#maddie propose to chimney was everything to me
cosyvelvetorchid · 2 days
Prompt: Buck and Tommy asking Maddie to be their surrogate.
I LOVED writing this one so much. I may actually add it to Ao3 as a oneshot.
I genuinely made myself cry at the end!
I hope you enjoy it! ❤️
It's funny how life works. You think you have a handle on things; that you know where things are headed, and then God, or the universe or something throws you a curveball. A big, giant, cruise ship shaped curveball, with enough power to turn your life completely upside down and give you exactly what you needed despite you having no idea you needed it.
Buck thought he would spend his whole life on the hamster wheel. The endless song and dance of dating, thinking he'd found someone he could be happy with, then they leave. And he loses enough couch.
Tommy had spent a lifetime hiding. Years of repressing who he was to protect himself. And when he finally came into his own and accepted who he was, it was too late. He'd resigned himself to the fact that he would be alone.
And then the captain of the 118 needs help and 2 people who - somehow despite having the job, the city they live in and people they know in common - had never actually met, flew into a hurricane together and everything changed.
Six months later they're sharing keys to eachothers homes.
One year and Buck is moving into Tommy's house.
And, 18 months in, when Tommy finally comes home from a month in the hospital - including 6 days in a coma where Buck thought he might actually lose the love of his life - after a helicopter crash, Buck barely makes it 5 minutes before proposing.
Two years and they're standing on Tommy's deck exchanging rings in front of everyone they love. They saw no point in waiting - they knew they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.
Three years in and they want to take the next big step. This one, however, was the biggest. The most terrifying: a family.
They'd spoken to a couple of surrogacy agencies but something was missing. Somehow they made it all seem so clinical. A business transaction. On top of that, in their research they had come across some horror stories of surrogate parents wanting to keep the baby despite it not being genetically theirs.
They talked and talked and talked about what options they had. And then Buck had remember something Connor had said about the reason they chose him as a sperm doner - they wanted someone they knew.
The answer was quite simple really. It was asking the question that was going to be difficult.
Three years and four months in they're sat in Maddie and Chimneys living room, nerves vibrating through they're entire bodies waiting for Maddie to say something.
"We want to know if you would consider being a surrogate for us." Buck repeated.
"I.. Buck... I.. that's..." Maddie couldn't quite process what was being asked.
"Look, you know that we've been talking to agencies and trying to find the right one and sure they seem all above board and I'm sure that we could eventually find someone to help us build our family. But then it hit me - there's nobody on earth I.. we would trust to grow and nurture our baby more than you. Maddie you're a wonderful mother and I know that if you did agree to this that he or she would be loved and cared for and protected so much while their growing." He stopped to take a big breath. "But, we know its a huge ask, and you have as much time as you need to think about-"
"Yes." Maddie interrupted.
Buck, Tommy and Chimney all sat forward to look at her.
"Evan, you are the most amazing little brother anybody could ever have. And you've been through so much in your life; so much pain and trauma and, all I ever wanted for you was to be happy. And then I found out you and my stupid husband were going to fly into a hurricane and I was so scared - and mad-" She added scowling at Chimney "-but you came back and not alone." She looked at Tommy fondly. "You found someone who makes you truly happy, and I have never been more proud or happy for you." She wiped a tear from her eye.
"So, if I can do this one thing for you, to make you even happier, then of course I will do it."
Buck wiped his own tears away that had started falling somewhere around the helicopter part.
"Really?" Buck said, not quite believing it. His chin was shaking and more tears threatened.
"Are you sure?" Tommy added. Maddie leant forward reaching out for each of their hands.
"I love you both. I'm sure."
Buck practically through himself at her, enveloping her into a hug.
"Thank you Maddie. For everything. My whole life."
"Hey I wanna get in on this." Tommy interrupted, gently peeling Buck from his sister so he could hug her.
"I don't know what else to say other than thank you. So so much."
Four years and 2 months in and they get the phone call. The bag has been packed by the door for weeks, the nursery decorated for a month and 2 men, wildly in love with other, who couldn't imagine life without the others existence, were on the way to meet they're baby.
They chose not to tell anybody that Maddie was in labour. They knew they would get nothing but an outpouring of love, but they wanted to spend a little while - even if it was only a few hours, thanks to Howard i cant keep a damn secret Han - after the baby was born to enjoy the moment as a family. However, there was one person Buck did call.
Bobby arrived at the hospital and sat in the labor and delivery waiting area. After a few minutes, Buck turns a corner; a tiny bundle in his arms wrapped in a pale yellow blanket. Bobby immediately walked over with a smile.
"Hey cap. I wanted to introduce you to someone.. meet our daughter - Brook Maddie Kinard."
Bobby stared at Buck for a moment, not quite fully comprehending what he had heard.
"Brook that.. that was my daughters name.."
"I know." Buck smiled softly. "We wanted to name her after you, and Bobby is a gender neutral name, but having two of you might get confusing, so we chose Brook instead. Is.. is that okay?"
Bobby's eyes filled with tears as he swallowed back the emotion.
"Yeah, kid. Yeah it's okay."
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rosstrytobe · 24 days
We can all agree that s6 sucked in some plot stories but we can't deny either that it was good for other things like:
The Henren begin episode, Buck being hit by a light and Eddie be there to rescued him, The Buckley Diaz scenes, The poker date night, the couch theory, Maddie asking Chimney to marry him...
I mean that was good until the finale...
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ily-tothecore · 27 days
buddie fic recs - all completed
everything (nothing) has changed by bizarrestars - buck gets therapy and tells eddie he's in love with him. eddie has no idea what he's doing, but he gets there in the end.
said i couldn't stay, but it's different now by hattalove - they go to a whole bunch of weddings, slow dance, and realise they're in love. this was so fucking cute.
drawstrings by browney3dgirl6 - eddie fixes bucks drawstrings and ends up in his lap. they're in love, your honour.
the persistence of memory by withmeornotatall - a time-loop fic. buck gets shot and eddie has to live the day over and over again. this fic made me feel things.
i'm addicted to disastrous thinking by spaceprincessem - 'buck and eddie kiss in a photo booth, mutually pine, and finally get together exactly in that order'.
baby, you were my picket fence by spaceprincessem - 'maddie wants to propose to chimney. she gets buck involved. buck can't tell anyone. he somehow proposes to eddie instead'.
'tis the damn season by spaceprincessem - 'eddie asks buck to the holiday fireman's ball. It goes so much better than he could ever imagine'.
(i got you) out on the water by lecornergirl - eddie notices buck, and then he can't un-notice buck. this fic puts evan buckley in a wet, white t-shirt, enjoy.
the last shred of truth in the lost myth of love by lemonzestywrites - 'buck is worried he's lost his charm in bed. eddie eagerly offers his services to prove otherwise'. did they really think they could do this and not realise they're love?
got weird by daisies_and_briars - eddie kisses buck, freaks out about it, and then keeps kissing him. they're so in love.
hope you enjoy!
also, can you tell i love spaceprincessem? i've literally read every single 911 and teen wolf fic they've ever written. they're so good.
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bibuddie · 1 month
watching next of kin rn and watching chimney try so damn hard to impress tatiana with stories he's co-opted from other people and a fancy dinner and the candles and the roses before he proposes, and then he gets a fucking rebar through his skull and damn near dies and bobby tries to beg tatiana to just stay with him until he wakes up and recovers a bit. and thinking about there goes the groom where maddie was out looking for him in her damn wedding dress, never gave up hope on finding him, sat by his bedside until he woke up and married him when he was wearing a fucking hospital gown in his bed, surrounded by all of their friends and family and the wedding is officiated by bobby like. chimney has everything he never thought he would and it's getting me emotional as all hell it was such a fucking good full circle moment i can't.
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samantha-chicago · 2 months
Request: Hi there! Would love to put in an eddie diaz request please! Eddie proposes to reader. Eddie knows he wants to do it and has a ring ready and a plan or he has the ring but just sees a perfect opportunity and takes it? Then they maybe celebrate after?? Thanks 😊
Pairing : Eddie Diaz x Reader
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It had been a horrible call, and the whole station knew about it. Everyone felt it in different ways. Many just stayed quiet, some going to the gym, but Eddie walked to his locker and stared at the little velvet box on the inside. Buck walked up behind him, placing his hands on Eddie’s shoulders. 
“You’ve still got that thing?” Buck 6 over his shoulder, and Eddie nodded
“I’ve just never found the right time to do it” He sighed, sitting on the bench and shutting the door to hide the ring box again. 
“Eddie. Do it now. God knows both you and Y/N, and well, everyone else in this station needs a little cheering up. You’re perfect for each other. You’ll never find a perfect time if you keep waiting” Buck shook his head, and Eddie looked over with a nod getting up. 
Meanwhile, you were sitting upstairs sipping on a cup of coffee to relieve the stress from the call. Hen, Chimney, and Bobby sat off to the side. Eddie rushed up the stairs and over to you. You looked over as he took the coffee cup out of your hands, exciting a whine from your lips. 
“You can get your coffee back in a minute, baby. I promise I just need to borrow you for a minute” He smiled, and you nodded, getting up and following him back down the stairs. Eddie walked you both to a hidden space behind the firetrucks where not a single person could see you no matter how busy it got. 
“Why are you down here? You’re not planning on killing me, are you?” You joked, and he shook his head.
“I’ve been fighting about this for ages. Buck finally talked some sense into me, and I figured no time like the present” You frowned, looking at him
“It definitely sounds like you’re about to kill me” Eddie held your hands, looking into your eyes. He gently placed a kiss to your knuckles before getting down on one knee. Your frown deepened as he dropped one of your hands and reached into one of his many pockets and pulled out the small velvet box. 
“Eddie, what are you doing?” You asked as he looked up at you, his hands shaking as he did. 
“Of course I will” You smiled as he slid the ring on your finger. He stood up, hugging you tightly as your lips pressed together for a long kiss. 
“I love you so much, Y/N. You’re the love of my life, and Christopher loves you, which also pushed my decision towards doing this because Christopher is everything to me. Well, joint number one because no one can ever beat Christopher. Now I’m blabbering” You smiled watching him.
“As I was saying. You’re the love of my life, and there’s no one else I would ever want to spend every day of my life with, and today after that call just helped me realise that even more. Y/N L/N I want to spend every day of my life with you, and I love you so much. Will you marry me?” He asked, and your hands covered your mouth as you started to tear up. You always proud yourself for not crying on shift 
Later that night, everyone was gathered into Bobby’s house. Bobby cooking on the grill, May, Harry, Denny, and Christopher running about and playing with each other as you sat on Eddie’s lap. His hand wrapped around your waist and head resting on your shoulder as everyone talked. Music quietly played in the background as everyone sat talking. Your hands played with Eddie’s hands as you spoke to Maddie, who was cuddling Jee-Yun, who was happily falling asleep in your arms. 
Sat imagining how that could be you and Eddie in a few years. Christopher is off playing while you’re sitting cuddling your baby and Eddie at the same time. 
“Are you okay, baby? You’ve gone quiet?” Eddie asked quietly, pressing a kiss to your neck just under your ear. You nodded quietly, turning your head to place a kiss to his lips 
“Just imagining our future together” you whispered against his lips, and he smiled 
“Oh yeah? What does that look like?” He asked 
“Christopher off playing, us sat cuddling each other and our little baby” You smiled 
“You want a baby?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Of course I do. Do you?” You asked now just realising that the topic had never come up before
“I’d love to give Christopher a sibling” He smiled, pressing yet another kiss to your lips. Your hands wrapped around his neck and softly played with the hair at the nape of his neck. The perfect way to end the day. 
@halsteadbrasil @marvelmenarebeautiful @certifiedwootiny @oliviah-25 @Dreamsingr @Scaramou @tringeorge
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exhuastedpigeon · 3 months
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Buddie Hiatus Fic Rec - month 9 Jan 16 - Feb 15
might as well be drunk in love by fleetinghearts / @shitouttabuck Teen | 2.3k Getting little-spooned by his drunk best friend was not on buck's maid-of-honour checklist, but. it's happening
She Said She’d Do It Again by Pansys_goth_gf / @pansysgothgf General | 2.8k Ana Flores runs into the 118 four years after her break up with Eddie. It turns out, a lot can change in four years.
hot cocoa by evcndiaz / @evcndiaz Teen | 3.1k Buck is freaking out about proposing. He gets an assist from Athena, Bobby, and. Well. Eddie himself.
our secret moments in a crowded room by heartbeatdiaz / @loserdiaz Explicit | 3.7k In which a new probie at the station has a crush on Buck, Eddie is… a little bit done with the guy, if he’s being honest. And Buck is having the time of his life.
like a cat in the rain by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Teen | 4.6k Sometimes, Buck forgets the lightning strike happened to Eddie, too.
things you shouldn’t say to me by coldbam / @coldbam Mature | 4.7k Eddie comes out, sleeps around, and Buck hears all about it.
finally found what i’ve been looking for by fleetinghearts / @shitouttabuck Explicit | 5k buck's good at basketball, eddie's trying really hard not to commit an act of public indecency about it, and maybe, just maybe, a slightly bloody beachside pick-up game can be the start of something new
i am just a fool, but i have loved you all along by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Teen | 5.1k Buck asks Eddie on a date. Eddie spirals and makes a list about it. Everything works out in the end.
how to say what you mean by brownbananas (nickel710) Gen | 8.1k In which Eddie becomes a little obsessed with equipment maintenance and has a crisis of sexuality, and the two things are more related than he thought.
gonna make love to you for the rest of our lives by wikiangela / @wikiangela Explicit | 8.7k It's Buck and Eddie's wedding night, they're horny, in love, and obsessed with being husbands.
that green light, i want it by asteriasera / @asteriasera Mature | 11.1k Buck and Eddie hook up after Maddie and Chim’s wedding, then spend an inordinate amount of time not talking about what it means until the universe decides to intervene.
it's gravity after all by Iover_of_mine (I_almost_do) / @lover-of-mine Teen | 11.7k Buck and Eddie get trapped in an elevator. What else can they do besides talk to each other?
and we are homeward bound by glorious_spoon / @glorious-spoon Explicit | 18.1k Buck and Eddie get around to telling the people they love that they're together.
Winter Prayer by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briars General | 18.2k When a work conflict prevents Athena from accompanying Bobby to Minnesota for the ten year anniversary of his family dying, Buck and May offer to go instead. Over the course of the trip, they all learn more about each other, and Bobby faces his grief.
20k - 30k
let you set the pace by devirnis / @devirnis Explicit | 23.9k Eddie fucks Buck over a weekend.
30k +
A Minor Delay by rainbow_nerds / @rainbow-nerdss Mature | 43.6k Almost a year after the bridge collapse, a lot has changed. The team are scattered—Bobby and Athena on their Honeymoon, Hen on adoptive parent's leave, and Buck and Eddie... They may still work together, still have movie nights with Chris whenever they can, but things have changed. With Maddie and Chimney's wedding around the corner, Buck tries to make it perfect. And maybe, along the way, he might figure out why everything still feels... wrong.
The Cupid in Bel Air and His Thousand Kisses by Moonrose001 / @liptickyourway Explicit | 53.8k Eddie knew that when he and Christopher moved to LA, there would be a lot more deities than he was used to. What he did not expect was a Cupid that had it out for him, determined for Eddie to fall in love despite Eddie's repeated refusals, denials and threats. But Eddie needs a partner in the field and it seems like the winged weasel is the closest he is getting.
Month 1 (May 15 - June 15) Month 2 (June 16 - July 15) Month 3 (July 16 - August 15) Month 4 (August 16 - September 15) Month 5 (September 16 - October 15) Month 6 (October 16 - November 15) Month 7 (November 16 - December 15) Month 8 (December 16 - January 15)
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epicbuddieficrecs · 7 months
Weekly Recap | November 20th-26th 2023
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107 DAYS UNTIL SEASON 7 PREMIERE!!! I'm so excited!!! 😃
Also! I just hit 100 followers! Thank you guys! I hope you enjoy my recs :)
Ruin Me Like Castle Walls and Burn Me Like a Village by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Dragon Eddie | 6K | Explicit): When a call goes wrong, Buck sees a new side to Eddie, and starts to realize a lot of things about his best friend. And himself.
🔥 The Monsterfucker's Symphony by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, Mermaids... and more | 57K | Explicit): A collection of smutty oneshots featuring Buck or Eddie (or both) as a non-human creature.
🔥 and here, too, am i by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Future fic, Married Buddie | 41K | Teen): Six months into their marriage, Eddie is still struggling to decide whether or not he wants more kids, when he knows Buck does. The universe may not scream, but it certainly talks.
you’re everything that I want, but I didn’t think I’d find by Daffi_990_ao3/ @daffi-990 (Post-S6, Proposal | 2K | Not Rated): Eddie is so in love and proposes to Buck on Christmas Eve. (sequel to come close, let me be home)
all i ever wanted comes right down to you by Iover_of_mine (I_almost_do)/ @lover-of-mine (Getting Together | 3K | General): Eddie is very dramatic in his pining and Buck overhears something that changes everything.
🔥 stranger sunlight, still by mmtion/ @mmtions (Catfishing/Secret Identity | 64K | Explicit): When the 118 find out about Buck’s secret thirst account on Instagram – to raise fire safety awareness, obviously – they make fun of him the appropriate amount and move on. Eddie finds it a little harder to do the same. Of course, Eddie would never invade Buck’s privacy by searching for and finding the anonymous account. Or looking at all the uploaded photos late at night. Or even directly messaging Buck’s secret account. That would be weird, because he’s certainly not planning on doing anything about his newfound attraction. However, anonymous account @elbombero118 has no such limitations.
🔥the evan buckley matchmaking agency by mmtion/ @mmtions (Season 5, Feelings Realization | 28K | Mature): Buck tries to set up Eddie. It goes well for absolutely no-one involved. 
wanna lose my mind in a hotel room with you by 42hrb/ @exhuastedpigeon (Post-S6, Getting Together | 4K | Explicit): "Think you’ll ever have that kind of love?” Eddie asks as he leans against the wall with a beer in his hand at Maddie and Chimney’s engagement party. He’s got a fond look on his face, if not a little wistful as he turns to face Buck. “I hope so,” Buck says with a small smile on his face. He’s pretty sure he’s already got half of a love like that standing next to him, he just isn’t sure if it’s reciprocated. “I-I really hope so.”
hiccuped endlessly trying to giggle by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (PWP | 2K | Explicit): Eddie hiccups. “Just tell me,” he groans. “Come on, how bad could it be? Hic!” “Rectal massage,” Buck says, the words tripping over each other like he just wants to get them out as fast as possible. “Apparently, there was a guy who stopped hiccuping after rectal massage. And this is in, like, Healthline, so it’s probably legit—”
impossible to know (if after this we can still be friends) by lecornergirl / @clusterbuck (Getting Together | 1,7K | General): Hen sighs. “This better be an emergency.” “Does Buck turning up on my doorstep and saying he’s in love with me count as an emergency?”
this is gonna be one of those things by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): It turns out he only has about three seconds of proper bull-riding in him before he’s tumbling to the floor. Hen and Chimney are bent double with laughter, but Eddie only looks at him, smirks, and says, “You’re doing it wrong.” “Like you’d do any better,” Buck shoots back, and Eddie gives him the most unimpressed look.  “You’re forgetting something,” he tells Buck as he mounts it. “I grew up in Texas.” 
my hands are shaking from holding back from you by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (S5E18, HenRen Wedding, Getting Together | 2,5K | Teen): So now Hen and Karen are renewing their wedding vows, and Buck is—Buck is a lot of things, but he’s mostly worried about the concept of Eddie in a suit. Buck is, after all, only one man. He’s a little worried it might be too much for him to handle.
🔥 [Podfic] dream of some epiphany by MistMarauder/ @mistmarauder from a fic by extasiswings/ @extasiswings (Canon Divergent, Pre-Canon, Pen Pals | 45-60 mins | Mature): Evan Buckley is lost. It’s happenstance that he wanders into the navy recruiting center. Buck leaves ten minutes later with a set of printed instructions for sending his first letter, assured that he can drop it off whenever he’s ready, and a name. Staff Sergeant Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz.
🔥 Both Blade and Branch by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Post-S6 | 9/13 | 43K | Mature): The chances of being struck by lightning twice are incredibly minute, but Buck still manages to pull it off. During a double date with Marisol and Natalia, nonetheless. Eddie manages to resuscitate him, but as Buck recovers from yet another trauma, Eddie can’t help but notice there’s something very different about him. He’s not quite sure what version of Buck he got back.
in my head by yourcatfishfriend/ @your-catfish-friend (Friends With Benefits | 6/8 | 23K | Explicit): Buck is confidently bisexual. Eddie isn't sure. Buck helps him figure it out.
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typicalopposite · 10 days
Clipboard proposal (turned clipboard wedding I guess) part 3.3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.1 | Part 3.2 | AO3
(Getting sappy on both sides of the alter with this one)
If they thought Clipboard!Buck was bad… Clipboard!Buckette is ten times worse! She is efficient and no nonsense and will absolutely not take no for an answer. Something goes wrong, never fear big sister is here… At least that’s what Chimney and Hen teasingly say each time she swoops in to come up with a solution to every problem they run into.
When they realize the only way to get everyone there is to have it at a beach in California, she shrugs and makes the necessary changes. “Yeah well fireflies don’t exactly live here, Maddie…” Chimney says when he sees she still has that incorporated in the set up.
“Then I guess I’ll have to bring in the 118 with strobe lights strapped to their butts,” she deadpans. When Chimney doesn’t respond she pulls out the postcard and taps her pen to it. “Magical dream wedding, Chim.”
He supposes he can’t blame her too much. Each time Buck’s face lights up when a little bit more of it comes together., all the micromanaging, seems worth it. And if that includes strapping a strobe light to his butts and running circles around the grooms when the day comes… it’s a small price, right?
Slowly but surely Maddie gets it together. The spot is reserved on a private beautiful beach, the catering is scheduled, photographers booked, chairs and tables and decorations ready to be set up. She sits with a Buck and goes through the checklist. “Wow, Mads…” he says softly. “It’s perfect— it’s really going to be perfect!”
“You think?” She asks, going through everything once more. “Everything is just like you wanted, right?”
Buck takes her hand and smiles. “Everything is better,” he says. “There’s just… one more thing.” Maddie takes out her pen ready to write down his request. Buck laughs, “All I I need for this is a yes or no.” He swallows; he knows he shouldn’t be — he know she will probably be honored by what he’s going to ask — but he is nervous to ask anyway. “All my life the biggest constant in my life… has been you. Even when I was mad at you, and thought you had abandoned me… you were still rooting for me.”
Maddie laughs, she has to or she’s going to cry. “That’s what big sisters are for…”
Buck squeezes her hand and shakes his head. “Yeah but you have always been more than just my big sister. You’ve been a friend, and- and you’ve been a parent…” he clears his throat before he starts crying. “Anyway… I know we had decided to just skip the walk, but Tommy actually told me he wants it— wants me to walk down to him.”
And that is enough to have Maddie clutching at her chest, her bottom lip poking out and she is desperately trying to hold it together. “That is so sweet oh my god.”
Buck feels a blush creeping up. “I know, he’s a big sap,” he laughs. “So… I already talked to mom and dad about this, and they are completely on board—” he takes a deep breath and clutches Maddie’s hand. “—with you walking me down the aisle.”
Chimney’s involvement in the wedding is a lot less hectic. He wasn’t lying when he said he was taking on the bachelor party.
He doesn’t bring it up much because he knows it’s still a sore spot for Buck. But he has plans and it is going to be epic.
And said plans include giving Buckaroo the themed party he had so desperately wanted to throw Chimney. He has already talked to everyone invited, they all agreed to participate this time. (“Hey I participated last time!” Eddie had argued)
And if Chimney plans to be just a little petty with it by making the theme classic movies, so everyone can talk in famous quotes Buck won’t understand… just for the fun of it… that’s between Chimney and Buck’s clipboard.
“So who are you going as?” Chimney asks Tommy; it has been a while since the two got to go out, just the two of them, for beers. “And don’t say some guy in a Henley!”
Tommy nearly spits out his beer; “He told you about that.”
“More like he pouted for weeks about that, yes.”
“Well, I didn’t realize how serious he was about it… not until I got there anyway.” Tommy sighs and takes another sip of his beer; they sit quietly for a while. “He really gives everything his all.”
“That why you let him make all the wedding decisions?”
Tommy shrugs. “As long as I get to marry him in the end that’s all I care about.”
“Maddie says you haven’t chosen anyone for your side of the wedding party. Not even a best man.”
Another shrug. “Don’t really have anyone to ask that’s not already involved in the wedding. I— uh— I was going to ask— well, you actually, but—”
“What?! But nothing! Heck yeah I’d do it!” Chimney says face lighting up.
“I was getting a little upset you hadn’t asked to be honest,” Chimney laughs. “What more does a guy have to do beyond save your life. I’d be honored, man.”
Tommy looks a little misty eyed, he isn’t exactly sure what to say so he settles for; “Thanks Howie.”
Chimney smiles. “So how about the terminator?”
“I actually do a pretty good terminator.” Tommy laughs, and takes another sip of his beer.
(Ok there! Part three is done! And *whew* I didn’t mean for it to be so long! But next I guess is the Wedding. Maybe I can keep it short and sweet and figure it out before they are canonically married!)
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tellmegoodbye · 1 month
7x06 is officially one of my favorite episodes ever and it's not just because it made me cry, but it's also because this episode represents everything Madney has had to fight through in order for this moment to be possible.
From the very start of the show, Chimney has always been someone who fights for everyone except himself. Most notably in season 5, he did everything he could to make sure Maddie was safe, and he would have let her go in the end if that was what she wanted. Part of what makes Madney The Ship of All Time is that they always fight to get back to each other, and I absolutely loved the fact that Maddie was the one to ultimately propose, because Chimney needed that. It was also important for Maddie, choosing to do something that didn't end well the first time because she knows she finally found the person she's meant to be with.
In this episode, we see Chimney desperate to get back to Maddie even if he can't even remember her name, and we see him reliving everything traumatic that has happened to him. Bringing Doug back for this was genuis because he represents that trauma, as well as something that is standing between him and Maddie. Whether it be Doug himself, or depression, or in this case, amnesia, Maddie and Chimney not only have had to learn to fight for each other, but they had to learn to fight for themselves. Enter Kevin, and we see Chimney letting go of his guilt and fighting for himself, fighting to get home. Because Chimney is worthy of love and he knows without a doubt that Maddie loves him, despite everything hallucination Doug tried to tell him.
Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a sweet wedding episode where nothing goes wrong, but I think that this episode was perfect for Madney. After everything they've gone through both individually and as a couple, this was a great way to bring it all back and say "Hey, they survived all of this, not only because they love each other but also beacuse they've learned to love themselves." and I think that is beautiful.
I've seen some people say they feel Madney didn't have enough screentime and that's completely fair, but to me personally it's not about screentime, it's about the story they're trying to tell. I think they've told a damn good one!
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okay so i’ve been thinking nonstop about this post by @anxieteandbiscuits​ pointing out how everything about Buck and Eddie’s arcs is eventually tying back up to Buck’s couch because it was stablished in the very first episode this season and the show was telling us where it was taking these characters this time around. Which got me thinking about what we saw stablished in that first ep and how showed us what the last couple eps of the season would give us. 
So we got Bobby and Athena, right? And we had a very clear reminder that Bobby struggles with his sobriety every day through his insistence to stay busy at the cruise to avoid temptation at the 11 bars. Which eventually lead to more about his history with AA, Wendell and Bobby’s struggles. We also had that last scene of the episode with Athena’s parents, connecting to her past. If we take ep2 of the season into account, we are also seeing a nod at Athena’s past loss and, through her mother’s own fear of losing her father, her fear of grief and losing another partner like her first fiancé. Which will probably come to a head in the finale after the 6x17 setup. 
For Hen? We saw her struggle with her work-life balance. Trying to juggle med school, a job and her family. And we saw, clearly, that what she was neglecting was her interpersonal relationships. We see this when she misses her lunch date with Athena and still accepts more responsibility as interim captain from Bobby. Later, in the second episode (because I really do feel like the first two episodes this season were a single arc setting up the upcoming storylines) we see this further pushed when Karen calls Hen out for forgetting to pick her son up, and Hen breaking down because she failed her tests and feels like a failure after the Happiness Convention death. We saw Hen struggle with balance between all these sides of her life through the rest of 6a and it was solved by the end. (I do wish the show’d let her go on with this throughout the entire season because it feel like they ran out of things for Hen in 6b and recycled the biodad thing, but that’s a complaint for another day)
Then, for Chimney and Maddie, we had the big decision of Maddie moving back in with him, of them being a family again, we had Chim’s fear of being left behind and Maddie being the one to take the necessary steps to reassure him that she’s not going anywhere. All that? Yep, set up for the proposal! We’ve seen a huge advancement on their relationship this season and it was pretty clearly telegraphed in the very first episode!
Now, Eddie’s arc this season has been rather understated, probably because he went through so much in s5. However, rewatching 6x01 I was very curious to see that Eddie mentions Shannon for the first time in a good while that episode! When Chimney is talking about running out on Maddie the morning after their “one night stand”, Eddie recalls that he had Shannon sneak out to avoid Christopher catching her in his bed and he talks about how hhis vere was using Chris as an excuse to protect his heart. It sounds very familiar, right? So curiously enough, while we didn’t see much of his loneliness arc play out in 6a, it was lightly stablished (and probably expanded through him going through so many milestones with Chris this season, with the wanting to do things on his own and his first crush, both signaling that Chris is growing up and Eddie can’t devote himself to his son 100% of the time anymore to avoid getting hurt again). 
Which finally leads us to Buck and his very clear pursuit of happiness. Which, curiously, begins with his desire to be considered for interim captain. Which is nothing weird, we know Buck wishes, more than anything, to be seen as worthy (of respect, of love, of a home, of a family). I don’t think we’ve talked enough about how the couch theory connects directly with Buck wanting to be a captain. To the point where twice he asks if not having a couch is an issue for it. Now, keep in mind, Buck drew a very clear correlation between couches and relationships and his fear of making the wrong choice again. The conversation also has some curious nods about having what you want “right under your nose but refusing to see it”. Uh... Anywayyyyy the second ep of the season hammered this down with the Happiness Convention and how clearly it affected Buck, how badly he craves that answer and that peace. When Bobby talks to Buck about being at ease as per AA standards, he does mention that it requires being able to look the world in the eye and being ok alone, but since we already saw Buck in his single chair for a while and ok with that decision until the wrong couch (and likely the wrong relationship) were brought to him by his death experience, I don’t thing his “happy ending” will be solitude. 
Now, on a final sidenote, I will say that I could be inclined to deny the correlation between the Diaz’s and Buck’s search for a couch if it wasn’t for 6x12. Because, before that, there was little to no mention of Buck’s lack of couch (as opposed to the constant nods to his search for happiness and meaning and the whole donor plot). But after 6x11 made a BIG point of reminding us about the theory and how Buck sees it, and then 6x12 did THAT with Eddie’s couch, only to later double down on it in 6x15 with Christopher... I think whatever the answer to this theory is HAS to be somehow related to Chris and Eddie. Whether it’ll be in a romantic manner or a familial one or simply just stating that Buck’s found happiness and peace with them... remains to be seen tomorrow. But they’ve definitely set up the story to go there (or clowned me hard with deceptive storytelling which would annoy me to no end).
Anyway, that’s my long winded analysis just to say that I love how this show has stablished so many things since the first episode of the season and I’m really looking forward to see where they take us in the finale. 
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mistmarauder · 1 month
Favorite Madney moments? I'm still emotional from 7x06,so I'd love to hear other people's favorites. Also,your blog's really cool <3.
Madney, my beloved! 🥺💖💖💖
Is it cheating to say all of Boston? Because ALL of Boston. From "I got out of the ocean for you" to "6 months. 6 years. Neither of us could ever forget you." Just ughhh. Wreck meeeee.
And then their trademark twirls? Classic.
The proposal! "Howard Han, will you marry us?" Maddie holding Jee while she proposed after the fiasco with the ring.
Chimney knowing her so well during the hostage situation to know that her saying "I love you" at the time meant something was wrong.
"We're pregnant." And the hug that follows.
Maddie dragging him to bed when she's feeling frisky while pregnant. 😂😂😂
All of their hospital scenes make me cry. After Doug. Jee's birth. The wedding.
And of course 7x06 was literally everything. How Maddie jumped straight in and did everything in her power to find him. How he wanted to get back to her. To both her and Jee.
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spaceprincessem · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
thanks spots ❤️ @wildlife4life sent me this as well! sorry it took so long for me to answer, but it no particular order here are five of my favorite fics i've written:
and i'm not good at winning fights anymore - my second fic in the fandom and probably one of my most popular ones. i didn't expect all the love it got and it made me feel so welcomed in the buddie fandom
[five times buck needs to feel eddie's heartbeat and the one time eddie needs to feel his]
gravity holds me down - the fic that was only supposed to be 5k and was born out of the silly need to utilize jonah going after the firefam more (which turned into a 15k angst piece cause i have no control over my life). so much fun to write though!
[“Whatever you do,” Hen’s voice is low, dark, “do not let him take Buck.”
Jonah can’t see them from where he’s standing, his back mostly turned as he flashes a light in one of the patient's eyes. Eddie shifts without thinking, blocking Buck and Christopher from view. Fuck the fire, Eddie thinks as he plants himself where he’s standing.]
blue skies - my savior baby/my sister's keeper smashed into the plot of 911 fic. this fic is my baby. my magnum opus. my love letter to buck breakdown feels.
[buck meets another savior baby and everything comes crashing down]
and some things you just can't speak about - the group therapy au! personally, i think this is my most well written fic. it took me so long to write this baby, but i really loved how it turned out.
[the 118 support group therapy au]
baby, you were my picket fence - accidental buddie proposal fic featuring human disaster evan buckley my beloved. i really enjoyed writing this fic it was so much fun and silly
[maddie wants to propose to chimney. she gets buck involved. buck can't tell anyone. he somehow proposes to eddie instead]
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bibuddie · 1 year
this one goes out to @mrapril & @madneysjee mwah besties!! spoilers/spec for 6x15!
Chimney's uncharacteristically quiet on the way home.
He's been quiet ever since they left the office, an unreadable expression on his face. Maddie's fingers flex around the steering wheel, a nervous habit she can't quite seem to shake as she chances a look at him at every opportunity. She opens her mouth a couple of times, about to ask him a question but she quickly closes it again, not quite sure whether she wants to hear the answer or not.
Even as they're pulling up to the house, he's silent and it begins to make Maddie nervous. She turns off the engine and neither of them move, Maddie staring at Chimney and Chimney staring at nothing. Eventually, she has to break the silence for her own sanity.
"Chim, what is it?" She hedges, leaning over to grab his hand. "You— ever since we left the IRS, you've been so quiet—"
"Do you think we should get married?"
The question stops her dead in her tracks, eyes widening as her mouth falls open a little. For the first time since they got home, Chim turns to face her. She swallows thickly, the air around them suddenly feeling hot. "Married?"
He nods, chuckling wryly as he scratches the back of his neck. "I mean, it'd sure make situations like this a non-issue."
Maddie's stomach ties in knots, brows creasing together slightly. "Is that why you want to get married? To make our taxes easier to file?"
"No!" he splutters, shaking his head quickly as he squeezes his hand. "Maddie, I love you. I love you, and I love Jee-Yun, and I love this life that we've built together. Honestly, if I knew you were up for it, I'd have asked you to marry me months ago."
"Oh." She breathes, her heart threatening to beat out of her chest. "...well, why didn't you? Ask me to marry you, I mean."
Chimney sighs, smiling softly at Maddie in a way that turns her insides to jelly. "I didn't know if you'd want to get married again, Maddie. Not after, well, everything. And I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to even entertain the idea. I didn't want you to do something just to make me happy."
"Howie." she sighs, leaning over to press a lingering kiss to his lips, pulling back slightly, their foreheads brushing. "I'd marry you in a heartbeat. Nothing would make me happier."
The smile on his face threatens to take Maddie's breath away, and she can't help but grin in return. "Okay. But if I'm doing this, I'm doing it right."
"Meaning," he teases in a sing-song voice, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to her cheek. "I guess I'm going ring shopping."
As he starts mumbling through the motions and making proposal plans under his breath, Maddie finds herself falling in love with him all over again.
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wildlife4life · 1 year
6x16 Coda: Lost and Found (Again)
Just as promised! AO3 Link
It’s been almost 2 years since whole ‘Chimney lost the ring’ debacle and after every finger pointed which way, it turned out Chimney’s own daughter was the thief, unintentionally (‘You’re lucky she didn’t swallow it.’ Shut up Ravi.). Apologies were exchanged between everyone, and life went on.
Lessons were not learned though.
Because this time it was Eddie who brought in a delicate silver band surrounding a ring of sapphires to the firehouse. And again, Ravi became the voice reason that was ignored, “Why would you bring it here? Buck works here! And remember what happened last time?!” He flung his arm towards Chimney.
Said man, who was now married to the woman who actually found the ring, just rolled his eyes, “Yes Jee took it and had nothing to do with any of us.”
“But you blamed all of us!” Ravi exclaimed.
“And I’m not letting her nor any child near this ring.  It is also not going in my med bag or locker. It is going into Bobby’s office, where it will be locked away until I propose.” Eddie explained, taking the small blue box from Hen.
“When did I agree to this?” Bobby asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“The same time you gave me you’re blessing.” Eddie smirked then held out the box for his captain to take.
Bobby chuckled and swiped the ring box out of the younger man’s hand, “Didn’t know my blessing went more than one way, but I’m happy to help.”
“Go lock it away now. I am not putting this firehouse through another scavenger hunt.”
Bobby gave a half-ass solute before strolling off towards his office.
“You seem very confident about this.” Hen points out.
“Yea, I feel like I’m owed a freak out from you, since you got witness my own while I questioned my own proposal.” Chim snarked.
Eddie laughed, “Well for one, Buck and I have talked about marriage, and not just because it was suggested by our accountant.” Chim stuck his tongue out at that, “Two, the proposal is already planned, and three, I know Buck is sure thing. Has been since we got together. Maybe even before then.”
“Ugh you mean the ‘Buck and Eddie pinning era’. God I am so glad that is long over. Those few months after the bridge collapse were torture!” Ravi whined.
And he had Eddie there.  Buck and Eddie were insufferable after being pulled from the rubble of the bridge.  Attached even more securely at the hip, always staring after one another, both too scared to admit out loud how much love they had, how much of a family they already were. Eventually Eddie got fed up and just planted a very awkward kiss to Buck’s lip on a random Tuesday morning before shift in Eddie’s kitchen.
They filled out HR paperwork that afternoon.
“What are the chances that Buck buys a ring and tries to propose before you do?” Chimney asked.
Rolling his eyes, Eddie shook his head, “Not going to happen. He would have brought Christopher in on it and my son is loyal to me first, meaning I will know the moment Buck even thinks about proposing. And Chris has already promised to do everything in his power to make sure my proposal goes off without a hitch, which includes stopping Buck.”
“Ah so Chris is on this. No surprise there.” Hen remarked. “So how are you going to propose?”
Eddie gave them all a huge smile, “I thought you’d never asked.”
That afternoon Maddie stopped by the firehouse and loudly declared, “Eddie Diaz, I really hope you didn’t bring the very ring you’re going to propose to my brother with to the firehouse! And without even showing it to me first!”
Internally Eddie rolled his eyes, but externally, he was much more respectable to Buck’s big sister. “Your brother is very nosy, so hiding it in Bobby’s office was the best solution. I will happily show it to you. And stop acting like I haven’t taken any of your input on the proposal itself.”
Maddie huffed, “If it weren’t for me and Josh there is no way you could have gotten in with Dodger’s stadium crew.”  But followed Eddie up to Bobby’s office.
Bobby didn’t even argue and opened the safe under his desk. Then stiffened. “Oh god not again.” He grumbled.
Eddie palmed his entire face, “It’s gone, isn’t it?” Behind him Maddie groaned.
Bobby tore through the interior of the safe, throwing out muffled apologies and curses, “Damnit, Eddie I’m so sorry. I don’t how this could have happened. This is the first time I’ve opened the safe today since putting the box inside.”
“And you made no stops between the kitchen and here?” Eddie asked frustration bleeding into his voice.
“No, I came straight here.” Bobby answered then slammed the safe door, a muttered “Fuck”, under his breath.
Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose, “Who else knows the code to the safe?”
“You really think someone took it? Why?” Bobby questioned then quickly backtracked, “You know what, never mind.  This may be too far for a prank, but it really is the most reasonable explanation.”
Maddie sighed, “Unfortunately I think my husband is your top suspect.”
They corner Chimney moments later and all it takes is slightly ticked off wife staring him down for him to spill, “Okay I took it. I just- Look man, I just wanted to make you sweat a little! Just get a taste of what you all put me through. Also, you’re kind of one upping me with the whole jumbotron on LA Dodgers Pride Night.”
“Howard, Buck wants and deserves the grand proposal! And Eddie wants to give it! You knew before I proposed to you through dispatch, that I wanted a more intimate and very less public proposal.  So just, apologize and give the ring back.” Maddie admonished.
Chimney apologized and led their small group to the ambulance.  He pulled open one of the top compartments, dug around and then, “Um… so don’t be mad.”
“Howard Han, you did not lose another ring?! And one that isn’t even yours?!” Maddie scolded, while Eddie jumped into the rig to stare the paramedic down and dig around the open compartment himself.
“Chim this isn’t funny.  Where is it?” Eddie growled.
Chimney squeezed around the gurney, putting the solid object between him and the man that was becoming increasingly angry, “I don’t know! I didn’t think anyone else would even open that compartment today.  You know it holds equipment that is rarely used.”
Eddie spun around and opened his mouth to tell him off, but was interrupted by Johnson poking his head around, “Hey Diaz, hold off on ripping Han’s limbs off. I found your ring box while swapping out the equipment with the models that came in. I gave it to Wilson before we went out on call.”
Chimney let out a huge breath of release and Eddie slightly relaxed his agitated stance, “Thanks’ Johnson.”
“No problem. And congrats, Buckley and you deserve each other.” Then the other firefighter strolled away.
“Well at least we know the most responsible person in the house has the ring.” Bobby pointed out.
Hen did not have the ring. “I’m sorry Eddie. I completely forgot to tell you after we were called to that MVA.  But I shoved it in my locker, and it should still be there.”
It was not there.
“Oh my god.” Eddie groaned and dropped his head to the locker door next to Hen’s with a solid ‘thunk’ that echoed in the room.
Hen pulled every single item out of her locker, throwing it onto the floor, “I swear Eddie, I shoved it in here right after the bell rang.”
“Did you lock it?” Chimney asked keeping a solid 5 feet between himself and Eddie.
“Of course not.  Why would anyone go through our lockers? That’s just rude.” Hen answered.
“Did anyone see you putting in your locker?” Bobby asked.
Hen sighed, shook her head, and began the task of picking up her belongings from the floor, “I have no clue. A lot of people were running around to get to the call, and I was in an understandable rush.” She paused and looked over at Eddie, “I am so sorry Eddie.”
Eddie reached out and squeezed her shoulder, “Nothing to apologize for. You were only trying to help.”
She nodded then continued, “So not that I want to make our fellow firefighters out to be criminals or anything, but who is our next suspect?”
The background noise of the working firehouse that paused for no one was their only answer.
Then Chim piped up, “You know there is one person who has been suspiciously absent during this whole missing second ring business.”
They all turned towards him, perplexed.  Then is dawned on Eddie.  “Ravi.”
“I told you it was a bad idea to bring the ring to the firehouse.” Ravi immediately defended when they found him.  He was casually lounging against the kitchen counter with the ring box sitting right next to him.
“Were you just waiting for here for the dramatic reveal?” Chimney accused, trying, and failing to sound upset.
Ravi shrugged, “No one listened to me last time and lessons needed to be learned.”
Eddie stomped over and snatched the ring box up, “What the hell man? Did you take it from Hen’s locker?”
“That is such an invasion of privacy.” Hen remarked sounding slightly annoyed.
The youngest member of their team shook his head, “No it was lying on the locker room floor, and Hen’s locker was open. Must have fallen out. So being the kind and good fireman I am, took it upon myself to safeguard the ring.”
“And you didn’t think to tell us or even just return it after finding it?” Bobby imposed.
Ravi gave them all a very stern look, “Lesson’s needed to be learned.” Then he smirked, “And it was fun watching you all scramble around, especially the part where Eddie almost bit off Chimney’s head.”
Eddie stared at Ravi in disbelief, along with the rest of his found family.  Chimney spluttered in anger.  Hen looked like she was ready to strangle him.  Maddie was clearly fed up with the whole lot of them. And Bobby, turned his face skyward, possibly in prayer for his patience with the children he must deal with.
Eventually Eddie decided not to be upset.  Ravi did find the ring, preventing another Chimney ring blunder, and maybe they should have listened to him. “Alright Panikkar, lesson learned. Thank you for safeguarding the ring.” Eddie turns to Chimney, “You are no longer allowed in the wedding party.  Honestly, I’m think I’ll make you an usher.”
“Buck-“Chimney started to object.
“What about Buck?” Said man appeared at the top of the loft stairs and the entire group startled.
Without even thinking, Eddie shoved the ring box back into Ravi hands and harshly whispered, “Keeping safeguarding this. You’re officially the ring bearer for the wedding!”
Wide eyed and slightly fearful, Ravi nodded and shoved the ring box into his pants pocket.
“Buck, hey man what are you doing here?!” Chimney exclaimed just a bit too enthusiastically.
Oh god, the missing ring may not have derailed Eddie’s proposal, but he had a feeling Chimney’s luck with proposals would somehow find a way.
Hope ya'll enjoyed. I know its more of a future coda fic, but I brought in several elements from this weeks episode.
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chaosandwolves · 1 year
I shouldn't have put a ring on it
Madney ficlet based on this post, 600 words
"Chim didn't propose." Maddie whispers agitated.
Josh gives her a look. "Then why are you wearing an engagement ring? It is an engagement ring, right?"
"Yes," Maddie hisses. "At least I think so."
"You think so?" Linda asks incredulously.
Maddie groans and pulls the two of them along with her until they're out of earshot from the rest of the floor full of people who just congratulated her on her non-existent engagement because Josh couldn't keep his voice down in his excitement.
"I found it, ok?"
"How did you find it?" Linda asks while inspecting the ring curiously.
"I was doing the laundry and sometimes Chim forgets to unpack his work bag so I opened it and looked through it and suddenly I had the ring case in my hand."
"Ok. And why are you wearing the ring then if he hasn't proposed yet?" Josh asks incredulously.
Maddie feels her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "Uhm I might have tried it on and uhm… It might not come off again."
Josh breaks into laughter and Maddie punches him lightly. "Hey!" he complains but Maddie whispers, "You have to help me to get it off! Look, Chim is so bad at keeping secrets but this time I didn't even suspect anything. I can't ruin this for him."
"Alright. Come on then. Off to the bathroom."
For the next thirty minutes they try everything they can think of; soap, oil, butter but nothing works. But then it's time to return to their desks to actually do their jobs.
Throughout the day, whenever there is a small break for either of them, they look up various tips and strategies and Maddie tries all of them but the ring won't come off.
When Maddie goes home she's determined to hide it from Chim and of course is so awkward about it that Chim notices.
"What's going on with you today, Maddie?"
She quickly hides her hand behind her back that Chim was about to grab in a sincere gesture and says, "Nothing. Everything is fine. So how was your day? It was crazy today, huh?"
Chim raises an eyebrow and in a more serious tone he asks, "Maddie, what's going on? What are you hiding?"
Maddie, who's been setting up the dinner table one handed, stops doing so, sighs and turns around to face Chimney.
"Uhm…there has been an accident.." She smiles sheepishly and before Chim can spiral she pulls her hand from behind her back and holds it up in front of him. "It… Uhm it won't come off."
Chimney's eyes grow wide the second he understands what's shimmering on Maddie's finger, "You found it? Oh no. I had this big night planned. Buck was supposed to take Jee and I was gonna take us to dinner and the karaoke bar and then,"
"Yes!" Maddie suddenly blurts out. It takes Chim a few moments to register what she just said but then he almost freezes.
Maddie smiles and nods, "Yes."
Chim laughs and they fall into each other's arms.
"We're still having this night out though, don't we?"
Chim nods eagerly, "Absolutely. I'm not wasting a night out while we have a free babysitter."
The next day, as soon as she walks out of the elevator, Josh and Linda are at her side and her hand under their inspection.
"You still couldn't get it off?" Linda asks.
Maddie smiles, "Don't need to anymore."
It takes them both a second but then they break into cheers and hug her and Josh announces it for the entire floor. "MADDIE IS GETTING MARRIED!!" Everyone just looks puzzled because, yeah they know, since yesterday.
Josh is about to explain but Maddie holds him back.
A few hours later when she walks into the break room for her lunch break an entire cake is waiting and everyone gathers around to congratulate her once again.
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maygrantgf · 1 year
temptation tuesday!
tagged by @honestlydarkprincess aka loml
I have so many ideas but no actual wips helpppp
clementine eddie a character study fic based on the song clementine by halsey (CRACK THAT BABY MAN OPEN LIKE AN EGG)
buck gets slashed on his arm tbh idk why maybe they're on a call and it like a lot of bystanders and buck is the one to keep them back? idk how that works LMAO but buck talking to someone about what happened and eddie is a somewhere off to the side tending to a patient when he notices something off he just can't quite place what he sees a knife before it actually registers that it's a knife and buck doesn't notice at all so eddie yells and the guy with the knife slices buck's raised forearm and the guy takes off bobby runs after him eddie rushes to buck's side holds his forearm and calls for hen but shes already on their way towards them and buck falls on his ass bc he's in shock and in a lot f fucking pain and eddie and hen go down with him and they're trying to like? calm him down a lil bc he doesn't realize he's kinda yelling. um. eddie hugs buck from behind bc i love that shit !!!!!!
"he can't see me" buck temporarily goes blind on a call gone wrong (insp by fringe iykyk)
buck/eddie mouthing I love you means a lot to me idk
1121 by halsey specifically the lyric "i won't die for love but ever since i met you you could have my heart and i would break it for you" aka another character study fic
"I've never loved anyone as much as I love you" buck is sleepy and mumbles that to eddie its very cute. idk if i wanna write it on its own or put it in a long fic
buck starting a fight with eddie and storms out of the house and eddie finds him on a park bench by the pier um alexa play false god by taylor swift
buck taking a bath goes under water in the tub at chim and maddie's ✨️suicidal ideation✨️ bro is Not doing well !
chimney "CLEAR" *shocks* chim hen and buck go get coffee after a call and someone tries to rob them ???? idk but chim saves the day bc he's sexyyyy
buck eddie lucy kidnapped !!!! anyone watch that castle ep after hours? them vibes
demon fic @lovebuck and @bigfootsmom know about this in more detail but basically buck is being tortured? haunted? by a demon. maybe i'll write it for halloween ? 👁👁
buddie proposal eddie is Trying ok but things keep HAPPENING its gonna give "this is going to go fine" and then "this is not going fine" and then "this is fucking awful im fucking everything up" and then "I can't live like this fuck it imma just propose in the kitchen in front of all of these dirty dishes"
ok ok ik it's late I'm SORRY I'm tagging @swiftiebuckleys @swiftiediaz @herodiaz @dijkstraspath @dollhousejee @usercowboy
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