#mercy dogs
historyandarthijinks · 10 months
History Shorts #17
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WW1 shook the world, consuming millions of human enlistees and victims from all over. The brutal war became known for its diversity in warfare. From the aftermath of new world combat to fronts that engrossed the entire edge of nations. One unit that proves this is the thousands of dogs that served on multiple sides in the war.
Dogs served many different roles in WW1, their most infamous being the Mercy Dog. Mercy Dogs are messengers, paramedical delivery, and the search and rescue for wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Carrying a saddlebag with an assortment of items, they'd be sent out to locate to the injured.
Mercy Dogs were big in France, Germany, Italy, Austria, and the UK. Dogs alone where found serving in about all sides that participated in the war.
Many praised the Mercy Dogs for their unique ability to tell whether or not a wounded soldier is a dead man. The dogs were sighted being able to tell when individuals that even medics wrote off as dead were still kicking. They'd also provide comfort to dying soldiers, staying by their sides. Some Mercy Dogs were trained to protect the wounded from the enemy.
Although the exact number is unknown, dogs in general died in the thousands during the war, just like their human counterparts.
Sgt. Stubby, a famous American dog from the war has his own monument in Middletown, Connecticut. The National WW1 Museum also has a dedicated section to the dogs of WW1. France and Germany hold several memorials in the name of the dogs, as well as other war animals.
Dogs today still serve in warfare all over the world. Being man's best friend, always by our side, it is likely it won't change until war itself stops.
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pawstoserve · 2 months
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bhaalsdeepbat · 2 months
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Just a chihuahua and his two-for-one emotional support large dog / guard dog combo
Mercy (Durge) & Astarion by @tadpole-apocalypse.
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mercurials · 1 month
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sketchy little mercy
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thebrainrotsreal · 2 months
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EVIL MARK, EVIL MARK, EVIL MARK!!! I want to be coherent about this season but please picture me foaming at the mouth and running on the walls. S2 being what if Mark's just like his Dad? Insanity. I love this show. Anyways, AU where an Evil!Mark tries to make Our!Mark worse, and Our!Mark tries to make the other better. Something something confronting your idea of the worst version of oneself. Plus, tweaked black and yellow costume because I saw it and immediately went murder hornet lookin' ass and knew I had to draw it. Evil ass Mark. Horrible. I think he should be dragged kicking and screaming into redemption.
#mark and the fact he is fighting for this fucking life to avoid the Many Bad Endings???? im pacing. getting out the red string.#when the season is about who you are and what you could become. when trying to be good is an active choice and a struggle.#RAHHHHHHHHHHH#chewing on the bars of my enclosure...when every mark is evil OUR mark is the outlier. the exception. the OTHER. RAHHHH#dog poetry being mark poetry because how often can you kick a dog before it starts snarling before you raise your hand?#how often can you beat it before it rips into you without mercy? when it bites not at your hand but at your neck?#when does violence for survival and violence for vengeance start and end? when your opponent is down and you keep drawing blood?#circling and pacing and losing my mind over this btw if you care#anyways self vs self gets me going crazy. did you know i loved the end of atsv? because it shows.#i think o!mark would lose his fucking mind at what evil wasp looking mark has done + this mf wasp would LOATHE mark's kindness#they both see the other as the WORST version of themselves and they can't stand it. They can't shatter the mirror but they think they can--#--change the reflection.#evil mark seeing mark and seeing what he USED to be#mark seeing what he COULD be#CAN U SEE THE VISION??????#digital art#invincible rotating in my mind#invincible fanart#fanart#mark my beloved#mark grayson fanart#mark grayson#invincible s2#invincible show#mark like hello this is my secret twin and he is NOTHING like me hahahaha anyways wanna debate about having mORALS and LIFE#mark grayson vs the urge not to accept every responsibility as his own#he's batman coded that way#ok im done yapping#if this happened in the comics in any way shape or form dont tell me JACK SHIT or i will PUMMEL YOU with my SHOES
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treasureplcnet · 7 months
btw i love revenge stories i dont think anyone should ever move on peacefully. a bit obsessed with the way weissman went to the synagogue and rabbi and asks, "my choices killed a child. would god take mercy on someone like me?" and the rabbi says "it's not god's mercy you should look for. its the child's" and like you think that would spur this man into charitable activities and to maybe look out for orphans but instead he goes on a 24 hour revenge bender that ultimately ends in two revenge killings and his own death. what's better than righteous anger and wrath and love twisting someone into the worst but also a truer version of themselves <3
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subwhizz · 5 months
Lou in Wonderland AU✨
Wonders. Part 3🎀
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We´ve come to the part Lou accepts the isekai and decides to stays for a while. BUT NOT TO enjoy it. Of course. He will not do that
A new year hellride is coming, and I'll continue sharing my art obsessions as long as my studies let me. In the best scenario, I´ll come back in February ✨ ✨ 
Man, the last pages took forever. Who was the idiot that decided for them to be full colour with complex perspective and detailed backgrounds-
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venelona · 26 days
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Happy Birthday to the best tiger boy 💛💜
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clownsuu · 1 year
Are they friends? Frenemies? Oh, who knows!
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LMAOOO c l a s s i c Mob!Barnaby behavior
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unicornpopcorn14 · 8 days
As much as I dislike characters getting revived after tragic/dramatic deaths, I'm so so happy that Adam got revived in Stormbringer, and Chuuya got to see that he got revived.
Chuuya's lost so much during his life. The sheep, the only people he called family. The flags, the only friends that considered him a kid and an equal. His humanity, slipped away at the hands of N. His free will, almost taken by Verlaine.
And Adam, despite being one of the least normal people he's associated with, somehow is the one whose relationship with Chuuya felt most normal and humanizing. But he gets taken away from him, too, and isn't that unsurprising? Chuuya is numb to it at this point: the grief, the longing for people he can never see again.
That's why Chuuya just... laughs at Adam in the end. It wasn't about the android joke, never was. It's that finally, one person he cares about is back, is here, with him. One person he hasn't forever lost without saying goodbye.
It's immensely relieving, and you know what? I wouldn't have been surprised if Chuuya's laughs slowly turned into sobs, the moment all of this dawned on him...
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idreaminmugiwara · 2 months
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The fact that this is official art....
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sableeira · 1 year
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when you and your enemy/rival/ex-partner have some strange soulmate thing going on
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bajablastable · 3 months
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sorry i keep making sigma a catto
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atiyasnake · 1 year
What came after the King
So, I know there is a ton of summoning the ghost king and usually it ends up with Danny/Phantom coming up when usually it was expected Pariah Dark would show up. They expect this big bad dude, the Tyrant King but get the bag of sass and puns that we have deemed Danny to be since Ghost King Danny is a really fun thing. 
But what if Pariah is indeed still the ghost king. What if that time when he was locked back into the sarcophagus didn’t qualify Danny to be the new Ghost King, so Pariah was still it. Just asleep like before.  (many ways to make it so since ya know *imagination*)   But overall, Ghost King is still Pariah Dark...and he can still be summoned. 
That would serve for some pretty interesting scenarios. For the cults guys and ofc for the heroes who might be in a situation where their last resort is summoning the Ghost King. Most situations would probably end in world domination and destruction seeing as Pariah Dark isn’t such a nice dude. 
So imagine, there we have Pariah Dark unleashed on the mortal realm summoned from the sarcophagus by cultists and making up for the time he has been locked away by causing destruction and poor heroes who are trying to figure out what the hell to do. 
But then from the portal where Pariah Dark had been bringing in his undead army, something else came out. Something powerful that everyone can sense and they feared what else the Ghost King called to his side in his reign of terror. 
A clawed hand connected to too-long arms. A body made of a black void. Eyes glowing a bright white with a green sheen. It crawled its way out of the swirling green portal and the temperature dropped. An unsettling chill deep in their bones grew along with a pressure that made their body feel heavy before too light. More and more of the body appeared and it was too big. It hurts to look at, to try to make sense of what they were looking at. A hero or two could have sworn that it was absorbing light, like a living black hole. It’s become too silent and some second guess whether they were even alive because they can’t hear the pounding of their hearts in their heads anymore from before. 
Everyone in its presence was untethered, feeling like they are floating in a cold nothingness. 
It’s a sudden change that left them catching their breath they were not even sure they were getting. 
Then they watched as this creature looked at Pariah Dark, its eyes shifted in color and became brighter. Its body writhed where it was. Its claws grew longer and dug into the ground below. There’s suddenly a ringing in their ears and some notice that the creature had opened its mouth that they hadn’t been able to see before and don’t want to look at.
It’s angry, so very angry. 
When it looked at them, they knew they couldn’t stop it. They could do nothing against the creature. Their death was inescapable. Deep inside of them, they knew. 
But the eyes softened when it looked at them. The chill abated, becoming more gentle instead of harsh and biting. They could feel where their feet were against the ground again. They could hear the reassuring sound of the breaths they took and the beating of their hearts. They were no longer floating in an unforgiving void. 
There was no question that the creature was angry but it was not directed at them. There was no malice in its gaze. A soothing croon echoed out from the creature, caressing them and lessening the pain in their bodies and panic in their minds. 
A few of them noticed that they had been moved, further away from the destruction and other threats. 
Seemingly, with one last glance, the creature looked back at Pariah Dark. It’s fury so clear but none of it touched them. They were still protected. And when the creature headed toward Pariah Dark’s Army, when it obliterated his forces with ease and finally met Pariah Dark with claws, an open maw, and a wail that shook the ground, they felt none of it. 
The creature’s fight with the Ghost King did not touch anyone. It did not add to the destruction that had already surrounded them. 
As Pariah Dark fought back and attempted to escape the clutches of the creature as it dragged him toward the portal, he was unable to. Despite every hit, scream, and curse the creature never faltered and all they heard was the scream of a King cut off as he was pulled through swirling green. 
Leaving the heroes a mess to clean up and a lot fewer casualties/injuries than expected. But afterward, there is a mad rush to get rid of the ways to summon the Ghost King. To not have anything like it happen again. To never even consider summoning the Ghost King because no good would come out of it. 
They did not want there to be any chance of the Ghost King coming back.
But it was not only because of the Ghost King himself, no. 
But also for what came after the King. 
But yeah! overall, it would be cool to see more fic/drabble/ etc of how it would be if Pariah Dark was summoned but as a result Danny/Phantom came after him, in any of his forms tho. this drabble here was if Danny came after in a more elritch form. 
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‘We need more morally gray women’ you can’t even handle Ceroba from Undertale Yellow
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bokatan · 6 months
finals are done at this point so I can actually work on shit that I want to work on- here’s a little sketch wip I’m playing around with between other projects
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