#lovely art and very fun to find the hidden birds!
edges-of-night · 10 months
Imagine where your first kiss with LotR characters would be ♡
Thank you for all your positive responses to my first post! I hope you’ll enjoy this one as well, it was a lot of fun to write!
・゚✧ Aragorn.
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Aragorn would make your first kiss absolutely romantic. He would take you to a moonlit spot he found in the forest, where you’d listen to a brook and the night birds as he holds your hand. Aragorn kisses you without expecting or demanding anything in return. He is content as long as he can be with you!
・゚✧ Arwen.
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Arwen would playfully guide you to her favourite tower in Rivendell by your hand. She’d smile brightly over her shoulder as you ascend the artful staircase to be closer to the night sky. She’d stargaze with you there, maybe show you a book or two about the Elvish constellations that she keeps up there. You would kiss over such a book, or maybe against the white balustrade.
・゚✧ Boromir.
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Boromir is well aware of his charms. When it comes to your first kiss, he teases and plays with you. However, once you share a quiet moment in the ruins of Osgiliath, he gives in to your advances. Leaning against a stone column, the usually shameless man grows silent against the comforting touch you provide.
・゚✧ Elrond.
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Elrond keeps his house very orderly. He takes it upon himself to sort the library, for example. Since you offered to help him, you have been working all afternoon. “This is the rest,” you’d say with a tired smile and a sigh as you set back the last books. Charmed by your blush of exhaustion in the golden sunlight, Elrond would smooth your hair back and lean in for a thank you kiss.
・゚✧ Éomer.
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Éomer would kiss you in the wide grasslands of the Riddermark. Your horseback ride has been interrupted by a sudden storm – the weather here is erratic – forcing you to find shelter in a rock formation. There, Éomer would make sure that you’re alright and dry, and as you’d touch, his heart would skip a beat at your damp hair and puffed lips. Being the man that he is, he’d kiss you passionately then, however offering you to “keep this between us and the rain” should you desire so.
・゚✧ Éowyn.
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Éowyn loves the hills and cliffs of Edoras. There, she has a secret hiding spot where she used to play as a kid. Now, she uses it for romantic rendezvous’, as she tells you with a smirk. You joke around a bit: “So, I’m your romantic tryst?” – “Perhaps you are!” – before you both lean in for a playful kiss that soon turns into something more romantic, truly.
・゚✧ Faramir.
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If it was up to Faramir, he’d kiss you anywhere – on the market in Minas Tirith, in the forests of Ithilien, or his castle after the Ring War. However, he couldn’t have chosen a better place than you: a flowery meadow where you sat down with drinks and books to tell each other fantastical stories about magic and dragons. While you lie in his arms, all you need to do is look up to find that Faramir wasn’t even reading the book you held up and instead just admired you. And then, cupping his cheek and gently guiding him toward you is just too tempting!
・゚✧ Frodo.
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Frodo would kiss you in front of your house in Hobbiton, having accompanied you home after a party at the Green Dragon. He’s a gentleman, so he’d always offer to walk home together. Maybe you’re both a bit tipsy, but either way, you end up leaning against a quiet corner of your house, hidden away in the night shadows, where you share a kiss that Frodo blissfully smiles into.
・゚✧ Galadriel.
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Galadriel would know you’d want to kiss her even before you yourself were really aware of it. One day, while sitting by a brook near her abode in Lothlórien, she’d grin at you because she knows very well the reason for your blush. She’d offer you to sit by her side, or maybe even on her lap, and converse with you before brushing your hair out of your face to finally give you that kiss!
・゚✧ Gandalf.
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Gandalf would finally kiss you after a long day of studying. You’ve been sitting in Minas Tirith’s library for hours, pondering ancient magic and recent developments. Once you call it a day, he’d look up and smile at you, like he just remembered something. Then he’d wish you goodnight. “But first…” You’d be lying if you said you haven’t seen it coming from a mile away, but of course you let him have his joy anyway!
・゚✧ Gimli.
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While usually brash and charming, Gimli is all quiet when it comes to asking you for a kiss while staying in your home. If he was wearing his helmet, he’d take it off, needless to say! You know he meant it to be a chaste forehead kiss, but you like to give your Dwarf a kiss worthy of a song – one that renders him speechless for at least a day. He’d definitely stumble over the doorstep on his way out!
・゚✧ Haldir.
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It is needless to say that Haldir would deny any desire to share a kiss with you until the very last second. After protecting the borders of Lothlórien from orcs, he is badly wounded and in dire need of your healing skills. Though he is ashamed of the vulnerability, he cannot help but marvel at your beauty and compassion while you’re immersed in your task. He’d guise the kiss he gives you in the moonlight as a shameful repayment, but by now you can read his marble face so well that you know better!
・゚✧ Legolas.
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Legolas would kiss you swiftly and lightly, like sunshine does when you step outside on a summer morning. Out in Mirkwood, he’d swirl around you like a butterfly to keep your fears away. You’d heard stories about the dark forest, but he knows just how to keep your mind off of it. “There,” he’d smile after your kiss, just shakily enough for you to realise he means this seriously after all, “the fear is gone.”
・゚✧ Merry.
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Merry would make a pompous scene out of kissing you. He’d announce it loudly, standing on a table in the Green Dragon. He’d get a blast out of your reaction, whether you’re blushing in embarrassment or laughing brightly at his joy. When he does join you by your chair and pecks your flushing face, the crowd cheers you on!
・゚✧ Pippin.
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Pippin would kiss you on a festive night. You’d run through the strawberry fields all night, always hunting the colourful fireworks sent by Gandalf from the hills above. After you break down beneath a tree, laughing and exhausted, Pippin would exclaim something like, “I could kiss you right now!” and quickly lean in.
・゚✧ Sam.
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Sam keeps a mental list of things he’d like to say to you someday. However, he’s so insecure he doesn’t even dream he’d ever get the chance. But when you’re sitting in the shadows of the sunflower field on a bright summer day, he’d want to seize that opportunity and babble in his adorably timid but sincere manner. But, being embarrassed by his own fumbling, he’d eventually go, “Maybe I oughtta kiss you instead, y’know?” Far be it from you to object!
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raycatzdraws · 3 months
Love your Wind as a humming bird comic. Any ideas for what the others would change into?? (I think Time as a kitten or something adorable would be funny)
Thank you! Wind as a hummingbird is such a wonderful idea and I have to thank and give credit to @/winkwonkblog for the prompt! I didn't really do Wind as a hummingbird justice when it came to like, drawing him well, but I had fun playing with the idea of it.
As for dark world forms! The fandom's done a great job exploring this and I really like a lot of (at least what I think are?) the more common takes! My preferences have been influenced by all the pieces of fanart, fic, and discussion I've seen - so many pieces that are tried, true, and tested! - so I don't have much to add! I like what the fandom's come up with and enjoy seeing new interpretations. It's a great big collaboration with a bunch of coexisting ideas and I love that.
These are going to be familiar lol (and I'll include some recs too, as one does!)
Time - I agree that Time being a cat or something cute and fuzzy would be funny because it would clash so much with how he's presented in the comic! Let him be something soft and unassuming so he can use it to his advantage for shenanigans! Like Legend though, I think he'd dislike being so fragile. He needs claws or something. To be honest, the hero of time being a golden wolf has never really felt right to me. I see general oot/mm Link as more of an an owl or fox. However, his characterization in LU makes it fit and I appreciate that. It's gotten me to come around to it some.
Twi - Wolfie, yeah
Wild - coyote or deer
Sky - Remlit, goose, or dove (Failure and Fortitude by sister_dear and this art by luwyv, and Untitled Goose Fic by theScrap_Witch)
Warriors - Wars as a weasel or ferret! Something with very nice and pretty fur and very sharp teeth. The thought of Legend holding him up and slinkying him around is amusing. (it's much-too-late'o'clock for me so I get to make up words)
Legend - Rabbit (read this if you haven't !!!-> Not half Pawd by SongMina, as well as Tiny Adventures by Lightning of Farosh)
Four - Hummingbird, mouse, or cat (All of @/chrispy-chimkin's LU Wing AU! Just look at Four!!! Look at him!!! &lt;3 &lt;;3 <3 See also Feline Fatale by Seeking7 and Usagisama68)
Wind - Seagull! (Again, Chris' wing au, but also @/layraket's creatures gang, and A Pear and a Portal by glowingjellyfishtreelights)
Hyrule - I'm not really sure! My joke answer is an okapi. Maybe a badger! idk! he's a dragonfly-winged fairy idk about an animal form for him. A coyote or gray fox, a brown-colored medium sized bird, something like that. Sorry I don't have the most inspired answers haha. I imagine Hyrule's Hyrule (in Zelda 1) as california chaparral so I think he'd be some kind of creature that lives there. I can tell you what kind of tree he'd be!!! Hyrule would be a ribbonwood tree (aka redshanks)! Ribbonwood bounces back quickly after wildfires, with the leaves sprouting again even after being all burned off. The bark that falls away from the tree comes off in strips or "ribbons" that are soft but scratchy and brittle when dried out. that give the tree a kind of whipsy appearance. It's wild and wiggly (I'm all out of adjectives at the moment) and very much a part of the landscape, a piece that ties it all together. The smooth bark underneath is a deep red and cool to the touch. The earthy red and vivid yellowing-green color is suiting. If you cup the leaves in your hands and breathe on them they release a soft rain-like smell. I'm just really passionate about Hyrule and this tree and ecosystem ahsfdhas do you see the low shrubs and parched dirt and the scrambling rocks and the mountains!!! the dry and hot and high altitude and dense shrubbery impassable to find hidden paths through! so much green no stranger to fire!!!!
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idledee · 1 year
wanted to stop by and say how much i love ur art, it's very soft and feels super comforting to look at ! i love the bits and pieces that you've made for ve sầu song ca and it made me happy to find another vietnamese person here in this world :) do your ocs have any special meaning behind their name, and what's your process in naming them ? :0 ty again for making such lovely pieces, i hope u have a great day ! <3
WAH thanks so much!! i always get so flustered when ppl ask about ocs aslk;djfalj in truth they are very self-indulgent and like. cheesy. there's not a lot of complexity involved but lol! but if anyone is curious!:
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chích choè: her name is literally the viet name for the magpie-robins. she was an orphan abandoned in a temple without a name, so this is what her royal adopted siblings call her bc she likes to talk and sing a lot like the songbird aha. added symbolism^tm bc her sis also has a bird name
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quỳnh liên: honestly i just like the sound...its a very gentle pretty name lol which is at odds w her upbringing (mum and her ran away from abusive father, grew up in forgotten temple kinda poor). shes supposed to be cc's foil and their names are meant to reflect that...idk
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bạch yến: literally "white swallow" she has a white swallow that's rarely visible esp in the sunlight something something hidden in plain sight...
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ok these next 2 are very self indulgent. hồng nhật: "red sun" (gritting my teeth) i really wasnt thinking too hard about it, he's a sentimental and sensitive person we going for that sunmoon foiling
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minh hải : bright (as in like like but also smart lol) sea. his personality is quite subdued and at first impression seems like a prickly individual, but its clear he cant help caring about others. i always imagine light scattered on the water's surface :') (LIGHT FROM THE SUN???? exactly)
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phương anh: its a name that basically sets high expectations for a person that always does the right thing, is upright and principled, with a gentle and caring heart...<- my interpretation. anyways shes the eldest sister so...
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xuân: the youngest child of the primordial gods of the land, all their sibs are named after the mountains and rivers, only xuân is named after the fleeting "spring".
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lệ ái: "tears of love" OK WELL. basically their story is called "return in spring rain" basically lệ ái and xuân met during the spring rain, they were separated for a long time bc of redacted, but when lệ ái returned, xuân's tears welcomed them. so basically spring rain, or tears of love, brought their reunion...sighs...one day i'll finish this comic
anyways ya these are them! my kids!! thank u sm for the ask waaha this was very fun to think/write about!
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ryuichirou · 4 months
More replies~
Anonymous asked:
I know that we put a lot of emphasis on ignoring antis but sometimes there are days where I read one of their comments and get so disheartened and tired. I do try to report and block as many as I can but it's just really difficult to pull through when a majority of them are minors who are calling for us to drop dead or be assaulted or kill ourselves.
Anyway, I'm grateful for you and your art! It really brightens my day, especially when I'm going through it.
It could be tough sometimes, Anon, I get it. You’ve said it well – if anything, it’s tiring. Even if you know for a fact that it’s just some kid trying to hurt you because of their own issues, you (and none of us) shouldn’t be forced to tolerate it just because they didn’t figure their shit out yet. And they sound so deranged sometimes that it becomes obvious that they don’t really understand what they’re saying/implying and they don’t care.
Thank you so much for your support! I am happy it makes you feel better. We’ll do our best to keep posting as long as we’re having fun, and I hope you’ll keep having fun too <3
And don’t forget that whatever they do or say, it’s not really about you – it’s about them trying to earn favor with their lame-ass friends who do the same type of shit, because creating meaningful earnest connections is much more difficult than gathering an angry mob, as well as creating actual content that can make other people happy and helps you to express your love for the media.
Anonymous asked:
What do you think is the reason for the octatrio visiting the Scalding Sands, is it just a business trip? Or maybe Azul is organizing his wedding, and wants to share his happiness with his old friends by inviting them in person! I'm sure that this isn't also one last ditch effort to get Jamil to reconsider their "relationship" (Oh, but he looks so misty-eyed after hearing the news, is that maybe a tear they see?... Ah, wait... He's just yawning...)
Ohhh, of course Jamil wouldn’t be misty eyed over this loss, Idia basically took the bullet for him… Honestly, good riddance, these two deserve each other 😭 The line between the Mafia AU and the Marriage AU is a bit blurred, but I didn’t think it was the case with this particular sketch; THAT BEING SAID, Azul is absolutely going to invite Jamil (alright, Kalim too) in person. He just HAS to see Jamil’s face when he hears that Azul is getting married! (Jamil’s face: completely unimpressed…)
When I was sketching it, I was thinking that it was a business trip; whether he is a mafia man or just an enterpreneur, Azul always has a lot of business in the Scalding Sands. And if they’re there anyway, why not pay a visit to their dear former classmates? <3 Jade and Floyd are always excited for that lol Poor Jamil.
Anonymous asked:
i love your riddle smut (especially the stuff with trey it’s so good <3) but honestly i find any nsfw of riddle a bit funny bc i can imagine him thinking something as innocent as a kiss is how babies are made. take responsibility trey!
You heard them, Trey! Teach Riddle about the birds and bees! But in general I’m sure Trey feels very responsible and probably even guilty, Anon….
Thank you <3 I love drawing Riddle in smutty situation, he is my ultimate sheltered homeschooled kid at his first party lol I really like the contrast of his innocent easily embarrassed self and his deeply hidden desires.
Anonymous asked:
My sister thought Idia was Aoba, at first…
Gotta love them blue-haired twinks with funky boots and huge-ass jackets and headphones and 10 boyfriends one of which is an AI dog…
Anonymous asked:
I think 'Kalim Overblots' plots should take advantage of their surroundings more often. If Kalim is overblotting in Scarabia, there's no reason why the dorm can't turn into Octavinelle 2.0 thanks to Oasis Maker. Especially if the Octa Trio is involved.
Yeah, using the environment is a great way to make a scene way more engaging. I wonder if Kalim could drown his dorm completely by the time he’s all out of magic and filled with blot; it would be interesting to see underwater Scarabia… lots of space for the fishies to swim in…
Anonymous asked:
If Jamil has a best man/woman in his wedding, it would be Najma because while she is annoying to him at least it is better than any of his school mates. Floyd and Ace are too troublesome to take care of. Ruggie will only just busy with the food than being best man. Kalim, if he isn't who he wed, would feel much more troublesome to take care of and wouldn't care if Kalim wanted to be his best man.
I'm sure if Kalim wasn't wed to Jamil, he will be make him his best man. If not, I'm sure Silver, Cater, or Lilia will. Except Silver, I can picture Lilia and Cater fighting for position. Then again, there will be many weddings for Kalim and they took turns.
I can’t even add anything to that, Anon; I haven’t thought about this scenario at all, but everything that you’re saying makes sense. Honestly, this is just another reason for Jamil to never bother with getting married – the thole thing is going to be so fucking annoying lol but I’m all for Najma being a best woman.
I can also picture Kalim saying stuff like “ah don’t worry, I’ll make you my best man next time!”
Anonymous asked:
I have returned from the trenches of forgetting my password and then finding out I had no access to that email anymore. So now I come back bringing some foods for thought in what can be called a part 4 of my shenanigans.
Ruggie is the campus whore, don't know where the idea came from but I feel like he'd sell his body for some quick cash.
Rook x Idia has been inching its way into my brain, I feel like Rook would find him to be a straight up sexual conquest. Idia would be an unsuspecting deer in his eyes and I don't think Rook has much impulse control lmao
Random story time rabbit hole : Your ranking for their levels of whore inspired to give Divus a pretty bastard son because I feel like Divus wouldn't discriminate on gender in his teen age years. Which made me realize Divus is not dad material, and led me to this conclusion after a friend of mine mentioned it; he would probably sleep with his son on purpose or by mistake. If he's the one to raise the kid on the other hand, its more emotional incest. On that note, my pretty boy deserves justice against his daddy (not, he is used to it by now and probably can't function without it lol)
~ The one and only, 🐩 anon
Welcome back, 🐩 anon! I’m glad to see you again :)
Ruggie would definitely sell his body; I think the only reason he would stop is if he gets himself a deal with Leona and has to protect his exclusive rights and all lol Other than that, Ruggie doesn’t see this whole thing as anything other another business.
100% about the Rook/Idia thing, we love thinking about these two, god it’s such a pity I never finished our sketch with these two LOL but it’s exactly like you described: Idia is such a rare unsuspecting deer that’s so skittish and fearful and difficult to catch. At the same time, whenever they interact, if Rook manages to keep Idia around long enough for his initial scare to pass, he seems to know just the right stuff to say to Idia to keep him invested in a conversation. He’s working on it, he’s working on this deer~
Oh god, the Divus-the-dad scenario was the one I wasn’t expecting lol I’m not even sure which one is more cursed (=better); but I feel like Divus sleeping with his bastard son on accident is more plausable, at least at this point in his life. When he gets older, he might get into the emotional incest thing….
Divus and his emotional incest era…
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nikoukuleleboy · 2 years
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So I had this idea to make a TFTGS wing au!!
Essentially, each person is born with wings that are inspired by a specific bird.
Jack has the wings of a raven, and it’s very common place to wear them out and show them off. Jack, however, prefers to keep his hidden and bound away, as they’re very poorly managed and taken care of, only letting them out for air when he’s completely alone, and never having let another person see them. Well, not since… her. That is until Jerry eventually comes along :)
Each person also takes up some characteristics of their set bird :D but that’s more for later
I have like a ton of little details planned out but I don’t wanna spoil it all in one post pffff so
Anyway more art to come for it! This is definitely more for fun because I absolutely love wing aus and I might even get around to writing a fic if I find the motivation lmao
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pony-central · 6 months
TV Tropes That Apply to DrugFriend
Prone to Tears - Just like many other residents of Parodies Town, DrugFriend can start crying at the drop of a hat
Agony of the Feet - when he was 15 years old, he got a nasty carpet burn on his foot. Sick Boyfriend treated it immediately
Alcoholic Hic - he got drunk once, and spent the whole night hiccuping
Prone to Vomiting - when he is seasick
Art Evolution - in the mod, he got a redesign, just like some other Boyfriend's and Girlfriend's
Art Shift - see FNF vs SpongeBob Parodies v3 and take a look at his new look
Ascended Fanboy - he became obsessed with SpongeBob SquarePants
Babysitter's Nightmare - he gets worried whenever he looks after Benjy
Embarrassing Nickname - Drugsy Wugsy
Berserk Button - Don't show him Among Us memes or make fun of him
Gasshole - due to all the Taco Bell he consumes, it's no surprise that this trope would apply to him
Catchphrase - "Hey, buddy"
A Day in the Limelight - DrugFriend and the Dooshy Dog is one for him, and also The Donut Disasters and Hypnosis can count as this too
Color Failure - DrugFriend changes colour whenever he gets sick
Big Damn Kiss - he once gave Sick Boyfriend a ten second long kiss
Ambiguously Bi - he is bisexual
Crying a River - he sometimes does this
Sir Swears-a-Lot - he swears more than Sick Boyfriend does, which makes sense since he is an adult
Disney Death - he had this in Confronting Yourself. He was revived by Sick Boyfriend's necklace
Depending on the Writer - he will sometimes get into arguments with Sick Boyfriend if the story gets serious, as seen in the discontinued "The ShrugFriend Argument" series
Eat the Evidence - every time he stole the Donut Stash, he would end up eating it. He would also lick all the crumbs off of the carpet
Lethal Chef - he once tried NyQuil chicken and underwent hallucinations. Another time the tried to make pink sauce from scratch and ended up puking everywhere
I Ate What?! - he once tried the Grimace Shake out for curiosity and threw up all over the sidewalk
Energetic and Soft Spoken Duo - he's the Energetic to Sick Boyfriend's Soft Spoken
Downer Ending - he was fired from his job due to his work "lacking motivation"
Flipping the Bird - his redesign did this at the start of Cannabis
Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass - he may be dumb at times. But he can pack a serious punch
Ax-Crazy - He ended up injuring Purity Senpai once
Art Evolution - the redesign of DrugFriend looks very different than the previous design
Seven Deadly Sins - Lust, as he spends most of his time talking about male anatomy
Rage Quit - He's not the biggest Among Us fan
Comically Missing the Point - in the deleted Three Boy Bondin Crew React to Comments and Roasts on Themselves Series, Sick Boyfriend and Prime Boyfriend were both shown to get angry at a joke, but DrugFriend didn't get it
Why Did It Have to be Snakes?! - One of his biggest fears is waterparks due to his fear of heights and seasickness. He's also scared of lightning and spiders, especially tarantulas
Trademark Favourite Food - it's no surprise that he loves fast food, especially if it's Spicy Bean Burritos from the local Taco Bell restaurant seven blocks from his and Sick Boyfriend's house
Embarrassing Nickname - Drugsy Wugsy, as he finds it so embarrassing
Potty Failure - he wets himself at the end of the Sicky Drugshine music video, much to Sick Boyfriend's surprise
Accidental Innuendo - he murmured "Can I put my pee pee inside your butthole?" at the end of DrugFriend and the Dooshy Dog while sleeping next to Sick Boyfriend
Palette Swap - in the same series, he also swapped colours with Sick BF, and screamed
Screams Like a Little Girl - he does this in DATDD once Boyfriend got back home from his date with Girlfriend
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emsloe · 2 years
🍄🌻 and 🌸 for seth!!
ty!! :D
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
Oughhh first of all. He LOVES gummy worms. That’s his go-to. Especially the “red flavor.” He’s okay in the kitchen—proficient, but not a particularly inspired cook. He can follow instructions just fine but if you leave him to his own devices he’s more likely to just microwave something, or at least make something very bland and easy. I think the only time he really enjoyed cooking was in the few years leading up to his death—and even then, he mostly just liked it because he saw it as a bonding experience with Mason (a man who all but adopted him), who is very into fresh homemade food. Post-death, he just. Does not cook. At all. For years. It brings back some rough memories and he just can’t be around kitchen knives at all for a while. After one really unfortunate mental breakdown in the community kitchen he gets taken off cooking duties and given extra janitorial chores instead. I think in the distant future he might to enjoy cooking again as a way to care for his friends and chosen family, once he regains enough mobility in his hands. But at the point the story takes place, he’s years off from that
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
For a lot of these I think the answer is highly dependent on what point he’s at in his life. During periods where he’s doing better mentally speaking (namely the ~4 years before his death while he’s living with Mason, and ~9+ years after his death when he begins to trust people again) he notices a lot of little things about the people he cares about! He loves the normalcy of helping Mason take care of his garden, he loves cooking with Mason, he loves Tef’s hidden wisdom and butch style and her laugh, he loves Sera’s strength and grace and dedication, he loves Mason’s art and cooking and hugs. During the years of his life where he won’t let himself get too close to people, he doesn’t have frequent happy moments, but I think he does find a bit more enjoyment and calm in natural things (he likes birds and bugs a lot). Depression is depression, but just being outside and getting his hands dirty is nice.
🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
He likes pigeons (sees them as friends), gummy worms (tasty!), bugs (just thinks they’re cool), cooking (as bonding time with Mason), sparring (as bonding time with Sera), lying on the floor hanging out (as bonding time with Tef), night time (nice and quiet), learning* (*not while he’s in school, but it turns out learning can be fun when you’re doing it on your own terms!), reading in general (again, only after he drops out of school, not while he’s still enrolled), his tattoos (given to him by mason, who he loves, and also match all his favorite people—his feelings about the tats are much more complicated than that, but mostly he likes them and is proud of them).
At the start of the story he’d list the god of death as one of his favorite things but I personally would not because that is Not a healthy relationship lmao!
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tacticalhimbo · 2 months
tagged by @rolangf to fill this fun ass meme out <3
brain hurt so if you see this i’m automatically tagging you to do this for your blorbos ♡
since i was tagged twice.. i think? i lost count-- i'll just cramp two characters into this post. they're also both work in progress god of war ocs, but we don't talk about that <3
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CHARACTER: Equinox; Sun Witch / Devotee of Freyr
ANIMAL: Barn Owl
COLORS: Gold, Green, Orange
MONTH: August
SONGS: City of Ashes // Jhariah | Dancing Queen // ABBA
NUMBER: 444 (Protection; Yes I'm assigning them angel numbers)
PLANTS: Starblush (GOW-canon plant), Osteospermum (irl-equivalent), Sunflowers
SMELLS: Warm Spices (Vanilla, Myrrh, Anise), Touches of Vetiver and Sandalwood
GEMSTONE: Amber, Carnelian, Jasper
TIME OF DAY: High Noon
SEASON: Peak Summer
PLACES: Vanaheim Forrests, Field of Flowers during High Noon, Edges of Cliffs as the Sun Settles
FOOD: Kale and White Bean Stew, Fresh Baked Bread, Oven-Braised Veal
DRINKS: Pink Grapefruit Punch, Fresh Orange Juice
ELEMENT: Light / Fire
SEASONINGS: Star Anise, Allspice, and Cubeb
SKY: High Noon and Golden Hour
WEATHER: Clear Skies
MAGICAL POWER: Aethimancy (Aether Magic / Pure Elemental Magic), Solar Magic, Soul Guidance / Empathetic Casting
WEAPONS: None; If I had to choose… Some sort of spear. Something like Draupnir, but less… important? Notable.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram. I just know his ass is making boomerang-style stories and posting OOTDs and has his feed all curated and pretty with divider posts and all (and that format is plant photo, selfie, matching plant photo; he coordinates the plants to his outfit)
CANDY: Honey-Flavored Hard Candy (Made with organic honey, ofc)
ART STYLE: Fauvism, Rococo
FEAR: Isolation, Disappointment
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Centaur (different mythos, but the Norse equivalent ain't quite right. But I can so see him being a horse-type)
PIECE OF STATIONARY: Ribbon / Twine (Do they count? I'm saying they do)
CELESTIAL BODY: The Sun, of course
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CHARACTER: Hrebjorg the Kind; Seeress / Prophetic Witch / Devotee of Freya
ANIMAL: Alexandria's Birdwing Butterfly
COLORS: Green, Turquoise, Gold
SONGS: The Painted Bird // Billy Vicente | Poet, Soldier, King // The Oh Hellos
NUMBER: 222 (Alignment)
PLANTS: Soulblossom (GOW-canon plant), Cuckoo Flower, Lotus
SMELLS: Floral Scents (Orange Blossoms, Jasmine), with touches of Warmer Spices (Vanilla, Myrrh)
GEMSTONE: Amazonite, Emerald, Moss Agate
TIME OF DAY: Daybreak / First Light
SEASON: Late Spring / Early Summer
PLACES: Vanaheim Forests, On the Edges of the Denser Jungle, Tucked away under the shade of a large, weeping tree as the sun rises overhead
FOOD: Strawberry Pancakes, Peach Salad, Mushroom Risotto
DRINKS: Mint Lemonade, Raspberry Juice
ELEMENT: Earth / Time
SEASONINGS: Basil, Cloves, Cinnamon
SKY: Clear Skies
WEATHER: Sun Shower (Raining while Sunny), or those moments after an intense storm where the sun begins to shine through the clouds and illuminate the very wet, very green grass
MAGICAL POWER: Organic Plant Magic, Animancy, Prophetic Divination
WEAPONS: Bow and Arrow
SOCIAL MEDIA: Pinterest, but also? Twitch. She's the type to do longer 'Just Chatting' streams that's just her going about her daily chores and such because it's a social activity (and she'd love helping younger seeress...es…? Find safe ways to practice)
CANDY: Sugared Berries
ART STYLE: Art Deco, Art Nouveau
FEAR: Imperfection, Failure, Ridicule
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Skogvættir / Huldufólk (Hidden people, with a particular emphasis on the Skogvættir demanding respect for the forest)
PIECE OF STATIONARY: Handmade Paper (eg., Plantable Seed Paper)
CELESTIAL BODY: Crab Nebula <3
0 notes
ixcaliber · 11 months
Oh fuck oh god it’s Zelda month
1. Search All - Foxes
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I have been enjoying playing chill find all the hidden objects type games recently so I couldn’t resist getting this one filled with foxies to find.
So this is a single scene with roughly 100 foxies hidden in it. It took about 10 minutes or so to find all of the foxes. This game was on a big discount but regularly costs more than the I Commissioned Some Bees series regularly does, and those games offer 10 full scenes.
What I will say in this game’s favour is that a) the scene is really good. It has a nice black and white sketchy aesthetic. I like the busy streets, i like the way the perspective curves. it’s a very pleasant scene to search through. and b) the foxes are part of the scene and don’t disappear when found. In Bees for example, and also A Building Full of Cats, the scenes feel like complete works that then have the findable objects overlaid onto them and then the bees or cats disappear when you find them. Here the foxes are highlighted red but they remain as they are an intrinsic part of the scene.
Having said that this game and the others in its series just don’t offer as much value as other hidden object games.
Once I’d found all the foxes ten achievements all popped at once and I was suddenly put in mind of those weird low effort achievement spam games that exist for some reason. It was this weird vibe that led me to discover the other games in this series such as Search All - Adult where you find all the hidden dicks and Search All - Bitcoin where you find all the shitty memes. So yeah this game is trash or at the very least adjacent to trash, so close to the trash pile that I feel a little unclean for having played and enjoyed it.
2. Oneiros
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I’m pretty sure only I remember Only If - a semi-fascinating disaster of a video game where an irritating teen boy protagonist navigates an absolutely incoherent world while being shouted at by an equally irritating mobster dad antagonist. This game isn’t a one to one comparison - there’s no foul mouthed mobster dad to constantly call you an idiot, though there is a bird that has very similar energy in one of the levels - but it is surprisingly close.
Its closest to an escape the room kind of puzzle game. You spend most of your time searching for keys, passcode fragments or components to rebuild your car, and occasionally sometimes you just get dragged into sections where you wander around an ugly abstract maze or brought to an empty void to do some gravity changing based platforming for a little bit. All while listening to the irritating and unrelenting commentary of the protagonist whose voice seems engineered to present maximum self satisfied douche vibes.
Given the name and how this game describes itself as surreal it’s kind of surprising that the environments you encounter are 1) movie theatre 2) your own bedroom 3) maze with ugly patterns on the walls 4) empty blue void 5) the outside of your house but its on a floating island 6) the same movie theatre as earlier but with a harsher polygonal filter over everything. Every environment is either so mundane or so abstract as to be uninteresting, except maybe the house on the floating island but even that sort of comes across as an easy way to stop from having to render a surrounding neighborhood rather than an interesting location.
3. Two Girls Make A Game
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It wouldn’t be one of my monthly lists without an npckc game on here somewhere. This one is a short visual novel about a developer and an artist working together to try to make a game for a game jam. Its cute and wholesome with a couple of different endings based on your actions throughout.
I love and relate to the character of Shiro, a girl who is shy and reserved in person but bubbly and expressive online. I loved to see her and Ella’s growing friendship.
4. Autumn Wish
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I think I got this one from the Trans Witches are Witches itch.io bundle. The art style is a little rough, but the characters are fun and the main mechanic of the game is interesting.
The game is played with mouse and keyboard, the keyboard for movement and interaction with objects, the mouse how you cast spells. When you go to cast a spell the screen is split into nine squares and you click in each of the squares to form a rune, then position your mouse in the direction you want to cast and right click to cast.
This game is really short. In the intended path there’s only like a couple of fights before your done. It’s apparently like a demo/proof of concept for a main game that I would love to see.
There is however a side area you can go to and fight a secret boss, which is a genuinely really neat fight. Part of what makes me really excited for this to be a full game is the way this fight plays with the mechanics a little. There’s one attack this boss can do where the background music warps for a second and then any points you have drawn on your rune grid become projectiles and start falling down the screen. I love this willigness to play with the mechanics and how its already present in such a small slice of game. It makes me really excited to see what the full game would be like.
Also the girls are gay.
5. The Case of the Golden Idol - The Spider of Lanka
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A pretty good little DLC for Case of the Golden Idol. It has three new cases to solve and the quality sort of varies from case to case.
The first case - The Overly Enthusiastic Card Game Tournament in the Yellow Lily - is a pretty good reintroduction. The only thing I’d say against it is that one of the aspects it wants you to solve is the relative values of the cards used in the card game featured in the scene.
What its actually asking for is actually fairly easy to get. I worked it out from looking at just one of the three card games you can examine. I misread the prompt in the solving screen and tried to put them in lowest value to highest value instead of highest value to lowest value which is what it wanted. This led me to thinking I’d gotten it wrong somehow and I subsequently spent ages further examining the scene in growing bewilderment, before eventually realizing my mistake.
That’s my mistake though, the thing I’d criticize about the case is that I sort of wish the game was asking me for the exact values of each of the cards - something that would require me to examine all of the available evidence before I could give an answer. Otherwise good first case.
The second case - The Unfortunate Accident at the Raja’s Court - is a great case. A very complex situation which requires some digging before you even begin to understand what was supposed to be happening here, nevermind how it went wrong and why. Loved this one.
The third case - In The Web of the Spider - is the weakest. It acts as like a final exam of the events of the DLC, similar to how the last case of the main game requires more detailed knowledge of the full narrative, except on a much smaller scale. I’m not opposed to that, but this case felt a little disjointed, half an actual case in its own right that isn’t fleshed out as much as it could have been (there was a whole map most of which isn’t really important to the case itself), and half a recap case that doesn’t have a lot to recap. I feel like I would have been much happier if this one was split into two full cases. It could have given both halves room to breathe and feel complete.
The narrative is strong, with a clever connection to the main game that becomes more obvious the longer you play and the more you unravel. A good DLC. I’m just happy to have more Golden Idol to play.
6. Every Letter
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Made by Violet Fairy - the dev who made the previously mentioned Autumn Wish - this game is inspired by Violet Evergarden, an anime where an ex-soldier lady starts working as essentially a scribe, writing letters for those who cannot write or are looking for help expressing themselves.
In this game you play that role. You are given a selection of different prompts from which you can try to write a letter. Some of them are very straightforward and matter of fact, some of them are more emotional and subjective in what they want you to write. Then you write that letter.
You’re writing on a typewriter so you can’t erase and the game doesn’t give you the option to start again. It assures you that if you misspell something it’ll be caught by a copy editor or something and it’ll be fine. You aren’t graded in any way for your work. Obviously the game doesn’t really have the capability to read your letter and determine if you adequately expressed the inner feelings of the sender. The joy is in the act itself, in trying to express one girl’s love and appreciation for her penpal friend, or the bittersweet joy of one lady writing to her deceased father telling him her new name and how her life is changing.
The game is kind of beautiful and I did tear up at the final letter request (it’s a fairly short experience. you write four letters total in a playthrough, though there are a decent selection to choose from).
7. What’s Wrong With The Girl’s Staircase
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Another game from the Trans Witches Are Witches itch.io bundle. Really short visual novel which takes a really kind of dubious concept from the Awful Wizard Franchise and examines it with a trans positive lens. Cute character designs. Neat little experience.
8. Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger
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A little game where you have a Dream Therapy session with the titular Albert Krueger - sort of like if Freddy Krueger was a therapist and aspired to become a tumblr sexyman. Tonally it is really straddling the line between comedy and horror, though skewed a little more towards comedy and sometimes using over the top horror elements for a comedic effect... I think.
The game consists of multiple different therapies from solving math problems (i don’t remember how this is supposed to be a therapy) to trust exercises and rorschach tests. How well you do on these therapies determines your ending and the game does reward replays to see the different endings, with some dialogue changing each new playthrough. Not as much as I’d like but enough to be engaging.
9. Cats Are Liquid: A Light In The Shadows
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I don’t know why a fairly uninspired minimalist 2d platformer about a cat that can change states of matter is about how depressing it would be to be stuck in a fairly uninspired 2d platformer.
It plays fine, though early on it gives you the ability to float which when used properly negates many of the platforming challenges the game actually presents to you. Its just that the narrative is really jarring and offputting.
10. Kirby and the Forgotten Land
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(I talk a little spoilers at the end of this one, just in case you’re wanting to avoid any late game discussion feel free to skip past)
Love a good little 3d platformer. Not a problem with this game specifically but playing this I really became cognizant of how much I prefer 3d platformers that have open worlds instead of individual levels.
Like with this game I’d start up the game, play a level, look at any objectives that I missed (I wish the game would just show you all missing objectives after your first completion instead of one at a time) and then replay to complete those objectives and then by that point i’d be like ‘well that was fun, that seems like enough for today’ but the game has so many levels. It is a big game. Its just the discrete level structure keeps providing exit points and my adhd brain is desperate to take them even though I enjoy playing the game and want to keep playing it.
Its good though. I loved the big copy abilities, especially driving kirby around as a car. I love the variety of levels and the modern/post apocalyptic aesthetic of the world. I love the creepy obsessive atmosphere when you enter the den of the boss in the desert, and then the reveal of Sillydillo as an enemy. I love the scene where King Dedede sacrifices himself to hold them back. I love the tone and aesthetic of the final area. I love the ultimate conclusion of the game; the final confrontation between Ultimate Lifeform and Angry Truck.
11. The World Begins With You
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This is a 3d game that has sort of the same vibes as like... I want to say like Inside or Limbo or one of the games like that, but it isn’t really trying to kill you as much as one of those games. You’re exploring a linear area with a beautiful aesthetic and sometimes solving a minor puzzle. Maybe more like Journey, except I personally didn’t like Journey and thats a discussion for a different time. Something like that though, maybe.
It’s neat. It is a beautiful little world, with a sense of world, a sense of there being something greater to this place that we never quite see.
The only major negative is there’s a part where you get on a little boat. The boat moves slowly and passes a couple of dangers. You need to position yourself to be safe or instantly die and restart the section. It’s not the most difficult but each of the dangers caught me by surprise the first time and then as I continued to replay the section, the little wait at the beginning started to irritate me and I got more prone to making mistakes and I was stuck repeating this section more times than I would have liked.
I appreciate it doesn’t checkpoint you on the moving boat and the boat isn’t so fast you can’t easily switch positions but my brain sure did interact badly with this part of the game.
12. Size Matters
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Size Matters is a randomly generated puzzle game where you are shrinking and you need to make an antidote to stop yourself before you get too small and then die or something. This game isn’t about narrative. It’s about presenting one scenario to you with multiple adjustable levels of difficulty and letting you mess around with it.
The challenge isn’t knowing what to do. Every level you need to find the chemicals and the notebooks that tell what to do with the chemicals in order to produce the antidote parts.The challenge comes from how much you are shrinking, how quickly and how much that will impact your ability to move around and mix the antidote. It can be quite tricky especially on higher difficulties.
Its a silly little diversion. Its short length, repeatable challenge and escalating difficulties sort of give it the vibe of being a party game, except it doesn’t really have any functionality to play with other people. And though it has some replay value I can’t see myself wanting to engage with it past the preset scenarios it presents.
13. To The Wolves
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A little twine based interactive narrative from the Trans Witches Are Witches itch.io bundle. An interesting little narrative where you play as a villager chosen to become a sacrifice for the good of your village. You flee and disappear into the woods, surviving in spite of your designated fate and choosing what you want to become now.
14. The Cottage, The Witch and the Wordle
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A little single page solo TTRPG from the Trans Witches Are Witches bundle. It’s a cozy little worldbuilding exercise where you are a witch that can conjure your dream cottage, all you need to do is work out the magic word.
You play a game of wordle (i prefer to play via septle nowadays) and work out your score based on how well you did and then build your dream cottage from a whole listing of furnishings and features.
It’s a very simple little experience with no real payoff save for the enjoyment of imagining your own cozy cottage. At first I thought that the wordle as a little gimmicky and it is, but also its a neat alternate to rolling dice for a game like this.
15. Hook
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Hook is a minimalist puzzle game where your goal is to remove all the hooks from each level. Each one might lie on top of, or hook onto another one so its a game all about carefully examining the level and working out which are safe to remove and when. Of course as it progresses there are more little ideas added in to increase the complication of this process. You’ve played this type of game before, you know how this works.
It’s neat. It’s all fairly intuitive and it introduces those new elements or changes the way each level is presented often enough that it remains engaging.
16. Wizard School Woes
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A short little visual novel from the Trans Witches are Witches itch.io bundle. Made by Jane Titor (of The Light at the End of the Ocean). It’s fine.
It’s about helping this wizard boy, Ambrosius, with a magical ritual that he’s struggling to get to work properly. It’s a pretty simple little story and it’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with it I just didn’t connect strongly because I’m gay and there’s no girls to latch onto.
17. Sackboy: A Big Adventure
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Fun competent little platformer. It really does retain the feel of a LittleBigPlanet game, with all the options to dress up your character, some repeated elements and ideas and the overall structure of the game and the variety of the levels.
And the 2 player levels that lock me out of getting 100% completion.
The characters you meet along the way are fun. I really like Scarlet, this boisterous older lady who used to be a ‘knitted knight’. I also really like N.A.O.M.I. an AI for the future place that you go to who has this cool glam rock kind of aesthetic. She has the best level in the game (One Track Mind), a level where she’s being infected with a virus by Vex, the game’s villain (who is also pretty fun), and as you make your way through the level a version of Toxic by Britney Spears plays. Maybe even a better use of the song than that one episode of Doctor Who.
I wish there was some kind of option that would allow me to change the name of the main character. You can dress your ‘sackboy’ however you like and like self expression is a big part of the franchise. And I know sackboy is the name of the character and the name of the game and like a whole brand name or whatever it would just be nice to have the option to be Sackgirl or Sackling or something. Just as a consideration to those of us who are not comfy being referred to as a boy.
18. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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I didn’t finish it yet.
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bluesky88diary · 1 year
Want to share with you foretaste of new book. Please enjoy it ^ ^,
January 14, the day I decided to make a gift for myself. What it might be? Heading upstairs to the garret with following crunching sound I am recollecting memories of childhood days. Who didn’t escape from parents and home tasks into some hidden nook? Garret is perfect place for curious little explorer to find or store riches, read fairy tales, write dairy, watch stars and fall asleep when rain takes a walk over the roof as if telling lullaby.
Creak of wooden doors and treasure trove is open again. Furniture wall with all goods still yet in place, nothing changed. At first sight black and white TV reminds me dandy times and all that fun I used to have, but also some horror movies. One of them was about hungry doll swallowing everything and everybody. “Is that creepy monster somewhere here?” I quickly check few closets. Nothing. “Where she gone?” Then I look up and freak out at hanging down white plots and staring at me glossy eyes, watching after every move. “Oh, there you are. I thought you finally found new victim but nope”. Actually this is my sister’s doll, very neat about two feet tall pretty doll, but after that movie she turned into monster I couldn’t fall asleep afraid of her. Also I remember on another side wall Persian antique carpet. As a kid I had rich imagination and at night those patterns become alive, telling scary stories among tiny citizens inside mysterious carpet. Then I hide myself under the big warm blanket with only one wish - wake up in the morning.
In one of closets I find grandpa’ hats from 60’s like in old movies, sun battery calculator like my first ever computer, jewelry and gems, sweets and whiskey, several porcelain services, even fishing rods in secret shelves. One of the secrets was right beneath TV. Once I found in that cache dollars but had no idea what those papers are about. Good I was smart enough to guess it might be something valuable if was hidden, otherwise I could get in big troubles paying with 100 bucks bill. However it was a cache, so in my turn I decided to hide there toys too. Next time there was only my toys and no more cash.
Finally old forgotten but found again in wooden drawer notebook. Blue cover, black worn out trimming with vintage look. I like aged things because they contain time and can tell many stories about past days, one’s memories and maybe feelings or even more. Nothing more exciting than delving deep into your favorite books, old diaries, unsent letters, dreams after all. All together they hold time in frame of my life, giving me opportunity to travel beyond borders of daily life. However, for those who like me love the vintage look, bring a new book can be a struggle, that’s why I went on garret to find old notebook and make wonders to begin. This might be step to get into the art of memories, to give old story new title.
Quickly I found colorful paper and cut out a shape for a sticker with new title “Blue Sky”. Let me cut out of shiny golden paper some round flecks to adorn my baby with warmth of sunshine and accomplish this look. One more thing is missing, my fountain pen brought form Paris. You might guess right, this pen also contains few stories to tell. I attach the pen on side of Blue Sky like a feather of soaring bird and now all perfect.
Excuse me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Leon the traveler and I’m about to tell you, dear love, wonderful story of my life, journey written on vintage pages of Blue Sky. Thus without haste make your favorite beverage and fit comfortably in your cozy nook. Miracles begin here.
New year steped in and new page was born, the first of many. Fresh story falling in droplets of ink on paper, which with times passing by will become good wine with taste of valuable memories. Untold story to become well known song of our love, the story about our blue sky that can unite two hearts in eternal relationships.
Today I went on journey among memories and countless stars, among many constellations to find only one shining in your heart, to find and keep forever inside of my heart and hearts of many who might yet to come after us. This is my gift of love for you, my beloved flower.
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allindiacabservice · 2 years
Planning For Outstation  Trips? Visit These Famous Places With Cab Booking In Indore
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Finding places for outstation trips by cab booking in Indore is a big issue to figure out then  here is something new and most famous places to visit at the best time.These are not only brilliant destinations to see but Cab Booking can also make memorable trips of a life and spend your time with your family or love ones.
 Madhya Pradesh, Indore is also in trend for its architecture design in tourism and full of greenery nature with unlimited funny activities and food that all make your trips credible in a cab with affordable and reasonable price with 24 x 7 services with a highly comfortable zone with local guidance.
 Equipment will need to make your trip easy.
 Casual glasses
 Raincoat -(for rainy season)
Jacket , gloves
 Casual Hat
 Power bank 
 Headphones or earphones
5 Famous Places To Trip With Cab Booking
Lotus Valley
Gulawat is the other name of lotus lake in which thousands counts of lotus are planted in the valley and made in Asia 's top valley. This is the best place to visit for couples as well as family trips.
 The sunset timing is best for it and good for nature lovers as well as photographers. There are best photo shoot spots and different types of bird varieties for photo shoots and they are full of greenery. Booking a cab is the best transportation to travel to a lake and comfortably. 
LOCATION:-  Gulawat Lotus Lake 
PRICE :-  No entry fee is required. It's just a government property they make free for all visitors from India as well as foreign visitors.
TIME:- Best time to visit or regular time for all days of week from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
ACTIVITIES:- There are so many fun activities to do near the lake like boating, natural photography and many others.
One of the best historical places in madhya pradesh and nearby Indore.It also known as mandavgad. Mandu is the piece of art in love and in the tribute of historical raja maharani love story. They are fully made up of rock or stone and there are the Jahaz Mahal, the Hindola Mahal, the Taveli Mahal, and the Nahar Jharokha to visit. Couples may like that place. Cabs can easily go there from Indore to visit a fort and make your trip stress free and enjoyable. 
LOCATION :-   Mandav
PRICE:- Government fixes 5 rupees in indian currency to all indian as well as foreigners. 
TIME:- 6 a.m.-6 p.m. is the opening time for all days of the week.
Maheshwar is a very amazing city which is also known for its “ maheshwari sarees”. The beauty of maheshwar is that it is situated near the bank of river narmada.
The designer of maheshwar makes art in the form of a pier temple. It is the best place for all artists to visit and know about our ancient art of India and culture.
Their culture is also at another level, they make it on the wall and other places to keep in history for the next generation. Booking a cab is the best choice for a trip without any hesitation you can make it memorable.
LOCATION Maheshwar
PRICE:- Government fix INR 20 for  india and INR 100 for forgein.
TIME 7-5
Choral Dam
In tribute to the Narmada river, the government made this dam to make the surrounding area full of a green and healthy environment for all. The tourists like the most as picnic places  with lake type views with sunset spots .
Tourists can also ride a boat between the open sky which is full of a relaxing environment and create a fresh mood.   
 LOCATION Choral Dam
PRICE:- they may or may not charge any money for any people but if they take then it is maximum 10 rupees in India currency.
TIME:- opening time is 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Ralamandal  Wildlife 
This is the hidden gem in between the crowd city in Madhya Pradesh, Indore with lots of  wildlife species which is five square kilometer in hilly area. The top view of the sanctuary shows the beauty of the Indore or the city view. This trip must go with your friends to make the trip memorable. 
The booked cab or vehicles leave at the entries of the main gate of the sanctuary and explore the rest of the path surrounded by greenery, lushes and fresh air environment  with home deer and other species.
LOCATION  Ralamandal Wildlife Sanctuary
PRICE  Rs. 20 per person and Rs.10 for parking is fixed for all in the sanctuary.
TIME 09:00 am to 06:00 pm every day,
Personal view
1. Avoid your plan in the rainy season or rainy weather the places become muddy or sticky and you may miss the rear sunset view.
2. Heavy rainfall can blow up your trip by booking a cab and can avoid you trip by spoiling from rainfall.
3. Mandu or Maheshwar type places can be too far for driving by using a cab booking in Indore with a driver to make you comfortably to your destination. 
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dungeonaspects · 3 years
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Kenku Swashbuckler Rogue:
Hatching on a ship is very uncommon for kenku, normally they'd be hidden away on ledges on a cliffside, in the treetops, or even in hidden corners in the rundown part of town. The first thing Avast! ever saw was the thick beard of the captain peering down in shock.
Avast! had been on a ship of smugglers the captain had raided, filled with merchant goods and this strange huge egg, there was a large part of the crew voting to eat it before it began to stir. After seeing the ragged looking hatchling the whole crew quickly adopted it as a mascot, each one cooing at the bright eyes and tiny feet. They were shocked after a few days the little fledgling began repeating back their words with uncanny accuracy.
So the first few years of its life was spent being a pleasant nuisance around the ship, hidden away during conflict and let loose in day to day. With an obsession for shiny things this kenku made its secret stash in the crows nest (it began as a joke until the keen corvid eyes started picking up ships on the horizon) and was quickly put to use watching for potential ships.
Once old enough to wield a sword the little bird became perculiarly nimble, using careful positioning to overcome the difference in strength and perhaps learned the most valuable lesson, there is no honor in a fight to the death. The kenku began using mimicry to confuse, distract, and frighten opponents, speaking in a comrades voice, spitting out scathing remarks the little monster had heard ,or even pulling out an unloaded pistol and crying out with a convincing BANG! to complete a daring feint.
Those years were the happiest, fighting for booty, drinking the night away, and adding to the cacophony of battle. Avast! had managed to pretend to be a whole crew once while hidden in the enemies rigging, leading to a perfect ambush.
But the good days must end, the legendary crew was caught out, sandwiched between two flagships of opposing countries the smaller vessel sunk within minutes. Avast! awoke on a beach wearing nought but britches and a cutlass, losing the only family they had was a blow that shook the bird to their core.
It took some weeks but they've managed to scrape some money together and is trying to find a new crew, wanting to one day to return to the seas as the dread pirate they always wished to be, Avast!
I love this idea but it will be hard to pull off, Kenku can only mimic sounds so it'll be difficult to keep up over time. Speak to your DM, they may have some thoughts on Kenku in their world. It would be worth writing lists of useful phrases (maybe assign a voice to each for added flavour if you feel confident) and have fun with it.
Art by: jessketchin
I love the personality you can feel just looking at them, the detail around the outfit and face are astonishing.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Birthday Gift Fic- Preparations for the Show
Happy birthday @lego-sand! I hope you enjoy this little fic i wrote for you and that your birthday is a good one!
Making sure the color was even on the littlest puppets wasn’t the most important thing to pay attention to. Honestly, he could have very well just used his clones instead of putting in this much effort. He would have to use them to use all of these regardless, depending on how quickly this all played out. But this gave him something to do, something to allow him to bide his time, and he took pride in this particular craft.
He wanted to have every possible contingency planned for. Every possible scenario. He wanted to make sure that when nothing went according to plan he had backups that had backups that had backups.
Not like last time, when he underestimated the Kid’s powers. Not like last time, when he was blasted half way across the country in one fell swoop. Not like last time, when he clearly had not prepared for the Kid to have an inkling of that power still hidden somewhere deep down inside of him to harness and turn against him.
No. He had to be prepared.
He’d always had a love of theatrics, truth be told. He had masqueraded as Sun Wukong himself, after all, and had done a fine job of it to boot. Even his closest friends, the ones he regarded as his family, were fooled. There was something thrilling deep down about knowing that with a little effort anyone could believe he was anyone else if he tried.
Had he not discovered the human’s love of theater soon after his defeat he was certain he would have been so much more bored. While it was also fun to play around with humans in other ways, ingratiating himself into theater troupes became a past-time he enjoyed far more than he expected. An extra here, a stage hand there, sometimes both, rarely in the limelight.
Oh he loved to be center stage from time to time, but only when it was important. Only when he wanted to give his full attention to the role. He wondered in the back of his mind if Wukong had any idea that some of the most well loved small time actors playing the Handsome Monkey King himself were just him in different disguises throughout the years.
It took a master to be able to play multiple roles flawlessly. It took an entirely different type of person to be able to play different people playing the same role in different ways and never be caught.
And it wasn’t just in costume on the stage, even if he so loved his time in opera especially. No, his favorite?
Shadow play.
Out of everything he had ever done, somehow the one form of theater where he was never truly seen was his favorite.
Despite the name, which to the uninformed would bring up visions of hands making birds in the light of a lamp, shadow plays were alive. They were colorful efforts of pure craftsmanship, every puppet and piece of the setting a work of art by itself. And he very much enjoyed this particular form of art.
There. One was done, now to the next. Perhaps it would be faster to make these with magic, yes. And perhaps it was faster to cook noodles in a microwave.
That didn’t mean it was better.
And while he did this he could think of other things. How to get the Monkey Kid’s attention, perhaps… he had an affinity for the bright and loud, so posters could possibly work. Or he could get to him through his friends. He hadn’t hidden that little noodle shop from him at all, he knew they would be easy to find there. Or perhaps he could try his hand at targeting the dragon girl he had talked about, surely he could whip up something online that could get her attention.
He smirked, resting his hand on the lantern by his side. It was unassuming, simple. But dangerous. So much more dangerous than the Monkie Kid would expect him to use.
But it was going to be so much fun watching his face when he used it.
Six-Eared Macaque smirked, patting himself on the back over a job well done.
Maybe he would put on a few plays beforehand. Just for fun. Who said he couldn’t have a little fun on top? As a treat?
Besides… word of mouth was excellent marketing.
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OC-tober Day 2: Glass
OC-tober prompts put together by @oc-growth-and-development​! I have to ramble in meta instead of write, because my brain is Mush lately. (I know I’m behind but I have a lot pre-written, I just need to put it into coherent words!)
This one especially can be rambled about at length, because the most important “glass” object in my stories is one I greatly enjoy exploring: Dove’s mindscape mirror!
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^ I drew it forever ago; here’s the deviantArt link if you’d like to see the big version! 
It’s largely modeled after a bird stretching its wings upwards, with a handle like a tail and certain details are inlaid with Azarathean gold to better channel its magics.
Now, this is where the rambling begins: The mirror’s backstory, and I’ll be exploring one of my favorite things to develop in all of my stories: Dove’s mindscape!
Dove's mirror isn't one of her most prized possessions, nor super incredibly sentimental, but it IS an object touched with her mother's magic, it has flourishes of Azarathean gold (some of the last pieces to exist), and it's useful for introspection and self-soothing, so it does have some value and importance.
Dove struggled with meditating quite a lot as a child, and there was only so much her mother could do to help. Meditation was pretty important to them as both a means of helping Dove control her powers, and as a staple of Azarathean spirituality. As she so often did, Alerina poked around and asked enough questions around the temple that she was told about Raven's mirror, and she decided to replicate it for Dove. She custom ordered a gold-lined wooden hand mirror, and then cast the spells to connect it to Dove's inner world herself. It took a few tries (it's much harder to connect something to someone else's mind than your own, after all), but she was nothing if not determined to help her daughter, and eventually figured it out.
As for its main purpose: Self-reflection! (If you'll pardon the pun.) Dove uses it to meditate, but where Raven uses hers for centering and compartmentalization, Dove uses it more as a blend of escapism and a focusing aid.
Much like Raven's, Dove's mirror acts as a portal to the depths of her mind, and this is where it gets fun!
The vortex that transports the users is usually white and gold, imbued with the same energies that give Dove her powers, at least on her mother's side. It's noticeably touched with black and red in DDD. (Dove's evil side starts taking over her mind, and thus its energies manifest through the mindscape, and Dove's portal into it, hence: black and red energies instead.) It tends to open up like a light tunnel and almost opens the mental world around the user, rather than dragging them in.
Once inside, one can't expect to navigate the same way as Beast Boy and Cyborg did in "Nevermore". Every mind is different, after all! We saw Raven's mindscape divided nearly into emotional sections with a neutral space between them, and the way through each area was preset and linear. While different parts of Dove's internal world manifest in different "areas", they're not so totally divided and separate, and there's no real "neutral" zone except at the very "center". The scenery changes, but it's more of a gradual transition, and though Dove employs thresholds to mark key areas, they're very much just visual aids.
Dove's mindscape is laid out more like a series of rooms and courtyards in a very (very, very, very) large mansion. The ground is generally of crystal, spires and columns decorate the scenery, and the thresholds are modeled after birds with their wings outspread. (While this seems like a play on Dove's namesake, it's actually based on Azarath's architecture, particularly that of George Perez's Azarath in the 1980's New Teen Titans comics.)
Dove's sky shows various stars and often casts moonlight from an uncertain source, particularly when she's introspecting. The ambient temperature varies amongst the locations, chilly in the regions ruled by fear and sadness, uncomfortably warm near her demon's domain, and comfortable and breezy where her peace and contentment reside.
One could easily get lost in her mindscape if they don't know where they're going. The place can shift and change on a whim.
Where Dove spends her time building that peace and contentment, it's very closely modeled after her mother's memories of Azarath (which is where she learned how to find peace, after all): there's marble and gold everywhere, and the stars twinkle with dozens of colors in the sky.
Where Dove retreats when there are feelings of timidity, her excruciating shyness, her grief and doubt, the world becomes shrouded in thick fog. Broken buildings and pale light litter the grounds.
Where she built her love for reading, for history, for creativity and study and learning, it's arranged as rooms with dark marbled tile and a carpeted path, the floor for dozens of feet on either side littered with piles of books.
Dove's inner happy place is an open field on gently rolling hills, where thoughts take the form of birds and somehow the sky holds both the stars and suns. One might find trees, flowers, abstract forms of cottages, and forts loaded with mugs and cozy cushions. If you wander far enough you'll find very tall stone walls surrounding it, because Dove's mind is such that her happiness is one of the few things she really truly believes she needs to protect from the rest of herself.
And then there are the aspects of herself that she shoves the deepest down, secreted far away from the surface: the anger, the hunger for power, the mean streak. (Yes, believe it or not, Dove does have a mean streak! You just have to work especially hard to bring it out. Or trigger her in just the right ways around sadism, violence, war, or death. It's very much Not Recommended; bringing too much of that mean streak out could mean Dove loses control of her powers, or worse: her demonic aspects.)
Those secret forces aren't so much located in one particular space of her mind as they're hidden in every dark corner, coursing through the underside of all the ground, a tantalizing power running through every part of her, only ever set free enough to use the dangerous powers to her own ends.
Her places for Fear and Curiosity in particular will be explored in the upcoming Missing: Raven rewrite. (As they're the strongest things Dove is feeling in that story, that's going to be what Beast Boy and Cyborg encounter.) I also explored the way these things manifest in DDD, and in that same story Dove will focus on rebuilding Peace in the final chapter.
I can't talk about Dove's mindscape without mentioning the "emoticlones". These fun little guys are called by the fanon term given to Raven's "emotion clones", the separate parts of her that express a specific set of traits based on particular aspects of her personality. I had so much fun playing with their voices and thoughts in Dove's head during DDD, you have no freaking idea! I also copied the concept of them having Colored Cloaks from Teen Titans canon, because honestly it's a quick and easy way to identify them, and the fandom's familiar with this system through Raven.
Which colors mean what was more inspired by details from a really old, now-defunct website called Cartoon Orbit that had separate "online trading cards" for each of Raven's emoticlones! On that site, Raven's were labeled as such, and this is what I based Dove's system on, loosely: - Pink: "Raven Happy" - Red: "Raven Rage" - Orange: "Raven Rude" - Yellow: "Raven Smart" - Green: "Raven Brave" - Brown: "Raven Fear" (I'm pretty sure there was a purple one, but I don't recall what it was called. "Love" maybe? That might be from fanon; this site was running like 15 years ago, and I was like 10 years old, so I hardly thought to pay Super Special Attention to it...)
But I digress. The point is, I adapted that system for the key aspects of Dove's unique personality, and came to understand them as follows:
- Pink: Joy, relief, coziness - Red: Cruelty, impulsivity, anger - Orange: Apathy, indifference, disregard - Yellow: Curiosity, study, intrigue - Green: Courage, determination, activity - Blue: Contentedness, pacifism, spirituality - Purple: Compassion, friendship, romanticism - Gray: Sadness, grief, longing. - Brown: Fear, fear, fear!
But for Dove's mind in particular, it's not only HER experiences and personality that form the world! She's a telepath, and though she holds others' privacy in very, very high regard and tries never to read someone's mind without their permission, her sense of receptive telepathy is ever-present. Echoes, lights, shadows, reflections of others' memories and thoughts might affect the very edges of her mind. It's a constant sense, but it only ever causes very ephemeral changes unless something deeply affects her.
Her mindscape also grows and changes as Dove grows and changes, experiences life, learns to cope, and changes how she handles her own emotions.
Most notably, the internal struggle in DDD tore her mind apart. Initially it was due to a breakdown of certainty and confidence, hastened by guilt and grief, but it soon became a deliberate tactic to wage war on the parts of Dove's mind that were trying to resist the evil; eventually her inner demon began intentionally breaking/corrupting everything it could touch.
By chapter 20, that evil is the only strong and stable thing in Dove's mind. Raven's attack to remove the evil in her took away that stability, and strength, and thus took away what was essentially the last support holding Dove's mind together. As it says in the story: "everything collapsed". Dove's mindscape was utterly destroyed, and only the most basic aspects of her remained.
For awhile, that left Dove unable to remember things clearly, or feel emotions without great pain. Rebuilding it to the point where she was able to talk and feel Mostly Normally again took months of meditation.
When Dove is kidnapped and Leyla has distressing dreams about her mother, she, Srentha, and Raven use the mirror to check on Dove by accessing her mindscape. With her powers stripped away, surrounded by people who mock her, and certain Fauni rituals sickening Dove to her soul, naturally her mind is very different: shadowy forms flitted at the edges of vision, the ground wavered, her discomfort was thick in the air and the constant fear made everything so, so cold. "Shadows" of others' thoughts flashed in and out of existence, and Dove's desperation manifests as fleeting voices on the wind. It's uncomfortable to be in her mind while she's so distressed.
It's also worth mentioning that her mindscape changes again, essentially "growing" the part of her that belongs to Love when she finally lets herself love Srentha, and it expands again when Leyla's born and Dove once more finds depths of love she didn't know she could carry.
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wellhalesbells · 3 years
✨✨ TOP FIVES FOR 2020 ✨✨
2020 was, i think we can all agree, a massively chaotic year but i have never consumed as much media before in my life, so i thought others might benefit from my slothery uh, connoisseur.... ship?  yes, that.  below are the books, comics, shows, and movies that got me through!
B O O K S .
the starless sea, by erin morgenstern - i loooove this book because it loves me back.  it says: ‘oh, you’re a reader, well i have just the thing for you.’  it luxuriates in language and story and riddles and fairy tales and it feels like an entire library in a single tome.
they never learn, by layne fargo - oh fuuuuuck, this was satisfying.  i thought it might feel a little exploitative as it is very aware of the zeitgeist and likely would not exist without the #metoo movement but it never ever did.  this was a fucking ROMP, period.  reading about a woman getting away with murdering skeezy guy after rapey guy after shitty human just made me happier and happier.
moonflower murders, by anthony horowitz - this is the second in the susan ryeland series (and the first was hardcore good fun too) and really feels very classic mystery with the artful twist of catering to the literary community.  mainly because: susan isn’t a detective, she’s an editor and she gets drafted in this time because the clue to what happened to a missing woman is in a book she edited, if she can find it.  both of the books in this series have such an excellent coming together moment that is rare af to find.
the invisible life of addie larue, by v.e. schwab - the writing in this is just so good.  it has that feel to me where i just want to drop the book and open up my own page and let my fingers fly.  it’s that inspiring kind of writing that reminds you of all the things language can do.
crown of feathers/heart of flames, by nicki pau preto - aaahhh, this series is SO FREAKING GOOD!  why is there not more of a fandom for it, why???? it is so many of my favorite tropes all resting perfectly together to the point where you almost forget they’re tropes because they just so naturally evolved there.  ugh, it’s just.... it’s so heart-bursty good.
.... number 5, part 2?  raybearer, by jordan ifueko - this was just so original and i was invested af.  like, what a brilliant idea though and an even better execution??  i loved every character and am so looking forward to the next in the series so i can get to know them even better!!
honorable mentions (sh*t i still liked a whole heckuva lot): you/hidden bodies, by caroline kepnes // writers & lovers, by lily king // i’ll be gone in the dark, by michelle mcnamara // the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home, by joseph fink & jeffrey cranor // girl, serpent, thorn, by melissa bashardoust // a little life, by hanya yanagihara // the guinevere deception, by kiersten white // obsidio (and the entire illuminae series), by amie kaufman & jay kristoff // the bone houses, by emily lloyd-jones // house of salt and sorrows, by erin a. craig // we hunt the flame, by hafsah faizal // savage legion, by matt wallace // blacktop wasteland, by s.a. cosby // crier’s war, by nina varela // the empress of salt and fortune/when the tiger came down the mountain, by nghi vo // upright women wanted, by sarah gailey // the monster of elendhaven, by jennifer giesbrecht // a deadly education, by naomi novik // you let me in, by camilla bruce // when you ask me where i’m going, by jasmin kaur // the lights go out in lychford/last stand in lychford (and the entire lychford series), by paul cornell // the devil and the dark water, by stuart turton // serpent & dove, by shelby mahurin // one by one, by ruth ware // ruthless gods (this was SUCH an upshot from the first book - it’s worth sticking with if you’re on the fence), by emily a. duncan // cemetery boys, by aiden thomas // the inheritance games, by jennifer lynn barnes // the fortunate ones (2021 release), by ed tarkington
C O M I C S .
cosmoknights, by hannah templer - the art was gorgeous, the gayness was glorious, and just.... hot HOOOOOOOOT lady knights in space?!  a princess winning her own hand?  find something not to love in there, i dare you.
don’t go without me, by rosemary valero-o’connell - wow. wow wow wow wow wow.  the writing was stunning, so lyrical and atmospheric and deep, and rosemary has to be one of my favorite artists but even that managed to come as a beautiful surprise because it was just so freaking bold.
through the woods, by emily carroll - i loooove emily carroll, the convergence of spine-tingling horror and art that feeds into it, that is both visually and aesthetically pleasing, is hard to beat!  p.s. i also read beneath the dead oak tree from her this year and it was also a BANGER.
the impending blindness of billie scott, by zoe thorogood - zoe is someone that i just want to follow.  she’s just starting and i want to be there for every single step.  i love her art style and her ability to tell a story with it.
above the clouds, by melissa pagluica - this was so unique, and such a baller concept, as nearly half the entire book is conveyed only through the art and yet you’re never once lost, never once confused as to what any character is thinking or feeling.  it’s a story within a story and only one of those gets words though they both are chock full of emotion!
um.... number 5, part 2? crowded, by christopher sebela - everything about this series is fun af.  crowd-funded assassination and a hirable bodyguard who’s rated like an uber driver???  and the chemistry between the two mains is so great and gay!!
honorable mentions: monster and the beast, by renji // long exposure, by kam ‘mars’ heyward // fence, by c.s. pacat // invisible kingdom, by g. willow wilson // ms. marvel, by g. willow wilson // heathen, by natasha alterici // not drunk enough, by tess stone // giant days, by john allison // die, by kieron gillen // be prepared, by vera brosgol // ascender (sequel to descender, which is also great), by jeff lemire // the unbeatable squirrel girl, by ryan north // bang! bang! boom!, by melanie schoen // gideon falls, by jeff lemire // life of melody, by mari costa // cry wolf girl, by ariel slamet ries // the tea dragon society, by katie o’neill // ptsd, by guillaume singelin // heartstopper, by alice oseman // solutions and other problems, by allie brosh // finding home, by hari conner // the magic fish, by trung le nguyen // something is killing the children, by james tynion iv // the weight of them, by noelle stevenson // spill zone, by scott westerfeld // skyward, by joe henderson // miles morales, by saladin ahmed
F I L M S.
parasite, dir. bong joon ho - oh it was satisfying, oh it was suspenseful, oh i had to watch some of it through my fingers but i loooooooved it.  such a good story and so well made.
knives out, dir. rian johnson - okay, everything about this movie was amazing.  every single character was fun as hell and i could’ve watched an entire movie about each of them.  what a great fucking mystery!
blindspotting, dir. carlos lopez estrada -  this made my heart hurt so damn much.  what glorious writing, acting, and story!
portrait of a lady on fire, dir. celine sciamma - gooooorgeous cinematography, amazing chemistry, and such a soft, atmospheric film.
the farewell, dir. lulu wang - i cried and my heart felt so full and i love it so so much.
um.... number 5, part 2? someone great, dir. jennifer kaytin robinson - no part of me expected to love a netflix movie this much but it’s a love story that doesn’t get told that often??  the end of a relationship and the true love of friendship and i love these girls and i love jenny and nate’s broken relationship.
honorable mentions: eighth grade, dir. bo burnham // booksmart, dir. olivia wilde // midsommar, dir. ari aster // the curse of la llorona, dir. michael chaves // the secret life of pets 2, dirs. chris renaud & jonathan del val // jojo rabbit, dir. taika waititi // the invisible man, dir. leigh whannell // the favourite, dir. yorgos lanthimos // can you ever forgive me?, dir. marielle heller // troop zero, dirs. bert & bertie // ready or not, dirs. matt bettinelli-olpin & tyler gillett // brave, dirs. mark andrews & brenda chapman & steve purcell // the half of it, dir. alice wu // palm springs, dir. max barbakow // doctor sleep, dir. mike flanaghan // uncut gems, dirs. benny sadfie & josh sadfie // birds of prey, dir. cathy van // bloodshot, dir. dave wilson // the old guard, dir. gina prince-bythewood // enola holmes, dir. harry bradbeer // hocus pocus, dir. kenny ortega // always be my maybe, dir. nahnatchka khan // finding dory, dirs. andrew stanton & angus maclane // die hard, dir. john mctiernan
S H O W S .
black sails (2014) - this show, this shooooooooow.  i cannot, it just makes me want to cry with how good it is.  the characters, the EMOTIONS, the story, the plaaaaaan.  like, the creators clearly had a plan for every single step of this show and it was a gOOD, GOOD PLAN.
the untamed (2019) - truly, cheesy good fun with one of the best gay romances ever.  i love these characters and their relationships to each other and the way it glories in its own ridiculousness.
the righteous gemstones (2019) - one of the things that bothered me about my next choice (the ratio of female to male nudity) was so much more realistic in this one (i mean, we’ve all gotten five thousand dick pics and i know like three people?  so the fact that there is so rarely male nudity in shows when there are tits everywhere..... no, how does that even make a tiny bit of sense?).  this show was such great, wonderful, awful fun.  they’re not great people and the show is under no delusion about that and it’s GLORIOUS!
the witcher (2019) - this was just hella fun, i loved the characters and the fantasy elements.  i’m excited for the next season, it’s just entertaining swashbuckling through and through!
fargo (2014) - all of this was really very enjoyable with the through line being somebody fucks shit up and gets involved in something they really shouldn’t be involved in that’s going to swallow them whole.  season one and season three were my stand-out favorites but they were all so violent, clever, and vicious!
um.... number 5, part 2? central park (2020) - um..... so many of the hamilton actors in a muscial cartoon drawn and written by the bob’s burgers team? WHAT ABOUT THAT DOESN’T SOUND AMAZING?!  it was such a joy to hear daveed diggs and leslie odom jr.’s voices again!!
honorable mentions: schitt’s creek // the mandalorian // mr. robot // broadchurch // mindhunter // jack ryan // the good place // the end of the f***ing world // big little lies // elite // kidding // servant // letterkenny // curb your enthusiasm // i am not okay with this // ozark // buzzfeed unsolved: true crime/supernatural // you // runaways // dear white people // dickinson // brooklyn nine-nine // will & grace // 9-1-1 // dead to me // solar opposites // never have i ever // killing eve // what we do in the shadows // grace and frankie // avenue 5 // roswell, new mexico // the bold type // evil // tuca & bertie // impulse // the umbrella academy // watchmen // infinity train // corporate // search party // on becoming a god in central florida // a.p. bio // criminal: uk // the morning show // mythic quest // last week tonight // prodigal son // the great
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Hello! Can I request a headcanon where the queen of hearts (1951), Maleficent, Cruella, Shang yu and Yzma (separated) take care of a lost (orphaned) little girl (like 5-6) and adopted her as their own. Thank!
These were sooooo fun to think of, omg XD I feel all warm inside, thanks for the request! I hope you like it as much as I do ^^
Cruella DeVille (You can imagine either animated, OUAT or live action Cruella, but I liked this gif ^^):
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·         Cruella, is more of a… fun, rich aunt. You know, when you can post the child back to its parents any time you like with a sugar high and new Xbox?
·         But, as the capable entrepreneur and businesswoman that she is, she rises to the challenge of ‘parenting’, when the stinky orphaned girl living on the streets (You, obviously) show potential in the fashion industry.
·         She takes you right to the adoption agency, picks you up and plops you on the counter like a pair of shoes and asks how much you cost. You just smile sweetly, like the most adorable munchkin ever despite the off way your new caregiver handles you, and the agent has some reservations, of course, but Cruella’s able to speed up the adoption process with her connections and her money.
·         Your relationship at first is similar to Oswald Cobblepot and Martin’s. And if you haven’t watched Gotham, I’ll explain; Sort of distant, but the adult is trying at least. They’re just not used to having a pre-teen around. And, somehow, they’re making the child feel more understood and taken care of then anyone else ever has, despite both parties’ reservations.
·         Slowly you bond (Over fashion, obviously) and Cruella turns into, honestly, a pretty good mum (For a villain who wants to kidnap puppies from her friend and make a coat for herself out of them, anyway). She learns to not gag when your shows are on the telly, she takes more time off work to take care of you and turn up to your school things (Like parent-teacher interviews, concerts, art exhibitions, and assemblies if you’re going to get an award- she even makes artful collages out of your work on the fridge), and you two even learn how to cook some easy dinners together.
·         (Cruella can cook, I think, but I can imagine they’re more fancy stuff that a kid really isn’t interested in)
·         You’re a two-person team kind of family.
·         She doesn’t like you to be around Jasper and Horace because their stupidity and lack of fashion sense could be contagious.
·         For the longest time, you just call her Cruella… until one day she says she loves you (Which is visibly difficult for her. Not because the words aren’t true, but because she’s not sentimental) and you finally call her ‘Mum’.
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·         You start following her around, lost and having decide the scary green lady with a cute bird pet is the one to go to for help. She tries to scare you off, but of course you’re already scared anyway! But not of her- of being left alone.
·         So you keep following her through the forest, until you reach her castle and Diablo has become attached to you and is sitting on your shoulder instead of hers, nuzzling your little face.
·         She leaves out some food for you for dinner and lays a clean blanket down on an abandoned bed in a random room down a dark hallway. It’s a spooky night, in that creepy castle… but the blanket smells like grass and you find that if you close your eyes and smoosh your face into it, you don’t think about the things that could be hidden in the dark. Also, Diablo comes in and keeps you company.
·         Mal is sure that you’ll be gone the next day. That’s why she was so kind. She was sure you were just a determined straggler and if she offered you a home for a night, then you would be the fickle little child that you are leave without so much as a thank you the next day.
·         But you don’t leave.
·         And you do say thank you, and even make her a mud pie outside the castle.
·         She gives you a bit of a smile (Not soft, because Mal is still an evil fairy, but it’s a refreshing look on a face that had been pinched the whole time), resigning to you. You’re all alone like her. Maybe it won’t hurt so much to let you stay.
·         Okay, as a parent, Mal isn’t so bad. She settles into the pace easier than Cruella or Yzma, at least, and her lifestyle allows for a far stabler childhood for you then Shan Yu’s. Plus, she’s outwardly very calm, which is a huge improvement from if you were living under the Red Queens roof.
·         Distracts you with magic when she’s busy or just when she wants to watch the awe in your face as you watch sparkles dance around the room like real life stars.
·         Keeps you away from all her villainy- you don’t need to be messed up in all that. Basically no one except her crow knows you exist and she’d like to keep it that way.
Shan Yu:
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·         Shan Yu finds you after he pillages your village (And you’re the only survivor) and you followed along behind his men for a while until they noticed you. Which didn’t take long, of course, they’re a group of highly skilled Huns in the ways of hunting and warfare.
·         He uses his noggin (A very good noggin. Much cleverness) and identifies the favourable factors to having a little girl with them. You’re unassuming, for one, and can be trained (And moulded) to be used as a diversion for them in the kind of situations in which brute force do not apply and wouldn’t be helpful.
·         He also acknowledges the need to train the next generation into their image to continue the Huns control over China even after he passes away. So, off on the quest to take over China you go, with them.
·         He is so big, that you can perch on his wide shoulder and he’ll be fine still marching along.
·         He gets a bit soft when interacting with you. At least, he certainly doesn’t treat you like an adult because you of course aren’t one. He encourages your childish wonder and your playing around. He’ll even play eye spy with you as you travel, or play a little tug of war if you get a piece of fabric or rope (Yes, like a puppy) and he’s just sitting down chilling somewhere on a rest break or at camp, pretending that the game is actually a contest until he smirks and tugs just a tiny bit harder and you fall forward onto your face XD (He only uses one hand the entire time)
·         He’s a really chill dad, really, despite the whole… killing everyone in your village… First impressions, amiright? XD
·         The rest of his men either hate you with every fibre of their huge beings or love you even more, and that’s the tea. One of them once rolled you up in a blanket and strapped you to a horse so you would stop annoying them by running around in front of the mules. You decide whether this was one who hated you or loved you. (Another came along and put a roll of bread in your mouth so you could eat, but didn’t release you)
·         You’ve also been tied (Safely and comfortably, yes but still tied with your feet off the ground) to a tree as a time out and dropped in lakes (Once they knew you could swim) to calm your shit when you got hyper.
·         You sleep in Shan Yu’s tent until you’re like 14 and declares that you’re able to defend yourself and can kill a man, so he can keep you safe.
Queen of Hearts:
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·         Goodness, who let this woman adopt? (Well, I mean, no-one could stop her) Even Hades would be better, and he tried to have a baby assassinated.
·         This woman would be unintentionally manipulative towards this child (Like Norma and Norman Bates. Jesus christ). Whenever the kid doesn’t do anything that she wants them to, she’ll get p i s s e d, and that might legitimately mess with the kids psyche. She won’t behead the lil girl, of course, which I guess is bit of a saving grace (she isn’t that cruel) here? But it’s definitely a good thing the gentle King of Hearts is around, to settle the flames and calm down his wife and new daughter when games go awry.
·         (And ya’ll play lots of games. Some of the time, living with her and her husband as your parental figures is a dream for a little girl like you)
·         She does try her very hardest to be kind and not to lose her temper, and it is made so much easier by the fact that you’re an innocent little girl (Younger than Alice was), and she’s very fond of you. So, in a way, adopting you is helping her with her issues, and by extension, helping the rest of Wonderland.
·         You get a big fancy throne-like highchair at the royal dinner table.
·         Your little family is a bit or very messy, but you are never not loved. You always know that you’re loved.
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·         When Yzma takes you in, its because Kronk discovered your little form sleeping in an alleyway and ran with you in his hands back to her, and BEGGED her. This sweetheart (Kronk, not Yzma) could not handle the knowledge that a little baby girl was abandoned and all alone on the streets. And Yzma’s the most well-off, influential person he knows! Of course he’s going to go to her for help.
·         When she finally gives in, its because you called her pretty. She’s just like… pause… “Seems like an intelligent enough… eugh… child... Kronk come! We have to disinfect it.”
·         Kronk rushes after Yzma, still holding you and clarifies for you: “She means a bath.”
·         So, now, you have your protective, psycho, affection-challenged mother and your sweet, dumb, beloved… uncle. Yeah, uncle. We’ll go with uncle.
·         Yzma takes a while to get used to you, and she’s very defiant against getting called ‘Mum’ or ‘Mother’ (Mama or Mummy have a more youthful feel, according to Yzma.), but she’s pretty immature due to her psychosis so she tends to blend well with your child personality.
·         You laugh so much, with her. Most of the things she says are hilarious, especially when she’s exasperated and mutters about Kronk.
·         She doesn’t want you to grow up without a brain like him (Or to mix with other children- she will not be dealing with chicken pox or nits. If you did get either of those things, she would be living in a full-on hazmat suit and spray everything you touch, and you. Kronk would end up getting the sickness because he gives you lots of hugs and takes care of you while you’re sick or you have the nits) so she gets you a home school teacher.
·         On your birthday (They do the day Kronk found you if you don’t know it), Kronk wakes Yzma up at the buttcrack of dawn drags her along to set up the day for you. Including a treasure hunt, where its clear that Yzma wrote the clues because its very translucent through the sentences she wrote that she didn’t have coffee before writing them. Very bitter.
·         She does want to make you happy though and buys you literally the best present for a child of that time. I don’t know what it is, but it’s the equivalent for them of a little car or coloured TV (Like the Barbie or Hot Wheel ones) for us. She’s so smug about it, too, like ‘Shove that up your 4 layer cake with different flavours, Kronk.’.
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