#may this year bring you all the happiness you deserve 💖
chocolatkpopidols · 8 months
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MINA + MISAMO ERA ↳ for @rosieposie♡
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nakuzendara · 5 months
As this year is coming to a close, let's take a step back to reflect on what we've experienced💙
This year for me has been eventful, to say the least; it has been full of drama, misfortune and joy. Although I did obviously enjoy the more significant things, I want to take a moment to appreciate the smaller things that keep me grounded and that I usually take for granted.
First of all, here are my favourite photographs of Ludwig I've taken this year:
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Ludwig has been my travel buddy for a good year and a half now. I'm a very anxious person, so having him in my pocket to keep me company and distract me from any negative thoughts is very soothing. I'd like to thank him for always being there for me and for being such a good model when I'm taking pictures💖
Secondly, my favourite pictures of my cats:
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My cats Bonkers, Meowza and Link are some of the most special people in my entire life. They're a great comfort to me as I'm not the best at socializing. I'd like to thank them for watching films with me, eating my dinner when I'm not looking, and snuggling with me in bed during the cold nights💝
Thirdly, I want to thank my family and friends for being there for me despite my flaws. I adore them all very much and cannot express my gratitude for your unconditional love. I'm aware that I'm not the easiest to be around and can be quite callous at times, but you just being there means the world to me💙💙
Finally, I want to thank the people on this platform. I get very nervous about asks and such, so I'll take the opportunity to thank my favourite people in particular (not in any sort of order):
@thekoopalingsandstuffs (and all of your other blogs)
It may not mean much, but your artwork is truly amazing and always brightens my day. I find it hard not to go on a giant ramble about all the things I love about your art. You're all so inspiring and some of the kindest people I've ever met. I genuinely hope the next year brings nothing but good fortune, happiness and ease becasue you truly deserve the best.
I'd also like to mention how grateful I am for all the people who enjoy my art. I honestly thought I would just make an account and post a single photo (due to being peer pressured by my sibling and friend) but to my suprise, I found myself continuing on Tumblr for a while now. I thought that if I made even one person happy from my art, I would be content. Seeing people like what I do after being alone for so many years is genuinely overwhelming (in a good way), so I truly appreciate each and every one of you.
Have a wonderful new year, hopefully I will work on my confidence so I can post more stuff about the stories I have🌙⭐
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soosoosoup · 1 month
Imagine in the next Trolls Holiday episode
Branch was having a hard time finding a gift for his brother, John Dory. He wasn’t sure what John Dory wants, but then Poppy told him that he should go back to their pod at Trolls Tree to see if anything, so Branch did.
It took time for him to figure out, finally he found a photo of himself as a baby and John Dory holding him in his arms. He find it cute and it brings him smiling, he didn’t realize how much he missed his oldest brother and he remembered that John Dory said he did come back but no one was there. He decided to fix it up a bit.
When time comes, he told John Dory how he feeling, about how he feels about his oldest brother, what he saw he didn’t realize until now, he was actually hiding those feelings about his brothers away, kind of like locked them away, though he would never saw them again, he was too angry, he may have been hurt by them but he’s happy to see them all back together and did accept Bruce’s family, he wasn’t sure how to react about them but he was happy that Brandy and others were nice and kind, very cool, unlike Bergens used to be. He didn’t realize how he missed them so much, he needed them more than anything.
He give John Dory the gift and apologize if it wasn’t perfect enough, but John Dory loved it, he said it was the best gift. He said he was looking for it years ago but couldn’t find it and had to leave before Bergens catch him. He was in tears and told Branch, how much he loved it and how he loved Branch and missed him so much. He then apologized for leaving him and said that he wished he would have found him like how they did to find Clay, he would have thought of that but never did. He was going to cry.
But John Dory told Branch that he was the best gift he ever asked for, he loved Branch since the day he hatched. It brought Branch smile and jumped on John Dory and hug him, he hugged back, saying “I love you big brother.”
Three other brothers and the crowd would say “AWWWWW!” How cute Branch and John Dory are together.
Awwwww💕💕💕💕 that would be absolutely darling!! More bro bonding and reconciling please! Big fan of branch being introspective on how he feels about each of his bros. Since they were on a rescue mission/movie time crunch, he probs didn’t really get to digest everything. More hugs!!! More family!!! Someone(branch), give jd a hug!!!
Dreamworks!! Hear us! Please announce trolls holidays ep, we’re starving over here!
Thank you for the ask! It was such a pleasure to read💖
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xopinkroses · 2 years
Hello dear! If you don't like my request, feel free to skip it! But damn it, I'd really like to see the DMC(+V please) relationship with the very soft and kind Y/N. She is like the angel that people talk about - calm, with a gentle smile on her face, caring. I would like to see how the guys admire her when she lulls their child. Thank you in advance!♡♡♡
(I hope I didn't take too much liberation with this one, thanks for waiting! Sorry V is missing, I love him but his part was giving me a headache.💖)
DMC boys x Soft, Angelic Reader (+ their child)♥
Summary; How Dante, Vergil, Nero and V would interact with their kind (and almost ethereal) s/o. How they meet and how they react to Reader caring for the child they have together! Warning; Reader is gender neutral but can get pregnant and give birth, cursing
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Dante didn’t know if he believed in angels before he met you. He met you during the Temen-ni-gru fiasco with Vergil, when you were attacked by demons outside his shop. It was an easy save for him, sending them back to hell where they belonged with some help from Rebellion. You didn’t have much time to thank him before he was gone, telling you to leave the city and grumbling about the destruction to his shop under his breath. He never expected to see you again, just a few days later when you showed up to his shop. You wanted to thank him for saving your life, and cashed in a favour from your uncle, who owned a construction company.
Over the next few weeks, Dante’s shop was back in working order– all thanks to you! While your uncle and his guys were fixing Devil May Cry (as he’d decided to call it) he ended up spending quite a bit of time with you. You’d bring him breakfast in the morning, usually being the one to wake him up too. Somehow, mornings weren’t as bad when the first thing he saw was your face. 
Initially, Dante was extremely reluctant to allow you to enter his life. You are such a kindhearted and beautiful person, an angel amongst men. Someone as wholesome as you should never be condemned to a life of darkness. But you were also stubborn, and you somehow managed to force yourself into his life, carving out your very own place in a world you didn’t belong in. And now that you’re in it– Dante doesn’t know what he’d do without you. You had become an integral part of his life with just a smile and a laugh like music. 
He is under no illusions that he can live several lifetimes and still not deserve you. But he’s willing to try anyway. He’s a better person with you; more driven, more open and a hell of a lot more happy. That’s just the effect you have on him. 
Dante never thought a family would ever be on the cards for him, but to have a future with you was his biggest dream. You had been together for a few years when you told him that you were pregnant– and he was over the moon with excitement! Sure, he had moments of doubt, of anxiety and insecurity, but he knew that you guys were a team. Through sickness and in health, and all that sappy shit. He’ll make miracles happen for you. 
You have a son together, and you insisted he be named after Vergil. Dante teared up at that, you knew how much guilt he still carried for his brother, and this was your way of freeing him from that guilt. Dante worked twice as hard to provide for you during your pregnancy, taking up more jobs and stepping up to do household chores that you were unable to do yourself. He didn’t want you straining yourself, your job was hard enough. You were to just relax and focus on creating that little being inside your belly. There were a few complications during your pregnancy but, in the end, baby Vergil was born a beautiful, healthy baby. 
Dante is definitely the type to cry when he holds his son for the first time, from the moment Vergil entered this world he had his father wrapped around his tiny finger. The two are as thick as thieves by the time Vergil is three, partners in crime and a massive pain in your ass. Sometimes your son will say something particularly snarky and Dante can’t help but be reminded of his brother. 
Vergil’s favourite bedtime story is The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, every night he will refuse to sleep until you have read it to him. Dante likes to listen to you as well, but tonight he decides he’ll give you a break and read it himself. You snuggle up next to Vergil, your son clutching his favourite stuffed animal to his chest. Dante’s reading of the story is dramatic, worthy of an award in voice acting too. Vergil’s eyes are heavy but he stubbornly fights to keep them open, slowly but surely your hand running along his back and the voice of his daddy is enough to coax him into a restful sleep. By the time Dante finishes the book, he looks over to see that you have also fallen asleep, a soft smile graces his features. He doesn’t bother waking you or picking you up. Instead he climbs in beside you, holding his family in his arms as he joins you in dreamland. 
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You are a human, a demon hunter working with his brother, but still just a human. No powers or supernatural abilities, weaker than him in every physical sense… but somehow you had Vergil enchanted since the moment he laid eyes on you.
Dante thought it best to introduce the two of you, since you worked quite closely with him, it made sense for Vergil to be familiar with you. Vergil straight up forgot how to speak. He was captivated, unable to take his eyes away from you. You greeted him warmly with a soft smile, extending your hand for him to shake. “Hi, it’s lovely to finally meet you.”
Snapping out of his trance, Vergil glared. What kind of demon hunter was this sweet? His social skills are terribly underdeveloped, and he and Dante are barely scratching the surface of his trust issues. He does not react well to you being so… you. He completely ignores your hand.
You didn’t mind the cold greeting, simply lowering your hand and laughing the rejection off. “I guess we’re not quite there yet, that’s okay.” Your smile never once faltered. His eyes lingered for too long before he stalked away. Dante was swift in assuring you that Vergil was just like this sometimes. 
He tried to avoid you after that, which was far more difficult than he was expecting. The pull he felt towards you was too strong for him to resist for long, and after a while he gave in. There is a serenity to your presence that he craved, and you were all too happy to indulge him. You always had a smile for him, unbeknownst to him at the time– you were drawn to him as well. He scoffs at the idea of soulmates but you’ll argue about it to this day! 
You bring a sense of stability to the shop, and his life in general, one that he hadn’t experienced since before his mother’s death. He still can’t quite grasp the fact that, despite everything he’s done in his life, you can still love him. You deem him worthy of your love, and he’ll never disappoint you. 
When you told him that you had fallen pregnant; he was terrified. He and Nero were on decent terms by that point, but he still beat himself up for not being there for his first son. The thought of history possibly repeating itself filled him with a type of fear he had never experienced before. You had to talk him down from the verge of a panic attack, hands gently cradling his face, thumbs brushing over his cheeks. “You deserve to be happy, Vergil,” you said with so much love in your voice. “And our baby will adore you.”
He was extremely overprotective during your pregnancy, and obsessed over your health. He read every book he could find on pregnancies and babies, he didn’t want any surprises– everything had to go as smoothly as possible. 
You gave birth to a daughter, a tiny baby with your features but the same shock of snow white hair as her father. 
Nero was a bit freaked out by your relationship at first, he’d worked with you for years— even considered you a friend. And now you were in a relationship with his father and having a baby? His half sibling? He came around, thankfully, and is more than happy for the both of you. Standing outside of the hospital room while you and the baby were being checked over, Nero slapped a hand on his father’s shoulder, “Congrats, man!” He grinned at the baby through the window facing into the room. “Don’t fuck it up.”
You’re a natural at caring for your child, and Vergil’s favourite thing in this entire world is seeing you both happy. Nothing makes his heart flutter more than seeing you standing in the middle of the nursery with your daughter held in your arms, rocking her gently and humming a sweet lullaby under your breath. He recalls a time when his own mother would do the same for him and Dante, even when they insisted they were too old for her to be singing to them. He understands now why she ignored them. Your child will always be your baby, no matter how old she gets. Her big blue eyes slowly drift closed, reluctant but too tired to resist the allure of sleep.
Vergil waits until you lay your daughter into her crib before pulling you into an embrace, leaning in to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. He has everything he could ever want, and he promises that he will not fuck this up. 
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Nero doesn’t remember a time in his life without you. You grew up together in Fortuna, for a long time it was just you two against the world. Nero never understood how you could always be such a lovely person when you were treated so awfully by everyone around you, but now he knows it’s just who you are. You don’t have a mean bone in your body. You were the type of child to rescue cats from trees and nurse injured birds back to health, and Nero often accompanied you on these righteous ventures– even when he pretended to be doing so reluctantly. Your kindness is what made Nero fall in love with you. Even at such a young age he knew you were special. When his arm changed, becoming suspiciously demon-like, you didn’t judge him and even helped him conceal his transformation from everyone else. There was no big confession between you, you just clicked together like two pieces of a puzzle. The transition between friends and lovers was fuzzy and neither of you can actually tell when you got from A to B. 
But that’s okay, because as far as you’re concerned– there hasn’t ever been a moment that you weren’t together. Nero doesn’t know what he’d do without you, every little thing you do fills his soul with pure glee. Some say that the idea of soulmates is silly, Nero heavily disagrees! There are times when he wonders if you would be better off with someone else, someone who lived a safe, normal life. But you don’t want that person. You want Nero. 
You two planned your pregnancy, deciding it was time to expand your family. He was with you through every step, every hardship and milestone. You heard the words “How are you feeling?” “Are you okay?” a lot. He was so worried about you, and his unborn child, as most first time parents are. He was incredibly thoughtful and did his best to lessen your stress levels but he also trusted you to know your own limits when it comes to working and household chores. 
You went into labour while he was out on a job with Dante, he’d been working more in order to put some money away for when the baby was born. Nero was borderline hysterical, too panicked to even begin to think on what his next actions should be. Dante had to take him by the shoulders and shake some sense into him, “Get it together, kid!” He sent Nero on his way back to you with a promise to take care of the job solo then meet him afterwards at the hospital.
By the time Nero gets to you, you are sitting up in your hospital bed, a tiny bundle of blue blankets in your arms. You cooed at your son, watching over him with just the softest look on your face. Nero’s legs felt weak as he stumbled over to you, unable to tear his focus away from the tiny, white haired, baby. His baby, that he shared with you. 
He takes time off work to care for you and your son, the two most important things in his life. He has money stashed away so you won’t be struggling financially, but even when you have recovered and are able to easily function on your own, he’s reluctant to leave you alone. He’s always been fiercely protective of the people he loves, being a father has awoken a level of overprotectiveness that you didn’t even think possible. He’s an absolute mother hen. Nico honestly gets kind of sick of his constant worrying, she’s the one that gets him to “Yo, chill the fuck out” and give you some room to breathe. You appreciate his concern, of course, but his smothering was getting a little overwhelming! 
He treasures every moment with your son, and his favourite times are when you sing him to sleep. You really are like an angel in those moments, sent from the heavens to bless every human you come into contact with. He’s blessed to have such a loving, kind and patient life partner.
~ 🖤
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Jeys top 5 fics of 2022!
I did this last year so I’m gonna do it again! Here are my top 5 fics of the past year and a short little commentary on them! I’m also gonna add a bonus fic at the end that has less notes but I personally love and think deserves more love! Thank you all for all the love and support this past year and I’m looking forward to what 2023 brings!!!
Also! Let me know what was your personal fav fic on mine this last year! What do you want to see more of next year? Who do you want to see more of? Any new tropes or characters? Any prompt lists I should use for requests at some point? Slide in my inbox and let me know!!! 💖
5. The Fire Within Us- Frankie Morales x fem!reader (887 notes, posted Nov 14)
This was a collab with the talantes @frying-panties and oh boy is the art for this fic hot!!! And who doesn’t love pining sex pollen?! The idea works so well with Frankie too so this was a joy to write!! I especially loved writing Frankie being a switch and showing the dynamic between him and reader and all their emotions there!
4. Steal my Girl- Joel Miller x fem!reader (920 notes, posted Jan 28)
One of my personal favorite fics! The dialogue just popped into my head one day and I heard it so clearly in Joel’s voice that the fic practically wrote itself! Short sweet and fluffy, it’s a good fic to read even if you’re not familiar with the character!
3. When Jealousy Strikes- Tasm!Peter Parker x gn!reader (921 notes, posted May 13)
This was a request from my love @rae-gar-targaryen for my follower celebration and honestly I didn’t even notice how many notes this one got lol! I loved this prompt so much and the idea popped into my head almost immediately!!! The ending personally made me laugh too! I really should write a part 2 to this one….
2. Weakness- Din Djarin x afab!reader (1423 notes, posted Feb 18)
It’s funny how 2 out of the top 5 fics are sex pollens with pining 😂 I definitely have a brand going here lol! But this fic was a big undertaking for me and I spent a long time on it. The sex is hot yes, but what I really loved about writing this was the pining and the feelings! And the ending was so fun to write too! I’m so happy people loved this fic as much as I loved writing it!
1. Let Go- Joel Miller x fem!reader (1435 notes, posted Sept 26)
Omg I’m so happy this one was so well received cause I loved writing it!!! Written for my dear friend @mattmurdocksscars follower celebration writing challenge! This one really focuses on that balance that Joel has between being rough and tough and being soft and tender. I love Joel so much and he is such a delight to write and I’ll definitely be writing tons more for him in 2023!!!
Bonus fic- La Estrella de mi Vida- Javi Gutiérrez x fem!reader (posted in Aug, 3 parts)
I love the idea behind this fic so much and I’m still super proud of this one! This fic is basically my love letter to Javi and is set pre movie. I’m still hoping at some point to continue this because I loved writing it so much. I still think this has some of the most poetic smut I’ve ever written too lol!
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just-a-creep-babe · 5 months
Hello! Welcome back!!
I’m absolutely thrilled to hear that you’re returning to activity after your well-deserved break. Your presence has been missed and I’m sure your followers are just as excited as I am to see you back in action!! :OO
It’s just great to see you’re getting back into the swing of things!
Switching to ko-fi? That sounds like an exciting change! Don’t sweat the small stuff like handle changes - these things happen and I’m sure everyone will find their way to your new page.
And! I'm sure your followers will be thrilled with the extra content. ^^
About Stripe, it’s pretty popular and generally reliable. But hey, it never hurts to do a bit of homework and check out what others have to say about it. Consider other users’ experiences, and perhaps even reach out to Stripe’s customer service if you have any specific concerns or questions. 
(I sadly don’t have any personal experience with it, but I can definitely do some digging for you!)
I’m truly sorry to hear that you’ve been facing challenges in your personal life. Life can be tough and unpredictable, but please remember that it’s okay to take things slow and prioritize your well-being.
Your followers understand and they’re here for you. Take all the time you need with the commission queue - your health and happiness are what truly matter and are the most important things!
Your works are anything but silly - they’re freaking amazing!! and we all adore them. They bring so much joy to many (including myself!). So, thank you- for sharing your incredible talents with us.
Lastly, I just wanna wish you nothing but the absolute best for the upcoming year. May it be filled with heaps of joy, incredible success, and pure happiness for you and your loved ones. Remember, every end is just the beginning of something new.
Keep shining and keep inspiring us all with your freaking fantastic works! 💖
P.S. I apologize for the late response to your post. But as they say, better late than never!
I just realized that I’ve written quite a lengthy message- whatever this is called! AHAHA. Welcome back!
Omg the way this nearly made me cry :")
I don't even know what to say or how to properly express my gratitude, but thank you so much for taking the time to write this, I really feel touched by how considerate it is <3
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magistralucis · 28 days
Hello ma'am! Good day to you first of all I just wanted to say Viridian made my blubber like a 5 years old who got a puppy or kitten as a birthday gift it was so so so! Sweet and heartwarming! I am literally holding my breath until next chapter I am so excited!!
I want to write an entire assay but I am very pressed for time so I wanted to ask about something that really stick out to me; we'll we ever see a reunion between Orikan and his family? I know he made himself a promise as a boy (I imagine his father's behavior is the reason he talks about being disgraced like in the Unravel so I think the old bastard just as cruel here as he was there) but maybe IF we see the wedding or perhaps a gift from Trazyn? In Unravel he never got to chance to hug his mom or siblings ever again and since you are giving him the tenderness and happiness he deserves (they all deserve!)... a happy family reunion until tumors or old age takes her? If you ever considered of course!
Whenever you update its a good good day! ❤️ thank you for this story!
Ahh thank you so much for your message! I'm super happy to hear you're enjoying Viridian so far 😍🥰💖 The next chapter is well underway (actually the first part I started writing so lmao), so hopefully you will be regaled with more soon.
That's an interesting question about Orikan's family. I'll put the reply proper under a cut because it's technically spoilers, though not a heavy one. After all, you did ask and I'm willing to tell! 😁
Trazyn brings up the issue himself. The pair are close enough in Viridian that Trazyn is aware of the extent of Orikan's sacrifice, and he's 100% up to date on where they live/what they do/how long it's been since Orikan last saw them. I think he, and the Nihilakh Dynasty as a whole, takes kinship ties very seriously: the Nihilakh are isolationist and traditionalist, and if they are not willing to accept other dynasties, their society would have to rely heavily on their own families and houses and the innumerable ties formed between them instead. When Trazyn proposed to Orikan (at least; one of many small proposals) he basically said he considers Orikan's kin as his own, leaving the conversation open at least for a reunion, if not bringing Orikan's family over to Solemnace altogether.
Viridian will end when their night comes to an end, so it's unlikely this reunion will be depicted. But I think Orikan would be open to it. Sadly, it's unlikely Orikan's mother would have survived to the time period of Viridian, but all or most of his siblings may well have. The question therefore is how Orikan will reconcile the years of silence with his siblings - a daunting prospect, but one Trazyn would definitely help him with!
So yeah. It is something they're seriously thinking about. The issue will be raised in Chapter 3, so I hope you'll stay and enjoy the story until then!! 💖
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trilvyrose · 5 months
Happy new year !
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I wish a wonderful 2024 to anyone who might see this 💖
Thank you so much to those who have supported my art so far, I can't wait to keep making more 😸
May this new year bring you all the love & joy you deserve ✨
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jesperfahxey · 3 months
May this day be full of fantastic moments, pleasant surprises, good company, delicious food and everything great that the world has to offer 💖 I hope this new year for you is covered with happiness, success, good health, memorable experiences and heartwarming situations 😊✨️!! I'm wishing you the best today and ALWAYS!!
You are such a creative and marvelous soul; your presence is a bright light that brings comfort, ease and joy. 🥺
I'm so happy I have met and struck up a friendship with you and I hope this will continue for MANY MORE YEARS (I mean…you're stuck with me, THE RECEIPT IS LOST SO YOU CAN'T RETURN ME ASGDSOWAKBAAJ 😂)!!
It also makes me very happy to celebrate your birthday once more, I HAVE MY PARTY HAT ON AND I'M THROWING HEART-SHAPED CONFETTI ALL OVER THE PLACE 🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳❤️
oh my god, oh my god, oH MY GOOOOOD!!!!!
THANK!! YOU!!! SO!!! MUCH!!!! ❤🧡
your kindest words and wishes are a real gift... AWWWHHH, I'M MEEEELTIIIING 🫠🫠🫠
gosh, i don't deserve you...
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theuniversalscat · 10 months
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(For those of you uncomfortable with how I choose to process my feelings in this public forum, stop reading now. This isn’t over sharing, it’s extreme honesty, which is tough for some people to palate. If you have an aversion to my honesty, go and do something else, preferably constructive. Thank you, kindly. 💖)
So this morning, like most mornings, I awoke with anxiety. It’s as if my brain goes through the dusty files of my past, collects all the data of why I am disliked by people, and proceeds to give me a very thorough review of all of the examples of what happened. It’s very concise, and it’s like I wake up in the middle of this presentation. And I can’t stop it until I’m fully awake, no matter how much I try to stop the train of thought, speeding down the track without brakes at 450 mph. Yes, I get it. Don’t try to befriend anyone anymore. It will only lead to rejection. And I have a raging headache, and a powerful urge to create change from within, but it’s too far gone to stop it. And I have so many different examples from my past experiences that it’s impossible to stop the current energy of rejection that the train is conjuring up. It makes a lot of great points…
Some may say, “this a disturbed woman yelling at herself. The next breakfast she has should be in a sanitarium…” right. Well, here’s the thing, I am savvy enough to recognize my thoughts and address the real issues before I start making detrimental, unhealthy decisions to do detrimental, unhealthy things to myself to mask my feelings. (This is strictly for the people who ignored my initial instruction to stop reading if they weren’t into my energy. 🤷‍♀️😆)
So self talk (like the example above) continues, unrelentingly, until I see my dogs. They show up first to wake me out of my conscious potential train wreck. They pull me straight out of it into the current moment. I am almost 49 years old. I have a nice bed I just woke up in, a fantastic son who is waiting for me to make him breakfast, and my life is all in all, good, with the exception of these incessant patterns of constant thought of my non acceptance.
So why? Good question. I haven’t been able to pin point what part of me feels the need to review all of these past hurts. All in all, it’s like it’s trying to diminish my value by reminding me that I’m not in touch with most people from my past anymore. Honestly, all it does is exhaust me before I get a chance to start over in a better, more positive vibration in this brand new day.
So that’s why I’m writing about it. To call it out to the internet, and consequently call it out to the universe through my attention to it. I am done reviewing the rejection of the past. I do not want to think about any of those experiences anymore. What I do want, is to experience peace and harmony, then subsequent happiness, however it comes. I am open to it. Today is a new day, and I deserve to experience it in the moment with the people around me in my 3d experience, fully. That means, I don’t want to be reminded of the people from the past who have chosen to not join me, here.
I love my life, but the drag of these thoughts are really getting me stuck in the quicksand of the sadness of the past, and not the good stuff, and there was plenty of that too. So to this part of me that likes to torture me when I just wake up when I’m in my most vulnerable state with examples of why I’m not worthy of love, thanks, but no. So don’t bother bringing it to me anymore. I’m choosing to focus on love.
My definition of “the universe”:
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fushiguro · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers💖
thank you for this! <3
i'm almost finishing the wip i was writing with a friend and i'm so proud of what we have accomplished so far. i used to think i didn't have the ability to be consistent or responsible when writing, but WE DID THAT! WE HAVE ALMOST FINISHED EDITING PART I AND SOON WE'LL BE GETTING STARTED WITH PART II
i'm talking about baby steps here but i'm so glad of where i am now regarding my mental state. i was NOT in a good place a couple of years ago, but i'm slowly getting back on track again. i feel fulfilled and eager to see what 2024 brings to my life.
and speaking of that, i am so happy of how my relationships with family members and friends have evolved. i couldn't love these people any more and i'm so lucky to have them all with me. they deserve the best.
this may seem silly but this blog gives me so much joy!!!! i didnt think i'd get this attention when i started it, but jjks2 was such a fun time for me here and i couldn't be more thankful to all those who follow me. sometimes i forget to reply, but either if you're a follower or a mutual, always feel free to dm me or ask me for help if needed. i love y'all <3
i made two playlists very recently that are basically full of tunes i love and that put me in a good mood and idk they feel like sunshine on my face every time i listen to them <3 sometimes life is good and music is good and everything is alright <3
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blazingstarship · 11 months
💍Engagement Night💖
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I have been waiting to post this artwork for a very long time cause I wanted it to be perfect and love the story behind our proposal.
We got to the marriage subject cause one of the guys made a joke about it. When it was just the two of us, I honestly told Yus it wasnt really something I dreamed off to do. I kinda made it clear marriage wasnt for me but didnt want to tell him my reasons. Yusei figured eventually by clicking one and one when I dont bring up my parents much. I told him the truth about why I dont like weddings. My parents had an unhappy marriage and even worst divorce. Heck I dont even know why they agreed to get married in the first place but it made me dislike the whole wedding concept.
Yusei said he never could imagine even a happy stable relationship without worrying if the other wouldnt leave him first (dead, betrayed, leaving the city forever). And marriage, the same page, didnt saw himself as marriage material too. People of Sattelite werent even allowed to marry so who wanted scum like him to love a life time.
Our relationship grow and the years passed by. It became stronger and we never felt so comfortable and save than to be with each other. After two years there was a moment in our lifes that changed us both and Yusei came suddenly with an own made ring with blue stone stickers on it and presented as a promise ring, we called a partnership. And I made one too from scraps and crafts so he knew I feel the same way about it. So we started to wear promise rings and after four years, we got our own house together.
I try not to drop spoilers but lets say Yusei felt alone and yet he got reminded someone always came home to him at the end of the day. Living together did him so well and the idea of having an own house with a backyard and garage and just a new chapter in his life thats about to start. He never could dream there was someone willing to spend the rest of their life with him and he cherish every day this someone goes to sleep and wakes byside him.
He wanted to place the bolt ring for the real thing and it was quite the time since he knew while I love the ring, it wasnt a real ring and deserved a real one. The real deal.
I was really worried about the house since I am not from Neo Domino City and what if we didnt work out at the end and I had to go back to my own country.
Yusei assured me its never gonna happen and we are not like my folks. As long as we talk to each other and give the space we need from time to time, everything will be alright.
After we got the keys, Yusei said out of the blue What if you will be named Fudo too. It shocked me how sure he said that, his face expression didnt change. He was really serious about it, like he was preparing me mentally and pulsed if he should go through with his plan.
I was really quiet about it as after a while, I only smiled at him and told him I loved him and that will never change. Then I gave a very long kiss on his cheek.
He didnt need to know more then this was a hint that I was ready. It was like he already asked the question but without the actual words. And my sensitive emotional ass (typical cancer lol) got me in tears as I assured him it was just a very sweet thing what he did.
The first night we would spend at our home was the same night he proposed. Yusei wanted to come to our home as family, as future husband and wife.
He took me for dinner and boy we didnt eat much. I may even was tired from work to notice he was nervous and couldnt think why he wanted to go out after we could have dinner at our own place for the first time.
He proposed at the Neo Domino City Point View close to his former place. It has the best view to see the whole sky and all the stars in it. Also it was the same place we catched a shooting star together and even started to feel a spark between us.
There were fairy lights around the rails and just watched the starry sky. Bringing up memories and getting deeper how much we have been through together. The deeper we got, the closer we holded each other. Suddenly there was a long silence and how I never could think I would be here and spending the rest of my life living here with him.
He whispered to me that I was his home, his future and couldnt imagine he would spend the rest of his life with someone else than me. He let me go but holded my hand as he went on one knee. After some sweet lines, he asked me. The way he asked was more like a promise than a proposal. Without knowing the real intentions, I said yes. As he wanted to put the ring on the finger, he realized he forgot to put out the box out of his jacket.
We laughed at this moment. He called out I even said yes without a ring. For me to reply confused “Saying yes without a ring?”
As he then showed the box and showed the ring inside. Saying he is asking the real deal, it is a real proposal. Causing me to been overwhelmed and crying.
He asked me again, but this time he did it in Dutch. It was so fluent, it got me so off guard. For me to answer Yes! In dutch, Japanese and English. A thousand times.
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solarisgod · 5 months
You are an absolutely bright light on the dash. Your creativity blows me away every day & reading your lore , your information … it is so well thought through and unique and quite frankly : it is an honor to be mutuals and friends with you . I hope 2024 treats you kindly and beautifully . You deserve nothing but the best in the world 💖
ENDING 2023 CONFESSION TIME ✧ / @p0pestar ♡
Cas, our sweetest and most beloved star peach! 🌟🍑 We adore you so so so much, thank you for your kind words here and everything, including giving us this beautiful friendship! You are one of the most nicest and talented and considerate people to exist, like, ever and in the whole multiverse, so surely. You're always brightening up the dash with your most lovely and chill self, and you're always sharing such excellent writings and thoughts relating to your muses. Plus, you make phenomenal and interesting original characters while you develop your canon muses so amazingly well. You're just so much fun and delightful to write with and talk to, even when just exchanging a few comments in each other's post. We can still vaguely remember becoming mutuals with you via your beloved Summer's blog and our experience with you have been so full of joys and lights. It's so amazing seeing you grow as a creator and person across the months, and we want you to know just as you would be so to many others because of how kind and innovative you are, you're a huge inspiration to us as a creator and person. We are so glad we gave you warm memories in the past that we can not recall, and we are just as so we can give you more now. We're thankful we could (re)connect because, getting to meet you is one thing, but being friends with you is one of the greatest honorable things one could have. We're forever most happy and thankful we could meet and be friends, and you exist. You mean everything to us, always. May the year ahead of you and the rest brings you every good songs and comics and more contents relating to your special interests like G.host and D.eadpool. All of the joys and comforts and kindly more that you so deserve. Thank you for being amazing as always while you make the world a brighter one. Much love and light. 💖✨
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riricitaa · 6 months
Aaaahhhh I hope you're having the most wonderful day, you deserve it so so much!! ❤️ May this be the most amazing year of your life yet, and may it bring you everything you wish and hope for, sweetheart 😘😘 I'm so grateful to know you and share a fandom with you (for many years now!) ✨️✨️✨️
Sending you all of the hugs and love, and wishing you the happiest birthday and yummiest cake!!! Lots of love!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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Mnniiiiie 💖💖💖💖💖 thank you so much!!!! I'm happy this fandom brought me to you!! I love you 💟
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 7 months
Happy birthday love!!!! I want you to know how much I love you. Your creativity is a constant source of joy and inspiration in my life. Waking up to your messages fills my heart with warmth and happiness and always leaves me with a smile. I am incredibly proud of all your achievements and projects, and I believe in your boundless potential. You're one of the strongest people I know and I'm so happy to call you one of my best friends 💜💜💜 Your creativity and passion are truly admirable. I'm grateful to be a part of your journey, and I'll always be here for you, cheering you on. Here's to celebrating you, your accomplishments, and the wonderful person you are. Happy birthday, and may this year bring you even more love and success! 🥳💖
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here's jack stripping for you because you deserve it bby!!!
SIL ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for such a beautiful birthday message! I love you so much, I cannot be more grateful for your friendship, I'm so lucky to have you in my life you beautiful soul! I know I'm meant to be in the dark but omg that gif of Jack is sending me but I will be good and stay quiet for now 🫠
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doublecheekedkinard · 5 months
happy new year chloe!!! may 2024 be gentle and kind and bring you all the happiness and love you deserve 💖💖
Happy new year Lucy, and the same to you, I hope 2024 is your year 💝🎆
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