#maternity yoga classes
tyccommunicationblog · 6 months
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Preparing for Labour and Delivery: Lessons from Childbirth Education Classes 
Pregnancy is a transformative journey that brings immense joy and anticipation, accompanied by the natural apprehension of the impending labor and delivery. As expectant parents embark on this thrilling yet challenging adventure, there is a growing realization that understanding the intricacies of childbirth is vital. One invaluable resource that empowers parents with knowledge and confidence is childbirth education classes.
 Importance of Childbirth Education Classes
Childbirth education classes serve as comprehensive guides, demystifying the stages of labor, pain management options, and the intricacies of postpartum care. By fostering a deeper understanding of the birthing process, these classes not only alleviate anxiety but also empower expectant parents to actively participate in the decisions surrounding their labor and delivery.
 Physical Preparedness through Pregnancy Fitness Classes
In conjunction with childbirth education classes, the significance of physical preparedness cannot be overstated. Pregnancy fitness classes play a crucial role in enhancing the expectant mother's physical strength and endurance. Tailored exercises not only promote overall well-being but also contribute to a smoother labor experience. From gentle yoga to low-impact aerobics, these classes provide a holistic approach to maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
 Creating a Birth Plan: A Personalized Approach
One of the key takeaways from childbirth education classes is the creation of a personalized birth plan. These plans serve as roadmaps, outlining preferences for labor, pain management, and postpartum care. Through guided discussions and expert insights, expectant parents can make informed decisions that align with their values and desires, fostering a sense of control and ownership over their birthing experience.
Partner Involvement: A Pillar of Support
Childbirth education classes emphasize the crucial role partners play during labor and delivery. By understanding the various stages of labor and learning effective support techniques, partners become integral pillars of support for the laboring mother. This active involvement strengthens the bond between partners and fosters a sense of teamwork, creating a positive and supportive birthing environment.
Postpartum Preparedness: Beyond Labor
Childbirth education classes extend their focus beyond labor and delivery to encompass postpartum preparedness. Discussions on breastfeeding, newborn care, and emotional well-being equip expectant parents with the tools needed to navigate the initial days and weeks of parenthood. This holistic approach ensures a smoother transition into the challenges and joys of raising a newborn.
Furthermore, in pregnancy education and support, services like "Mom's Preg-Ladder" stand out as pioneers. With a commitment to providing comprehensive childbirth and pregnancy fitness classes, Mom's Preg-Ladder has become a trusted ally for expectant parents. Their expert instructors and personalized approach ensure that each family receives tailored guidance, enhancing the overall pregnancy and childbirth experience.
Moreover, as the journey of pregnancy unfolds, the lessons learned from childbirth education classes become invaluable tools for expectant parents. The combination of understanding the birthing process, maintaining physical well-being through pregnancy fitness classes, and creating personalized birth plans culminates in a holistic approach to childbirth. 
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digiahmer · 1 year
Top 10 Tips for Practicing Yoga While Pregnant
If you’re expecting a baby, you may be wondering how to incorporate yoga into your pregnancy. Practicing yoga during pregnancy has many benefits - it can help to reduce stress and boost energy levels, as well as improve strength and flexibility. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top 10 tips for practicing yoga while pregnant, so you can make the most of your prenatal yoga practice.
1) Get the all-clear from your GP before you start
It's important to check with your GP or midwife before beginning any exercise routine while pregnant, especially when it comes to yoga. This is because the postures and breathing exercises that makeup yoga can have different effects depending on the individual. Having a medical professional's opinion will ensure you're engaging in safe, beneficial practices. Speak to your healthcare provider about any potential risks so you can make an informed decision about practicing yoga during pregnancy.
2) Join a class led by a qualified teacher
Attending a yoga class led by a qualified instructor is one of the best ways to practice yoga safely during pregnancy. A good instructor can show you how to modify poses and make sure that your practice is tailored to the changes happening in your body. An experienced yoga instructor will know what is safe and beneficial for pregnant women and can make adjustments to the class accordingly. Practicing with an experienced instructor will also help to keep you motivated, encouraged and supported throughout your pregnancy.
3) Listen to your body
Prenatal yoga classes are a great way to learn which poses are safe during pregnancy. While practicing yoga, be sure to pay attention to your body's cues. If a pose is causing discomfort or pain, stop immediately and adjust your position or switch to a different pose. When listening to your body, it's best to opt for gentler movements and take regular breaks. Avoid holding poses for too long, as this can increase your risk of injury. Finally, ensure that you get the all-clear from your doctor before starting any prenatal yoga classes.
4) Drink plenty of water
Staying hydrated is especially important when practicing yoga during pregnancy. Make sure to drink water before, during and after your practice to keep yourself hydrated. Avoid caffeinated drinks and sugary juices as they can contribute to dehydration. Keeping a bottle of water on hand and sipping throughout your practice can help ensure that you stay hydrated throughout your session.
5) Avoid hot yoga
When practicing yoga during pregnancy, it's important to avoid hot yoga or any class with high temperatures. Pregnant women are more sensitive to heat and can overheat quickly, which can cause problems for the baby. Instead, opt for classes in a well-ventilated space with a comfortable temperature that won't cause you to sweat too much. This will help keep you and your baby safe and comfortable while you practice.
6) Don't push yourself
If you're new to yoga, or pregnant, it's important to take things slowly and not push yourself too hard. Modify poses as necessary, and listen to your body
7) Modify poses as necessary
If a pose doesn't feel right, don't be afraid to modify it. Listen to your body and make whatever adjustments you need to in order to feel comfortable.
8) Use props
Props can be very helpful when practicing yoga during pregnancy. For example, using a yoga block can help you maintain proper alignment in certain poses.
9) Focus on your breath
Breathing is an important part of yoga, and it can be especially helpful during pregnancy. Taking deep, cleansing breaths can help you relax and focus.
10) Relax and enjoy!
Pregnancy is a time to relax and enjoy your body. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to do Advanced poses or to be perfect. Just focus on enjoying the experience and connecting with your baby.
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omkarayogaschool · 4 months
Elevate your yoga career with our Prenatal-Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Embrace the next level of expertise in a serene setting!
Visit at https://www.omkarayogaschool.com/prenatal-postnatal-yoga
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Nanami Baby Fever - (implied) black!reader x Nanami
When Nanami find out you two are gonna have a baby he is so happy.
This man cried and held you all night, he didn’t know he could get any happier. He is reading all the books, he’s taking classes to learn your hair type- EVERYTHING.
He’s a compulsive baby spender.
Saw a cute onesie, he bought it.
Stuffed animals? Bought it.
High chair? Bought it.
Anything that would have been bought for the baby shower, he most likely already got it.
This man said fuck working on the weekends, I need to be home with my partner and to see my baby (bump).
Nanami already pampers you but now, he’s straight up spoiling you. Anything you want you get. Heating pad, chair donut, yoga leggings, silk baby bonnet- if you so much as look at it, it will be bought.
You had to reel him in around the maternity leave since it was only him working now.
He would happy with whatever gender, he just wants a family. He is just so in love and excited to have a child. He is practically glued to you in the later months so the chances of him not being by you when you go in labor are low. He was with you every part of the delivery and held the baby while you slept.
The nurses thought they were gonna have to pry the baby out of his hands for the first bath.
Once your home he officially becomes Dad of the house. You and the baby are resting 24/7, no guest are permitted, just calm family time.
He says it’s because he wants to enjoy the quiet while you have it but really he isn’t ready to share his baby with the rest of the world.
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flowersandbigteeth · 4 months
What’s being pregnant with most of your OCs like? Who’s super gentle, attentive, protective, etc?
Also if you feel like answering, who is wanting or reluctant to take pregnancy glamor shots of us?
This is an entirely random selection of characters 。:゚゚(´∀`)・。 just whatever came to mind
When I read this the first one that came to mind is Vylkas who is chaotic evil : he will murder anyone who looks at you, rubs your belly, makes any lame pregnancy jokes, or doesn't get up so you can sit down on the subway. It is his way. He would be more reluctant to take pictures because nobody gets to see your cute belly but him! If you insist, he would probably secretly murder the photographer afterwards, tbh
Idreod is deeply confused. He has no idea what to do with all of the love bubbling inside of him, which will express itself in extreme protectiveness. He will glare at anyone who looks at you and carry you around because he's convinced your feet might hurt or someone might bump into you, even if they don't. He will also be the one you catch silently staring at you from across the room with tears in his eyes. If you were able, he might actually take you back to your home planet for safety.
Pretty much all of the Orcs will be doting and protective, but mostly doting. You want a certain food? They are out climbing mountains, threatening shopkeepers, and doing whatever else it takes to cure your cravings. They're buying piles of maternity clothes so you feel comfortable and lots of little accessories like slippers, face masks, and headbands.
Hugo will be deeply, deeply turned on. Your tummy filled with his baby melts his brain, sending him lusting after you. Hugo is the pregnancy glamor shot guy ^_^ There will be photoshoots for every stage of pregnancy
Chase will enjoy all of the baby stuff-- painting the nursery, the pregnancy classes, ultrasounds. He will be there on time and ready to participate. He would also like pregnancy photos
Kostas would be so very, very proud of you. His little darling carrying his big baby would just drench his heart in warm fuzzies. He would very carefully research human pregnancy and try to supply all of the necessary equipment. He'd be extremely patient with your moods, as well.
Nasos would be utterly bewildered and confused, as if this wasn't a natural product of having sex. He would probably buy a ton of stuff, only about half of it actually useful and run around in a somewhat panicked state calling Kostas for advice every time something he didn't expect happens.
Severin and Cedar would be the most hands off outwardly, because they are proud of how strong and independent you are. There would be a lot more sneaking behind your back so stuff you need or want "magically appears" when and where you need it. When they get you alone though, everything would switch and they would be very eager to rub lotion on your belly and massage your ankles.
Heath would be extremely encouraging, helping you get your steps in and teach you different yoga exercises and breathing techniques. He would also be the one who brags the most about your pregnancy. At the shop, he would be keeping the little old ladies updated about the progress and how cute you look in all of your maternity clothes. He'd come home with all sorts of gifts and family secrets to help with morning sickness!
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trofysisters · 3 months
Петр продолжал одаривать свою ненаглядную любовью, но та подозревала, что он хочет быть не только с ней, и в девушке просыпалась ревность. (Peter continued to shower his beloved with love, but she suspected that he wanted to be not only with her, and jealousy awoke in the girl)
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Она даже устроилась на работу, чтобы Петр не посчитал ее обузой, но привыкнуть к новому режиму дня было трудно, и девушка то и дело опаздывала. Всё равно ей скоро в декрет, и работать не придется. (She even got a job so that Peter would not consider her a burden, but it was difficult to get used to the new daily routine, and the girl was late every now and then. Anyway, she will soon be on maternity leave and won’t have to work)
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Петр честно занимался хозяйством в свой выходной день, но вскоре заскучал и отправился в ночной клуб, где можно было встретить старых знакомых и завести новых. (Peter honestly did housework on his day off, but soon got bored and went to a nightclub, where he could meet old acquaintances and make new ones)
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В это время коварная соблазнительница искала новую жертву, а Петр сам был готов припасть к ее груди. (At this time, the insidious seductress was looking for a new victim, and Peter himself was ready to fall to her breast)
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Возлюбленная Петра настолько извела себя от ревности и беспокойства, что встречала его под утро на улице босой. А вдруг его рыжая соседка уведет? (Peter's beloved was so exhausted from jealousy and anxiety that she met him on the street barefoot in the morning. What if his red-haired neighbor takes him away?)
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Там же, на улице, у нее начались схватки, и на свет появилась девочка, которую счастливые родители назвали Полиной. (There, on the street, she began to have contractions, and a girl was born, whom the happy parents named Polina)
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Ревность возлюбленной Петра была не напрасной: рыжая соседка уже стреляла глазками в Петра, а он был не против пригласить ее на свидание. (The jealousy of Peter's beloved was not in vain: the red-haired neighbor was already shooting her eyes at Peter, and he was not against inviting her on a date)
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Но перст судьбы привел его в этот день в бассейн. (But the finger of fate led him to the pool that day)
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Несмотря на будний день, в бассейне было многолюдно, но Петр сумел сжечь лишние калории. (Despite it being a weekday, the pool was crowded, but Peter managed to burn off extra calories)
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А для душевного равновесия отправился в класс йоги, а в тренажерном зале собралась команда в красном. (And for peace of mind, he went to a yoga class, and the team in red gathered in the gym)
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Возлюбленная тем временем, сменив дочери подгузники, села смотреть телевизор. И это не просто пустое времяпрепровождение, передачи тоже учат многому новому. (Meanwhile, the beloved, having changed her daughter’s diapers, sat down to watch TV. And this is not just an empty pastime; programs can also teach a lot of new things)
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Петр занимался не только собой, но и малышкой. Он даже остался дома, а не вызвал няню, когда обнаружил, что его возлюбленная уехала на работу вместо заботы о ребенке. (Peter took care of not only himself, but also the baby. He even stayed home rather than call a nanny when he discovered that his lover had left for work instead of caring for the child)
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Can you do a series for nepo baby of how her pregnancies went. Like cravings, her attire, what emotions she went through, the birth(s), how Eddie handled it, something with Wayne and nepo baby’s parents involved. I really LOVE when pregnancy fics are in depth
so overall nepo baby had a pretty good pregnancy each time- obv she was pregnant six times lol. she's one of those people who say like they enjoyed being pregnant, and she meant that.
she was sick a little, but nothing horrendous, and tbh a lot of the reason she felt so well was she was pampered the entire time. prenatal massages weekly, she went to birthing classes, and did yoga and had a birth coach/ doula. she spared no expense, neither did her parents or eddie.
the worst was with vega bc it was unexpected and was considered a 'geriatric pregnancy' so she was a little more on edge. the symptoms hit her a little harder and she was on bed rest for a long while.
eddie was so enthralled watching her pregnancies, watching how she grew, feeling the babies grow and move, and just how every single pregnancy was different.
she had the biggest cravings with the twins, duh, and they were the weirdest. she craved halloween pumpkin reeses during her pregnancy, and eddie had to scour the earth for them- paying too much to get them, because the easter ones would not cut it!!! she doesn't eat a lot of processed food as a mom (she's one of those that is into organic and farm to table, not vegan or almond mom like extreme, just more so free from preservatives bc they're harmful) and tried her best during her pregnancy but she got the weirdest craving for cosmic brownies and cool ranch doritios... together, when she was pregnant with zarah. eddie's in heaven bc fuck yeah he loves those, but also... together???? doesn't dare question it bc her hormones still rage from time to time.
she's insatiably horny all through the pregnancy with persephone. more emotional and cries all the time with kensington (eddie swears thats why kensie is emotional). with the twins she's sick the majority of the time and swells a lot, but to eddie its a win because her boobs are huge. the third trimester is the worst with them and she's super tired but tries not to be bc she wants to be with her other babies, and eddie has to constantly tell her to slow down and take it easy. zarah she's got the weird cravings, but it's her best pregnancy. everything's easy and relaxed (just like zarah in general) and she's just glowing and happy and excited. then with vega her hormones are on level ten and she's all over the place, mood swings left and right, and eddie is thrown each time lol (we'd expect nothing less from the mini queen of chaos vega).
I hc on my last blog she'd do home births, just for more intimacy and privacy. I think the twins and vega would be in a private hospital, just because it's safer and they were more high risk. eddie was a wreck each time, just so nervous because he thinks it's "hippy california ways" to give birth at home and is against it, but she wants it so they compromise. he makes sure there's some medical person there to help, not just the doula because it makes him feel better.
I think she'd do the classic 90's all white maternity shoot. probably a naked one for eddie too bc he loves her like this, thinks she's sexy anytime but she'd also just like to document her body when she was pregnant with her babies.
farrah throws her a baby shower each time in malibu, and it's always with the theme of the babies birth flowers (they miscalculated with the twins since they came early-ish lol). eddie always gets the flowers pressed and preserved for her. it's very bright and pretty and classic... then there's corroded coffin in their black and leather lol. and she really wouldn't have it any other way because that's authentically eddie.
the nursery's are always very personal and classic, but baby nurseries. she wants bright colors and pretty things, child things that aren't tacky but aren't dull (no beige toy babies sorry).
eddie always has a rocking chair, but like one of those comfy ones, because he's very serious about skin to skin time. he likes to rock the babies to sleep in it, most of the time falling asleep with them on his chest.
I think for the first few months, they'd keep a bassinet in the room with them for the baby to sleep in bc it's easier and they're both a little scared.
the hospital outfit is always the same for every girl, a tiny white gown with pink frills that nepo baby actually wore coming home that her mother gave her. she at least gets a picture for her mom, and saves it.
I'm thinking of doing a full pregnancy fic (no smut or very minimal, it's not the center focus lol) of rockstar!eddie and nepo baby, but which pregnancy would you like to see???
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15 Questions For 15 Friends
@vhagar-balerion-meraxes @very-straight-blog @aegon-the-elder @liv-cole thank you for tagging me🤗
Are you named after anyone? Not exactly: the name I was given was my maternal granddad's favourite one (he died a few years before I was born).
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday.
Do you have kids? No.
What sport do you play / have played? Save the stuff I did for my PE classes, none (I used to be quite good at middle-distance running, though). I am more of a yoga/ballrom dancing girlie.
Do you use sarcasm? Yep, quite often. 
What's the first thing you notice about people? The way they look at people (the expression in their eyes).
What's your eye color? Short answer: green. Long answer: green background with a greyish-blue band on the outer rim and some specs that change color with time (they went from light yellow to amber to ochre, and judging by my mom's eyes next comes the color of rust and then one of dark chocolate).
Scary movies or happy endings? I choose happy endings but only because I have to choose. I love horror movies!
Any talents? - Does being very (scarily, according to some of my friends) good at planning, organizing, managing limited resources etc count?😂 Plus I often manage to calm down people who are freaking out (I even have an appropriate nickname which is also connected to my actual name). Also, looks like I am not bad at writing things (analytical stuff and a bit of poetry).
What are your hobbies? Reading, writing poetry, listening to music, watching TV shows and movies - and travelling, as much as I can.
Do you have any pets? Right now, no.
How tall are you? 5'3'' (160 cm).
Favorite subject in school? Tie betwen social studies and English (a foreigh language for me).
Dream job? Project manager in a company involved in doing something truly useful and important for people's everyday life.
Tagging (no pressure and sorry for the repeat tagging that's bound to happen😊) @dr-aegon @ladystarksneedle @guillermosfamiliar @thesunfyre4446 @mejcinta
@redrosesandcharmingsouls @sidraofthewildflowers @wolfdressedinlace @starfallsalyshightower @heretherebebookdragons
@starlitelwing @vipervixxen @worms-on-multiple-strings @troublesomesnitch @sylvancastor
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mystique-mansion · 1 month
bc a certain someone in my inbox persuaded me....
i walk by the same maternity yoga class every day. mostly young parents, gravid in their skin-tight yoga pants and tops
their curves, baby bumps, meaty thighs and leaky breasts... i cant help myself anymore. how dare these whores tempt me every day with how tasty their bate flesh looks? i sneak inside, and one by one i consume them. its hard getting past their fat asses, curves, huge baby bellies and matching tits. but with some help from a friend im able to gulp them alllll down, including the yoga trainer!
by the end im just a moaning, whimpering mess, stuck atop my writhing, lumpy belly that fills up the room... all those gravid frames, twitching and squirming and kicking...
i can feel a heat blossoming somewhere lower in my abdomen, and with a low rumble, it feels like weight is being shifted into my uterus. all those babies, taken from these scrumptious whores-turned-food and deposited into the womb of a father who will truly treat them right. starting with the best meal of their unborn lives~
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dylan-westwick · 6 months
character: Theo Bailey @theobailey
location: The Humming Bee Yoga Studios; December 18th
Maternity yoga had been something they'd been talking about doing basically throughout her whole pregnancy. Which meant nine months, but her doctor had said it was still good to try to do this and that the classes that were taught were meant for all trimesters. It didn't mean that right now she wasn't feeling some sort of pain. She'd woken up to the contractions that she'd been feeling for the past couple of weeks. It always stopped her for a moment, but she had gotten used to them now. She was walking a little slower this morning and she'd almost told Theo they should just skip out on it, but this little tradition that they had surrounding yoga made her sentimental so here she was. "I think we're going to have to help each other gettin' up from the floor and those yoga balls." She warned him with a small grin as she moved to take a hold of his hand, slowly trying to get the yoga ball and having a very hard time trying to lay out the mat she had only used once this year when she'd done goat yoga with Theo. "I think I'm gonna have to take it easy today...the babes are really havin' a rager right now." Dylan positioned herself on the ball and let out a sigh when she realized she'd be able to straddle it.
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tyccommunicationblog · 6 months
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Unveiling the Essential Role of Yoga for a Blissful Pregnancy Journey
Pregnancy is undoubtedly a miraculous journey, filled with joy, anticipation, and a myriad of changes. As a woman's body undergoes the incredible transformation of nurturing a new life, it becomes essential to prioritize both physical and mental well-being. Among the many options available, one practice stands out as a holistic approach to a smooth pregnancy journey - yoga. The ancient discipline of yoga not only provides physical benefits but also serves as a nurturing guide for emotional and spiritual well-being during this transformative period.
Physical benefits of prenatal yoga
Pregnancy brings about a series of physical changes, from the shifting of the body's centre of gravity to the stretching and expanding of various muscle groups. Engaging in yoga classes specifically designed for pregnant ladies can be immensely beneficial. Prenatal yoga helps in improving flexibility, maintaining a healthy weight, and enhancing posture. The gentle stretches and poses not only alleviate common pregnancy discomforts but also prepare the body for the rigours of childbirth.
Nurturing the mind and spirit
Pregnancy is not just a physical journey; it's a mental and emotional one as well. The hormonal changes and the anticipation of becoming a parent can create stress and anxiety. Maternity yoga classes offer a sanctuary for expectant mothers to connect with their inner selves. Through breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness, yoga provides a mental space to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and foster a positive outlook on impending motherhood.
Strengthening the bond with the baby
Yoga, with its emphasis on breath and presence, creates a unique opportunity for mothers to connect with their unborn babies. Prenatal yoga classes often incorporate practices that encourage this bond, fostering a sense of unity and harmony between the mother and the child. These moments of connection not only benefit the emotional well-being of the mother but can also contribute to a smoother birthing experience.
Moms Preg-Ladder: Nurturing Pregnancy Wellness
In the landscape of pregnancy health coaches, Moms Preg-Ladder stands out as a beacon of support for expectant mothers. Offering specialized yoga classes for pregnant ladies, Moms Preg-Ladder understands the unique needs of women during this transformative time. With a focus on physical fitness, mental well-being, and spiritual connection, their maternity yoga classes provide a holistic approach to support a smooth pregnancy journey.
Moms Preg-Ladder's services extend beyond the yoga mat, encompassing personalized guidance on nutrition, lifestyle, and emotional well-being. The pregnancy health coach at Moms Preg-Ladder is dedicated to empowering women with the tools and knowledge to navigate pregnancy with confidence and ease. Through their comprehensive approach, Moms Preg-Ladder aims to be a steadfast companion on the journey to motherhood.
The need for yoga to ensure a smooth pregnancy journey is undeniable. As an ancient practice that caters to the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of well-being, yoga, especially in specialized maternity yoga classes, emerges as a valuable companion for expectant mothers. Embracing yoga during pregnancy not only nurtures the body but also creates a space for emotional and spiritual growth, contributing to a positive and empowering birthing experience.
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citylighten · 1 year
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Tagged by @cinamun​ 
Some attention for Evie!
Are you named after anyone? “I was named after my maternal grandmother. Her name was Evelyn, but my mother shortened my name to just be Eve.”
When was the last time you cried? “I’m too embarrassed to say! But um, it was when I was rewatching a old Disney movie.” It was not getting cast as The White Swan
Do you have kids? “No.”
Do you use sarcasm? “I think I’m mostly direct, for better or worst...”
What’s the first thing you notice about people? "Um...visually...probably the way they dress. You can tell a lot about a person’s interest or lifestyle based on their fashion sense.”
What’s your eye color? “Brown.”
Scary movies or happy endings? “I don’t like scary movies, period! I like to watch movies that will put me in a good mood and will keep me in a good mood when they’re over.”
Any special talents? “I can dance well, but I wouldn’t say that’s a talent, a lot of hard work goes into dancing. Throughout my life there’s always been a few people who tell me I’m good at drawing, but I’m not nearly as good as I was in high school.”
Where were you born? "Willow Creek.”
What are your hobbies? “Dancing - which may sound cliché but it’s true, I really like to listen to music and come up with dance routines for them for fun. Journaling. Boxing...I’ve been pretty invested in a local yoga class too!”
Have you any pets? “No, but when I was a little girl my grandmother owned a black and white Cocker Spaniel named Checkers! He was so sweet, and lived for a long time, too.”
What sports do you play/have played? "I remember playing volleyball in high school, but in recent time I haven’t done that.”
How tall are you? “5′4.”
Favorite subject in school? "Physical Education - but not in grade school, those kids didn’t know how to act.”
Dream job? “Um - I’m really honored to be one of the youngest company members at the Newcrest Dance Company, so this is technically my dream job.”
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pregtboy · 1 year
Boy carrying a bunch of babies proudly waddles into a maternity yoga class, slapping his tight belly so all the other boys and girls can hear how taut it is, just short of literally rubbing it in their faces, etc.
yess yoga class is such a good setting, the tight revealing clothes, the poses that really show off those jiggling curves... the boy comes into class with a too-small sports bra and booty shorts on and sets his mat up near the front of the room by the instructor so all eyes are sure to be on him, just how he likes it- only problem is the size of his belly prevents him from doing most of the poses but he'll be damned if he doesn't try anyway
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By: Christopher F. Rufo
Published: Apr 17, 2024
Katherine Maher has a golden résumé, with stints and affiliations at UNICEF, the Atlantic Council, the World Economic Forum, the State Department, Stanford University, and the Council on Foreign Relations. She was chief executive officer and executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation. And, as of last month, she is CEO of National Public Radio.
Mere weeks into this new role, Maher has stepped into controversy. Long-time NPR senior editor Uri Berliner published a scathing indictment of the self-professed “public” media service’s ideological capture. Rather than address the substance of these criticisms—which will ring true to anyone who has listened to NPR over the past decade—Maher punished Berliner with a five-day unpaid suspension. (Berliner announced his resignation from NPR earlier today.)
But Maher has another problem: her archive of 29,400 tweets.
I have spent the past few days exploring Maher’s prolific history on social media, which she seems to have used as a private diary, narrating her every thought, emotion, meeting, and political opinion in real-time. This archive is a collection of her statements, but at a deeper level, it provides a window into the soul of a uniquely American archetype: the affluent, white, female liberal—many of whom now sit atop our elite institutions.
What you notice first about Maher’s public speech are the buzzwords and phrases: “structural privilege,” “epistemic emergency,” “transit justice,” “non-binary people,” “late-stage capitalism,” “cis white mobility privilege,” “the politics of representation,” “folx.” She supported Black Lives Matter from its earliest days. She compares driving cars with smoking cigarettes. She is very concerned about “toxic masculinity.”
On every topic, Maher adopts the fashionable language of left-wing academic theory and uses it as social currency, even when her efforts veer into self-parody. She never explains, never provides new interpretation—she just repeats the phrases, in search of affirmation and, when the time is right, a promotion.
Maher understands the game: America’s elite institutions reward loyalty to the narrative. Those who repeat the words move up; those who don’t move out.
Next, you notice the partisanship. Maher was “excited” about Elizabeth Warren in 2012. She “just [couldn’t] wait to vote” for Hillary in 2016. She once had a dream about “sampling and comparing nuts and baklava on roadside stands” with Kamala Harris. She worked to “get out the vote” in Arizona for Joe Biden but slightly resented being called a “Biden supporter”; for her, it was simply a matter of being a “supporter of human rights, dignity, and justice.”
Donald Trump, on the other hand, is a “deranged racist sociopath.”
If you read Maher’s tweets closely, you also get glimpses of the human being. She spent much of her time in airports, taxis, meetings, and conferences. She expressed anger over the fact that most first-class flyers were white men, then noted that she went straight “to the back of the bus.” In her thirties, unmarried and without children, she felt the need to explain that “the planet is literally burning” and that she could not, in good conscience, “bring a child into a warming world.”
Behind the frenetic activity and the moral posturing, you wonder. Maher once posted her daily routine, which involved yoga, iced coffee, back-to-back meetings, and Zoom-based psychotherapy. She resented being served maternity advertisements on Instagram, she said. She was not “currently in the market for a baby” and would not be “tending her ovaries” according to the dictates of American capitalism. 
Americans, even CEOs, are entitled to their opinions and to their own life decisions, of course. But the personal and psychological elements that suffuse Maher’s public persona seem to lead to political conclusions that are, certainly, worthy of public criticism.
The most troubling of these conclusions is her support for radically narrowing the range of acceptable opinions. In 2020, she argued that the New York Times should not have published Senator Tom Cotton’s op-ed, “Send in the Troops,” during the George Floyd riots. In 2021, she celebrated the banishment of then-president Donald Trump from social media, writing: “Must be satisfying to deplatform fascists. Even more satisfying? Not platforming them in the first place.”
As CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation, Maher made censorship a critical part of her policy, under the guise of fighting “disinformation.” In a speech to the Atlantic Council, an organization with extensive ties to U.S. intelligence services, she explained that she “took a very active approach to disinformation,” coordinated censorship “through conversations with government,” and suppressed dissenting opinions related to the pandemic and the 2020 election.
In that same speech, Maher said that, in relation to the fight against disinformation, the “the number one challenge here that we see is, of course, the First Amendment in the United States.” These speech protections, Maher continued, make it “a little bit tricky” to suppress “bad information” and “the influence peddlers who have made a real market economy around it.”
Maher’s general policy at Wikipedia, she tweeted, was to support efforts to “eliminate racist, misogynist, transphobic, and other forms of discriminatory content”—which, under current left-wing definitions, could include almost anything to the right of Joe Biden.
The new CEO of NPR, then, is a left-wing ideologue who supports wide-scale censorship and considers the First Amendment an impediment to her campaign to sanitize the world of wrong opinions.
Maher is no aberration. She is part of a rising cohort of affluent, left-wing, female managers who dominate the departments of university administration, human resources, and DEI. They are the matriarchs of the American Longhouse: they value safety over liberty, censorship over debate, and relativism over truth.
Each social gambit is designed for smothering the institution in ideology. Maher says that she knows “that hysteric white woman voice.” She has “done it.” And while she might not be proud of it—she is aware that she has “a big fat privilege pass”—she is willing to do what it takes to move the dictates of conventional left-wing opinion into a position of domination.
It didn’t begin at NPR, and it won’t end there.
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The First Amendment being viewed as an impediment to what she wants to do, is not a good look for the CEO of a publicly (i.e. government, i.e. taxpayer) funded broadcaster.
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thegifts · 1 month
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Title: Celebrating Mother's Day: Honoring Moms Everywhere
Introduction: Mother's Day is a special occasion dedicated to honoring and celebrating the incredible mothers in our lives. Whether it's your own mom, a mother figure, or a mom-to-be, this day is a time to show appreciation for their love, sacrifices, and unwavering support. In this blog post, we'll explore heartfelt messages, gift ideas, and ways to make Mother's Day memorable.
Heartfelt Messages:
Share touching quotes, poems, or personal messages that express gratitude and love for moms.
Highlight the importance of maternal bonds and the impact mothers have on our lives.
Gift Ideas:
Create gift guides for different types of moms, such as:
The Creative Mom: DIY craft kits, art supplies, or personalized handmade gifts.
The Foodie Mom: Gourmet cooking ingredients, kitchen gadgets, or a cooking class experience.
The Wellness Mom: Spa gift baskets, essential oils, or a yoga retreat.
Include budget-friendly options and luxurious splurges to cater to all readers.
DIY Projects:
Provide step-by-step instructions for creating homemade gifts, such as:
Customized photo frames or albums.
Hand-painted mugs or tea sets.
Scented candles or bath bombs.
Emphasize the thoughtfulness and personal touch of DIY gifts.
Motherhood Stories:
Share personal anecdotes or guest contributions about memorable moments with moms.
Include stories of strength, resilience, and the unique bond between mothers and their children.
Feature delicious recipes that are perfect for Mother's Day brunch or dinner, such as:
Heart-shaped pancakes with fresh berries.
Roast chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables.
Decadent chocolate desserts for a sweet treat.
Celebrating Moms-to-Be:
Offer ideas for celebrating expectant mothers, such as maternity photoshoots, baby shower themes, or pampering gifts.
Highlight the joys and challenges of pregnancy, emphasizing the importance of support and love during this special time.
Conclusion: Mother's Day is not just a day for gifts; it's a day to honor, cherish, and celebrate the remarkable women who shape our lives. Whether it's a simple gesture of appreciation or a grand gesture of love, let's make this Mother's Day unforgettable for every mom, grandmother, aunt, and mother figure who enriches our world with their presence.
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 3 months
Mt lady loves the attention so she's always stuffed to her limits whenever she's doing hero work so people can fawn over this oh so brave mom!... You can't touch her belly.. I..it could harm the baby! In reality she's scared someone's hand sinks into her gut.. And then she'll probably get her reputation ruined..
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She was offered a spot in the hero associations maternity class for expecting heroes. If she refused she'd look guilty so she begrudgingly accepted.
Being surrounded by so many pregnant bellies and being forced to do various yoga, stretches and exercises definitely didn't come easy when she was backed up by deep fried lard burgers. One particular stretch had her almost blowing a hole in the back of her sweat stained yoga pants with a particular explosive fart. She was beyond embarrassed but everyone was so nice! Telling her it was natural and some extra gas was to be expected with all the excitement in her gut and the stretches loosening her up...
She almost couldn't believe it when she saw Miruko lean to the side and let one rip herself. It was all very casual as If they had seen someone so gassy before!
Now she's wondering If she should bight the bullet and try and get knocked up... Uwabami even invited her to participate in a maternity photoshoot!
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