alicantobiotech · 3 months
Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturers in Kerala Welcome to Alicanto Biotech – Your Trusted Partner in Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing in the vibrant state of Kerala! With years of experience in the field of Ayurvedic medicine manufacturing, our team of skilled professionals brings unparalleled expertise to every step of the production process. From formulation development to packaging and distribution, we prioritize excellence in everything we do.
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drakramismails-blog · 2 years
Dr. Akram Ismail - 7 Common Reasons to See a Gastroenterologist
In recent years, the importance of gut health has been widely discussed. While one may think that the term gut is just another word for the stomach, in reality, gut refers to your entire gastrointestinal system. This includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (colon), and biliary system (e.g., liver, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts).
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According to Dr. Akram Ismail, Here are seven common reasons you should see a gastroenterologist-who specializes in the treatment of these areas:
1. Heartburn
You may write off heartburn as a normal sign of aging or the result of eating food that is way too spicy, but it could actually be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.  When heartburn lasts more than a few weeks, you should see a gastroenterologist. Over-the-counter medications can provide relief from heartburn, but if you are using these medications more than twice a week, you should consult a physician. Using an endoscope, a gastroenterologist can examine your upper digestive tract to find the source of your discomfort and develop a treatment plan with you.
2. A lump in your throat
A sore throat and difficulty swallowing are common symptoms associated with the common cold or flu. However, if you notice a lump in your throat that is not accompanied by other viral symptoms such as congestion, runny nose or cough, it could be a sign of a digestive problem.
3. Changes in bowel habits
If you notice any changes in your bowel habits, such as the frequency or stool type, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to consult a gastroenterologist to rule out a larger digestive condition.
4. Rectal bleeding
While we’re on the subject of bowels, rectal bleeding is always considered abnormal. Most often blood in the toilet or on the toilet paper when you wipe is caused by hemorrhoids, however, a GI doctor can confirm there is not a more severe underlying condition.
5. Prolonged abdominal pain or bloating
Minor abdominal pain or bloating can be uncomfortable, but when they become frequent or persistent they can start to interfere with daily life. Common causes include diet, stress, or certain medications, as well as a variety of digestive conditions such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), or ulcers. A gastroenterologist can help get the root of your problem.
6. Food sensitivities or intolerances
Food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances can lead to adverse reactions such as bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, gas, vomiting and more. A gastroenterologist can test for conditions such as lactose intolerance or Celiac disease (gluten), and develop a treatment plan.
7. Preventative Screenings
A gastroenterologist can look for signs of certain diseases, such as colon cancer, even if you don’t have symptoms. For those at average risk, the United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPTF) recommends that regular colorectal cancer screenings start at age 50 and continue through age 75. Screenings may include a colonoscopy, imaging scans and/or stool samples.
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Click here to learn more about Dr. Akram Ismail as he treats digestive issues, such as irregularity or inflammatory bowel disease.
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ushealthcarepharmac · 2 years
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Fruits Will Change Your Sex Life because they contain vital nutrients that enhance your sexual desires and also help to cure ED Naturally. fruits are not the only way to change your sex life. Most fruits are naturally low in fat.
Read More: https://www.thetodayposts.com/5-fruits-that-will-change-your-sex-life/
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ittybittybumblebee · 6 months
Goerton , gortn. Gorttonn freeemang . Gorton frwemahn . Im gorton freeman. Hi .Gimme that medicicne needle juice fucker. Im dying m dying soooo fast my hrealth is killing me . Im killing me this entire world is kilking me, giv eme the health needle juice doctor scientist. Bitch
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hackernewsrobot · 1 month
It's Been a Year and Georgia.gov Continues to Be Hacked
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draculaflow3 · 1 year
death grips hustle bones pill bottle medicicne commercial amv
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autisticstarseed · 7 years
im just not havin it today but idk what ‘it’ even i,,s,, ,,,, 
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dystopianharry · 5 years
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skuzz · 5 years
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Repurposing some illustrations for a potential banner, per Dr. Michael Lawton’s request. He wants it to include illustrations depicting some of the microneurosurgical techniques and concepts he’s developed. The sectioned brain in the center which shows various AVMs, is the work of Kristen Larson Keil. Kristen designed the image to look like the work of Kenneth Probst, the medical illustrator responsible for the beautiful artwork within Dr. Lawton’s textbooks, “Seven AVMs” and “Seven Bypasses.” #medicalillustration #journal #coverart #publication #neurosurgery #textbook #journalcover #medicalart #sciart #scienceillustration #textbooks #medicalschool #physicianassistant #neuro #bypass #neuroscience #bypasssurgery #teaching #sutures #technique #spinesurgery #medicicne #spine #photoshopdrawing #digitalpainting #cintiq #magazinecover #article #brainsurgery #brains (at Neurosurgery Residency at Barrow Neurological Institute) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2HUufYnnrR/?igshid=1r6cqd9ubj31g
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rethesun · 3 years
MEDICICNE  medicine
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clieopatra · 6 years
its 2:15 am and i just took some wild medicicne and cant think and im still not sure what it means that kylo rem would be asapiosexual like that anon said
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why didn tj miller get drugged up i noffice christmas parpty but i get tboned and i get like. a  mri with hte dye that made me think i peed my pants in fornt of some nruses and then they gave me pain medicicne in my arm and i almost threw up........i  wnat  a morphine and a jello..
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letrasdemaria · 7 years
A hard decision
A while ago I wanted to write about my experience at med school.
Decided to study medicine was a hard decision. I was studying to be a psychologist, I don´t know why I think that when I was at high school I didn´t think about it so deeply. I stayed there a year but even I had good grades and some good friends I din´t totally fit with the people and the classes I realized nothing about psychology totally fill me with passion.
I started wondering why I was feeling that way at college and my boyfriend of that time was studying medicine so I analized that everytime he talked about medicine he did it with passion, I wanted to feel that, also all the subjects he brought to the conversation made me feel more and more interested on medicicne.
Suddenly I started to imagine my self being a great doctor. I wanted to be that I really wanted. I don´t know why I came with the idea so late, but how I supposed to tell my mom and family about it they alredy had wasted money on psichology school and know, begin again, we haven´t been a rich family I knew that maybe I will give up on that dream because of economic problems or find a good scholarship.
On day I became brave, I mean really brave and told my mom about everything. She was nuts about it, she told me several things and some of them not postive enoght I crya lot and my family tryed to make me change my mind or maybe study another thing.
Finally some day I research all about the scholarship and the college I apply and my mom and family realized that´s what I really wanted and if I stayed at psichology school I wouldn´t be that happy. 
Now I think is the best decision I had made. I had suffer a little bit, having a lack of sleep and social life but I had found what I really love to do and friends that had became like family.
If you are at a hard decision don´t boubt on message me I can help. And I also recommend to write about your situation, make lists about the good and the bad things. AND DON´T FORGET TO FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS EVEN IF THE ROAD SEEMS DIFFICULT.
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blue-batty-coco · 7 years
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you’re done tag 10 people plus the person who tagged you, and most importantly, HAVE FUN A- Age: 25 B- Biggest fear: escalators, bees, elevaters, revolving doors   C- Current time: 1:17 am D- Drink you last had: dr pepper E- Everyday starts with: ill have to leave my bed and count down when I sleep in it again. F- Favourite song: I'm listening to conqueror by Estelle, other than one of tawof songs got stuck in my head (be your own you) G- Ghosts, are they real: ye H- Hometown: haltom I- In love with: aliens J- Jealous of:i get jelous of everything K- Killed someone: nope but I get real tempted too if there was no consequences L- Last time you cried: couple months ago M- Middle name: taylor N- Number of siblings: biological? one giant ass brother O- One wish: to speak ALL of the languages P- Person you last called/texted:granma Q- Questions you’re always asked: ey you b/g? R- Reasons to smile: pizza S- Song last sang: run away with me T- Time you woke up: 8am so I could finish my neverending class work U- Underwear colour: white V- Vacation destination: spain W- Worst habit: skin picking X- X-rays you’ve had: my teeth Y- Your favourite food: pizza Z- Zodiac sign: Capricorn
I dont feel like taggin my sleep medicicne is kicking in
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gigan · 4 years
i jsut dont see the point of living likei dont have the motivation to talk to anyone i just kind of float dasy go by so fast and icant sleep ever anymore i have to drink or take medicicne or both which isnt good 
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