#mha headcan
iguessilovebakugou · 3 years
Early Morning ||  Bakugou x Mom!Reader {Request}
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It was about 2:30 in the morning when you realized Haku hadn’t found his way into your room.  
It’s a bleary thought that occurred to you suddenly when you became aware but hadn’t yet opened your eyes.  For a moment, you tried to pretend you could go back to sleep and just relish in the undisturbed rest and relaxation after a hard day of being a fully functional adult.
Haku had never been really great about sleeping through the night.  It wasn’t uncommon for him to wake up with a nightmare or to cry out for a glass of water.  It only seemed to get worse when you and Bakugou had made the decision he should start sleeping in a big boy bed.  You had hoped that by letting him pick out the style he wanted, he would be more open to sleeping in the bed by himself.  It didn’t really work out as planned, but when did it ever?  
Without fail, for the past few weeks, he would find his way into your room and squeeze between you and Bakugou, clinging to your back and generally kicking his poor father in whatever body part was in reaching distance.  It usually ended with Bakugou creating a wall of pillows, separating the two of you from his self made oasis of fluff and contempt. 
A chill ran over your bare arms and you could hear the soft sound of water against glass.  It was raining, the drops pattering against the window lazily.  Maybe that’s what originally woke you up, you weren’t entirely sure.  Maybe it was your maternal instinct screeching that you had been too comfy for too long, so obviously, something was terribly, horribly wrong.  Either way, sleep was now out of the question until you figured out where your little rugrat was.  
When you finally were able to open your eyes, you took a moment to glance around the room, blinking away the lingering remnants of sleep. You looked over to the far wall, watching the storm clouds rolling through.  The window had been left open, the navy blue curtains gently blowing against the wind. This was another thing that alarmed you, causing you to sit up further.  Bakugou always closed the windows when he got home late.  
You twisted around to find his spot of the bed remained undisturbed.  You gently touched the sheets, pulling away when you were sure no warmth came from them.  Did something happen?  You reached for your phone, unlocking it and checking your messages.  No missed calls, no missed texts - nothing from him or the other Heroes at the agency.  Was he just not home yet?
You lifted the comforter off your legs and slipped out of bed.  Luckily, your window faced the driveway so you should be able to see his car.
It was dark, but the clouds seemed to provide their own bit of light.  You blinked through the rain, focusing on the orange tinted street lights that dotted your road.  The trees swayed in the wind and the windchimes gently clinked in the distance.  And there, nestled in the driveway, was Katsuki’s car.  So he made it home safe.  Good - his tires needed changed before the bad weather rolled in.  You made a mental note to do that before summer ended.  
Well, at least he was home.  But if that was the case, why hadn’t he gone to bed?  And why hadn’t Haku made his way into your room - especially at this hour.
You shut the window before making your way out into the hall.
You didn’t bother to turn on the lights - if Katsuki had fallen asleep on the couch, the light would surely wake him up.  You moved quietly, keeping an ear out for any sounds.  It wasn’t until you passed Haku’s room that you stopped.
The light from his bedside table cast a soft glow over the room.  Toys were scattered all across the floor - from blocks to hand me down All Might dolls.  It was a mess of colors, wood, and plastic.  And there in the middle of the room was a black duffle bag, opened with a stuffed whale peaking out from inside black, red, and green clothes.
Movement from the bed drew your attention there.  Your eyes fell on the sleeping face of Haku and Bakugou - your boys.  Bakugou’s feet were dangling off the bed while Haku was happily curled around his father’s form.  They were a mess of sleeping limbs, of messy blonde hair and soft snores.  There was a peace hanging over the room, safety that explained why your son hadn’t felt the need to migrate to your bed.
You watched them for a moment longer, leaning against the doorframe.  You had never thought, in all your years, you could love anything as much as you loved those two.  No matter what on earth was going on, whatever villains or bills or unplanned events, everything seemed so...tiny compared to them.  You hadn’t realized you were smiling.  With a soft sigh, you stepped over the toys to grab the quilt from the toybox.
You took great care to make sure both of them were covered.  It would probably get cold in the morning, no need to them to feel it.  Haku didn’t move, hugging his father’s chest so tightly.  A mama’s boy he may be, but nothing would ever match up to his father.  His protector, his hero, his best friend.  He adored him, loved him with everything he had.  
You pressed your fingers to your lips, before pressing them to Haku’s forehead.  “Love you, little bug.”  You whispered, just above a breath. 
But it was enough to wake Bakugou, ever so slightly.  You felt him shift beneath you, heard the deep intake of breath as his bright red eyes darted around the room...before landing on your face.  He let a huff before closing them again, “Hey...” He rumbled.
“Hey.”  You had to stop yourself from laughing.  You rested yourself down on the edge of the bed.  “You gonna sleep in here tonight?”
“Mmm-mmm.”  He gave a weak shake of his head.  “I’ll be in...”
God, he was perfect.  It hit you sometimes, at random points during the day.  When he would come home, make dinner, or just fall asleep on the couch.  Every little thing he did was magic.  
You smiled, knowing full well he was going to be here until morning.  “Okay.”  You leaned over and pressed your lips to his.  
He wasn’t so asleep that he couldn’t reciprocate.  You felt his lips press back against yours, once, twice, then three times.  It left you wanting more, but if he were to pass out in this cramped little space, you figured he was probably exhausted.  Still, it was hard to tear your eyes away from him.  “I love you.”  You whispered, gently.
He didn’t answer.  Probably asleep already.  He worked so hard to provide for you, to be the best hero he could be.  He would never admit it, but you knew he was well aware of Haku’s admiration for him.  Before, when you and him had simply been dating, Bakugou had wanted to be the hero for your standard reasons:  Money, fame, recognition, the desire to help people.  But when Haku was old enough to realize exactly what his father was?  That people loved Daddy because he was strong, because he could protect and help people, he could stop bad people who wanted to hurt them - that he would always win so he could come home to you and him.  Well...
Haku thought the world of Bakugou.  And that always seemed to make Bakugou work all the more to be the best.  To be something worthy of his son’s unconditional love and adoration.
You reached over and shut out the light, casting the room in darkness save for the Crimson Riot night light on the far side of the wall.  You used it’s little golden glow to guide your path through the mess, stopping to pick up the duffle bag on your way.  Tossing one last look over your shoulders and giving them one last smile, you moved to shut the door.
You stopped, opening the door just a little bit further to peer back into the room.  Bakugo still had his eyes closed and hadn’t moved at all.  You were almost ready to turn back around when he spoke again. 
“Love you too.”
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bakugousmyboy · 7 years
Hagakure, Mina, & Jirou Headcanons!
More headcanons no one asked for!
Next up is Kirishima, Iida, & Tokoyami!
Hagakure Tooru
Even though she’s invisible she’s very self-conscious
Like will they notice this zit?! 
Very oblivious & innocent
A chode? What? Sounds scary.
Can be short tempered
While removing her clothes allows her to become fully invisible she also likes it because she hates how restricting clothes are
Is actually really worried about being forgotten but acts nonchalant about it
“I mean I’m invisible, how much more forgettable can you get?”
Got Ojiro chocolates for Valentine’s Day
The little note that came with the chocolates read ”Don’t tail anyone you got these from me.”
Makes him bentos sometimes
Ashido Mina
Likes physical contact
Because of her quirk, she didn’t get as much affection as other kids so she loves to just be touching those she’s around
Is the self-proclaimed Queen of Binging™, like no joke
She finds a show that she likes that has 12 seasons & 10 episodes per season? She eats shows like that for breakfast
Momo made her a little crown that has “Queen of Binging” across the front
It’s one of her most prized possessions & sits on a shelf on display in her dorm
Will invite her classmates to binge with her but they never stay awake through, not like she does
Because of this she has a bunch of blackmail pics of her classmates sleeping
Sometimes when she’s feeling brave she’ll draw on them
Has 100% draw at least 10 dicks on Bakugou
Has played connect the dots with Midoriya’s freckles when he was passed out
Jirou Kyouka
 If you asked her what her favorite band was she’d just glare at you
Not because she’s mad but because she’s thinking really hard
After about 10 minutes of contemplation, she decides she can’t decide
She has about 120 complete songs & 57 incomplete songs so far
She’s trying to come up with a song where she can seamlessly & naturally incorporate all of the instruments she can play but has been unsuccessful so far 
Tries not to write music at night because when she writes she has to perform & she doesn’t want to keep the others up but she’s found that she’s more creative at night
Has tried many different colors & markings for her facepaint instead of her red triangles but likes them best
At one point tried some pretty spontaneous full face makeup
Kaminari is the only one she showed it to & he took a picture for blackmail
Wrote a song for each of her classmates that she’s gonna bust out as birthday presents 
She wants to use those opportunities to become less shy about performing her music for people
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plutowritesthings · 4 years
Izuku Midoriya HC’S~
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- all-day, every day, it doesn't matter
-  you both have to initiate the cuddling, though.
-  this boy is practically a teddy bear I-
-  he likes to be the little spoon, though
-  once he’s got you in his arms, he will NOT let go.
- stubborn prick
- hhhhh
- no PDA with this one, he too shy 
- unless he’s jealous
- jealous Deku doesn’t hesitate, bitch-
-  He gets REALLY protective, like, REALLY REALLY protective
- He doesn’t show it, but he’s always nearby, making sure you’re alright
- Not one day passes where he doesn’t think about you
- he doesn’t get jealous that easily, though
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