dr-narcissa-igma · 2 days
Hm... I do have a small area near the bunker hatch where I plant my own small patch of daffodils, but if you'd like to, then yes. Of course you can plant flowers around the hatch.
While you're here, I need to ask you about what flavours you like. I'd like to make some more food that we can eat together. What's your opinion on savoury foods, like meat and salt?
I have a question. I can see you're very talented in the garden, and I'd like to know - do you like flowers? My favourites are daffodils, as you'd know, but I also love sunflowers. They're both so bright and cheery.
Oh pish posh! Heh- I’m just a- I’m still learning! And besides, the plants do all the heavy lifting! I just- hang around them while they do their thing. Ehm. Thank you.
I do like flowers. I’ve always said: Plants are either useful, beautiful or both. They all have their place in cultivation, Narcissa! It’s the one thing that hasn’t changed around here!
Daffodils and sunflowers, eh? Heh.. I’m partial to yellow so my opinion isn’t unbiased but- those are excellent choices. And the daffodil. Also known as the Narcissus. You’ve done your homework! In Sweden we call them Påsklilja. It means Easter lily.
Igma.. Can I ask you? I know that you’ve got this whole “big scary bunker” thing going on. But would you mind if I planted some flowers around the area?
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dr-narcissa-igma · 27 days
Hm. So you have sensory issues with mint? I'll be sure to ask if you want any mint or not in any food I give to you. I'm very aware of the pain of sensory icks.
Curious Question Doctor. Do you have any problems with cucumbers?
Says that roaches cant stand smell of cucumbers as a natural repellent.
What? Really? What do they contain that repel roaches? It's water! 95%! And then what? A vitamin I think. Vitamin K. And like 1% protein.
I don't have a problem with cucumbers, no! They smell wonderful to me! I have had an issue with peppermint however. I used to be able to enjoy a mint at the town fair as a lad, but now they make my antennae curl. I still eat them! But part of me feels like when your hands are all pruney from the bath, and you rub them together.
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dr-narcissa-igma · 28 days
(Narcy freezes. A dress? It's quite beautiful... The texture feels nice, and there's an almost magical aura around it - at least, that's what Narcissa feels. She admires the gift... and then her eye catches the tiara.
The sight of it makes her stomach drop. A tiara? Tiaras are only for 2 kinds of people - princesses and damsels. And princesses and damsels don't do anything to help themselves. They simply wait for someone to help them instead of taking action.
Narcy quickly places the dress and tiara back inside the box, afraid to look any longer. Was this a trick? A cruel joke? But the quality of the dress means it couldn't be... What does this mean? She feels very conflicted.)
I... I'm going to put this inside. Right on the top shelf of the wardrobe. Where I'm- where it's nice and safe.
[A box appears at the doorstep in the dead of night, no sound, no traces, it simply appears into sight, along with a pretty orange bow, with a little flu virus tag on it]
“I hope this is the right fit, let me know if the measurements are off or if the texture is gross.
(Narcissa's security system picks up on the box, scanning it and examining it thoroughly to ensure that it's safe. After confirming the box holds no suspicious items, Narcy pops her head out of her bunker hatch to take a look at it.)
...Hm. N.R... They're the initials of the fae-like person that showed up on the island a while ago, right? I don't trust them... but the gift was cleared to be safe. I suppose if it's booby trapped I can always burn it.
(Narcy opens the box carefully, exercising caution.)
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dr-narcissa-igma · 30 days
[A box appears at the doorstep in the dead of night, no sound, no traces, it simply appears into sight, along with a pretty orange bow, with a little flu virus tag on it]
“I hope this is the right fit, let me know if the measurements are off or if the texture is gross.
(Narcissa's security system picks up on the box, scanning it and examining it thoroughly to ensure that it's safe. After confirming the box holds no suspicious items, Narcy pops her head out of her bunker hatch to take a look at it.)
...Hm. N.R... They're the initials of the fae-like person that showed up on the island a while ago, right? I don't trust them... but the gift was cleared to be safe. I suppose if it's booby trapped I can always burn it.
(Narcy opens the box carefully, exercising caution.)
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dr-narcissa-igma · 1 month
(Narcissa takes a sample of the bright yellow corn and takes a bite.)
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Oh... Oh my...
This is incredible! The flavour is just muted enough for the corn to be gently sweet but not overwhelmingly so, and the crunch is perfect! The crispness works perfectly with the sweetness, it's amazing!
Thank you, Rosch! You're a genius!
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dr-narcissa-igma · 1 month
Oh my! That corn looks quite lovely. You really do have a way with plants... Maybe I could give you a few daffodil bulbs to grow sometime.
Hm... I've always loved the taste of corn, but I can't stand the texture. It's lovely and sweet, yet too chewy, and it can get stuck in your teeth. I think I told you that a while ago... I should be able to eat it if you wanted to give me some, though only if I have plenty of energy to handle the texture. Imagine if it was crunchy... That would be perfect.
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dr-narcissa-igma · 1 month
...Thank you, Rosch. Come home safely, alright? I'll make us both something tasty for dinner.
...We can work out what comes next together.
Rosch? I think it's time we discussed how we're going to handle your employment going forward.
I'm very thankful for your efforts, and consider you to be an excellent lab partner. Your ability to resurrect yourself has been incredibly handy, and has enabled me to test my little projects without the hassle of getting new test subjects. Thank you.
However, the recent issue with your arms has been... concerning. I initially believed that these deaths were a way for you to figure out how to finally rest after having the natural cycle of life stripped away from you. But now, I have reason to believe that you're using this cycle of death and resurrection to deliberately harm yourself.
I suggest that you take a period of extended leave, and use this time to figure out what you want to do next. I'll still be paying you, of course - think of it as a gift, for helping me so much.
...While I'm thankful for your help with my research, I don't... I don't like watching you deliberately harm yourself in this way.
What..? No no no, no, Igma, no!
Are you firing me?? This is firing me! Paid extended lea-?? What even is that?? You want me to take some hoity-toity vacation and sit around and NOT kill myself?? What would that even look like!
Unbelievable. The arm thing I did was just a goof! A gag! You like jokes, don’t you? Well- look at me! Ha! Woopie! Fun! Fun times, Igma! Don’t worry about it.
And even if I was being serious with that cold turkey thing- should I really be punished for trying? In what twisted world should we crack down on a poor man for trying! So I slip up a little- SO WHAT? And now there’s consequences?? There doesn’t HAVE to be! Take them away!
You knew about the harming thing WAAY before, Igma, nothing changed! What? You think blowing your brains out is gonna be pretty? Hate to break it to you, Igma but this is a bloody business. That’s just it. BUSINESS. Just one tick closer to my salvation! No self harm mumbo jumbo here! Nope! Not me! I never give myself the time of day- you really think I would go out of my way to hurt that guy? NO!
And you said it yourself! I’m USEFUL! Right? Who else can do what I do? NO ONE. Don’t you want to see some rabies up close again? Some malaria? What about a really fun one where I bleed from every orifice- I know you’ve got a nasty one saved up you’ve always wanted to try! Don’t hold back now! I’ll be right there! Good? Good!
See you soon, lab partner!
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dr-narcissa-igma · 1 month
Hi, it's me. I found this neat little book while thrifting the other day. At first I thought about giving it to some of my… mh, less than gifted mutants, but then I noticed that a toddler has chewed on some of the pages and I don't want it in my castle anymore. Naturally, I thought about you instead. No need to thank me, Igma, but do feel free to send a couple of bucks my way. For the trouble!
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Happy reading!
You pathetic little-
No, Narcissa, breathe. He doesn't get to take your temper from you. Let's start from the start...
Hello, Cortex, my despised adversary. I assume you believe that sending me this book for toddlers was a perfect, funny prank. Hardy-har-har.
Unfortunately, while you were too busy faffing about in your out-of-date, ugly lab last night, I tainted your water supply. I suppose now is as good a time as any to inform you.
You should be experiencing painful diarrhoea in about 10 minutes. I hope the stomach pains are agonising.
Worst wishes,
Dr. Narcissa Igma
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dr-narcissa-igma · 1 month
Rosch? Rosch!
I'm not firing you. You'll still technically be employed by me if you wish, and I'll still be paying you. But for the foreseeable future, I need you to think about why you're doing this. The whole point of you working for me was for you to find a way to permanently end your suffering, not deliberately prolong it! I would take the blame, and you could pass on without any guilt.
...Besides. Even if I was going against my part of our contract (which I refuse to do) and fire you, I wouldn't kick you out. The guest room is yours to keep permanently, I'll just have to make some renovations to add another.
You're useful, yes! Your unique capabilities have been a godsend for my research! But you're also witty, and very smart, and full of depth! You're more than just my lab partner. I... I consider you a friend. And seeing my friend deliberately trying to harm himself for kicks breaks my heart.
Rosch? I think it's time we discussed how we're going to handle your employment going forward.
I'm very thankful for your efforts, and consider you to be an excellent lab partner. Your ability to resurrect yourself has been incredibly handy, and has enabled me to test my little projects without the hassle of getting new test subjects. Thank you.
However, the recent issue with your arms has been... concerning. I initially believed that these deaths were a way for you to figure out how to finally rest after having the natural cycle of life stripped away from you. But now, I have reason to believe that you're using this cycle of death and resurrection to deliberately harm yourself.
I suggest that you take a period of extended leave, and use this time to figure out what you want to do next. I'll still be paying you, of course - think of it as a gift, for helping me so much.
...While I'm thankful for your help with my research, I don't... I don't like watching you deliberately harm yourself in this way.
What..? No no no, no, Igma, no!
Are you firing me?? This is firing me! Paid extended lea-?? What even is that?? You want me to take some hoity-toity vacation and sit around and NOT kill myself?? What would that even look like!
Unbelievable. The arm thing I did was just a goof! A gag! You like jokes, don’t you? Well- look at me! Ha! Woopie! Fun! Fun times, Igma! Don’t worry about it.
And even if I was being serious with that cold turkey thing- should I really be punished for trying? In what twisted world should we crack down on a poor man for trying! So I slip up a little- SO WHAT? And now there’s consequences?? There doesn’t HAVE to be! Take them away!
You knew about the harming thing WAAY before, Igma, nothing changed! What? You think blowing your brains out is gonna be pretty? Hate to break it to you, Igma but this is a bloody business. That’s just it. BUSINESS. Just one tick closer to my salvation! No self harm mumbo jumbo here! Nope! Not me! I never give myself the time of day- you really think I would go out of my way to hurt that guy? NO!
And you said it yourself! I’m USEFUL! Right? Who else can do what I do? NO ONE. Don’t you want to see some rabies up close again? Some malaria? What about a really fun one where I bleed from every orifice- I know you’ve got a nasty one saved up you’ve always wanted to try! Don’t hold back now! I’ll be right there! Good? Good!
See you soon, lab partner!
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dr-narcissa-igma · 2 months
Rosch, you cut off the other arm.
I believe we need to discuss extended leave opportunities for you.
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THERE! Easy peasy. Now let us all forget about this and move on with our lives. I'll do the week out- of course- but won't hold any sort of celebration. Just seems- eh, you know? I'm so humble. Anyway. Bye now. Bye.
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dr-narcissa-igma · 2 months
Hm. So you'll be taking a short holiday? That's alright. Your work as a test subject has been exemplary so far, so I'll give you a small holiday bonus this week instead of your regular pay, even though you're not working. I trust you'll be back next week for more testing.
So I've heard a lot of hoopla about- "Ohhh Rosch is addicted to dying", "Rosch couldn't go a week without a hit"
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It'll only grow back if I DIE, right? So as long as it stays gone, you'll know I've stayed alive and you'll have to eat your words a week from now!
Don't worry, I'll go easy on you! Just a moderate amount of "I told you so"'s and a short but sweet victory dance. With only trace amounts of mockery!
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dr-narcissa-igma · 2 months
Yes. We shall.
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I hope you're ready, Captain - and that you're not afraid of heights. All you need to do is hold on tightly... I won't let you fall.
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And don't worry - I'm prepared for any unfortunate events that may occur aboard the ship!
Odious, I'm just about ready to set out for Scurvy's. Sedrick should be fine handling the ship, Leonard will be searching for the convoy using my spycams, and Jacob and Iris will be attacking the Hull Cutter directly. While you don't have to come along, I can carry you there as I fly over. What will you be doing?
Excellent. Stations are appropriately covered and I've left access to my portable rift generator to Leonard in case he catches the convoy. It's now or never. If we're lucky, this meeting might just nip the war in the bud before any casualties can occur. Yes, I did say we and I'm not taking it back. I already told you, I'm coming with you. While it's most appropriate for a captain to remain with the ship, I'm the primary target. If they focus on me, if or when things go belly up, hopefully it'll give you ample opportunity to retreat. I know that's not a favorable option to you, but an option nonetheless. Regardless, you're not doing this alone.
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Now then. Shall we?
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dr-narcissa-igma · 2 months
Hmph. Of course you wouldn't be able to appreciate the artistry of pathogens properly.
Back when I was still active, I loved the impersonal nature of them. You can send them out into the world and nobody can trace them back to you, allowing you to keep working undisturbed on your next project. If nobody knows who you are, you can keep making them suffer with few consequences. (That, and I was always masked and disguised if I made any public appearances.)
Even now, despite technically retiring from the rush of villainy, I still adore how something so tiny and seemingly insignificant can be so powerful and cause so much havoc, bend the world to its knees. It was incredibly inspiring for me as a little girl, and still is today.
I have a question for you. Have you ever thought about exoerimenting with pathogens? Using them to take over the world and all that?
Any evil biologist worth their agarose has dabbled with pathogens at some point in their heinous careers. It also so happens that microbiology is Granny Cortex's field of expertise - bless her putrid heart! That woman has been a great sources of inspiration throughout my wicked life! Oh, how I remember the early days of watching her viruses wreak havoc in various hosts and artificial mediums.
Personally, I find pathogens all too impersonal! Old Johnny McDoodle got sick and expired? Well, he could have gotten that wretched bug from anywhere! Maybe from that funky looking burger down at the local joint, or when that sickly cat sneezed him in the eye!
Now, compare that to the imagery of a hulking man-beast chasing you down a dark alley - growling, ROARING! Fangs glistening and claws extended - moments before they rip you in half like a wet tissue! There's not a single doubt about what brought about your demise then, or whom.
You see, dear Sunnies, I want the last thought passing through the thick skulls of my enemies to be a clear and resounding certitude:
Cortex did this to me.
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dr-narcissa-igma · 2 months
If you find any used medical equipment or expired food could you bring it back for me? There must be some incredible specimens festering within. I'll pack you some containers to keep them in.
I’m going to the dump later if anyone wants something. It’ll have to fit on my bike though (i have a basket).
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dr-narcissa-igma · 2 months
...Which part are you saying "yes" to? You need to be clearer with your answers. Being cryptic and vague isn't very good for clarity.
You said you've always been here... What do you mean by that? Were you born at the start of human civilisation? The age of the dinosaurs? Or even further back?
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dr-narcissa-igma · 2 months
And you have fun with your safety hazards and garishly decorated lab. Hmph!
What are the top 3 worst places in the world?
Top 3 worst places? I do have a list for that...
1: Cortex Castle. Worst kept lab I've ever seen. I have no idea how they get anything done over there...
2: Anywhere snowy and aggressively cold. Far too frosty for me - I can barely go out and about in 15°C weather without multiple layers on.
3: Cloudy Creek, my hometown, before I brought everything to a crashing halt. While I've already brought up my childhood friend, I'd rather not go into too much detail about the rest. I... try not to think of it.
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dr-narcissa-igma · 2 months
You're not the only one who built their own lab, Cortex. I did too, and with far less flimsy materials and a lot more security measures. Any intruders to my lab would be vaporised on the spot, and yet multiple times a mutated bandicoot has been able to sneak into your lab and destroy everything.
And it took you this long to figure out that I have cameras all across the islands? So incredibly slow for a man who's supposed to have genius intellect. I know what you're planning to do with Scurvy, Neo. And it's not going to happen.
What are the top 3 worst places in the world?
Top 3 worst places? I do have a list for that...
1: Cortex Castle. Worst kept lab I've ever seen. I have no idea how they get anything done over there...
2: Anywhere snowy and aggressively cold. Far too frosty for me - I can barely go out and about in 15°C weather without multiple layers on.
3: Cloudy Creek, my hometown, before I brought everything to a crashing halt. While I've already brought up my childhood friend, I'd rather not go into too much detail about the rest. I... try not to think of it.
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