#maybe one day i'll try to fix photoshop and see if i can get it to import video again but until then this works
acidheaddd · 1 month
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I added noise to mask some of the artifacts I was getting, but thanks to @warmsol, I tried ezgif and then brought the gif into photoshop to edit it further. It's a bit tedious, but definitely works!!
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madeofcc · 2 years
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Hellow everyone 👻
Finally, October is here and the spooky season that belongs to it ! Simblreen is turning slowly but surely in spooky mode and I already love to see some great content on my dash. As usual, this is a little post about what's going to happen during this month on this page. You'll find more info about Another Side in the blog update part.
Feel free to read or ignore this but always take very good care of you ♥
Also, thanks a lot to all of you for being here and remember, you're not alone ... This season in particular 👀
Life update : A hell lot happened in a month. I usually love September but this one was probably one of the hardest month of my life. To be short, after 6 months of full implication and hard work, I got fired after a burn out at work. I'm also living with my ex for almost a year now and it has become harder and harder to feel good living together. To be honest, I spend my nights crying these days so I'm fully commited to my sims story this month in order to have some kind of escape. Anyway, I guess that's all, sorry for being that negative this month, I'll get better don't worry. Here comes the blog update anyway :) More fun inside this one.
Blog update : Another Side is starting tomorrow 🎃
I'm soooo happy to see the little hype around this story and I can tell you that it's the one I've been putting so more efforts into it for now. The chapters are a bit longer than usually, I'm really trying to create the best cinematic experience for you dear readers. I made a little poll this week to check your desire about this story and the posting around it. So far, those who voted mainly voted for half a chapter a day so I guess that's what I'll do, but I reserve myself the right to post the entire chapter if it's a short one (like 2 parts).
The intro is already here in 2 parts, Chapter 1 will be called "Yuki" and will be 4 parts long. Tomorrow, October 1st, I'll post 2 parts of this chapter, the first one dropping at midnight (Paris time) and the other one a little bit later during the day. I'll make a timezone reblog and you'll get part 3 and 4 Sunday. Not all chapters will include 4 parts so I can't already tell you how many chapters there will be nor how many parts they will include. For now, the only thing I can tell you is that I'm trying to write it like a serie and so far, ep 1 to 3 include 7 chapters each so ... This should give you an idea. It should also go through October and November I think. Maybe a bit more if the story is longer than planned.
About Simblreen, I'm super excited for the event but I'm still thinking whether or not participating fully this year. For now I still have to fix my topaz clean on Photoshop (everything is installed correctly but nothing appears on Photoshop anymore, it worked fine 2 days ago U_U) but if I have the time I'd love to share some presents ! So far, I'm thinking of some CAS spooky backgrounds and also a new set of horror posters. Expect at least some new posters (who said A24 HORROR ?!) and if I have the time (and energy), some CAS backgrounds then.
About DH, don't worry my loves, Destiny and all should be back for some edits around the end of the year but the story will be officially back in 2023 for a full DH year 😍 I've planned a lot, including a casting call so be prepared !
And I think that's all ! As usual, thank you so much for reading this and for being here. You all are a daily strenght you don't even know 😊
Take very good care of you, enjoy a looooot this spooky season as much as I do (only for the medias part, otherwise, please October be nicer than September who was hell !) and always remember that you're not alone ♥
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Hi so I've been having body issues and idk how to deal with it? I've always been a small person but I do have curves & shape & stuff. I usually like my body but sometimes I feel so disgusting about myself like I'm gaining weight. Even though I know I'm a normal weight & look fine. For the past two years I've had disordered eating where I'll skip meals if I feel bad especially lunch. I just want to feel good about myself. There's no reason why I shouldn't & I feel stupid for hating my body. #C
Hi lovely,
Thank you for getting in touch with us here at MHA. I’m sorry that you are having problems with body image and eating, I know how hard that can be to deal with. I hope I’ll be able to give you some advice about how to deal with this. 
Firstly, it is absolutely not stupid to feel like this, your feelings are always valid! I think every person has something that they wish was different about themselves, and it can be hard to avoid becoming fixated on that perceived problem and how you can ‘fix’ it. You are honestly so wonderful, lovely. As long as you are happy and healthy then there is no reason for you to change the way you are - the only person you should change for is you! But please know that you are perfect just the way you are.
I am going to share some tips with you about how to improve your body image and self-confidence:
Take the time to pamper yourself! Maybe set aside one or two evenings a week where you focus on yourself - have a bubble bath, paint your nails, face masks. Things that make you feel physically nice!
Avoiding mirrors - try to avoid looking in a mirror and judging yourself as much as possible; maybe try leaning your mirror with the reflective side against the wall? I know you can’t always avoid mirrors, so maybe put some little positive sticky notes on your mirror saying things like ‘You’re beautiful’ and ‘You don’t need to change’. It sounds cheesy, but seeing things like this daily does make it easier to start believing them.
Avoid comparing yourself to people in the media - try to remember that people in magazines and in adverts are not realistic representations of how you /need/ to look! A lot of media is photoshopped and changed to meet the ideal and unrealistic standards.  You are not the same as someone else and if you compare yourself to them you are always going to find faults in yourself.
Something you may find hard to do at first, but is really important, is to take the time each day to compliment yourself, even if it’s the smallest thing, learning to appreciate yourself can help to increase body confidence.
Remember that no matter how you look or what size you are, you are beautiful, unconditional.
You can find more information and tips about body image on our page here :)
When we are feeling low and depressed it can seem like the best thing to do is to isolate ourselves away from our friends and family, but this can actually cause depression and other mental health issues to worsen.  Have you considered talking about how you feel with any of your friends? They may not realise that you are feeling so isolated right now, and they may be able to offer you some reassurance and a little extra care to help you feel more comfortable and welcome. Your friends will love and support you no matter what you look like, love!
I really recommend discussing these thoughts and behaviours you are experiencing with a professional. Talking through your thoughts may help you to understand why you are feeling like this and what you and those around you can help you do to start overcoming them. Here is our page about getting help just in case you are still thinking about reaching out for help, and here is our page explaining treatment options for eating disorders.
Please try not to feel guilty about eating - your body needs food and nutrition to stay healthy and keep going. It might help you to really focus on making healthy recipes for yourself, that way you are in control of what you are eating, and will hopefully feel less guilty about what it is. Something else that you might find works for you, is to eat smaller portions more frequently; smaller portions mean you won’t feel so full, but at the same time you will still be getting enough nutrition. I’m going to link you to our page about eating disorders here; obviously I am not diagnosing you as having an eating disorder, but there are some really useful links on here about how to tell someone about disordered eating, and some really great self-help methods.
If there is anything else we can do for you, please get in touch again. Remember ‘’fall down seven times, stand up eight.’’
Take care,Rhiann xo
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