#like put mytho rue and fakir in a house for long enough and frankly I think it’s inevitable that one of them goes all here’s Johnny
lesbianfakir · 2 months
Do invasion of the body snatchers
YESSSSS THANK U!! God I need to rewatch that movie
From the phrasing of this I’m assuming you mean make it into an au but if you just mean watch the movie dw it’s going on my list
Princess Tutu x Invasion of the Bodysnatchers:
So thinking about the plot of tutu a bit I decided it makes the most sense if rue gets bodysnatched first, most likely by her father (a human in this au ig?) Thats a little sad because it means rue will be emotionless and not herself going forward but! We can make up for this by playing with the dynamics rue already had with the other characters. I’m thinking Duck upon discovering that Rue is gone and hasn’t existed for some time tries to appeal to “Rue’s” sense of humanity—she has all Rue’s characteristics and memories, surely there’s some spark of affection for her friends still left in her?
Mytho is the next to get snatched, perhaps trusting “rue” when he probably shouldn’t. Congratulations Mytho! Even in our silly horror au you still lost all your emotions!! Throw in some raven mytho parallels and let him psychologically torment fakir and we’re set for a fun time.
Duck’s downfall would be her empathy. I can’t see a world in which she is able to wholly detach herself with someone with her friend’s face. Duck would insist that the body snatchers can’t be all bad and surely there’s a way to get through to them—
Fakir is skeptical. Of all the Tutu’s I think fakir is most equipped to deal with a body snatchers world because he is paranoid as all hell. He’s also perceptive enough that if he’s already endeared to Duck I think it would be pretty easy for him to determine if she’s real. Fakir’s tragedy is that he can’t save anyone. He couldn’t save mytho from rue. As hard as he tries he can’t stop Duck from still loving the faces that are trying to kill her. I think he does a decent job of keeping Duck safe at first—until she directly disobeys him to once again try to get through to “Rue” and “Mytho”. Fakir is now alone and tormented by the faces of all the people he loved and couldn’t save. Yippee!!
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