#marina berth
35southmarina · 11 days
How Can You Save Money on Renting Marina Berth?
In some ports, not all of the moorings are measured by the marina accumulation. If you weren’t mindful, in some marinas, not all of the moorings are possessed by the marina group. This is pretty common in the Mediterranean, where the worker has the enterprise to run the marina for a number of years. They then vend Marina berths on rent for the extent of the franchise. It is ideal to find one of the best firms for a marina berth for rent.
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westernportmarina12 · 2 months
Dive into Sustainability Events at Western Port Marina
Looking for ways to make a positive impact on the environment while enjoying your time at Western Port?
Look no further! Western Port Marina is proud to host a series of sustainability events that not only promote eco-friendly practices but also enhance your experience in this beautiful coastal region.
Why Sustainability Matters:
Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a crucial aspect of preserving our natural resources for future generations.
At Western Port Marina, we understand the importance of sustainable practices, especially in a marine environment like Western Port.
By adopting sustainable measures, we aim to protect the delicate ecosystem while ensuring that everyone can continue to enjoy activities like fishing Western Port for years to come.
Exploring Sustainable Fishing Practices:
One of the highlights of our sustainability events is the focus on sustainable fishing practices.
Whether you’re a seasoned angler or just starting out, learning about sustainable fishing techniques can help minimize your impact on marine life and contribute to the conservation of fish stocks.
From catch-and-release programs to proper gear disposal, there are plenty of ways to fish responsibly in Western Port.
Engaging Community Initiatives:
At Western Port Marina, we believe in the power of community engagement.
That’s why our sustainability events aren’t just about educating individuals; they’re also about bringing the community together to take action.
Whether it’s participating in beach cleanups, attending informative workshops, or supporting local conservation efforts, there are numerous opportunities for residents and visitors alike to get involved and make a difference.
Educational Workshops and Seminars:
Knowledge is key when it comes to sustainability, which is why we host educational workshops and seminars as part of our events.
These sessions cover a wide range of topics, from marine conservation to eco-friendly boating practices.
By equipping participants with the information they need to make informed decisions, we empower them to become stewards of the environment.
Celebrating Eco-Friendly Innovation:
Innovation plays a crucial role in advancing sustainability efforts, and Western Port Marina is proud to showcase eco-friendly technologies and initiatives.
Whether it’s solar-powered facilities, waste management systems, or sustainable infrastructure, we’re constantly exploring new ways to reduce our environmental footprint and lead by example in the industry.
As stewards of Western Port’s natural beauty, Western Port Marina is committed to promoting sustainability through our events and initiatives.
By coming together as a community and embracing eco-friendly practices, we can ensure that Western Port remains a thriving ecosystem for generations to come.
Join us in our journey towards a greener, more sustainable future at Western Port Marina!
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shuteharbourmarina · 11 months
Whitsunday berths - Shute Harbour Marina
We provide premier Whitsunday berths at Shute Harbour Marina! Discover the ultimate boating experience amidst the breathtaking beauty of the Whitsunday Islands. Our berths offer secure and modern docking facilities for boats and yachts of all sizes. With easy access to the iconic Whitsunday attractions, you can embark on unforgettable maritime journeys. Our experienced team ensures your vessels are well taken care of, offering 24/7 security and top-notch services. Whether you need short-term mooring or long-term storage, we have flexible options to suit your requirements. Start your nautical adventure with us today! Learn more at ShuteHarbourMarina.com.
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trucenz · 1 year
The morning of the 13th of June, as soon as the marina office opened, I dropped off the gate pass and said my goodbyes.  Ten minutes later Truce was passing the breakwater heading out of the Marina.  I could not get away from Noumea fast enough.  I am sure New Caledonia is a wonderful place (many people say so) but to me Noumea is just a frustrating expensive place. Once out of the harbour a…
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nakheelmarinas · 2 years
Marina Berthing
Luxurious marinas nestled in tranquility at the heart of the iconic man-made island, Palm Jumeirah Marinas offer luxury yacht services and world class maritime facilities at one of the world’s largest islands and vibrant residential, tourism and leisure destination in Dubai. They offer 24 hour secure access to marina, six meter deep water access, no air daraf restrictions, ample large vessel manoeuvring water. Marina Berthing services includes:
Single phase to 3 phase power
Fresh water supply
High Speed Wi-Fi
24 hours CCTV surveillance
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classicalcanvas · 9 months
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Title: The Isle of Wight
Artist: Berthe Morisot
Date: 1875
Style: Impressionism
Genre: Marina
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emetoandotherthings · 10 months
Sailing Soc
A/N: @its-a-goddamn-heartbreak you wanted Cain... here's Cain! ❤️
         “Sailing?” Cain put his mug down on the counter and stared at Damian as though he’d grown an extra head. “Are you serious?”
         “Yeah,” Damian said; Cain searched his face as though he was waiting for him to say ‘only joking’.
         When he didn’t, Cain repeated: “Sailing?”
         “Well, yeah,” Damian was nodding. “I saw some sign up sheets for trials with the sailing soc, I thought – why not?” At the table beside them, Jesse snorted so hard he nearly choked on his cereal.
         “Sailing soc?” Jesse spluttered, wiping his mouth. “Oh my god, it’s finally happened.”
         “What?” Damian looked non-plussed as Cain and Jesse exchanging a glance.
         “All those toffs rubbing off on you,” Cain chuckled, then put on a posh accent. “Oh yah, we’re going on the yacht for a jaunt!”
         “Oh shut up!” Damian shoved Cain’s shoulder playfully. “No, I just thought it’d be something different, something outside! God knows you’ve had your head stuck in a book these past few weeks.”
         “You’re one to talk!” It was Cain’s turn to snort this time.
         “Come on,” Damian implored, staring pointedly at Cain. “It’s one afternoon, one taster session – some fresh air, the water, it’ll be fun!”
         “Oh alright,” Cain conceded. “Seeing as you’ve already signed me up!” Damian grinned.
         Cain still didn’t quite know why he agreed to this as he stood on the boardwalk with Damian and 5 others. He was doing it for Damian, who looked buoyantly excited. One of the guys, Isaac, from the sailing soc was handing them each a lifejacket as the other two guys and one girl from sailing soc had already clambered aboard the boat and were preparing it to sail.
         “Sailing is just – it’s everything!” Isaac was proclaiming enthusiastically; much to Damian’s chagrin Isaac did have exactly the posh English accent and attitude that Cain had imitated. “Hopefully this afternoon’ll let you see how joyous it is!”
         Joyous was not the word Cain would have used – he’d tried to hide the fact that his knees were shaking as he climbed aboard the boat, especially as Damian was grinning like an overly excited Labrador.
         “If you all sit there,” Isaac pointed to two indented benches on either side of the front of the boat, “we’re going to do all the work and you can get an idea of what it’s like to sail – we might even let you have a go when we’re properly out on the loch.”
         Cain wedged himself in between Damian and the edge of the white bench, almost immediately he felt wobbly and was glad for the metal railing which lined the edge of it. The boat had backed out of its berth in the marina and was beginning to slowly motor its way out towards the entrance of the loch.
         “Yah, I’ve already done my competent crew qualification,” the girl on the other side of Damian was telling him. “Daddy insisted I did it when I turned 16.”
         “Really?” Damian didn’t sound surprised. “This is my first time on a sail boat – me and Cain, thought we’d try something different.”
         “It’s not as hard as it looks,” she carried on, her voice loud against the wind that was whipping past them. “Not once you get the hang of it!”
         Cain refixed his grip on the railing and tried to take some deep breaths; it was only now that they’d pulled away that he realised how much he absolutely hated this. The boat rocked slightly from side to side, bobbing up and down as the waves and wind moved along. He hadn’t realised quite how aware of his own stomach he was until it seemed to move along with each movement of the boat. He pressed his jaw together, so hard that his back teeth hurt – this was just a taster session, surely it couldn’t last all that long.
         “It’s so fresh, isn’t it?” Damian’s head swivelled round towards Cain.
         “Yeah,” Cain heard himself say, and to his surprise his voice was steady. Damian’s curls were being whipped around by the wind, his cheeks turning pink from the cool air. “It’s lovely.”
         As soon as they were clear of the marina, the girl on Damian’s other side bounded up from the bench to help the society members tack the sail out so they could catch the wind. With more people moving around, the boat rocked and bobbed in the water, and Cain gripped on so tightly on the railing that his knuckles went white.
         “You can come up and see what we’re doing if you like,” Isaac offered; he was standing behind the large wheel looking totally at ease.
         “Cain?” Damian asked, standing up.
         “You go,” Cain said, “I’m still finding my sea legs.” Damian raised his eyebrows, but seemed to accept this at face value. He wobbled a bit as he picked his way over to where Isaac and the girl were having an animated conversation about where they had sailed previously. Cain tried to take deep breaths in through his nose, and inwardly repeated to himself that it wasn’t all bad; ignoring the way his stomach was roiling inside him, sloshing up and down with every wave of the water. He fixed his eyes on the hills in the distance and told himself that he wasn’t moving that much.
         “Isaac says it’s a perfect day for sailing,” Damian dropped back down on the bench next to him.
         “Really?” Cain tried to sound interested.
         “Yeah, just enough wind to catch the sails, and the water being pretty calm,” he was watching the white sail which was affixed out and the wind was pushing against it, giving the boat traction.
         If this was calm, Cain thought, he would hate to see it when it was choppy. With every passing second he was feeling worse, he could feel sweat pooling at the nape of his neck and he found himself swallowing much more frequently.
         “It’s a beautiful part of the country,” Damian seemed lost in the moment, “so peaceful.” Cain remembered that Damian had signed them both up to give them a break from their studies.
         “Mmhmm,” Cain assented, momentarily releasing his grip from the railing before grasping hold of it again – letting go made him feel even more wobbly. They sat in silence for a few long moments, Damian’s eyes were unfocused as he stared out across the water and Cain could hear his long, slow breathing. For some reason, that made Cain feel even worse; he felt his stomach lurching up inside him and he gritted his teeth together again.
         “So,” Damian muttered, “I think this might be something I want to do more…”
         “That’s good,” Cain forced, simultaneously thinking ‘as long as you don’t make me come too’. Damian turned his head to Cain and saw him take a visible double take.
         “Cain?” His hand found Cain’s knee and squeezed. “Are you okay?” There was a split second where Cain was about to lie, but he found himself shaking his head, which he stopped quickly as that movement made him feel worse.
         “Nope,” he forced the word out. “I’m nauseous as hell.” Letting the words out seemed to break the tightness he was holding himself together with.
         “Oh…” Damian breathed. “You look grey…”
         “Yup,” Cain wrapped his arm not gripping on the railing round his stomach. “Feel it…”
         “Do you want some water?” Damian fumbled in his bag to find a bottle. “Try looking at the horizon.”
         “Been doing that,” Cain answered, sucking in air through his teeth.
         “Here,” Damian unscrewed the water bottle and held it out for Cain, “take a few sips.” Cain’s hand was trembling as he took the water and had a tentative sip. “Give me a sec…” Damian pushed himself off the bench; Cain wanted to beg him to stay, that somehow having Damian next to him made this feel less awful. He took another sip, but the water seemed to be staying in his mouth, his throat not wanting to accept anything down it. “Right…” Damian returned and sat back next to Cain. “Honestly – really honestly, are you feeling sick?”
         “Yep,” Cain said, trying not to move his lips too much.
         “Okay, well – if you think you’re going to be sick,” Damian carried on.
         “Don’t say that word,” Cain pleaded, his chest felt tight and his stomach gave an uncomfortable squeeze.
         “Okay, well if…” Damian paused, “you’ve got two options.” Cain didn’t like the sound of that, his stomach gave another squeezing lurch and he swallowed hard. “First option – you lean over the side of the boat.” Cain groaned.
         “Not an option,” Cain muttered, even the thought of being that close to the swirling, churning water made him feel any worse.
         “Okay,” Damian didn’t argue, there was no point in it, especially with how grey and clammy Cain was looking. “Option two, a bag.” Cain groaned again, he’d wished option two had been getting off the boat. “Look,” Damian put his hand on Cain’s shoulder and gently pushed him back a little, “just lean back, take some deep breaths and try to relax a bit.” Cain allowed himself to be eased back, he hadn’t even realised how hunched forward he’d been sitting. He tried to do what Damian advised; he closed his eyes, taking slow deep breaths in through his nose. He’d realised how tightly clenched all of his muscles had been as he consciously tried to relax back into the hard back of the bench. His head was swimming, every part of him being buoyed along as the waves bore the boat onwards; the cold air was whipping past his face as the boat moved through the water. The boat made a short sharp move to one side and Cain felt a burbling sensation rising from deep inside his belly.
         “Bruuualllp!” Cain’s eyes snapped open as the belch escaped past his lips, a lingering bitter acidity swirling in his mouth and his free hand shot up to his mouth as he attempted to swallow.
         “Cain?” Damian squeezed his knee again.
         “Bag…” Cain muttered thickly, his eyes wide as he looked up at Damian. “I need – a bag…”
         “Right,” Damian released his hand from Cain’s knee and began scrabbling in his pocket. “Isaac gave me these…” He unfurled some plastic bags. Cain hadn’t realised he’d let go of the railing until he was snatching a bag from Damian, his chest hurting from the effort of holding down a heave. He shook out one of the bags roughly and brought it up to his face, holding it close to avoid missing it.
         “H’kkkuuuulllk!” Cain’s eyes forced closed at the heave, and he felt the splash of liquid hit the bottom of the bag and he tightened his grip. He knew that was barely a warning shot, and with the way his stomach was lurching that there was more to come. He tried to spit the tendrils of saliva that were clinging to his lips away, but they felt fast to his mouth. “Uggh…”
         “It’s alright,” Cain could hear Damian’s voice, but it felt like it was far away as the sound of his ragged breathing was loud in his ears. He wanted to pull the bag away, cause the bitter tang of the acid was stinging at his nose, but he couldn’t – he couldn’t risk making a mess. His throat tightened and he coughed, harsh and wet, sticking at the back of his mouth and saliva dripped from his lips into the bag.
         “H’kkuuuuuuurrrrggggllleee!” The force with which the wave of vomit poured from his mouth took him by surprise, as did the bag feeling instantly heavy in his hands. From somewhere nearby he could hear cheering and faintly realised that it was because of him, but he didn’t have more than a split second to think about it. “Kk’hhhuuuurrrrggg!” Cain gasped, struggling to take a breath in.
         “God Cain…” Damian’s hand touched the back of Cain’s neck, almost holding him steady as he gulped and gasped.
         “Sorr- heeeuuurrrgggggl!” The word was cut off as another fierce wave of sick forced up his throat and out into the bag which was rapidly filling.
         “No, no,” Damian replied, “just breathe…” Cain’s breath was hitching in his chest, every deep breath seemed to illicit another wave of puke.
         “H’rrrrrgglllluuurrgh!” The bag in Cain’s hands was becoming precariously heavy now; he forced his eyes open, they were watering badly and making it difficult for him to focus. “Need – a new – bag…” He spluttered, feeling his stomach still lurching and clenching.
         “Okay, right,” Damian sounded so calm – how could he be this calm? “Let me tie this one off, I’ll get you a new one…” Damian’s hands grasped near Cain’s wrists and Cain felt the weight of the bag being taken off him.
         “Hurry – hrkk!” Cain heaved wetly, clamping his now free hand across his mouth.
         “Just take deep breaths,” Damian intoned, but he sounded a little more panicked now. “Deep breaths!” Damian was shaking out a new bag, Cain grabbed it from him, pulling it up to his mouth as another heave produced a further wave of sick.
         “Hheeuuuurrgggh!” Cain couldn’t stop it, it was like being on a rollercoaster ride that he couldn’t get off – his stomach dropping then lurching up inside him.
         “Jesus Christ!” Someone nearby cursed, but Cain was still gasping, just waiting for more.
         “Hrrrrgguulll!” There was less liquid this time; Cain had nearly emptied himself out. “Gggrruuurrgggllleee…”
         “Mate, lie him down…” A voice from above Cain’s head was saying. “Lie him on the bench – it can help.”
         “Cain? Did you hear?” Damian’s voice was low and close to Cain’s ear. “If we lie you down, it might help.”
         “Mm, no,” Cain shook his head slightly, a dry heave following and he coughed wetly. “ ‘ll make a mess…”
         “Nah mate,” the voice was coming from Isaac, “you’re empty as a gutted fish.”
         “Hrrk!” Cain retched dryly again at the mention of fish; his stomach was aching and his head felt light.
         “Cain, come on…” Damian fastened his hands around Cain’s wrists as he tried to take the bag away, but Cain redoubled his grip, shaking his head. “Trust me…” Then the tears came, he could feel them burning in his closed eyes; but he allowed Damian to take the bag from his hands. Damian’s hand gripped Cain’s shoulder and very gently lowered him down so he was lying on the bench.
         Being horizontal did help, so did the coolness of the bench against his cheek – the ache in his belly was still there, but the clenching, churning seemed to loosen. Cain realised that he was fully concentrating on breathing in and out, that was all he could focus on. It was only after a few long moments that Cain realised Damian’s fingers were carefully moving his fringe away from his face and gently stroking his cheek. It was so simple, but it meant so much.
         Before he knew it, Damian’s hand was on Cain’s arm: “Cain, come on, we’re getting off…”
         “Can’t move…” Cain mumbled.
         “Let us help,” Damian said; Cain couldn’t protest even if he wanted to. Cain felt hands gripping both of his arms, pulling him gently upright; his legs nearly gave out underneath him and if he hadn’t been supported he would have buckled. “It’s okay,” Damian intoned, half carrying Cain. “Just take little steps.”
         Cain’s legs wobbled all the way along the boardwalk, he still felt as though he was swaying, the world not solid under his feet. His stomach gave a lurch as he missed a step and he gulped in air. When he reached the solid ground of the marina, Cain leant against the wall, his knees trembling under his own weight.
         “I’ve got him from here,” Damian was telling Isaac, who Cain noted had lost the arrogance he’d first displayed and was watching Cain warily. “Thank you.” Isaac nodded, and briefly grasped Damian’s shoulder.
         Cain’s knees gave way and he crumpled, sliding down the wall into a seated position; he was taking long, slow breaths in. Damian sat next to him, placing his hand on Cain’s knee and squeezing gently. They sat for a time, and Damian didn’t remove his hand.
         “How are you feeling now?” He asked eventually.
         “Better,” Cain mumbled, then swallowed. “Embarrassed…”
         “Don’t be,” Damian’s voice was light.
         “I…” Cain’s voice was thin, his throat felt like it’d been burned. “I ruined it – for you…”
         “Cain…” Damian sighed and shook his head. “No you didn’t…” Cain swallowed again, staring intently at his own knees. “Here, have a drink.” Damian pulled a water bottle from his bag, unscrewed it and handed it across; Cain’s hand was still trembling as he took it and drunk, the cool liquid soothing on his throat. “I thought it’d get us out of the flat, just some time.”
         “Sorry…” Cain muttered again.
         “No,” Damian found Cain’s arm and gripped it tight. “I’d never have signed us up if I thought you’d get so…”
         “Seasick?” Cain offered.
         “Yeah,” Damian nodded. “I’m sorry. For putting you through that.”
         “You didn’t know!” Cain refuted. “Heck, I didn’t know…” Cain wrapped his free arm around his stomach.
         “Is your stomach still hurting?” Damian noticed the gesture.
         “Much less now I’m on solid ground,” Cain answered honestly.
         “Good,” Damian said, he looked out towards those still on the boat, tying it up and ensuring it was all secure. “I think you frightened Isaac.” Cain snorted. “Seriously, I think he thought you were going to do yourself an injury. I didn’t think you were ever gonna stop…”
         “Neither did I….” Cain mumbled; with the water he’d drunk he felt slightly better, his aching belly seemed to be calming. “I know, you just wanted something… A break.”
         “Yeah, well…” Damian shrugged.
         “You can do this if you want,” Cain told him, “I saw you enjoying it.”
         “Nah,” Damian shook his head, “I don’t think I’ve got the stomach for it.” He smiled crookedly at Cain.
         “Don’t,” Cain nudged him, but he couldn’t help but smile back.
         “As long as you’re alright,” Damian said.
         “Next time you need a break,” Cain spoke slowly. “Can we maybe just go for a pint?”
         Damian laughed: “Yeah, let’s do that.”
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gcsly · 7 months
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ABU DHABI GP: Assuming you can’t get a room with a trackside view in the spectacular whale-shaped Yas Hotel – or a berth in a boat’s cabin in the marina – opt for a spot in the West Grandstand, a great place to watch all the overtaking action into Turn 6.
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Masterlist: Artist of the Month
JAN: Alphonse Mucha FEB: John Singer Sargent MAR: Edward Hopper APR: Dragan Bibin MAY: Mary Cassatt JUN: Francisco Goya JUL: Francis Bacon AUG: Victor Horta SEP: Betty Woodman OCT: Yayoi Kusama NOV: Frida Kahlo DEC: Artemisia Gentileschi
JAN: Hilma af Klint FEB: Jules Brunfaut MAR: Berthe Morisot APR: Shiri Phillips MAY: Georgia O'Keeffe JUN: José Manuel Ballester JUL: Charles Rennie Mackintosh AUG: Jenny Saville SEP: Gustave Serrurier-Bovy OCT: Gustav Klimt NOV: Marina Abramovic DEC: Paul Hankar
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thiziri · 1 year
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Princess Anne opened the Thomas Telford Corpach Marina, on 18 April 2023. The visit saw HRH tour the new state of the art marina and unveiled a plaque. The facilities offer a fully accessible marina and public slipway, with berths for 45 yachts and motor vessels.
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35southmarina · 1 year
3 Boat Safety Tips that You Need to Know
The sun’s outstanding, the water’s calling … boating season is formally here. But before you launch your boat, it’s significant to revive your memory of boating security tips. From viewing the weather to keeping life jackets in tow, an effective tip will make for a safer and more pleasant day on the water.
Your boat security kit should be reserved on board no matter the scope of your boat. It is ideal to find one of the leading firms for renting marina berth Adelaide, or wherever you live. Below, I’m going to share boat safety tips that you should know.
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westernportmarina12 · 3 months
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cinimon01 · 2 months
Mai Tai experience 2024
Adventures of 60 somethings on board a catamaran.
On the 31st of January 2024, we became the proud owners of a Lagoon 400 2010 model, located in Opua New Zealand.
On the 27th of February, after a few family engagements, we flew to Auckland and drove 3 hours to Opua Marina, gathering some simple supplies on the way. I felt so cold and exhausted when we arrived that I nearly cried at the thought of living on this small, damp and smelly boat for the next 5 years. What had we done, we had a perfectly good life in a house. Why why why?
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The next day was better.
28th February 2024, we sorted out a few things and organized a few others. Where to put clothes, towels, and did we have enough. Sheets were on board, but I threw most out as they were thin and barley reuseable. I started a list of things to but for us and the boat to be comfortable and livable for the next…..years?
So first trip in our hire car to Whangarei, (Pronounced Foneray) we found Spotlight, Countdown, Kmart and Bunnings. We loaded up and drove the 1 hour back to Opua.
1st March 2024: Next day we though we would take her for a spin and charge batteries and empty the black water tank, (the wee and poo tank). So we got out to open water and came into the bay of Russell. Lovely little spot but the anchor wouldn’t go down, so I suggested David just drive around and Ill cook breakfast/brunch.
So we did that and headed back to the marina. On our approach, on an outgoing tide, she was hard to handle. The birth spot was big enough for a catamaran but not big enough for us to park in with our limited experience and a tide that wanted to push us where we did not want to go. So I am running around the deck shouting directions to David. More like, “STOP, YOUR GOING TO HIT THE WHARF”. More things like, “Oh what the FUCK, we are going to crash”. Came out of my mouth on several occasions. We had the neighbours, folk from boats near us, on the dock along with the harbor master Shane. He was speaking calmly to David about pulling back and not so heavy on the power, but I don’t think he could hear him over my screaming, “We are going to crash.”
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Yes we hit the dock and crushed our port side sugar scoop with an indent of about 25cm long and 10cm deep. Not too much damage to the boat but our self esteem was shattered, and I was a nervous wreck. One of our neighbours from a boat named Scallywag, was on the dock to console us. He had just had a similar experience and the tide pushed him into the bow spirt of another boat punching a hole in the side of his 50 ft catamaran…..Ouch.
2nd March 2024: Olly the previous owner came by and he sorted out the windlass, (anchor) not working problem. He said he cleaned up some loose wiring and maybe some got lost in the process and he unplugged the windlass. Not sure but he got it going and answered a lot of David's questions. We told him about our encounter with the dock and he said, “You know what they say, “You haven’t been around if you haven’t run aground”. I’m not sure if that made me feel better but, there you have it.
3rd March 2024: We gathered up our torn confidence and broken dreams decided we had to get back on the horse….so to speak. So out we went for another attempt at having fun on our new boat. This time we dropped the anchor in Russell, and I just put the kettle on when the afternoon storm that was expected at 1pm came early and interrupted our 10am brunch. So up came the anchor and we headed back to the marina. Before we even arrived my stress levels were off the chart. But we listened to Shane and came in on a slack tide and we managed to berth Mai Tai without incident. This was cause for celebration, so we had a shower and went into Paihia for dinner and a bottle of wine.
8th March 2024: Flew back to Sydney for my 60th birthday cruise on board Celebrity Edge to …..of all places, New Zealand. During this cruise we saw parts of the South Island and the sounds that were absolutely breath taking. The enormity of these places that we could now explore in our own boat! So we decided to skip the Rally to Fiji this year and explore New Zealand for 12 months. Plus we are not experienced enough in operating our boat yet. We need time and some nautical miles before we conquer open water.
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scotianostra · 7 months
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Setur Netsel Marina, Marmaris.
Quite a large marina, this part caters for small boats and yachts, but on the walk along the shore, from The Grand Bazaar there are berths for Super yachts. The Shopping Mall and restaurants in the marina are said to be the best in town, prices vary, but I found a few Cafe-bars that were very reasonably priced.
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Isn’t stuff like this fantastic?
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There wasn’t much shipping going west, but the sea was flat and there was little wind.
14 miles out we saw land. We came towards some familiar topography and we were soon at our berth in Brixham Marina.
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Well, that’s it then. We reckon that this was our final major boating adventure.
We’ve been away 10 weeks and 1 day.
We travelled 721 nautical miles, that’s 829 statute miles.
We only paid £343 on berthing costs. We had many free nights on the canals, and we had 40 nights on Passeport Escales, which on its own was worth at least £1000. It goes a little way towards mitigating our annual berthing costs in Brixham.
The cost of fuel out there took us a bit by surprise. We bought 1383 litres fuel at a total cost of £1878.
It works out at 2.67 MPG. On the canals, at tick-over, we only burn 3 litres an hour, thus improving our consumption figures.
We’d like to thank you for taking the time to read the blog and follow our journey. We’ll have this as a momento now for ever, as long as the internet or Tumblr don’t collapse, and thank you to those that commented, either on the blog or separately.
This is Zenith, over and out.
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classicalcanvas · 1 year
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Title: The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her last berth to be broken up
Artist: J.M.W. Turner
Date: 1839
Style: Romanticism
Genre: Marina
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