl,” he purred, extending a hand to them. “Walk with me.”
Millie stood, their teacup-length dark blue skirt swishing around their knees. The stranger’s hands were calloused and warm to the touch, and he squeezed their dainty little hand in his as he led them down a pathway lined with pink and white roses. 
The stranger plucked a white rose from one of the bushes and turned to Millie, placing it behind their ear. “There.” His lips curled into a sly smile beneath the shadows, and Millie couldn’t stop themself from leaning against him slightly. He was a blazing fire, and they were a fledgling moth, completely drawn into him. 
“How come I never get to see you outside of dreams?” Millie asked as he led them further down the path.
“I’m a busy person,” he replied nonchalantly.
“But you make time to see me in dreams,” the half-elf said, glancing up at him curiously. “What are you doing right now? Are you awake?”
“Hard to say.”
“You could be a little more forthright.” 
“That’s beyond my nature, kisa.”
Millie tried not to roll their eyes. This stranger, charming as he was, disliked when Millie behaved impolitely, or like a brat. And being an impolite brat included pressing him too hard for information, or outwardly disapproving of his mercurial, whimsical speech. 
“Though…” the stranger began, stopping in his tracks. A clearing had opened before the two, with a white fountain in the middle. He tugged Millie’s hand slightly, urging them forward. The sky had begun to darken. Even in dreams, the stranger distorted all sense of reality. 
“Though what?” Millie asked, trying to keep their tone even, mild.
“I want to see you. I want you to see me.”
Millie’s heart nearly leapt from their chest. “Really? Where? When?”
“Patience,” he chided, and Millie deflated a bit. “In the Tenth District, in Precinct Five – where the light of the full moon first hits Ravnica – that’s where you’ll find me.”
Another riddle. Still, Millie tried to be cheerful. He wanted to meet them – really meet them! And if they were being honest, someone putting in the effort to court them in their dream was more than could be said for any past crush or failed fling. The half-elf grinned in spite of themself. “I’ll find you,” they said.
“I know you will.” The stranger tipped their chin up with one finger, and Millie saw that mystical glimmer under his good once more.
Then, they awoke.
Days of research at the Ismeri Library had led Millie to this place: Dinrova Heights. The half-elf pulled their plaid overcoat tighter around their body. The night was clear and chilly; the full moon cast deep shadows over the streets. Millie knew they were in Dimir territory, but they hoped their mysterious paramour was watching out for them.
Still, the Dimir weren’t all bad – during the Invasion, Millie had helped a few agents out with healing spells, fresh food, and a bed to sleep in, and in turn, the agent had kept the Phyrexians at bay. Perhaps they were safe here, regardless of the stranger’s influence. 
The sign at the front of the building came into sharp focus.
That was inviting.
The Dimir were thought to be destroyed during the invasion, but anyone with half a brain knew better. Some of the lights in the Dinrova building were still on; the building itself was in decent shape, all things considered. A few windows had been boarded up, but the majority just had the blinds tightly shut, save for a few busybodies working furiously in the upper echelons.
Millie stepped inside the building, where a soft buzz marked their entrance. The lobby was seemingly empty, but the half-elf got the feeling that they were being watched. Suddenly, they were acutely aware they may have walked right into a trap – all in the name of romance, like an idiot. 
The door swung shut behind them, and the Selesnya cleric swallowed hard. Nowhere to go but forward, they thought, setting their shoulders and marching to the elevator.
The elevator creaked open at their approach, and it seemed the entirety of Dinrova was inviting them further in. Millie stepped onto the rickety elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. The elevator dinged, the sound slightly distorted. The lift began its ascent, and Millie mentally prepared themself for whatever was going to happen next.
After a few moments, the elevator stopped moving, and the doors opened to a penthouse suite. It was lavishly furnished, if a bit dusty. Still, Millie knew this wasn’t what the stranger meant in his riddle, so they pressed forward, cautiously stepping into the apartment. 
Through the kitchen, Millie could see a lush balcony, where moonlit danced on silver brick. The cleric tiptoed over to the door and exited to the terrace.
The terrace’s edges were surrounded by rose bushes adorned with pink and white flowers. This was the place, then! Millie felt a surge of pride as they walked forward. They tried to take a thorough survey of their surroundings, but even with the bright moonlight, it was difficult to make out much. Curse their mother for giving them her human eyes.
Millie was pulled from their thoughts by a soft hum, and they glanced around, their heart picking up speed. They took a cautious step further into the terrace, and then, they felt it: that aura of undeniable, absolute power, followed by the scent of sandalwood and geraniums. At the edge of the balcony, the stranger revealed himself, his leather cloak blown by the breeze.
Somewhere, deep within Millie, a name echoed: Lazav. It was as if his name had been inside them all along, hidden in their bones. 
Beneath the shadows on his face, the stranger smiled.
“Millie,” he said pleasantly, extending his arms. “Come here. My clever girl.”
They obeyed – as if they could do anything else! – and tiptoed over to him, as if they were afraid to shatter this moment. Lazav took their hands in his, and they were just as warm and rough as Millie remembered. It was nearly overwhelming to stand this close to him; he radiated power, more power than Millie had ever witnessed. And he had taken interest in a lowly Selesnyan cleric, nearly abandoned by their own guild for their perceived ineptitude? This was a dream. It had to be. Right?
“I knew you would find me,” Lazav murmured. He tilted their chin up with the side of his pointer finger.
“Can I…” the half-elf’s throat felt dry, but they pressed forward. “Can I see your face?”
Lazav smiled gently. “You have earned it, haven’t you?”
Millie reached up and took his hood off, and they gasped. He was quite handsome, especially now that they could see his entire face. His blond hair had a lovely sheen in the moonlight, and his irises were like pure black ink. Crows’ feet crinkled up beside his eyes, and deep laugh lines framed his lips. The half-elf’s face warmed. This was their stranger? How had they gotten so lucky?
Lazav leaned closed, and Millie closed their eyes, allowing him to fill their senses completely. When he kissed them, it felt like they were falling through a starlit void, all other sensations melting away, replaced by him and him alone. Briefly, Millie wondered if they were dying; how else could they feel so close to heaven?
Millie followed Lazav’s lips as he pulled away, and the cloaked man chuckled. When Millie stood on their tiptoes to try and kiss him again, Lazav grabbed their cheeks in one hand, his thumb and fingers squishing the soft skin. 
The half-elf couldn't help but pout, to which Lazav laughed, and Millie couldn't tell if they were more furious at or desperate for him. “Oh, poor thing,” Lazav cooed, his voice soft yet mocking. He pulled Millie's face a little closer but refused to kiss them again, and smirked at their neediness. “Am I breaking your heart?”
When Millie didn't reply, he finally leaned close again, allowing his lips to grace theirs. “There,” he said when he pulled back. “That's better, isn't it?”
The half-elf nodded dreamily. “I found you,” they mumbled, more to themself than him, still dazed by his kiss. 
“You did. Now, you have me…” Lazav held them flush against his chest. “And I have you.”
What a wonderful thing, to be his.
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arvadthecursed · 10 months
Vronos and Meredith chat on a boat. This is a little more of a slow chapter but I had so much fun writing it -- I'm finally starting to get to the Good Stuff :)
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 year
17. What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
There are a bunch of people with tattoos based on Milliefic, which gives me a lot of feelings! Any time I've gotten art based on a fic, I get really excited, too. @sweetwithheatwriting recently beta-read through my WIPs for me and left lots and lots of lovely comments that really buoyed my mood/confidence with both stories, as well. But I think the Milliefic tattoos or the Milliefic coffee mugs make me feel the most feelings!!!
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princessauroraworld · 5 years
aurora: ei, korra. Aqui é a Aurora, tudo bem? É bem estranho estar mandando isso aqui mas hm eu queria saber se ta tudo bem e pedir desculpar por aquele dia lá.
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lepomiere · 12 years
EDITED with the complete Fanart + a couple of extras.
A masterpost of all the art I’ve been doing for aimmyarrowshigh’s FanFic May You Enjoy Your New Life
*May contain spoilers for those who aren’t up to date with the story posting*
Read More
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bitoflovehate · 12 years
Just finished 'May You Enjoy Your New Life' I can't even explain I'm crying so much and the last line!
Perfect fic is perfect.
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ourlittleforever · 4 months
a touch of angst with a dash of fluff <3
words: 583
Millie tiptoed into Lazav’s office. He was sitting at his desk in a long, flowing robe – some kind of fancy fabric they’d never heard of before, and older than they were by five times. The mindmage glanced up, tilting his head to the side slightly. The barest indication of a smile graced his lips. 
“Zava? Can I come in?”
“Of course.”
They padded up to his desk, where he was working on – something. Millie could never tell. Tendrils of magic swirled around him, a low hum reverberating through the room, hollow whispers occasionally poking out through the dense fog of thoughts. How Lazav could keep them all straight, they would never know. 
They stared at him, not sure of what to say now that they were in front of him. Millie’s loneliness had eaten them up inside while they were laying alone in their shared bed. Lazav always stayed with Millie until they fell asleep; but afterward, he was always gone, and the half-elf woke up in a cold, empty bed. 
They’d awoken some time ago, and like usual, Lazav was not in bed, and of course, Millie started to spiral. What if… what if he didn’t care about them, like they cared for him? What if he didn’t love them?
“Your thoughts are incredibly loud,” Lazav said mildly, jotting something down in his journal, not even looking up at Millie now. It was humiliating.
“You could just read them.”
“Yes, but you don’t like when I do that.” Lazav turned in his chair slightly, swiping through a few threads of memories. 
Damnit. He was right. Millie tucked a lock of hair behind their ear. “I… I…” Their throat felt tight, dry. “I was just thinking…” They coughed awkwardly. “I was lonely. And – you weren’t there – and I got to thinking. That maybe…” Millie’s voice became tiny. “Maybe you might get tired of me,” they finally mumbled out after a moment. “And… and… you might make me forget you.”
Lazav paused, then looked up from his work, and there was a gentleness in his face that Millie had never seen until now. “Oh, kisa,” he said, patting his lap, “Come here.”
Millie stepped around the corner of the desk, and the guildmaster pulled them into his lap. They began to sob then. “I don’t want to forget you,” they cried, burying their face in his neck. “I don’t… I don’t want you to leave me and take all these memories with you. I just kept thinking about it. You get exhausted of me, you leave, and you’re so powerful and you need to maintain secrecy and–” Lazav rubbed their back comfortingly as they wept. “I’m sorry. This is so stupid.”
“Don’t say that. I’m sorry I made you feel this way, Millichika.” Lazav leaned his head onto theirs as they sniffled against his robe. “Look at me, my little dove.” He tilted their chin so he could look at them, and his eyes were soft, loving. “You are not some passing fancy, or a pretty bauble for me to place on the desk and never look at. You are mine. Do you understand?”
Millie nodded, their tears drying on their rosy cheeks. Lazav kissed their cheek, and the sweet gesture made their heart melt. There was so much tenderness, so much love in that single moment.  He laid a hand on their thigh and squeezed. “My sweet girl. My heart. You are never alone. You will always have me.”
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