#mikado x masaomi
thatbirdrestaurant · 1 year
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On a “Durarara!!” binge
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herculean (drrr x f!reader) - chapter 2
chapter 2 - Fashion Patrol
synopsis: You meet the Raira trio and take an extra special liking to a certain shy, bespectacled girl.
word count: 2,401
A/N: i make a lot of references to the reader being foreign, and easy to pick out. i write from the perspective of a black person, but i also think that it's the way that the reader dresses and acts that makes it obvious that she's not from here!
warnings: N/A
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"i wanna know just how far i can go every direction seems to stretch out to no end, oh i could wait for all my life, and never feel the time was right might break or bend but some things you have to pursue,, come true - khai dreams, forrest, biskwiq, and wizard island
The clock on your bedside table shines almost obnoxiously among the darkness of your room.
6:30 AM
You heave a sigh. Your body had no business. No right. To awaken you from sweet sweet slumber like this. You blame jet lag and first day excitement.
Technically, you were here last night, but this would be your first full day! First day of watching early morning work traffic, first day of seeing foreign faces in broad daylight, first day of watching the sunrise...
That reminds you! You shimmy out from under your sheets, ignoring the cool morning air and the press of cold wooden floor against your feet. You run your fingers against the silk of the curtain, relishing in the smooth feeling before pulling it back. 
The warmth from the sun radiates onto you as light floods your room. Still mixed with deep oranges and pinks, the brightness doesn't pierce your eyes quite yet, but bathes you in serenity. The perfect wakeup call.
Father really spoiled you, landing you in an apartment like this. It was the penthouse of the building with a beautiful viewpoint. You had front row seats to the sunrise, accentuating the fluctuating skyline of the city. 
Pulling a comfy robe over your now shivering body, you slide open the door to your bedroom and descend towards the kitchen. The place looked beautiful in approaching daylight. You couldn't say that you had taken quite enough time to appreciate it last night as you stumbled into the dark space, stripped down to your undergarments and threw yourself into bed.
It was spacious, with little walls as separation. You slipped past the couch to enter the kitchen, immediately grabbing the electric kettle and filling it with water. Some tea would be the cherry on top to this peaceful morning. 
A content smile graced your lips. Hopefully the day is just as peaceful.
"Now, now, I'm not sure I appreciate such an accusatory tone."
Izaya's  lips curled into an unamused frown at the pointed remarks sounding from the other side of the phone.
"So little faith! So you do care about her wellbeing after all. That's quite interesting, doctor. Quite interesting indeed...Would I be correct to assume that this concern isn't purely altruistic?"
A silence, while prolonged, is not at all empty. Pure, seething animosity seemed to radiate from the small device.
"Hm? Is it still my turn to talk? Well, let me continue then. I assure you, you have nothing to worry about."
Another moment passed before a sigh could be heard on the other line. The other speaker half-heartedly apologized, embarrassed by the loss of composure.
"Just trust me to do my job."
The call was put to an end before another rebuttal was spoken.
"It's weird hearing you speak English," Namie comments from her spot at the bookshelves. She's haphazardly dusting to hide the fact that she was most definitely eavesdropping. "That man call you again?"
Izaya Orihara sighed as he spun in his chair, massaging his temples with his fingertips.
"Yes, seems to have a very particular desire as to how he wants the job done." He leans back in his desk chair, stretching out his back with his arms behind his head. "Can't blame him though, he's certainly paying a lot."
"Is money really that much of a concern for you?" Namie remarks dully, gaze flitting over the grandiose living space that the informant was able to afford. The corner of Izaya's mouth twitches into a smirk.
"The payment is simply an added bonus. This client seems insistent that this job would be... beneficial for me as well."
The woman sighs and ceases further discussion, harboring no desire to even try to fathom the man's motivation. 
Nighttime Ikebukuro was exciting. Thousands of glittering towers of light accent the jet black sky, somehow more alive than ever. 
Daytime Ikebukuro, however, carried it's own special charms. Those glittering towers of light are now simply tall buildings. Places of work, living spaces, and shopping centers. Those obscure faces that had blended together the night before were now distinct. You see individual pairs of eyes, mouths pulled into smiles and frowns, hair piled on top of heads or spilling down shoulders.
At night, the city came to life. During the day, the people did.
And so do their senses of style, you think happily. After your morning tea and sunrise, you fell right back asleep. An early start would have been nice, but you would hate yourself if you went out into the real world running on 6 hours of sleep. After you woke back up at a much better hour, you were ready to conquer the world!
Notepad in lap, you were now people-watching, wielding a pencil in one hand and a sweet roll in the other. You had been sitting there for at least an hour, scribbling down notes and even a few sketches of whatever information you deemed important. Patterns that seemed consistent, common cuts and fits, different color schemes. It was a Saturday afternoon, so many had swapped out their school and work uniforms for more casual clothes. Not only that, but many teens were out and about, which you were particularly happy about. They were the next generation--the future and hope of fashion as we know it!
A flash of blonde hair in your peripheral immediately caught your eye. You turned to see a trio, sitting not too far from you. They were young, not a day over high school age (which you're pretty sure is a little younger here). A black haired boy sat next to a girl with a black bob. They well complimented each other, you thought, both dressed conservatively. You liked the boy's color block jacket, you decide. Examining the girl's attire, you wonder if she's covered so thoroughly on purpose. Even under her long, hooded dress (kinda reminds you of Erika's), you could still make out her curvy, buxom frame.
Perhaps she was insecure about it. What a shame, you could picture all sorts of outfits that would do wonders with her body type.
The obtrusive blonde was donned by their third companion, another boy. Compared to the other two, this one didn't want to blend in at all. While his white hoodie and black jeans were typical of any teenage boy, his dye job combined with the shiny piercings and pocket chain (we love a king who knows how to accessorize) clearly indicated that he was a young man that needed to be seen.
Watching the three interact brought a smile to your face. They had a cute dynamic. As you return to writing notes, their conversation suddenly sounds clearer, as if moving towards you.
"Fine then! If you two lovebirds are just gonna push me out like that, I'll find a sweetheart of my own!"
So the girl and black-haired boy were in a relationship, huh? Poor blonde boy, he must feel like such a third--
"Helloooo, miss!"
You're startled by the sudden presence of someone in front of you. Your pen slips from your grip and tumbles onto the floor, eventually stopping at the feet of your new visitor. As they bend down to pick it up, the head of blonde hair is a dead giveaway as to who it was.
"Whoops! Didn't think you'd be that surprised by my dashing good looks!" He offers you the pen like it's some sort of rose. "Couldn't help but notice you making eyes at me! Name's Masaomi Kida, but you can call me the love of your life!"
He's laying it on thick and you are thoroughly amused. Still, you felt a little bad. If he was expecting you to swoon right into his arms, he was sorely mistaken.
"I'll stick with Masaomi. Sorry if I was staring, I love your sense of style!"
You couldn't tell if his surprise was because of your compliment, or you not immediately shooting him down. 
"O-oh, why thank you! Nice to know someone on this earth appreciates my taste."
You stand, feeling it was awkward to have him talk to you while you were still sitting down. He's flustered by the realization that you're taller than him. 
"Of course! Have you ever considered pairing those jeans with a more form fitting top? Oooo maybe even a nice pattern for contrast! A horizontal stripe would really broaden your shoulders."
It was a simple conversation point, you thought. Just a suggestion, one that some could even take as a compliment. Masaomi, however, just looked confused, and maybe even a bit disgruntled by the comment about his shoulders.
"Masaomi, are you bothering random women again? I thought you were just storming off for dramatic effect!"
You spot the approaching forms of Masaomi's friends. As the boy reprimands him--they must go way back--the girl eyes you with harmless interest. At your friendly smile, however, she looks away bashfully. Masaomi gasps, scandalized.
"Mikado, how could you? This is no random woman. This is my long lost friend, my lifelong companion, my dear.....what's your name?"
"(Y/N)--woah say that again?"
"(Y/N)." You sound it out slowly, laughing at his nonsensical behavior. 
He dramatically repeats your name and while he isn't exactly right on the money, you appreciate the effort.
"You two...know each other?" The girl asks. You immediately fall in love with the soft ring of her voice. What an adorable girl!
You cut off Masaomi before he could fabricate anything else, explaining that no, you weren't a long lost lover of his, but he wasn't at all bothering you. 
"So, my identity's been revealed. How about you two? I heard that the black haired boy is Mikado, and you are...?"
Anri, you learn, is a soft spoken girl, but she has an air of attentiveness to her. You'd imagine that, if you had gone to regular school, she would be one of your classmates that always volunteers to answer questions and tutors after class.
"Anri," you repeat, testing the feeling and pronunciation of the girl's name, "I love your haircut! Y'know, I have a pair of earrings that would look absolutely darling with your bob, are your ears pierced?"
Anri raises her fingers to her unpierced ears almost contemplatively. You hope that she's considering it.
"I'm assuming this whole fashion advice habit is sorta your thing, huh?" Masaomi remarks, not bothering to hide the way he was scrutinizing your choice of dress. Eh, he could look all he wanted.
You opted for a dress today, layering it over a simple white t-shirt. Flowing just below your knee, the dress was a cute shade of pastel green, peppered with a purple floral pattern. 
"I guess you could call it that. I'm planning on studying it for the next four years, after all."
"Y-you're a college student!?" Mikado's bewilderment is cute. How old did he think you were?
"Technically no, not yet. I'm taking a gap year right now!"
You end up talking to the three students for a good while. Turns out they're all first years at Raira Academy. Mikado was recently in the same boat as you, having arrived in the city not too long ago. Masaomi, while having calmed down his advances, still continued making innocent passes at you. You pay no mind to it, assuming he was trying--and most likely failing--to make his two friends jealous.
You also find out that Mikado and Anri are not a couple. Although, the way they change color at the implication of them being together was very telling.  Oh yeah, Masaomi was definitely third-wheeling it.
"Anri, you should come over to my place sometime and we can have a sleepover!" You say right as you all decide to go separate ways. You pull up the contact screen on your phone and hand it to her.
She seems hesitant, and almost put off by this. Thankfully, she still puts her number in and hands the device back to you.
"Aw man! Totally snubbed!!" Kida groans. You don't feel guilty enough to keep yourself from laughing.
"Sorry fellas. No boys allowed!"
You send the three one last wave goodbye before they head off, happy to have met more nice people. It was fun getting to know these kids. This was the closest thing you had to interacting with people in your age group. Most of your life was spent sheltered at home and you didn't have very many memories of having friends that weren't private teachers. It was honestly a little lonely. You could only imagine how much you had missed out on...
Realizing how sunken your spirits had gotten, you forced a smile back on your face. None of that matters now. You were in the big city, and you had  already made some awesome friends! Now was a better time than ever to catch up on all of those memories.
Yeah, you decided, I'm gonna take this city by sto--
A man's voice. A vicious battlecry, oozing with rage and intensity. Through the furious growl, you can almost make out a name. 
Something speeds past you, the breeze strong enough to whisk the fabric of your dress. 
Nice jacket, you think, at the sight of a man who at that moment was basically airborne. In broad daylight, his entire form is shrouded with darkness. A dark coat over a dark top and dark pants, topped with dark hair. It's almost in slow motion, the way he ricochets off of a bench, practically flying up onto a nearby streetlamp. 
It's once he lands that you both lock eyes. His gaze is sharp, pinning you in place. Even from the distance, you can see how the corners of his mouth stretch into a smile. It never occurred to you that a smile could be unfriendly. No, this was wolfish; off-putting.
Suddenly, you hear a loud rumbling behind you, as if something had been destroyed. Your staring contest is broken as his focus is now on something behind you. You follow his gaze in curiosity, wondering what could have made such a noise.
A... flying traffic sign. 
A flying traffic sign that was hurtling directly towards you.
It seemed to teleport, how fast it seemed to be inches from you. All you could think to do was raise your arms to your face in a pathetic attempt to protect yourself.
Man, I can't catch a break, can I?
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anime-ships-all-good · 7 months
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Ryuugamine Mikado x Kida Masaomi
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sasdavvero · 9 months
Durarara!! x Blue Lock AU
tagging: @lizzieonka @gwennevlis
starting off with:
Isagi Yoichi as Mikado Ryuugamine
Bachira Meguru as Masaomi Kida
Nagi Seishiro as Anri Sononhara
So, to explain a bit:
Isagi and Bachira are them as based on colors: Mikado can be associated with blue or with a transparent color (as are the Dollars) and I think it's the same as Isagi (yes, I know that technically Isagi's color is green, I'm gonna ignore that, don't know how else to explain) both of them seem shy, maybe anxious people, but it becomes obvious that neither of them really is. They are both looking for something that can "change their reality", so I think Isagi's role makes sense (maybe.)
Bachira is yellow as Kida is yellow, both of them are easy going people, can be funny, can be very serious, they both hide their pasts pretty well (although their pasts are very different from one another). I think it fits.
About Nagi and Anri. We know that Anri considers herself as a parasite, and I think this can (faintly) be true with Nagi too. Now,I don't want to belittle the Nagi/Reo ship as a codependent, parasitic relationship (because it's not, not too much) but Nagi did attach himself to Reo only to then move to other people he considered stronger/better mates than Reo. Of course, Nagi and Anri are fundamentally difffrent in their personality, but yeah.
also, I'm not sure I explained well this idea, I don't know how to word rn, so Im sorry, if you have questions you can ask.
basically, they're the main trio
if Nagi is Anri, then Harima can be Reo, but if Harima is Reo idk who could be Seiji (if Nagi isn't Anri he could be Harima and Reo could be Seiji, but also if this is the case, then idk who could be Anri.)
moving on:
Ego as Shinra Kishitani
Anri Teieri as Celty Sturluson
their dinamic is way off, i know, Shinra is madly in love with Celty, while Ego isn't (at all), but since Anri is basically the only important female character in Blue Lock, I think it could be fun if she were Celty.
just realized that the Reo/Nagi-as-Harima and Anri-as-Celty doesn't fit because of the plastic surgery stuff, but ye. I'll resolve it in another moment.
moving on again:
Rin Itoshi as Aoba Kuronoma
again, I'm not sure with this one, but Rin is the only character with a brother who is also an important character, I have to admit, I don't remember much about the Blue Squares, but I know that Aoba's brother was an important character, so I say that Rin is Aoba.
(I'm only at ep 3 of drrrr (I'm rewatching) so I don't know how Aoba and his brother's dynamic is, but I am sure that it is different than the Itoshi brothers (oh well)).
Barou Shoei as Shizuo Heiwajima
[???] as Izaya Orihara
Hear me out:
Barou gives me a lot of Shizuo vibes: they're strong, their temper is similar, but the problem is that Barou's source of anger is Isagi (mostly)
Of course, if Isagi is Mikado, he cannot be also Izaya (I don't want him to be, he's very different from Izaya (but then again, right now I cannot think about a bllk character who is similar to him, sadly)) so this one is a very unsteady idea.
it might get deleted, as I am having troubles in identifying who could be Izaya
(this might be because I don't remember much about both bllk and drrr (rip))
Another idea that just went to my head:
Michael Kaiser as [maybe] Aoba Kuronoma
This is based on the fact that I hate Kaiser as much as I hate Aoba, so ik that it maybe doesn't make sense.
I'll leave it here anyway.
that's it for now! I'm gonna go continue watching Durarara!! and I'll see if I get new ideas lol
If any of you have something to ask (if you think something is off or if you have more ideas than me about these of other character) you can say it! I'm open to any idea lol
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Old Traditions
Mikado is reminded of an old tradition that he had long forgotten about, but is willing to rekindle.
It had started a couple years ago, on a hot day during summer vacation.
Mikado leaned his head back against his bedframe, tiredly fanning himself with a sheet of summer math work that had been lying besides the bed. Normally summer in Saitama was hot, but never like this. It was sweltering. Bugs curled up in the window, too tired to even try to escape, and a tiny fan in the corner was doing its best to assuage the heat. On the opposite end of the bed, sprawled on his stomach, lay Masaomi, eyes closed lazily.
Boredom swelled in the air, taking up too much room for conversation. Mikado desperately wanted to do something, but his body refused to make the effort. It was certainly a dilemma and Mikado was annoyed at himself for being so controversial.
His eyes languidly followed a fly as it buzzed through the air, eventually landing on his knee. It walked around a little before eventually flying off. Masaomi watched it too, leaning forward on his elbows as though the life of this singular fly was the most interesting thing happening in their own, which, sadly, it sort of was.
Mikado sighed. Masaomi looked up at the sound, opening his mouth as though to say something but no actual words came out. There was an odd twinkle in his eyes that normally made Mikado uneasy but in that moment he would have done anything to cure his boredom and so he inquired on it.
“What’s on your mind?”
Masaomi blinked, coming out of his thoughts slowly as he became aware of his friend. “What?”
“We’ve been friends for years, there’s no use hiding it. I know you have an idea. Whatever it is, just spit it out.”
Masaomi sat up slowly, biting his lip in hesitation. This wasn’t like him. He was normally so upfront and it was odd to see him nervous. Finally he blurted out, “Do you want me to tickle you?”
Alright, not what he had been expecting. “What?”
Masaomi shrugged noncommittally, not quite meeting his eyes all the way. “You just looked down. I read somewhere that tickling releases endorphins, you know, the happy drugs in your brain? I just figured it would be a way to cheer you up. If you wanted. You can say no, of course.”
Mikado wasn’t sure quite how to respond. He wasn’t used to people asking him to tickle him.  He was usually the unwilling recipient. And it wasn’t like he and Masaomi hadn’t had tickle fights in the past, they were friends after all and young boys, but this was different.
Evidently he had taken too long to answer as Masaomi said, “It’s fine, really, you don’t have to—”
“I’ll do it.”
Mikado was asking himself the same question. But the truth was he was bored and at least it would be something to do. Slowly, he repeated, “I’ll do it. I mean yes, you can.”
Masaomi did not appear as though he had expected this answer and was dumbfounded for a moment. “Um, okay.”
They both realized quite suddenly that they weren’t sure how to go about this. Masaomi crawled over, near his neatly folded legs. “Should I raise my hands…?” Mikado asked self-consciously, inwardly hoping the answer was no.
Masaomi quickly waved his hand in the negative. “Uh, no, you’re fine as you are. I’ll just… on the count of three, yeah?”
Mikado nodded quickly. There was an excited, nervous anticipation building up inside him and he took a moment to breathe and steady himself.
“One,” Masaomi counted, lifting his hands in preparation. “Two.” Mikado tensed, watching him. “Three.”
Masaomi reached out, gently squeezing his sides. Mikado let out a startled, “Oh!”, and a tiny giggled slipped out. Masaomi repeated the action, this time wiggling his fingers a little for added effect, and Mikado instinctually squirmed back, arms wrapping around himself to protect the offended area.
Masaomi flushed a blotchy red, looking insanely guilty for what had been a relatively harmless action. “We can stop, if you want.”
Mikado shook his head, scooching back in position. “It’s alright.” He was strangely out of breath though they had only just started, and his words came out in a rushed exhale. “I wasn’t ready. You can continue.”
Masaomi raised an eyebrow doubtfully, but did as he asked. This time Mikado was prepared for the jump and bit back a laugh. It was honestly surprising just how much it tickled, especially considering Masaomi was obviously trying to hold back. He was caught off guard as Masaomi clawed at his ribs and he keened forward with a snort, hands shooting out to stop the feeling.
“You’re sure you’re okay?” Masaomi worried.
Mikado giggled in response, arms twitching as he reluctantly pulled back his hands and let the torture continue. “Y-Yeheah. It just t-tihihickles, s’all.”
Masaomi grinned, feeling his heart flutter strangely at the sight. “Well yeah.” He was more confident in his actions now that he knew this was okay, and he slid his hands down to pinch at his friend’s hips, a move that made Mikado jerk violently.
“Ohoho bohoy,” he said, covering his face with both hands. His words were coming out high-pitched and more than a little flustered. His shoulders shrugged and bobbed as he tried to dislodge the feeling. “Thahaha reheally—” He couldn’t continue the sentence as Masaomi took that moment to dig his fingers into Mikado’s armpits.
The boy responded by sliding down on the bed, cackling wildly. A blush blossomed on his neck and spread to his ears and cheeks. His giggles became more uncontrollable and breathless and he eventually found he couldn’t take it anymore. “T-Thahat’s enough! Nohoho mohohore!”
Masaomi stopped immediately, worried he had gone too far.
But Mikado did not seem angry, only faintly embarrassed. They were both silent for a moment, neither sure how to proceed from that point. Finally Mikado coughed, murmuring, “Thank you.”
“Eh?” Masaomi frowned, worried maybe the tickling had been too much and there was something wrong with Mikado’s head. “For what?”
Mikado cupped a hand awkwardly around his neck. “For, um.. for the, you know…” He wiggled his fingers in the air. “It helped. With the boredom, I mean.”
“Oh.” A little of the tension eased from the room. “Well, you’re welcome.”
And one would have thought that was the end of it. A strange moment in their even stranger lives, eventually forgotten in the throes of time. But it wasn’t, for whatever reason. One day Masaomi was having a particularly rough day, leaning against Mikado’s knee. Quietly, so quietly that he almost didn’t hear it, Masaomi murmured, “Tickle me.”
And Mikado did. His fingers reached out and soon Masaomi was laughing wildly, his troubles forgotten in flying fingers and grinning faces.
From that day forth if either of the two was feeling down, they’d request it of the other. Or, if one was feeling to shy to properly request it, the other would ask for them.
As time went on and people moved and friendships drifted, the tradition near faded away entirely. But it wasn’t forgotten, by either of the boys. Now that they were reunited, each found himself longing to ask but unsure if the gesture would still be appreciated.
It was a quiet night, the kind of quiet that comes not from silence but the sounds of nature, wind whistling through the trees and the quiet murmurs of conversation drifting from the city. Mikado and Masaomi sat curled up on top of a joint slide in an abandoned park, joining in on the quiet conversations. The moon shone down on them in eerie fashion, the light beams intruding on their talk.
The event of a couple day’s ago lingered in everyone’s minds and Mikado’s was no exception--a meeting of the Dollars right in the middle of the bustling city of Ikebukuro. It had caused quite a stir, but the excitement was gradually dying down. However, the meeting itself was not the primary focus of Mikado’s thoughts that night. Instead, he thought about what Izaya had said to him afterwards: “If you truly want to escape the ordinary, you’ll simply need to keep evolving—whether what you seek is above or below.”
He bounced the words around in his head for a while, head tilted to one side in an unconscious action of thought. The voice brought a melancholy sense of unease that he couldn’t quite decipher. They were undoubtedly true—Mikado didn’t wonder at that. But it was the truth that made him contemplate what to do next, because of it. He liked his normal life, contradictory as it may seem; longing for the extraordinary yet clinging to the mundane.
The constant appraisal of the sentence was making his head hurt and he sighed, folding his hands behind his head and lying down on the cold plastic of the playground set.
Masaomi glanced back at him without turning his head. “You alright?”
Mikado shrugged. “Yeah.” He was, basically, alright, so it wasn’t a lie, technically. But it was his alrightness that was upsetting him. He didn’t feel that was pertinent to bring up, however, and settled on a simple, ‘yeah’.
Except maybe he hadn’t been as convincing as he hoped, because Masaomi was staring at him strangely. He tried to decipher the meaning for such scrutiny when he suddenly became aware that he had not just said, ‘yeah’. In his tired, relaxed state, half-musing to himself, he had uttered the simple words, “Could you please tickle me?”
Saying this and thinking this were two entirely different things, and Mikado blushed, opening his mouth to take it back before quite suddenly realizing he didn’t want to take it back. He opted instead to turn his face away, staring intently at a tree facing opposite them. Let Masaomi make what he will of it. He probably didn’t even remember. He probably thought he was being weird.
While Mikado waited for the rejection he assumed was inevitable, Masaomi blurted out, “Okay.”
Now Mikado looked back sharply, each of their eyes wide as they stared at each other in surprise. Masaomi quickly added, “I mean, if you’re sure you’re okay with it.”
Mikado nodded slowly. “I’m sure.”
This was different from when they were little kids; they both knew it, though neither was sure why. Mikado wasn’t sure whether he should get up or not and settled on propping himself up on his elbows. Masaomi started forward, but before he could get too far Mikado lurched forward, startling him. There was a nervous franticness about the gesture and Masaomi had to remind himself the boy was okay with this.
“Um, could you be gentle? Nothing intense, I mean.” It wasn’t that Mikado didn’t like the intensity of tickling, but tonight he only wanted to be distracted, cheered up from his dreary thoughts.
“Sure dude, of course,” Masaomi agreed readily.
Mikado lied back down, folding his hands behind his head. It was a bold move that made him feel more vulnerable than he had before, and butterflies danced nervously in his stomach.
Masaomi gently placed the pads of his fingers against his sides and Mikado barely stopped himself from jumping even though he was barely touching him. Masaomi wiggled his fingers against the thin fabric of Mikado’s turtleneck which was doing nothing to protect him. Mikado broke into a smile, clenching his arms tighter behind his head as he fought the urge to rub away the feather-light sensations.
Masaomi repeated the action up and down his sides and soon Mikado was giggling wildly, drawing his legs up involuntarily. He was gripping his hair tightly, eyes squeezed shut with a wide grin. “Is something wrong?” Masaomi asked, raising an eyebrow in an infuriating way. He had never dared to tease him before, always worried he was going to step over some line, and Mikado found that he didn’t entirely hate it now, though it made his cheeks flame.
“Mahahahasaomi!” Mikado protested. Masaomi had decided to move his attack to his stomach, and Mikado was laughing freely now, hands shooting down to cover the spot.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Masaomi clucked, batting away his hands. “You asked for this, you know.”
“B-Buhuhut ihit tihihickles!” Mikado protested, moving his hands to hide his face instead. “Ihi cahan’t hehelp ihit!”
Masaomi snuck his hands under his shirt to get access to the bare skin beneath, and Mikado’s laughter went up an entire octave. He scribbled fingers across the skin and Mikado arched, kicking the ground and bringing down his arms only to have them flail uselessly, bubbly giggles falling freely from his lips. “Plehehease!”
“Please what?” Masaomi asked innocently, tracing random patterns across his belly and giving Mikado a brief reprieve to answer. “Please stop?”
Mikado shook his head, giggling abashedly. “N-Nohot yehet,” he said, not ready for it to be over that soon.
Masaomi was normally a smooth-talking, rambunctious young teen with enough arrogance to make others blanch. But god help him if the sight of Mikado red-faced and breathless and asking to be tickled didn’t do things to his heart. This wasn’t the way you felt about your friend. All of a sudden he wanted to… he didn’t even know. Suddenly the few feet between them was too much distance and too little all at the same time. 
“Masaomi?” Mikado asked, giving him an odd look. “Why’d you stop?”
Mikado’s voice brought him back to reality and Masaomi blinked. “What? Did I?” He coughed, trying to disguise his earlier thoughts which he was sure were written all over his face.
Mikado sat up, staring curiously at him. Masaomi shifted under the intense gaze. “Er, what is it?”
Mikado flushed and asked, with strange intensity, “Can I try something?”
And then, just for a moment, his gaze flitted down to Masaomi’s lips.
God. Was Mikado actually trying to kill him? Although he had mentally checked out of reality, Masaomi heard himself saying, “Sure.”
He leaned in, preparing himself for a kiss that never came. Instead, he felt hands latching onto his sides and the unmistakable ticklish squeeze that came after. He jerked back with a squeak. “Mikado? W-What are you doing?”
Mikado smirked a very un-Mikado like smirk and squeezed again. “Returning the favor.”
Masaomi snorted, squirming as Mikado jabbed his ribs, drilling into the sensitive bone underneath. “Whahahait, Mikahado!”
“Why? Is something wrong?” Hearing his own words used against him only served to increase his already heightened sensitivity. Masaomi fell back in a fit of laughter, trying to push his hands away.
Unfortunately, at that moment he had fallen back onto the slide and both he and Mikado tumbled down, landing with a rough thump in the mulch below.
Mikado sat up, rubbing his backside. “Ouch.”
That single word released a torrent of laughter from both sides and they collapsed into the dark wood chips, clutching their stomachs in mirth. They turned to look at each other, their eyes connecting. “Can I try something else,” Mikado asked shyly.
“Uh, sure,” Masaomi agreed warily, tensing instinctively. “But it better not be more tickling,” he warned hurriedly, as an afterthought. 
Mikado chuckled, shaking his head. “Don’t worry. I think you’ll like this much better.”
Mikado rolled over, cupping Masaomi’s face. Then it was his turn to lean in, and this time it was exactly what Masaomi thought.
Masaomi had never noticed how soft Mikado’s lips were before. Admittedly, he had never had reason to notice them before that moment. They pulled apart for a moment, an odd euphoria building in them at the way their breath mingled in the air between them. Then Masaomi closed the gap, yearning to feel those soft lips again.
After a moment Mikado pulled away, heart thumping. He was trying to read his friend’s face, see if he had experienced the same breath-taking wonder as him. “So?” he asked nervously. “How was it?”
“Way better,” Masaomi agreed breathlessly. Then he hesitated, scooching closer so their bodies were mashed together. “But just in case, I think we should try it again.”
Mikado smiled, and the smile said he saw through his ruse and that he didn’t mind it. “I’d like that.”
There was a small part of Masaomi’s brain that said, I’m kissing Mikado Ryuugamine, my best friend, but an even larger part of his brain that said, I’m kissing Mikado Ryuugamine, the boy I love, and he’s kissing me back.
Sure, they would have a lot of stuff to work out later, but right now he was content to lay there with his nose pressed against Mikado’s cheek, his hand curved around the small of his back, and not worry about the future. In that moment, all that mattered was each other, and Masaomi was perfectly fine with that.
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airakorainies · 4 years
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Day 7 of drawing ships daily to improve: Anri x Mikado x Masaomi!
Geez Anri, how come drrr let you have 2 boyfriends and 1 girlfriend?!
I just adore these three. One of my top ot3s for sure! I still ship them as not an ot3 too! Mikado x Masaomi and Anri x Erika!
I guess this practiced the rule of thirds and side views? I’m not really sure haha
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kalamari-denki · 3 years
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herestrish · 2 years
Kalinka︱A Durarara!! F.F.
Link to Chapter 5
Recommended playlist.
Word count: 3331
Warnings: Strong language, violence, slight gore, use of alcohol and cigarettes. 
Chapter 6
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“Yeah, I cheated on her. Don’t get me wrong, I truly loved her. And even today I regret what I’ve done. I don’t know what’s gotten into me, really. But sometimes I feel that… I don’t know. That domestic lifestyle is so suffocating it leaves you without any air to breathe. That’s when you crave to be free once again, to put the strings aside. Do you get me, man?”
Shut up.
“It’s just that some of us cannot live our entire lives on a leash.”
For the love of God, would you shut up?
“Life’s meant to be lived, and spending it within four walls won’t do any better. I loved her, of course I did, so much did I love her, but I also felt kinda trapped by my commitment.”
Shut the fuck up.
“It’s genetics, I guess. A man isn’t made to live like this, he cannot bear such a habitual lifestyle.”
The glass shattered in his hands. All a mixture of sweet vanilla and blood dripping down to the floor. Slowly flowing below their table. Curious, petrified looks turned their way. A sigh came out from the man in striped suit jacket. The one sitting right in front of him. The one who actually knew what was coming next.
Shizuo turned his back from his companion and faced the impudent fellow customer all at once. Forcefully pulling him by the collar. He felt his voice raspy, a tremor coming out of his throat.
“You want some buzz in your life, huh? I have your fucking buzz right here.” He clenched his other fist. “You call that filthy cowardice of yours ‘love’, you little piece of shit? Look into my eyes and have the balls to repeat what you’ve just said one minute ago.”
Behind him, Tom was counting the banknotes he had previously taken from his wallet. The accuracy in his movements, the exact amounts he settled on, betokened an odd certainty regarding the immediate future. It was as if he was already told about the damage costs, as if he had been in this position countless times. Perhaps in this exact place.
The man hanging from Shizuo’s tightened grip stuttered.
“I-I-I don’t owe you any explanation, y-you h-hooligan! Let me go at once or I’ll put the police on your ba-!”
You really don’t know when to shut your goddamn mouth up.
He threw him through the mass of empty seats. His launch was vigorous and precise, just as one would drive a bowling ball with the purpose of knocking over a bunch of pins. In his particular case, wooden chairs and tables which eventually went into pieces at the collision.
He submerged in his anger, screams and gasping and the sound of broken wood, all of that apparent noise, a muffle climbing up to his tensed brain. He submerged, lately more frequently than before. Quicker than before.
He did not really know why his body would do this to him.
When people suffer from a burnout, they generally tend to fall into never-ending fatigue. Always so idle, with heavy thoughts furthering their lethargy to a degree they would not look or feel alive anymore. Yet there he was, mind standing in limbo, less and less able to concentrate, numbness devouring him inside and out, and his body would still be prone to violence. His body was admittedly restless at this point. Responsive to any agent of irritation. Thus, his mental exhaustion made him be more like a lion in a cage rather than a vegetable. The state he found himself in was nothing like a purgatory, a border between the blessed and the accursed, the dead and the living, as Shizuo had been already scorching in the flames of Hell for a long time now.
The two of them were distancing themselves from the café, leisurely walking while Shizuo was trying to bind his wounded hand with a piece of cloth. He thereafter gave a side-glance to a suspicious pair heading in the opposite direction. Both of them with their hands in their pockets, dressed in high-class suits. The additional jewels they wore, the roughened expressions on their faces, especially were to distinguish them from the regular executives in the streets.
Something did certainly not seem all right. Something was soon about to happen. That was what the shivers on his skin told him, in any case. He had felt them before, therefore he regretfully knew what they meant. An auguring of occurrences that he, by no means, would want to take part of. Which would soon consume the last drop of the peace he so desperately tried to spare.
Concern came out from Tom’s words.
“You sure you don’t want to have someone take care of that, buddy? Perhaps that underground doctor of yours or whatever.”
He was undoubtedly concerned.
About his wound. He did not seem to care about the two individuals, making Shizuo question whether his dubious hunch might have been just a result of mere paranoia.
He shrugged, a chuckle intertwining with his untroubled reply.
“Just a scratch, nothing to worry about. I’ve had worse in my life.”
“If you say so.” He sighed. “Christ, why’s that you always have to snap on Vorona’s days off?”
Why do you even care about when or how it happens?
The straightforward reality was that it purely and simply happened.
Since when have you started questioning it?
A smile drew itself across Shizuo’s features.
“Because she’d finished ‘em off right before I even got the chance to do it.”
Because that’s what she’s like, all right. Because when she was there, she used to be everywhere. Omniscient and omnipresent to Shizuo’s reactions, a skill she acquired by exploiting her impressive observant nature. She had a sharp eye especially on the little details, the things one would not possibly sense at first. Nosed around for every particularity in his behaviour, hence started to feel the violence hovering in the air long before it even happening. A brutality the two of them shared. In distinction to him, Vorona’s brutality would not cause any disturbance as she used to leave things clean. Quiet and prompt, but definite all the same.
When the woman tagged along, her hair a glossy plenitude of gold and sunflower petals, she would unexpectedly raise her guard up. Jumping on random people in all the random places. Cynicism in her voice while moving her hands towards their necks.
“Individual an impediment for Shizuo-senpai?”
“Registered disruption in Shizuo-senpai’s state. Source: identified.”
“Determine the feasibility for Shizuo-senpai’s perturbation. Optimal decision. Eliminate it.”
“Shizuo-senpai should not bother about such minor occurrences. Ignorance would be in his best interest.”
Tom moved his hands to his nape. Nonchalant talk echoed through the crowded boulevard.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right. Maybe this was one fortunate day and he doesn’t even know it. Such a pity we had to leave, though. Right when you were about to tell me abo- Shit!“
Steps hastily moving from behind. Weight aimed to his head within a heavy, sudden whack. His sunglasses fell off and shattered when meeting the ground. Sharp pain lancing through. His vision blurred, and so kept him stunned for a matter of seconds. Warm liquid flowing down his crown, the rest of it already soaked his bleached hair up. The tepidity of his blood was something he nevertheless reckoned as rather refreshing, a counter to the glacial numbness that engrossed his entire body.
A bloodstained bat stood in the striker’s trembling hands, a trace of tension hiding behind his apparent fiery tone.
“That’s what you get for fucking with the Dollars!”
Slightly confused, since a man would regularly fall unconscious after such a heavy, unexpected hit.
Not this one. Not him in the least. He was sturdy as a rock, all tissues and bones and muscles that were simply impenetrable. The strongest man in Ikebukuro, that was how the scandal magazines ended up calling him, was definitely someone not to play with, let alone to be chased with a baseball bat around the city. The one time someone tried to aim for his head, he hit the guy so hard his clothes fell off.
Merely standing, eyes buried behind his disordered hair as silence rose and eventually seized the whole atmosphere.
Blood drops slowly trickled to the concrete. Stained the whiteness of his bartender shirt.
Warm, crimsoned, fresh blood.
Repulsive scent of iron and sweat invading his senses. It nearly made him want to throw up.
I’ve had so much of it today.
The later events swiftly unfolded in his memory, making his throat vibrate in a quiet laugh.
“You see, Tom? There’s always room for worse.” Shizuo sluggishly raised his head. “Betraying, you say?” He whispered as he slowly moved his gaze to the assaulter. “Bros watch too many movies these days, and they suddenly start to feel so gangster. I’m getting tired of you all.” Clutched fists. And a look that kept the man in front frozen, hands getting red by how tightened he held his wooden weapon.
“You fill these streets with terror, behaving like you own ‘em, and you’re the one who’s gotten tired? You’re full of crap, pal!” He paused for a brief instant in order to look at the Shizuo’s injuries. “L-like really, how are you even human? You’re nothing but a monster, a betraying ass!”
“Spare me.” He cut his mate’s words off before quietly reaching to a mailbox. Raising it from the ground with one hand. Straightforward fury spilling in from the gleam in his eyes as he faced the man again. “Listen up here, you. The only betrayal you’ll have to deal with is when your ass will be so kicked up you won’t be able to take a proper shit anymore. I’ve honestly considered taking it slow with you, to turn a blind eye to the fact that you wouldn’t care if you killed me. But you’re talking like someone I truly despise and it pisses me off so fucking much.”
You’re nothing but a monster.
He was right in a way, that man; he could at least give him the credit for that. For he would not consider himself human either. One that should exist, whatsoever. One that should breathe and walk as he did, one that should have friends around. He pulled the smoke in, dragging on it as he blankly looked up. Then at his nearly healed hand.
A monster.
Dim yellow lights emanated from lampposts scattered all over the street. Complementing to the dusky, starless sky above. He was somewhere afar the centre area, hence isolated from the usual noise pollution. A quietude that managed to wash off a headache. To let himself fade away in the night’s absolute serenity. Just like burnt nicotine. Or melted sugar.
He opened his phone, checking out the location once again. Probably the fiftieth time he performed these movements. He thereafter stubbed out the cigarette, a low hiss below his foot. Opened the door and went down the stairs to what seemed to be a belowground pub.
As he was making his way through the lot of tables and seats, some indie music flooded his senses. Stillness and soft chords that definitely had Shizuo staggered.
“We have lots and lots to discuss, Heiwajima Shizuo. Matters that cannot be resolved over the phone I’m afraid.”
A line that would normally lead to darker joints and damper places. Shitty, shady, overly secluded bars. Filled with thugs and guns and heavy clouds of weed. He had been there before, his current job brought him all over to the most disgusting sides of this city. He had witnessed people shooting other people’s brains out, people stabbing people in the eye. Humid gore and slimy vomit, all spilt down to the floors of the properties of which thresholds he had crossed. But this? This felt oddly casual. Kasuka would have probably been chilling around in places like this. In his college days, with his hippie theatre junkies. He looked around thoroughly.
So visible was the contrast between her and the setting in question. Fiery hair surrounded by furred brown overwear. Shiny black top and skirt. Jewels that were deemed more expensive than his rent for a whole year. All glam and éclat, high-end urban princess. A show-off. He found her at the long table, gracefully sipping on bourbon. Stains of cherry lipstick plastered on the glass she lowered at his immediate sight.
“Someone’s been naughty today.” She pointed at the wrapped wound on his hand. “Care to put some alcohol on that?”
Shizuo took the alongside seat. “I think it’s healed by now.” He murmured. He did not find any better answer, as he was admittedly tired of constant mind games or playing back some smart tongued line.
“Aren’t you the toughest man I have ever seen in my life. Let’s loosen up for a bit, shall we? Tell me about your day. How did you end up getting all beaten up and gloomy?” The words came out low and alluring. Hearty nonetheless, conveying a kind of frank playfulness.
A bartender approached them. He made his order and returned to her violin gaze. Fingers pounding onto the table.
“Thought there was something else you wanted to talk about.”
“It really is. But how can we get to the heart of the matter when you can’t even handle a bit of small talk?” Misaki heaved a deep breath, bringing her glass up to her mouth. She barely wetted her lips with the drink.
It took him thirty seconds straight to find the words for the right response. Heavy beats and violent hits as his nails nervously bashed into the wooden surface.
“I shattered glass with my right bare hand. Some punk tried to do a home run with my head. He broke my fucking glasses.” He uttered.
Short and to the point. Enough to please her curiosity, enough not to make his stomach tighten even more than it actually did at the time.
“And you broke his bones in return.”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I did. He was annoying.”
How are you even human?
Icy-cold Jack Daniel’s just carefully placed in his own sight. He mouthed a polite “thank you”. Stared blankly at the brownish-yellow liquid, Misaki’s carefree giggle a reverberation inside his head.
“Well, wasn’t it just so fucking liberating?”
“Raging on the streets in plain daylight?”
“No, you crazy.” Her giggles soon burst out into a noisy laugh. Living seemed so easy when you had everything in the world. You and that gross fucker. You two royalties breathe the same plastic air. The cheerfulness in her chortle surely expressed it, but the grey-blue tone in her eyes told a way different story. He felt drawn to it. Curious about it. What can you possibly lack? When she finally recovered her breath, she continued her talk. Voice sweet and effervescent to the taste as an ice pop. “I meant talking. Doesn’t it feel liberating?”
“Everybody needs to slack off once in a while, I guess.” He murmured.
“Exactly! You’re a quick learner, I really dig that in somebody.” Misaki winked. “And so as to make our talk more and more enjoyable, did it make any big fuss? Beating that guy up. Did you have people gathering around you, any stirring audience?”
Shizuo raised a brow. “I’ve also knocked a man out inside a coffee house. That produced some bustle, yes. If you’d put it like that.”
“But you were really busy today, pumpkin.” She waited for him to finish his drink up. Hot bitterness flowing down his throat as her features gradually suberized. “And the one who attacked you, did he express his reasons for why he did it?” She hummed.
Shizuo scratched the back of his head. “He rambled some shit about me betraying the Dollars. From what I can remember.”
“Y’know, everything in this world is a product of cause and effect. That night, in Shinjuku, you and I really strangled that damned butterfly to the ground. Horrifying enough, it’s still there. Desperately fluttering its one remaining wing.” Misaki put an elbow upon the table, head leaning in one hand. Once full of sugar, her voice was now nothing but a husky, lowered sigh. “Did you know people started associating you with Toramarus?”
The man’s eyes widened. A sign of amusement curled upon his lips.
People. Scandal sucking people, always looking for a good gossip to hinge on.
“Do I look like a goddamn biker to you?”
“You look like a man who’d smash heads over a box of cereals.”
“As long as the rumour is out there, it materialises. It becomes your reality when you least expect it. What you’ve told me so far, it seems to me that today was a real rumour stabiliser.”
A flicker in her gaze made Shizuo believe she knew exactly what she was talking about.
“So? I couldn’t care less about ‘em. They could all just fuck off.” He droned.
You’re nothing but a monster.
“You don’t care, all right. But you gripped my attention enough for me to do it in your place. Not to mention my own head also depends on whether you decide to be all dramatic in the streets or nah.”
It’d be so much easier if it actually was up to my decision.
“You’re one of them, huh?” Smug smile plastered on his face.
Misaki seemed slightly staggered by the boldness in his statement. She nonetheless twitched her lips into a grin. Low chuckle vibrating in her throat.
“My, don’t play me down like that. Let’s just say that we’re strongly connected with one another. Our very existence depending on each other’s humble…” She heaved a short breath. “Contribution.” You fucking sponsor them, you mean. You power-hungry bitch. “Money and intimidation. Intimidation and money. They make quite the pair, don’t you think honey?”
“And this room… is filled up with Toramarus. They’re all your nasty meat shields.” He scoffed, giving a side look thorough the bar. All of the apparent customers eyed him back. Nails pressed so hard into wood they nearly perforated it.
“I’m a very cautious woman. Although should they be your last concern now. Same with my so-vain doings.” The woman pulled her chair closer to him, light chink as fingers went around the glass. Her nails were a bright red, carefully done and overly polished. He could feel the warmth of the whiskey rushing up to his cheeks. “What you really need to know is that you’re in a bit of a tight spot right now. Both of us, I incline to say. Gasoline was spilt all over the town and it only needs a spark to ignite it. That spark is you, Heiwajima. Once you go boom.” A low whistle to mimic the sound of a bomb blowing up. “you wouldn’t be able to go back to normal anymore.”
He remained silent. Watched Misaki as she sloshed around the last drop of her bourbon. Glass banged loudly on the table. The nonchalance of her next words made his stomach turn. His head buzz with the beginning of a cursed migraine.
“Someone really wants to keep you on the go, you’d better not give ‘em too much of that satisfaction.”
Nails. Tightened on wood. Deep, violent scratches.
How are you even human?
Splinters in his skin.
That spark is you, Heiwajima.
Splinters with a glimmer of blood and not any fucking air to breathe.
Someone really wants to keep you on the go.
The corner of the table was forcefully broken apart. 
Shizuo robotically stood up. Slammed some cash against the remaining surface. Heavy steps ultimately strode to the exit door. 
Dark red sprouted from his clenched fists.
“Where the hell do you think ya goin’?” Misaki yelled.
It was hard finding his voice, words blocked off and torched in his throat. They eventually oozed out his bared teeth. Raspy. And low. And trembled.  
“Flea huntin’.”
Roll credits.
Click here for Chapter 7.
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feisaru · 3 years
the "love triangle, except the boys realize they actually liked each other all along while they were trying to impress one another with their attempts on hitting on the girl, while the girl realizes she's, in fact, asexual and adopts a whole zoo" dynamic has Masaomi, Mikado and Anri vibes and no, I do NOT take criticism.
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chickensoup-4-mysoul · 10 months
herculean (drrr x f!reader)
Chapter 8 - Love and Care
synopsis: slasher attacks are occurring more and more around ikebukuro, and when anri gets caught in the crosshairs, you commit yourself to keeping your friends safe. that is, until its not just your friends that need protecting.
word count: 3,554
warnings: canon-typical violence, saika stuff, knives etc.
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"and i pour my heart a new foundation but it don't set hard, it just stays shaking and i scratch my name, i scratch my name in but it don't set hard, it gets mixed back in,,
o my heart - mother mother
Anri was never very quick to answer your texts. You didn't hold it against her, assuming that she was just the type of person that didn't check her phone very often. Right now, though, you wished she had checked it all the time, took less than a minute to respond. As your vision of the phone screen blurs, you realize that your hands are trembling. For the love of god, please answer, Anri!!
Kanra: Did you guys hear? Rumor has it, some first years at Raira were attacked by the slasher!
You and Setton both left hastily before Kanra could explain more. The pounding of your heart could practically be heard in your ears as you quickly texted your younger friend. Was she okay?? Were the boys okay?? The girl had yet to get back to you and every minute that passed was excruciating. After a while, you decided that calling could be better. Pressing the phone to your ear, you chewed your lip anxiously. It rang...and rang.... and rang.... and rang...
"Hello?" You could cry.
"Anri!! I'm so glad that you're okay!! I just heard about the slashing that happened and I got so worried about you and the boys! None of you were involved, were you? No one got hurt?"
There's a brief silence and your heart drops. "...Masaomi and Mikado are fine, they had nothing to do with it. I'm fine too, I promise...but I was there during the attack."
"What!? Where are you right now??" You try to keep your voice level to avoid stressing her out further, but it takes a lot of effort.
"I'm at the police station. Mikado and Masaomi are about to walk me home."
That was good, there was someone there to comfort her. You sigh, happy to have at least slightly calmed your nerves. "Okay, well I'd hate to get you worked up after all of that. Hope you get home alright, and sleep well!" You wish you could see her right now. Hopefully, surrounded by her friends, she could smile and find it in herself to recover. "Oh, and Anri?"
"Wait for me the next time school let's out, okay? I'm going to walk you home."
"E-Excuse me, miss!!"
A tall, disheveled man with kind eyes stands before you. He's almost apologetic, as if he had to muster up the courage to approach you. "Yes, can I help you?" You were currently out running errands. Part of the independent life also came with the maintenance of your entire apartment. A lightbulb needed to be replaced, you needed a new filter for your air conditioning, and you accidentally broke one of the vases holding your favorite houseplant. Amidst all the chaos, the domestic task was definitely therapeutic. However, you guess that a day can't go by where something interesting doesn't happen. "Would you happen to be (Y/N) Brigall?"
Your eyes widen to the size of saucers. Who was this man--a stalker? Was he here to hurt you? You were in broad daylight, surrounded by people. Surely no one would be foolish enough to try such a thing! "I-I'm sorry... have we met? How do you know me?" you ask, carefully inching away from the man. He seems to panic at this, holding up his hands in a surrendering gesture. "Please don't be alarmed! It was a guess, I was searching for a young, fashionably-dressed foreign woman." He reads this from a notepad he had pulled from the pocket of his trench coat. "Embarrassingly enough, it did take me a couple of tries to find you, but I'm so glad I did!"
To your relief, he explains that he is Shuuji Niekawa, a reporter for a tabloid called Tokyo Warrior. So he was in journalism, how exciting!! He gains more confidence from your positive response. It was most certainly the kindest response he had gotten to that introduction. Maybe he should have turned to more women after-all. "I'm working on a new column and I am on the hunt for the strongest guy-- er, person in Ikebukuro and I was wondering if you'd be open to helping me out?" You light up at the idea of being in a magazine. Granted, Tokyo Disaster may be different from all of the fashion tabloids you read, but it was something!
"Hm, who do I think is the strongest person in Ikebukuro? Well, I'm sure you've heard over and over about Shizuo Heiwajima, but I know this one guy, he's super underrated! His name is Ky--!"
"Oh, no! Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough." He stops you. You quirk an eyebrow at him in confusion. How else were you supposed to help? "I wanted to hear from you as a candidate! As the woman who won in a fight with the Shizuo Heiwajima!" What?? Sorry, what did you do?? You don't realize that you've burst into laughter, garnering the attention of many passerby. Regaining your composure, you apologize to the man.
"Sorry--Mr. Niekawa? It seems that we've been caught up in a bit of a misunderstanding."
"What? No, it can't be! I have several eyewitness accounts of you taking a direct hit from Shizuo Heiwajima and coming out victorious!"
"See, that's not true-- I had to see a doctor afterwards! I didn't even land a hit on the guy, how does that count as winning a fight?" The man's face drops, his kind eyes now pleading. It breaks your heart,  how desperate he seems.
"W-well, if these people seemed to think so, then anyone reading the column would think so! Not everything in every column is completely true. Please, give me something."
"I'm sorry, but I'm not comfortable lying to so many people. I wish you the best with finishing your column!" You speed away from him, avoiding his disappointed gaze. That poor guy, he must really need this column to work out. You had meant it, hopefully he gets the best interview in the world and the column becomes world famous.
Now, you had a houseplant to find!
The guilt of snubbing that guy from earlier was still getting to you. Maybe if you could help him in another way, you'd feel better!
Sora:  Have you guys heard of this tabloid called Tokyo Warrior ? Taro Tanaka: That action magazine? Are you into that kind of thing, Sora? Setton: I think I've heard of what you're talking about, Sora. Sora: I haven't exactly read it before, but I've heard there's a new column coming out! Sora: "The Strongest Man in Ikebukuro."  Sounds cool, doesn't it? I'll definitely be giving it a look when it comes out! Kanra: I dunno if you'll ever get to, Sora. Sora: What? What do you mean? Kanra: Haven't you guys heard? The Slasher took its next victim! Kanra: Shuuji Niekawa--a reporter for that magazine. Kanra: Wasn't he the one writing that column??
It feels as though your heart is in your throat. The feeling that overcomes you is hard to describe, but nausea wouldn't be far off. Your fingers are frozen, unable to type any of the questions swirling around in your head. Luckily, Setton expresses your exact thoughts.
Setton: Is he okay!? Taro Tanaka: Setton, do you know him? Setton: No... Setton: Now that I've heard his name, I remember that I really like his articles. Taro Tanaka: Really scary, though. Taro Tanaka: Sora, are you okay? Sounds like you were a fan.
You wish you could meet Taro. He seemed like such a cool guy, always looking out for others. Setton was the same. Kanra was... a character. If you all planned to meet one day, you guess she'd have to be invited too...
Sora: Yes, no worries!! I just hope that, whoever is behind this, they get caught soon. Setton: Yeah, I hope the cops catch him.
Saika has entered the chat.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Not this person again. She(?) had joined the chat before, but all she did was spam a bunch of creepy jargon--stuff about 'loving' and 'cutting'. It was very unsettling. You thought that Kanra had blocked her or something.
Kanra: SHE'S BACK!!!! џ(ºДºџ) Saika: Cut. Today. Kanra: I'm the one that wants to cut YOU. Saika: But not yet. Someone strong. Setton: Saika, how are you? Kanra: No point talking to it, it won't respond! Saika: Sure that I have to cut. Taro Tanaka: This is creepy. Sora: I might have nightmares about this... Taro Tanaka: Yeah, with all this cutting talk, maybe SHE'S the Slasher! Kanra: Not a chance! Saika: Someone strong. Saika: Need to love them. It is my goal. Saika: Yes, my goal to love.
God, what sort of messed up person was behind this? Perhaps it was a bot or some sort of virus. Honestly, nothing real would talk so openly about stuff so ridiculous. It was some sort of comfort to know it was all probably some silly prank. You're pulled from your thoughts by Saika's continued rambling. The appearance of a certain name makes your heart stop.
Saika: Shizuo. Setton: Huh? Sora: What!? Saika: Shizuo Heiwajima. Taro Tanaka: Saika, are you a friend of Shizuo Heiwajima? Saika: Heiwajima. Saika: Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima. Saika: Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo.
Your blood runs cold at the sight of your friend's name over and over. Just by looking at the text, you could see that Saika was in a frenzy, rabid over the idea of Shizuo. Something like that--it couldn't be a bot. It couldn't get any worse.
Saika:  But i need more. More strength. Saika: Someone strong. Someone Stronger Saika: (Y/N). Setton: WHAT!? Taro Tanaka: How do you know (Y/N)??? Saika: (Y/N) Brigall. Saika: Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Saika: (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N). Saika: Love Shizuo. Cut (Y/N). Saika: Mother's wish. Love. Brigall. Cut. Heiwajima. Heiwajima. Saika: Shizuo. Mother's wish. (Y/N) and I. Shizuo and (Y/N). Love Love Love.
You left the chat, not bothering to say goodbye. A cold sweat overtook your body, drenching you in a matter of seconds. Why...? What had you done? Shizuo had most likely garnered all sorts of enemies, what with his profession, but you...? You had never spited anyone, you thought. Who would want to cut you... to target you like this??
That night, you slept with the covers over your head. You put on a funny podcast to fall asleep to in hopes of warding off any nightmares. The last thing you needed was another scare to psyche you out. After all, you need to walk your friends home from school tomorrow.
Many would find Masaomi's excessive energy to be annoying, but today, you were especially thankful for the distraction. However, not even that could distract you from how strange Anri was acting. While the girl was always quiet, there was an odd look in her eyes--she was definitely preoccupied. As Masaomi gladly filled the silence, you locked eyes with Mikado. Seemed that he noticed as well. Once the four of you reached a point where it was time to go separate ways, you decided to go with Anri.
"W-wait!" Mikado exclaims just as the two of you prepare to leave, "Maybe I should go with you!" You laugh, assuming that he's worried about Anri. However, you notice his gaze flitting between the both of you, occasionally lingering in your direction. Confused by his attention on you, you smile at him in reassurance.
"Don't be ridiculous. All that walking back and forth would be such a hassle, and it's late! Anri's house is on the way to mine, so this is just easiest. You two should definitely be safe, though." You're already taking Anri's hand and leading her away before the boy can protest anymore. Afterall, it had been a long week for the girl and she needed her rest.
Once the two of you were at a safe distance you released the girl's hand, walking at a relaxed pace beside her. "You've been quiet, Anri. I mean--you're always quiet, but I can tell something's up. Something on your mind?" Her face flushes lightly at your question. "Oh...sorry to worry you. It's nothing, I promise." It's obviously not nothing. You don't want to pry though, so you let it go. It had been a while since you had walked to Anri's place, so you let her take the lead. However, the walk goes on for way longer than you expected--maybe the walk home from the school was just longer? You don't remember having to pass a police station, though.
"Ladies, it's very late. I would encourage you both to head back home," an officer approaches the two of you, his partner in tow.
"Thank you, officer. We were just heading home."
The men kindly offered to escort the two of you. Honestly, with recent events, you weren't too opposed to the idea. However, they got a call and had to leave. You wondered if you should just wait at the box and take their offer, but Anri has already continued walking. Well, guess that idea was out of the question.
"Wonder what that fight was about? Think it was another gang?" You try to make light conversation to ease both your and her nerves. She's entertaining your sad attempts at conversation, giving short, detached answers. Well, she was probably tired. You were just glad to be here to keep her safe. However, as the thought crossed your mind, you couldn't help but wonder: what would you do if something went wrong? You weren't the best fighter and you certainly weren't that strong. The most training you had was all of those self defense videos you had binged on the internet. You reviewed them in your head--what do you do if someone came at you with a sharp weapon?? Control the distance, watch the hands, run if you can--
Your phone vibrates in your pocket. Who could be texting you at this hour? Trying not to be rude, you discreetly check it. You struggle to hold in your own gasp as you read Kyohei's text.
KYOHEI Hey. We just passed you on the road and there's this guy following you. I don't know what he could be trying to do, but it doesn't look good. Be careful.
Zeroing in on the silent night, you can hear it. Another set of footsteps trailing behind you. They were slow, but steady, in a hot pursuit. You apologize to Anri, claiming that it was an important message.
ME Thanks for looking out. If I get my friend to a safe place, anyway you can help me?
His response is immediate. You could always trust Kyohei to have your back.
KYOHEI Of course. Circling back now.
As you try to collect yourself--you were most likely in danger, but you had to keep it together for your friend's sake--you notice that Anri has stopped walking again. The two of you stood at a crosswalk, a flickering streetlamp serving as the only light. A feeling of panic overtakes you. It takes every bone in your body not to take a look at the surely approaching form behind the two of you. "A-anri, I know it's been a bit of long walk, but I'm sure there's not much longer to go! Let's keep moving," you urge her subtly, gently taking her wrist and attempting to pull her ahead. All you had to do was get her a little further, to the nearest road where the van gang could pull up. However, she didn't move much, instead shaking her head as if recovering from some sort of daze. "What am I doing...?" she mutters, eyes glued to the wall before the two of you.
The sound of heavy footfalls instantly grabs your attention, and Anri's as well. You both turn to see a man, but not just any man. It was the same disheveled man with the kind eyes that you had talked to the day prior. However, his eyes were certainly not kind now. No, now they were shining bright red, empty of any feeling. The other glaring difference about him was that he donned a glittering butcher knife, pointed at the two of you--intent to kill. Anri whimpers from beside you, no doubtedly frozen in her spot. You couldn't say you were much better. Then, you hear it. The sound of burning tires that only one angry driver could make, accompanied by the growing intensity of a white light. You pull Anri back against the wall with you, trying to increase the space between the two of you and the man, who was steadily approaching, eyes shining and knife raised above his head.
The panicked ringing in your head is almost louder than the collision of body and van. The man goes flying as the van skids to a stop, already doing it's damage. He crashes into a nearby wall, collapsing to the floor and dropping the knife. Anri breathes a sigh of relief at the same time that you do. You wrap an arm around her shoulders, thankful that the two of you were okay. Walker yells at Kyohei from a distance--something about a 'peaceful life'. You internally hope that the man was still alive. Well, as Kyohei said, it was self defense. Still, you couldn't stop the aching in your heart. He had seemed so kind when you were speaking to him.
However, the way he was up now, laughing maniacally, knife swinging in a frenzy, was anything but kind. The van gang scattered away from him, avoiding his blade. Through the space, you see his eyes lock on you and Anri. In a flash, he's speeding towards you with increasing ferocity. Everything you had tried to remember about defense against a knife was not coming in handy now. Maintain a distance? There was a wall behind you! Watch the hands? Oh, you could see them alright, and man were they fast!
"(Y/N)! Run!" It was Kyohei's voice. You turned to Anri, hands on her shoulders as you tried to push the small girl away. If she booked it to the side, he couldn't get both of you. She wouldn't budge, and though you never thought you could get mad at the girl, your frustration was steadily increasing. All she could do was stare at you with wide saucer eyes. "Anri, you have to run!" you finally yell. She shakes her head, lip trembling.
"B-but, (Y/N)...!" Her eyes switch between you and something behind you and you finally notice it. An overwhelming presence behind you, heaving uneven breaths and grunting--and a pressure in your lower back. It was uncomfortable, like someone using a singular finger to poke you uncomfortably hard. You try to see what it was, but all you see are piercing red eyes and a sick, empty smile. It's almost like you're in a movie and someone has pressed pause--how he only stares at you and you are suddenly frozen in place. However, the moment is broken when his smile drops, as if realizing something. Then he snarls at you and the pressure increases.
The sound of tires, skidding across concrete roads was loud to you ears. This skidding was not anything you had heard before. It was high pitched and weirdly reminded you of a horses whinny. Something dark flies over you, slamming into the man's face and knocking him into the same wall he had hit only moments before. Two figures land in front of you, weirdly enough, both with yellow heads.
"Sh-Shizuo?? Celty!!" you realize. Shizuo's eyes widen upon seeing you, muttering your name in astonishment. You hear Kyohei mention a 'Headless Rider' and your mind reels with so many thoughts. However, Erika shrieks, signaling that the Slasher--no way this wasn't the slasher--was up again. However, he's not as feral now, standing in place and staring you all down creepily.
"So many loves in one place...you're Shizuo Heiwajima....I've been looking for you...!" He's reeling again, swinging the knife too and fro, but he continues to ramble. "But who do I go for first...? I love you, Shizuo!! So, so, so, so, much!! But Brigall needs love too! Love, love, love Heiwajima! Love (Y/N)!"
You had been on edge all day and it had affected you physically. Trembling, sweating, throat running dry.... but the way he had said your name, how everyone's eyes darted to you--everything stopped, time stopped. It was how Saika talked... so it really had been the Slasher. As Shizuo stood there, cool as a cucumber, it was obvious just how different the two of you were. That thing was after him too, but all he did was smile one of his signature smiles, coolly saunter up to Saburo's van and... rip the door off. You could already hear Saburo's cries.
If getting hit by a van, and then a motorcycle didn't thoroughly incapacitate that man, Shizuo driving him straight into the wall with an entire van door had to. Your entire body winced at the sound of crushed bones. It was no harder than crushing a bug to him. That was one way to stop him, you guess.
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hahafebruary · 4 years
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【All of Durarara!! Light Novel Volume Covers: Part I】
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bunnyseahorse-blog · 3 years
if you are looking for Progressively Stitched, please know that  I did end up combining the two fics awhile ago, because I had never written a really big story before and wanted to. The links to Progressively Stitched don’t work as the work has been deleted, but all parts of it and the original work can be found at this link. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for reading!!
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justdancekid · 4 years
What Your Favorite Durarara Ship Says About You
MikaMasa (Mikado/Masaomi): Your Ideal Relationship Dynamic Is Guys Being Dudes (What's Better Than This?)
MikAnri (Mikado/Anri): You Just Want Good Things For Anri And Really, Who Wouldn't?
MasAnri (Masaomi/Anri): You Want To Get Hit On By Masaomi Kida
MikaMasaAnri (Mikado/Masaomi/Anri): You're Just Here For Some Hilarious Hijinxs With Trios
Shizaya (Shizuo/Izaya): You Think The Key To A Good RomCom Is Making Sure The Main Couple Hates Eachother For A Good 1/3 Of The Movie, At Least
Shelty (Shinra/Celty): You Like The Roomates Fics But You Pile That With Cannon Validation
WalkErika (Walker/Erika): You're Just Here For Some Otakus You Can Relate To
KadoSabu (Kadota/Saburo): Your Ideal Relationship Dynamic Is Team Mom/Team Dad
Samon (Saburo/Simon): You're Always A Sucker For Characters Who Are In Desperate Need For More Screentime
Sejika (Seji/Mika): Either You Want A Yandere GF Or You Want To Be A Yandere GF
MaSaki (Masaomi/Saki): You Just Want Good Things For Saki. And Really, Who Wouldn't? Except For Him, But To Be Honest, He Dosen't Want Good Things For Anybody
ShizuTom (Shizuo/Tom): This Is The Same Joke As Mikado And Masaomi, But You're Also A Firm Believer In The Inherent Eroticism Of Inpulse Controls
Shizuorona (Shizuo/Vorona): Your Ideal Relationship Dynamic Is Beauty And The Beast
Celzuo (Celty/Shizuo): You're Always A Sucker For Having A Friend To Talk About Your Problems
Anrika (Anri/Erika): Your Ideal Relationship Dynamic Is Girls Being Friends, Gals Being Pals
Sanri (Anri/Saika): You're Not A Monster F*cker, Yet Somehow, Your Ideal Relationship Dynamic Is The Plot Of The Movie Venom
Naji (Namie/Seji): I Could Give You The Benefit Of The Doubt And Say You Just Want Good Things For Namie, Which I Mean Fair. But Actually I Should Just Say "Stay Away From Your Brother!"
Oriharcest (Mairu/Kururi): You... Are One Sick F*ck!
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hopen4e · 4 years
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happyandticklish · 3 years
The New and the Old
The Raira Trio’s friendship is complicated and constantly changing, but they find that no matter what changes there are things that will always stay the same. 
Ever since reuniting with Masaomi, there had been an unavoidable tension in their group. The events of the past couple months hung over their heads, reminding them of the things they’d done, of what they’d become. In a lot of ways, however, things had reverted back to the way they were. They hung out, Masaomi continued to be a miserable flirt, and Mikado still stumbled over his words like a lovestruck middle schooler. To the common outsider, they probably looked like a normal group of friends.
However, the three of them were anything but ordinary. The leader of the yellow scarves, a girl in possession of a cursed sword, and the founder of the most notorious gang in the city, the Dollars. It was hard to say how things had gotten so out of hand.
Nevertheless they had, and now they all struggled to find a new equilibrium. Their friendship changed. They developed. Anri was more confident, smiling at their jokes and finally allowing herself to accept that she was part of the group. Masaomi had gotten rowdier, jokes cornier, but there was subdued air about him now, more conscious of the people around him.
Probably one of the biggest changes in the group was Mikado himself. They hadn’t talked much about the incidents that had landed him in the hospital, but it made itself present in the worry clouding their eyes when they looked at him, the careful smiles. Masaomi could tell there was something different about his friend. Maybe he was more confident, maybe less, maybe more reckless, maybe less. Each time he thought he had it pinned down, it slipped his mind the next instant. Maybe one day they would talk about it, but for now they were content to joke and laugh like normal, without the pressure of gangs or the mafia looming behind them.
Combined with the new changes, there were old things rediscovered. Masaomi’s eyes were wide as he stared at the spot where Mikado had been, finger still outstretched into a poke. “You’re still ticklish?”
“I guess?” Mikado mumbled, honest to a fault. It was truly a wonder they had ever managed to keep such large secrets from each other.
Anri watched them both with hesitant eyes, unsure if she should diffuse the situation or let it play out. Masaomi’s eyes sparkled in that tell-tale way and before anyone had the chance to do anything he lunged, tackling Mikado as fingers dug into squirming sides.
Immediately Mikado broke into a fit of giggles, jerking away from the offending touch. One hand covered his mouth in an attempt to stifle the noise, the other gripping Masaomi’s wrist tightly. “H-Hey!” he protested, twitching as devious fingers scaled his sides, counting ribs and curling into hips. He tried to curl inwards, pulling his knees parallel to his chest. “C’mohohon, cuhut it out!”
“No can do, compadre,” Masaomi said, smirking as Mikado struggled to compose his face. “Not until I see that smile.”
Mikado shook his head but could only hold out so long against the relentless attack. He fell back on the ground, uncurling from his protective position as laughter spilled free from his lips. “Masahahaomi, s-stohop!”
Both Anri and Masaomi felt their hearts thud in their chest at the sound of that laughter, bubbly and carefree. They pushed aside their strange feelings for now, leaving it as something to dwell on later. Oblivious to the effect he was having on his two friends, Mikado giggled as he batted uselessly as Masaomi’s roaming fingers.
When Anri reached out to join the fun as well, squeezing Mikado’s knee, he shot her a betrayed look. “Nohot y-you tohohoo!”
“Don’t blame Anri,” Masaomi scolded, fluttering his fingers against the boy’s hypersensitive neck and basking in the following shriek. “She can hardly be put at fault. After all, you’re far too ticklish to resist.”
There were also old things long forgotten. Masaomi squeaked as Mikado grabbed his side in an attempt to loosen the attention from himself. With that single noise, Masaomi had doomed himself entirely. He cackled and howled as his legs kicked out in protest.
And finally, there were new things discovered for the very first time. Masaomi and Mikado stared as Anri covered her mouth to cover up the surprised giggle that had just slipped out. A faint flush spread across her cheeks. Soon laughter fell from her lips as well as the two boys launched their revenge.
Among the old and the new things, their friendship stumbled and grew and faltered again, but never dissipated entirely. Fingers entwined and shoulders clapped; ruffled hair and encircled arms; sudden blushes and averted eyes; relieved smiles and final kisses. Their friendship was strange and complicated but it was theirs and that was enough.
For now, at least.
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otakupup · 5 years
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I like to make myself suffer and draw alotta characters into one charm cause everyone in durarara is too good and i lab em all and this showww AAAAAAAA a charm hopefully in time for AX!
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