#maybe it's nostalgia (it definitely is) but to me those will always be the best times.. nothing will ever come close
chrisbangs · 1 year
well at least smth nice will happen today 😁👍 i'm getting my second set of albums + my ktown pobs so... 🫶 wish me luck with my pulls
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jaymber · 7 months
Rebel! Rebel!
Timeline 20151 - Protagonist : V Temarii
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V was surprised by Kerry's call a couple days after the gig at the Red Dirt, even more so that he seemed to want to talk to him, and not Johnny. He was looking for a merc to hire, Kerry said, but V started doubting it. Maybe it was due to his past hanging out with the Valentinos, but V thought that any friend would do what he did that night, helping out however Kerry needed, be it threatening some people or blowing up a car. A typical night in Night City. He didn't mind becoming Kerry's friend. It felt natural. Like they've always known one another. It wasn't just the memories he had of the rockerboy, thanks to Johnny. There was a connection he couldn't put a word on. Something V wanted to feel longer when Kerry said he was leaving. He stood up, and stopped him.
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"Wait, Ker?" he called, "Lemme drive you home, yeah? Your hands are still shaking, and Johnny said you weren't the best driver." "That what he said?" he laughed, "Don't worry about me. Was about to call Delamain." "I insist. Got something to show you, anyway."
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"Fuck me." Kerry froze when he saw the Porsche come their way. His face showed many conflicting emotions, but V could feel most of them were positive. A spark shone in his eyes, a glimmer V couldn't stop staring at. He couldn't hide his growing smile. "Where you found it? Look for it everywhere after- well…" That spark dimmed as the silence grew. "Long story," V quickly said, "Get in." Kerry complied, fixing the seat to his liking. His eyes surveyed the car as he laughed to himself. "Oh, going down memory lane right now," he mumbled as V started the engine, "You got no idea what went down in that car, V." "I don't know, Ker. Have my fair share of weird car stories, being a nomad and all. Really think you can impress me?" "That a challenge I hear? 'K, drive on and listen up."
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Sure, Kerry had his fair share of stories. Those times weird groupies got inside. Those times he 'borrowed' it under Johnny's nose. Good memories that gave V a sudden feeling of nostalgia. But the merc too had had weird shipments to transport. Had had hitchhickers with incredible past catching up to them after they got into his car. Stories V hadn't told anyone but Jackie before. By the time they reached the villa, Kerry Eurodyne was truly just Ker in V's eyes. A friend he felt really comfortable around. "Seems we have arrived at our destination." "Seems we did, yeah. Thanks, V." A comfort Kerry didn't want to leave either, it seemed. He didn't step out of the car, staring at V with the spark back in his eyes. They didn't want the moment to end.
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"Wanna… come in?" Kerry eventually spoke, "Have a drink?" "Are you proposing a drink? Or… a drink?" "Both, long as you're into it." "I-" V stopped, and thought about it. He only had had one night stands. A drink would mean the end of their friendship, in V's mind. And he wanted to see Kerry again. "Thanks, Kerry, but hmmm… next time, yeah?" "Uh. Sure, whatever," he said harshly, visibly hurt, as he exited the car in a hurry, "See ya. I guess." V knew Kerry had misunderstood him, because Johnny knew him and that tone. He quickly opened the door to clear things up. "No, wait, Ker. I mean it!" he yelled, then waited for the rockerboy to turn around, "It's just… this is new. Don't wanna screw it up, so I'd rather take my time for once. But I definitely want a drink with you." He hesitated a little, but got closer to Kerry, getting on the tip of his toes to kiss his cheek goodbye. He could feel warmth spread across his face with his lips. It took a lot of self-control for V to keep his words, and not meet Kerry's mouth here and there. Patience. This, the connection they had, was special. V couldn't risk to screw it up.
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"Thirsty, but not quite perched just yet, eh?" Kerry mused, and V couldn't help but laugh, waiving him goodbye and hoping to see him again soon.
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ratlesshonret · 7 months
Things I LOVED About Pocket Mirror ~ GoldenerTraum & Little Goody Two Shoes (as a long-time series fan)
AKA, the long-awaited positivity post.
This is a direct follow-up to my posts "The (few) Things I Didn't Like About Pocket Mirror ~ GoldenerTraum" and "My (few) Issues With Little Goody Two Shoes"
Those posts trended very negative because, well, lists of complaints are inherently negative. However, despite my (honestly, kinda nitpicky) complaints, I do want to show that I still adore these games. And thus, I will be giving my list of things I think GoldenerTraum and LGTS did right.
Well, to be fair, these games did most things right. But I'll pick the ones I think stand out the most.
This post contains spoilers, as always. Rant below the cut.
Part 1 - GoldenerTraum
-The new lore introduced in this game, alongside the entirely new ending, are just great. Really solid ways to expand the section of canon that Pocket Mirror focuses on without changing the game very much.
-I love the convenience factor of this game versus the original. Less clunky required menu openings, less instances of "what do I need to examine to progress," and just generally smoother gameplay.
-I can't do this without mentioning the graphics. Complete and utter upgrade in every way. The original always looked great, but now looking back on it, its definitely not as polished as the modern style.
-(I know this is a positivity post, but I do wanna say I prefer the original Lisette sprite. I love the new one as well, but I think the new "heavy frills and detailed wrinkles" artstyle, while it generally works for the period and wealth the game is set around, doesn't fit Lisette.)
-Back to positivity now, the higher resolution theaters are really good. I originally wished they'd be changed/reanimated, but that was a mistake on my end. After all, why mess with perfection?
-GoldenerTraum and the accompanying anime opening are amazing. Full stop. Best intro to maybe any game ever. Everblooming Wild Rose Coronation is also great. (Though if I were to be fully honest, I kinda wish it only played after the Dawn ending instead of every ending. But that's a nitpick.)
-The removal of the bloat in the prologue is very much appreciated. On replays, the dance hall area feels very drawn out and unimportant, and generally a slog to go through. While I still don't like replaying this section, it is MUCH more bearable with the excess meat chopped off. It always felt like filler, anyway.
-The CGs that were updated look much nicer. No elaboration on this one, that's where my thought ends.
-Actually, yes elaboration. This is about the CG of Lisette coming out of the mirror before her first chase. The redraw is so pretty. I love Lisette <3.
-Improved visibility in many dark areas makes me a very happy person. While it maybe does remove some of the tension and atmosphere, it makes the game more accessible for new players who now won't need to feel around in the dark for ten minutes to find the candle in the Sugary Supper area, or whatever.
-Henri sprite.
-Finally, and I want to loop back to the character sprites, I love how they give an option to return to the original sprites. I love when remakes/remasters have some kind of "nostalgia mode" so that the original versions of things aren't lost.
Part 2 - Little Goody Two Shoes
-Music is great. I still prefer Pocket Mirror's OST, but holy hell some of the tracks in this game get lodged in my brain sometimes.
-Art is fantastic. I love the CGs, so many of them are so detailed and pretty. I might set some of them as my computer backgrounds, that's how good they are.
-Speaking of, the sprites are really good. I love some of Elise and Rozenmarine's sprites, especially.
-Strange Boy finally getting a name is nice. Now I don't need to call him Strange Boy. (I will still call him Strange Boy.)
-In general the environments are beautiful. One of the few ways this game is a straight step-up from Pocket Mirror. The tiny waterfall in the river looks so pretty, especially during the day. And that's just one example of an environmental piece that really stood out.
-I want to praise Thursday Witching Hour, or as I called it in my last post, "the only one that's better than bearable." It is a genuinely tense section, and scarier than anything in Pocket Mirror. It was the only thing in either game to really make me aware that this is a horror series.
-I do generally like the mechanics of hunger/money management, and the minigames are fun (except Kiss the Rat.) The intense effort that must've been put into the art and design of these short games you only play to make money was not lost on me.
-The characters are charming (exceptmuffy), about on par with Pocket Mirror's believe it or not. Rozenmarine is the only one I can speak heavily on, since her endings are the only routes I've done, but she's so cute and I love her. Freya also seems very great, which is why I have her route lined up to do next. Elise herself is also much different from how I assumed, but I love her as a protagonist.
-The sheer amount of lore this game introduces, from how Elise's deal with Strange Boy went down, to how the Pocket Mirror made it into Goldia's hands in the first place, is downright amazing for a lore nerd like myself.
-While this game didn't make me as emotional as Pocket Mirror does at any point (both of Lisette's endings still make me sob like a baby,) I did feel pretty empty inside after sacrificing Rozenmarine during the "canon" ending. And games that put me into a literal depressive episode after finishing are the ones I remember the most and love the most.
-The sheer amount of endings does give this game good replay value. Of course, that is undercut by... literally the dozen things I mentioned in my last post, but it does give me reason to stick it out.
-The fact that even the background characters have consistent personalities is nice. I love when games pay that close attention to detail. Though I will say that most of the ones without large-scale speaking sprites did kinda blend together into one person in my head, and in some cases they may as well have been one person. But on my next playthrough, I'll definitely take the time to pay attention to who says what lines, rather than just skimming the text itself.
-The dates are really cute, especially the associated scenes. You do not know the scream I let out when Rozenmarine finally dropped the L-bomb on Elise. That scene was adorable, despite being undercut by my constant (and later proven correct) dread of her dying painfully soon.
-Seriously, just the fact that you are playing as a lesbian is great. I can't think of many games, other than ones explicitly marketed as "yuri romance" or "lesbian dating sim" that have this kind of casual representation. It warms my heart a lot to see it not fall to the pitfalls of "has to be a visual novel or dating sim" or "only hinted-at representation."
-My final compliment for now, I adore Rozenmarine in general. I'm a very character-focused person, and I now have a new character to rotate and hyper-fixate on in my mind.
Part 3 - Outro
I love these games. A lot. I don't want to ever give the impression of "GoldenerTraum is a bad remake" or "LGTS isn't a good sequel" because those things aren't true. Despite my complaints, my opinions on these games are 90% positive.
All of this to say... I'm not falling out of love with this series. While the original Pocket Mirror holds a special place in my heart as "maybe the best thing Astral Shift has ever made," I still love their newest projects all the same. And nostalgia plays a big part in that place it has in my heart.
I love you, Pocket Mirror. And I love you, Little Goody Two Shoes.
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princesssmars · 2 years
how fast the night changes
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chapter i part i
a sam x reader x mike
youve always had a compliacted relationship with your best friends. that all changes the night you go back to josh's house in the mountains.
contains: fluff and angst i mean its until dawn. mentions of death, mention of that little perv chris switched seats with.
wc: 3.800+
a/n: back in my until dawn phase bc of the quarry and we are lacking fics (especially poly ones) so i came to provide. decided to do these two bc they are my favorites and. theyre hot. enjoy. (im also following along with an all good choices everyone lives lets play because i love a good horror ending sorry.)
the bus ride up to the mountain was much more sinister in the dark of night. maybe it was because the thick trees of the expansive woods hid anything that lurked inside them. maybe it was because of what happened the last time you were here. either way, everything felt different this time.
you still remember how you met all of your friends. it was sixth grade, and you were the new kid, so you were prepared for it to be brutal. but here come these two dorks who say their names are josh and chris that plop down next to you during lunch to ask you some dumb question about the newest video game-was it super mario?-
you look down at your phone, the custom playlist you got for this trip nearly halfway done as it hums through your headphones. bopping your head along, you click out of the music app and head to your messages, seeing the last texts you shared with your friends. emily's were blunt but endearing, ashley and chris's enthusiastic, jess's laid back. but you feel a smile slowly appear looking over your last messages with sam and mike.
sam: please tell me you remembered to bring me some extra veggie chips! i have a feeling josh forgot to stock up on my vegan snacks :,)
y/n: only if you remembered to bring my favorite blanket from your dorm, you know the heating is most likely broken and im definitely not freezing to death up here!
sam: so dramatic! already ahead of you <3 see you at the lift!
you go to look over mike’s, trying to ignore the heat you feel in your face at her knowing what you wanted without you even asking.
mike: your new favorite playlist is ready, brought to you by your favorite person on earth
y/n: what do you mean? sam didn't make me a playlist
mike: haha very funny
mike: y’know id appreciate some appreciation every now and then, i put all of your faves on here! even some hidden gems I've been listening to recently
y/n: thank you my best friend in the whole wide world for the amazing playlist i know you don't share your amazing music taste with everybody
y/n: happy?
mike: very. thanks, babe. see ya soon.
well, that didn't help.
you step off the bus with your carry-on, saying your thanks to the tired-looking bus driver before they drive off after giving you a weary smile and an ominous “be safe out there.”. you step further towards the entrance and seeing the faded yet familiar Blackwood Pines sign fills you with bittersweet nostalgia. remembering your first time getting plastered with josh and chris, dancing to the newest shitty songs with jess, telling emily about your crushes crush, gossiping with beth, watching the newest show that hannah couldn't stop talking about…
you shake your head. nows not the time to dwell on the past, you're here to rekindle old friendships and have a great time.
as you continue walking to the lift, you get more and more unsettled by the dark woods surrounding you. yes, the woods were inherently creepy, but it felt like someone, or something was watching you. you always joked around about something being in the woods, but those were just jokes. your mind is jumping around so quickly that you don't even register the snap of twigs and someone grabbing you-
“fucking hell!” leaves your throat as you bend over and try to catch your breath. meanwhile, samantha giddings is laughing her ass off behind you.
“i just - and then you- oh my god!” she wheezes, bent over and holding her knees with her hands. she laughs even harder when she looks up to see you staring at her with a straight face.
“you're not funny. at all. get up.” you reel your foot back as if you're about to kick snow and dirt at her, and thankfully that makes her calm down a bit.
“ok, ok. alright. im sorry, i couldn't help it!”
after her laughter has officially died down, you both stand and stare at each other for a minute, before laughing and running into a hug.
“its been so long sammy” you whisper into the blonde girl's hair, taking in the scent of her vanilla and papaya shampoo.
“way too long. promise me after this you’ll come to visit before the end of the school year? you can be my good luck charm for my exams” she pulls away to look at your face, her slender arms still wrapped around your waist.
“only if you promise to stay with me for a while this summer. there are so many things i wanna do with you.”
“many things, huh? got any more examples?” the side of her mouth quirked up, smirking at the way you stumble over your words.
“i just meant that… it's been hard. without you. and the others of course. it feels like we barely ever see each other since…”
your words trail off. it's still hard to say aloud what happened on the mountain last year. you look at sams face and see the sadness on her face, too.
while you were always close with beth, she was best friends with the other washington twin.
she always felt a little guilty that she didn't run off after them that night.
so did you.
you try to change the conversation, hoping to lift both of your moods.
“what i mean is, our college's aren't that far but it feels like i see you once in a blue moon! it'd be nice to catch back up and get closer.”
“i know what you mean. there's so much we have to talk about.” she agrees. “so, we can start on this longgg walk up the lift. you ready?”
she holds her arm out and you link yours through hers. god, did you miss her.
the walk to the lift was surprisingly nice. sure you had to walk through some creepy ass woods, but doing it with your best friend made it somehow enjoyable and even funny. especially when she fell on her ass after trying to climb the stone wall next to the busted gate.
“stop laughing and help me up!”
“oh, how the table have turned.”
while walking, you both spot a squirrel running past you. you decide to ignore it, but sam being the animal lover she is, tries to feed it.
“here you go little guy, have a nice life, alright?” she sighs, waving to the squirrel as it goes back into the woods. she turns to keep walking but finds you staring at her. “what is it?”
“nothing, nothing. we should hurry up, feels like I'm getting frostbite already.” you rush, ignoring as sam laughs at your dramatics.
eventually, after more idle catching up, light teasing (and both of you seeing something weird after picking up a totem?), you finally arrive at the cable car station…and see no sign of chris.
you let out a long and loud sigh, “god its so like him to go do whatever stupid crap right now. if he went up without us i'm gonna kill him.”
sam giggles at your upset grumbling, before moving her arms up and down the arms of your coat from beside you. “ok, ok. lets just look, around ok? im sure that doofus is around here somewhere.”
you both search around the station for mutual goofy blonde friend, until finally you find his backpack after hearing his phone ring. you don't catch who the caller was before it ends, and you notice sam come up behind you. “hey, I cant find that doofus, i don't know where he could be hiding-”
her voice is cut off by the phone pinging again, and you both see the user id-ashley, your mutual friend and chris’ crush of for-fucking-ever. on the handful of times youve spoken to ashley recently, you were pretty sure she liked him too.
you and sam lock eyes, sharing a mental conversation. you know she wants to leave it alone, and she knows you want more than anything to look at what theyve been talking about because you know your friend has absolutley no game.
you dont get the chance when you hear a “sam! (y/n)!” behind you, quickly turning around to see your tall glasses-wearing friend.
“thank god! i felt like i was gonna freeze to death out here!” you exclaim, making the blondes laugh as you hug chris, his big arms encompassing your entire body.
you smile. you missed this big dork.
you feel one of his hands leave your back, and then you feel the press of sam against your side. your face grows warm as both of you wrap your arms around each other to form a group hug. as you back away, sam looks at you affectionately, and chris looks between the both of you. you squint your eyes in a ‘shut it or ill kick you in the balls’ way and he stops.
“oh! so, i found something amazing.” christ speaks, looking at the both of you and moving over to his bag which still rests on the seat.
you and sam share a look. “what?” she asks.
“im not gonna tell you, you gotta see for yourself,” he replies, ever the little shit, he hikes his bad up onto his shoulder and starts moving away from the station. “come on, its this way.”
“where?” you question his next. again, it was freezing out here, and as much as you liked doing stuff with your friends youd much rather do it inside the lodge.
“right around here, gonna blow your mind.”
you follow chris around the back of the station until he moves in front of the surprise and holds out his hands. “ta-da! pretty rad right?”
“yeah…” sam stares at it, making you laugh beside her. before you stands a mini wooden shooting range, just built to shoot a few targets before the trees. on the wood panel lies two hunting rifles, placed for the targets placed either on the trees or on the stumps ahead of it.
“come on! look at these beauties!” chris smiles, trying to get you and sam at least amused by what he was showing you.
sam is still unconvinced. “”beauties” is not the word that comes to mind. why is this even here?”
“what do you mean?”
“what the hell is a shooting range doing at the base of a ski lodge?”
“dude, have you ever met josh’s dad?” chris asks her, fiddling with the rifle.
“yeah, he definitely thinks hes more badass than he really is,” you pick up one of the guns, admiring the details of it, “or maybe hes preparing for something in these woooods…”
“oh shush with the ghost stories, (y/n).” chris shushes at you, ignoring you scrunching up your face at him. you would admit that you did look into folklore and the supernatural, but who could blame you? it was interesting. “but shes right, dude thinks hes like, grizzly adams or something. either of you wanna try?”.
“you go head, grizzly.” sam declines, smiling at chris. yours eyes widen when they both turn to look at you.
“oh, you dont want me to go first. id embarrass you. but please be our guest.” chris scoffs and turns away from you, saying something under his breath. sam nudges your shoulder and laughs, “be nice.”
chris faces the targets and holds the rifle up to his shoulder, preparing to shoot. “alright, here goes.”
you both watch on as he hits both of the stuffed bags and both of the soda cans.
“wow, nice shootin tex.” sam compliments him.
“yeah, you been practicin this in your spare time?” you instantly regret it when he says “alright, im bad! im a badass!” and starts dancing in place. moron.
you nearly bust out laughing at the unamused look on sams face. “im gonna go ahead and guess it was a wild case of beginners luck.”
“nah, i dont think so girl.” he shrugs her off, yet again taking aim. he strikes a beer bottle, shattering it into pieces.
“anybody and their brothers could shoot a bottle that big, that close.” sam teases chris again. you notice a cute little squirrel make its way to snack on some nuts that lay on one of the barrels. chris shoots one of the stuffed bags again.
“ok ill admit. youre a nice shot.” chris’ eyebrows shoot up at your compliment, laughing when you roll your eyes.
“your asses just got sacked.”
you and sam both groan.
he goes to take aim, but in the corner of your eye you see the lift coming down. “hey, sharp-shooter, our ride is coming.”
“wh- im just getting the hang of it!” chris complains.
“come on chris, the cable car!” sam reaffirms, moving to loop her arms through yours and head to your ride. the both of you go ahead and laugh to each other when you hear chris groan and follow suit.
while walking, chris comes up behind you and starts to speak, “man it is… its definitely weird coming back up here after a whole year.”
“yeah. i swear, the moment i got here it just all came flooding back.” sam says. shed gone from linking your arms to holding your hand and leading you. your cheeks felt warm.
“i know what you guys means. a year went by so fast…” you whisper under your breath. you see chris looking at something on the wall of the station and tug sam back to look. it's a wanted poster for someone name milgram victor, last seen here on the mountain in the 90s. you vaguely remember josh talking about it.
“nice. think we’ll get a visit from americas most wanted?” chris kids after observing the sign.
“looks like someone thought so,” you reply. “i dont know why, its been almost 20 years, what would he even be doing? and dont answer that weirdo.” you give a stern look to chris when you see him excitedly open his mouth to go into imaginary detail about what milgram could be doing.
sam shrugs it off. “looks like someone thought so.”
“nah y/n’s right,” chris agrees with you, “this place is abandoned most of the year. nodbody comes up here.” after that, the three of you move on.
“this all must be really hard on josh…” sam expresses suddenly, bringing back up the topic of what happened last year.
chris speaks up from behind you, “i dont know how he keeps it all together. id…i mean id be a wreck.”
“who says he isnt?” your question makes sam scoff and chris sigh. “oh come on, we three are the closest to him and i know you both could tell something was up in that video. not to mention what happened with his therapist so who even knows whats going on inside that big head of his-”
“hey hey hey, slow down!” you hear then feel chris and sam next to you, both putting a hand on your shoulders . “look, dont worry. we’re all gonna be there to help josh if he needs it, yeah? for now lets focus on having a good time.”
chris could be a doofus at times, but he did know how to make you feel better. you let out a long sigh, stabilizing yourself before looking at your two friends and ready to continue.
its only a few seconds later when sam gets to the door and stops. “hey thats weird. door’s locked.”
“yeaaah…josh wanted us to keep it locked. keep people out.” chris tells her.
“he really said that? what kind of people?” she questions him. josh was never one to be scared of what could be lurking on the mountain.
“i dont know. he said they found people sleeping in the station one time.”
“creepy.” “thats so sad.” you and sam share a look as you speak at the same time before moving on.
“after you,” chris moves his arm in a sweeping motion of chivalry torwards to the now open station door, laughing as sam teases him with “a real gentleman.”
the three of you move inside, you and chris heading to check out the controls as sam moves to look out over the edge of the rail.
its small inside the control center, just the room with the controls, a desk, and some lockers. you and chris lean in to look at one of the posters, advertising the blackwood pines hotel and-
“sanatorium?” you both say under your breath, looking at the other. how did you never hear about this?
“ugh! i though the car was closer.” you heard sam complain from outside.
“guess we gotta wait…” chris voces, still obsering the sanatorium poster. “what a crazy place to set up house.”
“emphasis on the crazy.” you joke, laughing when chris swats at you with his hands. “but seriously, they couldnt have picked any other mountain? this is odd, no matter how rich you are.”
“guess mr.washington couldnt pass up on the view.” chris speaks.
“theyre not so rich,” sam rebuttals. “they only bought a mountain!”
you slightly giggle at her joke.
from the corner of you eye you see a flickering creen on the desk, dragging chris over by his arm to look at it.
“huh? since when did they have all this security up here?” your companion questions, observing the amount of places covered by what must be new secuirty cameras.
you sigh, feeling slightly unerved,“i guss they really are worried about something up here.”
looking out the small window, you see the cable car has almost arrived, making you move outside in preparation. you notice sam has zoned out, so you tickle her neck slightly, making her flinch away and let out a light squeal. “ah! oh you know i hate it when you do that!”
you smile at the blonde, leaning into her side “yeah right, sammy.”
she lets out a playful groan, wrapping her arm around your shoulders so you can both move into the cable car. you across from her as chris sits next to her.
“just like going to prom.” chris says before sitting down.
“chris, i was with you on prom night. you nearly threw up multiple times on the way there because you were scared about asking someone to dance-”
“alright alright! no need to bring that back up, y/n.” he shushes you, still embarrased about what happened 2 years ago. “anyway, adventure begins!”
“i hope this was the right thing to do.” sam sounds from across you.
“what?” chris asks her.
“you know getting everyone together on the anniversary. i mean, josh seemed really pumped about us all doing something didnt he?”
“yeah, no, he definitely did!” chris waves his arm around to express his point. “i havent seen him so excited about something in…forever.”
“good, good…” sams voice trails off.
“yeah, im glad he seems to be doing better. and its nice for everyone to be back together.” you smile, ready to see all of your friends again. even if what they did still hangs in the back of your mind.
“yeah yeah, but…its hard to tell with him and i…ive kinda been worried.” sams voice softens, her worry for her dear friend peaking through.
“no, no, it was…it was a good idea.” chris reassures her.
she looks over at you before staring at the ceiling. “i hope everybdy else feels the same way.
“we’re all here, arent we?” he questions.
“thanks bro. good talk.” sam goofs, lightly punching his arm.
you laugh at them. “he has such a way with words, doesnt he?”
he laughs along with the two of you, “you know what? screw the both of you. but really, lets just…lets just stop talking about what happened and enjoy the trip.”
“you know what? youre right.” sam agrees.
“seriously,” you sigh, leaning back and looking at the scenery. “i cant wait to just get to the lodge and relax with some hot cocoa.”
“um, what do you mean relax?” chris asks you, making you turn your head to raise a questionable eyebrow, “we’re supposed to party like porn stars, remember?”
“ugh, forgot about that part. we can do that tomorrow.” you groan, making your friends laugh at your antics.
theres silence for a little while longer before chris turns to the two of you and asks, “you two know how josh and i met?” you and sam shake your heads ‘no’.
“ok. third grade. josh sat in the back of the room, i sat in the front. we didnt even know each other existed. but the kid sitting next to josh started strap-snapping the training bra on the girl in front of him so the teacher made him move to the front - where i was sitting!”
‘ugh, gross.’ you think, before listening to the rest of the story.
“okay, so?” sam questions.
“so i got moved to the back!”
“and?” you prod.
“and next to josh! thats how we met! and became friends. to this day.”
“a match made in heaven.” you tease.
“if it werent for the fact that jeanie simmons hit puberty like three years early and on that day decided to wear a low-cut shirt that showed off her training bra…i mean who knows? you two could be riding in this cable car alone. right now. or talking to some other person entirely. boom. butterfly effect.”
“well i sure am glad we got you and not the bra snapper, chris.” his face twists in a mix of annoyance and happiness.
“it is freaky to think about, though. like, who knows how many little things we thought about doing but didn't would change who we are?” sam joins in, rubbing her hands together as the cold starts getting to her.
“well, i like to think fate could play a part in it as well.” you notice how both of your companions are looking straight at you, urging you to continue. “what? i mean, who we are effects what we’re most likely to do, which means some things are just meant to happen. at least thats how i see it. whatever, just stop looking at me.”
“no, no! i understand,” sam leans forward, taking your hands in hers. “i get it, like some things are just meant to be. its kinda nice, knowing id end up knowing you no matter what.”
your heart leaps to your throat when she sustains eye contact with you, the grip of her hands moving to hold your wrists.
“like i was doomed to fail that english test in sophomore year. im still pissed off about that.”chris says from your left, making you nearly jump out of your skin from being in the moment you just had with sam.
“yeah, just like your english test, chris. sure.” sam replies flatly, slightly slumping back into her place, her face perking up when you shake your head in amusement.
this was gonna be a good night.
here we go! chapter one of ten! this took me so long to get out and i wanted it out on halloween day but alas :') this already felt really long so hope to get part two ou soon! thanks for reading <3
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ultrasuede · 2 years
so like chicago is about hannah. in this essay i will-
no actually i will. so i have no idea where hannah lives or if she has a baby or whatever but chicago is about louis thinking back on his last relationship before he met harry and came to terms with his queerness. i think pretty much everyone agrees that louis probably cheated on hannah with harry (rip) before he broke up with her. it’s possible that he’d still carry some guilt with him about this even if it was a relationship that couldn’t continue. and its such a louis thing for him to think back on this major turning point in his life that was so positive in many ways, and still feel for the person left hurt in the wake. 
i think the most glaringly obvious lyric is in the chorus: Just because it didn't work doesn't mean it's meaningless to me. It just wasn't meant to be. so this is just soooooooo very much something a queer person would say to their ex-partner. he’s telling this person that although i can’t love you the way you need me to, i still care about you and value the time we shared. i still think about you and only wish the best for you. It just wasn’t meant to be because it couldn’t be. know that i’ll still be here for you if you ever want to talk. sometimes i think about picking up the phone and calling you, but i get scared because i would never want you to hate me, and what if you hate me? Has it been long enough that you can forgive me? They say bitter ends turn sweet in time, Is that true of yours and mine?
a few other lyrics that support my theory 🥸:
And is your brother doin' okay? Is he still gettin' out of fights? I'm sorry that your mum don't like me, I'm sorry that I brought that on myself.-- its possible that hannah’s family would have ill feelings for louis for leaving her the way he did...actually we have proof of this bc her brother said some nasty things about louis on twt soon after they broke up. louis asking if he’s still getting out of fights could also be a subtle dig lol
Have you seen how my life's been goin'? 'Cause I've been wondering what you'd say. Would you have told me to keep goin'? Or would you say to walk away?-- hannah obviously Knows about louis so here he’s wondering what she'd think of his public image after all these years. 
I didn't have to search 'cause I still know your number-- they dated like 4000 years ago so louis definitely had to memorize her number and called her from a landline lol
so my point is harry was the other woman and louis still feels bad :/ and wants hannah to know that she was important to him despite that. those "best friends. always" tweets are just so sweet...but its possible that they've lost touch or maybe had negative exchanges since or perhaps louis is just looking back 12 years and those feelings of guilt, regret, and a bit of nostalgia are surfacing. in conclusion this is not a stunt song!!!
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oh-three · 2 months
Station 19 S7E5:
Oh, Maya, we love you.
The way the crew didn't respond to anything until Andy announced that Theo resigned.
Nooooo, not Crisis One.
Maya apologizing to Beckett (ayyy, we love character development) >>>
"Just because your last name is Herrera doesn't mean you have to lead from his shadow." I missed this side of Maya. Also, what an awesome quote. I miss Pruitt, but she's right.
Warren, you are not going the Sullivan route. Warren, tell me you're fucking not. I never thought he'd do this. Maybe he does need to take a step back.
Ayyy, Dispatch Jack!! Good for him. He still gets to help people, even if he's not in the field the way he used to be.
Never occurred to me they'd take a call in this tower.
I do not want to be Vic right now. I could never do that job.
Y'know, it's been a while since we've had such a big fire. I do miss those episodes.
And there goes the fucking medkit.
Ayyy, Theo got a new job fast. And in the same field. Good for him.
Beckett, give a warning next time, man. Like, sooner. What the fuck.
Travis having a moment and being scared for Warren, regretting fighting with him. I knew he wasn't really upset with him. Because he's right, they never fight. I hope they don't kill Warren off like this. He's earned the right to be able to retire/
Not Carina being reminded of her brother 😭
Warren asking how Sully wants to propose, because he wants to talk about something exciting in what might be their final moments 😭
Stu is great, just wanted to say. Best person to have with you in this sort of situation.
"Hey, Gibby…I'm gonna need you to help look after our little girl. Alright? And tell Miranda…she was worth waiting for." 😭 😭 😭
Please, please only be unconscious.
Damn, those extinguisher spheres are fucking neat.
It's hasn't been long enough since Dean for us to lose someone else.
Oh, fuck, the ring. Why did you even take it on call.
Oh, neat, Ross found it.
Beckett and Maya having a heart to heart >>>
"I will always have your back." 😭
Vic having a freak out on camera…that does not look good.
Andy having to play bad guy and send Vic home is rough, and definitely hurts everyone a bit, but it was the right choice. She is lucky she didn't get fired on the spot.
hugs Carina
God, Sully's hands are huge.
LMAO, SHE STILL LET HIM PROPOSE. The fact that she knew the ring came from him in the first place is fucking hilarious 🤣
Theo still coming to the ceremony despite resigning says everything. He didn't resign because of Andy, not at all. He's one of her biggest supporters, has been since they met, always will be. ❤️
Vic better not do a spur-of-the-moment thing and quit. I don't think she would, but people do things unlike themselves when they're emotional.
Ayyy, Jack's there. And he's recording it 😭
looking back on the series with nostalgia on how far the station and Andy have come
She deserves this. I'm so happy to see her here.
Fuck, the flashbacks read my mind. 😭
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haldora · 20 days
20 questions for fic writers
Got tagged by @inkpot-demigod! Took me a while to get around to it, but it was fun to fill this out, even if I'm not much of a writer anymore.
how many works do you have on Ao3? 13
2. what’s your total Ao3 word count? 122,503
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Most of my fics are Babylon 5, but the latest fandom I wrote more than one fic for was Pathologic.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Despite most of my work being for B5, my top 5 fics are mostly for other fandoms, probably because of differences in overall fandom size. 1. Postprandial (Gotham) My sole fic for the fandom and probably the most indulgent thing I've ever written. I'm gonna be real here and say that I have a conflicted relationship with this fandom because I, uh... do not like the show and have little to no interest in DC media otherwise, but it was one of those things where a certain ship grabs me by the balls heart and pulls me into a deeply cringe obsession. But being cringe is the only way to make art, especially the kind of intensely gratuitous, unselfconscious, and joyful art that this turned out to be, and I'm still very fond of this fic and happy with the reception it got. It's my most popular work by far despite being a niche kink, which has contributed to me feeling a lot less self-conscious about my interests in general. 2. Shadowshow (Pathologic) A compilation of fics written for the Pathologic Kink Meme featuring a bunch of different characters and ideas. While I have no way of knowing which fic most of the kudos are in response to, I have a feeling that the fic with the most broad appeal is probably the Burakhovsky sex pollen twyre fic, which was a lot of fun to write. With porn tropes like this, I have a lot of trouble keeping a straight face, so I tried to lean into the silliness while keeping things broadly in character and I still like the result. It ended on a sequel hook, too, which I'm still surprised that nobody on the kink meme grabbed to follow up on. I'm generally very fond of these fics because they're symbolic of a really fun time in my life and the best fandom community I've ever participated in. <3 Patho Blocklist alumni 2020 represent 3. Suffer Your Excess (B5) This was the first B5 fic I'd ever posted and my first serious attempt at fanfiction in a long time. I still have a lot of nostalgia attachment to it and I see why people like it, but ultimately I think I explored similar themes a lot better in subsequent fics. But this was still vital practice in getting my bearings in a new fandom. 4. A Golden Autumn (Pathologic)
Ah, my tragically incomplete Burakhovsky longfic that I still have all outlined and plotted out and just never continued. I always have lots of ideas for long multichapter fics, but almost never allow myself to start them because I almost always burn out or get distracted by other things and then it haunts me for the rest of my life. Maybe one day I'll continue it, but I've come around to feeling like it was a product of the early Patho fandom and a lot of the themes and ideas in it have since been thoroughly explored by much better writers than me, which puts a damper on my enthusiasm, alas.
5. Every Shining Thing (B5)
Always happy to see this one breaking the top 5 because although it's one of my older fics, it still holds up for me. The fandom being as small as it is means that I can keep up with the tag pretty easily and while there's amazing stuff still happening, I can't say I've seen another fic with similar themes crop up in the fandom and while I of course would love to see other people exploring these ideas, it's kinda cool to be the person who wrote the definitive fic on this topic. When I'm feeling down on myself and wondering whether I'll ever manage to write substantively again, this is one of the fics I look to to remind myself of what I'm capable of.
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love getting comments and try to respond to all of them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend not to go for unambiguously happy or sad endings. I prefer something more bittersweet. A speck of light in the darkness or a note of unease in an otherwise harmonious resolution. But I think Open Wound, a Londo centered character study during one of the darkest periods in canon, has a pretty bleak ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
False Dawn, probably. A Londo/G'Kar fic that takes place in a happier fix-it AU. The closest I ever get to writing fluff. An objectively low stakes material problem with somewhat higher emotional stakes that ends on a pretty feel-good high note.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Never directly on my fics, thankfully, but I've been sent a few death threats and attempts at suicide-baiting for writing some of the things I do and supporting others who do so. I take it as a point of pride. <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. Most of my work has some erotic undertone even if it's not explicitly sexual. I'm open to a lot of things and while I do have very strong interests in certain kinks, what I'm drawn to when writing tends to be more related to a certain character dynamic and the unique possibilities it offers. So basically, I write the smut I think is the most IC for whatever characters I'm writing and whatever serves as the best vehicle for the ideas I'm trying to get across. Which isn't a very interesting answer, but it's true.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. I prefer really diving into the specificities of a certain world and trying to deepen and intensify the ideas that are already there rather than trying to combine it with other things to make new ones. If I ever get to thinking that elements from different canons would be really interesting to see combined, that usually ends up as a launchpad for original worldbuilding rather than contemplating crossover possibilities.
11. has any of your work been stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I've had a few of my B5 fics translated into Russian by some wonderful folks and posted on FicBook! I always love going there and google translating all the comments. <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really? I used to do a lot of RP, which is a similar activity, but not quite the same thing. I guess the closest I've come is some collaborative kink meme stuff where different writers build on each other's work. One of the fics in my Shadowshow Patho compilation is a kink meme fill that's framed as a sequel to a fill that someone else had written (and I'm still super flattered they liked it <3).
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Man, I have a new one like every month. Judging by my fic output, though, I think Londo/G'Kar (B5) is still my ultimate OTP. Love that toxic old man xeno.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
See Question 4 :c Aside from that, I've got a couple half-finished Patho kink meme fills I'd been working on that just never got done and they sit in a folder on my computer taunting me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Voice. Character voice is often what makes or breaks a fic for me and it's a skill I consider especially vital for fanfic specifically. I care a lot about it and, according to the comments I get, it pays off. Character dialogue is where most of the action happens in my stories and it's something I put a lot of effort into, both in the sense of 'would they say this?' and 'how would they say it?'
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing :)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Is there controversy about this? If you're writing a multi-lingual character who speaks multiple languages in canon, then part of writing them IC is going to be replicating that, so yeah, break out your dictionaries and put out calls for fluent beta-readers. AO3 actually has some great tools for implementing this. I used hover-text for translations when doing some conlanging for a B5 fic and it worked really well.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ooh, tough question. I started writing Sailor Moon fanfiction in paper notebooks in elementary school way back in dinosaur times. Never posted any of it, though.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ahh, this is hard! I'm gonna be a shameless shill and mention the favourites I think are underappreciated, both B5.
First is The Sayonese Affair, which is the longest fic I've ever completed and am still very pleased with. It's a post-canon fix-it AU political comedy-of-manners. Porn with plot. If you can stomach the tags, I'd highly recommend it.
Next is Accidents of Gesture, a lengthier one-shot that stands as the fic that gets to the heart of what I love about this canon and this ship. It's got some painful conversations, some hurt/comfort, and musings on the nature of forgiveness. I tag... @ibenholt, @emblazonet, @wescravings, @strangestquiet, @gloriousmonsters and whoever else wants to do this!
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wishitweresummer · 1 year
This is a concept I came up with earlier today and figured you'd find interest in it :)
Raspberries are Dream’s favorite, he would never admit it but he likes the lingering feeling you get after one and the nostalgia of it
Tickly kisses are Sapnap’s favorite, he likes the intimacy of it and affection mixed with the tickles
And Nibbles are George’s favorite, especially on his ears, he loves how quickly he can lose him mind when they're involved, mix those with regular tickles and he is on cloud nine
(Bonus thought, Punz is a big fan of back and scalp tickles. Both of which remind him of his mom so when his friends *cough" Foolish *cough* target his back or find out he has a tickly scalp, he just let's it happen, they're pretty bad spots but he loves them)
(You have no idea how happy receiving this made me 🥹 my first headcannon ask thing I see y’all do)
The jump from tickling with hands to tickling with a mouth is super exciting and I love it with the Dream Team, like they all fought so hard for so long to be together forever and we got to see them right away be like, super touchy. No boundaries I can see.
So, I headcannon that the first time one of them made that jump was so fast. (Definitely Dream to Sapnap with those loud tickly smooches)
Of course Dream with the raspberries, that goofball. He dishes them out like their nothing too, but he can’t handle them oof.
He really tries though! His friends always have just the hardest time trying to collect up his scrambling limbs after delivering the first one cuz he is a messss
And if you tease him?? Poor Dreamie. The way he always curls up after a few raspberries with those pink cheeks and dumb little grin?? Unmatched. Those tingles afterwards definitely do get him so bad. With a tummy as ticklish as his it feels like they last forever. He’ll tremble an hour later when he remembers them suddenly.
And Sap. The sappiest Sap, my baby. Getting closer to the Dteam (and the feral boys) has really taught him all this touchy stuff is pretty fun. Dream and Karl pretty much smothered him with cuddles against his will right away until he gave in. Now he can admit a little more he loves the closeness. Gahhhh the cutie
Dream lived with him the longest and knows more than anyone how to melt him. Maybe little kissies along his wrists? Or ears? A sneaky one on the tip of his nose to make him laugh and shove him away. Cuz once Sap catches the giggles it’s overrrr
His voice goes soft and his protests slur together. The giggling is endless. His cute little hiccupy giggles my heart. The kissies on the tummy can kick him back to life sometimes, but the poor thing is always so flustered when he comes back to reality.
Smacking Dream, you idiot… he’s all huffy and red and trying to hide his face, but it’s too cute and the boys wanna see!!! The love is overwhelming sometimes okay?
Gogyyy I always headcannon him to be a little rougher than the others. So yes I agreeeee oh my god. The nibbles for George. And nibbles are so versatile?? They can be all sweet and cute, giggle inducing on his ears and neck and shoulders, make him squirm, but he’s okay he’s not going to die.
~~maybe maybe his blush is making him feel like he’s dying but he’s okay I promise
And the playful nibbles? The others will shake him silly and nibble at his sides and ribs until he’s losing his mind. Probably best to keep those playful ones down away from his neck cuz that boy can shrieeeek. Throw some regular tickles in? And some teasing??
~~Whatever, Dream and Sapnap are used to his insane cackling by now anyway
(I’m just imagining Punz face first on the ground while Foolish pretends to be a monkey grooming his hair, and grabbing all soft around his back while Punz is just on the brink of madness. Plus, Foolish’s laugh?? Imagine being tickled and the person tickling and teasing you is making that noise?? I’d pass away.)
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moonah-rose · 1 year
!! as someone who watched red dwarf a while back, i was pleasantly surprised to bump into a fan of it while i was scrolling through a whole other blog (you know how tumblr binges go..) i haven't watched it in a while otherwise i'd come up with a more interesting question to ask you, but as it is i'm curious to know what you like about it! not in a judgemental way (sorry it probably sounded that way ahaha) but srsly, what specifically about the characters or the premise or whatever it may be draws you in? (thank you in advance for your answer, i'm sure it'll be delightful to read)
Woah, sorry if this is late I literelly just spotted it in my inbox and somehow missed the notif!
This answer might be disappointing but basically; I was raised on it. My earliest memory and how I learned what Fridays were was knowing "it's Red Dwarf night!" It was the best night because it meant I got to stay up late with my dad and brother and watch this show which would have us all laughing in stitches. I remember me and my dad had a game where I would ask "Why is it called red dwarf?" (Because it was series 6 and the only ship was Starbug) and Dad would say "Because that's the name of the spaceship!", which made no sense to me because Starbug was green, so I'd keep asking and eventually he'd just reply with random things like "that's the name of the cat." or something. 😂 I guess you had to be there but, yeah, a lot of my love for this show comes down to nostalgia and happy memories with my dad.
Now what kept me into the show as an adult? So many things. It's my favorite British style of humor; a group of people who annoy the smeg out of each other while also willing to die for each other. Its the absolute zaniness of the sci-fi where anything can happen, where humanoids evolved from cats, or a computer becoming senile, or a guy who is his own dad etc. It has all that insanity going on and yet each episode is so smegging COSY! Because an episode where the gang is fighting an insane robot is the same one where they throw a party for android friend who they think is about to die. Because the last man on earth tricks his ghost frienemy into confessing about his soup trauma for a laugh but also maybe free therapy.
And it's hilarious! No show has ever made me laugh so hard and I've watched it too many times to count over the years.
I honestly don't know how to sell it for someone coming in fresh or isn't fond of British humor but I always encourage everyone to give it a try; and I always recommend an episode from S3 - 6 as those are peak Red Dwarf eps imo. I love the whole show but the first 2 seasons can come off a bit slow for newbies and the comedy definitely took a hit post s7.
If there was one clip I'd show to kinda sum up the show in a nutshell it's this one:
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ohnoitstbskyen · 1 year
Scyther is still the coolest
Scyther is one of the coolest most badass Pokémon in the entire franchise and I will not be taking questions or criticism.
Admittedly the main reason I think so is probably that I first saw it when I was ten years old and kids do be impressionable. And to be fair, it is a half dinosaur half praying mantis with wings and sword arms so ten year old me is forgiven for being seduced at first sight.
Looking at it through the depressing lens of adulthood, yeah, Scyther is maybe a slightly confused design. It relies very heavily on "geometry plus segmentation equals bug" rather than really use the shape language of insects in its design like other Pokémon do, and the dinosaur/lizard elements are a bit... perfunctory. Still, the chains of nostalgia bind me, I love this thing.
Which might be why I can't help but see Scizor and Kleavor both as strict downgrades. Scizor actually has better insectoid shape language and is definitely the better formed design, much more coherent, even if Mega Scizor just looks silly with those unwieldy claw arms. Kleavor is by far more interesting than Scyther, being a cool mix of hard rock and an insect body plan, although I think its design is way too busy with spikes and accents and would benefit from a bit of simplification.
Still. I just like Scyther the best, and I probably always will.
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vonlipvig · 3 months
7, 13, 19, E
Thank you, R! Gonna do this for my newest spy guys, always a good way to work on them!
7) What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Hmm, this one's interesting. I haven't really sat down to think about their earliest years yet, so this might really change once I've got that clearer in my mind, but in broad strokes, I think Grant is someone who for the most time enjoys reminiscing about the past. Maybe a joke or a passing comment will remind him of a tricky moment in a past mission, or how he totally failed that one obstacle course back in training, and will not waste a moment bringing it up in conversation, laughing about it as if he hasn't told that story a hundred times already. Of course there are memories that hurt him still, but he tries not to dwell on those, at least when he's not alone.
David is definitely a lot more susceptible to the bad memories, if they catch up to him. For the most part, he's firmly planted in the present, looking ahead, but a passing thought, a touch, even a smell can bring him back to moments he'd rather forget. He's trained hard to ignore that, and for the most part he can put those thoughts away in the middle of a mission, but sometimes it does get hard. Still, there are memories he enjoys, as well, and he always gets swept away in Grant's retellings, when even he can't act like he's not having a great time.
13) What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
I'm not sure yet if Grant knows the answer to this one, lmao. I wouldn't say he's sloppy when dressing, but it's not that much of a big deal for him, at least in casual situations. The clothes I drew him in when I designed him were a brown leather jacket, a white hoodie with red accents, jeans, and a blue shirt, so a bit all over the place. He definitely loves his leather jacket (he' a big motorcycle guy, so he def thinks he looks cool, and he does!), abd I think he enjoys red, and other bright pops of color (haven't explored this yet, but he'd be suuuch a fun hawaiian shirt guy too). I think when he's dressing up all sharp for a mission, maybe a black suit and tie, or a navy blue kind of suit, he's really striking and handsome...or, I don't know, that's what David probably thinks, at least lmao.
David's more conscious of his appearance, I'd say. His regular ensemble is a dark, mossy green turtleneck, a suit jacket in a tartan print in those greenish/brownish tones, and some brown slacks. He likes greens, browns, pale yellows, creams, and I think they fit hin really well. He's definitey got a good eye for aesthetics and knows what fits him. He looks good in a black suit as well, tho in missions--especially if he's sniping--he usually ends up in black from head to toe, all shadowlike.
19) What is their favorite number?
David would be like, "I've never thought about that. 10, I guess? Base 10? Or, no, 5. Yeah, 5. Small, useful, plus 5 rounds per mag for my rifle, so I know how 5 feels."
And Grant would be like, "I guess 9, right? Cause everyone's always going on about how 'seven ate nine', but nobody's asking how 9 feels, y'know? I feel for the guy, I truly do.", then smiles his knowing grin when David starts groaning.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
I think so, or I'd like to think so lmao. I'd definitely enjoy sitting down with them for a drink and some conversation, I bet they'd have many a great story to tell me (or maybe not, it's probably all classified and shit, boo). But still, Grant would be such a fun guy to hang around with, and I know he'd keep the party going. David's more introverted and possibly intimidating, but he's always kind and would never make me feel uncomfortable (plus, I know he also gets fun and loose after a bit, he's really all show lmao). They're both very protective too, so I'd definitely feel safe with them.
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zayalive · 5 months
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*dated september 2023*
i am here to post more things individual to me! this time, it's my top 25 video games. i am honestly not remotely content with this list and will update it around september of this year, and make it a tradition going forward. i never realized how hard it actually is to put this out on a chart/list. i always knew what i held dearly to my heart, but god when it came down to it, i had to REALLY think. imagining how this list will look by the end of this year is currently challenging. this chart is in no order besides grouping series. certain games will ALWAYS be on this list, most definitely the red dead series, and grand theft auto series. those are masterpieces, or damn near. red dead redemption ii is 100% the best game i've ever touched. the first redemption game i still highly regard to be one to stand the test of time. i have a fondness for fallout, there are many things to love, and things to not love, and that's all i'll say there for now. grand theft auto iv has one of the best stories i've played, and it's so played out but the VIBE of that game, the darkness, grittiness, it's great. san andreas is one of my childhood games, i owned so many copies because i was a stupid child. moving onto guitar hero, i still remember my first experience with it at my sister's, i remember getting my first copy of the game from fred's of all places. i mainly play clone hero nowadays, and am mostly average. i play expert, still have never got past that ttfaf intro. i got into wwe pretty early on in my life like most of these games, being able to watch the show weekly and hop in the games after school was special. cozy survival crafting is definitely one of my favorite things ever, and it's funny to call terraria cozy but it is to me LOL. i will never EVER understand terraria hate, how can you hate something so good? i have fallen out of love with minecraft over the years to the (in my opinion) underwhelming updates and odd direction the game has taken. with that however, the new auto-crafter and trial chambers look so sick. i want to say i got into stardew valley in 2018 and have loved it ever since, still haven't gotten through the beginning of ginger island though, maybe someday. ever since extremely late 2017 or early 2018, my main game has been fortnite: battle royale. at one point, i wanted to go pro and make a living streaming, but sadly i am NOT built for that. i've always loved zombies, first experience was probably like season 2-3 twd, and been hooked ever since. project zomboid was such an insane experience in february of last year. such an eye-opener. easily the best zombie game ever made. 7 days to die is also a great game, the impending doom you feel every week is fun and refreshing from what i normally play while still have that survival crafting i love. i grew up on tony hawk games and wasn't sure which ones to put but these were the standouts, and i didn't want to load the list up with a ton from one series. i remember spending all my savings as a kid on saints row: the third and i still wonder if that was a good decision or not. i have played tons of call of duty in my day, although i stopped at ghosts, and have dabbled in and out ever since. black ops is easily my favorite, the campaign, and multiplayer, agh. zombies even. modern warfare 2 is a classic and one i cannot ignore. ghost looks cool. i have played HELLA sims 3 in my lifetime, yes i have played the sims 4 and i can confidently say the sims 3 clears with ease. i dumped crazy hours into the console ports and the pc as well. around this final stretch of the list is where i really struggled so i went for nostalgia with atv off-road fury 2. that series and mx vs atv were definitely a blast to 10 and below me, and might even be today. i'm not quite sure. if anyone actually finishes this, i am sorry, for i am the rambler.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
I have a new idea for you. What if Pike had a sibling, who he hadn't spoken to in years due to each being stationed on different ships. BUT, comes into contact with said sibling once more when the Enterprise recieves a medical S.O.S. from a Star Fleet observation post. Said reunion brings up painful memories for Christopher, from when he and his sibling parted ways. With a happy ending, please?
(P.S. You're an amazing writer.... 💖)
Thank you so much! Seems like someone answered my call for help! I think I’ve got a plan for this one, Gee, I wonder, what’s the one Starfleet thing we know Pike hates 🤔 stay tuned! 😎
Storge (Pike & Sibling!Reader)
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Rating: E for Everyone
Word Count: 1.5k
Content: SFW/Platonic (Obviously I would hope!!), GN!Reader, Sibling!Reader, Security!Reader, brush with death, drama, Section 31 bashing (me and my homies hate Section 31), angst, hurt/comfort, 'the girls are fiiiiightiiiiing', Discovery season 2 finale spoilers, happy ending.
Teaser: It's been almost a year since you saw your older brother last, five since you talked. You had your disagreements in the past, but your big brother came to the rescue for the hundredth time regardless. It was time to set the record straight between the two of you.
This wasn’t the first time the station got attacked by pirates, but it wasn't everyday the flagship of Starfleet came to the rescue.
You took a bad hit, not your worst scrape, but definitely one for the record books. That Nausicaan handed your ass to you that’s for sure. Still, he didn’t look so great himself either.
You were bleeding all over the place, not good. As the medics sedated you, your last thoughts were wondering if he was gonna be there when you woke up. Whether he’d mustered up the strength to go where he belonged, or if all those missed calls had been for nothing.
The voices were muffled, both were familiar, one, much more so than the other.
“Leland knew he could never get me on that side of things, so he gunned for what he thought was the next best thing. Someone a little more a bit more eager to prove themselves.”
“No!” Una said incredulously
Chris sighed “Yeah, Y/N.”
“Are you going to tell-” She started
“I can’t…”
Tell you what? You were blacking out again, shit, you wanted to tell him off for talking about you like you weren’t there. 
When you came to again you were awake enough to open your eyes, it was a lot later judging by the dimness of the lights.
Chris was still there, arms tucked tight into himself like he always did when things got really bad. He was all disheveled, probably hadn’t gone anywhere else since the raid. Looking out the window, away from you.
Thank god he had friends like Una and Kat to make him take care of himself, or he would’ve been dead meat the second he set out for the Academy.
“So, you showed up.” you croaked.
Chris’s head whipped around, practically leapt out of his seat. Oh man, now you felt bad. Had he been crying?
It wasn’t intended to be mean. But the grogginess from sedation had robbed you of your tact, leaving only resentment behind.
You’d meant that you were happy he’d gotten back on the saddle after everything, after he’d… disappeared. The phrase reminded you of when the two of you would ride out together, racing, playing at being cowhands.
You felt him squeeze your arm gently, you felt torn between being comforted and being furious. You weren’t sure if you wanted to rip the nostalgia band aid of or not.
“How are you doing bud?”
He hadn’t called you “bud” or “kid” since you got accepted into the Academy. After that it was all “cadet” and “ensign” and “lieutenant” and then, well…
“Feel like I got speared by a Nausicaan pirate, so, could be better.”
You made him laugh at least, you’d always been able to. It’d been four, maybe five years, since you heard it last. 
“How’s Starfleet been treating you?” He ventured.
“They’ve been treating me alright. Made Lieutenant Commander, been making a lot of good change around here.”
“Oh, is it good?” Chris leaned back, sounding wary.
Oh god damnit, this again? You didn’t care about whatever the doctors were gonna say about you getting pissed off in sick bay for the eighth time this week. It was time to set the record straight.
“What is that supposed to mean?” You dared.
“Is it good? Is what you’re doing good?” He sat up straight now, meeting your irritation with his usual infuriatingly leveled response.
“Chris, it’s not that simple-“
“Isn’t it? Those people, Leland, Control, they did so much damage, it’s-“
“Would you shut up and let me explain Chris?! If you hadn’t walked out on me when the damn promotion came up-“
“Well I’m here, I’ll still be here. Could we not do this now, please? You’re still recovering and I don’t want to-”
Oh no, he wasn’t gonna smooth talk or dodge his way out of this one. He was hiding, dodging, like he always did when things got too real for him. You weren’t having it!
“No we’re doing this now, if you hadn’t just, left me! You were always backing me up and then the one time we disagreed-“
He stood up, angry “You were offered a position by Section 31 I couldn’t just watch you do that to yourself!”
“We were at war!”
“That’s not an excuse!”
“I know that!”
“Then why would you-“
“What the hell makes you think I took it Chris?!”
“… what?”
“Do you think, if I were working for 31, that you would ever have known I was here? Or that you’d be allowed to see me without clearance codes? That I’d be out here in the middle of nowhere getting picked on by pirates who wanna strip tricorders for raw materials? Or are all 350 people I’m keeping safe on this outpost all secretly spies and this is an elaborate front? Come on Chris, I know you’re not that dense.”
“So… you didn’t?” You could practically see the smoke coming out of your brother’s ears. 
He was such a smart guy, he’d be even smarter if he got his head out of his ass more often. He was so convicted, good heart, but a bit too holier-than-thou at times, just like your father.
“No. I didn’t. I'm the chief of security here, second in command.”
“But, I thought” Chris floundered “wait wait wait, hold on a second. You said-“
“I know what I said. I changed my mind, I… actually listened to you, for once. And, I don’t regret it.”
“Oh.” the hackles came down, he took a seat. You don’t think he even realized he’d been standing up until now.
“Not to be too familial, but, part of me didn’t want my big brother to be disappointed. You were disappointed in me, as it turned out.”
“It wasn’t like that-“
“Oh I know I know you were off boldly going, it’s still true though. Don’t look so surprised. I’m not one of your doe-eyed subordinates who just wants you to be proud of them. I didn’t need our approval, I don’t, regardless of where I ended up.”
“I know.” He smiled, in spite of the years of baggage the two of you were airing out.
The room got deadly quiet, your throat got tight, you tried to clear it, bracing yourself for where the conversation was going next.
“Lost so much time.” He said, almost inaudibly “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked. Like something had broken inside.
“I wanted to, I tried. When we were both on leave and home. But, you weren’t…”
You wished he’d stop looking at you like that, he already dragged around enough guilt he didn’t deserve.
“I know that, the Discovery was lost. I know that a lot of good people you had command over didn’t make it. I didn’t wanna… God, Chris, you came back so different. You were hurting so bad. I didn’t wanna give you a hard time.”
No. It was your turn to be sorry.
“It was stupid, I don’t know what I was afraid of. I should’ve tried harder, reached out to you better. But, you… it was like you disappeared. Not talking to me or dad I understood, you were pissed at me and pops can be kinda full of it, but you weren’t even talking to mom for a while there. I didn’t know what to do.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize, I didn’t mean to scare any of you. I just had to work through some… some things.”
“I know. I figured if you weren’t ready to talk to us, you’d talk to Starfleet.”
“What do you mean?”
“Who do you think made sure that communicator went off every god damn day for the past year?”
“That was you?”
“Yeah, well, not always, sometimes I called in a favor, but, yes, a lot of them were me.”
He looked like he was gonna apologize again, you couldn’t let him do that because you were not about to cry in front of him.
“It’s alright, you didn’t know.”
“I could’ve, I should have. I was so… scared, of the future that I almost gave up everything I loved. I’m glad you did, even if I didn’t know.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Hey, for what it’s worth”, Chris took your hand “I’m proud of you, I love you, and I am so incredibly glad you’re okay.”
“And not working for 31.”
“And not working for 31!” he laughed! Yes Score!
“Love you too. And because I love you I’m telling you to get the hell out of here so you can get yelled at by my CMO, eat something, and take a damn shower. Because I am fine, and you are not. We can chat without having it out before you leave. Okay?”
Oh, ew, gross, you sounded just like him sometimes.
“Yes sir Lieutenant Commander sir. Number One’s been keeping the Doc from breaking down the door I’m sure.”
“You picked a good one.”
“Nothing, go!”
“Alright alright I’m going, sheesh.”
With a gentle whoosh, and the muffled sounds of the good doctor raising her voice, he was gone.
Well, not gone, not really.
It was good to have a big brother again.
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ladylannisterxo · 7 months
tagged by @acrossthesestars ; thank youu, love! 💕
01. how many works do you have on ao3? 18
02. what's your total ao3 word count? 62,918
03. what fandoms do you write for? mainly stranger things but have dabbled in writing for twd, true blood, and hotd... hoping to expand to others eventually 🤔
04. what are your top 5 fics by kudos? bad things with you, tell me you love me, flannel and lace, a little bit closer, and lucky me, lucky you
05. do you respond to comments? why or why not? i do my best! i love engagement and hearing everyone's thoughts!
06. what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? uhhh i actually don't write that much angst (love reading it though) and if i do, it's always angst with a happy ending 😂 but for the sake of this, i would say soaked in sin just because it's my one and only dark!fic and it's all just rather unsettling from start to finish
07. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? see above lol they all end with some sort of a happy ending but let's go with lucky me, lucky you, it's just fluff, fluff, fluff galore!
08. do you get hate on fics? not on fics specifically but i have gotten hate on certain characters i write for 🤷‍♀️ don't like, don't read
09. do you write smut? if so, what kind? oh yeah... i can write anything from implied smut to absolutely explicit smut
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written? no and i most likely won't either
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? ahaaa yeahhh... having one of my fics stolen led me to stop writing for about a year at one point
12. have you ever had a fic translated? no
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before? no
14. what's your all time favorite ship? sighhh... dramione. and yes, i know but it's solely because it was the first ship i ever attached myself to... so like, nostalgia, i guess... but believe me, there are others, i just always kind of find my way back to them...
15. what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? definitely let's be alone together, my billy hargrove fic that took place right before the events of S3. i had it all planned out and wrote and posted 2 of the 4 chapters but like mentioned above, another one of my fics was stolen at the time i was writing it and i ended up shelving everything and stopped writing for a time... i still think about this fic though, maybe one day i'll come back to it
16. what are your writing strengths? fluff... but also inner dialogue, inner thoughts, insane descriptions of how someone feels in a moment
17. what are your writing weaknesses? actual dialogue and getting my characters to end up where i want them, either through dialogue or action
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? the only "other language" i've used in a fic was high valyrian for my aemond fic and i used a web translator... it was a poor attempt and maybe not 100% accurate but i did my best 😂
19. first fandom you wrote for? 😬 i'm not telling buuut... if you know, you know sooo for the sake of this, let's just say stranger things
20. favorite fic you've ever written? kiss me deadly... this fic is so special and so important to me. it started off as the simplest thing in my mind and i just kept expanding and expanding as i wrote and it's one of those fics that i always go back and read again when i'm feeling like i'm not so great at being a writer... it's also the longest fic i've ever written so that's cool too 😂
no pressure tags! @inthedayswhenlandswerefew , @valhallaas , @sunlightbabe , @oncasette , @venuslore + anyone else who wants to do it 🙂
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eartheats · 1 year
so while i keep thinking about Things and Stuff, i wanna talk more about my lovely lulu!! because it's always a good time to talk about the best boy :) rambling underneath this cut!!
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tada! from the pc box! :) so, like i said, i've had lulu for a very very long time, but he was only officially mine when my parents got me a poke ball for him when i was younger! i keep thinking about changing it to a cool luxury ball in the future, but there's a lot of nostalgia attached to that ball so i think i'll just keep it :)
but! he's pretty high level, as you can see! we um. outside of the other pokemon the academy shoved onto me (...i feel kinda bad because she was a sweetie but she reminded me of a lot of bad times), we actually took on a lot of things by ourselves! with miss sprigs who helped us sometimes, but while i've always said lulu's super strong, this is even more proof of it!! but oh, interesting story - we took on some gyms together, but he actually didn't listen to me a bit at first! when we took on miss katy's gym, we actually hadn't battled as a team before, and it was kinda...starting to get hairy because we didn't know what we were doing, even though we knew each other real well. we got it together enough to get her badge, though, and three other ones too!!
and as you can see, lulu's tera typing is different!! so, um, it turns out in medali, there's a really nice lady there who's an amaaaaazing cook, and she can also help your pokemon change their tera type!! heehee, you'd be surprised how this trips people up a lot! lotsa people would wanna use fighting type moves on him, so i'd whip out my ol' tera crystal and tada! another immunity for my lovely boy! :D i don't use my tera orb a lot nowadays but i still do have it, and it's kinda funny to watch trainers adapt sometimes~
his moves are mostly just stuff he learned naturally, but we definitely tried to strategize too! iron defense was good for making lulu even tougher to smack around, while smack down helped bring some of the flying types that'd give him trouble down to the ground so he could beat 'em even easier! that's mostly what we do, though he does have some trouble with more flashy attackers...if i could afford some TMs, i'd love to teach him some moves to help with that, but he does pretty well on his own, yup yup.
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it isn't all sunshine and rainbows for lulu, though :( from, um, what the center ladies have told me, they think that he was originally what they called a 'breeding reject'--some people apparently breed a lotta pokemon just to breed a super perfect one, and then just release the others out into the wild! without a care in the world for how they'll live!! it makes me so so mad >:( lulu managed to make it out in the wild, but it's due to that that he has some health problems
namely, that iron deficiency. but that's okay!! while he has a harder time than most orthworm at absorbing iron from dirt and the ground (he actually weighs a lil more than most orthworm as a result but i've been trying to help with that!!), that's where all of his iron supplements come in! they're easier for him to absorb and help keep him nice and healthy :) they cost a pretty penny but i would give that up and more to ensure that my best buddy gets the lead the kind of life he deserves to!! because i love him lots, and i know he loves me too <3
but yeah!! lulu is the best partner i could ever ask for :) i dunno why i just felt like rambling about him, but if anyone's managed to make it this far, kudos!! i really, really hope that one day we can find some people who'll give us a strong challenge, but for now...i think we're mostly fine just going into town and trying our best to live life as we always have in zapapico. :) and we can get our energy out on those weird crystal caves, random students who ask for battles, and any pesky outbreaks that mess with the miners!! we'll always be here to save the day for those yep yep!!
maybe one of these days, i can try to make a post about the things i've also learned raising lulu...i know orthworm can be tough for trainers to raise, but i've had a lotta experience with taking care of lulu. but that's a post for another day!!
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lilolilyr · 10 months
Tagged by @banashee to post 10 of my favorite comfort movies and then tag 10 people, thanks! <3 just had a look at yours again after writing mine, we agree on LotR :D and adsfg I really need to watch Rocky Horror one of these days (I've seen it live before, but never the movie I think?? Oupsie xD fast ne Bildungslücke!)
1. Lord of the Rings (whole trilogy but if I have to choose one then Return of the King)
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Comfort movie: battles and darkness and Winning
2. Racing Stripes
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(The film's in colour but it looks like this is the only gif I can find when I type in the title lmao)
One of a handful of taped movie me and my sister watched on repeat as a kid. Big nostalgia
3. Chestnut: Hero of Central Park
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I can't find a gif for that one at all, but it's another cute kids movie I used to watch A Lot and still sometimes return to for the comfort of nostalgia and safety
4. Monte Carlo
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I love all those silly switcharoo films, also the princess switch and its sequels etc, but Monte Carlo was the first one I watched and I still love to watch it for some mindless destress entertainment xD
Ummmm okay what else we got, I can't actually easily think of comfort!movies, I've got a whole bunch of comfort TV shows that come to mind, and movies I love but that aren't exactly /comfort/... *Goes through my Ao3 fandom list* no nothing clicks nothing clicks... Oh!
5. Pitch Perfect
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Just the first one tbh, I mean the others are fun too but this one's a comfort film for me!
6. murder, she said
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I adore Miss Marple, and this version of Miss Marple specifically! I've watched this one so many times :)
7. The Parent Trap
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It's cute. Okay? It's cute xD and I've probably watched this version at least as often as the German one I'll add next, probably bc this one was on TV more often? Idk, I couldn't actually say which one I like more
8. Charlie & Louise
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Again no gifs on here, but I adore this film! Also as you can maybe tell I'm actually running out of ideas and the Real comfort would be reading the book version of Das Doppelte Lottchen that both this and the parent trap are loosely based on xD my mom still has an old hardcover version and I've always adored that book, wished I had a twin whenever I read it as a kid!
9. Pride and Prejudice
Alright so th Colin Firth series version is better and the YouTube Lizzie's diaries or what it is is the best anyway but we're doing movies here and the Keira Knightley version Is definitely a comfort film for me so here goes
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Ok so there are Definitely pride and prejudice gifs somewhere on tumblr. It just won't show them in the search results for sommme reason. Seems to be because it has the word 'pride' in it, because whenever I type that it switches to the 'create your own gif' error image. @staff what's up with that? Latent homophobia again?
10. Kyss Mig
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First wlw film I ever watched, I still remember watching it (on mute, with English subtitles, there's no German or English dub anyway) in my parents' living room when I was 12 or so, with the computer display turned away from everyone else, actually pretending to be on tumblr (the rule was we had to be at least in the same room for evening family time even if I was uninterested in whatever movie or sports the others were watching but I was allowed to be on tumblr) and trying not to show any reaction to the screen bc at the time I had no idea what my parents' stance regarding LGBT ppl was (parents, tell your kids when you're okay with them being gay, bc they might be and they won't just Know that you're okay with that!), and idk I've had friends tell me it's not their fav film and maybe it's mainly the nostalgia for me but I still absolutely adore this movie and have rewatched it many times
Tagging my mutuals, friends and collaborators <3 @toboldlynerd @lavendelhummel @squishmittenficfan @purlturtle @mimi-mindless @asstraightasau-turn @katieswain123 @verajasmijnart @artax-risen @bookgirlfan only if you want to do it of course! :) & pls lmk if you'd rather I didn't tag you in the future!
Edit: looking at old posts in my 'movie tag' and 'comfort movies' tags now like omg! Of course! Mr&Mrs Smith, Lara Croft, Mean Girls, Carol..... Also I only just thought of Miss Congeniality! Adsfghjkl I really have 0 memory sometimes!
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