#mcl illustration edit
eldaryasharbinger · 25 days
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Thomas Ep. 3, an illustration edit for the sweet sweet @adorettei <3
I still have much to improve on but it was very fun and I can already see improvements in my technique! Thank you for putting your trust on me ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ♡⁠˖
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melodyalanaroster · 2 years
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@candysweetposts edited 2 more illustrations for me!
The first is, obviously, Nathaniel’s Episode 23 illustration. She turned Candy into Alana!
The second was Lysander’s Prom Episode, but I thought it would be perfect as Nathaniel’s and Alana’s! 
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saeruki · 2 years
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I understand better why they fell in love with each other... They are really too cute !!
It was great fun to rejuvenate them !
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candysweetposts · 1 year
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I finished this a while ago but decided to post it now. The episode was ok. It made me realize that I do hate how stereotyped Armin is. He's just one man trait and that trait is "video games lover". Leaving that aside, I think he's a great, lovable character.
So my girl finally got married to him. Nothing much changes from the actual episode just that as a bridesmaid that had one Martina's good friend, Roxy.
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airheadcandy · 18 days
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When you edit your candy so she’s not looking like Thomas’s twin… but you accidentally turn her into Iris… smh
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party-in-eldarya · 9 months
TLDR, this is yet another rant
A couple of weeks ago I was asked by someone who once played Eldarya. Their question could be summarised as "What are you expecting from poor Beemoov, now when Eldarya happened to be not their breadwinner?"
In a polite way, tho :)
Back then, I answered with my thoughts, solutions, and the usual rant , but last week I have read this post:
Please, read it and also watch the vid, it is spooky and beautiful. But aside from this- THIS is what I think Beemoov should have done instead of whatever happened with ANE.
They launched ANE on 10th November, 2020, almost 3 years ago, so they got plenty of time to prepare a proper farewell for players. Look at FFXIV- a whole year of events, a totally new approach to end their game on a grande note, a whole movie clip to show SPOILERS end of servers! And when they were ready with a new, rebranded FF- the players came back. The game is now big again.
And what Beemoov has done? Did they change anything that players were complaining of? Videos policy (what they have done now doesn't count, as Eldarya is at the end and this change was never about her), market history, monthly items, comeback of LIs... Nope. Nada. They repeated their mistakes over and over, and when they noticed the lukewarm (at best) reaction of their players, they still refused to do anything about it ("The script is already written and finished, nothing can be done about it"). The fact that Chino or any other artists edited an illustration or two is nothing compared to piles of problems.
We got bugged (again) summer event on Eldarya. I am still waiting for an answer from PL team why not a single player on our server found bait or familiar during exploration (don't think they will answer us- our PL admin is quite famously bad at it).
They tried to finish Eldarya as soon as possible, and I almost believed that NG was around the corner. Turns out it's not. Now we have tons of posts about MCL butique because Beemoov has to earn money somehow.
Back to the beginning of my post: yes, it seems it's possible to end your game on a high note and leave your players (CUSTOMERS) happy and missing the product. It seems it is possible for you not to bankrupt while doing this. So what was stopping you, Beemoov?
But please, read the linked post, it is really a piece of history in gaming.
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eliihgc · 2 years
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"Welcome back, Armin!" | "Bem-vindo de volta, Armin!"
(ENG) Headcannon time!
"Armin and Angel never really broke up; despite him going abroad to study game design, most weekends and holidays he would fly back to visit his family, friends and girlfriend. After 2 long years of lots of saudades and waiting, Armin was back to stay."
A sweet welcome back to my love :3
(PS: Yes I brought his hair back, it was stronger than me ok)
(PT-BR) Hora do headcannon!
"Armin e Angel nunca terminaram realmente; apesar dele ter ido estudar game design no exterior, na maioria dos fins de semana e feriados ele viajava de volta para visitar sua família, amigos e namorada. Depois de 2 longos anos de muita saudade e espera, Armin estava de volta para ficar."
Um doce boas-vindas pro meu amor :3 
(PS: Sim eu trouxe o cabelo dele de volta, foi mais forte do que eu ok)
**The original illustration is not mine, I just edited it for fun. Credits go to the original creators**
Side blog for MCL stuff 
More edits: Halloween edit (2020) | Whispering to Castiel
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Thanks to the current 1 AP per dialogue campaign currently going on, I’m finally getting close to completing HSL. ^^ Still blows my mind that I’m going to be completing this storyline that I’ve started back in middle school.
I had to jump in and make this edit since I saw the illustration. It’s so beautiful~ And Nathaniel looks very handsome. 💖
The area around the bracelet definitely gave me some trouble and I do notice some coloring went over the lines as well as some missed spots. Tbh, I did this with a mouse-as I do with all of my previous edits that I haven’t posted yet-but I’m still quite proud of it.
Given the timeline I’ve made for Faye, however, she wouldn’t have the longer hairstyle. It would be current hairstyle that she has now that you see on the desktop page. Buuut, I’m not THAT professional of an editor to attempt that. ^^;
Please do not reupload my edit/use without my permission. Thanks!
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ksenoir · 6 years
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1 - my edit 2 - original by Beemoov
Headcanon design by @kammilu and @subtler-art Thank you
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nolimetangere · 2 years
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an edit of the ep. 10 dinner scene by candysweetposts! thank you again for your magic <3 
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eldaryasharbinger · 1 month
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Tried to edit this Illustration (badly, on my tiny phone, with my fingers because I was too lazy to get my iPad lol)
Although I'm 100% sure it could've looked better if I had it done on my iPad, I'm still surprisingly satisfied with the results! I personally think it's pretty cute so that's all that matters:'D
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melodyalanaroster · 2 years
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Back In The Library
So, in “Love Rekindled And Remade”, I had a bit that showcases Nathaniel’s and Alana’s “Second First Kiss”. Nath had the bright idea of wanting it to take place in the Anteros Library... Kind of a symbolism thing since their “first first kiss” took place in the Sweet Amoris Library.
Credit to: @candysweetposts for doing the edit for me!
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saeruki · 2 years
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I would have preferred him to have long hair and a less geeky look...
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candysweetposts · 1 month
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MCL NG edits (part 3)
Here she is. My main one. As you know, this is Elizabeth and she's the daughter of one of my OCs from the other games (I forgot to mention, that Avery is also a child of another of my OCs).
She's a sassy little one, sweet and well-mannered. She's a hopeless romantic and couldn't help but fall for Jason the second she saw him. Even so, she's still annoyed by him. Her color scheme is made out but not limited by green/gold/white. She loves those colors that scream "Yes, I'm a rich b**ch". Despite that, she's pretty humble and nice.
Here are Elizabeth's first impressions of the Lis:
Amanda: A nice girl, but Elizabeth feels a bit jealous for some reason.
Roy: He's a nice, kind man. He reminds her of her father.
Devon: A great, attentive boss. She is glad she works under him.
Jason: She thinks he's handsome and sort of wants him really, REALLY bad.
Thomas: She thinks he's... weird.
More about Elizabeth: She lives alone in the house that her parents used to live in recently. It's a nice, big house, but it feels empty. She hadn't worked anywhere before but got a lot of advice from people around her about work. She mostly got this job to experience the human world (since she's not human).
Here are the outfits. I made one for the first episode as well even tho I didn't edit any illustrations:
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catshavefeelings · 4 years
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Episode 3 Lysander edit
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riyaa · 3 years
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Redone poster from MCL LL episode 12
Mine OC - Zakhari and my friend’s OC Sophy
A Christmas kiss
Original design by @chinomiko and Beemoov
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