#maxi carbs
ashstfu · 4 months
hii im tagged by @twinprime & @girlbitegod for a get to know me tag game thing <3 thanku for tagging me lovelies!! 💗
last song – mountains by charlotte day wilson
favorite color – black & gray
last movie / tv show – the secret world of arrietty (2010) & chernobyl hbo
sweet/spicy/savory – spicy 🌶️
relationship status – eeeh
last thing i googled – how many carbs in 1 cup of mexican rice
last read – currently reading the brothers karamazov ...
current obsession – dark chocolate, jazz, work of dostoevsky, maxi dresses, early morning pilates, ghibli movies, la perla let the dance begin, study dates with friends 📚📖📝
looking forward to – spring!!
i’ll tag @cheruib @chandajaan @wvterways @roadwhores @bakwaaas @truelovewaitsmp3 @flower1993 @lostandmost @moldavite @cigarbruise + anyone else who wants to do this :)
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I think I’m running out of steam (and I have a cold, and I’m PMSing, and one of my wisdom teeth are flaring up)
I hope Maxie is enough for you as I’m combining pumpkin spice (day 30) and Fluff with your monster (day 31) into this fic.
It’s almost done, I just need to lie down and eat carbs.
Ilu all, it’s been a wild ride and I’ll be putting up my Kinktober Masterlist later on today so you can peruse at your leisure.
Big shout out to @pr0ximamidnight @beskarandblasters @wannab-urs @patti7dc @beefrobeefcal @pastelnap @reaperofmen @jksprincess10 @clawdee @covetyou @strang3lov3 @lucyeyelesbarrow @gasolinerainbowpuddles @king-simp and the rest of my wonderful moots (sorry if I missed y’all my brain is soup) for being top tier in supporting me in this crazy as fuck endeavour.
Have a blessed, spooky Samhain and I hope y’all will stick around for the shit I’ve got brewing next!
Iechyd Da! 🍻
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"Boo, you whore" "is butter a carb?" "No. I don't send them, I just get them. So you better send me one, byotch."  "I gave him everything... I was half a virgin when I met him!" "Meadow told me you like Dustin Broke. I mean, I don't care, do whatever you want, but lemme just tell you something about Dustin, all he cares about is school and his mom and his friends."- many real quotes from pleasantview resident Angela pleasant, who runs a mega clique of sluts trying to systematically remove her twin sister from every possible social situation where the "cool" people are, her beautiful look designed by me on a two reused maxis separate meshes, with simlish text provided by @franzillasims . Download here
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
Near my house is a motorcycle mechanic. At first, I thought he was just a guy who liked owning a lot of junky motorcycles and annoyingly revving them at all hours of the day, usually when I was revving my own engines to try and listen for the faint jingle-jangle of bad rod bearings. It turns out, though, that he is a professional. People from all around bring him their shitty motorcycles, he fixes them, and then – unbelievably – he gives the bikes back.
Naturally, I had to see if he had a hoard of any kind. Wearing a motorcyclist disguise (leather thong, leather chaps, leather vest, but surprisingly – faux leather beret) I went over to knock on his door and pretend to be a fellow motorcycle operator, interested in viewing his collection. He had no collection, he replied in a soft voice, and gently closed the door in my face, knocking my leather-framed aviator sunglasses to the ground.
No doubt he had seen me around the neighbourhood and knew by reputation that I was a bit of an eccentric. He probably figured I was there to steal his M10x1.25 collection, which was true, but it hurt to be accused of such. What I needed was a catspaw, someone he hadn’t seen before, but who was “into” the scene enough that he could tell me if there was a two-stroke race motorcycle (Italian or Japanese – I’m not picky,) or even a pair of rollerskates powered by leaded fuel. Luckily, my cousin, Zaseki Safety-Switch, was visiting from Japan while he was waiting for the police to stop looking for him. I went down to my basement workshop to see him there, tinkering with some recalcitrant Mikuni carbs while swearing a mile a minute.
Zaseki never came back from his expedition, and he didn’t even have anything good in his luggage for me to take. It seemed like my neighbour had made him a better offer, I realized a month later when I saw my cousin doing wheelies on a dinged-up, but serviceable, Puch Maxi outside the Kay Bee Toys. Mopeds: so that’s his game. What a freak.
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bebepac · 2 years
My Cozy Comforts
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Original Post: 09/27/22 at 10:13AM  EST. 
Thank you so much for the tag, @dcbbw and @angelasscribbles
Comfort food(s): Lasagna, My friends call it Crack Dip (ground beef, salsa, and cream cheese) Pretty much anything Italian, or Mexican, or Chinese.  Snackfood wise:  Funjuns, sunchips and kettle cooked chips salted or the jalapeno, and key lime pie, oh and apple pie.  I know, I’m such a fat kid.  I like food.  Never met a carb I didn’t like.  And that’s how I write all my MCs.  They LOVE FOOD.  
Comfort movie(s): The Devil Wears Prada, Mean Girls, Clueless, Sky High 
Comfort clothing: Expensive side: Merino Wool, Flowy maxi dresses, those soft leggings that feel like butter.
Comfort song(s): Maybe I’m going not so much comfort, but nostalgic, there’s a 90′s hits channel on Pandora that I love.  The songs of that era always put me into a really good mood and one will always come on that brings a smile to my face, because I remember the first time I heard it, or where I was when it came on when I was enjoying being young and dumb. 
Comfort book(s): It’s been a while since I’ve read the traditional book, right now it’s the fanfic here that I’m reading and following. 
Comfort game(s): I love Candy Crush Soda
Tagging: @secretaryunpaid @neotericthemis @jerzwriter​   @harleybeaumont​  and anyone who hasn’t done this yet, that wants to do it.  Let’s get to know YOU!!!
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lacuna-lunax · 8 days
WOWOWOWOWWWW we're really burning through it huh
Sat – 4 Fizz
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Cookie
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat Free Southern Style Tasty Bites
Raspberry Yoghurt
Hartley's 10 Cal Blueberry and Blackcurrant Jelly Pot
Dessert Menu Mini Macaroons
Maltesers Milk Chocolate & Honeycomb Snack Bag
Sun – 4 Fizz
Grenade Carb Killa Oreo White
Monster Energy Ultra Gold
Fridge Raiders Meat Free Southern Style Tasty Bites
220 Yoghurt
Battle Bites High Protein Bar Jaffa Bake Flavour
Cadbury Crunchie Rocks
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel
Monster Energy Ultra Rosa
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
220 Yoghurt
Maxi Nutrition Creamy Core Blueberry Muffin Protein Bar
Cadbury Dairy Milk Orange Chocolate Giant Buttons
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Peach Passionfruit Yoghurt
Maxi Nutrition Filled Creamy Core Peanut Caramel Protein Bar
Cadbury Oreo Bites
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Salted Peanut
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat Free Southern Style Tasty Bites
220 Yoghurt
Barebells Protein Bar Cookies & Cream
Cadbury Twirl Bites
Grenade Carb Killa Fudged Up
Monster Energy Ultra Rosa
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
So Sticky Toffee Yoghurt
Misfits Plant Powered Choc Protein Bar Chocolate Speculoos Flavour
Cadbury White Giant Buttons 
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
220 Yoghurt
FULFIL Chocolate Peanut & Caramel Vitamin & Protein Bar
Fulfil 145
Terry's Chocolate Orange Minis
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atomicnightmaretale · 1 month
Posiłek Gotowy Do Spożycia Vegetarian Pad Thai 250g Slim Pasta
Spis treści
Bebilon Pronutra-advance Mleko Rtf Zestaw 24x90mlPosiłki WysokobiałkoweCatering Dietetyczny Wrocław I Okolice – Wypróbuj Dietę Pudełkową Tim CateringOtrivin Aerozol Do Nosa, Na Katar Nawilżający 0,1% 10 Ml (nowy Atomizer)Bebilon Advance Pronutra 1 W Płynie Mleko Początkowe Gotowe Do Spożycia, 90 Ml
Ogólny konsensus mówi, że jeśli przechowujesz przygotowane grzyby w lodówce nie dłużej niż 24 godziny, możesz je bezpiecznie zjeść po podgrzaniu do temperatury 70 stopni C. Dzięki wygodnej i gotowej do spożycia formie Bakoma MAXI MEAL można zabrać wszędzie i wypić o dowolnej porze dnia. Suplementy natomiast, są to produkty, które posiadają bardziej działanie wyselekcjonowane. Są to witaminy, minerały, substancję mające podnieść poziom termogenezy, jak spalacze, czy też produkty wspomagające przyrost masy mięśniowej, jak kreatyna, beta-alanina i aminokwasy. Produkty podnoszące poziom anabolizmu zazwyczaj wykorzystuje się cyklicznie.
Bebilon Pronutra-advance Mleko Rtf Zestaw 24x90ml
Dieta pudełkowa Low Carb to klasyczny przykład tego, że czegoś brak może okazać się zyskiem. Ograniczenie ilości kalorycznej na rzecz czerpania energii z tłuszczów, a w efekcie tego ich spalania, to proces, który pozwala na bezpieczną redukcję masy ciała. Zamiast spalać nadwyżki kaloryczne, organizm spala to co otrzymał w codziennej dawce makro i mikroelementów, nie zubożając go przy tym w niezbędne do prawidłowego funkcjonowania składniki.
Posiłki Wysokobiałkowe
Co to oznacza w przypadku sprzedaży internetowej? Klient zyskuje nadal...duże, stabilne marki sklepowe posiadają ogrom opinii, które można łatwo zweryfikować przez decyzją o zakupie, proste i szybkie systemy reklamacji, prężna obsługa przed i po-zakupowa. Jak widzimy przełożenie i korzyść dla klienta są identyczne jak w przypadku dużych marketów stacjonarnych z którymi małe sklepy osiedlowe niestety nie miały szans konkurować.
Catering Dietetyczny Wrocław I Okolice – Wypróbuj Dietę Pudełkową Tim Catering
W pośpiechu sięgałam po śmieciowe jedzenie, a w konsekwencji tego czułam się ciężko, byłam ospała oraz moja waga się wahała – na przemian tyłam i chudłam. Odkąd jestem jego klientką nie zaprzątam sobie głowy liczeniem kalorii, zakupami i szukaniem czasu na gotowanie. Brokuła zabieram wszędzie ze sobą, mój brzuszek jest zawsze pełny, jadam regularnie i smacznie, moja waga jest https://croyone.pl/blog/ stabilna a moje samopoczucie jest rewelacyjne.
W diecie ketogenicznej większość kalorii pochodzi z tłuszczów (około 70-80%), a reszta z białek (20-25%). Oliwa z oliwek, awokado, tłuste ryby i orzechy to składniki, które znajdziesz w daniach przygotowywanych na jej podstawie. Wiele owoców i warzyw również obfituje w węglowodany, które w diecie pudełkowej Low Carb powinny zostać ograniczone. Bogatym źródłem węglowodanów są zwłaszcza warzywa skrobiowe tj. Dieta Low Carb choć opiera się na ograniczeniu węglowodanów z codziennego jadłospisu, nie wyklucza owoców i warzyw ze spożycia.
Zastanów się nad dobrym zbilansowaniem składników odżywczych (białk
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anxiouspregnantlady · 2 months
Hello. Feeling a bit disconnected lately... it's still a surprise to me that I'm pregnant. I get lost between the days. I feel a bit of sadness that I haven't been able to be "with" this pregnancy/baby as much (& everyone is quick to tell me it's fine, i know it's fine, but I have an artistic soul and i somewhat like to be sad). I am mostly busy tending to my firstborn, taking her in, overwhelmed with the full-ness of my life, and totally unable to fathom what another child will look/feel like.
Starting with concrete things like symptoms - I have had two somewhat good nausea days (yesterday & today), whoohoo, after quite a rough week of feeling ill and down even with the unisom+b6. My bump is still both big & small. I'm tired, but inconsistently - I felt energetic this morning and actually woke up before my alarm, but crashed by noon and had to take a nap. Not really having heartburn anymore, still somewhat constipated (magnesium does seem to helping, so yay). I've learned that eating big meals does feel horrible. Like everyone says. Eating somewhat normally, but still spurning rice, oddly (don't worry, I get plenty of bread carbs & boba carbs).
Happy to be back in the swing of climbing, making good progress on my 5.10c project (feels awfully weird to be a toproper now..). Feel a bit down about how to dress these days, I seldom feel cute.. but glad that I'm able to sew. I tried to make a wrap dress out of a $1 linen curtain I got from the thrift store and it looks like... guess what, a curtain. So I'm going to try and dye it a sophisticated muted aquamarine-y color. I'm also working on a bedsheet dress - a simple tiered maxi dress - with a soft black cotton ikea bedsheet i scored at the thift store too. Hoping it won't look like a bedsheet. All my intermediary pants options have started to fail me. They're alright at the start of the day, but not by the end, and also they're just ITCHY and annoying even if they fit.
I dunno, I'm just feeling sort of down about everything, even though I wanted this (and still want this) so much. I've come close to telling some folks about the pregnancy but haven't been able to. I feel sad that the stereotype is so true & the second baby is getting so much less fanfare & celebration than the first. K is making a big adjustment to a new job; I'm trying to confront the fact that a long maternity leave as I want to take may mean I never get licensed. We started 2024 thinking we were going to move internationally and now we're not. It's just a lot.
I guess a good summary of life right now is: I'm enjoying sewing and climbing again; I alternately dread & enjoy working, parenting, and home-economying; I am really getting quite sick of the nausea and exhaustion.
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grocery-x · 1 year
The best exercises for building muscle
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In the introduction section of this article, I will highlight the significance of muscle gain and the purpose of the article, which is to give information on the most effective ways of increasing muscle. Muscle growth has several favorable effects, including higher physical appeal, increased strength and power, and enhanced sports performance. Understanding which workouts are ideal for gaining muscle is essential for optimizing one’s training regimen and achieving the desired outcomes. It has been argued that adding muscle might improve an individual’s overall health and well-being. This can be accomplished by decreasing the probability of developing chronic illnesses and injuries, maintaining good weight control, and boosting bone density.
The studies supporting the idea of muscle growth will be the subject of the next section. This article will discuss muscular hypertrophy, or the process of growing muscle mass through resistance exercise. Different forms of muscle hypertrophy, including sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar, as well as the body’s stress reactions, will be explored. In addition, we will discuss the importance of proper nutrition and progressive overload in the process of muscle development. Progressive overload is the process of gradually increasing the amount of tension placed on the muscles. Nutrition is essential for muscle growth because it offers the building blocks required for muscle repair and recovery. Muscle growth and repair are dependent on consuming sufficient calories, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, l discuss muscular hypertrophy, or the process of growing muscle mass through resistance exercise. Different forms of muscle hypertrophy, including sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar, as well as the body’s stress reactions, will be explored. In addition, we will discuss the importance of proper nutrition and progressive overload in the process of muscle development. Progressive overload is the process of gradually increasing the amount of tension placed on the muscles. Nutrition is essential for muscle growth because it offers the building blocks required for muscle repair and recovery. Muscle growth and repair are dependent on consuming sufficient calories, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, and minerals. Pay particular attention to the quantities of protein, carbs, and fats as well as vitamins and minerals consumed.
Among the most effective workouts for muscle building are the squat, the deadlift, the bench press, the pull-ups and chin-ups, the standing military press, the barbell rows, the dumbbell curls, and the tricep dips. In each of these exercises, a barbell is employed. Each of these operations is a strenuous workout since it involves several muscle groups and joints. Therefore, while attempting to increase muscular mass, compound workouts are superior to isolated sessions. Each exercise will be described in depth, including its advantages for muscle building and how to execute it correctly. Various exercises, including squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, target the primary muscular groups in the legs, back, and chest.
separately for the breasts and chest You may increase your overall strength, power, and muscle mass by following the offered workout regimens. By performing pull-ups and chin-ups, back and arm strength may be considerably enhanced. By completing the standing military press and the barbell row, shoulder and back strength may be significantly increased. The biceps and triceps can also be targeted with dumbbell curls and tricep dips, respectively. These muscle groups can be strengthened and sculpted by isolating them. The importance of doing these exercises with perfect form and technique cannot be overemphasized in order to maximize muscle activation and minimize the danger of injury.
In the next paragraph, we will provide some suggestions for combining these activities into your current training routine. We will discuss appropriate form and technique for your safety and to maximize your workout outcomes. It is crucial to practice the exercises under the supervision of a trainer or an experienced workout partner in order to verify that you are completing them correctly and safely. Combining progressive resistance with progressive loading is also essential for sustaining muscular growth over time. As you train and your muscles adapt and become stronger, you should progressively increase the amount of weight you lift or the number of repetitions you perform for each exercise. Rest and recuperation time between workouts is vital for muscular growth. Rest and restoration are also advantageous to muscle growth. In addition, it is vital to select workouts from a range of categories in order to avoid plateaus and promote overall muscular growth. You may minimize training boredom and plateaus by varying your program so that different muscle groups are worked at different times.
Finally, we will address the significance of muscle growth and the efficacy of the exercises covered in this article. If our readers aspire to achieve their goals of developing muscle mass, we propose that they include the aforementioned workouts into a continuous and thorough training regimen. You will be given additional training programs, videos, and articles in order to understand as much as possible about the muscle-building and exercise processes. Gaining muscle is a long process that involves commitment, effort, and perseverance. Remember this, since building muscle takes time. Before beginning a new workout regimen, you should always pay attention to your body and see a doctor. If you are in pain, it is recommended that you take a break and relax.
website link: 1.bodybuilding.com 2.muscleandfitness.com 3.t-nation.com 4.muscleandstrength.com 5.jackedfitness.com
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veworgoogle · 2 years
Traincraft server
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TCJukebox - Plays music for players inside the train using MCJukebox (by melerpe).LightAPI - Enables and powers the builtin Light attachment.TCTicketShop - Use sign interaction to buy train tickets (by DefinitlyEvil).TCCoasters - Rails in the air without requiring actual rails blocks (by TeamBergerhealer).TCHangRail - Trains floating below iron fences and also below/above other kinds of blocks (by TeamBergerhealer)./savedtrain module - Stores a train in it's own yaml file on the server, named./savedtrain list - List all saved trains./savedtrain import - Imports train yaml from a Hastebin compatible server, like.You can then share it with others, or import it on another server, or edit the contents! /savedtrain export - Exports the train by name and uploads it to our Hastebin server (default, is configurable).rolr / rolg / rolb - Rollercoaster carts with 4 seatsĪs of 1.15.2-v1, you can now use commands to import and export trains:.spinner - Animated spinning ride with 3 controllable animations ('spin', 'turn' and 'arm').ferris - Animated ferris wheel, use animation 'spin' to control it (WARNING: VERY LAGGY).carr_anim / carg_anim / carb_anim - Spawns red/green/blue carriages with animation 'wheel' to bring it to life.loco_anim - Spawns locomotive with animation 'wheel' to bring it to life.carr / carg / carb - Spawns red/green/blue carriages without animations.loco - Spawns locomotive without animations.The following train names can be spawned:
Demo saved trains zip file (extract and put inside above mentioned folder, then restart the server).
Here's some links if you are interested in making or setting up your own models:īesides a resource pack, you can also download some default saved trains that can be put inside the ' plugins/Train_Carts/savedTrainModules' sub-folder: If you want your own train models commissioned, you should definitely contact these and other very talented people on this website! Maxi made the different color rollercoaster carts. The locomotive and carriages were made by Nullblox, a very talented voxel modeler. The models are bound to durability values of the golden pickaxe. Fixes relative positions of wheel-less carriages, wheels and pistons so they work correctly with rolling animations.TrainCarts Demo Pack v3 (latest, also works on 1.13.2).
If you want to display arrival times on signs (see redstone circuit part) you need SignLink, see the downloads on the bottom of the page.Īs for 1.35 you can set train properties to make 'special' trains, or to 'finalize' a trainįor testing out the new attachment system introduced in 1.12.2-v2, there is a free to download test resource pack available here: This gap is adjustable, the force at which this happens as well.Įnd result: a train! You can move it, make a roller-coaster out of it, split it in half, watch trains collide, whatever you want to do with trains.Īs for 1.21, it is also possible to safely exit your train by setting an exit offset with a (sideways) push factor for the train. Once carts are successfully linked, an effect is played and their velocity is shared in combination with an individual factor for each Minecart, which is used to remain a steady gap between carts. When two Minecarts are being "linked", the Minecarts will act as one single moving train. This plugin looks for suitable Minecarts and links them together if possible. TrainCarts/BKCommonLib for MC 1.7.10 can be found here (outdated) Plugin: TrainCarts - Linked Minecarts, sign-redstone systems, easy to use and realistic The latest release of TrainCarts and BKCommonLib is backwards-compatible with older Minecraft versions. Please do not use very old versions with older versions of Minecraft.​
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lipsyncforyourlife · 2 years
Fairytale Justice Recap 🏰 All Stars 7: Episode 4 (Issue #21)
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The RuPaul's Drag Race Official Newsletter
In this edition of the All Stars 7 newsletter, we’re recapping Fairytale Justice, reliving standout moments, and sharing our favorite memes from the weekend. Don’t forget to subscribe to get All Stars 7 updates delivered straight to your inbox! ✨
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It’s a new day in the Werk Room, and the Legendary Legend Star-less among us have their sights set on putting a point on the board this week. The dolls talk about the current standings, and Jaida wastes no time in pointing out Monét is the only All Star with a badge who hasn’t been blocked. There go Monét’s hopes of flying under the radar! 
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Mama Ru enters the Werk Room in a fabulous pink jacket and platform boots to announce this week’s maxi challenge. The Queens will be improving their way through enchanted TV court show, Fairytale Justice. 👑 Working in teams, they’ll present infamous fairytale miscarriages of justice before the honorable(ish) Michelle Visage! Jaida picks Jinkx, Yvie, and Monét for her team, which means Team Trinity is The Vivienne, Raja, and Shea. The dolls split off and get to work on their scenes – Blow The House Down Boots and She Done Already Done Had Herses, respectively.
Pig Mistake, Huge!
Team Jaida is up first, arguing the case of the three little pigs against the Big Bad Wolf. Jinkx plays OnlyHams-famous Spare Rib, who is suing the Big Bad Wolf (Yvie) for blowing her house down. In return, the Big Bad Wolf – also known as BB in the streets 👅 – is counter suing for defamation of character. 
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Unlike Spare Rib’s house, Jinkx and Yvie build a strong foundation from the get-go. They exchange stories of what had happened, only to be made better by the arrival of Twiggly (Jaida) and Hamela (Monét). Twiggly, Spare Rib’s sister with her OWN bone to pick, enters in a nude curve-hugging dress and low-key looks good in a snout (???). After stating her case against the Big Bad Wolf, he calls in backup in the form of his girlfriend, Hamela Anderson. Chaos ensues when Hamela realizes BB has been porking all THREE of the little pigs, and the HWIC Michelle Visage dismisses the case. 
She Done Already Had Porridges
Next in the Fairytale Court is team Trinity, arguing the case of a queen called Goldilocks. It’s Mama Bear (Shea) up first, who claims Goldilocks broke into her home and ate her freshly-made porridge. The Vivienne is playing the defendant, and serves up a wide range of accents throughout the scene. Coming all the way from over the river and through the woods, plaintiff number two enters the courtroom. Grandma Gwendolyn Hood (Raja) accuses Goldie of being an identity thief, stating she’s actually Little Red from Glendale 😱  Vivienne takes on a new German alter ego, Helga – who’s allegedly been making like Spare Rib, Twiggly, and Hamela and having a roll in the hay with Wolfie 👀  
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Can Grandma Hood get a witness? Step aside Leah Remini, Witch Theresa (Trinity) is coming for your spot in Michelle Visage’s Best Friend Race! We know and love Trinity for committing to the bit, and this role is no different. She’s definitely giving Cher and brings the scene home with her accusation that Goldilocks ate her front porch and ✨entertained✨ in her bed. Fairytale Justice may have popped Viv’s improv challenge cherry, but she is NO beginner. After giving us four hilarious personas, it turns out she really was just a girl from Glendale who’s addicted to carbs… relatable!
Category Is: Spikes On The Runway!
Before the Queens stomp the runway in their most sickening spikes, Mama Ru turns maybe my favorite look I’ve seen on her in a MINUTE! Don’t get me wrong, Zaldy never misses, but something about this blue velvet number and the white hair is giving me everything.
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As literal bop ‘New Friends Silver…’ plays, the Queens turn out some seriously sharp looks on the runway. I love how each of them had a totally different take on the category, making it one jaw-dropping look after the next! It was hard to choose tops, but if I had to…
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Jaida Essence Hall
Jaida had me concerned back in the Werk Room, but once this lewk came together? Gag. Not only is the silhouette stunning from the top of her hair down to her leather-clad toes, the ARTISTRY that went into this makeup is simply perfection. It’s Grace Jones…meets…it’s…burps… it’s fashion… 😌
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Yvie Oddly
Yvie continues to impress on the catwalk, giving snatched reptile realness that was completely on pointe. Her teeny waist and legs for days brought this green fantasy to life in a way that felt super editorial and fresh.
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The Vivienne
The Vivienne had an incredible week in both the challenge and on the runway. The silhouette was tailored to perfection, giving us a slick catwoman lewk totally different than anything we’ve seen The Viv go for thus far. Dare I say this could be the best pair of chaps we’ve ever seen on the main stage?
The Legendary Legend Star Goes To...
Mama Ru announces the top two All Stars of the week are The Vivienne and Jinkx Monsoon. Since Jinkx was blocked last week, just one Legendary Legend Star is awarded to someone very familiar with winning badges, The Vivienne! The top two put on one hell of a lip sync to “Love Will Save The Day” by Whitney Houston, complete with crowd participation and a xylophone moment I did *not* see coming.
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“Love Will Save The Day” By Whitney Houston Lip Sync 💘 RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 7
In the end, our British doll wins the power of the platinum plunger. She nearly gives it to last week’s winner Jaida Essence Hall, but blocks Monét X Change instead! I told you everyone’s got strategy up their sleeve… 👀
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Gagatondra! It's Tweets Of The Week
Each week, we’re highlighting our top tweets from the episode. Keep using #AllStars7 and maybe you’ll see yourself here! 👑
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Monét X Change
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Guess who cleanin’ da house! https://t.co/uS2Kwpj6Vb
8:23 PM - 5 Jun 2022
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Everybody's Got One
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The Vivienne carrying on the grand British Drag tradition of hating your knees #DragRace #AllStars7 https://t.co/B1gXc8ytqM
4:10 AM - 3 Jun 2022
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Nick Smith
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Joseph: What should we name the baby? Mary: https://t.co/eyeroRw8Ek
9:53 PM - 5 Jun 2022
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how does @jaidaehall still look so fucking hot in this pig nose
2:23 PM - 3 Jun 2022
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Sequoia Tremaine
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@SheaCoulee and @THEVIVIENNEUK putting American fanny and British fanny side by side A LESSON
10:03 PM - 3 Jun 2022
The Pit Stop w/ Naysha Lopez!
Did somebody mention art? 🎨 Bob The Drag Queen is joined by her Season 8 sister Naysha Lopez to weigh in on Fairytale Justice! 🏁 Make sure you subscribe to the Drag Race YouTube channel + follow The Pit Stop on TikTok so you don’t miss a thing!
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The Pit Stop AS7 E04 | Bob The Drag Queen & Naysha Lopez Are Serving!
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carpemitchell · 2 years
Coffee and Therapy || Jannon
Date: 5/10
Where: Coffee shop and Jared’s therapist office.
Who: Shay Mitchell and Jared Padalecki ( @jt-padalecki​)
Jared’s parts are normal.
Shay’s parts are italic
Doctor’s parts are bold.
Jared was excited for coffee, or maybe it was just to see Shay. Either way… he was excited. He showered quickly and tugged on some jeans and a button up shirt before heading out the door. Once he got to the coffee shop, he ordered for himself and then her on instinct, setting both cups on the table when she walked in. “Hey you.” He offered a warm smile and pressed a kiss to her cheek before sitting. “I definitely ordered for you.. Which I’m realizing now was probably inappropriate.” He cringed a bit and shook his head. “Sorry”
It was nice still seeing Jared as often as she had been since she got her hotel. She figured she would see him less since he had Sam and she couldn’t be around her. But she was still going to his house daily and now going on coffee dated together. It was a nice change of pace for them. She felt herself getting attached again, craving to be around him more and she knew that going back to la and not being close to him was going to be the hardest part. Shay slipped on a floral maxi dress and sandals and then got an Uber to the designated coffee shop. She walked over to the taller male, smiling as he kissed her cheek. “It’s fine… you know what I like.” She shrugged as she sat down, setting her bag on the empty chair,
"I feel like I, at the very least, can make some educated guesses about your preferences for a lot of things" he smirked into his cup and took a small sip. "This was a good idea"
She rose an eyebrow at her words. “I’d hope so after this long.” They had been together for less than a year, but it was long enough to pick up things about the other person. “I think it was a good idea.” She flashed him a small before she grabbed her cup and took a sip. “So are we meeting with your therapist today?”
"I mean we..we can" He stammered a bit, shifting uncomfortably. He wasn't a fan of vulnerability. And being sober, in therapy, it was all vulnerable. It all made it hard to compartmentalize, like he normally did. Which he supposed was the point. "Its up to you. He said whenever. He was just curious.." he took another sip to keep himself occupied
She could sense how uncomfortable he got at the mention of therapy, “it’s all up to you. It’s your therapy… I don’t ever want to make you uncomfortable and if me being there does I don’t ever have to go.” She said to him, her hand reaching over and squeezing his. "No no" He chuckled a bit and shifted their hands so he was holding hers. "I was just thinking the same. I don't want it to be too much for you" he paused a moment, flushing just slightly. "For us..whatever of us is left"
She let a small smile curl on her lips, both of them thinking about the other and how they would feel. “No, I’ll be fine. I don’t think it’ll be too much for me.” She did think it would be a good idea for them. Figure out what they were doing and if it was a good idea.
"Good..Good." He gave a soft smile and leaned back in his seat, taking a healthy swallow from the coffee and clearing his throat, releasing her hand. "I think it'll be good too. So... Usually meet with him at 10, gives us time to get coffee and eat first, if you'd like. Just make a morning out of it?"
She sat back as he released her hand, grabbing her cup and taking a sup from it. "A morning out of it sounds like a good idea." She would take any length of time with him. "So food, what do you want? something small here? Go somewhere else?"
"I often have good ideas" He chuckled a bit and glanced around the little shop, faint smile tugging at his lips. "Food..I mean. It's breakfast. So the usual carb loaded bacon, biscuits and butter oughta do" a laugh parted his lips and he sat up a bit. "There's that diner down a few blocks, the one with the really good biscuits and gravy"
“Oh, biscuits and gravy? I’m down for that.” She smiled. “I gotta say, the one thing I miss about Austin is the food. It’s always to die.” Shay was easily a foodie and never turned food down. She finished the coffee in her cup and set it aside.
"Always..go big or go home, right? Everything's bigger in Texas. That kinda deal" he smiled at her and took a long drink from his coffee. "You want more or you wanna head down now?"
“Everything is bigger in Texas.” She let a small smirk curl on her lips. Her fingernails tapped on the table, shaking her head. “I’m good. You can finish your coffee before we go.”
He lifted the coffee back up to take another sip as she spoke and he coughed, barely managing to avoid spitting the drink out. He laughed a bit, lifting a hand to wipe his lip before taking an actual drink. "Careful..You'll get me in the mood for something other than biscuits and gravy" he returned the smirk a few moments before shaking his head. "Come on." He finished his coffee and set the cup down, pushing to his feet. "Its only a few blocks. Nice day. Feel up to walking?"
“Maybe that’s my plan,” she winked at him. She nodded as he spoke, pulling herself up from the chair. “Im Down for walking.” Shay made sure she had all her stuff before she headed for the door.
Jared let a soft chuckle at her words and waved to the baristas before pushing the door open them and stepping out into the Texan heat and dropping his sunglasses over his eyes. "It'll be good for me, walking" He glanced at her as he started walking. "Given I'm sure I'm about to absolutely smash breakfast.. I'm finally getting my appetite back" He looked back forward
She slipped her sunglasses on, turning her head to look up at her ex. "I'm glad your getting your appetite back! Get some meat back on you," she said. Her hand going and patting his side.
Jared rolled his eyes and let a warm laugh slip past his lips as he shook his head. "I mean..circumstances obviously weren't ideal but I could have stood to shed a few pounds so it worked out in that area." He nudged her a bit with his hip Shay let out a small laugh at her words. "Okay, it did work out in that area." She agreed. She was definitely happy that he looked healthier now than he did when she first seen him in the hospital, or the last time she was in Austin. It was a good change, she was seeing who she fell in love with again.
"See? Although I don't know. It wasn't worth the skipping out on my frequent burger trips to look like a frail old man." He chuckled just slightly at the weak attempt at a joke but almost immediately winced slightly. "Thats what I am now. You're basically my babysitter." He snorted and tucked his hand into his pocket “Definitely not worth skipping out on those.” She told him. Her arms crossed over her chest and she scrunched her nose at the babysitter comment. “I wouldn’t say I’m basically your babysitter…” He hadn't meant the comment negatively but he was sure he'd offended her. "Maybe not. Just feels like it some days. I make you carry too much" he continued walking slowly. "But you are definitely the hottest babysitter I've ever had " he laughed softly “Hot babysitter? Guess I’ll take that.” She said, grinning as she looked up at him. "Oh the hottest" he chuckled again, nodding his head just slightly. "I would have probably died if you were one of my baby sitters" he pulled the hand from his pocket and rested it over her shoulders comfortably as they walked She moved closer to him as his hand rested over her shoulders. “Probably jack off in your room thinking about me,” she let out a laugh. Her own arm moving around his waist. "Oh absolutely. So basically I've not changed at all" he laughed a bit at the subtle confession. Shay had frequently been an image and memory to draw up for the times he'd actually have the chance to be alone. A smirk curled on her lis as he spoke. "So you're admitting that you jack off thinking about me?" She asked teasingly, nudging his side. She couldn't blame him. She was hot, and she was the first to admit that. "Oh, for sure. Openly admitting" He scoffed, dropping a hand down to playfully swat her ass before motioning to the diner ahead. "Looks like we made it without dying of starvation" or stopping to fuck, with the way their conversations lately had gone
She wasn't expecting the light swat to her ass, so she jumped slightly when his hand met with her ass. She laughed, nodding in agreement. "Good, I don't think I would have lasted another minute. Would have either died from starvation or just got super hangry." She said, walking to the door of the diner and opening it up. "Glad to avoid both" he chuckled a bit and slid into one side of the first booth he seen, grabbing one of the menus that was placed there and reading it over. "I want everything. Obviously I can't order everything, though I'd love to.." She followed him to one of the booths and slid into the other side of it. She put her bag next to her by the wall. Her eyes shifted over the menu. "Too bad they don't have an option to have a small amount of everything." She said softly. It was always a hard decision on what to have, she could stare at the menu all day and still have no idea. "I mean they have the breakfast sampler.. little bit of everything. But its literally only a LITTLE bit of everything.  I need a lot of bit" he patted his stomach with a laugh, looking up as the waitress approached to get the order. "Think I'm going with the country fried steak, side of biscuits and gravy, side of hashbrowns, and some coffee please, blacks fine" he closed the menu and extended it towards her "I'll take the 2 pancakes, over easy eggs, bacon, coffee, and a glass of water. Thank you." Shay said, flashing a smile to the waitress as she handed her the menu. "So" he started after the waitress walked away. "The therapist. His names Rhett Ledger. Hes..actually a great guy. Probably the best therapist I've had so far, and I've had a few" He shifted a bit uncomfortably and drew a deep breath in. "He's down to earth. It really doesn't even have to be a whole session if you want. He just wants to say hi" She listened to him speak about his therapist, nodding as he did. "Okay. We'll just play it by ear. I'll leave after we do our thing so you can have an actual normal session with him." It made sense for her to be there for part of it. And then it's not like she couldn't meet up with Jared afterwards. "Cool.. cool" He nodded his head and cleared his throat slightly, settling back in the booth and feeling some of the tension ease out of his shoulders. He was more nervous because it was important, because she was important. They shared small talk over breakfast, and he'd asked her a few different times if she wanted him to take her coat because it was getting warm inside, but she'd declined and he let it drop. After paying, he opened the door for her and headed out. "Need anything before we head back? Get going?" He asked after letting the door shut behind them She was okay until they got closer to the meeting with his therapist. That’s when she really started getting nervous. There was so much going on in her life, things she didn’t want to talk about and hoped that the therapist wouldn’t catch onto it. “No, I’m good.” She said as she walked out of the diner.
"Okay" He gave a slight nod of his head and started down the sidewalk, hands slipping into his pockets as a comfortable sort of silence fell over the walk. He guided her into the office and checked in, not even getting to his seat when the door opened and they were ushered back. He settled in his usual spot on the wide couch as the male approached them, extending his hand towards Shay with a soft smile on aged features. "Shannon, how nice it is to finally meet you. I've heard so much."
Shay followed him, her own hands in her pockets. She went into the room and sat down next to Jared. She smiled and and reached over to shake the therapists hand. “Good things I hope. It’s nice to meet you, as well.”
"Definitely all good things." Rhett gave a chuckle before shutting the door and sitting down in his own chair across from them, eyes shifting to Jared. "Jared here generally only has good things to say. Seems like you're a pretty important person to him." He stated openly, not missing the slight shift that came from Jared, though he didn't comment on it just yet. Mostly because it wasn't the most important. Jared was struggling with learning to be okay with attachments, learning to not immediately just assume that he was going to absolutely destroy the person that the attachment was with. Because, typically, it's what he did. The only exception being his kids, of course, but this last time.. well they felt the fallout too. "Do you mind if I start? Just get into a few basic questions here to satiate my curiosity?" He asked and Jared shrugged in response so he nodded and looked towards Shay. She couldn't help the grin that stretched over her features as he said that she seemed like an important person to the older male. At least she was glad that she was. She leaned back against the couch, and nodded. "Go a head." She said. She wasn't sure how this was going to start, but she was curious about what h was gonna start asking. Once he got the okay, he started. "How would you describe your current relationship? Jared says you guys aren't together, but you're here. The impression I've gotten is that you've been here from the beginning, give or take a few understandable gaps. You must really care about him" It was a statement at the end, not a question and his gaze shifted back towards Jared with a  soft smile. She nodded as he spoke, "I mean we aren't together. I don't think either of us really know how to describe our current relationship." It was all confusing, at least for her. "I do care a lot of about him. I wouldn't have jumped on the first plane here if I didn't, or even stay in Austin. It's hard not to care deeply for someone that you shared a life with. Even as short of a life we shared together." Jared stayed quiet at her words, simply nodding and looking towards the therapist. "So I'll jump the gun here a bit, neither of you need to answer now, but you do need an answer soon.. I don't have to tell you that Limbo only works for...well, times of limbo. The awkward in betweens" He shifted a bit in his chair, adjusting the pad of paper he was holding and Jared sighed.
"It's complicated." He mumbled and Rhett laughed a bit.
"Isn't life?" He asked, soft smile over his features. "So it sounds like you might have an answer already, is that it then?" The question was directed towards the male and Jared pressed his lips together before nodding.
"Well yeah but it doesn't change anything. Me wanting a relationship with her, wanting her clearly didn't work out last time. I can't be trusted to make decisions for my life right now. Because I'll end up fucking it up again. Like last time. With..her." His voice was quieter and he shrugged yet again, gaze slipping towards the window to absentmindedly watch the cars going past.
"Lucy" Rhett filled in the name, watching the irritation that flashed immediately over his patients features. Lucy was a sore subject. Mostly because it was a fresh one, and one that impacted him for far too long. Jared had been shouldering blame over her situation for years and it just kept growing as she escalated. "We've been through that." He commented as Jared stood and walked to the window, hands in his pockets. "How is your contact with her now?"
"Short. Irritating. She's jumped back in with Carlos so she's not been on me about our relationship" Yet... But it was a cycle and he was almost expecting it at that point.
"And how about you?" Rhett's gaze shifted back to Shay. "Do you have any contact with Lucy? Have You had any since Jared first cheated?" Jareds fists balled in his pockets and he clenched his jaw at the words but he didn't speak Shay sat there quietly as Jared and Rhett went back and forth. She rose an eyebrow as he directed the question about Lucy at her. It shouldn't have been that shocking that she was brought up for Jared. But she wasn't expecting for it to happen towards her. She shook her head. "No. Not other than small texts here and there. When he first cheated with Lucy. She reached out to apologize for it. And then we texted when he was in the hospital. But that was just me telling her to leave him alone because he was going downhill fast after she said she was leaving treatment and taking Sam. And then we went back and forth with each other. But that's about the most communicating I have with her." Ignoring Lucy was something she was good at as of late.
"Okay" He nodded his head and wrote something, giving Jared the opportunity to look at Shay. He wasn't really looking for any real reason other than the vulnerability of the moment was getting to him and he needed the grounding sort of comfort that she had always, endlessly, offered him. Even in her anger. It was just her presence. He looked back when Rhett cleared his throat. "I mean I've said it before, but I really do think you need to have some kind of middle man between you. A constant one. At least for awhile. No face to face confrontations, anything of the sort."
"Yeah well that's impossible because Lucy has pretty much burned bridges with everyone but her boyfriend. And I've got no interest in talking to him. Not that he's a bad guy it's...I don't know." It wasn't that he was jealous. He actually liked Carlos. He seemed like a good guy, for the most part. "It's just easier said than done, that's all."
"When's the last time she made you mad?" A brow quirked just slightly and Jared shrugged, murmuring that it was just a few days before. They'd been trying to dig into why Lucy seemed to always be the one to immediately push his buttons, shove him from fine to raging pissed in just seconds. And the only thing they'd come up with time and time again was the size of the wound that she left and how she'd dug in it over the years, making it worse. It wasn't even close to fully healed because each time it got there, something else happened.
The conversation moved to lighter topics for a few minutes and then, at the 30 minute mark, Rhett called it early, wanting to be able to talk to Jared in private next session to really work more. He shook Shay's hand and then Jareds, leaving him with a "Think over what I said. Not just this session, either" Jared nodded with a small grimace and guided them out of the office, drawing in a deep breath as the fresh air hit him.
"That was fun.." The sarcasm dripped off of his voice and he sighed, glancing at Shay. Shay looked over at Jared, giving a small smile as she reached over and squeezed his arm. She moved her hand off of him as Rhett cleared his throat. She nodded as he said that Jared and Lucy needed someone between them. “She has other friends, once she isn’t up yet.  It wouldn’t hurt to have another person.” She spoke up. She never really spoke her mind, something she regretted in the past since it always felt like she let Lucy get between them. She sat there quietly as the two talked and then got up and shook Rhett’s hand. She followed him outside. “It was fun.” She laughed.
"We should do that every week. Twice a week. Next time we'll talk about all of the mortifying things from my childhood years." Jared laughed along with her, shaking his head slightly and sighing, running his mind back over Rhett's words. "He wants me to tell you about what we're pretty sure happened with Lucy, and my.. you know, complete breakdown. I don't think it matters, or.. that it'll change anything. Because what happened, happened but.. yeah." He cleared his throat and started walking back towards where he'd parked. "You need something to drink?" He motioned to a little coffee shop. "They've got smoothies and all that too" “Sounds like a plan! Make the appointment next time your there.” She said, nudging his side. She crossed her arms over her chest. She pursed her lips at his words, thinking it over for a second. “I think that’s a good idea. We can talk about it whenever, doesn’t have to be today.” She didn’t want to push him, but she also would love to know why that happened. “Sure.” She said, mainly not wanting to go separate ways yet He nodded and headed in, ordering himself another coffee and letting her order before paying and settling down in a booth to the side with his cup. He waited a few moments before sighing and starting. "He thinks I just didn't heal right after everything.. That seeing her, thinking she was dead the first time did something to me and it's just been festering since. I don't remember a lot of the time away from you.. you know, in that time" He looked out the window, fingers tapping against the edge of the cup. "He thinks something she said or did, maybe even just me going to Aspen at all, but something in my brain snapped me back to a few years ago, when it all started., it was why it was so easy to be with her.. so easy to ignore you. Because back then it's what happened." He shrugged a bit, finally glancing back at her just briefly before looking to the coffee before him. Shay ordered herself a small smoothie and then sat down across from Jared. Her fingers tapped against the cup as he started talking. “Makes sense… I was wondering how you could drop me as fast as you did. Or go back to her after I asked countless times if you were done with her.” She took a sip from her smoothie. “Last time I talked to lucy, I told her if she didn’t fuck herself in front of you, you probably wouldn’t have fucked her… I think that, and her being suicidal had a lot to do with it… and when Lucy wants something, she doesn’t know how to let it go or let the person go. It’s like she’s obsessed with you and she can’t let go of the past.” He nodded his head slowly, cringing just slightly at the words and the reminder of how things went down with Lucy. "Yeah... I don't know. It's all a big mess, I guess. I just.... I don't know how to not feel guilty. To feel responsible. I've had countless people, even therapists over the years, tell me that nothing Lucy ever does will be my fault.. And yet I just can't shake the idea that one day I'll have to tell Sammy I didn't do everything I could think of to keep her alive.." Not that it was much of a problem then, it seemed like Lucy just wanted to push until he broke and spiraled so she could get better.
“It’s not your fault, Jared. You’ll never have to tel Sammy you didn’t do everything you could. Becuse you already went over that line.” She pointed out.
He sighed a bit and nodded. "Yeah. I know.. I know.." He took a drink from his coffee and leaned back in the chair. "I'm working on getting through that. I thought I was good for awhile.. that she didn't really impact me. Clearly I was wrong.. and it made me impact you.. which I never wanted to do"
"Easy to ignore how she impacted you. Went through a lot when you found her when she last attempted... And then going to Aspen, not knowing how it would end... If she would go through with out..." She said softly. It made sense that everything impacted him, even if he didn't realize it. "I do hope that you're able to work through it all... get better for your own mental health."
"Yeah well...we've apparently hit the point where it's either get better or die." Which sounded harsh, and dramatic. But damn was it true. If he didn't take care of whatever it was that was hurting him, it would no doubt drag him down further and further until he wasn't even alive. "I'm working through it.. I promise" He met her gaze, offering a faint smile.
She frowned at his words, “and no one wants you to die Jared. I don’t.” She said lowly. In that moment, she wanted to tell him about the baby she was pregnant with. But she couldn’t, not yet. It was obvious he still working through things. And he had to get better for himself, not just for his kids. They talked for a few more minutes, and then went their separate ways after they finished their coffee and smoothie.
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grimsae · 5 years
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This is so stupid and was literally the caption I thought of when I took this screenshot last night. I’m sorry, carry on with your simming🌝
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shrubberylogistic · 4 years
Girl in the Mirror
The girl in the mirror wasn’t always this happy. You used to labour to make her feel like she wasn’t good enough – for you, for anyone, really. Endless hours in the gym, carb cuts, skipped meals, a thigh gap – it feels so far away now. Back from work, you skip into your room, tub of ice cream in hand, slurping as you tumble into bed. 
God – the mattress springs sound so delighted to see you. Don’t they? 
 You ham it up. Another spoonful slips through your greedy lips. You’re getting huge. You giggle. bucking your hips, smirking through the squeaking. You stretch your legs to the ceiling, then let them flop with a squish on the covers, feeling your figure quiver in places it never used to before. You glance at the mirror. Abs, traps, all those stacks of muscle? They’re all gone. It’s just pure chub now. Hard angles dulled by five months of letting loose, and eating whatever you want to. Your reflection beams back as you suck on the spoonful of cookies and cream.  All you see is a girl who’s stuffed her way out of control.  
 Your smile grows placid. You lay still when you realise this is what people saw when you got up for second helpings at lunch today. Your widening waistline. Thighs that brushed. A softer face, smiling between mouthfuls of succulent turkey and mash while your stomach grew fuller, and firmer.    
 Fatter. That’s what you are. That’s what your becoming. Larger and wider, and meatier, and heavier. Your pupils bulge. Your breathing quickens.  
 Clothes. They need to go. You sit up, tummy bunching and bulging as you shimmy and strip. The warm sensation races to a peak. You pick off your buttons, ping off your bra, unclasp and unzip. Unnfff... that feels better. You roll onto your side, letting the fifty pounds you’d put on shift freely. Your breasts pool, and your belly lolls, puffing over on the mattress with a soft thud.   
You see the rolls in your reflection. You whimper. You need to capture this moment. 
You reach a hand for your phone... 
  The girl on camera wasn’t always this indulgent. You were sneaky, at first – a snack beneath the desk here, a palmed handful of chocolates there. A slick wardrobe adjustment kept your boss guessing – but it was barely a couple of weeks before another change became necessary. Then another. And another... 
First the skinny jeans wouldn’t button. Then your cleavage pushed out of your shirt. Buttons gapped. Blouses strained. You kept eating. You began to fall out of your bras. Bands buckled to the pressure of your back rolls. You upped your portions. Your arms pinched in your tees, and your panties shot up your butt cheeks as you gained, and grew. Extended breakfasts never stopped being a thing when double lunches became a reality, and it was to no-one's surprise that your body was looking more and more resemblant of calorie intake you were choosing to pursue. 
Three times the recommended allowance – means it’s three times as good for you, right? 
 You could feel the stares as you took up more and more space. A flurry of ripped stitches - followed a string of awkward excuses - didn’t do much to butter your co-workers' image of that towering athlete you used to be. You stayed frozen to your chair, fingers clasped on the pooch of your stomach, trying to restrict the wave of pleasure, trying to stimmy the pitiful stares with your smile as someone picked up the fork you’d dropped, and returned it to the plate for you. Of course you needed the help. You’d swollen up another seventy pounds. A fat girl like you, bending under your desk like that? What did you expect?  
 You nodded when someone offered to fetch the clothes you’d left in your car – but in the aftershock, forgot what a mess the interior was in when you handed over the keys. What little social cred you might’ve saved – in not having to waddle to the parking lot with your hands clasped over the massive tear down your swollen caboose – was blasted by the look on your friend’s face on her return, maxi dress in hand. Her eyes told the story. You could practically pick out the images burned on her retinae – back seats blemishing under a carpet of bust, greasy boxes and bags of fast food, nearly fit to spill from the windows. You told yourself you were going to clean it up, sometime. But that was then, and this is now. 
They watched you double to the bathroom to change, and forced a smile when you slunk red-faced back to your chair, pretending to work through their hushed whispers, watching you pick through the last few crusts of the pizza you’d nonchalantly devoured. That switch from skinny jeans to elasticated waistbands? It was going to be permanent. You knew, and they knew. You had no-one left to kid.  
You’re a fat girl now. And you’re still getting fatter. 
 The pile of trash in your car got higher as the weeks wore on. Propped up on your plumpening ass, you swiped through your pictures in a blaze of gluttony and bliss, your other hand fumbling through your second box of fries. Your hunger couldn’t last the homeward drive. You had to eat. 
You turned your phone. Another smile, another picture of your mouth closing round another fistful of salty goodness. You laughed. It’s like you were never more than an arm’s length from something delicious all of a sudden. And you had the pictures to prove it. 
You munch. You chew. You thumb through your forum. You load up the image.  
The world needs to know what you’ve done to yourself. And they’d better believe what you’re about to do. 
You hit enter... 
  The girl online wasn’t always this lazy. You’d feasted and gorged, and bulky, squeezy softness piled on with attitude. Another eighty pounds. It came with a hefty price tag. You couldn’t force a trip up the stairs any more – not without sweating up your blouse. Hills became hellish, and hikes were out of the question. Even a trip to the store was rendering you out of breath. 
 Soon the slightest physical exertion left you achy and sore. It was just easier not to bother. Everything was available through your computer anyway. Films, games, stretchier clothes. And food. Lots of food. You’d even given away your DoorDash details. No more hassle of having to order and pay for stuff yourself, all you had to do now was laze around and wait. And waddle to the door. 
Mmmm. That time again? 
 The bell rings. You wrestle your hips out of your chair. The bell rings once more, and you plod to the door. Your belly hangs loose from your shirt, the swathe of pudge slapping your thighs. Grinning, you pull out your leggings and funnel in handfuls of softness, tugging the band up to your belly button and letting it go with a snap on your sensitive skin.  
 The buzz settles deep below as the pale flesh turns pinker. You’re finding yourself covered in little red marks, all of a sudden. The clinch of the armrests on your love handles. The bruise where your butt met the table’s edge. The rubbing of the rolls under your arms. The stretchmarks waxing and waning on your every tender inch. You smile. Everything’s leaving an impression. Furniture to shift, seams to let out, creams and lotions to apply. The world’s going to have to learn to handle the even bigger you.  
You open the door. 
 Two raised eyebrows send torrid shivers straight down to your stomach. You pause before you smile. You don’t often feel the urge to make yourself decent at home any more – most of the delivery drivers have seen you by now anyway. But not this one. He’s new. He’s hardly out of his teens.  
And he’s trying so hard not to stare at your tits.  
 You smirk, relaxing your shoulders. Lucky him, arriving before the bra you ordered last weekend. And you could swear you’ve grown since. You find yourself blushing. 
But he’s almost crimson. 
You lower your voice as you say hello, tossing your hair from your shoulders. Your shirt rides up a little on your jelly roll. He chokes on his greeting. You smirk some more. You’ve got him wrapped as tight as the rings round your fingers.  
But you can’t wait much longer. The pizza smells exquisite. You lick your lips, push a tip into his barely receptive grasp, and take the box before he can drop it on the floor. You give your thanks. He mumbles his. He’s rooted to the spot as you roll your hips, nudging the door shut, granting him the split-second view of how much your leggings are straining to hold your ass. 
Words spin as you stop, hearing him stumble back down the corridor. Next time he’ll see a little more of me, you wonder to yourself. And then a little more. And a little more... 
Your mouth is open. You’re nearly in delirium as you stagger back to your chair. You’re burning with a desire to be filled. What has gaining all this weight done to you?  
 Your brow warms, your breaths grow deeper and quicker. You plunge your swelling sides into your armrests, squirming and grinding, resting your heels, setting the box on your belly, groaning with the wheels as your flab jiggles and shakes. You lean back. You smack your lips. Pizza time. 
You break it open in frenzied, gluttonous glee. You seize the first slice, anticipation bubbling on the tip of your tongue. But a glint catches your eye, and you cast a longing gaze across to the corner of your room.  
 The girl in the mirror wasn’t always this obese. She didn’t have such a huge stomach. She didn’t need a seatbelt extender. She didn’t need to breathe in to see the numbers on the scale.  
But she’d never looked so breathtaking to you before. 
And she’d never been so hungry, either... 
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lacuna-lunax · 14 days
Well well well…
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
220 Yoghurt
Fulfil Chocolate Hazelnut Whip Flavour Vitamin & Protein Bar
M&M’s Peanut
Sat 1168 - 2 Fizz
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Cookie
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat Free Southern Style Tasty Bites
220 yoghurt
Fulfil Peanut Butter Chocolate Flavour Vitamin & Protein Bar
Cadbury Dairy Milk Giant Buttons
Sun 1149 - 2 Fizz
Grenade Carb Killa Oreo White
Monster Energy Ultra Gold
Fridge Raiders Meat Free Southern Style Tasty Bites
Peach Passionfruit Yoghurt
FULFIL Chocolate Salted Caramel Vitamin & Protein Bar
Galaxy Minstrels Milk Chocolate Buttons
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel
Monster Energy Ultra Rosa
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
220 Yoghurt
Barebells Protein Bar Cookies & Cream
Cadbury Dairy Milk Orange Chocolate Giant Buttons
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
220 Yoghurt
Maxi Nutrition Filled Creamy Core Chocolate Cookie & Milk Protein Bar
Cadbury Bitsa Wispa
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Salted Peanut
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Peach Passionfruit Yoghurt
Barebells Salted Peanut Caramel Soft Protein Bar
Cadbury Dairy Milk Buttons Twisted
Grenade Carb Killa Fudged Up
Monster Energy Ultra Rosa
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
220 Yoghurt
Maxi Nutrition Filled Creamy Core Peanut Caramel Protein Bar
Cadbury White Giant Buttons
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Cookie
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Raspberry Yoghurt
Barebells Coco Choco Soft Protein Bar
Cadbury Caramilk Golden Caramel Chocolate Buttons
0 notes
maxiketo-blog · 4 years
Maxi Keto [4 Reason to AVOID] Read Side Effects & Reviews
The Maxi Keto is an improvement that will be conveyed with the Maxi Keto. The update contains the Beta-hydroxybutyrate, which goes about as a motivation in impelling the system of retention of ketosis. Hence, this desires your body to quickly get into the condition of ketosis.
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Further, the five star Garcinia Cambogia separate present in the Maxi Keto is reasonable in lessening your hankering for different desires. Thusly, you will have the choice to continue with your Maxi Keto with no shirking to the longing for carbs. As time goes on, this changes into a one of its sort supplement which produces massive outcomes in obliged time when showed up distinctively corresponding to other comparative updates in the market.
All the segments of the Maxi Keto are totally gotten from brand name things. Here are the essential segments of the Maxi Keto:
BHB is an in a split second absorbable substance and is found in the thing essentially as calcium, magnesium, and sodium. All the ketones to the body are given by the BHB. From the beginning, the liver retains the BHB in a short second, which accomplishes the concise consuming Maxi Keto of fats or the technique of ketosis. As time goes on, this outcomes in the improvement of osmosis in your body and causes you to feel revived for the whole day. In addition, it comparably Maxi Keto redesigns academic cutoff, center, and memory what's more aides in boosting the working of the mind.
Premium Garcinia Cambogia Extract.
The concentrate of Garcinia Cambogia is the second most essential fragment in the Maxi Keto. It is a tamarind-like standard thing which is commonly collected in South East Asia. The fixing is commonly known for its interesting attributes. Hydroxy Critic Acid or HCA is open in the part, which accomplishes the eating up of unbelievable fats present in the body. Its blend in with the BHB is the thing that causes you continue for quite a while keeping up the Maxi Keto. With everything taken into account, it is moreover subject for lessening your hankering for sugar rich types of food and, finally, acknowledges controlling your craving.
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How accomplishes Maxi Keto work?
From the beginning, your gut gets piled up with ketones, which is discharged by the Maxi Keto improvement when you utilize your eating routine with the redesign. The eating routine depends upon a viable ingestion recipe, which is answerable for boosting the metabolic strategy by clearing a path for ketones to fill your liver.
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