#mi note 5 pro
relagiforafa · 2 years
. Manuel de l'utilisateur générique des téléphones Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro · Redmi Note 7 Mi Dual Mode Wireless Mouse Silent Edition.
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Manuel - Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro - Android 8.1 - Device Guides.
</p><br>https://webotubiv.tumblr.com/post/694257825137967104/opti-smooth-matrix-mode-demploi-iphone, https://webotubiv.tumblr.com/post/694258091837046784/sony-str-de485e-notice, https://nagelelopu.tumblr.com/post/694258786090811392/canon-eos-500d-mode-d-emploi, https://webotubiv.tumblr.com/post/694258091837046784/sony-str-de485e-notice, https://webotubiv.tumblr.com/post/694258091837046784/sony-str-de485e-notice.
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nontimesversion · 2 months
cuál es la excusa perfecta para no comer?
Tips para no ser una cerda
1.- Ahora que voy a ingresar a un concurso de mate, me tengo que quedar en la tarde y mi familia me da dinero para comer cerca del colegio pero yo la guardo para ahorrar y pues ya no me obligan comer. 2.- Si hay talleres en la tarde en tu colegio inscribete (opcional que sea altetismo) en uno de ellos y asi te evitas el almuerzo. 3.- Se la primera en comer yo siempre sirvo mi comida y abajo dejo el plato de mi perro asi que cuando nadie ve le doy toda mi comida a mi perro. 4.-Para desayunar y eres escolar despiertate mas tarde asi no tendras tiempo para desayunar. 5.-Siempre di que te encanta comer asi nadie sospechara de ti. 6.-Si te invitan para comer o algo puedes decirle que hay muchas otras actividades que hacer, con un amigo siempre vamos a correr. 7.- Di que tienes un granito en tu boca o en tu cara asi evitaras comer y asismo evitas que te den comida chatarra. 8.-Si te llaman para cenar di que ya haz comido mucho y te sientes super llena asi nadie se dara cuenta. 9.-Para evitar hambre siempre mastico algo, despues lo escupo y rapidamente me cepillo los dientes. 10.-Consume hielo si vomitar asi evitas la inflamacion en la garganta. 11.-Evita el cafe eso te da mas ansiedad para comer, una opcion para remplazarlo seria el te o el agua con pepino. 12.-Di que no te gusta algo o eres alergica. 13.-Cuando tienes hambre siempre toma agua o hielo eso calma tu ansiedad. 14.-Juega videojuegos con personas, personalmente juego roblox, free fire y fornite ya que hace que te concentres en el juego y dejas de pensar en comer. 15.-Otra excusa es que primero me voy a bañar cuando mi familia esta almorzando y yo soy la ultima en servirme la comida asi que lo mas logico que hago en darle comida esa comida a mi perro ( mi perro es mi pro ana) 16.-Si no tienes energia come un dulce(con pongas calorias) o toma suero eso hace que te repongas. 17.-Si eres nueva empieza de poco a poco, consume 900cal en tu primer dia despues en tu sngudo dia 750cal. en el tercer dia 550cal y en tu cuarto dia 350cal y en el quinto 150cal, asi hasta tener que dejar consumir alimentos ( en este momento estoy en mi segundo dia de ayuno aun asi me siento bien y he bajado 5 kilos y eso es increible si se lo proponen pueden lograrlo) 18.- Para las mia espera 20 minutos para expulsar tus alimentos antes de comer toma agua, no durante y no despues sino antes. 19.-Si estas empenzando en lo de calorias para quemarlo haz dos horas de ejercicio pero si estas en tu ayuno intermitente haz 30 minutos, te recomiendo que sea pilates. 20.-Siempre entra a tumblr o pinterest para ver inspiracion o quieres seguir siendo una cerda. 21.-Siempre en las tardes ponte a estudiar o a leer eso evita que pienses en comer. 22.- Distraete o vee videos de personas obesas ¿Asi quieres terminar? 23.- Hablar con personas que quieren ser unas princesas como tu, ellas te daran tips o cosas que no deberias hacer, si quieren pueden hablar conmigo.
24.- Proponte metas semanales y mensuales mi meta semanal es pesar 54 y mi meta mensual es 49
25.- Igual con los ejercicio te recomiendo que hagas cardio de 10 minutos no mas ya que te pondrias desmayar y alarmaras a la gente ( si me ha pasado) obviamente la idea esque la gente no note que no estas comiendo sino que vea que te estas viendo mas delgada y mas linda.
26.- Vee al Mall y llevale comida tu familia y dices que no quieres por haz comido alla.
27.- No rechazes comida regularmente solo aceptale y cuando nadie se de cuenta botalo.
28.-Cuando sea un cumpleaños de un amigo y te invitan para comer diles que antes de eso fuistes a comer o simplemente no vayas al cumpleaños.
29.-Cuando tienes hambre duerme en la tarde asi dejas de pensar en eso. 30.- Despues del colegio llega a tu casa y duerme asi no podras comer.
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theshiningbeacon · 2 years
Tutorial for my OFMD Breakup™/Bird Robe
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Disclaimer: I’m not a professional sewer or costumer, so any weird methods of execution are entirely due to my own (mis)adventures in sewing. Also all of the links for the fabric and research are in the replies bc I have no idea if tumblr is still ~suppressing~ posts with links.
The basic design for my Breakup Robe™ was based on heathervanderstitch and  hannahgreenecostumes‘s instagram posts (two of the costume designers on OFMD) who said that their bird robe was a modified 1940′s kimono pattern with a box pleat in the back to give more movement at the bottom without being too baggy at the top. So I took that info and essentially worked backwards by comparing screenshots from the show and a bunch of online kimono patterns. (The most helpful ones were Ralph Pink’s free Satchi kimono pattern and The Tailoress’s Giselle Kimono). 
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I found a helpful starting place for pattern piece sizes was a twitter post from another fan (fiftyfathomkinit), however I ended up making my own modifications because I found her drafting slightly confusing (she includes armhole cutouts in her back panel which i could never figure out). I also adjusted the sizing to better fit my own measurements and I added an extra seam on the sleeves so one side of the pattern wouldn’t be upside down.
On a personal note, don’t be afraid of making mistakes! I didn’t realize I needed to adjust the pattern measurements until after I’d started making the lining - which was an oopsie on my part and could have saved me a little bit of money on fabric for my lining. You can get around this error by making a mockup in cheap fabric, or you can do it like me and start off with larger pieces and make them smaller as you adjust to your own fit.
Speaking of the lining, the original robe has a fuchsia dupioni (coarse) silk lining and a hand dyed, block printed 100% cotton velvet outer shell. I found the velvet from (I believe) the same seller on Etsy. It’s a little pricey, but they also have a regular cotton version for those who want a cheaper option. 
For the lining, I wanted silk to match the original, bc it breathes better than polyester satin, and I believe it’s longer lasting. But I wanted something softer than the dupioni, so I went with... literally the smoothest silk in the closest colour I could find at a local fabric store. (I literally just rubbed my fingers against every fuchsia silk they had). But you can go with whatever lining you’ll be most comfortable with (satin, cotton, etc). 
I got tassels from that same fabric store and the thread and orange bias tape from Fabricland, but you can make your own tassels with yarn if you prefer.
I bought 5 yards of the bird velvet (bc they don’t do half yards) and 4.5 metres (5 yards) of the silk. I ended up using most of the silk and about 4.5 yards of the velvet.
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I started by making my own patterns from some super cheap brown wrapping paper with gridlines on the back, which I got from the dollar store. You could also probably just measure and cut your fabric directly, but having paper patterns made me feel better.
Your own measurements will vary (I’m 5′7″ and 120 lbs), but I wanted it to be quite oversized, with the sleeve shoulder seam hitting a little ways down my arm, and the overall length sitting just above my ankles, the same way it does in the show robe.
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You can see in the above graphic I have a neck opening cut into the front panel that ends halfway down - this is how long I’m also making my collar. (Pro tip - cut the collar longer than you think you’ll need). Meanwhile, the sleeves have an 11″ x 1″ diagonal cut on the sides that will be attached to the main body of the robe, as used in a lot of kimonos.
Here are my pieces cut out (minus the sleeve diagonal bc I forgot to do it while I was cutting everything - but that was a very easy error to correct later):
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For the inverted box pleat, based on screenshots and insta posts, I went with 3″ on either side of the centre point and guestimated that it ended a little lower than the armpit. So mine ended about 10″-11″ from the top of the back panel.
I basted some stitches along the three points (centre back, 3″ to the right and 3″ to left, so it was easier to keep both sides equal). Then I pulled the two sides of the fabric together so they met in the middle at the centre point of the back panel. I pinned them together, stitched the sides together by hand with a ladder stitch, and then machine stitched a line across the top of the panel at my ½” seam allowance.
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I then machine stitched the sides together down the middle with a really small zigzag stitch to make sure it was extra secure.
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I cut a 1″ x 7″ inch neck dip after doing the box pleat, which is probably not the proper way to do it, but it worked out for me!
I didn’t take a picture of it, but this graphic is an approximation of how you’d go about it:
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To sew the actual robe, it requires very simple straight line sewing to connect all these rectangles. 
Firstly, you’ll want to attach the front panels to the back panel at the shoulders (right sides together).
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Next, you’ll want to sew across the top of the sleeve panels (right sides together). Make sure you’re matching the diagonal sleeve indents so that when you open up the sleeve panels, it looks like this:
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Then you’ll open up your robe body so the right side is facing up:
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You’ll then attach the sewn sleeves to the front panels (right sides together), ensuring you’re matching the sleeve seam with the shoulder seam. Make sure you’re sewing the side of the sleeves with the diagonal cutout so when the garment is flipped right side out, the diagonal is next to your body. You’ll sew from the marked line to the marked line.
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Next, you’ll want to sew the sides of the robe together to close it. However, this was a tricky part for me, because I had tried to sew the body and sleeves at the same time when I was doing my lining, but the armpits ended up bunched and slightly twisted around. So I tried getting around this issue by stopping about 1″ from the armpits, leaving a gap, while sewing the sides together. (You’ll close this gap at the very end of your project).
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For the collar, attach both pieces together at one end, right sides together, to ensure the pattern isn’t upside down on one side. Once done, the right sides of the attached fabric should look like this:
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Then, take the collar and fold lengthwise so the right sides are together. Sew a straight line across the two bottom ends. Then, flip the collar inside out so the wrong sides of the fabric are together and the bottom edges are nicely hemmed. It should look (more or less) like this:
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(Ignore the weird cuts on the bottom right and left hand corners  - this was my first attempt with a collar that I realized was too short. [Pro tip - cut the collar pieces way longer than you’ll think you’ll need!] I forgot to take a pic of my second attempt, but you get the general idea of what it’s supposed to look like).
For the bias tape, this is probably not the proper way to go about it, but it was the only way my CFS brain could figure it out and it worked for me! (As the disclaimer said, I’m not a professional sewer - I’m more concerned with whether something works than whether it’s the 100% professional method of execution).
So, take your bias tape, open it up, and pin one edge against the raw edge of your collar. Sew these together a little bit lower than your seam allowance (1). Then you’ll want to fold the bias tape up so both edges are facing the sewn edge of your collar. Then pin and sew your collar, bias tape side down, to your robe (2). (When doing so, make sure to match the seam at the back of the neck on the collar with the middle of the back panel).
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This way, when you attach the collar using your seam allowance, you’ll still be able to see a small amount of the bias tape peaking through around the collar when it lays flat against you, like so:
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For the bias tape on the sleeves, I attached one edge of the bias tape to the right side of the fabric, stopping an inch past the 9″ marking on both sides of the sleeve. (I sewed this about 1/4″ from the edge).
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I then flipped each sleeve inside out (right sides together) and sewed it together, stopping about 1/2″-1″ away from the armpit (as previously mentioned) and at the 9″ measurement on the opposite side. For the side with the bias tap, I flipped the bottom part of the tape over onto the wrong side of the fabric and sewed it down as I was sewing the entire sleeve.
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At this point, if you flip the entire robe inside out so the right side is facing outwards, it should look like this:
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For the lining, follow the same steps as you did for the velvet (minus the collar). But when you do the box pleat, make sure the inverted side (the side you pull together) is on the wrong side of the fabric. 
Once the lining is fully constructed, you’ll want to attach the lining to the velvet, right sides to right sides, along the collar and centre front.
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Once you’ve sewn the lining and velvet together, flip your robe inside out so both right sides are showing. 
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As you can probably see in the photo, I already started the next step. Which is hemming the bottom of the robe. I’d recommend doing so while it’s hanging (either on a hanger, dress form, or another person), to ensure you don’t have any weird spots where the lining is pulling up on the velvet. I attached the lining and velvet by hand stitching.
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For the sleeves, I folded the bias tape down onto the wrong side of the fabric, folded the lining under itself to make a nice little hem, and sewed both together. I did so by hand with a really simple stitch. (As with the bottom hem, make sure you’re only picking up the bias tape and lining so you don’t poke through to the other side).
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Then for the final touch - the tassels! Mine came with a large loop that I had to remove. I cut it off and then encased the shorn ends in hot glue to ensure the entire thing didn’t somehow unravel. 
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I let the glue harden and then attached the tassels by hand to the corners of the sleeves and collar.
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Now we’ll finally close those ~1″ gaps under the armpits. I did this with a very simple hand stitch, making sure I grabbed a bit of fabric from each side of the fold and pulled the thread taught.
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And voila, you should now be the proud owner of the infamous breakup/bird/wrap robe.
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And that’s it! Hopefully this all makes sense and if anyone has any questions either send me an ask or add a reply to this post and I’ll do my best to answer! 
On one final note, not to be That Person™, but this took quite a lot of work (both the robe and this post) and I’m a chronically ill freelancer who’s income was hit hard by COVID. So if anyone wants to throw some change at my KO-FI if you found this helpful, I’d be very much appreciated.
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ethanhuntfemmefatale · 9 months
Okay give us the TC movie ranking, and know Punct and I will be taking notes
Also have you seen Collateral yet bc yooooooooooooooooo
I have not I need to see it!!!! I might make another ranking once I’ve seen more of his films cause the list isn’t That long rn. There are so many of his movies on my to-watch list
So far of his movies I have seen: all the MI films, Edge of Tomorrow, The Firm, Risky Business, Oblivion, Jerry Maguire, Top Gun, and Top Gun Maverick. For those films, my ranking is below (top to bottom):
1. Mission: Impossible (specifically 1,5,6,7 but I’m partial to 2 and he does great acting in 3 and 4 so I’m just gonna put the whole franchise at the top for simplicity’s sake. This is my least objective ranking cause I love this fucking franchise) I just think MI is neat. I think TC has had a chance to do something really unusual with Ethan Hunt and I really fucking love it. The movies are excellent action films but they also just consistently feel personal and well crafted and thoughtful. Love this franchise so fucking much
2. Risky Business—honestly I can’t say enough good things about this movie. It’s emotionally complex and emotionally unusual and hurts to watch in a cathartic way that sticks with you. This might be some of TC’s best acting although there’s also just a very particular awkwardness and vulnerability to the role that he doesn’t usually get to portray in his later films. I don’t want to be the guy that says his best acting was when he was young, and I don’t think that’s true, but his acting was definitely fucking spectacular when he was young
3. Top Gun: Maverick. TC is beyond excellent in this movie. He holds up most of the main emotional threads (gonna say something blasphemous to TGM fans here but when I watched it I felt like the only actor who truly kept pace with him was Val Kilmer in their one scene together.) it’s a testament to him that the movie is as strong as it is. And it is really strong!!
4. Edge of Tomorrow—this is a personal thing for me I could see the Firm being ranked over EOT but I like EOT better. Bottom line for me if I had to choose one of them to watch I would choose EOT every time. TC is so great and expressive and funny in it and Emily Blunt is just epic as Rita and even though I have some issues with it they’re pretty nitpicky. I like that it’s a very genre-standard movie that has its own ideas, and there are some really interesting moments where the movie Does Something that’s surprising and emotional and doesn’t just follow the formula. But it’s also just entertaining. I feel like it’s more than the sum of its parts and I loved it more than I expected to. It’s the kind of movie that I can’t help engaging with when I watch, which wasn’t the case with the Firm, I felt like I had to “buy in”
5. Top Gun—yes I know I just said firm could be ranked above EOT. I also feel like it could be ranked above Top Gun cause I do think Firm is a more well done film. I expected to like Top Gun more than I did…but the things I did like about it hit me hard and left an impression. What I really liked about it was literally just Mav and Goose. Goose is the fucking center of the movie and Mav works as a character because of his relationship with Goose. The scenes with them got to me hard, shout-out to “you’re the only family I’ve got,” gotta be one of my favorite crying wailing moments. This might be controversial but I didn’t like Charlie and that weakened the film for me
6. The Firm—pros of this movie, Jeanne Tripplehorn. She’s stunning in it. I love TC and he does good work here but he never gets to her level. Cons, the suspense didn’t totally hit (although I know people who thought it totally did so that might be me) and the emotional beats didn’t really impact me they just landed and I thought oh that’s interesting. I never went rabid which for me is a necessity to recommend a movie highly, although it’s a personal thing and isn’t based on movie quality
7. Oblivion—I am actively angry at this movie because it has so much potential and it does not work. I would 10/10 watch it again to yell at the screen and go apeshit over the scenes that hit and be filled with disappointment and rage and shut my laptop feeling deeply unsatisfied and highly emotionally affected. It’s a solid watch, the aesthetic sense is amazing (I would give it all up for TC in white leather) and it’s very entertaining. What I loved about it was that it had these striking and unexpected emotional beats. And then just when I felt invested it would shapeshift into a standard schlocky sci fi action film. To the point of undermining and sacrificing all the emotion it already set up. And in the end you come out of it having seen something that feels emotional and tense and thoughtful and meaningful—like 50% of the time—but completely falls apart thematically when faced with a stiff breeze. There are parts of this movie that literally haunt me. And there are parts of this movie that are just bog-standard, amateurish. And I’m so mad about it. This is the kind of movie that makes you plot out The Secret Good Version in your head at 2 am (guess what I was doing at 2 am last night)
8. Jerry Maguire—I HATE putting this movie here!! Because I know (/know of) two people whose lives were directly impacted by seeing this movie, one of whom became the concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic after seeing this movie, and I watched it years ago and it was my first experience with TC and I wanted to like it so badly. And I just didn’t. It did not work for me. I would really like to see it again to see if it works better now that I’m. Was I even a legal adult back then? God knows. Passage of time is a mindfuck. Anyway I don’t actually believe this is the worst of these movies I just didn’t connect with it for some reason and I might see it again in case that changes on rewatch
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someone-always-cares · 3 months
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chapter 5, page 63
first - previous - next
[image description: an sac webcomic page. lewis and jade turn on the stairs as schmidt's sparking hand reaches out towards lewis's arm.her hand grabs onto him, the sparks are now gone, replaced by pale lichtenberg figure-like pattern spreading from her hand across his arm. lewis's expression has gone from teeth bared to slack jawed, as he freezes. the colours of the panel intensify into brights and near-neons, the background of the panel is a dark purple spreading over the top panel in a pattern like somewhere between the lichtenburg figure and schmidt's hair. the purplle is overlayed with faint rainbow in concentric circles originating from around schmidt's clenched hand. end id]
there was no update last week due the global strike week. i was originally going to make a seperate post to explain that but I was sick last tuesday and was unable to sit up long enough to make one but anyway.
Please, if you're in any way able to help by donating, or protesting, or writing to your goverment, then please do.
if you don't know where to start one of these might help
i also have a few posts that have these resources and more and i would request that you reblog them instead of this post
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softnasty · 1 year
"j'suis fatigué, orel. on rend l'album demain j'suis fatigué."
tumblr a bouffé tout mon post et j'avais pas fait de copier-coller donc j'ai le seum de devoir tout retaper mais 🤡
je me suis refait les 2 saisons du doc post concert depression oblige et c'est dur de choisir un moment préféré mais je crois que c'est celui là. les KILOMÈTRES de notes qu'il a écrit rien que pour civilisation ça me fume. en vrai la réédition de civilisation ça aurait pu juste être 10 versions différentes de civilisation mdr
juste avant le "et après j'arrête le rap" + le face cam avec clém "j'y arrive jamais" alors qu'au final il l'a sorti ce 4ème album et qu'il est en pleine tournée super successful 🥲 on sent vraiment qu'il était (et toute l'équipe également) à bout niveau fatigue et que ça s'est terminé dans la douleur. on dirait moi quand je dois finir un projet pro ou perso et que je suis à bout (comme il le dit si bien, il s'est vrrraiment mis en mode san "je craquerais pas" pour finir)
épilogue "7h j'enregistre seul à l'hôtel seul au mini stud / 7h du mat / je dois rendre l'épilogue dans 7h /y'a de fortes chances pour que le son soit jamais mixé" 🤝 civilisation terminée la veille de la deadline de rendu de l'album.
le contraste entre cette difficulté à finir civilisation (même si on comprend que comme c'est le dernier titre y'a vraiment la pression) et la "facilité" de CF infinity terminée en 3 jours (certes un titre fun avec moins de stakes) dans la bonne humeur etc. orel et gringe complémentaires, complices et acolytes qui se tirent vers le haut vraiment 🥹 et puis pour reprendre orel dans la s1 qui dit qu'il veut faire san qui n'est "pas un hit" aux victoires de la musique-> je regardais cette itw de gringe hier où il dit qu'il n'y a que 4-5 chansons sur son album qu'il trouve "honnête" et genre. *shakes them both* vous vous rendez pas compte de vos génies respectifs, c'est fou 🥹
etttt je viens de me rendre compte (parce que passion faire pause à chaque fois que la cam passe sur les notes d'orel lmao) que dans ses 40000 lignes de notes pour civilisation il y a une partie qui a fini dans peon avec vald !! "pour donner la vie faut jour [...]" trop marrant que ça ait pas du tout fini dans l'album ni la réédition mais dans ce feat. (et la partie en haut du screen, "vert parce qu'on va s'faire rattraper par la terre" dans civilisation perdue bien évidemment.)
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j'avais d'autres trucs dans mon post à la base mais bon 🥲 merci tumblr. CETTE FOIS je copie colle dans mes notes si jamais ça se poste pas.
en attendant je reste dans mes émotions intenses, la vague tristesse ou nostalgie de n'avoir découvert orel que cette année, l'attente d'autres dates de festivals été 2023 pour choisir les 1 ou 2 dates où j'irai très certainement le revoir etc etc j'ai écouté épilogue 10000 fois ajd en marchant par-10 sous la neige dans varsovie je me sentais invincible ce son et cette instru putain.
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spearkelectronick · 3 months
"Speaker Price in Bangladesh 2024: Your Guide to the Latest Audio Deals"
Looking for the best deals on speakers in Bangladesh in 2024? You've come to the right place! Whether you're upgrading your home audio setup or searching for the perfect portable speaker, we've got you covered with the latest prices and top picks.
Home Audio Speakers:
Bose Home Speaker 500: BDT 36,000
Sony SRS-XB43 Extra Bass Bluetooth Speaker: BDT 12,500
JBL Flip 5 Portable Waterproof Speaker: BDT 8,990
Portable Speakers:
JBL Go 3 Portable Speaker: BDT 2,990
Anker Soundcore Mini 3 Pocket Speaker: BDT 1,790
Xiaomi Mi Portable Bluetooth Speaker: BDT 1,490
Gaming Speakers:
Logitech G560 LIGHTSYNC PC Gaming Speakers: BDT 21,500
Razer Nommo Chroma 2.0 Gaming Speakers: BDT 15,500
Creative Pebble Plus 2.1 USB-Powered Desktop Speakers: BDT 3,290
Wireless Earbuds:
Apple AirPods Pro: BDT 25,000
Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro: BDT 19,999
Jabra Elite 75t True Wireless Earbuds: BDT 13,990
Bluetooth Speakers:
Sony SRS-XB23 Extra Bass Bluetooth Speaker: BDT 7,990
JBL Charge 4 Portable Bluetooth Speaker: BDT 15,990
Bose Sound Link Color II Bluetooth Speaker: BDT 18,500
Please note that prices may vary depending on factors such as retailer, location, and special promotions. Be sure to shop around and compare prices to find the best deals on speakers in Bangladesh in 2024!
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46ten · 1 year
List of errors in Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton
Here’s my review of Tilar Mazzeo’s work, problems with Flexner, crazy statements in AH biographies, and part 2, in case anyone thinks I’m only critical of Chernow’s AH biography.
Chernow isn’t ONLY wrong about the things I’m listing below - his narrative of AH’s childhood is, by recent historical scholarship, proven wrong; and the longstanding rivalry with Aaron Burr is junk. As is Chernow’s determination to build the tragic hero’s arc, which leaves him no space for critical evaluation/interpretation of AH’s (or Federalist) policies. And even though Gordon S. Wood has written volumes, Chernow still doesn’t grasp the Founders’ political philosophies. 
There has been a whole book published on Chernow’s (and Lin-Manuel Miranda’s) errors - Historians on Hamilton. I’m just compiling some of the easier tidbits to digest. 
Chernow is wrong, sticking to facts/word choice - I’ll add to this list as a remember more things or go look things up:
1. AH was not an abolitionist. He may have held pro-manumission sentiments. But he was certainly not the most fervent abolitionist or even manumissionist of the Founding Fathers. 
2. Elizabeth Hamilton was not so upset about the Reynolds Pamphlet (published August 25, 1797) that she left New York and gave birth to William S. Hamilton (born August 4, 1797) in Albany. Just the idea of a heavily pregnant woman taking the trip by boat (took anywhere from 24 to 30+ hours) should have made this conjecture seem unlikely. But it’s in the genealogical records that William S. was born in NYC. There’s also a letter from William Jackson to AH dated 5Aug 1797 in which he states: “Accept my congratulations on the birth of your Son,” noting he had received a letter from AH that morning, obviously announcing the birth of William S. I’m not even sure any prior narrative claimed EH gave birth to WSH in Albany.
3. He mis-dates the “Icarus” letter because he depended on only part of the copied text and never read the entire letter, that specifically has Angelica asking her sister if William (obviously already born) enjoyed the trip. There’s really no question for me that this letter was written 3Jun1798, which was a Sunday (the reference to going to church), and places it matching AH’s letter to EH of the same date. 
4. The garter/shoe bow story, which was a failure to find the original source.
5. He gets the baptisms of the 4 oldest Hamilton kids wrong. 
6. He gets Eliza Hamilton’s birthdate wrong. 
7. He gets the Talleyrand letter wrong because he never checked the original source. 
8. I have no idea where Philip as “sad rake” comes from, and obviously neither does Chernow. 
9. Factual errors and using letters out of context related to AH’s resignation from Washington’s cabinet. 
10. He gets the importance of the various aides-de-camp wrong, including lots of errors in who was where when. 
11. Speculation about Rachel Faucett presented as fact, like this. 
12. The orphan boy story. 
13. Washington as AH’s “immaculate Daddy,” when the actual source makes clear it’s Philip Schuyler. 
14. Identifying Phocion of 1796 as Hamilton, instead of William Loughton Smith.
Word choice that is very suspect: 
1. EH “abandoned” AH when she went to Albany to visit her parents, and AH was so tightly wound. As @runawayforthesummer tracked down, EH and AH had just gone on a vacation together, see here. 
2. That AH directed his wife to be charitable, ignoring that charity was probably first inspired by her mother, widely known for her charitable endeavors.  
3. He doesn’t know what a double-adulterer is.
4. This is how he handled Latrobe (and I still don’t know the source of the quote he used). 
5. Connected to (4), no sourcing for the claims, prior to the Reynolds Pamphlet, that AH had a reputation as an adulterer. 
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manygalaxiesinone · 2 years
Disgaea 6 DLC: Deku (Fan-made)
((Author note: I have not watched season 5 of the show yet and I've been relying on the mobile game to catch up with the plot, so bare with me))
Narrator: "Zed is dead. He got ran over by a truck after leaving home to pick up food. None can oppose the forces of truck-kun. Nothing exists that it can not destroy. However, Zed does not know persistent truck-kun can be."
Zed: "For crying out loud, a truck?! I died because of a truck?! Way to drive home that I'm an Isekai parody protagonist. I wonder if that hero I saw on the news years ago felt this way. So much for invincibility. So, where the hell am I this time?"
???: "Huh? I don't remember anyone mentioning a transfer student coming here." Walks up to Zed.
Zed: "Transfer student? What are talking about? Wait a sec, don't tell me I'm stuck in a school anime! For crying out loud, of all the cliched worlds...Ugh, this better be an over-the-top parody or I'm going to lose my-"
???: "Are you okay there?"
Zed: "...Nevermind. Since I'm stuck here, I might as well play along for now. So, what exactly is this place?"
???: "Oh, you're right outside UA High School."
Zed: "UA High School??? Hell's that?"
???: "You've never heard of UA High School?! It's the greatest super hero school in the world! All the pro heroes grow up studying here!"
Zed: "Heroes eh? Okay, now we're getting somewhere. If there's a school for heroes, then there must be plenty of strong people roaming around."
???: "Wait a second, if you're not a transfer student then...who are you?"
Zed: "Me? I'm Zed. I'm a zombie."
???: "Oh, my name's Mi-...A-a-a-a-a zombie?!"
Zed: "Yeah. Don't tell me you've never seen a zombie before."
???: "N-No I...is that supposed to be your quirk?"
Zed: "My quirk???"
???: "You know, your power or special ability."
Zed: "I don't know. I died and woke up like this. I don't remember my previous life."
???: "I see..." (This guy's definitely not from around here. Is he really a zombie? Maybe I should contact All Might and-)
Zed: "Hey if you're worried about me biting you and your friends and turning you all into zombies, you can relax. I can't do that. I'm not carrying a deadly virus on me or anything. I can assure you that much."
???: "Oh cool!" (Well, that's one less thing to worry about.)
Zed: "Also, you still never told me your name."
Deku: "Ah right, sorry. My name's Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me "Deku"."
Zed: ""Deku"? Is that supposed to be your hero name? You're literally calling yourself "useless"! What kind of name is that?!"
Deku: "It may mean that now, but I'll become a great hero one day and change the meaning of that word!"
Zed: "A hero so great, he changes the definition of a word? Okay, you caught my interest."
Deku: "I...I have?"
Zed: "Yeah. At first, I was about to head out to find the strongest hero and crush him, but now I want to see what you're made of."
Deku: (He was planning to fight All-Might?! All-Might's in no condition to fight anymore. At least not for very long. This Zed guy doesn't seem too bad, but if they spar and an emergency happens, it could be pretty dire for a lot of people. I better face him myself then and see if I stand a chance.) "Okay Zed, I'll take you on!"
Zed: "Really? Just like that? No objections like you needing to go to class soon?"
Deku: "Classes don't actually start for a few hours. I just came early because I needed to grab something."
Zed: "Hmph. How convenient. Try not to let the fight end too quickly, "Deku"."
Zed: (Okay, let's start off at 20% power.) "Here I go Zed!"
-After the battle...-
Deku: "This...this guy's strong. He's incredible..."
Zed: "Alright, not bad for a small fry, though you're pissing me off with how much you're holding back."
Deku: ?!
Zed: "You really think I couldn't tell? Come on! Hit me with your best shot!"
Deku: "My best shot...? Alright then." (Hopefully my arm will recover before class starts...) Charges up to 100%. "I hope you're ready Zed!"
Zed: "What are you waiting for?! Come at me, Deku!"
Deku: "Haaaaaaa!" Runs at Zed and punches him in the face. "SMASH!!!"
Zed: "Holy-" Gets sent flying into a wall.
Deku: "Ch..."
Zed: "Haha...that's more like it." Gets back on his feet. "Gonna be honest, for a moment, I thought my body was going to break apart after that punch."
Deku: Holds his arm "...Guess I wasn't enough for you after all."
Zed: "You alright? What's up with your arm?"
Deku: "It's from my quirk. If I use too much of my strength, parts of my body will become useless for a while. I need to keep training my body so I won't break apart so much."
Zed: "So that's why you were holding back so much."
Deku: "Y-Yeah...I still got a long way to go."
Zed: "It's funny. You remind me of how I used to be."
Deku: "How you used to be?"
Zed: "Yeah. When I first became a zombie, I was among the weakest you could find. Every day, my body would break apart and get torn to pieces, whether if it was by nature or other people picking on me and Beiko."
Deku: "Beiko???"
Zed: "My little sister. Protecting her is the reason I keep fighting. No matter how many times I break down, I'll still keep going to keep her safe. Even if my arms and legs fall apart a trillion times, I refuse to give up! Deku, if you want to become a strong hero one day, you need to act the same way, because a real fighter never gives in!"
Deku: "Zed...You're right. I got people worth fighting for too. If it means saving everyone, then there's no way I can give in either! Thanks Zed, you're a really cool guy."
Zed: "Well, I better get going. Let me know if you're ever up for a rematch, Deku. I want to see for myself how strong you'll get, so I'll help you train."
Deku: *Nods*. "You bet Zed!"
Deku (Izuku Midoriya) became Zed's new training buddy!
???: "Oi! Deku!"
Deku: "Oh, Morning Ochako."
Ochako: "It's great to see you. I was worried you would be la- Hmm? Who's this? Did we get a transfer student?"
Deku: "Oh no. This is my new friend, Zed. We were sparring a little before you got here. Zed, this is Ochako or "Uravity", my classmate."
Ochako: "Ah, okay. Nice to meet you, Zed."
Zed: "Hey..."
-At that moment, the bell rings-
Deku: "Was that the bell?! Shoot, we're going to be late. Come on Ochako! I'll see you around Zed!" Grabs Ochako's hand and runs off.
Zed: "Real glad I don't go to school..." Walks off
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showerandbathpros · 9 days
Bath and Shower Pros
Website : https://www.ShowerAndBathPros.com
Address : 800 Old U.S. 27, #111, St Johns, MI 48879
Phone : +1 800-578-7830
If you or someone you know needs a safer, more luxurious shower or bath solution, and if quality, trust, and affordability matter, you’ll want to take note. Shower and Bath Pros is Michigan’s local, trusted bathroom remodeling company, and the only authorized KIRBY Bath Co.distributor. Specializing in safe, luxurious, and affordable bath and shower solutions, we cater to a wide range of needs with personalized care. Whether you're looking for flush-to-floor ADA roll-in showers, handicap-accessible showers, walk-in showers, or therapeutic walk-in tubs with shower combos, there is no better value than the KIRBY Shower and Bath Systems, and we have the expertise to enhance your bathroom's functionality and style. At Shower and Bath Pros, we understand the importance of a bathroom, that caters to your individual needs. That’s why we offer condition-designed, proven solutions that are not just safe and accessible but also exude luxury. Our team of skilled bathroom remodeling contractors is dedicated to transforming your space with superior materials and impeccable craftsmanship, all at an affordable price. While other companies sell generic, one-size-fits-all solutions, KIRBY Shower and Bath solutions are personalized for every project to fit your individual preferences and needs. From ADA-compliant features to luxurious aesthetics, our walk-in tub and shower combos provide the perfect blend for safety, style, and soothing relief. We also update homes to safe, easy living for seniors and those with mobility challenges. With so many questions, choices, and noise, how can you make the right decision for your shower and bath needs? We make that simple also. Right now, visit our website and get your copy of our free Naked Truth ebook. Then you’ll discover why we are the top choice for ‘bathroom remodel contractors near me’ Choose Shower and Bath Pros for a bathroom remodel that reflects your taste and meets your needs without breaking the bank. Experience the difference with our dedicated, customer-first approach to bathroom remodeling. Live better with Shower and Bath Pros—where your bathroom dreams become a reality, and your safety and satisfaction are our highest priorities
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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ShowerAndBathPros/
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7ooo-ru · 1 month
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Эти смартфоны Xiaomi получат HyperOS в ближайшее время (список устройств)
В список вошли модели, выпущенные четыре года назад.
Xiaomi опубликовала таблицу, на которой представлен перечень смартфонов Xiaomi и Redmi, которые уже обновились до новой HyperOS, а также список моделей, которые получат обновление в ближайшее время.
Эти смартфоны получат HyperOS в период апрель-июнь 2024:
Xiaomi 11 Ultra;Xiaomi 11T Pro;Xiaomi Mi 11X;Xiaomi 11i HyperCharge;Xiaomi 11 Lite;Xiaomi 11i;Xiaomi Mi 10;Redmi K50i;Redmi 13C;Redmi 12;Redmi 11 Prime 5G;Redmi Note 11 (все модели сери);Xiaomi Pad 5 (планшет). В ближайшие три месяца довольно много смартфонов китайской корпорации получат апдейт до HyperOS. Среди них есть устройства, которым уже четыре года, например Xiaomi Mi 10. Тем временем последние смартфоны Xiaomi, выпущенные в конце 2023 или в начале 2024, уже обновились до свежей ОС.
Стоит отметить, что одна и та же модель смартфона обновляется по всему миру не одновременно. Многие факторы влияют на то, когда у вас появится возможность установить новую ОС, включая местоположение пользователя и даже партию смартфона.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/04/01/905-eti-smartfony-xiaomi-poluchat-hyperos-v-blizhayshee-vremya-spisok-ustroystv-grss-295212832.html
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yunlog · 2 months
通信に関してはIIJmioで落ち着いておりまして。 音声SIMとデータeSIMを5ギガずつで2回戦使っている感じです。 元々OPPO Reno5 AにデータSIMを、Alldocube iPlay 50 Mini Proに音声SIMを使う形で運用していました。 音声をスマホで、データをタブレットで使うべきではと言うのは最もですが。。。 IIJmioはお安くて助かるのですが、データsimはeSIMがお得な価格設定になっていまして。。。 タブレットはeSIM非対応だったので、こんなイレギュラーな運用になってました。 (まぁこれとは別に楽天モバイルの回線が通話用にあるので。。。)
先日redmi note 12 turboに乗り換えてしまった為、スマホ、タブレット共にeSIM非対応に。 素直にeSIM⇒SIMに切り替えるでもよかったのですが、前から気になっていた5berを試してみることにしました。 前��から同じような製品でeSIM.meが気になっていたのですが、こちらは結構なお値段で試しにくかったのですが、 5berはだいぶお安かったので、この値段で行けるなら有難いって感じで。 https://esim.5ber.com/
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メーカーサイトからの購入で3週間ぐらいで届きました。 配送状況とかがわからなかったのがちょっと不安でしたが。。。 実はユーザ登録したときに割引のCode送ってくれていたのですが、見落としていてそのまま買ってしまっていました。 皆さん見逃さないように。。。
セットアップに関してですが、専用アプリを導入したうえでプロファイルを読み込みする形になります。 主な対応機種が出ているようですが、それ以外もイケるようですね。 Alldocube iPlay 50 Mini Proで試しましたが、問題なくIIJmioのデータeSIMの登録ができました。 いったんプロファイルの登録さえしてしまえば、そのSIMを差し替えることで別の端末でもそのまま利用できるようです。 プロファイルの登録や利用回線の選択のみ専用アプリが必要になるようです。
この専用ソフトの機種判定なのですが、カスタムROM搭載機は流石にダメ見たいですね。 Xiaomi Mi 9Tは(Redmi K20表記でしたが)対応機種になっていたのですが、 Linneage OS導入済みの端末では非対応となりました。 OPPO Reno5 Aは日本向けモデルだしどうかと思ったらリストにもいてアプリも使えました。 あれこれ試しているわけでは無いですが、ある程度チェックされてるんでしょうねきっと。。。
ちなみに最初eSIMのセットアップしたときにIIJmio側のプロファイルの発行のタイミングが遅かったようで 最初全然読み込みできなくてサポートのチャットに助けてもらいました。 土曜の夜だったのにクイックに対応頂いて助かりました。と言うか結局こちらのミスだったので申し訳ない。。。
0 notes
havnblog · 3 months
My Tech Setup
I’ll make separate posts for my software and bass guitar setups, but here’s my current tech hardware setup.
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The overview. Details incoming!
MacBook Pro
My Mac is the center of it all — and I’m living the laptop-desktop lyfe.
Now, there are many things I like about living in Norway. And one of them, is that we’ve mandated by law that things like computers needs to have a 5-year warranty(ish). And this also applies to second-hand owners! So buying used Apple gear, is great here — and that’s how I bought my MacBook Pro when it was 10 months old.
It’s a 14-inch M1 Pro base model, with 512 GB of storage and 16 GB of RAM.
I do have to be mindful of the storage, and occasionally, I push the RAM. But it still works tremendously. I’ve never been this happy with a computer before.
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Did you notice the Macbook in the previous image?
Apple Studio Display
Yes, it’s too expensive — but no, it’s not the same as just having a 4k screen. **And look at everything that happens when I connect one Thunderbolt cable to my Mac! **👇🏻
Power to the Mac
Power to the Xiaomi Mi Monitor Light 🖇️ (Website)
Laneware Macro-1
Laneware LW-67 keyboard
Both with Less but better keycaps and
Boba U4 switches (U4Ts in the large buttons).
Lightning cable for the Apple Magic Trackpad
Universal Audio Volt 2 🖇️ (Website)
PreSonus Eris E3.5 🖇️ (Website)
Grado SR125 (I don’t have X, though) 🖇️ (Website)
Røde NT-USB Mini 🖇️ (Website)
I just love that I can unplug one cable, and just take my laptop home with me.
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When I had this at my home office, I also connected ethernet to the spare port, a mouse in the USB-A hub, and some more stuff.
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I've tilted the trackpad (and its wrist rest), to improve the ergonomics. I should probably get a split keyboard as well...
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Makes it easier to connect both my headphones and speakers to the Mac, and I also use it for bass rehearsel and recording, and for testing pedal boards. Fastened with Dual Lock.
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The mic and monitors are fine - nothing more, nothing less. But very practical!
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These sound great! Especially with Crinacle's EQ preset set through . Tons of leakage, though.
Desk accessories
The wool desk mat was custom ordered (to me previous, tiny, desk) from this Etsy store. The, equally custom, wrist rests are from this Etsy store.
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I almost never need a wallet - so Apple's MagSafe wallet is perfect. The Moleskin notebook is just as under used.
The iPad and headphones stand is IKEA’s (very cheap) Havrehoj. I like it a lot!
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I have the iPad Pro 11-inch from 2018 (the first with the flat sides), with LTE and 256 GB of storage. I also bought this used — in 2019, and it still works well (even though I’m starting to notice that it’s 5.5 years old, with the occasional slowdown). I’m one of those who loves having LTE — as it’s so nice to never having to worry about internet connection. I also used it as my «whiteboard» when I was a teacher — and could just switch to LTE if the school’s network was struggling. 1
I also have the Apple Pencil and Magic Keyboard, which I like.
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Not in the first image, as it took it.
I’m a noted Mini iPhone enjoyer, and my iPhone 13 Mini (in Midnight) has worked perfectly since the day I got it. It fixed all the issues of the 12 Mini, and is a top-tier iPhone IMO.
Here are some things I’ll say ’til the day I die (and will fight everyone who disagrees with 💪🏻):
The ordinary (potential) Mini buyer is on a long update cycle, and has also bought SE phones. So when the SE got updated half a year before the 12 Mini’s release, many of those had recently bought a phone — and this hurt the sales.
The 15 Plus phone also «flopped», but doesn’t get nearly the same amount of flak!
The lineup with the 13 Mini, 13, 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max was the perfect lineup. Apple should be able to include a mini phone in their trillion dollar pipeline anyway. I don’t have particularly small hands (I just like to be able to use my phone one-handed), but many people do and should be well-served as well.
Here’s to hoping the next SE is a Mini. 🤞🏻 (But I doubt it. And, my next phone is probably a Pro for the cameras anyway…)
I also have the first gen AirPods Pro. I really like them, but I’ve had some troubles with them, and had to return them a couple of times. Luckily, there’s the whole government mandated warranty — so even though I bought them in 2019, I got brand-new ones (for free) as late as the fall of 2023. 🙌🏻
No, it’s far from as nice to just share from your phone. ↩︎
0 notes
mobilebazarspecs · 3 months
Redmi Note 10 Pro Review: grote waarde voor wat u betaalt
Xiaomi lanceerde vorige maand de smartphone uit de Redmi Note 10 Pro-serie in India als opvolger van de vorig jaar gelanceerde Redmi Note 9 Pro-serie. Het belangrijkste verschil tussen de Note 9 Pro en de Pro Max waren camera's en ondersteuning voor snellere oplader in de Max-versie. Deze keer heeft het bedrijf echter in beide versies snelladen van 33 W aangeboden, dus het enige verschil is de 64 MP primaire camera aan de achterzijde in de Note 10 Pro in plaats van de 108 MP camera in de Note 10 Pro Max.
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Aangezien je alle functies van de Note 10 Pro krijgt, behalve de grotere camerasensor, is de 64 MP-camera voldoende, of moet je Rs betalen. 3000 meer alleen voor de betere camera? Laten we in de recensie duiken om erachter te komen. Bekijk hier ook de Redmi Note 10 Pro Max-recensie, aangezien ik niet veel zal zeggen over het softwaregedeelte, aangezien deze vergelijkbaar zijn.
Hardware en ontwerp
We hebben de Redmi Note 10 Pro 8GB + 128GB-versie Glacial Blue-kleur. Deze heeft een achterkant van matglas, zodat er geen vingerafdrukken op komen. Het Evol-ontwerp met gebogen glazen achterkant ziet en voelt premium aan en de gewichtsverdeling is goed. Met 192 gram en een dikte van 8,1 mm is deze dunner en lichter dan de voorganger. De telefoon heeft een IP53-classificatie, maar u kunt hem niet in water onderdompelen omdat hij niet IP67- of IP68-geclassificeerd is. De telefoon heeft een ingebouwde batterij van 5020 mAh, dezelfde als de voorganger, maar het snel opladen van 33 W vergeleken met opladen van 18 W is anders.
Het heeft een 6,67-inch (2400 x 1080 pixels) Full HD + 20: 9 beeldverhouding AMOLED DotDisplay met 2,5D gebogen glazen scherm en een pixeldichtheid van ongeveer 384 PPI, hetzelfde als de Note 10 Pro Max. Het scherm is helder en de leesbaarheid in zonlicht is ook goed, dankzij 700 nits (standaard), 450 nits handmatig en 1200 nits piekhelderheid, die wordt ingeschakeld wanneer je HDR-inhoud bekijkt. Het heeft een contrastverhouding van 4.500.000:1 en een 100% DCI-P3-kleurengamma, dus de kleuren zijn levendig.
Het heeft een vernieuwingsfrequentie van 120 Hz en een aanraakbemonsteringssnelheid van 240 Hz, wat een boterzachte gebruikerservaring biedt, vooral wanneer u door de gebruikersinterface bladert en bij compatibel gamen. Deze heeft geen adaptieve verversingssnelheid zoals de POCO X3, Mi 10i of de Mi 10T, dus hij kan alleen schakelen tussen 60 Hz en 120 Hz. Het heeft HDR 10-ondersteuning, die werkt voor YouTube en zelfs Netflix, wat zelden voorkomt bij telefoons in deze prijsklasse. Er is Corning Gorilla Glass 5-bescherming.
Je hebt ook Always-on-display, maar er staat dat het items slechts 10 seconden kan weergeven na het tikken. De telefoon heeft geen DC Dimming-ondersteuning. Er waren klachten van gebruikers over problemen met het bewegen van het scherm bij een vernieuwingsfrequentie van 120 Hz bij lage helderheid. Dit is verholpen in de nieuwste MIUI, die geleidelijk wordt uitgerold naar alle gebruikers.
De plaatsing van de knoppen en poorten zijn hetzelfde als die van de Note 10 Pro Max, en hij heeft een speciale dubbele simkaart en een microSD-kaartsleuf. Het beschikt over een lineaire vibratiemotor met X-as, die meer dan 150 aangepaste vibratiepatronen in de gebruikersinterface mogelijk maakt voor de beste haptische ervaring, en de verschillen zijn voelbaar bij gebruik van de telefoon. Dit is goed voor een telefoon in deze prijsklasse. De ingebouwde 5020 mAh (standaard) gaat een hele dag mee, zelfs bij intensief gebruik in 120 Hz met 4G ingeschakeld. Bij gemiddeld gebruik gaat hij makkelijk 2 dagen mee. Omdat de telefoon ondersteuning biedt voor snel opladen van 33 W, duurt het ongeveer 1 uur en 20 minuten om op te laden van 0 naar 100%, en 0 naar 50% duurt ongeveer een half uur met de meegeleverde oplader.
De Snapdragon 732G biedt soepele prestaties en goede gameprestaties. We hebben geen problemen of framedrops ondervonden in de grafisch-intensieve games. Dankzij de verversingssnelheid van 120 Hz verliep het gamen supervloeiend in games die dit ondersteunen. Bij intensief gamen op 4G en intensief cameragebruik wordt hij wat warm, maar niet te warm om te hanteren. Het maakt gebruik van dubbele grafietplaten om de temperatuur laag te houden, maar heeft geen vloeistofkoeling zoals de POCO X3 of de X3 Pro.
De telefoon ondersteunt 4G VoLTE met Dual 4G VoLTE dat 4G tegelijkertijd op beide simkaarten biedt, heeft een Snapdragon X15 Cat-12 LTE-modem en ondersteunt ook Carrier Aggregation op 4G. Andere connectiviteitsopties zijn onder meer Dual-Band Wi-Fi 802.11 ac, ondersteuning voor VoWiFi / Wi-Fi bellen, Bluetooth 5.1 LE en GPS. Er is geen NFC-ondersteuning. De gesprekskwaliteit is goed, we hebben geen gespreksonderbrekingen ondervonden en het volume van de oortelefoon was luid. Het heeft aandelenkiezers en berichten-apps.
De lichaams-SAR van de Redmi Note 10 Pro is 0,648 W/kg (afstand: 15 mm), de hoofd-SAR is 0,830 W/kg, hetzelfde als de Note 10 Pro Max. Dit ligt ruim onder de limiet in India, namelijk 1,6 W/kg (meer dan 1 g).
Laten we bij het belangrijkste komen: de camera. De Note 10 Pro heeft een 64 MP camera aan de achterzijde met een Samsung GW3 1/1.97″ sensor, 0,7 μm, f/1.9 diafragma en 6P-lens. Het heeft ook EIS-ondersteuning. De secundaire 8 megapixel 120° ultrabrede sensor met f/2.2 diafragma, 2 megapixel diepte en 5 megapixel tele macrosensor met 1,75 μm pixelgrootte en f/2.4 diafragma en de 16 megapixel camera aan de voorkant met 1 μm pixelgrootte en Het diafragma van f/2.45 is hetzelfde als dat van de Note 10 Pro Max.
De gebruikersinterface van de camera is bekend met andere Xiaomi-smartphones met MIUI 12. Je krijgt alle functies zoals Pro, Nacht, 64 MP, Korte video, Panorama, Documenten, VLOG, Slow motion, Time-lapse, Dubbele video, AI-watermerk, Lange belichtingstijd In de Pro-modus kunt u de witbalans, focus, sluitertijd (1/4000s tot 30 seconden), ISO (50 tot 6400) aanpassen en de optie om hoofd-, ultragroothoek- en macrolens te selecteren. Je kunt ook in RAW fotograferen in de Pro-modus en focus peaking, belichtingsverificatie en meer opties inschakelen. Er is een 'filmframe'-modus die zowel voor de camera's aan de voorkant als voor video werkt, maar er is geen aparte portretvideomodus. Xiaomi heeft Cam2API standaard ingeschakeld, zodat je geporteerde Google Camera APK's aan de zijkant kunt laden voor geavanceerde bewerking, inclusief RAW-opname.
Wat de beeldkwaliteit betreft, kwamen opnamen bij daglicht goed uit met een goed dynamisch bereik. Het maakt gebruik van 4 in 1 Super Pixel-technologie, zodat de output die u krijgt 16 MP is. HDR-opnamen zijn beter met een verbeterd dynamisch bereik. Groothoekopnamen van 8 MP zijn redelijk. 64 MP-modus die veel details biedt en tot 20 MB groot kan worden. Ook al is er geen telelens, hij gebruikt de software voor het aanbieden van tot 10x digitale zoom. Dit is hetzelfde als het nemen van een afbeelding en deze later opduiken. Zelfs bij 2x zoom beginnen afbeeldingen details te verliezen, dus het wordt niet aanbevolen om verder te gaan dan 2x als je geen details wilt verliezen. De speciale 5MP tele macrosensor is handig in vergelijking met de normale 5MP of 2MP macrocamera, aangezien deze standaard in 2x fotografeert, maar je kunt er ook 1x verder op inzoomen. De 2MP dieptesensor helpt bij een goede randdetectie bij portretopnamen.
Opnamen bij weinig licht zijn goed dankzij 4-in-1 Pixel binning en de nachtmodus is nog beter, waardoor de beelden helderder worden en meer details bieden. Beelden met flits zijn goed en de flits is niet overweldigend. Opnamen van de camera aan de voorkant bij daglicht met de 16 megapixel camera aan de voorkant zijn redelijk, maar niet de beste, zelfs niet bij daglicht, vanwege de kleine sensor. De uitvoer heeft een resolutie van 16 MP en de beeldgrootte is ongeveer 5 MB. Portretfoto's hebben een behoorlijke randdetectie, ook al wordt dit met behulp van software gedaan, maar deze foto's zijn bijna 8 MP groot.
Over het algemeen is de 64 MP camera in de Note 10 Pro goed, maar de 108 MP camera van de Note 10 Pro Max biedt iets betere beelden omdat de sensor groter is en de 9-in-1 Super Pixel-technologie betere beelden bij weinig licht biedt.
Bekijk de cameravoorbeelden (klik op de afbeelding om het voorbeeld met volledige resolutie te bekijken).
Ultrabrede AI
2x AI
Ultrabrede HDR
2x HDR
Pro Color Ultrabreed
Pro Kleur 2x
Weinig licht
Weinig licht
Voor camera
Cameraportret aan de voorkant
Voor camera
Cameraportret aan de voorkant
Het kan video's opnemen met een resolutie van 4k bij 30 fps, 1080p met maximaal 60 fps, en het heeft ook video-opnamen in slow motion 720p-resolutie met maximaal 960 fps, maar dit zou 240 fps moeten zijn, omgezet in 960 fps, aangezien de Snapdragon 732G officieel slechts maximaal ondersteunt 240 fps slow motion-opname. Je kunt ook 1080p-video's maken met de telemacrocamera en ultrabrede camera en zelfs timelapse-video's opnemen met de macrocamera. De telefoon mist OIS, maar je krijgt EIS die alleen werkt in de 1080p 30fps-modus. De camera aan de voorkant kan 1080p-video's opnemen met 30 fps.
De videokwaliteit is redelijk, maar had beter gekund. Er is een ultrastabiele modus in de 1080p-modus die EIS gebruikt om video's te stabiliseren, maar er zijn framedrops. Bekijk de videovoorbeelden hieronder.
Tegen een vanafprijs van Rs. 15.999, de Redmi Note 10 Pro is een andere telefoon uit de Redmi Note Pro-serie met een uitstekende prijs-kwaliteitsverhouding. Het heeft alle kenmerken van de Note 10 Pro Max, zoals een AMOLED 120Hz verversingsscherm, biedt soepele prestaties, heeft de handige 5 MP telemacrocamera en een grote batterij die een briljante levensduur biedt en ondersteuning biedt voor snel opladen zonder dat je extra geld hoeft uit te geven voor de Max-versie in tegenstelling tot de Note 9 Pro-serie.
Als ik 7/10 geef voor de camera van de Note 10 Pro Max, dan krijgt de Note 10 Pro een 6/10 voor de camera gezien de prijs, maar de cameraprestaties bij weinig licht zijn slechts gemiddeld in beide telefoons. Voor- en nadelen van de Note 10 Pro zijn hetzelfde als de Note 10 Pro Max .
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MARDI 9 JANVIER 2024 (Billet 3/3)
« Priscilla » de Sofia Coppola, notre première déception de 2024 !
Lorsque nous avons vu écrit sur l’écran, en pré-générique, que ce film était recommandé par France Inter et Télérama, nous nous sommes dit : « Aïe, ça commence mal ! ».
Après presque 2 (longues) heures de projection, notre première réflexion s’est avérée confirmée.
Nous avons essayé de trouver une critique « Pro » très moyenne du film, correspondant à ce que nous en avons pensé, en vain. Sophia Coppola « ayant la carte », elles sont dans l’ensemble plutôt bonnes.
Heureusement il y a l’avis des spectateurs (eux, payent leur place – voir ci-dessus). Nous avons choisi celui-ci qui rejoignait plutôt « plus » que « moins » le nôtre.
Marina a donné à « Priscilla » la petite moyenne, c’est-à-dire ❤️❤️,5 cœurs et JM, assez conquis par le jeu de l’actrice, Cailee Spaeny (mais vraiment pas du tout par celui de Jacob Elordi interprétant Elvis), plus indulgent, lui attribue ❤️❤️,8 sur 5.
« Je suis déçu et pourtant j'ai aimé le livre. Je trouve que ça se regarde mais sans plus !
Peu de rythme, des longueurs inutiles, aucune émotion ressentie pour ma part, contrairement au film « Elvis » de Baz Lurhmann lors de la scène de séparation et de l'adieu sur le tarmac par exemple où j'avais l'oeil humide (« Nous aussi ! » NDLR du Blog).
L'actrice qui joue Priscilla est pas mal du tout mais celui qui fait Elvis n’est absolument pas du tout convainquant !!! En même temps Austin Butler dans « Elvis » avait mis la barre très haute tant son interprétation était exceptionnelle !
Le film suit l'intrigue du livre (mais avec des raccourcis incompréhensibles). On ne rentre pas assez dans l'histoire et la psychologie des personnages.
Le karaté par exemple, on ne comprend pas pourquoi Priscilla en fait à la fin du film (alors que c’est Elvis qui l'a initiée). On voit Mike Stone son professeur et amant mais leur idylle, le film n'en parle pas, la relation amicale entre Elvis et Priscilla après le divorce non plus ! »
(Source : un spectateur sur le Site Allo Ciné)
PS Nous avons relevé les notes des films sortis durant notre absence, il n’y en aurait qu’un qui nous intéresserait, peut-être deux. « Une affaire d’honneur » (Pro : 3,2, Spectateurs : 3,7), « Iris et les hommes » (2,9 / 2,6), « Moi capitaine » (3,0 / 3,8), « Amours à la finlandaise » (3,1 / 3,4), « Past lives » (4,0 / 4,1)… et enfin « L’innocence » de Hirokazu Kore-eda (3,9 / 4,1). C’est ce dernier qui nous attire car nous avons beaucoup aimé la plupart des films de ce metteur en scène : « Nobody Knows » (un chef d’œuvre !), « Still Walking », « Tel père, tel fils », « Une affaire de famille », « Les bonnes étoiles », etc.
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night-owl123 · 4 months
Softcase Glass Custom Case Foto Sendiri Bisa Untuk Semua Tipe HP - LIVE Tulis Tipe HP Di Catatan/ Chat Admin Casing Silikon
Detail Produk : 1. Bahan dari silikon/karet. 2. Presisi dan tombol mudah ditekan. 3. Tahan Benturan 4. Dicetak dengan mesin sehingga gambar real pict dan tidak luntur. 5. Gambar kekinian dan Bisa pakai foto sendiri.
Cara Order : 1. Pilih motif yang disukai 2. Tanyakan admin ketersediaan stok tipe hp 3. Cantumkan Tipe HP di Catatan Jangan ragu untuk beli di toko kami dijamin berkualitas. READY INFINIX, IPHONE, OPPO, REALME, SAMSUNG, VIVO, XIAOMI CANTUMKAN TIPE HP DI KOLOM CATATAN ATAU CHAT ADMIN List tipe hp yang Ready sebagai berikut : IPHONE 5/5 6/6S 6+ 7/8 7+/8+ X Xs Xs max 11 11 PRO 11 PRO MAX IP 12 5,4INC IP 12 6,1INC IP 12 6,7INC IP 13 IP 13 PRO MAX IP 14 IP 14 PRO IP 14 PRO MAX IP XR OPPO A15 A15S A52 A92 A91 A31 A12 A31 A37 A3S A71 A83 A1K A5S A7 A5 2020 A9 2020 A39 F1S F3 F5 F7 F9 F11 F11 PRO RENO 2F RENO 3 RENO 4 RENO 4F RENO 5 RENO 5F A54 A74 4G A74 5G RENO 6 4G RENO 6 5G A16 A95 4G A95 5G A55 RENO 7 5G RENO 7Z 5G A55 A76 a57 2022 A96 RENO 8 4G RENO 8 PRO RENO 10 A38 A58 A78 REALME 2 2 PRO 3 3 PRO 5 5i 5 pro C1 C2 C11 C12 C15 7i/C17 C20 C11 (2021) C21 C21Y C25/C25S NARZO NARZO 20 NARZO 20 PRO NARZO 30a 8 8 PRO 8 5G NARZO 50A NARZO 50I 9 PRO 9 PRO+ 9 5G 9 4G C31 C35 50A PRIME C53 C55 10 10 PRO 11 11 PRO VIVO Y11 Y30 Y50 Y19 Y91C Y91 Y93 Y95 Y71 Y12 Y15 Y17 Y53 Y71 Y81 Y83 Y20 Y20S Y12S Y1S Y51 2020 Y51A S1 S1 PRO Z1 PRO V15 V11 V11 PRO V5 V7 V9 V19 V20 V20 PRO V20 SE Y51 V21 4G V21 5G Y21 Y21S Y21T Y21S Y21A Y21E X60 Y33S Y15s V23E Y75 5G V23 5G Y16 Y22 Y35 Y36 Y27 Y78 T1 T1 PRO V25E V25 V27 V27 PRO SAMSUNG A31 A21S A11 A51 A71 A10 A20 A30 A50 A10S A30S A50S A12 A02S J2 PRIME J2 CORE J7 PRIME J7 PRO J5 2016 J4 2018 J4+ J6+ J8 2018 A6+ S8+ NOTE 9 S7 EDGE M30S M21 A32 A52 A72 S20+ A22 4G A22 5G A03S S21 ULTRA M22 A03 M32 M31 A53 A13 A33 A23 A53 A73 A14 A54 A52S A34 A24 A03 A03S A02 A02S A04 A04E A04S NOTE 10 NOTE 10+ NOTE 20 NOTE 20 ULTRA S21 S21+ S21 ULTRA S23 S23 ULTRA XIAOMI Redmi 3 Redmi 4a Redmi 4x Redmi 6 Redmi 6a Redmi 7 Redmi 7a Redmi 8 Redmi 8a Redmi 5+ Redmi 9 Redmi 9T Redmi Note 10 Note 4 Note 5a Note 5a prime Note 6 Note 7 Note 8 Note 8 pro Note 9 Note 9 pro Note 10 Mi a2 Mi a2 lite s2 Note 10s Note 10 5G Note 10 Pro REDMI 10 POCO M3 PRO 5G NOTE 11 4G NOTE 11 PRO POCO X3 GT REDMI 10C REDMI 10A POCO M4 PRO 4G REDMI 12 12C 9C 9A POCO X3 POCO X5 POCO F4 POCO M5 POCO M5S NOTE 12 NOTE 12 PRO INFINIX HOT 12 PLAY HOT 11 HOT 11S HOT 11 PLAY SMART 6 HOT 11 SMART HD NOTE 12 NOTE 10 NOTE 10 PRO HOT 10 HOT 10S HOT 10 PLAY HOT 9 PLAY HOT 9 HOT 8 NOTE 8 SMART 5 SMART 4 HOT 12i NOTE 12 SMART 7 NOTE 30 NOTE 30 PRO HOT 20 HOT 20S HOT 30 HOT 30i NOTE 12 G96 NOTE 11 NOTE 11S Untuk tipe yang belum dimasukan ke list, tolong tanyakan kami dulu yah. Pastikan tipe hp sudah benar ya kak
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