#lu character analysis
crazylittlejester · 20 days
honestly, the fandom dismisses wars trauma a little too much. Have you noticed it’s always never brought up in his character studies? And when it is, it’s totally brushed off him and cia had a WEIRDDD age gap. It’s also weird hyrule warriors never acknowledges this. I honestly don’t think it’s gonna be recognized in LU but idk. It’s just weird how quickly the fandom brushed over all that. What’s your opinion? Cuz you have cool opinions lol
Disclaimer: Everything you’re about to read is my opinion and my interpretation of a game. I’m not talking about headcanons (unless otherwise specified), I’m just talking about my experience with the game and everything else. All of this is from MY perspective interacting with the canon material from both Hyrule Warriors and Linked Universe. Also! I am dyslexic, my bad for oddly autocorrected words or weird spelling mistakes
A huge reason I started yapping so much on this blog was because I saw a lot of people either actively disliking Wars, making fucking INSANE comments about his body, overly sexualizing him, or just straight up dismissing him all together and it helped me get over my posting anxiety because it genuinely made me so upset. He’s been my favorite character since only a few posts into LU (i originally liked Twilight better based sheerly on design but it took like only a few posts before that changed), and I love HW Link in general, and I thought it was actually crazy that more people didn’t like him. I’ve written several of my own characters studies on him, some of which I’ve posted, others lay trapped in my old laptop in the form of a full on analysis paper, never to see the light of day
You can send a full grown man to war and he will come back with trauma, imagine what happens when you grab some poor teenager and tell him everything relies on him. Literally forget Cia for a minute, Link as a teenager was taken and shoved into a full on war where his men turned on him and in order to survive, he had to kill. Monsters and hylians alike, it was him or them, and he’s the one who made it out. Not to mention he was constantly running all over the battle field trying to prevent the hylian captains from being defeated, and he most certainly lost many people he cared about just because he couldn’t get there in time. He had to carry around the guilt that this war was started because some sorceress was obsessed with him ON TOP of that
This was said earlier by an anon on a post I reblogged, and I’ve been saying it myself for months but I will say it again: If Warriors had been a girl and been obsessed over that same way, I fucking GUARANTEE you people would be taking it more seriously
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I literally just typed in the character name and the game she’s from and that is what google had to say about her. If an older man was described as ‘harboring serious affections’ and having a ‘desire to claim’ a teenage girl I literally don’t think it would’ve been glossed over or ignored like it is
I don’t think nintendo was ever gonna elaborate or really recognize it in the game, they never go super in depth on anything in Zelda games from my experience, and I doubt Jojo will really get into it in LU mainly just because she has so much going on with eight other dudes and potentially two more (based on the header on the linked universe blog)
I saw a lot of characterizations of Warriors and opinions of him that made me so confused and also a bit mad, such that he is a womanizer or a stupid twink (of which he is neither), and that’s a huge reason I started writing fanfiction for this fandom. Firstly to just create more content for my favorite character because I rarely saw any that focused on him, and secondly because I didn’t like some (NOT ALL) of how I was seeing him characterized. (i cannot emphasize enough: NOT ALL people in the fandom characterized him this way, I saw plenty of amazing and beautiful characterizations of Warriors)
I do not think he is a womanizer at all, in fact I fully believe his flirtatious behavior is a defense mechanism. I think his ‘woman problems’ are the fact that he’s afraid of women (especially older women) he doesn’t know or trust, but also that’s just my opinion. And I am genuinely a bit worried that now that people have stopped talking about how they noticed he seemed off a few updates ago and now that they’re saying he’s back to normal that people are going to start reducing him to a stupid dramatic twink again, as if Warriors was not the one who came up with the initial plan to fight Dink and was not the first one to fight him. As if this is not a man who lead a god damn army. As if everything he’s done and everything he is no longer matters because he’s ‘pretty’
anyways I have a lot of thoughts about him in general and im just glad the fandom has been treating him better as of late, but i am a bit worried it’s just gonna go back to how it was
thanks for the ask!! sorry i got a bit carried away 😭
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lace4forest · 3 months
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alasse-earfalas · 28 days
Guys wait... I think I just figured out something very important about this panel.
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Y'all remember how protective Twi is of his village kiddos?
Yeah, threatening Twi's village kids is like threatening Sky's Zelda. If you're smart, you don't. Because their respective Links will hunt you down and murder you in protective rage.
Now then... what, exactly, did Wild do, again?
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Oh. That's right.
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He hunted down Dink and tried to murder him in a protective rage.
And Twilight knows that.
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Prior to all this, Twilight was more serious and stern with Wild, attempting to model Time, which Wild never jived with.
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But now Twilight understands where Wild is coming from. Wild doesn't view Twilight as a mentor: he views Twilight as a friend.
As a brother. As family.
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Wild has lost so much that he is murderously protective of anyone he has left. And now Twilight sees that. Viscerally, he understands what it means to go into a blind rage because that person you just hurt is mine and I will not allow it. He knows that because he's been there. And now, he knows that that's how Wild sees him.
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And so now they can be brothers.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 7 months
Okay, so a big observation I've made about Four that really makes me enjoy his character more: unlike most of the others, who hide their abilities either out of distrust, disinterest, or shame, Four hides his for the drama.
Look at the look on his face when people ask about the Four Sword.
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Like, clearly he's leery of surprise because of it, but he isn't sorry for having it, I don't think, at least not for the most part. That boy is proud of it. He doesn't tell them what it can do because he'd rather show them what it can do.
I mean, every time someone finds out about his secret he's just all :3
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This boy may not have asked for the abilities he got but he sure does love to show them off when he gest the chance, and I honestly love that for him. It's about time these boys were proud of what they could accomplish, they deserve it.
(It also explains why he can keep his own secrets so well when he is garbage at keeping other's secrets - it's because he wants to be dramatic and surprise them LOL)
This update has definitely made me appreciate Four more <3
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luna-lovegreat · 8 months
I just really really love four’s smile
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bokettochild · 5 months
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Thank to rub salt in the wounds, Twi.
Not only your timeline was perfectly FINE, not only the hero before you isn't DEAD but he left you a sword in a perfect condition.
Twilight didn't have to fight, as a child, to survive in a cruel world. The hero before him did'n't fail, he didn't leave the sword in a horrible condition.
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I wonder if Legend has guessed that the hero before Twi was Time, seen Twi's smile. (it's kinda obvious seen how close they are)
Did he guessed that Time was the hero before him too? And he chooses to stay silence to not hurt anyone? Time has never been the hero of time in his timeline after all and is probably died as a child.
But outch Legend's face....it's a mix between "Yep you are a lucky boy" and "if only you knew about the hero before me or maybe "thank to remember me how much a tragic mess my timeline is"
Because Legend is too nice and patient to say "how nice for you, the hero before me died against Ganon, his sword was in a horrible condition with still his blood on her, so much that i have had to reforge her myself! As a CHILD."
No Legend is too nice to take his bitterness on Twilight who did nothing wrong and didn't know. He'll shallow it and says nothing about the sword's condition in his timeline.
I think that's a big part of who Legend is actually! He comes off as really bitter and cold, at least as far as Twilight is concerned, and I wish there was more focus on that interplay.
Twilight met Legend and, based off of a few limited interactions, mentally labeled him as a bully and a jerk and thus treats him accordingly. Not without reason of course, he's drawing mental parallels to actual bullies and Legend is unintentionally checking the boxes, but I think it's sort of sad that until this point, Twilight has still not bothered to get to know Legend at all beyond his initial observations .
But the fact remains that Legend IS from a world that was in shambles, a world where everyone is a threat, if not to everyone else than at least to him. Legend is a prey animal trapped amongst predators with little to no guidance. The cards of fate are stacked against him as far as his world is concerned, and while the goddesses may have granted him additional blessings and favor to make up for that, his world is still magically a mess, physically a mess, and just generally a mess.
The vet has no legacy of proud heroes to look back on. The First Hero died. The Hero of the Four Sword is a raging lunatic who tries to murder children and is sealed beneath the castle. The Hero of Time died in combat. This is the legacy he gets to follow in. Legend doesn't have the hope of becoming like those before, he has the fear of meeting a similar fate because life is never kind to heroes.
Legend's world was left in shambles, and he's had to be the one to help rebuild it, only to watch it get torn down again and again as enemies undo all his hard work. But on a more personal note, Legend has tried again and again to establish himself in the world just to have all the people he loves hurt or harmed on his account.
His Uncle died, and even though he was brought back, he disappears from the timeline shortly after, leaving a kid hero alone in the world. Legend's grandparents have high expectations and aren't the best at listening when he says that their wishes make him unhappy or uncomfortable, and instead push him to follow them anyway, only to themselves disappear from his life once the Oracle adventures are over. Din, Ralph, Raven, Nayru, Moosh, Ricky, Dmitri, all these are people Ledge befriended and was close to and had to say goodbye to again for one reason or another.
Legend is always losing the people he loves most, watching his work get thrown in his face and receiving little to no thanks for his work. He's still actively treated like a nuisance and a threat by some people in his kingdom and no doubt there are others who simply don't believe him.
The whole world is against him, and yet the only thing it's done is made him defensive. Ledge isn't cold or cruel, you can see that he actively cares for and worries about the other heroes, he's just guarded more than they are about it. Still, in times of high emotion the walls fall and he's his true self: that kid who's got a heart too big for his own good and is going to get it broken again.
And Legend knows this. Legend actively knows that Twilight isn't fond of him, and that the other heroes regard him as an ass, but rather than correct them, stand up for himself, provide even one of the thousands of reasons he has to guard and defend his heart like he does, he just lets them have their peace because what good would it do to tell them about the losses he's suffered? The world he grew up in? The legacy he has to bear? The terrible fate he no doubt expects to one day meet? What good would it do to make them love him if that will just make their inevitable parting all the harder?
It's hard to lose those you love, but it's easier if you convince yourself they never actually loved you, so you're better off.
So yeah, Twilight is over here unintentionally rubbing salt in the vet's many wounds, but Legend keeps his mouth shut because it does no good to speak up, and in the long run, at least as far as he thinks, it's better to let it be.
I kinda hope Twilight will come to understand the vet better though, and maybe get a peek at what has hardened up the younger hero enough that he comes across the way he does. I'm pretty sure his whole outlook would change if he did, and his respect for the vet would definitely increase.
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dragonknightcal · 5 months
Back with a headcanon!! (Took me long enough)
This one is for Time!
Time, as we all know, is a troublemaker. This man is mischief disguised as a functional adult. He hides it well, but he absolutely, 100% pulls the worst/best pranks ever.
I know, I know, yall are thinking "Cal, we already know he would."
Thing is, he pulls them on everyone.
A shopkeeper who was rude to him once? Suddenly, their produce is attracting crickets of all things, and its scaring off customers.
The mailman annoys him? Throw a glitter bomb in the next mail delivery, he'll be cleaning glitter out of his bag for days.
Even Malon is subject to his pranks, in small ways whenever he feels cheeky. Things moved into the wrong drawers. Furniture subtly rearranged. Spices switched, and teaspoon and table spoon mysteriously lost, so she has to use the 1/4 teaspoon and tablespoon measurements instead.
Even gaurds in castle town. Moving keys and other belongings, still in sight but clearly not where they were before. Tucking a single card from their card decks up his sleeve and only returning it the next time he goes to town.
Long story short, as we all know, mans is an uncontrollable force of chaos cosplaying as an adult
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calitsnow · 3 months
Let’s talk about Hong Lu’s poster
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The paifang
Where is Hong Lu?
The reality of Hong Lu
{Skip the introduction if you’re only interested in the analysis of the character of Hong Lu and his poster}
I/ Introduction
Today I would like to offer you an analysis of Hong Lu's character poster. Although it is difficult to know what these character posters seek to show, apart from presenting characters, it is clear that each of them possesses clues about the sinners’ past and especially where the character represented comes from.
For example, we could see the pallid whale destroying the Pequod on Ishmael's poster, although it was easy to make the connection with Moby Dick, the poster also showed us that Ishmael had a history with a white whale and was a survivor of a shipwreck.
I am not sure if all the information is equally valuable according to the posters because, for example, Sinclair's poster is quite enigmatic and does not really show a specific event or place, or at least I do not recognize it.
But that does not stop me from believing that what is depicted behind the sinners is supposed to be related to the sinner, yes, but also, I think, related to a wing or place in the city that was important in the sinner's past.
I even wonder if the moment/place represented is not supposed to represent the place where the sinner decided to join the company.
Why do I say this? Well, you can see behind Rodion's character a casino setting, whereas her ego and space generated by the golden bough were affiliated with a world of ice. So why does Rodion's poster show her in front of an environment reminiscent of a casino? Perhaps it is to evoke her love for gambling as well as her ability to bluff and her desire for money, but if we look at Rodion's photo in the identity archive menu:
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We can see Rodion in an outfit we have never seen her in before, an outfit that closely resembles what someone might wear at a casino. We have never seen how Rodion was recruited by Limbus Company, but if we follow the logic I just proposed, Rodion would have been recruited in a casino.
This logic seems credible and yet doubtful when we look at the case of Yi-sang.
For the moment, Yi-Sang is the only sinner whose recruitment by Limbus Company we know:
We know he was coming out of the laboratory where he was held by Gubo, the same laboratory we can see behind him on his poster.
But here's the catch: this is how Yi-sang was dressed when he met Faust VS versus what Yi-sang looks like on his photo in the identity archive:
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But hold on! I may have an explanation for this difference:
Yes, in the first image, Yi-Sang is not wearing his scientist coat, but he is indeed wearing the gray shirt, and I think Yi-Sang was indeed dressed with his coat initially, I think he just took it off in the left image.
So yes, it sounds like a lame excuse, but look at how Yi-Sang was dressed before this scene (when he was held captive).
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Boom, there it is, that scientist coat. Yi-Sang was indeed dressed as he was in that laboratory when his photo for the company was taken.
But here's the second little hiccup: we don't know how much time separates Yi-Sang's escape and his encounter with Faust...
But if what is depicted behind the sinners is not toward the place/moment where he was recruited by Limbus Company, then I think the place depicted behind the sinner is still a place/moment that shaped the sinner and convinced them to join Limbus Company.
II/ The Paifang
After this brief analysis that raised many questions, I would especially like us to keep the idea that what is depicted behind Hong Lu is related to him and the wing (or other place in the city) where he comes from.
Let's continue:
To make the understanding and analysis of the poster simpler, I decided to divide it into 6 zones:
Red: character
Dark blue: background area with tall buildings —> the city / what is behind the paifang
Purple: Paifang
Light blue: distorted and highly colorful area / portails
Orange: what surrounds the sides of the paifang
Green: the ground and what is in front of the paifang
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Even if sometimes I won't do it, I will now also use this color code to target specific areas of the poster when needed.
Well, first of all, I'm going to talk about the purple area, which is everything related to the Paifang, which is a very important element of this poster:
This Paifang, which looks like it's made of (red?) wood, seems to be surrounded by tall walls as we can see in the orange area.
So it seems that this Paifang is the only entrance and exit between two spaces. Indeed, if this Paifang is surrounded by walls and (assuming) they extend over a long distance, we can quickly conclude that this passage is the only one that could allow someone to enter or leave a closed space (we will come back to these ideas a little later).
Returning to the Paifang, it seems to perfectly fit the definition I found of a Paifang: "A Paifang is a traditional Chinese architectural structure in the form of a portico or arch, usually placed at the entrance of important places such as cities, temples, or properties. These symbolic gateways are often richly decorated and serve as monumental entry points."
I think the main idea to remember is that this Paifang is a gate/a means of passage, and I think it is the only gate allowing travel between the two spaces it separates.
But what does this gateway separate? Well, I think we have an answer with the inscription in the middle of this Paifang:
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Indeed, what is written in the middle behind Hong Lu is this: 境幻虚太 (Jing Huan Xu Tai), we can recognize 4 distinct characters:
境: Realm
幻: Illusory
虚: Void
太: Great
But what is most surprising is that this phrase is actually written backward; indeed, in Chinese, it should be written 太虚幻境 (especially when we know what this combination means, especially in Dream of the Red Chamber), and here it is written as if it had been reflected in a mirror. We know that mirrors play a very important role in Limbus Company, but we will come back to this idea of a mirror a little later.
{Update : I was informed that the ordering of character written on the paifang is actually correct for traditional Chinese writing and for when the characters have to be placed horizontally (especially when you have to write on a space which does not really allow you to write in the vertical like on this paifan). The fact remains that the name of Hong Lu's weapon is therefore written in backward, so why? I don't really have an explanation now... and I have to admit that I still like my first analysis and I still think it is (a little) relevant in a way, so I invit you to keep reading (while keeping this in mind)}
For now, I would like to return to the meaning of what is written on this Paifang; indeed, once the combination of these 4 characters is reversed, it refers to a very important place in Dream of the Red Chamber: "Illusory Land of Great Void" or "Land of Illusion".
We can therefore conclude that this Paifang overlooks the "Land of Illusion" and separates/is the gateway between these two worlds, which are the "Land of Illusion" and, I think, the city.
Which is reminiscent of its “equivalent” in the novel since in the novel there is also a mention of a gate which separates the world of illusions from the rest or at least which indicates its entry point
{Side note: Strangely, this is not the only time that "太虚幻境" appears on the poster since it also appears just at the bottom right, and yes, "Land of Illusion" is also the name of Hong Lu's weapon, but that's not all! It is of course also the name of his EGO.
We can therefore see that the "Land of Illusion" is used to define many things related to or belonging to Hong Lu.}
In the novel Dream of the Red Chamber, The Land of Illusion is a domain where illusions and fantasies come to life. However, despite its enticing and enchanting appearance, this fictional world is also fraught with dangers and traps as it can lead individuals into deceptive illusions and prevent them from perceiving the truth.
However, a very interesting analysis of the Land of Illusion parallels this place with the Prospect Garden, which is the garden where Baoyu lives with his cousins and servants. It is the setting for many events in the novel and is also a haven of peace cut off from the rest of the world where its inhabitants can indulge in their idle and luxurious lives.
When Baoyu first visits this garden, he feels like he has been here before, and indeed, this garden actually reminds Baoyu of the place he visited in his dreams: the Land of Illusion.
A fantastical literary garden devoted to pleasure and love, which recalls the hero's dream of love and evokes in him a sense of the uncanny, will lead the reader to realize that Prospect Garden is the Land of Illusion. Eden, emptied of humanity, may remain a pristine ideal.
The Prospect Garden becomes a Buddhist allegory of experience. It blooms and withers with the ebb and flow of human desires and longings, but it is also a fictional world, imagined, the stuff of dreams.
The Prospect Garden is the earthly manifestation of the Land of Illusion, just as Baoyu is the physical earthly reincarnation of the stone.
III/ Where is Hong Lu?
After discussing what The Land of Illusion is and what this Paifang separated or rather where it leads to, it's time to ask a question: on which side is Hong Lu on his poster?
The Paifang already gives us an indication of this: since we can read "Land of Illusion" backward.
So I think we can deduce that Hong Lu is currently on the side of the "Land of Illusion" because if we follow the theory that the writing on the Paifang is reversed because Hong Lu is in a mirror world, then it's easy to guess that on the other side (the non-visible face) of the Paifang, we could read "The Land of Illusion" written correctly because this Paifang does lead to the "Land of Illusion."
To support this assertion (that Hong Lu is on the side of "The Land of Illusions"), I invite you to look at the dark blue area.
We can see tall buildings bathed in a red/black color; I think this modern aesthetic and these colors are supposed to remind us of the city, whose red color is often associated with —> just look at the map to notice this.
But that's not all: the color red is associated with the red dust by which Buddhism refers to the earthly realm, which contrasts sharply with the luxury brought to mind by the vernacular use of red.
Red dust is a symbol of the impermanence and transience of human life in Chinese philosophy.
It represents the reality of life as transient and ephemeral, reminding individuals that everything in this world is subject to change and disappearance. This notion is often used in Chinese literature and poetry to express the human condition and the importance of fully living each moment, knowing that nothing is permanent.
Red dust is used to talk about our world and our existence on it, which is but a short-lived illusion filled with suffering, to talk about the mundane world.
In Limbus Company, this world of Red Dust, this illusory world, is the city, and this bubbled paradise is "The Land of Illusion."
But how do we know that Hong Lu is indeed walking on the water of what I have been calling "The Land of Illusion" all this time?
Well, a clue might give us the answer; I invite you to look at the green area.
We can see that Hong Lu is walking on water, which already evokes the notion of "reflection" and this idea that The Land of Illusion is a mirrored world of the world of red dust, as is "The Land of Illusion" in the novel, but that's not all.
I will have to step away from Hong Lu's poster for a moment to look at an image present during the Limbus Company launch trailer.
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Although nothing I'm about to say has been confirmed, I don't think it's too farfetched to say that we can see in this image a past version of Hong Lu, before he joined the company when he was at home, probably the Jia family manor (or at least its version of LCB).
What's interesting about this image is the color of the sky: this blue fading towards turquoise. We've seen it elsewhere before:
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And yes! I am convinced that this blue space we can see in the cutscene of Hong Lu's EGO is supposed to be the sky from his home. And what is Hong Lu's EGO called? Land of Illusion.
Furthermore, I think that this blue sky is meant to contrast with the red sky of the city. Thus, the separation between the two is even more accentuated, as it was with the Paifang that clearly separated the two realities.
So, I believe that we can conclude that Hong Lu lives in the Land of Illusion.
This idea that the world in which Hong Lu lived is "The Land of Illusion" is emphasized by another detail: the reflection of the moon in the water.
In Buddhism, the image of the moon in the water is often used as a metaphor to illustrate the illusory nature of reality or the nature of conditioned existence. This metaphor is often associated with the practice of meditation and understanding the nature of the mind.
The moon in the water appears clearly and distinctly, but it is unstable and transitory, as it is subject to the movements of the water. Similarly, in daily life, what we perceive as reality is often changing, impermanent, and conditioned by multiple factors.
This metaphor thus emphasizes the importance of recognizing the illusory and impermanent nature of reality and not attaching to appearances or transient phenomena. In summary, in Buddhism, the image of the moon in the water is used to illustrate the illusory nature of reality and to encourage the practice of meditation and the search for the true nature of the mind.
I think that this image of the moon in the water is meant to make us understand the true nature of the place where Hong Lu walks: it is The Land Of Illusion, which is nevertheless Hong Lu's reality.
IV/ The Reality of Hong Lu
Indeed, I will now delve into an explanation, and I will try not to get confused. For this, we must now look at a very important excerpt when analyzing the novel Dream of the Red Chamber:
"Truth becomes fiction when the fiction's true; Real becomes not-real when the unreal's real."
This idiom is not just written anywhere in the world of the novel; it is located on the Paifang serving as the border and gateway to the Land of Illusion, and there is a good chance that it is also on the Paifang that we see behind Hong Lu.
This idiom makes us understand that reality is actually fiction and that fiction is actually the real world. It invites us to reverse our perception of realities and to consider what is called "real" as false and what is called “false” as real.
Here, I think, it is about understanding that Hong Lu's reality, which is (in) the Land of Illusions, is actually a fictitious and false world. Where the city, which is an unknown and completely foreign world to Hong Lu, which could be seen by him as a fictional world that is not real, is actually the real world, whereas the world he considers real is (his home) actually a false world.
To be honest, I cheated a bit because even though the reflection of the moon in the water is used to evoke a world of illusion for Buddhism, and even though I think it can indeed refer to the fact that Hong Lu is on the side of the "Land of Illusion", I think above all that this reflection is meant to make us understand that this world where Hong Lu is located has an illusory nature of reality + a nature of conditioned existence.
This brings me to talk again about Prospect Garden, which I think is the place where Hong Lu grew up but is especially the place from which Hong Lu must escape.
Prospect Garden is, as mentioned earlier, the Land of Illusion materialized in the real world and is therefore a domain where illusions and fantasies come to life, that is, a place where Baoyu bathed in luxury and idleness.
In "Dream of the Red Chamber," Jia Baoyu is often faced with symbolic choices between staying in Prospect Garden, which often represents the materialistic world and earthly pleasures, or setting out in search of spiritual enlightenment. His journey to enlightenment often involves leaving the illusions and distractions of the material world represented by Prospect Garden. Thus, it is often suggested that to achieve enlightenment, Jia Baoyu must move away from Prospect Garden and seek a true understanding of himself and the world around him.
At the end of the novel, Jia Baoyu (the figure who is supposed to have inspired Hong Lu) realizes the illusory nature of his life and realizes that Prospect Garden was only a world where he was trapped by the illusory pleasures of life, and that is why at the end Jia Baoyu decides to break with his previous life and leave the garden (as well as the rest of his family).
I think we are going to go to Hong Lu’s home to realise that he was literally living in a bubbled space and we will go to the Land of Illusion which, I think, will also be the Prospect Garden.
And the fact that the words are reverse like if they were reflected in a mirror helps, I think, to support on the idea that Hong Lu's world/reality is a reflection of the real world but where everything is distorted/inverted (a symbol I also think of Hong Lu's ignorance and his strange vision of the world) and that this illusion glass will break little by little
We also have to remember the sentence
"Truth becomes fiction when the fiction's true; Real becomes not-real when the unreal's real.
And remember that what is true is actually false / wrong according to this. So maybe, if this idea from the novel is kept, the world where Hong Lu is living is just a big lie where everything is just a smoke screen and that Hong Lu is living in denial, prefering to accept this illusion so that his world / vision of reality or truth is not shattered.
So, I think that Hong Lu, during his chapter, will have to understand that his reality is not true and learn to leave the land of illusion to find the truth because it seems to me that one of the theme of Hong Lu will turn around the theme of truth and reality.
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falling-star-cygnus · 5 months
cheng xiaoshi shouting "he's my family" while being in raw pain hurts something in me oml especially considering his situation regarding his parents
bc, think about it:
he thinks Lu Guang is either already dead or about to die, about to leave him; almost exactly like with his parents
the only difference is- he thinks Lu Guang's not going to come back
Cheng Xiaoshi still somewhat holds onto his hope of his parents returning to him, but once he hears that Lu Guang is dead and that the rescue failed; he genuinely thinks he's lost yet another person that he loves
to the hands of someone he loves
and he's utterly inconsolable until he sees Lu Guang alive and breathing
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300iqprower · 2 months
Honestly, your criticism of Barghest feels rooted in gender-essentialism. Muscles=masculine. Muscles can be feminine too.
That...was literally the point I was making. My point was that FGO's constant gender-essentialism means it feels a need to apologize for making a remotely buff female character by constantly emphasizing her femininity (she wants a lover, she like cooking, she's constantly drawn in aprons and blushing timidly, everything about her second ascension exists and her third ascension is more focused on making her sexy than making her intimidating, etc) and explicitly doing so in a way that portrays her muscles as something monstrous to be ashamed of.
This is most of the official in game art for the "first real buff woman" in fgo. I think it's self demonstrating.
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And while you can argue that, yes, just because a woman has muscles doesn't mean she can't have feminine interests and/or aesthetics, it IS an issue when the piece of media the character is from ONLY has those kinds of female characters to begin with. You can't have "a bit of column A and a bit of column B" if you never even set up column B in the first place.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Y’all I’m about to say something that might sound insane, but has Warriors seemed… off? To anyone else?
Like in past updates and comics he’s been very silly goofy. Even when like, awful things are happening, he’s still been kinda smiley or sassy or a bit ridiculous (and i love him for it).
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He’s got a strong, loud personality and he’s been very over the top since we met him. But recently in updates he’s seemed kind of down? He’s seemed either really sad or really stressed, he’s been a little snappier than usual, and I know they all just went through something traumatic, but I haven’t noticed any of the others acting off to this extent.
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He’s seemed downright SAD in some panels, and annoyed in others. And I’ve also noticed that he seems completely fine in the 2023 monthly arts? Like he was definitely acting normal there.
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I’m wondering if something else is going on with him, like yes Twilight almost dying was super traumatic, but I wonder if something else has been going on to make him so sad and off lately.
Listen I could just be crazy and looking way too into it, but i noticed this months ago and its been slowly driving me insane
art credit to @linkeduniverse !! :)
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goinghostie · 8 months
One thing that immediately stood out to me in both the PV and the official art was Lu Guang's glasses:
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So gear up, guys - it’s time for a deep dive into the meaning behind this (possibly completely insignificant) fashion choice!
To "look at/see the world through rose-coloured/rose-tinted glasses" is an idiom that first appeared in the 1830s. Its exact origin isn’t clear. However, it is expected to have originated in the UK (something that fits the British theme of the overseas arc).
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One origin theory I do want to mention is that map-makers were believed to have once used rose petals to clean the lenses of their glasses. An interesting note, considering roses are included in the Inplick artwork! 🌹
Glasses with pink lenses can also be helpful for those suffering from migraines – the lenses are able to filter out more painful wavelengths of light, providing comfort and pain relief (shoutout to LG eye theory believers!)
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As a whole, the idiom itself most commonly refers to people who look on the bright side of life - those who see the glass half-full. Despite all the evil in the world, these individuals are able to find a silver lining. Sound familiar?
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Cheng Xiaoshi is exactly the type of character who could be described as seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses. He’s naive, able to empathize with those who have made wrong choices…even years later, he still holds a belief that his parents may return.
However, Cheng Xiaoshi isn’t the one wearing rose-tinted glasses. In both the PV and the Inplick art, Lu Guang’s pink-toned glasses are a staple item for his character. So, how does this fit in with the phrase itself?
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One main trait of this idiom is a sense of optimism. There have been many studies that show that optimists tend to live longer, show more confidence, and ultimately feel more fulfilled and happy with their lives. In Link Click’s case, though, Cheng Xiaoshi is the one destined to die.
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Despite how pure and optimistic a person he is, Cheng Xiaoshi's fate is sealed. While we don’t know the specific reasons why Lu Guang is determined to rewrite time for Cheng Xiaoshi, one thing is clear: he believes that his partner deserves to live, regardless of the consequences.
I can see the pink glasses symbolizing two different things, depending on the context of how Lu Guang got them. The two scenarios are:
1. CXS gifted the glasses to LG
2. LG bought them for himself
Scenario 1:
In this scenario, the glasses may symbolize Cheng Xiaoshi’s hope. How his optimism and words stuck with Lu Guang - which motivates him to keep trying, despite not “seeing hope”.
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Scenario 2:
Another way of viewing the phrase is the glasses themselves being deceptive to the wearer - he who wears them loses all common sense. Lu Guang’s rose-tinted glasses symbolize an abandonment of his own morals so he could blindly seek out a better future for Cheng Xiaoshi.
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Lu Guang isn't motivated by optimism - he is driven by selfish desperation. He knows that Cheng Xiaoshi is the one who deserves a long, happy, and fulfilling life. The fact his partner was deprived of that is what motivates Lu Guang to go against his own morals.
For Lu Guang, his “rose-tinted glasses” (or reason for seeing the world in a new light) do not represent optimism but a selfish desire. Cheng Xiaoshi is the good in the world that deserves protection. And Lu Guang will do anything to save him from a tragic fate.
Lu Guang is the one with rose-tinted glasses because, despite everything, he isn’t willing to accept the fact that Cheng Xiaoshi died. What drives him isn’t optimism - it’s a stubborn determination to change reality to fit what he deems a brighter future than what is meant to be.
It may be no coincidence that his rose-tinted glasses quite literally overlap/touch CXS in the Inplick artwork - because the only world Lu Guang wants is one where Cheng Xiaoshi is alive and well.
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lace4forest · 5 months
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lu-is-not-ok · 11 months
Say, I've been reading your analysis on the EGOs and abnormalities they come from, and I'm curious as to your thoughts on the pairing of So Nobody Will Cry and Fairy Gentleman.
So this is gonna be the first time I'm analyzing just the Abnormalities themselves, since there's no actual E.G.Os tied to them yet, so it might end up being a shorter post than usual.
Also, before anyone says, no I'm not counting the Lobotomy E.G.O IDs as E.G.Os for the sake my method of analysis, mainly because the amount of content available for analysis on an ID is very different to that of an E.G.O.
Got that? Alright. Gonna go under the cut as usual.
Since we're looking at just the Abnormalities, I'm gonna try to go into as much detail as I can, though there's still a chance that I miss things.
So That No One Will Cry is a doll covered in talismans, which its Observation Log reveals to be a form of curse. In its Mirror Dungeon event, it can be seen in a dark candle-lit room with those same talismans covering the walls.
What we know about the talismans is that they grant power, but also bind and restrict whoever wears them. Removing the talismans from the walls in the Mirror Dungeon event causes the candles to burn brighter and brighter, until the doll gets up on its own when all of them are removed to give something to the Sinners. If the talismans are removed from the doll, it will kneel, but not do anything else.
I think the text during the Mirror Dungeon event is quite interesting, as it keeps pondering on what the doll itself is wishing for. Does it wish for its room to be covered in talismans? Does it wish for those talismans to be removed? When its talismans are removed, does it kneel begging for them to not be taken away, or is it in gratitude?
The themes are a bit vague on this one, but I think it's mostly focused on the idea of something being both a blessing and a curse. Something that gives safety and power, but at the cost of making one bound and trapped.
I think the name of the Abnormality fits that theme, and could likewise be interpreted in two ways. The talismans could be blessings that keep people from crying, as they give them safety. However, they could also be curses that ensure nobody will cry through entrapment rather than comfort.
Now onto the other one.
Fairy Gentleman seems to be connected to the Fairy Festival Abnormality from Lobcorp, and in a way parallels it.
As a reminder, or to those who don't know, Fairy Festival is a group of cute-looking fairies that follow employees around and care for them. However, it's revealed that these fairies are in fact carnivores that are only caring for humans as a way to keep their meat fresh.
Fairy Gentleman has similar ties to cannibalism, however it seems like this abnormality prefers to consume other Fairies over humans,.
Another interesting note, is that while Fairy Festival are only feigning their kindness, Fairy Gentleman seems to be genuinely cordial and jovial, despite its more imposing appearance. It's also interesting to note that when fighting Fairy Gentleman, the Abnormality doesn't seem to be treating the ordeal too seriously, as all of its attack names imply all it wants to do is get everyone as drunk as it is.
While the theme of gluttony is obvious here, I think we could add irresponsible indulgence in here as well. With the usage of alcohol imagery, the fact that the fairy wine is horrible in every regard besides its taste, and the way Fairy Gentleman urges others to share its drink, I think it adds up well enough.
As for why they might be paired up... it might be the overarching theme of overuse or overindulgence? So That No One Will Cry's talismans are helpful until there's too many of them, at which point they become a curse. Fairy Gentleman's offer of wine is kind, and the drink itself tastes great and has healing properties, but the rest of the drinking experience is horrible and leaves the person really drunk.
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skyward-floored · 8 months
Floored Floored Floored Floored Floored I need to hear more about this reading spree of Vio's. Tell me your headcanons. Please. Please please please.
This is messy and only half answers your question but here ya go—
Vio likes having all the information. It’s important that he has all the information, so that he knows what to do and has access to all the necessary knowledge for everything that he does. He reads because he loves reading and learning things, but also because he feels like he needs to.
He needs to know how to treat that illness, because what if somebody needs it one day and he doesn’t know how to help them? He needs to know the names of every plant local to Hyrule, because what if he’s lost and starving and needs to eat something without being poisoned?
He needs to know about magic and first-aid, because what if your brother breaks a mirror and dies, and none of the knowledge you have at your disposal is enough to save him?
Vio reads because he knows knowledge is power, he’s seen it countless times (Ezlo tried to teach him, but Four did not listen). He usually picks a subject and reads extensively on it, until he’s gone through the entire section in the library and committed most of it to memory.
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arecaceae175 · 2 years
Autistic LU chain headcannons!
Including some gender and sexuality bc for me those are very tied to my autism. Most of this is rooted in their personalities, but some of this just appeared in my mind and didn't go away XD. Infodump incoming!!! :D
Time uses they/them pronouns bc they literally have no idea what gender is
Has a lot of verbal shutdown episodes. They're able to communicate with sign language most of the time
Almost completely nonverbal as a child (Mask era)
When they do speak it's very monotone
More shutdowns than meltdowns
Time does really prolonged eye contact (to the point of awkward for allistics) bc it's all or nothing for them
Favorite stims: humming, playing ocarina, tapping their chest/collarbone
Lots of verbal stims, so nonverbal episodes and shutdowns can be hard to recover from since they can't do their favorite stims
If given the opportunity, they will only drink milk. No other sustenance.
Must be reminded to eat, can't interpret their bodies' internal cues very well
Very confrontational - will absolutely throw hands at ableists
So incredibly loyal. Once they think you're family, they will never, ever, ever let you go or let anything happen to you
Special interests: cows, masks (as a child, not as prominent anymore), and Time has memorized every single "dad joke" they've ever heard and LOVE telling jokes to break tension or cheer the others up
Asexual, biromantic, sex-positive
Highest masking because of his time as a soldier
Hard for allistics to identify as autistic bc he's so good at masking
He has a lot of anxiety surrounding unmasking and showing his autistic traits, so he simply does not
That obviously doesn't work, so during the war he was constantly stressed and had meltdowns or shutdowns very frequently
Zelda and Impa tried to help, but there was so much going on that they couldn't do much
Mask and Wind helped a LOT during the war. Warriors wanted to make sure they were taken care of and could show their autistic traits, so he became a lot more comfortable with his own and created a more accepting environment
SO good at people reading, because he just memorized everything and watched everyone's every move
That gets quite overwhelming and causes shutdowns a lot
Doesn't have verbal shutdown episodes super often, but when he did in the war Proxi would copy his voice and speak for him. He's able to communicate with sign
Scarf is comfort item
The most ritualistic of the whole chain. Wars has very specific routines for most things that he does, and breaking routine is the biggest reason he has meltdowns
His meltdowns are very internalized, and he just likes to be left alone
He is now very confrontational about ableism
Also very very very loyal
He also has a lot of black and white thinking, and a strong sense of justice
Favorite stims: swaying while standing, shifting weight from foot to foot, spinning
When he's really happy he'll bring his arms up and like shake them back and forth in front of himself? Like his hands are flapping/shaking back and forth, but in fists, and his elbows are bent to his hands are almost in front of his face (I can see it in my mind but I'm having trouble explaining it)
Special interests: battle strategizing (could tell you very specific facts about any battle from any point in time that he's studied), loves to sew
Asexual, aromantic, sex-neutral
He has never once sat still in his entire life
Has never finished anything in a timely manner, ever
Always asks a lot of clarification questions, and he gets confused when allistic people get offended by his questions
Also has ADHD
Little to no voice volume control
That becomes an issue with the Links that are more sound sensitive, so it's something they're all trying to work on finding a compromise for
Favorite stims: rocking, chewing
He has a chewy stim toy that he wears around his neck. Grandma made it for him so he would stop putting things in his mouth
Loves the sensory aspects of being underwater
Always walking on his toes. As a child he was always toe walking, but his Grandma didn't know to correct that, so now Wind physically can't stand flat footed for long periods of time
He has a lot of trouble with routine. The autistic part of him wants the routine, but the ADHD wants spontaneity and usually wins
Has a lot of trouble keeping his things tidy and with personal hygiene (Wars helps with hygiene bc he is excellent at it due to his routines)
He doesn't really have shutdowns, just meltdowns
They involve a lot of loud screaming and self-injurious behavior
Biggest sensory issues: FOOD (bc he wasn't introduced to a lot of different foods and textures on Outset Island), under-stimulation
Special interests: sailing, pirates, also characters from a storybook his Grandma used to read to him and Ayrll every single night (at Wind's insistence)
Most likely to infodump
Asexual, aromantic, sex-repulsed
No gender. What's gender. Genderfluid, changes pronouns based on mood, and usually sticks with one set for long periods of time
Lost the ability to mask when they lost their memories
So they're the easiest for allistics to identify as autistic
Most people in their world don't care, but they have experienced some ableism since they can't mask
Entirely nonverbal. They use the sheikah slate as an AAC device
Cloak is comfort item
Favorite stims: hand flapping and bouncing on their toes
They walk almost exclusively on their toes and always have the dinosaur hands
Even mix of meltdowns and shutdowns
SO so so bad at understanding body language, sarcasm, etc.
They have a lot of trouble existing in a group. Like they'll wander off or do something dangerous and then not really understand why what they did was wrong (BUT they still love the chain of course)
Biggest sensory issues: crowds, lots of voices talking at once
LOVE deep pressure
Special interest: cooking, horses, cataloguing plants in the sheikah slate
Pre-calamity one of their special interests was sheikah tech, so they secretly LOVED going around with Flora researching sheikah tech
Asexual, panromantic, sex-repulsed
(Despite these being my autistic wild headcannons, I use almost none of these in Authenticity lol. Wild's autistic traits in that fic are primarily based on my own)
Gender?? Who's she?? Genderfluid, similar to Wild, but pronouns change more frequently
Not very good at accommodating themself
They often push themself WAY past their limits and then have long burnout periods
But they've gotta save the world, so it's fine, right? (Answer is no. It is very bad)
Must be reminded to sleep, and they have a lot of issues with sleeping
They often come across as rude to allistics, but that is generally not their intention, they're just bad at (allistic) communication
When they intend to be rude you'll KNOW
They have a really hard time communicating feelings and emotions, which frustrates them a lot and is hard for people trying to help them
This is especially an issue for the chain bc most of the time none of them can "read between the lines" and figure out what Legend is trying to say
Has never once gotten rid of anything because what if they need it? And also it is a part of their stuff and it has it's very specific place, so if it was gone then that place would be empty and then what would they do??????
Everything has a Place and they HATE when people touch or move their stuff
Biggest sensory issues: clothing, textures
Pants are a battle. People have given up.
Pants make Legend's legs THROB and feel like thousands of tiny knives are stabbing their skin. So they simply do not wear pants
Favorite stims: twirling their rings and other jewelry, rubbing good textures, humming (Marin's song)
Harmful stims: hitting things or themself (usually hitting their thighs)
Special interests: magical items, jewelry (jewelry with magical properties are the COOLEST SHIT)
Pansexual, polyamorous
There is no gender here. Gender makes no sense. They/them
They also have ADHD
Love asking questions because they want to understand every single detail of all these new exciting eras
Absolutely can't tell what tone they speak in
Really bad at paying attention to their surroundings
Attention span is practically nonexistent
They often wander off without even meaning to and don't realize until they're completely lost
Sometimes need to be reminded to do self care tasks
Have frequent verbal shutdown episodes that last for a long time. They can communicate with sign, and they also sometimes stick close to Wild and use Wild's AAC slate function
Favorite stim: running their hands through their hair (their hair is almost always dirty bc of this), shaking/twisting their hands
Harmful stim: skin picking
The skin picking is an ISSUE because it sometimes causes blood, and the blood curse is a thing
Biggest sensory issues: crowds and voices and also bright lights
Tendency to freeze and shut down when overwhelmed (this was an issue a lot during their adventures, but not so much now that the chain has their back)
Special interests: biology/anatomy, and there's a series of books they once found in an abandoned town that they LOVE. Books are hard to come by in their era so those are their absolute most prized possession
Asexual, aromantic, sex-repulsed
Bi-gender, he/she
Comfort items: sailcloth, Loftwing plush toy from Zelda, Master Sword
He carries around the loftwing plush absolutely everywhere he goes. She has a special protected pocket in his bag for when it isn't safe to carry her in his hands. Her name is Brenda (because my favorite stuffed animal friend is named Brenda and I'm in charge XD)
Favorite stims: jumping/bouncing in place, flapping his arms like a loftwing, humming, moving his fingers in the motions of playing his harp
Harmful stims: pulling her hair, hitting his ears when overstimulated
Eye contact???? Absolutely not. She will look everywhere except the person speaking to her
His biggest sensory sensitivity is sound
There was never much going on in Skyloft (other than things he was used to) and it's pretty small, so he got VERY easily overwhelmed on the Surface when he first started his adventure. Fi often had to guide her to a safe spot where he could get through a meltdown or shutdown
She still gets really easily overwhelmed and usually is nonverbal for the first bit of time after a portal shift while he adjusts to his surroundings
He's not great at communicating at all during his verbal shutdown episodes
When she gets overwhelmed she freezes and shuts down. He's more likely to have a meltdown once he's in a safe place
Since he gets overwhelmed so easily, Sky needs a LOT of sleep. More so than the other Links. Sky is banned from taking middle watch
She loves doing tasks that require intricate detail, like woodcarving and embroidery
Special interests: loftwings of course
As a child Sky related much more to her loftwing than he did any people, so his relationship with his loftwing is one of the most important things in her life
Bisexual, polyamorous
Got SO confused when people say he isn't supposed to have more than one partner
Like why??? He likes them both??? The more the merrier???? Makes no sense, does not comprehend
Very good at routines. He loves routines. They're so great
Also, similarly, patterns. Twilight can pick out patterns in anything
He gets really irritated when something breaks pattern or is slightly uneven
He loves being on a farm and doing morning routines of feeding the animals
He's always always always related more to animals than people
Animals make sense, people don't
He's still not very good at allistic "social standards," so he's among the easiest for allistics to identify as autistic
But he doesn’t always know how to help. Wolfie is great for this
He has trouble with the sensory changes that come with shifting to/from his wolf form. Wolves and Hylians have very different sensory experiences, so adjusting between the two takes him a while. Once he's adjusted it's fine, it's just the adjusting itself that's hard
Has verbal shutdown episodes after meltdowns. They don't last super long, and he can usually talk again after a good night's sleep. He can communicate with sign during the episodes
Wolf pelt is comfort item
Favorite stims: touching good textures, rocking, humming
Harmful stims: biting his knuckles
Absolute favorite stim is rubbing his soft wolf pelt on his face, specifically over his mouth and on his upper lip
Special interests: goats, wolves. He knows every. Single. Fact.
Second most likely to infodump
Asexual, biromantic, sex-positive
Too much gender to pick just one. They/them
Comfort item: a little wooden action figure toy thing their grandpa made for them. Four's had it their whole life and never ever goes anywhere without it. It's usually in a special pocket on the inside of their tunic
Most black and white thinker of the group
Four can't grasp or comprehend any nuance or sarcasm or anything in the abstract
They ask SO MANY questions, bc that is their way of understanding the world
They don't really understand most of Time's dad jokes, but they like it when the others laugh
Must be reminded to eat and drink water
Does not like touching other people or being touched by other people
Has more meltdowns than shutdowns
Their little body can't contain all the big feelings and the feelings have to come out somehow
Like Legend they also have a lot of trouble communicating feelings and needs
Biggest sensory issue: sensory symmetry. Everything must be even!!! Also big feelings ^
Favorite stims: they really like the smell of metal, bouncing on toes, spinning, love stim toys
Four never really stops stimming, but they've learned to do it discreetly (bc masking)
They love tinkering, and they love stim toys, so they've made themself a LOT of stim toys. They also love making stim toys for the rest of the chain. (They made a perfectly silent and very discreet one for Wars bc he has the most trouble unmasking)
Harmful stims: head banging
Special interest: tools. Four wants collect every tool in existence, and wants to know exactly what it does. Especially blacksmithing tools, bc Four also really likes blacksmithing
Demisexual, biromantic
Disclaimer: every autistic person has a different way of experiencing the world. I am only one person, so my experience is largely limited to myself. I tried to have links be very diverse in their experiences :)
Feel free to add some of your own autistic or otherwise neurodivergent headcannons!!!!!
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