#lupineleigh's ramblings
dvlaunchpad-mcquack · 11 months
Background Launchpad McQuack is the son of stunt pilots, Ripcord McQuack and Birdie, with a blonde sister named Loopy. All of them wear scarves and pilot caps and goggles, and the four of them used to perform in an airshow with dangerous stunts as “The Flying McQuacks,” as shown in DuckTales episode “Top Duck.” Launchpad told Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck he left home after embarrassing himself with a crash during the Flying McQuack’s air show. Launchpad mentioned he left home to get a job when he was fifteen, in Ducktales “Launchpad’s First Crash.” Launchpad’s first plane was a small bi wing called the Sun Chaser, which Scrooge McDuck hired him to fly for as cheaply as possible. It is uncertain how they returned home from that pastiche of Jules Verne’s “Journey To The Center of the Earth” but Launchpad’s next plane was a red bi wing he named the Joy Rider. At some point in his history, Launchpad joined the Junior Woodchucks, earning every merit badge except for swimming, as he revealed in “Merit Time Adventure.” He earned enough merit to become a Scout Leader, and he led Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck and Doofus Drake on a camping trip in “Super Doof”. In “Double O Duck,” Launchpad was mistaken for a spy who looks just like him named Bruno. Launchpad was enlisted by the Duckburg Intelligence Agency to meet with double agent Feathers Galore and intercept enemy agency FOWL’s plan. Feathers attempted to murder Launchpad but Launchpad’s luck and clumsiness (and general awkwardness with unwonted flirtation) spared him from several mishaps until they were both caught by FOWL and thrown into a pit of lions. Launchpad used one of the devices Agent G (Gyro Gearloose) gave him to help him and Feathers escape the lions. In gratitude for him saving her life, Feathers helped Launchpad corner Dr. No Good until the villain ended up falling, presumably to his demise.
“Where No Duck Has Gone Before,” Launchpad was jealous of the attention the triplets were giving to an actor, Major Courage, poignantly saying “real heroes don’t need cameras and makeup. Real heroes just do their job.” Major Courage was the first to call Launchpad “LP”, a nickname Darkwing would use in his show. Launchpad steered the spaceship through an asteroid shower. (He also said there’s no such thing as aliens.)
Launchpad briefly worked for the Beagle Boys in “Hero For Hire”, Flintheart Glomgold in “Robot Robbers”, and the DIA (Duckburg Intelligence Agency) in “Double O’Duck.”
Launchpad has worn the Gizmoduck suit at least twice (in DuckTales “A Case Of Mistaken Identity” and a 1992 DuckTales comic, “A Switch In Time” https://inducks.org/story.php?c=KJZ+025 ). In the episode, he was encouraged to help keep Fenton’s identity a secret by neither denying or acknowledging that he was Gizmoduck. When he was seen disappearing at the same time Gizmoduck removed a box of lit fireworks from a stadium, and reappearing dazed from a stray firework blowing up on him, the whole town took that as evidence that he was the costumed hero. He was mobbed with throngs of fans for days and although he enjoyed the attention of female groupies, he asked Scrooge to help him prove that he was not Gizmoduck. Scrooge arranged a press conference for Launchpad to make his statement, but Launchpad quoted Fenton’s favorite saying on camera during the conference. Since M’Ma Crackshell was watching the conference on tv, the Gizmosuit responded and zoomed to Launchpad, attaching to him on camera. Launchpad tried to remove the suit by pressing random buttons, ending up accidentally flooding the city when one of the suit!s missiles damaged a dam. Trapped in the current and unable to swim in the heavy suit, Launchpad had to be rescued by Fenton via a construction crane. The second time Launchpad wore the Gizmosuit, in the comic “A Switch In Time”, the wheel and leg attachments were missing from the suit and he seemed more in control of the suit’s functions. He and Fenton Crackshell were both tired of their low paying, high risk jobs and they simultaneously told Scrooge they wanted to quit. Scrooge encouraged them to try each others’ job for a day to see if they would change their minds. Unfortunately for Launchpad, some thieves attempted to break into the money bin while he was in patrol and when he attempted to stop them by ejecting a puddle of oil, he slipped and knocked himself out. Fenton again saved him and they both resumed their original jobs. Launchpad was tricked by the Beagle Boys into acting as a live action superhero, the Web-bed Wonder, in “Hero For Hire”, accidentally creating real crimes. Ironically Launchpad said “nobody needs a hero nowadays.”
In Darkwing Duck “Water Way To Go”, Launchpad told Darkwing he wanted to try being the hero for a case, turning some of Darkwing’s words and mannerisms against him, while still being open to following Darkwing’s leadership and evaluations of the case. He helped Darkwing escape a flood by surfing. His hero worship for Darkwing was still present, though, as he was clearly delighted Darkwing praised him. He did not mind reverting back to doing menial chores after Darkwing called him an equal. In Darkwing Duck, Launchpad posed as Darkwing in “A Duck By Any Other Name” with Tuskernini as the main villain (http://darkwingduck.wikia.com/wiki/A_Duck_by_Any_Other_Name) and “Double Darkwings” (http://darkwingduck.wikia.com/wiki/Double_Darkwings )with Jambalaya Jake as the main antagonist). He also donned a Darkwing suit in one comic, “Hero For A Day,” (http://darkwingduck.wikia.com/wiki/Hero_for_a_Day). where he went up against the one shot villain, the Back Alley Bushwhacker, defeating him by apologizing (making the villain laugh) and pretending he lost a contact lens. In Darkwing Duck “U.F. Foe”, Launchpad revealed that he used to be afraid of heights. His father, Ripcord McQuack (who seems more stern and oblivious to Launchpad’s feelings in Darkwing Duck versus the version we saw in Ducktales “Top Duck”), took Launchpad for a flight in an open air biwing to help him overcome his fear, neglecting to make sure his seatbelt was fastened. Launchpad fell out of the plane during a trick, and was rescued by a visiting young purple alien princess named Tia. Tia flew Launchpad around, a la Peter Pan style, to a fairground. According to Launchpad, he had so much fun, he forgot to be afraid of heights any more. Later, adult Tia had him abducted to ask him to marry her to help her lead her people. After Darkwing and Gosalyn helped expose the evil plan Bleeb had for Launchpad, Launchpad turned Tia down and all three Earthlings had their memories of the adventure erased. In Darkwing Duck “The Quiverwing Quack”, Launchpad said his father kicked him out and told him to get a job. It is also interesting to note that Launchpad was perfectly capable of cooking breakfast for the kids over an open campfire, yet in Darkwing Duck, Darkwing was surprised that Launchpad was able to make a decent looking (and unfortunately for him, spicy) batch of brownies.
In Darkwing Duck “Trading Faces” Launchpad said school was difficult for him, and in the Darkwing Duck read along book, “High Wave Robbery”, Launchpad jokingly said he “played a stringed instrument as a kid. A yoyo!”
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tempest-loupnoir · 2 years
I wonder if this is another form of my Neuro divergency. I see so many people talk about feeling like their names don’t fit them. I rarely see people who like their name. I personally don’t feel like my name fits me either, but I think I am different from people who have actual trauma associated with their names because I think I disassociated from mine? Or depersonalized?
I never say my name unless I have to introduce myself to someone. I never request a nickname, either since there really isn’t a nickname form that I like. I do have some trauma from hearing my name yelled from another room, and I have known of other people with my name who turned out to be literal psychopaths, but then there are also people with my name who are loved for their kindness and passion. My name is just something that is attached to me that will follow me forever, but it means nothing to me, other than a means of letting me know someone is talking to me, and leaving a marker that I once existed.
Is it normal to feel indifferent about your name?
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tempest-loupnoir · 4 years
I just had a sobering thought from DuckTales “The Trickening.”
Saving some space for spoilers in case you don’t want to read any further.
We saw that Launchpad has believed he was responsible for unleashing hundreds of demons on Duckburg every year on October 31st since he was a kid. We also know Darkwing Duck has been his favorite show since he was a little kid, just like it was Drake Mallard’s favorite.
What makes this connection sobering is that Launchpad believed he was fighting incredible odds every year. He thought he had to push himself to keep fighting, and keep protecting Duckburg from “the Hungries.” This sounds a lot like his speech in “Duck Knight Returns.” He didn’t just admire Jim for always getting back up to continue the fight no matter what: he Needed to embody that same fighting spirit. He couldn’t find Scrooge on October 31 because Scrooge was out trick or treating. He was probably laughed at by other adults who thought his cry for help was just a staged act. He struggled for decades on his own, with only the moves he’d learned from Darkwing and Darkwing’s indomitable spirit keeping him going (and Darkwing’s embarrassing obliviousness to the obvious).
I don’t understand why Launchpad’s parents and sister didn’t explain Halloween to him. Maybe they had some other tradition they engaged in on October 31st, like flying around to rain candy from a plane for a parade, or make deliveries for stores? I don’t know. Maybe Launchpad just didn’t understand anyone’s explanation because he was too busy panicking, like he did in the Terra Firmian episode where he was convinced Molemen were everywhere. Launchpad is his own worst enemy.
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tempest-loupnoir · 4 years
I was trying to get my Ducktales figurines from Target to stand on their own and I was using my model horses and stable for them to straddle when a big peal of thunder startled me and made me envision them running to the stable for shelter. It inspired this silly dialogue to come to mind.
***** “There’s a building over there. We should take shelter until the storm passes.” Huey pointed past the trees a weathervane he could just see on a hill across the field. “I don’t like the smell of this...” Louie wrinkled his bill as they scaled a paddock fence.
Finding a stall door open, they slipped out of the rain into the wood shavings of a box stall.
Louie covered his bill and grimaced at the fly-adorned road apples. “Blurgh. I really don’t like the smell of this.” “It’s just a wee bit of horse hooey. Don’t be such a bairn.” Scrooge rolled his eyes. Webby, meanwhile, already found a new friend. “Ooooh! Horsies!”
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tempest-loupnoir · 4 years
I know the movie does not portray any of the real life people accurately or realistically, and that there is still a lot of dissent and bad feelings over it, but I’ve always loved the music for Disney’s Pocahontas. I’ve been listening to the deleted songs that never made it into the movie and even though they’re a little rough sounding, I wish they could become popular.
Just about every song in “Pocahontas” was about learning to accept differences. The deleted song “Dancing To A Different Drummer” had Pocahontas herself wondering why she was different from her people and family. “The Middle Of The River” is a song about opposing sides putting aside their differences to meet peacefully on a middle ground and discuss their viewpoints respectfully. “The First To Dance” is about having the courage to take the first step in leading others to make a change. “Colors of the Wind,” “Listen To Your Heart,” “Steady As The Beating Drum,” “Riverbend,” and even “If I Never Knew You” are all gorgeous and they still make my heart beat a little faster when I listen to them.
As a neurodivergent child who had never been able to understand the words in a song, it was a literal miracle when I understood all but four words in “Colors Of The Wind.” That’s it! I understood Judy Kuhn’s voice enough to hear all of the important words about seeing, not only the beauty of the earth and all its creatures, but also the beauty in other people. This soundtrack will always have a piece of my heart. I hope by sharing my appreciation for it, others will give it another chance to speak to them. We all need encouragement.
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tempest-loupnoir · 5 years
Our new Darkwing Duck is in good shape and he seems to know one form of fighting but he does not seem to be a very adept crimefighter yet. So now I have a new theory floating around my achey head. To help DW become a better hero, LP might fly him around the world to meet other fighters like Djinn, Amunet, Goose Lee, some Tibetan yogi, Storkules, Gabby McStabberson, maybe even Panchito and José. Mrs. Beakley could give him pointers from SHUSH and maybe even introduce him to Ludwig or Hooter (or Zan Owlsen? Maybe she’ll become the next SHUSH recruit?). DW could even meet some of his future foes as mentors or fellow students. The stories could be brief or expanded on. It’d be interesting to see how this Drake Mallard becomes Darkwing Duck like the well trained, well educated, but poorly socialized original DW we knew.
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tempest-loupnoir · 3 years
@schadenfredde straight up murdered me with this thought tonight. Oh gosh, how do I begin to explain how this felt…
If you’re a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures or Helluva Boss fan, this angst is all too familiar but gosh, this is not how I wanted to spend my birth month, agonizing over a side character I just met a month ago…
Spoilers and angst ahead! I have no idea how to code stuff on my ten year old iPad so I apologize for not knowing how to do a Read More tag on mobile.
Here’s the song. The second verse is not in the show, but I included them in my heartbroken analysis below.
The start of the angst train
Fredd, 9:39 PM Nooooooo Robert singing Stolas' You Will Be Okay song to George and Joseph Lupine, 9:48 PM AHHHH Lupine, 9:48 PM Noooo Lupine, 9:48 PM Ouch my heart Fredd, 9:48 PM ;;;;_;;;; Lupine, 9:49 PM Now I want to hear that. Dang it lol Fredd, 9:51 PM So much angsttttt Fredd, 9:51 PM And the saddest thing is Robert isn't even gone yet when George dies ;_; AHHHH "Constellations gone so soon" It fits perfectly. He'd be talking about the Joestars Fredd, 10:10 PM Moar angst Little Joseph being naughty and not wanting to sleep Robert offers to take over and sits down by the bed "I used to sing this song to your father when he was your age"
Lupine, 9:53 PM That line about “I used to think that I was bold. I used to think love would be fun. Now all my stories have been told except for one.” In context with Speedwagon, that hurts even more than Stella’s coldness Lupine, 9:55 PM Love has not been fun for him ;_; Only one single month of happiness before Jonathan sailed away forever and Erina returned with a broken heart Lupine, 9:58 PM That month was so busy too with getting ready for the wedding and setting up a new home, plus Robert worrying about zombies and more masks. That wasn’t a super happy fun month for him, either. It was bliss compared to December but February came far too quickly
“The day that you arrived, the sun went black, an artificial night”: (The day George was conceived, the sunlight in their family, Jonathan, went out.) “You came and stole away the light and put it in your eyes”: (Literally, since George and Joseph have Jonathan’s blue eyes, stealing Speedy’s heart) “How could I possibly suspect that you’d eclipse the midnight sun”: (Could be talking about how the joy of watching George grow helped eclipse the grief in Speedy’s heart.) “I thought I knew all the moves but then you pulled me back to one.” (The challenges of being a father figure when he never had one and never should have been one, according to his own choices. Speedy probably had to use every trick in his book on sleight of hand, manipulation, artful dodging to avoid oversharing, etc. to keep Joseph in check.
“If the stars ever align, I hope you take it as a sign” : (a lucky streak, and funds come through, setting up the Joestars comfortably for life) “If the seven hells collapse, although the day will be my last, you’ll be okay. If the heavens crash aground, I know you’ll hear the trumpets sound.” :(Even if the kid dies, it’s a positive because they’ll finally meet Jonathan ) “And when creation goes to die, you can find me in the sky upon the last day and you will be okay.”
Uhhh… Yeah. This song just got a hundred times more depressing in my head…
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tempest-loupnoir · 4 years
Here’s a fact about me that had a big impact on my life and perception of media.
I first read a book about wolves in the late 1980’s. I bought it in a Scholastic Bookfair at my school, and read every page, and I quickly realized something: everything I love about dogs, I could apply to wolves. I also saw that wolves were painted as voracious, saguinary murderers stalking humans in every forest, and realized that was not only false information for most of the world, it was also dangerous propaganda for the few wolves who were still living in areas where they could come into contact with humans.
Wolves were Not popular back in the 1980’s/early 1990’s. The Yellowstone National Park wolf relocation project was highly contested. There wasn’t much information about how wolves actually behave as a pack, and the few books I could find neglected to mention that they were books written about observations of wolves forced to live in enclosures, generally with unrelated wolves. They could not disperse like they would in the wild, and those captive packs used to live under a ton of stress. Now we have actual observations of naturally formed packs in many different climates and settings, and the real truth is, every pack is a unique family with their own way of doing things. Also, some wild wolves are wary of anything unfamiliar, and can be very suspicious of unfamiliar meat, even when it’s straight up offered to them, like hamburger and chicken.
So, long story short: when I was nine years old, the general public attitude was “wolves are evil,” (literally everyone I knew preached that, from pastors in the pulpit, politicians using metaphors in speeches, teachers at school, and even little kids playing tag). Here I was, armed with a little spoonful of truth about wolves being shy, passionate family members (gosh I wish I could have had a supportive family like a wolf), who didn’t automatically look at sheep and kids and think “Lunch.”
I remember my fourth grade class had to sit through the librarian reading a Little Red Riding Hood adaptation where, once again, the wolf was murdered, but this time the girls in the book were the ones who murdered him. AFTER the poor wolf had agreed that eating a peach sounded nicer than eating a girl and he was willing to eat some peaches if they’d just throw some down for him. They tricked him into getting into a basket and letting them pull him up to the highest branch and then dropped him, killing him on impact. The wolf was being reasonable! There was no need to kill him!
After I processed the story and swallowed around the lump in my throat, I said “That’s not right. Wolves are actually very shy and avoid humans.”
My face was burning, tears were glassing in my eyes, and my throat was tight but quiet, introvert, antisocial, 9 year old me lectured the librarian and my entire Stunned class for the next five or so minutes. I have no idea how much time actually passed. My class of twenty plus fellow nine and ten year olds had never heard me speak up without stammering before. After I finished my passionate, educational speech, the librarian was too flabbergasted to respond and basically replied “it was just a story.” My classmates kind of smiled at me with wide eyes.
After realized I had spoken up against an adult (a big no-no back then, and something I could have gotten in trouble for), I got super embarrassed and clammed up, but I remember some of my classmates were supportive of me and I think my passion speech inspired some of them to look past the stories they’d been spoonfed up to then to do some research themselves. I don’t know. I do know, I felt so empowered by my newfound passion, that I used every opportunity I could to do further research on wolves at the library (this was long before the internet made research possible at my home or any of my neighbors’ homes. I did not get internet at home until...1998 I think? So I had to ask my parents to drive me to our tiny local libraries for me to look at newspaper films and the few books they had, which all had the same aforementioned problem: they were written by scientists in zoos, not out in the wild.)
A lot has changed since this 9 year old schooled a librarian and a class full of fourth graders, but when I start feeling depressed and helpless to do anything to help change this world, I think back to that day. I remember the warmth in my veins and the heady mix of pride and terror I felt, and the first taste of justice I had. David L. Mech and many others have spent a lifetime studying wolves in the wild and many other scientists, photographers, etc. have been carefully documenting the secret lives of unseen and misunderstood animals around the world since, and technology has helped make it possible to observe without disturbing those fragile ecological areas.
I think the biggest lessons I took from that day were as follows:
3. if you see something that you know is not right, speak up. Even if you don’t have all of the facts, it’s okay to speak from the heart. Open, honest, unaccusatory Communication is still the best way for both sides to learn.
2. It’s okay to love things that are not “popular.”
And the biggest point of all:
1. In order to understand something, you have to see it in its actual environment/setting, and devote time to learn.
Misconceptions don’t go away overnight. It takes time and an honest desire to learn, without bias, to understand something you’ve never had exposure to aside from hearsay and media interpretations. We all know stereotypes fall short of actual representation. If so many people in this big world can agree that maybe a villainized predator is okay to tolerate and even admire, think of how amazing it’d be if we applied that to other things we don’t understand. :)
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dvlaunchpad-mcquack · 4 years
I was laughing earlier because I imagined Ducktales 2017 Launchpad McQuack having a mental conversation with himself after hearing someone say “who’s a good boy?”
“I’m a good boy. Am I? Nobody tells me I’m good, and technically I’m not a boy any more but age doesn’t matter in that expression, does it? So technically we’re all good boys. Except for the bad boys. Wait, does crashing make me a bad boy? Am I bad boy?”
Then he gets happy after hearing “you are! Yes. You’re a good boy!”
“Gee thanks!”
Both the dog and the person talking look at him blankfaced
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tempest-loupnoir · 4 years
I had a strange dream this morning, May 9, 2020.
It was a college dream at first, combining my college with a mall that had a Disney Store, Build A Bear, and Rainforest Cafe in it. While I was trying to find someone who could help me look up my class schedule and was getting scolded and accused of being drunk because I was having a migraine brain fog, somehow the scene changed to sitting in an auditorium watching a Christmas play about Santa’s reindeer being kidnapped. For some reason my childhood friend was there asking me questions about the deer but I noticed Rudolph was acting really anxious. My viewpoint shifted again to Rudolph and now I was the one trying to break away from my handler and get home. The play was a coverup for a real kidnapping and I was the real (as in the fuzzy claymation from tv) Rudolph, lol. I did get away and ran outside and tried to fly away but I was weak and I crashed, smashing my face into the pavement. I couldn’t resist when I was picked up and dragged into a hallway after the other reindeer. I was closed up in a room with three beds and bed stands. I laid on one bed in deer fashion with folded legs and glanced over at one bed stand and ended up geeking out over Darkwing Duck stuff there! Lol comics, a night light with a proud Darkwing on the Audubon Tower instead of the real life goofy-looking DW nightlight. There was also a coloring book and vhs tapes. Then I woke up wishing I had hands to pick up the comic with. XDD
So apparently somewhere in my subconscious, Rudolph the red nosed reindeer is a fan of Darkwing Duck. Haha!
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tempest-loupnoir · 7 years
How do anthro birds wear earrings?
Weird thought that popped into my head first thing this morning. Some comic book ducks like Brigitta MacBridge and Glittering Goldie wear earrings, however ducks and other birds do not have ear lobes! We can argue some of them are hybrids like Clerky, who have duck beaks and tiny (creepy) droopy Beagle boy ears, but usually those hybrids have human legs and feet (also creepy). So how do they wear earrings?
The original Ducktales helped prevent that question from arising with Goldie by giving her a tiara, but the comic book Goldie wears a small hair comb and separate earrings. So what are those attached to? Did she have that tiny flap of skin in her earholes pierced? (Ouch!) Or are bird earrings essentially modified earplugs that go into their earholes (and still allow them to hear). Maybe the decorations are not attached to the ears at all, but are merely hair or feather clips. (Anatomically the ear holes are higher on a duck’s skull than they are on a human, I think, so the earrings would look like they are in the wrong spot if they were attached to an earhole lobe.) If I remember correctly, Owls have asymmetrical earholes, so an owl wearing earrings would have them at different positions on either side of its head. So maybe earrings are just fancy clips that fasten to feathers. That leads my sleep deprived brain to other questions: if they have jewelry that clips to feathers, does that mean we might see a tail ring in the future DuckTales? Or navel ring? Blegh. The things I think of. Hehe.
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tempest-loupnoir · 5 years
I guess we now know Mrs. Beakley was not in Scrooge’s employ ten years ago, which means not only did Scrooge deal with losing Della and Donald and his great nephews in one day... He also lost his right hand man in that same time period. Plus a ton of his hard earned money and treasure he’d found with his family. Then at some point Launchpad, Mrs. Beakley and Webby entered the equation in this decade. That is a lot of change in a short time frame. I wonder if he went to the demon dimension to get Duckworth back?
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tempest-loupnoir · 7 years
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I know I’m going to come off as sounding hyper critical of the new DuckTales as I analyze and adjust to it. In some respects it is very jarring for an older fan who grew up with the original DuckTales. The voices sound all wrong and some of the characters sound and act so weird, it almost feels like a duckified version of “Gravity Falls.” I Will go on record here and say that I am very excited and happy with the general tone, color palette, the details like Carl Barks’ paintings in Scrooge’s manor, and the characterization of Scrooge and Donald. I am going to have a hard time adjusting to the voice changes but I already LOVE the depth the series is showing for Scrooge’s character and Donald. Oh my gosh I love them so much! The crew really nailed the feel of a DuckTales/Don Rosa “Life and Times of Scrooge”/modern cartoon mashup. I see a bunch of new characters and plot lines I am already looking forward to seeing revealed.
I love this screenshot of Scrooge looking at a diving suit in a display case. I would gladly put a poster of this shot up on my wall because it shows me some of the pensiveness and depth that made me fall head over heels for Scrooge in Rosa’s comics. I am also very curious to see why the two men with the guy in the tam o'shanter approaching the ruby are wearing hats like Lilliput from the Darkwing Duck episode “Getting Antsy.”
There is enough in this preview for me to chew on, stew on, and love to pieces. Thank you, animation and story team, and thank you Disney for bringing this new DuckTales to us duck fans! I can hardly wait to see how this new series will be received by kids who have never heard of Launchpad McQuack or even Scrooge McDuck. Social media is going to be a hurricane for sure!
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tempest-loupnoir · 5 years
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Tumblr ate my post three times so let’s try this again without active links.
In “Nothing Can Stop Della Duck”, we see a highly responsive, possibly emotionally reactive AI of supposedly deceased Ludwig Von Drake. It seems very advanced, even for a decade ago, so I have a few wild theories. What if Ludwig built his own time machine and went to the future to get the technology for the AI? Could he have gone back to the future (or even to another planet) after installing it and watched what happened in the vault live from somewhere else? Or, could this technology be the predecessor for super intelligent AIs like One/Uno/Odin Eidolon in the Donald Duck Duck Avenger/Papierinik comics?
I’ve been spoiled already and loving it, but getting back to today’s episode... I wonder if it’s canon now that Ludwig and Matilda McDuck got together. The daughter at the end there looks a bit like Don Rosa’s older Matilda.
Don Rosa’s Matilda, hugging Scrooge in “A Letter From Home” https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/2/28079/1126105-matilda_mcduck__03____scrooge_mcduck__04__001__01_.png
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Then again, she also looks like Ducktales 1987’s Mrs. Featherby in the series and in the movie “Ducktales Treasure of the Lost Lamp”
And Don Rosa’s Ms. Quackfaster https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/square_small/0/77/511669-quackf.jpg
So is it a coincidence that this new character looks a lot like Matilda (aside from eye shape and bangs) or Mrs. Featherby? Or will we get some more Easter eggs from the past?
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tempest-loupnoir · 6 years
Random DuckTales 17 thought:
I wonder if the triplets will win a studio tour to the Ottoman Brothers’s set and that’s when they will meet Jim Starling or Drake Mallard. Or Gosalyn directing an alien horror movie.
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tempest-loupnoir · 6 years
Shadow of a Sibling
Sooo… I started a drawing for my Secret Santa partner and it took an unexpected turn. I let the picture tell me what it wanted to say, and wrote this little oneshot scene as a result. I hope it is not too out of character. I’ve only read one Ducktales 2017 comic with Della in it so I don’t have a feel for her character yet. Donald is also kind of a stranger to me in this Ducktales AU. Anyway, enough nervous rambling; on with the story!
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“Hold still, you squirmy worm! It’s not like you’ve never been bandaged before!” Della laughed as she wound some athletic tape over the pad of gauze on her twin’s hand.
“But I’ve got to check on the boys!” Donald protested. “Ouch!”
“The boys are fine. I dropped them off at Grandma’s farm. Now care to tell me what got you squirreling in an argument with your Neighbor Jones again?” Della asked lightly, still smiling.
Donald’s eyes glistened and his gaze slid down to his hand, watching her wrap his knuckles.
“Did you lose your temper again?” Della asked.
Della raised her eyebrows skeptically.
"Okay, maybe a little...but that no good dirty snob deserved it,” Donald’s gaze hardened and his feathers ruffled on his neck.
“What did he say?” Donald’s tone of voice drew his twin’s eyes up to his. Della touched his cheek gently. “Donald... Slamming your fist into a birdbath is pretty serious, even for you.”
Donald could not meet her eyes. He fidgeted and tried to back away. “I’m okay. I’ll take care of myself.”
“Donald...” Della put her hand on his shoulder. “Talk to me, Donny... We used to talk about everything when we were little. I miss those days...” She frowned and glanced off to her left.
“Me too.”
“What changed? I’m still me and you’re still you.” Della searched his face.
“We grew up. You got married, started a career, had kids, got all of the applause.” He raised his hands appeasingly. “Which you deserve. Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for you. I just...feel kind of empty standing in your shadow. Standing in everyone’s shadow... What am I saying. Never mind. Forget I said anything.” Donald backed up. “Thanks for doctoring me, Sis.” He immediately regretted looking at her when he saw her jaw agape and her eyes staring blankly at him.
“My...shadow? What are you talking about? Why do you feel empty?” Della’s beak quivered.
“I can’t keep a job. I fail at everything I do, even when I try to help someone. If anything bad happens, I get the brunt of it, and nobody takes me seriously. I may not be as smart as Uncle Ludwig and I may be as stubborn as Uncle Scrooge but I know when I’m licked. I’m nothing compared to you or Gladstone or Grandma.”
“Donald, it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor or smart or strong or skilled at something. I take you very seriously.” She took his uninjured hand. “You’re my brother! My children’s favorite uncle! A great pilot and cook and video gamer, and a loyal friend. My best friend. I would be empty without you. I need you. You share in my joys and trials. You teach me and protect me and help me. I’m lucky to have you in my life.”
“Aww... Come’ere. I’m lucky to have you too...” Donald hugged her.
“So. What was the argument about?”
“Jones mocked you for being a pilot. He said you fly in a plane because our arms are too puny to flap and you look like that dog that sits on his doghouse and pretends he’s flying.”
Della scowled. “Why that big palooka. I oughta poke him in the eyes for that.” A smirk snaked onto her bill. “Maybe I’ll pay a visit in my plane and buzz his antenna while he’s trying to watch a show.”
“Even better, jam his signal with a scrambler.” Donald grinned. “That’ll teach him.”
“Let’s do it! Team Double D is back in action!” Della ran off to start assembling their plan.
Donald chuckled. He and his sister may have grown up and grown somewhat apart, but one thing that had not changed was their mutual care for each other. And maybe their love of pranks. He ran to catch up.
Merry Christmas, @actualducktails ! I hope you enjoyed these “Duck Feels”!
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