#metz grand est
alessandro-accebbi · 3 months
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METZ, Grand Est, France 🇫🇷 by Fabrice Bisignano on 500px
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hopefulkidshark · 3 months
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Metz Cathedral, Metz, France: Metz Cathedral, is the cathedral of the Catholic Diocese of Metz, the seat of the bishops of Metz. It is dedicated to Saint Stephen. The diocese dates back at least to the 4th century and the present cathedral building was begun in the early 14th century. Wikipedia
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wgm-beautiful-world · 8 months
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Belle porte à Metz, Lorraine, Grand Est, FRANCE
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gentlemanpixelator · 1 year
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Metz. La Cathédrale.
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320,000 €
135 m² / 1453 ft²
Metz, Moselle, Grand-Est, France.
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hiqucosemine · 2 years
elle – Bas-Rhin – Haut-Rhin – Vosges le travail saisonnier se caractérise par.
Forum emploi saisonnier cueillette de fruits le 27 juin 2019 à Einville-au-Jard. Comme chaque année, la Chambre d'Agriculture de Meurthe-et-Moselle et Pôle
Poste à pourvoir dès que possible; Contrat en CDI à temps plein; Résidence administrative : METZ; Rémunération selon grille d'emploi, à négocier selonDepuis le temps qu'on se connait, on peut se tutoyer. On t'a vu grandir et tu n'es pas le seul à avoir évolué. Depuis 2019 Courtepaille a rejoint le groupe
Magasinier HF · Forum Emploi-Formation-Alternance: Talents Handicap. Lorraine ; Commercial Saisonnier H/F · Maximo. Lunéville, Meurthe-et-Moselle ; CDD SAISONNIER
Emploi : Saisonnier juin à Thionville, Moselle • Recherche parmi 903.000+ Créé en 2010, et se développant en marketing de réseau depuis juin 2019,
</p><br>, , , , .
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laurierthefox · 4 months
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J'espère que vous avez toustes passé de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année, ou à défaut, pas trop épuisantes. Les miennes ont été sereines et joyeuses avec ma famille choisie, même si je suis complétement épuisé maintenant
Je profite de cette note pour faire un petit point annuel sur mon travail ! BILAN 2023
Cette année à été très riche en terme de rencontre, marchés, dédicaces, interventions, commandes ! Un atelier BD et une conférence dans une université à Amiens, le début de mes streams sur Twitch, des interventions auprès de lycéen'nes à Nantes, des dédicaces en Belgique, des marchés de créateurices à Nantes et au Havre, un salon du livre queer à Metz, Quai des Bulles à St Malo...etc
Cela fait 11 ans que je suis à mon compte et 2023 à été la première année ou j'ai pu enfin me dégager un vrai salaire ! Et c'est aussi en grande partie grâce à mes mécènes sur Patreon qui me soutienne depuis un an déjà. Ce soutien me permet de mieux choisir mes commandes ou interventions, de refuser du travail gratuit sous prétexte de visibilité et de pouvoir -parfois- prendre mes week end pour me reposer.
Dans les points moins joyeux, le stress et la fatigue m'ont amené à une crise violente de ma maladie de Crohn pendant les mois de Mars-Avril-Mai 2023 et j'ai dû changer de traitement, l'ancien ne faisant plus effet. Le nouveau est plus efficace mais à aussi plus d'effets secondaires du fait que c'est un immuno-modulateur. Il défonce mes défenses immunitaires, ce qui fait que le moindre rhume risque de me clouer au lit pour 15 jours.
Je vous parle de tout ça, non pour faire pleurer dans les chaumières mais juste pour vous tenir au courant.
Mon but en ouvrant une page Patreon, en plus de pouvoir payer mes factures pendant les mois ou je n'avais pas de commandes/BD/marchés..etc, était de pouvoir finir les derniers témoignages de ReconnaiTrans qui patientent dans ma boite mail depuis des mois et mettre un point final à ce projet (en tout cas pour l'instant). Mais comme cette année à été, de façon très positive, assez intense en terme de travail (mais aussi des soucis de santé) je n'ai pas réussi à atteindre cet objectif.
Je ne vais pas abandonner pour autant, ce projet est très important pour moi et surtout je ne veux pas laisser tomber les témoignant'es qui patientent pour que je fasse leur récits. Je vais donc essayer cette année de mieux maitriser mon emplois du temps pour pouvoir mener cela à bien et poster au moins tous les 2 mois un nouveau témoignage.
Cette année j'aimerais beaucoup réussir à faire quelques unes des notes de blog / webcomics qui remplissent mes tiroirs. Niveau sujet il y à pèle-mêle : tranche de vie, sujets féministes, sujets LGBTIA+, sujets peronnels/autobio, fiction medfan (médieval fantastique).
Mon agente est toujours en train de démarcher plusieurs de mes projets BD et jeunesse mais pour l'instant cela n'a pas l'air d'intéresser les éditeurs. Je me dis que si ça continue je vais peut être devoir publier uniquement en ligne gratuitement, quitte à faire un Ulule si cela plait.
On viens enfin de nous installer la fibre, donc je vais pouvoir refaire des lives twitch de temps en temps. Mon objectif est surtout de streamer des dessins ou illus que j'aurais en cours, mais pour cela il faut que je me dégotte un meilleur micro que celui de mon casque et que je teste mon set up actuel. Donc si tout va bien (et selon mes finances pour le micro) peut être que je pourrais streamer correctement vers Mars/Avril.
Je sais qu'il ne faut pas que je me fixe des objectifs trop haut, qui du point de vue de ma santé et de ma vie quotidienne (gestion de la maison, ménage, animaux, administratifs, rendez vous médicaux, gestion de mon shop, dédicaces, commandes, relations amicales et amoureuses...) serait juste impossible à réaliser. Mais je vais faire du mieux que je peux ^^
Je vous souhaite une belle année 2024, pleine de promesses, douceur, bienveillance mais aussi de manifs, militantisme et d'humanité.
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albad · 2 years
– François Braun : un saccageur d’hôpital ministre de la santé –
Vous avez aimé Agnès Buzyn, qui a menti sur le COVID et qui est aujourd'hui poursuivie pour « mise en danger de la vie d’autrui » ? Vous avez apprécié Olivier Véran, qui a imposé le Pass Sanitaire tout en détruisant des milliers de lits d’hôpitaux ? Alors vous adorerez François Braun, le nouveau ministre de la Santé.
En juin 2022, François Braun est chargé par Emmanuel Macron d'une « mission flash » sur les carences de l'hôpital en France. Rendu quelques semaines plus tard, c'est un concentré d'idéologie ultra-libérale. Le rapport propose de filtrer les urgences par téléphone, la fermeture de certains services d'urgence la nuit – ce qu'il nomme « suspension d’activité partielle d’un service dans un souci d’optimisation des ressources humaines » – et l'organisation délibérée du manque de moyens. Par exemple, Braun propose très sérieusement de créer des « bed managers » dans les hôpitaux pour gérer la pénurie de lits pour les patients en urgence. C'est la fin du service public de santé, désormais considéré comme une entreprise. Peu après, Macron remaniait son gouvernement et nommait Braun ministre.
L'association des médecins urgentistes s'est insurgée : « Ce monsieur Braun explique qu'on peut fermer les urgences la nuit. C'est une rupture du service public ! » et a ajouté que sa nomination comme ministre est « une véritable provocation ». L'urgentiste Patrick Pelloux s'est aussi inquiété : « Le rapport Braun préconise que 95 % des gens qui viennent aux urgences soient refoulés à l’entrée. Ils vont aller où ? C’est 150 ans d’urgence à Paris qu’on est en train de foutre par terre. »
François Braun était directeur du service des urgences de Metz-Thionville dans l'Est de la France. Son service, où il applique une « vision libérale » selon le journal Marianne, est en souffrance et « dysfonctionne ». Une syndicaliste Solidaires de cet hôpital explique : « Les urgences ici sont en piteux état. Je vois mal comment il va gérer des solutions à l’échelle nationale alors qu’au niveau local, il ne s’en sort pas. »
Le médecin est « souvent consulté par Emmanuel Macron au début de la crise sanitaire », dès 2020. On lui doit donc en partie la merveilleuse gestion française de la pandémie. Évidemment, François Braun est viscéralement favorable au Pass Sanitaire et contre la réintégration des soignants mis à pieds. Enfin, dans sa déclaration d’intérêts, on apprend que le nouveau ministre de la Santé a touché des rémunérations, assez modestes mais régulières, de différentes entreprises pharmaceutiques comme Novartis, AstraZeneca ou le laboratoire Mundipharma. Le 20 avril 2021, François Braun affirme : « il faut se faire vacciner même avec AstraZeneca ». En août 2021, le Centre Hospitalier Régional de Metz-Thionville perçoit 50 000€ de cette entreprise pharmaceutique.
Pour compléter le tableau, Nicolas Revel proche de Macron depuis 2012, et ancien directeur de cabinet de Jean Castex est propulsé à la tête des Hôpitaux de Paris, déjà exsangues, qui se trouvent dans un «état moral, organisationnel et budgétaire au plus bas». Le clan Macron a choisi la thérapie de choc pour la Santé : placer des néolibéraux hardcore au chevet de l’Hôpital déjà en grande souffrance. Un remède destiné à tuer le malade ?
Sources :
Témoignage de la syndicaliste : https://www.marianne.net/societe/sante/crise-de-lhopital-francois-braun-le-conseiller-sante-de-macron-au-remede-tres-liberal
Sur les conflits d'intérêts : https://www.transparence.sante.gouv.fr/pages/accueil/
Publication ; contre-attaque
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Through the Years → Maria Teresa, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (433/∞)
12 May 2023 | At the invitation of the Mayor of Metz, Mr François Grosdidier, The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess inaugurated, the Luxembourg House of the Eurometropolis of Metz, located in the central gallery of the station. The “Maison”, an initiative of the Eurometropolis, in partnership with the Frontaliers Grand Est association, informs and guides cross-border workers and their families on the specifics of their status in the Grand Duchy. (Photo by Sophie Margue/Maison du Grand-Duc)
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gravityilluminated · 1 year
Warning: This character biography contains mentions of human experimentation, physical, sexual ( non graphic! ) & emotional abuse, medical trauma, existential crises, dehumanization, murder, violence, physical scars, mental instability & more. If any of these are a major trigger for you I heavily suggest not following this blog. HOWEVER, if you are really interested in writing with me, feel free to DM for a summarized, less upsetting recap for plotting purposes.
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NAME: Paul Verlaine
ALIASES / NICKNAMES: The King Of Assassins, Arthur Rimbaud { Former }, Black No. 12
SPECIES: Gifted Human { Artificially Derived }
GENDER: Cis Male
AGE: 34 { Present }, 28 { Stormbringer }, 20 { Arahabaki Incident }
D.O.B: March 30th, 19XX
HOMETOWN: Metz, Moselle, Grand Est, France
APPEARANCE / STYLE: By all outward appearances, Verlaine is a perfectly normal man of French descent, in his late 20s-early 30s, albeit one who is consistently rather well dressed. Standing at about 6’0” tall, Verlaine possesses a deceptively slim physique, deep blue-green eyes almost the colour of turquoise, occasionally darkening to storm gray in certain situations depending on his mood or the lighting, & shoulder length blond hair. There is a small mole / beauty mark just to the outer corner of his left eye. His hair is usually worn braided along the hairline on the left side of his face, while his right eye is obscured by bangs, the braid is then tied with a black silk ribbon with the rest of his hair in a long ponytail that sits across his left shoulder. His preference for clothing include three piece suits made up of a jacket, backless waistcoat & trousers alongside dark dress shirts, formal ties & dress shoes. When Chuuya first encounters him, he is wearing a three-piece suit comprising a dark sand-colored backless waistcoat, matching trousers, & a light sand-coloured coat that he typically leaves draped on his shoulders & that carries a brooch on its lapel which looks like a bejewelled Northern Star. He also wears a black dress shirt with the sleeves folded to his forearms, together with a cherry-coloured tie tucked beneath his waistcoat. In addition, he dons white gloves, a black porkpie hat which was gifted to him by Rimbaud, and a pair of black dress shoes.
Following his recruitment to the Port Mafia, Verlaine’s style makes a switch to semi formal if he needs to go out. At ‘home’ he sticks primarily to trousers or dark jeans with fitted crew neck sweaters & cardigans, & Oxford style shoes or dress boots. Bodily, Verlaine has a lean & fit figure, with a rather fair skin tone. He has a mid-sized puncture scar on his chest with mild electrical burn scarring surrounding it from when Chuuya launched one of the metal spikes N had tortured him with into the blond’s chest. However, this is far from the largest or most brutal scar Verlaine has ever received. Beneath his clothing lay a story of untold suffering. Numerous layered scars - long & whipcord thin - run up over his back & diagonally across his shoulders & spine from previous beatings dealt out by his creator, Pan, along with smaller scars along his arms, legs & torso from the time he was shoved through a plate glass window due to his maker’s temper.
PERSONALITY: Originally, Verlaine was controlled by a series of codes programmed into him at birth with his personality being artificial, leaving him with zero free will & no inclination to do anything beyond obeying. After being freed from Pan's control he struggled with this fact as his true personality began to develop, alongside the trauma of being a man made weapon & the severe abuse he suffered at the hands of his creator. These facts along with the knowledge that he was not human caused him no small amount of distress, to which Rimbaud went to great lengths to help him cope. He was able to empathize with Chuuya Nakahara’s situation as a clone & refused to go along with the mission to capture the boy & hand him over to the French government for further experimentation. This empathy ultimately won out over his care for Rimbaud, & he attempted to kill his only friend to free a boy he did not know. He wanted to take the child somewhere far away where he’d never have to be cursed with the knowledge of where he’d come from, like Verlaine.
Unfortunately, without Rimbaud, Verlaine's sanity declined rapidly as he was no longer able to deal with his origins as a man-made being. His beliefs became warped & he decided to kill those Chuuya cared about upon locating him again to force the boy to kill N, whom he viewed as a monster just like Pan was, demonstrating his now unhinged personality. As described by Adam, Verlaine is a lone wolf & does not trust anyone. Moreover, as an assassin, he displayed an enigmatic & deadly nature, not immediately revealing his identity or goals with clarity. He once posed as a Mafia mailman to approach Chuuya despite being the stronger of the two, & he was very deliberate about his targets to force the boy to kill N. However, despite his planning, his downfall was that he did not expect Chuuya to decide wanting revenge against Verlaine for killing the Flags more than he wanted revenge against N for experimenting on him. His own bias & pain clouded his judgment, or else perhaps he would have taken Chuuya’s amnesia into account & the fact he has no memories prior to the age of 7 would contribute to his lack of desire to take vengeance on N, whereas Verlaine remembers every excurciating detail of his upbringing with Pan.
Despite his somewhat unhinged behaviours, Verlaine is not an evil man. He is in fact, incredibly lonely & frightened by the world around him which he views himself as being an outsider, causing his hostility towards it. He can be extremely possessive & protective of those he cares for & perhaps even overbearing, once lecturing Chuuya minutes after they met about having a weak punch & questioning whether he was eating properly. He’s capable of kindness, especially where children are concerned, & was able to make Kyouka, Gin & countless others first rate assassins without exception. By the time he was defeated, Verlaine was filled with remorse & a longing for his departed friend, choosing to exile himself to the basement in near total isolation. Once he’s learned to relax in a new situation he can be quite funny, often unintentionally, with a dry albeit at times dark sense of humour.
BIOGRAPHY: Paul Verlaine was ‘born’ under the name of Black No. 12 in France, during the late 1900s. Created by the independent researcher known as Pan, the blond was the first ever attempt at creating a self-contained Singularity, however since Abilities require a living host to function, the scientist programmed Verlaine with a coded personality & trigger words to activate the Singularity. He did not have a childhood, rather he was artificially sustained in a stasis chamber & his aging accelerated until he reached adolescence at which point he became the scientist’s attack dog. Unfortunately, Pan was not a kind man. He had quite the temper, & ruthlessly physically abused Black No. 12 despite him not having any ability to speak back or go against him in any way. Frequently the bouts of violence would come following one of Pan’s failures with his grudge against the French government & his tendency towards an explosive temper. Though Black No. 12 could not be anything but obedient to him, Pan often lashed out in a blind rage, including beating his creation, whipping him, & other acts of anger. By the time Black No. 12 had reached physical adulthood, Pan had also begun to sexually abuse the experiment he’d created, soon graduating into reoccurring sexual assaults as he grew older. Eventually, the spy, then going by the name Paul Verlaine, was dispatched to take Pan down due to how dangerous & unstable he’d become. After doing months of observation & research, Rimbaud broke into the base & destroyed the machine producing the ability user controlling metal powder that imprisoned Black No. 12, erasing the control triggers keeping him an emotionless puppet. Immediately, Black No. 12 broke free of his prison & murdered Pan in a blind rage for all the pain he’d suffered. As he had nowhere else to go, Verlaine took the being back to his superiors who promptly ordered he train the young man as a spy. He did so, eventually befriending him & giving him his own name, Paul Verlaine, after suggesting they trade ( as he was originally given the code name Rimbaud ).
The newly-dubbed Verlaine was naturally talented in espionage, mastering everything he was taught, & was soon assigned Rimbaud’s partner in the organization. Along the course of their endeavors, Verlaine struggled with the fact that he was not a real human & could be controlled. Therefore, Rimbaud gifted him with a bowler hat embedded with certain metals which allowed its wearer to control command sequences at will, allowing Verlaine to be one step closer to becoming a human with free will. A few years later, they became involved in the Great War & as a result of an internal conflict between the Transcendents of various countries. In the aftermath of that war, France learned that Japan had obtained a high energy level being they were using to create some sort of doomsday weapon, the duo was then send to Japan with the orders to take it & erase any evidence of its existence.
This being turned out to be a 7 year old human experiment who had been successfully merged with the deity known as Arahabaki. However, Verlaine empathized with the boy & wanted to save him from being made a test subject for the rest of his life, stating that he wanted the boy to be raised in a village with a new family without knowing anything about his past. Rimbaud did not consider Chuuya a human & refused to deviate from the mission. When it became clear Rimbaud would not allow him to take Chuuya - his partner going so far as to threaten to maim him to get him back ‘home’ - Verlaine decided to betray Rimbaud & shot him in the ensuing fight. Soon after, Chuuya & Arahabaki were released, causing a massive explosion. Subsequently, Verlaine began work as a lone wolf assassin known for killing high-ranking individuals on either side of the law. Branded as the King of Assassins, his calling card is to leave a cross carved from a locally grown white birch. He killed eight major figures throughout the world, including three military armory supervisors & a drug cartel boss. He eventually stained the Order of the Clock Tower’s reputation by murdering several ability user guards & almost successfully assassinating the Queen herself after actually killing her body double. Due to his notoriety, Verlaine became considered as one of the most dangerous threats in the world, comparable to the Seventeen Worldly Evils.
Following the Arahabaki Incident, Verlaine infiltrated the upper floor of the Port Mafia HQ in order to steal the files on Chuuya Nakahara, & retrieve Rimbaud’s hat. In the process, he murdered the security who were guarding Boss Mori’s office, & and destroyed the window to escape. Later, he voiced out his intent to take Chuuya with him, referring to him as "younger brother". One year later, Verlaine encountered Europole’s android detective, Adam Frankenstein, whose aircraft eventually crashes in a forest. Later, during Chuuya’s first-year Mafia anniversary, Verlaine ambushes & assassinates the five Flags sans Chuuya, who had been taken by Adam ironically in an effort to warn him about the threat of Verlaine. Disguising as a Mafia mailman, Verlaine retrieved Chuuya in an attempt to invite him in accomplishing various endeavors together as "brothers". The two, also later with Adam, break into a skirmish after Verlaine reveals having killed the Flags. During the fight, Verlaine tells Chuuya that the boy, like Verlaine himself, is not a human but a mere string of codes. To prove his revelation, Verlaine opens Chuuya’s Gate, unleashing Arahabaki for 0.3 seconds & ravaging the surrounding area. Verlaine also declares his plan to kill everyone who matters to the sixteen year old to grant him freedom as an act of love, then departs after Dazai arrives & closes Chuuya’s Gate with his Ability. Later, Verlaine visited Dazai at the shipping container where he lived, from whom he retrieved internal Mafia files they had negotiated over two days prior, promising to give the boy the death he so coveted when he eventually kills him. He soon storms the police station, where he incapacitates Adam & questions Sheep member Shirase about Chuuya’s childhood. Thinking that Shirase is one of Verlaine's targets, Chuuya rescues him from Verlaine, & the two battle each other once again. Ultimately, Verlaine spots the detective Murase & kills him instantly, being his actual first target, & retreats.
For his second target, a researcher named N - one of the men in charge of creating Chuuya, Verlaine breaks into a seclude military facility where he finds Chuuya being tortured by the researcher. Verlaine released the boy from his restraints & urged him to kill N, but Chuuya "double-crosses" him &, impaling him with a metal stake, voices out his animosity towards him despite their shared antagonism towards N. They fight once more, & once Verlaine attempts to murder N, the latter mentions knowledge of The Secret of the Gentle Forest, forcing Verlaine to keep him alive for questioning. Verlaine demanded him to tell everything he knows about The Secret of the Gentle Forest, which apparently contains knowledge surrounding Verlaine's origins, but N dodged his questions & slyly brings down upon him a skeleton of Chuuya's now deceased clone, controlled by N's technology. Disgusted by what N had done with the boy, he apologetically blasts off the skeleton & chased N down to capture him. He then blasts out of the facility with N & interrogates him atop a tower crane. Once he finds no use of N, he leaves him hanging on the crane & departs to kill his final target, Mori.
Sporting the train carrying Mori & derailing it, he found that "Mori" is a decoy, doubled by Ryuuro Hirotsu. With the plan masterminded by Dazai, Verlaine soon clashed with countless mafiosi, Ability users, & other forces, forcing him to activate Brutalization & unleash his Singularity, Demonic Beast Guivre. He decimated most of the fleet, until Chuuya & Adam poison him, being one of his few weaknesses. However, Verlaine's Gate opened again when N remotely activated Brutalization ( in revenge for the murder of his own younger brother, Murase ); before losing unconsciousness, Verlaine urged Chuuya to run & live, knowing he himself would perish once his energy supply ran out. As Guivre is unleashed in the battlefield & Chuuya and Adam are swallowed inside the beast, Verlaine shows Chuuya his memory of nine years ago when Verlaine & his partner Rimbaud stormed the military facility & abducted Chuuya. In this memory, Verlaine also shows him how to defeat Guivre.
Chuuya, tapping into Arahabaki's power, fights Guivre; as Verlaine asked him to stop Guivre, & Arahabaki unleashes his energy on the malevolent beast & finally defeats it. Verlaine then loses most of his ability & collapses, on the brink of death. However, he soon finds himself in Rimbaud's hyperspace. Rimbaud—using his Ability to turn humans into Abilities themselves—turned himself into an Ability, generating a self-contradicting singularity as he indefinitely repeats the process, & then gives the singularity to Verlaine as his new singularity in place of Guivre, while Verlaine remorsefully apologizes to his former partner. Realizing he hadn’t appreciated having the one person who cared about him over all else while he had it, the assassin covered his face & broke down in tears.
In the aftermath of the incident, Verlaine allowed himself to be locked up in the Mafia basement, unable to flee from European authorities after him & finding no interest in the outside world, though he could easily escape. With his skills as an assassin, he mentors elite mafiosi, including Kyouka Izumi & Gin Akutagawa, & countless others who would become first-class assassins during their brief training. Eventually, he is promoted to the rank of Mafia executive, still keeping himself locked up in the basement while awaiting "a storm".
FAMILY: “Pan” { Creator; Deceased }, Nakahara Chuuya { Formulaic Younger Brother }, Unnamed Clone { Formulaic Younger Brother; Deceased }.
SUPERNATURAL ABILITY: Verlaine’s Ability is called Song of the Rain. Similar to his younger brother’s ability, Verlaine can manipulate the gravity vector & magnitude of anything & anyone he gets in contact with. He can enhance gravity to crush & incapacitate targets in place, which Chuuya—a gravity manipulation ability user himself—cannot break away from to a fault. Initially, Verlaine's ability proved quite superior to Chuuya's own, giving the mafioso considerable difficulty fighting him. For instance, Verlaine's punches were described to be cannonballs compared to Chuuya's bullet-like punches. During their clashes, their gravitational forces would produce shock waves that ravaged anything in their proximity. Verlaine can increase his own body's density to land dense attacks on his opponents with his punches & kicks. He can snap his opponents' necks with ease using gravity, which killed Murase & nearly N, as well. In one occasion, he pierced through the vehicle he was driving into the ground after colliding with a semitrailer & withstand the truck's impact. He also used his ability to emit a gravitational pulse like a radar to search for a photograph on Chuuya’s person. In addition, he can manipulate gravity to prevent himself from falling over & erase his own gravity to land upside down on a ceiling. Verlaine can also manipulate his own gravity to launch himself out into the sky to escape & even blast through an underground facility way aboveground.
The assassin also can utilize the gravity of several materials around him in combat. He once expelled rubble in his hands like bullets and shot concrete fragments on the wall by laterally manipulating gravity. He can throw various objects at targets with relative ease but high strength, such as an entire car and a photograph like a projectile that pierced Adam after flicking it. Verlaine also partially buried Adam into a concrete wall, being pushed in by gravitational force after Verlaine set every piece of the rubble back in place. Dubbed as the King of Assassins, Verlaine is quite adept in assassinations that he performed using his ability. He was once able to assassinate elite Order of the Clock Tower guards, who possessed unparalleled abilities throughout the world, without leaving any signs of trauma. In truth, however, he fragmented their bones into 1,228 pieces almost simultaneously, which caused them to suffer respiratory failure until death. He was also capable of massacring in brutal fashion, such as the five Flags members whose corpses were highly dismembered; hence, they were describably more "broken" rather than "killed". Despite his powerful ability, Verlaine can still be outclassed, most notably by Chuuya in their later spars & his clone’s skeleton that was being controlled by N, one of the few beings who penetrated his gravity-manipulated guard. Moreover, a horde of gifted individuals ambushing him with their abilities one after another proved to be a challenge to Verlaine even with his ability, forcing him to activate Brutalization as a last resort.
Brutalization is the state when Verlaine's persona model is stripped off its seal by opening his Gate & he succumbs to the powers of the singularity, Demonic Beast Guivre. Verlaine loses consciousness in this state & is granted destructive, gravity-based capacities that could annihilate squadrons & disrupt landscapes. It can be activated by chanting the control incantation: “Your hate, your set torpors, your weaknesses, your spite. All the brutalities you suffered long ago, you return to us, all without evil, O Night. In an excess of blood that every month will flow.” Upon unleashing Demonic Beast Guivre, Verlaine undergoes a monstrous transformation. A gargantuan black beast that appeared reptilian & whose head resembled the beast Guivre, albeit with two glowing crimson red eyes that were positioned exactly like a human's. With thick arms, a robust torso, & a massive mouth, Guivre did not possess any organs nor was it made of physical matter, but rather it was the single location where limitless energy stored in the singularity condensed into. It also had a dinosaur-like body, claws, and a black tail. Its feet were enormous enough to flatten roads, highways, & even an entire hill.
In its early stages of manifestation, Guivre's body pulsated and kept on growing until it obscured the moonlit sky. Eventually, it grew comparatively colossal than the true form of Arahabaki. In general, Guivre looked nothing like any living being & was too bizarre for human comprehension. Incapable of coherent thought, Guivre was far too sinister to be called a god & was the embodiment of chaos more than a god of destruction. No more than a pool of hatred, it reacted to emotions & particularly responded to hatred, which propelled it to automatically move to attack anything hostile, & it could not discern which party was more dangerous than the others & who it would prioritize attacking. The living embodiment of negative emotion, Guivre responded to hatred & therefore reacted to anyone & anything that reacted to its presence, mindlessly attacking them possibly until it ran out of energy.
When it clashed with Arahabaki, black flames of hatred spewed out of its wounds and instantly regenerated its injuries. As it is a singularity that possessed an infinite amount of energy. Dazai theorized that it could run out of energy in a week, a year, or even "until the end of the world". In comparison with Arahabaki's rampage on Suribachi City, Guivre was believed to be capable of sinking the entirety of Yokohama if it unleashed the same power that Arahabaki unleashed. Made of no physical matter, Guivre innately possessed no vulnerabilities on its form that could be attacked by mere humans or abilities. It could not be damaged with fire, ice, and firepower. Similar with Arahabaki, Guivre could manipulate gravity in various forms & fashions with high offensive intensity, breathing beams of gravity to annihilate any target along with the surrounding terrain until nothing remained. It could also unleash gravitational spheres of darkness powered by hatred, generate laser-like black holes, hollow land in a straight line like creating a cliff with an abysmal pit. It could repeatedly generate black holes & once created at least 20 black orbs almost simultaneously. When incinerated by the ability weapon Annihilation, Guivre was able to withstand its intense heat by absorbing the singularity energy from the weapon's fiery sphere.
STRENGTHS / TALENTS: With numerous flawlessly executed assassinations under his belt & being ‘raised’ by Pan, the leader of a rebel force group that took up arms against the French government, Verlaine in an incredibly dangerous man who has more than earned his title of King of Assassins. He’s mastered numerous armed & unarmed martial arts over the years & can hold his own & frequently even outmatch even those with Abilities similar to his own. Aware of his powers at a young age, he was programmed knowing how to use them to their utmost advantage, such as increasing his body’s gravitational force & density, which cut a massive truck directly in half when it touched him rather than crushing him. Responsible for the training of numerous of the Port Mafia’s best fights, including Gin & Kyouka, he worked his way up the ladder to Executive without ever asking to join their ranks.
Dazai notes that there is nobody in the world who could beat Verlaine in hand-to-hand combat alone, forcing him to resort to other tactics. He summarily defeated & killed the skilled guards protecting the Queen of England’s proxy, slayed the Flags of the Port Mafia effortlessly & defeated the android Adam Frankenstein on a few occasions before his eventual defeat. Verlaine is quite elusive, which makes him difficult to be caught even by Europole, who’ve been after him for years. Furthermore, he inputted a command sequence in Chuuya to close his Gate upon contact, which therefore allowed Verlaine to deactivate Brutalization even without his consciousness. This eventually led him to regain said consciousness. Verlaine possesses an unparalleled competitive edge in battle owing to his tactical intellect together with his combat skills. Trained by Rimbaud himself, he’s also a master of modern espionage. Comfortably multilingual, Verlaine is fluent in several languages other than his native French tongue, including Italian, English, Japanese, Latin, Greek, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Korean, German & Russian, while being conversational in several others.
In preparation for taking Chuuya in following the explosion in the Yokohama Settlement, Verlaine taught himself several typical school grades ( both Japanese & French ) of knowledge on the off chance the bit desired an education, learning about history, art & music, science, arithmetic & mathematics, social studies, physical health / nutrition, theology, & more.
WEAKNESSES: Although unmatched in hand-to-hand combat, Verlaine was not as well versed on how to solo handle large groups of enemies attacking simultaneously, without the element of surprise on his side. In addition, due to the command sequence he placed on Chuuya’s Gate, when the two of them come into physical contact with each other, it will automatically close Verlaine’s Gate, thus stopping both Brutalization & Guivre in its tracks if Chuuya can manage to get close enough to him. In the non-physical sense of weaknesses & drawbacks, Verlaine struggles greatly to understand the feelings & motivations of human beings beyond the shallowest of definitions. He believes humans exist merely to do what they please without regard for any other, & that to be alive is to suffer. He also has a difficult time understanding his own emotions, often needing to reason them out with himself, due to his belief he is not human, & thus being unable to communicate what he’s experiencing. Despite this, he’s not without empathy; the first time he felt such a thing was upon gazing at the form of a small 7 year old boy who he realized may well turn out just like him if he allowed it.
Despite his absurdly powerful Ability placing him in the category of Transcendent, Verlaine’s Ability functions more or less the same way as Chuuya’s. Should Dazai be able to get close to him without dying in the chaos ( the ground opening crevices, trees falling, etc. ), he would most likely be able to nullify Guivre with his Ability ‘No Longer Human’. Additionally, without the metal powder or the hat that Rimbaud created for him, it’s possible to activate Guivre against his will if one knows the command sequence phrase to trigger it. As shown with Chuuya, Verlaine is weak to electrical based attacks & certain poisons.
RELATIONSHIPS / ROMANTIC INTERESTS: Arthur Rimbaud { Lover; Verse Dependent }
QUIRKS / HABITS: Verlaine has a habit of fiddling with things in close proximity to him when deep in thought, such as the knife he Carrie’s with him for slicing fruit, or nearby objects left on nearby tables. Incidentally, before even joining their ranks, Verlaine had the habit of wearing his coat over his shoulders rather than on his arms.
HOBBIES / INTERESTS: Verlaine has a strong interest in the Arts; poetry, literature, music, & drawing / painting in particular. He enjoys honing his fighting abilities in private, keeping his skills sharp. Infrequently, he’ll be accompanied by Kouyou in his bunker for cups of tea & casual conversation, which he appreciates. He enjoys fresh fruit, tea, coffee & wine, traditional French foods, & classic literature. Occasionally partakes in a good existentialist debate, though it would be a push to say he enjoys it. From time to time he’ll also visit Rimbaud’s grave, when he’s certain no one else will be around.
DISLIKES: Humans ( as a general rule ), human medical & cloning experimentation, particularly on children. Child abuse in general. When Rimbaud insists he is a human being. Chuuya not taking proper care of himself / not listening to him. Anyone laying unwanted hands on his brother.
SCHOOL: Homeschooled
OCCUPATION: Port Mafia Executive, Freelance Assassin, French Intelligence Agent { Former }
FRIENDS / AFFILIATION: Nakahara Chuuya, Arthur Rimbaud
RELIGION / BELIEFS: Roman Catholic { Lapsed }
POSSESSIONS: Anti-mind controlling hat { former; currently in Chuuya’s possession }, Rimbaud’s scarf.
OTHERS: He once met Fukuzawa on his way to assassinate some government officials many years ago, they exchanged blows but because their conversation intrigued him he let the swordsman go unharmed. The name of his Ability comes from Paul Verlaine’s real life poem called Ariettes Oubliées III { Forgotten Ariettes 3 }, in his collection Romances Sans Paroles { Songs Without Words }, which was published during his imprisonment following the shooting of Rimbaud.
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raumstadtion · 1 year
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"La Russie a tue´ 430 enfants en Ukraine"
"Russia has killed 430 children in Ukraine"
Centre Pompidou - Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, Grand Est, France
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wgm-beautiful-world · 10 months
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gentlemanpixelator · 2 years
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Metz. La Gare.
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titouanmasse · 1 year
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Magnétique Nord hier à La @stationgaredesmines c’était le feu ! Super docu sur La Grande triple alliance internationale de l’Est bravo @mariettamusique ! Puis les concerts des géniales Badaboum, les affreux punk de Metz Oi Boys 😘, et pour finir la transe chamanique de France qui fait mouche à chaque fois ! C’était chanmé ! #triplealliance #marietta #metz #amiens #strasbourg #rome #est #concert #documentaire #magnetiquenord #lastationgaredesmines #badaboum #oiboys #france (à La Station - Gare des Mines) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmRW6vjNNpy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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El 19 de octubre se celebra el Día Internacional de las Catedrales, para rendir un tributo a estos templos catedralicios, dada su importancia social y religiosa en la humanidad.
No se ha determinado con exactitud el origen de la creación de este día internacional, el cual tiene como finalidad resaltar la arquitectura, el arte y el impacto de la acción social de las iglesias principales de la diócesis.
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¿Qué es una catedral?
Una catedral es un templo cristiano que actúa como sede del obispo de la diócesis. La sede o cátedra episcopal se considera el lugar en el cual los obispos presiden a la comunidad cristiana para la enseñanza de la mitología de la fe y la doctrina de la Iglesia Católica.
El término catedral proviene de la palabra cathedra o "asiento del obispo", cuya denominación en latín es ecclesia cathedralis.
Las catedrales tienen una función eclesiástica específica, en la que se realizan los ritos litúrgicos tales como la confirmación, la ordenación sacerdotal y la consagración real de monarcas, oficiados por un Obispo.
En España se destaca el evento "El atardecer de las catedrales", mediante el cual diez templos españoles abren sus puertas al atardecer. Esta iniciativa surgió a través de las redes sociales, para conmemorar esta efeméride.
¿Cómo es la arquitectura de las Catedrales?
La arquitectura de las catedrales se caracteriza por edificaciones complejas a gran escala, cuyo diseño es originario de las tradiciones arquitectónicas paleocristianas establecidas durante el periodo constantiniano.
Comenzaron a construirse durante la época del Cristianismo, con diversos estilos arquitectónicos (bizantino, paleocristiano, románico, renacentista, barroca y gótica).
Se han catalogado a varias catedrales entre las obras arquitectónicas más destacadas en el mundo.
Catedrales más icónicas del mundo
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Queremos resaltar algunas de las catedrales más famosas del mundo, por su historia, arquitectura e impacto social:
Catedral de Notre Dame (Francia): es la catedral más visitada de Francia y Europa, siendo reconocida como un monumento icónico a nivel mundial. Fue declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, en el año 1991.
Catedral de Etchmiadzin (Armenia): es considerada la primera catedral del mundo. Fue construida en el año 301.
Catedral de Salisbury (Inglaterra): se comenzó a construir en el año 1220. Posee la aguja más alta de Inglaterra.
Catedral de San Basilio (Moscú): es una de las más famosas catedrales ortodoxas del mundo, con sus características cúpulas bulbosas coloridas.
Catedral de Metz (Francia): construida en el año 1240 constituye el monumento con la mayor superficie de vidrieras góticas de Europa.
Catedral de Florencia (Italia): construida en el año 1296 posee la cúpula más grande construida antes del siglo XIX.
Catedral de Colonia (Alemania): es un templo de estilo gótico que comenzó a construirse en el año 1248. Fue declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, en el año 1996.
Catedral de Cristo Salvador de Moscú (Rusia): es el templo ortodoxo más alto del mundo, que representa la reconstrucción fiel de la catedral levantada en el periodo 1839-1883.
Catedral de Sevilla (España): es la catedral gótica más grande del mundo, construida en los siglos XV y XVI.
Catedral de San Patricio de Nueva York (Estados Unidos): es una catedral de estilo neogótico. Es considerado el segundo templo más grande de América del Norte.
Literatura sobre Catedrales
A continuación mostramos algunos títulos literarios en el género de novelas, cuya trama está vinculada con las catedrales:
Nuestra Señora de París (Víctor Hugo): es una novela clásica de la Literatura Universal publicada en el año 1931, compuesta por 11 libros. Narra la historia de Quasimodo, el campanero de Nuestra Señora de Paris que habita en la catedral de Notre Dame.
Asesinato en la Catedral (T.S. Eliot): narra el asesinato del arzobispo de Canterbury Tomás Becket en el año 1170 por orden del rey.
La Catedral de la Luz (Ruben Laurin): refleja una historia de amor, celos y traiciones que acontece durante la construcción de la catedral de Magdeburgo, uno de los primeros templos góticos del imperio germánico construido en el año 1219.
Los Pilares de la Tierra (Ken Follett): muestra un relato imaginario sobre la construcción de una catedral en la ciudad inglesa de Kingsbridge.
El Misterio de las Catedrales (Fulcanelli): una obra literaria de 1926 que refleja los misterios más enigmáticos de las catedrales del mundo, las cuales albergaban los conocimientos de la alquimia medieval.
Catedrales (Claudia Piñero): un relato que muestra el asesinato de una adolescente sin resolver desde hace 30 años, con el fanatismo religioso como cómplice.
El enigma de las catedrales: Mitos y Misterios de la Arquitectura Gótica (José Luis Corral): el autor desmonta los mitos que han surgido en torno a las catedrales, sustentado con fotografías, planos, mapas y dibujos.
La Sombra de la Catedral (Milos Urban): un hombre involucrado en un asesinato ocurrido en la catedral de San Vito (Praga) colabora en la investigación del suceso.
El Constructor de Catedrales (Michel Peyramaure): a finales del siglo XII se inicia la mayor construcción gótica de la ciudad de París: la catedral de Notre Dame, en una época caracterizada por pugnas feudales, prosperidad y lucha por el poder.
La Catedral del Mar (Ildefonso Falcones): una novela española ambientada en la Barcelona del siglo XIV, cuyo tema central es la construcción de la iglesia de Santa María del Mar.
Comparte información útil e interesante en las redes sociales acerca del Día Internacional de las Catedrales, utilizando el hashtag #DíaInternacionaldelasCatedrales.
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lesgenouxdanslegif · 2 years
Possible.On attendait la grosse bagarre entre les deux meilleurs coureurs d’ultra du monde avec plus d’impatience que les huîtres tièdes du 24 décembre : le bras de fer a tenu toutes ses promesses.
À droite de la chaise : Kilian Jornet : 4 fois vainqueur de la Hardrock, 3 fois de la course de quartier de Chamonix, 2 fois du Grand Raid de La Réunion, 1 fois de la Western States.
À gauche de la chaise, François D'haene : il a levé ses grands bras dans le Colorado l’année dernière, a raflé 4 fois la course de quartier de Chamonix (record) et le Grand Raid (record), mais le four Californien s’est toujours refusé à lui.
En arbitre, Dakota Jones. Un gars qui a battu Kilian deux fois, un type aussi attachant qu’intelligent. En ramasse-morts et prête à claquer un énorme truc, Courtney Dauwalter. Short long, large sourire. Cette fois-ci, elle n’allait pas se louper.
Pas de musique épique au départ, 145 dossards : Silverton n’est pas Chamonix. Truc assez rigolo : l’altitude la plus haute de la course de quartier est l’altitude la plus basse de la Hardrock. Deux salles, deux ambiances. Boum badaboum, le trio sur la photo s’échappe dès le début. La course ressemble rapidement à un match Real Madrid / FC Metz. À mi-course, Kilian a des crampes, François bobo à son bidon. Dakota prend la poudre d’escampette et écrabouille ses cuisses. 13 minutes d’avance sur les deux monstres qui vont retrouver la santé puis engloutir l’intello. Il terminera finalement troisième à 1h30 du vainqueur. Le duel a bien lieu et la bataille fait rage. De l’extérieur, on a cru à une arrivée main dans la main. Voulez-vous un Nadal / Djokovic qui se termine à 2 sets partout ? Nous, non. Kilian accélère encore dans la dernière bosse et lâche François. Les dix derniers kilomètres sont les plus rapides. 4’32’’ du kilo de moyenne entre les kilomètres 154 et 158 pour le Catalan qui déboule dans Silverton 21h36’24’’ après avoir quitté la ville. Nouveau record et 5ème victoire, record de Karl Meltzer égalé. Les grands compas de François accusent tout juste 15 minutes de retard. Cinq heures plus tard mais avec sept heures d’avance sur la deuxième (elle a eu le temps de faire un puzzle 10 000 pièces avec un motif de la même couleur), Courtney rafle la course, le record et devient la première à gagner la Hardrock, la Western et la course de quartier. Vivement le Grand Raid pour compléter la collection.
La Hardrock, cette course où il faut courir à plus de 4000 mètres pour espérer embrasser un rocher à l’arrivée. Sublime.
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Photo Alexis Berg
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