#madatobi headcanons
MadaTobi Supernatural Requested Plot for the awesome @wisiaden​ Part 1  - Madara is an art history professor. In his mid to late 30s, single and grumpy but is hella good when it comes to his job. Somewhat famous for finding out many cultural links and historic clues from studying antiques and relics. Izuna is a ceramic artist btw.  - One day, he's invited by Mito, an archeologist who is his best friend's wife (and also through that she became his gossip friend for their common art history passion) to study art in an ancient tomb that's just recently found. - The site is originally a government property. They were digging up the ground for construction when their shovel accidentally dig into a secret opening. So they stopped the construction and started opening the tomb to study, Mito is the leader of the project. 
- Apparently, the situation is very strange because the tomb appears to come from a historic era that's rarely recorded, might be a little legendary. This is ground breaking, and could even rewrite our current history. 
- Skipping back to Madara. When he arrives to her site, the casket has already been taken out. It looks broken. Apparently when they were trying to get the casket out, the tomb's roof fell on top of it and smashed the casket. The strangest thing is they didn’t find any person inside. 
- So Madara examines and takes pictures of the casket’s outsides. Pictures of the other antiques inside the tomb would be sent to him later. They found a few strands of white hair lying in the casket, so they thought the owner must be an elder person. 
- When Mad comes home that night, he keeps having this odd, uneasy feeling that he can't explain. It was raining heavily and the road leads into his house was dark and wet. When he comes to his doorgate, he sees a body lying in on the road in the flash of the lightning.
- His first reaction is to freak out and come to check on the body so see if that person is okay. He is wearing a white kimono and wrapped in a white haori. When he pull the haori open, he see this person has white hair and red strikes tattoos on their face. This brings him to deja vu, but he can't remember where he saw them. 
- The moment Madara lays his hand on the young man, he opens his red eyes and looks at him, saying “Madara.” - The moment Madara hears that voice, he is stunned. A ton of unexplainable scenes rush through his head: white hair, red tattoos, a smile, a sword, a strange place and a promise. “I will find you my dear, when we meet again.”
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lossie92 · 1 month
we all want mdtb for the ship ask game lets go
Hi there ❤️
Hahaha sure thing. Also sorry for the wait on this. I somehow convinced myself I already answered your ask... 😶
1. Who proposed to the other first?
Tobirama. He blurts it out one day over breakfast and that's that.
I think Madara initiates the kiss, but doesn't lean all the way in, giving Tobirama an opportunity to back away. (He doesn't.)
2. Who kissed the other first?
3. Who gives a good-morning kiss to other?
Madara. He's the only person who actually is awake in the morning. Most days Tobirama is half asleep and more or less sleepwalking his way around the house until he's almost done with breakfast and on his second cup of tea.
4. Who likes to play with the other's hair?
They both like it.
5. Who likes to play footsies?
I think Madara, since he's definitely the bigger flirt.
6. Who is the dominant one?
Madara. Without a question.
7. Who likes to keep a picture of the other with them all the time?
Not a picture, but they each carry a token of affection containing a lock of the other's hair.
8. Who likes to buy the other gifts?
Madara. He enjoys showering Tobirama with attention and affection in general, but there's a special kind of joy to be found in how much Tobirama appreciates even the smallest of gifts.
9. Who takes initiative in making physical contact?
After some initial hesitation it's Tobirama. He's definitely touch derived and the moment he realises Madara enjoys having him close he becomes a little clingy.
10. Who plans their dates?
Usually they both contribute.
11. Who was shy on their first date?
Tobirama. He has no relationship experience whatsoever, so he has no idea what is expected of him, which makes him more withdrawn and quite uncomfortable. He manages to relax pretty quickly though.
12. Who wakes up the other?
Madara. He's up with the sun and has to pry Tobirama from under a mountain of blankets basically every single day.
13. Who was shy in taking their relationship to next level?
Tobirama. Again because of his lack of experience.
14. Who hogs up the blankets in their sleep?
Tobirama because he's always cold.
15. Who is easy to get jealous?
They both do, though at the beginning Tobirama is definitely more jealous due to his own insecurities. Even though they trust each other not to stray, Tobirama constantly battles with the idea he's not good enough for Madara and that leads to him becoming jealous of anyone who tries to hog Madara's attention or flirt with him (or what Tobirama perceives as flirting).
16. Who cooks in the house?
Madara. Tobirama is capable of burning water.
17. Who 'protects' and who 'nurtures'?
I think they both do a bit of each. Madara is maybe a little more protective and Tobirama definitely likes to take care of Madara to feel "useful".
Ask me a ship and I'll tell you
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Well the Tobirama characterization poll for Useful (working title) is doing better than I thought, as far as like interacting goes. Ok, so while that does its thing lets talk “Tobirama's Dowry Issue”, I'm once again asking to pick the masses' collective brain to like fact check me and spot the issues I'm not seeing anymore.
Here’s the problem/solutions I'm settling on (well the multiple problems in one mathematical issue, I asked historical reddit but no dice)… it's lengthy, but maybe it'll help someone not writing Tobirama/Madara bc this stuff was a task to figure out.
Yuinou. Like a bride price + food and drink + engagement party but where the family taking whichever spouse is paying for the other family’s investment in the kid. Its almost like a retirement fund for the family whose kid left bc that kid won’t be there to help their elderly parents as much. From what I can tell, it was determined based on how much the that investment was. Now it seems like it's a salary's worth multiplied by the region's exception. (n x salary = yuinou). SO I need Madara's and Tobirama's wages. Easy peasy right? Right?
Ninja Salary. How much everyone makes in Naruto is actually impossible to figure out. Because of the many factors that go into how the economy works in Naruto, you also have the pseudo benefit to have it connected to real world currency. The whole 1 ryo -> 10 yen all well and good but if you know even a passing whiff of an idea of Japan's economic history you begin to see the issues (rant for another day). The only solid thing we have in prices is how pricey the reward for a completed mission is. (Which actually sucks as far as info goes because it implies either an ungodly inflation rate, taxation to the high heavens, and/or ninja are responsible for their own retirement pension.) If we use Itachi's numbers for missions completed that are weighted toward the middle-higher scale and his freakishly well documented amount of time he took to do said missions, dump his D into A we have about 3,300,00 ryo a year/275k a month for a well to do ninja. But what about the warring period?
Wages for our old timey boys. Our best real world example is samurai were paid a nebulous annual 200 koku by their daimyo. If we pretend that the ryo was worth a koku as intended, without the drama of Japan's banking, then he should only be making 16 ryo a month. OBVIOUSLY that's not going to be it in modern standards because the Senju and Uchiha are well off enough to feud. You can't feed and clothe an army on 160 yen a month unless inflation actually hit the Naruto world like a freight train. (Honestly, possible, those wars had to be doing something). So the Ryo had to have lost value before Kishimoto decided the 1 ryo = 10 yen thing or whatever Narutoverse's equivalent of a koku was is vastly different. But if we take the actual worth of a koku in modern terms we can guess the Naruto ryo's worth. To clarify 1 koku should be enough rice to feed a man a year, about 150 kg/330 lbs. If 1 kg of rice is 463 yen then 1 koku would be 69,450 yen aka 6,945 ryo. Make that 200 koku and you get 1,389,000 "ryo" a year, 115,750 a month. It may not be 3m. But! What we get from that is real world historical buying power... which I can use to do some typical writer BS. If a clan of 200 had an active 50 ninja, consumed 200 koku minimum then the income of the clan as a whole would be around 66,561,000 ryo a year from ninja alone. Not counting purchasing metals or cloth or livestock that can be refined by the non shinobi or already processed things and luxuries like spices and medicines. The civilians would make a generous 7k annually (some likely not making anything because they're children and some being too old to work) so all together they'd add 1,225,000 ryo which again would likely go towards food and clothing costs but it would lessen the burden on the shinobi being bread winners (even though they are), it'd keep a certain level of luxury to the main clan's living conditions.
All these factors considered it'd make 200k ryo a month for an heir, maybe 250k for a leader. (2-2.5 million yen (14,880-18,600 USD or 13,496-16,870 EUR as far as conversion goes today)) So now we got (n x 200k = yuinou), what about this region number? Well, I can can be completely arbitrary with this since the only examples I have are modern. 3 or 4 wouldn't be a strange number, so let's say the low end is 3 x 200k and the extreme high end would be 4 x 250k. Making a yuinou between these clans a whopping 600k ~ 1m "ryo", this number would work for most of us in the Warring Clan corner of Naruto. It's an obscene amount considering 72% of people following the tradition now is half or lower as much. It does work though when you consider how old money both clans are. Madara/Izuna marrying Hashirama or Tobirama. Hashirama/Tobirama marrying Madara or Izuna, heck, it's a good estimate for how much yuinou was paid for Mito.
But then... what is Tobirama's dowry? Yuinou isn't dowry, it's coming from the Uchiha... and there are manuals for appropriate items to take from your parents home to where you're marrying into (I just can't read or find them so second hand sources are my main). Amount though... Basically I'm going to fudge it after looking at the buying power of the clan and Tobirama himself. Then fudge it more to fit the story I'm concocting. Will anyone care? Probably not. But I spent the last two days down this rabbit hole simply because I needed to know what was within Tobirama's monetary means. The driving point of my yaoi slash fic is the man doing everything he can to be useful.
(Also if you found this doing a deep search for Naruto economics or Japan's traditional marriage practices, I am so sorry.)
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amgeryporcupine · 2 years
Been obsessing with this lately
Random thought:
The song Fire and the Flood by Vance Joy is such a perfect love song for MadaTobi/TobiMada-
[Verse 1] I was only walking through your neighborhood Saw your light on, honey, in the cold I stood Anywhere I go, there you are Anywhere I go, there you are I've been getting used to waking up with you I've been getting used to waking up here Anywhere I go, there you are Anywhere I go, there you are There you are, there you are, mm
Tobirama notices Madara's strange behavior before he leaves the village.
[Verse 2] Since we met, I feel a lightness in my step You're miles away, but I still feel you Anywhere I go, there you are (Anywhere) Anywhere I go, there you are Late at night, when you can't fall asleep I'll be lying right beside you, counting sheep Anywhere I go, there you are (Anywhere) Anywhere I go, there you are There you are, there you are, mm
Tobirama goes after Madara with the intention of monitoring his status in case Mada goes insane and destroys the village. Being a sensor allows him to find the Uchiha miles away. Eventually, Madara began to realize that the Senju is there wherever he goes.
[Chorus] You're the fire and the flood And I always feel you in my blood Everything is fine When your head's resting next to mine, next to mine You're the fire and the flood
From the time they spent traveling together, they got closer and closer until all the hatred Madara had in him dissipated. Zetsu never got the chance to get to him bcs Tobirama is clingy like a leech.
[Bridge] "Now, listen here," she said "Boy, when you know, you'll know" And I know
Okay, I may not know the actual meaning behind this Bridge. But like imagine Tobirama and Madara returning to the village at the mid-summer festival. Then standing at the Hokage mountain as they watched the fireworks Tobirama remembers his mother's words "Boy, when you know, you'll know" he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked at Madara with eyes full of love and determination. He tapped the Uchiha on the shoulder. As Madara turns, he sees Tobirama going down on one knee and pulling a small red box from his pocket, exposing a ring.
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elfgino · 2 years
Tobimada fic idea
Tw// Age gap {Madara a freshman (20) and Tobirama in his early 30's (32). I suppose age swap as well??? Rating// Mature Additional tag// Fem Madara, exorcism au in a modern setting
Silly little thought of a Tobimada fic inspired by Mob 100 but instead of Reigen and Mob, we got Tobirama coming face to face with a patient who confused his consultation office for a therapist. Turns out Madara has been having this sugar craving recently and it's becoming rather tiring on her constant consumption on sugary foods, {Her dad and brothers feeling the weight of it as well}.
At first, Tobirama doesn't tell her immediately that she's in the wrong office (in an exorcist one no less), but instead listens to her. By picking up pattern of her story and issue, he gives her some generalized advise and Madara is not quite taking it kindly. Turns out, everyone keeps spewing the same nonsense to her too, and no she doesn't think it's a phase.
Trying to cover his ass that he's made her talk to the wrong guy, Tobirama suggests to her they play a card game. At first it seem like 'is this your card' trick he's about to pull (in order to compensate by not charging her), but he knows the moment he lands his red eyes on the card, he might actually tell if her problem is abnormal or not. As he shuffles them, presents them to her, and Madara picks, it's returned to the slot as he shuffles them once more.
Upon meeting her card, he finds out her last name.
It turns into him confessing that she walked into an exorcist but as soon as she looks pissed (at the thought of not pocketing the cash for some other fun stuff but instead go find the actual consultant), Tobirama confesses to her the 'gift' she possesses and him proposing to her that he'll help her find the cure to it. There drives in a tag team of her been feed sticky black cotton candy disguised as exorcised spirits by yours truly, Tobirama, as he in return wants to find the gate that keeps letting them in.
Bring in the fluff, mistrust, ansty, sensei-protégée tag and them working out weird jobs to find it and meeting weirder spirits. Still remain an idea for now😋.
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blooming-water-roses · 10 months
Tobirama for the ask game plss
Yayyy comin' right up!
favorite thing about them
His intelligence & skillset. Also his self-control & discipline. It commands respect. His voice too, whew it's so authoritative. I also think his character design is so cool! The blue wardrobe against his pale skin and hair (I support the headcanon that he's albino, I think it adds so much depth) with his red eyes and face marks. How prettily his eyes are shaped too. His sarcasm and dry humor. And (last thing I promise) when he gets so indignant after Nart mistakes his jutsus for Minato's. (i literally named almost everything whoops)
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Cont. below cut:
least favorite thing about them
His stubbornness & huge ego. The man will never admit he is wrong out loud even when he knows he is.
favorite line
"First you must take a hard look at yourself and come to understand who you are objectively."
This speaks to who he is as a person. Look at yourself unbiased, with all of your shortcomings, your flaws, and your weaknesses as well as your strengths, know your limits and know what you're willing to do to lessen your faults. It's how he came to be who he is, and man if it isn't good advice.
HashiTobi obvs. I think their brotherly relationship is cute. Hashirama is the older sibling and yet the one who is more responsible and level-headed is Tobirama. Also the fact that Tobirama lived his life to realize Hashirama's dream of his village--as he knew Hashirama was a visionary but lacked the concrete know-how to actually execute his vision.
I have two.
TobiIzu in the way that they were true equals and I headcanon the idea that while Tobirama harbored the generational mentality that Uchiha were evil, he was also very fascinated by the Uchiha in general because of their traditions/prowess, and Izuna's strength and abilities in particular were so intricate, it was his favorite thing to study. Izuna got under his skin (which amused Izuna) and Tobirama couldn't help but be interested and in awe of him despite his pesky beliefs about the Uchiha. I believe he felt heavy guilt when he killed him.
TobiKaga in the way that Kagami was the only Uchiha ever to gain Tobirama's utmost trust. I want to know so badly how Kagami was able to obtain it. I believe Kagami was a very sunny-personality-type, who inherently understood where Tobirama was coming from and had unwavering respect for him. The beautiful "you are my exception" trope. I support the headcanon that Kagami got his Mangekyo after Tobirama left to be the decoy.
I do enjoy me some MadaTobi/TobiMada, after all they are very similar and they butt heads to it's always fun to read fics where they're stubborn in admitting they're attracted to each other.
TobiMito, I just don't see it. Mito is Hashi's wife &...why would they be attracted to each other?
TobiSaku...I see so many Sakura-self-insert ships that make no sense and this is one of them.
Just bc I don't ship/understand doesn't mean I judge you if you like it tho, by all means ship what u ship
random headcanon
I have SO many
the lines on Tobi's face each represent a fallen loved one, and the last line for Hashi is on his forehead underneath the protector
he created the Reanimation Jutsu to bring Izuna back
He hadn't meant to kill Izuna, he believed he would counter his Flying Raijin slice and was shocked & horrified when it actually worked
That he is albino & autistic (I love these hcs)
unpopular opinion
I don't believe he is prejudice against the Uchiha, I believe his misgivings about them are so ingrained (from growing up as Butsuma's son, having to view them as enemies all his young life) in his mentality that he refuses to give them up because that would mean admitting he's wrong which he never does.
I believe he did his very best to make sure Konoha would be successful and strong (creating the ANBU, delegating roles to clans, etc.) and the fact that some backfired was not his fault. He's only a person and did the best he could with what he had.
song i associate with them
R.I.P 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood
favorite picture of them
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Pretty, pretty, and pretty.
Ask me here!
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moumouton4 · 1 year
Hello you beautiful person!
I've recently stumbled upon your founders headcanons and I have enjoyed them very much. So seeing that your requests are open, I have decided to send you this ask with a request. Or rather two ideas for fic/headcanons with Tobirama, as I have those two ideas in my head and I would like you to choose which one you like better to write about!
1) if you have watched the show "Gilmore Girls" and know the character of Lorelai Gilmore. I was wondering what would it be like if Tobirama was dating a reader who is similar in character to Lorelai Gilmore
2) an arranged marriage au, where reader is a princess from another country with a completly different culture to Konoha. Tobirama and Reader trying to figure out how to navigate such situation
Actually, a third idea, again this is if you feel like writing smth like this and I'm not sure if you write ship headcanons but:
3) MadaTobi x Reader polycule headcanons, as in Madara x Tobirama x fem!Reader, where all three of them are married, just general headcanons as how their life looks like
Again, please just write whatever you feel most comfortable with and what you like best, I just needed to get those ideas out of my head.
Thank you for your founders headcanons!
Lots of love and inspiration for ya!
Him dating Someone Similar In Character To Lorelai Gilmore || Tobirama Senju x reader
A/n : Hiiiii my dearest Mythy ! I loved your ideas even though I'm sorry I try to stay as canon as possible. So you can guess why I didn't choose the 3rd but hear me out when I'll be more confident I'd try to jump into less canon plot ! And for the 2nd, well you can't know but I hate royalty AUs. But that's just me 🤣 I really hope you'll like it ! 🥰💜
Warning : Fluff
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 1283
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At first he didn't understand why you'd decided to stray from the path that would lead you to the future settled for you by your family, who had put a silver spoon in your mouth since you were a child
However, seeing how you behaved, he soon realized that you weren't exactly the obedient type. To sit in a corner and be pretty and do nothing more
He stayed away from you for a long time, observing your interactions with others, before making finally friends with you
At first he just thought you were some highly talkative and childish girl that didn't want to grow up. He was sure that would get him pissed off in no time
But as time went on, he began to realize different aspects of your personality
First of all, you were free-spirited and didn't need anyone to make a decision or follow your opinion, which is why you left behind the life your parents had prepared for you. It only added to the courage he knows you have within you
But the thing that really drew him to you was your rebellious side and your resentfulness, the latter reminding him of himself at times
Sometimes he'd give an opinion at an important meeting and only you would agree with him, and you were never the one to back down from a fight nor a verbal one
Despite your childlike side, you were very sarcastic when the occasion called for it. You always had a witty remark for every situation you found yourself in. Which was confusing at first, but over time he grew to love you and you charmed him in your own way
And then he loved to see you shut people's mouths with the ease you had with words
Well he liked a little less when he was the one whose mouth was closed shut by you, but he couldn't deny how attractive you were at those times
You had values he liked. Your unfailing loyalty and your independence, your cleverness and your way of putting things into perspective
Sometimes you'd make jokes and he'd find it hard to hold back his laughter. So much so that his cheeks would turn pink and he'd have to force himself to turn his head the other way. He couldn't understand why he found you funny when if the same joke had come from someone else, he wouldn't have appreciated it or would have told them to piss off
Especially when it came to your references to pop culture - which his brother adored so much - he would have found them too inappropriate for a kunoichi of your rank, but as it was you he could only secretly appreciate them
That's when he realized that what he felt for you couldn't just be sympathy or friendship, but perhaps - and he'd had trouble even imagining it - ...love
He hesitated a lot before making a move. Like inviting you to a date. If you can call it a date, he just said "Since you've got nothing to do, we could go somewhere"
"Go somewhere ?"
"Well yeah to sit and talk or we can still walk if you'd prefer" his voice didn't hold the same roughness as it uses to
He's lucky you understood what he was getting at, otherwise you wouldn't have gone along with his request
Surprisingly, it didn't go badly for his first date. After all, you'd always had a good feeling about each other, so there was no reason for it to go badly. Nevertheless, his hands were very sweaty, and he was afraid of screwing up and disappointing you or making you feel uncomfortable. But how could he when all his attention was on you. He even bought you mochis 😍
And then he hesitated, a lot again when it came to knowing whether he wanted to add depth to your relationship
It took him at least 3 months to push himself to ask you to be his girlfriend. He was so afraid of screwing up and losing you once and for all. He knew he had a temper and wasn't the easiest person to live with
He decided to believe in your bond and finally asked you to share your life with him
Though he almost asked you "Would you be mine ?" but at the last second it came out of his mouth as a "I guess...if you want to, we could...maybe...officially be a couple or something. Not that I care or anything, it's just that...well, I don't want anyone else to have you"
"Oh, you're finally ready to upgrade, huh ? Well, lucky for you, I have an opening for a dashing partner. Consider yourself hired"
Okay this time he couldn't hold back his blush, especially when you leaned in and caught his lips in a sirring kiss. You felt him smiling against your lips. He was so relieved you said yes... well in your own way but he wouldn't have it any other ways
But now that he was your boyfriend he couldn't help but be even more protective of you
And he scolded you a lot for your unhealthy eating habits. You were always eating junk food and ordering takeouts. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd seen you eat vegetables ( that's so unlike me lmao though I can't say the same for the coffee though 😂 )
You never cooked, so he offered to cook for you several times, but you always found an excuse to order food from outside
Even your drinking habits worried him a little. He was sure that if they drew your blood, they'd find coffee in your veins instead. You were totally addicted to coffee. You even asked for your ninja pills to be coffee-flavored
Of course Hashirama said yes and Tobirama went to yell in his brother's office when he learned about it
It was certain that if you hadn't had a good metabolism, you'd have fallen ill a long time ago
However, Tobirama is stubborn and he finally got you to eat vegetables at least 4 times a week. In exchange, you offered to share at least 2 evenings a week - if you weren't on a mission - making food-and-movie nights
Apart from your unsavory culinary habits, he was sure - no matter how flustered he was - that one day you'd make a good mother. He knew in advance that your child would be closer to you because of your childlike side and your sense of humor
You assured him that he'd find the room to fit in the life of your future child. And that he too would be perfect. Because if he saw himself always grumpy and not fun to be with it was just an impression because with you he was able to be more open... well again in his own way
In the meantime, he'd do anything to protect you. Since he's been with you, he's been surprised to discover a very protective side to himself. But most surprising of all was his jealousy and slight possessiveness. And while you love it says he hates it
He couldn't stand the idea of being so vulnerable. With you, however, the impossible was possible. With time, he was ready to show all his facets, just as you did
He found solace thanks to your extraordinary personality and he is so grateful that he found someone he can be open with without any fear of judgment
And it allowed him to experience of lot of firsts with you
And believe me all of them were quite the sight with him
But again nor you nor him wouldn't want to have it any other way
A/n : So can you guess I've never watched Gilmore Girls ? 😉 As I always say I hate to say no to an ask so I HAD to do my best to come up with a fic. I think it turned well 😙👌 Again my requests are open 🍟🥐
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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necronatural · 11 months
for the send me a character ask game: madara (&if you’re willing to do another one izuna)
I always love hearing what you think about them!
Of course no pressure :-)
First impression: The incredible ice-cold neutrality I had to Naruto villains by that point cannot be underestimated
Impression now: YEEES BROTHER PROBLEMS YEEEEES YOUR FUNDEMENTAL PERSONALITY AT ODDS WITH YOUR LOVED ONES. It's so awesome his brother wanted peace but because he didn't trust Hashirama or the Senju Madara just threw it all away once he fulfilled his brother's dreams. Go king fuck up everything. The Uchiha don't even like you anymore
Favorite moment: That world war fight where he used his sharingan to fight a whole army. I'm sorry that shit was hot as hell
Idea for a story: I know I already wrote Madara getting doublecucked fic but what if it was from Madara's point of view. Wouldn't that be so funny
Unpopular opinion: A lot of fanfics posit it's Uchiha culture to be covetous of your family and so on but I think Madara as an individual has severe control issues and codependency from family trauma. I think he's tender enough to want to do better but definitely the type of guy to Yellow Wallpaper somebody. He did do that. To Obito. Also I think if you genderbend the characters you should leave Madara as male because almost all his behaviour is informed by his male chauvinism and I think he would not do the things he did if he were a woman. Madara is without a doubt a misogynist (You Will Never Understand A Warrior's Bond flavour) so don't forget that either
Favorite relationship: I have special yaoi favourites where I smile and laugh and clap at stupid fujoshit yaoi interpretations. Madatobi isn't one of them though. If they aren't being toxic and insane at each other it's not them and it repulses me. I don't care about topping or bottoming only mind games. Fluff reserved for Hashimada. I like Hikaku having a one-sided psychosexual obsession with him since adolescence but no one understands me
Favorite headcanon:
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First impression: O...lore [thinks about what this means for Itachi's motivations because that is his narrative purpose]
Impression now:
Favorite moment: It was really funny how the anime added a line about how smug he was about the power of the sharingan and then Tobirama immediately utilized all the Sharingan's weaknesses to kill him. Way to kick a nothingdude while he's down
Idea for a story: In 2021 this is the only thing I was capable of doing
Unpopular opinion: Aro/Ace Izuna... And not only aro/ace but insane about it because he lives in feudal japan as a political entity who is sexy. Technically this is headcanon but the difference here is that I don't like it when anyone disagrees with me on this one. Tobizu is my NOTP
Favorite relationship: Platonic Tobizu wins for fucking ever!!!!!!!!!! Also I'm so obsessed with the idea of him as Kagami's post-grad sensei who sucks ass. He makes chuunin and studies under Tobirama and is like They Give You Guys A Curriculum?
Favorite headcanon: They're a romantic tobizu shipper but I believe everything Hinomori posts forever. Go into their gallery and know joy. Oh my god. Just remembering their posts makes me so sentimental. ⬇️frowing up
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Sorry Izuna's is small but you have to understand 1. he doesn't real 2. anything that is real to me I wrote 300k words about
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grimnisdottir · 1 year
🌖 ship headcanons i will ask madatobi 83 please
Haha of course! I have several!
1. Madara affectionately makes Tobiramas nicer clothes. He has a specific look he likes to see Tobirama in, and knows what’s his husband feels most comfortable in. Madara does it all by hand and Tobirama is pleased to wear them.
2. They are very possessive of each other once they fall for each other, but it’s very subtle physical signs.
3. Mdtb enjoy sitting in Tobirama’s garden. Madara learns from Hashirama on how to take care of some of Tobirama’s plants.
4. Communication, Communication, Communication. As they come from different cultures and aftermath of war, they talk a lot about each others customs, how they display affection and anger etc. This also allows for both to feel comfortable coming to each other if there is an issue. This was something Tobirama pushed and Madara enforces.
Hehe I have more but here is a few!
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lossie92 · 1 year
🦾🍫😶 for MitoHashi and mdtb please and thank you~ O3O
Hi Wisia ❤️
Btw I'm interpreting disability here as any condition that would provide a challenge for them in their everyday life. Pls don't @ me.
For mdtb:
🦾 A disability headcanon
Tobirama has pretty poor eyesight. Once they get together, Madara takes him to one of the Uchiha healers that specialises in eye health and that's how Tobirama ends up with glasses.
🍫 A headcanon about food
Madara is the cook in the house. However, Tobirama eventually learns how to prepare simple meals and he will make bentos for Madara to take to work sometimes.
😶 A random headcanon!
They're surprisingly affectionate with each other (in public and in private), which shocks a lot of people who didn't expect it from them.
For hashimito:
🦾 A disability headcanon
Hashirama has ADHD and has a lot of trouble focusing on tasks. Mito learns pretty quickly that if he's able to pace while he works or take extra breaks to move and get the restless energy out, it's much easier for him to complete all his tasks.
🍫 A headcanon about food
They are both big foodies and they love festival food best.
😶 A random headcanon!
Mito is the big spoon.
Headcanon Ask Game
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asukaskerian · 1 year
Madara 👀
1: sexuality headcanon : also demisexual also gay (mostly). but of the very special uchiha variety where he only notices someone if they have the ability to punch him in the face and make him feel it. he's rivalsexual the same way sasuke (headcanon) is. or actually it's not that he's gay it's that he's into people who lean more butch than femme but considering the time period and his general concerns re: clan and brother survival he has never bothered to figure it out.
2: otp : madatobi orz
3: brotp : i REALLY LIKE his early days dynamic with hashirama tho? him trying to be sensitive and hashirama trolling him right and left.
4: notp : hashi//mada. :X they cannot fuck without a third person in the middle to keep balls from touching.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head :
6: favorite line from this character : every single time he throws shade at people. mmm. *chef's kiss*
7: one way in which I relate to this character : more hair is more good actually. u.u
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character : ... why ... why do we know his pissing habits kishimoto why
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? oh, he's problematic and LOVES it. who's a scorching hot little war criminal, yes it's him, yes it's him.
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perelka-l · 1 year
Idk what other fandoms you have outside the Naruto fandom sooo how 'bout Madara
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know those links on my profile don't work in mobile and idk how to fix that???? but ye i have a handy dandy list lol
Anyway, meme time:
favorite thing about them
He's a big emotional dumbass with dumbassery maybe rivalring his hair he is absolutely horrible and look how far that got him. Also, six paths form. And everything. Man, it's hard to choose. He's a well constructed villain and also it's kinda cool how whole series starts with mentioning that name in hushed voices of disbelief and fear. for a reason huh.
least favorite thing about them
"i only ever use a jutsu once" bitch and yet you used susanoo over 2137 times in this series shut the fuck up and stop stroking your dick in front of everyone's faces
favorite line
ya think i will say it's about the second meteorite. it is indeed, the second meteorite line. I mean. It's that line, it's excellent for a reason.
That man has no bros. Honestly. He doesn't. I cannot answer this question, I have nothing in my mind, he canonically literally scared everyone away and nobody wanted to associate with him, he isn't bitchless, he is broless.
Oh man, where do I start. I will just go for those that I have most thots about, okie?
For starters, MadaIzu. Like, ofc we didn't have much of them shown but a) Uchiha is incest anyway and I will stand by it and b) Izuna was shown to be the only one that stood next to Madara. Nobody, literally almost nobody in this series could ever achieve that, no matter how willing one was - and Izuna was, I assume, entirely here for Madara. Maybe even was one of few people that thought about him, maybe even had him wrapped around his little finger and Madara would do a lot for his little bro. Man.
MadaObi. WHERE DO I EVEN START like I feel like I am going crazy when I start thinking about it. They are connected on so many fields, Obito being his descendant, Madara getting his body, stitching it together (man, there was that one fantastic art with old madara and obito.... doing precisely that), literally putting his hands on this boy's heart and sealing it (POETRY), brainwashing into becoming himself and later using Obito for all his worth, giving him life and choosing when to take it away, and Obito starting to resists like jfc my brainworms. I like them both as also shit jiji and bratty mago. THEY ARE JUST SO GOOD FUCKKKKKKKK I AM GNAWING AT MY HOODIE LIKE A RABID ANIMAL AAAAAA
HashiMada. That's all. Although... I like it a bit darker, not in means of whump and such but I can't help but thing that Hashirama unknowingly stumbled on something that swallowed both of them. Hashirama may have best interests in heart, but he isn't a good person, and Madara... Madara has his own issues. More below.
MadaTobi is nice. I always found it hilarious how similar they are and yet so different, and I like to think that's why they are so appealing together. Those two are not alright but maybe that's why they could have a relationship that would be akin to watching a slow hurricane in a distance. Gorgeous but pity everyone in its path. Those lads have mental issues but both are crazy scientists, and both are prickly cats, yanno?
nothing comes to my mind atm
random headcanon
A dumbass ace. And he is a dumbass. Well, more like mentally ill, not like those two things cancel out, but he really genuinely didn't question a moment when he heard a voice in his head say "do x thing" and he just fucking goes and does it. If you ask me, that guy even without zetsu around has some real fucking issues that are either exploited (hashi i see you you fucking whore) or misunderstood... And his power makes it dangerous because he can achieve all that he wants.
unpopular opinion
fem madara superiority ganggggggggggggggggg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
song i associate with them
Some are: Not Worth Remembering (Turk Dietrich Remix) by SONOIO, Tomorrow by Lorn, Sweet Shadows by Daughter Darling, NO FEAR by §E▲ ▓F D▓G§, Mavericks by Johnossi, Arzusun by Niyaz*, Candy Shop by Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire, Szamar Madar by Venetian Snares, The Elm Guest House by Gefradah, Velvet Divorce by Sneaker Pimps*, Begin Again by Purity Ring, SINKING by Diskette Park, Subterranean and Empires Lost by melodysheep, Voices in the Static by Hybrid*.
Songs marked with * are 6P specific... Yeah.
favorite picture of them
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amgeryporcupine · 2 years
Oh, uh, still that one anon who called Mada out on being a virgin
I love Madatobi more than anything and seeing your art filled me with great joy. With the headcanon stuck in my head, can't help but think, "ah yes Tobirama would be perfect in stopping the 4th Shinobi War before it could ever start. Take 'im to bed and keep 'im there."
You just gave me an idea and it was brilliant! Tobirama literally doing everyone a favor by "doing" Madara lol
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hashidrama-s · 1 year
Vi que no fandom gringo, o shippe Madatobi é bem popular e queria entender porque
Ei, Anony! Então, eu já reparei, acho que todos repararam, mas explicar isso é algo que eu vou ficar te devendo kkkk
Talvez seja porque gostam das fanfics? (Eu nunca parei para ler uma desse shipper, sinceramente). Talvez seja só para ser do contra e arranjarem um casal com ainda menos migalhas de interações? (TobiIzu é exatamente assim e faz fama, então...)
No entanto, todo amor aos fãs de MadaTobi, porque se em HashiMada, a gente já tira do nosso bolso headcanon, teoria com 5 segundos de tela e muita coisa das vozes de nossa mente, não quero nem IMAGINAR o que amantes de MadaTobi fazem para produzir seus conteúdos (mas convenhamos que é realmente excêntrico ser o shipper mais popular lá fora. O que rolou?)
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sarcasticfoxy · 1 year
For MadaTobi
Ooh okay lets go with the 🥀 first.
My darkest headcanon because I suck with theories so. I would say mine darkest would be Madara/Tobirama manipulating things so that they get another one for themselves without anyone else suspecting anything.
🌸favorite headcanon. Oh damn you threw hard one.. Hmm I gotta say the favorite is that Tobirama loves Madara's chakra and that they are very possessive partners :'D or when they are very soft with each other, trying to show another that they deserve someone to love them.
🦴extinct animals uuuhh... Hmm. I was gonna say dragon but thats not animal that actually real :'D. Because I love cat tobirama I would choose sabre-tooth cat for him. Madara is a little bit harder in this. I don't know why I want but I want Madara have velociraptor.
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fiyasgideon · 1 year
For MadaTobi
🌸 my favorite headcanon
Hmmm, I'll say something different from the last one. Another favorite madatobi headcanon is that Tobirama is a Blessed and Madara tries so hard to whoo Tobirama (even if they're already arranged to be married) because he wants so badly for Tobirama to love him as much as he loves Tobirama.
🦴 what kind of extinct animal I’d give them
Madara would get Tasmanian Wolf
Tobirama would get a Sabertooth Tiger for sure.
🌖 ship headcanons
Uhhh... I kinda interpreted this as what ships I headcanon the character with, but they're already a ship. But honestly, I find it hard to see them with anyone else. Tobirama with Izuna maybe, but that's about it.
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