#mbav (sort of)
comicbookddr · 5 months
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Ethory Week Day 6: Board Games gone wrong lol
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mysticmoondancer · 4 months
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"Fallen Angel"
Basically, this whole thing is a metaphor towards how Sarah felt after being bitten by Jesse. So, she's an angel who has been corrupted and had her innocence stolen by the devil/demon that is Jesse. Her wings are now slowly turning black, leaving little white left now to symbolize her humanity as a fledgling vampire. So, they won't turn completely black until she drinks human blood. The red threads coming from Jesse's fingers are the Red Threads of Fate. This symbolizes how Sarah's fate is now forever tied to Jesse's (until she hopefully gets cured, that is), as he's the one who bit and turned her into a vampire. Also, he's like her puppet master and is trying to control, too, which is why the threads are attached to his fingers.
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dykerica · 1 year
Could you please elaborate on either your transfem or lesbian Ethan Morgan headcanons? I love them!
(also these became more like serious gender things rather than silly goofy ones so if you want those instead hmu)
first! i hc ethan as autistic + lesbian basically 100% of the time, and i switch between transfem + transmasc depending on how i'm feeling tbh
for both of the gender hcs i stay with ethan never feeling a big connection with his birth gender growing up and also not really understanding the insanity surrounding feminine vs masculine gender roles / stereotypes / actions etc (this is where the autism hc gets relevance). so i think child ethan was extremely gender apathetic which leads to a "more masc" presentation in general because people tend to view neutral = masculine when it comes to things about gender.
i do think (going the transfem route) ethan realizing she's a girl/girl adjacent is like kinda chill almost? its probably a realization that happens closer to highschool if not during her freshman year, because while i don't think ethan would ever be presenting super feminine i do think she's always admired it / loved it from afar basically. i do think eventually it just kinda clicks for her, lots of relief about like no longer feeling the need to be a Macho Man but also some like "am i not girl enough bcus of all my stereotypical nerdy guy interests?" this is when ethan is introduced to the existence of the magic the gathering -> trans girl pipeline and it's def a process but i think the fact she's never really understood why certain things are gendered makes it a bit easier. she's a girl and she likes girls <3
i don't really see ethan ever presenting super feminine, like she'll grow her hair out and go on E but she's not really wearing skirts and dresses around town UNLESS she's playing dressup with jane bcus jane got SO EXCITED to play dressup with her big sister that ethan just couldn't say no. also i don't know if there's like an already existing widely spread transfem ethan name hc (?) but im fond of eve personally.
FOR THE TRANSMASC LESBIAN HC: i think ethan being aware he's transmasc is something on the outskirts of his mind since childhood, especially once Jane is born and there's a very stark difference between their behaviors as "little girls". However i don't think ethan was ever like "oh yeah im not a girl im a MAN" which leads to this weird like "okay im not a man but im super comfortable presenting more masculine and im not really a girl either but i still feel slightly connected to "girlhood" despite never really doing it quote unquote right". this is when ethan discovers the amazing concept of BUTCH LESBIANS, so he changes his name / pronouns and goes on T. like he's very girlboy, boygirl even, girl who is a boy who is a girl who is a lesbian. his first crush was on Thorn from the hexgirls, also Daphne, also Gwen from TDI. Benny and ethan have to promise each other to never like the same girl ever again bcus they almost killed each other in middle school over who got to ask her to a dance. Anyway boydyke lesbian Ethan is a grey area but its also very important to me i love him very much <3
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juneberrie · 2 years
me knowing im about to change my theme again:
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jecook · 2 years
YOOO link the mbav fic???? 👁👁
I haven’t reread this so I can’t vouch for quality nowadays but my sister (hey @spideycents remember how you said people still read your fic?) wrote this when she was in high school. Mbav didn’t even have its own section of ffnet when she started it. As well, she was popular enough in the very small fandom that I think someone else started writing a story with the exact same plot?? Anyway this fic is an OC fic. The character is inserted between canon events in season 1 so the idea is she doesn’t interrupt or change canon, just exists alongside it. We had fun working on it :P
“Reyna Weir has a problem. No, it's not that she just moved to Whitechapel, or the fact that her cousin is a major dork. Her problem's bigger: she can read minds. A gift that becomes a threat when she meets a certain seer and her life is at stake.”
Click here for the fic
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june-julie · 11 months
Heyy!!Um if you don’t mind can you write for mbav?(benny weir x fem reader) Something along the lines of evil benny creating reader’s evil copy and she starts flirting hard with the real Benny and when Sarah and the real reader destroys the evil copies Benny gets sad and misses the evil copy :>
Two is better than one.
Benny weir x fem!reader
“What were you thinking?”
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Warnings: cursing, seductive behaviour, degradation.
— Summary; what anon said 🫶🏻
— A/N; I LIKE IT PICASSO this came to me when cleaning and I literally stopped everything to write it. I got so many evil copy requests I’m down them ALL.
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Benny and you didn’t particularly have a clear relationship at times.
There were certain things he said or done that always had you second guessing,
maybe it was the way he looked into your eyes a second longer than usual when he smiled that signature grin of his or maybe it was the way he teased you until he was sure he made the tips of your ears red but one thing was clear,
It was the things he would do a second later that would make you uncertain It was obvious Benny weir flirts with any girl that walks his way and honestly you were thankfully that the girl were daft enough to pay more attention at the fuck boys than Benny otherwise you were sure he’d be snatch up by now.
“Ethan you’re delusional if you think Benny weir has any sort of romantical feelings for me at all.” You explained your frustrating case of what always clouded your mind.
“Why are you so sure of yourself? Why is it so hard to accept what I’m saying is true y/nn? You’re telling me you don’t see the way he looks at you?” Ethan protested but not as strongly as he had before, poor Ethan has this whole conversation rehearsed with not only you unfortunately.
Benny had to force a giggle out of himself to cover for the untrue words Ethan had mistakenly spoken “dude, no need to lie to me. I like the girl and all but I think by now I can tell when a girl doesn’t like me as hard as that is to believe.” Benny replied sarcastically to a eye rolling Ethan, his favourite expression in both Y/N and Benny’s opinion.
Christ you guys even argue the same.
“Let me entertain the possibility that you are right for a minute,” Ethan merely nodded mind elsewhere. “If I get as far as asking him out and not get rejected by whatever godsend was on my side that day that Benny didn’t run away scared of my ‘proposal’ “ you qoutated for your special day of the weeks rant affect “who’s to say he still wouldn’t make comments about every other woman he saw that day? We just wouldn’t work as much as I wanted to.”
“Denial is a river in Egypt.” Ethan chimed matter of factly with a cheeky smile he knew pissed you off “your just trying to convince yourself because you know none of that mumbo jumbo isn’t going anywhere with me.”
“E, you wanna know how I can see that she doesn’t like me?” Benny tugged on his backpack straps with a thin pressed lip “not really.” Ethan muttered unbothered “great, well for one I flirted with a girl right in front of her today to get any reaction out of her anything! And she didn’t care! That’s like movie 101 the chick totally storms off in jealousy yet she didn’t budge.” He finished
How was it that Ethan was the only expert in spotting the hurt in the teens faces ? Or the broken laugh he oh so quoted All you guys needed was to stop being so stubborn and a little confidence couldn’t hurt.
It was after school and you were walking home with your headphones on, playing whatever song your iPod had to offer on shuffle then you spotted something, oh cool benny grandma Evelynn is having a yard sale.
“Hey Benny what’s up?” You waved as you saw his grandmother leave the stall seemingly leaving Benny to sell the remaining products,
“grandma is selling all the junk in her house she no longer uses and she said if I help I get extra cash so currently being an entrepreneur.” He grinned leaning on the table with his collared striped sweater sleeves pulled up revealing his forearms, that mixed with his smile had you saying ‘shut up and take my money!’
“I don’t think that’s how that works but sure I’m always up to support a business.” You furrowed your brows but nonetheless went along with his playful manner “I’ll take that vintage camera.” Maybe it’ll help with you and your friends picture day project.
“Fine choice m’lady.” You giggled in response and took the camera “I’ll see you later benns’ “ and with that you left.
It was the next day at school and if you had known Benny and Ethan had their own school picture day idea maybe you wouldn’t have volunteered to help your friend.
But having said that it didn’t stop you from sticking your tongue out at Benny like a child cheekily as he slumped in defeat
“defeated with my own tools.” He muttered as you laughed sympathetically in response patting his shoulder “sorry Benny rabbit, maybe next year?” You teased further more making sure to use the name you knew he hated cause you just loved to be the person to grind his gears.
Unfortunately you missed what he whispered to Ethan “It’s cute when she says it..” ethan looked puzzled at the boy.
You agreed after class to futhermore help your friend by testing out your retro cam, having successfully found a dark room you firstly tested it with a simple selfie really 2010 pose of you, Y/n.
And then you set it aside to develop, continuing with your classes.
Later on you went to check on it and would you look at that! Perfect 80s selfie, you just Missed the laboured breaths behind you as you were knocked unconscious.
Benny tapped his pencil on his desk as he watched the clock on the wall, you should definitely be at this class he remembered on your timetable you had the same classes as him! So then where were you? 10 minutes went by and mid way through class Y/N finally showed up,And boy did she make an entrance.
Are you allowed to wear shorts that short? Or leather jackets that cool?
You slumped in your chair looking directly at the teacher, eye contact and all. “Care to explain what was more interesting than class that made you 20 minutes late Miss Y/N L/N?” The teacher rightfully asked through a stern voice.
“literally anything..?” Y/N replied as if it was a joke and not they were real consequences.
The Teacher was taken aback “Y/N this is nothing like you whatever has gotten into you I’m not dealing with this today.” She explained furthermore to a doodling Y/H/C.
“I didn’t want to deal with this math today and yet here we are.” Y/N shrugged “who in the right mind puts fucking letters in marginal equations?” The teacher scoffed “detention IMMEDIATELY.”
And with that Y/N stood up, smirking at Benny who’s mouth was agape “like what you see? Or is staring your new habit Dork?” She leaned on his desk table inching closer to him as she maintain intense eye contact “what did I just say?” The teacher raised her voice and with that Y/N practically strutted out.
Benny leaned into Ethan “I don’t know what Y/N has done with herself but I like it.” He spoke unbeknownst to Ethan’s bewildered expression, this has supernatural written all over it and yet again he was the only one to spot it.
Obviously Y/N wasn’t gonna listen to the teacher though, she had a better plan in mind. Why not finish what she started? So she dragged her friend to the room where she left the camera and made a copy of her, putting on her best sickly sweet voice imitating the other sweeter more rational Y/N she managed to fool her friend into becoming a copy just like her and whilst Y/N was having fun Terrorising other teens days her friend would make more evil duplicates.
Fun and innovative, woman in stem yk?
Mindlessly she walked through the halls she had about a few hours before school was over and then she could go to go carts she rented for the day.
That’s when she spotted him. Benny weir. she just needed to figure out why the other Y/N was so intrigued by him so she made her way over to him “well if it isn’t just the guy I was looking for, can I talk to you? “ benny looked around puzzled and then nodded, Y/N turned to look at Ethan “alone. take a hint third wheel.” She did a fake smile for a millisecond benny raised a brow
Third wheel? In what?
“What is it that makes you so important?” She began in a low tone as she eyed him head to toe slowly “my charm, i get A’s in calculus I do a killer Tom cruise from top gun impression” no one in the world could not cringe at the words Benny utters.
Well unless you got a tolerance like the other Y/N does, which was what evil Y/N was so aggravated to figure out.
“Not the things you say Idiot, the things you do.” She took a step closer to him “ I’m not sure I’m following now y/nn? This about my yearbook photo idea?” He guessed utterly lost, poor guy.
“This is about how every thing you say or do drives other me crazy, you’ve such nerdy arms and yet she fawns over your slender hands.” Evil Y/N sure knew how to cut and praise you in the same sentence that was for sure.
Benny didn’t respond he just looked down to said hands in question and then back at Y/N he was finding it hard to maintain eye contact under this pressure “I bet you haven’t even been with a girl, how pathetic.” She chuckled yet her eyes showed interest and she inches nearer again.
Benny gulped “Y/n what are you talking about…?” Benny managed to speak as he trailed off as if he spoke any louder than he did he was afraid you would stop.
“Maybe if I teach you a few things you might actually have the balls to get with me.” Why she was speaking about herself in the third person was beyond Benny but what wasn’t beyond him is whatever degrading kink evil you just summoned in him.
He grinned “if this is you getting back at me for teasing you so much I admit im not sorry.” You pressed your hands flat against his chest “that’s exactly what it is.” sexual frustration totally didn’t play a part at all.
So you tangled your hands in his brunette locks and peckered his neck then his lips
And then she stopped with a tug of his hair releasing a low whine from Benny as he opened his Green eyes “If you actually want to take me up on my offer find me in the dark room, I’m only having fun. Think you can do that pretty boy? Hm?” Benny nodded cheerfully She smirked and spon around on her heels and walked away.
Did Y/N just walk straight out of his wet dream or something?! Like I know yesterday Y/N was pretty Damn sexy in her flarely skirt that Benny was so sure she put on intentional to screw with his head but this was definitely a dream he had only a week ago.
Somwhere along the line you woke up, not evil you but actual you and you spotted your friend tied up,
“what happened?! Are you alright?” You asked frantically concerned as you untied her “there’s a evil copy of me and you going around terriorising people! I don’t know what’s going on but I think she knocked you out too!” That would explain the raging headache that got worse by the minute.
‘I have to go tell Sarah and Erica’ you thought.
Frantic to find Sarah you scanned the halls as you tucked a strand of Y/H/C behind your ears and was certainly not looking where you were going and it became more certain when you bumped into a unknown force.
Benny flushed being met with you, except you lost the shorts and the leather jacket, but hey you did sport his favourite skirt on you “I knew it was intentional!” He muttered under his breath thinking aloud
“benns’ are you okay? You look a little red and your shirt is all scrunched up..” you expressed with much concern for the boy “I’m fine, y/n. And if I’m not I’m still taking you up on your offer later and you can make me fine.” He grabbed your hand to politely shoo it away from his striped shirt as he winked
“offer? What offer? Benny I need your help finding Sarah.” Benny tilted his head in confusion That word be the third time today you drive him around the bend in mind whipping mood Change,
you are a force of nature woman.
He was gonna flirt but he saw your expression and put his feelings aside for a moment “what’s wrong bunny?” His brows furrowed “there’s these evil copies of me and (I forgot her name I’m so sorry) walking around and they’re planning on making way more! We need to stop them or who knows what they’ll do.” You pleaded with urgency.
“That chick Ethan’s into? Wait you have a copy?” You nodded, deciding against telling Benny that she had a boyfriend right now as it wasn’t the top priority going on right now.
Benny slumped, of course it wasn’t you.
“Benny? Hello? Come on!” You grabbed his hand and went to find Sarah and Ethan, unknowing to how extra sweaty his hands were today as you interlaced your fingers together.
“What in the Jennifer’s body is this bullshit? You’re meant to be evil Me?” You scoffed eyeing her “it’s not like I give a fuck what you think honestly cause you’ll be dead in a minute.”
“Honey you’re just another bad selfie gone wrong.”
A few minutes of bickering and fighting go by and you finally manage to tear the developed photo apart.
Sarah stormed into the bathroom after dealing with the other copy “are you okay?!” You nodded offering a Sympathetic smile “totally should’ve took that jacket before she vanished.” Sarah rolled her eyes reminding you of how she does it just like Ethan does and you both smiled.
“Let’s get you up.” She helped you from your position on the floor as you regained your breath and stood up.
Now with school done you rejoined your favourite best friends as Rory, Sarah, Erica and Ethan walked ahead. Benny still looked distant and you couldn’t help but notice it.
“Hey Benny you’ve been quiet all day, are you alright? I hope evil me didn’t say anything mean to you, If she hurt you that wasn’t me I’d never do any like that.”
Benny for the first time after today looked you in the eyes again with a hitched breath I don’t think he’ll ever forget your hands on him, or your pillowy soft lips for that matter.
“She didn’t it’s just she said some things…” you looked at him as he looked down “what did she say?” Her words played in his mind but he couldn’t bring himself to repeat them so he shook it off “nevermind it doesn’t matter, it’s stupid I’m all good.” He forced a smile but you saw through it “hey.. you know evil Y/N rented go carts?” You tried cheer him up and knowing Benny it worked and automatically he was back to his old self “only room for 2!” And with that you two scurried to front in giggles
Maybe things could be different now?
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Ahhh I’m sorry that was so short but I hope you like it😭😭 I’m gonna proof read it later if I made any mistakes <33
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boltgunkiller-archive · 4 months
okay, I'm not familiar with MBAV so I apologize if this is obvious: what sort of superhuman powers come along with being a vamp in the AU? Also, what other supernatural creatures exist in the AU besides vampires?? I hope your day turns around for the better! (also i think u should bite the creepy girl's head off) —unholy-fabray
HIII DONT WORRY!!! the ask is appreciated :}
okay SO. they have superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman agility, superhuman hearing, the ability to heal like Really Fast, they can fly and levitate, amazing reflexes, they have telekinesis, and can hypnotize people! some of this changes depending on whether or not they’re a full vampire (quinn, tina, etc) or just a fledgling/half vampire (santana)!!!
there’s a lot hmm. i mean there are werewolves and zombies as well i believe. and since sam in this au is like a sorcerer, he can cause weird things to happen - for example a doll becoming sentient (debbie dazzle / berry bazzle!!!)
and thank you :*) i appreciate that a lot max
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avocadosharks · 2 years
Ok so, assuming this will reach the right people, has anyone written a fic exploring the relationship between Benny and Ethan from mbav?? Like I mean a long ass fic, 25k word, multi chapter w angst and fluff and all that jazz- something that recounts the aftermath of alllll those borderline traumatic events?? Imagine the possibilities.
1. Hurt/comfort Benny and Ethan moments
2. Confiding into each other abt how they actually feel abt all this supernatural shit and magic- cut the shit sort of conversations, see the boys serious
3. Patching up after the explosion. Fuck it- accidental cuddling after fights
4. Sarah coming around to Ethan but nothing is right abt it. The drama there- the mutual pining, the sneaking around each other trying to seem happy w the wrong choices they keep making
5. Benny fucking around w magic and being a bit too curious w how Ethan actually feels
Idk- this show literally had one rule and it was that there was none so fuck it, the mbav world is gonna be my bitch now
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samtallchester · 2 months
Fanfic extract from 911 x mbav crossover
This brought him to the situation he was stuck in now.
A girl from his school wanted to use some old camera for their yearbook photo, which Ethan and Benny were against doing. Not like they could do anything about it, but still they could complain about it, right? Not the usual type of thing they had to deal with, but still pretty normal for them. Because all they’d asked for was to use their super rad avatars. Why would they want to use themselves as their yearbook photo.
“Hannah Price wants to use some lame old camera for the photos. She probably doesn’t even know she has to develop the old film. She’s probably still staring back at the camera right now, wondering why the screen isn’t working–”
Seeing Rory’s face made him pause as the two stood in the hall and his heart raced nervously, the grin on his face starting to fade.
“She’s standing right behind me now, isn’t she?”
He replied awkwardly, feeling his nerves go from 10 to 100. Still, he awkwardly looked behind him towards the girl in question, realizing that indeed, she was there. He had sort of been trash talking the girl with the red cardigan the entire time she was there, yet Rory had failed to tell him that, leaving the male stranded in this situation with a simple “later!”
“Hi Ethan, I like your shirt!”
That had confused Ethan much more to no end because, one, why would someone compliment his shirt, and specifically, why was Hannah being nice to him after hearing Ethan just trash talk her seconds ago? Was she going to use some psychology thing to hurt him?
“Uh, thanks…i-it’s a small.”
“I’m so sorry about not liking your idea this morning,” Oh, “It was a really good one, maybe we can still find a way to use it?”
Ethan was shell shocked, because this wasn’t really what he expected from Hannah Price. Sure she was popular, quite well known among her peers, but he expected her to be a little snobbish about shooting his idea – well, their idea (as Benny and Rory had been in on it).
“R-really? W-what about your camera?"
"Y-yeah, about that. C-can I trust you?”
“I don’t know uh, I will find out.”
And with that, Ethan ran away from this situation much faster than he’d ever done before, because clearly, this had been the first time a girl had asked him such questions, and in the sense, he couldn’t tell what her intentions or thoughts were. Not to mention, why was she asking him that, when she had been so happy with the use of the camera?
Ethan had always found himself in awkward situations and sometimes ran away from them, or more often, really. So this was no surprise that while running from one situation, he’d ended up in an equally embarrassing situation.
Cliche situations were the most common for Ethan and he hated that. He’d had everything happen in the book to him, from being told off for gazing out of the window, to making a fool out of himself in front of someone of the opposite gender.
He hadn’t been counting on that happening twice within five minutes, because now he had stumbled backwards after colliding with another classmate, her books flying to the floor with the impact – because once again, Ethan was never one for being normal.
“Oh, no. I’m sorry!”
He frowned, kneeling down to pick up her books with urgency, because he had already made a fool of himself once, and doing so twice in the time span of less than ten minutes was probably an entry for the Guinness World Record book.
“Hey, no, that’s okay! If it’s any comfort, it’s usually me running into people.”
Ethan looked up as he passed over the books, trying to recognize the girl. He had seen her before, no doubt. Only, in return to her words, he could only awkwardly laugh, passing her the books – and just like that, he ran away from another insane situation, leaving behind the confused, brown haired classmate he’d just stumbled into.
So his first thoughts were finding Sarah, because she was a girl, and she knew what girls were like. She could help him, right?
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bettyweir · 2 years
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Happy October everyone! In honor of MBAV month I'd like to present my 5 MBAV related playlists.
70+ General MBAV - An unorganized list were I save EVERYTHING mbav related I can find, actor interviews, behind the scenes, promos, memes and other works the MBAV actors were in!
120+ MBAV Music Videos's - Roughly sorted by my favorites, but all of them I aleast liked enough to add it!
Bethan Music Videos - 48 videos of Benny + Ethan with a small handful of Benny fancams in the mix
Sethan Music Videos - 43 videos of Sarah + Ethan! Some of my all time favorites are in this one.
Benory Music Videos - 11 videos of Benny + Rory, not a lot but I like this ship and some of them are really funny.
I'm sorry theirs not a Erica focused playlist, finding enjoyable erica mvs is pretty rare in my findings but their are some in the main playlist!
All of these playlists are still being currently updated by me and id really appreciate it if you check em out!! With that said, thanks for reading and I hope you have a great Halloween!
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mysticmoondancer · 1 year
Nice try @vampywampycampypodcast crew! But you didn't fool me this year with your newest podcast episode! 😘 Lol! Mainly, because I saw the YouTube notification on phone 1st before seeing the one you posted on Tumblr. 🤭😜 But I watched it anyway, out of curiosity. I must say, it was kinda weird hearing you guys say my actual name so many times, though. Lol!
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etharah · 9 months
i think its so fun that mbav has a semi-thriving fandom now. the lore behind this url is that my lifelong best friend and i both watched mbav as kids like as it was airing and it sort of became an inside joke for us when we were in middle school because the fandom was solely made up of children which meant the fan content was WILD. we'd go on fanfiction.net at school and she'd show me hilariously fucked up fics full of misspellings and shit. i remember being sad the "bethan" url was taken so i settled for this one.
my contact name in her phone has literally been "ethan's waifu" for like seven years. i don't remember where that came from besides the fact that we thought the concept of selfshipping and having a waifu was REALLY funny when we were like 14.
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ghost-clowns · 10 months
I've been drawing A LOT of MBAV lately. Let's see how much of it gets through my sorting process and I post.
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regaliasonata · 1 year
Season 3 Benny design for the MBAV S3 fic, promise to get back into writing it
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The design is definitely inspired by some 80s punk and gothic themes, Chris Angel and some bloodborne attire. Same with what I have planned for the rest of the main cast(stg I’ve been telling myself to put Rory in a suit just to be funny but idk)
Also if anyone is wondering that’s a gauntlet of sorts on his right hand, forgot why I put that there but hey it looks nice so🤷🏾‍♂️
Anyways stay tuned for more updates cause I might color this
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mbavholidayexchange · 2 years
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2 more days to put in your applications for the exchange!
Tomorrow is the last full day you can submit an application for the MBAV Holiday Exchange, if you haven't done so yet and would like to, here's the link to apply. To those who have already applied: we're sorting out the secret santa's after the deadline (12:00am EST on November 30th). Keep an eye on your dms of the contact info you provided!
Applications can be edited or retracted at the applicant's request at any time for any reason.
collage done by @foxsarah
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boltgunkiller-archive · 4 months
okay the yuri is here to help your head injury like soup does. you've mentioned all of the unholy trinity as serica, how does that work? like, the dynamics and such? specifically with brittany and quinn? –hevanderson
yuri soup 🤤🤤🤤
HMMM okay this is a good question. quinn’s top bitch in the show and erica acts pretty similarly i’d say; quinn also tends to go after guys and erica’s comes more from a place of wanting to be wanted whereas quinn’s is more of a status thing, but she does have similar insecurities so the boy crazy stuff erica does would make sense for her as well, albeit toned down and more in a status-hungry sort of way. that’s important to know methinks.
since brittany’s gonna be like, a new character from the ground-up in this universe, i think she’d stay relatively the same as the show except she’s a vampire. i also think she wouldn’t feed off of humans like maliciously or purposefully even, she makes out with a ton of people so i think she just does it then and everyone thinks it’s because she’s just a bit silly like that 💀💀💀
with quinn and brittany together - since santana would have an aversion to drinking blood from humans like that, similar to sarah - i think since they have that in common, their friendship would sorta be built upon their vampirism? if that makes sense? like i know brittany doesn’t really drink blood the same way quinn does but she’s not irked by talking about it or even just doing it so quinn can like chill and be super vampiric around britt i guess LOL and they’re kind of partners in crime in a way where brittany often just tags alone with quinn when she’s drinking blood or literally just going to the grocery store because they’re just kinda used to being together like that. especially after santana gets the job of babysitting blaine too, cause she ends up having to spend a lot more time with blaine and sam. brittany and quinn tag along a lot too, but when they’re not, they’re together!! and brittany i believe wouldve always been popular even (before being turned into a vampire btw. idk when or how that happens but there was a period of time when she wasn’t so.) anyway i think quinn would have ALWAYS wanted to be her friend & in her circles bc quinn always wanted to be popular and loved, similar to erica in the mbav movie!!! so that’s why quinn also was very quick to be close to brittany & hangout w her a ton, etc etc, esp after finding out she’s also a vampire lol.
also brittany would probably drop by blamtana a lot because she’s literally in love with santana like that and ngl quinn is too, so quinn would eventually catch up and hang w them too, and since tina’s attracted to quinn + besties with blam, tina’s there too… yup yup it all makes sense in my mind
oh and important to know- brittany and santana are not together they’re still mostly at their s1 and early s2 fwb situation for most of it!
also even after the 3 cheers for evil ep i think that the unholy trinity would stay cheerleaders even if that doesn’t make sense idc. esp quinn. she’s not about to relinquish her power because there just so happened to be a witch . cult . thing . going on 😲
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