doctor-rosch · 1 month
Rosch? I think it's time we discussed how we're going to handle your employment going forward.
I'm very thankful for your efforts, and consider you to be an excellent lab partner. Your ability to resurrect yourself has been incredibly handy, and has enabled me to test my little projects without the hassle of getting new test subjects. Thank you.
However, the recent issue with your arms has been... concerning. I initially believed that these deaths were a way for you to figure out how to finally rest after having the natural cycle of life stripped away from you. But now, I have reason to believe that you're using this cycle of death and resurrection to deliberately harm yourself.
I suggest that you take a period of extended leave, and use this time to figure out what you want to do next. I'll still be paying you, of course - think of it as a gift, for helping me so much.
...While I'm thankful for your help with my research, I don't... I don't like watching you deliberately harm yourself in this way.
What..? No no no, no, Igma, no!
Are you firing me?? This is firing me! Paid extended lea-?? What even is that?? You want me to take some hoity-toity vacation and sit around and NOT kill myself?? What would that even look like!
Unbelievable. The arm thing I did was just a goof! A gag! You like jokes, don’t you? Well- look at me! Ha! Woopie! Fun! Fun times, Igma! Don’t worry about it.
And even if I was being serious with that cold turkey thing- should I really be punished for trying? In what twisted world should we crack down on a poor man for trying! So I slip up a little- SO WHAT? And now there’s consequences?? There doesn’t HAVE to be! Take them away!
You knew about the harming thing WAAY before, Igma, nothing changed! What? You think blowing your brains out is gonna be pretty? Hate to break it to you, Igma but this is a bloody business. That’s just it. BUSINESS. Just one tick closer to my salvation! No self harm mumbo jumbo here! Nope! Not me! I never give myself the time of day- you really think I would go out of my way to hurt that guy? NO!
And you said it yourself! I’m USEFUL! Right? Who else can do what I do? NO ONE. Don’t you want to see some rabies up close again? Some malaria? What about a really fun one where I bleed from every orifice- I know you’ve got a nasty one saved up you’ve always wanted to try! Don’t hold back now! I’ll be right there! Good? Good!
See you soon, lab partner!
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"La solitudine non è mai stata un problema per me, perché ho imparato a trovare la mia forza nella mia stessa compagnia."
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dr-narcissa-igma · 2 months
Alright everyone, listen up!
@n-odious-tropy @nthropoid @iris-rainbow @leonardimerick @two-distant-stars
The upcoming battle is fast approaching, and there's plenty of tasks that need to be assigned. We can't let the Hull Cutter's crew win this fight.
- Direct combat: We'll need a skilled fighter to launch an assault on the Hull Cutter directly, take the fight directly to Cortex.
- Weapons convoy and treasure: Jacob has unfortunately decided to add an extra layer of challenge to the fight, by hiring a convoy of gear to venture through the jungle, as well as hiding treasure. I'll grant you temporary access to my island-wide security system to track the convoy and scope out the jungle.
- Handle the ship: Someone needs to stay behind and steer the ship, man the cannons, etc.
- Confront the captain: I myself will be confronting Scurvy directly. It's absolutely imperative that I talk to him, so we cannot take his life or injure him in any capacity.
I'll be awaiting any extra suggestions or insight from you all.
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the-c0nquerer-w0rm · 2 months
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Posting here too because I spent too damn long on this and I wanted to draw team Odious at least once before the arc ends
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n-odious-tropy · 2 months
Are you alright, Odious? It's a very uncomfortable experience to have your hair fiddled with without your permission. Though I must say, you look very handsome with your hair down. What kind of shampoo do you use?
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You're damn right it is! I'm fine, just a touch annoyed is all. I didn't even notice anyone sneaking up on me and it's troubling. Plus do you have any idea how much of a pain it is to pull my hair back sometimes? Majority of the time I can't even find any hair ties, I just use my own hair to...to...
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...Um...h-handsome? You um...you think...that's... that's uh... goodness I-
It's um... nothing special. I just picked something at random from the inconvenience store. I'll have to look at the bottle later but it's some sort of "all in one" type product.
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mechalomaniiac · 2 months
Hm. You say you're a mechanical engineer, right? Would you happen to have any experience with rockets? I'm planning on making some upgrades to my boots, and unfortunately I'm not as experienced as I'd hope to be.
". . . Why. . ."
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".. Yes!~ Ja, of course I do!~"
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"Boots is it? No problem! Hahah, ahh, what seems to be the problem, fraulein?~"
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ctruzz · 2 months
Hello, Candido. It's me again. Do you have any plans for the upcoming conflict? Joining a side, hiding until it's over, having a tea party with the damsels, anything like that? I highly recommend that you either hide or join Odious' crew.
Hello again, doctor Igma! So nice to hear from you!
If I'm being honest with you, I wasn't sure if I was invited to this game you're all playing. But I'd love to join! I think I have a pirate costume lying around somewhere that I can use. Is there anything else I need to bring? I haven't really been to this sort of thing before! :)
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assistant-caflisch · 2 months
Oh my... Lab assistant to Ruukt? That, and also judging by the brutal wounds on your body, implies that you were the test subject for my new boots. Thank you very much for your efforts... I'm terribly sorry that you ended up getting hurt. If you need my help with anything, you only need to ask.
No, its- It's fine.. really. It's nothing that can't be fixed.. Umm, it isn't my business for why you needed them, but they functioned correctly for you. Right..?
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cathasacrayon · 2 months
You said you've always been here... What do you mean by that? Were you born at the start of human civilisation? The age of the dinosaurs? Or even further back?
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vypridae · 5 months
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doctor-rosch · 6 months
Either the police are coming to take my statement or the ambulance people are coming to take my body. We are looking at a 3 to 6 hour delay actually now that I think about it.
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slemhosta · 7 months
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today i've officially worked on my animation for 2 months... and fellas... i am so so close to finishing it... i am so psyched to show it to y'all. it will be a throw up on the carpet moment.
Featuring Narcy as a bunny! Find her at: @dr-narcissa-igma
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nova-chant · 7 months
(There's a crystal in front of Nova's door, along with a small yellow daffodil and a piece of orange paper. The paper has something written on it...)
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To Nova:
I've done some thinking, and I decided that the power crystal I found would be best in your hands, at least for now. I hope you get a lot of use out of it.
Also, I have a question - Would you like to meet up some time? For a chat, or maybe lunch? I've made sure to whitelist you from the bunker security system, so you can approach without being painfully vaporised.
I hope I can recieve a response from you soon.
-Dr. Narcissa Igma
P.S.: You can do whatever you wish with the daffodil.
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"Oh my! Well...first of all, thank you for the lovely note, and it was far too kind of you to gift me a power crystal, thank you! I love daffodils, I will dry it out so it will be preserved." :3
"Second, I would love to meet up for lunch sometime, I thoroughly enjoy your company!"
"Thank you again for your note and gifts, they made my day!"
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dr-narcissa-igma · 3 months
Christ. There's a pirate now??? At this rate the islands are going to be flooded with new arrivals. They'll track me down, and the government will find me and ruin all my samples, not to mention probably execute me for my crimes. I think I may have to enter a lockdown if things get any worse.
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the-c0nquerer-w0rm · 5 months
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Did a secret Santa with my friends on discord! I had @thephantomcube9402
Zyme and Narcy may not always get along the best, but he would adore Hope. 10/10 would spoil her rotten.
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n-odious-tropy · 3 months
ODIOUS! Odious, I've got it all figured out! As you can see here, the pirate has formed an alliance with paparazzi from the mainland, and they're trying to cart us off to an undisclosed location and stab us repeatedly with small knives! We need weapons. ALL the weapons! I'll give you access to my weapon stores so we can fight against the hordes. I've been working on this non-stop for hours, and I've gone over every last detail to get to this conclusion!
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The pirate paparazzi want to stab us, Odious! We can't sleep until every one is off these islands!
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Narcissa I-...
I'm enjoying this lecture, really I am, but... I'm beginning to grow very concerned with your health. You're literally shaking. As important as this is, I cannot in good conscience continue this meeting. I'm putting an end to today's discussions. We can pick this up tomorrow, after a full night's rest. Believe me, I know what sleep deprivation can do to someone.
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I know we have a few details to sort out here. We should have enough weapons, but without the hands to wield them they're practically useless. We need at least one powerful enough weapon to give the enemy pause. What bothers me still is our lack of preparation on the waterfront. We cannot engage in naval warfare, not when we don't even have a ship of our own...
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...Please. Allow me to be your sentinel tonight. I'll stay awake for you. I have some...coordinates I need to map out.
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