#melody the jackal
songofopal · 4 months
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Did a jackal fam doodle and tweaked some of their ages a bit with Finnegan/infinite being a year younger then Tiye and not two years along with Aida/Melody and Blitz/Quatre being fraternal twins . The rest stayed the same
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deathfavor · 1 year
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TAG DROP 4.  The Fairy Tail Squad
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weirdozjunkary · 11 months
I couldn’t help myself, I made another one. I just fucking love this scene so much I couldn’t NOT do it! Of course, Sonic doesn’t have any weapons so I had to take some creative liberties, but I think I did the job. Enjoy
The glass slid into the hedgehogs palm, filled with the rum he had been drinking for hours at this point.
“Ha! I am Sonic the Hedgehog!” He scoffed. “I am no one’s pet!” He took a thick swig of the drink, only mildly cringing at the taste as he wiped it from his mouth. “That doctor is crazy! He should stick to cutting hair!”
“Last call, Seníor Hedgheog.”
“Another rum and cola. Make it your heaviest!”
“Oh. I keep the heavy stuff in the back.”
The clock chimed as the tavern keeper left. And sonic stayed there and waited for his final drink. His fourth drink. “Heh, retire.” He chuckled then cheered a glass to himself. “You are too good looking to retire!”
And when he began to gulp down the rum from the glass, a sharp melody whistled into his ear. He didn’t know where it was coming from until he set the glass down and looked over his shoulder to the large figure, draped in a large black cloak, sitting right beside him.
“Well, well,” He started, lifting one of Sonics empty glasses from the table. “If it isn’t Sonic the Hedgehog himself.” He turned to him and chuckled. Only then Sonic could see he was blind in one eye. “In the flesh.”
“Uh, hey.” Sonic muttered back slightly unnerved, not wanting to be rude.
“There’s the famous scarf, the gloves. And of course, the shoes. My compliments to your cobbler.” He leaned in and chuckled to him, a wild grin stretched from cheek to cheek.
“Thanks.” Sonic coughed. “Good to meet you too.” And he shifted his chair slightly away from the hooded jackal. But this obvious display of uncomfortability didn’t sway the jackal beside him. As he opened his mouth and spoke again.
“Hey, I never usually do this, but may I have your autograph?” His words were as smooth as butter as he pulled out a sheet of paper from his cloak and placed it in front of the hedgehog left of him. “I’ve been following you for a loooong time, you know.”
Sonic looked down at the ragged paper as the jackal tapped a finger onto it. His wanted poster. ‘WANTED. Sonic the Hedgehog. DEAD OR ALIVE’ the jackals finger tapped over the word ‘dead’.
He chuckled. “Sonic the hedgehog laughs in the face of death… bounty hunter.”
“So I’ve heard.” The hunter said as he slid his hood off of his head.
“You will find that your reward won’t come easy.” Sonic stood up and warned.
He jumped into a fighting stance as he watched the jackal get up from his seat, but not to attack. Instead he reached over the counter and grabbed a bottle for himself. “Everyone thinks they will be the one to defeat me,” he began, sitting back down at his seat. “But no one has escaped me yet.”
He took a swig from the bottle, his words sounding almost saddened by that statement. Perhaps he wanted someone to have a little more fight in them, before they met their demise. Perhaps this is why he decided to pursue this little hedgehog.
Sonic yawned out a sigh, stretching his legs and his arms. “All right, let’s get this over with.” He held out his ring, a symbol of himself and pointed at the bounty hunter. “FEAR ME! IF YOU D-“
In the blink of an eye, the ring was swatted out of his hand and it toked against the barrel not far behind them, then clattered onto the cobblestone floor. Sonic carefully crept towards it, scowling as he kept an eye on the jackal who simply took another swig of the bottle.
“Okay…” Sonic sighed and picked up his ring from the floor. “No more messing around!” And he charged at him this time. Spinning himself widely in the air before punching down at the table where the jackal one sat. He didn’t expect someone to move so fast, maybe as fast as him. He was already on the other side of the bar.
Sonic turned and threw his leg at him.
Then his fist.
His leg again.
The jackal mocked him. Sonic growled. He missed, but he’s not gonna miss again. Not to a simple bounty hunter. Who does he think he is anyways? Thinking he can get him so easily. He was quick, though. Sonic could admit that.
He spun and launched himself at the hunter once more, but he was blocked by two sickles that created a barrier between each of them. Sonic could see his eyes reflected in the blades. A cold bead of sweat dripped down his face as he heard the jackal chuckle evilly before launching him away and held them up as he crashed into the ground below.
Sonic growled in frustration. He wasn’t going to let this guy get the better of him. He spun around the room before he rolled up the walls and cartwheeled towards the figure below. This time he sure was going to get-
His body jerked forward, and a tight pain hit his throat. There, he was being held up by the neck by this wild dog. He cringed as the jackal pressed his lips against one of his ears and whispered.
“You’re not living up to the legend, erizo.”
And he drove the hedgehog against the bar table, tossing him into the chair of another table. Sonic barely managed to dodge his blade that shattered the seat into splinters. He knocked over the table in hopes to create a barrier, but the hunter just sliced right through it. He swung at the hedgehog and he barely managed to dodge. He swung again and he dodged once more. He swung again.
‘Who’s never been touched by a blade?’
Sonic huffed as his eyes widened, feeling the bead of liquid drip down his forehead. He put a hand over it and looked at his fingers. Blood. It was only then that he fell cold and shivered. His spines instinctively shooting up on edge. What was this feeling? He had never felt this before. No, he knew what this was.
‘Sonic the hedgehog is never afraid!’
He flinched as the jackal sniffed the air then exhaled out a graceful sigh. “I just LOVE the smell of FEAR!” He slammed his twin sickles to the ground, creating sparks as he inched closer to the hedgehog. Thunder roared outside, shining light into the jackal’s reflective pupils. A crazed grin was on his face.
Sonic could barely back up from him as his eyes drifted from the blades. He couldn’t see anything in front of him, now. His mind race and flashed visions of his past lives to him. Full of fame and glory. The friends and foes he’s met. His heart accelerating and pounding in his chest. He huffed and wheezed as he could barely control the air coming in and out of his lungs.
“What’s the matter? Lives flashing before your eyes?”
Sonic’s ears pinned back as he stared down his ring that laid at the hunters feet. The noise it made as the hunter kicked it gently towards him felt like fireworks popping into his eardrums.
“Pick it up.” The jackal raised his brows at him. Sonic couldn’t move. His heart exhilarated faster.
“Pick. It. Up.”
He took one more look at the hunter’s face before he finally scrambled up onto his feet and dashed towards the nearest door he could find, locking himself in completely.
The whistle appeared again. Sharp and loud. A slow melody that held as a playful warning as the hunter slowly crept towards the door. He knew there was nowhere else to go from in there. Slowly, he slid a scythe into the crack of the door then sliced open the lock inside before pushing the door open. His reflective eyes glancing around the room as he stood in the doorframe. He wasn’t there. Just an old toilet in the middle of the outhouse.
“Corre, Corre erizo.”
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tabletoptrinketsbyjj · 4 months
Trinkets, 68: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
A brass horn of dark elven design. Grim resolve fills the heart of those that hear this clarion.
A pitcher rimmed with marble and has dozens of tiny iron charms pressed into it, each shaped like a tiny fruit stand. When a single slice of fruit is placed into it along with any drinkable liquid, the liquid is infused with the flavor of that fruit as if a full day had passed.
A little teak box whose lid is shut tight. If opened, despair hits nearby creatures like a kick to the chest and whispers of darkness fills their heads. Within the container packed around straw padding is a nickel jackal idol, covered in frost. Knowledgeable PC's can determine that the statuette can absorb pain, misery and madness in a wide area lessening the woes of a building such as a hospital. This object has been fully charged and is now in the process of boiling off into that same energy back into the world. A fiend, divine being or extremely practiced mage are able to draw all the energy out of the idol in order to gain power for themselves.A self-lighting pipe carved from a red dragon's fang.
A dark, red-veined rock that bulges and pulses with Daemon blood. Religious PC's can determine that the object is a fragment of the blood-soaked realm of Khorne the Chaos God of Blood and Murder.
A long dress made of violet linen without pattern or embellishment except for a small porcelain badge of igniting flame sewn over the heart. When worn it ripples and undulates away from the porcelain badge like flames licking outward.
A haunted-looking skull covered in ominous runes, with gems in its eye sockets. The gems are just glass, and the skull is made of painted wood. Casual investigation will reveal that it's a stage prop, signed by a famous actor on the night of his final performance. It could be extremely valuable to the right collector. Spiritually attuned creatures can determine that the skull is haunted, but only by the actor's ghost. He wants it returned to his old theater and used in performances in his memory
A tiny onyx figurine of a dark elf wielding two scimitars.
A short, five-holed musical instrument made from a human femur. When the flute is played, it produces a complex, haunting tune in a minor key. The melody is never the same and emerges with in-difference to the flautist's ability or intentions.
A shell decanter from an ancient Triton empire.
An over the shoulder messenger bag containing a strange game with a thick rule book, colorful dice in various denominations, and tiny figurines. Some of the figurines look like the player characters.
—Click Here to be directed to the Hotlinks To All Tables post, which provides (As you might have guessed) convenient links to all of the loot and resource tables this blog has.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A brass horn of dark elven design. Grim resolve fills the heart of those that hear this clarion.
A pitcher rimmed with marble and has dozens of tiny iron charms pressed into it, each shaped like a tiny fruit stand. When a single slice of fruit is placed into it along with any drinkable liquid, the liquid is infused with the flavor of that fruit as if a full day had passed.
A little teak box whose lid is shut tight. If opened, despair hits nearby creatures like a kick to the chest and whispers of darkness fills their heads. Within the container packed around straw padding is a nickel jackal idol, covered in frost. Knowledgeable PC's can determine that the statuette can absorb pain, misery and madness in a wide area lessening the woes of a building such as a hospital. This object has been fully charged and is now in the process of boiling off into that same energy back into the world. A fiend, divine being or extremely practiced mage are able to draw all the energy out of the idol in order to gain power for themselves.A self-lighting pipe carved from a red dragon's fang.
A dark, red-veined rock that bulges and pulses with Daemon blood. Religious PC's can determine that the object is a fragment of the blood-soaked realm of Khorne the Chaos God of Blood and Murder.
A long dress made of violet linen without pattern or embellishment except for a small porcelain badge of igniting flame sewn over the heart. When worn it ripples and undulates away from the porcelain badge like flames licking outward.
A haunted-looking skull covered in ominous runes, with gems in its eye sockets. The gems are just glass, and the skull is made of painted wood. Casual investigation will reveal that it's a stage prop, signed by a famous actor on the night of his final performance. It could be extremely valuable to the right collector. Spiritually attuned creatures can determine that the skull is haunted, but only by the actor's ghost. He wants it returned to his old theater and used in performances in his memory
A tiny onyx figurine of a dark elf wielding two scimitars.
A short, five-holed musical instrument made from a human femur. When the flute is played, it produces a complex, haunting tune in a minor key. The melody is never the same and emerges with in-difference to the flautist's ability or intentions.
A shell decanter from an ancient Triton empire.
An over the shoulder messenger bag containing a strange game with a thick rule book, colorful dice in various denominations, and tiny figurines. Some of the figurines look like the player characters.
A single person hide tent covered in rude charcoal drawings.
A green glass bottle of Waste Gin, a searingly potent alcohol from the Worthless North. The liquor is so high in alcohol content that it evaporates in the mouth. It's a much cheaper alternative to lamp or medicinal alcohol when it's pure, which is most of the time. When it's not, the drinker usually vomits for days, goes blind, suffers from limb paralysis or just dies. It's traditional on opening a new bottle to give the first drink to a random Halfling.
A miniature throne that could fit in one’s palm, recognizably modeled on one of a mythical ruler.
A shard of pure aqua, its surface ripples with a malevolent curse bestowed upon it by the Trickster.
A hideous ritual mask crafted of ropes, wood, hair, iron nails and hide, heavily infused with the fears of the its owner`s defeated foes.
A finely tailored bodice made from the softest, most supple leather taken from yearling lambs. The bodice is lined with samite and trimmed with beaded lace.
A blue woolen mantle the color of the clear sky, overlaid with an intricate pattern of brightly-colored feathers taken from a variety of bird species, including iridescent feathers.
A beautifully complex crystalline bauble of fey glass, blown by fairies that has a sheen of the colors of the rainbow.
A delicate music box that plays an enchanting melody, its inner workings intricately intertwined with the trapped souls, each of which adds another note to the song.
A collection of letters between and alchemist and a colleague arguing over the cultural terminology of a philosopher's stone and a sorcerer's stone.
A jagged green stone slab that looks like it's a part of a strange puzzle.
An elegant painting of a pair of twisted trees. One is blooming life with vibrant leaves and fruit which the other is dead with vultures perching on its bare withered limbs.
An iron scepter with a baleful sigil carved into the head
A dwarven brass puzzle cube with runes on it. Numerous rectangular pieces are interwoven with each other, and need to be moved in a particularly complex order to take it apart. Once solved, the puzzle dissembles to reveal a small sphere with the words “So you think you’re smart do you? Fuck off.” written on it.
A silver candlestick with a seahorse chop on the base.
A brass rod. Tapping it with another metal object or against a solid object causes it to resonate a full song for one minute.
A chunk of dogestone. Such color. Many shine. So heavy. Wow!
A cute pair of turquoise armbands decorated with vines and enameled flowers.
A fresh slice of cake that looks ordinary, but it has a faint aroma of roses and vanilla. It is wrapped in a silver foil with a crest of a lion and a unicorn. A small card attached to it reads: “A gift from the Duke of Montrose. Enjoy with discretion.”
A small ruby carved into the shape of a fiend's head. It can be worn as a pendant or set into a ring or other jewelry.
A flamboyant, and a somewhat impractical mask, made in the Feywild. It is fashioned out of several interposed, big and elongated butterfly wings that have an iridescent coloration and shift slightly, as if they were alive.
An old, cracked chamber pot made of pale pink porcelain and repaired with bronze to fill cracks like licking flames. Firelight in the presence of this pot dims and flickers, making the area pleasantly dark.
A lifelike bronze statuette depicting lovers feeding each other chunks of bread dripping honey, their limbs entwined. Their lips are stained red with dried blood.
A bleached linen sash embroidered with a prodigious vineyard growing from ash-thick earth, the grapes made of tiny amethysts. The ends of the sash feature small bronze plates with violet silk tassels.
A pair of silken sunset-orange knee-high socks features opaline arrows swirling like flames across the top of the foot.
A fiddle with bold lines, a walnut patina and craftsmanship that would impress even the most jaded artisan. The brass roundels and pure white gut reveals this instrument is truly made for a courtly musician. No matter the intention of the player... the song is always the same. A slow, droning hum followed by a maniacal overture of ferocious scraping.
A thick tin bracelet is etched with a screaming falcon, its gaping beak made of cracked marble; held aloft, shadows nearby flicker as if something races across them.
A small iron brooch shaped like a pair of puckered lips, its reverse engraved with a dozen names in tiny script.
A small ink brush’s whose handle is porcelain glazed with the lifelike image of a falcon soaring, with bristles from an eyas of the same.
A bronze disc engraved with an ancient juniper thick with berries, piles of the berries building small mounds all around the base. From the top of the disc dangles a rich blue silk ribbon, long enough to tie.
A thick dawn-gray linen jacket stuffed with goose down and features golden thread woven into the hems and into an esoteric rune on the back which looks like a distorted snowflake made of arrowheads. The wearer never feels the cold though their breath always clouds in a thick fog. Snow which lands on the jacket is immediately subsumed by it, disappearing in a flash of steam.
A tunic woven from some alchemically cultivated form of mint, and it smells strongly like it. Darker leaves are woven around the hem in the shape of storm clouds.
A leather wallet stamped with the image of a sailboat at full sail. It contains a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a member of the shipwrights and sailmakers guild. The section containing the member's physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair color) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.
A small jasper pebble polished smooth and soft to the touch, almost squishy when held between two fingers. The swirls in its surface are reminiscent of a starting flame, just now catching hold.
A porcelain handled woodsaw with a bronze blade, the teeth immaculate but shaped like a terrifyingly bloodstained grin. Anything cut with this saw appears to bleed, regardless of material, seeping a small amount of fresh blood.
A pair of copper shears, the handles banded with porcelain etched like crashing waves. The blades are shaped like the prows of warships rather than practical triangles.
A tribal lyre made from a human skull, antelope horns, skin, gut and hair.
A dried reed scroll case containing a rolled parchment upon which is an apparent treasure map of the local area. It is written in a local dialect with cryptic script and markings. It clearly holds the key to discovering something of major value to anyone who can decipher what it is saying.
A calendar going back months with days crossed off, leading to blanks and a circle a few days from now.
A small bundle of letters, all from the same person, signed the same way, "See you soon love!"
An invitation to a charity ball rewarded for substantial devotion and contribution to community and individual wellbeing.
A tattered love letter dated years ago.
A small box wrapped in colorful paper. On the outside is written “For My Little Princess.” Inside is a music box; When wound, it plays a lullaby.
A boiled and waxed linen shirt featuring a silver-threaded peach tree espaliered; on inspection, the leaves are sewn with tiny eyes. Several of the branches seem to have already had their fruit plucked.
A written receipt from a transaction at an apothecary shop. Knowledgeable PC's or can determine that there's no such herb as Widows Grudge, and the note is actually written in the underground language of rogues Thieves Cant ordering an assassination.
A bill from a sorcerer listing an exorbitant amount of gold for a spell to cure a terminally ill child.
A letter to an unknown author's parents discussing the great time they are having at camp. It is written poorly and disjointed, and uses slang from other languages oddly within the writing. Knowledgeable PC's can determine that it is a coded letter from the author to their parents. They are being kept in a dungeon and have overheard plans to sell them to an underdark lord. It tells the reader to not believe any of their letters, and to send help immediately.
A small chest lined with soft fabric containing small eggs from various songbirds, a delicacy.
A series of intricately carved wooden tablets, each depicting a scene from yuan-ti mythology or history. The tablets are housed in an ornately decorated chest with intricate carvings and golden filigree work.
A staff that appears to be made of metallic bone and has a horned skull fitted to its top.
An obsidian draconic scale that shimmers with faint multicolored lights within its depths.
An old map of an unfamiliar location. If the parchment exposed to heat, indecipherable runes faintly appear. Are they magically inscribed, or is written in some sort of invisible ink?
A small stone statue of what is probably an eagle at rest about six inches high.
A knee-length linen tunic so fine as to be nearly sheer, with multicolored embroidered bands at all hems depicting wildlife, flowers and fantastical beasts.
A gnarled and fearsome mask riddled with eerie power which emanates from its bored-out eye sockets.
An underground map of the city. A few places are marked, but any text is illegible due to bad handwriting and water damage.
A palm-sized mirror in a copper frame.
A red ribbon that moves idly even when there is no breeze.
A one gallon cask filled with an alcoholic concoction known as Bilgewater. The liquid is not uniform in color, ranging from a blue-brownish to jet black depending on the ingredients and the crafter’s skill. Made by soaking the inner organs of various sea creatures in a fermented brine, the mixture is then run through a sieve to remove the bones and viscera. After drinking, the lingering taste of rotten, brackish seafood remains on the palette for a few hours. While foul to drink, you only need a little to get drunk and the marine offal it’s remarkably nutritious and a shot a day will keep you tipsy and stave off scurvy.
A press for making wax seals, complete with purple wax.
A brass figurine of a warrior with a spear.
An oversized ale stein plated with cold iron.
A reddish crystal shard wrapped in a wire cage and strung on a cord as an amulet. The crystal faintly glows and once it has been worn for a day and a night, it flickers in tune to the wearer’s heartbeat. Knowledgeable PC's can determine that the crystal was made from the fragment of a hero's hear that was magically turned to crystal after their death.
A bracelet made from braided iridescent cloth.
A chip of stone brick taken from the largest temple of the God of Random Domain on the continent. It is a pilgrim’s relic and remembrance of their long journey.
A decorative cloth with small shells sewn onto it an ocean pattern.
A blown-glass sculpture of an elephant small enough to hold in a palm.
A water skin that changes water into saltwater on command but not the reverse.
A baby blue ceramic pitcher that cools down water that's poured into it.
A wanted poster for a very handsome young thief.
A dining plate that was once shattered but put back together with golden glue.
A painted bird skull intended as a luck charm.
A wooden button for a tunic, designed to look like a shield.
A tin drinking cup that folds into a palm-sized disk.
A broadsheet from a nearby town filled with social gossip.
A child’s ceramic piggy bank that can only be opened by smashing it. If shaken, a few coins can be heard clinking inside. If smashed open, the coins are two copper pieces and one silver piece, all from a distant kingdom.
A dwarven crafted warhorn made from the tusk of the famous orc warrior and priest, Kuluk. The instrument is used to strike fear and terror in the hearts of humanoids. Its loud tone deafens any orc or goblin ear that its sound falls upon like the shriek of a dying cat.
A single pawn chess piece of almost inspiring ivory white wood.
A pair of fine, brightly colored silk scarves commonly used for elaborate dances.
A druid's wand that looks to be nothing more than narrow crooked branch of yew, with numerous, jagged twigs jutting off at random angles. Closer inspection a handful of bands of silver regularly affixed to its length.
A long, bony, decaying, blackened finger once belonged to the powerful necromancer Akaron.
A sacred silver mirror that does not reflect the viewer, but instead shows omens of their past or destiny.
A pair of brass goggles with smoked glass eyepieces. The strap is shaped like metallic serpents.
A sealed bottle of top shelf bourbon.
A black candle that burns a deep purple flame that produces no brightness, and a wispy, musty smelling smoke.
A rusted and chipped spade with an ancient wooden haft, it seems to whisper incomprehensible mutterings into the mind of whomever holds it.
A threadbare tapestry depicting the Apotheosis of Adam in Zlatoust, a fairly well known religious historical event.
A leather wallet stamped with images of woodworking tools. It contains a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a member of the woodcarvers, coopers, and bowyers guild. The section containing the member's physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair color) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.
A child's leather vest with a small insignia of a wooden club on the back.
A gold anklet set with tiny iron charms in the beautifully abstract form of a clouded moon.
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dostoyevsky-official · 4 months
About 2/3 of Kazantzakis’ “Christ” cause its a bit too long to fit in an ask
Lightfooted night descended quietly
To earth like the sweet sense of sin, and soon
The old nocturnal melody arose.
Somewhere in distant gardens two red roses
Quivered and spilled their fragrance on the air,
And slowly the silver studded wheel of heaven
Began to turn, pushed by God’s holy hand;
The universe itself bowed in submission
And the first laughing star appeared.
That virgin, Mother Earth, then softly smiled
Under God’s masculine caress,
And the fresh seedlings felt His touch and trembled.
Amid the waste lands, waiting by a well,
Christ sat and brooded, stooped in meditation.
He could still hear the naked-breasted girl
In darkness telling him of her many sins,
Her many men, and recalled with dread
The sweetness of her breasts and lips. “Alas,
Soon on dishonor’s streets she’ll wander, lost.
Dear God, if only I could draw back
The bolts of Paradise, if I could sweeten
Your law at last so that from every street
All passerby, good and evil, all,
Might enter your ancestral Mansion, Father”
He raised his eyes and watched coquettish night
Swaying and preening on her scarlet feet
Like a plump partridge, and to the far horizon
Observed the fireflies, those erotic worms,
Flashing their downy light in the tall grasses.
Down in the fishing village the lamps were lit,
The hour was sweet and men and women both
Forgot their daily grind while in the gardens
Young girls felt stifled and unloosed their sashes.
Shepherds pipes fell silent in the night,
The stillness was dark blue, night softly nodded,
but sitting by the well Christ still discerned
That woman’s headscarf moving in his mind,
And his eyes brimmed with tears as though at dusk
The bitter handkerchief of fond farwell
Must struggle weakly in despair.
A fragrant mystery filled with softest down,
With lips, with thighs, with throats, with swelling breasts
Is the dark flower of all womanhood;
The young man trembled, and on his arms, his thighs,
in his bones’ marrow he felt a languorous sweetness.
“Dear God” he moaned, “take pity on men’s longing,
Use this young woman as their harbinger
To lead all other women of every kind
Into your sacred garden, preening with prose,
new-washed and painted, redolent with aromas;
Where will you again find such flourishing flowers?”
Deep in his mind the Gates of Paradise,
Rosy and broad flung wide and a large troop
Of gallant youths and black-eyed maidens entered;
They laughed, intoxicated, sang and showered
The savage hermits with sweet lemon blossoms.
Then God the father with all his graces healed
Every dire passion of the human race;
His anger laughed, and the mind laughed too and swelled
Until thorns sprouted with white lily flowers.
The young man by the wellside’s frothy rim
Leaned with his hand and listened, as in dream,
To a nightingale that sang in the warm night.
“O God my Father” he cried, confused and sad,
“Show yourself good and kind to the whole world,
And for the sake of this one nightingale
Let all the flocks of birds formed from your clay,
Vultures and nightbirds, ravens, crows and owls,
Enter pellmell the gates of Paradise!”
Far off a jackal rummaging for food
Amid the village ditches, or foraging
In furrows let out plaintive hungry cries,
That he too might, with God’s compassion, eat.
“Do not even forget this jackal, Lord,”
The young man in the darkness cried with fear;
“Thrust him into your wealthy courtyards too
Together with prides of lions, foxes, wolves
All of creation’s heavily burdened beasts.
Angels shall dance with apes and monkeys then,
And the ferocious beards of your lone hermits
Will fill once more with azure butterflies.
The black asp wearing its gold uniform
Will stroll with sharp tail pointed to high heaven,
A large and glittering constellation there.
Wide is man’s heart, O Father, and deep within
Has room for all, forgives them all and wants them;
All are her children, the innocent, the cunning “
It was a mellowed, honeyed night of spring,
Thick swarms of downy angels came and went
Between the heavens and earth and merged the two.
Deep in the courtyard of a courtesan
Jasmine-sprays burst in tender bloom and softly
Entangled the mine like the nightingale’s sweet song.
The youth felt stifled, an unbearable joy
Flooded his mind and heart as he stood up
Erect and stretched his arms to the vast sky.
Fate hovered above his head like a sharp sword,
And a sweet shuddering shook him suddenly;
You’d think he looked on earth for the first time;
For the first time, in a flash, a blue flame,
A most courageous earthly fire, lit up
His lips, his hair, and played about his temples.
Now in the depths of his clay heart he felt
A sharp longing for a woman, a small cradle,
And the sweet fragrant odor of fresh earth
“Forgive me, God, for my crude blasphemy,
But all about me fragrances, desires
And wild beasts rise and mount into my heart
Till all my entrails turn to starry sky.
Permit me, Lord, to voice my bold conjecture;
Is this low earth, perhaps, our paradise?”
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enbyhyena · 7 months
Hi this is me opening up an opportunity to ask our system questions! You can either submit an ask or post something to our Tellonym, which we would then respond to here!
Here is the link to our Tellonym.
Below is a list of headmates comfortable with receiving/answering direct questions, in groups of five to try and improve readability, as well as mentioning their sources (in case anyone wants to ask questions relating to their memories):
• Anduin (World of Warcraft), Beta (Underlust Sans), Bleedingfrost (Warriors, reincarnation of Scourge), Canvas (UTMV Ink), Ccino (Fluffytale)
• Crane (UTMV, Paper Crane), Crona (Soul Eater), Cross (Xtale/Underverse), Dave (Homestuck), AJ (Davesprite, Homestuck)
• Fuego (Underfell Papyrus), Gold (Malltale Dream), Grovyle (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon), Helios (Eclipsetale Dream), Icarus (Dreamswap Dream)
• Jackal (Underfell Sans), Jaina (World of Warcraft), Jamie (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody), Jasmine (Swapfell Purple(?), I think? Not very canon-compliant), Jay (Underswap Sans)
• JJ (Malltale Ink), Kankri (Homestuck), Killer (Something New), Lua (Error Sans), Midas (UTMV, Molten Dreams AU)
• Midnight (Leviathantale/Eclipsetale Nightmare), Mint (Malltale Nightmare), Moondrop (FNAFSB), Morgue (Dusttale Sans, not canon-compliant), N (Pokémon)
• Nil (Eclipsetale Cross), Owl (For the Forgotten Ones/FTFO Ink), Prism (Underfresh Sans), Rabbit (Eclipsetale Bunny), Red (Pokémon)
• Siren (UTMV, Idol AU Dream), Sol (Original and unpublished Dreamtale AU, "Renegade/Vagabond" Dream), Sterling (Eclipsetale Killer), Sundrop (FNAFSB), Swiftheart (Warriors Swiftpaw)
• Sylvanas (World of Warcraft), Talltail (Warriors Tallstar), Tien (UTMV, Amalgamated subsystem of deceased Dreams/Nightmares, brainmade), Touya (Pokémon), Tunabee (Mituna, Homestuck)
• Vaati (The Legend of Zelda), Vogue (UTMV, Bridal AU Ink), Wolfgang (Swapfell Papyrus), Ysera (World of Warcraft)
Boundaries: Everyone is generally okay with being asked questions related to their source, and some even appreciate them. However, please be mindful not to intentionally ask questions that are geared to make a headmate uncomfortable, or accuse them of something they might have done in canon. Many of the people in our system come from AUs or are otherwise not source-compliant. We're choosing to open up about the inner machinations of our System on a platform other than Discord; if we feel like that vulnerability is being regularly abused, we will take that away. So please be respectful!
Disclaimer: We are a mixed-origins, polyfragmented system diagnosed with DID in 2018. We have known we were on the plural spectrum since 2016. We are pro-endogenic. This is not a discourse blog and we will not answer bigoted or hateful questions. They will be deleted, so don't waste your time interacting. Thank you.
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viacursecasting · 1 year
Sonadow Scenario #68
{ Requested by anonymous }
The ominous sky flashed with bolts of crimson lightning, rumbling with a tumultuous thunder that racked one's core. Infinite was likely in the eye of the storm, bending reality to his twisted will.
On land, Sonic closed his eyes in concentration, feeling energy surge through his limbs like a rush of wind. Gold painted his fur, making him shine like a star against the blanket of night.
Shadow watched in awe—the transformation took his breath away no matter how many times he witnessed it. Yet as magnificent as the sight was, he wished it weren't under these circumstances as the hero's golden aura reflected against his shimmering ruby eyes.
Just as Sonic was about to take off into the void, he felt something grab his wrist, holding him back. He looked toward the source in bewilderment. "Shadow?"
"Don't." Shadow's tongue was dry as a bone. He recalled the last time the speedster fought the jackal, thinking it was the last time as he also recalled his disappearance...
The image of the hero chained up, beaten and bruised, invaded Shadow's mind. He shook it away. "What if he captures you again?"
Sonic turned to face him, his voice a reassuring melody. "I won't let that happen." He cupped the lifeform's cheek. "Not when I have something to fight for."
Shadow desperately folded his fingers over the hedgehog's. "Then let me come with you. It's my fault Infinite is the monster he is today."
Sonic was already shaking his head, clutching both of the agent's hands in his. "I need you here, to help the others fight his army. You're the only one powerful enough to stop your clones."
Shadow hated that his counterpart had a point. "If anything were to happen to you because of me..." He shut his eyes. He couldn't bear the thought.
"Hey." Sonic urged him to lock gazes by lifting his muzzle with a curled finger. "None of this is your fault." He gave his trademark grin. "I'll be fine, Shads. I promise." He then craned his neck to give the agent's forehead a gentle kiss.
Though it was a lovely gesture, Shadow felt numb to it. "I expected you would say that, but please..." He took a deep, shuddered breath, tinting slightly. "At least give me a proper farewell."
Shadow was glad the hero seemed to catch on. He let Sonic take his chin and tilt it, feeling the hedgehog's warm breath on his lips, feeling life radiate from his ethereal aura. While the storm that raged was deafening, it was nothing compared to Shadow's racing heart.
When Sonic read the lifeform's scarlet eyes, he saw a broken being, which made the pit of his chest ache. The last thing he wanted was to cause pain to the person he cared about more than anything, more than life itself. He could only think of one thing that could ease the pain.
Sonic closed his eyes, that shattered expression burning the back of his eyelids, as he leaned in for a—
Suddenly Shadow gave Sonic's gut a bruising punch, knocking the wind out of him as well as his Emeralds. Sonic gasped from the force as well as the shock of the blow, crumpling to the concrete, but not before Shadow caught him, gingerly setting him down.
Sonic clutched his abdomen in agony—Was it possible for organs to be bruised?—as he struggled to catch his breath. "Shadow—! The hell—!"
Shadow picked up an Emerald, its glow illuminating his solemn face. "Apologies, Sonic. But I can't have you pay for my mistakes."
Sonic watched helplessly as Shadow's fur faded from ebony to platinum, a refulgent aura trapping his flowing quills. The lifeform was a beacon, yet Sonic was still lost in a sea of despair, confusion, and betrayal.
Sonic weakly propped himself up on one elbow, seething as the agent turned his back to him, preparing to take off. "If you leave..." Sonic warned, "we're through."
Shadow seemed to hesitate, but he glanced over his shoulder without meeting the hero's gaze in fear of changing his mind. He stated plainly, "So be it."
The lifeform then shot toward the heavens like a bullet, heading into the depths of the malevolent storm, leaving Sonic to wonder if that would be their last exchange, to wish he had the chance to savor that last kiss.
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37 and 12 for any of the Fox Squad
12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
for all of them: get one of the others to help them! or wriggle against the ground. the jackals especially love doing it in the most inconvenient spot possible doorway-wise.
37. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?
howl: writes it down somewhere on his body
khamsin: gets boze (one of her partners) to relay it through an earpiece
bicker and banter: writes it down on the other one's body. generally they are good at just quick memorization of number strings
aster: melodies and mnemonics
skulldigger: organized note-taking
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songofopal · 8 months
The Jackal Squad ( song of opal Au)
Wanted to do some introductions to the jackal squad in this lil Au. For starters the squad are all siblings (yes we caved and chose this route) with Infinite being the oldest (they do have a sibling older then infinite but she’s a bit unimportant to the story until later on) . Getting into individual introductions we’ll start from oldest to youngest.
Finnegan/infinite:Birth name Fadil, Finnegan is the oldest male sibling who often took over the role as father figure to the younger ones when their dad, known as the phantom(Manu),would go on rigorous missions to provide financial support for the family. He’s pretty cunty of course when in front other mercenary groups. Only his siblings have seen his true self under a metaphorical mask until after the “death” of his youngest sibling to where he masks even around his family
Bandit/uno:Birth name Cairo , Bandit is the third child as well as adopted into the family. He is a very good strategist tho often buts heads with Finnegan during a missions planning stages . Hes also the best cook out of all of the siblings
Louis/Deux:Birth name Karim, the right hand man to Finnegan and the forth child. Him and bandit are the same age tho Cairo is a few months older. The Shakespeare theatre kid sibling basically. Also the coffee addict
Zulla/Trois:Birth name Nefret , Shes a big Tom boy and a very bad influence (in a loving way) with the youngest two. She’s not really close to her oldest sister (Tiye) since Tiye would focus on Academic’s more after the incident.
Blitz/Quatre:Birth name Amr, he is a very chaotic child and often gets himself into trouble. He looks up to his sibling’s and would try and impress them which often gives Finnegan a heart attack when the boy gets into something he shouldn’t. Has a special interest in weapons and artillery
Aida/Melody/Majesty :Body’s name Anipee , the youngest of the siblings. Very musically inclined with their favorite instrument being the violin 🎻. They were very close to Finnegan and blitz before the incident. As the system formed Aida became the name of a protector with Melody being the hosts name.
Honorable mentions being the oldest Tiye who went to be an Archaeologist and works at being a teacher part time when she has no expeditions.
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chaomother · 1 year
The "big bad jackal" got me really good♡ I can't be the only one who saw the raw sexual energy in Infinite's lines
Imagine a red riding hood au!
Reader (who's often dressed like a jackal to scare others) and Infinite stop Sonic in his track every now and they continue bickering and essentially flirting - definitely fucking in the woods too, not sorry - and every single mobian is worried out of their minds cause you always manage to somehow corner him alone, what if you kill their hero?!
It doesn't help that Amy swears to Knuckles he saw you two eating Sonic, with Sonic's whole face inside infinite's mouth. Little does she know that's just his way of showing affection♡
Sonic really loves the thrill of the chase at first, but when he's met with you two's real intentions, he's completely addicted! Infinite continues to give him compliments, he surely has a way with words, it scares him sometimes... what really unnerves him is that the jackal is much taller than him, much more board with a soft fur he has never seen before, pinning him around like it's the easiest thing in the world when no one else has ever done it before...
And you?
You brave thing....
Sweet thing..
His guardian angel from day one, he could swear there was a blinding light behind you the first time you two met
How did you end up here angel? He would ask, and you would laugh! He has never heard a sweeter sound, a lovely melody
You tell him of a time you were terrified of your own voice, scarred and hopeless in a world where everyone wanted to tear you apart
You tell him Infinite makes you feel safe
You tell him he makes you feel even safer
He hopes to gods you never leave
He hopes to gods you stay forever
Cotton anon
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WHAT DA HECK COTTON THIS IS SO SO INSANELY GOOD!!!!!! i adore the concept of sonic being little red, trapped with his two favorite carnivores♡
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devzik · 1 year
I really wanna introduce everyone to my female oc Arianna (Hufflepuff) and her twin brother Emory (Slytherin) of the Lovett family. But first, I must introduce you to their parents.
The Lovett family is a Scottish dark wizard family of unregistered Animagi. They teach their children how to be Animagi after their first year at Hogwarts, most turning out to be different types of canines. However, the twins father married outside the family (to the annoyance of his parents) but he took it upon himself to teach his soon to be wife how be an Animagus, her form being that of a Golden Jackal, meaning the Lovett family felt no need to ostracize their son any longer (her being a pureblood certainly helping with this fact). Their names were Carlisle and Melody.
Carlisle, like most of his family, had stark black hair and sharp features, his eyes of a deep black. Melody, on the other hand, had bright auburn hair and soft more round features, her eyes being an emerald green. Together they had four kids; Lalona (youngest), Kyle (oldest), and the twins (the middle children).
Now for the children
Lalona (Lay-lawn-ah) is five when the twins start to attend Hogwarts, so she has no Animagus form as of yet. She's the only one out of her siblings that has her father's hair but not the only one with her mother's eyes.
Kyle (Kai-el) is attending his third year of Hogwarts as a Slytherin when the twins are admitted. His Animagus form is that of a Scottish Deerhound, his copper hair causing the animals usually grey/blue coat to match his own hair color. His eyes being that of his mother's. Certainly the more well behaved of the 4 children.
Arianna (Air-Re-on-nah) is a sixth year Hufflepuff when Devzik (the MC) is admitted to Hogwarts. Her Animagus form taking that of a Red Fox. Something she takes a lot of pride in, going as far as to have her friends call her Fox. She takes after her mother by having bright auburn hair but has her fathers black eyes. Her and her brother were raised alongside Ominis, the Lovett family being very close to the Gaunts due to purity status.
Emory (Em-Ree) is a sixth year Slytherin when Devzik (the MC) is admitted to Hogwarts. His Animagus form being that of a Dire Wolf. This coining him the nickname of "The Big Bad Wolf" by Ominis and then later mostly used by Sebastian, the boys being some of the few that know of the twins Animagus forms. He too shares his mother's hair and father's eyes, causing his wolf form to be a gorgeous red, making it obvious that he isn't a normal animal.
(I came up with this family back when I was like 13, they originally were alive and attending Hogwarts when Harry Potter was but I actually think they fit much better within the 1890s time frame. Feel free to ask any questions about ANY of my OCs, I love them all dearly and they all have their own lore.)
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weirdozjunkary · 11 months
I did another fic in the PIB AU. This time of the infamous panic attack scene. It’s fairly long, but not the longest I’ve ever written
A spectactical aray of confetti bursted from the baker inspo the air. Sonic splat, the confetti clinging to himself. At any other time, this cluster of colourful paper adorned with a cute party horn would’ve been cheerful, but now it seemed more gruesome.
“BLEGH! What?!”
“OHOHO! So that’s what they do!” Ivo cheered. He was already aiming up another shot. Unicorn horns are deadly. “Cool!”
“NO! ITS NOT COOL!” The iridecent beatle shouted, appalled at the doctors amazement by this spread of colourful destruction.
Another horn stuck into a bakers side. “AUGHYOU SHOT ME-“
Another explosion right in the hedgehogs face. He sneezed at the dust and confetti in the air. “Ugh! The sight is off!” He heard ivo groan. And just as he could stop himself from sneezing, Sonic was hoisted up by his bandana.
“I got him mister Horner!” Another horn stuck into the bakers side.
“Oh no.”
Silence. Only accompanied by a faint growing ringing through the hedgehogs ears as he flew through the air slowly. It didn’t stop till he tumbled against the ground, his bandana untying itself from his throat. There, just within arms reach, it was the map. It had fallen out of his grasp through the explosion. And as the world around him moved by in slow motion, he propped up on a knee and reached out a hand to it.
He froze. That sound. That sharp and sickening melody that made his hair stand up on end and his stomach twist violently. He could hear it. Just a few feet behind him.
He gasped out air from his lungs. Hoping to god that when his eyes drifted from the map behind him that he wouldn’t see what he dreaded to see. But once his body was fully turned around. As his heart pounded in his ears and his lungs felt tight and empty. He could see it. That jackal. Unsheathing his sickles from his dark cloak. Staring at him with his vibrant eyes.
He is here. HOW is he here? The last time he saw him was running from Ivo Horner’s bakery. And still, those eyes, so glassy but vibrant like marbles. They pierced frozen daggers into his. It made them ache.
His body moved before his brain caught up. His heart raced in his ears, pounding so hard his chest hurtt. His lungs were on fire as he wheezed while he ran. Ran away. Ran far. Ran fast. Just get away from this fucking maniac!!!
“Sonic? SONIC! WAIT!” Tails shouted, grabbing his fallen bandana and chasing after him.
“Tails?” Shadow puzzled. He took his eyes off of the map for a second. Just enough for the face of a large hammer to whack him away.
“Thanks for the map, Stripes!” Amy gawked as she laid her eyes on the map she snatched up from the ground. It sparkled and shimmered. Changing the scenery on it and then the world around them. The ground broke and shifted, sending cliffs and pine trees high into the air.
“NO!” Both Shadow and Ivo shouted in anger at the group that ascended higher into the air.
“HEY! You’ve just been crimed by the Chaotix Crime family!” The young bee shouted.
“So long, you plonkers!” Amy added and left with the rest of them. Projectiles flying past them as they ran into the newly formed forest behind.
“!LOS VOY HACER A TODOS ALFOMBRAS DE BAÑO!” Shadow angrily shouted. He kicked the ground and bared his teeth in frustration. “GRAGH!!! SONIC!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!”
His legs could barely keep him standing. The only reason why he didn’t fall over yet was the proper yak motion of his legs keeping him going forward. His footsteps were heavy and sporadic, so was his breathing. He heaved with each step, each movement of his arms. His eyes darting around the dark forest. He could’ve sworn he saw him. His face. His eyes. Him. The one trying to take his life.
“SONIC! SONIC!” The twin tailed fox cried out with worry. Where could he have gone?
There. He was at the base of a tree. Huffing and heaving as his eyes continued to dart around in front of him. That hunter is near. He’s just waiting to pounce. Waiting to strike. He’s here. He has to be.
“Sonic! Sonic! Are you okay? What’s wrong?!”
Tails’ voice fell deaf on Sonic’ ears. He huffed and wheezed with tears in his eyes. He was waiting for him, the jackal. The moment for him to strike. He didn’t know if Tails was truly there or not. And Tails. This boy was so worried for his friend. He felt helpless. Moreso Sonic to Tails.
But, he looked at Sonic’s face. The pure terror and panic in his eyes. And almost as if he had done this before, he rested his head against his chest. He could feel it, hear it. His heartbeat so fast and loud. A sporadic rhythm that pounded so hard that it could leap right out of his chest.
But as Tails laid there, his eyes shut and an arm wrapped over the hedgehog, he felt a hand lay gently on his head, and the hedgehog’s heart and breathing slow. He didn’t move, didn’t flinch, didn’t even open his eyes. He just laid there as Sonic pet him. He only looked at him once he heard him huff out a sigh.
“Thank you, Tails.” He said.
“What’s going on with you, Sonic?”
Sonic stammered and looked away. He couldn’t look this sweet boy in the face. Not to tell him what’s really been going on. Why he decided to pursue this star. What his wish truly was. “I… I am down to my last life. And I…” He gulped down a hard lump. “I am afraid.”
“Well, it’s okay to be afraid.”
“No! Not for Sonic the Hedgehog! I’m supposed to be a fearless hero. A legend.” He slumped further down the base of the tree. “But without any lives to spare. I am… nothing.” He shot up and clenched a determined fist. “I need that wish to get my lives back!”
“You should tell Shadow, then. He would understand-“
“No no no! He can’t hear none of this stuff!” Sonic said as he put a hand over the fox’s mouth briefly to silence him.
What neither of them knew, was not far behind them was the black hedgehog, slicing through the prickled grass. “¿Adónde fueron ese idiota y su zorro?” He muttered to himself. His ears shot up once he could hear the blue hedgehog.
“Shadow will never trust me again. Not after Santa Coloma.”
“But that was just one bad heist.”
“Santa Coloma wasn’t a heist, Tails. It was a church. With a priest and guests… and Shadow.” He reminisced back to that day. A sour feeling painfully waved over his chest. “Everything but me. I ran away then too.”
“Oh...” Tails responded, letting his mind wander a little. “Oh.” He finally gasped in shock once the realization hit him. “OH! You left him at the altar?”
“It was wrong, I know. I’m ashamed of it.” He sighed. “I just wish I hadn’t hurt ‘em so badly. I regret that day a lot.”
“So… maybe you should tell that to Shadow. It might make you feel better about it. It might make him feel better about it, too.”
Shadow stood behind the tree, arms crossed and a look of uncertainty clearly on his face. Of course Sonic wouldn’t have said this to his face, his pride was too fragile to admit defeat. But, something about what he said, perhaps the tone or what have you. It felt genuine, though full of sadness and melancholy.
He had been running all his life, both of them. Running from enemies, from friends, loved ones, eachother. Running out of fear. Fear of being betrayed, of being hurt again. He was like him, even if they didn’t know the extent of it— of each other— they both were running. Maybe. Maybe they don’t need to run.
“Sonic! Fox!” Shadow called as he came into their view. “There you two are. What the hell happened?”
“S-Shadow!” Sonic stammered and stood up, finally tying his bandana back on. “I-uh- I lost the map. I messed up.”
“We’ll get it back, don’t worry. We’ve been in worse prickles.”
“WHAT?! Who told you that name?!” Sonic shouted, only to receive a confused look from shadow.
“…What name?”
“Uh… n-nothing!”
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janeelyakiri · 2 years
What if the guys were sirens? What kind of music what they use to attract others :00 Also Polly too??
What kind of sea creature can be found here~
Honestly though, I think they'd just use soft melodies?
Can you imagine heavy death metal being sung at you?? From a Siren???
Though Jackal would definitely sing love songs to further lure in a snack~
Macaw and Fox would rely on their brothers. Neither would be able to get themselves to sing to humans.
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deadpoetoctavius · 2 months
Though the dance is painful why must you comply?
Why must I?? how could I?
As beautiful as a melody as sincere as a lover’s word of comfort how can I not?
For your eyes carry the blaze of our mighty sun himself; for the touch of your fingers are as soft as moonlight 
How could I not but fall, deeply and incandescently in love
With a mere word from your lips, you had me bound in a spell, like a sailor to a siren
I’m smitten
Now and forever may the mere sight of you be the reason for my existence
A feeling so intense that the sun would cower in shame
A sight so heavenly that even god would grieve his pearly gates
All that the universe has to offer and the most precious of them all; you
Like a siren’s song as soft as the gentle waves
As loyal as a jackal to its mate
Like the sun burning gaze
As divine as the notion of death
For me, my love, loving you would mean death
As for loving you is the parallel of driving a stake through my heart
I must confess I’ve never been such a masochist loving loon as I have been since the moment I laid eyes on you
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emoskull1024 · 5 months
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This is a new OC named Irwin the Jackal/Anubis
Irwin's Backstory-Irwin, a respected and well-known man from Egypt, has two sisters, a brother and a mom and dad he is the youngest out the bunch.He is known for protecting the people in the area,especially the children, who can be easily taken.After Irwin walking around the cornerns he hears something from a far distance saying,the war starts now, and Irwin realizes he needs to get back now after finally getting back immediately goes to war with other people,but realizes his family and some of the villagers and unkown man is missing.So he decides to go on his own to find them and bring them back to their home.He meets new people, including Melody Coco Lacy other ocs,who he calls his new family.
Upon arriving at the location he was searching for, Irwin finds the villagers and his family being used by the unknown man, Stuart Crocodile/Sobek of Chaos. Irwin and his friends stop Stuart from using the people to cause chaos and get his family back but Stuart is no where to be seen.Irwin is ready to join his new friends to save the world Despite one annoyance,and tells his family he will never forget them.
he finds new friends like no other. He calls his new friends family and gets along well with them, especially Coco.He enjoys desserts, training younger people, and spending time outside.He is a calm and loving person.Irwin surprises his friends two years later, wanting to join his friends to protect the world. They are all happy to see him again,as he has learned to appreciate the support of his friends during his lowest moments.
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Name: Miss Carl Barnet Color: Shadow White #Eef1ea Symbol: broken spade Strife Specibus: hockeystickkind Handle: tackyApricity Animal: jackal Pronouns: xet/xets/xets/xetself Age: 22 Birthday: 149th day of the year Sexuality: Fond of Men Interests: social media and cryptography Dream Moon: derse Classpect: Prince of Breath Land: Land of Trickery and Melody, a tough place, with grieving Speckled Forest Pitviper consorts. It is a place full of seas and Orbs™️. Hephaestus can't be found. Instrument: diaulos
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