#mercury in Libra
cosmicpuzzle · 7 months
Mercury in Houses
Mercury in 1st House
You are an intellectual person and have a lot of questions. You are curious and restless. You may have difficulty slowing down your mind. You are quick witted and mercurial (especially in signs Gemini, Virgo, Aries). You learn a lot from experiences than textbooks. You can be proud intellectually or don't appreciate others viewpoints.
Mercury in 2nd House
Your mind is often focused on financial matters and wealth. You often think about increasing your income. You have a good mind for selling and commerce and may succeed in business. You can micromanage your finances. You may be a good speaker too.
Mercury in 3rd House
You have an active mind, and you are good at writing and communication. You are a quick learner and may be employed in customer care, IT and education sector. You love short travels on cycles, bikes, trains and cars. You can have a lot of contacts.
Mercury in 4th House
You can be bit introverted, and your feelings are strong. You are interested in psychology and the past. You are interested in human behavior. You are nostalgic and remember things from the past. You can change residences often.
Mercury in 5th House
You are interested in love and romance. You are communicative and flirty in love. Your thoughts are on romance and fun often. You can be a creative person and do well with storytelling. You like to read romantic novels and may publish storybooks for children. You can be good at stockmarket.
Mercury in 6th House
You can be nervous and interested in health, diet and hygiene. You are a hard worker and do well in fields related to numbers, accounting and documents. You are good in solving day to day problems practically and efficiently.
Mercury in 7th House
You are attracted to people who are intelligent, witty and communicative and seek these attributes in a partner. Intellectual rapport with others is important to you. You need to feel that you can discuss any aspect of your relationship with your partner. You are suited to public relations work, as you enjoy meeting people and dealing with the public in general.
Mercury in 8th House
You have a deep interest in occult and metaphysics. You can be uncommunicative and reserved. You are good at research and investigation. You may be good at managing other's assets and in corporate finance.
Mercury in 9th House
You are interested in higher knowledge, philosophy and spiritual matters. You are motivated to broaden your horizons. You can travel abroad for education and may be good at learning foreign languages.
Mercury in 10th House
Your mind is focused on professional achievement. You are suited to business, academic work, writing, journalism, politics and the communication industries. You have organizational skills, leadership capabilities and the ability to make executive decisions. You enjoy variety in your profession and may hold down more than one job or seek a career that constantly tests your skills.
Mercury in 11th House
Spending time with your friends is important to you. You belong to common interest groups or societies. A natural networker, you are able to bring people together for a purpose or cause.
Mercury in 12th House
You need to create a space in your life where you can retreat into your own private thoughts. You are quite happy in your own company and tend to prefer to work alone or behind-the-scenes. You may forget things easily.
For Readings DM
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
mercury in aries: direct, candid and uncomplicated way of thinking and communicating. very opinionated and doesn't mind or can even enjoy argumentative and aggressive ways of talking and expressing thoughts. thoughts progress quickly and they do best in fast paced conversations and thinking on their feet. they don't stay too focused on the same thing for long. they are tactless but rarely dull (enthusiastic).
mercury in taurus: slow-moving, stubborn and thorough way of thinking and communicating. very practical, sometimes even to the point of valuing practicality over morals and ethics. they are conservative and thick-headed, meaning their opinions can be hard to sway and they can frustrate others because it can be hard to make things "get through" to them. their way of communicating often makes others take them seriously and they can be depended on for consistency. they can prefer demonstrations and (sensual) activities over talking.
mercury in gemini: anxious, scattered and quick-witted way of thinking and communicating. thoughts jump quickly from one to the other making them hard to follow (they can be be confusing communicators and have a tendency to rush through stories). they are better at absorbing and focusing on trivial knowledge, facts and gossip rather than topics that require periods of long concentration, which also allows them to talk on a wider breadth on subjects. they are adaptable, fairly objective and good at fast-thinking in chaotic environments. they are curious, nosy and can have an odd habit of sharing other people's stories as their own.
mercury in cancer: subjective, emotional and understanding way of thinking and communicating. being biased and non-intellectual, they can absorb information without critical thinking and hold onto these ideas strongly - hence why this placement is most associated with being patriotic (they easily go along with their family or peers). they avoid arguments and prefer conversations that feel intuitive and where they feel connected to the other person. this can be associated with good memory (similar to moon in cancer) and they can enjoy journalling to keep memories. they can also be humorous.
mercury in leo: dramatic, self-centred and storytelling way of thinking and communicating. they are animated and often funny and engaging conversationalists but can have problems ignoring details or facts. in personal matters they refuse to be wrong and can have trouble understanding who they're talking to, often causing great frustration to the person who is trying to solve problems or confront the leo mercury. they are very stubborn and very "their way or the highway", yet if approached correctly or by someone they respect they can sometimes even seem almost naive with how fast their opinion can change. they exaggerate details in their storytelling.
mercury in virgo: critical, practical and detail-oriented way of thinking and communicating. these people are not often animated or naturally engaging and can be very dry - their wittiness helping them with being more entertaining when talking. they are good at solving problems and are often appreciated in workplace environments. they can also be prone to nagging and pettiness (unable to let issues go as they overthink and ruminate). they can have problems being prejudiced and feel the need to always see real proof of something.
mercury in libra: fair, pleasant and compromising way of thinking and communicating. they value a good mental connection and have good 눈치 (nunchi), overall being good at reading situations and people. they are strategic and intellectual but are hindered by their people-pleasing tendencies interfering with their judgement. they avoid conflict and are indecisive leading them to be perpetual fence-sitters, they are also not practical thinkers and can be too theoretical. they come across as unassuming and don't seem defensive but their backhanded compliments and passive aggressiveness can leave people feeling uneasy.
mercury in scorpio: extreme, deep and emotional way of thinking and communicating. they have good instincts and can possess great observational skills but are much less objective than they often realise which leads to skewed, biased and sometimes even irrational and paranoid conclusions. they enjoy finding out secrets but can be extra guarded about sharing their own, sometimes even leading to lying or having too much of a habit of putting up a front. they are passionate and their opinions are often extreme and black and white. having a high desire for the truth and what's correct, they can be less stubborn than their fixed sign counterparts when changing their opinions but won't always show it (they will tell you, "no, i always thought that. i didn't change my mind" unless the proof of them ever thinking otherwise is too blatant to ignore).
mercury in sagittarius: idealistic, optimistic and big picture oriented way of thinking and communicating. they are open-minded and concerned more with what everything means rather than what is, they focus on the grand scheme of things over details or facts. they can be dogmatic and have a tendency to turn a personal experience or one time occurrence into something factual that must be true for all. so while valuing morals and meaning they can have problems with prejudice and critical thinking. they are sarcastic and humorous. they are blunt and forward but can also have a superfluous way of speech.
mercury in capricorn: pragmatic, methodical and concentrated way of thinking and communicating. they are great at analysing and come to precise, cut and dry conclusions. they often feel the need to prove themselves with their observations or contributions to discussions. they are bland and unimaginative in their communication style and fail to be engaging, especially when trying to teach or lead (more so if capricorn is also the sun sign). they have trouble adding their own "flair" to things and their trying attempts to be eloquent can come across as being self-unaware, boring and conceited to others - it can be hard for them to be natural and humorous though this is a helpful focus for them to advance.
mercury in aquarius: progressive, unique and detached way of thinking and communicating. they are observant, objective and intellectual but can easily think their way of thinking is superior to others, making them uncompromising and arrogant. they are good at being lighthearted and amusing but they have trouble communicating on a deeper level and are awkward about emotional matters. their knack for observation can lead them to being nosy and intrusive which is often a turn off for the people around them. while this placement is known for sparks of genius, they can sometimes have trouble successfully building upon these ideas or epiphanies due to their chaotic nature. they have a natural inclination to go against the rules and even play devil's advocate.
mercury in pisces: dreamy, imaginative and emotional way of thinking and communicating. since the sign pisces itself operates primarily in the subconscious realm, their thoughts can come to them in images and feelings rather than coherent sentences to be expressed. they can be poetic, entertaining and funny communicators due to this, naturally expressing thoughts that create great imagery and elicit specific emotions. however, they are also often confusing and say something completely different to what they're thinking (they can think of the colour blue and say red), this combined with their tendency to daydream can make them seem spacey. they are compassionate and are easily swayed by emotions. they are also not rational and can jump to obscure or dramatic conclusions. they can be easily lied to or can have a tendency to easily lie to others.
reminder: mercury can only be in the sign of or one sign away from the sun. the way someone's mercury interacts with their sun sign is very important and should be considered, even aside from house placements and aspects (that's also why when you read these they may sound similar to some sun signs in your life too).
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dissentdisdain · 1 year
Astrological Placements
❌ that curse me ❌
Pluto conjuct MC — confidence seems to be mistaken for haughtiness. I am afraid to positively view myself, in fear of being seen as cocky. I care too much about others, everything comes crashing down once I am assertive. I got shunned from a cult for being confident in my opinion for once. Stood up for what was right, and I faced the strongest rejection one could— rejection from your entire community. I was homeless, alone, faced to explore inward while the chilling cold floor of rock bottom caved in. I am afraid of the past repeating itself. I’m paranoid of others figuring me out. I am private, reserved, but care deeply about rejection. I loathe it, so I reject you first before you have the chance to do the same to me. Quite a shame, isn’t it. It hurts to be viewed as intimidating, powerful, arrogant. Oh, if only I’d allow them to get a glimpse inside my mind too see how false those perceived attributes are. I am jealous of those who don’t portray confidence as a defense mechanism… those who truly feel it. Being perceived negatively based off my outer appearance. Deep down I care immensely; you just won’t see it until we are close enough. However, I won’t allow you to get that close. The fear/risk outweighs the yearning/positives of connection. Inability to be vulnerable and trust others, for fear of past being used against me.
Lilith conjuct ASC- being sexualized, even though I am masculine presenting. No matter what, there will be people who will have extreme opinions. Noticing people notice you. Overt self awareness. Always prepared for negative looks, feeling guilty and confused, feeling like I am at fault for others’ discomfort around me. Being told I look like a player, bitch, mean, rude, stuck up. It’s quite offensive, but am I just being too sensitive? I don’t know. I am quite lonesome- I interact with very few people. But even then, they only know 60% of who I am. Being gossiped about. It took my coworker a week to approach me because they were afraid of me. Apparently I gave them a mean side eye one time, and they were convinced I disliked them. I don’t remember ever noticing them. People being more so aware of your actions, because you seem intimidating and have a darker energy around you.
Sun square Pluto/Sun square Saturn/Saturn Opposite Pluto/Saturn Opposite MC/Saturn 4H- heavy father issues. Dealt with overbearing control and abuse from my father, only to grow up with the same obsessive desire for control that he had. Realizing this but feeling guilt because of the recognition. Not being able to return to the state of blissful ignorance due to strong self awareness. The need for control feeling so default. A part of my personality ingrained. Realizing my wrongs and using self punishment to regulate myself, because I cannot deal with the blame. Constant blame from childhood. Childhood neglect. Using sexuality as an outlet for control. Feeling power within sexuality, yet fearing it. Severe OCD. Believing the bad things said about me. Questioning my intentions, backtracking. Inability to make a decision. Disdain for authority, especially authority abusing their power. Paranoia, self doubt, never trusting myself. Unsure. Stuck between wanting to stay in my comfort zone versus change. Desire to be assertive but afraid of the power that comes with it. Always 2 steps behind. Always. But never appearing like it from the outside. Having to portray myself as someone you do not want to fuck with, because internally I am fragile, and will break at the slightest brush of criticism/perceived rejection. Struggle to connect with others with the same depth I operate at.
Capricorn 11th house/Cancer moon/7H sun in Virgo- Lonely. People pleasing. Feeling a glass wall between others, not understanding why it’s so hard to put my guard down and let others in. Wanting a community, desiring a stable friend group to care for. Daydreaming about nurturing the people I love… daydreaming about the day where I will be healed, where it will make it possible to trust others once more. Distrust. Assuming the worst in people yet feeling hurt, if they were to do the same to me. So much self reflection and guilt. Acknowledging my wrongs but lacking any self compassion.
Mercury in 8th house/Libra: a deep probing mind that is never satisfied. However, I have Mercury sextile Pluto, which gives me pretty nice writing skills. I love revealing emotions through words or lyrics. I need to understand the smallest nooks and crannies within a subject. Small talk is undesirable. It is difficult to find others who enjoy discussions about the darker, distressing, taboo things in life. Is this because they are far and few, or because I am untrusting?
Pisces Rising- Empathetic to the point it’s overwhelming. Sensitive, punishing self for being so sensitive. Boundaries do not exist. Premonitions, strong gut feelings that are uneasy and often come true. People assuming I look high but feeling insulted because I’m very negatively sensitive to drugs. Looking tired, understanding that people think I’m not paying attention. Looking lost, daydreaming. Sadly, it’s true. I look right through you while we communicate. I am always a few steps deeper, subconsciously. I feel your presence, I feel your energy, and I wish I could be normal and at the same level as you. A constant flood of emotion, afraid of dragging you down with me just by eye contact.
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tower-girl-anon · 1 year
Mercury in signs: how do you sing
Hello again!! I came back with a short but funny post about Mercury and how we sign according to the sign it falls in.
As always, enjoy it, take it with a grain of salt since this is just based on my intuition, don't copy this post without giving the proper credits to the owner, and hope it resonates with you.
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Mercury in Aries: for those who have this planet in the warrior sign of Aries, you sing with... passion. There is no other way to describe it. You put a 100% of effort and energy when you sing that sometimes you can't stay still. It's almost as if your life depended on it. You must move, jump, or do something in general. Seriously though', anybody hearing you sing in a stadium during a game or concert will feel scared due to the level of energy, sometimes even aggression, that you show in your voice.
Mercury in Taurus: the voices of these natives are harmonious in general, very pleasing to listen to, and very femenine. They are not as loud as the prior sign, and it's not common for them to miss a tone in a song. That's because Venus, the planet of love, is the ruler of Taurus, and they love when everything is in an harmonious tune. Also, it is possible that they prefer to keep their singing ability in private rather than sharing it with others.
Mercury in Gemini: you guys sing...whatever you like and whenever you feel like it. You guys know a lot about many songs and singers. Most probably than not, you're one of the best people when it comes about memorizing the lyrics of the songs. Truly, even if you sing good or bad, or if you sing ballads or rock (depending in the situation/mood that you are in), you just know the song and no one can compete with you when it comes about memorizing the lyrics.
Mercury in Cancer: you guys sing... with emotion. You put your heart into the singing no matter if it sounds good or bad. Depending on the type of song, letter or melody, your mood could change so greatly that, if it's a sad song for example, you will cry your eyes out. Even if you've never experienced something similar to the described situation/emotion in the song, it will still resonate due to your emphatic nature.
Mercury in Leo: you sing...with power. You have a powerful voice that may resemble, in force, the roar of a lion. Your singing voice don't get unnoticed by others, somehow it affects others, no matter if it's in a good way or a bad one, and, also, there is a chance that you may become very popular in the industry due to this ability or due to the passion, charm, energy, or optimism showed during this act. No matter if you sign good or bad, your voice don't go unnoticed.
Mercury in Virgo: you sing... with a lot of technique if that makes sence. Let me explain. For one side, I don't feel like most of those who have this sign sings. At least, not spontaneously. Most of you sing with plenty of conscience about the techniques needed for this such as vocalization, breathing, expansion of diaphragm, etc. Even if you don't know it, you try to give the effort required to sing the song and reach all the notes without failing. If you sing bad...I guess you prefer it to do it quietly. In private.
Mercury in Libra: you sing...smoothly and harmoniously. The voice of those who have this planet under the loving sign of Libra possess a beautiful voice. Maybe not as loud or as fast as other sign like Leo or Aries, but you don't mind about that. Certainly you focus more on reaching the correct notes or respecting the whole rithm of the song, and you do it. Sometimes even without you having to put a lot of effort.
Mercury in Scorpio: you guys sing...intensely. You guys have a powerful voice that can influence over other people's emotions or, due the profound way you sing in which the darker and most intimate part of yourself is almost, if not completely, free in the song, it may become adictive to some people since it seems as if you were able to reach their inner, darker, and unknown part of themselves. Maybe singing is an activity that tranforms you or others somehow.
Mercury in Sagittarius: you guys sing...at your own pace. Those of you who have this don't mind about what type of music you are listening to since you tend to know a lot about different types of music from, maybe, all around the world. Your voice could be loud due to the influence of Jupiter as ruler of this sign and, no matter if you are good or bad at it, as long as you enjoy doing it, then the critics won't mind. You can sing at any place and any time. School, the bus, the shower...it doesn´t matter.
Mercury in Capricorn: you guys sing...shyly and with a critic ear. You guys don't share your singin voice often. You do it in private or, at the very least, if there is public, when there are others doing it too so your singin can go unnoticed. Please don't worry, your voice is as nice as everyone elses and the ammount of effort you put while singing, practicing, and reaching the notes correctly is something to be praised, not criticised.
Mercury in Aquarius: you people sing... with a unique tune! For those who have this aspect, your voice while singing could have a particular way of intoning, and may enjoy showing or sharing your talent with friends. Even if you don't sing at all, there is still some enjoyment when it comes to sing with friends. In those cases, you don't mind changing the tune, the letter, or even the sound of the song. Perphaps, by doing so, you will make it sound better.
Mercury in Pisces: you people sing... dreamingly. There is some sort of smoothing energy sorrounding your voice. Its like as if the sounds or melody expresed through your singing voice resembles some kind of otherworldly or mystical sound. You can sing almost about everything and with passion since Pisces brings an emphatic energy. Most probably than not, many people gets surprised by the sounds you project. Or, maybe, they didn't know that you sing in the first place.
That's all I have for you today. There is still some aspects to consider when it comes about voices such as the third house, it's ruler, the aspects of other planets to the ruler, etc. Still, I hope you still enjoyed it, and I send you, as always, lot's of love and light.
Tower Girl Anon
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l3xistentialism · 1 year
Mercury ☿ in the Signs Keywords
☿ : intelligence, communication, learning, intermediary/going between worlds, people, spiritual realms
♈︎: loud, argumentative, speaks before thinking, craves expression & intellectual connection, self-centered in speech, 
♉︎: stubborn in thought, slow to act, creatively minded, grounded & practical, money-handlers & business-minded folks, methodical in speech, “street smarts”
♊︎: flexible in opinions, clever, loses interest quickly, knack for language & communication, can mimic/mirror those around him, prefers surface-level knowledge rather than deep understanding
♋︎: emotionally adept, keeps thoughts/opinions guarded, beats around the bush, word is bond,  may be closed-minded toward challenging topics
♌︎: loud & bombastic in speech, theatrical, commanding & velvety voices, stubborn/not easily swayed, desires to be admired
♍︎: highly critical, detail-oriented, mired in the minutiae, technical/analytical in speech, good editors & critics, common sense comes easily, tactile skills
♎︎: fair & judiciously minded, amicable and understanding, desires intellectual equals & connection, mediators & middle-people 
♏︎: investigative mind, dark/satirical sense of humor/wit, “just knows things”, highly perceptive, interested in death/transformations  
♐︎: open-minded, ambitious, affinity for foreign languages & history, blunt/controversial speech, intelligent & interested in higher education, religion & philosophy 
♑︎: grounded with common sense, practical, slow to open the mind, prefers clear-cut rules/schedules, mind for business & trade 
♒︎: tech savvy, innovative ideas, progressive in thought & speech, advocates and allies, “quirky”, unconventional mental outlook
♓︎: creative, quiet, vacillating thoughts, opinions not locked down, imaginative, mental grounding can be difficult
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libbee · 1 year
Mercury in 7th house/Mercury in Libra/Mercury in 7th house from natal moon and "Tendency for Competitive Intelligence"
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mercury rules thoughts, conversations, humor, wit, discussions, analysis, debates, words, everything to do with communication, chatterboxes, even this post is product of mercury
let's see, you know that 7th house rules enemies, shadow projections, "what one can see in others but not in himself" so when mercury is placed here, native can see all indicators of intelligence in others around him but not in himself. their tendency is to keep showing their intelligence for external validation because they don't feel intelligent enough unless verified by others ✅
one more thing to add that native does not think he is intelligent enough but other people perceive them as intelligent because for the native 7th house is shadow (what is not accepted in oneself) but it is visible to other people's eyes
7th house also rules law courts, justice and what do advocates do? right, they debate! they argue, compete, use verbal statements, manipulative skills, to outdo the other counsel, to outperform the other party, to win the case at any cost. that is literally their profession. native may or may not work in legal profession though, depending on the whole chart
7th house also rules wholeness, completeness, the other half, so the tendency to be in a long term relationship or marriage is also there. the native is likely to be bantering, competing, constantly thinking of what to say to keep winning over their partner. native desires a partner who can keep up with them in chattiness, the kind of couples you see on social media who are mimicking, enacting comedy, doing podcasts, that is a nice influence of mercury over there
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if native is immature, they can be hard to talk to because their tendency is to impress others with words, sentences, smartness. they might speak over others, just to compete and outshine others
this is a way of people pleasing for them to be constantly engaging their audience so they feel valued. these natives derive their self worth from their ability to talk, banter, communicate, converse, chat
when matured, the native will show the evolved signs of 7th house/libra, that is, balanced communication, being active listener, listen then speak, being secure in their intelligence, not needing external approval
this is overall not a bad placement per se, if the native is mature things will be better. society in general supports and adores communication skills that these natives are naturally born with. as far as competitiveness is concerned, it is also suitable for many professions like law, customer care, social media related professions, spokespersons, media persons
mercury is one such planet that you can never go wrong with it in any house or any sign. this is a nice planet.
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seafoamreadings · 7 months
mercury into libra
this ingress is great for communication. you can avoid arguments if you need to make some manner of confrontation, your words are more charming and diplomatic now. stay just and calm.
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sunshinesmebdy · 7 months
Oct 13 Astro Vibe Check
Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra
Recognize your emotional requirements and openly convey them to those in your inner circle. Endeavor to strike a harmonious equilibrium between your internal emotional landscape and your engagement with others. Foster relationships and environments that respect both your emotional authenticity and your quest for peace and balance.
Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces
This astrological alignment provides a beneficial and efficient influence, promoting disciplined efforts, dedicated work, and well-thought-out strategies. It presents an ideal period for chasing your aspirations, advancing toward your enduring objectives, and harnessing your assertive energy in a purposeful and constructive way.
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crystalsenergy · 2 years
'counseling' each placement - for a better life; [Mercury version] part 1
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pic not mine
Mercury in Aries - Try to exercise more patience, less sense of urgency. This can generate a lot of anxiety. Look at the other options more openly. Be careful not to impose too much your thinking on others, and this ends up generating several conflicts around you. tips: meditation, breathing exercises.
Mercury in Taurus: Work on adapting to changes in plans, understand that not everything will go the way you planned. Understanding things in a practical and objective way is important, but being open to other ways of interpreting can be great. Don't be inflexible with life itself and with the change of direction. Work your mind to understand points in life that may go unnoticed by your mind, still focused on thinking like years ago.
Mercury in Gemini - Don't push yourself mentally - your mind does a lot of work in an entire day. Try to analyze things before starting them. Know something in more depth before you believe you know them. Take time to rest your mind and do something that relaxes you, that doesn't influences your thoughts. And I say this for the tendency to feel anxiety. Try as much as possible to remove simultaneous stimuli from (study) environments, this will greatly impact your productivity and efficiency.
Mercury in Cancer: Don't analyze things solely on the basis of emotions. This may be how you function and this is who you are, this is your essence, but that doesn't mean that nothing can improve. Emotions are important, but understand that not everything the other does can be based on an emotional issue. Don't hold annoyances, as they can surface in the future, contaminating the interpretation of situations and people. In short: don't take things personally. Talk about your annoyances! this will avoid problems.
Mercury in Leo - Work your acceptance to hear 'No' when you expected 'Yes'. Try to understand when something can't be done. Don't communicate aggressively or defensively after hearing something different from what you expected - such as a criticism. Notice tendencies to demand a lot of attention when it is not the case to receive it. Use your creativity and power of expression in your favor, constructively, taking others into consideration as well. Believe in your potential.
Mercury in Virgo: Try not to see everything in a practical way. exercise the pleasure of looking at what has already been done, and less at what needs to be done. Don't blame yourself so much for the mistakes you make. Try to be less critical and appreciate your time more as a way to relax a little too. Work your creative side, reception for abstract messages is something very important for a healthy psychological, as well as for self-knowledge. Not everything is made of concreteness and objectivity.
Mercury in Libra - Incorporate into your mental activity things that are also related to yourself, purely understanding, without involving anyone else. Learn to communicate sad things as well. Remember your potentials. Doubt less of something you have noticed, decided, said. Depend less on the analysis of others and create internal parameters to decide if what you did was good or bad. Realize the problems around you, stopping to avoid conflicts of ideas all the time - which are sometimes necessary. Understand who you are: take time to yourself and understand your thoughts, the root of your decisions. Don't be such a perfectionist. Take care of your mental health and how much other people's expectations affect you.
Mercury in Scorpio: Work on your mental inflexibility. Understand more the faults of others, from a more comprehensive point of view. Understand more openly the peaks and troughs of life, and even your personality. Don't hold grudge, anger, explain what you think of something - from the beginning, because holding it will generate an accumulation of information that will most likely be distorted by your mind. Beware of extreme views of people or things. Use your ability to be observant.
Mercury in Sagittarius - Watch out for a tendency to over-imagine things, idealizing them and seeing life in a very different way than it is: a life that will tend to work out even if you don't do something. We always have to do something. Pay attention to indiscipline and try to be more realistic. Beware of promises you make to others and a tendency to be mentally irresponsible.
Mercury in Capricorn: Don't try to control every detail. Accept that things will get out of your control. Beware of a possible habit of forgetting to consider other needs because yours are involved. Planning is important, but understanding unforeseen events too. Let go more, let things flow. Don't analyze everything as if it needed to have an end goal. People and emotions don't need earthly and concrete filters - not always.
Mercury in Aquarius - It's extremely important to understand your flow of thoughts. You tend to think a lot, reflect on different points of the same question, starting at one point and ending at another. This can be great for analyzing problems, finding solutions, understanding issues. But it can also complicate your life a lot, especially when dealing with matters that need to be externalized, talked about. Therefore, be very careful with a tendency to always want to understand a subject from the inside and forget about exchanges, conversations, to externalize. Work on practicality: making thoughts useful, which is certainly possible to do, as you tend to be deep mentally speaking. Beware of anxiety. The more you empty the "mental cup" somehow before it fills up, the better it will be for your mental health. If practicality is difficult, as Aquarius is a much more "aerial" sign, work on your creative side! Use music, for example, as a way to lighten the mental load. Dialogue.
Mercury in Pisces: Try not to be so impacted by everything around you, whether visions about you or what happens in general. Or, if this is complicated, try to notice when you are impacted by something that had nothing to do with you, but that you later incorporated into your thoughts. Don't be soooo fickle, use your ability to go in other ways to your advantage. Use this ability to grow in your individuality: Pisces is a great sign for studying things that for others seem difficult and complex to decipher, especially those related to the emotional. Believe in your communication and persuasion potential as long as you move intelligently, working with the knowledge you tend to have / absorb of what others are, want, need.
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lunaapudleonem · 2 years
Mercury in the signs (part II)
♡ Mercury in Leo ♡
Theatrical, dramatic and just as loud as Mercury in Aries. They are very entertaining to others and people usually find them quite amusing. If the Mercury is badly aspected they can come off as very egoistical and arrogant while they talk. They generally like to be in the center of attention. They laugh loudly and they appear to be full of energy when they are talking about things that interest them. They love to spill tea about others and themselves. They are very open and they will tell anyone upfront what is their opinion of them.
♡ Mercury in Virgo ♡
Intelligent, eloquent and very reserved. They can talk about almost every topic and they never lose in discussions. Sometimes they tend to criticize others and can be petty, however they themselves are their own worst enemy and they are the most critical to themselves. They generally avoid large groups and they are the most talkative in the company of their best friends (which is usually one person or two people).
♡ Mercury in Libra ♡
Charming, talkative and fun. They are excellent conversationalists and will always listen to anyone who needs support. Admittedly, it is difficult for them to keep secrets and unless they have some planets in Scorpio, they will very quickly pass on what they heard to their (many) friends. They have a very nice style of expressing their thoughts and often use decorative adjectives in their speech.
♡ Mercury in Scorpio ♡
They have a very harsh way of expressing their thoughts. They use Laconic answers. They like to summarize all of their thoughts in a few sentences when they talk to others. They have a detective mind and they very quickly notice little things that others miss. They are interested in conversations about magic, after life, horror stories and sexual topics. They only open up to those they know very well.
Previous post:
Mercury in Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer
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ophelyia · 1 year
My thinking
Mercury in 7th House
Your relationships tend to gravitate towards people who are intelligent, thought-provoking, witty and learned. You desire your spouse or business partner to be sharp, curious, clever and alert. You need to communicate and exchange ideas and information with your partner. Promotion of ideas to and from others appeals to you and you are always up for a good debate, discussion or argument.
You may spend much time thinking about your relationship or relationships in general. Marriage may be quite often on your mind. You desire a marriage or business partner that provides you with mental satisfaction and challenge. A partner who challenges you mentally and one who helps you function on more of an intellectual level is what you are looking for and need. Their value is enhanced if they help you better adapt and more effectively communicate with others. The person who gives you a lively flow of ideas, ideas that challenge and test your own mental processes, one who brings out your best mentally, stimulates you in a way that others may not understand. Yet that is what you seek in a partner.
Your partner may be quick-witted, fluent, volatile, restless, high-strung as well as outspoken, argumentative, wordy and critical. Nervousness or mental imbalance may be present. Your partner may possibly be connected with education, writing, traveling, sales, language interpretation or clerical, secretarial, typing or computer work.
In order to achieve the most positive results from any partnership you should learn to control your argumentativeness and your desire to criticize.
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mercury in libra • august 25, 2022 - october 29, 2022
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mercury enters libra on august 25, 2022 at 8:03 PM CST and will be leaving libra on october 29, 2022. this mercury transit lasts longer than the usual transits because from september 9 to october 2, mercury will be retrograde in libra and virgo. during this time period, we are going to naturally be more amiable + kind to one another. we don't want to fight and are solution-oriented when planets are in libra. this is a good transit to discuss business dealings with one another because money is always on libra's side. conversations can go our way with ease if we let go of being defensive. since libra rules relationships, we will be experiencing lots of activity in that sector of our lives. we may experience some past memories or dreams about past lovers - some may even make an appearance in your life with this retrograde energy involved. lots of the sweet talkin' is going to be happening behind closed doors until both parties feel safe enough to pop out with each other. we will be discussing how we can improve our foundations in relationships by addressing our own flaws which are projected onto the relationships. we are living in very karmic times with saturn + pluto retrograde so i'd suggest making things right to avoid unwanted consequences. lots of intense + fated conversations will be taking place as well, revealing parts of yourself that have been protected for so long. don't be fooled - mercury in libra is also bringing in heated arguments and fights (aries's shadow side) but they will be brewed up to get to the bottom of everything that is causing the disharmony. overall, this transit is here to bring us heart chakra activations because we will be expressing how passionate we are about the people + things that we love. the hurt that comes up during this time comes from feeling heartbroken about something that was never properly addressed. leave the ego at home and learn how you can express your love in a more appropriate manner.
if mercury in libra is apart of your natal chart, happy mercury return! this is a favorable transit for air placements (gemini, libra, aquarius) to learn more about their love languages and tap into their emotional side which is needed to develop healthy connections; this is a tense + dynamic transit for cardinal placements (aries, cancer, libra, capricorn) that will teach them how to listen to others + ease up when it comes to having conflict management; this is a period of opportunity for leo + sagittarius placements if they leave their ego out of their interactions with others and make it a priority to express themselves authentically without holding back.
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how to alchemize with mercury in libra:
be willing to learn more about yourself and how you interact with people
go with the flow
don't stay in environments that are no longer suited for you
be willing to discover the deep parts of your mind
journal prompt: what events have led you to be so defensive?
have those healing conversations with your family even if they've hurt you in the past
balance the scales through forgiveness - it doesn't mean you have to give those people access back into your life again
learn how to healthily express your anger so resentment doesn't continue to build
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alchemylight · 7 months
Eclipsing the Past: The South Node Libra Annular Solar Eclipse's Celestial Dance
Eclipsing the Past: The South Node Libra Annular Solar Eclipse's Celestial Dance
Prepare to witness a celestial spectacle as the South Node Libra Annular Solar Eclipse takes center stage in the cosmic theater. This rare eclipse, conjunct Mercury in Libra, opposing Chiron in Aries, and inconjuncting Uranus in Taurus, promises transformative energies that challenge us to heal old wounds and embrace the future. Moreover, this eclipse will be visible over the West Coast of the…
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bluemoonastrology · 8 months
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thearcher-2 · 8 months
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Some important details about how the month of October because this month will be an intense month due to the Eclipse Season plus Pluto will become stationary direct increasing the energy up to 1000!! October will not be an easy month but the universe is pushing us to bring change in order for us to let go of old chapters & welcome new storylines that will unfold over the next 6 months & beyond!!
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symbolicliving · 7 months
This Week's Astrology, after the Solar Eclipse in Libra...
The script has certainly flipped in the midst of the Solar Eclipse hasn't it?
This week with The Sun and Mercury continuing in Libra after the eclipse are in conjunction this week, are opposite the Destiny Point in Aries and are in a challenging position to Pluto in Capricorn. We are seeing lines being drawn associated to biases, identity, the future, and changes in political power.
Astrology Aspects Dates and Times:
The Sun in Libra is opposite the Destiny Point in Aries October 18, 2023 7:21 am ET
Mercury in Libra opposite the Destiny Point in Aries October 19, 2023 12:14 am ET
Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra October 20, 2023 1:37 am ET
Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn October 20, 2023 8:50 pm ET
The Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn October 21, 2023 10:09 am ET
This week indicates an increased awareness of what other people think. With Pluto in the picture, especially strong judgmental opinions are possible. Secrets may be revealed. Conflicting ideas can create challenging discussions and opinions. What is said can affect the future of relationships strongly now so it is wise to put in extra effort of diplomacy. Egos need to be tempered by rational intelligence. The wisdom of the Sun and Mercury can solve any problem.
A challenging decision or discussion may be necessary but brings with it the potential for making powerful changes. Information learned now can lead to big changes in your goals. In all situations, if information discussed is conflicting, ask more questions.
Business decisions now should be weighed carefully. Leadership and policies could be in question. Especially when considering big business matters, be cautious of stubborn, biased thinking and manipulation of opinions. Challenges faced this week can reveal the shadow side of reality. What is true and just can challenge and change the bigger picture.
Mercury leaves Libra and enters Scorpio October 22nd. The Sun leaves Libra and enters Scorpio October 23rd.
More in this Week's Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs
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