#might do a rewatch of the earlier seasons for the flash and arrow
songsofnoble · 4 months
nothing like being a felicity smoak enjoyer in the arrowverse days (she was gen one of my favourites in arrow lmao) and having to deal w the overall misogyny and negative attitudes towards her character for simply being human and existing most of the time.
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intothewickedwood · 4 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 4x09 Fall
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I finished reading Henry and Violet. Spoilers: It was okay. I realized that I had little interest in their relationship. It was a bit repetitive. I mean, it was a bit sad that they broke up because they were like best friends too. I’m pretty sure Henry had no other friends still. She must have been the first friend he had his age. Nothing wrong with that but I’m not surprised they jumped into a relationship. I would have liked for there to have been more of Henry’s mums and Grandparents in the story. I think that was what I was expecting. It would have kept it more interesting.
I started reading ‘Once Upon A Time: Reawakened’. It’s a novelization of the first series. Spoilers: I’m not sure how or if they’re gonna fit in all the episodes at the rate they are going. I hope we at least get all the Snowing and Snow Swan stuff! I was sad they left out Charming’s sword fight with baby Emma in hand. But I’m actually enjoying it so far! Probably the most out of all the OUAT books and graphic novels. But that may be that I’m familiar with the story and don’t have as much of a problem visualizing scenes. I can’t consider it canon though since they changed up the dialogue quite a bit which I really wish they didn’t.
Back to the rewatch!
Woah. I forgot Ingrid wanted everyone to die as a result of the Spell of Shattered Sight! But why? Was it because she wanted Emma and Elsa to herself? 
And what was Ingrid planning to do once she had her ‘sisters’ to herself? We’re the three of them meant to rule over an empty town? It would get lonely with just the three of them in the apparently ‘larger than you’d think’ town of Storybrooke. Would they just build snowmen all day? Blast walls apart? Make all the ice cream they can eat?
Well, at least Gold wanted to save Henry from the spell. 
How does Gold intend to get past the ice wall? Does he plan to teleport there? Does he have enough magic from the hat that he will retain his powers outside of Storybrooke?
How can they tell the magic will reach them by sundown?
David! That could have really hurt him D:!
Elsa found Anna’s necklace!
Regina: “is everyone into this hope thing now.” Yes, Regina. It’s a cult and you should join us.!
Emma and Leroy have the same colour jacket on. I really like Emma’s brown jacket! I want one! I don’t think we see it after this season.
How comes everyone defrosted in Arendelle just now?
It’s true. She is literally hanging a big assumption on a really thin straw, but Anna has an uncanny ability to figure everything out based on a single clue. Like in Frozen 2 when she saw the ice sculpture of her grandfather about to kill the Northuldra leader and figured out that Elsa had Frozen and that she had to destroy the damn and just about everything else based on that sculpture alone!
Go away Hans!
Why are his brothers just cool with their youngest brother becoming King of Arendelle. Wouldn’t there be some envy there?
Woah. That ice wall just keeps growing and growing!
Oh yeah! He uses the fairies to keep his powers intact! 
Rumple: “You can clench your jaw and flash your eyes all you wish.” Looool!
Aww. Robin teaching Roland all the parts of an arrow! I really hope Roland kept in contact with his little sis. They could practice archery together!
Where’s Roland going to go? Is he going to be all alone?! Is he going to turn evil?! Imagine evil little Roly xD!
I kinda wish the wishing star had been introduced earlier. I’m not too keen on when magical objects appear for the first time seconds before they’re needed. It’s a bit too convenient but I understand that sometimes it might be necessary. It’s just much more satisfying when the object was introduced earlier and you go, “Oh yeah! The mystical feather of Glarasia! It’s finally being used! Why didn’t I think of it sooner?” Like, maybe if we were introduced to the wishing star earlier, the resolution would have been too predictable but not necessarily if it was introduced subtly.
I almost forgot that the scenes with Anna and Kristoff are happening in the present.
It’s true. Anna was the one who said Pirates were better than wizards. Sven don’t you think I’m right?!
Can’t Emma just blast a hole in that cave?
It would have taken a long time but considering the curse doesn’t affect the heartless, couldn’t they have pulled everyone’s hearts out and have put them in a safe place? I suppose they wouldn’t have had time to do it for everyone and some people, like Henry, have protection spells against that.
Does Gold have Killian’s heart in his pocket or something? He doesn’t have the satchel it was in with him and yet he’s controlling Killian.
Couldn’t they have used Elsa’s blood to find Anna with the magic globe or a map or something? 
Lol. Why didn’t they check the drawstring bag once Elsa gave it to them? And did Elsa just randomly collect pebbles from the mine and put it in her non-existent pocket?
Elsa’s so desperate to find her sister! God bless!
Are they saying Elsa’s parents didn’t have pure hearts? Yeah. It’s not exactly pure to trying and take away an important part of your daughter.
Anna: “You rolled around in Gold bars. Weird. And ouch!” I remember someone drew fan art of that. I can’t get the image of Hans doing that out of my head xD!
Anna: “She’s gonna take back the kingdom and kick you and your brothers back to the Southern isles, which sounds lovelier than I bet it actually is.”
Lol. Anna never stops talking. I love her!
You pull that trunk back onto the ship right now!
Wait. That necklace was their mother’s? Why do I have memories of Elsa making it with her ice magic? Okay. I just rewatched that scene and it’s kinda unclear. I’m gonna go with, she found it amongst her mother’s things. 
Elsa: “I failed. I deserve to be attacked.” Big mood!
Don’t cry Elsa! I’m sorry! You’ll find Anna!
Anna trying to say her vows!! Omg I am broken!
Anna and Kristoff are okay!!
Anna and Elsa found one another!!
Oh yeah!!! The necklace was the God damn wishing star!! Okay, I take it back! That was genius! The necklace was such a presence throughout, and it actually meant something to the plot! I love that twist!
I’m so happy the sisters are together again!!!!
Snow sisters huggle!! I’mma cry!
Anna: “What a funny looking world.” Elsa: “Right?!” Aww. Elsa is holding Anna so tightly, like she never wants to let her go.
Bloody hell! Couldn’t the fairies have casted magic at him? Do they need wands? I thought The Blue Fairy was supposed to be the most powerful entity in existence or something.
Can’t Regina brew the antidote?
Rumple: “As Dark One, I may be immune to the spell but you can still hurt me.” Dude, you’re immortal! She can’t hurt you without the dagger, unless you’ve left it with her which is not at all a good idea! Surely Belle must know she can’t hurt him. She must think that suggestion is suspicious.
Is the spell gonna make baby Neal evil?! 
Elsa: “You have wonderful parents, Emma.” The sadness in her voice. If only her parents would have accepted her for who she was also!
The way Emma says: “Elsa, can you hold my brother?” I’mma cry again!
David and Snow should probably let go of each other’s hand. They might try and break each other’s fingers or something!
I don’t get why Regina is apologizing to Henry for not focusing on finding her happy ending. It doesn’t make sense.
Anyone can break into the Mayor’s office. Emma did it before!
I wanted to see more of evil Belle!
Close your freaking eyes Kristoff!! Anna and Elsa have the right idea!
That last image of Snowing breaking hands and glaring at each other though!
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purpleyin · 4 years
Flash 6x06 thoughts
So I'm really behind on watching The Flash. Part of why is I was doing my liveblog type commentary posts and I didn't have energy to do that whenever I thought about watching it.
I watched this ep ages ago but hadn't typed up the notes I had on it. 6x07 was as far as I got and that really packed a punch so I don’t remember a lot about this one in comparison. And...I got five 5 mins into a rewatch of this before I remembered it’s the Barry and Ralph ep, how could I forget that. The awkward dorks for comedic relief before all the coming angst. :D
My first thought is where is Joe for the Nash sewer reveal, since he got told about it too last ep. And Cisco, is this a Cisco-less ep? :(  I am guessing he’s busy with Cynthia’s funeral, which is even more sad.
lol to Barry going for the wall and not trusting Wells when he say not to. There writers prove they continue to really like whumping Barry by throwing him against stuff.
Yet again Nash provides a quest for the team - MacGuffin's for all your needs! This is his role so far this season, sending people on wild goose chases and just how does he find out about all these artifacts...
Also Frost is all protective of Barry with the stern ‘Did you know that would happen?’
And we have a canon fact that eternium is anti-phase, that feels like it’s gonna be important. If it hasn’t already been brought up and I just forgot.
i like Ralph’s low-tech enthusiasm with the sledge hammer suggestion. Sometimes that is the key to problems.
Yay to Chester waking up. Also Chester still has the CCH shirt on, did he have same clothes for 8 weeks!? How did they feed him or did he not need food? Where are the toilets issue yet again!
I think i might get annoyed at his ‘what up party people’ slogan if they overuse it but for now it's nice seeing the enthusiasm for what S.T.A.R. labs has.
:D to Chester sliding down that bit in speed lab.
I feel like Cisco may not like anyone tinkering with his projects when he's back though.
The thing he sniffs, is that a pee sample on Caitlin’s desk or something? Also, did they show future Cisco’s metal hand too in the montage. Was that just another S.T.A.R. labs project?
So... they saved Chester but forgot to tell anyone he wasn’t dead. Team Flash gets stuff done but they’re not very focused on the fine detail, like clearing up being dead (this makes me wonder what else haven’t they fixed and if Felicity usually helps out fixing stuff) or anyone keeping an eye out for exactly when Chester will get let out.
OMG to the obit showing Cisco has his own drink too!!! Vibe-achinos.
lol to Chester’s grandmas comment. Also I feel like that's the same energy as Barry had earlier in S6 about how cool Iris almost getting sucked into one was, just focused on the science. Reminds me of the S1 boomerang comments with the Arrow crossover.
lol to Frost being like ‘the one day i get watch duty’, considering last time she had it she ignored alerts and did art. Frost giving it bluntly there too.
Not sure I like the Elongated Man emblem but :) to a Barry & Ralph ep.
Ow my heart about Barry saying pass the torch but oh Barry you are no good at acting causal.
The dress link to Sue is odd but it’s a pretty dress.
So Ralph just knows Barry's measurements... Barry seems like a hard guy to buy clothes for lean and long, much less to find a perfect suit for that fancy crowd.
Also, where did Ralph change into that suit after he gets it out of the trunk?!
Does Ralph having an emergency tailor or a network of emergency tailors, phone tree style.
oh Barry dontcha make fun of Ralphies gadgets. I bet one of those is gonna save the day by the end of it.
Also does Cisco help make these for Ralph? I’m just imagining Frost throwing out ridiculous ideas they take seriously when brainstorming, telling her why that won’t work and Cisco getting  a far away look in his eye and then ‘but actually, maybe if I...’
We get disaster Barry for this ep. The ‘many millions of dollars’ has an almost Austin Powers reference feel.
Barry you suck hard at social engineering. Never confirm things you aren't sure about! At least Ralph is good at pick-pocketing and paying attention to details like the chip. Although haven't they got one chip for two people.
Nash has the mad scientist trope of confusing names.
Does Allegra believe him or is it just her wanting the Harrison Wells mystery solved?
Yay at Cecile helping Chester but Jitters is gone? And what is a Vibeachino punchcard, what do you get once you fill it up? Gonna have to headcanon something there.
That ‘when I fill up my punchcard’ from Chester also sounds like an excuse to put the asking out off.
How is Jitters gone...I know they had a blackhole there but it didn't damage much that we saw. Unless employees are scared to work there or the insurance for the place is hiked up for being in a known blackhole spot even if it was just the once so far.
Aw to Chester and Cecile and him realising how that affected her. But what are his powers now...
Poor Barry, not his day at the event. And keeping secrets for surprises doesn't go well for heroes...
Chester has a pretty nice shirt here, love how much colour it has.
How is Cecile getting it so wrong and how does Chester not spot that re the shoes. Insert common sense.... Was Cecile feeling her feelings and if not who was it.
The Book of Ralph saying ‘be yourself’, that wasn’t what Cisco got from the Kamilla date and the book, so did Ralph update it? <3 Subtle character growth right there.
Oh dear to Nash letting stuff slip. Poor Allegra, you'd think maybe Team Flash should have helped her with her powers too by now. Meta training for safety if nothing else.
Barry really should have thought twice about being The Flash when at a gathering of weapons dealers.
Wouldn’t the electric weapon taking Ralph down fry his usb key too, hope he didn’t need that for later. Amused that Barry's identity is so passe here. Ralph forgot the white tux bond villain cliche though.
Hmm so Ultraviolet getting out of iron heights, did she or is she a clone like there were Godspeed clones?
Ah the meglomaniac plot. Barry is the disaster boi here, not thinking things through. Part of me loves it and part of me cringes.
So Ralph is good at finessing, but Nash is doing that sort of thing with Allegra too, reading reactions to his questions.
And why does Allegra have same powers as Esperanza, is it genetics or the circumstances they were in at the time or both?
oh the irony about choice for him given spoilers I've read for Nash. Has he feelings on being like other Wells or not? On what he could be and if those lives should be his, with family for example.
Also wonder how many episodes Tom C can bear to be so grimy for with Nash and the tunnels.
They really like to use the word vaporised this season...
Well the sensing the opposite thoughts makes more sense for Cecile.
It would be ironic if Chester could turn out to do whirling eyes hypnotism with his weird eyes power.
Awwww to Cecile and her sadness she’s so easily replaced. That's a long time in a job and makes sense why she feels worried she might fail and having nothing to show for it.
Barry & Ralph heartfelt conversation whilst tied up/in mortal danger ftw. Ralph saying barry is as important and Barry looks almost teary yet again.
But this does make me wonder, does he need to find someone to replace him as CSI too? Will that be August Heart?
I love that Ralph's gadgets helped but oh dear bad laser cannon malfunction.
Hooray for Barry finding a pattern and them using it to escape but there was no my left your left discussion... they be coordinated.
Surely a chair should not be able to damage that laser like that unless it’s very shoddily built?
I guess with the demo on Central City none of the guests like the place. Just imagine if Len was one of the guests instead.
eeeee drunk acting Barry. Mortal kombat refs XD
And there we go with Barry getting thrown around even more and again. Is this how many times can we whump him per ep.
I do like him coming up with ways to fight non-powered using scenery but why doesn't she use her powers on him... unless its because she’s commanded not to.
The song that’s on is “Supremacy” by Muse, lyrics here and people say it sounds like a Bond theme so it’s certainly appropriate for this ep.
Do enjoy the action, must be hard to direct/edit.
Hmm, so how much electricity can Ralph take with his powers.
Also that thing about how common is meta dampening tech. Are there legal issues about places wanting to dampen everywhere and how that could affect people who need their powers somehow and The Flash of course if you want him to come to your rescue in a crisis.
This ep was been so wonderfully silly and OTT and fun.
Love Chester’s positivity in himself, the ‘she said no but I said yes to me’. The Flash isn’t always good on messages it promotes but for that it’s nice.
And Chester’s fashion is proving fun so far too.
Oh the feels with Nash, does Allegra reminder him of a Jesse from his earth? Did Nash have a family with Jesse Quick and got challenged by The Monitor to prove herself worthy, as in Elseworlds, and failed? I guess I’ll soon find out with Crisis watching.
So much aw to Ralph getting recognition from The Flash and that side stretch step lol. Though seriously anyone from CCPD has got to recognise that’s Barry’s voice.
Oh to Ralph’s vow. Is someone gonna test it... or is it just him thinking about Barry's impending sacrifice? Barry did nicely get around saying why he's handing over to EM without phrasing it as that.
Them honoring Barry as a CSI is !!!! <3
So they have a Ralph and Iris scene about his badge but we have no indication Ralph or Joe invited Iris, or Caitlin/Frost, along to see the medal giving that Ralph and Barry got. It’s possible Barry might have talked to Iris about it lots already for Ralph’s badge but for Barry getting his you’d think Iris would want to be there for that.
Where was Iris all ep... not around Allegra for sure. I know why Frost is only in it for a bit because Danielle P directed it, and Cisco has an in-canon reason to not be there, but no Iris except beginning and end felt odd. They didn’t even mention what she was doing, did they?
OMG to that cliffhanger. And the “I have a followup question’ is cheesy but fun. XD
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ayellowbirds · 6 years
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Keshet Rewatches All of Scooby-Doo, Pt. 5: “Decoy For a Dognapper”
(”Scooby-Doo, Where Are You”, Season 1 Episode 5)
AKA “That Old-Fashioned Racism”
I’m trying out a format change, starting with this post, because the errors that I was seeing with Read Mores only seem to affect Text Posts and not Image Posts, even if the only difference is whether there’s a text header or a main image. If y’all prefer this style or the text posts, let me know!
The episode opens on a crisp Autumn day, and unlike the norm the four prior episodes established, nothing immediately spooky happens. Instead, we’re reminded that yes, Scooby is a dog, as his sniffing about in the leaves of an affluent-looking neighborhood leads to him catching sight of a well-groomed poodle being walked by an old lady. Scooby pulls up some flowers and tries his best to look charming.
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He’s ignored, the poor hump-backed bow-legged mole-chinned fella. Takamoto's intent for Scooby to be a less than ideal specimen really shines through in moments like this, though I suppose his iconic status has dulled that idea over the decades. That said, i am reminded that one of the few times a dog reciprocates Scooby’s romantic intent, she turned out to be a space alien in disguise.
Just after Scooby is rejected, karma strikes: “Princess” is snatched up by a masked dognapper just as she and her owner walk behind some bushes that conveniently save on the animation budget by not showing the complex motion of grabbing the dog i mean, hide the details of the dognapping.
By the time Scooby rejoins the gang at yet another beach party (consisting of Fred and Daphne dancing while Velma and Shaggy roast weenies), the sky has darkened. Instead of explaining why he’s upset using his words, Scooby utilizes his eldritch powers once more and turns on the radio just in time to tune into a flash bulletin announcing the third theft of a prize-winning dog in as many days.
Scooby is very serious about this, pushing the gang to investigate. But his determination has its limits when it turns out that the next dog in line to win an upcoming competition is a Great Dane, well, you can see where this is going.
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Fred has a “tiny” transmitter to plant on Scooby, which must have seemed impressive by the standards of 1969. It’s as big as a bath bomb.
Daphne tosses him a Scooby Snack for courage, though Shaggy catches and eats the first one she pitches, rationalizing that he’s going to have to be the one walking the decoy dog, and then it’s time to wash and groom Scooby. Cleaned up and given a shiny new collar, Scooby strikes his best possible posture while out on the town, and even manages to attract some attention.
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When this random pink pooch tries and fails to get Scooby’s attention, she kicks a whole bin’s worth of garbage at the duo in a fit of rage. It’s an extended sequence that doesn’t seem to add anything to the plot except suggesting that Scooby is, however briefly, convincing as a show dog. But it’s really weird, because, well... look at this dog. She has a collar, so she’s not just a stray. She's pink, at odds with the vaguely naturalistic color schemes of, well... any other animal in the entire show.
The entire scene could be cut for time without losing anything in the episode, so the best i can figure is that it’s literal filler.
Soon after, the dognappers snatch Scooby amidst a smokescreen, and Shaggy gives chase on a borrowed motor-scooter. While the Mystery Machine reroutes to follow Scooby’s signal, Shaggy sees something unexpected just as he’s catching up to the dognappers:
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Yes, this is bound to be a thematically consistent episode. The whooping, shrieking image of a stereotypical Native of the Great Plains appears, causing Shaggy to crash. Shaggy identifies this figure as “Geronimo” for no reason except that he’s a stupid white kid in the sixties.
Meanwhile, Scooby winds up in the villains’ hideout, where he’s quickly identified as a fake by the costumed mastermind, who is similarly clad in a bad caricature of indigenous American garb, looking like some white animator’s idea of what a traditional dance costume might resemble.
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In an especially bizarre moment, Scooby resists being tossed out by extending his previously unseen claws to hold tight onto the wooden floor. Scooby has retractable claws. WHAT IS THIS DOG?
The gang finds no sign of the native who spooked Shaggy, but Velma does find a stone tomahawk just laying in the dirt by some train tracks. She identifies this as “an authentic Indian relic, at least 1000 years old”.
Without any testing or reference materials.
Without questioning why it was just sitting around in the open.
A thousand years old, she says.
Guay de mi. Shaggy concludes that this means ghosts, but the gang pick up on Scooby’s signal again and follow it, while Scooby once again demonstrates his retractable claws by extending an especially long one to cut a hole in the wooden crate he’s trapped in.
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After Scooby’s rescue, the gang backtracks, and are shot at with arrows—that Fred identifies as factory-made and inauthentic, because I guess he thinks no self-respecting native would use anything other than home-made traditionally-crafted arrows. Shaggy and Scooby cry out in terror over the prospect of being scalped.
Interesting fact about the practice of scalp-taking: there’s evidence to suggest that it was introduced to the Americas by white people, and that it was much more widely practiced by settlers—colonial authorities offered bounties on native scalps, and both Confederate and Union soldiers are documented to have engaged in the gruesome practice on people of all ethnicities.
But Shaggy’s a white dude in the Sixties, so we just get to see him being a racist making jokes about his hair being scared.
The gang look to where the arrows came from, and catch sight of the remains of a cliffside city in the general Southwestern style, looking like it may have been referenced directly from “Montezuma’s Castle”. As they make their way up to it, they catch sigh of the lead villain, who is shaking some maracas and affecting a stereotypical accent completely unlike the way he was speaking in front of Scooby earlier.
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As he disappears, Velma comments that he speaks excellent English “considering he’s supposed to be 1000 years old.” Again, how is she drawing this conclusion? There’s nothing in the episode to suggest it, and Velma just comes off as spouting the typical attitudes of white American culture that indigenous peoples are long dead and gone.
As the gang continue onward in spite of their ignorance, they rouse a colony of adorable bats, that start chattering and flying around.
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Shaggy and Velma start to flail madly in spite of the bats not being animated as actually flying at them, just around... until one snatches Velma’s glasses right off her face, and then drops them on Scooby. There’s a great shot from Scooby’s perspective through the lenses of a bat zooming right at him, and he flees.
But even better is the one moment when Shaggy follows Scooby into shelter. “Ri, Raggy,” says Scooby in his usual distorted doggy speech. Without missing a beat or any sense of it being unusual Shaggy responds in kind:
“Ri, Rooby.”
It’s a weird little moment of Shaggy’s guard being down so much that he picks up on Scooby’s vocal tics, and to be honest, it’s adorable.
The “thousand years” bit continues as the gang explores and "Geronimo” (again, they have no reason to call him that) continues to warn them away with fakey accents and flashy displays.
The weirdest moment of the episode comes during their explorations, while Shaggy is distracted with raiding the dognapper’s food supplies to make an overwhelmingly meaty sandwich with every kind of cold cut i’ve ever heard of. Scooby investigates a cabinet, and then, behind him, a stone in the wall opens up to reveal a secret hole...
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...and a hand reaches out to shove Scooby into the cabinet, sending him through another passage and down a chute that leads right to the room where the stolen dogs are kept, along with Daphne after she got caught in another secret passage trap herself. But nothing’s holding Scooby, and he’s able to easily untie Daphne and set the dogs free.
So... what was the point of pushing him? Whose hand was that?
After a few more secret passage antics, the dogs are freed, and—hey, wait a minute, how’d all these secret passages get into these ancient ruins? There’s more of a story here than just the dognappers, but the episode never goes into it.
The dogs chase down the main villain (his henchman is never seen again, and there’s no evidence he’s ever caught), who is revealed as Buck Masters, a dog owner himself who had pretended his own dog was stolen and put on a pretense of offering a reward for the crooks. Buck had extensively interacted with the gang earlier in the episode, so it’s not too surprising he immediately recognized Scooby, but one has to wonder why he didn’t warn his own henchman of the gang’s involvement. 
In any case, his incompetent racist deception is revealed, and the gang have foiled his plan! Oh zoinks, are we going to finally hear it, that immortal line?
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Hey, that’s not how you pronounce “meddling”!
In a heartwarming moment, Fred explains that they had to get involved, because they had a dog of their own, and “we love him very much.”
The episode ends on one last little stereotypical gag, as Scooby makes a feathered headdress shadow on the wall by posing with a duster and toy tomahawk.
(like what i’m doing here? It’s not what pays the bills, so i’d really appreciate it if you could send me a bit at my paypal.me or via my ko-fi. Click here to see more entries in this series of posts, or here to go in chronological order)
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nerdgatehobbit · 4 years
So, uh, I did not watch Flash or PRIS today either. Instead it was Farscape, TCW, and Sun & Moon.
Despite my concerns because what little I had known beforehand involved the 4th season of Farscape being divisive and then I spent the first 3 being not super-invested, so far I’m actually enjoying the 4th season. At least in comparison; the body humor and heavy sexualization of the female characters still discomfits me. Now that I’m done with the first disc, I can write up my review.
“Overlords” was a blast so it looks like I’ll fall into the camp of loving the Mortis arc. Getting into TCW was a very good idea.
On the one hand, possibly I should take a break from the Pokémon reviews since they’re scheduled through November and I’m barely into October for everything else. On the other hand, this show has been such a delight in this stressful year. In the 14th episode all of the following happens: Lillie & Snowy bonding adorably; Mallow is really invested in Lillie’s well-being; Team Rocket loves malasadas; and Mimikyu has it out only for Pikachu.
I found out that 9/20 is Merlin’s anniversary, so it’s too late to do anything major but I’ll probably watch “The Dragon’s Call”. It’ll be a while before I do a serious rewatch, though, because I’m barely keeping up now with my blog schedule.
Should I drop a show or two? Probably, but I don’t want to. I gotta reach The Flash season 4 episodes where Paul McGillion shows up! More seriously, it’s only after The Flash reviews that I can move onto Arrow season 2 (David Nykl!) and Legends of Tomorrow season 1.
On the XWP front, I am enjoying myself but I just keep getting distracted to instead watch TCW and Sun & Moon. Oops. Admittedly XWP is very 90s sometimes, but I like seeing the show find its footing.
Speaking of 90s media, there might be a bit of subconscious panic going on with my conscious pride in nearing the end of my Power Rangers reviews. Okay, fine, I still have about a year’s worth left on a weekly basis, but that’s saying something given how I started in summer 2015. Hopefully the finale of PRIS will live up to its reputation.
Could I instead just watch shows and not also review them? Yes, but I like putting my analytical hat on. And having to review episodes keeps me from binge watching.
I also want to watch & review a few films by the year’s end because apparently I don’t have enough on my plate. But I really want to stop putting off watching Ever After, the 90s Mansfield Park, and Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse.
Yes, I’m aware it’s a travesty that I haven’t yet seen that last one. That’s why it’s on the list.
Edit: a lot of this was expressed in my earlier posts, so I apologize for being repetitive.
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