#me enabling lea
bitter-sweet-coffee · 10 months
I'm now assuming Wave and Espio swap shitty older sibling tales.
Wave: I convinced Jet the AI gained sentience, tried to revolt, and had his search history.
Espio: I manipulated Charmy into thinking his favorite color was yellow when he was little. He still doesn't know if he actually likes yellow or if it's just the conditioning.
YES. absolutely. they are the bastard middle children who cause relentless problems for the youth around them
bonus lore: jet now attempts to fool charmy since he’s not the youngest. this backfires, since jet is an idiot compared to the psychological horrors of charlemagne bee, and now jet is being fooled by a child less than half his age.
extra bonus lore: storm, who is not as gullible as you may think, is also tricked by charmy via technologically related means. see shitpost from 2 years ago below
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lesbianfakir · 2 months
Do invasion of the body snatchers
YESSSSS THANK U!! God I need to rewatch that movie
From the phrasing of this I’m assuming you mean make it into an au but if you just mean watch the movie dw it’s going on my list
Princess Tutu x Invasion of the Bodysnatchers:
So thinking about the plot of tutu a bit I decided it makes the most sense if rue gets bodysnatched first, most likely by her father (a human in this au ig?) Thats a little sad because it means rue will be emotionless and not herself going forward but! We can make up for this by playing with the dynamics rue already had with the other characters. I’m thinking Duck upon discovering that Rue is gone and hasn’t existed for some time tries to appeal to “Rue’s” sense of humanity—she has all Rue’s characteristics and memories, surely there’s some spark of affection for her friends still left in her?
Mytho is the next to get snatched, perhaps trusting “rue” when he probably shouldn’t. Congratulations Mytho! Even in our silly horror au you still lost all your emotions!! Throw in some raven mytho parallels and let him psychologically torment fakir and we’re set for a fun time.
Duck’s downfall would be her empathy. I can’t see a world in which she is able to wholly detach herself with someone with her friend’s face. Duck would insist that the body snatchers can’t be all bad and surely there’s a way to get through to them—
Fakir is skeptical. Of all the Tutu’s I think fakir is most equipped to deal with a body snatchers world because he is paranoid as all hell. He’s also perceptive enough that if he’s already endeared to Duck I think it would be pretty easy for him to determine if she’s real. Fakir’s tragedy is that he can’t save anyone. He couldn’t save mytho from rue. As hard as he tries he can’t stop Duck from still loving the faces that are trying to kill her. I think he does a decent job of keeping Duck safe at first—until she directly disobeys him to once again try to get through to “Rue” and “Mytho”. Fakir is now alone and tormented by the faces of all the people he loved and couldn’t save. Yippee!!
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galaxythixf · 3 months
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@fatexbound said: "What if they kissed?" (Giving you either Akimitsu or YukiChie) Send "What if they kissed" for a hypothetical scenario with no strings attached || Accepting
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They shouldn't be doing this.
That's the thought that echoes throughout her mind the more the suggestion seems to sit between the two of them as if it weren't completely obvious by the way they looked at one another. The snow outside is what ushered them inside in the first place and as the chill of the evening settled in the cure hadn't ever looked so obvious before. Whatever feeling she felt now was something that's been dying to claw its way to the surface for so long now it almost felt painful to repress it any longer whenever she looked at her. Best friend started to feel like a lie when the truth felt so much heavier within the confines of her chest. Her name sat so heavenly at the center of it that friend didn't feel like enough.
What was she thinking? Nothing good, she knows and part of what's kept her from voicing it is what she knows to be a learned reaction. Learned rejection that's a result of Yukiko's own circumstances and Chie was content with keeping quiet about it until the possibility felt … attainable. She's spent so much time at the Inn it's hardly a surprise that she's here for the night again after a nasty storm kept her from making it any further than a few steps outside. Usually not a big deal after a quick phone call to her parents but now it felt like such a gamble when the space between them is so small and Chie's will to resist is growing so thin. Brown eyes fall on Yukiko's lips with a stare that lingers before she corrects it, snapping back to the other girl's eyes in an instant and fumbling to find the words she meant to ask.
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"A-Are you still cold?" Chie knows she's the one that felt the effects of the storm the most but her priorities were always Yukiko before herself, a habit. She can't remember what brought her so close to begin with but she doesn't move and under dim lighting she can hardly make out Yukiko's expression but she knows the other isn't stopping her from getting any closer. She should stop, what if someone walks in? It's enough to make Chie glance toward the door but nothing more, pleased with the risk when both time and the weather happened to be on their side. There were still guests downstairs being tended to and on a school night, it was usually safe to assume Yukiko would be left alone after a certain time. There were exceptions, but all Chie could do was hope tonight wasn't one of them.
She shouldn't, but she wants to so badly.
The arms that draw around her shoulders speak for themselves and Chie could feel the heat of her cheeks responding to the action in kind as they draw her in. They're shaking and ordinarily she would have blamed it on the weather but she knows better. She knows Yukiko better than anyone to know they must share the same urgency, the same desire that's left them with the choice to risk it when offered such a fragile sense of privacy and she knew she'd feel stupid for never taking it but worse if their moment led to humiliation from ignorant passersby's. It's a risk they're both willing to take, evidently and with one more shaky breath Chie gives in to take it. The chill of bitter winter melts to the flame Yukiko's lips kindle within her and it burns bright enough to make her whole body tingle with the need to keep her here, keep her close, keep her lips on hers. The moment they meet she feels like they were always meant to be entwined in each other's space like this. They were never meant to be apart, not when they felt so perfectly together.
Her heart's beating so fast she can hardly hear herself think anymore. The world fades to the background when all she craves is a little more of Yukiko, the main motivation for the shaky hands on the other girl's waist gently guiding her closer. This was so nice she could hardly believe she avoided it for so long and Chie felt so elated with the feeling she nearly forgot about the fear that previously bound her.
Eyes snap open when she hears them and in an instant they're apart, the Chariot quickly turning her back to the door when the knock inevitably comes to hide her blushing face that she would have no excuse for. That was close. Too close.
… But she wanted more of it.
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trashfangirlsworld · 2 months
I'm gonna attempt to make another post talking about stuff I've seen after q's stream, because I saw people say that the last one I made made them feel better, so here we go:
why is he speaking spanish: this is not something I necesserly saw after yesterday, but I did see it last time he streamed a statement regarding qsmp and the fact that he had to start this stream fucking explaining why he's speaking his native language to formulate what he wants to say better is fucking vile to me and anyone that said that last time does not have a right to stay in this fandom or to even talk about this situation.
he does not have a right to sound mad: i'm sorry, but he has every right to sound frustrated, he is not mad at the admins that choose to leave the project, he explicitly says he understand their decision and wishes them the best, he is frustrated at those that have caused damage to the server in the first place and are still the reason why he can't be more open about what's happening. We are talking about his passion project here, of course he's frustrated that this is happening, even if he completely understands why some admins are leaving.
he is enabling hate against lea and others! (people that have leaked information): quackity has every right to cite the reason as to why he can't openly communicate the way he wants to, especially when those leaks have been twisted and used against him by the people that were initially harming the server in the first place (those he fired). He openly says the he doesn't necesserly think that the people that are leaking stuff are aware of how those leaks are actually being used, so he's not blaming any specific person. Actions have consequences, no one is the exception to this rule in this situation.
he says any criticism is invalid!: no he just straight up doesn't. He says he's not bothered by people that give non-constructive critcism and whose goal is clearly to see the project destroyed. If you feel like this statement is a call out to what you have been saying, then maybe you should reflect on what you actually want here and potentially leave. If you have constructive criticism you want to say, once again keep in mind that quackity does not have twitter on his phone and the best way to commuincate something to him is through his public email.
As quackity himself said multiple times, if you're not happy with how things are going and don't want to wait for visible change it's fine, but do not twist and nitpick stuff because you don't want to step away from something if you don't have a "moral" reason to do so. I said this multiple times, but this is just a shitty fucking situation that does not have an easy and quick solution to it, and people will make decisions or mistakes that you will not like on all sides, it does not mean there is malicious intent behind those decisions. Again, we may not know their names and how many there were, but we know who is actually to blame for all of this and I hope quackity is in the process/is gonna be able to sue them. The admins that choose to leave because of any reason have every right to do so, something that quackity himself also expressed on his stream. It is very possible to support them completely while understanding why things are the way they are, as much as everyone fucking dislikes it.
I genuinely hope qsmp is able to come back stronger, however long it takes, because I personally think this project is good and does not deserve to end this way. Much love to everyone, once again remember to have empathy to everyone.
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mutuals! (alphabetical order)
sorry in advance for the tags, love you all
@ace-of-pussy - monday - just a cool person i admire from afar, i feel blessed that she follows me
@akari-is-sleepy - my irl, they never post or rb anything but i love them so much
@archerestarcher - archer - we don't really interact but he's super cool and is one of my oldest moots
@auroraofthesun1 - aurora - she’s so so cool and i’m so honoured to be her mutual
@awful-amateur - everett - we don't really interact but i think they're one of my pjo mutuals?
@a-wondering-thought - julian - julian is my cool mutual and they have an impeccable vibe
@barblarvernour - an enabler of my starkid brainrot
@book-girl4eva - bea - i want to adopt her, she's so amazing and sweet and she just- UGH
@caked-rainbow - have we ever interacted, like ever? idk but i like the shitposts they reblog
@casperwazhere - casper - every time i see one of his posts i'm like, "oh yeah, so real"
@cavernfullofexistentialdread - dread - we are the same person, prove me wrong.
@closetnerd62 - very cool person
@dafantasyqueen - shree - literally one of the coolest people i follow
@despisinglight - i find their blog extremely entertaining
@dingus0401 - my fellow renthead/livvy, she is the best
@duckgens - starkid/tcb
@erikasnothungry - erika
@evenbiggercat - rodent - my irl, love her, don’t ask why i’m calling her rodent
@finleyforevermore - finn - activism and musicals, he's supremely cool
@gonna-live-just-to-spite-you - caesar - pretty sure the most interesting posts i find through him
@hungergameswho - nox - I LOVE NOX THEY'RE SO COOL
@iam1withthepeggy - kate - fellow band/choir/theatre kid
@iloveeverythingwaytoomuch - emz - when emz starts posting, it's time to get out the popcorn because their brain is truly unhinged
@im-on-crack-send-help - riyana - most relatable person on the planet
@ketsisnotok - kets - SO COOL OMG I'm so honoured to bee your mutual <3
@leaskisses444/@oceanbby555 - lea - she's so nice omg
@leonard-martin - one of my hatchetfield moots
@louissatturi - louis - again, don't really interact but occasionally his stuff comes up and i'm given an update on what he's up to
@marvelmaniac715 - katie - obsessed with david tennant and other things i don't really understand so I just kind of do an awkward thumbs up, like, "oh cool you're into this"
@mimmmyyy - mara - the sweetest person ever, she is literally the coolest
@musical-dash-trash - *points at you* GAYYY
@mylittlevsoldier - sage - sage is so aesthetic and i'm shocked that they ever followed a mere peasant such as myself
@my-mind-is-frozen - willow - definitely one of the nicest, most chill people i've ever met and i need to meet her someday
@paranormaltheatrekid - elliot - feeds my insanity
@sondheim-girly - jean - AMAZING PERSON AND IM SO GLAD WE MET, musical theatre <33
@st4r-fire - star - she is absolutely insane and i love her
@sukiram - suki - never active but when they are i love talking to them
@tharealamelialuvsfrasier - mel - feeds the rent brainrot
@thehyperfixationspeedrunner - bea - AMAZING EPIC THE MUSICAL PERSON
@therealkaidertrash21 - ema - fellow latine and lunar chronicles stan
@the-slowest-turtle - turtle - truly incredible human being
@thezachy - epic the musical stuff and shitposts
@wants-to-marry-sirius-black - ara - genuinely so cool and nice and amazing i love her sm
@wlinixy - linn
@your-local-obsessive-fangirl - gracie - loyally likes my posts, so grateful for her feeding my ego
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van-yangyin · 7 months
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Lain Iwakura Set 2/2 【Simblreen 2023 - Weekend 1】 (1)
You couldn't be in my porchlight this weekend? Don't worry, now the first part of Lain Iwakura's set is available for everyone. This was part of treat I gave to those choosing number one of my five treats.
Based on Lain Iwakura from Serial Experiments Lain, this second and last part of her set contain her color eye for all ages in three different categories and her pajama recolor for Female, Male and Toddlers. Hope you enjoy this gifts! 🍬🍭 And remember… No matter where you go, everyone’s connected. 🖥️
Download under keep reading ↓
If you download my CC it means your agree with my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語).
Lain Iwakura Eyes Color
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Eyes General Info:
1 Swatch
Base game compatible
3 versions (As non-default eye recolor, as Face Paint and as Left Mouth Mole)
Infants to Elders
Texture made from scratch
Custom Thumbnails
※Known issue, if you want to use Tie Recolor you can’t use Face Paint Version because are incompatible since are in the same category※
※Download all files or only Download the ones you need the most※
🎃DOWNLOAD LINK🎃 (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
🎃DOWNLOAD LINK🎃 (SFS ~ Free, no adfly)
Lain Iwakura Pajama (Recolor)
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Pajama General Info:
1 Swatch
Base game compatible
Teen to Elders + Toddlers
Custom Thumbnails
Mesh required (Imadako Bear [Animal night wear - for MALE &for FEMALE], to work also need to download [invisible hat (without dropshadow on face) - for enable hat hair, that you can find in the same link) And mesh required for toddlers.
🎃DOWNLOAD LINK🎃 (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
🎃DOWNLOAD LINK🎃 (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Coming soon Lain’s beanie, so if you’re interested, stay tuned!  At first I was thinking of making it frankmeshed included in this set but I didn’t like the final result and I discarded it, so I’ll make it  from scratch and I’ll publish it after Simblreen finish (November). I  hope that even though it’s not in this set this news will excite you as  much as me and you enjoy it when I share it.
Let me know if you find any problem. 🙏❣️
📻 @simblreenofficial, @sssvitlanz, @alwaysfreecc
Happy first weekend of Simblreen! 🎃
🛹 You can find me also on Patreon | Pinterest | Ko-Fi | Blogger (Shared with Lea) | Instagram | X (Twitter) | My F.A.Q. | My T.O.U. | MORE DOWNLOADS 🛹
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rock-n-macabre · 28 days
Guilty as Charged - Severen x fem!reader
✨ This is a one-shot based off of the Severen x reader series, requested by @sailormoon181 with a request of Severen's gal being one with a zest for getting in trouble, and he has to discipline 'em ...but did Severen bite off more than he can chew? (Like always. Gluttonous rabid possum man.) ✨
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I giggle and hold up the stolen garment up to Severen for his approval.
"We can transfer your pins and patches to this thing. Just gotta get me a seam ripper, and I'll start on it!" I beam with enthusiasm. I was determined on helping revive his tattered trophy jacket after the 18 wheeler fiasco.
Everyone turns in the RV, including Jesse who spares a quick glance over his shoulder before his eyes widen for a moment.
"Did you jus' steal that from that vendor on the boardwalk?" Jesse questioned me.
With a mischievous grin spreading across my lips , I give a small nod.
"No one saw a thing, swear on it, Jess'! I jus' couldn't handle hearing Sev lament about his unfixable jacket. Believe me, that thing was tattered beyond repair. You know me...I'd do anything to make him happy." I bat my eyelashes, which by no means worked on the seasoned veteran.
Jesse slammed his hand down on the steering wheel.
"Were you even aware of the surveillance cameras around?"
"Or the people in the surrounding stalls attempting at selling their goods while y'all flamboyant fuckers were causing a scene?"
"Well ~I~ was being quiet, Sev on the other hand....."
"OH GODDAMNIT ENOUGH! Can't we have one night where we don't have to worry about you both causing mayhem?! I expected better of you. Him? We're used to it by now. That was a risky move, Y/N. Too damn risky." Jesse growled before focusing back on the road.
"Jess' , c'mon now, she didn' mean to...." Severen started before Jesse cut him off.
"The two of you enable each other way too damn much! Now... Since you've been with us much longer, Severen, I trust in you to... discipline Y/N. You nipped 'em, so you'll teach 'em." Jesse finished the conversation, leaving Severen to look in between Y/N and Jesse before looking up to Diamondback for guidance. She let out a small laugh and shrug.
"This is gonna end up well .... " She rolled her eyes as Homer scoffed.
"Y/N is just as bad as Severen in regards to that! Discipline? More like treat them. There'll be no learning done!" Homer groaned.
Diamondback laughed as she knew all too well of the moments where Severen 'disciplined' Y/N. It was just like how Severen got pure enjoyment out of his scoldings. The two were cut from the same cloth; it was both a blessing and a curse.
Severen had a glint of mischief in his eyes as he reached out his hand for Y/N to take hold of as he helped them up.
"Now, now, darlin'.... I reckon I oughta teach ya a lesson. Only outlaw allowed to make like a bandit is yours truly... Not a sweet li'l thing like yerself.....ya don't want ta get in any trouble now, would ya, honey pie?" He smirked as he led Y/N to the back corner of the RV out of sight from others.
I looked up at him as I followed his lead. I knew damn well the punishment he had in mind wasn't gonna do no good. It just made me want to repeat offend. He knew it damn well, too.
He took a seat before he brought me down to sprawl across his lap.
"Now, darlin'.... After each...tap .. I want ya to thank me. I saved yer behind. It's the leas' ya could do." He smirked. I barely had any time to react when he delivered the first smack across my ass. He probably thought he was being courteous by giving a small rub and squeeze after.
"T-thank you, Sev! Ahhh..." I give a small groan and he goes to deliver another smack.
"Tha's a good girl, darlin'!" He cooed, before rubbing again after the smack.
The smacks and the "thank you's" lasted for about 10 times before I started to cave. Words becoming jumbled into the pillow on the ground. Severen stopped for a moment to gently lift my head up, his hands clamped around my cheeks.
"Wha' was that, honey? Couldn' hear ya." He smirked.
I groaned as I looked at him, eyes half lidded.
"Sev...please ..." Severen tutted me.
"Now 'm glad yer using yer manners like a good girl, but I'm lookin' fer 'thank you', not please....but..I guess beggin' works good too....ya know how much I love to hear ya beg for me, darlin'.... It does things...." He slipped his hand back down lower to feel in between my legs before I looked up and gave a chuckle.
"Now, sugar ...by the looks of things, I reckon you rather enjoyed your punishment..." His gaze stayed locked on mine.I give a lazy grin before rolling so I'm laying face up on his lap.
"I reckon you're right, cowboy. Guilty as charged."
A look of amusement comes across Severen's face before turning to a devious expression that would make the devil tremble.
"Now that just won't do, huh darlin'? Jess' told me to give ya a learnin', and I intend on doin' so." I have barely time to react as he tackles me to the floor, pinning me down, before reaching for a pair of handcuffs he had stolen off a cop. In a fluid motion, he cuffed my wrists before sitting back on his heels and looking at me.
"You'll have to behave yerself fer me, okay honey?" He grinned as he booped my nose. Ugh that man.
"You've GOT to be kidding me. Severen, I swear --" I get cut off by him tying one of the kerchiefs he had, using it as a makeshift gag in my mouth. He crouches down so his face is mere inches from mine. My eyes narrow at him.
"No back talkin' your elders now, sweetheart. Tell ya what...if ya behave....I'll treat ya nice. Jus' gotta sit still for the next....I'd say two an' a half hours.... Ya can be a good gal for me and I'll come back for ya. Swear on it." He winked before placing a kiss on my forehead.
He started to head towards the main quarters of the RV, before he turned around to look at me.
"This oughta learn ya to behave...even though it was a mighty cute gesture. I gotta admit....Ya look pretty when yer all tied up, darlin'." He said before leaving me to my lonesome.
Joke's on him.... I'll never behave. He probably knows it too. I chuckle to myself, shifting a little bit. He was just as bad. I guess it was punishment in the end the way he just left me hanging after riling me up. Deep down I knew he was biting at the bit to finish what he started. I could see his shadow sitting down, his leg bouncing on anticipation. I was right. I, too, was driving him wild.
And that's what makes it all so damn fun.
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doctor-rosch · 1 month
Rosch? I think it's time we discussed how we're going to handle your employment going forward.
I'm very thankful for your efforts, and consider you to be an excellent lab partner. Your ability to resurrect yourself has been incredibly handy, and has enabled me to test my little projects without the hassle of getting new test subjects. Thank you.
However, the recent issue with your arms has been... concerning. I initially believed that these deaths were a way for you to figure out how to finally rest after having the natural cycle of life stripped away from you. But now, I have reason to believe that you're using this cycle of death and resurrection to deliberately harm yourself.
I suggest that you take a period of extended leave, and use this time to figure out what you want to do next. I'll still be paying you, of course - think of it as a gift, for helping me so much.
...While I'm thankful for your help with my research, I don't... I don't like watching you deliberately harm yourself in this way.
What..? No no no, no, Igma, no!
Are you firing me?? This is firing me! Paid extended lea-?? What even is that?? You want me to take some hoity-toity vacation and sit around and NOT kill myself?? What would that even look like!
Unbelievable. The arm thing I did was just a goof! A gag! You like jokes, don’t you? Well- look at me! Ha! Woopie! Fun! Fun times, Igma! Don’t worry about it.
And even if I was being serious with that cold turkey thing- should I really be punished for trying? In what twisted world should we crack down on a poor man for trying! So I slip up a little- SO WHAT? And now there’s consequences?? There doesn’t HAVE to be! Take them away!
You knew about the harming thing WAAY before, Igma, nothing changed! What? You think blowing your brains out is gonna be pretty? Hate to break it to you, Igma but this is a bloody business. That’s just it. BUSINESS. Just one tick closer to my salvation! No self harm mumbo jumbo here! Nope! Not me! I never give myself the time of day- you really think I would go out of my way to hurt that guy? NO!
And you said it yourself! I’m USEFUL! Right? Who else can do what I do? NO ONE. Don’t you want to see some rabies up close again? Some malaria? What about a really fun one where I bleed from every orifice- I know you’ve got a nasty one saved up you’ve always wanted to try! Don’t hold back now! I’ll be right there! Good? Good!
See you soon, lab partner!
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catmewniverse · 2 months
Me getting into Kingdom Hearts and getting a severe brainrot for the sea salt family- specifically Isa- perfectly aligned with you creating this blog and your art is so incredible it makes me crazy!!!! I think so hard about girl dad Isa and him with not only Xion but Namine and Olette too. All the boys are wrestling or something while the girls surround Isa and braid his hair
YOUR ART IS LOVELY! it was simply meant to be how such events coincided!
Since I’ve last been in this fandom a few years ago, I’ve gained a greater love for Isa, my beautiful werewolf man—he consumes my every waking thought, and his hair is my absolute favorite to draw. What a pretty boy with mad pretty privilege.
I totally see the girls picking Isa as their favorite. They’d braid his hair, do his nails/ makeup, go to him for help with their homework, have deep and insightful conversations. Such peace and harmony. The girls wanna go to the mall? Isa’s there to hold their bags. He’s in the gc getting all the gossip. Girl dad energy without a doubt, and it’s lovely because it perfectly showcases Isa’s redemption in comparison to the cruelty he displayed as Saïx.
Lea is chaotic and the self-identified fun parent. The boys are immature, they’re rowdy, they’re loud. Lea enables it all to hell. But it evens out because Lea is fun-loving and well meaning in the end. I genuinely believe Roxas and Lea have such a deep brotherly bond, it’d bring tears to my eyes. On the other hand, the brain cells leave the chat when all the boys are together.
I love sea salt fam with my whole being, they do found family so soooo well <3
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unholy-fabray · 4 months
When Glee was still airing and I was actively watching the show, I could not STAND Rachel. Like I tuned out every time she was on screen, I was fully on board the Rachel hate train online, etc.
Then something snapped in my brain - or maybe I just got older - and during my recent rewatch of the show, I find myself deeply sympathetic for her as a character.
Setting aside the behind-the-scenes controversies, I think the on-screen character of Rachel Berry gets a little too much hate. I'm sure I'm reading way too much into this ridiculous show, BUT here are some Rachel Berry thoughts I have:
From a young age, she has been wholly dedicated to a very specific goal and encouraged/enabled by her dads to base her entire identity and self worth on this one dream which she then pursues to an abrasive, off-putting degree and is bullied for being "that theater kid". The way her dads handled this almost reminds me of pageant parents, ngl.
Glee is notorious for having it's characters do problematic shit then never really addressing it or calling them out on it, but I've noticed Rachel is very often called out on her bullshit. I know people like to say she gets everything she wants, but (Lea Michelle + RM bts issues aside) Rachel catches a lot of shit in the show - she's just really determined.
Her birth mother breaches a legal contract, manipulates minors to weasel her way into Rachel's life, forcing her into meeting only to REJECT her outright. Shelby describes how she dreamt this moment would go, then basically tells Rachel, "you didn't live up to my dreams, bye". How traumatizing wtf!
Not to mention: Shelby adopts a new baby and lingers around Lima, Ohio where she can continue to traumatize literally every kid she comes in close contact with (Rachel, Quinn, Puck) - but I digress, that's a topic for another post...
Rachel is a teenage girl who is routinely told she is unlikeable and unattractive - even her own boyfriends make comments that put her down compared to other girls. In addition, her satisfaction and pleasure is never considered when it comes to the physical aspects of her relationships (this is a running theme for female characters on this damn show).
On a similar note, Rachel is shown to have very low self esteem and is compensating through her ideas of stardom. She genuinely believes that she is nothing without her singing voice. She has been bullied all her life because she's weird and loud and she comes from a nontraditional family.
Idk man, the way Finn treats her* and the shit with Shelby and how Will + her dads just enable her problematic behavior really makes me sad for her. I think it's easy to forget these characters are teenagers and are so impressionable.
*Rachel also treats Finn badly, I'm not denying that
Anyways, she's a very flawed and at-times aggravating character, but I see her in a different light than I used to. I've developed a sort of soft spot for Miss Rachel Berry. I can better understand why she is the way she is (whether that was intentional or RIB's part or not, idk).
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 2 years
“In my defense, I really wanted to.” “At least I didn’t break any laws.”
How about an Ethan/Tobias convo
Adventures with Dwight Theodore Lewis III
book: Open Heart (post series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Tobias Carrick (platonic)
Warnings: alcohol consumption
Category: Fluff
Summary: Whilst Casey is off on a spa weekend, Tobias and Ethan have a boys night and spend much of the night reflecting on the mischief they got up to in their youth.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry.
For the first time in awhile Ethan was home alone. Casey and the girls had all managed to have some time off on the same weekend and they decided they needed to pamper themselves. With Casey’s wedding fast approaching, she knew time for this was going to be scarce so she jumped at the opportunity.
Tobias had decided that he would come over for a few adult beverages which Ethan agreed too. Normally Ethan drank scotch but for this occasion he bought a top shelf bourbon.
Tobias arrived at the apartment. He was expecting to be served some top notch scotch so was pleasantly surprised to find top shelf bourbon. “For nostalgia’s sake” stated Ethan.
“Yeah except that I introduced you to a much cheaper bourbon.” Stated Tobias.
Ethan nodded and then said “Well, I am sure that we would have found this together if it were not for our falling out.” Tobias could only agree with that. They both sat down and enjoyed their bourbon, enjoying the flavour and along with it the pleasant memories that the bourbon elicited.
They remembered the fun times of their first year from medical school and the prank that Ethan epically failed on. Tobias was still surprised that Ethan still attempted something.
“In my defence, I really wanted too. At leas I did not break any laws” said Ethan
“This is why I had a fake ID, if shit did go pear shaped at least I had good ol’ Dwight ready.” Said Tobias, smiling fondly.
“Just how many laws did Dwight break anyway!” Asked Ethan.
“Not that many, mainly drinking laws in undergrad this why it was framed at Hopkins but it was there if I needed it.”
“Also enabled me to find the room of that scum bag too…”
“Yeah, given what happened I wish I did not take him at all but then again the same thing would have happened if the poisoning was found out.”
“Well, you put your ego aside and came and saved Casey, for that I will be forever in your debt.”
“Seeing you so happy is repayment enough,buddy.”
Ethan smiles and they continue with their night of merriment and thankful that they were once again, not only just on speaking terms but again the best of friends.
Authors note: thanks for the prompt @jerzwriter, short and sweet but you know our two favourite men being best friends is what we all love.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @potionsprefect @binny1985 @schnitzelbutterfingers @bex-la-get @a-crepusculo @crazy-loca-blog @liaromancewriter @ofmischiefandmedicine @tessa-liam
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 2 years
me and @authorleaandres counting our ocs rn once our combined number hits 69 i’m drawing all of them
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galaxythixf · 4 months
Cont. || X || @fatexbound
The Inn was always busy in Chie's mind but that never fazed her. Even when her time with Yukiko felt shorter and shorter she didn't want to add to any pressure her best friend might have felt by making Yukiko worry about her feelings on top of that. It wasn't worth the effort when she could be using that to actively make time for them instead. It wasn't always ideal to spend their time together working at the Inn but if it eased the load Yukiko dealt with any less, Chie was more than happy to oblige. It's honestly just become a part of her routine having offered so many times now. She liked to think she knew her way around the Inn a little better than most now having spent enough time there.
Although it was nice just being able to relax for once at the Inn. Sure, they didn't get to do a ton of activities like she'd hoped but all of that melted away in the midst of the steam rising from the springs and the bubbling laughter that rose from silly conversation and pleasant memories. It takes time for their energy to dwindle and before she knows it weight lands on her shoulder and she has half the mind to leave it there. Lips form a sympathetic smile looking down at the other and as a hand rose to wake her she hesitates, tripping over the thought of how often Yukiko's been able to sleep since the busy season picked up again. Inevitably Chie dismisses it, convinced that the springs weren't the place for it.
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"Right, we've been soaking in here for a while now and it's so comfortable It makes me feel like time froze." And for a moment it had between giggles and passing stories of what ifs and what had been. While Chie knows it's high time they dried off and headed to bed like the other suggested she can't help the melancholic ache that settles with it, sitting deep within her chest along with the rest of what she left unsaid. "But any longer and we'll turn into prunes, let's get out while we still have life in us."
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callthecleaners0 · 4 days
House cleaning is a long and tiring work. No matter what the property size is, getting it cleaned regularly or opting for an optional deep cleaning can make you completely exhausted. The most important problem lies in the fact that homeowners fail to manage the time required to bring an effective cleaning results in the house. Hence the best decision here is to invest in a professional house cleaning service in McKellar for the job.
What Are The Top Reasons To Invest in Professional House Cleaning?
Here are the top 9 reasons to invest in a house cleaning service explained:
1. You Get More Free Time
When you hire experienced house cleaning services, the trained cleaners conduct the work in a fast and effective manner. They have the proper tool and product to complete the task which would have taken longer. Hence a professional service enable you to enjoy more free time to spend with your loved ones.
2. You Are Free From Stress
The professional house cleaners near me in McKellar adopt a systematic approach to cleaning your entire household in a specific time period. Regular house cleaners clean your home routinely and take care of all the dirty chores while you relax on your couch.
3. Your House Cleaning Is Achieved Using High-end Equipment
Professional house cleaning service in McKellar make use of heavy-duty equipment and industry-approved cleaning solutions. The cleaning experts visit your premises with all the necessary supplies, saving your effort and extra expenses.
4. You Can Invite Friends And Extended Family Without Hesitation
Sometimes it also happens that we feel hesitated to call our friends and acquaintances to our house due to its dirty condition. With regular house cleaning service or cleaning for a special event, you can get rid of such embarassment and proudly call your guests who would be impressed at the clean and aesthetically pleasing house.
5. You Can Welcome A Healthier Environment
A dirty home is a shelter for airborne bacteria and mould build-ups that are very harmful to people with respiratory issues. It can even trigger conditions for any healthy person and can especially cause allergies to family members who are prone to it. It is best to hire a house cleaning service in Canberra to create a healthier environment.
6. You Can Set A Schedule To Get The Work Done
A reputable house cleaning service in McKellar remains flexible to your availability and custom plans your requirements, too. These services are convenient and available on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly schedule. The cleaning professionals ensure dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and sanitising of all parts of your home and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the house.
7. You Can Get Rid Of Pest Infestation (If Any)
Pest infestations are common in households that remains dirty and filth. Pests contaminate your food and can cause major illness and put the health of your family at risk. To get rid of such unhygienic living conditions, it i best to get in touch with professional house cleaners whose regular cleaning will help to avoid pest from taking shelter in your house.
8. You Can Save On Repair Expenses
When you have a lot of appliances at home, it is inevitable for these items to get girty and accumulate grease and grime. If ignored, the dirty conditions can lead to their malfunctioning or damaging. With regular house cleaning service in McKellar, you can make these appliances work better and longer.
9. You Get A Professional Level Of Service That Is Impossible To Achieve Otherwise
Professionals can conduct all that which is impossible to achieve by common people. For example, the cleaning experts can clean the ceiling fans, the small crevices, scrub everywhere without causing water damage. Also, they use safe and mild cleaning solutions that cleans gently and effectively. Abrasive cleaners that you get in the market can be harmful for your health and belongings.
Looking for a professional house cleaning service to invest in? Look no further than Call The Cleaners. Get in touch to get a deeper insight of our price and services.
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notyouraveragebozo · 4 months
A year ago this date, after supper on a Saturday,... my main (personal) operating profile on Twitter, (of the same handle as this here tumblr account),... was PERMANENTLY SILENCED  - KIBOSHED  - by the richest man in the world. The same guy who self-professes being a  'FREE SPEECH absolutist'. The guy that buys the 'global town square',   and its FREE soapboxes, and then charges the little folk - (the thousand-aires) - $8.00/month, so they can speak with special blue-checkmarks   -(buying the VIP status, not from earning, it via achievements, or through hard labors.) Elon never explained why I was suspended, other than to say, I had violated terms.   Yet I was NEVER presented an opportunity to retract the tweet, or to alter, or censor it. I have no idea as to what the offensive tweet was, that I had tweeted, which gave cause, to Elon, to suspend me.
Elon was one of 63 billionaires, who was notified of the website, when it first went LIVE - on the very last day - of possible -  '2020' - 'envisioning' - (12/31/2020) He could have purchased the information, for cheaper, by purchasing a DEEP DIVE - (and the Coordinates!) But instead,...  he decides to purchase the platform - upon which I presented my materials. (And in the doing,... - in his purchasing of my advertising platform  - (Twitter),... - Elon invalidated himself - from participation in my auction construct. As the new owner of Twitter - he could sway algorithms, and could unfairly skew and influence how folk saw my materials, and to even affect the auction's outcome. As the Lottery saw professes to disallow employees from participating, (to prevent any perceived improprieties), Elon (virtually) put his feet in his mouth. Before my auction came to a close, on Super Bowl Sunday 2/12/2023, I posted a Twitter Spaces onto my website's Home page. This was a 1hr:30min AUDIO public version of the 'Talk' that I would give, to all new web dev helpers, before they can do any work for me.
That Spaces remained 'UP' for six days. Four days  after the Auction was called to a Close - (at Noon on Valentine's),   Elon silenced NYAB on Twitter, and it caused a gaping hole, to form, in the middle of the message on my Home page. This 'Elon-induced-fly-in-ointment',... was remedied on 3/14 (PI Day, Einstein's B Day and Hawking's D Day). I thought I pulled a truly genius move,... but, when I posted them on YouTube,... I posted had them as Private!!!   - so NOBODY could access the Back Story until it was rectified on 4/27/2023! So,... when Elon, pulled, my literally-literal, 'plug', (pun intended) I managed to bounce back, better -  (with 22 subtitled versions), in a more compressed package (albeit 'mensch' sounding.) I had improved my website's data dissemination. Thanks for - 'nothing' - Elon! As a result of having eyes open, and mind, turned on - a long time ago,... I had come to write words, form a small business, and build a website for sharing novel information with all the world for FREE. - (While also allowing the super-wealthy entertain novel opportunities.) (and later improved to enable understanding in 104 languages, - and spoken English for those with vision and/or literacy issues.)
Some time after the Auction came to a close, Elon, was reported to have said something like - 'If aliens exist, I would know'. (Elon, you have more money than anybody else, but just because you have money, doesn't mean you have monopoly on knowledge.) Anyway,... today,...   marks the punch in the face, that Elon, via his proxy, Twitter, gave to my small business company website - after I had shared new AUDIO words with the world, for FREE, for six days. Free Speech? absolutist? -(in his own mind maybe.)  Musk is persona non grata around here. He blew his chance at this remarkable opportunity, Now he can sit on his hands, and wait, with all of the 'little' folk. You should have talked with Sir Richard and started a bidding war. You certainly had the money, to learn first of new knowledge, and to claim a possible seat, at the Table of Contents of the Book of History - (possibly). For those that are CURIOUS - the website is still DOWN, as updates and software retirement issues collide head-on. I have learned to remain - 'chill', and to - 'go with the flow', and to be very patient. I must remain patient. I do not know how long the fix will take,... but realize, that the downtime, does not diminish the sheen, (in any way, shape, or form), of that, which is - presented. It still commands its share of DEEP contemplations. Once the website has been successfully repaired,... Our magical, morphing mugs of manifold musings, shall be AVAILABLE for your morning mocha, and We shall be preparing to commence,...   with,... Plan 'B'! Patent Attorney and Intellectual Property Lawyer assistance is being sought. Please send your Letters of Interest to : [email protected] Stay tuned - for more! NYAB
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ovpwebnetwork · 7 months
Secretary Benson banner
Oct. 25, 2023
Contact: Cheri Hardmon
(517) 643-7236
Secretary Benson testifies in support of bills to expand required financial disclosure
LANSING, Mich. -- This morning, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson testified before the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee in support of SB 613, 614, 615, and 616, legislation that would expand and require financial disclosure for elected officials and candidates in Michigan.
“Michigan voters spoke loud and clear in 2022 when citizens from both parties voted overwhelmingly to demand more transparency and disclosure of the influence of money in Lansing," said Benson in her testimony. "I am here today because for far too long our state has been among the worst states in the nation when it comes to government transparency and ethics laws."
Noting the constitutional mandate that certain disclosure requirements to be enacted this calendar year, Benson emphasized she sees the bills as "the first step in a long overdue effort" to reform our state's ethics and financial disclosure laws.
"These bills are the first of many reforms we need to enact before the end of the year, but I hope and expect they will not be the last thing we do," Benson said.
She specifically spoke about the importance of expanded disclosure requirements and enforcement mechanisms, reiterating her past statements that "Proposal 1 should be a floor, not a ceiling, to enacting meaningful ethics and transparency reforms in our state."
Benson thanked the bipartisan group of Senators Singh, Moss, McBroom, and Huizenga for proposing the bills. "My office stands ready to support this critical work and collaborate with legislators as we enact the will of Michigan voters," said Benson.
Benson's full testimony
# # #
Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson Testimony in support of Senate Bills 613-616 Senate Oversight Committee October 25, 2023
Good morning, Chair Singh and members of the Senate Oversight Committee. Thank you for allowing me to speak with you today.
I am here because for far too long our state has been among the worst states in the nation when it comes to government transparency and ethics laws. Michigan’s ethics and transparency laws are virtually nonexistent compared to other states. The Center for Public Integrity has listed Michigan last among the 50 states on transparency and accountability, grading Michigan an “F.”
Voters want this to change. They made this clear by overwhelmingly passing Proposal 1 last year, requiring more transparency at the intersection of money and politics.
Senate Bills 613-616 before the committee today are just the beginning, one step forward in a journey that needs to take us above and beyond the minimum that voters required. This is what we must, constitutionally, get done before the end of the year, but it cannot be the last thing we do.
I support the bills that are before the committee today. I am grateful to the work of this chamber in bringing these bills to where they are now, and I also encourage the Senate to adopt a spousal disclosure provision that includes not only occupation but also employer and financial disclosure. This current exception creates too many loopholes and should be improved in the final version of the bill.
As we continue on this journey in the future, Michigan should align our disclosure requirements with those of Congress, and create real penalties for noncompliance, including fines, candidate disqualification and prosecution. This includes greater restrictions on travel and gifts.
And finally, in addition to enacting the anti-corruption requirements I’ve just summarized, we must enable enforcement.
Currently the Bureau of Elections does not have discovery or subpoena power to investigate any breaches of our campaign finance or lobby laws. They must be given those abilities to ensure that elected leaders and candidates obey our laws or face penalty when they don’t.
While that may sound like a long list of regulations, the truth is that many of the laws are already in place in other states and at the federal level. They are tried, tested, proven effective and can be easily modified to fit within our existing legal framework in Michigan.
And the good news is once this is done, we will no longer be among the worst in government transparency and ethics. Rather, we can greatly improve by simply implementing the national best practices that are in place elsewhere, thereby making Michigan a place where the practices of governing, legislating and leading is done with integrity by all involved and in accordance with the will of voters.
Thank you again for taking this important first step to implement the will of Michigan voters. My office will be happy to assist and provide information at any time as you work to refine this legislation.
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