#metions of nebula
Unforseen Chasm (Part 59)
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Part 59 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 4275 Warnings: Language, bad coping mechanisms, grief, depression, lack of motivation, feelings revealed, relationships at stake, tension is high, start of endgame movie, losing hope, hope is brought back, Song for this part: I’ll never love again- Lady Gaga Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93 what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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The next morning, before dawn, you were out of bed. You started a new simulation to try and find Thanos. While the simulation ran, you went outside to practice. Shannon was right, even if you did find Thanos, what then? You needed to practice, to train. So that’s what you did. 
Your powers were like Wanda’s and Remy’s combined. You were born with the ability as an Asgardian goddess to charge potential energy and launch it. The mind stone had given you electrical dark energy that you could launch from yourself as a bolt of energy, or use it as an extended limb, like Wanda. Using the dark energy, you could fly. Using the electric part of your energy, you could electrocute things, like Thor. You learned illusions and trickery from Loki. By all stretches of the imagination, you should be the most powerful one in the room at all times, save for Shannon who could absorb any power, not to mention her natural healing power. 
But being powerful meant nothing if you didn’t know how to use it well. So for the next twelve hours straight that day, you practiced. You learned how to create a shield around yourself using your purple energy. You learned how to send shockwaves through the ground like Thor. You practiced charging objects and throwing them, as well as creating powerful energy shots and launching them. You practiced flying. You hadn’t done much of it since the New York attack and you wanted to be sure that you felt comfortable doing it. 
Shannon left you to it, knowing that you wouldn’t want to be bothered, but Steve checked on you. He asked what you were doing and if you needed help. You explained you were gearing up to fight Thanos and you didn’t want Steve to get hurt. He didn’t say much but nodded and left you alone. Natasha watched you and she wanted to say something, offer something, but she didn’t know how. You two weren’t close at all. You liked Natasha, by all means, but she didn’t know how to comfort you in something like this, so she let you grieve the way you needed to. Bruce felt sorry for you. He desperately wanted to help you. He felt he could take anything you threw at him, but his concern was with Shannon and finding Tony. Bruce and you were a bit closer, and he understood better than most the healing factors isolation and being alone could have. Thor… well you and Thor could hardly stand to look at each other. You’d lost the same thing, and you both felt responsible. You didn’t blame him, and you hoped he didn’t blame you. 
You didn’t fault any of them for not coming to see you. You knew they all had their own grief they were dealing with, their own personal missions. This was yours.
This became your new routine. Rising at early hours, running tests to see where Thanos might be, running scanners for him using the stones again, then you’d set out to practice your powers until late at night. You were at least sleeping now and eating at least one meal a day. It wasn’t ideal, but it was an improvement. You logically knew you couldn’t fight Thanos if you were malnourished and tired. 
A few days after Shannon had visited you that night, she didn't feel like being at another one of those meetings with the faces of the vanished and seeing Tony’s and Parker’s faces. There’s only so much she could take. So here she was in bed hiding under the covers with Lucky being the little spoon. When there had been a few light knocks, she hoped they would leave her alone.
“Hey,” Bruce said softly as he poked his head in. “I know you probably want to be left alone, but I think we should all be together at a time like this. I also brought you something to help calm your nerves.” He held up a small tray with two cups of tea. “It always keeps me calm.” 
“Thanks, Bruce, but I think I'd rather stay here in bed with Lucky.” She came out from under the covers. “There’s no way I’m going in there and see Tony’s or Parker’s face.” She shook her head.
He nodded as he sat the tray down. He rubbed his hands nervously before stuffing them in his cardigan pockets. “Yeah, yeah, I get that. It’s hard to see his face. I told them to take their faces down because we don’t know if--” He stopped himself, choosing his next words carefully to not upset you further. “Well we don’t know what’s happened to them, if anything. Hell, you know Tony. He could be on his way here, right now. He might’ve just wound up a place a little bit away from here.” He tried to add cheer to his voice. 
“Bruce, thanks for trying but I can feel how uncertain things are until we find out more.” She took the cup of tea from the tray. 
“Well isn’t that just it? Things are uncertain, so don’t lose hope, okay? If you lose hope, all we have is Cap. I mean his motivational speeches are great and all, don’t get me wrong, but we need you… I need you.” 
“But what can I do? I’m not Tony or Steve. They both have things I cannot be or give so what now?” She put the cup back. “I just need someone to take over and be the one in charge for once”
Bruce nodded. “I don’t know how or if that’s gonna happen, sweetheart. Nat might. You know they all look up to you. It isn’t to pressure you. You don’t need to be anyone but you. Your optimism and quick thinking is what gets us through. You’re the glue of this team, don’t forget it. But… I understand if you need a break. Steve, Nat, and I can take over for a bit. At least until we hear something on Tony or Peter…”
 “That would be great, really, I don’t know what I would do without you, Bruce.” She touched his hand and she became so overcome with his emotions that she shed a tear. “I’m so sorry, Bruce. I didn't mean to get in tune with your emotions, that power has been really strong since that day.”
“Hey, first off, don’t apologize to me, ever. Secondly, of course it has been. You’ve lost a lot and you have no idea what happened to Tony. Your power of emotion is bound to go haywire. Besides, I don’t mind you having a peek at my emotions every now and then,” he stated, almost sheepishly. 
“Is that a hint of a blush I see?” Shannon joked, putting her hand on his cheek feeling how warm it got and was getting hotter by the second. “I don’t mean to pry but I felt a few things when I touched your hand, mind telling what they were about?” She looked at him seriously.
“Shannon,” he started uneasily, “you already know what it is you feel,” he said softly. 
“It’s one thing for me to feel a person’s emotions, it’s another thing to know what or who they are directed to,” she calmly explained. “If this is making you uneasy we could change the subject,” she suggested. She partially knew but she wanted him to confirm her suspicions.
He rubbed his neck, feeling more nervous and awkward by the second. “Damn, I never wanted to do this. Let alone while Tony’s...well... missing but...Ah, damn. Shannon… I’m in love with you. Alright? I know the timing is terrible. I know you’re married. I should’ve said something before, but you’re so happy with Tony, and he’s my best friend and I didn’t want to ruin any of that. I can’t hide it anymore though. With the way the world is now… I think it’s now or never, you know?” He peered at her, guilt, hope, worry, and relief all rolled into one. 
“Umm… wow, I... I don’t know what to say Bruce—” She got quiet for a bit processing what her friend had told her all that time ago at the mansion about Banner having feelings for her. She didn’t think that it was true. “I’m flattered that you feel this way about me, Bruce...and I know we’re in a spot that’s between a rock and a hard place but until I can know for certain what’s happened with Tony, I don’t think I can act on this.” She placed her hand on his, feeling his emotions and tried to not let them confuse her. She knew she had always had a soft spot for the man but she married Tony and she couldn’t betray him like this. What if he comes back… no, she needed to stop thinking. 
“You’re right. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. I never wanted you to know. I never wanted to put you in any position of choosing him or me. Just… with things the way they are…” He shook his head. “Just think on it? I’m not saying we need to do anything now or anything soon at all. Just… give it some thought.” 
“This is my fault. If I hadn’t felt your hand we wouldn’t be in this situation but you’re right we ca—” Just as Shannon was about to answer the man, you walked into the bedroom, making the two jump apart and causing the dog to look up.
“Shan, I want--Oh, I’m sorry,” you said quickly as you watched your best friend and Banner break apart rapidly. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can come back later,” you offered, already making your way toward the door.
“No! No, that’s fine, Y/N you can come in. Bruce was just trying to convince me to go to the meeting, which by the way you're late to.” She waved you in and then pointed to the time on the clock. “You know Steve is probably looking for you, you better go.”
“Right,” you agreed uneasily. The energy in the room felt off. “Yeah I think we should go, don’t you, Bruce?”
“Huh? Uh. Yeah. We should get down there.” 
You eyed him for one more moment before you and he walked down for the meeting, leaving Shannon to think in her room. 
You knew Steve, Nat, and Shannon had been watching the pager that Fury left behind. It was constantly paging something or someone and they wanted to find out who. You had to give it to them. They never stopped. Steve and Nat, no matter how broken they were or devastated, they stuck to the mission, the cause -- to get back what we’d lost. 
But you couldn’t do it. You just didn’t have it in you anymore. The fight was gone. All you had was finding Thanos, and you had no idea how long that would take. Each passing second you didn’t find him chipped away at your soul, but this was all you had. It was your only hope, your one shot at maybe getting Loki back, getting everyone back, so you had to do it. 
Thor...he was beyond pissed. He felt that it was his fault. For the first few hours after it happened, he just kept muttering, “What have I done?” “It’s all my fault”. Some tiny part of you wanted to believe that. You wanted to blame this all on Thor for not aiming for his head. Or blame Wanda for leaving Vision. Or blame Shannon for not fighting harder. Blame anyone, everyone. Someone had to be at fault, right?
But the fact of the matter was, it was your fault. Wanda fought like hell to get to Vision. According to Steve, she held back Thanos (with five of the stones on his hand) with one hand and killed Vision with the other hand. Wanda was only human, her power forged from the mind stone and she was nearly all powerful. 
But you? You were a goddess of Asgard. You had the physical strength of Thor, the born powers of bio-kinetic energy, and your purple electric energy was granted by the mind stone. There probably weren’t many out there stronger than you -- but you couldn’t get to Thanos -- at least that’s what you kept telling yourself. 
This was your fault. If anyone should’ve been able to kill him, it was you. Wanda, with even less power than you, was able to hold him back successfully. Thor with his new axe could battle the stones and kill him with brute force. There wasn’t one reason in the world you couldn’t kill him. 
You should’ve let Nat and Okoye take care of Proxima. You should’ve abandoned the battlefield and waited for Thanos. You should’ve been by Vision’s side and not Wanda. 
If any one of those small things had changed, maybe this all would’ve been different. 
You heard footsteps approaching and you tensed. You didn’t want to speak to anyone. You hardly ever did. It was almost as if talking would break you. You were lying in bed after a day of training just wishing for some good news. 
“Y/N?” Shannon’s soft voice filled your room and you slightly relaxed. “Someone is here. A Carol Danvers? She may be able to help.”
You furrowed your brow before rolling over to get up. You padded down barefoot in your pajamas, your hair unbrushed, but you frankly didn’t give a damn. 
Thor, Steve, Nat, Bruce, and Shannon surrounded a blonde woman you’d never seen. Or they faced her at least. 
“Y/N, this is Carol. She’s…” Shannon started to explain then it seemed words failed her. 
“Long story short, I’m here to help and I’m a friend of Nick Fury’s,” she spoke, filling in the gap. 
“So what are you doing here?” you asked, all animation gone from your voice except for a slight wonder. Your hands were stuffed in your hoodie pockets.
“We think she can help find Tony and the rest of them,” Steve stated. 
“So you guys said he was in a spaceship? What’d it look like? I can try to track it.” 
“Titan… He was going to Titan,” you interjected.
“You’re sure about this?” Steve questioned. 
You nodded. “When I was his slave, he talked of his home quite a bit. If Ebony Maw took him and Strange… And he sent Proxima and Corvus to Earth then chances are he wanted them to meet him back on Titan.” 
“He told them that,” Thor concurred. “Just before he blew me up with the power stone. He told everyone to meet him on Titan.” 
“Alright. I’ve got a starting point,” Carol said with determination before she started to walk away. 
Shannon stepped in front of her. “Please, bring Tony back to me. He… I…” But that’s all she could get out before she started to sob. You took a step closer to her and wrapped her in your arms. You gave a look to Carol that granted her permission to leave. 
With that, it seemed as if a tinge of hope filled the atmosphere, at least for the rest of the Avengers. Not so much you… well, not you at all. 
You walked Shannon back to her room and now it was her turn to grieve. She’d been holding it in for so long, you thought that maybe the idea of hope now was maybe sending her over the edge. If she hoped for Tony and Carol didn’t find him, or worse, found him dead or one of the vanished then she would be crushed. But if she didn’t hope then she felt like she was letting Tony down. 
“What if she doesn’t find him?” she asked as she got into bed and you pulled the cover up around her. 
“Don’t talk like that,” you gently ordered. “We can take some solace that at least someone out there is looking for him.” 
It’d been two weeks since Carol showed up and there was still no word back if she’d found Tony or not. Shannon had taken to going outside to look for signs of a ship or refreshing her texts to find out anything. She’s on the verge of giving up. She knew she shouldn’t but this feeling of being useless was getting to her. She’d been seen walking around in Tony”s unwashed shirts and hoodies and some shorts around the compound. No one had the heart to tell her anything. She knew they all pitied the situation. 
From her phone she heard Tadashi. “There’s still no signal reaching the transponder, Mrs. Stark.”
“Thank you, Tadashi, please keep searching.”
“Will do, Mrs. Stark.”
While she sat on top of the compound, on the roof, a door shut behind her suddenly. She was going to turn to see who it was, but he spoke quickly, letting her know who it was.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I had no idea you were out here,” he apologized. “I can leave you alone if…” he let the offer hang in the air. 
“Hey there, big guy, there’s no need. I”ve been out here alone for too long, keep me company?” She looked up at the man. “Unless you came out here to be alone then I’ll go somewhere else—” She started getting up.
“No. Hey, I interrupted you. Sit,” he gently ordered. He came over and sat beside her. “I thought I’d come out and see… well see if there was any sign of… you know. Had to get some air from trying to find Thanos.” 
Shannon flinched at the sound of that name. She didn’t know if she would ever be okay from all of this. “Yeah it’s been heavy with everything lately. Had to leave that building or else I knew I’d end up fighting someone.” She leaned on him taking in his scent of herbal tea and mint. “It’s nice out here, helps clear the mind.”
“That it does,” he agreed looking at the sky. He then dropped his gaze to the rooftop. “Shan… I know I said I’d let you think on this. But.... It’s been two weeks now and… I don’t know. I thought maybe… I just wondered if we don’t hear anything about Tony… in four months, would you want to try a date? If I’m right, I think you feel similarly to how I feel about you. It’s a compromise. I can’t go on wondering, and you shouldn’t go on feeling guilty or wondering if or when you should move on.”
Shannon hid her face inside the hoodie she was sporting and took a deep breath thinking of Tony in that moment. “Well you’ve never been wrong about anything before, I do love you too, Bruce, but I’m still married to Tony…” She looked up at the man. “But if in four months there’s no news from Carol about...you know… then yes I will try going out on a date with you but you have to promise me that I’ll get time to mourn.” She had looked down at her hands fiddling with her ring. 
It felt wrong to even be talking about Tony as if he was already gone, as if there was no hope, but Shannon could see with some clarity that these were dark times. Times where every moment was precious and she couldn’t spend it always wondering and holding out hope that may be wasted. While she adored Tony and loved him with every fiber of her being, she also knew she loved Bruce, and had for quite some time. She didn’t see a reason or purpose to rob herself or Bruce of a potential future in a world where futures seemed rather bleak.
“Of course,” he assured. “I’m not trying to get rid of Tony or gloss over your love for him. I know you love him, I know you love him more than me. I just… I don’t want to waste any more time, for either of us, if we can be together. I’ll give you all the time you need. I just needed to know that there was even a chance for us or if… well if I needed to move on.” 
“Oh, Bruce, I’m sorry for putting you through all of this.” She had moved to face him properly. “Thank you for being so understanding of this. You’ve been such a stability for me these past two weeks.” 
“Of course,” he vowed as he held her tightly in a hug.
You were still searching, running calculations, practicing, strengthening... You showered at least, and Shannon forced some soup down you a few times. She said she couldn’t have you dying along with everyone else. You didn’t want to break her heart any further so you ate it, and again, you remembered nutrition was important to your mission.
No news had come from Tony or anyone he might have been with so you dwelled on your anguish. Much to your surprise but not Shannon’s, Steve stopped in to see you. He asked how you were but all you did was start crying - you couldn’t help it. You hated it, you hated him seeing you like this, but at this point, what did it matter? 
When you finally gathered yourself, and Steve was rubbing your back soothingly as you leaned over your lab desk, you finally turned your head slightly to face him. 
“Steve… I’m so sorry for Bucky and Sam. I hope you don’t hold yourself accountable. You did everything you could. Hell you did more than most.”
He bobbed his head, as if he were wagering whether or not he really did. “I appreciate that. I’m sorry about Loki and Strange.” 
You nodded, not wanting to verbally acknowledge them. You knew you couldn’t without bawling, so you just nodded. “And I haven’t said it before, but I’m sorry about New York,” you emphatically said, changing the subject slightly. It’s something you’d wanted to say for a long time. 
He waved it off with that all American smile at first but you shook your head. 
“No, I’m serious. I’ve never apologized about New York to you and I want you to know it’s something that has haunted me every day. I hope you know that you, Shannon, all of the Avengers… you’re all my friends, you know? Loki… Loki and I, we were brainwashed and if I could take all of it back, believe me, I’d give about anything.”
He nodded, his smile more sincere and sweet as he slowly closed his eyes, his hand still on your back. 
“I know, Y/N. I know,” he assured. “I forgave you a long time ago. Both of you. Speaking of things we’ve never said. I don’t think anyone has ever made you an official member of the Avengers, but I’d like you to know I consider you one. You’ve been one since Ultron.”
Your gaze softened on him before you pulled him into an embrace. “Thank you,” you breathed. 
Shannon had entered your room. It was late, which meant most of the Avengers had gone their separate ways for the evening. It seemed the only time you two could speak was late into the night, probably because you were both obsessed with searching during the day and they were precious hours. 
“Y/N/N,” she started solemnly, softly as she sat on the edge of your bed, her eyes on her hands. “It’s been twenty days since… since Thanos… And Tony, Carol… They aren’t…” 
“Shannon, you can’t--” You swallowed. “You can’t give up hope. If you give up then I have nothing, okay? Do you hear me? Nothing.”
“I know, but it’s getting so hard since--”
Just then, a rumbling cut her off. The two of you looked at each other as it got closer and louder. After a few seconds, you two realized it might be Carol, so you threw the covers off yourself and you two began running outside. Once you looked up, it was easy to see what had made all that ruckus. A rather large spacecraft was being brought in by Carol. As soon as the craft was sat down, the hatch opened, exposing a very weak Tony leaning on a blue woman. Steve rushed forward, going to Tony’s aid. 
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. You finally felt some semblance of happiness. Tony was alive. Thanos didn’t kill him. He didn’t vanish. He was okay… That could mean that… 
But you stopped yourself before you let the thoughts run too wild.
Shannon ran forward to greet him. The two fell into each other’s arms, embracing, kissing briefly. The image sent a surge of warmth through you as well as seething jealousy. Of course you were happy for them. You were thrilled, honestly. But it was hard to be happy for her when you’d lost everything. 
Everyone was concerned with Tony’s return, as they should’ve been. Bruce got him hooked up on fluids, Shannon had given him a shower, Steve helped find him some clothes. Everyone agreed that he needed to rest, as did Carol and Nebula before anything was discussed. 
None of this was said to you though, because as soon as Tony arrived, your emotions ran wild, forcing you into your room. As soon as the door closed behind you, you broke down. You knew Shannon wouldn’t leave Tony, not tonight, not for you, and she shouldn’t have to.
But you couldn’t help it. This was too painful and somehow… somehow you were bitter and resentful over it all. 
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords @oldfreakything @adefectivedetective @dontbetooobvious
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog   @sammysbuttcheek @misz-adrii @sandlee44 @womanxofletters @natsuccs @childishhoebinoo​ @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​ @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​
Marvel: @reigningqueenofwords​ @flowerbunbunny​ @zelda2248​ @misz-adrii​
4 notes · View notes
"Yeah!" *gets hit by the rock things*
That scene where Quill goes through all the good times he's been in with his mother and his new friends gives me LIFE
When The Chain comes on, you know shits gonna go down
Every time Groot almost presses the death button, I hold my breath
"Not without you!" I'M CRYING YALL
"He said welcome to the Guardians of the Galaxy, although he didn't use frickin'" YES
"I'm sorry, I could only afford to lose one friend today" OH MY HEART I'M CRYING
"What's so wrong with that" HNNNNNNGGGGHHH
"He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy" AHHHHH
The way Rocket and Drax look at each other when Peter metions David Hasselhoff
The way Groot says "I am Groot" After nebula leaves is so adorable
Damn, Rocket can fix everything BUT HE CAN'T FIX HIS LIFE
Father and Son is playing, my face is wet with tears, this is fine :)
Every time Martinex talks, you can hear icicles clanking, FUCKING DETAIL
"And he stole batteries he didn't need" GIVE MY TRASH SON A HUG PLEASEEE HE'S IN PAIN
"It's just...some unspoken thing" AHHHHHHHH
Note: I like how they gave Gamora her yellow eyeshadow like how she does in the comics
Kraglin gotta SKEDADDELY-DOO
Aw, Groot clinging onto Rocket's picture box
"I think I shall call him...Adam" OHHH SHIT VOLUME 3 HERE WE COMES
Everybody dancing in their little bubbles is so precious
THE GRANDMASTER (wink wonk thor ragnarok)
Oh look, my angsty angry adolescent teen tree child, wonder where he got these traits from...
"We are Groot." CRIES
Awww Stan Lee, I love him "oh gee"
That's all folks!
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pseudophan · 7 years
mm yes space please
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