#marine death
psyduckraidsagain · 1 year
Izu-Ogasawara snailfish tribute
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yergink · 8 months
no, but like. ed says "you don't get to say that to me" when stede is about to say "i love you" and like, stede does stop, and he pulls that SMOOTH fucking pivot, and we get that absolutely gorgeous romantic line of loving breathing the same air and everyone who was like "stede didn't know he was flirting and ed still fell for him, imagine how good he's gonna be when he does know he's flirting" was sooo right
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amirisqueer · 2 years
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OLD 2017/2018 ART
Marine Death
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spineless-lobster · 3 months
I think it’s cool that whale fall is a special term for a corpse. When we see roadkill we don’t call it “skunk fall”. There is a special kind of reverence in the surge of life that occurs after the death of a whale. I wonder if deep sea creatures, hidden from the warm touch of sunlight, are honoured to be able to feast on the rotting flesh of a fallen god
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conkreetmonkey · 2 months
nature is interesting
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firemenenthusiast · 2 years
i dont know how to describe this but please give tenoch huerta more feather jewellery for him to wear i dont care what type as long as theyre feather cuz it suits him ssoooo well like that one photoshoot where he wears that feathery earpiece LORD HAVE MERCY he looks so good
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with that, i rest my case
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wh40kartwork · 21 days
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Garro Vs Mortarion
by Alex Cristi
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flatw00ds · 3 months
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really important death guard doodle i forgot to post
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the-uncanny-dag · 9 months
Took me one look at this The Terror poster to know immediately exactly where it's from
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To be more specific, this illustration ties to this exact part of the poem:
And through the drifts the snowy clifts
Did send a dismal sheen:
Nor shapes of men nor beasts we ken--
The ice was all between.
The ice was here, the ice was there,
The ice was all around:
It cracked and growled, and roared and howled,
Like noises in a swound!
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oldschoolfrp · 2 months
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'Eavy Metal (White Dwarf 123, March 1990): "Personal heraldry for Space Marine officers and some variants of the traditional Marine colour schemes." This includes the original Death Eagle chapter in purple, white, and gold, and a rare sighting of a Grey Knight chapter member in regular Mk VI beaky armor. The "Night Lords Renegade Captain in Terminator Armour" is one of Jes Goodwin's "Traitor Terminators" from 1989.
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bs-fangirl · 8 months
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I was not expecting merman!Stede but I’m so here for it
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 19 days
Daily fish fact #754
Krøyer's deep sea anglerfish!
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The largest of the deep sea anglerfishes, females typically reach 77 cm (30.3 inches) but are able to grow up to 120 cm (47 inches)! Free-living males only hit 1.3 cm (0.5 inches), but upon attaching to a female and fusing onto her side, a mature male can grow in size to 16 cm (6.3 inches).
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yergink · 1 month
to me, the most telling line about izzy’s character comes from his deathbed speech. it’s when he tells ed that blackbeard was the both of them.
now, i am not operating under the assumption that this is true, but it’s important to note that izzy believes it is. and this specific belief being textually confirmed by canon explains so much about him.
the way izzy treats ed makes infinitely more sense to me when read through the idea that his imposition of toxic masculine ideals onto ed are a lot less about ed specifically and more about izzy’s view of the intersection between him, ed, and the idea of blackbeard—a figure who does not really exist in the way izzy perceives him.
the question of “why is izzy so obsessed with what ed does, anyway?” isn’t answered by love or loyalty grown out of a once-decent partnership turned sour, but by izzy’s near character-defining selfishness. because what he’s done is grafted his personal self-image and ambition onto ed’s back, and begun to scrutinize the two of them like they’re the same person, as if he has the right to do so, and he’s doing it under the curtain of his own hangups and biases.
this is why he sneers about how people need to call ed by “blackbeard” or “captain” in s1 in the same manner he sneeringly corrects his own name and title. because izzy sees them as equally disrespectful to him. and i maintain this is the same reason he takes credit for stabbing the portrait in 2x03—it’s instinct for him to defend ed’s image, because izzy sees a sleight against the image of blackbeard as a sleight against himself, too. because he believes himself to be a piece of the legend. if blackbeard seems a fool, then what does that say about his first mate?
we talk about ed viewing izzy as a father figure, but i haven’t seen much talk about the way izzy, like a toxic parent, is attempting to live vicariously through ed. i haven’t really seen any mention of how izzy’s outbursts over ed’s behavior feel so reminiscent of the way an insecure parent scolds their child because of what they imagine the way their child acts says about them.
ed himself matters much less to izzy than what the icon of ed-as-blackbeard stands for, and—more importantly—how it stands to benefit izzy.
we see in s1 that izzy makes a shit captain, but he revels in holding power over others (i was going to put a list of examples here to back up the point, but it got too long. view any ep of s1 with izzy in it for an example). if being blackbeard’s first mate is the best he’ll get, then he’ll claw onto that position with both hands.
him giving up that lust for power, humbling himself, and accepting community instead (in taking the unicorn leg when, up until then, he'd been very much rejecting any offer of help), is an important point of his arc, but you need to understand just how astronomically selfish izzy was beforehand to fully appreciate it.
bottom line, any reading of izzy that discounts how in s1 he’s an extremely “the king’s evil chancellor vying for the throne”-type character is maybe missing something.
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voxbelicosa · 9 months
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Traitor war council - some portrait sketches done for an upcoming local Horus Heresy campaign
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handlinepic · 3 months
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reineydraws · 5 months
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wanted: marine hunter takanome mihawk
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