inbarfink · 8 months
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runawaycarouselhorse · 10 months
… the slow realization Maamane/Sophocles liked konpeito (sugar stars) and offered it to Hoshigumo/Nebby, but had repressed the memory of the Meteno/Minior's death, the one he befriended as a small child, because he couldn't cope with how sad and shocking it was back then.
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Meteno/Minior look like konpeito... Maamane/Sophocles also loved the idea of exploring space, but was also afraid of the dark, I did wonder if it was just the common childhood fear, of it it's because of the sight of these star-like Pokemon disintegrating into nothing against a dark night sky...
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So, the konpeito might have been foreshadowing for the Meteno/Minior episode... it might've been something Maamane/Sophocles was drawn to because of the Meteno, even though he blocked the memory.
(Similarly, in the anime, there's no indication Lusamine forced Lillie to dress the way she did, so while that's a possibility, it's also possible to theorize she could've been drawn to white and wide-brimmed hats resembling UtsuroidNihilego due to the trauma, while the memory itself was repressed, the same way she was averse to touching Pokemon, due to the trauma, but couldn't recall why.)
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ganondoodle · 4 months
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hm ....
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sunnybergamota · 1 year
Adorooo mentalidade de quinto ano, estudando química hoje falamos das nomenclaturas dos hidrocarbonetos e tinha o prefixo met e o sufixo eno. A junção mais óbvia era meteno (q infelizmente, descobrimos q n existe😔😔)
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akamalye · 10 months
Hey!!It's been a long time since I wrote here!!
I'm back with a séries!! Pokemon trainers helping their s/o obtain their first pokemon!
I still take ask ;)
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Imagine Leon,goh, and cynthia helping s/o catch their first pokemon.
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When you tell him you want a pokemon he was so happy!!!
He ask you if you want a charizard .
Of course you say no, charizard are big pokemon and you want to train your pokemon.
So he went to catch you the famous 3 starter in Galar .
You woke up to 2 tornado in the house and decide to keep the most calm one.
Leon give the other 2 to new trainer so you kindly ask him to help you clean the mess they made
Even sobble help, it was calm just you and your boyfriend and your new little pokemon cleaning together .
You have a new favorite activity walking past the lake with Leon by your side sobble swimming next to you two.
He was so happy you ask him
He talk for hours none stop about every starter in every regions he know.
So he ask you which was your favourite?
You had to explain didn't really like grass,fire or water type .
It's OK! He start talking for hours now about every type.
You were so lost .
So you just decide to go in your home town in the region of hoen to ask advice to your mom and dad too.
You see your family pokemon a zigzagoon and you know which pokemon you want!!
So next day you already were in galar to catch an edgy zigzagoon .
Goh catch him for you ,now your family pokemon have a new little brother and you have you first pokemon!
When you told her you wanted a pokemon you were already outside searching for a pokemon together
She stop at every pokemon asking if you wanted this one or this one.
You know sinnoh have a lot of beautiful pokemon but can't decide..
Time passed you still didn't find a pokemon.
You were in Alola for hollyday with cynthia it was pretty romantic watching the star on a mountain.
Cuddling with a blanket to keep you warm her glaceon on her lap.
You were a bit sad you were hoping you have a pokemon next to you two.
As you were watching the stars you saw a strange star falling ..to you!
You avoid it quickly and saw the star pokemon meteno .
Him!! You wanted this pokemon you tell cynthia you wanted him so she throw a quick ball to his little face and he was catch!!
You end the night the 4 of you together, with your beautiful purple meteno,glaceon and cynthia.
Best night of your life.
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~hope you like it!!!
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~mod shaymin
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meistoshi · 1 year
somewhat contrasting to his otherwise universally bleeding heart, satoshi has a hard time really caring about the deaths of others beyond the surface level unless it impacts him directly.     he’d be upset to hear most anyone’s died, but unless they’ve been an active part of his growth as a person or trainer, or they’re someone satoshi believes he could have saved somehow, he wouldn’t really have much of a reaction beyond just the thought of “oh. huh… well that’s really unfortunate”.     most often, he primarily cares just on behalf of someone he knows was close to them, but that’s not about the actual death itself, it’s about how it’s impacted those left behind.     ( an example of that is that, while upset at the deaths of mooland & the meteno, satoshi’s primary concern was the well-being of nyabby & bevenom & making sure in each respective case that they were alright throughout their mourning ) .     in a way, it’s what he kind of hopes people would do any time he himself may die & take a while to come back to life  :     that people wouldn’t fuss over the fact that he’s died & rather take care of themselves & others that may be affected by his being out of commission.
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smilingperformer · 2 years
So... SM79 is just one big whiplash, huh. It started out as cute filler and then they all just died. Like... the tone just shifts from cute goodbyes into goodbye forever in the last part of the episode, like... I can't handle it. SM just knows how to push those darn emotions. I did not expect them to just die out of nowhere. I'm just rewatching it now so I sort of forgot about it. Now SM is my favorite series.
Mm-m, mm-m, I remember how I didn't know Meteno's dex entry at all (I didn't really read them during my Alola playthroughts asjksjkf) and when the show made the reveal of their dex entry like that, I went all "THEY ALL DIE?????"
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Ah, memories 😭
Sun & Moon's strenght was definitely in how well it delivers these scenes. So well. Gosh I love SM079. Glad to hear SM is your fav series now <333
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meistoshim · 2 years
somewhat contrasting to his otherwise universally bleeding heart, satoshi has a hard time really caring about the deaths of others beyond the surface level unless it impacts him directly.     he’d be upset to hear most anyone’s died, but unless they’ve been an active part of his growth as a person or trainer, or they’re someone satoshi knows he could have saved somehow, he wouldn’t really have much of a reaction beyond just the thought of “oh. huh… well that’s really unfortunate”.     most often, he primarily cares just on behalf of someone he knows was close to them, but that’s not about the actual death itself, it’s about how it’s impacted those left behind.     while upset at the deaths of mooland & the meteno, satoshi’s primary concern was the well-being of nyabby & bevenom & making sure in each respective case that they were alright throughout their mourning.     in a way, it’s what he kind of hopes people would do any time he himself may die & take a while to come back to life  :     that people wouldn’t fuss over the fact that he’s died & rather take care of themselves & others that may be affected by his being out of commission.
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thedevvil · 2 days
Que gorda me la pones
Metenos a las dos al gimnasio
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444namesplus · 7 months
Anhi Anin Anmuntsu Annawan Ante Ashin Chiita Chinawon Chinin Chinmihi Chinni Chinrennan Chinyo Chinyora Chiron Chishinhan Eesun Enha Enhenyon Enhote Enme Ennan Enri Enrun Enuo Enwo Eriru Ewa Fuchinwin Fumanwen Fumuwon Funhan Funmin Funnishin Funseon Funten Funteson Fununsu Funwen Fute Fuyami Hame Hanma Hannin Hanwinya Hanwonhi Haren Harinin Hemonse Henhin Henmen Henmimen Hennen Heno Hensan Hensuwi Hentaren Henun Henwan Hewanfun Heya Heyan Himan Himenma Himi Himu Hinhon Hinnen Hintonta Hinunro Hinyu Hirifu Hirinnen Hisure Hiwinwe Hoan Hoe Hohanse Homi Homomen Honfuso Honhafu Honhaha Honhensan Honro Honyuri Hoo Hosonho Hou Howahon Hoyanri Hoyonten Iewa Imusan Inhan Inmen Inonha Inwinyon Itsunmon Maa Maentsu Mafun Manmen Manmonrin Manmushi Manrufun Mantefu Manyun Mehonsa Menmonchin Mennonen Menton Menuri Menwewo Meo Merannin Meri Meteno Meyon Meyonwo Mianyu Minfuho Minshin Minwennun Minwinwa Miren Mirin Misamun Mitsu Miwenru Mohinmon Momena Monhan Mono Mononne Monsoen Monwan Moran Motanyun Motee Mowan Mowonwo Muhan Muhen Muma Munchina Munhean Munmen Munmenwi Munmuu Munwan Munyon Musonmun Muwonwi Muyuho Naenwi Namo Nanfunwin Nanhan Nanhin Nanmonshi Nannon Nanren Nanri Nanru Nantan Nantonte Narewon Natsu Nauhin Neenyon Nehesa Nenmin Nenren Nenrin Nenrusa Nense Nenshinhen Nento Newe Neyayan Nininwe Ninnemo Ninon Ninrenhe Nintonno Ninwani Ninwe Niran Niunson Niweni Niyunson Nohenwo Nonninmu Nonwerin Nonwo Nonya Nunitsu Nunmin Nunnowin Nunon Nunroni Nuntante Nuntonyon Nunyu Nura Nusen Nutehi Nuten Nuyonwi Nuyunre Ofu Onma Onru Onrunyon Onsa Onunshi Onwe Oroo Rahiru Rahorun Rana Ranmo Rannunen Ranrun Ranta Rari Rarien Rarinshin Rawo Remin Rennen Renwa Reronha Resawon Resun Retsuna Rie Rihan Rimin Rinhan Rinmi Rinnante Rinrentsun Rinreyan Rintanfu Rintsute Rinunwi Rinwin Rinya Roenrun Ronrin Ronwan Ronwimi Ronwo Ronya Roshishin Rowe Roweyo Roya Ruhenon Runme Runmi Runtomo Saen Sanaho Sanharin Sanhena Sanhin Sanhinon Sannanto Sannonhi Sanrunme Sanunwon Sao Saranwan Sasunyon Senha Senmamen Sentsumu Serunu Shiemen Shinei Shinhansen Shinnanson Shinnona Shintomin Shinwi Shiru Soawin Sonha Sonhinya Sonmoten Sonse Sori Sotsuna Sotsunsun Soyunwen Suma Sunanmun Sunfunton Sunmenin Sunnente Sunrei Sunto Sunutsu Sunwe Sunwenru Sunyayu Surinen Suyui Taha Tahan Taminha Tanmin Tanonno Tanwan Taonhen Tasoi Tasoson Tatsutsun Tayunwon Teito Tenen Teneshi Tenfun Tewan Teyanton Tohi Tohoyun Tomonme Tonchinri Tone Tonmon Tonon Tonrifun Tonsuin Tonwe Torino Torinre Tosan Tsuan Tsuchin Tsufuun Tsuma Tsumunen Tsunhi Tsunsunsun Tsununchi Tsunwin Tsunwinso Tsunyomon Tsusaru Tsuun Tsuunwin Ua Uan Uhannon Uiun Umamo Unman Unme Unnan Unron Unyanne Urana Urun Uyachi Waen Wahina Waninre Wanri Wantasu Wanyushin Waon Wau Wawamin Weminmen Wenanu Wenhenshi Weno Wenrunnin Wenwa Werau Wesa Wesoron Weton Wewe Wiiho Winen Winenron Winonhan Winsanmen Winwon Wioun Woman Womima Wonchin Wonenra Wonhenhon Wonmesen Wonyahin Woon Woto Yachiwon Yahin Yamenu Yannoma Yannon Yanso Yansoto Yanten Yanyon Yari Yato Yomun Yonan Yonmun Yonnenun Yonnun Yonruni Yonrunnu Yonsen Yorinhan Yoro Yosanya Yowenyu Yueshi Yumuu Yunhiu Yunmun Yunni Yunno Yunnotsun Yunonfu Yunonran Yunron Yunsanyan Yuntonru Yunwinmu Yunwomin Yuso Yutan Yuwan
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nullheaven · 10 months
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bbdeathz · 1 year
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Junge einfach ZWEI Shiny Meteno hinereinander innerhalb 5 Minuten! Was ein Glück und muss sagen, Meteno eines meiner Fave Gen 7 PKMN und bin froh, dass es anscheinend in die SV DLCs zurückkommt :>
btw ist random encounter so toll. Ich hab diese Route gewählt, weil ich den OST LIEBE und der so scheiße nostalgisch ist. Sowas zeigt mir dann wie sehr ich Alola mag, weil der OST so eine Wirkung habe.
Als ich letztes Jahr in HGSS bisschen geshiny hunted habe, war das auch ein positiver Aspekt. Den OST noch zwischen den Begegnungen zu haben. Zumal in Alola hat man SOS Encounter und da ist man NUR im Kampf. So random encounter ist hier echt schön, weil ich die Orte durch OST noch habe und das ist ein Bonus. Außerdem is die SHiny Rate auch so hoch mit 1 zu 1300 oder so
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festnne · 1 year
alo richarlison ta podeno falar ou tá meteno gol?
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eld-posh · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Skechers Porter Meteno Men's Size 8 Shoes Black Woven Canvas Casual Oxfords.
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cloudcrest · 4 years
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lustrecannon · 5 years
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posting from mobile so i can’t tweak lighting, but here’s a redraw of the pastel mo i did a while ago!
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