angelsdiaryy · 2 years
you wake up in a cold sweat panting softly while looking around trying to calm down. it’s dark and quiet, nothing but the moonlight shining through ever so slightly. you cover your mouth in fear of being too loud and quickly make your way out of bed and to the kitchen. you felt hot. too hot. you couldn’t stop the tears as they kept coming and blurring your vision.
you hadn’t had the best home life, parents were too busy with work to spend time with you or give you love. not like how they were supposed to anyway. so they didn’t know how to deal with the bullying or issues you had to deal with. even if they did, you knew they still wouldn’t have done anything. telling you it’s all in your head and to just get over it. that no one would ever love you if you kept it up. constantly tearing down what little hope you had left of them helping. so you got away as soon as you could, but you know it wouldn’t just magically stop.
so here you are, sitting on the floor of your kitchen sobbing with only the light of the moon to keep you company. you felt so alone and helpless. like a child. “stupid.”, you mumbled, “stupid stupid stupid. stop it. stop crying.”, you cried softly, tugging at your hair willing the tears to stop coming. then you felt a hand softly grab yours. you gasp looking up to see your boyfriend. he looked so worried, so sad. “i’m sorry-i’m sorry-was i too loud?”, you ask quickly while wiping your face mentally cursing at yourself. he doesn’t say anything but pulls you into a hug. you blink, sniffling before wrapping your arms around him like a vice, sobbing loudly.
you weren’t alone. not anymore. you had him. he didn’t make everything go away but he made it easier. easier to live, easier to breathe. you felt at peace with him. he was your home. “it’s okay”, he repeated softly into your ear while rubbing your back and rocking softly. eventually your cries quieted down into sniffles and you felt exhaustion start to take you. “wanna talk about it?”, he asks pulling away to see and wipe your face. you stay quiet for a bit before responding. “just a bad dream. but that’s it. just a dream. i’m okay now”, you say holding his hand against your face. he’s so warm. so comforting. you loved him so much.
“thank you.”, you say quietly. he cocks his head to the side clearly confused. “for saving me. for staying. for loving me and showing what it’s supposed to be. for everything really. i don’t know where i’d be without you. i love you. so much.”, you continue before resting your head against his chest closing your eyes. he doesn’t respond, only stands scooping you into your arms and walking back to the room. “i could say the same for you, my love. you’ve saved me in more ways than one, i owe you my everything. you’re my moon and all the stars. you’re my light.”, he says softly to not wake you. don’t worry, one day he’ll have the courage to tell you. even if you already heard.
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ghostsdiary · 2 years
hiya this is where i’m gonna be venting from now on so that it’s separate from my main. my main is @maxsdaydream :)
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angelsdiaryy · 2 years
“I hope mista’s okay.”, you say coughing and holding your side.
suddenly you hear a tiny voice yelling your name. “y/n! y/n! y/n!”, number 5 exclaims hurriedly. “Oh number 5”, you say with a soft smile, “where’s mista? is he safe?” “yes yes he’s safe, giorno’s healing him. he sent me to find you but-“, he says crying sitting on your arm looking at your wound. you pet his head softly. “i need you to do something for me, little guy, can you?” he nods quickly getting ready to go get mista and giorno. “take care of mista for me, yeah? I know you can do it.”, you say starting to tear up while smiling. “what? no, what’re you talking about? why’d you say it like that-” “I’m not going to make it. gio’s not gonna make it in time to fix me so I need you to take care of mista for me.”, you say coughing up more blood and hissing in pain. number 5 starts to panic and cry more. “no you’re gonna be fine just hold on a little longer.”, he says hovering above your face. “you know, mista told me to never play favorites but you were mine.”, you say with your eyes falling closed and an almost faint call of your name.
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angelsdiaryy · 2 years
the haikyu!! boys reaction to catching you listening to asmr of your favourite anime/game character <3
bokuto. k
“babeeee”, he says walking through the door announcing his arrival home. he’s met with silence and confusion and figures you’re just in your room. unaware of your boyfriends presence you roll around and giggle to yourself listening to the asmrtist flirt with you. “what ya listening to?”, bokuto asks removing your headphones. you scream and turn to face him trying to snatch back the headphones. “whoa whoa what’s up? ya listening to porn or something?”, he says laughing and putting the headphones on. “behave yourself, traveler.”, the voice says and you watch bokuto’s smile fall into confusion. you yell turning off your phone before he could hear more and jump on him throwing off the headphones. “uh-y/n was that-albedo from genshin?”, he asks with a humorous tone. you wish you could crawl into the mattress and just disappear out of embarrassment. “yes”, you squeak out from behind your hands. “what did you do? commission his voice actor?” “no! it’s just an asmr video i found on youtube and got curious”, you confess. he goes to say something but bursts out laughing instead. “koutaro!!”, you exclaim hitting his chest with your fists. he laughs himself to tears before wrapping his arms around you to stop your assaults. “okay okay i’m sorry i’ll stop.”, bokuto says swaying you softly. “don’t ever bring this up again. this is between just you and me.”, you state with all seriousness. “okay fine whatever you want, traveler.”, he says running away from you yelling after him.
kuroo. t
“come on little bird, no one’s gonna see us”, the asmrtist says through the headphones as you do your chores around the house. you giggle to his flirty words completely unaware of your boyfriends return home from work. “love i’m home and i brought food!”, he exclaims holding up the bag in preparation of a hug. but it doesn’t come so he goes looking for you in the kitchen where he finds you washing the dishes. he smiles about to announce his presence before he hears you giggle and notices the headphones. with his curiosity peaked he sets down the food and slips the headphones off putting them on himself. you gasp twisting around to see kuroo making an unidentifiable face. you yell hoping to mask the audio until you grab your phone shutting it off. “uh i can explain-“ “who was that?”, he asks face unmoving. “hawks from my hero academia, it’s an asmr role play audio”, you confess not daring to make eye contact. “i think i would’ve rather you been on the phone with an actual person.”, he says causing you to yell and punch his arm. “you asshole!!”, you exclaim while laughing embarrassed.
miya. a
“oh traveler you are so dreamy”, the audio says as you smile to yourself biting your finger to stop the giggles. atsumu notices you after a while of you being curled up into a ball at the other end of the bed. he huffs wanting your attention before bed so he grabs ahold of your phone playfully. “what’s got all yer attention from me, huh?”, he asks before his face falls short. you yell trying to grab it back but he only stands and holds it above his head. “am i not enough for you anymore? you need another, he’s not even real!”, he exclaims dramatically. your face burns red at being caught listening to a heizou asmr audio. atsumu then laughs seeing your face. “i’m only teasing, you weirdo. i’ve been knowing you listening to this stuff.”, he says causing you to yell. “so what made you comment on it today?!”, you exclaim grabbing back the phone. “i was feeling left out and wanted cuddles”, he says matter of factly.
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angelsdiaryy · 2 years
the msby boys reaction to you dropping their hand in public
characters: kotaro, shoyo, atsumu, kiyoomi x male!reader
he’s a little hurt and confused at first ngl
he then realises the couple who was walking past and puts two and two together
he’ll playfully nudge you a bit to get your attention before leaning down and pressing a kiss against your forehead
“you know i don’t mind holding your hand, right? i love showing people we’re together. you’re my boy and i love you. please don’t feel like you need to hide us for my sake.”, he says with a bright smile before grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. you only stare up at him feeling like you could cry right then and there.
same as bo, v confused especially cuz it was mid conversation
he then asks and sees you nod towards some people sitting on a bench you’re about to pass by
he only smiles softly before wrapping an arm around your waist
you quickly look over at him with wide eyes but he’s looking straight ahead with a smile on his face. “why’d you do that for?”, you ask with a red face. “because i thought it’d be more obvious that way. that we’re dating.”, he says matter of factly. and before you can say anything he continues. “i like people knowing who i’m dating, i don’t like having to hide that so i don’t want you to feel like you have to too. i love you, okay? doesn’t matter to me who disagrees with us, just that you’re happy.”
is about to complain before a group of fan girls come up and start asking for pictures and autographs
tsumu being who he is happily obliges while sneaking glances over at you watching silently near by
then one of them mutters an off handed comment about ‘that weird guy who was just hanging off of him’
“well i’m really sorry about having to cut this so short but my boyfriend and i really have to be going, you know dinner reservations and all”, he says with a fake laugh and you only look at him mildly confused and amused. there’s a symphony of mixed “aww’s” and groans along with many questions. “ooo where?” “boyfriend?!” “i thought you were straight?” “i didn’t know he was gay.” you only stare down at your shoes very uncomfortable before feeling atsumu’s arm wrap around your waist. “yeah well we better be going now then, see y’all”, he says quickly before speed walking away and ducking into a near by café. “sorry about that babe, didn’t expect them to just show up like that.”, he says with a laugh while looking at the menu offhandedly. “you told them we were dating- that i was your boyfriend.”, you say kinda quietly looking at him. “huh. guess i did.”, he replies looking at you with his biggest smile. “you know i couldn’t keep you a secret forever, right? i just have to show off the things i love most.”
omi is already not much of a physical touch type of bf so feeling you let go when he initiated it throws him off quite a bit
he looks at you looking at a few paps across the street from y’all
he only scoffs before fixing his mask and grabbing your hand again and continuing to walk
“omi- but the-“, you say looking at him a bit confused. “what about them? if they wanna be creeps let them. i’m not going to let them ruin our date.”, he says causing you to smile softly into your own mask while wrapping yourself around his arm. the next day there’s already news articles and tabloids talking about ‘sakusa kiyoomi’s new relationship… with a man?!’ you both get phone calls from friends and family either sending apologises or laughter at the ridiculous headline. he only sighs it off while cuddling closer to you and pressing a kiss against your head. “you know i love you, right? and that i don’t care who knows or what they have to say.”, he asks with a soft tone only you’ve heard. “i know.”, you reply holding his hand in yours with a smile.
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angelsdiaryy · 2 years
crying thinking about being the new guy manager that the miya twins are obsessed with.
tw:transphobia, bullying mention
they stumble over each other trying to get your attention which only leads to an argument that you need to grab kita to break up. what they don’t know is that you secretly find their clumsy acts of affection quite cute and endearing.
you start to open up slowly and return their affections. standing in between them to link arms w the both of them causing them to flush. making them lean down to pat their heads and give them ‘good jobs’. they start to fight less and less in front of you knowing you’ll only frown and scold them for misbehaving during practice.
they also seem to show up right when you need them. some guys and girls are bullying for you being so close to them and for pretending to be a guy just to get their attention. soon enough you feel two hands on your shoulders and ‘tsumu’s voice deep w anger. “why don’t you all just fuck off and leave our manager alone.”, he says while samu wraps an arm around your shoulder comfortingly. they all just stare at them before running off some girls even crying.
“did they do anything to you?”, they ask in unison causing you to laugh. “no, i’m okay. they just crowded me after the last bell rang.”, you say and they nod. you smile, happy that you have these boys in your life. “come on or we’ll be late for practice.”
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angelsdiaryy · 2 years
corruption kink go brrrr
thinkin of demon!reader trying to seduce priest!iwaizumi.
“come on father, you know you want to. i won’t tell anyone. your little sin’s safe with me.”, you say licking up his neck biting softly while he groans and mutters prayers. only then for him to turn it onto you grabbing your neck and pinning you onto the bed, him straddling your ass. “h-hey what’re you-?”“what? did you really think i’d let some low level demon take advantage of me? no no.”, he says grabbing ahold of your tail twisting it causing you to whimper. “this is your first time out, isn’t it? answer me.”, he says tugging your tail after you hadn’t responded. “yes-yes it is!” “so why go after a priest and not just some rando?” “i just thought it’d be more fun. boys are too easy. i wanted a man. i wanted you. i’ve watched you for a long time.” he raises his eyebrow at your confession. “you really are just a stupid slut huh?”, he says before landing a smack to your ass causing you to hiss and try to wiggle away. “fine. since you’ve “wanted me” so bad. you have me. but don’t be crying to my god to help you.”
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angelsdiaryy · 2 years
i wanna lay on pol’s chest and play w his hair (not styled) they both look so soft <33
coming home to him laying on the bed reading a book minding his business. he looks so comfy you can’t help but quickly change into more comfy clothes before jumping into bed. by habit he goes to make room for you but you ignore the space besides him opting out for his chest.
he lets out a surprised oof before laughing. “mon chér, don’t you think the bed would be more comfortable?”, he says lifting the book above your head to face you. you just shake your head no burying your face into his ti-chest. this causes him to laugh again and just accept your napping spot. “you didn’t do your hair today”, he hears you mumble from your spot on his chest.
“oh yeah it was just a lazy day today, just caught up on chores and such.”, he says brushing a hand through your hair. you hum before picking your head up resting your chin on his chest. “can i play with it? you almost always have it done, this could be my only chance.”, you say dramatically causing him to laugh and playfully hit your forehead head w his book.
“sure whatever”, he says smiling and switching positions w you. you happily brush through it twisting it around your fingers. “so soft, it’s a shame you don’t leave it down more often. i’d love to see what else you could do, like a braid or up in a bun. so pretty.”, you say more or less to yourself starting to braid some parts. he only smiles quietly to himself letting you do as you please.
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angelsdiaryy · 2 years
(spoilers for jjk manga)
nanami wakes up rubbing his eyes and sits up looking around his room. he’s confused, he could’ve sworn he was somewhere else entirely but chooses to ignore it. he’s starting to remember. he’s in malaysia. kuantan specifically, on a beach. that’s right, he’s home.
“kento!”, your voice calls. “are you up yet?”, you say sliding the door open to reveal your husband staring back at you. “there you are, sleepy head. have a good nap? you fell asleep reading again, huh? gotta tell me about it later”, you ramble while moving about the room as he only silently watches.
he doesn’t notice he’s staring until you call his name again. “kento! hey, hon, what’s the matter? you’re all spacey today.” “oh. sorry, didn’t mean to fall asleep.”, he says softly while pulling you into a hug. you only smile and run a hand through his hair. “don’t apologise. you can rest now, as long as you need.”
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angelsdiaryy · 2 years
hispanic bokuto headcanons !
sorry y'all, he's hispanic bc i said so.
-definitely a grandma/mommas boy but not in that machismo way just v spoiled cuz he's the youngest
-his grandparents owned a ranch and he would absolutely adore it. he'd happily help out with the animals and yard work.
(has v beautiful tan skin bc of it. lowkey jealous cuz he's not the type to lose color during the winter months either)
-favorite food is tamales and caldo de pollo when it's v cold out
-loves the trés leches cake but is very lactose intolerant
-an absolute menace in the bouncy castle
(will rope you into seeing who can jump the highest)
-fluent in both spanish and japanese !
-can dance surprisingly well
-and will drag you onto the dance floor during a cousins quincé
i don't really know how to end this but hispanic bokuto is what i live for i love him so much i wanna introduce him to my grandma
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angelsdiaryy · 2 years
y/n:*sneaks into mista’s room to grab something*
him: *cocks his pistol placing it to your head not recognising you* who the fuck are you and why’re you in my room?
y/n: *eyes wide and face flushing* i am having very conflicting thoughts right now.
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angelsdiaryy · 2 years
happy birthday <3
it was the big day. well, to you. leone didn’t really care for his birthday. but you had other ideas while quickly working your way around the kitchen for his surprise party. you had managed to get the restaurant and kitchen to yourselves for the day in preparation for his day. “do you want some help? i know you stayed up for the cake and the food-“, trish asks hopefully. “no no please it’s okay, i am almost done anyway just a few last second details”, you reply cheerfully.
“do you know if the boys are back yet or are almost here?” “oh uh mista said they’re about 5 minutes away.”, she says fixing up the table anyways. “awesome, i’ll go and get the rest of the boys.”, you say making your way out the room passing giorno. “they’ve been awake since last night haven’t they?”, he asks looking around the room in awe. trish nods letting out a sigh. “they did an amazing job with everything so i’ll give them that.”
“ooo what flavours the cake?”, naracia asks following behind fugo admiring it. “you will find out in just a sec, just as soon and they get back.”, you announce while fixing up his hair a bit out of a nervous habit causing him to laugh. soon you all hear mista’s voice coming through the restaurant. you visibly jump slightly at the noise turning towards it.
“oh come on abbacchio, this is the last stop then we’ll let you go home.”, he says while dragging the man towards the back of the restaurant. you hear him grumble something before you and everyone else shout out surprise. “happy birthday!”, you all shout in unison while popping those little confetti things. he just kinda stands there for a second not really knowing how to react before bruno smacks him on his back smiling.
everyone goes around giving their individual ‘happy birthdays’ before it comes out that you were the one to have planned all this. he turns to you but before he can say anything narancia and mista slap one of those triangle birthday hats onto his head causing you to burst out laughing. “oh i am so sorry i forgot i bought those-“, you say in between laughs. you’d swear you were going crazy if you didn’t see yourself but he laughed and smiled too.
“thank you.”, he says softly. “no one’s over done this for me, i really appreciate it.” you only stare back at him a soft blush coating your cheeks. “it-it was nothing, i had fun. and i hope you do too.”, you say smiling pulling him into a hug to hide your blush. he smiles hugging back choosing to tease you another time.
the rest of the party goes on smoothly, the boys and trish having fun enjoying themselves, praising you for your cooking and baking skills. you’ve finally managed to have a seat and before you know you you’ve passed out. “so i heard that you stayed up for this is that-“, leone goes to say before seeing you sleeping peacefully at a table. he only sighs shaking his head before patting yours softly. “you did well kid, thank you again.”
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angelsdiaryy · 3 years
so im kinda just rambling here but i like to imagine just how accepting kuroo and Bo would be if you came out as transmasc to them. they'd immediately ask for your new pronouns and name if you had any. they'd change their pet names for you and do everything they can to help your transition. since it's canon they both have pretty high paying jobs i feel like they'd be quick to ask if there's any surgery you'd want to go through in order to help. they just want their baby to feel comfortable in their own body :( </33
you let out a shaky breath pacing back and forth waiting for your boys to come home. you've finally decided to tell them. you were finally sure of who you were and the first people you wanted to tell were the ones you held closest. your head shot up once you heard the knock on your door and ran over to quickly open it. "hey guys", you say with a nervous smile. "hey sweet girl" "hiya baby", they say giving you a quick kiss. you smile shutting the door behind them and following them to the couch. "so what's up? you sounded pretty serious over text.", Kuroo asks sitting down and throwing an arm around Bokuto's shoulder. you nervously stand in front of them clenching your fist slightly to ease your thoughts. "i need to tell you guys something." they nod in unison acknowledgment. "you can tell us anything, beautiful.", Bokuto says reaching out and taking your hand. you smile, grateful for his gesture to help calm you down. "i-uh- well i just wanted to tell you that i'm trans and go by y/n. i'd appreciate it if you could use *preferred* pronouns for me as well.", you say not daring to look them in the eyes. before you could speak again you feel yourself being hauled onto the couch and being crushed in a hug. "i'm so proud of you, y/n. i know how hard this must've been for you.", Bokuto says rubbing over your back. "i'm really glad you trusted us enough to tell us.", Kuroo says running a hand through your hair. hearing their reactions caused your heart to squeeze and start crying. "whaa why're you crying?", they exclaim hugging you harder. "i'm just so relieved you accept me. i was so scared i was gonna lose you.", you cry clutching their shirts. they smile softly before pressing a kiss to both your cheeks. "you don't ever have to worry about that, sweet boy. we love you more than anything."
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angelsdiaryy · 3 years
thinking soft thoughts of my love kotaro <33
how soft he is with people he realises are smaller than he is but sometimes forgetting in times of excitement. how he was raised on treating his s/o with the upmost respect and care. how soft and almost sluggish he is in the mornings. voice sweet but deep greeting you with a soft ‘good morning, star.’ you’ll mumble it back while curling into your absolute furnace of a boyfriend craving the warmth and comfort he brings. how he’ll listen intently to you ramble about your day or just something you found interesting trying his hardest to follow along and engage to show he’s 100% listening but can’t help but get distracted by how much he absolutely adores you. the soft kisses he leaves before leaving anywhere. the half written love letters left around the house absentmindedly that he always says he’ll give to you himself one day. just- bokuto kotaro.
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angelsdiaryy · 3 years
headcanon time !
bo has a bump on his nose from breaking it back in elementary school while playing. his mom (and sisters, they were in 4th and 5th while he was in like kindergarten) were called down to the office and there he was holding a bloody napkin to his face while kicking his legs.
sister 1: oh my god, kou what happened?
bo:i missed a handle on the monkey bars :D
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angelsdiaryy · 2 years
i’m tired of defending my faves like yes they did all that and they looked great doing it. you’re doing amazing, baby. 📸
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